SCOUTS-L ---------- BSA HISTORY Date: Wed, 10 Jul 1996 22:45:45 -0400 From: Merl Whitebook <
[email protected]> Subject: Re: First Boy Scout Troop, USA To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L <
[email protected]> I had the opportunity today, to travel to Pawhuska, Oklahoma, the home of the First Boy Scout Troop in America. Its history was fascinating, here is some of what I learned. The First Boy Scout Troop organized in America began in Pawhuska Oklahoma in May 1909. (note the date, not 1910) It was begun by a missionary priest, Reverend John F. Mitchell, send to the St. Thomas Episcopal Church, by the Church of England. Rev. Mitchell, who had been a chaplain for Sir Lord Baden-Powell, in England, and had worked together in scouting in England. This first troop was organized under an English Charter, (no American Charter yet existed). Rev. Mitchell ordered uniforms for the 19 scouts who were the first members of Troop 1. Their uniforms did not have Boy Scouts of America or BSA insignia, but rather ABS, "American Boy Scouts" The citizens of Pawhuska were taken back to hear the 19 scouts voices opening each meeting by singing: "Long Live the King" The Scouts of Troop 1 place emphasis upon "doing a good turn daily" which at times was a strain upon the 1,200 citizens of Pawhuska, along with the finest Drum and Bugle Corp. There are letters and memorabilia found in the Historical Society Museum in Pawhuska, are fascinating to all scouters. Just thought you might like to know.