The Development of the Remedial Constructive Trust
THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE REMEDIAL CONSTRUCTIVE TRUST JOHN L. DEWAR* Edmonton Introduction In Pettkus v. Becker' a majority of the Supreme Court of Canada' for the first time invoked the concept of a remedial constructive trust based on unjust enrichment in upholding the claim of the plaintiff against her defacto spouse of nineteen years to a one half interest in certain assets standing in the latter's name.3 Prior to this decision the availability ofthe constructive trust as a general equitable remedy in Canadian law had been uncertain. Until the mid-1970s, the major influence upon the development of the constructive trust in Canada had come from English law, which, for historical reasons, had treated the constructive trust as a "substantive institution" 4 analogous to the express trust. However, because of the diversity of situations in which the constructive trust had been em- ployed, and because of the absence of an underlying themetying these situations together, the institutional analogy'had proved inadequate, and had required modification . The predominant view of the con- structive trust in England today, therefore, is that it is primarily institutional, but that in certain situations it serves a remedial func- tion. There are, however, a number ofrecent decisions of the English Court of Appeal which have invoked "a constructive trust of a new * John L. Dewar, of the Institute of Law Research and Reform, Edmonton, Alberta. This article was prepared foran Instituteproject on Living Together Outside Marriage . I wish to thank the Director of the Institute of Law Research and Reform, Mr. W.H . Hurlburt Q.C ., my former colleague, Mr .
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