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ted summit awards imperial palace hotel local students close to deadline philippines to Thirteen outstanding students The hotel, which requested a offer free at the Institute for Tourism renovation period of six months contraceptives Studies presented their thesis to avoid permanent closure, to poor to a panel of industry members remains unchanged P2 P2 P12
THU.12 Jan 2017
T. 16º/ 19º C H. 80 / 98% + 11,000 MOP 7.50
N.º 2721 HKD 9.50 FOUNDER & PUBLISHER Kowie Geldenhuys EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Paulo Coutinho
WORLD BRIEFS A PROVOCATIVE MOVE AP PHOTO China sends aircraft PHILIPPINES The country’s top diplomat says his country won’t raise its recent international P11 arbitration victory against carrier into Taiwan Strait China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea during Asian summit talks that AP PHOTO Manila will host this year.
SINGAPORE A court in Singapore has found a former manager at a private bank guilty of failing to report more than USD1.26 billion in suspicious transactions in a case linked to the indebted Malaysian state fund 1 MDB. Jens Sturzenegger, a Swiss national and former manager at Falcon Private Bank pleaded guilty to six charges including not disclosing information and lying to investigators.
MYANMAR More than 3,000 people have fled airstrikes and heavy fighting in northern Myanmar since the weekend as the government tries to flush out rebel positions, activists said yesterday. More on p12 AP PHOTO
NEPAL’s government yesterday fired the chief of the agency assigned to rebuild the nearly 1 million homes and other structures damaged in a devastating 2015 earthquake, officials COURTS said. The official was removed because of delays in the reconstruction work. He was given two chances First witnesses called to testify in to explain the delays but the responses were not satisfactory. Ho’s case reveal poor memory P6 More on backpage 12.01.2017 thu
th Anniversary
2 MACAU 澳聞
Local movie had pure recognition,” Malungu Times. awarded best This past semester, 121 under- short film Ted Summit awards graduates have completed this research component and 61 have Local movie “Crash” won been invited to present and pub- the best short film award at four local students lish in the IFT Tourism Education the 13th China Independent Student Summit e-Proceedings. Film Festival, the Cultural When compared to the first and Affairs Bureau announced Lynzy Valles second editions of the Summit, earlier this week. Last year, Malungu noted that students’ re- the film was nominated in HIRTEEN students at Insti- searches have been more diversi- the category of best Live Ttute for Tourism Studies (IFT) fied this year. Action Short Film at the presented their thesis to a panel “It’s a healthy growth. They’re 53rd Golden Horse Awards of industry members for the third trying to show differences. You in Taiwan. The 20-minute Tourism Education Student (Ted see this diversity that they didn’t long movie tells the story Summit) – Winter 2017 yesterday. show in the first editions,” she ad- of a man in his fifties who The Ted Summit is the final ded. finds himself lost in the culmination of the research com- The summit also invited experts new century. It was filmed From left to right: Students XIao Jing Jin, Chan Ka Po, Wong Wai I and Lam Chak Kin ponent that IFT’s undergraduate from the region’s hospitality in- entirely in Macau, with all Bachelor of Science students un- dustry. cast and crew members being “Some employees and staff just lity would not affect their revisit Kris Kaminsky, general mana- Macau residents, according dergo. to its Macau director, Hong The event was conducted so that smile like a robot. Customers intention. Wong also stressed that ger of Four Seasons Hotel Macao Heng Fai. the senior student researchers won’t be satisfied with that smile international tourists are more commended both the institution could present their findings after [so] I hope my research can help interested in local culture, which and the students’ presentations having completed a research-ba- them smile better,” said Chan. she consequently suggested the and recommendations. Hundreds of sed investigation into a number of Another awarded student Xiao Macao Government Tourist Office “I think they did a great job, some illegally parked the region’s tourism industry-re- Jing Jin, presented her research further promote. very interesting topics. Some very lated topics. study titled “Event Destination Another award recipient Lam difficult topics and that’s inspiring cars blocked Four students, who represen- Selection – The Case of Macau.” Chak Kin presented a thesis on for me. They’re willing to take ted the best scholars from the Xiao’s presentation focused on “Impact of Heritage Revitalization risks,” he said. As of January 9, a total of different programs, were show- the local government and hospita- Project on Community: A Case Another industry panel member 127 illegally parked cars have cased at the event and awarded lity experts’ ideas about the most Study of Tai Po Heritage Hotel”. Niek Hammer, general manager been issued tickets by the MOP10,000 scholarships. significant factors in event desti- Although his research does not of Hotel Okura Macau noted that Public Security Police Force One of the students was awar- nation selection. include Macau, he expressed his the students presented interesting (PSP), according to a PSP The Tourism Management hopes that the region could learn conclusions, especially given the announcement earlier this ded the “Best Paper Scholarship week. Forty-six of them were Awards Presentation”. Chan Ka Event student concluded that from Hong Kong’s scheme on topic and time restrictions. towed from their parking Po presented to the panel his re- such entities used several criteria protecting heritage sites. Hammer expressed his hope spots for further penalties. search paper on “Service with a for selecting destinations such as The organizer of the summit, that the students would continue On January 10, the PSP Smile: Enhancement on Custo- affordability, safety and accessi- Laura Malungu, Regent for the- to grow in the hospitality industry. fined 18 cars for overstaying mer Satisfaction.” bility. sis/project at IFT, explained to the “The opportunities here in Ma- the permitted length of Chan presented “smile factors” Student Wong Wai I presented Times that the one-day event aims cau are almost endless. I hope this time in their parking that would boost costumer satis- a case study titled “Exploring the to celebrate the success of its stu- people take the opportunity to spots. According to PSP, faction and noted that costumers Relationship between Travel Mo- dents’ hard work. make this business more success- the number of situations are highly likely to appreciate a tivation and Revisit Intention of “It was included in the [curri- ful,” he noted. involving illegal overstaying “smile with an eye and teeth mo- International Tourists (excluding culum] model that it would have Furthermore, Fanny Vong pre- saw a considerable reduction vement.” mainland China tourists, Hong an end celebration, somehow a sident of IFT announced to the which could be attributed With 240 respondents, Chan Kong and Taiwan tourists) in Ma- means to recognize really good press that as of next year, the to recent continuous concluded that these smiles are a cau. work both in terms of the resear- summit would be held once every inspections conducted by the significant contributor to a high She concluded that international ch quality and the way students year instead of being held twice police force. level of costumer satisfaction. tourists’ age, gender and nationa- were able to create a product that annually. Zhuhai airport reports busiest HE Beijing Imperial TPalace Hotel, which Imperial Palace Hotel remains unchanged CNY requested a renovation The Zhuhai airport will see period of six months last its largest number of visitors year, still shows no sign of the hotel, and such entry use of decorative materials during the upcoming Chinese renovation or any activity could be considered a “vio- without fireproofing, and New Year (CNY), according to correct its problems. lation of the order.” storage of fuels beyond le- to a report by Jornal Va The troubled hotel cur- The closing order was gal limits, among others,” Kio. This year, the airport’s rently has its gates closed issued by the Macau Go- MGTO head Senna Fer- CNY period will start its with leaves piled up in a vernment Tourist Office nandes said when the hotel count from tomorrow until corner in front of the hotel. (MGTO) due to several was closed. February 21. During this A car, covered in a thick infringements of various The MGTO head stated period the airport will layer of dust also seems to codes, and took effect from that, despite the fact that manage flights connecting have been parked there for July 23 last year. Among many of these infringe- the city to 45 other locations a long time. the irregularities were ments have being ongoing across China. Over 1,400 Several tourism buses and “serious fire safety issues for at least two years, the flights will take off and land engineering vehicles have The Imperial Palace Hotel being closed down in July 2016 including an inadequa- department has given the during the CNY festivities. been seen parked in the vi- te number of fire extin- company in charge a dea- More flights will be added cinity of the hotel although On January 22 of this if the government does not guishers, defective emer- dline for the management for destinations such as no construction and main- month, the temporary clo- accredit improvements. gency lighting system, of the hotel to correct these Beijing, Chongqing, Haikou, tenance works have been sure order will come to an Currently, the public is blocked exits, obstructed problems and to perform and 12 other large Chinese witnessed so far according end. At that point the hotel strictly prohibited from escape routes, malfunc- the necessary improve- cities. to a report by Exmoo. could face losing its license entering the premises of tioning smoke chambers, ments. DIRECTOR AND EDITOR-IN-CHIEF_Paulo Coutinho [email protected] A MACAU TIMES PUBLICATIONS LTD PUBLICATION MANAGING EDITOR_Paulo Barbosa [email protected] CONTRIBUTING EDITORS_Eric Sautedé, Leanda Lee, Severo Portela ADMINISTRATOR AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER + 4 Million page views Kowie Geldenhuys [email protected] DESIGN EDITOR_João Jorge Magalhães [email protected] | NEWSROOM AND CONTRIBUTORS_ SECRETARY Denise Lo [email protected] PER MONTH Albano Martins, Annabel Jackson, Daniel Beitler, Emilie Tran, Grace Yu, Ivo Carneiro de Sousa, Jacky I.F. Cheong, ADDRESS Av. da Praia Grande, 599, Edif. Comercial Rodrigues, 12 Floor C, Jenny Lao-Phillips, João Palla Martins, Joseph Cheung, Julie Zhu, Juliet Risdon, Lynzy Valles, Renato Marques, Richard MACAU SAR Telephones: +853 287 160 81/2 Fax: +853 287 160 84 Whitfield, Rodrigo de Matos (cartoonist), Sandra Norte (designer), Viviana Seguí | ASSOCIATE CONTRIBUTORS_ Advertisement [email protected] Thank You! JML Property, MdME Lawyers, PokerStars, Ruan Du Toit Bester | NEWS AGENCIES_ Associated Press, Bloomberg, For subscription and general issues: [email protected] | Printed at Welfare Printing Ltd +11,000 like us on Finantial Times, MacauHub, MacauNews, Xinhua | SECRETARY_Yang Dongxiao [email protected] send newsworthy information and press releases to: [email protected] website:
12.01.2017 thu
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CULTURE | MACAU ARTS FESTIVAL MUSIC Macau Orchestra IC calls for dance to perform two workshop applications Beethoven works HE Macau Orchestra tively represent the diffe- S20, subsequently earning recogni- Twill present a chamber rent musical styles of the tion and acclaim as an original and music concert of Beetho- composer . promising young artist. Since then, ven’s music on January As an early work of Bee- he has performed on stages around 14 at the Dom Pedro V thoven, Sextet in E-flat the world as a solo dancer. Theatre, according to a Major, Op.81b is a passio- From 2008 onwards, he began to statement from the Cul- nate piece for two virtuoso take up roles as a choreographer for tural Affairs Bureau (IC). horns and string quartet, dance companies. Examples of this The concert will feature while String Quartet No. include the works brought by Ume- two of Beethoven’s clas- 7 in F Major, Op. 59, No.1, da to the 25th MAF, namely “Adap- sic works. The concert, also known as “Rasumo- ting for Distortion” and “Haptic,” titled “Beethoven and His vsky”, exceeds average which were widely acclaimed. Transition”, will be run in chamber music both in The workshop is limited to 20 par- line with the theme of this length and scale. ticipants. Should applicants exceed concert season, “My Time An activity, “Music Hour the limit, the choreographer will se- with Music”. with Musicians”, will be lect participants by analyzing sub- Beethoven’s is traditio- held prior to the concert at mitted documents alongside appli- nally regarded as a tran- the Dom Pedro V Theatre HEAD of the 28th Macau into the MAF program. cation forms. The workshop will sition composer with his at 7:15 p.m. During the ac- AArts Festival (MAF), which Hiroaki Umeda was born in 1977 be entirely conducted in English, music spanning both the tivity, Horn principal Wu will be held from the end of April and is a multi-disciplinary artist. In however Cantonese interpretation Classical and Romantic Tianxia and horn player to May 2017, the Cultural Affairs addition to being a choreographer, will be provided if required. eras. Within both musical Scott Holben from the Or- Bureau (IC) is now accepting appli- he is also a dancer, sound artist, and Applications for Umeda’s dance styles, string quarters are chestra will interpret the cations for a dance workshop to image and lighting designer. After workshop opened yesterday, and a staple of chamber mu- compositions for music be held mid-February led by re- studying photography at univer- will remain open until February 2. sic. fans, who in turn can join nowned artist Hiroaki Umeda. sity, Umeda decided to devote his Interested parties can find informa- The concert features two the discussion and share According to a statement from career to choreography at the age of tion regarding application require- works, Sextet in E-flat their views with the mu- the IC, selected dancers from the 20 when he began attending classes ments on the IC’s website. Succes- Major Op.81b and String sicians. Interested parties workshop will have the opportunity in ballet, street dance and modern sful candidates will be notified by Quartet No.7 in F Major, can register between Ja- to take part in the production of a dance. email or SMS and will be admitted Op.59, No.1 “Rasumo- nuary 4 and 11 by contac- performance that will be integrated In 2000, he founded his company, to the workshop free of charge. vsky”. The works respec- ting the Macau Orchestra.
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macau’s leading newspaper 澳聞 MACAU 5
EDUCATION UM to launch MA in 2nd Indonesians ask for language acquisition
HE University of Macau’s work as instructors of Chine- consulate in Macau T(UM) Faculty of Arts and se, Portuguese or English as Humanities will launch a a second language, but may Master of Arts (MA) course also work in related fields dent of newly formed advocacy in “Second Language Acqui- such as developing teaching group Union Indonesian Migrant sition.” The new course star- materials and instructional Workers in Macau, also stressed ts in the 2017/18 academic management. to the Times that they have been year and will teach Chinese, The MA in Second Langua- calling for a consulate to com- Portuguese or English as a se- ge Acquisition will be the first mence operations in the territory cond language. program of its kind in Macau, for a long time. According to a statement claims UM. It will therefore “Of course we want them to from UM, the initiative is provide a unique opportunity protect us, to serve Indonesian being launched in response for local educators and prac- migrant workers and hear our to “local demand for langua- titioners in language edu- voices,” she said. “We also ask our ge professionals in a multilin- cation to receive systematic government to open everyday but gual environment” and to su- training. they said only a few people come pport the government’s plan Those with Bachelor degrees for consular services.” to establish a training center in Chinese, Portuguese, English Yet Lestari supposed that the for bilingual language profes- or other related fields are eligib- Indonesian workers attending a workshop in Macau Indonesian migrant workers are sionals in the MSAR. le to apply for the course, thou- reluctant to approach the office The two-year program will gh all applicants must have a ROM January 17 Yosa Wariyanti, president of when experiencing labor issues. focus on the process of se- minimum score of 6.5 for IEL- onwards, Indonesia’s re- the Indonesian Migrant Workers “They [Indonesian workers] cond language acquisition TS or 80 for TOEFL iBT. presentative office in -Ma Union previously told the Times don’t want to complain and be by introducing students to Applicants whose native cau will halt its operations that they are in need of an es- against anything. They keep quiet current theories and skills of language is not Chinese but Fin the region on Saturdays, hence tablished consular office in the [so] out government thinks the- the subject. The program will wish to specialize in teaching only opening on Tuesday, Thurs- MSAR to alleviate the difficulties re’s not too many problems,” she have two MA tracks: one in- Chinese must pass the HSK day and Sunday. The new schedu- for Indonesian workers in Macau added. cluding a relevant Teaching test (Level 6) or an equiva- le was revealed in several newspa- in seeking assistance. These Indonesian associations Qualification Option and the lent examination. The same per advertisements on Monday. “In an international region, we disseminate updated regulations other without. The course applies for those who are not Although the announcement demand [they] open a consulate and labor laws of Macau to their will also be taught bilingually, native in Portuguese but wish may not significantly affect mi- office in Macau. If not, [they can] compatriots. UM said. to specialize in teaching the grant workers, some Indonesians open a service counter for Indo- The groups also back Indone- According to the UM state- Portuguese language; such say they have been continually nesians who have [consular] pro- sian workers who are in need of ment, graduates of the course applicants must pass equiva- calling for an Indonesian Consu- blems,” Wariyanti said. assistance from the region’s labor will not only be competent to lent language assessments. late to open in Macau. Meanwhile, Eric Lestari, presi- department. LV
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6 MACAU 澳聞
Renato Marques
HE trial of the former
Prosecutor-General, Ho ARCHIVE PHOTO Chio Meng, continued yesterday at the Court of TFinal Appeal. It was the first time that witnesses were called in to testify by the prosecution team, which views them as key to pro- ving Ho’s guilt. The witnesses were asked to give their knowledge on topics such as the so-called “teachers resting room” located on the 16th Floor of the Hotline Building in NAPE as well as the accommodation villa in Cheoc Van that the Public Prosecution Office (MP) rented under the helm of Ho. The case of agarwood pieces originally apprehended by the Macau Cus- toms Service (SA) and kept under Ho Chio Meng (second from left), pictured with the Chief Executive (center) and judges when he was still leading the MP the care of the MP was also raised, since those items were later found in Ho Chio Meng’s working office COURTS and at other locations. Expectations were dashed by the poor memory of some of the witnesses, raising doubt over First witnesses called to testify Ho’s apparent fascination with agarwood that the court wanted to see cleared. The first to rise to the witness in Ho’s case show poor memory bench was Wong Kuok Wai, a name much heard in previous sessions. He was allegedly the re- Possibly as a result of this “fear One of the most highlighted This mandate was, according to lous,” and recalled that Lai, besi- presentative and person respon- factor,” the first witness had little topics of the day and that occu- Lai, “never published in BO [the des being only an administrative sible for several of the institutions to add to the case replying with pied most of the court’s atten- Official Gazette] I believe, but I’m official and not a judicial officer that the prosecution claims to be a laconic “I don’t remember” to tion yesterday was the case of the not certain about that.” nor a magistrate, revealed total front companies used to mask the most of the questions from the agarwood. Another of the duties revealed by ignorance about the law as well as profits of Ho in several kinds of prosecution, the collective of jud- With regards to this, Wong said Lai during the court session con- the duties of his profession. illegal activities. ges and the defense lawyers. he had seen some wood in the cerned the case of the agarwood Lai acknowledged that he has But the session didn’t start wi- From the little that Wong had “teachers resting room” before pieces. no background in law but equally thout protest from Ho’s lawyer, to say or that he could remember, but, once more, could not confirm According to Lai he served, as denied knowledge of any wrong- who contested the call of the three it was revealed that he, through if they were the pieces shown to he often did during the 15 years doing in following the orders of witnesses to testify, claiming a companies that he owned, was him in photographs by the prose- that he was heading Ho’s office, Ho. legal challenge based on the fact responsible for most of the reno- cution. as a middleperson in commu- Also on the witness bench was that all three witnesses are in fact vations, maintenance and clea- The topic of the agarwood pie- nication and other functions Mak Im Tai, the partner of Wong defendants in other criminal ca- ning duties in both of the MP of- ces was again raised by the third between Prosecutor-General Kuok Wai in several of the com- ses co-related with Ho’s. fices, the villa of Cheoc Van and at and last witness of the day, Lai Ho and the deputy prosecutors, panies performing tasks for both From the witnesses’ perspecti- Ho’s family residence. Kin Ian, former Chief of Office of among other judiciary autho- the MP and Ho Chio Meng priva- ve, there was a similar “fear” of Wong revealed also he was one the Prosecutor General of Public rities and magistrates. Having tely. testifying in a way that jeopardize of the few “trusted men” of the Prosecutions Office, who is a de- had access to processes that Mak, who was said to be a long- their defense in future trials to be MP to hold the keys for the “tea- fendant in a different case that terminated with Ho, and being term friend of the plaintiff, admi- held in the Court of First Instance. chers resting room” since he had resulted from the investigation able to check on goods resulting tted to having met with him once After a quick analysis and taking organized some renovation and into Ho. from apprehensions, he men- or twice during after office hours in good note the opinion already decoration works. He justified the Lai, questioned by the prosecu- tioned that he had visited the at the “teachers resting room” to expressed by the judge in charge possession of those keys due to a tors on the modus operandi of the room where the agarwood pie- discuss family issues. He denied of the other case, the collective of need to “frequently visit the place office in relation to adjudications ces that the SA had transferred that these meetings had anything judges led by Sam Hou Fai deci- to check if any maintenance was and other decisions regarding to the MP on the suggestion of to do with the rental of the Cheoc ded to refuse the request of both needed and to do the cleaning.” contracts, revealed that in many Ho were kept. Van villa, although he knows the Ho’s defense and the witnesses Asked who granted him permis- cases he had been mandated by His testimony led to some fi- owner of that property, and he has that were calling for time to speak sion to hold the keys, he again re- Ho to perform daily duties like nal remarks from judge Lai Kin relatives that work at the MP, such with their lawyer. plied: “I don’t remember.” contract signage among others. Hong, who said, “this is ridicu- as his sister-in-law, Lou Siu Lan.
MACAU CITY FRINGE FESTIVAL a DJ and an intensely phy- body language. sical and emotional dance “Antiwords”, presented by a trio of men. by two actresses in oversi- “Mobile Kitchen” will in- zed masks, will appeal to Activities to commence from Friday vite designer and movie the audience with its ab- actress Mi Lee to prepare surdly humorous portrayal Chinese cuisine and share of drunken characters. The HE 16th Macau City with the concept of “All Zuò Tea House”, “Night”, reveals the secrets of Rua her life stories, while “In world-acclaimed perfor- TFringe Festival is due to around the city, our stages, “Mobile Kitchen”, “In Good da Felicidade by combining Good Hands” is an interac- mance features a voice- take place in the city from our patrons, our artists”. Hands”, “Body Code: Post- elements of dance and mu- tive performance of music over in Czech with subtitles tomorrow until January 22, It will bring foreign artis- colonial Blue Birds” and sic which contrive to explo- and storytelling, exploring in English and Chinese. with the opening ceremony ts together with their local “Antiwords”, reflecting the re the history of Macau’s secrets, trust and human Tickets for the shows of to be held this Saturday at 3 counterparts to “create diversity of the program red-light district. Later that needs. “Body Code: Post- the 16th Macau City Frin- p.m. at the Old Court Bui- a distinctive event in the for the first weekend of the evening, “Night”, trans- colonial Blue Birds”, per- ge Festival are availab- lding. city,” according to organi- festival. lated by Circolando from formed by contemporary le for purchase through This year’s edition of the zers. “Zuò Zuò Tea House” will Portugal, encourages au- dancers from Macau, Hong Macau Ticketing Network festival has adopted the On the day of the opening be staged in six consecutive diences to question langua- Kong and Taiwan, depicts outlets. Some tickets re- slogan of “A Feast of Crea- ceremony, six shows will be sessions on Saturday af- ge and aesthetics through the colonial history of the main for the shows to be tivity! Bon Appétit!” in line introduced, including “Zuò ternoon. The performance live music manipulated by three territories through staged this weekend. thu 12.01.2017 th Anniversary
macau’s leading newspaper 廣告 ADVERTISEMENT 7 12.01.2017 thu
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BLOOMBERG Garena said to pick Goldman for USD1b IPO
Joyce Koh, Yoolim Lee bally in the past 12 mon- and Elffie Chew ths, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. ARENA, Southeast Garena, which is also ba- GAsia’s most valuab- cked by Malaysia’s sove- le startup, picked Gold- reign wealth fund, would man Sachs Group Inc. join Japanese messaging to lead a planned ini- provider Line Corp. in tial public offering that selling shares in the U.S. HONG KONG could fetch about USD1 to fund expansion. billion, according to Garena was founded people with knowledge by Chinese entrepreneur of the matter. Forrest Li as an online ga- Moody’s says it didn’t The Singapore-ba- ming company in 2009. sed online gaming portal It has since branched and e-commerce provi- out to add mobile sho- der plans to select addi- pping and payment ser- breach rules in appeal case tional banks as soon as vices in Southeast Asia. this month, the people The firm was valued at said. Garena is conside- about $3.75 billion when Benjamin Robertson Futures Commission for curities and Futures Com- the tribunal panel said ring listing in the U.S., it raised $170 million in breaching the regulator’s mission should be able to in its March ruling. “The the people said, asking a fundraising round in OODY’S Inves- code of conduct when regulate the content of re- evidence indicates that not to be identified be- March 2016. Garena - a Mtors Service did not it published a report on search publications,” Do- the market understood cause the information is portmanteau of “global breach Hong Kong’s re- dozens of Chinese com- nough Foley, Senior Vice the red flag framework as private. arena” - has grown net gulatory code of conduct panies. That ruling alar- President, Moody’s Inves- providing some form of If completed, the deal revenue 13-fold since because it never used a med investors and analys- tors Service, said in a sta- ranking system of credit would be a boon for ba- 2011 to $270 million in 2011 report on listed com- ts, concerned that such tement. “Moody’s hopes risk and acted accordin- ckers such as Tencent 2015. panies as a credit-rating actions could strangle the Court will overturn the gly.” Holdings Ltd. and mark Li was born and raised tool, the city’s High Court critical commentary about decision of the Securities A first of its kind in the largest technology in the Chinese port city heard yesterday during an the city’s markets. and Futures Appeals Tri- Hong Kong, the tribu- IPO out of Southeast of Tianjin and did stin- appeal hearing. The report highlighted bunal and looks forward nal’s decision was seen Asia. It may open the ts at Motorola Solutions Adrian Huggins, lawyer warning signs that Moo- to its ruling.” as having wide-ranging door for offerings from Inc. and Corning Inc. af- for the New York-based dy’s had about weak cor- SFC spokesman Ernest implications for how ra- other local startups, in- ter college. He decided credit-rating firm, told the porate governance, opa- Kong declined to com- tings agencies operate in cluding ride-hailing lea- he couldn’t continue as three judges that Moody’s que business models and ment. Hong Kong, especially der Grab and e-commer- a corporate manager and had considered using the unclear financial repor- Shares plunged and bor- as it came at around the ce operator Tokopedia. enrolled in Stanford’s note’s contents as part of ting at the companies. The rowing costs jumped for same time as an SFC ac- “This is an extremely MBA program. He star- a credit-review report but tribunal said in March some of the companies, tion against U.S. short significant deal,” said ted Garena as Southeast “decided not to as it was that the note qualified as including Winsway seller Andrew Left. Vishal Harnal, a partner Asia’s version of Tencent inappropriate.” A bright a ratings notice, which Coking Coal Holdings Ltd. In August, Left was fou- at 500 Startups in Singa- and has since become a line between regulated meant it should be held to and West China Cement nd culpable of market pore. “Once you have a citizen of Singapore. and unregulated activities higher standards. Ltd. Moody’s said the re- misconduct for a report success story coming out Other backers of Gare- had been blurred by the Under questioning from search note was a primer that his Citron Research of the region, it becomes na include Ontario Tea- regulator, Huggins said. the judges, Huggins said on possible credit-rating firm published that was easier for others to emu- chers’ Pension Plan and Moody’s was appealing though the report had reviews, rather than a re- critical of real estate de- late. An IPO of this mag- private-equity firm Ge- a decision by the city’s been confusing, no one view in itself. veloper Evergrande Real nitude will galvanize and neral Atlantic LLC. Securities and Futures reading it would think “The tribunal has been Estate Group Ltd. He was serve as a beacon to all The company aims to Appeals Tribunal that re- credit ratings at the firms drawn to the conclusion fined HKD6.9 million in the startups in Southeast complete the IPO in the sulted in a HKD11 million mentioned were about to that there was a failure in penalties and costs and Asia.” next two years, one of the (USD1.4 million) fine. The be adjusted. clear and unambiguous banned from the Hong The deal would add to people said. Represen- panel in March affirmed “Moody’s did not enga- terms to set out the true Kong market for 5 years. the $9.9 billion in first- tatives for Garena and an action against the com- ge in misleading conduct nature and purpose of Left said he plans to time share sales by tech- Goldman Sachs declined pany by the Securities and and disagrees that the Se- the red flag framework,” appeal. Bloomberg nology companies glo- to comment. Bloomberg
corporate bits sheraton grand presents valentine’s day the couple to pop open a bott- Airbus Group SE booked airbus retains order lead over boeing packages le of bubbly, indulge in culinary 320 jetliner orders in Decem- experiences at the hotel’s sig- ber alone to rack up 731 sa- nature restaurants and engage les for the year, extending its in a host of other romantic ac- backlog and beating Boeing tivities. Co. Another package “Be Mine,” In the last month of 2016 features a stay in a Deluxe Co- Airbus sold 98 new planes to tai View Room with views of the Iran Air and 72 to Go Airlines Strip as well as a slew of Valen- India Pvt., while two other tine’s Day treats. transactions saw 132 narrow The resort is also presenting -bodies purchased by buyers a set dinner “Amore, Valenti- whose identities weren’t dis- ne’s Day Set Dinner at Bene;” closed, according to figures and “Romantic Afternoon Tea released by the Toulouse, at Palms” where couples will be France-based company yes- feasting on a traditional English terday. ebbed after a decade-long to provide to Iran and which afternoon tea with a twist. Airbus retained an order buying spree that’s built up would have given it a narrow For international cuisine, the lead over Boeing it has held record backlogs. Airbus’s order victory. Lower oil prices Sheraton Grand Macao Hotel ge is available in the hotel’s “World of Love buffets at Feast” since 2012 after the U.S. bu- sales tally slipped by almost are also leading airlines to announced that it is offering pa- 1,300-square-foot Executive are a great way to experience a siness last week said 2016 350 aircraft in 2016 and carry on operating older, less ckages for couples in search of Deluxe Suite that has its own multitude of cultures and tastes sales totaled 668 aircraft, net Boeing suffered a 100-jet de- efficient planes, while stutte- a romantic escape over Valen- private terrace overlooking the all at once. Highlights include of cancellations. Both manu- cline, though the U.S. com- ring economies have spurred tine’s weekend. Cotai Strip. cold poached seafood on ice facturers saw new business pany’s figures didn’t include cancellations and crimped “A Suite Romance” packa- This getaway for two allows such as lobsters, clams and dwindle last year as demand 80 planes it has also agreed net order numbers. thu 12.01.2017
th Anniversary
published in partnership with 中葡論壇 FORUM 9
HE Pearl River Delta, Hong Kong and Macau are the preferred “base” for African traders in PRD and Macau are ‘land of TChina who have found “plenty of opportunities” there, according to several researchers. Data cited in an article in the opportunity’ for African traders Strategic Review for Southern Africa by Carlos Lopes, an aca- demic from Guinea-Bissau and Between 1996 and 2008, trade The Macau Special Administra-
former president of the Economic between Guangzhou and Africa XINHUA tive Region has gained new insti- Commission of the United Nations increased six-fold, from USD500 tutions, in the economic and trade showed that 500,000 Africans million to USD3 billion and expor- field, geared towards the expan- currently reside in China, of which ts through the city increased arou- sion of relations with Portuguese- 100,000 in Guangzhou, with the nd ten-fold. speaking countries. next preferred destinations being The “One Belt, One Road” stra- Hong Kong and Macau. tegy and strengthening of the Among the factors that have con- Traders have productive capacity of Portugue- tributed to the attractiveness of the capitalized on se-speaking countries are part of region in general and the city of the next action plan of the Macau Guangzhou, in particular, are the the significant Forum, which came out of the mi- links to Guangdong province, whi- nisterial conference on October ch is a base for industrial products availability 11 and 12, 2016, as well as the in- enjoyed in the migrants’ countries ternationalization of the Chinese of origin, according to data collec- of low-cost currency, to facilitate investment ted by academic researcher Adams products and trade – for companies – and Bodomo. funding – to the States, for which In a recent article in The Diplo- the Macau financial sector will be mat, Eleka Watts said traders have A study in 2014 involving 205 Angolan trader Mike (left) bargains with Zhou, a Chinese retailer in a wholesale a major hub. capitalized on the significant avai- traders from more than 50 African market in Xiaobei Road, a commercial area in Guangzhou Another new feature of the con- lability of low-cost products, elec- countries resident in Guangzhou ference was that the headquarters tronics and others, which allow for showed that the average income and show the potential of the con- by this community is also eviden- of the USD1 billion fund for in- substantial profits in trade with is about 30,000 yuan, close to tinent to small and medium-sized ced in the number of flights to the vestment in Portuguese-speaking their countries. USD4,500, well above the average Guangdong companies,” said Lo- region by major African airlines countries announced by China in “Among other factors, the rapid of the Chinese workers. pes. like Egypt Air, Kenya Airways, 2013 will be transferred from Bei- expansion of the economic rela- “Most traders are self-employed, Given the weight of African tra- South African Airways and Ethio- jing to Macau to facilitate contact tionship between Africans and which increases the perception ders, Lopes even says there would pian. with potential interested parties. Guangzhou has created plenty of of success. This is certainly a sur- be “a significant impact on China’s In terms of education, the num- An African Chamber of Com- opportunities for African migrant prising development for the local southern economy,” if they disa- ber of African students has been merce recently opened in Macau entrepreneurs to create communi- Chinese competitors. Gradually, ppeared. growing continuously, with Macau to promote business and attract ties in the city,” said Lopes, citing it is influencing market behavior The importance of linguistic, cul- being a university hub for the Por- Chinese investment to Africa. Chinese researchers. towards African entrepreneurs tural and commercial ties created tuguese-speaking language. MDT/Macauhub
ad 12.01.2017 thu
th Anniversary
10 CHINA 中國
EDUCATION messages for their teachers to see. It makes the children feel better. "When I came five years ago, the school was like a dead pond. Head teacher tries alternative Students failed courses. Nobody cared how they performed. Their grandparents had no choice. Rea- ding was almost zero," Yin said. education for left-behind children In 2014, Yin received funding from a number of non-govern- mental organizations to renovate classroom and do not sit on fixed school will help the children beco- their library and classrooms. “I
XINHUA seats. During the summer desks me more independent and make have been teaching for about 19 are put away, and teachers and up for the absence of their parents. years, and if there is one thing I students sit on the ground. The "There is a boy. He seems care- know it is that a child should read students even take care of the li- less and aloof at school, but when and that reading enriches their brary. he goes home he sends long voice mind," she said. "I like this style of teaching. It messages to his teacher, sharing Her experiment began in 2015 brings the teacher closer to us. I whatever is on his mind," said tea- and has recently started to score do not have to stick my back up all cher Wang Yiheng. successes. Average scores of the day and take notes while the tea- To help students air grievances students at Zhangjiabu were once cher talks," said He Enze, a sixth when their parents are away, the bottom of the school district, but grader. "I wish I had that much school introduced a "tree hole" now they rank among the top. freedom at school when I was project - a cardboard box or a Several students excel in Chinese younger." said Yin's son, who at- baby formula jar is put in each literature, as well as sports and tends a middle-high school in the classroom, and children write music. Xinhua The third-grade students from Nongyong Primary School take an exam county. before winter vacation in Guangxi region There is no reason why Yin's ex- periment cannot last. There are Lou Chen, Yu Jingjing ciple, she decided to try alternati- no anxious parents eager to see China's Summerhill ve education methods, giving her improving grades. Most are away HINESE schools are inclined students more freedom, focusing earning money and absent from HOUGH Yin has not met who advocate freedom for stu- Cto focus on the discipline and on student-centered, progressive their children's education. As a Tstrong opposition to her dents. obedience of students, less so on education, and allowing children small village school, it manages alternative style of education, But as a public village school individual autonomy, but a village make decisions about their schoo- to keep off the local education de- some have voiced concerns. with limited funding, it is an school in eastern China is trying to ling. partment's radar. "Some parents doubt whether experiment that can only go as break the mold. "It is like the Summerhill School According to a Xinhua report, such great liberty will impro- far as resources allow. There Zhangjiabu Elementary School in London," she said. Chinese educators have ushered ve their grades, but most are are 11 teachers at the school, in Longyou County, western Zhe- The Summerhill School in Leis- in reforms in recent years, aiming happy that their children have about two for each class. jiang Province, lies amid a tatty ton, Suffolk, the United Kingdom, to respect each students' indivi- become more open, confident Zhangjiabu is about to re- playground of dust and sand, and was founded in 1921 by educatio- duality more, and develop their and willing to engaging with novate its playground, and a small single building with paint nal philosopher Alexander Su- overall character instead of blin- others," Yin said. the children have been asked peeling off the walls. More than therland Neill. Summerhill School dly focusing on grades alone. Yin has never visited Sum- to help with the design. One 120 students attend the school, adapts to fit the child, not the At Zhangjiabu, with few restric- merhill, a boarding school in said he wants to have a "tree with most of their parents at work other way around. tions, Yin has become an unlikely Britain where teachers are of wishes." Another wants a in faraway cities. At Zhangjiabu Elementary champion of such education. She known by their first names, swing and a garden. "I hope for Head teacher Yin Suyu, 40, spent School classrooms are called believes education is about brin- and children have a say in all a new school powered solely her childhood here. In 2011 when "learning centers." Students take ging out the best in a child, and decision-making, but she sha- by solar energy," said Yin Shu- she came back as the school prin- off their shoes before entering the that the spirit of freedom in her res similar beliefs with those miao, a sixth-grader.
ROJECT manager PYuan Fang says she’s Big-city renters feel 20 percent inflation cutting spending and working overtime after a 20 percent surge in the cost of markets in metropolises the basket, with the rest in- market fund. both her Beijing room rent such as Beijing and Shan- cluding communications, “I don’t see the value of
and her favorite Japanese ghai are factored in, it’s BLOOMBERG travel and services. spending too much time lunch boxes. Civil servant easier to understand why “China inflation is never managing savings to beat Neo Zhu, who bought an the central bank has swi- really that accurate, and the 2 percent inflation,” apartment in the eastern tched to tightening mode people have been criticizing Zhu said. city of Hangzhou 10 years even though the economy it as underestimating price His views on living costs ago, feels costs of every- is slowing and the headline pressure,” said Wang Qian, are reflected in food prices. thing from gas to food are inflation gauge is well below chief Asia-Pacific econo- While pork belly is far from stable. the government’s ceiling. mist at Vanguard Invest- stable, its current price of 31 Yuan is putting her savin- That policy shift triggered ment Hong Kong Ltd. “Of yuan per kilogram is almost gs into gold to protect them the worst collapse in bonds course, people would want the same as in September from inflation. Zhu is con- in almost a decade. inflation compensation, 2011. The central bank has fident his extra cash will be “For college graduates in they would expect the credit clarified that price fluctua- protected in a fixed-income Beijing or Shanghai, rental market to better price the tions of a single commodity fund. can take up 50 percent of risk premium to compensa- won’t sway monetary poli- The contrasting perspec- their pay checks,” said Ding te for higher inflation.” cy. tives underscore China’s Shuang, chief China econo- Yuan is supplementing Yet regional divergences two-speed inflation picture, mist at Standard Chartered hairdressers in big cities. yuan. her 8,000 yuan a month are factored in. Cities that where living costs are sta- Plc in Hong Kong, adding Yuan, 28, hasn’t been to the Her pain hasn’t shown salary with overtime and saw soaring prices last year ble in much of the country that what people spend on Japanese restaurant near up in the data - nationwi- putting away a couple of rolled out measures to cool but surging in the largest will dictate their inflation her office for months, after de rentals rose a mere 2.9 thousand yuan each month the housing market, whi- cities, especially when hou- perceptions. “If you focus it raised the price of a ben- percent in December. Re- to buy gold. “If I have the le smaller towns sought to sing is included. The con- solely on the CPI, you wou- to box to around 35 yuan sidential costs account for cash sit in my bank account, spur demand for millions sumer price index rose 2.1 ldn’t understand why the (USD5) from less than 30 about 20 percent of CPI, it won’t buy as much stuff of unsold homes. Gansu percent from a year earlier People’s Bank of China can yuan. She and her roomma- covering rent and manage- in two or three years,” she province, a backwater re- in December, while factory tolerate such rapid increa- tes paid 4,500 yuan a mon- ment fees but not buying said. gion suffering poverty, saw gate prices jumped 5.5 per- ses in bond yields.” th for the three-bedroom an apartment, according to Zhu, 34, doesn’t share consumer prices rise 1.2 cent, data released Tuesday Surging property cos- flat in Beijing’s suburb be- Oversea-Chinese Banking that anxiety. He put most percent in November, whi- showed. ts have lifted the cost of fore a rent hike in October Corp. in Singapore. Food of his money in Yu’EBao, le Shanghai reported a 3.7 Once soaring housing paying nannies, waiters and took the payment to 5,500 accounts for 30 percent of the nation’s biggest money percent jump. Bloomberg thu 12.01.2017
th Anniversary
macau’s leading newspaper 中國 CHINA 11
Relations have deteriorated since Taiwanese elected inde- pendence-leaning President China says committed to peace Tsai Ing-wen last year, and Chi- nese officials have warned of more turbulence ahead unless she endorses Beijing’s view that as carrier passes near Taiwan Taiwan is part of China. China has been steadily ratche- ting up pressure, discouraging Christopher Bodeen, Beijing Chinese tourists from visiting the island of 23 million and in- AP PHOTO HINA said yesterday it tervening to prevent its partici- was committed to pro- pation in international forums. moting peace and sta- “Looking ahead in 2017, the bility in Asia, even as development of cross-strait re- Cit sent an aircraft carrier battle lations faces increased levels of group through the Taiwan Strait uncertainty and the challenge of amid heightened tensions be- risk has risen,” Ma Xiaoguang, tween Beijing and the self-ruled spokesman for the Cabinet’s island. Taiwan Affairs Office, told re- The statement in the preface porters yesterday. to a Cabinet report on China’s Ma said he had no information policies on Asia-Pacific security on the Liaoning’s passage throu- cooperation follows heated cri- gh the Taiwan Strait and refer- ticism from the U.S., Japan and red questions on the matter to others over Beijing’s increasin- the Defense Ministry, which did gly robust assertions of its ma- not immediately respond. ritime claims, particularly in the The significance of the car- South China Sea. rier’s passage through the strait The report made no direct re- was open to interpretation, said ference to such concerns while Zhao Gancheng, director of the casting Beijing as a force for eco- Asia-Pacific Center at Shan- nomic development and conflict ghai’s Institute for International reduction. Liaoning anchored in a Chinese port Studies. “China is committed to pro- “China has now acquired nu- moting peace and stability in territories in the East China Sea framework.” aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, merous means to pose threats to this region. It follows the path controlled by Japan. It also ex- “China has actively pushed for and its battle group as it passed Taiwan. If the Taiwan side inter- of peaceful development and the pressed strong opposition to the peaceful solutions to hotspot is- through the 160 kilometer wide prets it as a threat, that’s a ma- mutually beneficial strategy of deployment by the U.S. and Sou- sues such as the nuclear issue on strait separating Taiwan from tter for Taiwan,” said Zhao, ad- opening up,” the report said. th Korea of an advanced missile the Korean Peninsula and the southeastern China. ding such missions would grow “It has participated in regio- defense system to counter threa- Afghanistan issue, and played A ministry statement said the more frequent as the Chinese nal cooperation in an all-rou- ts from North Korea, saying that its due role as a responsible ma- Liaoning was traveling nor- navy gained new capabilities. nd way and taken active steps would “seriously damage the jor country,” the report said. thwest along the center line di- However, Vice Foreign Minis- in response to both traditional regional strategic balance and Despite such rhetoric, China’s viding the strait and urged the ter Liu Zhenmin said the issue and non-traditional security the strategic security interests of rapid military modernization public not to be alarmed. wouldn’t affect relations be- challenges, contributing to las- China and other countries in the has raised concerns about its in- China and Taiwan split amid tween the sides. ting peace and common prospe- region.” tentions, particularly regarding civil war in 1949 and Beijing China’s navy “does not pose rity in the Asia-Pacific region,” However, the emphasis was Taiwan, which it claims as its has never renounced its threat a threat to the security of this it said. firmly on China’s contributions territory. to use force if it considers that region or to neighboring coun- The report reiterated China’s to security and willingness to Earlier yesterday, Taiwan’s necessary to prevent the island’s tries,” said Liu, speaking at a claims over South China Sea cooperate with others on “im- Defense Ministry said it was permanent independence from news conference to discuss the islands and waters, as well as proving the regional security keeping an eye on China’s sole the mainland. Cabinet report. AP
AP PHOTO Beijing delegation open to meeting Trump’s team at Davos
“as long as the schedule with Trump’s pledges to against Beijing were “un- how to encourage their permits and if there is restrict access to Ameri- justified,” and thatChi- business communities to the wish,” he said. can markets to promote na has always opposed collaborate on innova- Trump has accu- the U.S. manufacturing such measures. “Trade tion. sed China of unfair tra- industry. protectionism will lead In the past, Chinese de- de practices and threa- Next Tuesday, Xi will to self-isolationism and legations at Davos were tened punishing tariffs give a speech urging lea- it is in the interests of no led by Premier Li Ke- and upended diplomatic ders to “steer globaliza- one,” he said. qiang. China’s President Xi Jinping protocol by speaking by tion in the direction of Xi’s attendance at Da- China has sought to phone with the president more inclusiveness and vos is part of an official be more influential glo- Louise Watt, Beijing ters at a briefing that of Taiwan, which Chi- mutual benefit,” Li said. four-day visit to Swit- bally and present itself “there are open channels na claims as part of its Western countries and zerland that begins Sun- as a force for stability HINESE President of communication” with territory. companies accuse Bei- day. He will also visit and champion of globa- CXi Jinping’s delega- Trump’s team. Xi, the first Chinese pre- jing of maintaining its the U.N., World Health lization while opposing tion to next week’s Wor- Bilateral meetings on sident to attend the Da- own protectionist prac- Organization and the rising protectionist sen- ld Economic Forum in the sidelines of the an- vos meetings, will cham- tices, for example subsi- International Olympic timent in the West. The the Swiss Alpine resort nual gathering of bu- pion multilateralism at a dies for its bloated steel Committee, and discuss Davos forum takes place of Davos is open to mee- siness leaders, politi- time of global economic industry that have led to with Swiss officials how during a week when the ting with President-elect cians and cultural icons uncertainty and worries trade tensions over Chi- to deepen trade coo- United States, the wor- Donald Trump’s team, are still being finalized, that countries will turn nese exports of low-pri- peration following the ld’s largest economy, will an official said yesterday. but China would look inward to trade protec- ced steel. signing of the 2013 Chi- be focused on Donald Vice Foreign Minister into what sort of arran- tionism — an issue that Li said accusations na-Switzerland free tra- Trump’s Jan. 20 inaugu- Li Baodong told repor- gements could be made has risen in prominence of trade protectionism de agreement, as well as ration as president. AP 12.01.2017 thu
th Anniversary
HILIPPINE President Ro- implant and put on hold the re- Pdrigo Duterte has ordered newal of licenses for other con- government agencies to ensure traceptives. The government free access to contraceptives Philippines to offer free has appealed for the lifting of for 6 million women who can- the temporary restraining or- not obtain them, officials said der. yesterday, in a move expected contraceptives to poor “The government cannot con- to be opposed by the dominant tinue to tolerate this delay in Roman Catholic church. judgment because time is of Economic Planning Secretary the essence as far as the imple- Ernesto Pernia said the inten- mentation of the RPRH Law is sified drive to make contra- concerned,” Pernia said. ceptives available and ensure BLOOMBERG He said 11 Filipino women die “zero unmet need for family each day from complications planning” is important to re- of pregnancy and delivery and duce poverty. He said the go- the law will reduce maternal vernment’s target is to cut the deaths and teen pregnancies poverty rate from 21.6 percent in addition to enabling families in 2015 to 14 or 13 percent by to have the number of children the end of Duterte’s term in they want. 2022. Juan Antonio Perez, executi- The executive order Duter- ve director of the Commission te signed Monday said out of on Population, said if the con- the 6 million women with un- traceptives are made available met needs for modern family to the 6 million women with planning, 2 million have been unmet family planning needs, Rodrigo Duterte identified as poor. The 2 million the contraceptive prevalence women should have access to rate can increase to 65 percent, them by 2018, and all the rest drive. rate may deprive the Philippi- order on certain provisions of a from the current 40 percent. thereafter, the order added. The Philippines is the only nes of faster economic growth landmark Responsible Paren- The Philippines’ population, It also directs government Asia-Pacific country where the expected in similar countries thood and Reproductive Heal- now at 104 million, is growing agencies to locate couples with rate of teen pregnancies rose that have more working-age th Law following appeals by at a rate of around 1.7 percent unmet family planning needs, over the last two decades, the people than younger and older anti-abortion groups that view yearly, but the growth may be mobilize agencies up to the U.N. Population Fund said last dependents. contraceptives as causing abor- reduced to 1.4 percent if the village level and partner with year. It said the slow decline of In 2015, the Supreme Court tions. The court prohibited the campaign is fully implemented civil society in intensifying the the country’s overall fertility issued a temporary restraining distribution of a contraceptive by 2022, Perez added. AP
MYANMAR Yoshiaki Nohara JAPAN Activists say thousands ANT a free case of craft Rural towns luring tax from Wbeer? If you send 30,000 flee airstrikes, fighting yen (USD260) or more of your Tokyo with beef and beer taxes to the town of Yamanou- chi in Nagano prefecture, they’ll send you 24 bottles of a locally more than 90 percent of the brewed beer to say thanks. people taking part have no con- AP PHOTO Want beef? Redirect 50,000 nection to Miyakonojo. The yen of your local area taxes to BLOOMBERG equivalent of about 70 percent Miyakonojo in Miyazaki, and of the revenue from Furusato you’ll get 3 kilograms of high- Nozei is spent promoting the grade beef in return. program and buying gifts from This Furusato Nozei (Home- local producers, he said. town Tax) system began in 2008 “We are well aware that part of as a way for people to channel the tax revenue in urban areas is part of their taxes to help ru- donated to us,” Nomiyama said, ral areas struggling with falling but it has created local jobs and populations and shrinking re- allowed the city to fund dental Catholic believers hold candles while they march and chant prayers for peace venues. But its popularity isn’t in the town of Laiza, in northern Myanmar’s Kachin-controlled region checkups, children’s centers, driven by altruism or nostalgia and other community pro- ORE than 3,000 peo- wrest control of rebel outposts for the countryside. Belying the grams. “We can only return the Mple have fled airstrikes in the area using by launching program’s name, money can be cal year. favor by doing what we can do and heavy fighting in northern airstrikes. Thousands of people sent anywhere, and much of it About all it can offer to at- locally.” Myanmar since the weekend fled across the border to China, is going to places that offer local tract tax revenue itself are frugal The rising competition among as the government tries to flush she said. produce as gifts in return. gifts such as museum tickets, municipalities has drawn war- out rebel positions, activists Tang San, a rebel Kachin In- Hokkaido - famed for seafood, which helped it bring in 15.8 nings from Internal Affairs Mi- said yesterday. dependence Army battalion dairy, and many other foodstuf- million yen last fiscal year, said nister Sanae Takaichi. She said The government prevented commander, also reported go- fs - is one of the prefectures that Sasabe. in 2015 and again in 2016 that a U.N. official from visiting vernment airstrikes. gains the most. By comparison, Miyakonojo towns shouldn’t solicit tax re- the area on Tuesday as waves U.N. Special Rapporteur on On the other hand, Tokyo’s has almost 164,000 people and venue with gifts, offer cash-like of people crossed the border Human Rights Yanghee Lee Setagaya Ward estimates the attracted 4.2 billion yen throu- gifts such as shopping vou- into China to escape the tur- arrived in Myanmar on Sunday system will cost it 1.6 billion yen gh the system during the same chers, or reveal the retail price moil. for a 12-day visit. But the gover- in tax revenue ($14 million) in period. That’s the most among of a gift. The unrest in Kachin state, nment, citing safety concerns, the fiscal year through March the 1,700 or so municipalities Still, the system more than where rebel groups have been denied her request to visit the - enough to build five nursery in Japan. Its website features quadrupled to a record 165 seeking greater autonomy for town of Laiza in Kachin state, schools, said Akihiro Sasabe, beef, pork, chicken, and shochu billion yen last fiscal year after decades, is just one of the sim- where there are camps for the chief of the policy planning di- liquor that you can receive in re- the government doubled the mering conflicts in Myanmar. internally displaced as well as vision. turn for directing tax to the area. amount of local taxes that resi- The military is also under fire the headquarters for the Kachin Setagaya, which has almost “The main focus is to promote dents can channel into Furusato for alleged human rights abuses Independence Army 900,000 residents and the our city,” said Shuichi Nomiya- Nozei. against the Muslim Rohingya She is scheduled to visit worst child-care crisis in the ma, an official who runs the ci- And there are now commercial minority in Rakhine state. Rakhine state tomorrow, home nation - with more than 1,000 ty’s tax program. “We only offer websites that show taxpayers The government has denied to most of Myanmar’s estima- children on waiting lists - is ex- gifts made in Miyakonojo, and how to shop around “home- the accusations. ted 1 million Rohingya who face pected to lose more revenue to the local economic impact is towns” all around Japan and Khon Ja, a Kachin activist, discrimination in the overwhel- Furusato Nozei than any other big.” maximize the value of “gifts” said the government is trying to mingly Buddhist country. AP municipality in Tokyo in this fis- Nomiyama estimates that they get in return. Bloomberg thu 12.01.2017
th Anniversary
macau’s leading newspaper 亞太版 ASIA-PACIFIC 13
Eric Talmadge, Pyongyang
ORTH Korea has been getting some North Korea is a bad trip if pretty high praise la- tely from the stoner Nworld. Marijuana news outlets inclu- you’re looking to get high ding High Times, Merry Jane and Green Rush — along with British tabloids, which always different manner, focusing on love a good yarn — are hailing male plants that do not produ- the North as a pothead para- AP PHOTO ce buds. It’s the buds of female dise and maybe even the next plants that recreational users Amsterdam of pot tourism. are most after. They’ve reported North Ko- The Pyongyang Hemp Pro- rean marijuana to be legal, cessing Factory actively abundant and mind-blowingly markets hemp products as “en- cheap, sold openly to Chinese vironmentally friendly” and and Russian tourists at a major “perfect for the 21st century.” market on the North’s border An official at the plant told The for about USD3 a pound. Associated Press that while se- But seriously, North Korea? veral varieties of hemp grow Baked? The claim that mari- in North Korea, all are very low juana is legal in North Korea is in THC. not true: The North Korean pe- “No one smokes this in our nal code lists it as a controlled country,” she said, requesting substance in the same category she not be named because of as cocaine and heroin. And the the sensitive nature of talking person who would likely help to the American media. “It’s any American charged with a only used for making things.” crime in North Korea empha- North Korea grows some- tically rejects the idea that the thing else that might be con- ban is not enforced. fused with marijuana: a mix of “There should be no doubt brown and greenish leafy to- that drugs, including mari- bacco that is used in pipes and juana, are illegal here,” said sold openly in Pyongyang and Torkel Stiernlof, the Swedish elsewhere. ambassador. The United Sta- Smoking a lot of that could tes has no diplomatic relations certainly give someone a buzz with the North, so Sweden’s — and probably a bad heada- embassy acts as a middleman che. But from the nicotine. when U.S. citizens run afoul Nevertheless, Simon Cocke- of North Korean laws. rell, general manager of Koryo “One can’t buy it legally and A saleswoman holds up a locally produced t-shirt made out of Hemp in Pyongyang, North Korea Tours, another agency that it would be a criminal offense specializes in bringing foreign to smoke it,” Stiernlof said. He tourists to the North, said the said that if a foreigner caught vernment-funded news ser- the market is restricted. But the markets, but it doesn’t get idea marijuana is legal in Nor- violating drug laws in North Ko- vice, lit up the latest round where there’s smoke, there you high no matter how much th Korea has become so wides- rea happened to be an American of stoner glee late last month usually is at least a little fire. you smoke.” pread that it’s not uncommon citizen, he or she could “expect with a story that Chinese and Troy Collings, a frequent tra- Hemp is grown in North Ko- for prospective tourists to ask no leniency whatsoever.” Russian tourists are stocking veler to North Korea and mana- rea with official sanction. It’s what to expect. Americans have been senten- up on North Korean pot by the ging director of Young Pioneer used to make consumer goods “We apologize, but have to ced to years in North Korean kilo in Rason, a special econo- Tours, offered a more mundane including towels, cooking oil inform those enquiring about prisons for such seemingly mic zone on the country’s nor- explanation: It’s just hemp. and noodles, as well as and mi- this that weed is not legal. They minor offenses as stealing a thernmost frontier that has a Ditchweed. Nebraska no-hi- litary uniforms and belts. It’s are not going to be able to get political banner and leaving a large, bazaar-style marketpla- gh. also used as rabbit fodder. The any there,” he said. Bible in a public place. ce. The same market was the “I’ve seen and even purchased rabbits are grown for food. “The idea that the country is Even so, the claim that Nor- setting for one of the earliest hemp, but it doesn’t contain But industrial hemp is gene- full of stoners blissfully getting th Korea is a haven for marijua- blogs on the topic, a first-per- any THC and is just sold as a rally so low in THC, the active high in a legal-weed paradise na smokers has cycled through son account of getting high in cheap substitute for tobacco,” ingredient found in its can- is not an accurate one,” he ad- the internet in various incar- the North from 2013. he told the AP in an email. “It nabinoid cousins, sativa and ded. “Not having seen or done nations with great success over Categorically confirming or grows wild in the mountainous indica, that it’s useless for something doesn’t mean it is the past few years. denying such claims is difficult regions of the North and peo- medicinal or recreational pur- never seen or done, of course. Radio Free Asia, a U.S.-go- because foreigners’ access to ple pick it, dry it and sell it in poses. It’s even cultivated in a But I have never seen this.” AP
US names Indonesian group as terrorist organization
Stephen Wright The announcements by which in practice prohi- viously believed killed lia were instrumental Khaled Sharrouf, an IS the Department of State bits U.S. citizens being in the Middle East, and in upgrading Indone- fighter in Syria and Iraq HE United States and Treasury Depart- involved with it and ena- two Indonesians, one of sia’s counter-terrorism since 2014 who carried Thas designated an ment come after police bles the freezing of any whom is in prison in In- capabilities following the out executions for IS. Indonesian radical ne- in Australia and Indo- property in the U.S. donesia. 2002 bombings on the The Indonesians are twork behind an attack nesia foiled IS-inspired JAD militants are belie- The statements did not tourist island of Bali that Bahrum Syah, who sent in Jakarta as a terrorist attacks planned for the ved responsible for a Ja- say whether the four had killed 202 people, mostly funds to militants in In- group and announced holiday season in those nuary 2016 attack in the any assets within U.S. foreigners. donesia from Syria, and sanctions on four mili- countries. Indonesian capital that jurisdiction. However, The sanctioned Austra- his mentor Aman Abdur- tants in an effort to dis- The State Department killed eight people inclu- the steps show continued lians are Neil Christopher rahman, who from prison rupt Islamic State group said Tuesday it has de- ding the attackers. U.S. commitment to an- Prakash, also known as has recruited militants to operations and recruit- signated the IS-affiliated Treasury announced ti-terror efforts in Aus- Khaled Al-Cambodi, who the IS cause, authorized ment in Australia and Jamaah Ansharut Dau- sanctions against two tralia and Indonesia. was the senior Austra- attacks and was IS’s main Southeast Asia. lah as a terrorist group, Australians, both pre- The U.S. and Austra- lian recruiter for IS, and translator in Indonesia. AP 12.01.2017 thu
th Anniversary
14 WORLD 分析
Obama returns to White House In Central African Republic, ‘impunity after final Air Force One ride on staggering scale’ Virginia, on Feb. 5, 2009, to address a meeting of House Democrats. “It’s HE lack of justice in Africa researcher, Ilaria AP PHOTO pretty nice,” Obama said of the air- TCentral Africa Repu- Allegrozzi. craft after he stepped aboard for the blic is so acute that some Of the 384 people arres- first time. victims are forced to ted by U.N. peacekeepers Since then and up until Tuesday, live daily lives alongside and national authorities Air Force One flew 2,799 hours and their aggressors, Amnes- between September 2014 six minutes with Obama as a pas- ty International said yes- and October of last year, senger, or the equivalent of 116 days, terday, and it urged the those included “only a Earnest said. The destinations in- international communi- handful of high-profile clude 56 different countries and 49 ty to help counter “im- individuals suspected of states, with Maryland as the sole ex- punity on a staggering having committed the ception. It fits a category of its own, as scale” for war and other most serious crimes,” the the presidential jet is housed at Joint crimes. new report says. Base Andrews in suburban Prince The London-based Amnesty called for in- George’s County, Maryland. group’s new report says ternational donors to Obama spoke as recently as last years of deadly violence help rebuild the justi- week about his affection for Air Force between Christians and ce system and create a One. For one thing, he doesn’t have Muslims have devastated Special Criminal Court. to take off his shoes as most commer- an already deeply impo- In November, a donors’ cial air travelers are required to do. verished country. conference in Brussels “Of all the privileges of this office, Hundreds have esca- was asked for USD105 and there are many, I will miss Air ped in large-scale prison million over five years to Darlene Superville insignia emblazoned on the side, ac- Force One,” Obama said at an Armed breaks, and many accu- help meet those goals. cording to White House press secre- Forces farewell ceremony in his ho- sed of the worst crimes Violence continues in RESIDENT Barack Obama di- tary Josh Earnest. The plane goes by nor. have never been arrested. parts of Central African Pdn’t just say farewell to the na- the call sign “Air Force One” whene- By tradition, Obama is still entitled Just eight of 35 prisons Republic, which descen- tion. He said goodbye to Air Force ver the sitting president is on board. to one more flight aboard a govern- function. Few courts ope- ded into sectarian con- One, too. But no more for Obama. Tuesday’s ment aircraft, and that will take place rate outside the capital, flict in 2013. The country Obama’s roundtrip to his Chicago flight was almost certainly the last moments after President-elect Do- Bangui. held successful demo- hometown, where he delivered the one for him before he leaves office in nald Trump is sworn into office. It Thousands of victims cratic elections last year, speech, marked the 445th time that nine days, on Jan. 20. just won’t be referred to as Air Force of rape and other war though many remote he’s flown aboard the familiar, eye- Obama’s first Air Force One flight One in that instance because Obama crimes “are still waiting areas effectively remain catching blue and white U.S. gover- came a few weeks into his presiden- will have ceded the title of “presi- for justice to be served,” outside the government’s nment airplane with the presidential cy, when he flew to Williamsburg, dent.” AP said the group’s Central control. AP ad thu 12.01.2017
th Anniversary
macau’s leading newspaper 分析 WORLD 15
Tripoli in 1943, British Field Marshall Bernard Montgo- mery ordered her back to Cai- Journalist Clare Hollingworth, ro because he didn’t want wo- men around. So she instead got herself accredited with U.S. forces in Algeria. who broke news of WW II, dies Later she reported on the fall of the Balkan states to communism, and on Cold War espionage, including the case of Kim Philby, a British
AP PHOTO journalist and Soviet double agent. Hollingworth wrote for many publications in her ca- reer, including the Economist, the Manchester Guardian and the Daily Express. Hollingworth was close to danger for decades. In 1946, she was standing 300 meters from the King David Hotel in Jerusalem when it was des- troyed by a bomb planted by militant Zionists that killed nearly 100 people. While covering the Alge- rian war for independence in 1962, Hollingworth defied members of a French far-right group who rounded up foreign journalists and threatened some of them with execution. “I was extremely annoyed at this treatment and I told their commander in French, ‘Go away at once, monsieur, or I will have to hit you over the head with my shoe, which is all I have.’” The commander pushed her aside, grabbed another This is a Monday, Oct. 10, 2016 file photo of Clare Hollingworth (center), who is surrounded by friends at her birthday party at Hong Kong’s Foreign Correspondents’ Club British journalist and drag- ged him out the front door of Kelvin Chan, Hong Kong off-limits to all but diplomatic defied gender barriers and rather than politics. their hotel. Hollingworth led vehicles. narrowly escaped death seve- The Daily Telegraph’s editor the other reporters outside S German tanks en- Hollingworth saw tanks, ar- ral times on the job, Hollin- gave her a job as a stringer in pursuit of their colleague, circled the Polish mored cars and artillery mas- gworth spent much of her and sent her to Poland, partly who was thrown to the grou- town of Katowice, sing. life on the front lines of ma- because of her work with re- nd. The gunmen released the rookie British news- Burlap screens beside the jor conflicts, including in the fugees in that country, accor- safety catches on their guns paperA reporter Clare Hollin- road, “constructed to hide the Middle East, North Africa and ding to her great-nephew Pa- and the reporters dived for gworth picked up the phone military vehicles, blew in the Vietnam, for British newspa- trick Garrett. cover, but they drove off wi- and dialed the British Em- wind, thus I saw the battle de- pers. She spent the last three During her five months thout shooting. bassy. An official there didn’t ployment,” she recounted in decades in Hong Kong after with the charity, Hollingwor- Covering the Vietnam believe what she told him, so her autobiography. being one of the few Western th played an important role War, Hollingworth flew she dangled the phone out the journalists stationed in China in helping an estimated 3,000 aboard U.S. military aircraft window so he could hear the in the 1970s. refugees trying to escape the on supply runs and bombing ominous rumbling for him- Hollingworth She won major British jour- Nazis flee to Britain by ar- missions. self. nalism awards including a ranging visas for them, a li- Hollingworth became the “Listen!” she implored. spent the last “What The Papers Say” life- ttle known fact that Garrett Telegraph’s first resident Chi- “Can’t you hear it?” Hollin- time achievement award and unearthed in research for his na correspondent when the gworth was 27, and just a week three decades was made an Officer of the 2016 biography of his great- paper sent her to Beijing — into her job with the Daily Te- in Hong Kong Order of the British Empire aunt, “Of Fortunes and War.” then known as Peking — in legraph of London. She had by Queen Elizabeth II. For- Though she carved out a ca- 1973, a year after President the scoop of a lifetime: World after being mer British Prime Minister reer in what was then a male- Richard Nixon’s landmark vi- War II had just begun. Ted Heath and former Hong dominated field, Garrett said sit that eventually led to for- She hung up and called the one of the Kong Gov. Chris Patten were she looked back on her achie- mal ties between Washington Telegraph’s Warsaw corres- fans of Hollingworth, while vements matter-of-factly. and Beijing. pondent, who dictated to Lon- few Western various British generals wrote “She would never regard She moved to Hong Kong don her story about the Nazi journalists about her fondly. herself as a feminist,” said in 1981. She had intended to invasion of southern Poland Hollingworth was born Oct. Garrett. Hollingworth ha- stay temporarily as she wrote in late August 1939. stationed in 10, 1911, to a middle-class fa- ted when women were given a book about Mao Zedong, but As the Nazis moved mily in the village of Knighton special treatment because it decided to stay to watch the in, Hollingworth scrambled to China in Leicestershire, England. made women a “hassle,” whi- negotiations over Britain’s re- get out of Poland, sometimes Her father ran a boot factory ch made it harder for other turn of Hong Kong to China in sleeping in cars, and even- “I guessed that the German founded by her grandfather. female journalists trying to 1997 and never left. tually made her way to Roma- Command was preparing to She took brief courses in cover wars, Garrett said. Hollingworth wrote articles nia. Hollingworth, who died strike to the north of Katowice Croatian at Zagreb Universi- “She thought that everyone for the International Herald at the age of was 105, would go and its fortified lines and this, ty, international relations in should be treated the same. Tribune and Asian Wall Street on to write many more chap- in fact, was exactly how they Switzerland and Slavonic stu- She hated it when women Journal well into her old age. ters in a decades-long career launched their invasion in the dies in London. She worked wasted time on makeup or ge- She was known for visiting the as a foreign correspondent. south.” as a secretary and then at a tting their hair done,” Garrett Foreign Correspondent’s Club She had scored another big Returning to Poland, she fi- British newspaper’s refugee said. every day, where her domestic exclusive days before the inva- led her story, but her name charity in Poland while wri- After the Polish inva- helpers read newspapers to her sion, when she had borrowed was not on the byline — a ting occasional articles about sion, Hollingworth covered because of her failing eyesight a British consulate official’s common practice for newspa- the looming war in Europe. the Romanian revolution and and where friends and admi- car to drive into German-oc- pers in those days. Friends influenced her deci- hostilities in North Africa. rers helped her celebrate her cupied territory, which was A determined journalist who sion to focus on journalism When Allied forces captured 105th birthday with cake. AP 12.01.2017 thu
th Anniversary
what’s ON ... TV canal macau this day in history Love of Macau – Photographs by Lee 13:00 TDM News (Repeated) Kung Kim 13:30 News (RTPi) Delayed Broadcast Time: 10am-7pm (Last admission at 6:30pm, 14:50 RTPi Live closed on Mondays) 17:00 Happy Endings Sr.2 Until: July 9, 2017 Venue: Macao Museum of Art, Av. Xian Xing Hai, 17:40 Criminal Minds S10 (Repeated) s/n, NAPE 18:20 Precious Pearl (Repeated) Museum Admission: $5 (Free on Sundays and 19:10 Non-Daily Portuguese News (Repeated) public holidays) 19:40 Soap Opera Enquiries: (853) 8791 9814 20:30 Main News, Financial & Weather Report The Exhibition of Chu Cheok Son 21:00 TDM Talk Show Time: 11am-7pm (Closed on public holidays) 21:30 Castle S6 Until: January 20, 2017 22:00 Precious Pearl Venue: UNESCO Centre of Macau, Alameda 23:00 TDM News d’Assumpção NAPE 23:30 Miscellaneous 1991 US Congress votes for Admission: Free 00:05 Main News, Financial & Weather Report (Repeated) war in Iraq Enquiries: (853) 2872 7066 00:4 RTPi Live The United States Congress has voted to authorize ecent orks by onstantin AD LIB- R W K the use of military force against Iraq to end its occupa- Bessmertny tion of neighboring Kuwait. Time: 10am-7pm (no admission after 6:30 pm, The vote seals the United Nations’ 15 January deadli- closed on Mondays) cinema ne for the Iraqi President, Saddam Hussein, to order his Until: May 28, 2017 troops out of Kuwait, or face military action. cineteatro After three days of sometimes heated debate, the Venue: Macau Museum of Art, Av. Xian Xing Hai, 12Jan -18 Jan House of Representatives passed the motion authori- s/n, NAPE zing use of force by 250 votes to 183. Admission: MOP5 (free on Sundays and public ARRIVAL The Democrat-controlled Senate vote was far closer, holidays) room 1 at 52 to 47, but was not as narrow as had been feared. Enquiries: (853) 8791 9814 2:30, 4:45, 7:15, 9:30pm It is the first time Congress has approved military ac- Director: Denis Villeneuve tion since the Gulf of Tonkin resolution in 1964 at the Starring: Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner, Forest Whitaker start of the Vietnam War, and it was by no means a Kung Fu Panda Academy Language: English foregone conclusion. Time: 11:30am-1pm & 2pm-15:30pm Duration: 116min At times the Senate vote was too close to call, and Until: February 5, 2017 some were predicting the president would be forced to CHERRY RETURNS Venue: Level 4, Tian Shan Ballroom, Sheraton go to war without Congressional backing. room 2 The House of Representatives added one condition to Grand Macao Hotel, Sands Cotai Centra 2:30, 21:30pm the motion: that all diplomatic and peaceful means of Admission: MOP200 per child (complimentary Director: Chris Chow averting war should be exhausted. entry for one adult and MOP100 for each Starring:Song Jia, Lam Ka Tung, Cherry Ngan, Hu Ge It has also made it clear it will withdraw its support Language: Cantonese (Chinese, English) additional adult) if the war becomes prolonged or results in heavy ca- sualties. Enquiries: (853) 8113 0000 A STREET CAT NAMED BOB President Bush welcomed the votes, saying they re- room 2 4:30, 7:30pm presented the “last best chance for peace” and sent Director: Roger Spottiswoode “the clearest message to Iraq that it cannot scorn the Starring: Luke Treadaway, Joanne Froggatt, Ruta January 15 deadline”. Gedmintas He said he had not yet made a final decision to launch Offbeat Language: English an attack on Iraq, but warned it would be “sooner rather Duration: 103min than later” if Saddam Hussein did not withdraw. kardashian robbery probe driver Senior Washington sources said the president had : , obtained permission from the British, Saudi Arabian 2 others released in paris and Egyptian governments to launch an attack at only a few minutes’ notice. The tough line was reinforced by the British foreign secretary, Douglas Hurd, in Abu Dhabi on a trip to the Gulf. “He [Saddam] will be forced out,” he said. “We are coming to a decision on this. There is no reason for a long delay.” In a last-minute effort to avert war with diplomacy, the SING UN Secretary-General, Javier Perez de Cuellar, arrived room 3 in the Iraqi capital Baghdad yesterday with his latest 7:30pm five-point peace plan endorsed by EC foreign ministers. Director: Garth Jennings Starring: Matthew McConaughey, Reese Witherspoon, He met Tariq Aziz, the Iraqi Foreign Minister, this eve- French investigators have released a chauffeur for Kim - Kar Seth MacFarlane ning and is due to meet Saddam Hussein tomorrow. dashian West and two other people in their probe into the rob- Language: Cantonese (English) However, although Washington publicly supports his bery of more than USD10 million worth of jewelry from the star’s Duration: 108min efforts, all preparations are for imminent war. Paris apartment in October. Courtesy BBC News The driver’s brother and 13 others remained in custody yes- 10000 MILES terday after a round of arrests this week, according to the Paris room 3 prosecutor’s office. 2:30, 4:30, 9:30pm Authorities are focusing on the possibility that the robbery was Director: Simon Hung In context an inside job. Starring: Yuan Huang, Megan Lai, Darren Wang Language: Mandarin (Cantonese, English) The last-minute diplomacy by Perez de Cuellar and others came to Officials say brothers Michael Madar, 40, and Gary Madar, 27, Duration: 103min nothing. worked for the same car service company and were among Iraq continued to refuse to comply with the UN ultimatum for its those arrested Monday. One of them is believed to have driven troops to withdraw from Kuwait, and at 2330 GMT on 16 January Kardashian the night of the robbery. Authorities are focusing on acau ower 1991, Operation Desert Storm began with a devastating aerial bom- the possibility that the robbery was an inside job. M T bardment of Baghdad. French officials did not name the three people they freed. 12 Jan - 18 Jan After more than a month of intensive air attacks, the Allies began a The suspects arrested Monday ranged in age from 23 to 72 land offensive on 24 February. One day later, the Iraqi army began and included several people known for prior robberies and other retreating. crimes, according to a police document seen by The Associated On 28 February, President George Bush declared victory. Kuwait was liberated, but the Gulf War left Saddam Hussein in Press. power. A French investigating judge may travel to the United States to The US and Britain launched a second war against Iraq in 2003. speak with Kardashian West. Saddam Hussein was overthrown and captured. He was later tried The jewels have not been recovered. In neighboring Belgium, for war crimes by an Iraqi court, sentenced to death and executed. the Antwerp prosecutor’s office would not comment yesterday A democratically-elected government was sworn in after elections on reports that the stolen goods might have been smuggled to in 2005. Antwerp, a major jewel trading center. However, it has proved very difficult to find an acceptable balance ARRIVAL of power between Iraq’s national groups, and the country continues Thieves are believed to have forced their way into the private 2:30, 4:45, 7:15, 9:30pm apartment where Kardashian West was staying during Paris to be destabilized by violent extremists. Director: Denis Villeneuve American and British troops have so far been unable to pull out Fashion Week, tied her up and stole the jewelry. Starring: Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner, Forest Whitaker despite repeated guerrilla attacks which have killed more soldiers Kardashian West has not commented publicly since Monday’s Language: English than the war itself. arrests. AP Duration: 116min thu 12.01.2017 th Anniversary
macau’s leading newspaper 資訊/娛樂 INFOTAINMENT 17
YOUR STARS THE BORN LOSER by Chip Sansom Aries Taurus
Mar. 21-Apr. 19 April 20-May 20 The future is always in motion, so Someone’s in the mood for love. Is don’t stress if you can’t quite make it you? Could be! And if it’s not you, out your goal right now. Simply someone you’re very close to is feeling deal with events as they come along, just full of affection and mischief. So and try not to control or predict the if your spirits aren’t up there already, future too stringently. they’ll soon reach new heights.
Gemini Cancer
May 21-Jun. 21 Jun. 22-Jul. 22 It’s all too easy to get bogged You’re a maestro at orchestrating down in shoulda-coulda-woulda swinging social situations, and this as well as, ‘But I could never do ability comes into play in some very that.’ Don’t put limits on what you particular ways right now. Whether can achieve before you even get it’s planning a surprise party or some started. other kind of celebratory event. SUDOKU WEATHER Leo Virgo MIN MAX CONDITION Jul. 23-Aug. 22 Aug. 23-Sept. 22 CHINA Responsibility can seem an awful There’s nothing more poignant Easy Easy+ lot like a four-letter word, especially than an unfulfilled promise. Is there these days. Haven’t you done an area of your life you’ve been Beijing -5 5 clear enough? Isn’t there someone else neglecting? Perhaps a hobby or a Harbin clear who can help pick up the slack? career ambition or just a promise to -26 -18 Those are very good questions. spend more time with someone?! Tianjin -2 5 clear Urumqi -7 foggy/cloudy Libra Scorpio -18 Xi’an -4 7 clear Sep.23-Oct. 22 Oct. 23 - Nov. 21 Lhasa -7 6 clear You know how a turtle has that Racing toward the finish line gets Chengdu 2 12 cloudy/clear hard shell and a soft tummy your blood and spirits pumping in he has to protect from possible just the way you need. You thrive Chongqing 6 8 drizzle/overcast predators? Well, apply that under competitive circumstances Kunming 5 16 drizzle/cloudy analogy to someone in your life and in contests of skill and right now. endurance. Nanjing 3 8 drizzle/overcast Shanghai 5 7 drizzle Sagittarius Capricorn Wuhan 2 9 drizzle/cloudy Medium Hard Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Hangzhou 4 7 drizzle Break off that big project into bite-size Your brain needs food, too. Taipei 16 21 drizzle chunks, and you’ll suddenly find that So turn off the TV and do Guangzhou drizzle it’s a lot easier to swallow. It’s funny something rich, stimulating 13 16 the way deadlines seem to wear soft- and invigorating. Watch the Hong Kong 17 20 cloudy soled shoes and then sneak up on you neighborhood kids play softball. when you least expect them. Go for a hike.
Aquarius Pisces WORLD
Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Feb.19-Mar. 20 Moscow -7 -5 flurry As someone in Wonderland said Like a butterfly emerging from its Frankfurt 4 6 drizzle to Alice, it’s best to try to believe at chrysalis, you’ve taken some pretty least three impossible things before tough circumstances and used them Paris 8 10 drizzle breakfast. The funny thing is once you to grow. Now you’re developing London 3 10 cloudy/drizzle let yourself believe them, they don’t into something lovely and fantastic seem all that impossible to begin with. beyond your wildest imaginings. New York 6 10 cloudy/moderate rain
CROSSWORDS ACROSS: 1- Put a fancy coat on; 5- Ornamental coronet; 10- Word that can precede USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS bodied and seaman; 14- Diva’s song; 15- Later; 16- Actor Pitt; 17- Boxer Max; 18- Stories; 19- Titanic’s undoing; 20- Spurt; 22- Somehow; 24- U-turn from SSW; 25- State bird of Hawaii; 26- Leaping marsupial; 30- ___ bleu!; 35- Boxer Laila; 36- Phila. Emergency calls 999 Taxi 28 939 939 / 2828 3283 clock setting; 37- Oohed and ___; 38- Dangerous current; 41- Gallant in appearance; 43- “Delta of Venus” author Nin; 44- “Wheel of Fortune” buy; 45- Never, in Nuremberg; Fire department 28 572 222 Water Supply – Report 2822 0088 46- French beans?; 47- Stately Spanish dance; 50- Employs, consumes; 53- Half and half; 54- Deceive; 58- Part of a woman’s dress; 62- Jai ___; 63- Actress Palmer; 66- June PJ (Open line) 993 Telephone – Report 1000 6, 1944; 67- Incline; 68- Early computer; 69- Cork’s place; 70- Make money; 71- Smelling ___; 72- Workout count; PJ (Picket) 28 557 775 Electricity – Report 28 339 922
DOWN: 1- Chews the fat; 2- Kirkuk’s country; 3- In ___ of; 4- Boldness; 5- Ragged; PSP 28 573 333 Macau Daily Times 28 716 081 6- ___ tree falls...; 7- City in GA; 8- Pee Wee of the Dodgers; 9- Burning of another’s property; 10- French cleric; 11- Make beer; Customs 28 559 944 12- Dr. Zhivago’s love; 13- Jittery; 21- Yesterday’s solution Genetic messenger; 23- Flat-topped hills; 25- S. J. Hospital 28 313 731 “As if!”; 26- Purity unit; 27- Roomy dress cut; 28- Try to bite; 29- Sugar suffix; 31- Satisfied sound; 32- Porcelain tableware; 33- Kidney Crossword puzzles provided by Kiang Wu Hospital 28 371 333 enzyme; 34- Created a border; 39- Overtime cause; 40- Magazine copy; 41- Modern-day Commission Against evidence; 42- Vigorous exercises; 44- Biblical beast; 48- Year abroad; 49- Ornamental Corruption (CCAC) 28326 300 plant; 51- Shops want to achieve high ones!; 52- Minneapolis suburb; 54- Boy or man; IACM 28 387 333 55- Intestinal sections; 56- German river; 57- Waterfall; 59- Romeo’s last words; 60- Tourism 28 333 000 Bellyache; 61- Peepers; 64- ___ Abner; 65- Back muscle, for short; Airport 59 888 88
ad 12.01.2017 thu
th Anniversary
18 SPORTS 體育
BOXING Russia defends Manny Pacquiao set to record on doping USSIA’S deputy prime minister, res- Rponding to calls for the nation’s sports return to ring on April 23 teams to be excluded from all internatio- nal competitions because of doping, said yesterday that the country is “among the ANNY Pacquiao will 2 in the WBO’s welterwei- cleanest in the world.” add another fight to ght rankings. Pacquiao is Following a summit this week, leaders
M AP PHOTO his long career resume when the WBO champion in that from 19 national anti-doping organiza- he takes on Australian wel- division while also juggling a tions also called for Russia to be stripped terweight Jeff Horn on April career as a senator in the Phi- of the right to host major sports events, 23 at a venue to be decided. lippines. a measure that would affect next year’s Promoter Duco Events said “I feel in his last few fights World Cup. yesterday the location for the I’ve seen some weaknesses Deputy Prime Minister Vitaly Mutko, fight involving the 38-year- that he has and I just think I who oversees sports policy in the country, old Pacquiao could be in one can get those,” Horn said. “I accused the group of meddling in politics. of Australia’s major cities, can beat him because I can “The people who should be analyzing possibly Horn’s hometown of see those weaknesses, I know urine have started pressuring the people Brisbane, or the Middle East Glen [trainer Rushton] can who take political decisions,” Mutko said or United States. see those weaknesses.” in comments to Russian news agency R- “The preference for all par- Rushton said it would be a Sport. “Russian sports are among the clea- ties is for the fight to be held in In this Nov. 8, 2016, file photo, Filipino boxer Manny Pacquiao raises his “tragedy” if the fight happe- nest in the world.” Australia, and we are working WBO welterweight championship belt during a news conference ned anywhere other than The British anti-doping agency is in char- towards this outcome,” said Brisbane. ge of collecting samples in Russia, and the Duco director Dean Loner- “I would expect 3 to 4,000 Pacquiao, 59-6-2, captured “We really hope the Queens- number of positive tests in the country gan, who met with Top Rank Filipinos to fly from the Phi- the WBO welterweight title land government and so forth dropped last year. The Russian anti-do- chief Bob Arum this week to lippines for this fight down for the third time against Jes- will feel the same way,” he ping agency remains suspended following set up the fight. under,” Arum said. “It will be sie Vargas in November. said. “It just makes sense, but allegations of corruption. Arum said he wants the the biggest fight in Australian He earned a reported also for the future. This can The call for extra sports sanctions on fight to take place at an out- history but, until the money USD100 million while losing reinvigorate boxing in Aus- Russia follows a report accusing Russia of door stadium, and it would is secured, we have to keep to Floyd Mayweather in the tralia.” operating a wide-ranging doping cover-up be beamed into 159 different our options open, including richest fight ever in 2013. Horn’s last fight was a kno- that included illicit sample swaps at the countries, including the U.S., looking at the Middle East Horn (16-0-1) is a 28-year- ckout of South African vete- 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. The Rus- where it would be shown in and USA.” old former schoolteacher who ran Ali Funeka in Auckland, sian government strongly denies ever ha- a prime-time Saturday night It is a nine-hour flight from fought at the 2012 London New Zealand in December, ving supported performance-enhancing time slot on free-to-air TV. Manila to Brisbane. Olympic Games. He is No. with Arum at ringside. AP drug use. MDT/AP ad thu 12.01.2017
th Anniversary
macau’s leading newspaper 體育 SPORTS 19
Steve Douglas, Manchester FOOTBALL | EPL HERE was only one place Marouane Fellai- ni was heading after scoring the goal that Often derided, Fellaini finally Tput Manchester United in a do- minant position in the League Cup semifinals. And it wasn’t to the United feels some love at United fans who have jeered him in re- cent weeks. Instead, Fellaini zeroed in on less game time, especially since the man who has shown faith November when United has ge- in him during the tough times. AP PHOTO nerally gone with a midfield of Jose Mourinho was pumping Michael Carrick, Ander Herrera his fists in the technical area and Paul Pogba. when he was met with the full Fellaini is now regarded as force of a charging Fellaini and a Plan B, a player to throw on his trademark afro. in the final minutes to cause The United manager tumbled damage with his height and backward before putting his physicality. His crucial goal arms around the midfielder as against Hull came via that rou- they embraced. Minutes later, te, with Matteo Darmian floa- Fellaini’s name was being sung ting over a left-wing cross that around Old Trafford. Fellaini met with a looping hea- “He changed the dynamic and der over the goalkeeper. the empathy with the fans,” “I’m here to support the Mourinho said. players, especially the players in Fellaini’s first goal of the sea- a difficult situation,” Mourinho son was important, not just said of Fellaini. “But he has a because it sealed a 2-0 win for very strong mentality, he coped United against Hull on Tues- Manchester United’s manager Jose Mourinho, second right, hugs Marouane Fellaini after he scored his side’s second goal of well with the situation, he was day in the first leg of the semi- the game during the English League Cup semifinal match against Hull at Old Trafford stadium on Tuseday not afraid the next match after finals. The bear-hug celebration Everton to go to the pitch again. showed the togetherness and “He is always supported by improving bond between Mou- ring a match-clinching penalty a week earlier, he had come on United, whose success since the myself,” Mourinho added. “He rinho and his players, a factor against Stoke in April 2013 as as a late sub against Everton and early 1990s was based on fluid, knows he is a very important that cannot have helped but aid United closed in on the Premier conceded a penalty that was sco- attacking and entertaining foo- player for me.” United during its current run League title. red to deny United victory. tball. Getting the best out of Mourinho likes to have phy- of nine straight victories in all There was more of a perso- Yet there’s also the feeling Fellaini — a tall midfielder with sically imposing players in his competitions. nal element to Fellaini’s reac- that United fans just haven’t a strong aerial presence — re- team. He had them at Chelsea You have to go back nearly tion. warmed to a player who is asso- quires a more direct and prag- and immediately after joining four years — before United’s A month ago, the Belgium in- ciated, rightly or wrongly, with matic style, which is why he United, he signed Pogba, Zla- miserable years under David ternational was booed by sec- the most difficult period in the thrived at former club Everton. tan Ibrahimovic and Eric Bailly Moyes and Louis van Gaal — to tions of Old Trafford — not for club’s recent history. He was nevertheless valued — all players with a presence. a similar display of emotion, the first time — as he warmed up Fellaini was one of Moyes’ highly by Moyes and Van Gaal, Given Fellaini’s characteristics, when Robin van Persie ran as a substitute late in the second first signings in the immediate and was therefore a regular the midfielder could have a vital along the touchline and em- half of United’s win over Totte- post-Ferguson era and has ne- starter under them. Under role to play for United in the se- braced Alex Ferguson after sco- nham. That was chiefly because ver appeared a natural fit for Mourinho, Fellaini has had cond half of the season. AP
The club had said that Lionel Messi and his Messi statue in Enrique supports decision teammates did not travel to Switzerland to prio- Argentina vandalized ritize preparations for to skip FIFA awards the team’s home match against Athletic Bilbao in the Round of 16 of the AP PHOTO ARCELONA coach Copa del Rey on Wednes- Luis Enrique gave his day. Barcelona, the Copa
AP PHOTO B full support Tuesday to champion, lost the first his players’ decision not leg 2-1. to attend FIFA’s awards Messi was runner-up to ceremony. Ronaldo in the best player Luis Enrique said he was award. “100 percent behind” the Three other Barcelona players after they chose to players were named for statue in Buenos Aires of Barcelona and Argentina star skip Monday’s ceremony the world’s best 11 in a ALionel Messi has been vandalized, with the head, torso in which Real Madrid’s vote organized by the in- and arms all being removed — leaving only the legs and a Cristiano Ronaldo was ternational players’ union soccer ball on display. named the world’s best FIFPro. The Barcelona The statue was installed in late June, just shortly after Ar- player for 2016. players included Andres gentina and Messi lost the final of the Copa America against The Barcelona coach Iniesta, who pre-recorded Chile. said it was “totally” up to a video that was released The city government says it is working to reconstruct the the players whether to at- during the event. statue. tend the event in Zurich, “As captain of Barce- The vandalism took place on Monday, just hours after Cris- and that he would have lona, we would like to tiano Ronaldo was named FIFA’s best player of the season been OK with any deci- thank FIFA and FIFPro for the fourth time. Messi, who finished second in the voting, sion made by them. for being awarded these has won the award five times. “As a coach, I can only prizes, and we apologi- The Messi statue is among several others in the area, all support their decision, ze for not being able to of them dedicated to Argentine sports stars. They include a especially because there attend the ceremony be- figure of basketball player Manu Ginobili, tennis players Ga- is this situation of a game, cause of a very important briela Sabatini and Guillermo Vilas, Formula One champion which has to be a priori- game for us this season,” Juan Manuel Fangio, and hockey player Luciana Aymar. ty,” Luis Enrique said. he said. AP Vandals also stole the racket from Sabatini’s statue. AP THE Madonna: Trump is like ‘being Station12.01.2017Air quality thu BUZZ stuck in a nightmare’ Roadside 70-100 Moderate Madonna says President-elect Donald wake up and I go, ‘Wait a second. Donald Trump winning the White House is “like Trump is the president. It’s not a bad High being dumped by a lover and also being dream. It really happened.’” Density 70-100 stuck in a nightmare.” The interview was conducted two weeks Residental The pop icon tells Harper’s Bazaar in an after the vote. She tells the magazine that Moderate interview for the magazine’s February issue Trump’s win means she has to become Area opinion that election night “was just like watching “way more vocal and become a little bit less a horror show.” She says the feeling of mysterious.” Ambient 70-100 Trump as president is comparable to going She’s also critical of fellow celebrities for Moderate Made in Macao through a devastating breakup, saying “I not taking political stances. DSMG SOURCE: Jenny Lao-Phillips FILM WORLD BRIEFS Out with the Tree in with the RUSSIA’s deputy prime Blossom S. Korean cinema leads minister, responding to calls for the nation’s sports teams It seems not so long ago when everyone was to be excluded from all busy setting up and decorating Christmas trees. international competitions In the blink of an eye, the evergreens are gone, nominees at Asian Awards because of doping, said replaced by kumquat trees or peach blossoms. yesterday that the country is With Christmas and Chinese New Year merely “among the cleanest in the one month apart, there seems to be a non-stop world.” More on p18 show of decorations everywhere from the city AP PHOTO center to commercial and residential buildings.
Being a Chinese New Year tradition to deco- AP PHOTO rate with different plants, there must be some auspiciousness surrounding each of the New Year flowers. Here, let me introduce the three most popular CNY plants: YEMEN Heavy fighting The most widely seen plants during CNY is continued to rage yesterday potted kumquat. Bearing the meaning of “lu- near the strategic Red Sea cky” (吉利: Quat Lei), this plant does not need strait of Bab al-Mandab in a beautiful story to explain why it is auspicious. western Yemen, leaving People often put small pots of this tree at home dozens dead and wounded, for luck, while some put them at their business security officials said. Since premises for profit. Kumquats also bear the Monday, fighters aligned meaning of 大吉大利: Tai Quat Tai Lei, directly Director Park Chan-Wook poses for photographers during a photo call for the film The Handmaiden at the with Yemen’s internationally Cannes film festival translated as “big tangerine big profit”. So, for recognized President, Abed those who want good luck and prosperity in Rabbo Mansour Hadi, have the year of the Rooster, potted kumquat is the OUTH Korean cinema action thriller “The Age of The nominations include been making advances and plant of choice. However, do not give kumquat Shas fared well in the no- Shadows.” Best-director no- 34 films from 12 Asian coun- seizing more territory from to people outside of the family, because to do minations for the Asian Film minees were Na Hong-jin for tries. Under the leadership Yemen’s Houthi rebels, the so signifies giving away the luck and prosperity Awards. “The Wailing,” Koji Fukada of Jia, a panel of film experts officials said. of the family to others. Director Park Chan Wook’s for “Harmonium,” Derek including Hong Kong actress As a gift, the plant of choice would be narcis- erotic period drama, “The Tsang for “Soul Mate,” Feng Karena Lam, will select the SYRIA An opposition sus, also commonly known as daffodil or water Handmaiden,” received Xiaogang for “I Am Not Ma- winners in 15 categories. monitoring group and 水仙花 fairy flowers ( : Seoi Sin Faa). This plant six nominations, including dame Bovary” and Lav Diaz A best-actress nominee rescue workers say makes a good gift because it is small and can Moon So-ri for best suppor- for “The Woman Who Left.” a year ago, Lam said she’s airstrikes have resumed in a easily be cared for. Aside for being a symbol ting actress. Five nomina- Chinese director Jia Zhan- thrilled to return as a jury Damascus suburb despite a of purity and elegance, it is also believed that tions went to the zombie film, gke, who is this year’s jury member and she’ll use her Russian-Turkish cease-fire they bring prosperity and kindness to the family “Train to Busan,” including president and unveiled the instincts as an actress when in Syria, killing at least one in the New Year. Ma Dong-seok for best su- nominations yesterday, saw the jury votes. woman and injuring several While the Ancient Greek legend of Narcissus pporting actor. a “diverse and balanced” no- “I will consider the back- others. Since the cease-fire is well-known, not many know the Chinese came into effect on Dec. Chinese director Feng Xiao mination list based on the ground of the film, but also one. The story began with the death of a rich 30, fighting has raged as Gang’s social justice drama previous year’s films. exchange with the other jury landlord leaving all his lands to his two sons. government troops attempt The elder son was smart and capable, and the “I Am Not Madame Bovary” The “Mountains May De- members. I can learn a lot to gain ground. younger was dumb and kind. Not surprisingly, also received five nomina- part” director believes that in this process. When we sit tions including best film, best it is reflective of the vibrancy down to meet, there are jury the younger son was cheated by his elder bro- GERMANY’s Interior ther, who gave him only a small piece of pe- director and best actress for of the Asian film industry, members from different par- Ministry says that about bbled land on which nothing could be grown. Fan Bingbing. “Every year the creativity is ts of the world, you can get 280,000 new asylum- After years of selling everything he had, the The other nominees for best different but in 2016, I think 10 different opinions for just seekers arrived in the younger brother had nothing left except for the picture were South Korean we saw many films from dif- 1 film. I think it’s great. It’ll country last year — far barren land. He starved and his call for help supernatural thriller “The ferent genres that went head be an opportunity for me to below the influx of 890,000 to his brother was ignored. So he cried hope- Wailing,” Taiwanese crime to head. There are art house learn as well.” in 2015. Arrivals declined lessly which was heard by the Jade Emperor comedy, “Godspeed,” Ja- films or commercial films The Asian Film Awards will sharply with the closure of in heaven. panese family drama “Har- that presented a lot of creati- be handed out on March 21 the Balkan migrant route in Sympathizing for the plight of the younger monium” and South Korean vity,” Jia said. in Hong Kong. AP March and the subsequent brother, the Jade Emperor sent one of his fai- agreement between the ries to offer some narcissus seeds to the you- European Union and Turkey nger brother, asking him to grow and sell the to stem the flow across the flowers. At first, the brother was suspicious of Aegean Sea to Turkey. how his bare land could grow anything. Then THE around New Year, his land was filled with BRITAIN is considering beautiful flowers with a scent that attracted Xinhua/Cheong Kam Ka charging employers 1,000 everyone passing by to buy them. To ensure DECISIVE MOMENT pounds (USD1,200) a year the prosperity of the younger brother, the Jade for every skilled worker they Emperor put a spell on the flowers that they recruit from the European only blossom once, except for those grown in Union after the U.K. leaves the young brother’s land. So, year after year, the bloc, the country’s people went back to him to buy the flowers. immigration minister said One of the patrons included the elder brother yesterday. who had become poor, but the younger brother generously gave him narcissus seeds to grow
flowers for selling every year. That was how, AP PHOTO according to our legend, narcissus represents prosperity and kindness. Finally - peach blossoms (桃花: Tou Faa). We see lots of large plants of peach blossoms US President Barack everywhere during CNY, and you may have Obama bid farewell to the seen young people running round and round nation in an emotional the plant. That is to enhance luck in finding ro- speech that sought to mance, and give what we call peach-blossoms- comfort a country on luck (Tou Faa Wan). As there is not enough edge over rapid economic space for this story, it will have to be told ano- changes, persistent security ther time. Staff members prepare lanterns for the coming Chinese Lunar New Year in Macau. threats and the election of The Chinese Lunar New Year falls on January 28. Donald Trump. More on p14