JULY 2013 1

Asian Institute of Technology JULY 2013

Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai appointed Interim President rof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai, Vice President for sistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, Dean Resource Development and Acting President, has of School of Civil Engineering, Founding Dean of SET, Pbeen appointed Interim President of the Asian In- and Vice President for Resource Development. stitute of Technology (AIT). The decision was made by Please visit Prof. Worsak’s biodata from this link: http:// the AIT Board of Trustees at a meeting on 20 June 2013, www.ait.ac.th/news-and-events/2013/news/worsak_ and was announced to the public on 1 July 2013. biodata.pdf/view#.UdE87T6OBhp Prof. Worsak had served as Acting AIT President since 1 April 2013. He also served as Acting President from Prof. Kanchana inducted 13 February - 3 March 2013. into the Hall of Fame An alumnus of AIT, Prof. Worsak has served AIT as As- Read more on page 2.


Recent News / Happenings at AIT...... 2-4 People...... 4-5 Backpage...... 6 RECENT NEWS / HAPPENINGS AT AIT JULY 2013 2

Prof. Kanchana inducted ’s connection to the into the Internet Hall of Internet started 25 years ago at AIT Fame with “AIT.TH” Affectionately nicknamed the “Mother of the Internet in Thailand” for her pioneering work, Prof. of AIT on 26 June 2012 was inducted into the global by the based in Geneva, Switzerland.

Prof. Kanchana was the first Thai person to introduce electronic mail and the Internet to Thailand. She is the first Thai person to be inducted into the Internet Prof. Kanchana Kanchanasut (center) and Dr. Hall of Fame. (second, right) with Prime Minister of Thailand Yingluck Shinawatra. The Internet Hall of Fame recognizes a Twenty-five years ago, Thailand was connected to the Inter- select group of visionaries, leaders, and net for the first time at AIT. In the late 1980s AIT was a key luminaries who have made significant hub for the early development of the Internet in Thailand, contributions to the development and and was the site of the country’s first email. advancement of the global Internet. In- ductees are honored in three categories: In June 1988, AIT’s Professor Kanchana Kanchanasut suc- Pioneers Circle, Innovators, and Global cessfully registered the Internet top-level domain name Connectors. “.TH”, a move that ushered the country into the world of the nascent Internet. For the first time, email addresses were Prof. Kanchana joins previous induct- possible for members of the academic community in Thai- ees such as Dr. , and Dr. Steve land through dial-up accounts to “ait.th”. Crocker in the Pioneer Circle category, which recognizes individuals instrumen- By mid-1988, Prof. Kanchana received authorization to tal in the early design and development of oversee providing domain name registration services under the Internet. Former U.S. Vice President “.TH”. The domain name was registered by AIT for an ex- and Dr. Tim Berners-Lee are also perimental network called the Thai Computer Science Net- notable Hall of Fame inductees. work (TCSnet). Through the support of the Australian In- ternational Development Agency, ACSnet software enabled AIT to connect with Prince of Songkla University, Chul- alongkorn University, and Thammasat University.

The domain name registration task was jointly provided by AIT and Chulalongkorn University until 1999, when new- ly formed Thai Network Information Center Foundation (THNIC) took over. Today .TH remains the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for the country, and is ad- ministered by THNIC. Prof. Kanchana Kanchanasut RECENT NEWS / HAPPENINGS AT AIT JULY 2013 3

AIT to partner in UNEP’s Climate Technology Centre and Network

AIT will partner in the UNEP-led Discussing this and other modali- Climate Technology Centre and ties at the first Regional Expert Di- Network (CTCN), which has been alogue in Bangkok were AIT’s Dr. created following a meeting of the Shobhakar Dhakal and Dr. Kyoko Governing Council of the United Kusakabe. “AIT will be honored to Nations Environment Programme be a partner and it offers an oppor- (UNEP) held in February 2013. tunity for the Institute to play a lead role in helping countries adopt new The consortium is led by UNEP technology mechanisms,” Prof. and includes UN Industrial Devel- Sivanappan Kumar, AIT’s Act- plementing arm of the Technology opment Organization (UNIDO), ing Vice President for Academic Mechanism of the UN Framework along with 11 international re- Affairs said. Prof. Kumar added Convention on Climate Change search and development bodies, in- CTCN has only two partners in (UNFCCC). cluding AIT. CTCN will be the im- Asia – AIT and TERI in India.

AIT bags USAID project on Agricultural Learning Exchange

AIT has been awarded a USD bodia, India, Nepal and Thailand. capable for long-term contribu- 899,000 grant by the United tion to enhance food security in States Agency for International The program, is a part of the US- the region. Development/Regional Develop- AID program “The Agricultural ment Mission for Asia (USAID/ Learning Exchange for Asian Re- Prof. Gopal B. Thapa of RRDP is RDMA) for implementing a pro- gional Networking (AgLEARN).” the principal investigator of the gram to enhance food security and The project also aims to establish project, and other members of the livelihood in Bangladesh, Cam- a virtual ‘Centre of Excellence on project include Prof. Ganesh P. bodia and Nepal. The three-year Sustainable Agriculture Practices Shivakoti, Dr. Peeyush Soni, and collaborative project involves 13 and Food Security’ at AIT with a Dr. Avishek Datta from ASE aca- partners from five countries in multidisciplinary team of AIT re- demic program. Asia, namely Bangladesh, Cam- searchers and partner institutions

SPS Global to offer scholarship and interships to AIT

SPS Global Corporation, a com- the scholarship was signed on 28 pany established by an alumnus of June 2013 by Managing Director the Asian Institute of Technology of SPS Global Corporation, Dr. (AIT), has announced the award Soontorn Pironsartkoon, and the of a scholarship of USD 8000 to AIT Acting President, Prof. Wor- a bright and needy student to pur- sak Kanok-Nukulchai. Besides the sue a Master’s program at AIT’s scholarship, the company is be- School of Environment, Resourc- sides exploring internship opportu- es and Development (SERD). nities for students of AIT’s School Mr. Soontorn Pironsartkoon (left) and of Engineering and Technology Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai. The formal agreement to award (SET) and SERD. PEOPLE / HAPPENINGS AT AIT JULY 2013 4

AIT to promote Habitech Building Technology in Africa AIT will promote Habitech Building Technology in Nigeria and other countries in Africa following the signing of a Memoran- dum of Understanding (MoU) with Elim Project Systems Limited (EPSL), Scotland, UK.

The MoU was signed on 17 June 2013 by Dr. Elizabeth Bola Ogunlana, Director and CEO of (EPSL), and Prof. Worsak Ka- nok-Nukulchai, Acting President of AIT. Besides promoting Habitech building technology, both parties will also develop joint proposals for submission to prospective funding agencies to fa- Dr. Elizabeth Bola Ogunlana (left) and Prof. cilitate the provision of decent and affordable housing in Africa. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai. The MoU also stipulates joint collaborative research projects and joint training courses. Prof. Stephen Olu Ogunlana, former faculty of Structural Engineering in AIT’s School of Engineer- Director, Habitech Center, SET attended ing and Technology (SET) and Mr. Gyanendra R Sthapit, Interim the MoU signing ceremony.

Don Bosco University signs MoU AIT alumnus Prof. with AIT Yew-Chaye Loo made Member of the Order of Don Bosco Uni- versity, Assam, Australia India has signed AIT alumnus and a Memorandum former seconded of Understanding faculty member (MoU) with AIT Professor Yew- aimed at formal- Chaye Loo of izing a Unified Griffith Univer- Bachelors-Mas- sity, Australia, has Dr. Stephen Mavely (left) with Prof. Professor Yew- Sivannapan Kumar. ters degree pro- Chaye Loo been named to The gram. Signing the Queen’s Birthday MoU, Vice Chan- 2013 Honours List and will be made a cellor of Don Bosco University (DBU) Dr. Stephen Mave- Member of the Order of Australia, one ly stated that both Don Bosco are AIT are reputed brand of his country’s highest civilian hon- names, and the partnership will help both parties. ours. Prof. Loo was named for his sig- nificant service to civil and structural The MoU was signed on 7 June 2013 by Dr. Mavely, and engineering. AIT Acting Vice President for Academic Affairs, Prof. Siv- anappan Kumar. Dr. Mavely stated that besides the Unified Originally from Malaysia, Yew-Chaye program, Don Bosco University is also looking towards Loo graduated from AIT in 1968 with faculty and staff exchange, and joint research collabora- a Master of Engineering in Structural tion. Accompanying the delegation was AIT alumnus Dr. Engineering and Construction from the Sunandan Baruah, Head of Department of Electronics and School of Civil Engineering. Prof. Loo Communication Engineering, DBU. was also a Seconded Associate Profes- sor to AIT from 1981-1984. PEOPLE / HAPPENINGS AT AIT JULY 2013 5

Scholarships and Fellowships available at AIT His Majesty the King’s Scholar- ships For students enrolling in any field of study offered at AIT to enhance pro- fessional training and international cooperation.

Her Majesty the Queen’s Scholar- ships For students enrolling in any envi- ronment related field of study, to in- aims to assist human resource development in six GMS countries. still a consciousness of environmen- tal resilience and awareness for the New AIT Fellowship Scheme region. The New AIT Fellowship Scheme is intended to provide more opportuni- ties for students from across the region to study at AIT. A new era is ap- Loom Nam Khong Pijai proaching with the coming ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015, The Loom Nam Khong Pijai Schol- and AIT aims to play a key role by developing the next generation of inter- arships are granted by the Royal national engineers, scientists, and managers. Thai Government in honor of HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn. It For details visit: http://www.ait.ac.th/AIT/admissions/Current_Scholarships

Condolences Farewell Mr. Benjamin A. Gargabite, AIT says fare- Coordinator, Admissions well to Prof. Kazi and Scholarships Unit, AIT M. Ahmed, Pro- passed away suddenly on 23 fessor, School June 2013. An AIT alumnus, of Engineering he completed his Master’s and Technology in Human Settlements (SET), Telecom- Development in 1986. munications Field Mr. Benjamin A. Prof. Kazi M. Ahmed (left) and Prof. Gargabite Sivanappan Kumar. of Study; Mr. Prior to assuming the position Matthew Laze- of Coordinator, he had also wski, Director, served as Admissions and Scholarships Officer. Mr. AIT Language Center and Mr. Warawut Sawartsuk, Gargabite joined AIT on 1 August 1987. He is survived Senior Technician, School of Environment, Resources by his loving wife Ms. Chuleeporn Tangritpranee. and Development (SERD), Agricultural Systems En- gineering (ASE) field of study. Prof . Kazi joined AIT While expressing condolences on the unexpected pass- in 1994, while Mr. Lazewski served AIT since 1998 ing of Mr. Gargabite, Acting President Prof. Worsak Ka- (second stint). Mr. Sawartsuk has been serving AIT nok-Nukulchai said he was highly respected by all and since 1978. described him as one of AIT’s most loyal employees. BACKPAGE JULY 2013 6

ICANN Chairman commends intERLab’s work as “very impressive”

Visiting AIT and Thailand for the first time, Chair- man of the Board of Internet Coporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), Dr. Steve Crocker, described the work done by AIT’s intERLab as “very impressive” and exciting.

“The work and the training programs are wonderful,” the visionary Internet guru remarked during his visit to AIT on 5 June 2013. Meeting the Acting President Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai, he stated that Prof. Dr. Steve Crocker Kanchana Kanchanasut was a “very highly regarded” person who was known throughout the world. Ex- Dr. Crocker, who has been involved in the Internet pressing admiration for Prof. Kanchana, AIT’s Acting since its inception, was part of the team that devel- Vice President for Research and the Director of the oped the protocols for the ARPANET and laid the Internet Education and Research Laboratory (intER- foundation for today’s Internet. Dr. Crocker was ac- Lab), Dr. Crocker also commended her team’s work companied by John Crain, ICANN’s Senior Director, at intERLab. Security, Stability and Resilience.

News AIT Technology Event You Date: 10-11 July 2013 Venue: InterContinental Bangkok Hotel

Can For details, please visit: http://www.consulting.ait.asia/TechEventMain.aspx

Use The Asian Institute of Technology is staging its inaugural AIT Technology Event in downtown Bangkok to share its latest technological advancements Editor: Bajinder Pal Singh directly with industry. AIT scientists, experts and thought leaders will engage [email protected] business leaders and explore mutually beneficial opportunities at the two-day Designer: event at the Intercontinental Hotel Bangkok on 10-11 July 2013. Nadhika Mendhaka Photos: Paitoon Tinnapong

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