August 16 2018.Pdf
INSIDE ❘ TEAM LISTS ❘ STAT ATTACK ❘ NRL FANTASY ❘ CLUB NEWS DYLANWALKER ❘ DEANWHARE❘ BEN HUNT ❘ TRYLESSTRADITIONS❘PANTHERSPOSTER+MORE ROUND 23 Volume 99. No.23. August 16-22 2018 Twitter & Facebook: @bigleaguemag o ex ONE OF .. Makeshift e a Wests Tigers.. the back in .... game.. of the season.. KICKIN DID On-fireRoostershave OFF PIEPERS room to improve PAREathoughtforDragonsfansatthis Stime of year – they must currently be HE Roostersmaybesittingatthe that’s disappointing, but it’s something having the least-enjoyable déjà vu in the topofthetableafteragrittywin tobecomebetterat,sothat’sastart.” NRLcommunity.Justwhenitseemedlike Tover fellow minor premiership One area the team have been they’dshakenoffthescarsoflastyear’s contenders the Rabbitohs, but injured focused on is improving their final-day heartbreak and secured their spot propJaredWaerea-Hargreavesadmits defence and this was evident in in the finals, they’ve now lost five of their theteamaren’tattheirbestyet. Friday’s match. Waerea-Hargreaves last six, lost both the leader of their forward “Obviouslywe’vebeenplaying racked up 33 tackles, which was more packandtheircaptainandkeyplaymaker some good footy, but we know we’ve thanhisoppositionpropsThomasand toinjury,andfacewhatcouldbeatricky stillgotalottoimproveon.Thelast GeorgeBurgess,whomade22and runhomeagainstsidesthathaveregularly threeweekswe’veconceded14or By DARCIE 24 tackles respectively. causedthemtroublenomatterwhere 20points,sowe’vegottocontinueto McDONALD “Inthepastthreeweekswe’ve theysitontheladder.Shouldtheyloseto @DarcieMcDonald
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