Error Budget of Inverse Box Models: The North Atlantic

ALEXANDRE GANACHAUD Institut de Recherche pour le DeÂveloppement, Laboratoire d'Etudes Geophysiques et d'Oceanographie Spatiale±UMR5566/CNRS/CNES/ IRD/UPS, NoumeÂa, New Caledonia

(Manuscript received 29 March 2002, in ®nal form 21 March 2003)

ABSTRACT Linear inverse box models based on hydrographic data are widely used to estimate the circulation and associated transports of heat and of other important quantities. The inverse method permits calculation of a circulation that is consistent with basic conservation laws such as those for mass or salt along with uncertainties. Both uncertainties and solution depend upon assumptions about noise and the limitations of linear models. Internal waves introduce noise into the measurements, while ocean variability sets bounds on the linear model skills when time average circulation is sought. Observations of internal wave spectra and sensitivity experiments on hydrographic data suggest estimates for measurement errors in transport calculations of Ϯ3Sv(1SvЏ 106 m3 sϪ1 Ӎ 109 kg sϪ1) at midlatitudes, with dependence on latitude. The output of a realistic numerical ocean model is used to quantify the impact of ocean variability on one-time hydrographic sections. The implied error is of order Ϯ8 Sv in net mass balance and Ϯ100 kmol sϪ1 in net silica balance. (The estimates are a priori errors.) Net mass balance has often been assumed more accurate with errors in individual layers compensating. While this may be true instantaneously, it is shown here that such an assumption leads to incorrect estimation of the time mean transports and diapycnal transfers.

1. Introduction heat, and salt conservation. Modi®cations are made to the reference velocities (and any other adjustable pa- So-called ``inverse box models,'' ®rst described by rameters) so as to force the circulation to consistency Wunsch (1978), are now commonly used to estimate the with the unsatis®ed requirements. ocean circulation and transports using hydrographic data However, because of the existence of noise and in- (e.g., Macdonald and Wunsch 1996; Robbins and Toole 1997; Tsimplis et al. 1998; Ganachaud and Wunsch complete physics in the geostrophic model, no con- 2000). These models provide a formal link among data, straint should be satis®ed exactly. The solution depends ocean dynamics, and a priori knowledge of the circu- directly upon the degree to which the constraints are lation. Sets of temperature, salinity, and sometimes ox- satis®ed, and one must attempt to be as realistic as pos- ygen and nutrient measurements at depth and across a sible in estimating the expected error in any require- transoceanic section are used to obtain a best estimate ment. The purpose of this paper is to reexamine from of the velocity ®eld and property transports, along with the beginning the question of noise in hydrography, and an estimate of their respective uncertainties. From tem- to provide zero-order, but nonetheless fully quantitative, perature and salinity measurements, the geostrophic values. Mass conservation is the most basic, and usually ¯ow (thermal wind) is calculated relative to a given the most important, of all imposed constraints; it is also reference surface. This ``dynamic method'' usually em- representative of other conservation requirements. We ploys the reference surface as one where the initial ve- also brie¯y examine tracer conservation constraints, us- locity estimate is zero. In practice, any additional in- ing as the example. formation, such as that from current meters, can be em- Few estimates of prior uncertainties are available. ployed to establish the initial velocity at the reference Roemmich (1980) estimated that total mass could be surface (``reference velocity''). The thermal wind in- conserved within Ϯ1toϮ2Sv(1Svϭ 10 6 m 3 sϪ1) tegrated from that reference gives an initial estimate of between two trans-Atlantic sections without incurring the general circulation, but one which usually fails to large changes to the initial circulation. Several studies satisfy basic requirements (``constraints'') such as mass, ``tested'' the ability of inverse models to reproduce a numerical ocean circulation with various inverse models (Zhang and Hogg 1996), with success depending upon Corresponding author address: Dr. Alexandre Ganachaud, Institut both model and constraints. For instance, McIntosh and de Recherche pour le DeÂveloppement, Centre de NoumeÂa, NoumeÂa BP A5, New Caledonia. Rintoul (1997) applied the method to an instantaneous E-mail: [email protected] snapshot of the Southern Ocean circulation from a qua-

᭧ 2003 American Meteorological Society

Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/02/21 12:14 AM UTC 1642 JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC TECHNOLOGY VOLUME 20 si-eddy-resolving general circulation model (GCM). East Top(x) They found that the inverse calculation was successful T ϭ ͵͵dx dz ␳(x, z)C(x, z) as long as the prior statistics of the solution correspond- West Bot(x) ed to the correct (i.e., GCM) solution, as linear esti- ϫ [b(x) ϩ ␷ R(x, z)] mation theory shows must be true. They did not include any measurement noise and constrained mass to be con- ϭ TbRϩ T , (2) served within Ϯ0.01 Sv which would be unrealistic for where C is the tracer concentration per unit mass (C ϭ real data. 1 for mass), Tb is the reference velocity contribution, The full inverse problem for a box model is a non- and TR is the contribution from relative velocities. For linear one (Mercier 1986; Wunsch 1994) because one individual oceanic layers, Top(x) and Bot(x) de®ne the could permit modi®cation of the underlying temperature upper and lower boundaries of the layer. Steady-state and salinity ®elds to correct for time changes or mea- mass conservation may be written surement errors. By ®xing the temperature and salinity, ,␳v) ϭ FW)´١ the problem is linearized, but one introduces a residual error into the calculation. This error is estimated here where v is the three-dimensional velocity vector and in the North Atlantic. FW is the net freshwater ¯ux into the area (hereafter, Section 2 presents the formalism of the problem and FW ϭ 0 for simplicity). The corresponding equation basic notations; section 3 gives estimates of the effect for tracers is (␳C) ϩ Q, (3)␬١´١ ␳C) ϭ)´١ of oceanic variability on one-time sections; section 4 quanti®es the various measurement noise sources; sec- tion 5 provides values for the a priori size of the solution where ␬ is an eddy diffusion tensor and Q is a possible (reference velocities); while section 6 analyzes the con- source or sink. It is assumed that the spatial sampling servation of silicate, followed by a general discussion along a section is ®ne enough to resolve most of the and summary of the error budget. horizontal eddy tracer transport; that is, smaller-scale lateral processes including horizontal diffusion are con- tained in the noise. Integrated over a layer bounded 2. Formalism horizontally by zonal hydrographic sections and land, and vertically by isopycnal surfaces, and rearranged, (3) Consider a zonal hydrographic section. The geo- becomes (appendix A) strophic velocity ®eld between pairs of stations is de- axT ϩ n ϭ y (4) rived from thermal wind, with

␷ aR(x, z) ϭ ␷ (x, z) ϩ b(x) {b } iiϭ1,Np z  , ␳ x ϭ {w*}kkϭ1,N Ϫ1ץ g ϭϪ dz ϩ b(x), (1) l {␬*} x kkϭ1,NlϪ1ץ ͵ ␳ 0 f z 0(x) where z is the vertical coordinate (increasing upward); where x contains the unknowns bi at each station pair and diapycnal transfers {w*kk } and {␬* }, and x can in- x is the horizontal coordinate along the section; z 0(x)is an arbitrary reference depth; ␷ (x, z) is the absolute clude other parameters such as adjustments to Ekman a transport at the surface or freshwater transport; N is velocity, ␷ (x, z) is the thermal wind relative to z (x) p R 0 the number of station pairs; N the number of layers and; and b(x) is the unknown reference velocity at z (x) (or l 0 a is the discrete integrals of T and of dianeutral trans- a correction to an optimal guess); g is gravity; and f is b fers. The term y contains the relative transport diver- the Coriolis parameter. The ``reference surface'' z 0(x) gence (TR) and the source term Q, including the Ekman is speci®ed at each pair according to prior knowledge. transport convergence. As (4) cannot be satis®ed exactly Both b and ␷ are normal to the section and represent with real data, n represents the noise. Equations of the horizontal averages between the stations. The initial cir- form (4) for different layers and properties are grouped culation is inferred by elaborate guesses of the reference to form a single matrix equation, surface, z 0(x), at which b(x) would almost vanish. The inverse calculation provides an estimate of the adjust- Ex ϩ n ϭ y, (5) ment {bi} ϭ b to this a priori solution, along with its where E is M equations ϫN unknowns. Constraints on error covariance P. This solution satis®es the constraints net transports in particular regions (e.g., Florida Strait) on the circulation and is consistent with the a priori are added by choosing appropriate elements for E and variance of b. (Bold lowercase letters represent column y. Various methods have been used to solve (5) for x vectors, while bold uppercase letters are matrices.) and n, with corresponding solutions and uncertainties The net transport of a tracer C is a linear combination depending on the a priori knowledge that one has on of b and ␷ R, their size. While the dependence is formally speci®ed

Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/02/21 12:14 AM UTC NOVEMBER 2003 GANACHAUD 1643 via the covariance matrices for methods such as Gauss± Markov (Wunsch 1996), the a priori knowledge will guide the author to choose a solution, that is, the rank for the singular value decomposition method. At any time t, and assuming geostrophy, net mass transport T(t) through a section is the sum

T(t) ϭ TbR(t) ϩ T (t) ϩ TEk(t), (6) with XE ␶ x(t) T (t) ϭϪ dx ␳ , (7) Ek ͵ f XW where TEk(t) is the near-surface Ekman transport and ␶(t)x is the zonal wind stress. It takes 1±3 months to make a transoceanic section; and sections used in a box model may be separated in time by several years. What is sought here is the time-mean transports across all data involved,

T ϭ T bRϩ T ϩ T Ek, (8) where the overbar denotes a time average. Because T R is based on a quasi-synoptic measurement (say, at time t0), the existence of a mass conserving solution relies on the assumption that TR(t 0) Ӎ T R to a good approx- imation. In contrast, T Ek can be calculated from mete- FIG. 1. Time series of the meridional Ekman ¯ow (thick line) and orological wind ®elds, while T b is estimated by the in- the integrated model ¯ow beneath 100 m (thin line) across the Atlantic verse model. Write n␷ as the corresponding error due to at 47.5Њ,36Њ, and 24ЊN. High-frequency inertial oscillations are part of the model response. The two curves nearly cancel each other when variability, then high frequencies are ®ltered out (not shown). c ␷ T RRϭ T (t0) ϩ n , ϭ T mm(t ) ϩ n ϩ n␷ , (9) salinity, and heat transports so that interannual forcing R 0 comes from the wind ®elds. As a result, variability in Here, the c superscript is the correct value and the m the meridional overturning circulation is a lower bound superscript implies a measurement. The error nm due to on the true amplitudes (STSW96). Nevertheless, model measurements, discussed later, comes from internal drift introduces additional spurious variability. STSW96 wave noise, ``bottom triangles,'' etc., and n␷ re¯ects the found that the GCM reproduced successfully the major inability of the linearized model to modify the vertical features of the large-scale oceanic circulation and the shear. In a more elaborate inverse model like the ones variability structure compared with altimetric and hy- of Mercier (1986), change is allowed in the density ®eld, drographic observations. The variability amplitude is thus reducing the model error. Because no such change underestimated by at least a factor of 2±4 on most scales is allowed here, any noise in TR may lead to a net mass with highest discrepancy in the mesoscale range. It is imbalance in the solution. not clear how well the respective fractions of baroclinic and barotropic variability are represented. The GCM 3. Variability and model error variability was not evaluated at depth by STSW96. The error n␷ is estimated with the help of a near-eddy- resolving GCM from the U.S. Naval Post Graduate a. Ekman transport ¯uctuations School (see Semtner and Chervin 1992; Stammer et al. Temperature, salinity, velocity, and sea surface height 1996, hereafter STSW96). The 1/4Њ horizontal resolu- data were subsampled every third day for the 8-yr period tion con®guration the Parallel Ocean Circulation Model, at three latitudes corresponding to actual hydrographic version 4B [(POCM-4B)] has 20 vertical levels and was data in the Atlantic Ocean: 25Њ,36Њ, and 48ЊN. Merid- forced with daily wind stress ®elds from the European ional Ekman transport was computed from the wind Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts stress and the conventional Ekman formula (7) (Fig. 1, (ECMWF). Surface temperature and salinity were re- thick line). Variations are fast with variations of up to stored to the Levitus et al. (1994) and Levitus and Boyer 30 Sv in a few days. In Fig. 1 the total ¯ow beneath (1994) monthly ®elds with a 30-day timescale. The 100 m is overlaid. If high frequencies (inertial oscil- GCM was integrated for 8 yr (1987±94) and forced lations) are ®ltered out, the imbalances do not exceed seasonally with repetitive climatological temperature, Ϯ0.8 Sv rms (not shown), showing that (7) is an ac-

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TABLE 1. Potential density interfaces.

␴␪* ␴2* ␴4* 26.4 36.87 45.81 26.8 36.94 45.85 27.1 36.98 45.87 27.3 37.02 45.895 27.5 45.91 27.7 45.925

* Sigma is referenced to the surface, 2000 db, and 4000 db. curate approximation to the GCM boundary layer and that there is no storage of important quantities of water by elevation of the sea surface. A calculation of net transport, including the surface layer and across 36Њ and 48ЊN, revealed no change in mass storage between those FIG. 2. Isopycnal interface position at 36ЊN. For simplicity, inter- latitudes exceeding Ϯ0.2 Sv. face depths were computed without allowing changes in the reference Fast variations in Ekman mass transports are therefore pressure, in contrast to Macdonald's de®nition. [In the Macdonald instantaneously compensated by an interior ¯ow in the (1998) de®nition a reference pressure is assigned to an isopycnal at opposite direction, and, because this return ¯ow is depth one end of a hydrographic section. The isopycnal position is computed along the section. If the isopycnal deviates too much from the original independent, there is no perturbation in the density ®eld. reference, the local reference pressure is changed to continue the Ganachaud and Mercier (2002) obtained similar results calculation along the section.] from a different numerical model and showed that the response was not only barotropic, but also geostrophic in the Atlantic Ocean. Therefore, different hydrographic those ¯uctuations tend to cancel out. The corresponding sections can be consistently combined in an inverse box variability in TR is estimated from the GCM, ®rst by model as long as the time-mean Ekman transport is used assuming numerical ``hydrographic sections'' are in- for all sections. This balance was observed in the repeat stantaneous, then simulating the ®nite duration of a real observations of Roemmich et al. (2001), which showed cruise [section 3b(1)]. The thermal wind ␷ R is calculated no signi®cant correlation between annual ¯uctuations of [(1)] from the GCM temperatures and salinities. The Ekman and relative transports in the upper, midlatitude velocity is referenced to the same isopycnal surfaces as

Paci®c Ocean, and only weak correlations at interannual Macdonald (1998): ␴ 4 ϭ 45.81 at 25Њ and 36ЊN (a depth timescales where the response is expected to be more of approximately 3000 m), and ␴ 2 ϭ 36.87 at 48ЊN baroclinic (Willebrand et al. 1980). Near the equator, (1500±2000 m). The relative geostrophic transport is the response is also more baroclinic, and the low-latitude integrated in the layers of Table 1 as in Macdonald behavior is postponed as a possible extension of this (1998) and predecessors (Fig. 2 gives a snapshot at work. 36ЊN). Neutral surfaces (McDougall 1987) would be The accuracy of the time-mean Ekman transport is more consistent with the Macdonald de®nition, but their dif®cult to assess. Local measurement buoys have computation is too time consuming for repetition. The shown that (7) was a good approximation for quiet wind calculation was repeated every third day for 8 yr [the conditions (Schludlich and Price 1998). On large scales relative geostrophic velocity spectrum is suf®ciently red and with varying winds, existing measurements from that aliasing of high frequencies is not of concern (Jayne ship acoustic Doppler current pro®ler (ADCP) are more and Tokmakian 1997)]. In the GCM, the balance (6) uncertain although in agreement with (7) (e.g., Cher- could not be evaluated because it was not possible to eskin and Roemmich 1991). The wind stress accuracy calculate accurately enough the depth-independent part is also dif®cult to assess. Comparison between different of the absolute geostrophic velocity with the ®elds that wind ®elds shows deviations of up to 46% (Mestas- were available to us (appendix A of Ganachaud 1999). NunÄez et al. 1994; Roemmich et al. 2001) for high A similar analysis on the recent CLIPPER model (1/6Њ, winds. An uncertainty of 20%±50% for the time-mean Atlantic Ocean) con®rms the validity of (6) to within Ekman transport is probably a realistic, zero-order less than 2 Sv in the North Atlantic (Ganachaud and ``guess.'' Mercier 2002). Figure 3 shows, the time-mean transport from the relative velocity (T ) across latitudes 25Њ,36Њ and 48ЊN b. Baroclinic variability n␷ R along with its variability (shaded, one standard devia- Locally, mesoscale baroclinic eddies introduce large tion). The layer thicknesses reported correspond to a deviations from the mean transport, so that estimating zonal average. The relative transport variability is larg- the time-average thermal wind ¯ow would require an est in the surface layers, with Ϯ1toϮ2 Sv rms, while enormous dataset. Integrated on large spatial scales, it generally does not exceed Ϯ0.5 Sv rms below 2000

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FIG. 3. Relative mass transport in individual layers at (left) 25Њ, (middle) 36Њ, and (right) 48ЊN in the GCM. The 8-yr average is indicated by the lines while the variability is given by the shaded area (one std dev).

m. Variability in the deep layers increases at 48ЊNin c. One-month sections the 2000±4000-m range, either due the shallower ref- erence surface chosen there, or to a natural deep vari- Because it takes approximately 1 month for a ship to ability (Koltermann et al. 1999). The variability in the cross the Atlantic, the ®eld observed by the ship is dif- net relative transport (values below graphics) ranges ferent from any instantaneous ®eld. For instance, eddies Ϯ2.5 Sv rms (48ЊN), Ϯ5 Sv rms (36ЊN), and Ϯ6Sv moving with the ship exhibit smoother gradients than rms (25ЊN). those moving against it. To explore this ``cruise alias- A theoretical study of seasonal variability by Gill and ing'' effect, 1-month-long cruises were simulated along Niller (1973) predicted a relatively small and barotropic 36ЊN in the GCM, from west to east and for each month response away from the equator. At 24Њ and 36ЊN, repeat of 1993. Layer transports did not show departures from hydrographic sections were obtained in the late 1950s, the 1993 average that would exceed the natural vari- 1981, and the early 1990s. Shifts in the water mass ability reported in the preceding section. Still, the effect characteristics have been found (e.g., Bryden et al. of aliasing increases the top-to-bottom thermal wind transport variability: at 36 N, T varied by 4.8 Sv rms 1996; Arbic and Owens 2001). However, Roemmich and Њ R Ϯ between the 12 cruises versus 3.5 Sv rms from 3-day Wunsch (1985) obtained little difference between the Ϯ snapshots. This additional bias does not exceed the Ϯ5 absolute geostrophic transports from the 1950s and 1981 Sv rms 8-yr variability there, and for this ``order of with deviations on the order of 1 Sv in individual layers magnitude'' error budget, cruise aliasing does not in- (as in Table 1), with larger deviations near the surface. troduce a large error compared to that of natural vari- Those differences could accumulate vertically to 7 Sv ability. As 36ЊN is a typical mid-Atlantic regime, we over consecutive layers. At 24ЊN, Lavin (1993) did a anticipate the situation to be similar at the two other similar comparison including a 1992 occupation. Top- latitudes. to-bottom geostrophic transports on the three occupa- A second kind of aliasing is caused by ®nite station tions from Bahamas to Africa referenced to 1100 m separation. Much of the eddy energy occurs on scales → showed deviations of ϩ9.3 Sv (1957 1981) and Ϫ5.2 comparable to station spacing (generally close to the → Sv (1981 1992). These magnitudes are consistent ®rst Rossby radius), and variability on scales less than with our Ϯ6 Sv GCM variability in the total transport that distance is aliased. The GCM output is inadequate at 24ЊN (referenced to a deeper surface). At 24Њ,36Њ, to quantify this error because subsampling the GCM and 48ЊN, Koltermann et al. (1999) did similar com- ®elds incurs errors from the representation of the bottom parisons, but because they used the extreme assumption topography. Roemmich and Wunsch (1985) compared of oceanic Sverdrup balance to the sea¯oor (Luyten et the transports from two coarse-resolution and two ®ne- al. 1985), their results cannot be used to distinguish the resolution sections taken at different times in the North variability that is due to changes in the density ®eld Atlantic and concluded that temporal variability dom- apart from the barotropic (and Sverdrup contaminated) inated the differences in geostrophic transports. This part. In the Paci®c Ocean at 24ЊN, the variability of the aliasing, however, could be better quanti®ed using high- upper-800-m TR was evaluated at Ϯ2±3 Sv rms from er-resolution models and high-frequency observations 28 repeat, high-resolution expendable bathythermo- such as XBTs, current meters, and altimetry. Recent graph/expendable conductivity±time±depth (XBT/ experiments on high-resolution numerical models sug- XCTD) measurements (Roemmich et al. 2001), again gest that a hydrographic resolution of 50 km may lead consistent with our Atlantic results. to an underestimation of property transports by eddies

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FIG. 4. Enhancing conservation in the deep layers at the expense of the top-to-bottom mass budget: a simpli®ed example with two hydrographic sections. Panel 1 shows the true average circulation thermal wind with an appropriate reference level taken at the bottom for both sections. Panel 2 shows a one-time observation of the thermal wind, which gives a different shallow shear in the left section, i.e., a 5-Sv error with respect to the time average. The right section is supposed steady and accurately measured. Panels 3 and 4 are adjustments to the initial circulation (panel 2), one that conserves mass top to bottom (panel 3) and the other one that conserves mass in the deep (panel layer 4). In case 3, spurious diapycnal transfers are diagnosed.

(P. Klein 2001, personal communication; and Levy et tation of the time mean, leading to those vertical trans- al. 2001). fers. But the GCM simulation and repeat observations

show that TR(t) is more stable in the deep layers, sug- gesting that one should require a closer mass conser- d. Application to inverse models vation in the deep layers at the expense of top-to-bottom Hydrographic measurements simulated in a numerical conservation. This yields a circulation that is represen- model show that variations in Ekman transport have tative of the time average but contains residual mass little impact on the density ®eld and that the variability divergences in the upper layer, and top to bottom [Fig. in the density ®eld introduces an uncertainty in the rel- (4.4)]. This solution is correct as long as the total mass ative thermal wind transport of Ϯ0.1 to Ϯ2 Sv in (our) residuals are indistinguishable from zero within uncer- isopycnal layers that adds up to Ϯ5 Sv top to bottom. tainties. Because at any time the top-to-bottom baroclinic transport T (t) is balanced by depth-independent chang- R 4. Measurement noise es, it is tempting to impose strict top-to-bottom con- servation when combining zonal sections taken at dif- The measurement noise nm derives from both the tem- ferent times (assuming the objective is to estimate the perature/salinity measurements and from approxima- time-mean ¯ow). Figure 4 illustrates the consequences tions done in transport calculations. Errors in naviga- of such constraints in a simpli®ed case. The true average tion, instruments, and internal waves all contribute to is an overturning of 5 Sv [Fig. (4.1)]. Because of bar- contaminate the data. Navigation is today only a minor oclinic variability in the upper layer, a shear of 5 Sv error source. Moreover, errors in station positions tend instead of 10 Sv is observed in the left section [Fig. to cancel out in geostrophic transport computations. (4.2)]. (The right section is supposed steady for this CTDs have reached an absolute accuracy of approxi- illustration purpose although its circulation would also mately 10Ϫ3 K for temperature and better than 4 ϫ 10Ϫ3 change in practice.) If one enforces top-to-bottom mass for salinity when carefully calibrated (Saunders 1986). conservation across the two sections, the circulation [World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) stan- [Fig. (4.3)] is estimated at half the overturning strength dards require 0.005-K accuracy and 0.002-K precision and spurious vertical transfers appear across isopycnals (Joyce and Corry 1994).] The corresponding noise in to accommodate the difference between the horizontal the density is 3 ϫ 10Ϫ4 kg mϪ3 from temperature noise transport at the two sections. The weak overturning on (10Ϫ3 K) and 3 ϫ 10Ϫ3 kg mϪ3 from salinity noise (4 the left truly represents the instantaneous circulation at ϫ 10Ϫ3). Improper calibration may introduce biases of the time of the section; it is nonetheless a misrepresen- Ϯ0.01 K in temperature and Ϯ0.01 in salinity (Marotzke

Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/02/21 12:14 AM UTC NOVEMBER 2003 GANACHAUD 1647 and Willebrand 1996, p. 64), causing uniform density ␳ 2 shifts with no effect on geostrophic transports. ͗n2͘ϭ53 0 ϫ NN(z)3 , (14) ␳ ΂΃g 0

Ϫ3 Ϫ1 a. Internal waves where N 0 ϭ 5.2 ϫ 10 s and N is the local buoyancy frequency. Here, N varies from 0.8 ϫ 10Ϫ3 sϪ1 in the The transport due to the geostrophic velocity refer- deep layers to 5 ϫ 10Ϫ3 sϪ1 in the thermocline at mid- enced to the bottom between any station pair Sw and Se latitudes (Gill 1982, p. 52). The corresponding noise n␳ may be written ranges from 0.0013 to 0.02 kg mϪ3 rms. In the deep Se 0 ocean, n␳ is given a lower bound equivalent to the CTD T ϭ ͵͵dx dz ␷(x, z) noise (0.003 kg mϪ3 rms). At a latitude of 30Њ and for Sw Ϫh h ϭ 4000 m, the resulting rms noise in the transport is

Se 0 z ␳(x, ␨) m 22ץ g ϭϪ dx dz d␨ , (10) ͗(n ) ͘ϭ(Ϯ3 Sv rms) . (15) xץ ␳ 0 f͵͵͵ Sw Ϫh Ϫh A depth of h ϭ 5000 m produces a similar result. The where ␨ is a dummy depth variable and h is bottom Coriolis parameter controls the size of ͗(nm) 2͘. Fieux et depth. For constant depth, T depends only upon the al. (1996) observed transport ¯uctuations on the order density measurements at Sw and Se: of 9 Sv between stations repeated a few hours apart near g 0 z Bali and suspected internal wave activity. At their lat- T ϭ dz d␨[␳(Swe, ␨) Ϫ ␳(S , ␨)]. (11) itude, (12) predicts a noise of the same order, Ϯ10 Sv. ␳ 0 f ͵͵ Ϫh Ϫh Because internal waves move isopycnals in a non- geostrophic manner, the measured isopycnal position is b. Geostrophy in error (n␳) with respect to its geostrophic position. Away from the Ekman layer, geostrophy is a good This implies an error nm in T: approximation. Even in western boundary currents, g 0 z scaling shows near-geostrophic balance (e.g., Pedlosky m n ϭϪ dz d␨[n␳(Sw, ␨) Ϫ n␳(Se, ␨)], (12) 1987, ch. 8) apart from simple cyclostrophic corrections. ␳ 0 f ͵͵ Ϫh Ϫh Observational tests have failed to detect signi®cant de- with variance viations from geostrophy anywhere outside the surface layers (Wunsch 1996, ch. 2). Johns et al. (1989) showed g 2 0 zzЈ ͗(nm)2͘ϭ dz dzЈ d␨ d␨Ј that in a strong curve of the Gulf Stream the cyclostro- ␳ 0 f ͵͵ ͵ ͵ phic term introduces an ageostrophy of up to 2 Sv. ΂΃ Ϫh Ϫh Ϫh Ageostrophic motions also include the widely observed ϫ͗[n␳(Se, ␨) Ϫ n␳(Sw, ␨)] energetic inertial oscillations. These motions do not af- ϫ [n (S , ␨Ј) Ϫ n (S , ␨Ј)]͘, fect hydrographic measurements and their transports of ␳ e ␳ w scalar oceanic properties are negligible: for a surface where the bracket ͗ ´ ͘ denotes the expected value. inertial velocity of order V ϭ 10 cm sϪ1, inertial circles Observations show no evidence of horizontal coher- have a radius R ϭ V/ f ϭ 1000 m at midlatitudes and ence over distances larger than 10 km (Garrett and Munk a westward Stokes drift of (Ripa 1997) 1972), and one can assume that n␳(Sw) and n␳(Se) are 1 uncorrelated. We then have ͗xÇ͘ϭϪ ␤R2 ϳ 0.5 ϫ 10Ϫ16ϫ 10 2 g 2 00 zzЈ ͗(nm)2͘ϭ dz dzЈ d␨ d␨ ϭ O(5 ϫ 10Ϫ4 cm sϪ1 ), ␳ 0 f ͵͵͵͵ ΂΃Ϫh Ϫh Ϫh Ϫh where ␤ is the planetary vorticity gradient. The value, ϫ [2 ϫ͗n␳␳(␨)n (␨Ј)͘]. (13) 5 ϫ 10Ϫ4 cm sϪ1, is much smaller than ambient geo-

The is divided into segments ⌬zi of 500 strophic ¯ows. m or more so that the internal wave noise is approxi- mately uncorrelated between each segment. The co- c. Bottom triangle variance matrix ͗n␳(zi)n␳(zj)͘ is diagonal with elements chosen for each depth following Marotzke and Wille- To compute geostrophic transports between two sta- brand (1996) with slight modi®cations. The variance of tions over a sloping bottom, properties must be extrap- the isopycnal displacements is estimated from Munk olated below their deepest common level (DCL). As (1981): shown in Fig. 5 the extrapolation might be done along N the bottom slope or equivalently on the imaginary points ͗␰ 2͘ϭ530 (m2 ), (in white) below the DCL at the shallow station. The N(z) corresponding temperatures are denoted Tshal and the so that ones of the deep station Tdeep (black points), with salin-

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tween 1000 and 2000 db coincides with a steep bottom so that the shear in the bottom triangle varies by 1 m sϪ1 from one method to the next. The associated trans- port deviations reach 30 Sv with ``constant slope.'' While such an extreme is readily identi®ed, smaller er- rors are impossible to detect. To minimize the bottom triangle error, we reference the thermal wind to the DCL instead of the deepest station so that the extrapolation does not affect ve- locity above the DCL. (In the case of a reference isopycnal between the DCL and the deepest station, the reference was taken at the DCL.) Figure 6 (lower panel) shows that within 1 Sv, except for the poly- nomial ®t at 24ЊN, the relative transports are inde- pendent south of 48ЊN. At 48ЊN, the scatter is more important (4±9 Sv) because the deep western bound- ary crosses several bottom triangles. FIG. 5. Bottom triangle problem. The topography is shaded; the left vertical line is a shallow station; the right line is a deep station. Because methods 2±5 propagate the temperature Black dots are temperature. structure downward, they can introduce unrealistic tem- perature gradients for large bottom slope. Method 1 (null transport) is unrealistic as well, as it implies a discon- ities Sshal and Sdeep. Uncertainties arise from extrapolation tinuous shear at the DCL. The ``constant velocity'' and from estimation of the area in the bottom triangle. method implies an abrupt ¯attening of isopycnals. Hor- Six common extrapolation methods are compared izontal extrapolation appears to be the most physical, here. 1) Null velocity assumes the transport in the tri- as it reproduces the velocity shear from the next station angle vanishes. 2) No shear has Tshal(z) ϭ Tdeep(z) with pair and at same depth although it may be unstable in constant geostrophic velocity below the DCL. 3) In con- the rare case of two closely spaced stations followed by stant slope, Tshal is computed so that the isotherm slopes a distant station along a rising bottom slope. are the same as above the DCL. The slope magnitudes The error due to the bottom triangle is therefore of are arbitrarily limited to exclude excessively large order 1 Sv as long as the reference level of shallow shears. For our experiments a maximum slope of 1 was stations is taken at DCL (Fig. 6, lower panel). Exper- iϩ1 ii i allowed [slope ϭ (TTTTkkkϪ )/( ϩ1 Ϫ k)] to reproduce iments on many hydrographic sections (Ganachaud and procedures used in the past (e.g., Macdonald 1998) (here Wunsch 2000) show that horizontal extrapolation k is the vertical increment, i the station number). 4) In yields the most stable results. In a boundary current the planar ®t method (Wunsch 1996), a linear function along sloping topography, this error increases to 2±4 T(x, z) ϭ ax ϩ bz ϩ c is determined by regression on Sv, and probably more in over¯ow regions. Because the data. The relation gives Tshal. 5) In the polynomial we compared various extrapolation methods with a null ®t method, T(x, z) ϭ ax ϩ bz ϩ cz2 ϩ d, useful in bottom triangle transport, we may overestimate the ac- regions of strong T strati®cation. 6) The horizontal tual error. Further tests may narrow the uncertainty in method involves extrapolation from the next deeper sta- speci®c situations, for example, subsampling a high- tion. The relative geostrophic transports were computed resolution section or numerical model or comparing from real hydrographic data using methods 1±6 across calculations with adequate lowered ADCP (LADCP) 24Њ,36Њ, and 48ЊN. We used the same reference iso- measurements. pycnal as in section 3b or the bottom if shallower than the target isopycnal. For those ``shallow stations,'' the 5. Reference velocity magnitude velocity is referenced either at the depth of the deepest station or at the DCL of the two stations. The resulting To analyze the expected size and variability of the transports are displayed in Fig. 6. reference velocities, they were calculated from the time- If the reference level is taken at the deepest stations mean absolute geostrophic velocity (thermal wind plus (Fig. 6, upper panel) the relative transports vary from surface pressure gradient) in the GCM (at the reference 6to31Svat24ЊN depending upon the method with isopycnals of section 3b). In principle, the full reference largest deviations of 45 Sv at 36ЊN between methods 3 velocity covariance, ͗bbT͘ϭ͗b(x)b(xЈ)͘, could be de- and 6. The discrepancies appear almost exclusively in rived from the GCM. However, because ͗bbT͘ is gen- regions shallower than the reference isopycnal. Because erally nonisotropic and geographically dependent we velocity is referenced to the deepest station, errors in need to assume no correlation between elements, a the bottom triangle are then propagated through the priori. At 24Њ and 36ЊN, reference velocities are gen- whole water column. An extreme occurs along the east- erally smaller than 0.2 cm sϪ1 in the oceanic interior ern side of 36ЊN where the strong density gradient be- while variability reaches approximately Ϯ0.5 cm sϪ1

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FIG. 6. Net relative transport across real hydrographic sections and for different bottom triangle extrapolations (the bars are in order as indicated by the legend). The calculation is much more sensitive to the method if the reference in shallow waters is taken at the (upper) deepest stations, than at the (lower) deepest common level. Note the different y-axis scales.

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rms. The mean reference velocities increase to 20 cm nication]. These estimates contradict previous beliefs sϪ1 near the western boundary and to 5 cm sϪ1 in shallow that in the Southern Ocean up to 25% of the surface water farther east. At 48ЊN the amplitude of both mean production was buried (DeMaster et al. 1991). Net and variability is twice as large in the oceanic interior, sources and sinks of silicate appear to be much smaller while mean velocities of up to only 6 cm sϪ1 are found than the biogenic ¯uxes. The global sink of silicate es- in the deep western boundary current near the conti- timated from data is about 220 kmol Si sϪ1 nental slope. This variability in the interior is insensitive and close to the source from runoff, at 160 kmol to a deeper choice of reference isopycnal (3000±3600 Si sϪ1 (TreÂguer et al. 1995). Although little is known versus 1200±2000 m). about them, hydrothermal activity, basaltic erosion, and It is not clear whether the correct prior variance for eolian inputs are estimated at 40 kmol Si sϪ1 in total b should be the mean, the variability, or the rms. Var- (TreÂguer et al. 1995). Therefore, silica ¯uxes are to ®rst iability is an overestimate, as it includes fast responses order a vertical balance between surface particle export to Ekman transport ¯uctuations (section 3a). But it also and deep or bottom remineralization in the water col- includes baroclinic eddy contributions that could be nec- umn. As a result, silicate is expected to be conservative essary tob to produce a circulation that is consistent when diagnosed within an oceanic area enclosed by hy-

with the instantaneous realization ␷ R(t). To ®rst order, drographic sections. time mean and variability have similar magnitude, and Three processes may limit the application to inverse because the GCM reproduces about half of the actual models due to nonsteadiness or particle transports, oceanic variability (section 3), an a priori value for the namely, the erosion of the sea ¯oor during a transient reference velocity variance in the interior of 1 cm2 sϪ2 period, time changes in export production, and the hor- appears reasonable [Macdonald (1998) used such a val- izontal advective transport of siliceous particles. To ®rst ue]. In shallow waters, near boundary currents, and in order the transports do not appear to create large sources the vicinity of high shears, this value should be in- or sinks of dissolved silicate (appendix B). Within the creased according, for instance, to current meter statis- limits of the present understanding of the , tics where available. Because the initial circulation can dissolved silicate is expected to be top-to-bottom con- be dramatically dependent upon the arbitrary choice of servative within a few 10 kmol Si sϪ1. We now examine reference surface (e.g., Bryden and Beal 2001), the a the error due to baroclinic variability in silicate trans- priori size (or uncertainty) of the solution needs to be port. chosen accordingly so that the uncertainty of the cir- culation re¯ects this arbitrariness. a. Variability in baroclinic silicate transports

6. Silicate As for mass, time variability in advective silicate ␷ transports introduces a noisenSi in the time-mean silicate Because, like most dissolved nutrients, silicate is de- conservation equations. Variability in the meridional pleted near the surface, its transports have a different transport of silicate is not possible to estimate from spatial structure than that of mass transport. As a result, existing observations, and our GCM does not contain silicate conservation is a powerful constraint to increase any nutrient information. To proceed, an estimated sil- the accuracy of ocean circulation determination. How- icate variable was created in the GCM by performing ever, the weight attributed to silicate conservation re- a regression of observed potential temperature and lon- mains approximate, with some authors requiring con- gitude with silicate. Figure 7 (left) shows the silicate servation at depths (Wunsch et al. 1983; Macdonald and concentration versus temperature in the Atlantic at Wunsch 1996) and others top to bottom (Robbins and 36ЊN. An analytical function was sought in the form of Toole 1997; Ganachaud and Wunsch 2002). Based on Chebyshev polynomials tapered with an exponential to published silicate measurements and our GCM, we re- remove the dominant vertical structure: view the rationale for silicate conservation. In an attempt to quantify the global silica budget from 6 S (␪, l) ϭ aT(␪)eϪ10ϫ(␪Ϫ1) ϩ a ϫ l, (16) the few existing measurements, Nelson et al. (1995) iii͸ 7 iϭ0 suggested that 50% of the global opal production is

recycled in the euphotic zone, allowing a maximum where Si is the silicate concentration; l, ␪ are the longitude Ϫ1 global particle ¯ux of 4500 kmol Si s to enter the and the temperature scaled to the interval [Ϫ1, 1]; Ti(t) deep layers. Particles reaching the sea ¯oor are partially is the ith Chebyshev polynomial (type 1); and the co-

buried, with an average global burial/production of 3%. ef®cients ai are obtained by regression, independently on The burial is believed to be almost negligible in the each side of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. On the western side, Ϫ3 large oligotrophic regions (e.g., TreÂguer et al. 1995) the coef®cients are ai ϭ 10 ϫ [4.62 8.06 5.30 2.59 Ϫ3 while it reaches a maximum of 5% in high-productivity 0.90 0.20 0.02 7.8]; while on the eastern side, ai ϭ 10 regions such as the Southern Ocean [isotopic measure- ϫ [5.40 9.35 6.03 2.83 0.92 0.18 0.0175 1500]. Figure ments from Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS) 7 (left) shows the corresponding curves and (right) the Antarctic program; F. Sayles 2001, personal commu- residuals. The residuals are small relative to mean con-

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FIG. 7. (left) Silicate vs potential temperature at 36ЊN in the Atlantic. The solid line corresponds to the regressions obtained west of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, while the dashed line corresponds to the data east of the ridge. The data points are given by the cloud of circles. (right) Silicate residual after regression at each depth. For comparison, the mean silicate concentration is overlaid. (The accuracy of very best routine measurements of silicate is 0.5±1.0 ␮mol kgϪ1.)

centration, meaning that the function (16) adequately rep- thermal wind (TR) transport and variability of silicate. resents the ®eld for polynomials of degree 6. In contrast with mass, the thermal wind variability of ␷ 2 Using this analytical representation, the instantaneous silicate ͗()nSi ͘ does not vary substantially with depth, silicate ®elds were computed from the GCM output tem- with about Ϯ10 kmol Si sϪ1 in each layer and Ϯ50 kmol perature ®elds. A discontinuity arises above the mid- Si sϪ1 top to bottom. Atlantic ridge from the change in the regression function Therefore, between two hydrographic sections in the but does not introduce signi®cant spurious variability. North Atlantic, an a priori uncertainty of order 100 kmol The geostrophic transport of silicate was obtained, as Si sϪ1 appropriately accounts for aliasing and biogeo- for the volume transport, every third day for 8 yr through chemical sources (river runoff, hydrothermal, dissolu- our isopycnal layers (Table 1). Figure 8 shows the total tion) and sinks (burial) that are both much smaller than 100 kmol Si sϪ1. Seasonal recti®cation effects were found important for nitrate by Williams and Follows (1998) at the edge of the subtropical gyre. For nitrate, this effect is weak in comparison with the magnitude of a posteriori uncertainties in inverse models (e.g., Gan- achaud and Wunsch 2002), with about 4 kmol N sϪ1 (A. J. McLaren 1999, personal communication), and it is anticipated to be small for silicate too.

b. Silicate and anomaly equations As described in Ganachaud et al. (2000) and other papers (e.g. Wijffels 1993; McIntosh and Rintoul 1997) there is an advantage to using anomaly equations for tracer conservation. Taking salt as an example, intui- tively, mass and salt conservation equations are strongly correlated (the latter is about 35 times the former). For better conditioning of the system of equations, the mass conservation equation times an average salinity is sub- tracted from the salt conservation equation to form the FIG. 8. Silicate variability at 36ЊN due to changes in the density so-called anomaly equation. The utility of this step is ®eld, TR. The shaded area corresponds to the variability in each layer. The line gives the average relative transports through each layer in actually dependent not upon the relative magnitude of kmol Si sϪ1. the equation coef®cients (modern computer word

Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/02/21 12:14 AM UTC 1652 JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC TECHNOLOGY VOLUME 20 lengths have more than ample accuracy to accommodate TABLE 2. Error budget at 36ЊN in the Atlantic (Sv rms).a observed mass and salinity distributions), but upon the Totalb Above 2000 m Below 2000 assumption that the subtraction removes a strongly cor- Variability 5 1±2 0.5 related noise term from the two original equations Internal waves 3 Ð 0.2 (Wunsch 1996, p. 273). Geostrophyc 2 Ð Ð Anomaly equations turn out to be dif®cult to use for Bottom wedge 1 Ð Ð top-to-bottom silicate when spurious mass divergences Total error 6 1±2 0.5 occur in upper layers. The depth-average silicate con- a Those a priori uncertainties are provided for the total transport and centration is higher than the upper-ocean concentra- in the layers of Table 1, above and below 2000 db. tionÐwhere the top-to-bottom mass divergence actually b Uncertainty in the top-to-bottom transport. occursÐso that subtracting the mass divergence times c From the Gulf Stream curvature at 36ЊN. the depth-average silicate concentration may create an erroneous source or sink of silicate in the top-to-bottom anomaly equation. A solution to this problem is to use toul and Wunsch 1991; Macdonald 1998). Using such the sum of anomaly equations in individual layers for an error for the net transport through a section is some- the top-to-bottom anomaly equations of silicate. what counterintuitive, as it is known, independently from inverse models and hydrographic data, that mass is conserved within the uncertainty of freshwater trans- 7. Summary and discussion port divergence, Ϯ1 Sv or less. But, for linear box The different sources of noise in geostrophic linear inverse models with no adjustment to density, vari- inverse box models were examined in three midlatitude ability is aliased in one-time sections and produces North Atlantic sections, and the following was found. spurious residuals in mass conservation. To account properly for those residuals in the error budget, it has 1) The high-frequency variability in transoceanic trans- been shown that one must accordingly enhance mass ports is dominated by fast, depth-independent re- conservation at depth where the circulation is less var- sponses to Ekman transport ¯uctuations. Conse- iable, at the expense of the top-to-bottom conservation quently, linear inverse models can consistently com- equation, as illustrated by Fig. 4. Failure to do so re- bine different sections as long as the time-mean Ek- sults in spurious inferred vertical transfers and under- man transport is used for all sections. The a priori estimated uncertainties. uncertainty of mean Ekman transports probably lies Because silicate is a powerful tracer to constrain the in the range of 20%±50%. circulation, the silicate transport errors were estimated 2) The baroclinic shear relative to a deep reference sur- along with mass. The aliasing of baroclinic variability face is stable on large scales so that the relative from the GCM was estimated at Ϯ50 kmol Si sϪ1 rms transport measured at any one time is representative top to bottom and at Ϯ10 kmol Si sϪ1 rms in individual of the time mean. The residual error is not negligible, layers. For two North Atlantic sections, a total uncer- with a total of order Ϯ5 Sv at midlatitudes for the tainty of Ϯ100 kmol Si sϪ1 appropriately accounts var- top-to-bottom transport and Ϯ0.1 to Ϯ2Svinthe iability and biogeochemical sources and sinks. selected individual layers. The ®nite time required The a priori reference velocity magnitude was eval- by a ship to cross the ocean does not signi®cantly uated from the GCM as lying between Ϯ0.5 and Ϯ1 increase those values. cm sϪ1. To represent the uncertainties due to the ref- 3) The measurement noise is dominated by internal erence surfaces choice, the a priori values may be mod- wave vertical heave of isopycnals, implying a Ϯ3 i®ed according to independent measurements and local Sv error in the transport estimates at midlatitudes. shear. Shallow reference surfaces translate large eddy The geostrophic assumption and the bottom triangle velocities in the upper ocean into large velocities at the issues induce smaller errors except in very speci®c bottom. The corresponding bottom transports are arti- situations such as a boundary current with large cur- ®cial and do not cancel unless the bottom is ¯at. Using vature or a deep boundary current against a slope. a deep reference surface minimizes this error and is Table 2 summarizes the a priori uncertainties on the appropriate as long as an appropriate range of adjust- top-to-bottom ¯ow and on the ¯ow in isopycnal layers ment is allowed in the reference velocities. above and below 2000 db. Assuming that the different The evaluation of the error from time variability is kind of uncertainties are independent, the total rms in dependent upon the skill of the GCM. As was noted the top-to-bottom transport uncertainty is of Ϯ6rms previously, the GCM underestimates observed vari- Sv. In a mass conservation equation involving two sec- ability by a factor of 2±4. However, we do not know tions, the noise level, assuming uncorrelated errors be- the respective fractions of baroclinic and barotropic var- tween the sections (a coherence analysis showed no iability that are represented, nor could we evaluate the signi®cant correlation at any time scale), would be of GCM skills at depth. Because the uncertainties that we Ϯ8.5 Sv rms, suggesting a fourfold increase of the 2 derive are in agreement within a factor of 2 with an Sv rms uncertainty adopted by previous authors (Rin- analysis from repeat hydrographic sections, it is be-

Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/02/21 12:14 AM UTC NOVEMBER 2003 GANACHAUD 1653 lieved that the estimates reported are suf®ciently ac- valuable scienti®c advice and greatly helped improve curate for a priori uncertainties. the manuscript. Many conversations and comments Uncertainties of vertical (diapycnal) transfers derive from J. Toole, J. Marotzke, B. Warren were appreciated. from the preceding error budget. Given their large spa- B. King, an anonymous reviewer, A. Macdonald, P. Is- tial and temporal variability, and the nonexistence of achsen, H. Bryden, A. Hernandez, and P. Robbins pro- large-scale measurements, a priori uncertainties on w* vided valuable comments and suggestions. S. Jayne and and ␬* are large. The a priori size of w* is determined R. Tokmakian made the GCM ®elds available. This by estimates of the horizontal circulation (e.g., 15-Sv work was supported in part at MIT by the Jet Propulsion upwelling in the Indian Ocean implies w* Ӎ 0.5 ϫ 10Ϫ4 Laboratory and the American Auto Manufacturers As- cm sϪ1). For ␬*, microstructure measurement varies be- sociation through the MIT Center for Global Change tween 0.1 and 100 cm2 sϪ1 (e.g., Polzin et al. 1997), Sciences, and by the CNES. with localized, high-mixing regions. Inverse models should allow large range over which to determine ␬* APPENDIX A from the conservation equations. A last component of the model error is the Eulerian Integrated Conservation Equation nature of the transport calculation. Eulerian tracer mo- One can integrate (3) over a layer bounded horizon- tions are approximations of the true Lagrangian trans- tally by two zonal hydrographic sections and land, and ports sought. The problem is too complex to be ad- vertically between selected isopycnal surfaces, and re- dressed in the present context and we are left with the arrange the terms to obtain assumption that the error implied does not greatly ex- ceed the error from the variability. East Top(x) North One of the main objectives of hydrographic mea- dx dz ␳C␷ ͵͵ South []West Bot(x) surements is to estimate climate-related quantities such as the heat transport. If the circulation and uncertainties Top (␳C)ץ are calculated properly, any derived property transport ϭ dx dy ␬ Ϫ w␳C ϩ Q, (A1) zץ and uncertainty will be correct. This, however, does not []͵͵ ΂΃Bot include processes such as seasonal recti®cation, which North North South where [X]South Џ X Ϫ X , w is the velocity per- for heat transports was shown to be small north of 45ЊS pendicular to the top or bottom interface, ␬ is the di- and away from the equator (Jayne and Marotzke 2001). aneutral diffusivity, and the source Q is integrated over What is the relevance of the preceding discussion to the layer. The left-hand side can be calculated from the other oceanic regions? While measurement noise esti- velocities across the sections, but the right-hand side is mates are valid for any midlatitude regions, the present not directly computable. The right-hand side is decom- estimates for variability are speci®c to the North At- posed as follows, assuming that the second-order Reyn- lantic Ocean. Ganachaud and Wunsch (2000) chose to olds terms are negligible: extrapolate mass results to the global ocean, using a (␳C)ץ -simple scaling by the Coriolis parameter (see Gana dx dy ␬ Ϫ w␳C zץ[] ͵͵ chaud 1999). The few existing observations suggest that variations in the measured geostrophic transports in oth- (␳C)ץ ,.er basins are similar to those of the Atlantic Ocean (e.g Ӎ A ␬* Ϫ w*␳C , (A2) zץ[] -Wijffels et al. 1996; Roemmich et al. 2001). In the In dian Ocean, model simulations give qualitatively similar results, with the variability being dominated by the bar- where the horizontal overbar denotes a horizontal av- otropic response to Ekman transport changes (Lee and erage; A is the horizontal area of a given neutral surface Marotzke 1998). Nevertheless, the logical extension of bounded by the sections; and w*, ␬* represent the this work will be a generalization to all oceanic regions. equivalent average dianeutral velocity and diffusivity Future work will also need to quantify uncertainties in across the interface. Such a formalism assumes for ␬* anomaly equations and examine the case of sections Ͼ 0 downgradient turbulent transports in the dianeutral z are calculated from theץ/ (␳C)ץcrossing in midocean. Extrapolation of the silicate re- direction. Both␳C and sults to other may be done, for instance, by scal- section data, that is, at the boundaries of each ocean ing with the local Si concentration and local mass var- sector. Using (2) and (A2), (A1) may be written as iability. This method assumes that larger Si concentra- Top (␳C)ץ tions are related to a larger vertical Si gradients and, [T ]North ϩ Aw*␳C Ϫ ␬* zץ b South therefore, to larger baroclinic variability in the Si trans- []Bot ports (e.g., Ganachaud et al. 2000). North ϭ [ϪTR]South ϩ Q, (A3) Acknowledgments. This work was completed as part where Q includes the freshwater transport in the mass of a Ph.D. thesis within the MIT±WHOI Joint Program budget and the Ekman transport divergence for all trac- in Physical Oceanography. Prof. Carl Wunsch provided ers including mass.

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APPENDIX B same order of magnitude as it is dominated by regions of simultaneous high productivity and strong currents. Nonconservative Silicate Processes Although the effect cannot be totally ignored, particle advection is a priori smaller than the uncertainty of a. Time variability of opal rain Ϯ100 kmol Si sϪ1 due to baroclinic variability [section 3b(1)]. (Within the steady-state assumption, strong par- Deuser et al. (1995) observed a 50% decrease in opal ticle advection would be associated with a large silicate rain over 20 yr in the Sargasso Sea. Because the resi- depletion on one side of the section and an enrichment dence time of opal is over 100 yr on the sea ¯oor before on the other side.) dissolution (Sayles et al. 1996), such change can lead to an imbalance between yearly averaged opal rain and dissolution. The observed benthic dissolution is either REFERENCES similar to (Sayles et al. 1996) or lower than opal rain Arbic, B. K., and W. B. Owens, 2001: Climatic warming of Atlantic (Ragueneau et al. 2000), suggesting that such effect is intermediate waters. J. Climate, 14, 4091±4108. not a primary issue. Bryden, H., and L. Beal, 2001: Role of the Agulhas Current in Indian Ocean circulation and associated heat and freshwater ¯uxes. Deep-Sea Res., 48A, 1821±1845. b. Dissolution from a hypothetical sea¯oor erosion ÐÐ, M. J. Grif®ths, A. M. Lavin, R. C. Millard, G. Parrilla, and W. M. Smethie, 1996: Decadal changes in water mass characteristics In the steady state, it is believed that silica from opal at 24ЊN in the subtropical North Atlantic Ocean. J. Climate, 9, rain is buried in the ; that is, there is a net 3162±3186. Chereskin, T. K., and D. Roemmich, 1991: A comparison of measured opal ¯ux to sediments. The burial can accumulate sed- and wind-driven Ekman transport at 11ЊN in the Atlantic Ocean. iment at a rate of up to 17 cm (Kyr)Ϫ1 in the Southern J. Phys. Oceanogr., 21, 869±878. Ocean (DeMaster 1981). A hypothetical net erosion DeMaster, D. J., 1981: The supply and accumulation of silica in the would correspond to the reversal of accumulation during marine environment. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 45, 1715± 1732. a (hypothetical) episodic event on climate timescales. ÐÐ, T. M. Nelson, S. L. Harden, and C. A. Nittrouer, 1991: The Ϫ1 For instance, a 100 kmol Si s source over an area cycling and accumulation of and organic carbon such as the North Atlantic between 24Њ and 36ЊN cor- in Antarctic deep-sea and continental margin environments. Mar. responds to an average erosion rate of 0.4 mol Si yrϪ1 Chem., 35, 489±502. mϪ2. In this case, taking a sediment density of 0.4 g Deuser, W. G., T. D. Jickells, P. King, and J. A. Commeau, 1995: Ϫ3 Decadal and annual changes in biogenic opal and carbonate ¯ux- cm (DeMaster 1981), with a 1.5% opal content (Say- es in the deep Sargasso Sea. Deep-Sea Res., 42, 1923±1932. les et al. 1996, p. 20), the sea¯oor erosion rate would Fieux, M., R. 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