CLINICIAN’S NOTEBOOK Managing Ferret Toxicoses J. RICHARDSON AND R. BALABUSZKO Jill A. Richardson, DVM, Dipl ACFE ASPCA National Animal Poison Control Center 1717 South Philo Road Suite 36 Urbana, Illinois 61802
[email protected] FERRETS ARE EXTREMELY CURIOUS and adept at accessing areas where PRACTICE TIP baits, cleaners, chemicals and medica- Rachel A. Balabuszko, CVT tions are stored. Ferrets can even pry ASPCA National Animal Poison caps from child-resistant bottles or Control Center chew through heavy plastic contain- ers. Products such as antifreeze, Dr. Jill A. Richardson received her DVM flavored medications or pest control degree from Tuskegee University in baits have an appealing taste. Because 1994. In 1996, following experience in the average weight of the adult ferret small animal practices in Tennessee and is less than 2 kg, even small amounts in West Virginia, Dr. Richardson joined of toxins can be dangerous when the ASPCA National Animal Poison ingested. Therefore, prompt treatment Control Center as a Veterinary Poison of toxicoses is essential. Information Specialist. Rachel Balabuszko, CVT, joined the In cases of oral exposure, ferrets have ASPCA National Animal Poison Control the ability to vomit. However, the Center as a Certified Veterinary length of time since ingestion of the Ferrets can be restrained by scruffing Technician in 1998, after receiving her toxicant, the ferret’s age, its previous the loose skin on the back of the neck. associate degree in veterinary technol- medical history, and the type of ogy from Parkland College. poison ingested all affect the decision to induce emesis. Tom Schaefges Photography Sidney, Illinois
[email protected] EXOTIC DVM VOLUME 2.4 2000 23 CLINICIAN’S NOTEBOOK STEPS IN MANAGING FERRET TOXICOSES START ASSESS THE SITUATION STABILIZE THE FERRET ✖ Is the ferret seizuring? ✖ Administer oxygen if necessary ✖ Is the ferret breathing? ✖ Control seizures ✖ What is the heart rate? ✖ Correct any cardiovascular ✖ What color are the mucous abnormality membranes? Table 1.