"Red Riot"

Non-Profit Organization Marketing supporting NIU Men's

A Thesis Submitted to the

University Honors Program

In Partial Fulfillment or the

Requirements or the Baccalaureate Degree

With University Honors

Department or



Kristin Kowynia

DeKalb, minois

May 2007 Univenity Bonon Program

Capstone Approval Page

Capstone Title: "Red Riot" Non-Profit Organization Marketing supporting

NIU Men's Basketball

Student Name: Kristin Kowynia

Faculty Supervisor:

Faculty Approval Signature:

Department of Marketing

Date of Approval: November I, 2006 HONORS THESIS ABSTRACT

Northern Illinois University consistently has difficulty with student attendance at athletic events. In response to this, several student groups have been formed in the University's history in an attempt to increase student awareness, support, and attendance at events.

Unfortunately, these attempts have failed in the past. This project provided a solid foundation for the new student fan organization, "Red Riot." The marketing strategies used were based upon research into the success and failure of other fan organizations, athletic traditions, and sport marketing theories while considering the differences NIU faces versus the majority of athletic organizations, specifically the location outside a major metropolitan area and its "suitcase campus" student body.

Because ofthese traits, the majority ofNIU students need additional motivation to bring them to an athletic event. While NIU has a few fans who attend as "supporters" and

"appreciators," the majority of attendees are "socialites." Thus, to appeal to these students, high levels of interaction, in-game promotions, and an environment that promotes a fun, social atmosphere is necessary. HONORS THESIS ABSTRACT THESIS SUBMISSION FORM

AUTHOR: Kristin Kowynia

THESIS TITLE: "Red Riot" - Non-Profit Organization Marketing supporting NIU

Men's Basketball

ADVISOR: Dr. Kimberly Judson ADVISOR'S DEPT: Marketing

DISCIPLINE: Marketing YEAR: Senior

PAGE LENGTH: 14 (plus project materials)






Northern nlinois Unive~- consistently bas difficulty with student attendance at athletic events. In !esponse to this, several student groups have been formed in the Unive~" s histOI} in an attempt to increase student awareness, support, and attendance at events. Unfortunatel}, these attempts have failed in the past. This project provided a solid foundation for the new student fan organization, -Red Riot." The marketing strategies used were based upon research into the success and failure of other fan organizations, athletic traditions, and sport marketing theories while considering the differences NIU faces versus the majorit)- of athletic organizations, specificall}-the location outside a major metropolitan area and its "suitcase campus" student bod}.

Because of these traits, the majorit)' of NIU students need additional motivation to bring them to an athletic event. While NIU bas a few fans who attend as "SUPPOrters" and -appreciators:" the JWUorit)-of attendees are "socialites." Thus, to appeal to these students, high levels of interaction, in-game promotions, and an environment that promotes a fun, social atmosphere is necessary.

... Introduction

Collegiate athletics survive on their student bodies; the students are the athletes and the fans. While coaches can scout and recruit athletes to attend their universities and play on their teams, this cannot be said ofthe fans. Fans must be discovered in the pre-existing student body and must be persuaded to support their teams and attend events and games.

Northern Illinois University has struggled with this task. Although the school has a

Division I-A athletic program, students do not support their athletic teams. Even the football team had poor turnout through the 1990' s, suffering through a 23 game losing

streak. It wasn't until Coach Novak turned the team around and achieved the first win in

1998 that student turnout at those games improved. Even still, turnout is less than desired with much of the student section sitting empty during football games even though the

school has resorted to stuffing all mailboxes of residence hall students with game tickets.

In response to this problem, an organized student fan group must be created to meet the needs of both the athletic program and the student fans. This has been attempted in the past with groups such as the "Dog Pound" and "Convo Nation." However, for one reason of another, these groups have failed. To be successful, the athletics department needs to create a group that harnesses what an NIU student attends a game for and build upon those needs and desires.

In the spring of 2006, a group of dedicated student fans came together with the goal of creating one such group. These students wanted to create a fan group that would draw students to the already ftee athletic events and create a buzz on the campus. In their first meetings with the athletics statI: they arrived upon a name, the "Red Riot." From there, a new breed ofNIU fan was to develop. In order to organize the beginning of this group, this project was born to provide an organized marketing and promotion program to the group.

Step 1: Summer Planning

The project began over the summer with planning and preparation. Many aspects of the new group had to be coordinated before the academic year began. These included the identification of student fan wants and needs, the creation of a logo, grassroots recruitment, and selection of member benefits. The NIU athletics program also secured funding ftom sponsorships of the group to support the program. Without each of these aspects in place the group was destined to fail before it even began. Another hurdle on my part also had to be overcome: gaining the trust and support of the pre-existing Red

Riot leadership group.

During the summer months my research began into what makes athletic events enjoyable, drawing attendance. What was already known about NIU students was the school's reputation within students as being a "suitcase campus" and that NIU students are very difficult to get out of their homes in the evenings for anything other than a social event with mends. Football games often had the student tailgating section filled, but students often did not transition ftom tailgating to attend the game. Sport fans can be segmented into six segments:

Players - Individuals who play or have played a sport

Patriots - Individuals who view sport as a means of establishing community

and national pride

Appreciators - Individuals who admire the skills of the athletes

Socialites - Individuals for whom sport provides one way they can interact

with mends

Friends - Individuals who provide support to mends and family who

participate in the event

Voyeurs - Individuals for whom the most important aspect is sex appeal

According to these categories and what is known about NIU students, the majority of

NIU student "sport fans" are socialites; they attend games as a way to have fun with their

mends. Knowing this, the new fan organization needed to focus less on the skill and

appreciation of the game, and more upon creating a fun, interactive environment that

made attending a way to socialize with mends. Although some are "mends," they cannot

be effective targets for marketing and promotion as they attend for reasons outside a

marketer's realm of control.

Also accomplished during the summer months via electronic communication was the

creation of a logo for the group to be applied to the Red Riot t-shirts, the website, and

other materials. With my supervision, the forming members ofthe group communicated

and created several logos, voted upon one, and then made final edits in time to have the logo printed on over 1,000 t-shirts to be given ftee to registered Red Riot members. The

NIU athletics department secured over $15,000 in sponsorship funding for the group to purchase these t-shirts, and to print banners, hang signage, and promote the group by other means.

The final summer task was to begin grassroots recruitment for the group within the incoming fteshman population. At all summer orientation sessions, the NIU athletics department included a sign-up sheet that allowed incoming students to register for the group before they set foot on campus for the first day of classes. Each week, these student lists were mailed to me and entered into the Red Riot database. Over 300 students signed up.

Step 2: Football Season

Once the semester began, weekly meetings were held with Ashley LePard (who was also working on an Honors Capstone project with athletics), NIU marketing Professor Dr.

Kimberly Judson, and NIU athletics Graduate Assistant Dusty Harrington to discuss the project, recent accomplishments, and evaluate the next steps. In addition, I attended weekly meetings with the Red Riot leadership group each Monday at Fatty's Pub and

Grill during the taping of Comcast's "Inside Huskie Sports." These meetings served several purposes including building trust and rapport with them, discussing my plans, and learning about their desires. Football season was the time of planning. Although football is in need of its own fan group, Red Riot is primarily targeted, at this point in its life, at supporting the Nill basketball teams. Planning included incorporating the desires of the leadership group, the input ofNill athletics, and the cooperation of supporters and sponsors. With the input fTomthese groups, it was decided that the Nill vs. mc men's basketball game would be the ideal opportunity to build a connection between the Red Riot student members and the Red Riot group that could last throughout the 4-week winter break. Many ideas for this event needed to be worked out for the Red Riot members. The leadership group and athletics wanted to see a pre-game rally. Ideas and funding for the pre-game rally, advertising, and in-game interactivity had to be worked out during the football season.

Some of the locations for the pre-game were to hold it at the Convocation Center, at

Fatty's, or at Chipotle. The leadership group also desired beacon lights to draw attention, a student only entrance, balloons or pom-poms to distract opponents during fTeethrow attempts, fTeefood at the pre-game, coach's scout report, and more. Other achievements that were proposed were membership cards, membership point system, taking the mascot,

Victor E. Huskie, into the residence halls to create excitement, a newsletter, and an event to launch the basketball season.

All of these desires were achieved except membership cards and a rewards point system.

Adding these features to the organization in the future would be ideal as it would provide another avenue which a student could grow an attachment to the group. Step 3: Huskie Hoopla

Huskie Hoopla was the response to an event fonnerly known as "Midnight Madness."

This event launches the basketball season, marking the first official practice teams can hold. Traditionally, colleges and universities hold this event at midnight, as the NCAA allowed practices to begin on a certain date. However, recently they have moved the time back to mid-evening to allow this celebration at a time more conducive to students and

safety. Huskie Hoopla was named in conjunction with a brainstonning session held with the Red Riot leadership group.

Huskie Hoopla was held Friday, October 13 at 7:00pm and was open to the general public. It consisted of interactive fans games and contests followed by the introduction of the NIU women's basketball team, a short practice and then the NIU men's basketball team introductions and team scrimmage.

The event drew about 75-100 students and about 200 members of the public. The first

100 people in the door were given free pizza and students were able to pick up their Red

Riot t-shirts that evening. It was advertised by NIU athletics in the Northern Star and the

Daily Chronicle.

Step 4: Basketball Season Arrives

With the start of basketball season, the project picked up and plans turned into actions.

Each game was an opportunity to learn how the flow of a game went, what excited the

student section, and how students interacted with the game. To learn the most to apply to the project, I attended every opportunity available. Attending also further built trust and rapport with the Red Riot leadership group.

Games brought a lot of work. The Red Riot newsletter, "Riot Act," was being written and distributed to all students each game. In the week before the season, I created a template for one of the Vice Presidents of Red Riot to use. The two of us wrote the newsletter for each game, including a short section on the opponent, their roster, a note ftom the NIU

Men's coach, the game schedule, and other information. On game days, I would arrive

30-45 minutes before tip off to begin distributing Red Riot t-shirts to students. We also handed out the Riot Acts to the student section.

As the final game of the semester approached, I was working to secure a location for the pre-game. After it was determined that the food options at the Convocation Center were too expensive and that they didn't have any spaces available, I approached Chipotle, Red

Riot's title sponsor. Over the course of two weeks, I arranged for the pre-game to be held in their restaurant where all students wearing a Red Riot t-shirt would receive a tree burrito. Also, to make it easier and safer for students to attend both the pre-game and the game itself, I purchased a shuttle to bring students ftom the Convocation Center to

Chipotle, and then back in time for the game. This also solved another problem students complained about, being charged for parking. By taking the shuttle, students would arrive early and avoid the parking fee at the Convocation Center. Also in the weeks leading up to the mc game, I placed an order for 500 red & black pom-poms. These pom-poms could be used to cheer on NIU and to distract the opponents during tree throws. I also educated the leadership group on an article I discovered in my research eXplaining that the best way to distract a tree throw shooter is for the fan section to move in tandem, altering the shooters depth perception. Also purchased were 15 battery operated red beacon lights. These lights have been desired by the leadership group to draw students' attention to both the student entrance and the student section.

The next step in the project was to advertise the pre-game. A Facebook group had already been established at the beginning of the semester for Red Riot. Within only a matter of a week, it had over 1,500 members. The page was used to promote the group and inform members of Red Riot about events and games. Although Facebook group members are not official members, it is another channel to communicate with the student body. Once the pre-game details had been finalized, I created two events on Facebook:. One was created for the game itself and second for the pre-game at Chipotle.

Facebook was also one channel used to advertise the Chipotle Pre-G

Facebook. Advertising for 5 days was done in the Northern Star. Both of these ads explained the Chipotle event, how to pick up a tree shirt, the tree shuttle and tree burritos, and that a NIU basketball coach would come to speak at the pre-game. Creating this advertising was a cooperative effort between me and Chipotle. Chipotle has very strict branding regulations that required I use specific verbiage, fonts, and images. Before the final ads were approved, over 10versions were created.

Another channel used to promote the group and the event was taking the mascot into the halls. During the week of November 27, two Red Riot members volunteered to wear the mascot and visit Grant and Stevenson Residence Halls to take pictures, hand out flyers, and create interest in the group. This was done during dining hours of 4:30-7:00pm. This strategy created a lot of excitement for both the Red Riot member in Victor and students having dinner.

Step 5: NIUvs. UIC December 5,2006 7:00pm

For the December 5thPre-Game, I created signs to put outdoors to direct students to the shuttle, how to redeem a tree burrito, and the schedule for the evening. At 4pm, I put up signs at both shuttle drops spots, the Convocation Center and at Chipotle. These two signs identified the drop spot and reminded members that they needed to be wearing their

Red Riot shirt to receive a tree burrito. Three more signs were placed between parking areas and the drop spots again reminding students that they needed their t-shirts. Inside

Chipotle were signs showing the event schedule.

I was able to decorate Chipotle with red & black helium balloon centerpieces to create a celebratory atmosphere. The balloons had bases that were made of red megaphones and red, black, and basketball shaped Mardi Gras beads. On one of the high top tables was the evening's Riot Act and a Red Riot sign-up sheet that allowed students to register at the store and be able to get a ftee burrito that night.

At the end of the Pre-Game Rally I presented Chipotle with a Certificate of Appreciation plaque signed by the members of the Red Riot leadership group, myself, and my professor. I arrived at the basketball game just before tip-off to finish handing out t-shirts and pom-poms. The December 5thgame had the largest turnout of students this season.

Cheers and chants occurred ftom the first row of the section up to the top row. During half-time, we presented Dusty Harrington a Certificate of Appreciation as well for his support of the group and the project throughout the semester.

Photos and advertising ftom all of the Red Riot events during this project can be found on the enclosed CD-ROM. Specific details and documents are also enclosed in this binder in chronological order.


The objective of this project was a student membership of 1,200 students and an increased attendance an enthusiasm at athletic events, specifically basketball. These objectives were all achieved, with a total student membership of 1,245 officially registered members as of December 12, 2006. In addition, 1,568 students and alumni were registered in the Facebook Red Riot group. The keys to the success ofthis project hinged on three key areas. First, building a trusting and accepting relationship with the

Red Riot leadership group. Second, recognizing and acting upon the characteristics that make NIU students unique. Third and finally, a strong advertising and promotions strategy .

The Red Riot leadership group created the Red Riot and is very protective of the group.

With this in mind, my sudden appearance in the spring offended them. The group felt I was intruding on their ideas, group, and passion. However, without the structure and organization I would bring to the group, it was destined to fail. At the completion of the fall 2006 semester, each of these members was verbally appreciative of the support, guidance, and organization this project provided to them. They commented that without my efforts to "become one of the group" they would not have accepted this project and would have aggressively fought any efforts I made for the group meaning the group would not be where it is today.

I attribute the relationship building with the group to many avenues. I attended athletic

events with them, visited them at football tailgating, and attended the taping of Inside

Hllskie Sports each week at Fatty's. I was also always open to any ideas and requests they made. I made express efforts to consistently request their feedback on my ideas and ask for their help and input on each of them. Without this rapport with the leadership group, this project would not have been successful.

The second key attribute to success was recognizing the unique characteristics ofNIU

students. After thoroughly researching sport, fun groups, and collegiate traditions, I recognized that NIU students fall into a socialite category of sport fan. NIU students primarily attend sporting events with the intent of socializing and enjoying the opportunity to have a good time with mends. Thus, an experience and environment for the fan group that was conducive to these motivations was necessary. To respond to these needs, my strategy created a newsletter that explained chants, re-Iocated the student section near the always enthusiastic band, and organized a social pre-game event were a part of my strategy. Each of these aspects allowed a student fan to enjoy time with mends, feel engaged and excited about the game, and enjoy mendship. Had I ignored this characteristic of the NIU student, attendance at the events would not have continued to grow over the semester.

Another problem students had expressed was that they were not aware of athletic events occurring on campus and also were often unaware that it was free for students to attend.

Thus, I created a three pronged approach to promote the event over different channels.

First, I utilized traditional advertising in the student newspaper, The Northern Star. For five days leading up to the December 5thgame, I advertised the pre-game and game in bright red advertising boxes. The majority of advertisements in the paper are black and white. Those that do include color do not use it heavily. By having a full red background the ad would draw more attention. It also emphasized the free burritos in a large, bold font with Chipotle's recognizable logo and foil wrapped burrito.

The second channel utilized was via the internet on the social networking website,

Facebook. This website is used on a very fTequent basis by NIU students. I used three strategies on this site. First, I created a social group for the Red Riot where information, pictures, and events could be posted. Second, I created an event for all of the NIU athletic events during the semester, including the NIU vs. mc basketball game and the Chipotle

Riot Rally. Each of these events contained information specific to that competition and allowed for individuals to invite their mends to the event in addition to being able to view who of their mends was to attend. The third channel used was banner advertising.

Facebook offers advertising on each page that can be targeted to a specific university. I created a flyer that would display information about the Chipotle pre-game event and following basketball game that then linked to the before mentioned event. These three channels reached the social NIU student and harnessed their social desires.

The final advertising strategy was much more hands on. Sporadically throughout the semester and throughout the week of November 27 I arranged to take the mascot, Victor

E. Huskie, into the residence halls to excite students there about NIU's sporting events.

These visits were held during the dinner hours of 4:30-7:0Opm, which are the busiest of the day. Victor took pictures with students and handed out flyers about the events and membership in Red Riot. Students were instructed that they could pick up their photos on

Facebook. This drove traffic to the information about Red Riot's events.


The Red Riot has been given a strong foundation to increase interest and attendance at

NIU athletic events and to build school spirit. This is a direct result of the passion and dedication of the leadership group and the marketing strategies of this project. Its future is uncertain and will rely upon the support and nurturing ofNIU athletics and the future students to enter NIU.

An interest and passion for sport is helpful in creating high attendance numbers at collegiate athletic events, although not necessary. "Fans" can attend for various reasons that may be completely unrelated to the sport itself. If this is the case, a non-traditional marketing strategy must be customized to meet the wants, needs, and motivations to "put butts in the seats." Capstone Proposal

Study under Dr. Kimberl)" Judson Department of Marketing

Project in Coordination with NIU Athletics, Men's Basketball, and NIU Marketing

-Red Riot'" Non-Profit Organizational Marketing supporting NIU Men's Basketball

Fall Semester 2006

Kristin KOW)IDa

University Honors Program Northern illinois University Kristin KoW)ma Honors Capstone Proposal - "RedRiot'"

I have a sincere interest in event marketing. In determining my intended career path, I have searched for a field that would allow me to utilize 111)-creative abilities, desire for leadership, skills in organization. planning, and nmlti-tasking, and provide everyday with a new challenge where no da)-was like the previous. Event marketing provides me a fast-paced environment full of new challenges and tasks. These tasks and projects often require new, unique, and creative solutions to make an event exciting and memorable.

Event marketing is a growing field. Businesses and corporations have only recognized the tremendous value of events and sponsorships within the past decade. Companies now, more than ever before, are including event marketing and sponsorships into their marketing sttategies. This t}-peof marketing can serve many aspects of the business. First, sponsorships of venues, such as the , Allstate Arena, US Cellular field, and numerous others provide reguJar exposure of a compan)- in a method where consumers do not feel pressure to buy. Sponsorships of major events, such as the Cialis Cup and Nextel Cup Series, provide similar exposure. Many companies also choose to sponsor individual events such as concerts and town festivals, to target a more specific market, or meet a more specific goal. Sponsorship of individuals, such as race car drivers and even fisherman, are also common.

Event marketing can be independent of sponsorships or intertwined in the sponsorship. In either case it satisfies a diffurent purpose. I have been exposed to three t}-pes of events. First are events geared for the individual consumer, second are events for the business customer, and third are events for employees. Companies using events to target their individual customer create programs such as band appearnnces in their stores. These increase awareness of the location, thus increasing traffic and sales. When an event targets a business customer, such as hospitalit}. tents at PGA Golf events, salesmen are given an opportunit}- to build their relationships with their customers. Building employee morale and keeping employees satisfied is also important Planning events such as celebratory results meetings, walks, picnics, or larger corporate outings to sporting events can all serve this purpose.

Event marketing professionals organize and coordinate these events from either the provider/venue side (The Uuited Center, PGA, Convention Centers, etc.) or the company side (United Airlines, US Cellular, small businesses, etc.).

To reflect my interest in this career, I have coordinated a project with Dr. Kimberly Judson whereas I will work with the Men's Basketball program at Northern Illinois Universit}-. My goal is to increase awareness and interest of the student group --RedRiot," which will in turn increase awareness of the NIU Men's & Women's Basketball progrnms resulting in increased attendance at their games. My specific focus will be to promote the NIU fan club "Red Riot'" to achieve this goal. The group is being launched this semester by a group of dedicated NIU students. The result of my efforts will be evaluated by membership numbers in the student group,

My project will be entitled "Red Riot - Non-Profit Organization Marketing supporting NIU Men's Basketball" In this project, I intend to work as a marketing consultant to the Red Riot group, with the leadership and guidance of Dr. Kimberly Judson and NIU Athletics Marketing Consultant Dust}. Harrington. M)- role will be to take the passion, energy, and ideas of the Red Riot students, with the guidance of Dr. Judson and Mr. Harrington, and implement a marketing stmteg}-to increase the student membership of Red Riot enabling the Sports Marketing department to increase attendance at Men's Basketball Games.

The group has already begun to establish itself on campus and progress has been made through athletics to support this organization. Multiple sponsors have already committed to support this org~mi7.ation including Fatty's, The VCB, The Phone Store, Chipotle, and others. In addition, the athletics department and the men's and women's basketball team have pledged support with time and sponsorship sales to this group.

The members of Red Riot have passionate ideas they would like to implement, and I will be helping to make their ideas real. The approach will utilize the men's basketball team's success last season. as winners of the Mac West Championship. I will coordinate the marlreting efforts for the group, incl11dinti

Page 2 of6 Kristin Kowynia Honors Capstone Proposal- "Red Rioe sponsorships, promotions, giveaways, advertising, and other elements with the goal of achieving a student membership in the ""Red Rioe of 1,200 students.

This project is important as support of athletics demonstrates the pride and happiness of a University' s student body. Often, students do not realize the impact their support at sporting events has on the athletes, whether children, high school, college, or pro. Athletes greatl). appreciate having packed stands, roaring with support. Athletics also bring together friends and famil)', even creating new relationships between game attendees.

For me, this project is a great project as it will prepare me for a career in this t)1>Cof field. I willieam to work with various different t)-pes of groups and bring many ideas together into one vision. The project will have me working with the Assistant AD of athletics marketing, who is well established and experienced in this field. I will be working with an entry-level graduate assistant who will be my main point of contact. I will also be working with a group of students who have passion and ideas, but lack the coordination and means to bring these ideas into reality. Being a middle ground between these groups will help me to understand and build experience in working with diverse groups, negotiating differences, and handling conflicts. I will leam a great deal about this field and what really goes into event and sport marketing projects that I could not learn without this experience.

Because of the nature of this project, being a hand-on experience rather than research based, the best method of report is a progress log. This documentation will enable me, and any future reader, to clead} see the steps and progression of the project. It will also show which methods worked and which could need improvement in future projects.

Research In preparation for this project, I have researched into the many aspects that will enable this project to be successful. This research focused on sponsorships, promotions, and advertising of sports events, in addition to research into the efforts of other collegiate sports fan clubs across the nation, specifically UIe's fan club, The FUIY.The Fwy has recently experienced an explosion in membership, due to extra efforts by the university. I intend to take their past learning and current experiences and expand, learning from their weaknesses and mistakes.


"Best Use of Technology: Viral Marketing." Marketin~Nov. 2001. Northern Illinois Universit)., DeKalb. 1 Sept. 2006. Bonfiglio, Jesse, compoHofstra-Welcome Back: Students Game Ni~. Hofstra Universit)". ""BostonCollege SuperFan." Boston Colle~e Official Athletic Site. Boston College. 24 Apr. 2006 . Davis, Dantl),. "Promotions Designed to Entice New Fans to Games."' Montana Kaimin 2 Feb. 2005:7. Devons, Shelly. "SportsMarlreting." Inventive 168 (1994): 173-174. Northern Illinois Universit)", DeKalb. 1 Sept. 2006. Dienbart. Tom. "Be a Real College Football Fan." Sporting News 18 Aug. 2006. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb. 1 Sept. 2006. Eisman, Regina. "Good Sports." Incentive 165 (1991): 56-58. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb. 1 Sept. 2006. Engber, Daniel. "Foul Play - How a Slate Scientist Changed the NBA Forever-or At Least a Week." Slate Mag;Jzine 6 Jan. 2005. 18 Sept. 2006 . - "Forester Athletics." F.a.N. Foresters Athletic Network. 17 Sept. 2006. . 17 Sept. 2006 . Fry, Andy. "How to Profit From Sponsoring Sport" Marketing 16 Aug. 2001. Northern illinois Universit)", DeKalb. 1 Sept 2006. Fullerton, Sam. Sports Marketin~ 1st ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2004. Hilliard, Bronson. nGame Faces." Colordao Daily 28 Jan. 2006. 30 Jan. 2006 .

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"HogFan.Com." Greater Dallas Razorback Club of Texas. 17 Sept. 2006. Universit), of Arkansas. 17 Sept 2006 . uHoops as an Antidote for Apathy:" Colorado Dai~' 26 Jan. 2006. 28 Jan. 2006 . "Illini Pride: Orange Krush History." IDini Pride. 17 Sept. 2006. Uoiversit), of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. 17 Sept. 2006 . "Illini Pride." Welcome to DIioi Pride. ] 7 Sept. 2006. University of Dlinois UJbana-Champaign. ] 7 Sept. 2006 . Kemp, Ed. "FA Plots Revamp of Fan Club." Marketinl? 7 Dec. 2005. Northern. Illinois University, DeKalb. 1 Sept. 2006. Kindel, Stephen. "Anatomy of a Sports Promotion." Financial World 162 (1993): 49-50. Northero Illinois University, DeKalb. 1 Sept. 2006. King, David "What Fans Can Find Online." Link-Un 15 (1998): 7+. Northern Illinois Universit)" DeKalb. 1 Sept. 2006. Kreda, Allan. "NHLers Joining the Marketing Team Through Each Club's Player 'Business Rep'" Soorts Business Journal (2006): 43. 1 Sept. 2006. "Men's Basketball Game Promotions.'" Temple Athletics. Temple University. 4 Jan. 2006 . "Miami Uoiversity RedHawks." The Official Athletics Site of the Miami RedHawks. 17 Sept 2006. Miami Uoiversit).. 17 Sept 2006 . Mosness, Megan. comp. Ram Jam 2004-C0lorado State Rams Soorts Marketing. Colorado State University. . Newbart, Dave. "Fury's Goal: Fire Up Sports Fans At mc." ChicaA!oSm-Times 11 Sept. 2006. 12 Sept. 2006 . NIU Dog Pounds Ideas. 27 Apr. 2006. Ourand, John. "Kyocera, Nike to Sponsor Football on FSN." Sports Business Journal (2006): 10. "PROFILE - GAVIN DEIN: Dein Bringing Football Home." Precision Market:iw!.Northern lllinois Universit)., DeKalb. 1 Sept. 2006. Sapiro, Aaron, Jason Weiss, and Dennis Collins. C-Unit. University of Colorado. University of Colorado, 2006. 1-24. "The Cameron Cmzies." The Cameron Cmzies: Scenes From a Tradition. 17 Sept. 2006. Duke Uoivesity. 17 Sept. 2006 . "The Inferno." Iron Dukes. 17 Sept 2006. Duke Universit).. 17 Sept 2006 . Tyler, Denise. "Sponsorship - Why Bother'?" Management Accounting -London 77 (1999): 20-21. Nonhero llJinois Universi1)', DeKalb. 1 Sept. 2006. Voyer, Daniel, Stephen Kinch, and Edward F. Wright "The Home Disadvantage: ExamIDation of the Self- Image Redefinition H}-potbesis." Journal of 800ft Behavior 29 (2006). Northern lllinois Universit}', DeKalb. 1 Sept 2006. "Welcome to NlU Huskie Athletics." Official Website of Northero lllinois Athletics. 17 Sept 2006. Nonhero lllinois Uoiversit),. 17 Sept. 2006 .

Schedule (tattative): May 2, 2006 Meeting with Red Riot Leadership team, NIU Athletics, & Basketball coaching staff to discuss plans, goals, It ideas June-August 2006 Start student recnriting at freshman orientation da)'s June-August 2006 Planning with Red Riot Leadership team of logo, goals, and recruitment plan September 5, 2006 Planning Meeting September 7, 2006 Meeting with Red Riot Leadership Team September 12, 2006 Proposal to Dr. Judson & Meeting with Ashley to discuss sponsorship & promotion ideas September 19, 2006 Planning Meeting to review proposal September 21, 2006 Proposal submitred to Honors Program September 21, 2006 Submission of grant request September 26, 2006 Weekly Meeting October 3, 2006 Weekly Meeting - Outline of sponsorship t)-pes and target companies

Page 4 of6 Kristin KoW)"nia Honors Capstone Proposal- nRed Riot'"

October 10,2006 WeekI)' Meeting October 13, 2006 Midnight Madness event October 17, 2006 Weeld)' Meeting - 3 company visits to propose sponsorship due October 24,2006 WeekI)' Meeting October 31, 2006 Weekly Meeting - 3 company visits to propose sponsorship due November 7, 2006 Weekly Meeting - Finalize plans for promotions & flyers November 14, 2006 Weekly Meeting November 14,2006 Article about first basketball game in Nortbem StaT November 21,2006 WeekIy Meeting - Begin game advertising on campus November 28, 2006 WeekIy Meeting December 5, 2006 Final pre-game meeting & final article of series for Red Riot December 5, 2006 NIU vs. mc Men's Basketball Game @ NIU Convocation Center

Coursework & Experientt: Principles of Selling (.MKTG350) This course provided me groundwork of how to approach business-people to propose an offer. I learned strategies to open a sale, detennine needs and wants, how to demonstrate my proposal addressed the needs and wants, and close the discussion. In this course, I researched event marketing for my role play where I sold convention center space to a group for trade show they would be hosting. This experience will benefit me in this project by helping me formulate and successfully acquire support from local businesses for the NIU vs. mc basketball game.

Current Topics in Marketing - The 2009 LPGA Solhiem Cup (MKTG 490) I am currently enrolled in this course. I am learning about sports marketing, with a heavy focus on sponsorships and marketing with sports. I will learn the many aspects that can be included in sponsorships when purchased by the sponsor. The course will also demonstrate how sponsors select and maximize the ROI of their sponsorships. The course completes with a presentation to a Chamber of Commerce where sponsorship of the 2009 LPGA Solhiem Cup is introduced to local businesses. This will benefit this project significantJ}. by empM~h1ng the key aspects of sponsorship from both the sponsor and sponsee perspective, as well as how to build a sponsorship package for the NIU vs. mc basketball game.

Advanced Professional Selling (MKTG 450) I am currently enrolled in this course. I am learning how to take the basic principles I learned in Principles of Selling and refine them into effective, real life, sales skills. This course focuses on reading professional guides, group discussions, and role-plays. For this project, this course will enable me to be more effective in my meetings with business-people. I will be able to effectively propose our sponsorship options as an effective way for the company to reach the NIU student bod)' and local communi!)".

Vice President of Employer Relations; FUTURE - Coordinated events, company participation, and sponsorship In my position with FUTURE, I participate heaviJ}" in designing the events the organization presents so they are appealing both to NIU students and company and corporate sponsors. It is m)" responsibility to communicate with compatl}" representatives, requesting from them participation in our events as presenters of our topics and as financial sponsors of the events. I have successfully recruited more employers during my time in office than in the past I have also been given many compliments by company representatives and former executive board members for tIl)" organiz;J.tion, communication, and professionalism. This experience will enable me to stay on task, meet deadlines, work under pressure, and communicate easily and comfortable with business-people"

Event Marketing Internship; May-August 2006 - Verizon Wireless Regional Marketing With Verizon Wireless, I was exposed to an array of events, both sport related and not, where I bad hands-on experience planning the corporate participation. Events ranged from $200 festival booths, $20,000 celebrity appearances, to $150,000 hospitali!)" tents. In this experience I learned how to select events that fit the corporate goals. prepare for the event, and implement on-site. Some of the event's I supervised included: PGA Championship, John Deere Classic, On The Waterfront, Illinois State Fair, US99 Concert, B96 Bash, On-Site Radio Events, and more. This experience will be invaluable when working

Page 5 of6 Kristin KoW)-nia Honors Capstone Proposal- nRed Riot" with businesses to plan their participation. I will be able to understand their intentions, considerations, and expectations.

Page 6 of6

Yahoo! Mail- [email protected] Page 1 of 1 YAEioOf MAIL Print - Close \Nindow

Date: Wed, 03 May 200610:22:01 -0500

From: "Dustin HalTington"

huskiefa n 38(rpg ma, chora n2 [email protected], [email protected], jheue [email protected], To: alepardCgJniu .edu, justinmaslowskl(g)nlu .edu, [email protected], rmoen (, z06327 5((j)students.nlu .edu, [email protected], kkowynia((j), [email protected], niutrav09(, "Matthew O'Kray" Subject: Student Group Contact List

Thanks to everyone for attending last night's meeting. We appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to meet with Coach Judson, Dr. Judson, and our staff. We hope you are excited about getting this group started. Please feel free to contact me anytime with questions, concerns, or ideas. We want to help you make this work and we are willing to support your cause in any way we can. Please continue to get the word out and I will periodically be updating you on the time-table for key deadlines and events.

Attached is the most updated contact list I have. If some information is wrong or missing, please feel free to update the list or send it to me and I'd be happy to update the list.

At this point I think there are 3 critical goals for your group: 1. Come up with a moniker/name for the group. 2. Decide where you would like to sit for Men's/Women's Hoops. ,- 3. Begin recruiting members or thinking of ways to recruit members during the summer and especially in the fall when the majority of students return to campus.

Please continue to brainstorm and formulate ideas so we can work together and follow-through on the plan. Thanks again for your interest and support. We are excited to help you see this project through.

Dusty Harrington Northern Illinois university Graduate Assistant, Athletics (815) 753-1343


Student_Group_ContacCList.xls (23k) [Pre'new] _._-----_...'''''2088 _0_122537_1795_84... 10/22/2006 Yahoo! Mail- [email protected] Page 1 of 1

YAaoOf MAIL Print - Close Window

Date: Fri, 05 May 2006 15:07:28 -0500

From: "Dustin Harrington" < B50DPH [email protected] .edu >

To: [email protected], kkowynia

Subject: Thank You'

Ashley & Kristin,

I want to thank you both for coming to the basketball meeting the other night. I really appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedules to hear what we had to say. Hopefully, you are still excited about becoming involved with the student group. If so, I know you two will be a HUGE help getting this thing up and running.

I know you both have a Capstone Project coming up and I'll be honest, I don't know much about the requirements. However, I'll do my best to help you any way I can. Dr. Judson will be a valuable resource for you and I'll be more than happy to work with you and her to try and come up with an idea for your project. Please be thinking of what you would like to do and Matt and me will be thinking about some areas where we could use help. Also, I don't know what your relationship is with any of the guys who attended the meeting, but maybe you could contact them for ideas as well. I know there will be plenty to do, so if you have a particular interest, please let us know.

Thanks so much for your help and please don't hesitate to contact me.

Dusty Harrington Northern Illinois University Graduate Assistant, Athletics (815) 753-1343''''2143_0_120947_1442_68... 10/2212006 Yahoo! Mail- [email protected] Page 1 of 1

YASoaJ MAIL Print - Ciose Window

Date: Mon, OS May 2006 15:50:00 -0500

From: "Dustin Harrington" < B50DPH lC9!Wpo .cso. niu .edu > husklefa n 3S(g,g ma iLcom, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],, bendable21 :g,yahoo .com, kkowynia, mattstaffa,

Subject: Student Group Articles

Huskie Nation,

Good luck with finals this week. If you need a break from studying, I decided to e-mail you some articles about student groups. Either click on the link or copy and paste into your browser. There is some interesting stuff here that might give you some ideas about names and recruitment. We are working on setting up a table/tent for you for Huskie Bash in the Fall so you can recruit new students. Take care everyone and let me know if you have any questions.

_ . +-1-", t-/ ~

- t.t;: e .s p n ~_ q 0 c::: page: s cameron hJ s.htIT!l

~!'.~j!SpC~~ !Screamlng.Fans.(

Dusty Harrington Northern Illinois University Graduate Assistant, Athletics (815) 753-1343'?box=Inbox&MsgId=<3862 _0 _120439 _1693 _87... 10/22/2006 Yahoo! Mail- [email protected] Page 1 of2 YA:aoOf MAIL Print - Close Window Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 06:52:07 -0600 (GMT +6)

Subject: Re: Fan Club Meeting

From: "Justin Heuer"

To: "Kristin Kowynia"


Thanks for responding. Are you and Ashley planning on being a part of the Red Riot after you are through with your marketing project? Just wondering since it would be really good to have some females in the group to help recruit other females and to make sure we don't focus the group too much towards guys. That is really cool that you are using this for your project, but we hope that we can hang onto you following that as well. :)

As far as your concern with the section goes, when we had the Dog Pound we only referred to the section as the Dog Pound as well. I don't feel like another name is necessary for the section just so we can keep it simple. It took us long enough to come up with a name for the group, 101.

I will let you know what we discuss at the meeting today. Have fun at your wedding this weekend!


> Justin ( & Group)- > > Thanks for the invite, but unfortunately I will not be able to attend. > This is just a bad week for me. I have a wedding to go to Friday and > alot of work to do to get ready for it. I do like the name Red Riot. > Perhaps you guys could come up with a name for the section too, so its > not just "The Red Riot Section." > > I am not sure if Ashley is going or not. If not, I wanted to explain > what our part in your effort is. I'll try and keep it short. Basically, > we are working on a Senior Independant Study Marketing Project. We are > here to help take your ideas and focus on certain aspects to help make > your efforts as successful as possible. If you have any questions about > how to make your ideas sell to companies for sponsorships, receive > support (money) for give away items, special promotions like smoothies > or porn poms at games, or anything else you guys want us to work on, let > us know. After your meeting tomorrow, if you could let us know the main > things you would like to see done to get your group off the ground, we > can start contacting companies, getting give-aways, and planning 0_117670_1860_17... 10/22/2006 Yahoo! Mail- [email protected] Page 2 of2

> recruitment events. > > Here are the ideas you came up with last time: > > Student seating area at West End of Convo > T-Shirts with "Red Riot" on front - do you guys have a logo or image in > mind? > possibly basketball game schedule on back? Or some other > saying? > Give-away items for games - pornpoms, red towels, umbrellas, anything > else? > Theme nights - hawaiian, others? > Half-Time events - what would you like to see? > Getting the rest of the stadium involved - the wave, chants, others? > Pre-game - @ fatty's? In the parking lot/fields? > > I am very excited to work with you all. Can't wait to hear your ideas! > > Kristin Kowynia > > > > Justin Heuer <:heue! .n ,~~KJ,> wrote: > All, > > We are planning on having a meeting at Fatty's on Wednesday of this week > at 6:30 PM. We have been discussing the name for the fan club and we > have all but made official the name to be "Red Riot". We will be going > over the name at the meeting on Wednesday and if everyone approves, we > can start moving forward with the plans using the new name. Please > attend if you are able to, or you can also add your thoughts via email or > go to htt)".,'/r',.T'C'32.DD .comi . Hope to see you at Fatty's! > > Justin Heuer > > > > > > ------> Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. PC-to-Phone calls for ridiculously low > rates.'''''8485_ 0_117670_1860_17... 10/22/2006 Yahoo! Mail- [email protected] Page 1 of 4 YASoe! MAIL Print - Close Window Subject: Re: Re: Re: Red Riot!


To: kkowynia(g:'

Date: Thu, 08 Jun 2006 18:02:37 -0500

Kristin, I have a lot of pictures from last season. I also know another student who took hundreds of pictures, so I will get you those pictures. I also have the Huskie in mp3 format so I could get that and a few other songs that the basketball team had last year. Another option would be to play the highlight film that Coach Judson has. As for Fattys, you are more than welcome to be there. If we get enough people we might be able to do some planning for recriutment and such. Thank you for all your help and ideas so far!


Red Rioters:

Can I say that now? :-)

Dusty, it is great that you have the sign up sheet on the table at orientation. I would ask for name, phone, e-mail, permanent address, and another might be to list what they were involved in during high school, so we can pullout any specific people who would fit to help in our planning sessions. If we can get a group of new freshman involved early, we will have people to carry it on later that feel a connection to the program.

As for the logo, remember to keep it simple as printing stickers and shirts cannot get very detailed. Also, stick with a one color (black), and we can always colorize for flyers and brochures. Just don't rely on color to make it look good.

We may want to try and get some brochures/flyers for the group for the orientation table made up as soon as you guys get a logo. this way kids have something to take home. Also, if we have pictures from the last seasons (most likely Dusty, marketing, athletic, or the northern start), burn them onto a CD and mail it to me. I can make a DVD that we can play at the orientation table, freshman events, post ont he website, etc. that can promote the group. I would just need pictures, a few songs you would like to be the background, audio of the fight song, etc. to put it together. I probably wouldnt finish that til later this summer, close to school start as I would want all of your feedback on it.

As for Fatty's, I will try and make it out. I don't get out of work in schaumburg until 5, so I would have to drive straight out. Would you guys like me to be there, or is this going to be a logo design event?

Thanks guys!


Justin Heuer <-l ,. sklen0blle.con~ wrote: Justin,

Yes the old Dog Pound shirts did have the Huskie logo, but it was the 0 1252_36... 10/22/2006 _ ~ 111065~ Yahoo! Mail - [email protected] Page 2 of 4

full dog logo. Without having it in front of me, it was like 3 Huskie Dogs standing around and it said Dog Pound on the front. I would say that it would be best to somehow include the Huskie Logo in some way shape or form.

Justin Heuer

> yeah once we get some ideas and i get some inspiration i'll start on > makin > some logo's also. Ive been making graphics since like 5th grade... once I > get my computer fixed and I find my inspiration, I'll start makin some > too > so we have more of a choice. > > Are we going to include the huskie logo in our logo? Thats what the Dog > Pound logo was, correct? I wasn't around when the DP was so I'm not sure, > I > just see shirts. Right now I just imagine like a red swirl or something I > dont know.. > > But yeah, BTW love the Red Riot, I have talked to a lot of people from > around my (old hehe) high school and everyone loved the name, so we did a > great job pickin that one out, however that happened. Cool stuff, really > anxious to get everything going. > > We should probably set up another meeting in the near future to discuss > as > you mentioned, logos, along with T-shirts and the Orientation table which > I > think is very important. We can also talk about what we want on flyers > and > get going on that too since we have very little time before Orientation. > Its > gunna take a while to get all that goin, so ya... ?? > > On 6/7/06, MOEN RYNE ANDREW wrote: » » Hey Everyone, » I do like the old Dog Pound shirts. However, I think having our logo, » whatever it may be on the front of the shirt would be pretty cool. » Anyone » have opinions on that. Chris and I have an idea for a logo, but we » should » meet so we can go over ideas and show them to each other. » » Ryne Moen » » Original Message-----''''1036_ 0_111065_1252_36... 10/22/2006 Yahoo! Mail- [email protected] Page 3 of 4

» From: "Justin Heuer" » To: "Dustin Harrington" » Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2006 13:51:19 -0600 (GMT+6) » Subject: Re: Red Riot! » » Dusty, » » Thanks for the information. Right now we have some people working on a » logo for the Red Riot and hopefully we will have some rough drafts » sometime soon. I would guess that like the Dog Pound shirts from » several » years ago, we should keep the front of the shirts for our use, and the » back for our sponsors. I would guess that this would be ok with » everyone, but if not, please let us know what your ideas are. » » We have also been in discussion with Jon Young about our website, and » he » has agreed to do it for us. I just looked up and » » and both are available to purchase. We will also need a hosting » package » for the website unless we are able to use some space on the NIU » servers. » Dusty, could you look into that for us? Thanks! » » Justin Heuer » » » > Hi everyone! Please let me know if I have old news, but by all » > indications you want to go with Red Riot as the name of the student » > group. I like it and everyone I've talked to is pretty fired up » about » > it too. With that being said, I have two orders of business: » > » > 1. We need to begin the process of designing a T-shirt. Once we get » > the T-shirt design from you guys, we can move forward and get a » sponsor » > and order/print the T-shirts. I'd be happy to talk with whomever is » > heading up that operation. We need to have the T-shirts ready to go » by » > Huskie Bash (August 24th) at the absolute latest. Obviously, the » > earlier we get them, the earlier we can give them out to prospective » Red » > Rioters. » > » > 2. We have begun staffing an athletic department table at » orientations » > which are taking place at Neptune Residence Hall beginning this week. » > It is a high-traffic area with a lot of incoming freshman attending. » I » > have a few thoughts, but we need to capture some of these students 036_0_111065 _1252_36... 10/22/2006 Yahoo! Mail- [email protected] Page 4 of 4

» for » > the group. We can print a flyer that will have the Red Riot info. » and » > we can distribute those to interested freshman if you would like. We » > probably need to have an e-mail/phone contact for the flyers. » > Otherwise, if anyone has better ideas or would be willing to sit at » our » > athletic department table for any of these orientations, please let » me » > know. They are from 11 - 12 almost on a daily basis. Please let me » > know your thoughts because this would be a prime recruiting location » and » > I think you would agree that it would be foolish to not tap into this » > market and recruit. » > » > Please discuss amongst yourselves or let me know, but I would like to » > formulate a plan of attack for the summer and if you think the » > orientation angle is worthwhile. Thanks for your continued efforts! » > » > » > » > Dusty Harrington » > Northern Illinois University » > Graduate Assistant, Athletics » > (815) 753-1343 » > 'JnarrJ,nu u.e::1U » > » > » > » » » » » » >

Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around LP : / ! rrIa'''''Inbox&MsgId=1036 _0_111065_1252_36... 10/22/2006 Yahoo! Mail - [email protected] Page 1 of 2 YAEioO! MAIL Print - Close Window Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2006 19: 14:06 -0500

From: "Robert Judson"

To: "Kristin Kowynia"

Subject: Re: Red Riot Logo

Kristin: Look like you have some great ideas. Keep up the good work and let me know what I can do to help! Coach Rob Judson

»> Kristin Kowynia 6/27/2006 4: 50 PM »> I like this logo best, I think the paw print give it that finishing touch.

The war type stuff is neat, but because of the current war, I think we need to stay away from that until the whole situation is settled. I did like the black swirl someone briefly suggested. I think it suggests the noise that is associated with a riot. Could someone add that behind somehow and see if we could use that in some formats? I also like the NIU lettering being slightly faded, it puts more emphasis on the group and athletics and less on the school. Also, if we could emphasize the crushed "E" under the huskie's paw a bit more.

I know I am being nit picky. I don't know what you guys are capable of, or the program. Just giving my thoughts. Another idea is to have 3 choices of logos that are similar and put it up to the freshman we have to vote for which they like. this may increase their involvement and participation in the group, who knows.....

I also like the railroad logo someone had. I thought it was neat and could make a really cool second shirt style too, with that railroad thing on the front, and the red riot logo on the back. Just a thought. Then we could have two t-shirts.

I really think all the shirts that the group EVER makes should be red NO white, black, grey, etc. This way the section that the group sits in will be solid red and much more impressive and would be much more overwhelming for the opposing team.

I am working on getting the freshman orientation data entered into Excel 50 we can send out our first e-mail blast in mid-July. If you have any friends you want on the list, or know of anyone who would be interested, send me: first name, last name, e-mail, expected graduation term, phone number.

Do you guys mind if I join your message board? I could keep up more with what you are doing and be a bit more involved. Is that ok?


Kristin Kowynia

Justin Heuer < "> wrote: All, 03 _0_104072 _1442 ~ 14... 10/22/2006 Yahoo! Mail- [email protected] Page 1 of 1 YAaoOf MAIL Print - Close Window

Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2006 13:11:41 -0500

From: "Dustin Harrington"

To: "Kristin Kowynia" < kkowynia :Q1yahoo .com >

Subject: Re: Red Riot Contact lists


Thanks for the response. I got your phone message as well. I'd suggest keeping the files for now. There will be more lists to send you because we are getting more names every day. If you get tired of doing this, maybe you can recruit Ashley or someone else to help you. Justin from DeKalb H.S. had volunteered to help as well. We are working on setting up a web site for people to register so we won't have to manually enter names and info. anymore. Until we get this generated, your Excel database will be a HUGE help. Thanks and let me know if you need anything at all. Your help has been tremendous!

Dusty Harrington Northern Illinois University Graduate Assistant, Athletics (815) 753-1343

»> Kristin Kowynia 6/27/2006 4:28 PM »> I have received them. I am going to add columns for entry date, expected graduation, and z-email. I will then send the files back to you, unless you would like otherwise. Is there a server folder that can be accessed remotely that I could get access to to keep this and other Red Riot files in?

Kristin Kowynia

Dustin Harrington <3~> wrote: Kristin,

I mailed you the Red Riot contact lists today. Please let me know when you receive them. If you can't read certain names, just skip those names. Please just try to do the best you can with it. Thanks so much. I really appreciate your help. I see us doing an e-mail blast a few weeks from now updating these students on how to join and what the group's goals are.

Dusty Harrington Northern Illinois University Graduate Assistant, Athletics (815) 753-1343

------Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2c/min or less.'''''Inbox&MsgId'''''708_ 0_102469 _1454 _100... 10/22/2006 Yahoo! Mail- [email protected] Page 2 of 2

Some good work has been done on the Red Riot logo, and several designs have been proposed. I have attached my favorite design for the logo. To see more designs follow the link below and check out all 4 pages. Add some feedback and lets get this done soon so we can move forward with the flyers and t shirts and anything else that needs a logo on it. Thanks.


------Open multiple messages at once with the all new Yahoo! Mail Beta. _1 04072 ~ 1442 ~ 14... 10/22/2006 Yahoo! Mail- [email protected] Page 1 of 1

YJl:EioOf MAl L Print - Ciose Window Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2006 12:35:19 -0500

From: "Dustin Harrington"

To: kkowynia :wyahoo .com

Subject: More Names


Today I mailed you about 50 more names for the Red Riot database. Thank you for your help! If you have any questions, please contact me.

Dusty Harrington Northern Illinois University Graduate Assistant, Athletics (815) 753-1343

-_":h ,:1 .t .1.n CJ 1- . e:5 u _ 0 _100896_1389 26... 10/22/2006 Yahoo! Mail- [email protected] Page 1 of 1

YAE:OOf MAIL Print - Close Window

Date: Thu, 06 Jul 2006 15:02:00 -0500

From: "Dustin Harrington"

To: [email protected]

Subject: Red Riot Contact lists


I'm sure you are fired up to hear from me again. I just mailed you another list of names to add to the database. This list only has about 30 names. We only had 2 orientation days this week. Anyway, this should bring the grand total of names on the three lists I sent you to about 225 names. Please let me know if you have any questioris and thanks again for your help. We are making progress and you are a big reason why. Have a great weekend and if you could please give me an update on your progress, I would appreciate it.

Dusty Harrington Northern Illinois University Graduate Assistant, Athletics (815) 753-1343 .. ~ :'~f12ll:-.l J'l 9 l~n _1~! . e ~- _99328 _1400 ~ 653... 10/22/2006 Yahoo! Mail [email protected] Page 1 of 1 Y.AaoOf MAIL Print - Close Window Date: Sat, 08 Jul 2006 16: 58: 40 -0500

From: "Kimberly Judson"

To: kkowynla CgJyahoo .com

Subject: Re: Orientation Names


Sounds like the group is doing great and I want to thank you for keeping everyone organized! Please let me (or Coach) know if you need anything. Go Huskies!

Dr. Judson

Kimberly M. Judson, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Dept. of Marketing Northern Illinois University DeKalb, IL 60115 (815) 753-6228

»> Kristin Kowynia 07/08/06 11: 00 AM »> Dusty & Group:

I just finished entering the list of names we have collected at orientation so far..

WE HAVE 211 NAMES! ! ! !

Way to go guys! You are doing great! The file is attached so you Can look through it. Once we get a logo picked, we can put together an e-mail and send out our first info letter.

Whoever is working on the website, if you could contact me so I can format this database so it can be easily used for students to sign up online and have their data automatically entered into the spreadsheet.


Kristin Kowynia

------Do you Yahoo!? Next-gen email? Have it all with the all-new Yahoo! Mail Beta.'''''Inbox&MsgId'''''8475_0_98258 _1419 ~ 679... 10/22/2006 Yahoo! Mail- [email protected] Page 1 of 1 YA:ElOOf MAl L Print - Ciose Window

Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2006 08:38:17 -0500

From: "Dustin Harrington"

To: "Justin Heuer" , "Kristin Kowynia" huskiefan38 (cj), choran24:(D, [email protected], jheuer(cj), cc: alepard(cj)niu .edu, jarmour(gJ niu .edu, justinmaslowskiC[j)niu .edu, [email protected], rmoen, [email protected], bendable21 (C!, mattstaffa001 ([J), niutrav09:C!

Subject: Re: Red Riot Logo


Which is the logo you want, 10gol or 10g02? Please respond. Thanks!

Dusty Harrington Northern Illinois University Graduate Assistant, Athletics (815) 753-1343






I Ioaol.ipa (88k) [View] gg~APfI (90k) [View]



I saveA~_~~~~~_~'''''Inbox&MsgId=3547_0 _83829_1799_148... 10/22/2006 Yahoo! Mail- [email protected] Page 1 of 1 YAaoof MAIL Print - Close Window Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2006 11: 19: 16 -0500

From: "Dustin Harrington"

huskiefan [email protected], choran24:g:;, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], justinmaslowskiCg)niu .edu, [email protected], rmoenCgJn iu .edu, To: [email protected], bendable21, [email protected], [email protected], niutrav09:QJyahoo .com

Subject: Red Riot Web Page & Registration

Red Riot:

The Red Riot web page is finally up and running. Now you can access the Red Riot web page via: http: nluhus~ie5.cs~v. Lr~ds -red-r ot.J,tITiland register to become a member. At last glance we had over 20 people registered in just over 2 days. We need all of you to register. Membership in the Red Riot is free of charge and will include a Red Riot T-shirt. If you want to purchase a Football Tailgate Parking pass, you will need to register for the Red Riot and you will have an option to purchase a parking pass. The parking pass costs $50 and it will be good for the duration of the football season. A Football Tailgate Parking pass can be purchased through the Red Riot web site with a credit card. Football parking is one of the ways we are funding Red Riot. If we are able to sell all 125 passes at $50 each, we will generate $6,250! Obviously, the web page can be updated with new info. and graphics. So, please look it over and feel free to send me suggestions. I think we have a good start and I will continue to try and make it as dynamic as possible. Let me know if you have any questions. If you want to create your own web page with a message board, more cutting-edge info., etc., you can. However, we have to be careful what we place on our NIU home page for obvious reasons.

We have ordered the T-shirts (500) and they will be ready for move-in day, welcome days, and Huskie Bash. I think if you make a concerted effort to recruit during that time period, things can really take off. We will have to talk about this in detail in the coming weeks.

Kristin, I plan on doing an e-mail blast to all the names on the orientation database you created so the students can go to the website and register.

Thanks everyone and keep plugging away! As always, if you have questions, please let me know.

Dusty Harrington Northern Illinois University Marketing Assistant, Athletics (815) 753-1343 1. u. e::t~J. 0_75233 _1770_105... 10/22/2006 J JOIN RED RIOT To become a member, register at:

pttP: II niuhuskies.cstv .com/trads/niu-red-riot.html

Red Riot will earn a reputation as one of the rowdiest, wittiest, well.organized college athletics fan groups in the land, We omplish this while promoting a positive image of NIU and its Jdent body. We make NIU's athletic facilities the toughest places to~play in the MAC. Our team loves us, and opponents fear us!

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Date: Sat. 26 Aug 2006 11: 58: 07 -0500

From: "Dustin Harrington"

To: dharring :rj), "Kristin Kowynia" < kkowynia :f!>

cc: "Ashley LePard"

Subject: Re: References for Red Riot

I have copies of some student articles which I can give to you if you want to stop by sometime. Otherwise, the easiest thing to do is google various student groups and you will uncover their web pages, articles, etc. :

Orange Krush Cameron Crazies Izzone Screamin' Deacons Grateful Red Red Alert C-Unit Maize Rage etc.

As far as research goes, it's not rocket science, but more along the lines of stealing ideas that worked from other schools and applying it to NIU. Some things other schools tried won't work here and vice versa. What I would imagine for your project is you guys putting together more of a marketing plan or game plan of the various things we do as we do them. I hope this helps.

Dusty Harrington Northern Illinois University Marketing Assistant, Athletics (815) 753-1343

:1..:1r r 1 no C? n 1 _I .

»> Kristin Kowynia 8/25/2006 8:22 PM »> Dusty:

As a part of mine and Ashley's projects, we need to provide 20 references that we will use in our project. I know you have found articles about other schools that started and have fan clubs. Could you please provide us with either electronic or paper copies of those articles. Also, could you provide some guidance in how we can research this topic?


Kristin Kowynia

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Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2006 11:40:56 -0500

From: "Dustin Harrington"

To: "Knstin Kowynia" cc:, "Ashley lePard"

Subject: Re: Opening Game Project?

I'll be at your meeting with Dr. Judson next Tuesday 50 we can talk things over. Also, the Red Riot guys are trying to put together a meeting for an evening next week. I'll send you the details when I have them. See you next Tuesday. Have a good weekend.

Dusty Harrington Northern Illinois University Marketing Assistant, Athletics (815) 753-1343 niu.ed.u

»> Kristin Kowynia 8/30/2006 4: 00 PM »> Dusty:

Ashley and I will be meeting with Mrs. Kim Judson every Tuesday at 12:30 in her office. Our project appears to be the opening game. We want to focus our efforts around increasing attendance at that game, running promotions in advance, pre-game, during game, and post-game.

Do you have any events/promotions already planned for this? Do you have any sponsors that would be interested in running promotions? We were thinking of a Fatty's pre-game tailgating party. Obviously, if could not be in the mail lot, but I was thinking the overflow lot to the northwest of the convo could be utilized. Other ideas included pre-game entertainment from our drum line & cheeer/pom teams, t-shirt & other giveaway tosses during game breaks, and some type of interactive promotion during the internmissions. I also would like to have some type of food special for Red Riot members during the game.

We have alot of ideas. Let me know when we could sit down with you to run through them. After that, we would like to meet with Coach again, maybe some team members, and of course the Red Riot guys.


Kristin Kowynia

Dustin Harrington wrote: If at any time anyone wants flyers to distribute either to your classmates, dorm mates, or hall councils please let me know and I'll get you the necessary materials. I can't force or require you to do any of this, but whatever ways we can get the information out to the most people possible is great. It's up to you guys, but I'm more than happy to get you whatever you need.

I don't know if we can do a photo shoot, but I'm sure we can at one of our first events, whether it is a football game, Midnight Madness (if we'''''Inbox&Msgld''"'1312_0 _43084_1586_338... 10/22/2006 Yahoo! Mail [email protected] Page 2of4

have it), or a special event hosted by Coach Judson. We are brainstorming some things and we hope to roll it out leading up to the basketball season. Anything to enhance our flyers/web page/etc. is a good idea.

For those of you going to Columbus, have a great time. You might pick up some ideas from their crowd to improve our atmosphere. Their crowd is one of the best in the nation!

Keep spreading the word and thanks again to those who made their presence felt at Huskie Bash.

Dusty Harrington Northern Illinois University Marketing Assistant, Athletics (815) 753-1343 . , '-

»> Kristin Kowynia 8/29/2006 2:39 PM »> Dusty & Guys:

Tonight is the first hall council meetings in the dorms. For those who don't know, they are each Tuesday night at 9pm in each dorm. For next week, can we have each person who is getting this e-mail go pick up flyers from Dusty to hand out at the meeting.

You would need to stand up at the end of the meeting and talk about Red Riot, then pass out flyers to everyone there and to the CA's to post on their floors. We can either have a flyer for each floor, or we can have the CA's put a flyer on every door of their floor. If we did every floor, each council (Douglas, Lincoln, stevenson N, Sevenson S, Grant N, Grant S, etc.) would need at least 500 flyers. Dusty, can we print this many? It would be about 5,000.

Another idea to add to the flag idea Dusty, once we all get our shirts, is it possible to schedule a day when all of us could come in in our NIU red for a photo shoot? We could then use these pictures on the website, in the paper, in posters, flyers, etc. I know NIU has a professional photographer you can book and we could all come in with the Red Riot shirts, Justin's flag, foam fingers, and whatever other things we would bring to a game. Maybe even bring in a few players to include in the photos? Is this a possibility?


Kristin Kowynia

Justin Heuer wrote: Great to hear guys! I wish I could help more, but being an hour+ away from DeKalb makes it hard. I just ordered some supplies today to make a _43084_1586_338... 10/22/2006 Yahoo! Mail - [email protected] Page 3 of 4

Red Riot flag to fly from the top of the Huskie Mobile on Sept. 9th. It won't be anything special, just a black flag with "Red Riot" painted on it, but it will be very visible at tailgating. Hopefully I will get everything on time in the mail

Dusty, I would love to help handing things out at tailgating. Please let me know when I can pick the supplies up. I would probably be able to pick the stuff up on the 8th after work around 5:30 or so. Let me know if this works. How are the t-shirts coming along? Who are the sponsors on the back?

Great job getting this off the ground everyone! !! Go Huskies! !!!

Justin Heuer

> We're making progress. This news gives me hope. Great job by everyone > who has contributed up to this point and there is still time to get on > board. If any of you ever want to distribute schedule cards, the red > Red Riot sign-up handbills we've been handing out, or other info. to > your classmates or dorms, please let me know and we'll get you whatever > you need. I think if we stay after it and continue to follow through > with this project, we could have a sea of red for basketball season. > Keep up the great work and thanks to those who stopped by at Huskie > Bash. Outstanding job! > > Dusty Harrington > Northern Illinois University > Marketing Assistant, Athletics > (815) 753-1343 , > "-... > > > »» "Justin Kuryliw" 8/28/2006 4:52 PM »> > So some of you know that I moved on campus as a freshman in the past > week, > and ive had a chance to meet a lot of other new freshman and stuff, and > i > just wanted to say that it is amazing how many kids do actually know > about > the red riot, and how many of them have interest in it. Whatever is > happening to promote this, between sign up sheets, booths, newspaper > ads, > flyers and more, its working. Lots of kids have questions about it, > about > how to sign up and things like that. I was at lunch the other day and > over > heard two kids at my table talking about the Red Riot and were trying > to get > another to join, that was very cool. I went up and talked to them and > tried _43084_1586_338... 10/22/2006 Yahoo! Mail- [email protected] Page 4 of 4

> to give them some more information on it. There have just been a lot > of > people that are interested in it so I just wanted to let everyone know > that > I think its coming along really well and good job to everyone > participating > in marketing it. > > -Justin >

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Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 08:40:42 -0500

From: "Dustin Harrington"

To: "Justin Heuer" , "Kristin Kowynia"

huskiefan 38{, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], ja [email protected], cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], benda ble21 Cg)yahoo .com, [email protected], [email protected]

Subject: Re: Red Riot

I won't be able to make it every single week, but you all can still meet. I'll be there when I can. Thanks!

Dusty Harrington Northern Illinois University Marketing Assistant, Athletics (815) 753-1343 :)))3r1 niu.edtl

»> "Justin Heuer" <> 9/13/2006 8:03 AM »> I like the idea of meeting before Inside Huskie Sports every week. Just so everyone knows, they are changing the taping from 6:30 to 6:00 on Mondays starting next week. If we were to meet at 5 that would give us an hour every week. Would you be able to make it Dusty?

BTW, that is a great list of sponsors for the RR!


> Dusty: > > Great! So our student group will be competeing with UIC's student group > at our game against them which is the main focus of Ashley & my > project Honestly, we need to harness this student group's power and > growth to excel our own, as they will be the Men's Basketball season's > first major opponent. We need to start getting the word out on campus, > grow our student support, the buzz about sports on campus, and make > this a contest just as much about our fan club against theirs as the > game will be. > > Our facebook group is growing. I have been inviting random students in > bulk in the last week. Please take time to go through and invite ALL of > your friends, and then just run searches on names (example: search Tom, > Sal, Juan, Brittany, etc) and invite everyone you can. It only takes > one click for someone to join a facebook group, we can then turn that > population over into members with messages about games, promotions, and > more. We just can;t bombard them with messages, they need to be sent

http;!!!1Jym/ShowLetter?box=Inbox&MsgId=7255 _972464 ~28440 ~ 183", 10/22/2006 Yahoo! Mail - [email protected] Page 2 of 3

> only every once and a while (no more than once per week) and with a > serious intent. > > In regards to shirts, Ashley & I are working to have a sequence of > articles written on the group. I say we wait for the word on when we > can have the first article written, and announce the shirt's pick up in > that, where we can provide some value to our sponsorships in calling > them out as "Red Riot's Official Sponsors" and encouraging students to > support them. Then, depending on the date, to drive attendance at the > "Midnight Madness" event, you can distribute them there or we can > distribute them at a "Red Riot" tent at the October 21 homecoming. > > How do these ideas sound? > > When do you guys plan on meeting? I was thinking we could have our > meetings just before the taping of the Huskie Sports at Fatty's each > week, that way we can get to talking with the broadcasters, get them > into our idea, and get them to talk about the group in a weekly "Red > Riot Fan Report" Like the idea? > > Let me know! > > Kristin > > > > > > Dustin Harrington wrote: > httL):// .,'3Unt_lrnes.cDrn/ol..1tl::iu /ne'v},:-; ::::st,-n"v~15-ftlry~1 .htrnl > > Everyone, > > Check out the above article about the UIC Flames new student fan group. > They have many of the same issues we do. > > Also, the Red Riot handbills are in, so feel free to stop by my office > anytime if you want to pick some up to distribute. I have 2,000 > currently. I will be distributing them to any students who pick up > football tickets this week. > > Finally, the t-shirts are in! I think they look excellent. The logo > has been tweaked slightly in order to have them screen printed cleanly. > I hope you guys approve. I think they look great, but there are a few > minor changes to what you submitted. No cost to us, so I don't think we > can be really picky. The sponsors on the back of the t-shirt are: The > Phone Store, Rammy's, DNA Communications, Fatty's, VCB, and Chipotle. > We need to decide how and when to distribute them. We have 500 > t-shirts. We are quickly approaching 500 members of Red Riot. > > I know I just threw a lot at you. Please contact me with questions.''''''Inbox&MsgId=7255 _972464 _28440_183... 10/22/2006 Yahoo! Mail- [email protected] Page 3 of 3

> Thanks! > > > > Dusty Harrington > Northern Illinois university > Marketing Assistant, Athletics > (815) 753-1343 > r:-rlng@!1~t:. > > > > > > ------> Why keep checking for Mail? The all-new Yahoo! Mail shows you when there > are new messages. _972464 _28440_183... 10/22/2006 .._ ...JQ~_kr_Ji ~__~~~."J~_. . :::--~,l;;Ho.a..-~;;;~:7J;;q:_IhK(i~ ~&~... .n:.:..

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· Sa,mple ad sizes: Select ad size for larger sample lxZ 2x4

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The Northern Star uses Adobe and Quark programs as well as other design programs in a Macintosh- based system. Ads created using other software and on other platforms often are acceptable. If you are interested in sending ads electronically, or submitting material on disk, please contact your account representative or e-mail [email protected]

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C~lor Charges - Non-Local

Inches Rate Black + 1 color $100.00 Black + 2 colors $200.00 Process Color $400.00


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Who we are

Facts · Serving Northern Illinois University and the DeKalb area since 1899 · DeKalb's only morning daily newspaper · Student operated & managed.

Distribution . · Daily distribution of 16,000 Monday - Thursday · 13,000 on Fridays · More than 230 locations throughout NIU Campus, DeKalb & Sycamore

Member of · CMA, CNBAM, ICPA, NAA, NINA, SPLC, ACP, DeKalb Chamber of Commerce

Our audience

NIU is one of Illinois' largest public universities, with more than 25,000 students; 22,000 in DeKalb and more than 3,000 at satellite campuses in Hoffinan Estates, Rockford and Naperville. NIU is located in DeKalb, a growing city of35,000 people, 65 miles west of and 30 miles southeast of Rockford.

Most NIU Students come from less than 100 miles away. 92% of non- campus (DeKalb) students are from Illinois; although NIU boasts international students from 102 countries. NIU students come from a broad frange of racial and ethnic backgrounds.

68% are between 18 and 24 years old; 53% are 22 years of age or older. Females outnumber males 55% to 45%. 3,800 NIU Faculty and staff are a wellspring of experience and knowledge; 64% are 50 and younger.

(Demographics from 2002-03 NIU Data Book - Division of Finance and Facilities Office of Institutional Research)

NIU students rely on the Northern Star 9120/2006 NorthemStar Online INews Front Page 2 of3

Daily Chronicle / Midweek . 89% . 46% . 21 % . 19/20% (Northern Star market study - April 2005 - Dr. Denise Schoeubachler - Northern Illinois University)

Awards and Recognition

Print edition

. Press Association: o 2006: 2nd Place, General Excellence. 18 other individual and staff awards including 1st place for entertainment supplement, editorial writing and special supplement (The Best of DeKalb) o 2005: 2nd Place, General Excellence, 20 other individual and staff awards. . Associated Collegiate Press: o 2005: 5th place, national Best of Show . Associated Collegiate Press: o 2004: 1st place, national Best of Show . CMA 2003: 2nd place, Best of Show . ACP 2000: 1st place, Arts and Entertainment Section . ACP 2000: 2nd place, Daily Tabloid . ACP 1999: Finalist, Newspaper Pacemaker . CMA 1999: 5th place, Newspaper Nameplate . Recipient of other state and national awards for college newspaper excellence

Online edition

. ACP 2001, 2002, 2004: national Online Pacemaker Award . ICPA 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005: 1st place . ICPA 2006: 3rd place . EPpy 2002,2003: Best College News Web Site, Editor and Publisher Magazine . EPpy 2002: Best College News Web Site, Editor and Publisher Magazine . Student Society of News Design 2004: 1st place . Student Leader Magazine, 2001: Best Campus Publication Site, Student Leader Magazine . Recipient of other Online News Site excellence awards


. CNBAM 2003: 3rd place, Banner House Advertisement . CNBAM 2002: 1st place, Rate Card . CNBAM 2002: 1st place, Tile Advertisement . CNBAM 2002: 1st place, Banner Advertisement

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We are now VEOLIA Transportation Safe~

Safety is our priority IIIIIII-wI G VeOllA Tf:~ANSPOHrAriQN

ATC is Now VEOLIA Transportation and will still be providing safe and efficient transportation services for America

WE CAN NOT GUARANTEE WHAT ROUTE YOUR SIGN IS 0 ft] All advertisements must be purchased for a minimum of 1 mon' ft] Advertiser must deliver and pick-up signs. ft] Ad~e~er is Iiable for loss or damage of there signs. \ Sign Sizes .. ~ . . ! \)..5 ~ ~ /1£ -\- .\f::; f~__ ~ Curbs~de: 7-2 i~ches X 30 i~ches ,.:(~ f~. 9/20/2006 Huskie Bus Line Page 1 of2

We are now VEOLIA Transportation Safet< Welcome to Huskie Line "Safety is our priority"

G> (i) veOllA VeOLIA TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION ATC is Now VEOLIA Transportation and will still be providing safe and efficient transportation services for America


Summer Service 2006 We are running service now. Schedule from May 13th until August 27th is: WCR . 7:00am. 7:00pm Monday. Sunday WCL . 7:00am. 7:00pm Monday. Friday RT. 7 . 7:00am. 7:00pm Monday - Sunday

If you need more information than is included on this site, Please call 815-758-6900 Office Hours 8:00am - 4:30pm Monday - Friday

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By clicking the "Continue" button, I agree to the Facebook Flyers Terms of Service. I understand that posting inappropriate Flyers will result in termination of my account.

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Flyer Board Search

My Profile edit Here are all the Flyers currently posted at N. Illinois.

My Friends Create your own Flyer! My Photos My Notes My Groups My Events N. Illinois Flyer N. Illinois Flyer N. Illinois Flyer N.Illino My Messages Is There a God? NIU Table Tennis Happy Birthday! RUSH! My Account LAMBDA My Privacy

Interested in Table Six straight forward Tennis? Love to play reasons why it's it just for fun or reasonable to competitively? conclude that God exists. NIU Table Tennis Sigma Laml Club meets at the Service Son everystudent. com Chick Evans Field formal Rust House on Tuesdays and Thursdays 7pm- September lOpm 9:00p.m. at We love u NUK enjoy Greenbriar. yo day! All skill levels For Rides Ci welcome! Posted by Falynn LadyDavis (708) 359-~ Posted by JuHan Shin Beauford

N. Illinois Flyer N. Illinois Flyer N. Illinois Flyer N. Illino Annual Breast Delta Zeta Sigma Kappa Delta G Cancer BBQ Informal Rush Informal Rush Infor

Tuesday, Sept. 19th Looking for Tues, Sept. 19th 8-10 pm classy a nd I Weds, Sept. 20th Wednesday, Sept. Delta Gamn Thurs, Sept. 21st Sigma Lambda 20th 8-10 pm Mon. 9/18 ~GammaSorority Thursday, Sept. 21st Wed. 9/20 : Open House 7-9pm along w/other 7-9 pm 917 Kimber organizations will Call Erin for Blackhawk Rd. host a BBQ Sunday 1010 928 W. Hillcrest 351-4037 Sept. 24 at Central Posted by For rides or more For rides or Park at 12:00 PM. Har Donations are greatly information please information call ap preciated! call Tracy at 630 362 AU(847) 707.7922 Proceeds will go to 4293 Cathy (708) 743-4326 Breast Cancer Posted by Tracy Brdar Posted by AHOsburn

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Posted by Elizabeth Davila

N. Illinois Flyer N. Illinois Flyer Alpha Sigma Alpha Alpha Phi Informal Rush

*INFORMAL RUSH* Please join us at: Come to 920 Hillcrest 1019 Ridge Dr. Tuesday 9/19 or Thursday 9/21 from Sept. 18: 6-8pm 6-8 PM.Call Christina '" Sept. 19: 6-8pm or Jeanine for rides '" Sept. 20: 6-8pm and/or information. '" Christina: (312) 617- Questions or for a 8032 ride call Lindsey at: Jeanine: (630) 915- 815-973-3505 6334 Hope to see you there!

Questions? Flyer FAQ.

Sir, there's no such thing as bad publicity.

about blog developers jobs terms privacy advertise a Mark Zuckerberg production Facebook @ 2006 _board.php 9/20/2006 \0 o o ~N o ~N 0\

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