GenoCAD Introduction

Computer-Assisted Design Software for

Materials prepared by: Mary E. Mangan PhD

Version 1

GenoCAD Introduction Agenda Introduction to GenoCAD  Introduction and Credits  Register and Log In  Step 1: Parts  Parts  Grammar  Import the Training Set  Step 2: Design  Step 3: Simulate  Summary  Exercises

GenoCAD:  Computer-assisted design software for synthetic biology  Visit

1 Support for GenoCAD Process Flow

click  Parts and grammars, public or custom collections  Peccoud team  Design constructs  NSF support  Simulate processes

Conceptual Framework for GenoCAD Data Model, Concepts

Promoters Coding Seqs Terminators 2007: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btm446 2009: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000529

Promoter A Coding Seq A

Promoter B Coding Seq B Your constructs  Parts form the foundation, stored in project libraries  Aspects of DNA function explained with language metaphors: transcription, translation, code  Grammar rules specify the way the parts work in series  GenoCAD lets you develop language for programming cells  Parts + Grammars give you synthetic construct designs

2 Further Reading Getting Assistance

doi: 10.1093//btm446

doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000529

doi: 10.1093/nar/gkp361

doi: 10.1016/j.tibtech.2011.09.001 support

 Help: context-sensitive help from ? Button  Publications: theoretical, software, ongoing development  Support link for asking questions or offering feedback  Cite GenoCAD if you use the tools  Social media

GenoCAD Introduction Agenda Register at GenoCAD

 Introduction and Credits  Register and Log In  Step 1: Parts  Step 2: Design  Step 3: Simulate  Summary  Exercises

GenoCAD:  Not required, but very handy  Your preferences, parts and creations will be saved

3 Password Recovery or Reset GenoCAD Introduction Agenda

 Introduction and Credits  Register and Log In  Step 1: Parts  Parts  Grammars  Import the Training Set  Step 2: Design Constructs  Step 3: Simulate  Summary  Exercises

GenoCAD:  If needed in the future, you can reset password easily

Step 1: Parts Parts and Parts Libraries

Logged in



 Step 1: Exploring parts libraries and grammars

 Public parts and libraries samples are pre-loaded  Libraries will store the parts  You will add other sources and your own project libraries  Public libraries are not editable by users  Access to the pieces you need for subsequent steps  Later we’ll create and edit custom project libraries

4 Libraries contain Categories with Parts Examine a Part Category: Promoter

filter library select all sort

click category Selected items will be displayed select one with relevant details Choose: Promoter (PRO) Parts list PartID is unique

 Folder contains parts associated with a grammar  A category may have multiple part items

Part Detail Features Search for Items

Unique PartID search Name Only A T G C sequence (limit: ~16 million bases)

Description Parts can be shared across libraries

These are the features that can be located with the “search” tool later.

 Part Detail includes important features and sequence  Locate specific parts quickly with a search

5 Basic Search and My Cart Parts need Grammars

Advanced tet* click

all_promoters save


 Search the parts fields to locate specific items quickly  Parts form the foundation, the building blocks you need  Use * as a wildcard  Grammar rules specify the way the parts work in series

Grammars for Parts Grammars


 Grammars establish the design strategy

 Parts form the foundation, the building blocks you need  Subject-Verb-Object  Grammar rules specify the way the parts work in series  Promoter-Cistron-Terminator

6 Public Grammars Obtain the Training Set GenoCAD Training_Set…Parts.genocad



 Basic Grammar—No Simulation for this example   Characteristics of this grammar  Download the GenoCAD Tutorial I “Training Set”  “Manage Grammar” for more details (advanced tutorial)  Click Add/Import Grammar

Upload the Training Set Imported Training Set is available

Click Parts

click click Use existing  An editable Grammar is now available  Will be used for further work

 Upload the zipped file that came from FigShare

7 Training Set is Integrated Create a Custom Part

Fake RBS Only aaggaattaa A T G C

Fictitious Ribosome Binding Site for training Can only add parts to your own libraries

 The training set grammar, library, and parts are available  Editable, so you can change or add new  Good strategy: create a library for each project  Let’s add a new part as an example  Put relevant parts in that project library

User Grammar, Library, Part Created GenoCAD Introduction Agenda

 Introduction and Credits  Register and Log In  Step 1: Parts  Step 2: Design Constructs Your part  Step 3: Simulate  Summary  Exercises

 Your custom items will be stored, now available to use GenoCAD:  Import parts to use and export parts for sharing or backups

8 Step 2: Design Constructs Design Constructs

 Choose grammar  Choose library

 Begin to design click  Choices are listed clickclick click  click Build a simple cassette • Inducible promoter click • RBS A • Luciferase • T7 terminator

 Public and user parts, libraries, grammars in place  Use them to create a construct with “Design” options

Construct is Complete Browse for Constructs

 New options export Ready! check  Download  Save design

check view


 “Load Design” or “Available Designs” folder to see the list  Yours + public designs are shown

9 Data Model GenoCAD Agenda

 Introduction and Credits  Register and Log In  Step 1: Parts and Grammar  Step 2: Design Constructs  Step 3: Simulate  Summary  Exercises

 Parts and Libraries  Grammar and Rules  Design your constructs GenoCAD:

Step 3: Simulate Constructs Ready for Simulation


doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2012.05.044 click Click Status

 If you generate with attributes for simulation, they will be listed  Step 3: Simulate  Public examples

10 Repressilator Example Simulation Sample

doi: 10.1038/35002125 Click Lacl 100 5

clts TetR


 Design of the construct  3 cassettes in a network  Duration and interval are set  Parts + Grammar + Design carries key details  Run Simulation to obtain the display

GenoCAD Introduction Agenda GenoCAD Introduction Summary

 Introduction and Credits  Register and Log In  Step 1: Parts and Grammar  Step 2: Design Constructs  Step 3: Simulate  Summary  Exercises

GenoCAD:  GenoCAD is a toolbox for synthetic biology  Parts, grammars, designs, and simulations

11 GenoCAD Introduction Agenda

 Introduction and Credits  Register and Log In  Step 1: Parts and Grammar  Step 2: Design Constructs  Step 3: Simulate  Summary  Exercises
