Riggsby Library Catalogue
Author(s) Editor(s) Title Translator(s) Year Volume # Edition/Series Language(s) Call Number Oversized Copies Abbott, Edwin A. St. Thomas of Canterbury: His Death and Miracles 1898 I English DA 209 ABB 1898 Abbott, Edwin A. St. Thomas of Canterbury: His Death and Miracles 1898 II English DA 209 ABB 1898 Abelard, Peter and Heloise Luscombe, David The Letter Collection of Peter Abelard and Heloise Radice, Betty 2013 English; Latin PA 8201 LUS 2013 Abu‐Lughod, Janet Lippman The World System in the Thirteenth Century: Dead‐End or 1993 English HC 41 ABU 1993 Precursor? Adam of Eynsham Douie, Decima L. and Farmer, Magna Vita Sancti Hugonis : The Life of St Hugh of Lincoln 2004 Vol. 1 English BX 4700 H8 2004 David Hugh Adam of Eynsham Douie, Decima L. and Farmer, Magna Vita Sancti Hugonis : The Life of St Hugh of Lincoln 2003 Vol. 2 English BX 4700. H8 2003 David Hugh Adams, Robert M. Shakespeare: The Four Romances 1989 English PR 2981.5 ADA 1989 Alexander, Caroline Lost Gold of the Dark Ages: War, Treasure, and the Mystery of 2011 English DA 152. A44 2011 the Saxons Alexander, Jonathan J.G. Medieval Illuminators and their Methods of Work 1992 English ND 2920 ALE 1992 Yes Alighieri, Dante The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri Sinclair, John D. 1979 II: Purgatorio English; Italian PQ 4302 DAN 1939 V2 Alighieri, Dante The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri Sinclair, John D. 1981 III: Paradiso English; Italian PQ 4302 DAN 1939 V3 Alighieri, Dante The Inferno Ciardi, John 1954 English PQ 4302 Dan 1954 V1 Amalar of Metz Knibbs, Eric On the Liturgy: Amalar of Metz Knibbs, Eric 2014 I: Books 1‐2 English; Latin PN 665 AMA 2014 VOL 1 Amalar of Metz Knibbs, Eric On the Liturgy: Amalar of Metz Knibbs, Eric 2014 II: Books 3‐4 English; Latin PN 665 AMA 2014 VOL 2 Amarcius, Sextus Pepin, Ronald E.
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