Rochelle Kelly Curriculum Vitae 472 Life Sciences Building Ph.D. Candidate University of Washington
[email protected] Seattle WA, 98195 EDUCATION 2013- 2018 Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Biology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA Dissertation Title: Diversity, distributions, and ecology of bats among the San Juan Islands. Advisor: Dr. Sharlene Santana 2013 B.S. Conservation & Resource Studies, High Honors, University of California, Berkeley, CA Honors thesis: Influence of landscape heterogeneity on bat activity in vineyards. Advisor: Dr. Erica Bree Rosenblum 2007 A.S. Veterinary Technology, Western Career College, Pleasant Hill, CA RESEARCH EXPERIENCE 2018 Genetic and morphological diversity of Myotis spp. in Washington State. Collected morphometric and genetic data to compare patterns morphological and genetic diversity among two Pacific Northwest Myotis spp. (M. lucifugus and M. yumanensis) across Washington State. Department of Biology and the Burke Museum, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Advisor: Dr. Sharlene Santana. 2013-2018 Diversity, distributions, and ecology of bats among the San Juan Islands. Carried out field and lab work to collect and analyze tissue, guano, & distribution data from bats among the San Juan Islands to study diversity and distribution patterns. Department of Biology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Advisor: Dr. Sharlene Santana. 2014-2018 Comparison of morphological and molecular identification of Washington’s Myotis spp. Designed and managed course project for BIOL/FISH 340, where students carried out morphological and molecular identification of Myotis spp. that were submitted to the Washington Department of Health for Rabies testing. Department of Biology and the Burke Museum, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Advisor: Dr. Sharlene Santana and Dr.