


Scene 1. The roof of Daniel and Estrella’s old apartment complex.

DANIEL: Estrella! Why did you want to meet here? We’re going to miss the party!

ESTRELLA: Can you believe how much this place has changed?

DANIEL: I don’t even recognize it.

ESTRELLA: It’s all so… white. It used to be filled with smells and sounds and people.

DANIEL: Like the sounds of my terrible violin playing.

ESTRELLA: I remember the smells that came from those windows. Mi abuela cooking (She pauses and smells the air) mole and fresh tortillas, and elote, and capirotada.

DANIEL and ESTRELLA: and that awful Posole.

They both make a face.

DANIEL: We played for hours.

ESTRELLA: With my Barbies.

DANIEL: They were rich.

ESTRELLA: and they had a swimming pool and like 10 kids and they always fought.

DANIEL: Like my mom and dad. Before he left…

ESTRELLA: but remember… we would run away and sneak out.

DANIEL: And just lay up here and just look at the stars.

They sit in silence remembering the past.

DANIEL: You know… in a new place, you can be anyone you want.

ESTRELLA: Easy for you to say, ”Dannie Beckerman football star.” (She laughs to herself)

DANIEL: Speaking of… that party. You promised you’d come.

ESTRELLA: I know. Just one more minute.


Scene 2

Scene 1. Friday Night. A teenage house party. We hear bumpin music, perhaps something by Drake or Kanye. DANIEL AND ESTRELLA enter the party. There are groups of mostly McGregor High School students scattered about the room laughing and talking loudly.

DANIEL: Like I told you… not that bad.

ESTRELLA: (looking around) Not that bad? I mean… Look at them. All these Mcgregor kids, They all look the same.

DANIEL: It’s just the style…

ESTRELLA: It’s like everyone is rich. Seriously… I can’t even handle all the Sperry’s.

DANIEL: I’m sure they’re not all rich.

ESTRELLA: Look around… I mean everyone is white! I’m pretty sure I’m the only Mexican here.

DANIEL: I know… Please Estrella….

ESTRELLA: Are you seeing how preppy they are?

ARMANDO from across the room

ARMANDO: Hey Estrella! Over here!

ESTRELLA: Finally. At least there’s one “real” person in this plastic palace.

(ESTRELLA runs over to hug ARMANDO.)

DANIEL is left standing awkwardly alone. ESTRELLA and ARMANDO hug.

ESTRELLA: Armando! Where have you been? I haven’t seen you all summer.

ARMANDO: I got that junior leaders award. I went to France.

ESTRELLA: Ooh la la. France.

RILEY: (whistling) Just hangin out back here… waiting to meet your friend. The one with the super rad vintage boots.

ARMANDO: Oh sorry. Estrella, this is my new friend…. Her name is…


RILEY: They. I go by they/them pronouns.

ARMANDO: Sorry. This is…. They are….

RILEY: It’s cool. Riley. My name is Riley. I really love your boots by the way.

Estrella: Cool. Thanks.

ARMANDO: Riley and I were just talking about the implications of denying resources to underserved schools.

RILEY: Screw the system. We should all just make our own schools. Right? Read books. Make art and stuff.

ESTRELLA: You make art?

RILEY: Yeah man. Punk rock! Like Sleater kinney, The Ramones, Bikini Kill. How about you?

ESTRELLA: I write poems mostly. But… Mi papa, he played the guitarrón in a mariachi band. He sorta taught me some bass.

RILEY: Really?! Awesome! My band happens to be looking for a bass player….

ESTRELLA: Yeah! I mean…. yeah. That sounds cool.

RILEY: Hey, I have to go find Sam. Finally, a bass player! She is gonna freak! Text ya later?!

RILEY leaves to find Sam while ARMANDO and ESTRELLA catch up.

Meanwhile, Daniel stands alone by the chips. FRANK, a football teammate, approaches him.

Frank: Hey bro. Frank. From the football team…

DANIEL: Oh yeah.

FRANK: Welcome to the team. You know, you’re like the only one from Riverside. Coach was impressed. Not too many sophomores make varsity.

DANIEL: Really?

FRANK: Yeah man. That catch you made in scrimmage was insane!

DANIEL: Thanks.

FRANK: Hey. You see that guy over there?



FRANK: That’s Goose. Senior running back. Last year he won us the season and almost a championship.


FRANK: Yeah, I guess he just won some sorta high school science award too. Smart guy. Not to mention… the ladies are all up on him. He practically has to peel them off.

GOOSE looks over from his entourage to give DANIEL a nod of approval.

GOOSE: Nice work out there.

GOOSE motions to his crew that it’s time to move on. One of the girls gives him a disapproving look and lingers behind. Goose walks back, stares her down, and makes a forceful gesture for her to leave.

FRANK: Dude!?

DANIEL: Dude what?

FRANK: The nod. He just gave you THE nod. You gotta nod back.

DANIEL attempts THE nod. And… fails.

FRANK: Respect bro. Respect.

FRANK motions to give Daniel pounds, but DANIEL is confused and their hands awkwardly collide.

DANIEL: Thanks.

FRANK: Hey. Can I give you a piece of advice?


FRANK: I saw you with a violin case in the locker room. You gotta give that up. Kinda gay if I mean.

DANIEL: But I’ve been playing in classical quartet for….

FRANK: Bro. Don’t worry about it. Thank me later.

4 DANIEL is alone… Again. He looks around and then makes a “sly” move for some chips. When his back is turned, BETH, a sophomore and newly recruited cheerleader, comes from behind and surprises him.

BETH: I LOVE those chips.

DANIEL’s mouth is full and he is trying to wipe the crumbs off his chin with greasy fingers, but he attempts to respond.

DANIEL: Huh… Oh… Yeah… Sea salt and vinegar? They’re kind of weird and slightly gross… but in a good way. You know?

BETH: I totally know what you mean. I love weird combinations, like saltines and chocolate…

DANIEL: Peanut butter and pickles?!

BETH: broccoli and cheetos…

DANIEL: Cream cheese and tuna!?

BETH: Cream cheese and tuna? I don’t know about that one, but. I’m Beth.

DANIEL: I know. I mean… It’s not weird, like I’ve been stalking you or anything…. I just know who you are.

BETH: I overheard something about violin… you play?

DANIEL: Oh… Uh… No.. I was just talking about some stupid car commercial I saw.

BETH: When I was ten my teacher made me practice for hours. I mean… until my fingers felt like they were going to fall off.

DANIEL: You still play?

BETH: Not so much. Since 4th grade it’s been all gymnastics. Then I got a bit too obsessed. At least that’s what mom says. It’s like I lost track of everything else.

DANIEL: And now?

BETH: Now, I’m taking a break…. So I’m on the cheer squad. It’s cool… I like tumbling the most.

ESTRELLA returns from catching up with ARMANDO and buts in to talk to DANIEL with no regard for BETH.

5 ESTRELLA: Daniel? I’ve been looking all over for you! I met this girl… We’re gonna make a band! Oh (surprised) So, I see you made a new friend too. (ESTRELLA nudges DANIEL)

KELSEY and CIERRA, recent friends and fellow cheerleaders with BETH enter. As the conversation continues, we see the stereotypes spoken by KELSEY and CIERRA hang over DANIEL and ESTRELLA’s heads.

KELSEY: So you’re from Riverside.

CIERRA: How exotic.

KELSEY: Isn’t that the BAD part of town?

CIERRA: Where they have all those piñata stores?

KELSEY: and hobos.

CIERRA: Don’t people get killed there and stuff?

ESTRELLA: Riverside. Born and raised. My buddy Daniel too, actually. Hey look, I

ESTRELLA physically tries to leave by pushing the words away, but can’t escape.

CIERRA: I heard Riverside closed because too many girls were pregnant.

BETH finally steps in and tries to clear the air.

BETH: Come on. That’s enough.

KELSEY steps in BETH’s way and pushes her back.

KELSEY: I heard the principal got busted selling drugs to kids.

CIERRA: And every single student failed out.

ARMANDO finally emerges from behind like a super hero and starts to push away the words.

ARMANDO: Ok. Ok. Hi. Armando here. Armando Cortez.

He shakes their hands.

ARMANDO: You know, my sister actually went to Riverside… Now, she’s in medical school at UT. Just to be clear… We didn’t actually CHOOSE to come to McGregor. Our school closed. We didn’t really have a choice.

RILEY: GO Armando!


ARMANDO: Just because we went to riverside doesn’t mean we deserve to be treated like second-class citizens. This is our school now too.

RILEY: Wow, you should run for president or something.

ARMANDO: President? President Armando. Huh? I like the sound of that.

ARMANDO pulls out a notebook and starts taking notes as he wanders off.

KELSEY: Wait…. Is this THE Daniel Beckerman?

CIERRA: You know…. everyone’s talking about you.

KELSEY: Frank said, that coach said, whatever you did in tryouts… it was amazing.

CIERRA: Coach is calling you his “secret weapon” or something.

ESTRELLA: Well! Turns out Dannie here’s a free agent. (pinches DANIEL’S cheek)

DANIEL: Excuse us.

DANIEL quickly pulls ESTRELLA aside.

DANIEL: Dannie?! I told you. NEVER call me that in public.

ESTRELLA: Don’t you get it? That Beth girl is into you. You’re a “football player” now. She’s a cheerleader. THIS is what you wanted. THIS is why we came to this party in the first place. Right?

Across the room, BETH, CIERRA, and KELSEY discuss the situation.

KELSEY: Ok, I know he’s not that hot….

JUILIE: He just needs a little more time in the weight room.

KELSEY: And a little less time fixing his hair and matching his shoes and backpack.

BETH: I kinda like his…..

KELSEY: But… He’s a football player.

CIERRA: Remember the rule.

KELSEY: You’re a cheerleader. You HAVE to date a football player.

7 CIERRA: We have to stay at the top of the pyramid.

KELSEY: and you gotta start somewhere. Even if it’s (looks over in disgust) the bottom.

CIERRA: And then… slowly but surely… climb your way up.

KELSEY bursts into DANIEL and ESTRELLA’s conversation.

KELSEY: Are you two done nerding it up over there? Beth has an important question.

ESTRELLA: It just so happens that my buddy Daniel has something important to ask Beth.

She nudges DANIEL.

ESTRELLA: Right Dannie?

DANIEL: What?!

ESTRELLA: Come on.

DANIEL: Ummm….. I…..

KELSEY pushes BETH towards DANIEL

KELSEY: Beth, you were about to ask…..

BETH: I….. wanted to…..

CIERRA: Oh my god. Hurry up! I’m snapchatting this and there’s only like 3 seconds left.

Everybody leans in awaiting the moment.

BETH and DANIEL: So you want to go out with me?

BETH and DANIEL are left in the middle of the room staring at one another.

KELSEY: Let’s go, if this gets any more awkward I think I’m gonna puke.

ESTRELLA: Let’s go, if I’m here any longer all the cheap perfume is gonna make me puke.

BETH: So…. Next Saturday,

DANIEL: I’ll call you?


Scene 3

Scene 2. The following Monday after school. Riley sits in their parent’s garage tuning their guitar while waiting for Sam and Estrella. There are Christmas lights strung up overhead. Sam’s drum set sits among crowded storage boxes and piles of laundry. A banner hangs across Sam’s drumset that reads “Pig Skulls and Peanutbutter”

RILEY: Sam you’re late.

SAM: Isn’t being late kinda punk. That, “I don’t care” kind of attitude? Besides, I had to change.

RILEY: Change?

SAM: I had to lose that “daddy’s little girl dress” I was wearing earlier. It’s just not “Pig Skulls and Peanut Butter” material.

RILEY: Yeah, it’s probably because of all those pink ruffles. (laughing)

SAM: Shut up! Do you have my drumsticks?

ESTRELLA enters.

ESTRELLA: Am I interrupting something?

RILEY: No way! Welcome to the “dark lair” of Pig Skulls and Peanut Butter. Oh, watch out for the laundry hamper. Pretty cool huh?

ESTRELLA: I love the Christmas lights. So funky.

SAM: Those were my idea. My name’s Sam by the way. I play drums.

RILEY: If by play you mean KILL the drums.

SAM: Hey! I’m practicing… some….. not a lot.

RILEY: (to ESTRELLA) Look, I don’t doubt your bass playing skills. But, first things first. We gotta work on your wardrobe.

ESTRELLA: I thought you liked my boots.

RILEY: I LOVE the boots! It’s the rest I’m worried about. To be punk, you gotta have attitude and it starts with your clothes.


SAM: Yeah like - Screw you man! I’m ripped jeans. I don’t care what you think about me or my gender.

(SAM and RILEY high five)

RILEY: Righteous! Go Sam!

ESTRELLA: So “punk” is about the clothes?

RILEY: It starts with the clothes. But Punk isn’t just a genre of music, or a style, it’s a thought process, a way of being.

SAM: Beautiful.

ESTRELLA: Beautiful… like the afterglow of an apocalypse.

SAM: I think she’s a keeper.

RILEY: I’ve got an idea. Band practice can wait.

RILEY starts to gather stuff to leave.

SAM: We REALLY need to practice if we’re ever gonna play a show.

RILEY: I think our friend needs some new duds. We’ll hit up Thrift Town and then the record store….

SAM: I like it, “Punk 101”

RILEY: Then we’ll work on the hair.

ESTRELLA: Mi mama, she always says it reminds her of mi abuela.

RILEY: We can fix that. Maybe jagged… edgy… or just shave it off?

ESTRELLA: I’m not so sure about…

RILEY: Just leave it to me. I’ll take care of you. You DO want to be in the band, right? With Sam… and me?

BETH: Yeah… of course.

RILEY: Slay! You better cancel whatever plans you’ve got tomorrow.

ESTRELLA: I was supposed to meet Daniel….


RILEY looks up and down at ESTRELLA’S clothes again.

RILEY: Well… you better clear the rest of the week! This could take some time.

The three exit, SAM and RILEY enthusiastic about their plans and new friend, but ESTRELLA not so sure of where this journey will take her.


Scene 3. Wednesday during lunch, Armando and Riley are in the school library. They design buttons and talk strategy for ARMANDO’s upcoming campaign.

RILEY: I’m telling you, tiny buttons are totally hip.

ARMANDO: What about this campaign slogan? “Unite Riverside. Make change. Vote Armando.”

RILEY: Um… not sure that’ll fit on a button.

ARMANDO: I think this is my chance to make an impact. Actually do something with my life… you know.

RILEY: I think you’re on the right track.

ARMANDO: Hey, after school, I’m working on my social media campaign. You wanna help?

RILEY: Sorry friend, but no can do. Estrella and I have a band practice sorta thing.

ARMANDO: Are you two “date friends?” I’ve seen you together a lot lately.

RILEY: Well… we are “bandmates” but, who knows?

ARMANDO: Did you see her clothes today?

RILEY: Yeah! I picked them out!

ARMANDO: I saw her during passing period with a teacher. Looked like she was being dress coded…

RILEY: Today we’re gonna work the hair. I have some wicked ideas.

ARMANDO: Great….

RILEY: And…. You can’t tell her, but I’ve got this cousin… Get this. He’s apprenticing at a tattoo shop! So cool right?! He said he’d give us matching pigskull tats!


ARMANDO: Estrella wants a tattoo?

RILEY: Are you kidding?! Of course WE want tattoos.

ARMANDO: Well, good luck with that.

KELSEY sees the two working and tries to act surprised to see them while approaching the table.

KELSEY: Hey Armando. Hey…..

RILEY: Riley. Dude. It’s RILEY.

ARMANDO: Hey Kelsey.

KELSEY: Cool buttons. They’re so “DIY.” You know, “Do it yourself.”

RILEY: Thanks. It’s probably because we “made them ourselves.”

KELSEY: So…. Did you hear the news Armando? You’re not running alone anymore.

ARMANDO: What? Who?

KELSEY: I’ve been thinking… about the school. “McGregor.” What about our history? Our heritage. You know?


KELSEY: I just want to make sure we keep it… McGregor. No offense, but we have a reputation to maintain.

RILEY: What reputation?

KELSEY: I mean… what about prom? Our school needs a leader with sensibilities… with style. Someone who really understands what our school needs, so… I’m running!

There is a moment of silence.

ARMANDO: I’m…. glad. I’m glad you decided to run.

KELSEY: You’re glad?

ARMANDO: Yeah… The people deserve choice. (He turns to her) Congratulations on running.

12 ARMANDO shakes KELSEY’s hand

KELSEY: Great. We’ll let the people choose… A Riverside debate captain or a McGregor cheerleader.

KELSEY smiles, she looks at one of the buttons, puts it in her pocket

KELSEY: Good Luck.

KELSEY leaves. ARMANDO groans and puts his head in his hands.

RILEY: Did that just happen? You do realize, you don’t have a chance.

ARMANDO: Not against her.

RILEY: Screw her man. What does she even mean, history?! Rich white kids running around doing the same stupid rich white kid stuff year after year? Yeah… our school has “history.”

ARMANDO: You do realize you’re a part of that.

RILEY: Ouch. Hey man! Just because I live here… I didn’t choose this school either.

ARMANDO: You don’t get it Riley. My sister, she was the first one in my family to go to college. I have to keep that momentum going. I owe it to my family.

RILEY: I say screw it… fight the system man. Let’s quit school, throw a party, get tattoos!


ARMANDO puts his head in his hands again and then suddenly perks up.

ARMANDO: She wants history? We can MAKE history!

RILEY: What are you talking about?

ARMANDO: Didn’t you say something about a blast page some girl started before school?

RILEY: Yeah, but it got shut down pretty quickly

ARMANDO: What if we brought it back to life. I bet Kelsey Walton knows plenty of “history” about people in this school. A page like this would be the perfect place for HER to share it – if you know what I mean.

RILEY: I like where this is going, but you’ve got to take it one step further. You want votes, you need to get people talking… what you need my friend is a P-A-R-T-Y!

13 ARMANDO: Well… my parents are going out of town…

RILEY: Are you kidding me?! This is huge! Pig skulls and peanut butter could play your party! Our first big show!

ARMANDO: That either sounds amazing or terrible.

RILEY: Are you sure you don’t want a tattoo?


Scene 5. Part I. It’s Friday night before the big McGregor football game. KELSEY and CIERRA are preparing in the locker room.

KELSEY: Does my make up look okay?

CIERRA: So like, I went on this date last night, and like the guy asked to split the bill.

KELSEY: Are you serious? Gross.

(BETH enters)

CIERRA: Hey Beth!

BETH: Hey Guys! What’s up?

KELSEY: I couldn’t believe your moves in practice. I loved that new tumbling pass. I mean, 3 back-handsprings into a back layout into a full? I am light years from that pass.

BETH: Thanks, blame it on my gymnastics coach. He drilled me to death on it.

CIERRA: And your scorpion is epic – you are SO flexible!

BETH: Thanks.

KELSEY: Keep it up and coach might choose you for our national’s squad – even though it’s usually juniors and seniors.

CIERRA: So……..

BETH: So what?

CIERRA: How are things going? You know…. with Daniel?

BETH: What do you mean?

14 KELSEY: Has he texted yet? DMed you on Instagram? Snapchatted?

BETH: I don’t know. He facebook friended me.

CIERRA and KELSEY : Facebook. Gross.

KELSEY: You should just text him!

CIERRA: No way! She can’t make the first move. That’s not how it works… if you wanna play the game, you have to wait for him to initiate.

KELSEY: Right.

BETH: What do you mean?

CIERRA: Let him make the first move. Take you somewhere nice.

KELSEY: Somewhere expensive. Make sure he pays for you.

CIERRA: Maybe you suggest it, but then pretend it was his idea.

KELSEY: Make it ALL about him.

CIERRA: He has to know you’re interested in only him.

KELSEY: OH! You should wear something sexy. Show some leg. Maybe some cleavage…

CIERRA: Give him something to keep him interested. Make sure he’s only looking at you.

KELSEY: But don’t give it all away - leave something to the imagination.

CIERRA: You don’t want to look like a slut.

KELSEY: Oh, and whatever you do, order the salad,

CIERRA: You don’t want to seem fat.

KELSEY: But let him order for you.

CIERRA: Let him take charge.

BETH: I don’t know. I was thinking about planning the date. I could talk to his friends. Maybe the guys on the team.. or Estrella… I want to get a sense of who he really is, what he likes… You know?

CIERRA: You’re to talk to that Lesbian.



KELSEY: Besides, you can’t go talkin to other guys. You don’t want him to think you’re cheating.

CIERRA: And you’ve gotta play dumb. Build up his confidence.

KELSEY: Make him feel like a man.

KELSEY: This is your only shot. If you wanna be the top of the pyramid, you gotta play by the rules. Date a football player.

BETH: Okay, uh, thanks for the advice.


SCENE 4. Part II. Now it’s after the big Friday Night game and McGregor has won! You can hear the of the crowd as FRANK and DANIEL come bursting into the locker room. FRANK is jumping up and down, patting DANIEL on the back.

FRANK: You killed it out there. I swear, I don’t know where that speed comes from. Or those hands!

DANIEL: Thanks man.

FRANK: No. Seriously. The fact that you’re a sophomore and you got to play on varsity, that’s HUGE. Then you come out of nowhere, like on your third play EVER… and you score us a game winning touchdown?!

DANIEL: I guess I was in the right place at the right time.

GOOSE enters the locker room

GOOSE: Nice hustle out there Beckerman. No seriously, You keep doin that… Keep workin hard… you’re going places. Runnin with us BIG dogs. You know what I mean?

DANIEL: Uh.. Thanks.

GOOSE: What’s this I hear about you going on a date with a cheerleader or something?

DANIEL: Well yeah… sorta… but not tonight or anything. Tomorrow.

FRANK: Beckerman has a date. With who?

DANIEL: With Beth…. Her name is Beth.


GOOSE: She that new girl on the squad? The hot one?

There is shift in tone suggested through music or lighting. As the football players speak, the messages about what they think it means to be a “real man” are brought on stage by the ensemble. They hang over Daniel’s head.

FRANK: That’s’ a pretty fine piece of ass if I do say so myself.

DANIEL: Yeah…. I think she’s pretty cool.

GOOSE: So, you know where you’re gonna take her?

FRANK: You know you gotta take her somewhere nice….

GOOSE: make sure you pay.

DANIEL: I have to pay for her too? I don’t have any money!

FRANK: Looks like you’re going to Whataburger!

GOOSE: you want some action? You gotta go somewhere nice. Then somewhere private.

DANIEL: Action? Uh… holding hands would be nice. I was thinking about coffee or a walk…

FRANK: A walk!? Coffee?!

GOOSE: You don’t understand. If you own this date, you’ll own her. You gotta loosen her up. Trust me. Take her to Olive Garden. Girls like the expensive stuff.

FRANK: Step up your game bro.

DANIEL: I don’t really know if she likes Italian?

GOOSE: Doesn’t matter. You gotta make the decisions. A “real man” calls the shots. Girls like that.

FRANK: Yeah, a “real man” takes control of the situation.

GOOSE: And a real man knows, down the road, if she gets all crazy and outta line

FRANK: Or if she starts talkin to other guys

FRANK and GOOSE: She knows

FRANK: A “real man” is gonna tell her what’s what.


GOOSE: A “real man” is gonna set her straight.

FRANK: Take the “appropriate” kind of action.

GOOSE: My girl, when she started talking to other guys. I warned her.

FRANK: Then, she kept talking to other guys.

GOOSE: I let her know who’s the MAN in the relationship.

FRANK: He taught her a lesson.

GOOSE: Told her that if she really loved me, she shouldn’t be testin me. Now she knows better.

FRANK: If a girl wants to run with the best, she’s gotta know her place.

GOOSE: That’s the game plan bro.

(There is a shift in music or lighting. Goose grabs a towel. Nods at DANIEL)

GOOSE: Be a man. Run with the big dogs.

(GOOSE exits)

FRANK: Bro, don’t mess this up.

(FRANK exits)

DANIEL: Thanks for the advice. I guess…


Scene 6. DANIEL is sitting on the roof of what used to be their apartment complex overlooking the Riverside neighborhood.

DANIEL: Hey, you finally decided to show.

ESTRELLA: Late band practice.

DANIEL: I practically limped here. You wouldn’t believe the plays coach had us running…

ESTRELLA: Riley and I were working this riff and we were super into it.

18 DANIEL: I run down field for the catch. All the cheerleaders were watching us.

ESTRELLA: I had this heavy bass line with killer lyrics.

DANIEL: Dorsey, the defensive back, he comes out of nowhere.

ESTRELLA: But then Sam all of a sudden stops.

DANIEL: I catch the ball and he pummels me into oblivion.

ESTRELLA: She throws her drumsticks at the wall. There’s total silence. Then we all start laughing.

They sit in silence.

ESTRELLA: So, what’s up with you?

DANIEL: What do you mean?

ESTRELLA: I don’t know… everything. Anything?

DANIEL: Guys don’t really talk about their feelings.

ESTRELLA: Well… this is new. Since when?

More Silence.

DANIEL: What’s up with you?

ESTRELLA: (Sarcastically) Wow. Thanks for asking. Well… Riley and I started talking about costumes for our show at Armando’s party. I suggested these spiked cuffs..

DANIEL: and I’m sure she had a better ideas, like usual….

ESTRELLA: They. Riley uses they and them pronouns. Anyways… They decided….. Tattoos.

DANIEL: Tattoos?!

ESTRELLA: It’s not like it’s a big deal or anything.

DANIEL: I mean tattoos are kind of a big deal. Especially considering, you can’t legally get one. Not to mention tattoos last…. Like Forever.

ESTRELLA: I don’t know what the big deal is.

19 DANIEL: Before you met Riley and joined your stupid band it was always me and you, but now it’s just “skull butter” or whatever.

ESTRELLA: What about you and… Beth… and football? I mean like literally everyday it’s football this, and football that.

DANIEL: Whenever I set up a time and a place for us to hang out, you always show up late… because of her. Can’t you see she’s controlling you.

ESTRELLA: For the millionth time Daniel. It’s they. Don’t you have any respect for their gender pronouns. Screw you and your stupid football friends. It’s like I don’t even know you anymore.

DANIEL: Seriously! The hair? The clothes? The tattoo?! I can’t even recognize you anymore.

ESTRELLA: Well… Mr. Football, this is me. This is who I want to be.

DANIEL: Great. You know what… I’m done with this and with you and with your stupid Riley.

ESTRELLA makes her way to climb down the ladder and leave.

ESTRELLA: Whatever! Go chew on a football or whatever it is you like. And don’t even bother talking to me anymore.

Scene 7

SCENE 7. Saturday. The following night. BETH and DANIEL are on a date to the movies. They stand awkwardly in the lobby with the messages from the locker room scenes still surrounding them. Throughout the scene, the football players and cheerleaders circle Beth and Danie like sharks, reminding them of their advice.

BETH: You didn’t have to pay you know.

DANIEL: Don’t worry about it. Do you want some popcorn?

FRANK: A man doesn’t ask. He takes charge.

DANIEL: I mean… I’ll get us some popcorn.

KELSEY: You don’t want to seem fat. Do you?

BETH: …I ate before I came. I’m not hungry.

DANIEL: So… I heard this movie was pretty good.

20 BETH: Yeah, that’s what I heard too. (beat) I mean… you wouldn’t believe the conditioning coach had us doing at cheer practice today.

CIERRA: What are you doing? You gotta make it about him.

BETH: But anyway… that was a big play you made the other night.

DANIEL: Yeah, coach was pretty happy. Looks like I’m starting next game.

GOOSE: This is it. Be a man.

FRANK: Quit messin around. .

GOOSE: Make the play.

GOOSE takes DANIEL’s hand and forces it into BETH’s. She is surprised by the sudden move.

DANIEL: I think we should go find our seats.

GOOSE: Now we’re on to something here.

BETH: Actually… maybe I do want something. Something sweet... Oh, you know what sounds really good? Sour Patch Kids.

BETH pulls her hand from DANIEL’s. She pushes away or takes off the “you don’t want to seem fat” message.

CIERRA: Hey, what are you doing?

DANIEL: Yeah, I could go for a drink. Maybe a Slurpee…

GOOSE: What?! Take her in. A “real man” calls the shots in a relationship.

DANIEL: We should really go in and grab our seats. I can grab us snacks after the movie starts.

FRANK: Nice moves bro.

DANIEL pauses, takes a breath, and then takes BETH’s hand again and pulls her in the direction of the movie theatre. They enter and look for a place to sit.

DANIEL: So… Where do you want to sit?

BETH: I really like the front…. The sounds always better up front, You know, like you’re in the movie.

21 DANIEL: Uh… OK.

GOOSE: You gotta step up your game.

DANIEL: I actually think sitting in the back is much better.

BETH: The back?

DANIEL: Yeah…. Somewhere more private.

KELSEY: Let him call the shots.

CIERRA: Make him feel like a man.

BETH pauses for a moment and then pulls down the “Let him call the shots” and “Make him feel like a man” messages.

BETH: You know… I’m actually not feeling well.

DANIEL: Really?

BETH takes her hand from DANIEL’s and clutches her stomach.

BETH: Yeah, my stomach is really not agreeing with me. It must be what I ate earlier.

DANIEL: Do you wanna sit in the lobby for a minute?

GOOSE: This is it. Clock’s ticking. 3rd and 7. Make the play.

DANIEL hesitates and then takes her hand again.

DANIEL: You should stay. I’ll make you feel better.

BETH quickly pulls her hand from DANIEL’s.

BETH: Woah. Um… I’ll see you later. I’m gonna text my mom. She’ll pick me up.

BETH quickly leaves the theater. DANIEL is left in the aisle alone.

GOOSE: Ouch.

FRANK: Looks like you blew it bro.



Scene 8. The school days pass and it’s finally Thursday! ARMANDO, RILEY, and SAM carry boxes of decorations for Armando’s big Saturday campaign party.

ARMANDO: So, this is it. Armando’s party palace. Just be careful where you hang those streamers.

RILEY: I can’t believe your parents are letting you throw this party.

SAM: I know! My dad would literally have a heart attack.

ARMANDO: My parents? Yeah… they don’t exactly know. They’re out of town till Monday.

RILEY: Armando! You rebel! This just gets better and better.

ARMANDO: Let’s be careful folks. Some of this stuff is kinda old…

RILEY: Sam! What if we ended our set with fireworks shooting out of your drums?!

SAM: Yeah… that sounds like a fire hazard.

RILEY: I know. Right?!!!

ESTRELLA enters carrying a tray of fresh baked treats.

ARMANDO: Estrella! Your just in time!

RILEY: You’re late.

ESTRELLA: Yeah, I was busy cooking with mi mamma.

SAM: Glad you’re the one cooking. Riley’s been busy making plans to burn down Armando’s house.

RILEY: What are you wearing? I thought we talked about this?

ESTRELLA: Don’t worry, I’ve got my outfit for the show… I was just gonna put it on and show you guys. I didn’t have time to change.

SAM: I’m sure you’ll look great! By the way, that smells delicious.

23 ESTRELLA: I baked all afternoon. I wanted to bring something special. You know… to celebrate Armando’s campaign.

ARMANDO: You made that for me?!

ESTRELLA: and to celebrate our first show.

ESTRELLA glances towards RILEY

ARMANDO: Oh I see. For them… That’s what I thought.

RILEY: Ok, I’m blushing. time to cut all the sweet talk and sample the goods.

ESTRELLA opens the Tupperware. ARMANDO looks excited about what’s inside. RILEY is confused by what they see.

ARMANDO: Capirotada! Mi abuela used to make it for Easter.

RILEY: What is that?

ESTRELLA: It’s like bread pudding. There’s pecans, cinnamon, bananas, prunes, flour, sugar, butter. Oh… and queso!.

SAM: Did you say cheese and sweetness because that sounds amazing?

RILEY: But there’s cheese in it.

ARMANDO: Are you kidding me? That’s the best part.

RILEY: It’s cool… I kinda thought you made something special for me.

ARMANDO: What do you mean?

RILEY: (not enthusiastic) It’s just that I’m Vegan. We don’t really eat cheese. Or butter actually. Estrella knows that, we talked about it…

ESTRELLA stands holding her tupperware, stunned by RILEY’s remarks.

SAM: Well if it’s cool, Armando and I would be happy to take that off your hands.

ARMANDO and SAM try to leave discretely carrying the bread pudding. ESTRELLA stands in the same spot, silently.

RILEY: Did you know they make this rad cheeze, like with a Z. It melts and everything…

ESTRELLA: First my clothes…


RILEY: Estrella, remember. I made you those vegan brownies. I told you I was Vegan. You joked about hating meat.

ESTRELLA: Then my hair…

RILEY: Butter. Come on, that’s a no brainer Estrella. Just use margarine.

ESTRELLA: The tattoos…

RILEY: I told you I’m sorry my cousin fell through.

ESTRELLA: Listen to me Riley. This isn’t about tattoos or cheese. Your telling me my friends aren’t good enough, my clothes aren’t punk enough, And now my food… Riley, I like you, but I like you for who you are.

RILEY: and I appreciate that. I care. (points back and forth) You… Me? This is a thing. I’m just trying to help you.

ESTRELLA: I don’t need any help.

RILEY: The problem is you can’t see it. You’ve gotta break the mold Estrella. Mexican women like your mom and grandma have been trapped in the kitchen all these years. You know… (Sarcastic) “Feeding their men.”

ESTRELLA: Oh…. So, the real problem is my culture. I’m too Mexican for you.

RILEY: No, you don’t understand.

ESTRELLA: I think I do… I think I finally do.

RILEY: I just wanted to help you be “punk”, like we talked about. Like we wanted.

ESTRELLA starts to leave.

RILEY: I never asked you to give up anything. Well… cheese maybe, but…

ESTRELLA: Riley. I have an idea. Maybe you should take a walk… to Riverside. Cause you know what’s there… Across the street from my old apartment. You know, the one that’s too expensive for my family to afford now.

RILEY: Estrella…

ESTRELLA: Next to the new dog park? In the spot where they tore down the playground… the one where Daniel and I used to swing together. You know what’s there?

25 RILEY: Estrella. You know I care about you. About us.

ESTRELLA: Just past that family’s piñata store, the one they demolished.

RILEY: I told you I’m….

ESTRELLA: There’s a bakery Riley. A vegan bakery.

ESTRELLA leaves.

RILEY: Estrella. Don’t go. The band needs you. I need you.

Scene 9

Scene 9. The next day. Friday. DANIEL is standing at his locker. FRANK and GOOSE are walking down the hall. They see DANIEL and approach.

FRANK: Hey, Dannie boy!

GOOSE: How’d that date go the other night?

DANIEL: uh.. it was fine.

FRANK: Did you get some action?


GOOSE: Don’t worry about it. She’s just one girl and she’s probably crazy anyway, like the one I’m seein... I told her what’s what… Anyways, we’ve got another big game comin up. You keep catching the ball like that…. You’ve got nothing to worry about.

FRANK: Did you hear? Goose got a phone call. From Texas A&M… They’re offering a full ride.

GOOSE: Like I said.. You’ve got nothing to worry about. Just keep catching that ball. See you at practice.

Goose leaves down the hall.

FRANK: Yeah, Dannie boy, see ya at practice.

Frank Chases after Goose. DANIEL gathers his things and turns around to leave the other direction, but he bumps into Beth.

DANIEL: Hey Beth.

26 BETH: Hey Daniel.

DANIEL: So, are you going to Armando’s party?

BETH: Kelsey is going to freak and I will probably get kicked off cheer. But… yeah.

DANIEL: Sounds like the entire school’s going.

BETH: Yeah, I heard a rumor Drake’s gonna be there.

DANIEL: I don’t know about Drake, but Estrella’s band is making their debut.

BETH: Cool.

Silence. A beat.

DANIEL: Yeah. Hey, you know when you disappeared that night… I was kinda worried.

BETH: That’s sweet Daniel, but I have to be honest. I know I’ve been kinda avoiding you and I’ve been thinking… it’s probably best if we don’t really see each other anymore.

DANIEL: What do you mean?

BETH: The way you’re acting… All I know is that whoever you were that night or who you are now...it’s not like that guy I met at the party. You were a really cool, different guy. I wanted to talk more to that guy. I liked that guy. But ever since you started hanging out with the guys on the team… you’ve changed. You’re treating me like some kind of prize you won.

DANIEL: So your saying I shouldn’t play football? I shouldn’t hang out with guys from the team because all football players are dumb jocks.

BETH: Daniel, are you kidding me? Are you even listening to me?

DANIEL: People know my name now. They pay attention to me. I finally found something I’m good at, something to work towards, and you’re judging me for that? I’m part of a team and I like it. We help each other. Besides, how do you think I’m supposed to get into college? Playing violin?

BETH: This is exactly what I’m talking about.

DANIEL: You know, Goose was right. You’re just another “crazy girl” and your getting out of hand. I’ve got the game to focus on and you’re just a… distraction

BETH: Ouch Daniel. I wish you could hear yourself. I’m done with this.

27 Beth leaves. Daniel continues down the hall frustrated with Beth.


Scene 10. Saturday Night. Armando’s big election party has finally arrived. The house is bumpin with music. KELSEY enters and sees CIERRA awaiting the arrival of Drake.

CIERRA: You’re here? If I were you, I’d be hiding. Some of those girls you slammed on that blast page are pissed.

KELSEY: It’s not me, I promise I didn’t do it, I didn’t slam those girls, but I’ve got to find out who made that page.

Goose enters. He is acting overly aggressive and out of control.

CIERRA: Oh my god. There’s Goose.

KELSEY: What happened? He wasn’t at the game Friday night?

CIERRA: You haven’t heard?! He lost his scholarship. Something to do with how he threatened that girl. Now the police are involved. I guess it’s pretty serious.

GOOSE pushes through the crowd and makes his way towards Kelsey and CIERRA.

GOOSE: Hey Cierra. You’re lookin fine.

Goose motions to touch CIERRA’s face. She pulls back.

CIERRA: Hey Goose.

GOOSE: What’s the matter. Can’t you take a compliment? I said you’re lookin fine.

CIERRA: I said thanks.

GOOSE: Look, it’s been a pretty rough day. Think you could do something to make me feel better. I know somewhere we can go. Somewhere more private…

CIERRA: uh… No thanks.

GOOSE: No thanks?! Is that how you talk to last year’s high school football champion?

KELSEY: Goose…

GOOSE: What’s with everybody?! Now you’re acting all crazy?!


KELSEY: It’s just that Cierra and I were talking…

GOOSE: Well now she’s talking with me. Do you have a problem with that?

Daniel who has seen the activity from across the room, motions to step in.

DANIEL: Goose.

GOOSE: Dannie! Wait… Are you steppin on my game now too?

DANEIL: No man. Of course not. I just wanted to ask you something.

GOOSE: About what?

DANIEL: About that play you made a couple weeks ago. That play was tight. I couldn’t believe the way you juked past all those players.

GOOSE: Oh man, I dominated that game. They had no chance with Goose running the ball….

GOOSE and DANIEL keeps talking as DANIEL listens and directs him away from the girls.

KELSEY: Daniel!

DANIEL looks back for a moment.

KELSEY: Thanks.

On the other side of the room ESTRELLA enters and sees ARMANDO. She is dressed like “herself”, similar to the way she was dressed at the beginning of the play.

ARMANDO: Estrella, you’re here!


ARMANDO: I didn’t think you’d wanna come. With you and Riley and the band and all..

ESTRELLA: Yeah.. I didn’t come for Riley. Sam told me what’s going on with the blast page… with Kelsey.

ARMANDO: You know?

ESTRELLA: Armando, you can’t do this… it’s not just the election. The stuff you wrote. You’re ruining that girl’s life.

29 ARMANDO: Estrella, you should understand more than anyone else. Don’t you hear the way McGregor kids talk about Riverside? About us? “A bunch of failing Mexican kids from the hood.” I have the potential to change that. I can make them see us differently.

ESTRELLA: Armando, Think about how hard our families had to work to get us to where we are. There wasn’t any easy way out for them. Is this how you want to win? Is this really how you want to represent yourself?

A shout from across the room.

CIERRA: Hey everybody! Drake is here!

RILEY and SAM enter.

KELSEY: No. It’s just that peanut butter band.

RILEY and SAM make their way through the crowd to ARMANDO and ESTRELLA.

ESTRELLA: Nice outfit Sam.

SAM: I thought the spiked cuffs were a pretty solid choice.

ESTRELLA: No tattoos?

RILEY: Look. Estrella… have you ever been totally absorbed in a song? So obsessed you can’t hear anything else?

ESTRELLA: I don’t want to talk… not like this.

RILEY: Okay… I… I screwed up. I just wanted you to like me and for you to be a part of this thing that I love.

ESTRELLA: Riley, I want to play in the band. I want to experience punk, but I need it to be my own.

RILEY: I understand… I have some stuff to work on.

SAM: Crowds waiting you two.

RILEY: Hey, I brought these (hands her a set of cuffs) just in case.

ESTRELLA follows RILEY and SAM to the stage. They get ready to play. Daniel stands in the crowd awaiting the performance.

KELSEY: Who’s she? That punk girl? Up there with your friend.

30 DANIEL: They, that’s Riley. Riley goes by they/them pronouns.

KELSEY: Oh. I guess I didn’t know.

DANIEL: It’s ok.

Beth makes her way across the room to find Daniel.

BETH: Daniel. I saw what happened…. With Goose. It was scary the way he acted.

DANIEL: Yeah… He was kinda getting out of line.

BETH: Kinda? Anyways… What you did. It reminded me of someone I know.

DANIEL: Really?

BETH: Yeah, this guy I met at this party. He likes weird foods… and I think he plays the violin in a string quartet…

DANIEL: (SMILES) Oh yeah… I think I know him.

BETH: I’d like to see more of that guy.

The audience begins chanting: Pig Skulls Peanut Butter! Pig Skulls Peanut Butter! Pig Skulls Peanut Butter!

ESTRELLA: You two ready for this?

SAM: Let’s hope so.

RILEY: Hey Estrella!


RILEY: You look “bonito”

ESTRELLA: Gracias.

SAM: 1-2-3-4!

THEY ROCK OUT!!!!! (Song that students are writing)

End of play