Trusted Display on Untrusted Commodity Platforms ∗ Miao Yu Virgil D. Gligor Zongwei Zhou ECE Department and CyLab ECE Department and CyLab ECE Department and CyLab Carnegie Mellon University Carnegie Mellon University Carnegie Mellon University
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT Keywords A trusted display service assures the confidentiality and au- GPU separation kernel; Trusted display thenticity of content output by a security-sensitive applica- tion and thus prevents a compromised commodity operating 1. INTRODUCTION system or application from surreptitiously reading or mod- A trusted display service provides a protected channel ifying the displayed output. Past approaches have failed that assures the confidentiality and authenticity of content to provide trusted display on commodity platforms that use output on selected screen areas. With it users can rely modern graphics processing units (GPUs). For example, full on the information output by a security-sensitive applica- GPU virtualization encourages the sharing of GPU address tion (SecApp) without worrying about undetectable screen space with multiple virtual machines without providing ade- \scrapping" or \painting" by malicious software on commod- quate hardware protection mechanisms; e.g., address-space ity systems; i.e., the display output is surreptitiously read separation and instruction execution control. This paper or modified by a compromised commodity operating systems proposes a new trusted display service that has a minimal (OSes) or applications (Apps). trusted code base and maintains full compatibility with com- Security architectures that isolate entire SecApps from un- modity computing platforms. The service relies on a GPU trusted commodity OSes and Applications (Apps) [35] im- separation kernel that (1) defines different types of GPU plement trusted display functions via trusted path [55, 56].