ISSUE10 magazine SPRING 2013

THIS EDITION: The Great Enabler?

Eye-phone: How mobile apps changed my life Cutting edge: Specialist gadgets revolutionising disabled access Game on: Meet the geeks helping gamers play on

PLUS: iOS vs Android accessibility shootout • 600,000 Australians fight for the right to watch TV

p1_cover5.indd 17 31/07/13 1:37 PM ISSUE10 SPRING 2013 magazine

ACCAN: our story ACCAN is the peak organisation representing all consumers on communications issues including telecommunications, broadband and emerging new services. Our mission is to ensure the availability, accessibility and affordability of communications services for all Australians.

Contact us: Phone: 02 9288 4000 TTY: 02 9281 5322 Our CEO: Teresa Corbin Web: : @ACCAN_AU Email: [email protected] ike many consumers, I rely on fascinating personal insight into how my mobile gadgets in almost ACCAN’s Wayne Hawkins has dealt Magazine contributors every aspect of my life. It’s with technology since becoming easy to take for granted these blind seven years ago and some of Editor: Asher Moses L personal assistants in our pockets the apps that have changed his life Deputy Editor: Mark Callender that not so long ago were the stuff (page 8). Contributors: Wayne Hawkins, of science fiction. Unfortunately, And despite the fact that so Katerina Pavlidis these digital companions are not many apps and websites are still Design: Magnesium Media always accessible to those who could inaccessible, there are some fantastic benefit from them the most, such technologies currently being Cover: © as people with disability and older developed for people with disability, consumers. Far from “The Great such as a new gadget by Orcam, Enabler”, for many this revolutionary which purports to give people who technology is the great isolator, as are blind the ability to see (pages too few apps and websites are made 4-5). There’s also an inspiring story accessible. People who are vision on Caleb Kraft, a tech “tinkerer” who impaired in particular often have to has taken it upon himself to make guess their way around sites and apps affordable, customised controllers for simply due to basic design oversights. gamers with disability (page 6). This inequity is why we are As always, if you have any partnering with Telstra to hold comments, suggestions or feedback, the M-Enabling Australasia 2013 please email [email protected] or call conference in August – we want me on 02 9288 4000. the event and this magazine to raise awareness so that people with Warm regards, disability are fully included in the Teresa Corbin digital revolution. CEO Our feature story will give you a ACCAN


p2-3_ceo_contents.indd 2 31/07/13 1:37 PM Contents

N NEWS 4 New eyes for the blind and a GPS gadget to “watch” over grandma

S SPOTLIGHT 6 Master of his Kraft Caleb Kraft is helping disabled gamers play on

INTERVIEW 7 The irony of access Graeme Innes knows how to fix the accessibility problem

T TIPS 11 Accessibility shootout: iOS vs Android f FEATURE Who will be the accessibility Wayne’s world: how winner? apps changed my life A personal insight into navigating the app universe P POLICY 12 after suddenly becoming Deaf community calling blind the shots Finally…new communications services for the Deaf

G GRANTS 13 and the internet Will your family be able to access your digital assets after you die?

M MEMBERS 14 It’s our ABC too Blind Citizen’s Australia take the fight to the ABC and federal government

Spring 2013 3 p2-3_ceo_contents.indd 3 8 31/07/13 1:37 PM N NEWS

Watching over grandma Two Sydney brothers have developed the SOS Mobile Watch designed specifically for elderly users. Equipped with a SIM card and GPS functionality, the watch features a big red button that can be Glasses provide new eyes to blind pushed by the wearer in the event Israeli startup Orcam is generating even announce the names of friends of an emergency. The watch dials global buzz over its technology to help and family in a room. The company said the numbers of various designated carers until someone answers. the visually impaired. The small gadget, it had pre-sold “several hundred units” Carers can then speak directly to containing a camera and earpiece, clips following their introduction on June 4 at the wearer and track them via GPS on to a pair of glasses and tells the a price of $US2,500 each, with the first on a map. The watch, designed to wearer what’s in front of them. It can 100 units shipping in September and the give more independence to seniors, read the text of a book or menu, identify remainder expected to be shipped by costs $399 outright or $39 a month. products on supermarket shelves and the end of 2013.

GPS for blind golfers Apple ups ante on Blind golfers have accessibility traditionally had to See Apple’s smartphone “Tips” on rely heavily on their and tablet software caddy for essential already has p.11 information, but a extensive built-in new product called accessibility options GolfBuddy Voice+ (see “Tips” on page 11), but the is greatly increasing next version, iOS 7, due out in their independence. Spring, is expected to enhance With information about these further by allowing users to over 36,000 golf courses control their devices using head around the world, the device movements, ideal for quadriplegic automatically recognises where a golfer users. Specific movements can is playing, what hole they are on and be mapped to functions on the how far from the green they are from phone such as a left head roll to the golfers’ own angle of approach. activate a click or a right head The device, which can also give highly movement to activate Siri. accurate distance readings, sells in

Australia for $220. Carpenter© Shawn


p4-5_news.indd 4 31/07/13 1:50 PM Life: a tactile comic for the blind During his interaction design studies, Philipp Meyer decided to take on a novel but powerful project – building a tactile comic book for people who are blind. The results, published on his website (, have been extremely well received and in May, Meyer began offering them for sale through his website as well as making versions for libraries and schools for the blind. He said he would never forget the day Braille proofreader Michael read the comic for the first time, experiencing a completely new medium. “On that day I realised that it is possible to tell a story – without ink, text or sound – that comes to life through imagination,” he said.

Winners and losers in copyright battle Less than 1% of the world’s books been renewed”. Individual member are currently made accessible to the states must now ratify the treaty and blind community. Fortunately, this implement the provisions. meagre number looks set to change Conversely, rightsholders, who following the agreement of a new strongly resisted the WIPO treaty, global copyright treaty at the World have separately taken action against Intellectual Property Organisation Swedish subtitle translation site (WIPO) conference held in Undertexter. The service Braille smartphone June in Marrakech. The provided fan-made Indian designer Sumit Dagar has treaty makes it possible, translations of TV and developed a prototype of a Braille- for the first time, to make film dialogue that enabled smartphone that he says copyrighted material could be overlaid could be on the market by the end accessible to the blind as captions on the of this year. The touchscreen is able community without on-screen content. to elevate and depress content, having to ask permission Swedish police, who transforming the data into touchable of the copyright holder raided two properties patterns. This would allow a visually- and to share those works used by the service, said impaired person to conduct a video across borders. Currently, if it was a breach of copyright chat with someone and be able you live in the US and try to send law to make transcripts of the to track their facial expressions. an accessible audio book to Australia, works without the permission of the “Technology is giving everyone you would be in breach of copyright copyright holders. Critics of the move superpowers, but many blind people law. This treaty is seen as crucial for said the industry had failed to provide are not able to tap into these cool the millions in the developing world adequate subtitles. “These sites exist new features, and the technology is who have basically no access to these because they offer a service to the deaf making them even more disabled,” works. Musician Stevie Wonder, who and foreign language audience that’s said Dagar. “So I decided to do has been blind since just after birth and often lacking through legal channels,” something that could reach out to campaigned for the changes, said after Ernesto van der Sar, editor of the this population.”

© Shawn Carpenter© Shawn the deal that “my faith in humanity has Torrentfreak news site, told the BBC.

Spring 2013 5

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Caleb Kraft

services ( to customise Xbox controllers to suit Master of his Kraft people with disability. On June 20 Kraft launched The Controller Project aleb Kraft got angry, then he (, decided to do something about an online community to connect techie it. Earlier this year the 32-year- tinkerers with people with disability. Cold professional electronics Dozens of people signed up within tinkerer met Thomas, 10, who has just a few weeks from around the muscular dystrophy and feared that he world, including Australia. One request would not be able to continue playing sought to modify the Nintendo Wii his favourite video games, such as remotes so it could be used with one Minecraft, as the degenerative condition hand, while another project seeks to worsened. Kraft set about building The Able Gamers Foundation replicate Nintendo DS buttons on a Thomas a video game controller that (, which petitions flat board for a gamer who cannot hold would allow him to continue enjoying gaming companies to make their the controller in their hands. Kraft said his hobby but was immediately struck products more accessible and raises his site’s message board had already by the lack of affordable products that money to help disabled gamers, estimates welcomed requests from gamers with could be customised to suit people with that in the US alone there are 33 million conditions ranging from Tourette’s different disabilities. “There is a huge gap people with disability who play games. syndrome to cerebral palsy to spinal between need and what’s there to fill Kraft said that while many physical muscular atrophy. that need and I think that big gap can be disabilities left people unable to hold Kraft argues games are the great filled by tinkerers like myself,” said Kraft. a standard game controller, a few leveller for people with disability. “You have commercial products out simple modifications like relocating the “Whether it’s a physical or cognitive there that are not individualised, they’re joystick or some buttons was enough disability … the ability to login to a extremely expensive … we’re talking to get someone gaming again. Indeed, game and be the same as everybody $1,000 for something that a tinkerer like individuals like gadget guru Ben Heck else is a more important medicine than myself could make for $100.” have for some time offered their people think.”


p6-7_spotlight_interview2.indd 6 31/07/13 1:43 PM INTERVIEW I

ACCAN speaks to Disability Discrimination The irony of access Commissioner Graeme Innes

or disability discrimination commissioner Graeme Innes, smartphones and other Fwonders brought about by technological progress come as a “double-edged sword”. Blind since birth, he admits he couldn’t do his job effectively without access to innovations such as the screen reader on his iPhone, but at the same time he regularly encounters situations where technology and content are completely inaccessible. “The irony about access … is this new road or highway opens up and people put up roadblocks along the way by … not considering everyone’s needs when things were We need to get a Graeme Innes designed or built,” says Innes. The internet may be known as the universal design Innes said not only were accessibility “information super-highway” but for approach where society oversights “annoying” and in some many like Innes simply getting a car is designing for everyone instances “appalling”, but they were on the road, so to speak, can be a not just … designing also “not even smart” because challenge in itself. Many popular apps for yourself. developers were locking out a chunk and websites, for instance, are not of the market. accessible to people with disability. “We need to get a universal design Innes, 57, describes access to approach where society is designing material as “the major challenge that for everyone not just … designing for I’ve had all through my life”. Some of his recent accessibility pet yourself,” he says. While he was studying law in the peeves include: Although he does not have formal 1970s – before computers, the › Qantas disabling the built-in enforcement powers, Innes has taken internet or web-based legal databases accessibility features on iPads an activist approach when it comes – volunteers read law books on reel- handed out to passengers as in-flight to accessibility issues, such as a recent to-reel tapes or cassettes so Innes entertainment systems. case where he successfully lobbied the could keep up with the readings. › CAPTCHA tests on websites which ABC to upgrade its app to make it Many others manually transcribed verify users are humans and not more accessible. books into Braille, but even then bots by making them type in barely He argues disability is “the untold Innes was prevented from accessing legible or obscured strings of letters story of the NBN” as the increased the full suite of study material. He still and numbers. bandwidth could be harnessed to managed to complete his degree in › When buttons on websites and apps improve the lives of many, including four years. are not labelled in a way that can be Deaf people who could conduct Innes believes many of the read by screen readers. high quality video chats in Auslan and accessibility problems faced by › EFTPOS machines with no speech people with a mobile disability who people with disability today are due output so visually impaired users could choose to telework from home to negligence rather than intentional. must trust the merchant. much more easily.

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Wayne’s world: how apps changed my life

By Wayne Hawkins, bout seven years ago, at the access that my $50 mobile phone had ACCAN disability age of 47, my world suddenly given me as a sighted person. faded to black as a result This may be difficult to empathise policy advisor Aof retinitis pigmentosa. The with for sighted people, but has left me, real world may be difficult to navigate at times, feeling incredibly isolated and without vision, but cyberspace and helpless. the app universe can seem virtually Thankfully, in the intervening years, the impenetrable to a blind person. smartphone revolution has taken hold Almost immediately, I found that and people like me can buy handsets much of the technology I routinely that come with useful accessibility used day-to-day was no longer usable. features right out of the box. There My mobile phone went from being are thousands of apps at your disposal a way to connect with friends, family including many that can make a real and colleagues anywhere, anytime to difference in the lives of people with a pocket “pokie” – every phone call disability. was a game of chance. But instead of However, my journey down the winning a stash of gold coins, winning information super highway is still meant actually connecting with the travelled with much trepidation. While person I wanted to speak to. Without I know I couldn’t possibly live the being able to read my contact list, it life I do today without all the great literally became a shot in the dark accessible technology available to me, trying to count through my contacts I’m reluctant to embrace new advances alphabetically. I quickly learned how to in technology because much of it is not discreetly tell someone that they were accessible. not really the person I wanted to speak The majority of digital technology to, but other times I just had to have both historically and today, is not easily a conversation about nothing before navigated for people with disability. quickly hanging up and spinning the Every day hundreds of new apps hit wheel again, hoping for the best. When the market, most of which are not I heard about new software that could accessible for people like me. A classic turn the text on my mobile phone example is my experience with e-books. screen to speech, I was really excited, I get most of the books I read from an until I realised that the software only online audio book club. Late in 2010, worked on certain handsets and cost I downloaded Patti Smith’s new book, an additional $300. Suddenly I needed Just Kids, without realising it was only to fork out $1,000 to have the same offered in Swedish. The book was not


p8-11_feature_tips.indd 8 31/07/13 1:43 PM available as an English audio book. Not to be thwarted, I went to Amazon and downloaded the Kindle software for my There are thousands PC and bought the book not realising of apps at your disposal that Kindle was inaccessible with my including many that can screen reading software. Unwilling to make a real difference admit defeat I then went to Barnes and Noble and downloaded their e-book in the lives of people software and bought my 3rd copy of with disability. the book. You guessed it – inaccessible. When the English audio book was finally released the book club offered to provide it free of charge, but almost unbelievably, because I live in Australia I wasn’t able to download the free book due to copyright issues. The good news is that nothing ever stays constant in the technology industry. In May 2013 Amazon finally released an accessible Kindle app for iPhone, providing access to their mammoth collection of e-books for people who are blind or vision impaired. For most people new mobile apps provide a compelling way to access entertainment and information that can typically be accessed in any number of ways. But for me, accessible apps offer independence, knowledge and self- esteem. Take for example TapTapSee, a fully accessible free iPhone app which I can use to take a photo of something and within a few seconds receive a text message telling me what the image is. Sounds novel you might say, but what it really does is give

Spring 2013 9

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me a new set of eyes that I can carry Wayne using his favourite app, TapTapSee. be able to do the same kinds of things around in my pocket. Imagine trying to He simply takes a photo of an object and it that everyone else does, albeit often in remember the colour of every shirt in reads out a description. a very different way. Mobile applications the wardrobe from touch. Trust me it’s and mobile websites incorporating much harder than you think. TapTapSee difference to my independence – no universal design principles from gives me the ability to take a shirt out longer do I have to wait until someone inception can be used by the millions of the wardrobe and know what colour is able to take me to that new shop, of people with disability, while apps and it is – a great trick for when I’m trying café or pizza joint. All I need to do now websites which don’t consider universal to look like a professional in a business is put the address into my accessible design can deny access to our modern suit with a tie. With this type of mobile GPS app and off I go. digital world. technology many people with disability As the above examples show, these The M-Enabling initiative, supported are able to independently do things benefits can be simple everyday by ACCAN, seeks to highlight what that were previously impossible. It may benefits – they don’t have to be earth a huge difference mobile technology not matter that much if I wore a green shattering – although those kinds of can make for people with disability. shirt with a blue tie and a brown suit to changes are good too. Startups like More importantly, we want to foster work at the circus, but it’s certainly not Israeli firm Orcam are already selling collaboration between manufacturers, acceptable working in the Sydney CBD. glasses technology that acts as “artificial developers, and end-users, so that Another favourite app is TripView, vision” for people with low vision, hopefully one day soon accessibility which I use every day to tell me, based and the possibilities of technology like is the norm in apps and websites on GPS trackers, exactly when my bus Google Glass for people with disability and people with disability will be able will arrive. Speaking of which, accessible are endless. to participate in ways never before GPS apps have made another huge Most people with disability want to imagined.


p8-11_feature_tips.indd 10 31/07/13 1:43 PM TIPS T Accessibility shootout: APP iOS vs Android SPOTLIGHT

hoosing a smartphone or into the same depth as iOS in catering › TapTapSee (iOS). tablet with accessibility features for a range of disabilities. How does a person who built in will help you take full › TalkBack is the pre-installed screen is blind or vision impaired Cadvantage of these devices. reader and can be used along with know what type of shirt Below is an overview of the accessibility Vibration Feedback and Sound they are putting on in the morning? features of iOS and Android to help you Feedback functions. Take a photo of an object using choose the right device for your needs. › Explore by Touch allows you to TapTapSee and within seconds touch your phone’s screen and hear receive a description of what it is. iOS: Apple’s iOS is great for most what’s under your finger. people with disability. You can easily › General accessibility settings › TripView (iOS and toggle on/off accessibility features from allow you to modify your device’s Android) reads out to the home screen. display and sound options, such as people who are blind or › If you are blind or have low vision, use increasing the text size and ending a vision impaired when their bus, train VoiceOver as your screen reader. Siri call using the power button. or ferry is coming in real time. and Voice Control enable you to use your phone and complete tasks via Our verdict: iOS is the clear › IDEAL Item voice commands. Braille displays can accessibility winner Identifier (Android) be used with your device. users can take a picture › If you are Deaf or hearing impaired, of a barcode and it you can communicate with FaceTime reads out the description. video calling. Also, the iPhone 4s and iPhone 5 are hearing-aid compatible. › Big Launcher › If you have a mobility disability and (Android) strips have difficulty with some gestures, down a phone’s main such as pinching the screen, use screen and allows the AssistiveTouch to change pinch user to have just six enlarged gestures to tapping. buttons to choose from. › If the user has an intellectual disability, Guided Access allows a parent, teacher, or therapist to limit the device to stay on one app, helping the user stay focused on the task at hand. › Apple’s upcoming iOS7 update contains a switch control function, which allows users, such as quadriplegics, to select options by moving their head left or right. The default contrast ratio is not ideal for people with low vision.

Android: Android accessibility features are mainly focused on screen reading and screen magnification (great for people who are blind or vision impaired), however Android does not go

Spring 2013 11

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Using the new Auslan, via the NRS. People simply sign video relay their message to the NRS operator, who service translates the message to the intended recipient.

SMS relay When Deaf Australians are out and about and need to contact a person or service that doesn’t use SMS, they can now send a text message to the NRS, which will relay the message to the recipient by a voice call. Responses are then sent back via SMS – perfect for when you’re running late for that appointment. While SMS relay can provide access to emergency services via the NRS, it’s important that it is used in combination with other methods of contacting emergency services, such as asking someone nearby to call 000. Road testing the NRS › Kyle Miers from Deaf Children Australia is ecstatic about the new video relay service as he can now make calls in his first language, Auslan. It now takes him about 7-10 minutes less time to make a call via the new video relay than it would with a traditional teletypewriter (TTY) call. “It really has improved my work performance greatly,” said Miers. › Gay Kerridge works for the Yarra Ranges Council in Victoria and previously used a teletypewriter Deaf community through the NRS for everything from work to booking dates with women. However, with advancements in calling the shots technology, he can now do it all himself through , instant messenger and Skype. For Gary, this is much more hat do you do if you’re when, following years of campaigning convenient for personal conversations running late for an by ACCAN, two new communications with family and friends as he doesn’t appointment? For most services offered by the National Relay have to go through a third person. W people, it’s simply a matter Service (NRS) were switched on. When needing to quickly change a of picking up the phone and making a flight booking or order a pizza, he uses quick call. But for Deaf, hearing impaired Video relay the NRS IP relay (a form of instant or speech impaired Australians, this basic Deaf Australians can, for the first time, messenger) but doesn’t use the video task has until recently been simply out contact friends and family or services by relay much as the internet speeds are of reach. That was until June this year making a video call in their first language, too variable wherever he goes.


p12-13_policy_grants.indd 12 31/07/13 1:43 PM GRANTS G Death and the internet

About ACCAN Grants: ACCAN awards over $265,000 annually to consumer education and research projects. Visit grants

ore and more people now example) will become inaccessible bequeathment of online images, for have online bank accounts, and/or destroyed. example, to happen a lot easier. email addresses, social Mnetworking accounts such What are some of How can you create a as Facebook and LinkedIn, and digital your options? digital register? assets such as eBooks and music files. › Facebook, Twitter and YouTube allow 1. Compile a list of all the internet So it was only a matter of time before you to download all your content, services that store your digital the question arose: what happens to uploads and archives. You can store assets. This list can range from social these online assets and accounts after this data on an external hard drive. networking sites, to cloud services to someone dies? › Make sure data is saved in a format online gaming accounts. A team of researchers from the that can be used at a later date. Save 2. Provide the URL for each account or University of Melbourne, under files in popular formats, such as JPEG service. Usernames and passwords the ACCAN Grants Scheme, or MP4. should also be provided. investigated issues of online memorials, › Facebook allows users to entirely 3. Check the ‘terms of use agreements’ bequeathing, and preserving digital delete their profile upon death as some do not allow the transferring materials after death. The researchers (appropriate evidence needs to of an account (including username sifted through various licencing policies, be supplied by relatives or friends). and password) between individuals. examined terms of use agreements Alternatively, the profile can be 4. Replace books and music with other and copyright laws and interviewed a converted to ‘memorial status’. copies. In most cases digital music range of people, from directors, Many Australians are now creating files and electronic books cannot be to internet service providers and digital registers which document all bequeathed as their licence allows estate planning lawyers. online assets and activities. Including you to use but not own the file. Overwhelming, the researchers this register in a Will helps to preserve 5. Nominate someone to act upon the found that if you don’t manage your digital assets and to prevent identity instructions in your digital register, digital legacy, items of immense theft, damage to reputations and such as an executor or someone personal value (photographs, for privacy intrusions. It also allows the who you trust.

Spring 2013 13

p12-13_policy_grants.indd 13 31/07/13 1:43 PM M MEMBERS It’s our ABC too

magine watching a TV show and not knowing that a police officer is What is audio holding up a vital piece of evidence, description? Ior that the villain is drawing their gun, Audio description or that a train is bearing down on the (AD) is a way to describe the heroes tied to the tracks. Unfortunately, visual elements of TV programs, 600,000 blind or vision impaired such as scenes, characters, Australians face this situation every time events, or any other visual they try to watch a TV show because aspects of a program. The AD audio description (AD) services are not is presented as an additional included in TV programs. audio track that can be played Blind Citizens Australia (BCA), an alongside the regular dialogue ACCAN member, recently lodged 21 of the show. The visual elements complaints with the Australian Human described by the AD track are Rights Commission against the ABC crucial for people who are and federal government, arguing that blind or vision impaired to their failure to provide an ongoing understand a show. AD service goes against the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of Meet the campaigners Bruce Ind Persons with Disabilities. Emma Bennison Bruce is a Board member of The ABC ran a trial of AD for 13 Emma is a Board member of Blind Blind Citizens Australia and is weeks in 2012. For those 13 weeks, the Citizens Australia and is also the a regular viewer of the New blind and vision impaired were finally CEO of Arts Access Australia. Emma Inventors program. Without able to enjoy, and understand, some has a young family and wants to being able to see what the of their favourite ABC TV shows. BCA, enjoy television with her children. invention is or how it works, along with Media Access Australia, Bruce has to rely on family Vision Australia and ACCAN, sent Scott Nixon or friends to describe what is 30,000 postcards from consumers to Scott loves audio described cinemas happening which is frustrating Senator Stephen Conroy and the ABC’s and DVDs. Scott is an avid Doctor when the technology is readily managing director Mark Scott urging Who fan but is unable to watch this available to enable independent them to have AD continue past the trial. on Australian TV as there is no audio viewing. Despite these efforts, the AD service description, unlike in the UK. was switched off once the trial ended. Barry Chapman The ABC was recently given close Mary Lovett Barry is a Board member of Blind to $90 million in additional funding in Mary received the Order of Citizens Australia and watches a the 2013 budget, but despite the AD Australia Medal in 2013 for her work number of programs on the ABC service costing only $1 million a year to for the blind and vision impaired. such as Crownies and Midsomer operate, they have given no indication Mary says: “I felt a true sense of . Barry notes that one that they would begin the service again. independence at being able to episode of Midsomer Murders Greg Madson, vice president of BCA, access programming on the ABC did not have any dialogue for has said, “People think that this is simply during the technical trial of audio at least the first five minutes about television but it’s more than that. description, but was upset when the and it was impossible from the It’s about our right to enjoy all parts of trial came to an end, excluding me background sounds to determine life just like everyone else”. from the audience once again”. what was happening.


p14-15_members4.indd 14 31/07/13 1:43 PM People think that this is simply about television but it’s more than that. It’s about our right to enjoy all parts of life just like everyone else.

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Australia’s watchdog for communications consumers

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