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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE. Decel\Iller 17' 228 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE. DECEl\illER 17' By Mr. WILLIS, of Kentucky: Papers relating to the claim of John The VICE-PRESIDENT also laid before tlie Senate the fdllowing B. Davis for carrying United States mails-to the Committee on the concurrent resolution fi:om the Hoose of Representatives; which was Post-Office and Post-Roads. read, and referred to the Committee on Printing: Also, the petition of H. C. Murrell and others, of Louisville, Ken­ Resolved by the House of Representatives, (the Senate concurring,) That there be tucky for a change in the tariff on sugars-to the Committee 9f printed at the Government Printing Office 3,000 copies each of volumes 3, 8, and 13 of the final reports of the Goolo~cal and Geographical Survey of the Territories 'Vnys and Means. in quarto form with the necessary illustrations; 1,500 copie of which shall be for Dy Mr. YEATES : The petition of William E. Bond, of Calhoun the use of the nouse of Representatives, 500 for the use of the Senate, 500 for the County North Carolina, for relief-to the Committee of Claims. nse of tho survey and 500 for the use of the Department of the Interior; the illus­ trations to be made by tile Public Printer, under the direction of the .Toint Com­ mittee on Public Printing. HOC E BILL REFERRED. The following bills and joint resolution from tbe.Houso of Repre­ IN SENATE. sentatives were severally read twice by their titles, and referred as TUESDAY, 17, 1878. indicated below : Decembm-· The bill (H. R. No. 5514) to amend the act entitled "An act making · Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. BYRON Sm.-nERLA:.ND, D. D. appropriations for the service of the Government for the fiscal year The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. ending June 30, 1872, and for former years, and for other purposes," EXECUTIVE CO.l\IMUNICATIONS. approved Ma.y 18, 1872--to the· Committee on Claims. The bill (H. R. No. 5532) authorizing the donation of twenty con­ The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communication demned bronze cannon to aid in the erection of a monument to the from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in compliance with memory of Generai George A. Custer at the Military Academy at West section 4690 of the Revised Statutes, a report by Carlisle P. Patter­ Point-to the Committee on Military Afl'airs. son, superintendent of the and Geodetic Survey, showing the The joint resolution (H. R. No. 206) providing for the distribution progress made in the survey of the Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific coasts of the Revised Statutes of the United States to the Post-Office Depart­ during the year ending June 30,1878; which was ordered to lie upon ment-to the Committee on Printing. the table, and be printed. He also laid before the Senate a communication from the Secretary COURTS m WEST VffiGTh-ru.. of War, calling the attention of the Senate to estimates of appropri­ The bill (H. R. No. 5535) changing the time of holding the terms ations required for the subsistenctrOf the Army for the fiscal year of the United States circuit court for the district of West Virginin. ending June 30, 1880, reported on page 70 of the Book of Estimates was read twice by its title. · for 1879- 0; which was referred to the Committee on Appropriations, Mr. HEREFORD. I ask the Senate to consider the bill at this m1d ordered to be printed. time. It is purely a local matter. He also laid before .the Senate a communication from the Secretary The VICE-PRESIDENT. Is there objection to the present consid­ of War, transmitting a letter from the Quartermaster-General in ref­ eration of the billY The ·Chair hears none. erenee to an appropriation of 25,000 for barracks at Fortress Monroe, The Senate, as in Committee of the Whole, proceeded to consider Virginia, and suggesting that a further sum of $34,000 be granted to the bill. complete the barracks building at that place; which was referred to The bill was reported to the Senate without amendment, and ordered the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printeu. to a third reading. He also laid before the Senate a communication from the Secretary The VICE-PRESIDENT. The bill will be read at length oa its of War, transmitting, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate third reading. of December 10, 187~, the report of Major John Wilson, of the Corps The Secretary read the bill, as follows : of Engineers, showing the results of surveys of the ports of Fair­ Be it enacted, tl:c., That hereafter the circuit court of the United Stn.tes for the weather, Port Orford, Coos Bay, A1sea, and Coquille River, Oregon; district of West Virginia shall be held at Parkersburgh on the lOth day of .Tan ­ which was referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to nary and of .Tune, and when either of said days shall fall on Sunday the term.s shall commence on the following Monday; and all pending: cases, process, rules, and be printed. - proceedings shall be conducted in the same manner and with the same effect as to He also laid before the Senate a communication from the Secretary time as if thls act had not been passed. of the Treasury, transmitting, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of June 14, 1878, a statement of the Register of the Trerumry The VICE-PRESIDENT. Shall tire bill pass f showing the amount of money expended by the United States for the Mr. HOAR. I do not wish to interfere with what is tho local interest various public works in each State and Territory from June 30,1873, of West Virginia, but I desire to inquire of the Senators from that to J nne 30, 1878; which was referred· to the Committee on Public State if it is not a very inconvenient arrangement to have a term of Buildings and Grounds, and ordered to be printed. a court to begin on a certain day of the month.z instead of having it He also laid before the Senate a communication from the Secretary begin on some Monday or Tuesday or Wednesaay. The lOth·day of Qf the Treasury, transmitting t:Qe information called for in a resolu­ the month may fall on Saturday or Friday. tion of the Senate of the 3d instant, directing him "to inform the Sen­ Mr. HEREFORD. I see no trouble about the provisions of tbe·bm. ate what amount and denomination of silver coin has been received Mr. MITCHELL. Or the lOth may fall on Sunday, for that matter. in payment of customs dues since the beginning of the current fiscal Mr. HOAR. The uill·provides for that. year, and whether or not he has applied the silver coin so received in Mr. HEREFORD. I desire simply to say that this bill, as I am whole or in part to the payment of the interest on the bonds or notes informed by my colleague in the House who repre ents that imme­ of the United States," &c.; which, on motion of 1\Ir. BEcK, was or­ diate district, was introduced at the request of Judge Bond, the eir­ dered tQ lie on the table and be printed. cuit judge, so as to snit his convenience for the other courts that be has to bold in different parts of the circuit ; and the time of meeting JOINT COMMITTEE ON PRINTING. cannot fall on Sunday, by the provisions of the bill. The VICE-PRESIDENT appointed, under the provisions of theRe­ Mr. HOAR. I understand ; but I do not think the Senator sees my vised Statutes, Mr. ANTamrr, Mr. SARGENT, and Mr. WHYTE as the point. As I understand the arrangements for terms of court, both members of the Joint Committee on Printing on the part of the Sen­ United States courts and State courts, as a rule in this country, we ate. fix the day as on a certain 1\Ionday of the month or a certain Tuesday, • l\IILITARY ACADEMY APPROPRIATION BILL. or a certain Monday or other day after the :first Monday: To require The Senate proceeded to consider its amendments to the bill (H. them to begin at a certain day of the month brings the beginning of R. No. 5230) making appropriations for the support of the Military the term, when jurors, witnesses., parties, the bar, the judge, have to Academy for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1880, and for other pur­ be present, perhaps on a Saturday, perhaps on Friday, the most incon­ poses, disagreed to by the House of Representatives. venient day for the comm~ncemeut of the term of a court;. That for On motion of Mr. WINDOM, it was- the convenience of the judge alon~ such great inconvenience should R-esolved, That the Senate insist upon its amendments to the said bill disagreed be done to the public seems to me a strange thing. If the Senators to by the House of Representatives, and ask a conference with the House on the from that State insist upon having that inconvenient arrangement disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon.. made· for their people I do not suppose it is the business of anybody By unanimous consent, it was- else to object. • O,·dered, That the committee on the part of the Senn.te be appointed by the Vice­ Mr. HEREFORD. The time fixed is suitable to the members of President, the bar, the attorneys, and all parties, and the biil relates to Wast The VICE-PRESIDENT appointed Mr.
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