
Office of Ned Lamont STATE OF

Senate Bill 884 – An Act Reducing Transportation-Related Carbon Emissions

Senator Cohen, Representative Gresko, Senator Miner, Representative Harding, and distinguished members of the Environment Committee, I am Paul Mounds, Governor Lamont’s Chief of Staff. On behalf of the Governor, I am offering my emphatic support for Senate Bill 884 – An Act Reducing Transportation-Related Emissions.

On December 21, 2020, Governor Lamont signed a historic and bipartisan Memorandum of Understanding with Massachusetts Governor , Rhode Island Governor Raimondo, and District of Columbia Mayor committing to implement the Transportation and Climate Initiative Program (TCI-P) in their respective jurisdictions. TCI-P represents the most impactful policy opportunity in to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation sector, and in doing so provide revenues for investment in communities across Connecticut to reduce the impact of air pollution and improve accessibility for sustainable modes of transportation – particularly in communities overburdened by vehicle pollution and underserved by the transportation system. The TCI-P MOU commits Connecticut to spending at least thirty-five percent of the proceeds from TCI-P on such overburdened and underserved communities.

TCI-P sets a cap on the carbon pollution allowed by gasoline and on-road diesel. This cap would reduce over time, guaranteeing reductions in transportation-related carbon pollution in Connecticut. Meanwhile, auctions for emission allowances under this cap would create revenue for the participating jurisdictions, including Connecticut, that can be spent on projects that reduce transportation-related emissions in our communities.

Naturally, some opponents of TCI-P have disingenuously spread misinformation about the program because they benefit from the climate status quo – the same status quo that has caused more intense storms, more frequent and intense flooding, and more heat waves and droughts in Connecticut in our lifetimes. Rather than fall for deceitful fearmongering from willful climate change deniers, let’s have a debate based on facts and merits. The facts are that climate change is happening in Connecticut; that it is already costing us as a society, and with inaction those costs will continue to increase; and that TCI-P is a low-cost, regional solution that will drive investment in our communities while reducing carbon pollution.

Please join the Governor in supporting TCI-P as an important tool in the toolbox for fighting climate change and improving our communities. We cannot afford to stand by and do nothing.