Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 112 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 112 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 158 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JULY 26, 2012 No. 113 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was APPOINTMENT OF ACTING thank Pastor Fuller for opening the called to order by the Honorable MI- PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE Senate with prayer. It is my privilege CHAEL F. BENNET, a Senator from the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The to highlight my home pastor and State of Colorado. clerk will please read a communication church. Pastor Fuller and his wife Kay are PRAYER to the Senate from the President pro tempore (Mr. INOUYE). visiting the Nation’s Capital this week. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Today’s The assistant legislative clerk read Since 1998 Pastor Fuller has been the guest Chaplain, Rev. John Fuller, sen- the following letter: senior pastor at Prairie Lakes Church ior pastor of Prairie Lakes Church in in Cedar Falls, IA. Pastor Fuller is a U.S. SENATE, Cedar Falls, IA, will lead the Senate in native of Iowa. He was born in Onawa PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, prayer. Washington, DC, July 26, 2012. and grew up in Sloan. His family The guest Chaplain offered the fol- To the Senate: moved to Sheridan, WY, when he was lowing prayer: Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, in the eighth grade. He graduated from Let us pray. of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby high school in Sheridan. He played God of all nations and all peoples, we appoint the Honorable MICHAEL F. BENNET, a both high school and college football. come before You on this day acknowl- Senator from the State of Colorado, to per- He is to this day obviously a die-hard edging You as the sovereign Lord of form the duties of the Chair. Broncos fan. You won’t know that, but this Nation and of the whole world. DANIEL K. INOUYE, President pro tempore. I sure know it. He is a 1986 graduate of Father, it is a privilege to pray for the University of Sioux Falls and a 1990 these lawmakers, knowing that You Mr. BENNET thereupon assumed the graduate of Denver Seminary with a hear and respond to the prayers of chair as Acting President pro tempore. master’s of divinity degree. Your people. I pray for these women f He was an associate and preaching and men, whom You have put in this pastor at First Baptist Church in For- position, that they would be filled with RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY LEADER est City, IA, before coming to Cedar Your wisdom to make wise choices and Falls in 1998, to Prairie Lakes Church, decisions as they lead this country. I The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- and has been senior pastor. I have been pray that this body will be courageous, pore. The majority leader is recog- worshipping at Prairie Lakes Church that they wouldn’t be led by fear or nized. for 58 years come this August 29. The their own personal desires but they f church has changed its name and in- would have the courage to lead with creased its congregation over the conviction that comes from You. Give CYBERSECURITY ACT—MOTION TO PROCEED years, but its heart has remained the these Senators strength to lead well same and very constant. through difficult times, that they Mr. REID. Mr. President, I now move In 1855 a small group known as the would be strengthened in their inner to proceed to Calendar No. 470, S. 3414, Baptist Society started this church. In being by a power that only comes from which is the Cybersecurity Act. 1862 it became the First Baptist You. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Church. The first 45 years that I wor- And, Father, I pray for a spirit of hu- pore. The clerk will report. shipped at First Baptist Church, at mility that recognizes that others are The assistant legislative clerk read various times the congregation num- more important than we are and that as follows: bered 200 to 300 people. Under Pastor You have plans that are greater than Motion to proceed to Calendar No. 470, S. Fuller’s leadership, the number of wor- ours; that, Father, we would lead with 3414, a bill to enhance the security and resil- shipers has grown to about 2,000, with humble and gracious hearts. iency of the cyber and communications in- worship centers in Osage, Waterloo, We pray all this in Jesus’s Name. frastructure of the United States. and soon in Grennell, IA, besides the Amen. Mr. REID. Mr. President, I would now main campus in Cedar Falls, IA. In 2005 f yield to the senior Senator from the a new building was constructed, and PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE State of Iowa, Mr. GRASSLEY. the name of the congregation then be- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- The Honorable MICHAEL F. BENNET came Prairie Lakes Church. pore. The Senator from Iowa. led the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: The worship service is very informal. PASTOR JOHN FULLER I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the That has changed in the 58 years I have United States of America, and to the Repub- Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, it is attended there, but the service has al- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, my privilege to introduce Pastor John ways been Christ-centered, and that indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Fuller to my fellow Senators, and I has not changed. Prairie Lakes Church ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S5419 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:30 Jul 27, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A26JY6.000 S26JYPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5420 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 26, 2012 is multigenerational, with an extraor- Our power was not affected, but that power military installations comes dinary vision for the future. Worship wasn’t the case for millions of other from outside the bases. Nellis Air services are heartfelt, creative, prac- people. Residents of Maryland, Vir- Force Base, one of the largest in the tical, Bible-based, and here to serve ginia, West Virginia, Ohio, and the Dis- world of its type, has some solar en- Christ and here to serve all—those who trict of Columbia soon realized how ergy there that they have developed, just stepped over the faith line as well quickly a major power outage can alter but over 90 percent of their power, in as those who have been longtime fol- life as we know it. I talked to Senator spite of that, comes from outside the lowers of Jesus Christ. MANCHIN of West Virginia, and a week base, and more than 85 percent of that Prairie Lakes Church is affiliated later power was still out in large parts power is provided by the same electric with the Baptist General Conference. of West Virginia. He said it was the utilities that power homes and busi- Prairie Lakes Church is all about lov- worst storm they have ever known in nesses and schools in the civilian ing God, loving people, and influencing West Virginia. world. So a cyber attack that took out the world. Everyone is invited to wor- This power outage altered life as peo- a civilian power grid would also soon ship with us—including anybody here ple knew it here in the entire eastern cripple our Nation’s military—very in Washington, DC—through streaming part of the United States. The blackout soon. online at was devastating to many families and Although bases would be prepared to In closing, I would remind all, ac- many businesses. But it was also minor weather a short power outage with cording to the Scriptures, in Corin- compared to the devastation that mali- backup diesel generators, within hours, thians, we are all called to be ambas- cious cyber terrorists could wreak with not days, fuel supplies would run out. sadors of Christ, and that is how I see a single keystroke. I repeat, as dam- Command and control centers would go Pastor Fuller. aging and frightening as this storm dark. Radar systems that detect air I am also grateful to Pastor Fuller was, we could have a malicious cyber threats to our country would shut for his leadership and faithfulness to attack by terrorists that would be far down. Communication between com- this congregation. After 58 years, in more devastating than this violent manders and their troops would go si- my looking back, I know God’s word storm. Cyber attackers could all too lent. And many weapons systems would has been preached faithfully at this easily shut down the electric grid for be left without either fuel or electric power. congregation. Pastor Fuller has con- the entire east coast, the west coast, tributed significantly during his tenure Much of what we do militarily is now and the middle part of our country. done by computers and done very re- and continues to do so. Any one attack could leave dozens of This is what Pastor Fuller had to say motely. It is no secret that the drones major cities and tens of millions of that operate for our country all over about our church: Americans without power. We know, There are a lot of good churches around the world are not operated from Paki- because we were shown in a room here stan, Afghanistan, or Somalia, they are the valley.