Ritish Defence Loan Bond Issue on Sale Thursday
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LIGHTING-UP TIME WEATHER FORECAST 7.2a P.M. Unsettled 2% lUigal dfa&ftt twit -MusIM JMJJ INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (Established 1828) and THE BERMUDA COLONIST (Established 1866) VOL. 23—NO. 99 HAMILTON, BERMUDA TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 1937 3D PER COPY — 40/- PER ANNUM RITISH DEFENCE LOAN BOND ISSUE ON SALE THURSDAY IN THE HOUSE PROTECTING "PROMISING CHANCELLOR DESCRIBES TWO A Column for SCHOONER BRINGS BIG THEYSAY When the House of Assembly met YOUNG INDUSTRY" LUMBER CARGO That at last there is definite news AND A HALF PERCENTS yesterday the Speaker's Chair was BERMUDA VISITORS of developments in the agricultural occupied by Mr. H. V. Smith, the Evidence in Perfume Charge Makes Good 6-day Run From industry. Deputy Speaker. Some Quaint Bits of Information Jacksonville, Florida * * * 20% OF LOAN TO BE RE- SPANISH CIVIL WAR Mr. Dunkley presented the Re Yesterday by H. Scott port of the Committee appointed to You May Wish to Write Home That at any rate the cold storage experts have made their investi PAID BY DRAWINGS consider the Petition of Liverymen About Loaded with 300,000 feet of lumber, PROSECUTION CASE ENDED gations. j Insurgents Gain On Bilbao— in respect of carriage fares and set it the schooner Daniel Getson arrived END OF 1948 Conducted Bi-weekly by Ernest C. Riedel off Bermuda on Saturday and wm * * * Hitler Congratulates Franco's down for consideration by the House The number of Hibiscus flowers Sunday was towed up channel to That soon it wiU be a question as to on the next day of meeting. necessary to produce one ounce of LONDON, April 26. (BOP)—The Regime HamUton, where she is discharging what is left of the grab-bag. The St. David's Island Road Wid oU, presuming that Hibiscus flowers terms of the £100,000,000 issue of her cargo at the foot of Burnaby * * * ening Resolve was carried over by had oU, would number thousands, OR the horse-back rider, the national defence bonds to be made HENDAYE, Apr. 26 (CP)—Govern HiU. The 3-master made a good That definite news wiU also soon be Mr. Toddings, to the next day of a rough estimate being between best paths are from Elbow on Thursday were announced at ment militiamen set fire to the town run from Jacksonville, Fla., with made pubUc regarding the air ser meeting. three and five thousand, said Herbert FBeach to Somerset. Some of Commons question time by the of Eihar, Spanish insurgents declared a fair -wind and good conditions aU His Excellency the Governor for Scott in the witness box in HamUton the picturesque, sandy roads remind vice. Chancellor of Exchequer who ex Monday, and turned it into a "vast the way to Bermuda. The warded to the House a Minute from PoUce Court yesterday morning when one of Arizona . Some riders may voyage plained in the general interests of furnace" before evacuating in the occupied only six days. That instead of experts delaying this the Board of Public Works to the prosecution concluded its case against beUeve our roads are too hard and local authorities, and other borrowers face of a north insurgent advance The Daniel Getson is probably service it has been the poUticians. effect that £300 is to be used from the Charles Richard Rutherford. Ru slippery. Bermuda's largest Riding | ~ that it was desirable that the market against Eibar and Bilbao. tn nost familiar of the few 3- * * * PubUc BuUdings Vote for the major therford, proprietor of the "House of should know his intentions in re Academy, in HamUton, suppUes aU masted schooners which now find That the cynic wants to know what reconstruction work of the verandah Fragrance," is charged with applying spect to the borrowing under the hotels with horses shod with shock- their way into Hamilton in com use saving time in travel is unless VALENCIA, Apr.26.(CP)—The Navy at St. George's Gaol, pointing out false trade descriptions to goods in recent Defence Bonds Act. Neville absorbing shoes which prevent sUp- mercial pursuits. Asked how many the time saved is put to better pur Ministry announced Monday that the that it may be necessary for the Board his possession, the perfumes known Chamberlain said it was proposed ping as weU. Select the type of horse times his schooner had put into port pose than is evident just now. Government fleet had routed insur later to ask for the Buildings Main as Fidelwood, Corsage, LDy, WUd to advertise on Wednesday morning which suits your riding abilities, and here, Captain Moore laughed and * * * gent warships in the Mediterranean tenance Vote to be supplemented by Jasmine and Hibiscus, and with avoid fear. An eighty year old Amer the details of the issue to be sold on said "She's almost a native herself, That the end of the Longshoremen's and simultaneously charged the that amount. seUing or exposing for sale such goods. ican rides a race-horse from these Thursday of two and a half per cent now." strike brought about Increased German cruiser "Leipzig" asacting On motion of Mr. Crawford, the Mr. Jack Peacock Green, proprietor stables—and knows how. itional defence bonds to the amount travel to Bermuda. as a scout for the insurgents. The Report of the Committee upon the of the Coral Island Club at the Flatts, The schooner carries a crew of £100,000,000 at ninety-nine and a * * * announcement described the clash investigation of the problem as to was the first witness yesterday. He seven and wiU be in dock here about a half. It would be short medium between the insurgent cruisers "Can the proper training of youths of the was asked if he could see the "House Time was when we had many week. Captain Moore does not know That the Star class exponents are now a security redeemable before the to have their turn. arias" and "Baleares" and the Gov Colony was considered. Mr. Craw of Fragrance" from the Club, and U cross-country Paper-chases. The last whether he wUl saU from here to i of 1948 by annual drawings at * * * ernment cruiser "Sanchez Barcai- ford stated that he did not propose he could see the shed on the lawn. one was held over a year and a half JacksonvUle direct, or by way of if not less than twenty per cent ztegui" while the latter was return to introduce a BUl to put into effect He said he could. ago. Before the land is too much Turk's Island. That the visitors always bring some e amount of the loan, the first ing to its Cartagena base. The in the recommendations of the Com developed,—there may be another. The himber was consigned crack saUors. ; being in the autumn of to surgents vessels opened fire from mittee until next Session, thus leav Mr. Green, in answer to ques Messrs. Ingham and Wilkinson. * * * Subscriptions would be paya- twelve thousand yards. The "San ing hon. members considerable time tions, stated that when the shed That a horse lover wants to know .- instalments over three months chez" routed them with one hundred to give the matter careful considera on the lawn was first buUt, and be- UntU now, Bermuda has been con why fallen horses are so rare in the first dividend would be and fifty shots in 30 minutes. A re tion. Mr. Crawford said that the Ifore it was enclosed, he saw smoke tent to caU itself, "England's oldest other places with equaUy sUppery a shillings on September fif PAGET RECTORY FETE port from Commander Miguel Buiza Committee had interviewed a num coming out of it once. This was self-governing Colony." Records roads. th. 1937. He intimated that * * Sf of the Government fleet said the ber of employers who had signified about a year ago, He did not remem just received, prove that New Found- arrangements would be made "Leipzig" hove to near the scene of their willingness to take boys as ap ber any smoke coming out of the shed land was eleven years late in being The Empire Day Fete-Coronation I That the explanation is that else mall investor through the operations and signalled to the in prentices if some guarantee could be since then. England's oldest colony . Fete, at Paget Rectory grounds wiU where horses are shod speciaUy for 3e and trustee savings banks. surgents the movements of the Gov given that during the three years of Tra AUen Covel, who works at the Bermuda is now definitely Eng be gay, the British Empire's colours the conditions. e proceeds of the issue until re ernment ships. apprenticeship it would not be legal Fairy Isle Flower Shop in Bermuda land's oldest Golony as weU as the on every side. Keep the date for * * * financing the defence for the apprentice to seek employ and is in charge when her husband oldest seh-governing colony. Fur Bridge, Mah Jong, Tennis, Table That the resumption of the B.I.S.B. : would be available forj VICTORIA, Spain, Apr. 26. (CP)— ment elsewhere, nor for competitive (the proprietor) is away, identified ther details wUl be furnished later. Tennis, games of every kind in which rehearsals is a good sign. Le floating debt and would Insurgent troops Monday occupied firms to offer apprentices such em [the folder in Court as the one her aU may take part. * * * e cover an estimated ex- Durango, the last major outpost ployment. The apprenticeship system husband's business puts out. Further details wiU appear in the That the practice of musical pro e of £80,000.000 to be met this The recent catch of a turtle in on the way to Bilbao it was cteimed had apparently fallen into desuetude It relates to Mr.