IDENTIFIERS *Wisconsin \ / ABSTRACT \ ,Tgis Dodument Exploris'the History of Wp.Tconsin During the Revolutionary Years of 1750 Through 1815
. , . DOCUMENT.RES4 D,447: 225 SO 010'472 , . N 0 AUTUOR - -Kanetzkg, Howard W., Ed,,,,... : . ITLE- 'Iadger History, Vol. 29,No.-1, September'.1175;''The. it Revolutionary Years1.1750-1118. " - . .. Wisconsin St to Historical SoCtetyr: Madison. - PUB DATE ..Sep 75- ,I r :MOTE. 88p.; per a related docuient, see SO:010 4730Ot, . available in $ard copy from EDRS due tc poOr. reproducibilitY of original dOcuient `AVAILABLE FROM The State MistOrical Society of Wisconsin, 816' State Street, NadisoUr,Witconsin,53,C6 ($1.00 paperbound, I $0.75 each for ten copies or more) \ . t \ . EDRS PRICE EF-$0.83 Pint Postage. HCitot Available from"EDRS. -DESCRIPTORS ,American,Indiank; Content Read'ingf\Cult ral, r- Awareness; Elementary Education; nniirictional L____ Materials; Learning ,Activities; Life Stile; baps; , ., Periodicals; 'Primary" Source; *Revolutionanf War ; (United States); *Social, Studied; *State\History;,History; ' United States History, '. I " . IDENTIFIERS *Wisconsin \ / ABSTRACT \ ,Tgis dodument exploris'the history of Wp.tcOnsin during the revolutionary years of 1750 through 1815. Pdblished -quarterly by the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, the journal is designed too acquaint elementary school students with historical . ,and contemporary aspects of life in Wisconsin. Most of this issue= contains short narratives. describing the explorationsand tattles of :fasous-people inthestate's history.EightsectionsUse `narrative :and excerpts from personal" diaries to docuitent exploration of the 0 'Northwest Territory, alliances,andtrade with Indian 'tribes, battles* againtt.Franch-and .British troops,%reconstruction Of ibe,q1dest resa4ninglouse,in Wisconsin, life histories of revolutionary soldiers, and the War of 1812: A crossword puzz3,e, time line,- and creative activities' are, presented which emphasize important facts, -dates, and concepts from the.historicalpiarratives.
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