CORNWALL ENERGY RECOVERY CENTRE Planning Supporting Statement To accompany a Non Material Amendment to Planning Permission PA18/09693 to install seven electric vehicle charging points at the Energy Recovery Centre (CERC).

Cornwall Energy Recovery Ltd.

April 2021

Cornwall Energy Recovery

Cornwall Energy Recovery

Project quality assurance information sheet

Cornwall Energy Recovery Centre

Non Material Amendment to Planning Permission PA18/09693 to install seven electric vehicle charging points.

Report status Final

Report date April 2021

Prepared by Jonathan Wilson

Assistant Planning Manager

SUEZ recycling and recovery UK

Main Contributors Jonathan Wilson

Assistant Planning Manager

SUEZ recycling and recovery UK

Reviewed by Niall Kelly

Planning Manager

SUEZ recycling and recovery UK

Cornwall Energy Recovery



Crc-PLN-0321-01 – Site Location Crc-PLN-0321-02 – Existing Layout (Main car park area) Crc-PLN-0321-03 – Proposed Layout (Main car park area) Crc-PLN-0321-04 - Proposed Elevations Crc-PLN-0321-05 – Existing Layout (Secondary car parking area) Crc-PLN-0321-06 – Existing Layout (Secondary car parking area)

Cornwall Energy Recovery


1.1 This planning supporting statement has been prepared by SUEZ Recycling and Recovery UK Ltd (SUEZ) on behalf of Cornwall Energy Recovery Ltd. (CERL). This document supports a proposed Non Material Amendment (NMA) to Planning Permission PA18/09693 to install seven electric vehicle (EV) charging points at the Cornwall Energy Recovery Centre (CERC), St Dennis, , PL26 8DY. A site location plan is shown on drawing reference Crc-PLN-0321-01, which accompanies this application.

1.2 Planning permission for the CERC was granted on appeal on the 19th May 2011, reference APP/D0840/A/09/2113075. The appeal granted planning permission for the erection of waste to energy plant and ancillary development, including a bottom ash facility, bulking up facility, chimney stack, administrative and visitor facilities, gatehouse and weighbridge, vehicle refuelling area, cooling units, parking and circulation areas, security fencing, drainage and landscape works, pipework for heat transfer to existing china clay driers, and other ancillary works, together with site access road, private haul road and bridge river crossing, junctions with existing highways and diversion of footpath at Rostowrack Farm and land at Wheal Remfry and Goovean and Parkandillick Dryers, St Dennis, Cornwall.

1.3 The CERC site was handed over from the construction contractor and became fully operational in March 2017. The CERC has been built as part of the integrated waste contract with . The facility can generate enough electricity to power 21,000 homes per year for the next 25 years. The site is located near St Dennis in Cornwall. In 2018 CERL amended planning permission APP/D0840/A/09/2113075 to allow deliveries to the site on a Bank Holiday. The permission was further varied in January 2019, planning permission reference PA18/09693, to amend the times where external maintenance can take place.

1.4 SUEZ have recently introduced a sustainable business travel policy with the aim of maintaining business travel to 50% of pre-COVID levels and reducing CO2 emissions by 2,000 tonnes. To support this SUEZ have integrated electric vehicles into the company car policy with the intention of replacing every petrol/diesel powered company car with an electric. The move to electric vehicles is even more relevant now, as the UK government recently announced that the date traditional petrol and diesel vehicles will no longer be sold in the UK gas been reduced further to 2030.

1.5 Schedule 2, Part 2, Class E of The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) states that planning permission is not required for the installation of an upstand with an electrical outlet mounted on it for recharging electric vehicles, as long as the area

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Cornwall Energy Recovery

is lawfully used for off–street parking. However, Condition 2 of Planning Permission PA18/09693 removes the permitted development rights at the CERC, stating:

Notwithstanding the provisions of Part (4) of Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) no buildings, fixed plant or machinery shall be located on site without the prior approval in writing by the local planning authority of details of their siting, design and external appearance.

1.6 In accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of The Town and County Planning (Development Management Procedure (England) (Amendment) Order 2015, no Design and Access Statement has been provided.

1.7 This planning statement provides a description of the site, the proposed development, and any other relevant considerations.

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Cornwall Energy Recovery


2.1 This application has been prepared and submitted by SUEZ on behalf of CERL. In October 2006, CERL were awarded a 30-year contract to manage, recycle and recover value from Cornwall’s household waste. The contract includes managing all aspects of Cornwall’s municipal waste treatment and recycling, encompassing the upgrading of existing household waste recycling centres, transfer stations, landfills and other Council owned facilities, as well as the development of a number of new recycling facilities and the CERC for the treatment of residual waste that has not been recycled. CERL work in partnership with Cornwall Council to deliver sustainable integrated waste management solutions for Cornwall.

2.2 SUEZ was established in 1988 and currently employs over 5,000 employees and has an annual turnover in excess of £740 million. SUEZ’s purpose is to protect the environment by putting waste to good use.

2.3 The SUEZ Group is at the dawn of the resource revolution. In a world facing rapid demographic growth, urbanisation and a shortage of natural resources, securing, optimising and renewing resources is essential to our future. SUEZ supplies drinking water to 92 million people, provides wastewater treatment services to 65 million, collects waste produced by almost 50 million, recovers 14 million tonnes of waste each year and produces 5,138 GWh of sustainable energy each year. With 80,990 employees and a presence on all five continents, SUEZ is a key player in the circular economy and the sustainable management of resources.

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Cornwall Energy Recovery


3.1 The permission boundary for the CERC covers a total of 14.6 hectares and is shown on drawing reference Crc-PLN-0321-01, which accompanies this application.

3.2 The CERC site and access road themselves are situated on approximately 8.3 hectares of land located adjacent to Rostowrack Farm, St Dennis and land to the west of the C184 public road from Treviscoe to the Gaverigan roundabout. The site is located south west of St. Dennis, which is within the district of , Cornwall.

3.3 Immediately to the south east of the site lies a minerals railway and the Goonvean and Parkandillick Dryers operated by IMERYS, a series of industrial buildings for processing the locally extracted china clay. To the south and south west of the development site lies Central Treviscoe and Treviscoe Barton. To the north, east and west of the site lies farmland and farm buildings, including Rostowrack and Bodella Farms.

3.4 The main vehicle access is via the A30 Highgate Hill Interchange, the Gaverigan roundabout, the B3279 and the C184. The site is situated 3km from the junction of the B3279 with the A30 trunk road.

3.5 Access to the CERC is via a purpose-built private road, constructed as part of the proposal in order to avoid traffic passing close to scattered local residences. The private access road leaves the C184 at a point just north of Trerice Bridge, crosses the and continues through the IMERYS Wheal Remfry China Clay Works, linking back onto a short section of the C184, just west of Central Treviscoe village before branching off again at La Mount Corner via a new priority junction to the site.

3.6 A new footpath has been provided along the northern side of the last section of the access road and the footpath has accommodated the realignment of an existing public Right of Way. The route runs through the CERC site, around the buildings to the north, in order to link the path to the south east corner of the CERC. The footpath Diversion Order came into force on the 27th September 2017 and the route became a Public Right of Way.

3.7 The main car park area of the CERC is located outside the main administration building and tipping hall. The car park has a total capacity of 52 parking spaces, including four disabled parking and four visitor spaces. A secondary car park is located in between the CERC administration building and the IBA building with a total capacity of 7 spaces.

3.8 The CERC site itself is not covered by any national, regional or locally important environmental designations. It does not contain any listed buildings or ancient monuments. However, it should be noted that, the North West boundary of the site is adjacent to the Mid-Cornwall Moors SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest) and further north lie the Breney Common and Goss and Tregoss SAC (Special Area of Conservation).

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Cornwall Energy Recovery


4.1 This proposal seeks an NMA to Planning Permission PA18/09693 to install seven EV charging points at the CERC. The charging points will support the introduction of electric vehicles within SUEZ and aid the reduction of CO2 emissions.

4.2 It is proposed to install five EV charging points across 10 existing parking spaces in the main car park of the CERC, as shown on drawing reference Crc-PLN-0321-03. Two charging points will serve the four car parking spaces outside the main administration building and three charging points will serve six spaces adjacent to the tipping hall.

4.3 The remaining two charging points will be installed across four parking spaces within the secondary car parking area, which is located in between the CERC administration building and the Incinerator Bottom Ash (IBA) building, as shown on drawing reference Crc-PLN-0321-06.

4.4 Each charging point will have the capacity to simultaneously charge two vehicles and will only be available to use by SUEZ site staff and not the public.

4.5 Each charging point will consist of the main charging point and two metal safety bollards. The charging point will measure approximately 1440mm in height, 375mm in width and 275mm in depth. Elevations are shown drawing reference Crc-PLN-0321-04.

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Cornwall Energy Recovery


5.1 It is anticipated that the proposals would not result in any significant environmental effects given that the application is relatively minor seeking EV charging points in an existing car park.


5.2 The proposed charging points will not affect car users accessing or manoeuvring around the CERC site. It is not proposed to change the capacity of the existing car parking spaces and it is not anticipated that the parking spaces designated for charging will cause a shortage of spaces for non-electric vehicles.

5.3 The access and availability of the four disabled parking spaces adjacent to the proposed charging points will not be affected.

Climate Change

5.4 As previously outlined, the EV charging points will aid SUEZ’s initiative to reduce the company’s and employees carbon footprint by switching to electric vehicles. When compared to petrol/diesel powered cars, electric vehicles reduce the emissions that contribute to climate change and smog, improving public health and reducing ecological damage.

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Cornwall Energy Recovery


6.1 The following section reviews the appropriate planning policy guidance at national and local levels and considers the degree to which the proposal complies with guidance and policy.

National Policy 6.2 Section 38 of The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires that planning applications should be determined in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. In the case of this proposal, however, it is difficult to directly apply planning policy and guidance as most policies relate to the development or operation of a waste management facility and the impacts associated with that long-term use.

National Planning Policy Framework 6.3 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) was published in July 2018 and updated in February 2019 and focuses on encouraging sustainable development. The framework states that “…decision- takers at every level should seek to approve applications for sustainable development where possible” The NPPF sets out the government’s planning policies for England and how these should be applied.

6.4 NPPF paragraph 7 states that the purpose of the planning system is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development. The document outlines, in paragraph 8, three dimensions to sustainable development which the planning system seeks to perform; an economic role, a social role and an environmental role.

6.5 Paragraph 148 of the NPPF states that the planning system should support the transition to a low carbon future in a changing climate, taking full account of flood risk and coastal change. It should help to: shape places in ways that contribute to radical reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, minimise vulnerability and improve resilience; encourage the reuse of existing resources, including the conversion of existing buildings; and support renewable and low carbon energy and associated infrastructure.

Local Policy 6.6 The Cornwall Local Plan (Strategic Policies) was adopted November 2016 and sets the overarching policies at a County wide level which development must comply with. The main planning policies which need to be considered are discussed below.

6.7 Policy 1 of the Local Plan has regard to the presumption in favour of sustainable development and states that when considering development proposals, the Council will take a positive approach that reflects the presumption in favour of sustainable development contained in the National Planning Policy Framework and set out by the policies of the Local Plan. The policy goes on to state that where no policies are relevant to the proposals the council will grant planning permission unless other material

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considerations dictate otherwise taking into account any adverse impacts that would demonstrably outweigh the benefits.

6.8 It is considered that the proposals comply with Policy 1 as it has been demonstrated that there would be no adverse effects arising from the proposals. The development has a beneficial impact, it will increase the social and environmental value of the facility and allow the CERC to progress with national and global changes towards a shift away from fossil fuels.

6.9 Policy 2 of the Local Plan relates to spatial strategy and outlines that development should respect and enhance the quality of place and that development should consider the impact on the biodiversity of Cornwall. The Policy goes onto state that proposals should increase energy efficiency and minimise resource consumption through low carbon technologies.

6.10 The proposal complies with the above policy as the development relates to the installation of charging points on areas of existing hardstanding at the CERC, and as a result will not impact on the biodiversity of the area however it is accepted that a shift away from fossil fuels is widely accepted as being beneficial to biodiversity and therefore on a wider scale the development will have a positive impact.

6.11 Policy 11 states that development should respond to both climate change and changing social and economic conditions. The installation of EV charging points will allow the CERC to adapt to the social, economic, and environmental shift from vehicles powered by fossil fuels to those powered by electricity and renewable energy.

6.12 Policy 13 has regard to any adverse impacts that could arise from the development such as noise, dust, odour, vibration, vermin, waste, pollution and visual effects. As outlined above, it is not considered that there will be any adverse impacts arising from the proposal, in fact the proposals will assist in reducing pollution by allowing electric vehicles to be parked and charged at the CERC.

6.13 Policy 16 states that development should improve the health and wellbeing of Cornwall’s communities, residents, workers and visitors and protect against harmful impacts such as air pollution. The installation of EV charging points at the CERC will encourage and support the use of electric vehicles. The increased use of electric vehicles in Cornwall will help improve the natural air quality and reduce pollution.

Cornwall Climate Emergency Development Plan Document

6.14 Cornwall Council are in the process of preparing the Cornwall Climate Emergency Development Plan Document (DPD) which is currently at the pre-submission consolation stage. The DPD is part of Cornwall Council’s response to the climate emergency and their commitment to reduce carbon as part of the post Covid-19 recovery.

6.15 Policy T1 focuses on sustainable transport and states that new development should be designed and located in order to minimise the need to travel and support a modal hierarchy which prioritises walking,

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then cycling, then public transport, then car clubs, electric vehicles and lastly private fossil-fuelled vehicles. The policy supports the use of electric vehicles (including electric bikes) by providing electric vehicle charging points.

6.16 Policy T2 states that development must provide electric charging points for cars and bicycles in line with the following as a minimum:

i) New residential building - where there is associated car parking (including buildings undergoing a material change of use to create a dwelling(s)) provision will be made for infrastructure for electric vehicle charging on-street or in communal spaces; or

6.17 ii) New non-residential development with 10 car parking bays or more - at least one charging point per 10 spaces and the infrastructure to enable future installation of charging points in every parking bay. Consideration should be given to grouping parking bays to optimise provision of charging infrastructure.

6.18 The layout of the EV charging points has been designed to maximise the capacity of the charging points by grouping existing parking bays together to provide capacity to charge 14 vehicles at once.

6.19 Overall, it is considered that the proposal complies with planning policy at a national and local level.

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7.1 The application seeks an NMA to Planning Permission PA18/09693 to install seven EV charging points at the CERC.

7.2 The EV charging points will jointly allow SUEZ and Cornwall Council to respond to the national and global climate emergency and help to reduce carbon emissions by encouraging and supporting a change towards the provision of electric vehicles.

7.3 It is considered that the proposals comply with planning policy at a national and local level, and there will be no adverse effects arising from the development.

7.4 Taking the above into account it is considered that the proposed development should be approved by Cornwall Council at the earliest opportunity.

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23/04/2021 CERC Non Material Amendment Supporting Statement [11 of 14] Mica Dam

Tip Track disused Drain dis Tip


Carsella 142m Trelavour Spr River Fal Farm Drain Prazey

Iss N WHITEGATE G T O E L L IN Path Tk MEADOWS W E T B3279 A Tk G E L IT C H E Boscawen W W L P Track A Park M ROBARTES G R O S Trerice Bridge E M




Sewage O

W Trerice Works S Recn Terrace


159m Tk Spr Lower Rockwenna Bodella Z E Y P R A


Ford Issues Hendra





Gully's Path

Trerice Dairy Tip Maclaren's Farm dis Refinery

Cornwall Energy

Recovery Centre Rostowrack Trerice Manor Farm Trerice Dry Farm

disused Iss


Trerice Balancing





South Fraddon Dry Parkandillick Bodella Iss Pit disused Dryers dis



Track Path Track

169m Track

Tip BS

dis BS


199m Path Notes

132m 1. Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Map with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationary Office, B A R Crown Copyright, Licence Number 100004910. T O BARTON CT N

Pit Land Under Applicants Control Tip R dis O A Applicants Boundary dis D 0 40 80 120 160 240 320 400 500

Victamany Metres 1:6000 PW Workings Halwyn Farm Clay Dry dis Site Scale Rev subject date 1:6000 @ A3 Cornwall ERC (CERC) Drawn by Date RB March 2021


Darwen Resource Recovey Park, Lower Eccleshill Road, Darwen, BB3 0RP Drawing Ref Checked by Tel:(01254)819700, Fax:(01254)819749, Email: [email protected] Site Location Plan EV Charging Points Crc-PLN-0321-01 JW DELIVERYAREA







1500 780 R2000


Notes 1. Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Map with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationary Office, Crown Copyright, Licence Number 100004910.

Application Boundary

67° 0 2 4 6 8m 12 16 20

Metres date 1:200

Scale Site Rev Subject Date R6000 1:200 @ A3 Cornwall ERC (CERC) Drawn by Date RB March 2021


Darwen Resource Recovey Park, Lower Eccleshill Road, Darwen, BB3 0RP Drawing Ref Checked by Tel:(01254)819700, Fax:(01254)819749, Email: [email protected] Existing Site Layout Plan Proposed EV Charging Points Crc-PLN-0321-02 JW DELIVERYAREA








1500 780 R2000


Notes 1. Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Map with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationary Office, Crown Copyright, Licence Number 100004910.

Application Boundary

67° 0 2 4 6 8m 12 16 20

Metres date 1:200

Scale R6000 Site Rev Subject Date 1:200 @ A3 Cornwall ERC (CERC) Drawn by Date RB March 2021


Darwen Resource Recovey Park, Lower Eccleshill Road, Darwen, BB3 0RP Drawing Ref Checked by Tel:(01254)819700, Fax:(01254)819749, Email: [email protected] Proposed Site Layout Plan EV Charging Points Crc-PLN-0321-03 JW 1. ReproducedfromtheOrdnance Number 100004910. Office, CrownCopyright,Licence Controller ofHerMajesty'sStationary Survey Mapwiththepermissionof Darwen ResourceRecoveyPark,LowerEccleshill Road,Darwen,BB30RP Tel:(01254)819700, Fax:(01254)819749,Email: [email protected] Notes

1.44m Title Site 1.25m Cornwall ERC(CERC) EV ChargingPoints Proposed Elevation 0.36m Scale Date Drawing Ref 1:10 @A3 March 2021 Crc-PLN-0321-04 Checked by Drawn by JW RB 0 Rev subject 0.5m Metres 1:10 0.26m 0.75 date 1






6 7

Notes 1. Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Map with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationary Office, Crown Copyright, Licence Number 100004910.

Application Boundary

0 8m642 12 16 20

Metres date 1:200

Scale Site Rev Subject Date 1:200 @ A3 Cornwall ERC (CERC) Drawn by Date RB March 2021


Darwen Resource Recovey Park, Lower Eccleshill Road, Darwen, BB3 0RP Drawing Ref Checked by Tel:(01254)819700, Fax:(01254)819749, Email: [email protected] Existing Site Layout Plan Proposed EV Charging Points Crc-PLN-0321-05 JW






6 7

Notes 1. Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Map with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationary Office, Crown Copyright, Licence Number 100004910.

Application Boundary

0 2 4 6 8m 12 16 20

Metres date 1:200

Scale Site Rev Subject Date 1:200 @ A3 Cornwall ERC (CERC) Drawn by Date RB March 2021


Darwen Resource Recovey Park, Lower Eccleshill Road, Darwen, BB3 0RP Drawing Ref Checked by Tel:(01254)819700, Fax:(01254)819749, Email: [email protected] Proposed Site Layout Plan EV Charging Points Crc-PLN-0321-06 JW