Another wonderful Community Day Magazine of the Parish of St Matthew with St Paul, Winchester June 2019 £1.50 Services Monday 4.30 pm Evening Prayer St Paul’s Lady Chapel/vestry/parish rooms Tuesday 4.30 pm Evening Prayer St Paul’s Lady Chapel/vestry/parish rooms Wednesday 11 am [BCP] Holy Communion St Matthew’s Wednesday 4.30 pm Evening Prayer St Paul’s Lady Chapel/vestry/parish rooms Sunday 8 am [BCP] Holy Communion St Paul’s on 1st Sunday of month St Matthew’s on all other Sundays Sunday 9.30 am Family Communion St Paul’s on 1st Sunday of month Sunday 9.30 am Parish Eucharist St Paul’s on all other Sundays Sunday 11.15 am [BCP] Holy Communion St Matthew’s on 1st Sunday of month Sunday 11.15 am [BCP] Mattins St Matthew’s on all other Sundays Interested in meeting Children and young people people/getting involved? welcome Women’s group meeting monthly, 7 pm, at first Sunday of each month: 9.30 am Family the Roebuck for supper; please contact Communion for all ages with DIY crèche and band Julia Seal,
[email protected], 854849 (opportunity for children to play in band) Tea with Friends on the second Monday of 2nd to 5th Sundays: 9.30 am Parish Communion the month, 2.30–4.30 pm; please contact with activities for children and young people (five Linda Russell-Smith, 853584, or Heather different age-groups) plus a DIY crèche Riley, 862867 St Paul’s @ 4: short, informal family service with St Paul’s Coffee Pot pop-up café, usually on craft activities at 4 pm every third Sunday of the the second Monday of the month, 10 am– month,