H ; ^•**< [»•"*_ -^**_. j____ _F I riff oiffo % I X. Price Hits Local Taverns SATURDAY. MARCH 26, ,1960 Story On Page 3 SPORTS GLEANINGS By BILL BELL • Sports Editor mi OHIO Poindexter THI PEOPLE'S • LAST SATURDAY night, or if one must be technically cor­ Community rect, last Sunday a. m., we sat in front of our television and watch­ CHAMPION ed the greatest exhibition of team basketball plus brilliant coach­ Center Notes ing that we had ever witnessed. We are referring to the 75-55 Poindexter Center, along with shellacking which Ohio State applied' to defending champions SENTINEL all the recreation centers, spon­ California, in the Cow Palace. San Francisco,.in the NCAA finals. sored by. the Columbus Recrea­ Prior, to the opening whistle, we were worried about the Bucks' r ——•— tion Dept., will observe Open SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1960 chances, as California had all the psychological advantages, pre­ VOL, 11. No. 42 .20 CENTS COLUMBUS, OHIO House Week from April 4 to vious experience in championship play and a partisan homo April 8. The center will be open crowd. all day, during Open House _ - - It was a typical team victory, as all of Ohio State's gamea Week, for inspection of various this season have been. * But in every game it is always one player CITIZENS PLEDGE displays and projects, s I A special program of pre­ who comes up with his greatest effort to date. To us Saturday school activities will be present­ night, Mel Nowell was that man. We are not trying to detract one iota of praise from Jerry Lucas, the unanimous All-Tourney selec­ < ed Wednesday, April 6, 1 p. m. There will also be" a mock tele­ tion, for Jerry was great in both games. But just BS Jerry was at vision show by the Pre-Teens hjs greatest against Western Kentucky hi the regional/, so did Mel and a modeling exhibit by the rise to his greatest height against California. To us, he was tho sewing class. greatest player on the.floor that night. Apparently, we were not i Thursday, April 7, Mr. White alone in our belief, because he was the only Buckeye' picked by will present his cboir in concert California on their season All-Opponent team. and juniors will do a series of • THE BEARS' All-Opponent team was Oscar RoberUon American folk dances. v and Paul Hogue of Cincinnati, Horace Walker of Michigan State. Teenage models will model Chuck Rask of Oregon, and Nowell. Wednesday and Thursday nights. ' Noweli.btt for 15 points but we think that if he bad not scored ' i ! 1— There will be some modern Story On Page 3 a point, his defensive game,' where he harassed every California dancing by teenagers in , the player who got his hands on the ball, warrants our praise. He modern dance class. i forced them to lose the halt by traveling or throwing a bad pass. PATTERNS OF CULTURE His greatest achievement was bringing the ball down the floor in the second half against the Bears' down court press. Something, new and different ief * Youth Shot JEANNE MASTIN, beautiful daughter of showman WU1 is going to happen it Poindexter An injured leg forced Joe Roberts from thc floor but before he «*& Mastin Sr., is shown receiving first place trophy after winning Center March 31 at 7 p. m. left he had sturig the Bears for, 10 .points with his line drive hook -_-_-_jj j v • • . "Miss Bathing Beauty" contest, sponsored by the Sir John hotel, Modern' dance class presents shot and picked off seven rebounds. Dave Barker failed to get hia 1 , s n Page 3 Miami, Fla. Tbe trophy is being presented by Clinton Moon, their production, "Patterns of usual two points but a brilliant steal and pass by Barker set up the Miami public relations executive.—Miami Metro Photo. Culture. Bucks' final basket. i • WE THOUGHT the coaching was great, because it was tho coaching which made the victory possible. A lot of the overall Trotters' Auto-Rama To Reveal strategy was not visible on the television screen, but two things stood out. One wa3 the way- Lucas would move out from under ro Newsmen • * the basket, drawing Inhoff with him,' and leave the lane' clear for • the other Bucks to drive in for lay-up shots. This plan had gained • ! Many Sensational Hot Rod Cars the Bucks 11 points before Lucas took a shot. Among the many specially de-| neighbor Norlhender Dick' Shro- Forney engine. The other was that he let Nowell play the type of game that he Story From Inside signed and engineered auiomo- yer, 1925 E. Hudson St.. plans Pete' Luft of Wcstcrville has is best at. A roaming at-large defensive man instead of being as­ tive wonders on exhibition at to show his specialized '60 Cor- a unique entny in his naughayde signed to one man and thus got the best of Mai's ability. the Auto-Rama, Vwhich is to be vette. rolled and pleated black exter- • TJSE BUCKS' next slop is Denver where they will meet tho A Southern Jail helol at the Youth Center. Ohio ^ ct>mpetlng with entries iored Tool Box with a red and toughest opposition of their entire career in the Olympic tryouts. white interior equipped with By L. F. PALMER JR. > State fairgrounds, Friday, Sat- ff0n a 15 _late area wU1 ^ two Not only will they have to worry about three All-Star teams com­ Editor, Tri State Defender urday and Sunday of this week, [young brothers, Garry and Gor­ every imaginable tool from tiny posed of the nation's greatest college stars, but they will have to screwdriver to precision drill. are several colorful local en­ don Moore, 5982 Timber Brook meet the cream of the amateur teams, including the champion­ MEMPHIS. — Five Memphis Negro newsmen were arrested tries. Young Pete is the nimble-fin­ ship industrial League team. The amateut team has been togeth­ lane, with a '58 Volkswagon. gered mechanic who will con­ Saturday while covering student sit-in demonstrations in the Cos- Competing for trophies and er longer than most college teams and they are recruited from struct a complete car from a •itt public library. One of the five jailed, I asked Police Inspector prizes In the National Hot Rod! DOME SELLER, 48 Lennox the cream of college graduates. pile of parts. La wow if wt:—newsmen legitimately covering a story—were ac­ and Mid-Ohio Timing Ass'ns'{av., is confident of a prize with tually under arrest, sanctioned event are a father-,his entry, a 1924 Model T with a There are many other entries. ;; Many great college players choose Industrial League play in­ son team, Leo A. Wirthman Sr., stead of professional because of the future that it offers after "Ton -sure are," he answered. "This is one story you will 175 Fairway blvd., and his son, their playing days are over. Bob .Boozer, former Kansas Stale All- cover from the Inside—Inside the jail." Bill. American, is an excellent example. • The senior Wirthman is enter­ Vermount Bowling HERE IS THAT inside report: ing his 1922 Stutz and Bill hopes • THIS WEEKEND basketball returns to Columbus in St. We got an anonymous phone tip at noon Saturday that students James Pharmacy, 3; Bonney 70V_ points. Reynelds Hardware, John Arena where the four finalists in the state will battle it out to snag an award with his '41 won 44, lost 46, 54 points. Bonney were sltting-in at the Cossitt library. I summoned George Hardin, Floyd, 0. Roscoe's Car Wash, 2; to determine who will wear the statejerown for the next 365 days. Cadillac touring car. Kcyhelds Hardware, 1. Burger Floyd, won 35%, lost 54%, 47% our chief photographer, and we hustled around to the library. Cleveland East Tech, the defending'champions, will go into MIKE MURNANE, 119 N. Beer, 2; Garland .equipment, 1. points. Burger Beer, won 27%, When we arrived at the library we were joined by Tri-State the tournament as underdogs, as they are ranked second. Daytoo Defender City Editor Burleigh Hines Jr., who had been scouting I Wheatland av., is showing a re­ High single (individual). Hop- lost 62%, 32% points. Roosevelt, which has the tallest and, many believe, most talented .1 the downtown area in search of a story. vamped '38 Chevy and Fred son E. Coyington, 252. High, squad, is the No. 1 choice in-the pre-game book. Dayton is 25-0, Lambert, business manager for three (individual), Warren Pal­ Tech, 21-1; Canton Timkens, who won the regionals Saturday We entered the library to find 17 young men and women from the Roadmen, a Westside fully On Student Evaluation mer, 634. High single (team), night in the Coliseum, 23-0, and Toledo Scott, 22-2. LeMoyne and Owen colleges sitting at tables reading, thumbing j sanctioned and accredited hot James Pharmacy, 990. High TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Dr. ' through and otherwise using the library facilities which have been\ rod group, is pinning his hopes three (team). James Pharmacy, Leander L. Boykins, professor Tech meets Canton in the opening game Friday night and restricted to the use of white Memphians. V on a B altered Ford coupe. Lam­ 990. High three .team), James of education at Florida A-M uni­ Scott goes against Roosevelt ln the nighteap. 81 bert resides at 44 Woodbury rd. Pharmacy, 2847. versity, has an article entitled, IN A MATTER of minutes, several officers arrived and told East Tech not only has only one man back from their starting us we were under arrest. Hines, Hardin and I—as well as Thad- Policeman Reed A. Burton. "Principles of Evaluating in STANDINGS — James Phar­ five last year, but they also have a new coach, Joseph Howell. deus Stokes, editor of the Memphis World,,and World Photog Rob­ LUCKY FOR THE DRIVER of the auto thai struck this home he was able to escape wiU- 2226 Vcndome dr., is exhibiting Student Teaching.8" published in his handmade sports car. macy, wo'n 59*.., .lost 32M» 81V. Howell, we believe, is the first Negro coach to bring a Class AA ert Morris—identified ourselves as newsmen, displaying legiti­ slight injury. Occupants were also blessed that it wasn't a nice warm day when they might hav* the 39th Yearbook of the I960 V- if A '52, Harliy-Davis motorcycle points. Roscoe _ Car Wash, won team to the finals in Ohio. Joe Martin ot Lockland was a. peren­ mate press cards. been enjoying themselves on tbe front porch. According to police, George Eldridge, 22, 257 Wood­ 53, lost 37, 74 points. Garland edition of "Evaluating Student nial visittor to the Class A finals until integration put him out of a land av., lost control'while traveling west on Long st., plunging over tne curb and into the homo fa the choice of Robert E. Car­ 1 * Despite our objections, we were hauled into one paddy wagon roll, 1238 Manchester av.,. and Equipment, won 51*4, lost SB /., ' Teaching.," coaching job. '.'..'. of Mrs. Ella Galloway, 119 Winner, av., at 11 p. m. Saturday. He was cited for reckless opera- Continued On Page 2 tion.—Pierce fchoto.tioto.

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SATURDAY, APRIL 2. I960 SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1960 THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGES THE OfflO SENTINEL PAGE 2 Story From Inside Citizens Pledge 'We Wont Buy From Stores That Discriminate' A Southern Jail By O*WENDELL SHAW customers at lunch counters," ties supporting southern student Continued From Page 1 A report, released Monday, on as a result of the "withholding demonstrations. It emphasized a survey just completed by thcpolicy " directive that was re­that the Columbus branch last —three coeds and 19 men—and taken to police headquarters. national office of NAACP, re­ leased to all NAACP branches weekend raised $732 in its drive, Here we were forced to line up against the wall, frisked vealed that "consumers in many on March 16. for * 1000. cities are beginning to withhold # _i ijjaearched) and ordered into a small bull pen. Next, we were According to the report, the BARBEE W. DURHAM, exe­ patronage from chain variety ; /feken to the Dept. of Criminal Investigation where we were fingcr- Columbus branch was high on cutive secretary, reported Mon- stores with units in the south 6) ._* jirinted, mugged (photographed) and questioned. the list of NAACP units in 250 day that the Columbus branch— that discriminate against Negro cities engaged in protest. activi- WE ENDED UP back in the bull pen, which is a filthy barred which has voted to spearhead a "withhold retail purchases" (Wx\ enclosure about 15 ft. by 5 ft with steel benches running around the cell. Made to accommodate about 15 or 16, this bull pen al­ drive against the local W. T. ready held 10 more college students who had been arrested at the Grant, S. S. Kresge and F. W. Pcabody-McClcan branch of the library Liquor Price War Fills Woolworth variety stores, whose owners have refused to serve • •-' _'•___'' __*•___ When wc were marched in, the total count in the bull pen was Negroes in their southern units _ _M__$_ 29. Then the procession of drunks began and shortly our bull pen on the same basis as whites are •;• mm was holding 41 men. Spots, Empties Others served—has sent letters of com­ • • I recognized an attempt to use an old war-time psychological OFFICERS OF THE NEWLY organised Inter-Ward Democratic Council, which will spearhead mendation to the U. S. State HAPPY WINNER: Oley Gladney, 399 E. Trigg, Memphis, By LES BRADBABRT jly a soul within. The music trick on us as we were packed into the bull pen like human cargo a movement in Columbus to provide for Negroes "a more effect-re votee ta P-BOeal matters." Dept. and to Gov. Leroy Collins Tenn., beams as Mrs. Martha Jean Steinberg pours IM silver In the jargon of the street, the I plays the same tunes, but tho on a slave ship. In order to have any freedom of movement, we Left to right seated: Betty Bray, recording secretary; Russell M. Jones, president; Catherine of Florida. dollars into his outstretched hands, a gift from the Long-Aid Co. boys are racking 'em back at 10, had to utilize every inch of seating space, with some of us sitting Hardgrow, corresponding secretary. Standing: James Jordan, treasurer; Clifford Tyree, finan- melody is not the same, It is a Gladney won the money at a recent Family Fair in Ellis audi­ 15 and 25 cents a drink and the THE LETTER to the State on the edge of the benches with others standing on the bench be­ cial secretary; Napoleon Bell, first vice president; Edward Dawktas, second vice president. Mary sad state ot- affairs. torium for submitting the nearest correct guess, from .among hind them. Others stood back to back or belly to belly on the tiny good times are rolling again— How long it will last, nobody Dept. read: more than 10,000 other entries, on bow many silver dollars a gi­ Durham, third vice president, b not pictured. Persons interested In working with the council ire that is in some places. floor space. Several of the drunks rolled under the benches and knows, but one thing is almost Wa wish to commend the gantic papier maehe replica of a Long-Aid jar would hold. Exact invited to contact any officer.—Carter Photo. The new price war between State Dept. for Its protest of went to sleep on the floor. One sat on the single toilet commode certain. The atmosphere in the amount: $91,298. Gladney's lucky guess: 191,000. That's a lot tavern operators in the Mt. Ver­ the killing of tbe Negroes by which did not have the benefit of a toilet seaL area is getting mighty warm, of money—and that's a mighty close guess, In anybody's book! non av. nightlife area has sent according to undercurrent talk, the South African Government DESPITE THE humiliation, I was proud to lift my voice with Form Inter-Ward Council To business skyrocketing to a new and the situation might even de­ police force. We are glad to those of the college men who sang out clearly and lustily tbe words high in the places that offer velop into physical blows. see this action and trust that of such stirring songs as "America the Beautiful," "lift Every patrons whisky, gin and beer at it Is an indication that our the old era prices. ONE MT. VERNON av. tav­ government will be Increasing­ Voice and Sing," "Nobody Knows the Tronble I've Seen." ern owner, not involved in fhe THE ROUNDUP Bolster Dems Voting Ranks In some spots, seats at, the ly concerned about the ill Our new found friends among the drunks kept us well enter­ battle of the whiskey bulge, told OFFICERS arc Russell M. place of any group, but rather bar are at a premium and ser­ treatment of all human beings tained and none of us is likely to forget one—Richard—whom we Formation of the Inter-Ward a Sentinel reporter Wednesday, Edited By O*Wendell Shaw Jones, president; Napoleon Bell, as a means of providing the vice is lousy. But that is no in all parts of the world, in­ promoted to chief of police of the bull pen to keep his inebriated Democratic Council was an­ •'It is unfortunate that the state first vice president; Edward holdback, the wave of business cluding here at home and es­ nounced Monday by Councilman channel through which we can will grant some people the priv­ brothers in line. Dawk ins, second vice president; continues and observers fold pecially in the south. (offee For Negroes. $2.50 Russell M. Jones. Purpose of speak with a concerted voice. ilege of dispensing alcoholic bev­ When chow time came, we were served an inglorious dinner their arms in wonderment try­ T-tE LETTER to Gov. Collins • HOUSTON, Tex.—A "special menu" for Negroes," includ­ the new organization is to serve Mary Durham, third vice presi­ The Democratic party of erages. A special sale of intoxi­ of cold beans, cold cabbage and bread. The students preferred to ing to figure out how these oper­ ing coffee at $2.50 per cup, so startled Mayor Lewis Cutrer last as a coordinating force for in­dent; Betty Bray, recording sec­ Franklin county has made it cating beverages is an invitation read: . remain hungry than to risk what was almost certain to result from creased political activity. The retary; Catherine Hardgrow, perfectly dear that It will re­ ators can exist while selling We wish to commend you Tuesday that he changed from a previous position on racial ten­ n eating this "food." their intoxicating wares at such to trouble, for it's an incentive movement was launched at a corresponding secretary; Clif­ ward the efforts of those who for one to get drunk." for ' your recent statement sion here and announced he will appoint a committee to study lo­ Time dragged heavily on our hands. AU of our personal prop­ ford Tyree, financial secretary, are willing to work. We have ridiculous prices. wherein you said that you felt cal bi-racial policies. The menu, also listing steak at $15, ham mass meeting, held Feb. 21, at Prices in some of the. spots erty bad been taken away from us and we had no way of knowing and James Jordan, treasurer. shown that we ean do a Job THE'OTHER side of the story that Negroes ought not to be and eggs, $6.50, and grilled cheese sandwiches, $3, was presented 4\ which time the main speaker, are as follows: what time it was. Walter Heer, chairman, Frank­ John Francis serves as chair­ and yet there Is much more to Is not so hot. Thc plush lounges discriminated against at tbe by Eugene Martinez, 45, owner of the Tasita Drive-In, who ex­ and places that refused to move THE MONOTONX and the extreme discomfort was broken lin County Democratic Organiza­ man of the Advisory Board. be done. Blended liquor, 15 and 20 cents lunch counters of stores that plained, "When this sitdown thing started, I prepared this special when the "cut-throat" price per double; Scotch, bourbons, only by occasional calls for inmates of the cell block who were tion, challenged the group to are open to tbe public. We feel menu for Negroes. They can eat here all they want, but they're IN MAKING the announce­ 'We are concerned with edict was handed down, are suf­ 30 cents for doubles; beer, as that your statement has been taken to the "talk box" where family and friends were allowed to consolidate their efforts, "so going to pay heavy for it." Four colored citizens had been arrest­ •j greater participation ef Ne­ fering the most. There is hard- low as 10 cents. helpful in the effort to make ed on charges of disturbing the peace, after refusing to pay the speak to us through bars and heavy mesh wire. that Negroes may have a more ment, Jones added: "We must take advantage of groes ta tho political processes tbe li. S. of America the kind $2.50 per cup for coffee. Tense expectancy always followed as we waited for one of our effective voice in political mat­ ters." the gains we have made in of Colnmbcs and Franklin of country it ought to be. • • • number to return with some kind of news from the outside—and this community as a group. county. Certainly, no one, re­ MEANWHILE, in what is be­ perhaps some food or cigarets. Hie Inter-Ward Democratic gardless of race, will be ex­ Youth Mistaken For Thief Old Sofa Yields $8400 lieved to be the first declaration We soon learned that food was forbidden but on several occa­ Council was not formed for cluded who might wish to work of support for the Negro "sitdown • CHICAGO.—In June, 1958, George Dancy, iron worker, ex­ sions we were treated to the luxury of a cigaret supply. Samuels Stalls the purpose of taking the with us." strikers in the south by a na­ plored what he thought was a particularly large one of many Time wore heavily on grating nerves but the spirit of the stu­ Is Shot: Officer Cleared lumps in the cushion of a second hand sofa he bought two years dents failed to take a nose divea When finally at five minutes to tional Jewish organization, Rev. A Columbus policeman has ap­ statement absolving the officer before and pulled out a roll of $100 and $50 bills amounting to $8400. midnight, we were bailed out, there was even greater determina­ Triple Life Terms Dr. Joachim Prinz, national parently been exonerated in the of any blame in the shooting. president of the American Jew­ Last week, he turned his find over to Forest Pk. police, who will tion on the part of the stud -its to continue their protests until vic­ William Samuels, 48, 1016 shooting of an Eastside youth Hardiman said he felt it was his ish Congress, wrote to the presi­ hold it for 60 days, after which, if no legitimate claim has been es­ tory is won. Leona av., was committed to Sunday. Police Inspector Har­ fault because of being on pro­ tablished, the cash will be Dancy's, who said he would use it as a thc Ohio penitentiary last Wed­ dents of the nation's four lead­ vey Alston, who investigated the bation and not having a driver's ing variety chains, urging them down payment on a new home. nesday to begin serving three case, said he has recommended license, "I got scared and ran," • • • life terms for triple murder. to "adopt a policy that will per­ that "no departmental action" Alston quoted him as saying. mit Negro customers to be ser­ Oberlin Students Raise Found guilty by a three judge be taken against the officer. Court To Hear Tuskegee (ase panel which recommended mer­ AFTER MAKING his investi­ ved at lunch counters in their Eugene A, Hardiman, 22, 270 • WASHINGTON—The Supreme Court last week agreed to cy, Samuels is to serve the gation, Alston said he was con.-, southern stores. N. 20th st., was shot in the hear the complaint of a group of Negro citizens of the town of terms consecutively. vinced that "Frank told the $2,000 For Sit-In Group thigh by a shot fired by Patrol­ truth all the way." Further­ DR. PRINZ wrote, in part: Tuskegee, Ala., seat of famed Tuskegee institute, charging the Samuels, who had pleaded in­ man Glenn Frank Jr. The shoot­ more, "I found nothing that in­ I am writing to express my state deprived them of the right to vote by so changing the town's In a variety of swiftly organ-[lunch counter discriminaUon in nocent because of insanity, was ing was the climax-of a high dicated the officer acted out of own and my organisation's boundaries as to exclude the homes of Negro residents. lied and inventive ways, great, the south. charged with the shotgun slay­ speed chase in tbe downtown j malice or prejudices of any sorrow at the events taking • • • numbers of northern college Even medical students set ing of his wife, Virginia, 39, and area, which was touched oft j kind,"-he explained, place In your company's stores students this week indicated aside their books and took up her aunt and uncle, Sally and when Frank spotted Hardiman in the south ... No commer­ Jewish Group Disagrees With Ike ov-rwbelming support of stu­ protest placards. Charles King, in their home at driving a car which "he thought Frank, Alston stated; "acted cial concern can hope to es­ 462 N. Champion av., last Aug. 5. on the assumption it was a cape the consequences of a • N. YORK.—The American Jewish Congress has endorsed dent demonstrators in the south. AT NEW HAVEN, 35 Yale had been stolen." stolen car." His judgement was policy which accepts social la- Pres. Eisenhower's suggestion for a bi-racial conference in the Students at Oberlin college in medical students, operating in Under terms ot the sentence, ACCORDING to Alston, Frank j Samuels must serve 60 years wrong, however, he said that justice and thus perpetuates south, but disagrees with his contention that the current racial Ohio collected over 12000 for de­ four shifts, picketed three mid- said be and his partner, Char­ before being eligible tor parole frpm a legal point, he would it. The law does not and can­ tensions there are "private affairs," affecting "personal lives." I fense of the Nashville students town chain stores. Meantime, les Vance, saw Hardiman and consideration. have to say the officer was not compel your company to In a letter to the White House, Rev. Dr. Jochim Prinz, national' arrested in demonstrations last Yale divinity students and fac­ three companions in a car on NEW ACQUAINTANCES become old friends—The Exchange right. discriminate against N.gr* president of the Congress, declared, "There's nothing private week. ulty announced a "silent march" Spring st., watched it make a Students from Pomona college, Claremont, Cal.j Oberlin col­ On the basis of his investiga­ customers . . . The paramour; about racial segregation in the south, which affects the lives of On far off campuses, such as around the city's main square. Suicide Attempt U-turn and zoom into Wall st. Wbeaton college at Norton, lege, Oberlin, O.; Whlttler college. Whlttler, Ca!.; Bedlands uni- Tha officers pursued, catching tion, Alston said, in submitting consideration Is whether ihe millions of American citizens in a way unlikely ever to be undone." Mass., students trooped through NAACP Youth Sec'y Herbert Beverly Tanner, 24, 694% E. vers-ty, Redlands, Cal., dlseuss campus life wtth two Flak stu­ up at a parking lot at Elm and his report to Chief George Scho­ great economic assets at your • * • nearby towns cQllecting student Wright, who has coordinated Long st, was taken to St. An­ dents. Left to right: Carolanne Anderson, junior, art major of Lazelle sts. Hardiman ran, and ler, he made no recommendation disposal shall be used to im­ aid funds. many of the student activities in thony hospital early Saturday Pomona; Lesley Greene, junior, English major al Whlttler; Dave wben he failed to heed Frank's that disciplinary action be tak­ pose barriers of discrimination Chuck Berry Gets Prison Rap the south, said, "The increased evening after slashing her left Ayers, sophomore, sociology major of Redlands; Carole Jenkins, command to halt, he fired one en against the officer. or whether they shall trans- • ST. LOUIS.—Popular rock 'n* roll singer Charles (Chuck) COLLEGE GIRLS activity by college students has wrist in -a suicide attempt, po­ senior, Fisk, of Colombia, S. C; John Nye, aop-Mmore, sociology DEMONSTRATE ahot, striking the youth in the Meanwhile, Hardiman, who is * late the spirit of our Constitu­ Berry, 30, recently drew the maximum sentence of five years in brought new NAACP member­ lice reported. major of Denison; Jim Nussman, junior, history major of Whlt­ thigh. confined to Grant hospital, has tion and the expressed will of prison and a $5000 fine, after conviction of transporting a 14 year In Saratoga Springs, N. Y., ships and requests for formation Miss Tannery-who was releas­ tler; Mary Cinek, sophomore, Oriental affairs major of Pomona; Alston, who completed his in-been charged with reckless op- the American people al a old Indian girl from El Paso, Tex., to St. Louis for immoral pur­ about 20 Skidmore college facul­ of new college chapters in such ed after treatment, declined to Thlrlee Smith, senior, Fisk university, from Miami, Fla.; Bar­ vestigation Tuesday, said Hardi- jeration and driving without an whole ia eliminating this bigo­ poses. Sentence was imposed by Judge George H. Moore. At on* ty members joined 200 college schools as Vassar Bennington!give police reason for attempt- bara Bigger, sophomore, Oriental affairs major of Pomona, and try time in his career. Berry's earnings reached $115,000 a year". _•_ _• / t ____%______._••- man has given themn a signed [operator's permit girls in a demonstration against and'Brandeis university." ing to take her own life. Pat Hasegawa, junior, Spanish major of Oberlin college. • . a • ... MM.:W»»'/ .-•!_•*... _HCa_t*ft^t'*«,ati«.'a-,*^i ;«>-: J.ij-a-irfj&ft

SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1960 THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE 5 SATURDAY, APRIL 2. 1960 — i 11 • -__••• • • . , —-. i._ •• •_• PAGE 4 THE OHIO SENTINED New Club Elects Cupidettes Hold '60 Style Show Beatty Recreation The Egerias of Columbus an­ Over 50 members of the Jack nounced election of officers for The Cupideltej club w_U spon­ in the style show. Sam Pegram and Jill club plus a few parents 1960. They are: President, sor a dance at Valley Dale, with will model "Living Color," are meeting every Saturday at Millie Viney; vice president, music by Don Tate's band Sun­ through the courtesy of thc Beatty Center to prepare for Peggy Cooper; secretary, Mar- day, April 10, from 9 p. m. to 1Unio n store. Emily Sawyer, a their annual production. This a. m. Oupidette member, will model year their show will be "Rhy­ cla Samuels; treasurer, Betty thms Through the Ages." It Bray, and sergeant-at-arms, Feature attraction will be thecreation s courtesy of B. Good­ man and Russell Shoes. Other will consist of drama, songs, FOR DRUGS «/ AND PRESCRIPTIONS Mary Yvonne Autry. appearance of Evelyn Johnson dances and pantomimes. An and Russe Phillips, popular Cin­ local models will be Jacqueline Stanley J. Brue R. George Jackson This newly organized club has outstanding feature will be the Stephen Joseph, Jr. cinnati beauticians and profes­ Jackson, who designs and makes group's interpretations of rhy­ George McClung chosen a program of service sional models, In a style show. her own clothes, and Joyce Ev­ thms of the future. The show is Pharmacists with teenagers as their objec­ They have been presented in ans, an Ursel White Lewis mod- under direction of Miss Cather­ tive for Jhe coming year. such club attractions throughout . Floyd Brown and Anna Mae ine Wiley. Tavlor & Long 20__ & Mt. Vemon the country. Gilbert will be commentators. Friday night Adult Latin CL. 3-1914 CL, 8-9527 Baptismal Service Set A NUMBER ofCoIum bus Tickets to the affair are ob­ American class is working on Shady Grove Baptist church, models wiU likewise participate tainable from club members. dance patterns of the Rhumba and Mcrengue. A few members COLLEEN TAYLOR, 7, daughter of Mrs. Pri-ctlla Taylor, 824 E. 2nd av., will have its bap* will participate at the Deltas' E2S Pierce ar., Che Franklin Coanty Easier seal child, points te tismal service Sunday, April 2, "Tropicana" April 30. . a replica of the Easter seals that are being placed in the mall at 7 p. m. Rev. C. M. Davis is this week to over 200,000 local hones. The drive is from March TEEN CLUB NEWS, EVENTS M pastor. THE OHIO SENTINEL S 1? through Easter So-day, April 17. The "Gladadors" teen club " 0RE THAN sponsored a skating party and L. M. Sbaw, General Manager; Edmund B. Paxton, President; dance last Tuesday. President 2000 USES OF ACCIDENTAL Theodore L» Coleman, Editor-in-Chief; Annie H. Moore, Business Is Charles Jolty. POISONINGS WOE REPORTED Manager; Amos B. Lynch, Advertising-Promotion Manager; John The "Sr. Teen Ca-unclT (gov­ B. Combs, Managing Editor; Edward L. Moore Jr., Production erning body of all teen club ac­ IN COLUMBUS DURING 1959. An Invitation Manager. tivities and events) will sponsor ,. ATT'-T OLIVER W. HILL, Richmond, Va., member of a "Hi-Fi Dance" Thursday, For You to Stop by And See . Established June 1, 1949. Published each week at 690 East NAACP's National Legal Committee and one of the outstanding March 31, 7-10:30 p. in. Gene Long Street (P.O. Box 629) by The Ohio Sentinel Publishing Co.. counsels in Virginia's legal struggles for civil rights, will ad­ Inc., Columbus 19, Ohio. Cincinnati Office: 3551 Reading Road. Fullen will emcee. President of 90% WERE dress the Ohio NAACP's statewide Freedom Fund dinner in the Teen Council Is Gayle Jones. MRS. T-RNER'S NEW PARTY HOUSE Subscription Rates: One Year, 56.50; Six Months, $3.50. Grand ballroom, Sccor hotel, Toledo, Saturday, April 9, at 6:30 (HIlDREN UNDER 5 YEARS OF Located at 1010 BRYDEN RD. {formerly at 50 Hamilton Pk.) P. m. SPORTS—Teenage girls have 4. National advertising representative: Associated Publishers, the answer as to how to keep fit AGE. TURNER'S STAFF are specialists in making your WEDDINGS Inc., 55 W. 42nd SL, New York City 88. N. Y . PEnnsylvania 64X122; and be happy. They have organ­ and RECEPTIONS the happy occasions you want them to he. 166 W. Washington SL, Chicago 2, UL. ANdover W3_3; Whaley. ized a girls "Powder Puff" vol­ leyball league. Games will be Beautifully decorated rooms are also availahle for your private Simpson Co., 770 Montgomery SL, San Francisco 8, CaUL, SUtter Dr. Sweet's Death Recalls ;>layed starting Thursday, March parties. 1-4583; Whaley-Simpson Co., 6608 Selma Ave., Los Angele. 28, 31: At 7:30, Les Joles vs. Delta HIS HAZARD Plenty of FREE PARKING. Calif., HOUywood 3-7157. Omega Phi; 8, Sigfia Iota vs. Violence In Early Days Glamorettes; 8:30, Sri Teens vs. COULD BE REDUCED BY '; Member Nat'l Newspaper Publishers Ass'n. ' Gladadors. Teenage girls inter­ WATCH FOR THE GRAND 0PENIH6 I . DETROIT. — Dr. Ossian H. arrested and charged with the ested in playing volleyball are FOLLOWING THESE RULES: murder of a white man who was For more Inf onnation call Sweet, who 35 years ago was welcome. Practice time is 7-10 • • COLUMBUS TELEPHONE: CLearbrook 3-7418 /Jfjfe. the central figure in one of the killed in the midst of a mob p. m. Wednesdays. MRS. TURNER'S PARTY HOUSE CINCINNATI TELEPHONES: £ ajmjfe most celebrated cases handled which was milling around in AVon 1-7758. CA. 1-3318 *mx.*% by the NAACP, la dead. front of a home the doctor had Congratulations to Bonnie 1"•.• KEEP ALL DRUGS, 1010 BRYDEN RD. CL. 2-7676 v Death came to the physician purchased here in an all-white Sheridan, who placed third in POISONOUS THINGS AND Entered as 2nd class matter July 9,1949, at Post Office, Columbus, on March 20 as the result of a neighborhood. The threatening, the recent Inter-Center foul HOUSEHOLD CHEMICALS shooting tournament. Bonnie Ohio, under act of March 9,1879. self inflicted bullet wound. Ill stone-throwing mob gathered to OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. .__._-«_ *-r _*? for the past two years, he hadprotes t the moving in of a Negro shot 12 out of 25. given up the practice of medi­ family. cine. He was 64 years old. The NAACP entered the case and retalne_ Clarence Darrow, *-• WHEN MEDICINES ARE MYMOMMYSMSTHESE ARE BACK IN 1925, Dr. Sweet, his then the nation's foremost cri­ THROWN AWAY, DESTROY brother and nine others were minal lawyer, to defend the ac­ THEM. DO NOT DISCARD THEM mm WHERE THEY CAN BE REACHED cused. BY CHILDREN. CI. P.P. The trial resulted in a hung EASTER SAVERS POSITIONS OPEN jury. After one defendant was Secretary, shorthand, experi­ acquitted in a later separate enced with college back­ trial, the charges were dropped 3. DO NOT TAKE OR GIVE against" the remaining defen­ I BRAND NEW ROUND BOBBIN ground. Starting salary ".330 MEDICINE IN THE DARK. BRAND NEW! per month. College Teachers, dants. Debutante MD degree and above. Salary THE CASE reaffirmed the open. Social Workers, 1 or 2 right ot a man to defend his *• WHEN GIVING MEDICINE VACUUM Sewing Machine years experience. Graduate home against the attacks of a TO CHILDREN, ALWAYS CALL IT work. Salary begins at $5000. hostile mob. MEDICINE — NEVER CANDY. CLEANER Write or Phone AV. 1-368?. Judge Frank Murphy, later COUNSELING IN appointed a justice of the U. S. PROFESSIONAL Supreme Court by Pres. Frank­ «? READ LABELS BEFORE PLACEMENT lin D. Roosevelt, presided at the BERNARD COHEN, Colum­ USING CHEMICALS. IS. Blair Ae. Cincinnati 29, O. trials which attracted interna­ bus attorney, 269 S. High st., tional attention. was appointed regional direc­ tor of the Young Democratic Clubs of America. The ap­ FUEI liffo§c AFRICAN HISTORY pointment was announced by Type Cat* FREE! All purpose ATTACHMENT TOLD IN 12 BEAUTIFUL COLOR POSTAL CARDS Should a poi_»ning occur call yom •Mend. •Darn. • Sfwi on Buttons Roy Schafer, president of the FROM THE ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS Young Dems Club of Asnerlca. • Me.es Button Hole. IN THE ARCHIVES OF GHANA Mr. Cohen's region .'covers a 1. Physician 5 YEAR PARTS GUARANTEE five-state area which 2ns.ndes MAIL THEM TO YOUR FRIENDS Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Indi­ BY THE DOZEN OR INDIVIDUALLY | ATTACMMtMTS INCLU0-0*1 FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION ana and W. Virginia. 2. Pharmacist UNIVERSITIES • SORORITIES • CHURCHES I TR. FRIC PARTS within 150 mile radius GIVEN SPECIAL ATTENTION 0UARANTEE tY MORSE 3. Poison Control Center IN THE CINCINNATI AREA CALL ONLY A1.0- PER DOZEN POST PAID SEWING SEND FOR YOURS TODAY NO C.O.D/S CAU AHYTIMf CENTERS SYcamore 1-4282 MAKE CHECKS — MONEY ORDERS PAYABLE TO CL 8-9783 OR STOP IN AT AFRICAN EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE SOCIETY, INC. _ WEST 125TH STREET, NEW YORK 27, N. Y. AM. 7-5496 •4336 N.I IGH ST. 7331 MONTGOMERY RD. _____!______-» PJf - -IrfWtBB «*» «••

sjtss. >i.B>n*n ___3___j ^-_-______M BBS •'-V-v'-.>'.-V-,Vv-. •''•<.••. "TBI

SATURDAY, APRIL 2, I960 SATURDAY, APRIL 2, I960 THE OHIO SENTINEL THE OHIO SENTIN--- PAGE _ Pa.GE 6 SPEAKING OF POLITICS EDITORIALS Devine Acts As Tool fi-_9* Ycm M _&** To Aid Dixieciats By JOHN B. COMBS White Man Finds • SOMETIME ago, Rep. Samuel L. Devine (R, Columbus) astonished his Negro constituents by saying if he voted with southern conservatives it's because he, too, is opposed to "big Dark Skin Taboo spending, a welfare state and government control." • A STORY broke recently concerning a white man His open acknowledgement of thinking in the same channel with Dbdecrat lawmakers who suffered the pains of changing his skin from white to- »• .N.YUL TRACK STAR, black to endure more pains of being black, without being caused some of his constituents to wonder if his able to convince anyone he was really white if the going attitude on civil rights legislation was also the (which it did) got too rough. same as his southern colleagues. During the civil rights debate in the House BROKE A 27-YEAR-OLD WORLD Thus, he has a most interesting and unusual tale to of Representatives last week, Devine gave a tell and an experience he will remember for the rest of his clear cut answer to that question by admitting life. that the amendment he offered to the bill had INDOOR RECORD ON MARCH 14, • AS THE story goes, John Howard Griffin turned been handed him by southerners. himself from a white man to a Negro by the use of pills, ultra-violet rays and dyes. He did so with the help of a • DEVINE'S amendment, similar to one skin specialist in N. Orleans. .. • presented ln the Senate by Sen. Frank J. 1940, AT THE ANNUAL DARTMOUTH He roamed the south for six weeks, working as a shoe Lausche two weeks ago, was not considered shine boy and menial laborer, working for an average of COMBS when the presiding officer refused to recog­ >£p&4AX $1.60 a day, learning first-hand what it means to be of nise him. Rep. Tad Walter (D, Pa.), who has held down tbe TRACK CARNIVAL./HE .IAN THE chair during the civil rights debate. Ignored Devine each time darker hue. . . . Griffin, 40, born in Dallas, is a college graduate who he arose, and gave the fleer to another Democrat talks with a southern drawl. He left his wife and three The amendment, obviously designed to cripple the civil children at their home in Mansfield, Tex., and walked the rights law, proposed that the first section ot the administration's QUARTERHrllLE IN 48.4 SECONDS/ streets of N. Orleans to begin his bizzare life. bin which called for stiff penalties for violations ef court orders • A SOUTHERNER and author with a keen mind, in desegregation cases, be expanded to include all federal court he set out to sort the facts from fiction about the southern cases. — • Negro and his plight. • THE MANNEK in which the amendment was scuttled, - He wanted answers, both economical and psychologi­ proves without a doubt that Devine was the victim of the old un­ cal, that he felt no white man had ever found. written parliamentary process which holds that first termers am Education Corner Strong Civil Rights Bill Will Prove To The World It's Hot So (Editor's note: Another white man, Ray Sprigle, to be seen and not heard. then si reporter for the Pittsburgh Post Gazette, mai- To the average layman, such method of applying the gag rule THE ROAD TO SUCCESS IS OPEN

• queraded as a Negro for 30 days and wrote a series of may seem ruthless and discourteous, but civil rights advocates By DR. MILFORD CALDWELL designed to provide its students school systems in many states i5u eJLuciud eJLea articles on the subject, explaining his trials and tribula­ can be thankful it was rammed down Devine's throat last week. with a better way of life. and I have never seen one that J* 3 See 3l! tions some 15 years ago. The series was reprinted in the For, otherwise, it just might have gotten by, had it been brought • WE, the people of the U. Many students, for reasons S., in order to form a more offers a greater opportunity than Pittsburgh Courier shortly thereafter. Mr. Sprigle re­ to a vote. sometimes beyond their control, Columbus night schools. The vealed some startling facts.) It Is difficult to understand why the former Ohio legislator perfect union, establish justice, must drop out of the public or • "TOMMY IS at Johns Hop­ brother to a top secret defense refusal to give us positions. We insure domestic staff could be classed as devoted kins, he's the first Negro to be specialist,' another son of Mr. declare we are turned down be­ • GRIFFIN TOLD a newsman that the accelerated and county prosecutor would go so far out on the proverbial private secondary schools and humanitarian because I know tranquility, pro- some must drop out of college. | appointed there. The proud fa­ Jones, and opportunity broadens cause of race when sometimes treatment of his skin and head took seven days.i limb for his southern associates. With his seat at stake in the the monetary gain received is upcoming election, bis action could rise np and haunt him be­ v i d e for the The two night schools mentioned ther, Thomas Jones, was speak­ her smile on the colored man of it's because we just can't do the Griffin, whose skin is now white, said, "The transfor­ common de­ no pay for their efforts. ing of his son now a resident sur­ this land. More firsts are sprout­ job satisfactorily. Much too fore tbe campaign ends next fall. are offering young and older I was also made happy when I mation following the treatment was horrifying. I was in­ fense, promote people alike a golden opportu­ geon at the world famous Johns ing right along. often the white man has to bear side the flesh of a stranger-^-and not a very pretty one at • BUT REGARDLESS of how one feels about Devine's foot­ the general wel­ talked with some of the stu­ nity to complete their high dents. They too should be given Hopkins hospital. He is a specia­ But there springs forward In the charge of being prejudiced that. A fierce looking, ball-headed Negro." sie-playing with the anti-civil rights forces, they must respect him fare, and se­ school education. praise for their supreme sacri­ list in ophathalmology, which my mind another thought and when he may not be thinking of While in this realistic disguise he said he felt the pains for having thc backbone to admit that southerners had asked him cure the bless­ that is the preparation of the prejudice at all but is concerned • I HAVE visited many night fices. bas to do with eye diseases. of discrimination, segregation and hate. to introduce the amendment. Admittedly, such intestinal forti­ ings of liberty colored man to take over new with the best, effort being put to ourselves and • THERE ARE many young Dr. Thomas Jones grew up in • APPEARING on Dave Garroway's "Today" TV tude normally wins one a lot of public respect, but in this case it Grove City and Brigsdale, al­ posts and do an efficient job. into his investment. our posterity, men and women in our city who show several days ago, he stated that he felt the stare of appears that Devine will have to settle for respect alone, for it's Importance Of ways being urged forward by his This latter concern'is most dis­ Thoroughness of preparation do ordain and would like a profession and do hate from whites on most every occasion. very unlikely his action will win him many votes from his Negro father who was a mail man oil4. turbing. I do not allude to Dr. has brought victory for Thur- establish this not find a four year college Jones or his khisman but to local In a news article he told of a ride on a bus in Missis­ constituents next November. Negro Press Grove City, way back in the 30's good Marshall before the U. S. • • a Constitution for suitable. DR. Editor, The Sentinel; May I, and early 40's. The doctor went incidents wheie colored have Supreme Court in NAACP cases; sippi. The driver refused to permit him to get off for a the U. S. of This is where, in my opinion, • THIS BEING a presidential election year, a group of Ne­ CALDWELL in behalf of Mississippi Voca­ to Florida A-M and then on to been called for certain duties it is constant study and hard visit to the restroom, like the white passengers. He said the Poro School of Cosmetology gro Republican leaders are slated to hold a meeting in Cincinnati America. tional college, join with others Meharry Medical school. He has and found lacking in preparation work, as well as efficiency that the driver pointed a finger to the rear of the bus where the is doing an outstanding job. My April 2 to lay out their campaign plans. This simple. straightforward throughout our nation in offer­ done more and more study and to perform them. has kept Ralph Bunche in the rest of the Negro passengers were seated and said: visit there was brief; wily to Walter Houston, acting president of the Ohio Republican Coun­ statement, made more than one ing congratulations to you and now has the distinction of being UN through the administration "Now you get back there and don't move till we get a manicure. However, I was • IT IS NOT evident that an cil, who called the state-wide meeting, said his committee is "go­ and one-half centuries ago by your newspaper on the invalu­ a Johns Hopkins staff member. of Democratic and Republican get to Hatiiesburg. I can't be bothered rounding up all very much impressed by the avalanche of opportunities are ing all-out" to make it a glorious success. citizens establishing a new na­ able role you played in our falling towards the colored man, presidents; there is Gen. Ben­ you people wjien we're ready to go." professional manner this mani­ LOOK at the matter two tion, still thrills us with its sig­ American way of life, during the • I but more openings are coming jamin Davis, who went through Houston, vice president of the organization, will be quarter- curist went about her work. ways. The word FIRST should • A LOT of whites should'be made to endure the nificance. recent observance of Negro and he had better be ready. Dr West Point and then did a good backed by W. O. Walker, chairman of the executive committee I was surprised when I was make this land and other lands same experiences as Griffin and Ray Sprigle. Maybe a lot Newspaper Week, sponsored by Jones was ready when Johns job at various army posts to be and chief coordinator of the council. The meeting will be held at Education is not mentioned in informed of the wide subject bow heads in shame to think of them would see this thing in a different light. the preamble or elsewhere in the National Newspaper Publi­ Hopkins decided it was time to elevated to the rank of general. the Sheraton-Gibson hotel, with a luncheon at 12:15 in the Floren­ matter covered. One could plain­ that it glows with the revelation But how many people would have the courage to try the Constitution, Yet, its role In shers Ass'n. have a colored man on the staff tine room. ly see that graduates of a school of how much the Negro has been 9} THESE .successful men such a thing as these two men, even if they had other ideas helping to achieve the purpose and Johns Hopkins can afford • • • of this nature .would be fully denied participation. Almost have not met victory by chance, for such an adventure? set forth in the statement is It goes without saying that the to staff with only the tops. qualified in their profession. daily we open a paper and see but by being ready for opportu­ If the things they endured were terrible to them for, • U. S. REP. Clarence J. Brown of the 7th district, ap­ clear. If we are to secure the Negro newspaper has played • VERY OFTEN colored peo­ • HEBE, TOO, as in the that a Negro has been appointed nity when it came knocking. If 30 to 60 days, what about Negroes who have been black pears to have been sucked into the middle of a housing coatro- blessing of liberty to ourselves and will continue to play an im­ ple have been unfair to the white other schools, the staff is dele­ to this or that post and always Dr, Jones can reach staff mem- for hundreds of years? . very in Springfield which may develop into a red hot political and our posterity, we must portant part in the progress of man in the interpretation of his issue. An Urban Renewal program slated to rase several make good of every opportunity our group and we can only say gated to their job. Tbe students the sentence included that, he Ibership at such an august hos­ too are making sacrifices in or­ is the first. pital, so can other well prepared houses ln the heavily populated Negro North Hil| area, is the to advance that may be open "keep up the good work." ence of the issue. der to ascertain those things Of course we are glad that Ne­ colored men reach high position, to us. Before closing, I would be re­ Youth For Peace Grass Roots Opinion Homeowners in the community are holding the veteran Re­ they want in life. Many are not because they have political miss if I did not add thanks for working nights in order to earn groes are being included in so WILME-TE, 111.—Local head­ publican congressman partially responsible for the housing demo­ • RECENTLY, I made seve­ backing, but because they are the publicity you have gracious­ money to stay in school. much lately, but the lack of con­ quarters of the National Baha'i lition program. ral visits to some of car educa­ the top specialists available. ELM WOOD PK., ILL., HERALD (Reprinted from Publishers' ly given our school, contributing As one young lady put it, "this sideration, of him previously, Assembly this week designated In a futile attempt to get the people from around his neck. tional institutions in this area. I have been told that the local Auxiliary): "When we think of Russian newspapers, we are in­ in no small measure to any suc­ school will give me the oppor­ glares at this world. We have so March 25 as "Wprld Youth Brown has explained to them that he did not vote for tbe housing Namely: Columbus Evening Day," for the purpose of "bring­ Urban League has wedged open­ clined to think of Izvestia and Pravda, just' as Russians are prob­ cess we may have enjoyed. tunity to be independent" many Negro firsts including a bill and therefore he should not be held responsible for the Urban High school, Champion Evening ing together all youth, regard­ ings in significant places but, un­ ably inclined to think of the N. York Times, for example, when Again, our thanks and congra­ To the three institutions of Negro Cardinal but those firsts they think about the American press. But jn each country, there Renewal program. school and Poro School of Cos­ tulations to you and your coun­ less of religious, racial or na­ fortunately, not too many pre­ metology. learning mentioned previously, should.have occured years ago. tional background," to work for pared colored persons could be are more than 11,000 small and large newspapers, each with con­ Brown, it seems, was lured into the furor by Washington Hous­ terparts throughout the nation. may I personally extend a word siderable influence in its own community . . . Although we are ing officials, who engaged him to announce the congressional ap­ —B. E. Cot-Ion, Director Public thc elimination of bigotry, war found to fill the places. We can The writer realizes that the of thanks for the fine job you # DR. JONES takes over a sure that newspapers in the U. S. have considerably more freedom proval of the Urban Renewal program. He was also engaged to latter is not a school designed Relations; Raymond F. Tlsby. are doing. and strife and restore peace to harangue a lifetime about equal post at a most famous hospital the world. There are 1500 Baha'i to say what they choose to say, it is also remarkably interesting issue the certificate of approval to -the director of the renewal to give the same type of train­ Assistant Director Public Retm- To the students, remember— another step in the gradualism centers in the U. S. and more opportunity but let us be ready to note that the pattern in Russia is more newspapers and broader project. Thus, Brown, received an honor which may cost him a ing as the others. However, all tiens, Mississippi Vocational the road to success is open—all in America. But Dr. Jones is a than 5000 throughout the worlds if that opportunity, comes. circulation. This could be a healthy trend." • • ^.t«**«*'. sizable bloc of votes. schools are, for the most part, j College, Itta Bcna. iwe need is qualified travelers. SATURDAY, APRIL 2, I960 THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, APRIL 2, I960 THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE 9 PAGE 8 r PAID f-UTICA- APV-anSEMENT- 'Real Dracula Admits Slaying 15 Women AN OPEN LETTER MONTEROS. Argentina. — "I A COMPLETE, PLANNED TO FRANKLIN COUNTY REPUBLICANS don't know what made me do it," explained Florencio Rique, • m 25 y^ar old stonemason, who Do you want your Representatives to the United States 'confessed to police that he was Congress teaming with Southern Congressmen to defeat Uie "vampire" who bit the needed legislation to protect civil rights? throats and sucked the blood of at least 15 women in recent COMMUNITY- While some of your relatives may have been risking weeks. In Dracula tradition, he their lives in one of the Southern states, this report came had worn a black hat and cape out of Washington: on his many raids, during a heat wave that forced people to sleep "... the Congressman, who admitted that Southerns with their bedroom windows had approached him about introducing the controversial open. amendment, said he expected the chair to overrule his amendment on a point of order ..." "THE ROUNDUP," a weekly digest of news from all fronts, is Fellow voters, "the winds of time" are shifting, we tailored especially for conven­ must fight injustice in Columbus, Ohio, as well as in ience of the busy reader by Columbus, Ga, O'Wendell Shaw, one of the most experienced news analysts in Diell for Congress Committee the business. "The Roundup" appears exclusively in The Sentinel. CANADA DR- Bottling Co. of Columbus Is launching a brand new drink sensation in Columbus this week —> sparkling Grapefruit Drink. It is described as being a "light, dancing, AT SPICER'S bright, tangy, true-fruit flavor fos tots, teenagers and grown­ For Ihe ups'." It Is also heralded as a splendid mixer. During the Intro­ ductory Sale, two extra It-ounce bottles will be Included with FIRST every 12-ounce six pack at tbe regular six pack price. Shown In TIME! • photograph, left, Roland Relpman, route supervisor for the Co­ NOW! lumbus Canada Dry Bottling Co., presenting the new sale priced eight bottle carton to Bill Hoffman, Eastend representative serv­ ing the E. Long st. and Mt. Vernon av. districts. ! Law And Order

• A 22 TEAR old Eastside man, described by police as a : "professional'.' shoplifter, was nabbfed for allegedly applying his trade at a High st. department store Monday. William O. Jones, Beautiful 3-Bedroom Ranches 226 Lexington av., had six shirts stuffed in a bag attached under his topcoat when arrested, police said. Jones, who officers said has _ long criminal record for shoplifting, pleaded innocent to a 3 Schools in Walking Distance petit larceny charge and had his trial put off to April 5.

A 60 day workhouse term andi" 3 ' •* GET A WHOLE $100 fine were imposed on Sam- larceny. He allegedly stole lour Convenient Transportation muel Williams Jr., 27, 67 Hoff- cartons of cigarets from a su­ HOUSEFUL n-tan av., when he faced -a re- jpermarket Jan. 29 . . . Fred Wil- sisting arrest count. He was \Yitsms Jr., 41, 195 Cleveland av., FOR ONLY picked up while creating a dis-|d*rew a suspended 30 day term ^ Now, Ckan Neighborhood turbance at 55 Latta av. Satur-!and a $25 tine when found guilty It's Columbus' outstanding home buy! Southfield — a com­ INCLUDES LIVING ROOM, BEDROOM & KITCHEN day, police records revealed. jof petit larceny. He allegedly SEE IT NOW! ON DISPLAY IN OUR MAIN STORE WINDOWS pletely planned new community that meets total family needs. 'stole $2 from the Airport bar- Located to give you clean, fresh-air living, yet with every city • STATE liquor a g e n t s bershop at Port Columbus, convenience. Only 12 minutes from Broad and High. Children (HECK THESE OUTSTANDING rounded up two men and hauled ; walk to school. No down payment. Monthly payments lower EASIEST TERMS I $7 WEEKLY them to city prison on bootleg I • A SIX MONTH workhouse than rent. All improvements are in and paid for. No special QUALITY HOME FEATURES charges in separate weekend jl^rm and $100 fine were slapped assessments. You need only .200 to cover closing costs. See • Comfortable Automatic Ga» Heat raids. In court Monday, Wil- \ against Donald Williams, 30, 569 Southfield today! • Automatic Garbage Disposal liam Davis, 77, 496 W. Town st., IE. Long st., on an assault and ••ins • mini M • Automatic Gas Hot Water and Rudolph T. Muse, 47, 475 J battery charge . . . Lawrence • Lifetime Copper Plumbing Free Gifts FOR BRIDES TO BE Mt. Vernon av., pleaded not|C. McAfee, 544 E. Spring st., • All Aluminum Sliding Windows . guilty and their trials were doc- was handed a 30 day workhouse • Lustrous Asphalt Tile Floors keted for April 7 . . . Roosevelt stint and $50 fine on an aggra- On vat • Worlds of Cloaet, Storage Space THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL! Hickman, 51, 558 E. Elm st.,j ed assault count. James O. • Large Lot with Shrub* and Grass SHOP MON. & FRI. wa» grabbed by police and or-;Saddlcr. 28« 2000 McAllister av., NIGHTS TIL 8s30 • Beautiful Modern Bath dered to begin serving a 30 day Ii naccuse the hand McAfed withe aof'shootin shotgun gblas himt • Three Spacious Bedrooms workhouse sentence and pay last, month . . . Robert L. Haw­ including taxes, insurance, everything • Family Size Living Room $125 in fines, imposed on him kins, 21, 1390 Mt. Vernon av., • Modern Kitchen — Big Dining Space NO HIDDEN EXTRAS for intoxication and resisting a was bound over to the grand • Natural Wood Built-in Cabinet* police officer . . . Robert E. - R'RVi i t Ki; '_ jury under $3000 bond on a --————I • Handy Utility Room Penn, 36; 549 E. Capitol St., got jgrand larceny charge in munici­ ' • Planned For All-Family Living 993 Mt Vs-ncn Art — Ccfn.i tBit. St off with a $25 suspended fine on pal court. -. m a petit larceny rap. He pleaded • CL. 8-9543 guilty to the offense. • A SIX MONTH workhouse s sentence and $200 fine "*er« SEE1 ! COMPARE! SOUTHFIELD OFFERS MORE! • CLARENCE MOORE, 59, • 583 Krause St., was assessed meted out to George H. Callo­ ' $150 in fines for two liquor law way, 32, 551 N. Ohio a v., on a ', violations. He was accused of menacing threats offense . making a Sunday sale of alco­ OPEN HOUSE DAILY holic beverages and allowing its -CLEO'S GIFT SHOP Model Home furnished by GUck's, open 8_5 Mt. Vernon Ave. PLATFORM consumption on the premises of from 12 '(ii 7 daily. Come out! Go east oa Pythian Bldg. Ernest D. Roger's Carry Out, 580 Krause Livingston off S. High to Lockbourne Road, HI. 3-7448 Pompey A. av., two weeks ago . . . Paul Doilies, Hats, Bags, Wall ROCKERS ONLY 50c A WEEK Davis Mickey Plaques, Gifts and Novelties then south to Southfield. Sturdy construction. Salesman Gothard, 1535 Mt. Vernon av., Salesman I Open Evenings In attractive colors. After Small Down Payment 16 Tears received a $25 suspended fine 13 Tears Mrs. Cleo Mitchell, Prop. after pleading guilty to petit I "PS* £ FAMILIES RELOCATED DUE TO HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION HAVE PRIORITY »••=_*..«

yf|. !„„..., ...|.,^...- .__, "'TTTT-Hp i mmmm:mmmmm--mm mmtm

SATURDAY. APRIL 2, 1960 SATURDAY, APRIL 2. 1960 PAGE 10 THE omo ______PAGE II I the extra effort of making fresh weather. Indications are that Lake Erie Is still frozen over, juice for breakfast We can have pork prices will decline slower so we will have to wait later IB ETCH frozen orange juice all summer. than usual this spring, due to than usual this spring for fresh Grapefruit should be enjoyed to thc decrease in hog supplies for perch, pickerel and bass. There YOUR FOOD thc fullest, for supply will dwin­ market. Hams are being held for are ample supplies of frozen dle soon and quality will be lo­ the Easter trade. However, Ihe fish at low prices. DOLLAR wer. Pineapples are probably at output of canned bams this year their lowes ptrice levels for the through mid-February, has been ABOUT GREAT MEN Sweetened and Strained — Delicious with pork Vacuum packed — Golden Whole Kernel year. Banana supplies are large reported to be 26 per cent great­ Ry ESTELLE R. FRANKS "Lives of great men all re- and quality is good. Long red er than a like period in 1839, so KROGER | No, 03 mind us ..." Yes, the biograph­ 3 N s (Marketing information for stalks of rhubarb suggest fresh they are particularly fine bar­ ies of men we admire are fas­ Applesauce FINEST 4 cans Consumers Agricultural rhubarb pie. It will be cheaper gains. 59c Green Giant r„ _«£'#cans . Extension Service In when our homegrown rhubarb cinating reading. Are you gett­ Franklin County) makes it a welcome addition to # BEEF PRICES are steady ing your share of enjoyment menus. Starwberries will pro­ but expected to drop some in from'the many fine biographies bably be higher in price—if they April as supplies increase. Some at your public library? O THIS WEEK SHOP FOR: Fruits — Valencia oranges, are available—because of the near-cost specials may be found grapefruit, bananas, fresh pineapple, .rosen orange Juice. Veget­ heavy rain.~in the Plant City, in chuck and rib roasts—con­ al)!.-— Broccoli, cabbage, carrots, celery, onions, endive. Protein Florida area. It's too soon to tinue to "shop the ads." it's so Meat Pot Pies foods—Large eggs, frosea fish, smoked picnics, ground beef, pro­ estimate the damage at the time Extra large and large size Country Cluh. Your choice cessed cheese. this was written. eggs are still among your best of beef, chicken or turkey at protein buys in spite of recent ENJOYABLE TO HELP TOO WITH -OCR MARKETING WEATHER AFFECTS tremendous savings. Stock price jump. You'll have to up your freezer this week­ This week you will have to MEAT PRICES blame the weather again for the our . i 50 EXTRA Ta__T ! squash, green beans and other end. Ready in minutes and I ' choose between taking a little ex C LIVESTOCK marketing is decreased egg supply. Home Delivery tra money to market or shopp­ tender vegetables are up also. so tasty. | with coupon and purchase of 4 pkgs. J expected to return to normal For fresh fish, smelts and her­ SAVE 13e 4- 77i ing very carefully. This is espe­ Potato prices are higher. Be { KROGER FROZEN VEGETABLES j after being disrupted by bad ring arc your best bet this week. Dairy Service cially true of fresh produce. sure to check quality before buy­ I J 0a coapon r Florida has taken another beat­ ing—some of the old potatoes Swift's — See sterling silver offer on pkg. ' ** *-*»«»•«* ing from rains and a cold wave*. are only fair in quality now. All 4 J lh OO Good thru Saturday, April 2, l-6i J| Higher prices can be expected On the brighter side, broccoli At Y Ur GrrcnwaT Kr0 storc n until crops recover. Biggest pri­ is more reasonable .and its rich Health For All Ail-SWGfil MARGARINE 4 , 00C I ° *" ° *-* I ce increase is noted on cucum­ green color means high yuality pkgs. i bers, but prices on peppers, and good nutrition. Cauliflower By MARION LEWIS Red-ripe — Solid pack Low calorie — Makes all cheese dishes better is more plentiful, and there's (UP THIS lots of good cabbage. Asparagus YOUR C0.000 MILE LIFELINE AVONDALE • YOU OWN the longest, fastest and busiest waterway in the No. 303 CQr ST. CLAIR GROCERY is lower in price and the yuality BRAND 7t Chef's Delight VALUABLE COUPON is generally good. However, the world. That's your 60,000 miles of blood vessels, through which Tomatoes 4 cans •' 2159c &REJTAURAHT hearty vegetables will continue blood circulates completely every 30 seconds. The Tuberculosis 911 St. Clair Ave. to be the more economical choi­ Society of Columbus and Franklin County tells us your blood­ You'll feel like _ Queen Groceries, Meats, Confection- ces until wanner weather arri­ stream conducts a speedy, efficient pick-up and delivery service when yo_ choose -Jn%« Hot Food Served ves. Watch, too, for special pri­ that makes the best-run railroad look like a scatterbrained tor­ •elected display ot products SEE OUR FROZEN FOOD DEPT. Barbecue k Assorted ces on frozen and canned vege­ toise. •TJt for » K-ttft," Inriwrtht Por- • k Beans 4 - Z¥ Sandwiches Starting With tables. " • THE BLOOD is so chock- to you by our friendly driver FOR COMPLETE VARIETY around the way it does. Red salesman. Ifs reel fun to Early Breakfast CITRUS FRUIT EXCELLENT full of chemicals, horomens, vi­ Kroger Finest — Packed -in tomato sauce tamins; sugar, portein, orygen, cells carry oxygen around. shop at your door, and Open Till 2 A. M. DaUy Bake with wieners on top Krog er — Frosen • FLORIDA Valencia.—t h e red cells, white cells, and plate­ White cells battle disease germs you're assured of getting Mr. k Mrs. Harry Baiter, favorite juice oranges—are now lets that it's a wonder it can and mop up afterwards. Plate­ the finest milk and dairy Props. AToadala — Firm yet tender Kroger Brand — straight style at their best eating and worth move at all, much less zip lets help blood to clot. products available. _> CUT CORN 2 m 41c Quick loss of a quart or more Presenting No. 30. rQr • __T^ (UT GREEN BEANS 4 J ft THIN SPAGHETTI of blood spells curtains, unless •?__ cans * a\\. W-Kroger Brand it's replaced fast by a blood transfusion. You can bleed to 10 v death from a major artery in FROZEN PEAS 2 " _7c . less than two minutes, warns B1SSELL the Tuberculosis Society. Kroger — Frosen t PI'S'- m. PleZol Oh, yes, and there's no such thing as blue blood, - Royalty— 10-or. yte or what's left ""of -'ife-H-S 'trie RUG SHAMPOO MASTER BABY LIMA BEANS same red fluid circulating as ptm*an* HOME MADE the rest of us. Shampoo a 9x12 rag standing Kroger — Frosen • NOT TOO long ago persons up ... in 30 minutes with a $098 9 l infected with TB were portrayed RUsellt 3 FRENCH FRIES 2 -° - _5c as thin, cadaverous wretches ea. '•.'••. Breads and Cakes who were continually coughing blood into a handcrcheif. Many j people still believe that if they Large, sun-ripened fruit, loaded [don't exhibit these same symp­ with vitamin-rich juice. toms they coludn't possibly have FLORIDA Mammoth Stalks TB, states the Society. Nothing is further from the truth. Severe weight losses and PASCAL CELERY coughing up blood nearly always occur only,, in the far advanced cases of tubeirculos-s. TB usual­ doz. ly has no early symptoms. It stalk 19c Invades the body silently, With­ For out a warning, A yearly chest . • X-ray or tuberculin. test can LAVERNE "Bobbles'' BANKS The thrifty loin roast Special Orders detect tuberculosis early—whne - REPRESENTING THE RIB FRESH PICNIC STYU Delivered it can be cured, the TB Society WESTERV-LLE CREAMERY END (all advises CO. HOME DELIVERY SER­ Half Pork Loin lb. 39c CApital 1-0166 FRESH DAILY VICE IN EAST COLUMBUS to your More meat — less bone LOIN Neighborhood Grocery! S. PARKS Half Pork Loin END lb. 49c Wholesale & Retail Tender — Serve with applesauce Pwk Roast FRUITS Whole - 6 io 8 Pound Size and Center Pork Chops ** lb. 69c Roast one of these fresh picnics and enjoy a tasty, A Kroger value this week smm. *><- economical meat course. Cut VEGETABLES from young, tender porkers. RIB (L 3-1317 ii i-nn ju, wit End Pork Chops lb. 49c WHOLE lb. m * • , • - • •*•**•_«- « * _*'._ _.*•»> - -

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TAPPAN RANGE from Ohio Home Builders In operation while two lovely representatives from Columbus and South.rn Ohlo Electric Co. demonstrate use of electric heat fas preparation .- ot foods. CULTURETTES CHAPTER NO. 10 will be host to the Ohio Ass'n of Beauticians which will convene In Columbus July 17-20. The convention headquarters win be tho Neil House. Chapter members, seated: Mrs. Helen Key, recording secretary; Mrs. Ida Smith, publicity chairman; Mrs. Mary L. Myers, convention chairman; Mrs. Dora Moore, president of Culturettes; Mrs. Leona Wade, convention co-chairman; Mrs. Clara Sutton, booth chairman. Standing; Mrs. Elgctha Currington, Style show chairman; Airs. Faye Webb, ad chairman; Mrs. Ferrl. Beasley, courtesy chairman; Mrs. Adell Buff, entertainment, chairman; Mrs. Ruth Alexander, credential chairman; Mrs. Jo Edwards, ways and means chairman; Mrs. Novella Pettway, sinking fund chairman; Mrs. Ida Speight, finance chairman; Mrs. Willa Mae Starts, publicity co-chairman. Not shown are Mrs. Mattie Caldwell, program chairman, and Mrs. Henrietta Holliman, scholarship chairman. "QUEEN FOR A NIGHT* contestants had a wonderful time In the exciting competition which offered 50,000 Top Value Stamps, from Kroger's, for first three winners at The Sentinel's Home ed, and it includes "Lullaby," a Serviee Exposition. Pictured wttb Emcee Eddia Colston are wl--ers, from left: Marie Hicks, Nigerian folk song, "Royal Wa- first prise, 25,00- stamps; Jean Brooks, second, 11,000, and Mrs. Charles Jackson, third, 10,000 ol tusl Drums," a Belgian Congo the coveted trading stamps, feed for many top Talne items.—Pierce Phete. number, and "Akinla," Niger­ ian piece. St Clair • VETS MEMORIAL was sold-out for its Saturday con­ Pharmacy cert ... youngsters felt like jun­ _•••>,.., -__-.,•___• i—i ._..-.•.-.. ,.„ ior sidewalk superintendents as tbey observed the "piano man" prcsc-Iptloit in action. By ANN B. WALKER ter of pr lady, Eunice Wood ... their ups and downs ... their Congratulations to Jack and delivery? 9) THE DELIGHTFUL plague Bobby Truss, who is home on "up" is the fine fiefi work Jim Doris Coles who are now cn- of spring fever is moving in on furlough from Uncle Sam's Ar­ is doing at city hall as he nears sconed in their new manor . . . Columbus . . . bit me Saturday my . . . looks good too . . . Bob­ the end of his law preparation glad to see Earthel in from Chi *. lovely sunshine was so wel­ by leaves here for additional . . . Ellen is "down" because of for several weeks ... for the • comed that I felt giddy .. . gar­ training in N. Jersey the serious illness and confine­ ment of her mother in St. An­ unusual, listen to the approach bled my appointments and ar­ • YOUNGSTERS filled thony .„. . Incidentally, at this new father Roosevelt Carter rived at Ruth's hat show three Franklin park with their kites writing Pat Weddington is still makes when he wants to show hours before it started . . . Kat­ Sunday . . . playgrounds and al­ confined to St. Anthony .. . poor the portfolio of pictures he hap­ herine Mayo, Springfield, had leys featured basketball . . . Pat has been quite ill off and on pens to carry of their darling spent the day and shared the many took the opportunity to all year ... we wish for her a little daughter. Joy of looking at Ruth's chap- drive around ... one could see speedy recovery. E. AND 8. Furniture and eaux . i . Attended the Johnson for sale and for rent signs that • CONGRATULATIONS are Chapter No. 3 RAM pretty style Appliance Salesman Dunson seem to have sprouted over­ • THE CREWS are well into also in order to Willard G. show early in the evening . . . Brown, son of Mr. James Mc- awards lovely desk lamp to a night . . . The Lambda Chi's their first baby contest . . . CAU CL. 8-7200 Carol Bradley and Joan Thorn, Clamb, who made the -dean's door prise winner during the champagne party in celebration members are sponsoring babies ton directed the show and should list at Central State with an av­ successful Ohio- Sentinel Home of their 20th anniversary was a Kenneth Leatherberry, Wilbert receive orchids ... it was well erage of 3.40 . . . the highest Wo Fill All PrascripHms Service Exposition and All- ARTHUR R. GAYTON receives his prise, five piece dinette huge success . . . surely every­ Donovan Neal, Carmen Broth­ coordinated and moved quickly average obtainable is 4.00 . . . Electric Cooking School. set, from Good Housekeeping Shop, as Sentinel Advertising one invited must have gone . . . ers, Cathy G o g g i n s, Wayne . the decor of the stage was Willard is a junior with a history liKffdhg; Executive Jerry Grler looks on. and if they did, a wonderful Pace, Wayne Sawyer, Toia attractive and unique with a major. Veteran. time was had . . . members Towns, Robert Gray Jr. and WINNER OF A Coca-Cola cooler is awarded her prize by generous applause to James wore identifying white shattered Our top cake baker, Frances Welfare William H. Brooks Jr. ... all of Driver-Salesman Steve Kyle as booth worker Carolyn Phillips Lash, Embry Cobb and Harri- carnation wristlets ... Geral- Carroll, made a birthday cake Industrial the funds this group raises dur­ looks on during the Home Service Exposition. on Bridges, who had the re-dine Barnett is prexy.. .. Doris for Rev. J. W. Parrish, who ob­ ing the year goes into research Aid For The Aged ponsibility of setting up theMcMilla n was chairman of this served a natal milestone on AW Fcr Dependent and education . . . the contest cenery. sophisticated affair and de­ Feb. 28. Children comes U> a close Sunday, April serves kudos for a job well done Friends are invited to attend 17, and the winner will be an­ • SUNDAY dawned full of , . Sam Crowell talking about the Phi Zeta Mu chapter tea and , unshine and after Sunday nounced during, a .reception at style show Sunday in the home the Eastgate Garden club pro­ St. Paul church . . . Theodore chooi and church, hated to gogra m at the surprise birthday of Mattie Henson ,.... the , . . the Carousels worshipped Turner is serving as music ar­ Daughters of Minerva are hav­ supper Mary Emma Milner ranger from East High for the Certainly! Here's some­ a body at Bethany Presby- planned for hubby Ollie. ing their annual smorgasbord erian church . . . prexy Glenna PTA Council festival of music Sunday, April 3, at 99 N. Mon­ thing to keep in mind—a rown expressed the group's en-h* ' ^ MAP.C.AKLI program April 1 at St. John roe av., from 1 to 4 p. m. . . . service that may be vital­ was hostess to the Jr. Leaguers Arena ... other faculty mem­ ly important in an emer­ oym-nt in sharing fellowship Daughters of Isis are having a gency: If you have pre­ .. . also in the audience was when they met in the home of bers in this area actively in­ variety show April 29 at tbe Alice Cotton on Oak st.. . . plans volved in the program - are scriptions to be filled an­ ecky Justice, collegiate daugh- Temple. no one to bring them to, were announced for their James Lanier, Champion, work­ telephone us. Our messen­ achievement dinner to take ing with the junior high orches­ • WE ARE glad to hear that ger will call for the pre-. tra; Helen Williams, Franklin, Odessa, wife of Joe Doneghy, BRUCE JOHNSON Rooting place in the early fall... at this scrlptions and return with We Fit working with the junior .high and Heating Co. booth man­ time the Columbus "Woman of chairman of Pardon and Parole -the precisely prepared ned by Salesman Sparrow Is Tbe Hard To Fif the Year" will be chosen as chorus; Guy Porter, East, work­ Commission, is home following medicines — There Is no extra charge. shown ready for service as A DOURLE WINNER, little Sandra Route accepts a transis­ well as the "Jr. Leaguer" of the ing with the senior high choir; a hospital confinement. visitors stopped by for infor­ tor radio from Westerville Creamery Salesman Laverne (Bub­ year . . . this live-wire group is Kay McGUI, whose duties are Managing Editor John B. NOW AT TWO LOCATIONS: Mode Hosiery & also completing plans for their multiple, is assistant director on Combs had to make an unpleas­ CHARLES D'AGISTINO, president of Perma-StoUe Colum­ mation on the latest In equip­ bles) Banks as one of many door prises given away. Looking on Cor. of bus, Inc., views tbe supply ot free literature available to visitors ment and service. — Pierce is playmate Julialynne Walker. Sandra also won top prises & second theatre night when they the executive committee and is ant trip to Toledo over the week­ also directing the 6th grade cho­ at Tbe Ohio Sentinel Home Service Exposition. ^^ Photo. the junior cake contest. Lingerie Shop sponsor a benefit during the end to attend the funeral of a St. Clair & Leonard showing of "Ben Hur" . „ . rus in the handkerchief dance good friend . . . Noble Boggs is 1061 MT. VERNON AVE. Charlton Heston, handsome star, with Marjorie. Holland.as^one of recuperating at his home, 166 N. — AND — Join Lincoln Health Center Now For Our Winter & Spring Program! A Price To Fit Your CL. 3-1535 win be on hand to autograph the accompanists . . . incident­ 20th st. . . . He and wife wish Cor. of Open Eveninp programs. ally, Ted Turner has composed to thank everyone for their Oak St. - Miller Ave. Budget! Now Open Sundays, 11-2 for Men, 3-6 for Women! 771 E. Long St CA. 1-9038! Tha Rickmans are having the "African Suite," to be play­ many kindnesses.

nfwa-uwu-A1 «*w_ -v. MM •'.;.,,"• -~ mmXmXxmemuiti a. im'. i nu-nii) _r_«g^MW>—je|MEM| i ___n__rr_ ii -SITSTH—< il'j_ WfiWi i. __ i - nrt • SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1960 THE OHIO SftNTINEI. SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 106© THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE li PAGE 14 mm •___--_ i * J Colorama Of Spring

The Unity Circle, a young wo­ I author of numerous religious men's auxiliary of St. Paul AME pageants and plays. church, invites friends to attend SBE SERVED as executive se­ its annual "Colorama of cretary of the Ohio Council of Spring," Sunday, April 3, 4 to Churchwomen, as national exe­ 7 p. m. in the lower auditorium of the church. cutive secretary of the United Council of Churchwmen and was The guest speaker at 5 p. m. founder of the United Church- will be Mrs. Ruth Mougey Wor­ women of Columbus and Frank­ rell. Mrs. Worrell was chosen lin county. as one of the ten outstanding The following guest artists women in Columbus in 1959. She will provide musical portions of EP61LON AND COLUMBUS Alumnse Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta sorority held a day-long was listed in the fb_t edition of Ohio Area Conference at Ohio State university In Pomerene Hall last week. Chapters from Youngs­ "Who's Who of American Wo­ the "Colorama:" men" in 1958-59. She is also the Men's chorus of Union Grove town Cleveland Dayton, Wilberforce and Central Sts te were presenL Shown, left to rigHt, seat­ Baptist church, Misses Myrna ed: Frances M.'Flippen, Gloria Scott, Edith Pryor. -tending* Charlene C-ptier Ann Tyler, Ratliff, Carol Jean Roddy, Mary Mary Ann Browder, Irene WUlls, Shirley Ross, Barbara Jamerson and Dance Wllkins.-Carter F Holly, Janice Madison, Senetta Photo. ' ' Barton, Nannette Sanders and MEMBERS OF EXECUTIVE BOARD of the Ohio Ass'n el Beauticians held \t& March board meeting at the Nell House on March 20. Plans were completed fee Lee's „ „LHaif Louis White. Mrs. Anna L. Boxe- the state convention, which will convene here July 17-20. Shown are Mesdames Jessie Bartlett, Mamie Jackson, Carrie McNeal, Eleanor Butler, Bertha Ervia, state Black, Oft-Blaek, Brown, man will give a reading. Dark Brown, Light Brown. Lovely Reception For Newlyweds president; Mary L. Myers, Juanita Bnnmer. Annie T. Poole, Ethel Dusty, Minnie Dixon. Standing: Mesdames Mettle Henson, Mattie Caldwell, Louise Booker, Jes­ Genuine Imported Human Hostesses repersenUng various sie Mickens, Nellie Caraway, Art. Ha Logan, Helen Williams, Rosalie Hayes, Olivia Harrison, Ada Howard, Sammle Jones, Cleo Pearson, Beatrice Wilkerson, Julia Balr. Dent be fooled by churches in the community are Cash, Renne TrnsseU, Mary Ellis and Leola Mitchell. "t-*% the word "Human-Like." With soft stereophonic music A three tier cake, topped with blue dress for her daughter's re­ Get tbe real thing at Lee's Mrs. Lena Slade, Mrs. Mattie a smiling bridal pair, graced ception. Her corsage was of Alexander, Mrs. Ethel Taylor, in the background, friends and —Tour official Import Out­ relatives of Robert and Betty the table covered with ecru pink roses. Mrs. Scott is a fac­ , let. Call CL. 3-1816. Mall Mrs. Roberta Davis, Mrs. Mar­ linen. Coffee and punch were ulty member at Clearbrook Ele­ orders filled promptly. garet Sarrer, Mrs. Grace Mann. Hawkins extended best wishes to the newlyweds during the re­ served from lovely silver and mentary school. Miss Florence Holcomb, Miss The hostess, Mrs. Douglas Here And There In Travel LOVABLE ception given by Dr. fend Mrs. crystal pieces. A spring-touch­ SPECIAL Roma Johnson, Mrs. Cleo Ma­ ed floral centerpiece of yellow Scott, wore a chic rose-beige Douglas Scott, 1800 Oak St., bro­ Chignon son and Mrs. Margaret Jones snapdragons and orchids and wool jersey sheath with a deep ther and sister-in-law of the • FROM N. YORK, Miami, Montreal, Chicago and the West Page Boy Mrs. Cleo Mason is president of long-stemmed yellow candles embroidered hem. Unity Circle. bride, recently. Coast, a variety of escorted tours by air, rail, motorcoach, limou­ decorated the buffet. Charmingly attired hostesses sine and steamship are being planned for Mr. and Mrs. John Doe. were Mrs. Webster S. Lyman THE NEW Mrs. Hawkins Itineraries vary In length from seven-day motorcoach tours of New Sr., Mrs. Robert Curtie, Chilli- wore a beige cuponi sheath with England or Virginia to 25-day tours by modern Pullman of the cothe; Mrs. Walter Kyle, Mrs. I COLUMBUS EVENTS <__LENDAR | a green print empire-accented scenic American and Canadian Rockies, California and the Paci­ McClain Davis, Mrs. William L. cummerbund, matching beige fic Northwest. APRIL 1—Festival of music, St. John Arena. Wiiliam* and Mrs. Melvin E. slings, white jewelry and a cor­ In line with the increased In­ Beatty Tennis club dance, Copa ballroom. Payne. $199 2—Columbus Symphony orchestra concert, last of season. sage of cymbidium orchids terest In the Union's newest land Hopping tour tha* ventures 1—Alpha Chi Phi Omega show, 3 p. m.,.1538 E.,Long st. trimmed with green ribbon THE BRIDE received her •states, 10 escorted tour depar­ to San Juan, St. Thomas, Ja­ •UP St. Paul "Colorama of Spring," 4-7 p. m. I matching the cummerbund. training at Central High school, tures visiting Alaska have been maica and Haiti. The Gaspe 24—Central State college mixed ensemble concert, Cham- Mrs. Albert Hawkins, mother Believue School of Nursing, N. arranged from early May to Peninsula Is the main attrac­ STYLE - pion Jr. High school. of the groom, was unable to be York university and Ohio State late August, lasting 19 days and tion of eight-day trips lo East­ LEE'S SHOP 29— Deltas' "Tropical Revue," NAA Hall. present due to illness, which university, having BS and MA priced very reasonably. There ern Canada. 1003-1011 MT. VERNON AVE. confines her to the hospital. degrees. She was formerly a are a number of tours sched­ MAY M—Annual Jack and Jill Day observance, Champion Jr, • A .SIZABLE number of Open Fri. & Sat. Nights Mrs. Alonzo Scott chose a soft staff nurse with the Dist. Nurs­ uled for the traveler to Hawaii. High school. tours are trips by rail covering ing Ass'n of Columbus. She is # TOURS are also slated for the Rocky Mountain area, Cali­ currently a publio.school nurse Mexico and some of the favorite fornia and Western Canada. assigned to Eastwood, East Co­ Caribbean playgrounds. Mexico Places of historic interest and lumbus, Douglas, Fair and East has weekly departures of 14 famous vacation resorts of the High school. NOW! Lena Horne days highlighted by stops in U. S. are featured in special The groom received his train­ Mexico City, Taxco and Aca- tours. . ing in Cleveland public schools pulco. (3i-c_>'*with your travel agent and Ohio State university with a A popular trip, scheduled for for information about any given BS in civil engineering. He has the third straight year, is a two tour or an area you are interest­ Has a Free Personal done graduate study in physics. week escorted West Indies Is­ ed in. visiting. He was formerly associated with North American Aviation, ! Dr. Durham serves coffee to guests from Central circle," Dr. Durham explains. "It enriches Gift For You Inc. He is currently employed ' State College. "Carnation Is the 'cream' in oar coffee like cream - with ,_ the fat calories!" as a graduate research assistant Medical Arts Club Meets in OSU DeRt. of Physics. Free Coupon Entitling Bearer To One Free Bottle of The beautifully appointed new with girls who needed beauty Dr. Durham, wellrknown dietitian, tells why Early this summer the couple work. LENA HORNE Hand Lotion will move to California where home of Mrs. J. J. Carter, 1865 the groom has accepted a posi­ Franklin av., was the scene of Another interesting facet of N_me ...... tion with Lockheed Corp. the March meeting of Medical the evening's program was a "Carnation is the brand of my choice Address Arts club. demonstration by Mrs. Gene­ - • IT'S A GOOD DEAL—to give vieve Bates from Lena Horne for cooking and for coffee" Age Height "COUNSELING in Profes­ to Easter Seals to help a crip­ Assisting Mrs. Carter as host­ sional Placement" is the Beauty Salon. Mrs. Douglas pled child. esses were Mrs. H. W. Games Dr. Elizabeth Durham heeds the home Weight Complexion ., name of, a business recently Scott and Mrs. Harold McDaniel I use Carnation exclusively for cream sauce and Mrs. Arthur L. Clark. A economics department at Central State dishes like chipped beef." (Recipe below.) opened by Mrs. Mildred R. volunteered as models. Color of Eyes Color of Hair Morris, 856 Blair av., Cincin­ delicious dinner was served on College, Wilberforce, Ohio. "Carnation has A special method of evaporation gives nati. Mrs. Morris is graduate LUCY DEAN tables set with imported Italian AMONG the attractively such delicious, 'creamy* goodness, my today's Carnation the consistency of cream PRESENT THIS to your representative at the Lena Horne of Temple university with embroidered linens. A touch of students see tbe difference right way," Dr. -with % the'fat calories. This milk in Uie Cosmetics Salon, 8* E. Gay St., Columbus 15, Ohio. KINDERGARTEN & dressed members e n j oying Durham says. "It even whips like cream! graduate work at University spring was seen in the floral red and white can is the world's favorite DAY CARE CENTER themselves were Mesdames P. And it gives such smooth results in cooking, brand of evaporated milk by far. of Cincinnati and Xavier. Prior, centerpiece. Symbols of St. to her residence hi Ciney she 338 WUson Ave. H. Blount, G. D. Boston, R. A. Patrick's Day were molded ice was a former dean of women Offers Bryce, J. J. Carter, A. L. I LENA HORNE MAKEUP PRODUCTS at Albany college, Albany, Ga. • Year Around Care cream In green top hats, little Clark, H. W. Games, H. D. recipe: Carnation Creamed Chipped Beef men and shamrocks. A former social worker, she • Breakfast, Lunch Giles, L. A Howell, B. H. Hol­ fMakes 4 serrtags) LENA HORNE SKIN CARE PRODUCTS • LENA HORNE HAIR CARE PRODUCTS was associated with Hamilton • Rest Period, Dancing SPECIAL guests, Mrs. Mattie land, J. Smith e-Incas, Larry 2 iS-Hmnxst. ttltw Blend butter, flour, salt, and pepper ©nation LENA HORNE BATH PRODUCTS • LENA HORNE FRAGRANCES county Welfare Dept. With her • Specially Trained Staff 2 tablespoons flour Henson and Mrs. Ruby Hunt, James, Stephen Joseph, A. K. together to saucepan over km beat Cell or Come in For Your Eerconal Demonstration wide experience in the social • Certified by Both City Vi teaspoon salt until srngeth. Gradually add undiluted service field, Mrs. Morris also and-State directors of Poro School of Cos­ Lawrence, H. H. Lynch, C. J. Vi teaspoon pepper Carnation, Continue stirring until finds time for her family. She • Located at Wilson Ave. metology, were presented gifts Neal, Harold McDaniel, Wil­ 1% cups Qargt can) thickened and smooth. COSMETICS Is mother of two children, Ly­ CARNATION EVAPORATED MILK and E. Rich St. from the dub by Mrs. J. Smith liam Preston, George McClung, lto cupi 14 oi) cut dried beef Brown rinsed and well-drained dried dia, 13, and Anthony, "\\s. Her • Phone us at CL. 3-777- JL- C 31 8L orne SALON e-Incas. They were honored for Kenneth Jackson, 'H. N. Smith," Vt cup diced celery beef ia Iron skillet Add celery, green husband, Christopher, is a CL. 8-7775 CL, 8-22-8 Vi cup diced green pepper pepper, pimiento, eggs snd Carnation • their fine community spirit R. M. Tribbitt, Douglas B. MILK -__ PHONTCA. 4-32-1 teacher in the public school Hannah Barnett, Directress 2 tablespoons chapped pimiento cream sauce. Serve over toast or well- 80 E. GAY ST. COLUMBUS, O. 2 chopped hard-cooked eggs drained cooked rice. system of Cincinnati. Hubert Barnett. Manager shown in permitting students to Scott, Ernest Washington and work at Columbus State school Alfred Joseph. '/rom Co*te»t,4

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SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1960 SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1960 THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE 17. PAGE 16 THE OHIO SENTINEL SIMULTANEOUS SPONSORED BY THE BAPTIST PASTOR'S CONFERENCE OF COLUMBUS AND VIONITY THE The Baptist Pastors I PUBLIC COLUMBUS, OHIO APRIL 3 Through APRIL 8 Of The Gty And THE REV. L H. JOHNSON, PRESIDENT JOINT SERVICES WIU BE HELD EACH DAY WITH THE HHMIY BAPTIST CHURCH, ST. ClAIR AVE. af ATCHESON ST. Their Guest INVFTED THE REV. E. A. PARHAM, PASTOR Evangelists Are TO WORSHIP To Be Leaders Of IN THESE SERVICES ' - The Services r • V r DIRECTOR of MUSIC ASSISTANT DIRECTOR of MUSIC ORGANIST and PIANIST t Rev. H. W. Patterson, Pastor Rev. B. Patrick, Pastor Mrs. Ada Campbell of Refuge Baptist Church of Mt. Carmel Baptist Church of New Bethlehem Baptist Church Mrs. Grace Peoples of Christ Memorial Baptist Church TRINITY BAPTIST OAKLEY AV. BAPTIST ( SECOND BAPTIST NEW SALEM BAPTIST CALVARY TREMONT BAPTIST MT. OLIVET BAPTIST St. Clair Av. k Atcheson St. 386 S. Oakley Av., Columbus 186 N. 17th St., Columbus 528 St. Clair Av., Columbus 1255 Leonard Av., Columbus REV. C. F. JENKINS, Pastor 428 E. Main St., Columbus SERVICES ARE TO BE HELD SIMULTANEOUSLY EACH EVENING IN ALL CHURCHES LISTED Columbus REV. J. J. ASHBURN, Pastor EEV. F. C. CLEVELAND, REV. H. BEECHER HICKS, REV. W. J. PAYDEN, Pastor ACH MORNING at 10 o'clock, the pastors and their guest Pastor E evangelists will gather, at Trinity Baptist Church for a fellow­ Iver, guest of Second Baptist. 12 Noon Sermon—Rev. W. L. Guy- ship breakfast. don, guest of Mt. Carmel Baptist. -' • -- WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6—10:45 a. m. Devotional Message- SUNDAY, APRIL 3, at 3 p. m. at Trinity Baptist Church, all Rev, H. J. Payd-n," guest of Antioch'Baptist. 11 a. m. Seminar— of the churches will meet in a mass meeting as a kick-off for the "Evangelistic Trends in the Life of the Church," Rev. R. L. Tay­ \ Preaching Mission. Special music for the afternoon will be ren­ % lor, guest of Shiloh Baptist. 12 Noon Sermon—Rev. R. S. Biggs, l&as)** jy dered by the choirs of Mt. Herman and Bethany Baptist Churc­ guest of Good Samaritan Baptist. hes. Guest speaker for the afternoon will be the guest evangelist 4 ©f Trinity Baptist Church, Dr. Thomas Kilgore, pastor of Friend­ • • ship Baptist Church, New York, N. Y. The public is invited. THURSDAY, APRIL 7—10:45 a. m. pevotional Message- j • • .'-•'. Rev. E. D. Broyles, guest of Tr'ie_s«ohe Baptist. 11 a. m. Semi­ WjkT^W nar—-"Educational Trends in the Life of the Christ." Rev. M. C. •i _4_J*___JL___> MONDAY, APRIL 4—10:45 a. m. Devotional Message—Rev. G. L. Bowick, guest of Calvary Tremont Baptist. 11 a. in. Semi­ Southerland, guest of Bethany Baptist. 12 Noon Sermon—Rev. C. I __fi nar—"Theological Trends in the Life of the Church," Rev. G. K. C. Sykes, guest of New Salem Baptist. ' 'c«%e Offutt, guest of Mt. Olivet Baptist. 12 Nool. Sermon—Rev. T. H. Abcrcrombie,-guest of Oakley Av. Baptist. FRIDAY, APRIL 8—10:45 a. m. Devotional Message—Rev. . - . . • • J. W. Bloodsaw, guest of Ebenezer Baptist. 11a. m. Seminar— Pastor TUESDAY, APRIL4U-1Q.45 a. m. Devotional Message-Rev. "Preaching Trends in the. Life of the Church," Rev. P. H. Jack­ Guest Evangelist f |§ Guest Evangelist son, guest of Christ Memorial Baptist. 12 Noon Sermon—Rev. F. R. R. Hagans, guest of Mt. Zion Baptist. 11 a. m. Seminar— BEV. G. L. BOWICK, Pastor W. Weathers, guest of Refuge Baptist. . REV. GARLAND K. OFFUTT, "Stewardship Trends in the Life of the Church," Dr. J. V. Mc- Pastor First Baptist Church, l__r McDonald. Pa. W. Chestnut St. Baptist, Louisville, Ky. REFUGE BAPTIST SHILOH BAPTIST Guest Evangelist i *Gues. t EvangelisMi t 20th and Atcheson Sts., BETHANY BAPTIST TRIEDSTONE BAPTIST 720 Mt. Vernon Av., Columbus REV. T. II ABERCROMB1E, REV. J. VANCE McIVI.R. REV. JAMES W. PARRISH, Columbus 285 E. 4th Av., Columbus 858 E. Third Av., Columbus Pastor Pastor Guest Evangelist MT. ZION BAPTIST Pastor REV. R. F. HAIRSTON SR., REV. C. T. ROBINSON, Pastor EBENEZER BAPTIST Guest Evangelist Pleasant Green Baptist, Union Baptist, Orange, N. J. 1535 Dewey Av., Columbus REV. A. L. MASON, Pastor REV. C. C. SYKES, Pastor Pastor Guest Evangelist 86 S, Ohio A v., Columbus REV. THOMAS KILGORE JR., Portsmouth, O. REV. R. F. HAIRSTON JR., Guest Evangelist Guest Evangelist REV. L. C. BBOWN, Pastor Pastor MT. CARMEL BAPTIST Mt Calvary Baptist, Pastor Guest Evangelist REV. R. L. TAYLOR, Pastor UNION GROVE BAPTIST 608 Stambaugh Av., Columbus REV. M. C. SOUTHERLAND REV. E. D. BROYLES, Pastor Friendship Baptist, Mt. Vernon. O. REV. F. W. WEATHERS Fourth Baptist Church, 266 N. Champion Av., Columbus REV. H. W. PATTERSON, New York, N. Y. Richmond. Ind. Cleveland, O. Fourth St. Baptist, Lima, O. Richmond, Va. REV. P. D. HALE, Paster Pastor ANTIOCH BAPTIST CHRIST MEMORIAL BAPTIST 1013 Chambers Rd., Columbus GOOD SAMARITAN BAPTIST Guest Evangelist NEW BETHLEHEM BAPTIST 100 N. 20th SL, Columbus . REV. E. E. CALLOWAY, Pastor REV. L. ii. JOHNSON, Pastor 781 St. Clair Av., Columbus 330 Parsons Av.f Columbus REV. R. S. BIGGS

REV. D. T. WOOD, pastor REV. B. PATRICK, Pastor • • •

- 5 Guest Evangelist REV. J. W. BLOODSAW Depatur, Ga.

FAMILY BAPTIST Guest Evangelist 827 Reynolds Av., Columbus REV. R. R. HAGANS REV. B. R. TOWNS, Pistor < •' Dayton, O. Guest Evangelist. REV. W. H. TURNER, Pastor HOSACK BAPTIST . First Baptist, Alkhart, Ind. 258 Hosack St., Columbus Guest Evangelist Guest Evangelist • , MT. HERMAN BAPTIST Guest Evangelist Guest Evangelist REV. H. H."TEAGUE, Pastor REV. HENRY J. PAYDEN REV. W. N. DANIELS, P*-4** REV. W. L. GUYDON, Pastor REV. P. H. JACKSON Guest Evangelists 1132 E. Windsor Av., Columbus Antioch Missionary Baptist St .antes Baptist, Gary, Ind. Lakeville, Fla. Local Ministers REV. S. B. DOUGHTY, Pastor Cleveland, O. Chicago, HI. '.._.. •

imr-iir'in-i i-in Iv.yhr_~f'TTTij|gfl3>pw»__ &B__—__—-tmmVtXi MIHI—l«l»-' SATURDAY. APRIL 2, 1960> SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1960 THE OHIO S-toT-NEL PAGE 1_ PAGE 18 THE OHIO SENTINEL Bethany Baptist Twenty-One Local Churches The 57th anniversary of the Sunlight Sewing Circle was ob­ Hold Simultaneous Revival served at Bethany, last Sunday. Twenty-one local Baptist chur­ gore, N. Yorkt Christ Memorial, 'the golden three-tier anniver­ ches will participate in the "Si­ Rev. L H. Johnson, Evangelist sary cake for the occasion was multaneous R e v I v a 1," to be P. H. Jackson, Lakeville, Fla. furnished .by Mrs. Ida Hope­ sponsored by the Baptist Pas­ Union Grove, Rev, Phale D. well, oldest living president of # GARDENS, mentioned in th. Bible, are enclosures, on the outskirts of towns, planted with various trees and shrubs. tor's Conference of Columbus Hale, Evangelist W. N. Daniels, the circle. Its current president and vicinity, Sunday April 3, JEHOVAH God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and He Chicago; Bethany, Rev. A. L. is Mrs. Florine James. Mrs. through Friday, April 8. Mason, Evangelist M. S Sour Naomi Ernest of the Ridgeway put man, whom He had formed, in this garden to dress it and to The series of meetings, to be therland, Cleveland. Isabelle Home was guest spea­ keep it. '(Gen. 2:8,15.) Then God sent man forth from the garden GOPEL CHOIR of St. Paul AME church will make one of Us two monthly appearances at the held- simultaneously at each CALVARY Tremont, Rev. W. ker. of Eden to till the ground from whence he was taken, and to plant 8 a. m. services Sunday, April 3. One of the many choral groups which performed at The Sentinel church, will open with a mass J. Payden, Evangelist G. L. Bo- gardens, and eat the fruit of them. - • . • ' Horns Service Exposition, this choir is directed by Mrs. Emma L. Dickerson and sings regularly meeting at Trinity Baptist chur­ wick, McDonald, Pa.; Mt. Car­ Rev. Charles W. Walton, pas­ We learn from Isaiah, and —; en the first and third Sundays at St. Paul, in addition to regular appearances In "Gospel In Song." tor of Union Baptist church, Ur- ch, Sunday, April 3, at 3 p: m , mel, Rev. H. W. Patterson, Proverbs, that Biblical gardens den, that the spices there may They have appeared locally oh radio and television and ln concert, both in Columbus and out of bancre_t, accompained by his with Dr. Thomas Kilgore, pas­ Evangelist W. L. Guydon, Gary, were surrounded by hedges of flow out. Let my beloved come the city. Their next special event will be a spring style revue at the church on Mother's Bay, tor of Friendship Baptist chur­ Ind.; Shiloh, Rev, James W. choirs and congregtion, was thorn, or walls of stone, as is into the garden and eat his plea­ guest speaker on the Deacones­ Sunday, May 8. Choir members pictured, seated, from leftt Mary Stanford, ZeUena Mi Cord, ch, N. York, as guest evange­ Parrish, Evangelist R. L. Tay­ the case in this day, in places. sant fruits. I went down into Missouri Jones, Heimar Coins, Louise Hartway, Mrs. Dickerson, Josephine Chandler, president; list. The revival theme is A GROUP OF MEMBERS of Road to Life Mission's youth ses' progrm, Sunday. lor, Richmond, Va.; Refuge, the garden of nuts to' see tho Lucille Stewart, Alberta Preston, Dorothy Goina, Paralee Dickerson. Standing: Ethel Doyle, "Trends In the Life of the Chur­ fellowship, which Is outstanding in the community for Its various • ISAIAH SAYS, I will tell Rev. R. F. Hairston Sr., Evan­ fruits of the valley, and to see James Smith, Lee Jordan, Leona Stewart, Peggy Sloan, Carol Hill, Ella Mae Hutchinson, Richard ch." projects, tn the interest ef invalids snd the aged. The fellow­ Bethany's pastor, Rev. A. L. you what I will do to my vine­ gelist F. W. Weathers Rich­ whether the vine flourished, and Brawn, Byron Brandon, Alfreda Weaver, John Bark-dale, Roberta MitcheU, Jaysee Barksdale, ship's current project Is that of making Easter baskets and re­ Mason, was guest speaker at yard: I wiU take away the hed­ Rev. H. W. Patterson, pastor, mond, Ind.; Mt. Zion, Rev. R. Mt Herman Baptist church, the pome-granates budded. (Sol. Gussie Dean. Not present when photo was taken: Delight Woodward, Laura B. Anchrum, Ruth hearsing a program for residents of Franklin County Home for ge thereof; and break down the Mt. Carmel Baptist, will serve F. Hairston Jr., Evangelist R. Sunday. He was accompained 6:11.) Chrismon, James Anchrum. Rev. Alvia A. Shaw is minister. NEXT WEEK: Hosack Baptist as director of music, with Rev. the Aged, to be presented Frldsy, April 15. They are, from left wall thereof, (Isa. 5:5.) And lo, R. Hagans, Dayton; Hosack, by the choirs and congregation. lt was all grown over with The rose-garden in Jerusalem Ensemble.—Pierce Photo. B. Patrick, pastor, New Bethle­ Rev. H. H. Teague, evangelist to right, first row, seated: Pamela Perkins, Tins Perkins. Sec­ Rev. S. S. Doughty is pastor of hem, .8 assistant director. Mrs*. thorns, and the stone wall there­ is remarkable as having been to be announced later; Good ond row: Denise Piper, Thyra Perkins, Ruth Huff. Third row: Mt Herman. Ada Campbell of Refuge Baptist Mary Sellars, Geraldlne ]n_ram, Sharon Perkins, Marc WilUs. of was broken down. (Prov. 24:- one of the few which existed Samaritan. Rev. D. T. Wood, Esther E. Smothers is repor­ will be organist, and pianist will Evangelist R. 8. Diggs, Logan, Standing: Allen Hairston, Percy P. Huff, vice president; Caro­ 31.) within the city walls. Of all the ter. gardens of Palestine none is Women's Day At be Mrs. Grace Peoples of Christ W. Va. lyn P. Huff, reporter; Gloria Moore, lUona Mason, Rev. Eunice For more protection lodges or WEEKLY MEDITATION Memorial Baptist. watch-towers were built In the possessed of associations more Antioch, Rev. E. E. Calloway, P. Huff, minister; Sharon Moore, assistant minister; Joan Per­ EACH DAY at 10 a. m , dur­ gardens, which sat the keeper sacred and Imperishable than Evangelist Henry J. Payden, kins, chaplain, and Patricia Moore, corresponding secretary. Hosack Baptist ing the series, the pastors and to drive away the wild beasts the garden of Gethsemane, • "LET THIS MIND be In you, which was also In Christ Cleveland; Triedstone, Rev. C George Banks, president, and Delores Banks, recording secre­ Jesus." (Philippians 2:5.) Kuc-.it evangelists of each parti­ T. Robinson, Evangelist E. D. tary, are not pictured. and robbers. Hosack's annual Women's Day • THE HEBREWS made use Jesus held the world in His mind. He thought in universal cipating church will gather at Broyles, Lima; New Salem, the daughter of Zion is left as of gardens as places pf burial was observed March 27 with Trinity for a fellowship dinner. forms. Jesus lived in a small country, scarcely 150 miles long Mrs. Phale D. Hale giving a Rev. F. C. Cleveland, Evange­ a lodge in a garden of cucum­ too. Participating churches, their from north to south, and 60 miles east to west. Only once did very inspiriational message on list C. C. Sykes, Mt. Vernon; Registration Of (Mdren Asked bers, as a besieged city. (Isa. pastors and guest evangelists Now in the place where Jesus Jesus step beyond the boundary of His country and that was a "A Spark in My Heart." Miss Ebenezer, Rev. L. C. Brown, 1:8.) And Jesus spoke to the follow: Evengclist S. W. Coleman, Columbus public school offi­ gible to enter first grade, chil­ was crucified there was a gar­ short step. But His mind was not small and narrow; He was Josephine Pride was guest or­ Pharisees saying, "A certain Oakley Av., Rev. J. J. Ash­ Newman, Ga.; Family Baptist, cials this week asked parents of dren must be six years of age den; and in the garden a new- great-minded, broad-minded, and He was not provincial, but uni­ ganist and Mrs. Frances Sulli man planted a vineyard, and set burn, Evangelist T. H. Aber- Rev. BR. Towns, Evangelist children who will be entering on or before Dec. 31, 1960. sepulchre, wherein waa never versal. Our Lord held the world in His mind. van was guest soloist. an hedge about it, and digged a combie, Portsmouth; Mt. Her W. H. Turner, Elkhart, Ind.f school for the first time next yet laid. (John 19:41.) In this He stands in contrast School officials emphasized place for the winefat, and built Mrs. Mirian Crowder directed man, Rev. S. R. Doughty, Evan­ Mt. Olivet, Rev. H Beecher September to call the elemen­ with the narrowness of his peo­ colors, races, nationaliUes, clas­ a tower, and let it out to hus­ Manasseh and his son Amon the evening performance of "An gelist S. Hart proves, Buffalo; Hicks, Evangelist Garland K. tary school in their neighbor­ that registration of these chil­ ple. They exhibited their exclu- ses, andi? conditions. His mind bandmen, and went into a far were buried in the garden of Amazing Woman." Mrs. N, D. New Bethlehem, Rev. B. Pat­ Offutt, Louisville and Second hood to make arrangements for dren should be completed as siveness . in the treatment of holds the whole world in its com­ country," (Mar. 12:10 their palace. (2 Kings 18-28.7 ' Lynch directed the Women's rick, evangelist to be announced Baptist, Rev, C. F. Jenkins, registration. soon as possible. This will en­ I will bring again the captivi­ their neighbors,, the Samaritans. pass. | Day chorus. later; Trinity, Rev, E A. Par- • THE GARDEN of the He­ In Jesus of Nazareth we have Evangelist J. Vance Mclvet*, able the schools to devote more ty of My People of Israel, and • HIS WORDS seem to be Special platform guests were ham, Evangelist Thomas Kil­ To be eligible to enter kinder­ brews was planted with flowers a relation of God, the spacious­ [ Orange, N. J. time to counseling with the chil­ they shall plant vineyards, and spoken to aU peoples in aU Mrs. Mary Myers, Mrs. Esther garten in September, children and aromatic shrubs, besides ness of God's mind, the breath must be five years of age on or dren and parents and to make olives, fig trees, nuts and wal­ they shall also make gardens, times. When Jesus said" "Come Tyree, Mrs. ErdeU Peppers and and eat the fruit of them, saith of God's plan. What about our before Dec. 31, 1960. To be eli­ plans for the new school year. nuts, pomegranates, and others unto me, all ye that labor and Mrs. Theresa Byrd. the Lord. (Amos 9:14.. minds with our fellow-men? Bi-Weekly Youth Adult Panel Meet for a domestic use. are heavy laden and I will give My beloved is gone down into As the earth brings forth her you rest" He seems not to be • OUR PRAYER—G God of Exam Date Set St. Philips Episcopal church the group has discussed social Services In Columbus Churches his garden, to the beds of spices, bud, and as the garden causes speaking to the little group that Wisdom and love, quicking our is currently in the midst of bi­ problems, religion, Jail, litera­ to feed in the gardens, and to things that are sown In It to heard His voice. He is speaking own minds that we may per James T. Welch, director, weekly panel discussion with ture and medicine. Reuhl Gay Street Baptist gather lillics. (Sol. 6:2; 4:16.) spring forth; so JEHOVAH God to the whole world, to you and ceive, understand, and know the Dept. of State Personnel, an­ the theme, "We Are Builders." Howe's controversial book, "Tho Awake, O north wind; and come, will cause righteousness and to me. What a mind was His! mannor of Christ's thinking, in nounced open competitive civil The group, known as the Chris­ Creative Years,"-ia being dis­ The doors always swing on welcome hinges at THE GAY thou south; blow upon my gar- praise to spring forth before All men find it so; men of all His name we ask, Amen.—REV. serviee examinations for child tian Society for Young Adults, is cussed. STREET BAPTIST CHURCH, 496 E. Gay St (Corner Gay and "all nations." L. SIMPSON. welfare positions in certain under guidance of Rector K. D. The group's objective is to fos­ Washington}. U. G. Campbell, minister. Morning Worship— counties of the state would be Higginbotham and Waldo Tyler ter renewed feeling for the spir­ 10:35 A. Ma; Sunday Church School—8 A. M.; Communion and Dynamic Pastor COWMBVS Naomi Baptist held Friday, April 22. . Jr. itual, intellectual and social bet­ Baptismal Service—(First Sunday Only) 3:30 P. M.; Special 100 Voices To Examinations will be con­ Among the varied programs, terment of youth. ' Sunday Evening Services as announced. FVNERAL DIRECTORY Rev. Granville Seward, pas­ ducted for Child Welfare Case­ Caldwell Temple AME Zion Leads Service tor, 1st Baptist church, Rend- Blend In Musical worker I and II; Child WeUare BROOKS ville, will be guest speaker on Supervisor 1 and II, Worship and.fellowship with purpose at Caldwell Temple AME A spiritual feast was enjoyed Over 100 youthful voices wiU FUNERAL HOME. INC the program of the 64th anniver­ Application blanks must be Zicn, 524 EL Long st J- Dallas Jenkins, ministet. Churcb DEBORAH ANN CLARK, last Sunday by all who heard blend in harmony during the 1108 E. tone St sary observance at Naomi Bap­ received by the department not school, 9:30 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Christiaa Endea­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the dynamic message of Rev. CU 3-1411 Fourth Dist. Sunday School Bap­ later than April 14. Full infor­ vor, 8:30 p. m. Evening worship, 8 p.m. Midweek Praise, J.B. Harris, pastor of Stewart tist church, Sunday, April 3, at tist Training Union meeting to Clarence W. Clark, 1973 Kent CROSBY FUNERAL 3 p. m. He will be accompanied mation concerning the counties Wednesday. 8 p.m. Tbe Capital City's Temple of Methodism. st.. celebrated her sixth birth- Chapel CME church. Three HOME be held In Columbus April 8-10 and position can be secured groups of singers from the chur­ by the congregation and choirs with headquarters at Christ Me­ Mt. Olivet Baptist dsy March 19, entertaining 30 "The House of Friendly of 1st Baptist, of which Rev. from BUC. little friends, who joined tn ch participated in the afternoon morial Baptist church. Examinations will be held in Visit next Sunday at Mt Olivet Baptist, 428 E. Main st "Ne united fellowship. Service" Samuel Jackson is pastor. The games and refreshments. Tra­ 1072 E. Long St, , Mrs. Olive George, represent­ Akron, .Athens, Cincinnati, Cle­ Creed But Christ" EL Beecher Hicks, n_-_-ter. The Church at The Great National Sensatio­ public is invited. ing the Sunday School Dist., and Study, 9 a. m. The Cburch at Worship, 10:43 a. m. Baptist ditional menu Of lee cream, CL. 2-1555 veland, Columbus, Dayton, Tole­ cake, nuts and candies was nal Gospel Singers ot Charlotte, Mrs. Eugene Crawford, repre­ do and Youngstown. Training Union, 8 p. m The Church at Worship, 7:30 p. m. served. She received many N. C. will render program at WILLIAMS & McNABB EASTER SEALS help crippled senting the BTU Dist., have as­ - _. Second Baptist lovely gifts and thanks the fol­ St. Mark church, Friday, April MORTUARY, INC. persons regardless of cause of sumed responsibility for plan­ You're always welcome at 2nd Baptist, 186 N. We) st C. F lowing little guests who helped 15, 8 p. m. Tickets can be ob­ FUNERAL HOME crippling, race, age or religion. ning the weekend's activities. Progressive Bapt, Jenkins, minister. C_rarch school, 9:13 au m. Morning worship, make her birthday a memor­ tained by calling CI. 2-8306. 818 E. Long SL Several workshop leaders will 10:45 a.m. Evening worship, 7 p. m. able one: Sheila and Joseph CL. 8-9521 be Councilman Russell M. Jones Rev. M. B, McCarary,, pastor Shiloh Baptist Henderson, Serena and Gar­ • and Rev. Granville Seward, of Liberty Hill Baptist church Come to Shiloh Baptist, Hamilton at Mt Vernon avs. James W. land Pannell, Pan! and Step­ I AWAKE! C D. WHITE & SONS Rendville, O. opened a drive at Progressive hanie Stewart, Rochelle Mar­ Pope of Columbus And FUNERAL HOME RESERVE Baptist church last week. Dur­ Parrish, minister. Radio broadcast (WBNS), 8:13 a. m. 1217 ML Vernai. Ave. NOW FOR SPRING k DURING the Saturday eve­ Church school (children may be left with competent mothers tin, Carol and Wanda Floyd, Cincinnati, Ohio ing the week, other guest min­ Ton Are Never Helped — CL. 8-1514 SUMMER ning concerts, favorites like during worship), .urn. Churcb at worship, 11 a. n_ Contin­ Ray and Paula Clark, Hal isters will be Rev. L. C, Brown, TROOP 470, under leadership of Mrs. Sadie Crosby, is ac­ Unless You Try • Weddings • Parties Handel's "Halleuia ChoruT Ebenezer Baptist and choir on ued Church school for small children, 11 a. m. Baptist Training Thomas, Connie Gale Madison, MRS. D. A. WHITTAKER tively engaged In selling Girl Scout cookies daring the annual • Receptions • Dances from the Messiah and Fred Thursday, March 31; Rev. M. J. Union, 6 p. m. Evening worship, 7:30 p. m. Music by five choirs. Harold Sullinger, Diane Jones, AND SONS. INC. sale which ends the latter part of this month. Shown kneeling: Daunc Manns, Rhonda Cooper, Blessings • Banquets Waring's arrangement of the Mitchell, Pilgrim Baptist and Union Grove Baptist FUNERAL HOME Helen Doughty, Annie Simpson, Beverly Flowers, Deborah Clarine Nesby, Keith Emmons, 1-3 Dsy Special Blessings "Battle Hymn of Republic" will choir on April 1. Come to worship at Union Grove Baptist 266 N. Champion Ave. 720 E. Long St I CALL Schooltleld, Charlotte Byrd, Cheryl McClain. Standing: Inell Carol Stinson, Kenneth Clark. Available. Start '60 Right be sung. The drive will be climaxed on Phate D. Hale, minister. Cburch school for all ages, 9 a. m. CL 8-9549 Dorsey, Darlene Crosby, Barbara Carlock, co-leader, \ lent Church at worship 10:43 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Nursery for ba­ Carls Robinson, Butch Wlck- For Information write to: ' Awards will be made to out­ Sunday afternoon at 3 p. m. bies and pre-school children whil- you worship. Jr. cburch with Uffc, Rebs and JDeno Peyton, BARNETT'S standing community figures. with a musical program. Worsbam, Mrs. Crosby, leader Peggy Schoolfleld, Pamela Tho­ planned worship on the level of children through age of 12 at Billy and benise Coleman, JOHN STARR The Above List Includes WHITE HOUSE, INC. • On Sunday, Rev. C. C. Sykes, A dinner1 will' __ _ervedJ'at mas, co-leader, Janice Hale, Faje Wooden, co-leader, AureHa 10:45 a. m. BTU for all ages. .8 p. ra. Personal and family P.O. Box 15-2 Cleveland, O. Members Of The Columbus Mt. Vernon, will be guest min­ Murray. Not shown but busy ringing doorbells are Linda Hardt- counseling by appointment Linda and Wanda Bowman 4300 INDIANOLA AVE. the church on Saturday, April SW. 1-9600 Funeral Ass'n ister. The Oakley Av. Baptist man, Isetta Tucker, Nancy Ramsey, Crystal Littlejohn, Jackie and Diane Smith of Cleveland. AM. 3-31,2 HU. 8-9395 2, at 337 N 18th st. youth choir-will sing. . Rev. J. P. Fincher is pastor Jordan, Carol Green and Cath, Walker, -

ni inwOTW_ra»wn__ HMP—_—-—_—_P

SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1960 PA2E20. THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, APRIL 2 Negro Figures In Chessman Case LOS ANGELES.—One of the persons who is having most to do in connection with the widely publicized Caryl Chessman 12 year battle to escape death In the California gas chamber is a Ne­ gro, Att'y Cecil Poole, native Pennsylvanlan, who became first Negro In the history of this State to hold the office of clemency sec­ retary to the governor, when appointed to that office last year by Gov. Edmund G. Brown. Poole, a graduate of Harvard Law school, practiced law in Pittsburgh before coming to California.

"Treat" Tbe Family To A Heal "(Jul" Al DUKE'S CLUB flUT ANNUAL M school term f OCEAN FRESH fag awards of n Champion Honor Roll Honor Burkelt, Tenn.; Charles . Smith, Wanda Fuller, Marlene ! Students at Champion Jr. Certificates w«r High school are real busy these Sheppard, Sandra Hairston, Kar­ SEAFOOD PLATE days preparing for exornlnations en Oakes, Jeannette Staggers, Baker, Elizabeth and work which will place them Ronald Bell, James Zackery. tricia Morris, U ln line for promotions and grad­ son, Carol Bethe in the DUKES CLUB ROOMS THE NATION'S PRINCE HALL Masons are planning erection of a new cathedral In Wash­ Charles Hines, Janice Stew­ Earlene English, uation come the end of 1M0--O art, Raejeana Steward, Adrian- ington, D. C, on a site located at Texas and Capitol avs. and Bennlngs rd. Photo shows artist's school term. Sadie Prater, V« 87SJ E. LONG ST. conception of the proposed building, plans for which were drawn by Paul Williams, noted Los na Hexdrix, Regina Fox, Faye Frederick Barbo Howard, Cecelia Waddy, David Angeles architect. Valued at approximately $400,000, the cathedral will be constructed ol white Following Is a list of those Preston Johns. Cole, Eddie Guice, Samuel SATURDAY • APRIL 2 marble and stone. Members of the Building Committee, United Supreme Council, met last Thurs­ who made honor roll and honor­ is, Herman Wall- Guice, Yvonne Mlxon, Vickey day In Baltimore to spprove final arrangements. Presiding at the meeting were Carl Murphy, able mention for meritorious ell, Karen Keye. 3 Paxton, Brenda Rouse, Larry "> *-X x 12 Noon 'Til I Baltimore, chairman, and Dc Willard W. Allen, sovereign grand commander, ex-offlclo, also of work ln tho last report period: ren, Felix Fr Graham, Gerald Turner, Rich­ Smith, Patricia Baltimore.—ANP Photo. HONOR ROLL—Gloria Walk­ ard Shaw, Mary Boswell, Tere­ Vivcns, James TICKETS ON SALE NOW er. Gloria Biilingslea, Peggy sa Castleberry, Lucretta Bosley. Brown, Eleanor Taney, Thomas Finch, Edith By Members And At Francene HI", Donna Saun­ Calloway, Jean ( Africans Hail Negro Cardinal Stanley, Carolyn Hawkins, Eve­ Novelty Food Bar ders, Flora Taylor, Percy Par- Cunningham, Ev lyn Jones, Joyce Franklin, Phale bam, Martha Tu-pin, Barbara RUTABO, Tanganyika.—Many Donation $1.25 color" on this continent, both twice 04 nke- Hale, Ada Fullen, Waverly Jack­ Samuels, Darlene Mims, Henry ANDREW leaders of the "rising tide of Catholio and non-Catholic,, are son, Steven Barnett, Judy Rcn- Funderburke, Betty Dowdy and Coles, Frank Foi hailing the recent elevation of dleman, Charles Roberts, Caro­ Sylvia Robinson. ston, Marcialene Bishop Laurtan Rugambwa to lyn Hart, Anita Herring, Ber- ma Castleberry, PUPILS RATING "Superior" the Cardinalate as "a milestone tina Craft, Arneita Hairston, George Martin, ' • ' In one of the most remarkable Delores Middlebrooks, --all A's—Karen Keyes, Janis Earl Baker, Her * growths of Christianity In his­ Hagey, Beverly Chavls, Bertlna Rosalind Smith, I v e r s o n die Guice, Ch tory, which testifies to the capa­ Craft, Rose' Wright and Arneita Tommy R o b I! bilities of Negro Africans for Childs, Charles Alston, Victoria Hairston. 1 Lake, Richardine Bryant, Wan­ Washington, Joh $ sen-government,*' PERFECT ATTENDANCE — • da Miller, Pauline Moss, Bru- Howell, William Cardinal Rugambwa's many netta Edwards, Deborah Grif­ Gloria Biilingslea, Waverly Ha- Gail Lane, 1 i * gey, Rebecca Payne. Marva Daniel North, —_,* qualifications and accomplish­ fin, Jacqueline Hill, James j' pi ments have rapidly become leg­ Johnston, Kent Hopkins. Ware, Ross Wright, Thomas Sharon Zellner, I « Finch, Kent Schoolfleld, Gary Sharon Dunstoi 1 i ends that are sweeping the con­ . tinent. One, pertaining to his HONORABLE MENTION — Steward, Beverly Chavls, Caro­ Laughlin, Delor* humility, is the story of his re­ Douglas Boyd, Emanuel Sutton, lyn Grear, Martha Mitchell, La- Hardin, Ramora cent visit to his former college Marva Ware, Marion Richard­ dalla Adams, Dalton Bosley, Lou Simon, Lar president in Rome, when he son, Charles Hillraan, Carol Douglas Boyd, Howard Gold­ seph Harris, chose to walk rather than take Bethel, Brenda Brown, Mary en, Charles Grimes, Paul Bowdree Ziglar, a taxi, then when questioned toieeoAiwat... Crook, Felix Franklin, Melvin White, Charlene Alston, Auvis Teresa Castle about this, explained, "I am a Crump, Helen missionary and can't spend Our fine individual tailor­ Witcher, Delore money for taxis." ing gives you new confi­ "DAVE" Handler "CHARLIE" Marg-Ufl Frederick Bel dence and luxurious com­ Brown, Homer THtnrvunrnrdaddi THE WORLD'S first Negro fort . . .that look of McQucary, Web (rerihnedttslm) cardinal is being referred to quality that won't be de­ Buckeye BAIL BOND Agency cretta Bosley, school children as an example Blanche Evans, nied. Beautiful imported AX. 4-2323 AX, 9-0262 CL. 3-2621 of the rewards of scholarship and domestic fabrics to Grace Obey, Al and linguistic ability. He holds On Night Calls Dial BE. 1-3609 choose from ... and so FLORA TA _ 1 a degree in canon law from the reasonably priced t Scientific Missionary Institute er. Pandora J< of Urban College snd speaks Samuels, Helen seven languages, including Eng­ SUITS for Men and Turpln, Charlei lish, German and Italian. Women from $60.50 Jones, Darlene Funderburke, H The quick response which SLACKS or SKIRTS GEORSFS DYE SHOP Richardine Brj from $18.00 UK. news of Rugambwa's elevation son, Betty Dow FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF OUR wards, D-boral elicited from American Negro SPORT COATS Arneita Hair leaders is being pointed to with from $4L50 CUSTOMERS AND TO INSURE B_rTTER rOft iw CONNOOJIML Of QUAtiTT-s newly created Hill, Charles series oi superb ttereophotuc Md.o-p_o_o_n.p_i, con. particular pride, especially that TOPCOATS SERV1CE WE NOW HAVE ONLY TWO Johnston, Rolai thing beaaty of sound with elegance of spp-_r__cc. from Dr. Ralph Bunche of the from $58.50 Key, Patricia THE FISHER Mdio-p_o_v»gr»p__ range, in coat Irom United Nations and Dr. Chan- LOCATIONS ... Robinson, Bent 1199.50 to $2595.00. THE FCTOU II, shown here b an Custom Made Shirts as White and OHSl ning Tobias, chairman emeritus 123 E. Long St. CA. 1-3091 extraordinarily complete i_s.r__.e_t featuring atereo* X 3- ' Kiglta for Men and Women Wooden. of the NAACP Board of Direc­ pionio sound from records, and from*___Q^ Pwtfedolt 30" x IW «sr _ __. $3.95 Up 15 W. State St. CA. 4-0560 FM-A3*rs«Uos«ire_.26tu_es;6ap<-ker». •*_> tors. Ties, Socks * Underwear The Same Courteous, Efficient Services That Have FISHER MUSIC COMPANY Dr. Bunche termed the pre­ Been Tradition With GEORGE'S DYE SHOPS WID late's elevation "an especially JOHNNY JOHNSON Prevail. * WsSSlte VISIT OUR BOOTHS AT THE HOME SHOW — BUCKEYE BLDC, — APRIL 2-8 striking application of racial CUSTOM TAILORS J by America'* La (Formerly ANTHONy*S Stereo Centers) «b•'*'* "*?2 »«»•*- ** equality; a highly significant S-odPoeraa. In tf* E. Long St. at lTth EXPERT SHOE REPAIRING - DYEING S430 INDIANOLA AVE.—AM. 8-1788 147 N. HIGH ST.—CA. 4-7686 recognition of the world impor­ CL. 1-1024 tance of emerging Africa.".

—y PAGE—i TH. OHIO B_____ SATURDAY. APRIL 2. I960 SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1960 THE OHIO S-SNTINED » PAGE 28 boast membership. Young Ne within our own souls to see its IN THE JAZZ IDIOM gro musicians are beginning to beauty. realize as we did IS years ago The future of jazz lies in the that ]•'>« bas evolved with in­ hands of these "purists;" the dignation, humiliation, persecu­ bop sexagenarians who hold onto Funky tion and a'matured dignity. Its the true meaning of our musle; roots have been the slave chants who surrender to spirituals and By JOHN S. WALKER and spirituals of our people; it blues and keep our music from has been the country and violent ths polluted and degenerate ca­ To List Your Attraction or Service Telephone CLearbrook 3-7418 • LAST WEEK we discovered, in part, the realism and dy­ vity of commercialism. namism of funk, its being the necessary and most important inte­ blues shouting and gospel sing­ gral part of jars, particularly of the bop movement. In this final ing that has linked us with an thesis 1 would like to point out the bitterness and dedication which element of spiritual motivation Bowling On Chan. 10 seem to be a synonymous virtue of the Negro jazzman and true that Is so vividly felt in jazz Sepia Stars In Rebel Breed At RKO Jazz lover. today. Local bowlers hav* a treat in store when Chan. 10, Columbus, By EDDIE J. COLSTON beating up decent citizens, turn­ In bop there is a certain. -*-— • IT IS not a music of so­ WBNS-TV, headlines "America ••This Rebel Breed," current ing young girls into tramps and group of jazzmen and followers only be played by the Negro, phistication or social superior­ Bowls," Saturday, April 2, at LOUIS ARMSTRONG and at the RKO Grand theatre, is as practicing race segregation in described as "purists." These particularly so, the eloquence of timely as today's newspaper. the most brutal manner. To this ity but rather a musical testa­ 3:30 p. m. The 90 minute show his All-Stars will appear In a ere the ones who have soul. To bop which has so surpassed all ment tfikt screams, preaches TV programs and radio news­ writer it is like sequel to LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON—Nat King Cole gives his adopt­ Will present a cross-section of "pop" concert at Mershon this group are planted jazzmen other forms of jazz in culture. and tells ot our hurt,- our pro­ people in all walks of life who casts keep a steady buzz in our Blackboard Jungle." ed son, Nat Kelly, 1. some pointers on male attire at his Los auditorium at 8 p. m., Friday, such as John Coltrane, Kenny They believe that jazz in the tests against persecution, suffer­ havo become bowling addicts. cars depicting the crime wave The picture is a raw slice of Angeles home. Father and son are wearing similar cloth hats. Dorham, Horace Silver, Hank May 9, It was announced by of a strong but fortunately min­ hands of white musicians ceases ing and mimicry that still shac­ Sports and show business celeb­ life, based on actual case his­ Ia the April issue of Ebony magazine, the famous entertainer Mobley, Art Blakey, among kles our souls. rities will be featured as well as Mershon officials. Ohio Stat­ ority group of antics ot wild tories from police tiles in cities that bunch of soul-stirrers who to be jazz; that only Negro jazz­ tells the warm, human story behind the adoption of Kelly. Jazz is our cry of freedom. amateur and professional bowl­ ers, Inc., Is sponsoring the teenagers across the country, all over America, where, In elaborate and execute their emo­ men possess the true rhythm. White cats have tried to turn ers. fsbnlous "Satchmo's" first NOT excluding our fair city of many instances the high school tional violence solely through • IT IS also believed that so jazz into a hiusic of over-arran­ campus appearance as one of Columbus. area has become a veritable the spiritualism of the blues. far away is the white musician ged fugues that would challenge ••Rebel Breed" is a story battleground. They also are anti-white on the •CAN-CAN' PACKS 'EM IN the related events of OSU's' from feeling tbe blues that any the genius of Shostakovich. traditional May Week. portrayed without pulling pun­ subject of true jazz. -, attempt from them to sound HOLLYWOOD.—The film ver­ ches and at times creates pains "BREED" should prove a But jazz has to come from sion of Colt Porter's "Can- They' believe and so do their funky is a step toward commer­ like salt on an open sore. It's a springboard of success and star­ MARCO RECORDS tha soul, the emotions, where Can" continues to fill theatres in ANSWER their plea. Help cialism. To this theory I also big teenage problem with the dom for several young star pros­ followers, that true jazz can things are hid that can only be the three cities where it is play­ crippled children through ths solution dangling in balance pects, especially sepia actors 213 S. FRONT ST. at RICH said through music.. ing, Variety reported last week. 1960 Easter Seal drive. only ii the public digs the mes­ Al Freeman, Hari Rhodes, Ste- CA. 1-0755 The more you delve Into Jazz sage. vie Perry and former UCLA J. T/S PLACE - Old Star Light Inn and its true meaning the closer All-American football selection GANGS OF teenage hoodlums Ike Jones. A Wonderful Selection Of 1443 Fields Ave. AX. 9-0731 you get to the banks of the Mis­ Newly Decorated sissippi, the harbors of N. Or­ havo! literally taken over one It is a picture of merit which Corner of lltli in Front of Main Entrance to Falrgronnds leans, the cottonfields of Alaba­ section of a big city, terrorizing portrays the Negro with the dig­ SPIRITUAL Featuring ma, and the ancient religious THIRD FLOOR ASSEMBLY HALL those not in their partcular nity and stature which is deserv­ processions of the Belgian Con­ With Divided Area gangs, fighting and knifing each ed. We highly recommend ALL AT DISCOUNT PRICES BEER • WINE • FOOD go. other, stealing, pushing dope, "This Rebel Breed." To Accommodate Small or Large Groups Rev. O. L. Franklin • Caravans • Davis 8lsters SPECIALTY: Delivery Service On -• Ward Singers • Staple * M. Jackson • THIS IS a serious matter, Ideal For Parties & Dances AL FREEMAN Raymond Raaberry Singers • Prof. Alexis Bradford • Etc. PIZZA and BAR-B-0 this subject of jazz. It's a spiri­ DaUy, Weekly Or Monthly Rates tual motivation of tha emotions Office Rooms Available Also Open DaUy 9 A. M.-l A. M. FOR FUN... LET'S AU, RUN! that cannot be restrained or CA. 1-9038 Reg. $3.98 . - NOW 11 $2.98 Food Served Fri. Ac Sat. 8 A. M. Until Morning commericlalized, but in Its Where Man? Showcase For Jazz Props.*. JOHN k JAMES TUCKER SPIRITUAL SINGLES ALSO AVAILABLE impact should b« Immersed To Tie "CHANCE" Where We (as DANCE! 1 CINCINNATI.-- Showcase _or Jaxz, the University of Cincin­ To The Swingin* Music of AU. THE TOP JAZZ ALBUMS . nati-Union Jazz Workshop con­ AT DISCOUNT PRICES - lim- TOMMY JANES JSSSLm cert, will be presented free to • APRIL FOOL'S DANCE FRI. APRIL 1ST the public at 8:15 p. m. Monday, BASIE • J. SMITH • MILES DAVIS • MOODY April 4, in UC's Wilson Memor­ EARL GRANT • ROLLINS • ELLINGTON \ AMMONS • S. SCOTT • JIMMY SMITH • • ial Hall, Clifton and University EDDY DAVIS • ETC. m avs. Every Saturday 5:30 A. M. to 10:00 A. M. Seventy-five greater Cincin­ • BLUE MONDAY DANCE nati musicians will offer origi­ THE OHIO SENTINEL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE for nal compositions and arrange­ die return of unsolicited photos or manuscripts. EVERY MONDAY NIGHT ments. DANCE EVERY WEEKEND TO "LIVE" MUSIC BEER • UQUOR • FOOD FIRST & LAST CHANCE - 147S Oak St. at Miller CL. 2-0287 IN PERSON! ONE HUE ONLY WED. APRIL 6 For plaasur* at home, THE INCOMPARABLE piok up Littla Kings ia the "Doub'.s Deaea** RAY CHARLES al your pony kef, AND MS WITH BLAZING IMPACT THE SCREEN LOOKS SQUARELY Enjoy little Kings at -•Uoateaaea or suparmarkatt OKHESTBA INTO THE FACE OP TODAY'S WILD TEENAGE EMOTIONS CAUGHT IN THE CROSS-FIRE OF LOVE AND HATE I your ferortt* tavara. WHS Those Gorgeous Girls, THE RAELETS bar or dining spoil ' ! ROLLERLAND BALLROOM ' 318 E. MOUND 9 P.M.- 1 A.M. With a screenful of exciting young player* •tarrino $AVE ON ADVANCE $ALE RITA MORENO • MARK DAMON • GERALD MOHR *.««<*.. fc» MORRIS LEE GREEK ADVANCE SALES AT: Capitol City Newsstand. University THI SCHOINUNO -RfWINO CO., CINCINNATI U, OHIO Record Shop, I960 N. High St; HI-FI Record Mart. Across

! ' * « > •. C . 4. . From Lazarus; Rollerland Box OH Ice. . . I a t . . a . »« . a,, a. ... - . . a; . **.v*"_ . . - . • • ' ' ...... ___. "THE THREAT" ..the killer nobody knew!

Mtnte'aeMmaMtfOTMM. aaWyamis.--• '_•-_ .- - • ""-___*______msaaammmmmm """""" " !" ' •, inaww. —_i_a__—. -_-_-__•_ ._»_» .Ml. • •-»- >'n'e_i^-a*aifi «•» "


IMfTHIAN GRILL "Biggest Uttle Grill Tennis Club To WANT ADS Ln Columbus" NOW AVAILABLE PRICES ARE LOW HERE AM EASY TO PLACE -6o Mt Teraoa Ave. Give Dance And JUST DIAL HOUSE FOR RENT FOR RENT OR LEASE CL 3-7416 OVER 1200 50. FEET BURKES PLACE Show April 1 A Courteous Want Ad Taker ItS? NORTH D • GLANCE AROUND and you'll dig the "Caddie Patrol" procession before ESCORT SER­ Rudolph Harold Robinson, per spare hour? Let Avon Open .AM.- Close 1 P. M 337 S. GRANT AVE most inimitable style, will VICE may be employed. bedroom, bath, kitchen, break­ 2275 Margaret St. cruising the streets displaying their shapely, painted dolls, dress­ whose last known address is 5 show you how. CA. 1-3379. CHf-.STER E. WHITE. Opt. Col-mba- O . play a series of concerts in In conformity with this City fast room, parking, heat in­ 4 Bdrm. $7800 ed within an inch of their finance companies, lovingly planted in Formosa Way, Pittsburgh, Pa., Russta, according to reports ordinance regarding the inter­ will take notice that on March cluded," redecorated. Unfur­ MISC. FOR SALE from N. York. Tour will be the front scats. Lookout men casually lounging in front of "smoke city movement of FUNERAL nished $80 month, furnished 150 Sherman Ave. shops" and pool halls with a practiced eye peeled for the bluecoats 11, 1960, Rose Marie Robinson under direction of Sol Hurok. PROCESSIONALS, the following filed her petition in the Common $85. DUPLEX, upper, 4% 3 Bdrm. $10,500 21 SHRIMP with brass buttons 'n* badge or thc motorized surrey with the will be the future procedure: rooms. • Unfurnished' $80, Fur­ dome on top, as their cohorts "skin," toss the dotted cubes or deal Pleas Court of Franklin County, 645 Linwood Ave. IN A BASKET Ohio, Division of Domestic Re­ nished $85. STUDIO ROOM. ECHEMRODE blackjack in the back rooms; juice pushers or roving bootleggers, Escort service will NOT be 3 Bdrm. $10,500 UQUOR lations, in i Cause No. 99611, Furnished, third floor, all without concessionaires' licenses, floating around a crowded dance furnished families from the Beer • Wine THE TROLLEY homes of bereaved persons to praying for a divorce from him utilities, private lavatory and 727 Siebert OR Fish • French Fries floor whispering their wares whereas you can get a pint or shot entrance. $40 per month. Pre­ EXCHANGE 3 Bdrm. $11,500 818 Mt Vernon Ave. the Churches and/or Funeral on the grounds of gross neglect Cube Steaks glass of whiskey in the men's room. of duty and desertion. Said fer employed person. AM. GRIU Feed. Beer Te Carrycot Homes unless accompanied by 1995 E. Fifth Ave. Open 24 Hours Daily the body of the deceased. cause will be for hearing on or 7-9009. 2 Bdrm. $12,500 Cham plea k Ml Vernon CL. SUM RAT REDMAN. Prop. Delicious Coney Islands Funeral Directors will con­ after April 30, I960.—Frank C. A STORE • GLAMOR FLOWERS of the night blooming variety sipping SOUTHGATE MANOR 681 Fourth Ave. and Chili their Scotch highballs at the bar, from all outward appearances tinue to send for families to be Shearer, Att'y. 3-19, 26, +-2, 9, 326 S. HIGH ST. 16, 23, 1960. 2099 Alum Creek-Dr. 3 Bdrm. $9,540 digging the sounds of the combo or jukebox, but in reality waiting brought to churches and/or (First BIdg. So. of Funeral Homes, but UNES­ CLEARBROOK 8-8464 for the cat 'n' mouse game which will start when an eager beaver Southern Hotel) 1272 Eastwood Ave. KATE'S Old Trail Barbecue CORTED BY OUR SERVICE. Henry C. Griffith, whose last OPEN 8§9 Including Sunday HUDSON CARRY OUT offers to refreshen her drink. Little does he know that before tho v 3 Bdrm. $9,800 Fine Home-Cooked Food night is over and his pitch of woo is knocked clear outta the ball With the above exception, address .is unknown, will take This apartment plan was de­ Walnut Vanity $10 signed, constructed and is oper­ 198 Miller Ave. CL. 8-0056 971 ML Vemon Ave. CL. 2-0531 park it will cost him a mite more than a mere drink. The nervous HANCOCK FUNERAL ESCORT notice that on March 4, I960, _>Ol-t> . , . . ... ••;*•••••-•__ _t v 998 Ca.ssady Ave. ated for people in all walks of 2 Bdrm. $12,500 NOW FEATURING Daily 6 A. M. to 9 P. M. junkie who has pawned the last of his personal possessions for a SERVICE will continue render­ Lucy M. Griffith filed her peti­ Walnut Buffet IS life . . . 1, 2 and 3 bedroom Electric Washer 25 Kate Earl • Prop. fix will be led into a back alley and given a packet of "snow" that ing service in the-same manner tion in the Common Pleas Court Most of These Will __t "ERHANDO'S PIZZA" as In the past. of Franklin County, Ohio, Divi­ apartments available for imme­ 2-Pe. Foam Rubber Call Wendell V. Rankin CARRY-OUT OR DELIVERY "11 Years oa The Avenue" has been cut and diluted so many times that the pusher, if caught, diate occupancy. Rentals start Brooks Funeral Home, Inc. sion of Domestic Relations, In Sectional tl Off. CL. 3-5561 • Beer • Wine • Champagne e Party Snacks couldn't be held for dope peddling. If you're a man of the streets, at $67.50 per month. • Groceries 6 Lunch Meats you can stand on the fringe -of the "Jungle" (as the habitues call Crosby Funeral Home Cau-e No. 99546, praying for a Home CL. 8-7819 C. D. White k Sons . it) and dig these things and wonder how it can continue to happen. divorce from him on the grounds 2 BEDROOM apartment. Large ROYAL GRIU KITCHEN Funeral Home of wilful absence tor more than living room and kitchen. Gar­ LONG & GRANT WE'VE A FINE REPUTATION Mrs. D. A. Whittaker k Sons, one year last past, and gross bage disposal, forced air gas 811,000 neglect'of duty. Said cause will Used Clothing Store FOR FINE FOOD k SERVICE • WE'LL DOFF our hat to the good police chief if he suc­ Inc., Funeral -dome heat, off-street parking, up to Cor. Lens St Grant 3*_-beetroom home at 1360 E. ••POPS'' ALLISON. Prop. ceeds in sweeping away the evils of our fair city, but brother, he'll Williams k McNabb be for hearing on or after April 2 children. Range and refrig­ Rich St. In perfect condition. 23, I960.—Webster S. Lyman, We bay aod sett ladies and 752 E. Long St. CL. 2-0177 n»»ed a big, big broom. Credit is surely deserving for knocking Mortuary, Inc. erator furnished. $85 month. men . ased clothing. 15x15 living room, full dining OASIS Jr.. Att'y. 3-12, 19, 28,. 4-2, 9, room, and modern kitchen. over the Church Charities rackets, putting the arm on those N. CL. 8-4353. ^-a-___a_____a____H_H____r LEGAL NOTICES Year's Eve sex murderers, hounding the heroin and dope users, 1960. '56 CHEVROLET Sedan deliv­ Large yard with fruit trees. Ga­ FIRST FLOOR furnished apart- CIRCLE-BAR & GRILL clamping the big squeeze on the burglars and bolsters, which Pearl Wilson, whose last ery truck. Tires practically rage. Close to schools, shops . ment. Adults, clean and pri­ LIQUOR • BEER • WINE TURNERS embarrassingly Included their brother officers who were less than known address is 2089 Ogden St., John Nemet, whose last known new. In excellent -condition. and bus. vate. Utilities paid. 1185 Served In A Congenial Atmosphere RESTAURANT the small time hoodlums, because they hid behind the badge of Denver, Colorado, will take no­ address is 23Vi 23rd Ave., Ven­ One owner. Call CL. 3-7416, Franklin Ave. Mr. Coleman or Mrs. Moore. For the large family or two 941 MT. VERNON AVE iStV. B. Leag St. . law and respect. For what it's worth there is credit in it when the tice that on Feb. 27, 1960, Sher­ ice, Calif., will take notice that families. This brick house has - Our New Cocktail Lounge Will.Be Open Soon greenback pack," with teardrops on their monogram silk shirts, man Wilson filed his petition in on March 8, 1960, Eleanor Pau­ SLEEPING and housekeeping 6 ACRES 2 miles east of Ga- kitchens and 2 stairways. Near­ 9% Beer - Wlnt - Whiskey the Common Pleas Court of line Nemet filed her petition in SOME COOKED FOODS cry, "Man, it's getting tougher and tougher to earn a dishonest rooms. Private entrance. 909 hanna on Taylor Rd. Nice hill ly new furnace. A real buy at Franklin County, Ohio, Division the Common Pleas Court of E. Long St. -is CA. «4tn ; WT dollar nowadays." * • and well on property. Will sell $9500. Terms if desired. of Domestic Relations, in Cause Franklin County, Ohio, in Cause cheap. Call CL. 2-8457 after 6 * • • No. 99474, praying for a divorce No. 99580, praying for a devorce 2 ROOMS, unfurnished. Married Edna B. Moreland Meet Your Friends At p. m. CL. 2-4785 or . CA. 4-4249 Oven For Baslnese • AS A PRACTICING newspaperman with _ finger on the from her on the grounds of wil­ from him on the grounds of ex­ couple or bachelor. References pulse of the police beat, on good terms with the illustrious police ful absence for more than one treme cruelty. Said cause will be required. CL. 8-8040. R. G. DENMEAD k CO. year last past. Said cause will REALTORS QUAUTY FOOD BAB inspector and numerous officers, I admit that there has been a for hearing on or after April 23, HOUSE FOR RENT Samuel D. Hooker Specializing tn Rome lot of progress made in the direction of an overall cleanup. BUT, be for hearing on or after April I960.—L. P. Henderson, Att'y. Real _.-tat« — Cooked Food there ia still a long, bumpy road to travel with many detours—be­ 9, I960.—Wm. A.. Toler, Att'y. 3-12, 19, 26, 4-2, 9, 16, 19-0. HALF DOUBLE. 2 bedrooms, 76$ Ml. V-moD Ave 2-BEDROOM SINGLE with Beer k Wine To Carryout 2-27, 3-5, 12, 19, 26, 4-2, 1960. newly decorated. Two chidrcn modern bath and shower, fully Opea Daily 11:30 to 1 A. M. cause a lot of unsavory things are happening in this man's town. APTS., ROOMS FOR RENT accepted. 1230 Wager St. In­ CL. 3-4531 Col. CL. $-1531 finished basement (in knotty James V. Anthony, Prep. I'm not going to call any names Voyla Ha Bynum, whose last REVIEW LOUNGE •Ct MT. VERNON ATE. but think hack over headlines 31 S. MONROE. CA. 8-3307. quire Mrs. Swain, 529 Mithoff pine), semi-finished second known address is 92 N. 21st st.. St., HI. 4-9838. floor, gas furnace, automatic POPULAR SPOT IN DOWNTOWN COLUMBUS AT at LEaXINGTON in local papers in recent weeks Columbus, Ohio, will take notice Furnished apartments. (13 Yr*. at Present Location) Ming's (hop Suey and it will give you a fair idea hot water, good drive, garage, that oh March 7, I960, Charles 175 MILLER AVE. Upper apart­ OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT beautifully landscaped. Drive of our convictions. Personally, H. Bynum filed his petition, in ment, 6 rooms, garage, gas Restaurant I know of a lot" of dives and OFFICE for rent. Ideal for busi­ by 806 Lyman Ave. and take a 165 E. LONG ST. (OR. OF 4TH the Common Pleas Court of furnace, separate basement, look. COLUMBUS REALTY Finest Cantonese and dens that could use a little 2 children welcome.- #7. ness or professional man or Franklin County; Ohio, Division CO. For appointment to ttee American Dishes whitewashing, in addition to a woman. Inquire Charles • Por­ PLEHIY OF FREE PARKING of Domestic Relations, in Cause month. Reference. CL. 8-5867. cat] Handle, CL. 3-3815, from Southern Tea Legal Beverages few rackets that could stand a ter, 50 ..amilton•• Pk., CA Special Price — Carryout No. 99573, praying. lor a "divorce RANCH STYLE apartments, 1 IM815. 9 to 5; CL. 2-8401 after 6. little airing by being brought from her. on the grounds of gross Room . Open 11-.S0 A. M. out into the open; BUT I'm no and --bedroom units. $70 and LIQUOR » BEER neglect of duty and extreme $77.50 per month. Located in MODERN 2-bedroom, 1-floor **••« Yaar WsAemms Haste Till 8:30 A. M. crusader and if I wanna' keep OPTOMETRISTS plan with-private 3-room effi­ Chaff-en Dinners Every cruelty, and further asks tern. heart of. Shepard at __0-_0_0 WANT-ADS FREE PARKING _ breathing then, I'd better keep Ideal Location — Physician ciency apartment in basement Sunday Home Fried Pie* porary and permanent custody E. Fifth Ave. BE. 1-1002, FOOD AVAILABLE my big mouth shut It's like I of their three minor children. In Building — Ample Free with bath. ll_ garage, gas fur. SIS E. LONG ST. OPEN DAILY 7:30-.:30 A. M. SUNDAY 11-2:30 A. M. CL. t-S-M said at the top, I know a lotta Said cause will be for hearing-on LIOBT HOUSEKEEPING Parking — Days CA. 4-1485 (L 3-7416 nace. Own*.*s selling price Homo Cooked Piea members of the "greenback t\ N. Nelson Rd. or after April 23, I960.—Frank rooms for rent. Utilities fur­ Eves. BE. i-Klli $9950. Immediate occupancy. Plate Lunches, pack," but I'm Just a techni­ POPUUft PRICES Sandvrkhaa at E. Long St C. Shearer, Att'y. 3-12, 19, 26, nished. CL. 8-2791 after 5:30. i 705 BRYDEN RD. Call CL. 3-3538 or see at 570 N. color "chicken-hearted" col­ 4-2, 9, 16, 1960. All day Saturday. Ohio Ave. umnist. •

ft_*-_*-Wa_ffM--RMn Mi\»-i_[__v_viri 1 • V-M 1 ir_-___p«__*^^ - . • MNMti KJ^ . . PAGE 26 THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1960 SATURDAY. APRIL 2, 1960 THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE 21 Grocers, Beer and Wine Carryouis MISC. SERVICES SENTINEL RECOMMENDED BEAUTY SALONS MISC. SERVICES Misc. Services PAPERiiANGiNG, plaster re­ - MIM1IR Excellent Service At. ST. CLAIR CARRY OUT pairs. Work guaranteed. Call To list In this directory call CLearbrook 3-7416. Deadline for new listings, copy AM. 8-7361 alter 0 p. m. changes, is Saturday, 12 noon. '_; Mooney Chinese Hand laundry & 505 St Clair Ave. Columbus, O. CL. 2-0232 _ __ -_, CLASSIC To list in this directory Groceries, Meats, Confectionery, Ice Cream STOP AT loria's Beauty Shop Dry Cleaning . Wine and Beer to Carry Out One-Stop Laundry ft Dry Cleaning JEFTS POOL ROOM BEAUTY SALON call CLearbrook 3-7416. 302 Carpenter St -' Joe Moore, Prop. G Store No. 1 Store No. _ ISIS MT. VEBNON AVE. tZS ML Vernon CL. 84019 963 Mt. Vernon Ave. 916 E. Long SL Complete Beaoty Service Deadline for new listings, CI. 2-8985 **«.-3_r.N Cigars, Candles and Ice Cold . UWNO-Y .ItVlCt 8 A. M. • 7 P. M. Mon. thru SaL MAYHUGH and SON Ao(t Drinks Charlie Mae Logan. Prop. copy changes, is Saturday, Operators: Gloria k Joyce CL. M_W US MT. VERNON AVE. CL. S-20-1 •i ••.!•• ii— i __a___-_-__i__-_-^-s_iww--_W--__-»M-j Operators: Lovella Da vies, Specializing In Hair Cutting, HOURS DAILY 7 A M. TO f P. ML SAM'S > Leona Wade, Millie Allen. 12 noon. Tinting, Styling, Manicuring Beer and Wine To Carryout Travis Jackson, Roxle and Facials SHINE PARLOR Russell, Winifred Wallace, Introducing A Brand New I DRIVE-IN CLEANERS The Store With The Friendly Atmosphere HOUSE of GLAMOUR Reconditioning Treatment Quality Meats and Groceries — Miles M. Maybngh, Prop. 338 N. SOtb 8L, Ool-mbat. O. Mamie SldeU Prop.. SAMUEL PENSON 992 ML Vernon Ave. CL. S-5311 Complete Dry Cleaning Service. Alterations ft Repair Free City-Wide Delivery Coroplete Beauty service Drapes ft Household Articles Our Specialty (SM) (Iff) 8TTLETTE BEAUTY SALON DORA'S CLASSIC 1 • Day Service Pick-Up ft Delivery Hair Styling—Bali Catting 228 E. Fifth Ave. at Fourth St. AX. 1-9207 1281 Mt. Vernon Ave. Prep MatUe Warren Tamer KRESGE Beauty Salon Charles Collins, Prop. SMITH'S (Cor. Champion) CL. 8-1386 Operators} Clara Caldwell, PLUMBING CO. Complete beauty service Complete Beauty Service GOODWIN Eleanor Wills, Mary Frances IM N. 170fe at. CU V5132 THE COLUMBUS HOME LAUNDRY WNFECTIONERY 467 E. Main SL Specializing in Hair Cutting AND DRY CLEANERS Groceries - Meats and Styling Russell, Annie Kate Jackson, Dora Phillips Rassell Prop. Repairing and Remodeling Eveninga by appointment Cleaners and Laundervrs of Quality and Distinction 1471 Granville St CL. S-130* Vegetables WH'.le Mae Stanley. Warole A One Stop Cleaning Service Groceries, Meats, Confections Res.: BE. MOGS Qladyce R. Moore, Opr. ELAUM BEAUTY SHOP i Hensley, Mayhe DIghle, AU Work Done At Our Plant Offlce: CA. gjjgj Ida Mae Griffin and Dorothy 628 E. LONG ST. Columbus. O. CL. t-O-Li DaUy 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Beer k Wine Bryant, Owners 172 Lexington Ave. Operators To Carryout BROOKS' AUTO CL. 3-1023 CA. 1-1136 ELIZABETH RANSOM aad Open Dally 9-11, Son. 10-5 ELECTRIC SERVICE UTTLE Complete Beauty Service ALMA DEWS, Props. 678 E. Long St CL. 2-0357 I'll BE THE FRONT END OF THE HORSE,- HOUSE of BEAUTY Hattie Elaum, Prop. BEAUTY HEIGHT SERVICE SHOE SHINE _ REPAIR Repairing Generators, Cornelia Giles, Operator Repaired Shoes Can Be Picked Up On Sunday rTOU. JUST fig YOURSELF / " \ Regulators, Starters Hair Styling e Specialty 807 ML Vernon ee. William R. Starr, Prop. FEATHERSTONE'S MKT UNDER NEW OA. 4-fS4 24 Hen Serviee Ml Mt. Vernon CL. 8-8213 CL. 3-1H1 • CL. 3-38.3 894 ML Vernon Ave. Open 8 A. M. to 10 P. MU Rear «ff S. Washlngten Ave. 459 N. 18TB ST. CL. 8-.035 MANAGEMENT Apis., Rooming Houses Apis., Rooming Houses Vendetta Wright, Margaret TILLEEN'S Complete Beaaty Service VEGETABLES, MEATS MODERN MARKET Long, Louise Smith, Oprs. Beauta Shoppo Ne Appointment Necessary GROCERIES ERNIE'S MARKET mN.ZvthSt CL.2-C-H Anna ftesenuui, .Top. Si7 Mt. Vemon Ave. CL. M_f4 Operators: Mahle Brown, GEORGE'S GARAGE Beer k Wine To Carry Oct StS Taylor Ave. CL. 2-8152 BEER & WINE Open Monday thro Saturday Sara Boyd, Almeda Scott, Complete Service On All Makes ot Cars Weekdays 8 A. M. -10 P. 51. TO CARRY OUT Metvoa Gtvens, Rhea Brown Lucy Ward, Expert Automatic Transmission Service Sundays 9 A. M. - 2 P. M. New Stock. Complete Line JUST A MERE of Groceries, Quality Meats Open Sal. Afternoon Open Sun. 2 lo 5 Wright. Jessie Vinson, George Branson, Prop. 20 Years Experience k Imported Champagnes Beauty Salon Operators Clara Roge-s, Manager and Vegetables 567 N. 20th SL CL. 3-11P5 Tarty Supplies — Domestic Hrs: 7:30 A. M.-9 F. M. 148 N. 20t_ SL - CL. 2-3-.0 WE DELIVER Monday through Saturday C-mpl-t* Beaaty Service Daily 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. Ernest Holland. Prop. Sally Nolan, Anna Flenard, IMA'S BEAUTY SHOP DON'T BE SATISFIED WITH LESS USD (10TWK0 Oracle McCoy, Zorado White, Oemylete Beaaty 8e***rtee--BaIr Styling and 8ealp Treatment JIMMY'S MARKET THAN THE BEST Operators Prop. Ima Johnson, Oprs. Virginia Cole, The PAUL PETERSON Complete Line of Men's, El*etha Cnrrtagtea, Qwaet SM St. Clalr^_ve. CL. 3-*S083 Open DaUy t A. M. to 8 P. M. COMPANY DICK'S 672 MT. VERNON AVE. Women's and Children's CL. 2-6274 Used Clothing FASHIONETTA BEAUTY BAR 950 DUBLIN RD. . .,.•.•,.••# BEAUTIFUL HU. 6 4373 mm/^m FOOD MARKET Col umbo.. Ohio DaUy 10 A. M. 'til C P. M., •77 E. LONG ST. V <-A ****«*• 552 SL Clair Ave. CL. 8-1261 Specialising in Choice Saturday . A. M. 'til 6 P. M. BEAUTY SALOH Complete Beaoty Service Meats and Groceries 474 E. Main SL Oprst Gertrude tteBrey. KatherlM G__aeU, • tttdfart Iftlll Complete Line Of Hrs.: Mon. thro Thurs. — FOR SAIE Eileen Stamps, Herbert Sellers. Gladys Lucille Reeves Quality Meats - Vegetables 8 ». m. - 7 p. m. Floyd Moran, Prop. WOOD F£NCE •'*»*'.__ EASTGATE Fully Equipped - Good Location Dora Good Confections Fri. . SaL: 8 a. m. • 8 p. an. • Fieo Estimate. • Time Payment. •v..*;:.,. Open Dally 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. San.: 8 a. m. • 1:30 p. tn. (HANDLER CL. 8-7623 BOOTH FOR RENT Sunday 8 A.M. to 12 Noon Prop. JAMES H. FLOOD APARTMENTS Shoe Repair Shop I MISC. SERVICES 789 ML Vernon Ave. Why Buy WILLIAM I. BELL Children welcome.* Beautifully landscaped with CL. 8-5195 Contractor BR. 4-7621 Columbus Barber Shop Directory playgrounds. New, modern brick apartments Complete Shoe .Service Dyed k Repaired With Top Remotieang aad repairing ht NEAR EASTGATE SCHOOL. Free summer swim­ ear specialty. Whatever your ming pool, very neat and clean, 3 bedrooms, attrac­ - Grade Materials THOMPSON BARBER SHOP Special Service On Damaged Job . . . build, repair er re­ tive bath and shower, garbage disposal, gas forced- Cinderella Heels & Purses HENRI' model , . . office, home er 964 MT. VERNON AVE., Near 18th St air heat, paved parking at your rear door. Rental For Delivery Serviee garage, call at for the best SEVEN CHAIR SHOP Complete Barber Service office corner N. Nelson Rd. and Maryland Ave. CaO Between 3-8 p. M. Or price (or quality work and Men, Women and Children's Hau Cutting and Styling . Opea DaOy DISTRJBIJTOR material. Ladles Hair Bobbing, Scalp Treatment, Deluxe Facials Open weekdays 9 to 7 p. m. NO DOWN PAYMENT A Specialty Returns 3 YEARS TO PAY of COSMETICS AU Work Guaranteed Barbers: Isaiah Hamilton, Damon Lynch Benny Fisher, TV Pidure Supplier of Columbus References Available Wade Saber, Leonard Thomas, Q. Moore; John Thompson, Prop. When You Can $ and Central Ohio Beauticians For More WHALEY SUG'S THE HAWKINS Tubes 19" Than 18 Years Buy New 65 N. MONROE AVE. CL. 3-4815 We Carry A Complete Line MASON' BARBER SHOP BARBER SHOP C-l__»-«», Otto Ot Hair And Beaaty Aids Inslallafion Free For Less OPTOMETRISTS aad 611 E. LONG ST. 675 E. LONG ST. We Welcome Old and New Patron- As Advertised Nationally Complete Barber Service Complete Barber Service Transient Guest Welcomed (all a 2-7181 In Ebony Magazine Complete JEWELERS Barbers: Barbers: Sag Holman, We Continue to Render the Same Exclusive, A Community Owned And EYES EXAMINED William E. Stewart, Efficient Service For Free Estimate Operated Enterprise GLASSES FITTED Irene Turner _ Bath Jones George Jones DELUXE FACIALS 328 N. 20th St. B Rooms WATCH REPAIRING WILLIS WHALEY. Prop. Reasonable Prices OLDTIMER ~~ CX. 8-7623 New Ford Hotel No. 2 Well torn-shed, clean wltb Brand New Satisfaction Guaranteed PIERCE'S _-.._ E. LongSL CA. 444X1 rery mod cm betel facilities. COLUMBUS LAUNDRY 773 E. LONO ST. CA. 4-2-11 Haley's Barber Shop Transient and Permanent Known Crom coast te coast for BARBER SHOP & DRY CLEANING 1502 ML Vernon Ave. Guests Welcome homelike atmosphere. ON SALE AT *B !* EDWARD P. ZEPF Complete Barber Serviee Complete Tonsorial Service Ford Hotel No. 1 Still COOPER*S TOURIST -DC ML Vernon Ave., Col's., O. No Down Payment Bicycle Tires and Supplies -M E. LONG ST. Eogene Haley, Prop. Operated at 179 N. 6th St S» N. 17lh St. CL. MiU Family and Bachelor Bundles Floyd W. Sauadcrs, Barber Sharpening of Lawnmowera, Mrs. B. H. Ford. Proprietress JAME8 COOPER, Mft. D-*pes, Blankets, Repairs ft Payments As Low As Scissors and Knives BROGSDALE'S •.::• CA. 1-3588 ST. CLAIR PHARMACY Alterations All kinds of Keys Made ~ JOHNSON'S ' Bicycles for Beat BARBER SHOP MISC. FOR SAIE MISC. FOR SAIE BELL TEL-VISIO*"'N i I LOUISE RAMSEY, Mgr. •5» Pei Week BARBER SHOP C. L. RAMSEY, Prop. CL. s-3-60. *s s. ouio An_ 1068 MT. VERNON AVE. COR. LEONARD & ST. CLAIR • •' •— am 9 sm -'•-• smmamfam^sjimsa^mimmmmmm -HR. LONG ST. 824 E. 5th Are. . (1 Door East ef Complete Barber Service MILLER'S FURNITURE STORE "tie-, Women aad C__ld_en't 9 Cameo Theatre) TIP-TOP CLEANERS Facials and Scalp Treatments Hair d_M_g • &tW|tf« J& °' U**d Purnlture and Bugs LUCKY ., 7*2***. Kefrlgerators, Washers, Sewing Machines 1 ONE DAY SERVICE A Specialty Bws: IM A. M.Tf:jo p. M. Dependable and ' •arid A. Williams, Barber Sat 7:30 A. M. To 8 P. M. CA. _-9680 Colnmbos, O. 18) E. MAIN 81 PATRONIZE OHIO SENTINEL ADVERTISERS FURNITURE 87. MX. VEKNON AVE. . Beanie »rof sdale, Prep. EASY TERMS WE BUT AND SELL FREE DEUYEEY Guaranteed Television CLOSED WEDMBDAI Service 1571 PARSONS AVE. Pie" 'lp aod Delivery HI. 3-9785 Ulan-bos. tM-*^

MB»M»MPWiM,-M ..WWWW——*>Ml-»n;il—Tf—-^^ ..-—••<—«.•*«.••-_— —-

PAGE 28 THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1960 ••••'• —' i ••_.» SATURDAY. APRIL 2, 1960 THE OHIO SEaNTINEL PAOB 29 ment Eastlawn by Williams by Williams and McNabb. COLUMBUS AREA DEATHS and McNabb. • ROWLAND, Elizabeth, 12-4 Sohio Wins '59 j • GREEN, Pierce, 3518 Cen­ Atcheson st, March 15. Survived by nephew, James Rowland; • BANKS. George W., 200 by son, Sgt. Robert Henry, tral av., Urbancrest, March 13. foster daughter, Helen Capito; Safety Awards 1 S. 22nd st., March 12. Survived Frankfurt, Germany. Interment Survived by daughter, Etta Four major safety awards Ezzard; brother, James Henry, friend, Lulu P. Moseley, Intea- by wife, Elizabeth; stepdaugh­ Green Lawn by Brooks. have been made to Tho Stan­ Kansas City, Mo., grandchil­ ment Green Lawn by White. ter, Lillian; sister, Mamie New- dard OU Co. (Ohio) by the Na- • EMBRET, George, 1960 dren, great-grandchildren, other ten, Massachusetts* brother, • SHEDD, Mrs. Willie, 1254 tionul Safety Council in recog­ Greenway N., March 23. Sur­ relatives. Interment Green Frank, granddaughter, great- N. 5th st, March 21. Survived nition of safety record*- attained vived by sons, Qunis, Cleveland, Lawn by Williams and McNabb. granddaughter, great -great- by daughters, Willie Mae Har­ during 1959. and T. S.: brother, Sam, Ala­ granddaughter, other relatives. ris, Vivian Latham, Betty Tho­ The company operated a full bama; daughters-in-law, Odes­ • HARGRO, Cora Mae, 376 lntcrmcnt Evergreen by Wil mas; sons, Bobby and Teddy; year without a fatality ln moro sa, Cleveland, and Edith, nep­ Parsons av., March 15. Survived sister, Annie Martin, grandchil­ than 22._ million man hours liams and McNabb. by husband. Rev. John H.; hews, nieces, other relatives. dren. Interment Eastlawn by worked, and the accident fre­ daughter, Jennie Tucker; sis­ • BETHEL, Essie, 316 Win­ Interment Green Lawn by White. Williams and McNabb. quency and accident severity ner av., March 21. Survived by ters, Viola McKnlght, Odessa rates for Sohio were again well daughters, Hattie B. Saunders, • EVANS, Robert, 189 N. Howard, MHdjred Jordan; bro­ • SMITH, Carrie Leota Skea- below the industry average for thers, William, Edward, Lee, Bessie Smart, Carrie Cousins, 22nd st, March 18, in Dayton. ton, 1381 Cole St., March 22. the eighth consecutive year. Leamon and Lester Chandler; Mary Jane Barbore; son, Alvin; Survived by wife. Arena Mae; Survived by niece, Lucille V. great-grandson, Ricky Wilson, grandchildren, great-grandchil­ brother, John T. Fuller; sister, Hartway; nephew, Frank D. nieces, nephews. Interment Un­ dren, sisters, Betty Maroney, N. Annie Jones, nephews, niece, Hartway; sister-in-law, Ethel NEATLY MANICURED LAWNS with newly planted shrubbery make op a typical picture ef Southfield, the fast growing community ln Southeast Colambusl The ion by Williams and McNabb. Hill. Interment Evergreen by York; Maude Pitts, Winston- sister-in-law, Ora Belle Fuller. Appointment lor area embraces some -00 brand new ranch style homes located within walking distance of three public schools, aad just a few minutes' drive from downtown Colum­ Crosby. Salem, N. C; brother, Roscoe Interment military section • HORNSBY, Ethel, 466 Han­ bus. Great Southern and Steelton shopping centers are nearby. An additional 250 homes, under construction now, win be ready for oecapaney before the end ef the Smith, N. Carolina; daughters- Green Lawn by Williams and ley st., March 19. Survived by • TAYLOR, Victoria C, 1586 Hugh W. Ray Jr. year. A furnished model of the new Southfield homes Is open at 2090 Fairwood av., dally and Sunday from 12 noon till 1 p. m. Fox more details en Southfield tan. in-law, Sarah and LuthJa Beth­ to the display ad ea Page f, ee better still, round up the family, drive out to the model heme and see for yourself. McNabb. husband, Lewis; sister, Naomi N. Star rd., March 15. Inter­ Appointment of Hugh W. Bay el; sons-in-law, William Cous­ Mobley; nieces, Julia Upshaw, • GLENN, Jesse, 993 E. ment Union by Whittaker. Jr., to the public relations staff ins, J. H. Saunders, nieces, nep­ Elizabeth Peaks; sister-in-law, of Columbus and Southern Ohio. hews, other relatives. Interment Rich at., March 17. Survived by Cora Lee Gaines, other rela­ • TURNER, Henry, Alum Huian Jack Cleared; Resumes Office Dormitory Dedicated Islamic Delegates Spend $100,000 wife, Ruth; son, Robert; daugh­ Crcsf hospital. .No known sur­ Electric Co. was announced Union by White. tives. Interment Eastlawn by N. YORK.—Hulan E. Jack resumed his 125,000 a year office as TAU-AIIASSEE, Fla. — Ded­ CHICAGO.—A total of .103,607.93 was spent here by the esti­ ters, Frances, Marilyn and Wil­ vivors. Interment Eastlawn by by Robert E, MinshaH, director Williams and McNabb. ol public relations. Manhattan borough president last week, shortly after the two ication of the new dormitory mated 15,000 persons from over the nation who attended the an­ • CARET, Elizabeth Wales, ma; father, Jake E., brothers, Whittaker. nual convention of Muhammad's Temple of Islam, which closed • HUGHES, Christopher, 1624 Ray, a' native ot Columbus, Is month old lndk*n.**T.. charging him with violation of the city char­ for women and the unveil­ 346 S. Wheatland av. Survived sisters, other relatives. Inter­ • WALKER, Wilkes, 1449 a graduate of OSU. He served ter, was thrown out on a technicality. Gov. Rockefeller, who has ing ot the recently installed March 8, according to a report released Monday by the organisa­ Emerald av., March 24. Surviv­ tion whose head is "Messenger" Elijah Muhammad. ed by wife, Anna; sons, Carl, Gibbard av., March 24. Survived as a writer and editor during a authority to remove the borough's first Negro president from of­ carrikm-chimea in the tower of At a bazaar, featuring local Negro businesses, the delegates Evans ton, ill., . Arthur Lewis, by daughters, Marie Walker, tour of duty with the Navy. Fol­ fice, Is studying the decision. The charge ot violation and con­ Lee Ball highlighted the 73rd Earl Wallace, Oliver Glenn and Catherine Ch lids, Georgetta lowing this, he worked as a mar­ spiracy was the outgrowth of Jack's acceptance of a $4400 remod­ observance ot Founder's Week spent $13,998.23. All Southside hotels were filled to capacity with 1Christophe r Jr.; daughters, Lau- Harris; sons, Alfonso, Robert ket reserch analyst for A. C. at Florida A-M university last visitors and delegates. Of the 12-point program that Muhammad eling Job on his Harlem apartment from real estate dealer Sidney week. Among the activities held called upon American Negroes to adopt, be emphasized point No. PERMASTONF rah Paris, Julia Wilson, Essie and Darrell Walker, Thomas Nielson Co., Chicago. Ungar. Mack, grandchildren, brothers, during the week were a meeting 2, which read: "Pool your resources, education and qualifications f_i Bvzuty • Permanence • Strength Mae Smotherman; sisters, Lau- , rah Mullins, Susie Wilson, Em­ sisters, other relatives. Inter­ of the alumni association, a for independence. ' ma Lee, Detroit; brother, Pryor, ment Evergreen by Whittaker. To Revive Brotherhood Interest luncheon, and the traditional During the three-day sessions, held in Chicago Coliseum, more grandchildren, great-grandchild, visit to the graves of the foun­ than 1100 persons were converted to the religion of Islam. A Lovely • WOODS, George, 1572 In an effort to revive local Interest in the various aspects of nieces, nephews, sisters-in-law, ders, former presidents and act­ Richmond av., March 24. Sur­ brotherhood, the Interim Columbus Brotherhood Committee in­ Perma-Stone br o t hers-in-law, daughters-in- ing presidents, who are buried vived by daughters, Helen vites Interested persons, particularly former members of the erst­ law, sons-in-law, other relatives. in Tallahassee. HO Is World Forum Front For Woods, Elsie Davis, Charlotte while Columbus Council for Democracy, Conference Committee on Interment Eastlawn by White. The International Labor Organization provides a forum of Shepherd, Margaret Moore; Community Problems, Mayor's Community Relations Commis­ world opinion that has consistently supported free democratic in­ a Small sion, and any other "short-lived" groups of the type, to a special • KYLES, Annie, 708 E. stepdaughters, Buelah Williams, UNCF Choirs To Sing stitutions and ideas since it was established in 1.19. ^Investment! Mound st., March 24. Survived Ida Childs, Sara Anderson; step­ meeting, to be held In the Normandy Lane room of the YWCA, son, Charlie Murray, grandchil­ Wednesday, April 8, at 8 p. ra. Personnel of the Interim Columbus N. YORK-—UNCF choirs will by son, Paul Goodwin; daugh­ observe the formal opening of FOR AS LOW AS dren, great-grandchildren, cous­ KOIMYt This Brotherhood Committee are Mrs. David Gerstcnfeld, Councilman Aid* KM OF ••-"•_ ters, Goldie Smith, Grace Dear- the United Negro College Fund's Ing, Susie Wright; brother, Wade ins, other relatives. Interment Russell M. Jones and Paul J. Lynch. V. rl1*v lM' Evergreen by Williams and Mc­ SMovftom I960 nationwide campaign dur­ MEN'S UNDERWEAR $9-58 Woffard; grandson, James Mc­ ing their April ABC-Radio Net­ Cain, other grandchildren, Nabb. for tho — Your Home! work broadcasts. The month's great-grand children, great- per month • WOODS, Rosie L., 631 Kim- ' programs also mark the 10th MAN IN MOTION . . . grcat-grar. .children: Interment Dot- your insurance fall ball pi., March 24. Survived by anniversary of the "Negro Col­ Eastlawn by Williams and Mc­ Kwrt of covering to* Nabb. sons, Joseph and MilHge; daugh­ __r_ higher value of lege Choirs" series on ABC. ters, Eulah Burkes, Elnora Tour properly I if K. • LUCAS, Rodney Allen, 1327 Woods, sister, grandchildren, you stand to lose im­ A PHYSICALLY handicapped Clifton av., Apt. H, March 23. great-grandchildren. Interment portant money in CAM youngster has a good chance of of fire. 8ee as BOOH. ID.BREVETTES) Survived by parents, Mr. and Eastlawn by Williams and Mc­ recovery if he has skillful care Mrs. Ralph Lucas, brother, sis­ Nabb. and treatment at the critical per­ 100% STRETCH NYLON BIKINI-TYPE BRIEFS J ters, other relatives. Interment iod of bis growth. ______Evergreen by Williams .and Mc­ THE SEAL which bears the Nabb. YOUB DOLLARS are needed EtrlHoo. emblem of the Easter lily is an /FUU. SUPPORT more than ever so that Easter opportunity to give the crippled • McDOWELL, William, 77S seals can extend treatment and a chance. / POSITIVE FFEEDOM E. Starr av., March 24. Inter­ ment Evergreen by Crosby. hope to greater numbers of phy­ / FEATHER LIGHT sically handicapped boys and MADAM DELL • MADRY, Bessie, 1162 Pen­ ______ALL IS BETTER WHEN girls. *A_tJ2_-_ 8 Kinds Of Stone To Choose From ny st, March 15. Survived by ImproTM—set YOU KNOW TOMORROW War Brmttts aaim jetr Ber- 110 Exciting Colors To Select From I do hereby agree and sol­ > sons, Maurice, Aaron and John; emnly guarantee to make you ___i_-"*ti»-_ l_,t*tatn__s. daughters, Margaret Slade, no charge If I fail to tell you PERMA-STONE of Columbus has served 4053 prop­ Mary Mae Wood, Bessie Haith, whether your husband, wife, \aaft9 wih V aw, toe. erty owners in this area over the past 30 years. We grandchildren, great-grandchil­ A Furnace That Can "GROW or sweetheart is true or false. Wbae, red or blade. offer complete building service. SIDING — dren, other relatives. Interment "MISS BLUE RIBBON" for the month of February is per­ I will tell you how to gain the ALUMINUM — ASBESTOS — STUCCO — PATIOS Evergreen by Whittaker. AS YOUB FAMILY 6R0WS one you most desire. Giving sonable Lettie Parker, shown presenting a 959 V. S. Savings names, dates, name your CEMESTONE — PLANTERS — WINDOW & DOOR THE GAS-FIRED Bond to Att'y Jesse S. Roy. acting chairman of her "favorite CHANGES — ALL TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION • MOREHEAD, George D., enemies. Get advice on love, '1.00 386 Galloway av., March 14. organization," Eastside Area Council. Mrs. Parker, a barmaid courtship, marriage, divorce, WORK. at Cafe Society, 1071 Mt. Vernon avr, topped the field In percent­ business, law suits, specula­ Survived by sister, Mary Stew­ -sail, Medfam or Uffe Of It PRICES ABE RIGHT FOR YOU AND ard; brother. Rev. J. W., Mon- NIAGARA age of sales gain for Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer for the month of tion, transactions ot aU kinds. ongahela,' Pa., nieces, nephews, February and will reign as "Miss Blue Ribbon" through March I tell you who and when to "B.V.D." giraut _utt TERMS TO FIT TOUR BUDGET 40-6 marry, settle lovers' quar­ WffljJ-t-y or yw iBiy r_ other relatives. Interment Green 31. Representing the sponsoring Scioto Beverages Distributing rels, family troubles, etc. Re­ See Us At Tbe Columbus Home Show Lawn by White. II your budget doesn't permit Co. was Crane Chennault, left, national sales specialist for tfcrirtftifl- complete winter air condition­ move evil influence and bad Buckeye Building, Ohio State Fairgrounds, April 2*8 Pabst, and cheering her successor Is Phenetta Davis, right, Jan­ • BOBIN90N, Dora A., 1531 ing now, let us install a Niagara luck, in fact anything you 40-G uary winner and an associate of Rosy Komer Bar. George wish to know and find out. Call or Write Perma-Stone Columbus, lac. II Oot-eC-Tewn Richmond av., March 15. Sur­ 40-Q steel gravity-type furnace Feel Free Te CaU Collect, 719 E. Hudson St., Columbus, Ohio, NOW in a si_e suited to your home... Churchill and. Dave Humphrey are co-owners of Cafe Society. Come to me and I will put vived by daughters, Florence your mind at ease. Special tailoring & clothing AM. 2-5511. —Pierce Photo. Powell Washington, B a.t tl e low fee. Hours 10 a. m. to 9 company Creek, Mich., Frances Richard- p. m. "No readings by mail." The Complete Mcnswear Shop 40-AC FBSE INFORMATION son, Jacksonville, Fla,; niece. Apolntment not necessary. • DAILY AND SUNDAY Bertha T.ri-9-*,! ICbmangahela, A&A FURNACE CO. LATER 966 Mt. Vernon al 18th PERMA-STONE COLUMBUS, INC. SALES k 875 W. MOUND ST. Pa.; cousin, Martha Castle man, CL 2-1181 Free Parking In R*«r 719 E. Hudson SL AM. 2-5511 Columbus 11, Ohio 94 Avondale Ave. SERVICE BR. 9-2663 Parking In Side Drive Xenia. Interment Green Lawn BAIL W. Mound bus stops at door of Store WiUiam J. Garrett • Licensed Professional BonoHman COLUMBUS. OHIO •Reg. U. 8. Pat. off. and Foreign Countries . «.,...-.« a ' ma* gMM___——immmmmmm««__——_____WmmmmmenMfreWG*. .-• •: .. -^V. __\^fi__?«______

-it ')...•'II iiii -iiln r;:fir;.'-:'"oi;-'i.Tr'••••!•( '• •__. r- -ftVil' \l_ l)illlMc%rP>aa**f^ir>*JT-,**i*>**f^^ """' """ '""' •**•"rf' "i *> •-i'-T- ~" _:*-

PAGE 30 THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1960 SATURDAY. APRIL 2. 1960 THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE 31 Dog Show Dale Set The Central Ohio Kennel club will hold Its 11th annual All- FOR BETTER Breed dbg show and obediance m ' trial Sunday, April 24, at Ye* terans Memorial. Entries will be closed April 12. For entry forms and additio­ nal information write Mrs. Eve­ lyn Rolfe, 20 Hutchinson dr., Worthington. The show is sanctioned by HOMES KEYS TO NEW HOME are presented Mrs. John L. Lukes by American Kennel club with AKC Donald O. Terry, sales manager of Brooks Realty Co., as Mr. rules. It is open for entrants in JLukrs beams proudly In foreground. The Lukes* new home Is six -classes, Brooks Realty 120 Hamilton Ave located at 551 W. 1st av. Brooks Realty Co. completed arrange­ ments for. the purchase. INVESTORS OSU Baseball Opener Must Be Sold To Settle Estates EDDIE 8AUNDERS, popular disc Jockey of Badlo-WVKO, OSU baseball team will open OHLEN ATE. 5 rooms, space heater, bath, large lot and was speaker at a recent meeting of the Y's Men's club of Spring the I960 home season this week­ t.ara_e. Price $3709. CA. 1-3143 or CA. 4-5T.0. end against Kent State univer­ St. YMCA. Mr. Saunders discussed his many experiences in ra­ Burton Shaping Up In STAMBADGH AVE. 4 rooms, frame, with bath. Prico "THF. BET TO FUN Is sparkling Burger Beer," says salesman Jack T. Payne, left, and Zack sity, a single game being carded dio aad divulged his philosophy ot living which has been the 33500. CA. 1-3141 or CA. 4-5770. Whyta, a pair of familiar faces, doing a stellar Job of plugging the popular Cincinnati brew. on the varsity diamond Friday foundation for- his success. Be Is shown receiving from Charles Whyte, a special sales representative on Burger. Brewing Co.'s national staff, Is ln Columbus this E. Hamilton, clnb treasurer. » gift which is now given as a token at 3:30 p. m. and a doubieheader "FISHERMEN — OtJTDOOB MEN" week assisting Payne and the latter's associates of Capitol Beverages Distributing Co., introduce Cards Spring Training Saturday at 1 p. m. 24' Perry Schooner Trailer. Equipment: Bonk bed, kitchen. of appreciation to persons who address the club. Burger's new Green Label Ale. New product Is touted by Payne and Whyte as being "excitingly ST. PETERSBURG Fla. — St. Ass'n outfielders in assists, bat- gas heating stove, fas cook stove and electric freezer. different—a sure hit with ale drinkers." Ohioans will be hearing more about lt soon via the Bur­ Louis Cardinal Mgr. Solly He. tod .292 and knocked 14 homers ger Brewing Co. sponsored radio broadcasts ot Cincinnati Beds baseball games. Approximately INDIVIDUALS WHO HAVE MONET TO INVEST IN mus may be relying heavily on for Omaha. N of the National League club's contests will be aired in Columbus via WBNS-Badlo. — pierce GOOD FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS CONTACT OS AT a slight (160 pounds) switch Photo. MEANWHILE, things are set­ TAYLOR AVE. ONCE. LOCKE'S BARBERSHOP hitting outfielder when the No­ tling somewhat among Negro tional League season opens players over a story in a na­ Expert Tonsorial Service —-Creators of Process Styles within a few days. WINE STORE tionally circulated magazine. NORTH and NORTHEAST Incidents And Accidents In Columbus Complete Line Of BANCROFT ST. 5 rooms, 1-floor plan, less than t years Wilbur Locke, Prop. Ellis Burton, who can carry The magazine listed George • ALFRED L. EVANS, 1466 Homer Ware, his stepfather, she was "tired of living" Marva old, lovely little bungalow, S1600 down. CA. 1-3143 or Frank Ludaway—-Robert Young—Chester Crumpler his S ft 11 in. frame to either Crowe as the key player among phoned police. CA. 4-5770. Oak st., was being sought by Miller, 21, 1191 E. Rich st., open­ side of the plate, isn't too sure the league members in Florida. police to answer a larceny by ed the gas jets of the cooking • BECAUSE HE refused to where he will end up, although Crowe has repudiated the al­ Kacy Jones trick charge. Mrs. Velma Ware, stove and stuck her head in the EXPERT WAKH I JEWELRY REPAIR give $1 to an unidentified wom­ he is expected to be in the re­ legation. Win and HILLTOP Evans' mother, told police' her oven about 11 p. m. last Wednes­ serve outfield spot STUCCO, excellent condition, 5 years old, foil basement, an, she cut him on the cheek, The Cardinals will open their POTATO (HIPS son went on a drinking spree day, police reported. She was Most observers here at Al gas forced air heaters. WIU FHA. Call Alfred B. Hoover James L. Triplett, 53, 215 N. home stand in Bosch stadium in with $191 she gave him to pay rescued by a neighbor who Lang field where the Red Birds and FRIT.S BB. G-4.6,, CA. 4-5770. 917 Ml. Vernon Ave. llth st., told police. A man April. The team will look tor- bills. Evans was seen in a phoned the emergency squad are winding up their spring • DEMOBEST BD. 5 rooms, 1-floor plan. Gift! Only $6000. Open Dally 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. — Closed On Monday companion of the woman held ward to playing, however, in the Southside tavern "spending a that took her to St. Anthony training are unanimous in their CA. 14143 or CA. 4-5770. him while she cut him, Triplett new Downtown stadium sched­ lot" of money shortly after he hospital. After treatment. Miss praise of the young Californian. 3.2 Beer Sundays DOUBLE. Clarendon Ave. Excellent neighborhood. Near informed police at St. Anthony uled to be built by 1963. Anheu­ left to pay the debts. Later, he Miller was booked at city prison school* and transportation. Live In one side and let - ou'U find hospital. It required 14 stitches FRANKLY, Burton consders ser-Busch, Inc., has already came home and claimed h_ had on a "hold for doctor" order. 250 TAYLOR AVE. the other side pay the mortgage. Low down payment, new spring to close up his wound, according himself quite fortunate to be in pledged $3,000,000 to the $20,000, been "clipped." He fled when to a police report . . . Because CU 3-7048 CA. 1-9143 er CA. 4-5770. j styles in any club's lineup. 000 needed to construct the civic Open Dally 9 A. M. to fashionable venture. Other pledges have Just three years ago,.he suf­ 12 Midnight EAST and SOUTHEAST Point.. brought the total to within fered a broken collarbone, con­ Sunday 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. 2-STORY BRICK on corner location, t rooms, bath, second -_» cussion and Bevere bruises when $2,000,000 of the cost floor, equipped with space heaters, folly equipped for Shirt* _*<_ Tim a car in which he was riding light housekeeping. First floor 2-0f floor space, gas went over a 113 ft. cliff. The car Thanka—6 N. High furnace, 2 toilets. Extra parking In rear of banding. turned over three times with 3500 per month income. Can be bought oa terms. Ed Baihy Burton inside. Call Donald Terry CA. 4-5770. OLD MEMORIAL HALL "nt uttu Hon i- it.. w_r> Within four weeks, however, BRICK, 32000 down, land contract, good condition, 14 CatawlMM. Otto he was back in the Pittsburgh rooms, excellent, lovesteaent, forced air gas heat, t chain lineup. The injuries did baths. $-98 per month Income. CaU Charles WObnro, Stupendous Five Star impair his throwing arm. This CL. 24*0.0, CA. 4-5770. did not deter the Cardinals, BRICK, 312,000, 3 bedrooms, furnace, garage, large lot whose management felt it could CA. 1-3143 or CA. 4-5770. ATTRACTION be restored. 645 LILLET AVE. Frame, 6 rooms. Land Contract, small With a $3500 investment, the down payment, $70 per month or 221. Living room athlete went to Houston where 15x21, foil basement. Call George Davis CL. 2-3053, SAT. APRIL 2,8:30 P.M. Coach Harry Walker worked CA. 4-5770. wih the arm. ftMJB FRAME DUPLEX, 4 rooms, bath up, 5 rooms, bath down, Last year he led the American STONE BY STONE gas furnace, garage, large lot, priced low. $147 per ._•- ___* upsco|j|B NO JOB TOO URQE OR TOO SMALL month Income. CaU Rebecca Redman CL. 3-2611 er (age Olympic Trials CA.4-S7W. 5-ROOM 2-story frame, 2 bedrooms, gas furnace, nice Ohio State university's NCAA 100% FINANCING yard. Priced to sell, $4500. CA. 1-3143 Or CA. 4-5770. OF THE WORLD CK&HPI0HSH1P basketball champions will ap­ 5 YEARS TO PAT FA1HT M uom $14,000 — .-family double. 3 rooms, bath, space heater pear in the Olympic trials this (approved) to each unit, good condition, 3-60 per month BALTIMORE (OITS week in Denver, Colo., having income. Pay cash or terms. CA. 1-3143 or CA. 4-5770. AND drawn the NAIA All-Stars as their first opponent at 9 p. m. LOTS OF ALL SIZES LOCATED ALL OVER THE Thursday night CITY — CALL GEORGE DAVIS CL. 2-8053 We Will Build You A 3-Bedroom Ranch Typo Home "Sweet Daddy" SIKI Call Us For Details DOCTOR vs • We Have A Waiting List For Rentals I List Your Property With Us I Oxfords, tlipons, boots alt 1990 atyles JUAN SEBASTIAN X-2K _ ... get the point? ADDITION!^ FRITZ YON GORING 991 823 ISO ALUMINUM SIDING 837 514 245 • lake- Uemet fit-.- , • AU Work aad HaHrlals GREAT SUPPORTING CARD SUBTRACTION: Ara __«_•.••_- ^ ;RTS TALABER, SWENSKI, STEAMBOAT 925 779 704 •ir-aW.. ...GRAHAM, SCHNABLE 329 566 263 DIAMOND 24-HR. PHONE 210 K. TOWN—FREE PARKING RESERVATIONS: The Clock. CA. 4 _030; Marshall's, HOME IMPROVEMENT CO. REALTY CO. Cfl. 4-5770 CA. 8-3318. After 6 P. M. Saturday, CA. 4-6733. ADDITION: 828, 331, 395 AX. 4-5248 SUBTBACTION: 596, 213, 441 1712 CLEVELAND AVE. \V_X_V_J~>

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