Domain Design Package

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Domain Design Package (562) 901-1500 (t) (562)901-1501 (f) DOMAIN PROJECT ADDRESS: 111 West Ocean Boulevard Ocean West 111 20th Floor Beach, CA 90802 Long 7141 - 7155 SANTA MONICA BOULEVARD WEST HOLLYWOOD, CA SANTA MONICA + FORMOSA VIEW DOMAINͲWESTHOLLYWOOD 12/7/2012 PROPOSEDFLOORAREA FLOORLEVEL PROGRAM SF ZONING BASEMENTPARKING(Ͳ2) CA(Commercial,Arterial) AreaNotIncludedinFAR ParkingLevelͲ2 19,010 TOTALFLOORAREA(NOTINCLUDEDINFAR) 17,157 SETBACKSͲWHMC19.10.040Table2Ͳ6 BASEMENTPARKING(Ͳ1) CAZone ALLOWABLE PROPOSED AreaNotIncludedinFAR ParkingLevelͲ1 55,817 TOTALFLOORAREA(NOTINCLUDEDINFAR) 55,817 Front none 0'Ͳ0" OWNER 10ft.ifadjacenttoaparcelinaresidentialzoningdistrict,or FLOOR(01) GLJ PARTNERS moreasnecessarytoprovideaminimumseparationof15ft. VariesͲSeeSheet AreaNotIncludedinFAR ParkingLevel1 9034 WEST SUNSET BOULEVARD Side&Rear Retail WEST HOLLYWOOD, CA 90069 betweencommercialandresidentialstructures;nonerequired A6.01 FloorAreaIncludedinFAR 9,305 TS.01 TITLETITLE SHEET, SHEET SUMMARIES, PROJECT ATTN: MARK GABAY otherwise. ResidentialAmenity 2,015 TS.02 TEAMTITLE ANDSHEET SHEET INDEX TEL: (310) 247-0900 Streetside,cornerlot Nominimumrequired;amaximumof25ft.isallowed. 0'Ͳ0" CommercialCirculation(includesstairs,elevators,corr.) 4,426 A0.01 ALTA SURVEY FAX: (310) 247-1525 C0.01 ALTA SURVEY IftheproposedprojectisadjacenttoanRͲ1,RͲ2,RͲ3,orRͲ4 ResidentialUnits 8,489 A0.02 EXISTING SITE CONDITION TOTALINCLUDEDINFARCALC. 24,235 residentialzoningdistrict,the25feetofthestructurelocated ARCHITECT A0.03 DESIGN CONCEPT MixedͲUseIncentiveOverlayZone FLOOR(02) A0.01 DESIGN CONCEPT closesttotheresidentialzoningdistrictshallbelimitedto35ft. HeightVariesͲSee STUDIO ONE ELEVEN A0.04 CONTEXT PLAN Adjacency(19.10.050Commercial ResidentialAmenity A0.02 DESIGN CONCEPT inheight,andtheimpactofthestructureshallbemitigatedto SheetA6.01 FloorAreaIncludedinFAR 1,600 A DIVISION OF PERKOWITZ + RUTH ARCHITECTS A0.05 SITE PLAN DevelopmentIncentives) A0.03 DESIGN CONCEPT thesatisfactionoftheCommissionwitharchitectural,or ResidentialUnits 27,575 111 WEST OCEAN BOULEVARD, 20TH FLOOR A1.01 VIGNETTE 1 Residential Circulation (includes stairs, elev., corr., trash) additionallandscapetreatment. 5,557 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 A1.01A1.02 SITEVIGNETTE PLAN 2 A1.03 VIGNETTE 3 BUILDABLEAREAANDDENSITYBONUS ATTN: ALAN PULLMAN A1.04 VIGNETTE 4 LOTAREAͲCAZone 57,965(1.33AC) TOTALINCLUDEDINFARCALC. 34,732 TEL: (562) 901-1500 A2.01 VIGNETTE FLOOR(03) FAX: (562) 901-1501 A2.02A1.05 VIGNETTE 5 FloorAreaIncludedinFAR ResidentialUnits 29,085 A2.03A2.01 VIGNETTEP2 LEVEL PLAN A2.02 P1 LEVEL PLAN TOTAL 57,965 ResidentialCirculation(includesstairs,elev.,corr.,trash) 5,782 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT A2.04 VIGNETTE EPT DESIGN A2.05A2.03 VIGNETTEGROUND LEVEL PLAN ALLOWABLEAREA TOTALINCLUDEDINFARCALC. 34,867 844 EAST GREEN ST., SUITE 201 A2.06A2.04 VIGNETTESECOND LEVEL PLAN CAZONEALLOWABLEDENSITY FAR PASADENA, CA 91101 (SF) FLOOR(04) A2.07A2.05 VIGNETTETHIRD LEVEL PLAN ATTN: BEN MCCOY A2.08A2.06 VIGNETTEFOURTH LEVEL PLAN FloorAreaIncludedinFAR ResidentialUnits 27,311 TEL: (626) 795-2008 CABaseFAR 2.50 144,912.5 A2.07 FIFTH LEVEL PLAN ResidentialCirculation(includesstairs,elev.,corr.,trash) 4,676 FAX: (626) 795-2547 +MixedUseFAR 0.50 28,982.5 A3.01A2.08 ELEVATIONSIXTH LEVEL PLAN FARBeforeAffordable3.00 173,895.0 A3.02A2.09 ELEVATIONROOF PLAN TOTALINCLUDEDINFARCALC. 31,987 LAND USE CONSULTANT +AffordableHousingDensitybonus(25% A3.01 ELEVATIONS FLOOR(05) JEFFREY SEYMOUR 1 0.75 43,473.75 A4.01A3.02 MATERIALELEVATIONS BOARD x3.0) FloorAreaIncludedinFAR ResidentialUnits 26,579 SEYMOUR CONSULTING GROUP A4.01 SECTION TotalAllowableProjectFAR3.75 217,368.75 ResidentialCirculation(includesstairs,elev.,corr.,trash) 4,561 2815 TOWNSGATE ROAD, SUITE 140 A5.01A4.02 SUBLEVELSECTION I PARKING PLAN WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CA 91361 A5.02A4.03 GROUNDSECTION LEVEL PLAN 217,368.75 TOTALINCLUDEDINFARCALC. 31,140 A5.03A5.01 SECONDDETAIL WALL LEVEL SECTION/ELEVATIONPLAN FLOOR(06) A5.04A5.02 THIRDDETAIL LEVEL WALL PLAN SECTION/ELEVATION FloorAreaIncludedinFAR ResidentialUnits 22,443 A5.05A5.03 FOURTHDETAIL WALLLEVEL SECTION/ELEVATIONPLAN ALLOWABLEHEIGHT A5.06 FIFTH LEVEL PLAN ResidentialCirculation(includesstairs,elev.,corr.,trash) 4,650 A5.04 DETAIL WALL SECTION/ELEVATION CAZONEALLOWABLEHEIGHT A5.07 SIXTH LEVEL PLAN ResidentialAmenity A6.01 BUILDING HEIGHT DIAGRAM 5ͲST,60'Ͳ0" 668 A5.08 ROOF PLAN A6.02 BUILDING HEIGHT DIAGRAM AffordableHousingHeightBonus:1Story,10'Ͳ0"(Concession1) 70'Ͳ0"Max(Varies) A6.03 GROUND LEVEL CIRCULATION DIAGRAM TOTALINCLUDEDINFARCALC. 27,761 A6.01 BUILDING SECTION DOMAIN 70'Ͳ0" A6.02A6.04 BUILDINGRESIDENTIAL SECTION LEVEL CIRCULATION DIAGRAM TotalAllowableHeight A6.05 GREEN BUILDING PROGRAM POINT SYSTEM (6Stories) TOTALFLOORAREAPROPOSED 184,722 A6.03 BUILDING SECTION A6.06 COMMON OPEN SPACE DIAGRAMS APARTMENTS TOTALALLOWABLEFLOORAREA 217,368.75 A6.04 BUILDING SECTION A6.07 COMMON OPEN SPACE DIAGRAMS INCLUSIONARYHOUSINGW.H.M.C.19.22.030 A7.01A6.08 GROUNDPRIVATE OPENLEVEL CIRCULATIONSPACE DIAGRAMS DIAGRAM OPENSPACEREQUIREDW.H.M.C.19.36.280 WEST HOLLYWOOD, **ProjectsoffortyͲoneunitsormore.Twentypercentoftheunitcountprovidedasunitsofcomparablesizeandfinishquality A7.02A6.09 RESIDENTIALPRIVATE OPEN LEVEL SPACE CIRCULATION DIAGRAMS DIAGRAM COMMONOPENSPACE tothenonͲinclusionaryunits,orifitwouldresultinadditionalinclusionaryunitsandunitsthatbetterservetheaffordable A7.03A6.10 GREENPRIVATE BUILDING OPEN SPACE DIAGRAM DIAGRAMS CALIFORNIA housingneedsoftheCity,20percentofthegrossresidentialfloorareaofallnonͲinclusionaryunits.Ifthefloorareacalculation CommonOpenSpacerequiredfor166units;Min.dimension15',100%opentothesky LN.01 LANDSCAPE LN.02 LANDSCAPE isused,unitsprovidedshallbeaminimumofonebedromandaminimuminteriorareaof650squarefeetwithfinishesand A6.01 BUILDING SECTIONS LOCATION TOTALSF LN.03 LANDSCAPE appliancesof"builder'squality"orbetter. GroundLevelOpenSpace 4,631 LN.01LN.04 LANDSCAPELANDSCAPE - CONTEXT SecondFloorOpenSpace 9,609 LN.02LN.05 LANDSCAPELANDSCAPE - CONCEPT DIAGRAM #UNITSPROPOSED SixthFloorOpenSpace 1,778 LN.03 LANDSCAPE - IMAGE BOARD # Date Issue TOTALREQUIRED 2,000 LN.04 LANDSCAPE - IMAGE BOARD LowIncomeUnitsProposed 2 1 05.25.12 Development 16 (10%) COMMONOPENSPACEPROVIDED 16,018 LN.05 LANDSCAPE - IMAGE BOARD LN.06 LANDSCAPE - SCHEMATIC PLAN Permit Package *SURPLUSOPENSPACEPROVIDED 14,018 ModerateIncomeUnitsProposed 172(10%) PRIVATEOPENSPACE 120SFPrivateOpenSpacerequiredforeachunit(19.28.280), TOTALINCLUSIONARYHOUSINGUNITSPROPOSED 33(20%) Min.dimension7',33%openperimeter TOTALMARKETRATEUNITSPROPOSED 133(80%) UNITTYPE #UNITS AREA TOTALSF TOTALPROJECTUNITS 166 Studio 51 120 6,120 PROGRAM/AREA 1Bedroom 67 120 8,040 SUMMARYOFPROPOSEDFLOORAREAINCLUDEDINFAR SF 1Bedroom+Den 10 120 1,200 BasementParking(Ͳ2) ResidentialParking 0 Small2Bedroom 5 120 600 BasementParking(Ͳ1) ResidentialParking 0 2Bedroom 33 120 3,960 FirstFloor(01) CommercialUses,CommercialParking,Residential 24,235 SecondFloor(02) Residential 34,732 TOTALREQUIRED 19,920 ThirdFloor(03) Residential 34,867 PRIVATEOPENSPACEPROVIDED 14,798 FourthFloor(04) Residential 31,987 AVERAGEPRIVATEOPENSPACEPROVIDED/UNIT 89 FifthFloor(05) Residential 31,140 *DEFICIT(CONCESSION2) 5,122 SixthFloor(06) Residential 27,761 TOTALZONINGFLOORAREAPROPOSED 184,722 Job No. 12.038.00 FAR 3.19 Date: 01.21.2013 SUMMARYOFPROPOSEDLEASABLEAREA SF Residential 141,381 Scale: no scale Restaurant 2,495 TITLE SHEET Retail 6,787 TOTALLEASABLEFLOORAREAPROPOSED 150,663 110%LowIncomeUnits=20%densitybonus+10%ModerateIncomeUnits=5%densitybonus.Totaldensitybonus=25% (19.22.050AffordableHousingIncentives) 210%LowIncomeUnits=1concession;10%ModerateIncomeUnits=1concession;Total=2 concessions(19.22.050AffordableHousingIncentives) TS.01 NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION PARKINGREQUIREMENTSW.H.M.C.19.28.040&19.22.050 *InclusionaryHousingParkingincentive: Parkingincentives.Densitybonushousingdevelopmentshallbegrantedthefollowingparkingspace requirementswhenrequestedbythedeveloper,inclusiveofhandicapped,whichshallbegrantedtoall unitsinthedevelopment.Guestparkingshallnotberequiredforprojectsutilizingtheaffordablehousing densitybonusprovidedinthissection. (562) 901-1500 (t) (562)901-1501 (f) #ofBedrooms ParkingSpacePerUnit 0Ͳ1 1 2Ͳ3 2 4+ 2.5 FLOORLEVEL FLOOR(01) AREA RATIO/1000SF TOTAL Retail 6,787 5 34 PRIVATEOPEN PRIVATEOPEN Restaurant 2,495 5 12 TOTALLEASABLE TOTALLEASABLE FLOOR(01) #OFUNITS UNITAREA SPACE FLOOR(04) #OFUNITS UNITAREA SPACE Studio 51perunit 5 AREA AREA 1 Bedroom 31perunit 3 Boulevard Ocean West 111 20th Floor Beach, CA 90802 Long X<120SF X<120SF A1 4 761 3,044 344 A2 5 690 3,450 289 1Bed+Den 11perunit 1 A1.1 1 851 851 86 A3 1 711 711 0 2Bed 12perunit 2 B1 3 791 2,373 339 A4 1 677 677 0 TOTALPARKING 57 C1 1 984 984 182 A6 1 651 651 91 FLOOR(02) #UNITS PERUNIT TOTAL D1 1 1,237 1,237 227 A7 1 589 589 82 Studio 10 1 10 B2 9 780 7,020 862 1Bed 11 1 11 B5 1 806 806 0 1Bed+Den313 B7 1 795 795 108 2Bed 8 2 16 TOTAL 10 8,489 1,178 C2.2 1 946 946 131 TOTALPARKING 40 PRIVATEOPEN C3 1 769 769 90 FLOOR(03) #UNITS PERUNIT TOTAL TOTALLEASABLE FLOOR(02) #OFUNITS UNITAREA SPACE C4.1 3 915 2,745 171 Studio 10 1 10 AREA X<120SF C5 1 859 859 98 1Bedroom 13 1 13 A2 8 690 5,520 500 D2 1 1,161 1,161 159 1Bed+Den313 A6 1 651 651 91 D4 1 1,117 1,117 109 2Bed 8 2 16 A7 1 589 589 82 D5 1 1,155 1,155 97 TOTALPARKING 42 B2 10 780 7,800 1039 D6 1 1,245 1,245 162 FLOOR(04) #UNITS PERUNIT TOTAL C2.1 1 946 946 179 D7 1 1,340 1,340 92 Studio 9 1 9 C3 1 769 769 90 D10 1 1,275 1,275 0 1Bedroom 12 1 12 C4.1 2 915 1,830 320 1Bed+Den515 D2 1 1,161 1,161 159 2Bed 6 2 12 D3 1 1,116 1,116 0 TOTALPARKING 38 D4 1 1,117 1,117
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