VIRGINIA REGION PONY CLUBS D-3 Eventing Rally Saturday July 1, 2017 Copperfield Farm 5825 Keyser Road Hume, Virginia 22639 Opening/ June 8/June 21 Closing Dates: June 21-- Individual entries must be completed online. June 21 -- Chaperone Forms, Coaching Forms and Coggins, must be received by the Rally Secretary June 26 – Payment must be received by the VRPC Treasurer June 26 – Team/Scrambler Registrations must be placed online. Organizer: Michelle Arnold (540)270-4880
[email protected] Carrie Camp (804) 937-2807
[email protected] Secretary: Lisa Woods (703) 623-5463
[email protected] Contact Numbers Carrie Camp (804) 937-2807, VRPC RS During Rally: Lisa Woods (703) 623-5463, VRPC VRS Activities Michelle Arnold (540)270-4880 Host Club: ODHPC & Virginia Region Pony Clubs Teams: 3 or 4 riders (D-3 only), one Stable Manager (any D level) and a C and up advisor. C and up advisors may assist no more than 2 teams. Dressage Tests: 2014 USEF Beginner Novice Test A Jumps: Maximum height 2’3” for stadium jumping and cross-country Fees: Entry fee $62 per rider or $248 per 4 rider team. No fees for Stable Managers or C and up advisors Payment: Please pay entry fees online. If you must pay by check, please make arrangements with the VRPC Treasurer, Carolyn Lorenzen at
[email protected]. Refund Policy: VRPC policy as indicated on VRPC website. Entry/ Registration Online Registration at using the VRPC member’s Forms: email address. Click on Calendar, then D-3 Eventing Rally Individual Registration button.