Installation Manual

Copyright  ARTech Consultores S.R.L. 1989-2000. All rights reserved.







USING GENEXUS CORPORATE LICENSE MANAGER...... 19 COMPATIBILITY ...... 19 With Crypkey ...... 19 With version 2.1 License Manager ...... 19 Sharing licenses between versions 2.1 and 3.0...... 20 DESCRIPTION...... 20 REQUIREMENTS ...... 21 INSTALLATION ...... 21 Local...... 21 Remote ...... 21

GENEXUS CORPORATE LICENSE MANAGER...... 22 Select Computer...... 24 Authorize...... 25 Direct Transfer ...... 25 Remote Transfer ...... 26 Uninstall ...... 29 Log Settings ...... 30 PROTECTION EXPIRATION REMINDER ...... 30 LOG SYSTEM ...... 31 Logs ...... 31 STARTING GENEXUS CORPORATE ...... 34

TIPS AND LICENSE POSSIBLE PROBLEMS...... 35 INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION TIPS...... 35 Changing the Workstation's Date...... 35 Synchronizing Workstations Time and Date...... 35 How to re-authorize a site in case the date of the license is incorrect ...... 36 New Site Codes ...... 36 POSSIBLE PROBLEMS...... 37 GENEXUS AS/400 LIBRARY INSTALLATION...... 39 REQUIREMENTS ...... 39 ABOUT THE INSTALLATION FOR OS VERSION 3.7 AND HIGHER ...... 40 Setup Instructions ...... 40 PROBLEMS INSTALLING GENEXUS FOR WINDOWS LIBRARY ...... 42 INSTALLING AN UPGRADE...... 43 INTRODUCTION...... 43 HOW TO APPLY AN UPGRADE ...... 44 WORKSTATIONS' INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE...... 45 HOW TO KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE INSTALLED ON A WORKSTATION...... 46


This manual provides all the information you need to know about how to install GENEXUS CORPORATE. You will first come across a "Getting Started" section which briefs you on a few very important points worth knowing before you actually install/setup GENEXUS CORPORATE. You may also go over the minimum requirements needed to successfully install and run GENEXUS CORPORATE in your working environment by referring to the "Requirements" section. If your target environment is a stand-alone computer then you can turn to the specific setup option that directly interests you. If you are a network administrator, you will find information on how to setup GENEXUS CORPORATE on a shared directory or a network file server, under the "GENEXUS CORPORATE Network Setup" section. There is also a specific section covering "GENEXUS CORPORATE Network Workstation Setup". Before running your installed version of GENEXUS CORPORATE you will have to authorize it. The authorizing process is explained in detail under the section titled "Using GENEXUS CORPORATE License Manager". Users who make use of a particular generator will need to follow the setup instructions and check in the list of generators that require authorization to see if the generator they have chosen to use need to be authorized. When you request site keys from your distributors it is compulsory that you fill-in the 'Request License Authorization Form'. This form is included with every purchase of GENEXUS CORPORATE. Do not forget to read the section titled "Tips and License Error Messages" because it surely broadens your knowledge and helps you avoid nasty errors. There is also a section that covers "GENEXUS CORPORATE AS/400 Library Installation" for those users who are using RPG/400 or COBOL/400 generators.

We have also included a section that explains how to Install GENEXUS CORPORATE Patches. This has been incorporated to the manual as it, in itself, is an entire installation process.

0 Introduction

COPYRIGHT  ARTech 1988 - 2000. All rights reserved. This document may not be duplicated in any way without the expressed written consent of ARTech Consultores S.R.L.. The information contained herein is for the personal use of the reader.

TRADEMARKS All product names mentioned in this document are the trademarks of their respective holders.


We strongly recommend that you do not install this GENEXUS CORPORATE version over any prior GENEXUS CORPORATE version. It is good practice to keep your prior version untouched until you are satisfied that your applications run as desired on the newer version. Not only do we suggest that you back up your older GENEXUS CORPORATE versions but also your applications.


A Tutorial on a Sales Application is included with GENEXUS CORPORATE and is automatically installed in the SAMPLES subdirectory of the directory where GENEXUS CORPORATE was installed. It is contained in a compressed file called SALESZIP.EXE. To decompress it you must be positioned over the samples subdirectory and execute the SALES.BAT program. Once decompressed it occupies less than 3 MB of disk space. If you have limited disk space, you may want to delete this file or the uncompressed application after completing the tutorial lessons. The Tutorial Manual will guide you through the steps taken to build the Tutorial Sales Application.

1 GENEXUS CORPORATE Installation Manual


Below is a list of the minimum requirements you will need in order to run GENEXUS CORPORATE:

• A PC with a 586 or higher processor (Pentium or similar recommended). • 32 megabytes of RAM (64 is recommended). • A hard disk with at least 23 megabytes of free space is required for a stand-alone installation plus an average of 10 megabytes for each generator you choose to install. If installing on a network file server you will need 26 megabytes of free space to install GENEXUS CORPORATE development environment plus an average of 2 megabytes for each generator you wish to install and if a network workstation installation is to be carried out you will need 5 megabytes of free space since the necessary dlls are copied to \windows\system permitting the execution of GENEXUS CORPORATE development environment and generators. In all cases you will require additional hard disk space or a shared drive to be able to create GENEXUS CORPORATE applications. You must also consider the extra space you will require for interpreters/compilers. NOTE: The space required by each generator you have chosen to install depends on the generator that is why we have given you an average approximation. • An EGA, VGA or compatible display (VGA or higher recommended). • 95/98/2000 or Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 or higher. • A Target Language Interpreter/Compiler for prototype and/or production execution. This depends on which generators have been purchased: FoxPro for Windows, Visual FoxPro, , RPG, etc. • For this version to work properly it is necessary to have Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher installed. IE comes pre-installed with Windows 2000 and Windows 98 Second Edition, but not with Windows 95 or Windows NT. In case it is necessary to install it, in the folder \Utilities\Internet Explorer 5.01 SP1 of the CD it is included a version of this software, you must execute file IE5SETUP.EXE to install it.

2 Requirements

NOTE for Windows 2000 or Windows NT users: If, on the same machine, you have two or more installations of GENEXUS CORPORATE 3.0, the last installed version (i.e. specifier and generators) is going to be executed. This is because the registration of the specifier (Winte.EXE) and the generators (WGEVB.EXE, etc) is absolute, so it searches with the absolute path when executing. In Windows 9X there is no problem because the registration is relative and executes the program (specifier or generator) of the correct directory.

3 GENEXUS CORPORATE Installation Manual


This section briefly discusses the several setup options that can be performed, it suggests you backup your old version, explains the copy protection scheme being used and informs you of the distribution of a Tutorial available with every purchased license.

Setup Options

There are two different options used to set up GENEXUS CORPORATE. The option you choose depends on your needs.

• GeneXus Corporate Standalone Setup: This option installs GENEXUS CORPORATE files to your local disk and also updates your system in order for GENEXUS CORPORATE to work properly. In this case, GENEXUS CORPORATE is run without the need of any network connection.

• GENEXUS CORPORATE Network Setup: This option will install GENEXUS CORPORATE on a shared directory or on a network file server achieving a "shared installation" of GENEXUS CORPORATE. For more information, see ‘GENEXUS CORPORATE Network Setup’. A "shared installation" can be used locally or remotely by more than one network workstation at a time. After executing the network workstation setup (see below), you will be able to run GENEXUS CORPORATE on any workstation that is properly connected to the "shared installation".

• GENEXUS CORPORATE Workstation Setup: This option only updates your system in order to run GENEXUS CORPORATE from a network shared directory.

Two clear advantages will be experienced when you use the second option: your local disk space will not be affected by the installation of GENEXUS CORPORATE files and the network workstation setup will be quick because there is no need to copy all the files again from installation diskettes. Another advantage regards the maintenance of GENEXUS CORPORATE versions, the execution of upgrades or the application of patches

4 Getting Started

because you will only have to carry it out on the "shared installation" site and not on all your workstation sites. There are two disadvantages: GENEXUS CORPORATE may run a little slower for some operations and if the network server or shared directory becomes unavailable you will not be able to run GENEXUS CORPORATE at all. Important: Every GENEXUS CORPORATE user must have a GENEXUS CORPORATE license. You receive a license when you buy GENEXUS CORPORATE. Consult your network administrator in case you already have performed a network workstation setup.

Should I keep my earlier GENEXUS CORPORATE versions?

If you modify applications created by older GENEXUS CORPORATE versions with a newer version be sure you back them up beforehand. If you maintain an application which is shared by users who have not yet upgraded to the newer version then you will still need your previous version to perform the necessary modifications. You can use a newer GENEXUS CORPORATE version to work with applications created by previous GENEXUS CORPORATE versions.

Converting GENEXUS CORPORATE Applications from DOS to Windows

In this version there it is not possible to convert a model from a DOS version. In order to convert model from DOS versions you firstly convert it to a previous Windows versions and then convert to version 3.0 as it is explained in the next section.

Converting Models from prior GENEXUS CORPORATE for Windows versions to GENEXUS CORPORATE version 3.0

If you open a model originally designed with GENEXUS CORPORATE Windows version 1.6 or prior with version 3.0 a dialog is displayed where you are asked if you want to convert the Knowledge Base to version 3.0. If you click the OK button another window is opened displaying the rebuild of the knowledge base.

Converting the knowledge base has an advantage; the converted knowledge base will occupy less space than the original one

5 GENEXUS CORPORATE Installation Manual

(sometimes a 30% increase in disk space is noted).

ATTENTION: version 3.0 is not backward compatible, that is, if you try to open a Knowledge Base that operates under version 3.0 with a GENEXUS CORPORATE Windows version prior to this one you will come across a c-tree error message similar to “Error #52 in file #46”.

IMPORTANT: Whether you are a new GENEXUS CORPORATE user or not you must authorize your GENEXUS CORPORATE product. Refer to the section called 'Using GENEXUS CORPORATE License Manager' for more details.

Authorize GENEXUS CORPORATE with Protection 2000 on 5 steps

The steps to be followed to authorize GENEXUS CORPORATE with Protection 2000 are detailed below.

As a license for version 3.0 can be used in version 2.1, but not the other way, the next section is for the new users or the ones who have earlier versions and will install version 3.0 maintaining the earlier one.

Authorize GENEXUS CORPORATE 3.0 (and 2.1)

For new users...

If you are a new user (and therefore you don’t have previous versions authorized): 1. Install version 3.0 (*) 2. Execute GENEXUS CORPORATE License Manager that is on the GENEXUS CORPORATE 3.0 programs menu, or the Gxlmgre.exe from the GXW30 directory; press Select Computer and select where the licenses will reside. The options are: Local for local licenses and Remote for centralized licenses (*) 3. Obtain the codes (site code) of each product by the Authorize button. 4. Send these site codes to your local distributor.

6 Getting Started

For users with previous versions...

If you already have version 2.O or previous (protection used: Crypkey): 1. Uninstall the licenses pressing the Uninstall from the GXAuthoer.exe dialog. 2. Install version 3.0 3. Execute Gxlmgr.exe 3.0 and press Select Computer and select where the licenses will reside. The options are: Local for local licenses and Remote for centralized licenses (*) 4. Send the uninstallation code together with version 3.0 Site Code (obtained with Gxlmgr.exe) to get the new codes

NOTE: The Protection 2000 isn’t compatible with the Crypkey protection system. Therefore, it isn’t possible to transfer or share the codes between these versions.

If you have version 2.1, up to patch 4 included of the Development Environment (Protection that you are using: Crypkey)

If you do not wish to maintain version 2.1: 1. Uninstall the licenses of version 2.1 by pressing Uninstall in the dialog of the GXAuthor.exe 2. Install version 3.0 3. Execute the Gxlmgr.exe of version 3.0. In Select Computer indicate the residence of the license. The options are Local for local licenses or Remote for centralized licenses (*). 4. Send the uninstallation code and the Site Code of version 3.0 (obtained through Gxlmgr.exe) to get the new keys.

If you wish to maintain version 2.1: 1. Install P5 or higher of the Development Environment, it can be obtained from bin/webartech/hdcver03.exe?N,31,0,81) 2. Uninstall the licenses authorized with Crypkey (button Unistall of the dialog GXAuthor.exe) 3. Install version 3.0. 4. Execute the Gxlmgr.exe of version 2.1 and indicate the residence of the license in Select Computer. The options

7 GENEXUS CORPORATE Installation Manual

are Local for local licenses or Remote for centralized licenses (*). Do the same with the GXlmgr.exe of version 3.0. 5. Send the uninstallation code and the Site Code of version (obtained through Gxlmgr.exe) to get the new keys.

NOTE: The installation codes of version 3.0 are compatible with version 2.1 P5 or higher. If you have a license for version 3.0, you can use both versions (2.1 or 3.0) but you can’t transfer the key between the two versions.

If you have version 2.1 or higher of the Development Environment (protection you are using: Crypkey or Protection 2000) The following steps do not depend on whether you keep or not the version 2.1.

1. Verify which is the protection system you are currently using. You can know that by querying the information of the Development Environment in the GXAuthor.exe (for the Crypkey protection) or the GXlmgr.exe (for the Protection 2000). 2. Uninstall the licenses of version 2.1 by pressing Uninstall in the dialog identified before. 3. Install version 3.0 4. Execute the Gxlmgr.exe of version 2.1 and indicate the residence of the license in Select Computer. The options are Local for local licenses or Remote for centralized licenses (*). Do the same with the GXlmgr.exe of version 3.0. 5. Send the uninstallation code and the Site Code of version 3.0 (obtained through Gxlmgr.exe) to get the new keys.

NOTE: The installation codes of version 3.0 are compatible with version 2.1 P5 or higher. If you have a license for version 3.0, you can use both versions (2.1 or 3.0) but you can’t transfer the key between the two versions.

General Notes

• (*) If the licenses will be shared by many users at the same time

8 Getting Started

(centralized licenses), you will also have to install the license server “GENEXUS CORPORATE Protection Server” in the Server NT or Windows 2000. You can download from: bin/webartech/hdcver03.exe?S,31,0,372


This section explains how to use the Setup program to install GENEXUS CORPORATE on a computer as described in the "Setup Options" section. Once you have met up with all the necessary requirements to install GENEXUS CORPORATE follow the instructions specified below. The Setup program includes a wizard to help you make the correct choices.

How to start the GENEXUS CORPORATE Setup program:

1. Start Windows. 2. Insert the CD-ROM in the CD player. 3. Follow the Setup Wizard instructions to install the selected products (Development Environment, Generators, etc.).

Setup Wizard

The first screen you will come across is the setup wizard greeting display, click over the ‘Next’ button if you wish to continue with the installation. The next dialog asks you to register your name and the name of the company your working at. Once you have entered that information press next to come across the following:

9 GENEXUS CORPORATE Installation Manual

In this dialog you select the destination folder where GENEXUS CORPORATE will be installed (a directory called GXW30 is suggested). By clicking over the ‘Browse’ button you will be able to change the default one. Click over the ‘Next’ button to continue with the next dialog:

10 Standalone Setup

Once you have selected the destination folder, you will be asked for the products you want to install (i.e. Development Environment and the different Generators). By default, only Development Environment is selected; to include other products, click over the corresponding red cross and select the option ‘Will be installed on local hard drive’.

When you click over the ‘Next’ button the installation will be ready to begin.

11 GENEXUS CORPORATE Installation Manual

Once all the files you need have been copied to your system, the Setup program places GENEXUS CORPORATE icons in a GENEXUS CORPORATE group that will be automatically incorporated to your Program Manager's window.

Having more than one GENEXUS CORPORATE installation in the same machine

Since GENEXUS CORPORATE version 3.0, Windows Installer technology is used in the setups. As a consequence, it is not possible to have the same product more than once in a machine, which was possible with previous versions. When you want to install a new product again, Windows Installer detects it, and the following dialog is displayed:

The ‘Modify’ option allows adding or removing features to the ones already installed, in the case that the product has more than one (as the case of Master Setup).

12 Standalone Setup

The ‘Repair’ option re-installs the product with its corresponding shortcuts, registrations, etc. It can be useful in the case of missing or corrupt files.

The ‘Remove’ option completely uninstalls the product.


This option is for network administrators who will perform a "shared installation" on a shared directory or a network file server. Users on networks can share the GENEXUS CORPORATE executable file and files created by GENEXUS CORPORATE. Once you have installed GENEXUS CORPORATE on a shared directory or a network file server, a workstation user performs a Network Workstation Setup to run GENEXUS CORPORATE from the "shared installation".

Below is the list of possible systems on which you could have a "shared installation" of GENEXUS CORPORATE :

• NOVELL 3.x and 4.x servers • Windows NT servers

Note: A Windows NT server can also be a PC with the Workstation version of Windows NT operating system emulating as a GENEXUS CORPORATE file server, you are not required to use the actual server version of Windows NT.

Before you run GENEXUS CORPORATE Network Setup program check the following:

• The network must be operational and you must have read, write and delete privileges on the network directory where you will install GENEXUS CORPORATE and on the Windows System directory. For more information refer to your network software documentation. • Check if you have enough hard disk space. Refer to the 'Requirements' section at the beginning of this manual for details. The setup process will let you know if you do not have

13 GENEXUS CORPORATE Installation Manual

enough hard disk space. • You must install Microsoft Windows or similar as described in Requirements on the workstation where GENEXUS CORPORATE will be installed (from the network file server) and on all other workstations that will run GENEXUS CORPORATE. • You should determine on which network file server directory GENEXUS CORPORATE will be installed. The setup process will suggest that GENEXUS CORPORATE be installed in directory GXW30. If you want you can specify another path.

The setup procedure that installs GENEXUS CORPORATE on a network file server or a shared directory is the same to the one used by GENEXUS CORPORATE Stand-Alone Setup procedure but you must remember to select the option “Workstation Setup Files” from the corresponding dialog. After GENEXUS CORPORATE has been installed on a shared directory or a network file server where you must have included the “Workstation Setup Files” option, you can install GENEXUS CORPORATE on a network workstation. To do so execute the program GXNSetup.exe located in a sub-directory called NSetup created under the directory where GENEXUS CORPORATE was installed (refer to the section “GENEXUS CORPORATE Workstation Setup”). Important: before running the program GXNSetup.exe you must create a map to the network drive where GENEXUS CORPORATE was installed. Once the installation process has completed you will have to authorize GENEXUS CORPORATE before running it. Note: As the design process involves permanent file creations/modifications, the designers must have the appropriate rights over model directories.

NOVELL Netware Networks - Configuration Requirements

There are some requirements concerning configuration and user rights that must be considered if GENEXUS CORPORATE is to be used with NOVELL Netware. Rights

GENEXUS CORPORATE users must have the following rights over the GENEXUS CORPORATE Installation Directory and its corresponding subdirectories:

14 Network Setup

• Read • Write • Create • Erase • Modify • File Scan

The design process involves permanent file creations/modifications so designers must have the appropriate rights over model directories. Shareable Files

The files with extensions *.IDB must make use of the Shared attribute. Network Workstation Configuration

The workstations that will execute GENEXUS CORPORATE from a NOVELL server must be connected to it and operate under Windows 95/98/2000 or Windows NT.

GENEXUS CORPORATE installed on a Windows NT Server

If you install GENEXUS CORPORATE on an NT server (named serverNT) in for example, c:\gxw30 then you must remember to map directly to disk c (that is, the highest level) otherwise you will not be able to authorize GENEXUS CORPORATE’ development environment from a workstation. This is because root directory authorizations are not permitted. This concept is clearly explained in the following example:

For example you have defined the following map:

X:=\\serverNT\gxw30 WRONG !

If you were to execute the authorizer to authorize the development environment from a workstation you will come across the following:

"Please check existence of the x: directory. There might be a problem with the installation of GENEXUS CORPORATE ".

This is because the authorizer considers the logical mapping X: to be

15 GENEXUS CORPORATE Installation Manual

a root directory because it is directly executed from X.

If you don’t want to map the entire c: disk install GENEXUS CORPORATE one more directory level down, for example, c:\program\gxw30 and share \\serverNT\program.


This section explains how to use the Setup program to install GENEXUS CORPORATE on a network workstation in order to be able to run GENEXUS CORPORATE from a "shared installation". You will not be able to perform a network workstation setup if GENEXUS CORPORATE has not yet been setup on a shared directory or on a network file server via the Network Setup option. Check this with your network administrator. Follow the instructions specified below once you have met up with all the necessary requirements to install GENEXUS CORPORATE. The Setup program includes the display of specific messages on the screen to help you take the right decision.

How to start GENEXUS CORPORATE Workstation Setup:

1. Start Windows 2. Connect to the network server or shared directory where the "shared installation" of GENEXUS CORPORATE resides (check with your network administrator if you do not know where GENEXUS CORPORATE has been setup). 3. Map a logical drive letter to the disk or directory of the "shared installation". Be sure this logical drive reference (letter) does not change, otherwise your icons will cease to operate. For example, if GENEXUS CORPORATE is installed in the following place:


Lets say you assigned 'N' as your MAP drive in such a way that N:=\\SERVER\DISK. You have installed GENEXUS CORPORATE on N:\GXW30. So, from now on, all execution will be done with respect to this logical reference (N:\GXW30). 4. Choose the Run option from the File menu of the Program

16 Workstation Setup

Manager, File Manager or Start Menu. Type the letter of the mapped drive that stores the "shared installation" on the "Command line", followed by a colon (':'), a back-slash ('\'), the path to the NSetup subdirectory of the GENEXUS CORPORATE "shared installation", another back-slash ('\') and the word GXNSetup at the end. Then press enter. For example, type


The first screen you will come across is the setup wizard greeting display, click over the ‘Next’ button if you wish to continue with the installation. The next dialog asks you to register your name and the name of the company you are working at. Once you have entered that information press next to come across the following dialog:

In this dialog you will be asked for the features you want to install:

17 GENEXUS CORPORATE Installation Manual

General – Updates your system with the minimal files and registration in order for GENEXUS CORPORATE to run properly.

Visual Basic System Files – Installs GENEXUS CORPORATE dll’s and ocx’s to be used by Visual Basic Generator.

Visual Fox Pro System Files – Installs GENEXUS CORPORATE dll’s and ocx’s to be used by Visual FoxPro Generator.

By default, only the ‘General’ option is selected; to include any of the other features, click over the corresponding red cross and select the option ‘Will be installed on local hard drive’.

When you click over the ‘Next’ button the installation will be ready to begin.

Once all the files have been installed, the Setup program places GENEXUS CORPORATE icons in a GENEXUS CORPORATE group that are automatically incorporated to your Program Manager's window. You can run the network workstation setup program at any other time to install it on other workstations.

Important: If you are setting GENEXUS CORPORATE to run from a "shared installation" remember to use the logical drive letter when you connect to the "shared installation" and run Setup (such as "N" in the previous example). Whenever you run GENEXUS CORPORATE, you must connect to the "shared installation" via the same logical drive letter to avoid any type of execution problems.

In order to be able to run GENEXUS CORPORATE from a "shared installation" it is necessary to have it authorized. Check with your network administrator to see if GENEXUS CORPORATE has been already authorized on the "shared installation". You can also use local license in order to accede to this shared installation of GENEXUS CORPORATE.

18 License Manager


IMPORTANT: Whether you are a new GENEXUS CORPORATE user or not you must authorize your GENEXUS CORPORATE products (development environment and generators).

Once you have finished installing any GENEXUS CORPORATE product that needs authorization you must execute GENEXUS CORPORATE License Manager to obtain the rights to use the products.

To execute this program you must select the icon named GENEXUS CORPORATE License Manager from GENEXUS CORPORATE group window in your Program Manager or Run GXMLGR.EXE that is located in the directory where GENEXUS CORPORATE has been installed.


With Crypkey

This version includes a new protection system (Protection 2000) that is no compatible with the system used until version 2.1 P4 (Crypkey). Therefore it is not possible to transfer licenses from previous versions to version 3.0. To do this you must uninstall the previous licenses (option Uninstall from the GXAuthor.exe dialog) and send this code along with Protection 2000’ s code to authorize version 3.0 products.

With version 2.1 License Manager

On the version 2.1 Development Environment patch 5 it’s included this new protection system as a second alternative besides Crypkey. Anyway, the licenses obtained with the Protection 2000 for version 2.1 cant’ be used with the version 3.0 or higher. Therefore, we should perform the same procedure as in the previous case; i.e., uninstall the licenses (Uninstall option from 2.1. GXLmgr.exe dialog) and send that code together with the site code obtained with version 3.0 License Manager to authorize this version’s products.

19 GENEXUS CORPORATE Installation Manual

Sharing licenses between versions 2.1 and 3.0

The authorizations made with Protection 2000 system will be backward compatible (version 2.1), but not forward compatible. This means that once that the products with the 3.0 License Manager are authorized we will be able to use the 3.0 products as well as those of the 2.1 (this one with the Protection 2000). By this way, then, we will be able to share the licenses between the version 2.1 (patch 5 or higher of the Development Environment) and 3.0. Important: This isn’t possible with versions that are previous to 2.1 P5.


Two usage modalities exist with Protection 2000: having the licenses locally installed in the PC or having them in a server for shared usage.

With this protection the product installation is independent from the licenses installation, for this reason it is possible to have the product installed in one location (server or PC) and the license in another one.

The local licenses of each product are not per installation of it, as it was before, but per machine. This means, for example, that if one has a local license installed of the product Development Environment in his PC, he can use any GENEXUS CORPORATE installed in the network from that PC. You have to bear in mind that when a Remove of any of these products (GENEXUS CORPORATE or a generator) is performed, the licenses will be still active in the machine. It can be useful to backup GXLmgr.exe along with the Gxextc.dll and Gxdib32.dll before removing the development environment, in order to be able to uninstall, transfer, etc the licenses after removing GENEXUS CORPORATE. With these files it is also possible to administer the licenses in a centralized way from that machine as well as from the server (see next paragraph), preventing other users from having access to them, it is only necessary to remove them from GENEXUS

20 License Manager

CORPORATE directory them somewhere else.

In case that using the licenses in a shared way is of your interest, a license server will have to be installed. This service can only be on an NT Server or NT Workstation. Its functionality is serving licenses to any client of the network no matter where the product is (in a local PC, in the same server and/or in a different one). The network clients that use this service must be under the same domain as the server that acts as a protection server.

In case any NT Server is not able, the first option will have to be used, this is, authorizing each machine that accesses GENEXUS CORPORATE. Remember that although the licenses are local, GENEXUS CORPORATE does not necessarily have to be locally installed. It can be, for example, in a Novell network.


DCOM (Distributed Component Object Model) has to be installed and enabled, it comes with IE4 (or higher). It can also be downloaded from the Internet in Microsoft’s web site: DCOM98 for Windows 98 version1.3: DCOM95 for Windows 95, version 1.3


As it was said before, two ways of using the licenses exist; the type of installation to be performed depends on this. Local

In order to use local licenses it is only necessary to install the product, it is not necessary to install anything related to the protection.


For the case of shared licenses the licenses server “GENEXUS CORPORATE Protection Server” has to be installed in the NT server. In

21 GENEXUS CORPORATE Installation Manual

order to do this, the GXPrtSrv.exe (that can be obtained from the URL: bin/webartech/hdcver03.exe?N,31,0,372) setup has to be executed. During its execution, you will be asked for the directory where you want to install the protection files. By default, they will be installed in the Program Files\GXPrtSrv\ directory. This directory can be changed by another one as long as it is in the same server where the service is executed.

Manual installation of the protection server.

In case it is not possible to execute the setup or it cancels for some reason, it is possible to manually install the protection server. In order to perform the installation the following steps must be followed: 1. Copy the files: ProtSrv, ProtPs.dll, Protect.dll, ProtMsg.dll, Products.reg and RunLevel.reg from the folder Utilities\GeneXus Protection Server\Manual Installation in GENEXUS CORPORATE 3.0 CD to a folder in the server, for example: C:\Program Files\GXPrtSrv (also you can obtain this file from bin/webartech/hdcver03.exe?S,31,0,373) 2. Execute ‘ProtSrv –service’, with this you register the protection server as a service. 3. Upload the service, executing ‘Net Start ProtSrvService’, or through the ‘Control Panel\Services’, select the ‘ProtSrvService’ and press ‘Start’. 4. Execute ‘RegSvr32 Protect.dll’, with this you register the dll. 5. Execute ‘RegSvr32 ProtectPS.dll’, with this you register the dll. 6. Execute ‘Start Produts.reg’ and ‘Start RunLevel.reg’ or register them somehow.


After ending the protection files’ installation and the installation of GENEXUS CORPORATE products that need authorization, the GxLMgr.exe (GENEXUS CORPORATE License Manager) file, which is in the directory where GENEXUS CORPORATE was installed, has to be executed in order to get the right to use them.

22 License Manager

When executed the following dialog is displayed:

In the upper side the location from where the licenses are being taken is displayed, in this case from a server named “dionisiod” (this configured in Select Computer). In the grid all products that need authorization are displayed. For each of the products, the protection status is shown; these are:

Status Description Authorized Correctly authorized. Not authorized Not authorized. Uninstalled Uninstalled. Error Error in the protection; it can result when it exceeds the dates’ limit (<1999 or >2126). Suspended, date Suspended protection, there has been a changed change backwards in the machine’s date.

Time Run out The authorized period of days to execute has expired. Runs Run out The quantity of authorized runs has ended. Suspended, Suspended, the license’s information could authorization data not be correctly read. changed

23 GENEXUS CORPORATE Installation Manual

In the case of being authorized you can also see the starting date, number of copies, execution level and restrictions.

Select Computer

This option is used for setting where the product’s authorization will reside (local or in the server) in the moment of authorizing it. If a license server is used, the Remote License option must be marked and its name or IP address must be specified. In case of wanting to use local licenses, you have to simply mark the Local License option.

After confirming this dialog the protect.ini file (located under GX directory) will be updated with the set information. This file is the one that indicates GENEXUS CORPORATE and generators where to get the licenses from (See How to determine the protection server). Apart from that, GENEXUS CORPORATE License Manager’s main screen is updated, showing the list of authorizations performed in the selected machine.

How to determine the protection server

You have to follow the following steps in order to determine the server; in the case that it is not in a step, you go to the next option: 1 –Protect.ini File in directory of Client’s local Windows. 2 –Protect.ini File in directory from where the product is executed (GX directory). 3 –It tests if there is local license, and if not, it tests if there is in the machine where the executable of the product is (machine where GX is installed). In version 2.1 with patch 5 of the Development Environment, if

24 License Manager

the file protect.ini is not found in step 2, try with Crypkey protection system

In the case that you use step 3, a Protect.ini is stored in the directory of the Client’s local Windows with the information that it was connected with. This allows that the next time the server’s determination is faster and that it enters by the step 1.

The Protect.ini file must contain:

[Settings] ServerName= ProtType=Local | Network

The values by default are ServerName in empty and ProtType with Local. In the case that both are missing you go to the following step in the search as if the Protect.ini file were not there.


Three types of authorizations can be performed: • Complete authorization (initial authorization). • Increasing the users’ number. • Changing restrictions (for example, extend the expiration date).

In order to perform any of these functions you have to follow the following steps: 1. Select the product. 2. Press Authorize 3. A SiteCode is returned and it will have to be sent to the corresponding distributor 4. The distributor sends the corresponding site key, after it has been entered; a message is displayed indicating the operation’s result.

Direct Transfer

This option gives the possibility of transferring one or several licenses from a PC or a protection server to another one placed in the same network. The target server must a protection server, that is, the service must be installed and uploaded.

25 GENEXUS CORPORATE Installation Manual

Steps that must be followed to transfer: 1) Connect to the origin machine, that is, with Select Computer connect to the place where the license to be transferred is. If the license to be transferred is in a PC, the Direct Transfer must be performed form that machine. If it is a server, the transfer can be performed either from the origin server or the target server. 2) Click the Transfer button in the License Manager, mark the option “Direct Transfer”, enter the name of the target server, number of copied to be transfer and the press OK. 3) If everything proceeds correctly the following message will be displayed:

Restrictions of this version:

It is not possible to perform a direct transfer to a PC, in this case Remote Transfer should be used.

Remote Transfer

This method is used for transferring one or several licenses between 2 machines. It can be between 2 servers, 2 PCs, a server and a PC or vice versa.

26 License Manager

In this case the target server doesn’t have to be a protection server, and in that case the licenses can only be used locally.

Now we show the steps (3) to follow in order to carry out this type of transference. It is important to perform them in the order they are detailed.

1) Register Transfer

Execute GENEXUS CORPORATE License Manager in the target machine (where you want to install the license). Select the product and press Transfer. Then you must mark the Register Transfer option, enter the file’s path and name (with trf extension) solicited by the dislog, for example A:\develop.trf , and press OK. Notice that in the same disk o folder you can save the registration files of many products indicating a different name for each one.

2) Transfer Out

Execute GENEXUS CORPORATE License Manager in the source machine (where you now have the license). Select the product (it must coincide with the one selected in the

27 GENEXUS CORPORATE Installation Manual

first step) and press Transfer. Then you must mark the Transfer Out option, select the number of licenses you want to transfer, select the transfer file corresponding to the selected product and press OK. If everything goes well, a message indicating it will be displayed.

3) Transfer In

Execute GENEXUS CORPORATE License Manager in the destine machine. Select the product (it must coincide with the one selected in the first step) and press Transfer. Then you must mark the Transfer In option, select the transfer file corresponding to the selected product and press OK. If everything goes well, a message indicating it will be displayed.

28 License Manager


You can uninstall any of the products previously installed. In order to do that you must execute GENEXUS CORPORATE License Manager, select the product and press Uninstall. Then a dialog that allows selecting the number of licenses you want to uninstall appears.

After confirming the action the installation code that will have to be

29 GENEXUS CORPORATE Installation Manual

sent to the corresponding GENEXUS CORPORATE Distributor appears.

Log Settings

The log is used for performing a trace of the performed operations, in order to perform a diagnosis in case it fails.

In the configuration you have the option of saving the trace or not, and it is saved in the Event Log or the Log File (see Log System). In the case that the Log File is chosen, the path and the name of the log file can be determined.

If you have network protection you can choose any of the two options. In the case of having a local protection, the Log File is the only available.

Protection expiration Reminder

If you have the product authorized with temporary licenses, 10 days before the expiration date the following window will be displayed when executing the application (GENEXUS CORPORATE or generators). This can be useful to renew the license before it expires.

30 License Manager

In this dialog you can choose which action to take from that moment. The possible values are:

Leave the reminder as-is If this option is selected, the message will continue appearing each time the product is used until it expires or it is renewed. Dismiss the reminder In this case the reminder won’t be displayed again Remind me again in n days If this option is selected the reminder won’t be displayed again until the selected date.

Log System

In the case that there is an error you can use the logs for helping to determine its causes. Logs

There are three possible logs: • Event Log This type of log is only for net’s licenses. It is stored in NT’s Log Event.

• Log File It is used for detecting possible errors. It is stored with the name and

31 GENEXUS CORPORATE Installation Manual

directory configured in the Log Settings.

• Message Box This type of log is only for local licenses. It shows a message on the screen at the moment of the error.

Each of these is used in different situations, and they depend on the log settings, the type of license, and the type of log.

There are four types of information that is stored in these logs depending on the Log type:

• Error It indicates an error has occurred and it is not possible to continue.

• Warning It indicates something abnormal has come up, you can still continue, but it can cause trouble later on.

• Trace It is used for detecting installation errors, or others that do not allow the protection’s normal use.

• Info It indicates any modification done to the type or quantity of licenses. For example: Installation, Transference, and Uninstallation.

Now we show a chart that describes when each type of log is stored and what information is stored.

Event Log File Log Message Log Encrypt Box ERROR N W L WARNING N W TRACE W W INFO W W N and L

References: N – Only for Net Licenses. W – When this type of log is configured in the

32 License Manager

options. L – Only for local licenses.

33 GENEXUS CORPORATE Installation Manual


Before you start GENEXUS CORPORATE you must have it authorized. Refer to Using GENEXUS CORPORATE License Manager for more information on this point. An opened GENEXUS CORPORATE group with its icons is displayed after a successful GENEXUS CORPORATE Setup was carried out (as shown below).

You can start GENEXUS CORPORATE with either a click of the mouse or pressing ENTER.

34 Tips and Possible Problems


Installation and Configuration Tips

Changing the Workstation's Date

Do not change the date of the workstation once you start to use GENEXUS CORPORATE because you are sure to have problems. Changing the date of the workstation is critical for GENEXUS CORPORATE. There are two different ways a change in the date can affect it:

1. You may lose the rights to use GENEXUS CORPORATE if you set the date of the machine forward. This type of modification will be registered as if it were any other normal days work. When this is done you will not be able to set the date back again because GENEXUS CORPORATE displays a message stating the setback in time is not possible. If you are working on a network be sure that all workstations are correctly synchronized to avoid problems with the network license protection schema.

2. Many optimizations can be achieved manipulating the date and time of a workstation. For example: each time a table has been modified a "touch" (a time stamp is recorded) is performed. So, when an impact analysis is executed, only those tables whose time stamp is greater than the date of the last executed impact will be analyzed (rephrasing this, all tables modified since the last impact analysis will be analyzed). This clearly optimizes the impact analysis. The generation of programs (check spec) and other GENEXUS CORPORATE features also use a similar mechanism to the one mentioned above. Synchronizing Workstations Time and Date

We highly recommend you synchronize all workstations because it is not possible to work with PCs whose dates differ among them; due to the type of protection being used. Although this is a very important restriction, it is not the only reason why all workstations should be set to the same date. A model may be used by different workstations

35 GENEXUS CORPORATE Installation Manual

and if it happened to be updated by a workstation with a more updated 'date' GENEXUS CORPORATE will inform you of this abnormality because its Check Specification considers the date and time each object was last saved. So make sure all workstations have synchronized their dates and time settings with respect to the server.

If you are using Windows '95 and you wish to synchronize all workstations with the server you must define a batch file that will be triggered by the StartUp group. The batch file must contain the following:

NET TIME \\SERVERNAME /SET /YES where SERVERNAME is the name of the server. This command can also be used for NT server synchronization. How to re-authorize a site in case the date of the license is incorrect

First you must execute the License Manager and press the Authorize button. Another dialog will appear asking you to confirm the date, press YES again even though it is incorrect. Note down the new site code.

Send this new site code to your distributor indicating the number of users in order to obtain your new site key.

Once you get your new site key make sure the following is done:

All workstations must exit GENEXUS CORPORATE.

Correct the dates of all workstations and server (the second tip explains how to do this).

Execute the License Manager again and press the Authorize button. A dialog will appear asking you to confirm the date, press YES after you have corrected it. Enter the new site key and press OK. Now you are ready to start again! New Site Codes

It is highly recommended you obtain your new site code from your distributor before your license expires. This will avoid any possible

36 Tips and Possible Problems

delay. How to obtain your new site code is explained in the "Authorize" section.

Possible Problems

• Error connecting to remote protection, using X Server: (0x800706BA)- The RPC server is unavailable.

Problem 1: This error occurs when executing GeneXus Corporate or GENEXUS CORPORATE License Manager. The problem is that the user is logged to the network with a different domain to the protection server’s one. In the case that NT workstation is being used and a domain different to the protection server’s one is being used, this message can be left in the Log Event: DCOM was unable to communicate with the computer X using any of the configured protocols.

Solution 1: Log the system with the correct domain. In the case that this is not required when connecting to it the following must be configured in the control panel: In Network, select the Microsoft Network component and mark the Log on to Windows NT option in its properties and enter the correct domain.

Problem 2: This error can also result if you do not have the DCOM installed and enabled.

Solution 2: In order to install it you can get the setup from Microsoft site. For enabling the DCOM you have to change the following registration key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\OLE from ‘EnableDCOM’ name to ‘Y’ (it is the value by default). You can also do this from the OLE/COM Object Viewer with the File.System Configuration dialog box. This change requires that the machine is reinitiated.

37 GENEXUS CORPORATE Installation Manual

In Windows 95, with DCOM support, you have to perform an additional setting in the registry in order to enable the remote connections’ support. The registration key is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\OLE with the ‘EnableRemoteConnections’ name and you have to put the ‘Y’ value.

• The GXLMgr.exe (GXW32.exe) file is linked to missing export OLE32.DLL.

Problem: This error occurs when executing GENEXUS CORPORATE or GENEXUS CORPORATE License Manager. The problem is that DCOM is not installed.

Solution: See Solution 2 section of the former problem.

38 Tips and Possible Problems


This section details the requirements and procedures needed to install GENEXUS AS/400 Library. This library is used to compile and execute RPG/400 or COBOL/400 programs generated by GENEXUS CORPORATE.


You need one of the following AS/400 communications software:

• Client Access 95/NT • NetSoft Midrange Bundle • if you use TCP/IP then be sure you are using OS/400 V3R1 or higher

The following Client Access functions must be available to install the GENEXUS library:

• Submit Remote Command • Transfer Function

You must also have enough authority to:

• Delete the GENEXUS library (GX) (DLTLIB command) • Create a library (CRTLIB command) • Create a CL program (CRTCLPGM command) • Create a COBOL or RPG program (CRTCBLPGM or CRTRPGPGM commands) • Create a command (CRTCMD command) • Create a source physical file (CRTSRCPF command) • Create a physical file (CRTPF command) • Create a save file (CRTSAVF command) • Restore objects (RSTOBJ command)

39 GENEXUS CORPORATE Installation Manual

About the Installation for OS version 3.7 and higher

Its installation is independent from GENEXUS CORPORATE version, as it is not necessary to have GENEXUS CORPORATE installed; it installs the necessary transfer version. For this reason it cannot be installed under GENEXUS CORPORATE directory so that that the transfer installed with GENEXUS CORPORATE is not modified.

Now GENEXUS CORPORATE transfer logic is used (32 bits). This version supports Native Client/Access and TCP/IP.

Important: This library version is available for versions 3.7 and higher of the OS/400.

Setup Instructions

Requirement: GENEXUS CORPORATE must not be running when the library transfer in performed.

Once the setup is executed it creates an icon "GENEXUS Transfer Utility" in GENEXUS group. Also, the following structure is created under GxLib directory:

GxLib GxwLibTrf Scripts Update V3R7M0

The following window is displayed when executed:

40 Tips and Possible Problems

Installation script to perform: You can choose to install the full library

Available Compiler: Lets you select the compiler installed in the AS/400: Cobol or RPG.

OS/400 version: You can only select version V3R7M0 of the OS/400.

Transfer: Executes the transfer.

Options: Lets you select the transfer options in the same way as it is done from GENEXUS CORPORATE. At the moment the supported modes are: native Client Access and TCP/IP. ODBC Client/Access is not supported, the following message is displayed:

'Binary Transfer not available via ODBC.

Use FTP over TCP/IP or CA Native'

For information about the configuration you check GENEXUS CORPORATE help on AS/400 Execution Options.

41 GENEXUS CORPORATE Installation Manual

Details: Brings more details about the selection to be installed.

Important: In case the library installation is executed from a NT Server (where GENEXUS CORPORATE is installed), the transfer is registered absolutely, that is, if GENEXUS CORPORATE is executed from the NT then GENEXUS CORPORATE will use the library transfer. To avoid this situation, once the library is transfer you must register again GENEXUS CORPORATE transfer.

Problems Installing GENEXUS for Windows Library

If GENEXUS for Windows Library installation gives you problems you may modify the GXW.INI file by adding the following lines:

[AS/400 GXLib Install] Trace=1 Tracefile=c:\win95\gxlib.txt TraceLevel=1 StopMessages=1

So, the following results are:

1. Trace, clarifies if it is done or not. 2. Tracefile is the file where the trace results will be placed (log), the file will be created in this directory (it must exist). 3. TraceLevel has three levels, 1 to 3, where 1 is the minimum log level. 4. StopMessages=1 indicates whether for each command the execution will be paused (for example, the source is transferred to the AS/400 and it will wait until the user presses a key to indicate the go ahead of the following installation step).

42 Index


This section will provide you with all the information you need to know on how to install GENEXUS CORPORATE upgrades.


There are two types of upgrades, one of them corresponds to the Development Environment patch release and the other corresponds to the generator you are using to develop your applications.

Here is the list of the possible upgrades you may receive:

DExxxUy.EXE (Development Environment) CBxxxUy.EXE (COBOL/400 Generator) CSxxxUy.EXE (FoxPro Client/Server Generator) FXxxxUy.EXE (FoxPro Generator) RPxxxUy.EXE (RPG/400 Generator) XDxxxUy.EXE (Xbase Generator) VFxxxUy.EXE (Visual FoxPro Generator) VCxxxUy.EXE (Visual FoxPro C/S Generator) VBxxxUy.EXE (Visual Basic Generator) JVxxxUy.EXE (Java Generator) SQxxxUy.EXE (C/SQL Generator) SWxxxUy. EXE (Setup Wizard)

Where 'xxx' will indicate the GENEXUS CORPORATE version over which the upgrade will be applied and 'y' is the upgrade number identifier (for example: DE300U1.EXE is upgrade 1 of the Development Environment for GENEXUS CORPORATE version 3.0).

There need not necessarily be an upgrade release for every generator, in other words, an upgrade for a generator will be released only if changes have been made to the generator.

The tool used for the p upgrades' assembling allows registering .DLLs or .OCXs files and modifying the system's directories (\Windows\System or similar). Only some of the generators update the system's files (for example: Visual Basic and Visual FoxPro), but some

43 GENEXUS CORPORATE Installation Manual

others do not do it (for example: Cobol).

So for GENEXUS CORPORATE net installations, it will be necessary to apply the upgrade on each workstation, in the case that it updates system's files (to determine this, please refer to the upgrade's section). For more information, please refer to the 'WorkStation Installation and Maintenance' section.

How to apply an upgrade

When executing the selected product's upgrade, a welcome dialog is displayed, and then the following dialog is shown (for the case of Visual Basic or local Visual FoxPro generators and Client/Server only):

If the ‘Generator and Standard Files’ option is unmarked, only the

44 Index system's files will be updated, in the case that the set up installs them.

Now we show a dialog where you have to choose the directory where the upgrade is going to be installed:

The directory by default that is presented depends on the GENEXUS CORPORATE version to which you are applying the upgrade.

When you click ‘Next’ the upgrade will be ready to be applied.

Workstations' Installation and Maintenance

When you are working in a multi-user environment and you want to be able to execute GENEXUS CORPORATE from a work terminal it is necessary to update a series of system's files (dll’s, ocx’s, etc, of the \Windows\System directory or similar) in it. In order to do this, you have to execute the Node Setup or Nsetup (Setup.exe that is in the

45 GENEXUS CORPORATE Installation Manual

\Nsetup directory under GENEXUS CORPORATE installation directory in the Server).

In the case that you perform some modifications in the Development Environment or in a generator, an upgrade is distributed with them. These modifications can include system's files or not. In the case that modifications on system's files are included, another Nsetup upgrade with those changes is also distributed. You then have two alternatives for updating the system's files on those work terminals:

1. Downloading NSetup's upgrade, installing it (which updates the contents of the Nsetup directory), and executing the NSetup on each workstation.

2. Applying the upgrade of the Development Environment or the Generator on each workstation, giving as a destination directory GENEXUS CORPORATE installation directory in the Server. This makes the files of the Development Environment/Generator in the Server and the system's files in the terminal to be updated. This is necessary as long as the upgrade includes system's files in the terminal (not all the patches include system's files). This is detailed in each upgrade's Release Notes.

It is convenient to apply method 1 when you want to add a new working post. This method's inconvenience is the size of the NSetup's upgrade to be downloaded. It is convenient to apply method 2 when a workstation is updated, because it is not necessary to download the whole new upgrade of the NSetup, because of a few files of the system that are updated. Executing the upgrade of the Development Environment or the Generator that includes those files is enough.

Remember that in case of applying method 1 it is necessary to apply the upgrade of the Development Environment or Generator in the Server.

How to know what you have installed on a workstation

When installing the NSetup's upgrade (method 1) a file is stored in the system's directory (\Windows\System or similar) with the name GxwNSetup.00X, being X the number of upgrade of the NSetup.

46 Index

When installing upgrades of the Dev.Env. or Generators that update system's files (method 2) a file with the name Gxw30YYN.00X is recorded in the system's directory, being YY the generator (VB, VF, etc) and X the number of the generator's upgrade.

Note: The Dev.Env./Generator and NSetup' patches numbers may not coincide, no matter if they update the same files.

47 GENEXUS CORPORATE Installation Manual

Configuration ...... 16 A Network Workstation Setup ..17 A NOTE FOR ALL GENEXUS New Site Codes ...... 40 WINDOWS USERS...... 1 NOVELL Netware Networks ...15 AS/400 communications P software ...... 42 patch files ...... 46 C Problems Installing GENEXUS common license errors ...... 38 for Windows Library ...... 45 Configuration Requirements R for NOVELL Netware...... 15 Re-authorizing a site...... 39 G Requirements ...... 2 GENEXUS AS/400 LIBRARY S INSTALLATION ...... 42 GENEXUS Authorizer...... 21 Setup Options ...... 4 GENEXUS installed on a Shareable Files...... 16 Windows NT Server...... 16 Stand-Alone Setup ...... 9 GENEXUS Network SETUP...... 14 Starting GENEXUS ...... 37 GENEXUS on a stand-alone Synchronizing NOVELL computer...... 9 Workstations Time and Date38 GENEXUS Tutorial ...... 1 systems on which you could have a shared installation of I GENEXUS ...... 14 Installation Tips ...... 38 T INSTALLING A PATCH ...... 46 Tips ...... 38 M W map...... 16 Windows NT Server...... 16 N Network Workstation