Link-time ImprovementofScheme Programs Saumya Debray Rob ert Muth Scott Watterson Department of Computer Science University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721, U.S.A. fdebray, muth,
[email protected] Technical Rep ort 98-16 Decemb er 1998 Abstract Optimizing compilers typically limit the scop e of their analyses and optimizations to individua l mo dules. This has two drawbacks: rst, library co de cannot b e optimized together with their callers, which implies that reusing co de through libraries incurs a p enalty; and second, the results of analysis and optimization cannot b e propagated from an application mo dule written in one language to a mo dule written in another. A p ossible solution is to carry out additional program optimization at link time. This pap er describ es our exp eriences with such optimization using two di erent optimizing Scheme compilers, and several b enchmark programs, via alto, a link-time optimizer we have develop ed for the DEC Alpha architecture. Exp eriments indicate that signi cant p erformance improvements are p ossible via link-time optimization even when the input programs have already b een sub jected to high levels of compile-time optimization . This work was supp orted in part by the National Science Foundation under grants CCR-9502826 and CCR 9711166. 1 Intro duction The traditional mo del of compilation usually limits the scop e of analysis and optimization to individual pro cedures, or p ossibly to mo dules. This mo del for co de optimization do es not take things as far as they could b e taken, in two resp ects.