Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 112 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

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Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 112 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 112 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 157 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2011 No. 27 Senate The Senate was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Monday, February 28, 2011, at 2 p.m. House of Representatives FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2011 The House met at 9 a.m. and was Mr. PRICE of Georgia led the Pledge I have introduced legislation for an called to order by the Speaker. of Allegiance as follows: audit of the stimulus to show the f I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the American people where their tax dol- United States of America, and to the Repub- lars were spent. Where is the money? PRAYER lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Where are the jobs? The Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel P. indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. In conclusion, God bless our troops, Coughlin, offered the following prayer: f and we will never forget September the Lord God, Creator of storm winds and 11th in the global war on terrorism. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER innocent children. In You and through f You all is held together. Lead us with The SPEAKER. The Chair will enter- Your penetrating wisdom. tain up to five requests for 1-minute REGARDING THE REPUBLICAN May this Congress in all its delibera- speeches on each side of the aisle. CONTINUING RESOLUTION tions be rid of absolute icons and move f (Mr. DEUTCH asked and was given together to propose a common response permission to address the House for 1 to the overall security of Your people. GRUESOME ANNIVERSARY OF minute.) Integrate the information of this age FAILED STIMULUS Mr. DEUTCH. Mr. Speaker, this week with the practical and ethical stand- (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina my Republican colleagues offered us a ards that have guided Your people al- asked and was given permission to ad- glimpse into their vision for America. ways through the mysteries of nature dress the House for 1 minute and to re- It is a country where millions of and the multiple legitimate needs of vise and extend his remarks.) women are turned away from basic the most vulnerable in our midst. Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. health care, where the wealthy can buy Enlighten the Nation with Your word Speaker, yesterday marked the grue- access to our courts, and the poor are and Your grace both now and forever. some second anniversary of the admin- denied justice, where we abandon our Amen. istration’s misnamed stimulus plan. obligation to pass on a cleaner, safer f When this irresponsible plan of massive world to the next generation, where spending was introduced, liberals the voices of a thousand workers’ cries THE JOURNAL promised unemployment would not ex- for better treatment fall on a few pairs The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- ceed 8 percent. At that time, House Re- of deaf ears, where we deny children ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- publicans, led by JOHN BOEHNER, ex- the arts education that has helped in- ceedings and announces to the House plained that our Nation cannot borrow spire the greatest culture on Earth. his approval thereof. and spend our way to prosperity, and This is not the America envisioned Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- the failure of this stimulus plan is a by the constituents I serve, among nal stands approved. sad reminder of this. them thousands of America’s Greatest f Now, 2 years later, taxpayers have Generation who fought during World more than $817 billion added to the na- War II and built an extraordinary Na- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE tional debt. Unemployment is still tion after the Great Depression. This The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman above 9 percent and has been above 9 continuing resolution is, quite simply, from Georgia (Mr. PRICE) come forward percent for 21 straight months. That a disgrace to their vision and to their and lead the House in the Pledge of Al- means 14 million Americans are with- sacrifice. We can do better. We must do legiance. out jobs. Our debt is over $14 trillion. better. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1201 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:25 Feb 19, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18FE7.000 H18FEPT1 pwalker on DSKD5P82C1PROD with HOUSE H1202 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 18, 2011 PROTECT SERVICEMEMBERS FROM teachers, not a group easily riled, are ment of our values as a Union. Ameri- SEXUAL ASSAULT amongst 30,000 of their neighbors in cans are depending on us to reduce the (Mr. POE of Texas asked and was Wisconsin at the State Capitol. The au- deficit in a responsible manner while given permission to address the House dacity of their demand? The ability to growing our economy and putting peo- for 1 minute.) negotiate a living wage, safe working ple back to work. But as their ‘‘so be Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, last conditions, and a dignified retirement. it, let them eat cake’’ approach to jobs year the military received over 3,000 re- These public servants make our soci- and the economy shows, our Repub- ports of sexual assault involving other ety safe and functioning at an average lican colleagues have chosen to aban- members in the service. This week, 17 wage of $30,000 a year. They did not don the responsibility for recklessness. veterans are saying that the military cause the financial catastrophe in this Now the Republicans are proposing ignored their cases of sexual assault country. That was the speculators and to wipe out the California salmon in- while they were on active duty. These robber barons who received billions in dustry and the thousands of jobs that accusations have occurred in all TARP funds and then off-sourced it to depend on it. California’s fishermen branches of the military. avoid paying taxes. The folks in Wis- just made it through 3 years of unprec- The most recent complaint came consin who are rallying teach our chil- edented slowdown in the salmon indus- from a woman who says she was dren to read. try. An estimated 23,000 jobs and $2.8 drugged and gang raped by two fellow At a time of Astroturf rallies, I urge billion have been lost in just the last 3 members of the Navy. This ended her all my colleagues, listen to that sound years. These latest proposals threaten career. Another rape victim reported coming like a warm spring breeze off water supplies for millions, including the crime to the Marines, and she was the prairie. That’s the sound of Amer- both fishermen and farmers. ordered not to tell anyone, and to re- ica’s proud middle class that built this Mr. Speaker, salmon means jobs. I spect the alleged rapist, who was of a country, and they have found their have met the people who make their higher rank. voice. We would all be wise to listen to living with salmon, and they are proud The perpetrators of rape in the mili- the people. of their jobs. According to recent stud- tary must be held accountable for their f ies, restoring the California bay-delta could provide 94,000 new jobs and $5.7 misdeeds, and victims should be re- THE CR AND THE DIRECTION OF billion in economic activity. spected and validated by the military. AMERICA The United States has the world’s fin- f (Mr. ELLISON asked and was given est military personnel, and we must permission to address the House for 1 FULL-YEAR CONTINUING support all of them, including victims minute.) APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2011 of crime. Mr. ELLISON. Mr. Speaker, I come And that’s just the way it is. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. to the floor today to talk about the CR PRICE of Georgia). Pursuant to House f in larger context. What’s going on? The Resolution 92 and rule XVIII, the Chair PROTECT THE CLEAN AIR ACT American people have been watching declares the House in the Committee of us debating this stuff for days now late the Whole House on the State of the (Mr. INSLEE asked and was given into the night. What is it all about? permission to address the House for 1 Union for the further consideration of What it’s all about, Mr. Speaker, is the bill, H.R. 1. minute and to revise and extend his re- which direction will America go in? marks.) Will we cut back and scale back vital b 0910 Mr. INSLEE. Mr. Speaker, I come to programs that help Americans do bet- the floor to warn my colleagues and IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE ter and move into the middle class? Accordingly, the House resolved the American public of a nasty little Will we cut back and scale back vitally amendment in this CR. An amendment itself into the Committee of the Whole needed regulations to help protect us, House on the State of the Union for the will be offered by the Republicans allow us to have clean air and clean today to eliminate the ability of the further consideration of the bill (H.R. water and important other rights? 1) making appropriations for the De- Environmental Protection Agency to Or, Mr.
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