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4187 Curriculum Goal: Environment and Science is eating a hot bowl of soup on a cold day outside Hooper’s store when Freddy Flapman, played by Lin- Manuel Miranda, from Flychert Real Estate, finds Big Bird and tries to convince him to migrate somewhere warm. Freddy Flapman tells him that he might like living in a new habitat and takes Big Bird on a virtual tour! First, Freddy Flapman takes Big Bird to the beach where there are pelicans and gulls and beautiful ocean views. Next, Freddy Flapman transforms into a big swamp where Big Bird learns all about this habitat and where owls and ducks like to live. Freddy Flapman pops up one last time and Big Bird’s nest area is turned into a beautiful rainforest! Big Bird likes it. The rainforest is warm and colorful and has animals of every color and size. In fact, Big Bird likes it so much he wants to move there! Big Bird begins packing and waving good bye to all of his friends on Sesame Street. Just as he is about to leave, Big Bird’s friends remind him of all the things he would miss if he migrated to the rainforest. Big Bird realizes he can’t leave, after all this is where all of his friends are and Sesame Street is where he belongs!

4188 Curriculum Goal: Environment and Science and Telly are at Hooper’s store when Little Bo Peep comes looking for her cow. Elmo and Telly offer to help her and decide to call themselves the Cowmonster Pair! Luis comes along and sings about animal tracks and now Elmo and Telly have their first clue! They find animal tracks on the ground, but when Telly tosses his lasso around an animal, it’s a chicken, not a cow! Luis gives them another clue and sings about tracks that are kind of round. Telly and Elmo come across round animal tracks and are certain they found the cow! Telly tosses the lasso around an animal but this time it’s a raccoon. Luis comes along again and gives them another musical cow clue- animal tracks that are in the shape of two half moons. They find tracks that are kind of round and look like two half moons, but the tracks are from a moose, not a cow! Telly becomes discouraged and Elmo reminds Telly they can’t give up. Instead, they should use the clues they already have and put them all together. Elmo realizes that they have to find animal tracks that look like the moose tracks, only smaller! This time, they follow animal tracks that lead to a door. They open the door and there is the cow! Yee-haw! Little Bo Peep thanks the Cowmonster Pair for finding her cow. They are true cow finding experts!

4189 Curriculum Goal: Environment and Science Baby Bear and Abby are near a garden when a bee flies by. Baby Bear is filled with panic because he is afraid of bees! Chris reminds him that they are usually harmless when left alone, but Baby Bear doesn’t care; he wants nothing to do with them. Abby suggests granting Baby Bear a wish so that he isn’t afraid of bees, so Abby points her wand at Baby Bear, but Chris, who is standing close by, also gets hits with her magic. Baby Bear and Chris both turn into bees! Oops! Abby doesn’t know how to fix the spell. As Abby calls her mommy to find a solution, the bees put Chris and Baby Bear to work. But they don’t understand what they need to do - how do bees help flowers? After talking to a bee, Baby Bear learns that bees are important because they collect pollen and nectar, and help living things grow. Later, Chris and Baby Bear find themselves in a beehive. They learn that bees make wax and honey and that honeycombs are shaped like a hexagon. In the end, Chris and Baby Bear turn back into themselves and Abby’s spell really did work! Baby Bear is no longer afraid of bees. 4190 Curriculum Goal: Environment and Science Wild Nature Survivor Guy, played by Jimmy Fallon, finds himself on Sesame Street. He is accustomed to surviving in the wilds of nature and thinks he needs to “survive” out on Sesame Street. Elmo and Rosita are confused, he is not alone and he’s not in the middle of nature, but he is convinced nature is all around them! First, Wild Nature Survivor Guy finds a tomato plant and bites into a ripe tomato. Not only do tomatoes come from nature, but so do all the fruits and vegetables on display outside Hooper’s store. Second, Wild Nature Survival Guy looks for water to quench his thirst. He finds leaves with drops of water and puts the water together to drink. Next, Wild Nature Survival Guy looks for ways to keep warm. He picks up feathers and puts them inside his shirt. Oh my! They tickle! Elmo offers him a coat, but Wild Nature Survivor Guy explains that feathers are what make most coats warm. The sun begins to set, and Wild Nature Survivor Guy finds perfect shelter, Big Bird’s nest! It has lots of branches, and lots of animals use trees and braches as shelter. Wild Nature Survivor Guy sings a song about nature as Elmo and Rosita realize that nature is all around them!

4191 Curriculum Goal: Environment and Science Chris is enjoying the beautiful Spring weather as Elmo races to tell Chris that he found a sled in his closet and is going to go sledding! Chris reminds Elmo that it’s Spring so there is no snow and Elmo has to wait for the seasons to change. Elmo wishes it was Winter so he could go sledding when Abby pops in and hears Elmo make a wish. Abby recites a weather spell to change the seasons. But instead of changing the weather to Winter, she changes it to Summer. The blossoms are all gone and the arbor is filled with green leaves. Baby Bear and Telly who were playing a game of tag are now too hot to play. Abby tries again, this time she recites the weather spell and it becomes Fall! It’s windy and the leaves have changed colors. Abby gives it one more try and it works. It’s freezing outside! There are no leaves on the trees and Baby Bear has fallen asleep, he’s hibernating until Spring! Elmo is excited it’s Winter, now he can go sledding! After talking to Chris, Elmo realizes that changing the seasons wasn’t such a good idea after all. Chris explains that the seasons have to come in their own time. Abby recites another magic weather spell and Sesame Street is transformed again to a perfect Spring day. Now they can enjoy the gorgeous Spring weather!

4192 Curriculum Goal: Literacy Telly excitedly runs to Abby and Elmo to tell them he has the book they’ve been waiting for, How to be a Knight for a Day. Telly, Abby and Elmo look to the book to tell them how to become knights. First, they have to wear a suit of shining armor. Clank! Clank! Clank! Next, they must sing a knight song, so they sing, “We Are Three Knights So Merry.” Then the book tells them they must go on a quest. But they don’t know what to search for! As Elmo, Telly, and Abby think about their quest, they hear a whimpering letter “Y.” When they ask the letter “Y” why he is crying, he tells them he is unsure of his purpose in life. He can’t think of any words that begin with the “Y” sound. That’s it! Telly decides their quest will be to look for things that begin with the letter “Y.” After looking all around Sesame Street, they find several “Y” words and Elmo, Abby and Telly sing the knight song and cheer in delight!

4194 Curriculum Goal: Environment and Science Elmo and Zoe are coloring when they find out it’s Stinky the Stinkweed’s birthday, so they decide to get him a present. Elmo surprises Stinky by giving him a drum, but plants can’t hold drumsticks. Zoe has an idea! What about a lovely tutu? Zoe surprises Stinky with a tutu to wear when he dances. Stinky tries to dance, but is unable to, as he is a plant in a pot! Rosita and come along with their own presents and Big Bird comes along and gives Stinky balloons. He ties the balloons to Stinky’s pot, but Stinky begins to fly away! Luckily, Chris rescues him and brings him back safely to the ground. Elmo explains to Chris that they have been trying to get Stinky the perfect birthday gift. Chris reminds Elmo they should think about what Stinky would like for his birthday not what each of them would like. Elmo asks Stinky what plants need. That’s easy! He already has soil, so he needs water, sunlight and love! Big Bird carries Stinky’s pot over to a spot on the table in the sun, Cookie Monster carries over a pitcher of water and waters Stinky, and Zoe and Rosita give him a big hug! Then they throw him a big birthday party and sing about the importance of giving sun, water and love to plants like Stinky! 4195 Curriculum Goal: Environment and Science Elmo and Rosita are thinking of rhymes when they hear, “peep, peep.” Suddenly, a little baby bird appears. Elmo and Rosita want to help the bird but do not know why he is peeping. Chris hears the chirping and places the bird in a tree, but the bird hops out next to Chris! Elmo, Rosita, and Chris think the bird is hungry and Big Bird comes along and suggests feeding the baby bird some birdseed, after all that’s what Big Bird likes to eat. Cookie Monster strolls by and is about to eat his granola cookie, when the baby bird pounces on it and eats it all! The baby bird begins flapping his wings. Elmo and Rosita decide they will teach the baby bird how to fly! But how? Elmo and Rosita try different things to show the baby bird but nothing works. Abby comes along and places a flying spell on the baby bird. Uh-oh! The spell works on Chris instead. Chris reminds Abby she doesn’t need magic to teach the bird how to fly. Instead, she should use her wings. Abby demonstrates how to flap her wings as she sings, “The Flapping Song.” The baby bird begins to fly over Sesame Street! Just then the mommy bird perches on Chris’s shoulder. Baby bird and her mother fly off together as Elmo, Chris and Rosita wave goodbye.

4197 Curriculum Goal: Environment and Science Maria, Luis and Elmo are picking apples from an apple tree. Cookie Monster hears something loud and crunchy and is excited because he thinks it’s a cookie, but is disappointed when he finds out the noise is an apple. Maria and Luis tell Cookie Monster that apples grow on trees, and share a story about how they planted an apple tree when they were younger. Cookie Monster gets an idea! What if he grew a chocolate chip cookie tree? Cookie Monster plants a chocolate chip in dirt and tries everything to help the “seed” grow. He places it in sunlight and gives it water but nothing happens. Abby grants Cookie Monster a wish, waves her magic wand and poof! A bunch of cookie trees begin to pop up around Hooper’s store! But the cookies are too high for Cookie Monster and Elmo to reach. While Elmo helps Cookie Monster, Alan helps Abby think of a rhyme to poof the cookie trees away. Just as Elmo is about to reach for the cookie, the cookie trees disappear. Luckily, Maria and Luis give Cookie Monster a fresh baked apple cinnamon cookie made from apples they picked from their tree. Cookie Monster realizes that while chocolate chip cookies are delicious, fresh baked cinnamon apple cookies are just as yummy!

4198 Curriculum Goal: Environment and Science Mary Mary Quite Contrary walks along Sesame Street and dumps a pile of dirt outside Oscar’s trash can. Gordon explains that she cannot leave the dirt, she is making a mess! Mary Mary insists that she is going to grow a garden with silver bells and cockle shells, but Gordon tries to tell her that silver bells and cockle shells aren’t alive. Gardens need to have things growing in them, like vegetables, fruits or flowers. Mary Mary decides she will grow flowers in her garden by using dirt, sun and water. But Oscar doesn’t like the beautiful garden and he wants Mary Mary to move it! As Mary Mary plants more flowers, Oscar decides to have his elephant, Fluffy squirt water at her. Maybe that will get her to move? But as Mary Mary explains, the water helps her flowers to grow. Oscar doesn’t know what to do! He sends over Hairy Hairy, from the grouch nursery rhyme, with stinky weeds and moldy seeds and three pigs, but even that doesn’t get rid of Mary Mary and her garden. Suddenly, Oscar changes his mind. He likes the horrible smell from the stinky weeds and loud noises from the pigs. It’s a grouch paradise! Mary Mary finds this out and decides to move the garden because she likes to be contrary and do the opposite of whatever anyone wants her to do.

4199 Curriculum Goal: Mathematics Elmo and Abby are playing tag. Suddenly, Abby’s freckles start sparkling! Abby calls the Fairy Doctor who diagnoses Abby with a case of the Sparkle Speckle Fairy Freckles! This is where freckles sparkle and glow, and eventually fall off. The Fairy Doctor tells Abby the magic words to get the freckles back, “Fricka-Fracka, Freckle Back-A”. All of a sudden, Abby’s freckles jump off of her face, glowing and bouncing all around! Abby chases one freckle as it bounces into Hooper’s store and Chris spots it on a cereal box. Abby says the magic words and poof, the freckle returns to Abby’s face! Abby has five more to find around Sesame Street. Abby notices that all the freckles seem to be hiding on little circles and realizes she should look for circles! Abby notices the last freckle on Cookie Monster’s cookie, but he’s about to take a bite! Luckily, Abby stops him just in time to say the magic words and get the last and final freckle back on her face. Cookie Monster happily eats the cookie, while Abby admires the six freckles on her face!

4202 Curriculum Goal: Environment and Science Chris and Elmo are excited to be camping in the woods! They unpack their camping supplies and take out two sleeping bags and two canteens, one for each of them. Next, they take out four hot dogs and marshmallows. Suddenly, a beaver emerges from the woods and Elmo asks Chris if the beaver can stay for dinner. The beaver explains that he doesn’t eat hot dogs and marshmallows but likes to eat bark. Next, two turtles come along and Elmo invites them to stay for dinner too. Chris brings them a pile of green leaves and dandelions. Just when everyone is about to eat their dinner, two raccoons appear. Chris disappears into the woods and emerges holding acorns and berries for the raccoons. It is finally time to dig in when four ducks fly by the camp fire. They have just migrated back from Venezuela and they decide to stay for dinner and tell Chris what they like to eat- snails, leaves and bugs. Chris goes into the pond and brings back water plants. Finally, Chris, Elmo and all the animals eat dinner! Elmo and Chris both agree they should have a sleepover like this every night!

4206 Curriculum Goal: Social and Emotional Development Big Bird is happily roller skating along Sesame Street. Uh-oh! Crash! Big Bird falls down! Chris runs over to help Big Bird who has injured his wing. Chris suggests they visit Dr. Berger, played by Julianna Marguiles, so she can take a look. Big Bird is nervous when they visit Dr. Berger’s office. What if it hurts? Dr. Berger carefully examines Big Bird’s wing and explains to Big Bird that while his wing isn’t broken, he has a bad sprain. Dr. Berger gently puts a sling on Big Bird’s arm and explains he has to rest for a few days. Big Bird is sad because he was planning on roller skating all day! When they return, Big Bird looks around Sesame Street and feels blue; there is nothing for him to do. Big Bird sees Elmo and Zoe who are playing with a beach ball. They ask him if he wants to play, but he can’t, not with his wing in a sling. Elmo and Zoe want to cheer up Big Bird. They sing about all the things Big Bird can do with an injured wing, such as singing songs, drawing pictures and drinking birdseed milkshakes. Big Bird realizes there are lots of things he can do, especially spending time with good friends!

4212 Curriculum Goal: Mathematics Abby, Rosita and a penguin are going to play princesses. First, they decide to dance. Rosita leaps high into the air. Abby leaps even higher. The penguin takes a running start and leaps so high she lands on a balcony and can’t get down! Uh-oh! Suddenly, a prince, played by Paul Rudd, enters and offers to rescue the penguin. He calls for her to let down her hair as the prince does in Rapunzel, but penguins don’t have any hair! Abby flies up and brings the penguin safely to the ground. Next, Abby, Rosita and the penguin go princess-roller skating, but the penguin can’t find her second skate. Never fear! The prince comes along to help. He pulls out a glass slipper, just as the prince does in Cinderella, but the penguin can’t skate with a glass slipper! They find the other skate and continue skating. Abby skates fast, Rosita skates even faster, and the penguin skates the fastest and looses control. She crashes into a mailbox and gets stuck! The prince comes along to rescue her and give her a kiss, just like in Sleeping Beauty and Snow White, but a kiss won’t help the penguin get out of the mailbox. The prince is upset, he wasn’t able to rescue a princess even once today. Abby explains that just because they are dressed as princesses, doesn’t mean they have to be saved. The prince agrees and they happily play a game of football together.