Line-up Locarno, 17 July 2013 Via Ciseri 23, ch–6601 Locarno t +41(0)91 21 21 | f +41(0)91 21 49
[email protected] | The press kit and stills can be downloaded from our website (Press Area) Excerpts of some of the offi cial selection’s fi lms are available in broadcast and web quality. In order to download them, please contact the Press Offi ce (
[email protected] / +41 91 756 21 21). Join the conversation: #Locarno66 Contents 1 Introduction by Carlo Chatrian, Artistic Director 2 Introduction by Mario Timbal, COO 3 Offi cial Juries 4 The 2013 Selection Piazza Grande Concorso internazionale Concorso Cineasti del presente Pardi di domani Fuori concorso Premi speciali Histoire(s) du cinéma Retrospettiva George Cukor Open Doors 5 Industry Days 6 Locarno Summer Academy 7 Swiss Cinema in Locarno 8 Attachments Locarno 66 – Carlo Chatrian – Frontier cinema As I set out to write this short introduction, I naturally looked back over the route covered so far. Before the fi lms themselves, the guests, the programs thought out and implemented over the past months, there fi rst came to mind the people whose substantial contributions have ensured that the Festival fi nds itself where it is today. First and foremost Mark Peranson, Head of Programming, and Nadia Dresti, our International Head, and then Lorenzo Esposito, Sergio Fant and Aurélie Godet (“my” selection committee), Alessandro Marcionni (Pardi di domani), Carmen Werner and Olmo Giovannini (Programming Offi ce), Martina Malacrida and Ananda Scepka (Open Doors).