THURSDAY 9 NOVEMBER 2017 CAMPUS |3 HEALTH | 9 Rajagiri Public Decoded, why School holds fancy it’s so hard to dress competition quit smoking

Parents, without exception, will agree that what is important is not the length of time that they spent with children that matters but it is the quality that will make all the difference. Parenting styles are representation of how parents respond to the demands of their children.


03 THURSDAY 9 NOVEMBER 2017 CAMPUS Bhavan’s Public School celebrates Keralapiravi

havan’s Public School melodious song. The students spectators awestruck. celebrated - of Class VIII presented vistas The programme entailed Bpiravi in all three of impressive culture of Ker- the presentation of the Thiru- campuses, amidst great ala through a power point vathirakali by the staff. mirth and verve under the presentation. M P Philip, School Prin- leadership of the Faculty of At New Salata campus, cipal, in his address admired . the visualisation of the life the beauty and serenity of A cultural fiesta was Kunchan Nambiar, father of the culture of Kerala and arranged in all the campus one of the traditional art accentuated the gathering to by the Malayalam Depart- forms called ‘THULLAL’ and preserve and nurture the ment that comprised both its various art form and the sanctity of Malayalam musical and visual songs which was composed Language. extravagance. and sung by the children Headmistresses Shailaja At Wakra Campus, the emphasised the need for KrishnaKumar and Asha graceful dancers with their compassion towards Shiju in their address urged rhythmic steps, depicted the motherland. the students to be proud of beauty and culture of Kerala At Matar campus, the stu- one’s heritage and respect and also showed a form of dents set the outline of Kerala the diverse cultures. folk art named map in which the splendid The Director Administra- ‘”Kannyarkali”,that enlight- display of cultural heritage tor, Anjana Menon, graced ened the audience. of all the districts of Kerala the occasion. Vote of thanks The school choir enrap- splattered a riot of hues and was proposed by Malayalam tured the gathering with a vibrance which rendered the department teachers.

DPS-MIS commemorates birthday of Sardar Vallabhai Patel

o commemorate the birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhai Patel, DPS-Modern Indian School (DPS-MIS) celebrated “Rash- Ttriya Ekta Diwas Day” on October 31 and November 1. Various documentaries based on the story of Sardar Vallabhai Patel were screened at the auditorium by the Social Science Depart- ment under the guidance of Jayanthi Rajagopalan, HOP of Social Science. The students were enlightened about the life of the great leader when one of our teachers addressed the school about him. The Social Science teachers too created awareness among students in their classes about the role of Patel in the freedom movement. Stu- dents participated in Quiz competitions held on this occasion. Overall the students gained insight about the extraordinary Rajagiri Public School holds work done by Sardar Vallabhai Patel in unifying the country. fancy dress competition

ancy Dress competition for signal light and a lot more. Rajagiri Public School Many of them spoke on FK.G.I students was held as their characters and gained part of Little Kingdom confidence, important for their Carnival. growth. The tiny tots were dressed The parents were happy to up by their parents and teach- take pain in getting their wards ers as characters from different on the stage and were happy to walks of life. watch them perform. There were doctors, nurses, The teachers guided them teachers, farmers, cartoon char- and the audience encouraged acters and a variety of things as they walked on to the stage and objects like tree, water drop, in their cute little costumes. 04 COVER STORY THURSDAY 9 NOVEMBER 2017

A P Sharma and George Edison

aving taken a look at some of yesterday’s parenting styles pub- lished by Doha Today, it is also good for par- Hents to introspect and see where they stand vis-à-vis these What parents can approaches. However, it would be in the best interest of the children and parents that they bear in mind the following tips: do for children Help your child sprout wings. Giving a child responsibility is good for her/his self-esteem. Your child’s mission in life is to gain independ- ence. So when s/he is developmentally capable of putting her/his toys away, clearing her/his plate from the table, and dressing children? This is a meaningful and them. As children grow older, chil- in their place”. Kids can’t absorb too her/him, let her/him. memorable way to bond with the dren should feel and know that many rules without turning off com- Teach the child self-reliance children. It can be like the father of parents are their best friends. This pletely. Forget arguing about little and let them be independent in Boris Becker teaching him the fun- can save many a son/daughter from stuff. Focus on the things that really some matters. Give young kids a damental lessons of Tennis and inextricable emotional entangle- matter, that means no hitting, rude chance to find their own solutions. making the child a hero, or on a ments and problems that arise talk, or no lying. When you lovingly acknowledge a smaller scale a fortnightly visit to therefrom. Parent Models For children, child’s minor frustrations without the playing field or the beach and Lay foundations of warm father is the hero and mother is the immediately rushing in to save her/ joining the children in their games. memories. Your children will prob- heroine! So, they look up towards him, you teach her/him self-reli- Can parents spend some time ably not remember anything that them for everything. While for par- ance and resilience. every day or alternate days? Let you say to them while they are lit- ents it is easy to point out the mistakes Discipline is not punishment. your child choose an activity where tle and young, but they will recall of teachers, remember that a parent Some parents give the young ones you hang out together for 10 to 15 the family routine—like family din- has an average of , let us say, six chil- a long rope to do things the way minutes without any interruptions. ner where all are active and make dren to mind, a teacher in a school they want in order to save trouble. This is yet another way to show you the mealtime invariable bubbly, may have about a hundred to hun- It can do a lot of damage in the long care and love. lively and memorable, regular fam- dred twenty to mind a day. Parents run. Parents are the custodians of Read books together. Get ily prayer, bedtime stories and have to be prim and proper in all that children’s discipline. Disciplining started when the child is a newborn; game night. they say and do in the presence of them is not punishing them, but babies love listening to the sound Family mealtime. Father and their children. channeling them in the right course of their parents’ voices. Cuddling mother must make sure that meal- Always tell the truth. It’s how of action. Enforcing limits is really up with your child with a book is a time is the most precious moments you want your child to behave, right? about teaching kids how to behave great bonding experience that will of togetherness. They should discuss Kids learn by watching their parents. in the world and helping them to set him/her up for a lifetime of read- school, what the children had in Modeling appropriate, respectful, become competent, caring, and in ing. As the children grow, it can be school, complementing the young good behavior works much better control. watching movies together, playing ones for their day well spent, and dis- than telling them what to do. No Corporal Punishment. scrabble, reading the child’s books cussing ways of making the following Fess up when you mess up. Par- Some parents suffer from a patience and having fun asking them ques- day even more rewarding than today ents should own up mistakes deficit, lose control and soon inflict tions on the text and many more! and so on. courageously and say, ‘I’m sorry’ if it physical punishment. In some cases, In senior grades, parents can dis- Set up a “gratitude circle” every is called for in front of their children! even daughters are hit. Some moth- cuss matters of serious and solemn night at dinner. Father or mother It is fessing up! This is the best way ers also vent their anger on the nature including discussing world may go around the table and take to show your child how and when children for not doing well at stud- affairs or scientific facts of general turns talking about the various peo- she should apologise. ies or for repeated misbehaviour or interest. ple who were generous and kind to Live green. Show your kids how for adolescent tantrums. Parents Encourage daddy and mommy each of you that day. It may sound easy it is to care for the environment. need to learn here is that most of time. The greatest untapped corny, but it makes everyone feel Waste less, reduce, recycle, reuse, and the physical punishments are coun- resource available for improving good. conserve each day. Picking up trash ter-productive. Silent, peaceful the lives of our children is time with Avoid unnecessary battles. A in the neighborhood on your way corrective measures will yield bet- Dad and Mom—early and often. parent had better show the kid rules with your child especially, and show ter results than violence. Violence Kids with engaged fathers do bet- in action. For example, the Father has him/her you have an individual leaves unforgettable scars in the ter in school, problem-solve more a permanent place for his things and responsibility to sustainable devel- children! successfully, and generally cope tells the kids at home “Have a place opment and use of the natural Can parents play with better with whatever life throws at for everything and have everything resources. 05 THURSDAY 9 NOVEMBER 2017 COVER STORY

discuss dictators are hated and men like Gandhi and Lincoln are adored. Parents subscribe to universal values Like father, like son! Explain to your kids why values are impor- tant. The simple answer is: When you’re kind, generous, honest, and respectful, you make the people around you feel good. More impor- tant, you feel good about yourself. Do not force-eat. Avoid food fights. A healthy child instinctively knows how much to eat. If s/he refuses to finish whatever food is on his/her plate, just let it go. S/he won’t starve. Let your kids place an order. Once a week, allow your children to choose what’s for dinner and cook it for them. Love your children equally, but Spousal affection and love in have interest in areas outside the that feel?” and “What do you think treat them uniquely. They’re front of the kids. Your kids must curriculum. Discover that and would make it better?”. Give him/ individuals. get the best example of what a encourage. her a chance to speak and open up. Say “I love you” whenever you happy marriage is looking at your Cheer the good traits. When Then listen to him/her. S/He’ll feel it, even if it’s seventy times a marital life and the life of ‘give and you notice your child doing some- recover from a tantrum more eas- day. You simply can not spoil a take’ in your home. Is it a tall order? thing helpful or nice, let her/ him ily if you let him/her talk it out. child with too many mushy words If you mess up, your children will know how you feel. For example, Teach kids responsibility If you of affection and too many smooches. mess up too! Your marriage is the he/she makes her bed or buses the ask a child to pick up the rubbish, Not possible. only example your child has of what dining table or does the washing. her/his immediate response is, “I Keep in mind what grandmas an intimate relationship looks, feels, Appreciate it. It’s a great way to did not throw it around!” We enjoy always say. Children are not yours; and sounds like. So it’s your job to reinforce good behavior so s/he’s life as a result of the collective they are only lent to you for a time. set a great standard. more likely to keep doing it. goodness of humanity, both the liv- In those fleeting years, do your best Respect parenting differences. Command respect of your chil- ing and the past! Show your child to help them grow up to be good Man and wife are two unique indi- dren . Parents should never in any how to become a responsible citi- people. viduals with their own differences. way engage in anything that is zen. Find ways to help others all the Savour the moments. Yes, par- Accept the differences and support demeaning or do or say anything year round. Kids gain a sense of enthood is the most exhausting job your spouse’s basic but different that does not become of their sta- self-worth by volunteering in the on the planet. Yes, your house is a approach to raising kids—unless it’s tion in life as parents. For the child, community. mess, the laundry’s piled up, and way out of line. Criticising or argu- parents are ideal people. They will Every child is a treasure Don’t the dog needs to be walked. But ing with your partner will do more never do or say anything that is raise a spoiled kid. Keep this your kid just laughed. Enjoy it now— harm to your marriage and your unbecoming of them. Parents thought in mind: Every child is a it will be over far too fast. child’s sense of security than if you should not accept disrespect from treasure, but no child is the center Keep the TV in the living accept standards that are different their children. Never allow them to of the universe. Teach him/her room. Research has repeatedly from your own. Parents should be rude or say hurtful things to you accordingly. Wilma Rudolf once shown that children with a TV in remember that there is no ideal or to anyone else. If s/he does, tell said, “Winning is great, sure, but if their bedroom weigh more, sleep man nor is there an ideal woman. her/him firmly that you will not tol- you are really going to do some- less, and have lower grades and Both are made of a lot of imperfec- erate any form of disrespect. thing in life, the secret is learning poorer social skills. tions and marital life is a common Advertise your plan of action. how to lose. Nobody goes unde- Get kids moving The latest ground where we try to sink our dif- Mobilize the other caregivers in feated all the time. If you can pick research shows that brain devel- ferences and grow towards your child’s life—your spouse, up after a crushing defeat, and go opment in young children may be perfection. grandparents, daycare worker, on to win again, you are going to be linked to their activity level. Praise and compliment chil- babysitter—to help reinforce the a champion someday.” Place your baby on her tummy dren unreservedly. If your child has values and the behavior you want Goodness is all that matters several times during the day, let passed in Math with just 33 percent, to instill. It comprises social eti- Parents should radiate goodness your toddler walk instead of ride tell her it is great! It is great to have quettes, correct behaviour, general in life. Teach your children what it in her stroller, and create oppor- passed where many have failed! In conduct and so on. This includes means to be a good person. Start tunities for your older child to get case of failure, try to motivate and everything from saying ‘thank you’ early: When you read bedtime sto- plenty of exercise. inspire! If he reads a lot, encourage and being kind to not whining. ries, for example, ask your child it. Do not dampen his /her spirit in Allow the child to talk it out! whether characters are being mean any way. It is not necessary that Acknowledge your kid’s strong or nice and explore why. You might A P Sharma is the Principal your child should be interested in emotions. When your child’s melt- as well pick characters from your and George Edison is the Vice- the whole curriculum. He/she may down is over, ask him, “How did child’s history or literature text and Principal of Birla Public School 06 MARKETPLACE / CAMPUS THURSDAY 9 NOVEMBER 2017

Remède Spa honoured at Ohlala Luxury Spa & Wellness Awards

he St Regis Doha is delighted “We are delighted to have to announce that Remède Spa received such two prestigious Thas received two prestigious awards and are extremely hon- awards from Ohlala Luxury Spa & oured that our outstanding spa is Wellness Awards 2017 - ‘The Best getting national acclaim. At Remède WINNER Spa in Qatar’ and ‘The Best Spa Spa, we are committed to creating Best Spa Brand in Doha 2017 Brand in Qatar’. an exceptional and unique experi- The ceremony was held at the ence for each and every guest. Our hotel on the beautiful outdoor ter- goal is to surpass all expectations race of Sarab Lounge overlooking and help our guests to escape to a at the Olympic-size swimming pool sanctuary of indulgence and relax- Remède Spa, and the sparkling Arabian Gulf on ation with customized treatments October 22 and gathered the crème to meet all individual needs. These The St. Regis Doha de la crème of the luxury wellness accolades are a testament to the and spa industries in Qatar. dedication of our team and we hope Introduced in Qatar for the very to remain the leading spa in Doha a relaxation room serving The St. poolside cabanas to relax in the first time this year, Ohlala Luxury far into the future.” commented Regis’ afternoon tea. The exclusive warm sunshine and cool Qatari Spa & Wellness Awards showcased Ploy Jittakarn, Spa & Recreation spa is a mystical sanctuary for the beach breezes. 22 awards recognising the best in Director at The St Regis Doha. mind, body and soul offering a com- For more information or to luxury spas and wellness provid- Remède Spa facilities include prehensive menu of facials, make a reservation, please contact ers. Winners were selected based 18 spacious treatment rooms as well massages and body treatments. the Remède team at (974) 446 0300, on online votes gathering more than as a hydro pool, steam room, a ped- Additionally, guests can also via email at 20,000 votes, in addition to a panel icure and manicure room with enjoy our spa treatment outdoors or online at www. of judges rating the nominees. cutting edge technology chairs and as we offer private

15th MIFF to open on January 28 he 15th Edition of Mumbai International Film Festival T(MIFF) is scheduled from January 28 to February 3. MIFF, a flagship film event in India, is a biennial documentary, short fiction and animation film festi- val organised by the Films Division under the Ministry of MES holds Parental Guidance and Awareness Session Information & Broadcasting, Government of India. ES Indian School organ- youngsters and the general prev- winning the trust and confidence The documentaries and ani- ised an orientation cum alence of e-addiction among of their children by way of treat- mation film-makers from all over Minteractive session for students, especially those who ing them in a dignified manner the world have been attending the parents of Class IX students are in the early teens. Parents and treating them with due the event in the past. The Golden at the KG Auditorium of the have to be extra vigilant on unac- respect. Conch, the prestigious top award school recently, accentuating the quainted persons, whom their She also urged the parents to of MIFF, amounting to approxi- importance as well as the neces- children may befriend through extend support to the collective mately INR 6 million, recognises sity of safe handling children and social media and could trespass efforts of the school in its initia- the best talent in documentary the complexities involved in into the lives of these youngsters, tive to de-stress students, who & animation film making. The parenting the students of such she exhorted. are academically challenged. last date for submission of entries age-group. Speaking on the essentiali- They were also given parent- is on November 15. For more Addressing a large section of ties of parents exhibiting a ing tips on confidence building information please visit official parents, the officiating Principal, balanced attitude and adopting measures to be adopted in order website or call Hameeda Kadar elaborated on the role of an understanding par- to make their children useful and Swati Pandey, Director - Films the stronghold of internet related ent, Mrs.Hameeda Kadar asserted productive global citizens of Division at +91-22-23524095. electronic gadgets over the that every parent should aim at tomorrow. 07 THURSDAY 9 NOVEMBER 2017 LIFESTYLE

The Washington Post

hat can be done about negative stereotypes that Wportray older adults as out of touch, useless, feeble, incom- petent, pitiful and irrelevant? With late-night TV comedy shows where supposedly clueless older people are the butt of jokes and with ads for anti-aging creams equating youth with beauty and wrinkles with decay, harsh and How to fight unflattering images shape assump- tions about ageing. Although people may hope for good health and hap- stereotypes piness, they tend to believe that growing older involves deteriora- tion and decline, according to about ageing reports from the Reframing Aging Initiative. routinely found strangers treating that respects an individual’s including descriptors such as “wise,” Dismal expectations can her as if she were helpless. autonomy. “creative,” “spry” and “fit.” The become self-fulfiling as people start “I would come home feeling ter- Embrace new images. This weekly sessions were about 15 min- experiencing changes associated rible about myself,” she said. involves thinking about people who utes long, proving that even a with growing older - aching knees Decorating her cane with ribbons don’t fit the stereotype you’ve relatively short exposure to posi- or problems with hearing, for and flowers turned things around. acknowledged. This could be a tive images of aging can make a instance. If a person has internal- “People were, like, ‘Oh, my God, group of people (older athletes), a difference. ised negative stereotypes, his or her that’s so cool,’ “ said Yeh, who noted famous person (TV producer Nor- At the forum, Levy noted that confidence may be eroded, stress that the decorations evoked the man Lear, now 95, who just sold a 196 countries have committed to responses activated, motivation positivity associated with creativ- show on aging to NBC) or someone support the World Health Organi- diminished (“I’m old, and it’s too ity instead of the negativity you know (a cherished older friend). zation’s fledgling campaign to end late to change things”) and sense of associated with disability. Individualise it. The more we discrimination against people efficacy (“I can do that”) impaired. Implicit biases can be difficult know about people, the less we’re because they are old. Bolstering Health often suffers as a result, to discover because they coexist likely to think of them as a group positive images of aging and coun- according to studies showing that with thoughts that seem to clash characterised by stereotypes. Delve tering the effect of negative older adults who hold negative ster- with them. For example, someone into specifics. What unique chal- stereotypes need to be central parts eotypes tend to walk slowly, may implicitly feel that “being old lenges does an older person face? of that endeavor, she remarked. It’s experience memory problems and is terrible,” while explicitly that per- How does that person cope also something older adults can do, recover less fully from a fall or frac- son may think, “We need to do day-to-day? individually, by choosing to focus ture, among other ramifications. By more, as a society, to value older Switch perspectives. This on what’s going well in their lives contrast, seniors whose view of people.” Yet this kind of conflict involves imagining yourself as a rather than on what’s going wrong. aging is primarily positive live 7.5 may go unrecognised. member of the group you’ve been Claim a seat at the table. “Noth- years longer than other seniors. To identify implicit bias, pay stereotyping. ing about us without us” is a clarion Can positive images of ageing attention to your automatic Make contact. Interact with the call of disability activists, who have be enhanced and the effects of neg- responses. If you find yourself people you’ve been stereotyping. demanded that their right to par- ative stereotypes reduced? At a flinching at the sight of wrinkles Visit and talk with that friend who’s ticipate fully in society be recent meeting of the National when you look in the bathroom now living in a retirement recognised and made possible by Academies of Sciences’ Forum on mirror, for instance, acknowledge community. adequate accommodations such as Ageing, Disability and Independ- this reaction and then ask yourself, Another strategy - strengthen- wheelchair ramps. So far, however, ence, experts embraced such steps “Why is this upsetting?” ing implicit positive stereotypes seniors haven’t similarly insisted and offered several suggestions for Use strategies to challenge - comes from Becca Levy, a profes- on inclusion, making it easier to how they can be advanced: biases. Patricia Devine, a professor sor of epidemiology and psychology overlook the ways in which they’re Become aware of implicit of psychology at the University of at Yale University and a leading marginalised. biases, which are automatic, unex- Wisconsin at Madison who studies researcher in this field. At the forum, Kathy Greenlee, amined thoughts. An example: The ways to reduce racial prejudice, In a 2016 study, she and several vice-president of aging and health sight of an older person using a calls this “tuning in” to habits of colleagues demonstrated that policy at the Center for Practical cane might trigger associations with mind that usually go unexamined. exposing older adults to subliminal Bioethics in Kansas City and a dependency and incompetence. Replace stereotypes. This positive messages about aging sev- former assistant secretary for aging Forum attendee Charlotte Yeh, entails becoming aware of and then eral times over a month improved in the Department of Health and chief medical officer for AARP Serv- altering responses informed by ster- their mobility and balance - crucial Human Services, called for a new ices, spoke of her experience after eotypes. Instead of assuming a measures of physical function. wave of advocacy by and for sen- being struck by a car and undergo- senior with a cane needs your help, The messages were embedded iors, saying, “We need more older ing a lengthy, painful rehabilitation. for instance, you might ask, “Would in word blocks that flashed quickly people talking publicly about them- Limping and using a cane, she you like assistance?” - a question across a computer screen, selves and their lives.” 08 HEALTH THURSDAY 9 NOVEMBER 2017 Be happy to lead a healthier life


ptimists and happy people are healthier overall, enjoying lower blood pressure Oand less depression and anxiety, among other measures, new research on college stu- dents suggests. The findings, published in the Biomedical Journal of Scientific and Technical Research, sug- gest that universities should creatively design wellness programmes and centres that dynam- ically integrate body, mind and spirit into a seamless unit. College students generally suffer high rates of anxiety and depression and often neglect phys- ical self-care and exercise. To researchers from the University of Mich- igan and Fudan University in China set out to learn the extent to which body mass index (BMI) and positive outlook affect the physical and men- tal health of college students in China’s Fudan University. -- hope, gratitude, life satisfaction and subjective or depressed. The study showed that a positive outlook and happiness. They also calculated students’ BMI Taken together, the four psychological var- BMI both contributed significantly to good health, based on self-reported body weight and height. iables and BMI accounted for 41 per cent of the said Weiyun Chen, Associate Professor at Uni- To assess physical and mental health, the total variance in health, Chen said. versity of Michigan. researchers asked students various questions Individually, subjective happiness had the The researchers asked 925 students to rate about their sleep quality and how often they felt most significant impact, followed by hope, and four indicators of psychological well-being healthy, energised, worthless, fidgety, anxious then BMI, the study showed. Decoded, why it’s so hard to quit smoking

IANS between nicotine, microRNA, the According to the study, it was found that receptor proteins, and nicotine- esearchers have confirmed dependent behaviour,” Jianke that a previously dismissed a specific genes and microRNA (a class of Gong, lead author and researcher Rgenetic mechanism is small RNA molecules that help fine-tune at the varsity, said. behind nicotine dependence as However, the same mecha- well as the withdrawal effects that gene expression) plays an essential role nism was dismissed earlier on as makes quitting smoking so in determining how nicotine dependence insignificant to nicotine difficult. and withdrawal responses are developed. dependence. According to the study con- The results have been pub- ducted by researchers from lished in the journal Cell Reports. University of Michigan, it was Researchers examined the were involved in a process that The latest discovery in C. elegans found that a specific genes and withdrawal responses in millim- ultimately increased the produc- will now lead other scientists to microRNA (a class of small RNA eter-long roundworms tion of the nicotine receptor re-examine the role of these molecules that help fine-tune gene Caenorhabditis elegans (C. ele- proteins, with microRNAs playing microRNAs in nicotine depend- expression) plays an essential role gans), which get hooked on a pivotal role -- clues that may ence in mammals, and ultimately in determining how nicotine nicotine just like humans. also carry over to the mammalian lead to a better understanding dependence and withdrawal They discovered a series of realm. of what causes the responses are developed. genes in the roundworms which “We’re seeing a clear link dependence.

10 FOOD THURSDAY 9 NOVEMBER 2017 Oven-steamed mussels

Bonnie S Benwick fall away and stay away, as long degrees. Soak the mussels in a Lift the leeks from the water, The Washington Post as you lift those components out large bowl of water and ice cubes shaking off any excess moisture. of their baths. for 15 minutes. Trim the leeks; cut Add them to the skillet, stirring to the white and light-green parts coat in the beef bacon. Cook for 3 ometimes, the issues with Oven-Steamed Mussels crosswise into thin rounds. Place to 5 minutes, until softened. Turn cooking mussels are logisti- 4 servings them in a separate bowl of water off the heat. Scal. Is your pan big enough Small revelation here: A roast- and ice cubes. Carefully uncover the mussels, to hold enough of them to feed a ing pan makes a great vessel for Meanwhile, cut the beef bacon lifting a corner of the foil farthest hungry table? Is it wide enough cooking a mess o’ bivalves. While into 1-inch pieces. Line a plate from you so the steam can escape so they will cook evenly? And how they’re in a high-heat oven, the with a few layers of paper away from you. Discard any that long will the inevitable steam sauce comes together in a skillet towels. have not opened. hang around in the kitchen? on the stove. Look over the mussels and dis- Make a clearing and add the The solution to all those seems Serve with crusty bread, for card any that are cracked or don’t butter, then sprinkle the mussels to be the oven-steaming method dunking. close when tapped. Lift them out lightly with salt. Toss them until in this recipe. Four pounds of of the water (do not drain) and the butter has melted, then divide bivalves fit nicely into one large Ingredients transfer to a large roasting pan, among wide, shallow bowls. or two smaller roasting pans. 4 pounds debearded mussels spreading them evenly. Divide the crisped beef bacon With a tight lid of aluminum 3 medium leeks Pour in the grape juice, then pieces and leeks among the bowls. foil, they steam in about the time 6 slices thick-cut beef bacon cover tightly with aluminum foil Coarsely chop the parsley and it takes for you to crisp the pieces 1 1/2 cups dry grape juice and roast (middle rack) for about scatter on top of each portion. of beef bacon and saute the rib- 3 tablespoons unsalted 12 minutes. Discard the soaking Serve warm, with a discard bowl bons of leeks that will go on top. butter water. for the shells. (Cooking those topping separately, Pinch sea salt Place the beef bacon pieces in by the way, ensures their proper Handful fresh flat-leaf pars- a large skillet; place over medium Nutrition: Per serving: 360 textures.) The recipe also includes ley, for garnish heat. Cook until crisped. Use a calories, 20 g protein, 14 g carbo- a prep step that should become a slotted spoon to transfer the pieces hydrates, 17 g fat, 8 g saturated fat, habit: an ice-water soak for the Steps to the paper-towel-lined plate, 70 mg cholesterol, 700 mg sodium, mussels and for the leeks. Grit will Preheat the oven to 500 leaving the drippings in the pan. 0 g dietary fiber, 3 g sugar. 11 THURSDAY 9 NOVEMBER 2017 BOLLYWOOD Sumeet Vyas compares Bollywood to local train

IANS instead of wasting my energy on ‘Why did they get it so easily?’ I’d rather work hard on my own ctor Sumeet Vyas says Bollywood is like goals. a local train, and he is struggling to find “I feel more privileged then them, because A“a window seat in this crowded train”. I’ve lived a far richer life as an artist by growing After getting famous with his web series “Per- up in poverty. I still remember, covering the roof manent Roommates”, Sumeet was seen in of my chawl every year in rainy season, with “Ribbon”, and will also feature in Kareena Kapoor those blue plastic sheets. I see them now from Khan starrer “Veerey Di Wedding”. my airplane window...Trust me, I have more sto- “Bollywood is actually like a local train. It’s ries to tell.” crowded. But if you manage to squeeze in, at Sumeet says “Permanent Roommates” com- some point you will find a window seat I do iden- pletely changed his life. tify with the role of Karan, my character in Talking about the web as a platform for con- ‘Ribbon’. His insecurities are something I iden- tent, he said: “Web is not an alternative to cinema, tify with, and the fear of not getting where I want although it could be a potential venue for alterna- to are approaching me rapidly as I grow older,” tive cinema because it frees filmmakers from the Sumeet said. pressure of the additional cost of marketing and “But I don’t wish to glorify my hardships, I releasing their smaller budget films in theatres. think everyone has their share, the biggest being “I do believe that the recognition I got from I’m still struggling to find a window seat in this my web series has helped me in getting more crowded train called film business,” he added. opportunities in Bollywood.” Sumeet feels ‘star kids’ might get their first Sumeet says “Veerey Di Wedding” is a “fan- opportunity easily, but only talent can take an tastic ensemble film, where every character is individual ahead. relevant, including mine, else I wouldn’t have “I’m sure its easier for star kids to get their done the film”. first opportunity. Beyond that, everyone has to “I don’t get star struck with actors. I am in pass on their merit. And I sincerely believe that awe of good scripts,” he added.

Working with Rajinikanth is a dream come true: Rocky Star

the feeling. I have always been in wear, accessories and fragrance awe of him,” the designer said. industries. “It is always an exciting expe- Now he has collaborated with rience to be on sets and design or Bent Chair with an aim to bring style for a movie. It is creatively fashion and home decor on the stimulating and a lot of fun to same platform. design for a character the direc- “Fashion is not something that tor has in mind. is limited to clothes or the way one “To understand and execute a looks. Fashion is in itself a world director’s vision is challenging, but that we live and breathe in. It is a a fantastic experience,” added the lifestyle and keeping that in mind designer who has also styled for I wanted to do something that international celebrities like Paris would elevate the fashion experi- Hilton. ence and take it straight to your His client list in Bollywood living room. includes stars like John Abraham, “Starting a luxury home line is Bipasha Basu, Shilpa Shetty, Sal- something I’ve always wanted to man Khan, Katrina Kaif, Hrithik do and I’m quite excited about it,” IANS S Shankar, also stars Akshay Roshan and Priyanka Chopra. he said. Kumar and Amy Jackson. Known for his excellent con- The designer, who has come esigner Rocky Star, who is “It has been great! Akshay struction, detailing and finishing, up with a new collection titled styling Rajinikanth for his Kumar was one of the first actors Rocky has not only mastered the ‘Vida’, is also working with actress Dupcoming film “2.0”, says I styled at the beginning of my art of designing clothes for mov- Esha Gupta. that working with the megastar career so, working with him is ies, but has also plunged into other “She is an absolute star and I was a dream come true as he has truly special and it has always sectors of the industry. will always love working with her always been in awe of him. been a dream to work with He started doing bridal cou- irrespective of any new avatar she “2.0”, written and directed by Rajinikanth. Words cannot express ture and then tried his hand at club dons,” said the designer. 12 HOLLYWOOD THURSDAY 9 NOVEMBER 2017

Taylor Swift to keep new album from streaming for a week Bloomberg

epresentatives for pop star Taylor Swift told stream- Ring-music partners that her new album won’t be availa- ble through their services during its first week of sales, people familiar with the matter said. 'Justice League' must The services are still negoti- ating with Swift’s team to determine when “Reputation” battle film critics as will be made available, said the people, who asked not to be iden- well as villains tified discussing private talks. The album will be on sale in retail out- lets as well as online stores like Reuters Wonder Woman because I finished iTunes starting November 10. A Wonder Woman and the next day Swift spokeswoman didn’t imme- aving Metropolis and Gotham The film’s I went to set to start working on diately respond to requests for City from the clutches of predecessor, Justice League,” she said. comment. Ssuper-villains might be 2016’s “Batman vs “I was already in the character For most of the music indus- enough pressure for the average and I only had to serve the story try, streaming is the future, caped crusader but the cast of the Superman: Dawn and the context of every scene and helping propel global sales to 5.9 forthcoming “Justice League” film of Justice,” grossed just you know be there and serve percent growth last year. But also face another equally-terrify- just over $870m at the director’s vision.” Swift and a handful of other ing foe: film critics. Momoa was hopeful for the high-profile acts gunning for the The film is the latest installment the global box office film’s prospects, said “I really hope top spot on the charts still find from the DC comics stable of super- according to film that the fans enjoy what Zack (Sny- sales of physical and digital heroes - a series which, with the revenue website der, the director) and I have done records more lucrative. Beyonce notable exception of this summer’s with Aquaman.” only made her latest album, “Wonder Woman”, has met with a Box Office Mojo The film’s predecessor, 2016’s “Lemonade,” available on one less than positive critical response “Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Jus- streaming provider, Tidal, which and has failed to match the box tice,” grossed just over $870m at is co-owned by her husband office of rival Marvel’s biggest Gadot won both critical plau- the global box office according to Jay-Z Adele shunned streaming super-hero offerings. dits and box office success for film revenue website Box Office for months after the release of The film features a host of “Wonder Woman”, which was Mojo, but received a 27 percent rat- “25” in 2015. major DC characters and box office directed by Patty Jenkins, and she ing on film review aggregation site It’s still possible Swift stars including Ben Affleck as Bat- is confident that the experience Rotten Tomatoes. changes her mind at the last man, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, from that film helped her reprise Another recent entry in the DC minute, but she has been one of Jason Momoa as Aquaman and Ezra the character in “Justice League”. franchise, 2016’s “Suicide Squad,” the most vocal critics of stream- Miller as the Flash. “I had almost no transition from opened to an equally poor critical ing, saying in a column for the reception, and took around $745m Wall Street Journal that the serv- at the global box office. ices devalue music. Spotify, the While both totals are not insub- largest of the streaming provid- stantial, they are dwarfed by ers, offers much of its catalog for Marvel’s big hits - 2012‘S “The free, supported by advertising. Avengers” and 2015’s “Avengers: Paying subscribers get the full Age of Ultron,” which took $1.5bn library, including new releases and $1.4bn respectively. artists have chosen not to offer Audiences in 2017, however to everyone. Apple Music, the warmed to “Wonder Woman,” second-biggest, doesn’t have a which grossed over $80m more at free version. the US box office than “Dawn of Swift’s album is expected to Justice,” as well at proving a hit score one of the biggest chart with critics, garnering a 92 percent debuts of the year. Rotten Tomatoes score. 13 THURSDAY 9 NOVEMBER 2017 TECHNOLOGY

The Washington Post t’s official. We’re going to 280. Twitter is officially doubling Now every Twitter user - from Ifirst-day users to President Don- ald Trump - will have twice the the character limit to 280 room to share their thoughts. Twitter on Tuesday confirmed that it is doubling its iconic charac- ter count for good, after a month or so of tests trying out longer tweets. While many Twitter users reacted with horror to the tests, Twitter said in a blog post that the higher limit made people more likely to tweet, left fewer than 1 per- cent of users hungry for more room and increased “engagement” - its umbrella term for likes, replies and retweets. Twitter originally hit on the 140-character limit as a nod to the character limits placed on early text became Twitter’s main identifying The company said in Septem- much faster to move away from its messages, when it was founded in feature. ber that it was testing a new upper defining feature - ephemeral 2007. SMS messages had a Following an age of blogging, limit because languages such as messaging. 160-character limit, and Twitter when lengthy rants or emo contem- English couldn’t pack as much The tests also didn’t seem to wanted users to be able to post mes- plation lit up the likes of LiveJournal information into 140-characters as bear out the dystopian predictions sages via phone, with enough room or Xanga, the move to bite-sized other languages, such as Chinese, that Twitter would be flooded with for a username. It became a hall- thoughts felt different. But as Twit- Japanese or Korean, which use can longer messages and lose the econ- mark of the service - an ter expanded its ambitions to use characters that denote whole omy of language that’s become its encouragement to craft short, sweet become more of an online town words. hallmark. In most cases, it doesn’t messages and contribute to the square, it became an important Many people had pointed out seem like most people are actually free-flow of conversation that place to discuss complex ideas. that 280 characters, despite what increasing the length of their tweets; chief executive Jack Dorsey said in we have apparently been trained his own longer tweet announcing well. Only five percent of users went Google to add restaurant ‘wait’ the change, just doesn’t lend itself to above 140 characters during the test, the same focus. It’s somehow too and only 2 percent ever went north times on Search and Maps long to be brief, and still too brief to of 190 characters. be meaningful. A heavily retweeted Users had also worried that IANS image following the announcement longer tweets would exacerbate showed Dorsey’s long tweet Twitter’s ongoing problem with ired of long queues at restaurants? Relax as Google is soon roll- announcing the change edited down harassment - more characters ing out wait times on Google Search -- followed by Maps -- that to fit in 139 characters. might mean more scope for abuse. Twill show you the estimated wait-time at your favourite eating Before the tests - which were On that front, we don’t have hangouts. limited to a few users, but easy to answers yet. Twitter did not pro- To see wait times for nearly a million sit-down restaurants around participate in thanks to third-party vide information on whether it had the world that allow walk-ins, just search for the restaurant on Google, tools - roughly 9 percent of tweets seen an increase in harassment on open the business listing, and scroll down to the “Popular Times” ran right up against the 140-char- its site, due to the higher character section. acter limit. During the limit. But, Twitter said, while “There, you’ll see the estimated wait time at that very moment. And 280-character tests, that number obnoxiously long messages weren’t by tapping on any of the hour bars, you’ll see the estimated wait for fell significantly, according to a flooding users’ timelines, the more that time period,” Google said in a blog post yesterday. graph of English-only tweets pro- verbose tweets did let people fire You can even scroll left and right to see a summary of each day’s vided by Twitter. off messages faster and, the com- wait times below the hour bars, so you can plan ahead to beat the It shouldn’t be a surprise that pany believes, with less agonizing crowds. even a company built on language over each message. The tests Wait-time estimates are based on anonymised historical data, sim- limitations has relaxed them, said showed that the feared negatives ilar to how Google computes the previously launched ‘Popular Times’ Deborah Tannen, professor of lin- for Twitter didn’t come true, and and ‘Visit Duration’ features. guistics at Georgetown University. the increased limits lets conversa- In the case of restaurants, Google will now include a pop-up box “The tendency to start small and tion flow faster -- which means that appears when you click on a time frame in the popular times’ chart. expand has been a relentless pat- Twitter gets more use and can make The box shows the live or historical data labelled as “busy”, “usu- tern with all of these apps and more money. ally busy”, “usually not busy”, etc, along with the wait time, TechCrunch platforms,” she said, citing expand- So, it seems 280 characters is reported. ing ambitions at Facebook and good for business. And, in the end, others. Snapchat, she noted, was that’s really what matters to Twitter. 14 CINEMA PLUS THURSDAY 9 NOVEMBER 2017

NOVO — Pearl ROYAL PLAZA VILLAGGIO & CITY CENTER Murder On The Orient Express (2D/Crime) 10:30, 11:00, 11:30am, 1:00, 2:00, Sherlock Toms (2D/Malayalam) 2:30pm Qarib Qarib Singlle (2D/Hindi) 2:00, 5:00 & 11:30pm The Giant King (2D/Animation) 2:30 & 4:15pm Thank You For 3:30, 4:15, 4:30, 6:00, 7:00, 8:30, 9:00, 9:30, 11:00pm & 12:00midnight Your Service (2D/Drama) 5:00 & 9:30pm Escape Room (2D/Thriller) Thor: Ragnarok (2D/Action) 10:10, 10:30am, 12:45, 1:00, 1:30, 3:30, 6:00, 6:00pm Seven Sundays (2D/Tagalog) 7:15pm Murder On The Orient 6:15, 6:45, 8:30, 9:00, 11:00, 11:30 & 11:45pm Express (2D/Crime) 7:15pm Thor: Ragnarok (2D/Action) 7:45pm Boo: 2 A Madea (2D/Horror) 10:15am, 2:30, 6:45 & 11:00pm Omar El Azrak (Arabic) 9:15pm Darkness Rising (2D/Horror) 10:00pm Jigsaw (2D/Horror) 12:30, 4:45 & 9:00pm The Battleship Island (2D/Action) 11:30pm The Giant King (2D/Animation) 10:00am, 12:00noon, 2:00, 4:00&6:00pm ASIAN TOWN An Ordinary Man (2D/Thriller) 8:00, 10:00pm & 12:00midnight Aramm (Tamil) 12:30, 5:30 & 10:30pm Ippadi Vellum (Tamil) 3:00, 8:00pm & Darkness Rising (2D/Horror) 10:00am, 2:00, 6:00 & 10:00pm 01:00am Villain 1:00, 3:45, 9:00pm & 01:00am C/O Surya 6:30pm Sherlock Escape Room (2D/Thriller) 12:00noon, 4:00, 8:00pm & 12:00midnight Toms 1:00, 3:45, 6:30, 9:15pm, 12:00midnight Qarib Qarib Singlle 12:30 & 5:30pm The Battleship Island (2D/Action) 10:15am, 3:15 & 8:15pm Shaadi Mein Zaroor Aana 3:00 & 8:00pm 10:30pm Thank You For Your Service (2D/Drama) 1:00, 6:00 & 11:00pm AL KHOR Thor: Ragnarok(3DIMAX/Action)10:40am, 1:20, 4:00, 6:40, 9:20&12:00midnight Thor Ragnarok 10:30am, 12:30, 3:30, 6:00, 8:45 & 11:30pm Villain 10:30am Murder On The Orient Express 1:15, 6:30 & 11:45pm Ippdai Vellum 3:45pm MALL Aramm 9:00pm Shaadi Mein Zaroor Aana 3:15 & 8:45pm Qarib Qarib Singlle (2D/Hindi) 2:00, 5:00 & 11:30pm Sherlock Toms Qarib Qarib Singlle 1:00, 6:15 & 11:30pm (2D/Malayalam) 2:30pm The Giant King (2D/Animation) 2:30 & 4:15pm ROXY Thank You For Your Service (2D/Drama) 5:00 & 9:30pm The Giant King (2D/Animation) 12:00noon, 2:00 & 4:00pm Escape Room (2D/Thriller) 6:00pm Seven Sundays (2D/Tagalog) 7:15pm Escape Room 12:00noon, 2:00, 4:00, 6:00 & 8:00pm Murder On The Orient Express (2D/Crime) 7:15pm Murder On The Orient Express 12:00noon, 2:30, 5:00, 7:30 & 10:00pm Thor: Ragnarok (2D/Action) 7:45pm Omar El Azrak (Arabic) 9:15pm Sherlock Toms 12:00noon, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00 & 11:55pm Darkness Rising (2D/Horror) 10:00pm Aramm (2D/Tamil) 11:15pm Thor Ragnarok 12:20, 6:00, 8:40 & 11:20pm Aramm (Tamil) 9:00pm The Battleship Island (2D/Action) 11:30pm QARIB QARIB SINGLLE LANDMARK The Giant King (2D/Animation) 2:15 & 4:00pm Sherlock Toms 3:00pm Shaadi Mein Zaroor Aana (2D/Hindi) 2:30 & 5:00pm Seven Sundays 5:30pm Escape Room (2D/Thriller) 6:00pm Thor: Ragnarok (2D/Action) 7:45pm Murder On The Orient Express (2D/Crime) 7:15pm An Ordinary Man 7:45pm The Battleship Island (2D/Action) 9:15pm Thank You For Your Service (2D/Drama) 9:30pm Darkness Rising (2D/Horror) 10:00pm On The Wings Of Eagles (2D/Drama) 11:30pm Yogi and Parvathy, who have polar opposite personalities and Ippadai Vellum (2D/Tamil) 11:30pm Secret Superstar (Hindi) 11:30pm sensibilities, meet via a online dating app. This encounter turns into Note: Programme is subject to change without prior notice. so much more when the two travel to Rishikesh. BABY BLUES



Conceptis Sudoku: Conceptis Sudoku is a number-placing puzzle based on a 9×9 grid. The object is to place the numbers 1 to 9 in the empty squares so that each row, each column and each 3×3 box contains the same number only once.

Yesterday’s answer



08:00 News 13:10 Alaska: The 13:50 Pet Nation 13:20 Lolirock 08:30 Witness Last Frontier Renovation 15:00 The 09:00 Digital 16:10 Street 14:45 Bad Dog Zhuzhus Dissidents Outlaws 15:40 North 15:15 K.C. 10:30 Inside Story 17:00 How Do America Undercover 11:00 News They Do It? 16:35 Lone Star 15:40 Stuck In 11:30 The Stream 17:50 Extreme Law The Middle 12:30 Fault Lines Collectors 17:30 Treehouse 16:05 Disney 13:00 NEWSHOUR 18:20 Auction Masters Mickey Mouse 14:00 News Kings 18:25 Whale Wars 16:10 Elena Of 14:30 Inside Story 18:50 Deadliest 20:15 Biggest And Avalor 15:00 King Features Syndicate, Inc. Witness Catch Baddest 17:00 Tangled: 16:00 NEWSHOUR 21:00 How Do 21:10 Going Ape The Series 17:00 News They Do It? 21:38 Gorilla 20:05 Descendants 17:30 The Stream 21:50 So You School Wicked World 18:00 newsgrid Think You’d 23:00 Whale Wars 20:10 Liv And 19:00 News Survive? 23:55 North Maddie 19:30 My Tunisia 22:40 Super- America 20:35 Jessie 20:00 News truckers 00:50 Lone Star 21:00 Tangled: The 20:30 Inside Story 01:05 How Do Law Series 21:00 NEWSHOUR They Do It? 01:45 Treehouse 21:50 K.C. 22:00 News 01:50 So You Masters Undercover 22:30 The Stream Think You’d 02:40 Biggest And 22:40 Bunk’d 23:00 Digital Survive? Baddest 23:05 Rolling With Dissidents The Ronks