4TU.ResearchData Highlights 2020

a partnership of 2020 a year of change

2020 was a year of growth and development for 4TU.ResearchData: We added new functionalities to the data repository We established the 4TU.ResearchData Community We extended our training offerings We celebrated our 10th anniversary These developments were driven by our ambition for FAIR data to become the normality in science, engineering and design.

See also Marta’s interview with 4TU.Federation.

Marta Teperek Head of Research Data Services

2 Reasons to celebrate in 2020

In a year full of surprises, we created ways to collectively celebrate our work.

Most notably these include:

4TU.ResearchData Community launched

Renewal of the 4TU.ResearchData repository

10th Anniversary Celebration

3 Reasons to celebrate in 2020

Launch of our new website with a refreshed brand to better express inclusivity, accessibility and openness as 4TU.ResearchData expands its network and services.

Fond farewells to dear colleagues Leon Osinski, TU/e, Front Office Ellen Verbakel, TUDelft, Data Trainer Alastair Dunning as Director of 4TU.ResearchData

4 New repository functionalities

Restricted access Integration with GitHub for Enhanced usage statistics sharing of software

5 4TU.ResearchData Because Your Data Matters!

Our short film explains the importance of research data and outlines our new services.

4TU.ResearchData is supporting researchers in all disciplines of science, engineering and design to manage and share their data in a #FAIR manner!

6 Extending FAIR Data Services

Published datasets per institution per year

*Projections are based on the first two months of 2021.

7 Extending FAIR Data Services most viewed datasets in 2020

With 3,268 views, the datasets for the 10th BPI Challenge 2020 received the distinction of most viewed dataset collection of 2020.

Published annually, the datasets are made openly available to researchers competing to solve a real-life process problem through data mining.

In this manner, the TU/e research team contributes to FAIR data, open science and open education while increasing the impact and reach of their work.

8 FAIR Data Fund recipient Natalia Romero Herrera

"The data is not easy to collect, so people want to build further on my research. With the fund, we were able to carefully anonymize the data to protect the privacy of the participants."

"Openly sharing my work has increased the quality and rigour of the dataset, so it is a real win-win situation!"

“Without the funds we would not be able to create a project of the size and the impact that it has now.”

Read Natalia's story.

9 Rewarding Data Sharing

"4TU.ResearchData offers the opportunity to preserve datasets in a sustainable way, for the long-term."

"For me it was very important to be able to assign a DOI."

Boudewijn van Dongen, at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)

Read Boudewijn’s story on our website.

10 Despite the challenge of moving these dynamic, interactive, hands- on workshops online, we were thrilled to hold three Software Carpentry workshops at TU Delft and one at TU/e.

By the year's end, the waiting list for 2021 had grown to nearly 100 researchers eager to dive into the world of core basic skills needed to work reproducibly with code.

To increase our capacity to meet this demand, 6 colleagues became certified Software Carpentry Instructors.

11 Expanding our training offerings

A first of its kind, the Essentials 4 Data Support course, ran for a fifth year in 2020.

Research data support professionals, including newly-appointed Data Stewards, from research institutes and universities across the Netherlands and beyond have taken this course to enhance their FAIR data management skills.

12 Collaboration at our core 4TU.Techrede 2020

We provided research analytics support to 4TU.Techrede 2020.

Our work was used in the address to prominent Dutch figureheads, politicians and public and private sector representatives including Constantijn van Oranje and Minister President Mark Rutte.

13 Collaboration at our core Dutch Data Prize 2020 Together We Share

The 6th RDNL Dutch Data Prize 2020 event showcased open datasets in recognition of the ‘behind the scenes’ efforts required to achieve the FAIR data principles.

Prizes were awarded by jury chairperson, Prof. Dr. Karel Luyben, National Coordinator Open Science, to researchers who make extra contributions to science by making data available for further research.

Three winners were awarded the Data Prize 2020 and three winners were awarded the Incentive Prize.

14 Collaboration at our core Taking the world by storm with FAIR Tropical Cyclone Risk Data!

Winner of the RDNL Dutch Data Prize 2020, Nadia Bloemendaal, published her STORM datasets with 4TU.ResearchData. The datasets consist of 10,000 years of synthetic tropical cyclone tracks.

“The data has high value in protecting people’s lives. I made my datasets publicly available in 4TU.ResearchData so that they can benefit others.”

The dataset has been downloaded over 4,000 times since it was first published in September 2020.

Read Nadia's story here.

15 Fostering collaboration through community building

Building a community with research data management professionals as the foundation.

The driving force of our achievements is the thriving community of researcher support professionals who support researchers to use 4TU.ResearchData's repository and services.

See the next page for an overview of our Data Stewards.

16 17 Fostering collaboration through community building

As we begin building the 4TU.ResearchData community, we’re excited for the launch of the Monthly Round-Up newsletter to share some of the latest news, opportunities and events.

Subscribe to the newsletter to follow these developments!

18 Looking Ahead

Our ambition is for FAIR data to become the normality in science, engineering and design.

We are not there yet.

Disciplinary communities and the problems they experience transcend institutional borders. We need to collaborate to solve these problems. Engaged partners and disciplinary communities are the key to this.

Our ambition for the coming years is to further expand the thriving community of researchers and professionals around the 4TU.ResearchData and continue to support them on their journey to FAIR Data.

19 Colophon

Highlights 2020 was created with and by the following colleagues and contributors:

Text, images & review: Marta Teperek, Marjolein Drent, Merle Rodenburg, Irene Haslinger, Madeleine de Smaele, Alastair Dunning, Connie Clare, Deirdre Casella, Ardi Nonhebel, Yan Wang, Eirini Zormpa, Paula Martinez Lavanchy, Jan van de Heul, Eric Rumondor, Egbert Gramsbergen and the Data Stewards of TU Eindhoven, and TU Delft.

Design and Layout: Studio RROOK

Online Magazine Creator: H5mag

4TU.ResearchData Delft | Eindhoven | June 2021