HAWK 2 Collection of Drawings of Thomas Hawksl
Science Museum Library and Archives Hackpen Lane Wroughton Swindon SN4 9LT ARCH : HAWK 2 Collection of drawings of Thomas Hawksley & Co. and T. and C. Hawksley & Co. re waterworks, sewage works and gas works, chiefly in England and Wales, c. 1830s-1920 Compiled by Robert Sharp ARCH : HAWK 2 [Engineering drawings relating to the work, chiefly in Britain, of Thomas Hawksley and T & C Hawksley & Co.] Ab18 1832 Map of the Parish of Wakefield, Exhibiting the Boundaries of the several Townships: of the Ecclesiastical Districts as fixed by order of His Majesty's in Council and of the borough: by John Walker, Land Surveyor, &c, Wakefield. [Bears ms. Lumb & Son, Wakefield, and label of Lumb & Sons, Rolls Office, Wakefield on verso. Published by Franks & Johnson, Wakefield] Printed, with colour wash Scale 1" : 4m. Ab19 1823 Plan of the Town of Wakefield, Surveyed by J. Walker, Wakefield. [Includes view of the 'public rooms' in West Street, and a 'reference to public buildings'. Bears label as Ab18. Engraved by S.I. Neele & Son, Strand. Published by Richard Nichols, Wakefield] Printed, with colour wash Scale 1" : 4ch. Ab139 1888 Sept 28 City of Wakefield Waterworks. Rishworth Scheme. Plan to accompany Mr Rofe's Report. [Bears name H. Rofe, 6a Victoria Street, West- minster] Line drawing Scale 6" : 1m. Ae14 1930 Dec Hertfordshire County Council. Mental Hospital. Hill End, St. Albans. Proposed pumping station. Drawing No. 2 Line drawing Scale 1" : 8' Ae15 1930 Dec --- as above --- Drawing No. 3 Line drawing Scale 1" : 2' Aj6 [1892] Ordnance Survey of England and Wales. Rivers and their Catchment Basins.
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