OLAF REITMAIER VERACIERTA Cloud Solutions Architect & Full Stack Software Developer s +58-424-153.20.89 _
[email protected] 5 https://www.olafrv.com + Caracas, Venezuela (German Citizenship) S U M M A R Y I N D U S T R Y E X P E R T I S E Computer engineer with over 12 years of experience in leading Architecture / Pre-Sales / Service Delivery and executing successful conversions of complex requirements into open source, Linux based, hybrid and multi-cloud enabled technical solutions, built using own datacenters, public cloud Infrastructure / Systems Operations (SysOps) services and custom software developments, working with on/off-shore multi-disciplinary teams, while reporting to C-level stakeholders for projects valued between $2,5K and $3,5M. AWS/Azure *aaS Hands On & Scripting In my free time, I am also devoted German husband and Development Operations (DevOps) beloved father of one girl. Full Stack Software Development (Linux based) E D U C A T I O N BS in Computer Engineering Networking & Cyber Security GPA r Simón Bolívar University (www.usb.ve) 1999 - 2005 3.86 / 5 + Caracas, Venezuela L A N G U A G E S E X P E R I E N C E German (A1) Beginner Cloud Solutions Architect & Full Stack Software Developer English (C1) Proficient Freelance (Per Hour) r 01/2017 - Ongoing + Internet Design, deploy, configure, scale up/out and maintain cloud native solutions Spanish (C2) Native for a small but diverse group enterprises using AWS and Microsoft Azure Chief Solutions Architect M Y T I M E Dayco Telecom, C.A.