July 12-14, 2017 Tokyo Big Sight
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International M odern H ospital Show 2017 JULY 12-14, 2017 TOKYO BIG SIGHT JAPAN HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION NIPPON OMNI-MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION East Hall3 East Hall East Hall1 Stage② Stage① Lunch Shop Rest Area Nursing Ideas Awards Rest Organizer’s Area Exhibition Supporting Organizations Information Lunch Shop Japan Hospital Association Exhibitor Presentations B 3 AMANO Company Limited E-6 Bunkyo City H-11 http://www.amano-grp.co.jp/ http://www.city.bunkyo.lg.jp 3DIT inc. A-47 http://3dit.jp Aqua Sougo Kikaku MUKASA Inc. D-6 BYTECH(DONGTAI) CO.,LTD. G-17 http://www.aqua-mukasa.com http://www.bytech-dt.com/? A Arai Medical Instruments, Inc. H-11 C Advanced Media.Inc. A-9 http://www.ami-inc.jp http://www.advanced-media.co.jp/ Array Corporation B-5 CAPITAL MEDICA CO.,Ltd. G-21 http://capimedi.com/ Aero Facility Co.,ltd. D-13 https://www.array.co.jp http://www.aero.co.jp/ AS ONE CORPORATION G-22 CardEx co.,ltd A-93 http://www.cardex.jp/ AERO SERVICE CORPORATION H-15 http://www.as-1.co.jp/ http://www.aeroserv.co.jp ASAHI ELECTRONICS LABOLATORY CO.,LTD A-26 CARECOM CO.,LTD. A-28 http://www.aelnet.co.jp https://www.carecom.jp/ AIHO corporation H-6 http://www.aiho.co.jp/ Assetment CORP. A-86 CAREFORCE. Inc G-2 https://www.assetment.net/ http://www.careforce.jp/ AINET SYSTEMS Inc. A-35 http://www.ains.co.jp/ Asterisk Inc. A-24 Carina System Co., Ltd. B-9 https://www.asx.co.jp http://www.carinasystem.co.jp/ AIPHONE CO.,LTD. A-10 http://www.aiphone.co.jp/ AstroStage Inc. A-19 CENTRAL UNI CO.,LTD. A-67 http://www.astrostage.co.jp http://www.central-uni.co.jp/ AIS Co.,Ltd. A-78 http://www.tais.co.jp/ ATMEDICAL Co., Ltd. A-29 ChihayaT3Corporation G-12 http://www.atmedical.jp/ http://www.chihaya-t3.co.jp AKIYAMA MEDICAL MFG.CO.,LTD. H-11 http://www.akiyama-elp.com CombiWith Corporation D-5 B http://www.combiwith.co.jp/ Aliton System Laboratory, Inc. F-3 http://www.arnet.co.jp/ BCN Inc. a-11 CORECREATESYSTEM A-82 https://www.weeklybcn.com/ http://www.corecreate.com Allied Telesis K.K A-7 http://www.allied-telesis.co.jp Benefi cks. Co.,Ltd A-13 CROSSWAY CO,Ltd F-8 http://www.benefi cks.com/ http://www.crossway.co.jp ALMEX INC. A-114 http://www.almex.jp/ BROTHER SALES,LTD A-99 Crown Name Disposable Hygiene Products Fty Ltd G-24 http://www.brother.co.jp http://www.crownname.com/jp/ 1 East Hall3 2 East Hall1 Stage② Stage① Lunch Shop Rest Area a-1 a-2 a-3 a-4 a-5 Nursing Ideas Awards 6 - a 7 13 - - a a 8 - Rest Organizer’s a Area Exhibition a-12 a-11 a-10 a-9 Supporting Organizations Information Lunch Shop Japan Hospital Association Exhibitor Presentations B Overseas Visitor Reception D eWeLL Co.,Ltd. G-25 Fujikin SOFT Co.,LTD A-60 https://ewell.co.jp/index.html http://www.fujikinsoft.co.jp/ DAIWA CORPORATION D-9 http://www.daiwa-corp.com Excel Creates .Inc. A-45 FUJITSU Limited A-20 http://www.excel-creates.jp/ http://www.fujitsu.com/jp/solutions/ Datacard Japan Ltd. A-3 industry/healthcare/ http://www.datacard.co.jp/ F Densan. Co.,Ltd. A-25 G FALCO biosystems Ltd. A-46 http://www.ndensan.co.jp/ http://www.falco.co.jp GLOBAL LINK MANAGEMENT INC. A-64 dit Co.,Ltd. C-1 https://www.global-link-m.com/ Family Mart Co.,Ltd. D-1 http://www.dit.co.jp/ http://www.family.co.jp/company/asd.html GLORY LTD. A-113 DOS Co.,Ltd. C-9 http://www.glory.co.jp/ FileMaker Japan,Inc. C-8 http://www.dos-osaka.co.jp/index.html http://www.fi lemaker.com/jp Good Health Software Promotion Council A-75-1 DTS CORPORATION A-57 http://www.good-hs.jp/ FINDEX Inc. A-103 http://www.dts.co.jp/ http://fi ndex.co.jp/ H E Firstbreath,Inc. C-7 https://www.fi rstbreath.co.jp/ H.I.T Co.,Ltd. F-5 eDoktor Co.,Ltd C-6 http://www.hitnet.ne.jp http://edokt.com FOLK CO., LTD. G-4 http://www.folk.co.jp Hardy Co.,Ltd F-10 EIZO Corporation B-10 http://www.hardy.co.jp/ http://www.eizo.co.jp/ FRANCE BED CO.,LTD. H-2 http://www.francebed.co.jp/ HeSeL Inc. A-37 ELP A-32 http://www.hesel.jp http://www.elp.co.jp/ FREEFORM INC. A-73 http://www.freeform.co.jp HISAGO Co.,Ltd. D-3 EM SYSTEMS.,CO.LTD A-72 http://www.hisago.co.jp/ http://www.emsystems.co.jp/index.html Fuji Medical Instruments Co.,Ltd. H-11 http://www.elite-fuji.com Hitachi,Ltd. A-1 Epson Sales Japan Corp. A-108 http://www.hitachi.co.jp/healthcare/ http://www.epson.jp Fuji Xerox Co.,Ltd. A-116 http://www.fujixerox.co.jp/ HOGY MEDICAL Co.,Ltd. A-22 Esri Japan Corporation A-43 http://www.hogy.co.jp/ http://www.esrij.com/ FUJIFILM Medical Co., Ltd. A-11 http://fms.fujifi lm.co.jp/ 2 HOSPITALNET INC. A-107 Keiyo Denshi Hanbai A-38 MINATO MEDICAL SCIENCE CO.,LTD. E-9 http://www.hpnet.co.jp http://www.e-portv.com/ http://www.minato-med.co.jp Human HealthCare System a-6 KERUN CO,LTD H-27 MintWave Co.,Ltd. A-39 http://www.hhcs.co.jp/ http://www.kerun.co.jp http://www.mintwave.co.jp KINDWARE co.,ltd G-11 MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC INFORMATION I http://www.kindware.co.jp/med/ SYSTEMS CORPORATION A-33 IKEGAMI TSUSHINKI CO.,Ltd. B-1 Kobayashi Create Co.,Ltd A-111 http://www.mdis.co.jp/ http://www.ikegami.co.jp http://k-cr.jp move CO.,LTD. A-74 IMAMURA Co., Ltd. H-11 Koishikawa System Design, Inc. C-5 http://www.move-p.jp http://www.img-imamura.com/ http://www.koishisd.co.jp/ MT. DEAM JAPAN Training Center a-13 INFINITT JAPAN Co.,Ltd B-6 KOKUYO Co.,Ltd. H-1 https://topelegance.wixsite.com/artmake http://www.infinitt.co.jp http://www.kokuyo.co.jp/ N INFOCOM CORPORATION A-112 KOMTH Brains,Inc. A-90 http://www.infocom.co.jp/healthcare/ http://www.komth.com/ Nagaileben Co.,Ltd. G-3 http://www.nagaileben.co.jp infosense Corporation A-6 KONOIKE TRANSPORT CO.,LTD. D-8 http://www.info-sense.co.jp http://www.konoike.net/service/medical/ NAIS CO.,LTD. A-96 http://www.naiscorp.co.jp/ INNERVISION CO.,LTD a-5 Kumanomi Publisher Inc. a-2 http://www.innervision.co.jp http://www.kumanomi.co.jp NAKABAYASHI CO LTD H-7 http://www.nakabayashi.co.jp Intergroup Corp. D-14 KYOCERA Document Solutions Japan Inc. A-59 http://www.intergroup.co.jp http://www.kyoceradocumentsolutions.co.jp/ National Institute of Information and Communications Technology(NICT) H-4 Internet Initiative Japan Inc. C-3 KYOSHIN COMMUNICATIONS Co., Ltd B-4 http://voicetra.nict.go.jp/ http://www.iij.ad.jp/ http://www.kycom.co.jp/ InterSystems Japan. KK A-110 ND Software Co., Ltd. A-15 http://www.intersystems.com/jp/ L http://www.ndsoft.jp/ ISB corporation A-5 Lenovo Japan Ltd. A-104 NEC corporation A-101 http://lshare.isb.co.jp/ http://www.lenovojp.com/business/ http://megaoak.com Ishikawa Computer Center Co.,Ltd. A-77 NEC Fielding,Ltd. H-11 http://www.icc.co.jp/medical/pc_kenkou.html M https://solution.fielding.co.jp/medical/ ITEC HANKYU HANSHIN Co.,LTD. A-56 M&H Corporation A-51 NICCABI Corporation H-23 http://www.itec.hankyu-hanshin.co.jp http://www.m-and-h.co.jp/ http://www.niccabi.co.jp/ ITJ Law office G-20 Macs System Corporation A-36 Nihon-Mic a-1 https://www.japanlaw.net/ http://www.macs-s.co.jp http://www.nihon-mic.co.jp ITOKI CORPORATION G-28 MARS TOHKEN SOLUTION A-63 NIPPON BRADY K.K. A-98 http://www.itoki.jp/ http://www.mars-tohken.co.jp/files/user/ https://brady.co.jp/ kenshin-station/ Nippon RAD Inc. A-21 J Maruman Computer Service K.K. A-18 http://www.nippon-rad.co.jp/ http://www.mcs-kk.co.jp/ Japan Association of Healthcare Nippon Sigmax Co., Ltd. E-3 Management Consultants D-4 matrix Co.,Ltd A-61 https://www.sigmax-med.jp/ http://www.mtrx.co.jp/ http://www.jahmc.or.jp Nippon Technical Service Co.,Ltd. A-68 Japan Medical Industry Association(JMIA) H-11 Matsuyoshi&Co.,Ltd H-11 http://www.nitteku.co.jp/ https://www.matsuyoshi.co.jp/ http://jmia.or.jp NIPPON TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE Japan Medical Planning Corporation a-8 mecompany,inc. A-81 CORPORATION A-100 http://www.jmp.co.jp/ http://mecompany.me http://www.ntt.co.jp/ Japan Pharmaceutical Information Center A-76 Medi System Solutions A-89 Nissay Information Technology Co.,Ltd C-11 http://www.japic.or.jp/ http://medi-system.co.jp/ http://www.nissay-it.co.jp/ Japan Visiting Nursing Foundation G-10 MEDIA.CO.,LTD A-94 NISSHINTOA IWAO INC. G-19 http://www.jvnf.or.jp/ http://www.media-inc.co.jp http://www.nisshintoaiwao.co.jp Japanese Association of Healthcare Medical Engineering Institute, Inc. A-66 NST GLOBALIST, INC. B-8 Information Systems Industry A-75 http://www.meiz.co.jp http://www.nstg.co.jp/ http://www.jahis.jp Medical Expenses Technology. Co.,Ltd. A-65 Nursery co.,Ltd G-9 JBCC Corporation A-12 https://mdcom.jp/ https://www.nursery.co.jp http://www.jbcc.co.jp/products/medical/ Medical Project Co.,Ltd G-7 JET Company Ltd.