Grapes 8 Works Cited Auxier, Randall E., And
Grapes 8 Works Cited Auxier, Randall E., and Douglas R. Anderson. Bruce Springsteen and Philosophy: Darkness on the Edge of Truth. Open Court, 2008. Deusner, Stephen M. “Bruce Springsteen: Working on a Dream.” Pitchfork, 27 Jan. 2009, Ethen, Michael. Review of Bruce Springsteen, Cultural Studies, and the Runaway American Dream. ed. by Kenneth Womack et al. Notes vol. 69, no. 3, 2013, pp. 551-552. Project MUSE, “High Hopes.” YouTube, uploaded by BruceSpringsteenVEVO, 25 Nov. 2013, Moss, Pamela. “Still Searching for the Promised Land: Placing Women in Bruce Springsteen’s Lyrical Landscapes.” Cultural Geographies, vol. 18, no. 3, 2011, pp. 343-362. Academic Search Complete, doi: 10.1177/1474474011410276. Powers, Ann. “A Long Road to “High Hopes’: an Interview with Bruce Springsteen.” National Public Radio, 15 Jan. 2014, long-road-to-high-hopes-an-interview-with-bruce-springsteen. Remnick, David, “We are Alive: Bruce Springsteen at Sixty-two.” New Yorker, 30 July 2012, Springsteen, Bruce. “Land of Hope and Dreams.” Wrecking Ball, Columbia, 2011, ---. “Shackled and Drawn.” Wrecking Ball, Columbia, 2011. Lyrics “Springsteen’s Autobiography to be Released September 27th.”, 11 Feb. 2016, Grapes 8 Works Cited Auxier, Randall E., and Douglas R. Anderson. Bruce Springsteen and Philosophy: Darkness on the Edge of Truth. Open Court, 2008.
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