INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH CULTURE SOCIETY ISSN: 2456-6683 Volume - 1, Issue - 2, Apr - 2017 Globalization and its Impact on Socio-Economy in India Dr. Mahendra Singh Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Madhav University, Pindwara, Rajasthan, India. Email –
[email protected] Abstract: Globalization was adopted by Indian Government during 1990-91 when Indian Economy was in a very bad shape. It was, however, adopted not as a solution to deteriorating Indian economy but to enable itself to get further foreign exchange loans from World Bank as its foreign exchange reserves were reduced to mere 3 weeks outflow. To rectify its ailing financial health, Government simultaneously decided to amend its economic policies and go for privatization & liberalization of its economy. These decisions had immediate positive effect. However, globalization has proved to be a double edged weapon. It did help government temporarily meet its emergent need of foreign exchange but it has, as a by-product, caused some permanent damage to Indian Economic system and Indian social structure. Key words: Privatization, Liberalization, current account deficits, disinvestment, western culture. 1. INTRODUCTION: For thousands of years, different countries have been doing trade with one another. But the process has got a tremendous boost in last about two decades due to high handed policies of International Monetary Fund, world bank and world trade organization who have been working on the agenda of developed countries like USA. They practically forced underdeveloped countries to adopt full throttle globalization by opening up their local markets to world trade by reducing artificial barriers to such trade. Development of advanced means of communication and transport, internationalization of financial markets and unprecedented mobility of goods, capital, data and manpower have further given boost to the recent process of globalization.