OF His Master's Voice


THE ROYAL RECORD (R.E.284) THEIR MAJESTIES THE KING & QUEEN. 10 in. Double-sided, 5/6.

THE ROYAL RECORD (R.D. 887) H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF. WALES. 12 in. Double-sided 516.

ORANGE Label, Double-sided, 7-inch (Nursery Records) 1/6 ... Per Set Six Records in Pictorial Album 12/6 of ......

Colour of Label 10-inch 12-inch 4/6 PLUM (Plm) ...... 3/- BLACK (Blk) 4/6 6/6 ...... RED (Red) 6/- 8/6 ...... BUFF (B'ff) 7/- 10/- ...... PALE GREEN (P.G.) 11/6 ...... - PALE BLUE (P.B.) 13/6 ...... - (Wte) 16/- WHITE (Sextet) ...... - For Prices of Single-Sided Celebrity Records see General Catalogue.

Unless "His Voice" Records otherwise stated .1lasters should be played at a speed of 78. His Master's l'oice'' Instantaneous Sbeed Tester. shows instantly whether your motor is running correctly. "His Master's Voice" Records


ALFRED CORTOT (Pianoforte) AND THE ROYAL ALBERT HALL ORCHESTRA (conducted by Sir LANDON RONALD) 12 inch double-sided Red babel. Concerto in A Minor, Op. 54 ...... Schum n (First Movement-Allegro D B 722 affettuoso (First Movement-Andante expressivo-Allegro D.B. 723 First Movement-Allegro, Parts 1 and 2 Second Movement-Intermezzo-Andantino D B 724 grazioso Third Movement-Allegro vivace, Part 1 D.B.725 Third Movement-Allegro vivace, Parts 2 and 3 T HE work here recorded is the only complete Piano Concerto that Schumann wrote. Dr. Spitta writes of it (in Grove's " Dictionary of Music and Musicians ") as follows : " It is one of his most beautiful and mature works. In addition to all his peculiar originality it has also the qualities, which no Concerto should lack, of external brilliancy and striking, powerful, well- rounded subjects." The piece is too well-established a favourite in the Concert Hall to need further introduction, so we proceed at once to a brief consideration of the music itself. The first movement opens with a forcible, rhythmic phrase on the Piano which is followed at once by the tune of the principal subject on the oboe. This tune dominates the movement, the composer employing it also as a second subject, only changing it from the minor to the major key, transferring it to the Clarinet, and adding a short phrase at the end culminating in an upward leap. Otherwise the music follows regular lines, the first side (on the gramophone) containing the exposition, the second the development, the third the recapitulation, and the fourth the cadenza and coda. The little Interenezzo that takes the place of a slow movement occupies only one side. It consists of two ideas, the first a dialogue between Piano and Orchestra, the second a more sustained melody in which the 'Cello plays a prominent part. The sixth side opens with the bridge passage that leads straight into the Finale. The main subject of this fine movement is allotted first to the Piano ; later comes a theme with a curious cross rhythm, heard first upon the strings. These two ideas form the principal material of a movement which is remarkable for its vigour and especially for the sustained brilliance of the solo part. With a Pianist like Cortot, a Conductor like Sir Landon Ronald, and an Orchestra like that of the Royal Albert Hall, the Concerto is obviously in the right hands ! The recording is well up to our usual high standard.For prices, see page 2 of cover. "His Master's Voice" Records

ORCHESTRAL MUSIC JANUARY. 1925. - SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA (conducteJ by ALBERT COATES) 12-inch Double-sided ß:ack Label Symphony in C,. No. 41 (Jupiter) lln;arl ...... D. 942 First Movement-Allegro vivace, Parts 1 and 2 D. 943 Second Movement-Andante Cantabile, Parts I & 2 Third Movement-Menuetto D. 944 Fourth Movement-Molto Allegro, Part 1 Fourth Movement-Molto Allegro, Part 2 D. 945«Impresario Mo.-art -Overture... "Jupiter " is the last, and perhaps the greatest, of Mozart's Symphonies. Here again we may perhaps be THEallowed to quote from Grove, this time from the writer of the article on " Mozart." He says " The last three (Symphonies), in H flat, G minor, and C with the Fugue (Jupiter) were composed in 1778, between the 26th of June and the 10th of August, just over six weeks. Ambros says of them, ' considered as pure music, it is hardly worth while to ask whether the world possesses anything more perfect.' Jahn calls the first a triumph of beauty in sound, the second a work of art exhausting its topic, and the third in more than one respect the greatest and noblest of all Mozart's Symphonies." The first movement starts abruptly with the announcement of the principal musical ideas. The first of these is bold and vigorous, but it is followed immediately (bars three and four) by a lyrical phrase on the strings. To these is presently added an important theme on the wood-wind, consisting of an upward leap of an octave followed by a downward run. A change of key brings two further thoughts, a flowing melody-typically Mozartian -and (later) a more animated passage beginning with a rise of a sixth ; both these are allotted to the violins. The whole of this is then repeated, completing the first side of the record. The second side consists of the development of the material and its recapitulation at the end of the movement. The Andante (which also occupies two sides) is constructed on a similar pattern. The Violins play a long sustained melody and then, after a short but strenuous episode, they give us an- other, this second one being decorated with true Mozartian grace. As in the first movement there is a repeat, but here the break between the sides comes when the first melody only has been repeated, the fourth side including the repeat of the second melody besides the whole of the development and the recapitulation. The Minuet and Trio are in Mozart's most polished manner, but the music is too transparent to require analysis and we pass on to the Finale. This is once more in the same form as the For prices, see page 2 of cover. "His Master's Voice" Records

ORCHESTRAL MUSIC JANUARY, 1925. first movement. It contains four important ideas (1) the time heard ou the violins at the beginning, (2) a rhythmic phrase :- ý!_ - -- se..ý ýý+--- - ý---ýý- -ý-ý-ý-ý_ý_-ý-ý-ý_ý_ -+-ý _ --ý- -ý- --- -ý- ý-ý-ý-a- -.ý- a rising scale passage (3) that first appears thus

an(I another theme (4) :-

The sixth side gives us the exposition of all these and the repeat. The last side once more contains the development, which is very remarkable for its contrapuntal treatment of theme (2), and the recapitulation. The end of the Symphony is a stupendous tour de force. of genius, a Fugue in which all the four motives already mentioned, together with a fifth that has also appeared but to which we have hitherto made no reference, are treated simul- taneously with a mastery that puts Mozart once and for all in the front rank of the world's contrapuntists. The odd side is appropriately devoted to the delightful Impresario Overture. This sparkling gem is so seldom heard that we regard it as something of a discovery. OPERATIC MUSIC AMELITA GALLI-CURCI (Soprano) (with orchestral accompaniment) 12 inch double-sided Red Isabel. Pretty Mocking Bird (with Flute Obb.) Bishop Si (Slumber Song) Act 1, ll D.B. 798 carina ... .e lerl,'e) preceded by Bellih ! capretta adorata ! (°' Dinorah ") (Sung in Italian) WWE prophecy with a good deal of confidence that these new songs of Galli-Curci's will find their place with her Una Voce and those other exceptional records which all lovers of good singing on the gramophone will consider indispensable for their libraries. The " Slumber Song " may not require quite such sensational execution as some other pieces in Galli-Curci's repertoire, For prices, see page 2 of cover. "His Master's Voice" Records


AMELITA GALLI-CURCI-(Continued from page 3). although it is by no means devoid of brilliancy. But there is here a certain seductive quality about the tone and the rendering which makes it in its way unique. Incidentally, too, the Orchestral recording is astonishingly successful. Bishop's " Pretty mocking bird " is, as everyone knows, a piece that only the greatest colorathu"a singers dare to attempt. It demands incredible feats of vocal agility and the flute obbligato is there throughout, ready to show up any joint in a vocalist's armour. But Galli-Curci excels the flute on that instrument's own ground in a contest whose vivacity compels a smile of admiration and delight.

DINH GILLY (Baritone)

(with orchestral accompaniment)

10-inch double-sided Red Label.

(Vecchia zimarra (" La Boheme ") Puccini (Sung in Italian) _ D.A. 559. Scorri flume (11 11 Tabarro ") P,'cci rr (Sung in Italian)

VECCHIA ZLIIARRA is the song that Colline, the philo- sopher, sings in the last Act of ` La Boheme." Mimi is dying, and her friends have no money for medicine and other necessaries. But each does what he can and Colline's offering is his most valued possession, his old coat, which lie apostrophises before he takes it away to sell it. Dinh Gilly makes the simple phrases extraordinarily affecting, " 11 Tabarro " is the first of a triptych of one-act operas which were first produced in New York in 1918 and in London in 1920. Many critics hailed them as marking a fresh advance in Puccini's art, and certainly this song, with its dramatic vocal part, its glittering orchestration, and its finely constructed climax, would seem to justify the high opinion they formed.

For prices, see page 2 of cover. "His Master's Voice" Records

JOHN McCOR'_11ACK (Tenor) (with pianoforte accompaniment) (Violin Obbligato prayed by FRITZ KREISLER) ] 0-inch double-sided Red Label. beach D.A. 636 ! I saw from the (Old Irish Air) arr. H. Hughes I Padraic the Fiddiler J. P. Larchet ...... T HERE is no tenor who can sing songs in English as John McCormack can sing them, and if we may believe Dr. Walker (the author of " A History of Music in England ") there are no old airs so beautiful as those of Ireland. Assuredly this is, melodies what we feel when we listen to this record. The lovely seem to have found at last an interpreter who is worthy of thew, and they repay him by presenting him with an opportunity for the exercise of all his artistry under the most perfect musical conditions. But even this is not all. Both songs have a Violin obbligato, and this is played by-Kreisler ! To hear two musicians such as he and McCormack together is a rare treat indeed, es- pecially as they shew a complete sympathy with each other's. methods. We may remind our readers that our Catalogue' contains many other examples of this exquisite artistic combination.

BEN DAVIES (Tenor) (with pianoforte accompaniment) 10-inch double-sided Black Label.

When Laura F. Keel smiles ...... arr. (" Elizabethan Love Songs ") E. 364 { Go to bed, sweet Muse are. F. heel (" Elizabethan Love Songs ") Publishedby Boosey & Co.

IN two of Keel's delightful " Elizabethan Love Songs" licit Davies gives us music very different in style from the Brahms songs issued a month or two ago. But whether lie sings Lieder or Old-English tunes lie is always sure to get to the heart of the matter and use his consummate technique with the taste of a true artist. His performance of " Go to bed, sweet Muse," in which every word is distinct while the tone comes pouring forth as evenly as if there were no words at all to be considered, is the work of a true master of singing.

For prices, see page 2 of cover. "His Master's Voice" Records


ELSIE SUDDABY (Soprano) (with pianoforte accompaniment) 10-inch double-sided. Black Label. The Virgin's Lullaby (11 Bethlehem ")...R. Tiourgliton by Cur-'cn Sons E.Shepherd,366 Published & try demeanour vary Bi own, arr. Lane Wilson Published by Boosey & Co. CHEPHB;RD, thy demeanour vary" is a song in the old 01 style of which Miss. Suddaby is so finished an exponent. It needs a very flexible voice and great certainty of technique, just the qualities which she possesses. " The Virgin's Lullaby," on the other hand, is the work of a living composer, still young, who certainly cannot be accused of undue conservatism, although here and elsewhere he has shown that he knows how to make good use of the. treasure house of folk song. Rutland Boughton's " Immortal hour " has had a success unparalleled in the annals of British Opera since the- days of Sullivan, and if " Bethlehem " has not become so popular that can only be ac- counted for by the proverbial fickleness of public opinion. This lovely little song is worthy to stand by anything in the " Im- mortal Hour;" it, is only a simple, unpretentious melody with a perfectly direct rhythm, but it has an atmosphere about it, magical and wistful, that goes straight to the heart. The beauty of the voice and the restraint of the singing add not a little to the force of its appeal.

EDNA THORNTON (Contralto) (with pianoforte accompaniment) 10-inch double-sided Black Label. (Over the mountains.... an. le. 4'uilicr E. 365 Published by ll'inthrop Rogers,... Ltd. ... birds were Bernard Hamblen singing mute ... 1WhenPublished by J. B. Cramer & Co. EtrustDNA THORNTON'S songs are simple and she sings them simply. Quilter is emphatically a man whom . one can to deal respectfully with a fine tune, lie it new or old. His treatment of the we-1-1-now"n " Over the mountains " is flowing entirely satisfactory, and the Piano part along con- tinuously hut' unostentatiously all through is a most artistic piece of work. - In " When singing birds are mute " the chief the attraction, perhaps, is the play of light and shade over music that comes from the frequent but musicianly use of the change from major to minor key. For prices, see page 2 of cover. "His Master's Voice" Records


DE RESZKE SINGERS (Male Quartet) kERWVN HUTCH, HARDESTY JOHNSON, FLOYD TOWNSLEY, SIGURD NELSON) (with pianoforte accompaniment) 12-inch double-sided Black Label. /STUDIES IN IMITATION air. 11. Hughes Little Tommy Tucker ... STUDIES IN IMITATION II. Hughes D. 941 ... err. (a) Little Jack Horner (6) There was a crooked man Published by Booscy & Co. De Reszke Singers present some more of those clever " Studies in Imitation " with which our readers are now THEfamiliar. Perhaps the most amusing is the example of the contrapuntal style, " There was a crooked man," with its. elaborate treatment complete with " imitation " and all the tricks of the contrapuntal writers. But the composer of the " Symphonie Pathetique " has also received attention of a kind that will please his admirers and those of the De Reszke Singers. SYDNEY COLTHAM (Tenor) (with pianoforte accompaniment) 10-inch double-sided Plum I,ahel. (Devotion Haydn Wood ...... B. 1912- Published by Chat'pol & Co. (What a it be H. Lohr wonderful world would ... Published by Chappell & Co. WALTER GLYNNE (Tenor) (with pianoforte accompaniment) 10-inch double-sided Plum Label. Rosebud Drnnnnond ...... Published by J. H. liar.,-ay B. 1913 Oh, let no star compare with thee M. Head Published by Booscy & Co. ... PETER DAWSON (Bass-Baritone) (with orchestral accompaniment) 10-inch double-sided Plum Label. Tramp Sawyer (The ...... B. 1914 J Published by J. B. Cramer 'Cider (with piano'orte accompaniment) H. 11ul1ine), ...... Published by Chappell & Co. ALFRED LESTER (Humorous) (unaccompanied) 12-inch double sided Pluin Label. Fowls Fred Rome ...... C. 1177- (Assisted by FRED ROME) Insuring his life Fred Rome THE list of ballads presented by Sydney Coltham, Walter Glynne and Peter Dawson is a strong one. The two tenors lean to the Romantic, and we must spare a word of special praise for Coltham's fine singing of " What a wonderful For prices, see page 2 of cover. [Continued on page J "His Master's Voice" Records

INSTRUMENTALJANUARY. 1925. MUSIC WILLIAM PRIMROSE (Violin) (with piana!orte accompaniment) 12-inch double-sided Plack ],abet. Sonata in A, No. 2 Bach ...... Andante D. 939 ' "(Allegro assai D. 940 (Andante un poco i Presto N 1717 Bach left Weimar and assumed the position of Kapell- meister at the court of the young Prince Leopold of Anhalt- Cöthen. The change has more than a biographical interest for us ; hitherto the course of the composer's life and the appoint- ments held by him had led him to concern himself mostly with Church and Organ music; now all this was altered and he had to adapt himself to provide what was required of a court musician. It is, consequently, to this Cöthen period that we owe most of his instrumental works, including the Brandenburg Concertos and the first book of " The forty-eight," besides the Sonatas for Violin the and Cembalo (of which this is second) and many other things. No detailed analysis of this lovely work is possible here. We must content ourselves with pointing out the beautiful, inter- weaving figures in which Violin and Piano join in the opening movement, the vivacious tune which forms the basis of the second movement (a fast one), and the dramatic moment towards the end of this where the music suddenly breaks off before the original air is resumed. The third movement is the most wonderful of all ; it is in canon, the right hand of the Piano following the Violin throughout, always a bar behind. And yet the melody itself proceeds so naturally that one might well listen to the whole piece without realising the existence of the canon. The last movement is a joyous affair based on a sparkling little tune which undergoes the most entertaining adventures. Primrose's rendering is beyond praise, whether from the point of view of tone, technique, or interpretation, while Templen:an at the Piano proves an invaluable coadjutor. Incidentally we have seldom come across a record of Violin and Piano music where the characteristic qualities of both instruments are so successfully reproduced. VOCAL AND HUMOROUS-Continued from page 7. world " and Glynne's rendering of a charming song by Michael Head which possesses a fascinating accompaniment. Peter Dawson as all the world knows, is more vigorous in his style, and the fresh, keen air of the open road blows through both his contributions. After listening to these songs one cannot do better than turn to Alfred Lester whose comic treatment of familiar things is as successful as ever.For prices, see page 2 of cover "His Master's Voice" Records


CATTERALL QUARTET 12-inch Double-sided illack i,abzl Quartet in F Major, Op. 18, No. 1 Beethoven ...... D. 947 Allegro con brio-Parts 1 and 2 Adagio D. { affettuoso ed appassionato-- 948 Parts l & 2 Scherzo D 949 allegro molto Allegro-Part 1 Allegro-Part 2 D. 950 Quartet in F Major, Op. 22, No. 1-Scherzo l Tchaikoc"skv T HE Quartet here recorded (without cuts) is one of Beethoven's earlier works. Written before the troubles of his later years had closed round him, it presents us with that comparatively rare phenomenon, Beethoven in a happy mood. Perhaps it is for this reason that the work is one of the best loved of the whole series. The opening Allegro begins with an emphatic unison phrase that becomes the mainspring of the movement. Another idea appears a little later-a series of notes of equal length, phrased in it is important, development pairs -but not nearly so and the is almost entirely concerned with the first subject. The second side of the record gives the recapitulation, which is regular, and a Coda also formed out of the same material. The slow movement (third side) starts with a lovely melody on the violin. Presently a change to the major brings a new thought, beautifully treated as a sort of conversation among the instru- ments. Both ideas are dealt with in the development, towards the end of which the fourth side begins. After the recapitulation there is a short but effective Coda. The Scherzo is one of those sparkling movements that Beethoven understood so well. It is animated throughout, but the long quick runs for the Violin in the Trio contrast effectively with the epi- grammatic style of the rest of the piece. It would take more space than we could afford to describe in detail the Finale that occupies the last two sides. The endless variety and striking 'originality of this movement which is in reality a Rondo clearly foreshadow the composer's later and freer style. The Catterall Quartet plays with the unanimity that comes of long practice, and a true insight into the music. The odd side that is left over they adorn with a Scherzo of Tchaikovsky, whose elegiac gaiety (if we may be excused the paradox) it is interesting to compare with the mood of the Beethoven Scherzo. Fo , prices, see page 2 of cover. "His Master's Voice" Records

INSTRUMENTAL JANUARY, 1925. MUSIC UNA BOURNE (Pianoforte) 10-inch double-sided Plum Label. Finnish Rhythms 1 ...... tilurýreli No. 1-Karelian Dance No. 2-Minuet B. 1911 No. 4-Minuet-Waltz November (En Troika) from " The Months," Op. 37a, No. 11 Tcliaikozskv TIII; three " Finnish Rhythms " are perhaps the most at- 1 tractive of all Una Bourne's recent issues. Palmgren is one of the very few Finnish composers who have achieved an international reputation and his music at its best (as it is here) has a piquancy that is all its own. The Russian music is quite different as we can hear for ourselves by turning over the record. Tchaikovsky's voice is always unmistakable and even in this slight piece we feel the authentic touch. THE BAND OF H.M. COLDSTREAM GUARDS (Conducted by Lieut. R. G. EVANS) 12-inch double-sided Plum Label. Marche Militaire R. G. Ei C. 1176 ...... Go' nod, are. ans The Caliph Bagdad "-Overture Boieldieua of ... THE Boieldieu overture is a most effective piece as played by the Coldstream's Band. None of them seem to find any difficulty in executing a quick passage with perfect accuracy and clearness while preserving a vital rhythm throughout. The record is one that all lovers of Military Bands should secure if only for the reason that the number of bands which can play the piece at all must be few. The " Marche Militaire " is a fine example of orthodox military music-a real march with a fine time and an inspiring swing. DE GROOT AND THE PICCADILLY ORCHESTRA 10-inch double-sidcJ Plum Label. (Precious wee one-Lullaby Parker - L. T. Croke B. 1910 Published by The 11'hitehall Music Co. (Come the is J. English when world sleeping ...... Published by The 117zitehall .Music Co. DE GROUT'S pieces call for no explanation ; their titles are sufficient to convey an idea of their contents. But the playing and recording are, we think, particularly good this month. The delicious phrases for wood-wind in " Precious wee one " should not on any account be missed, nor the last verse of " Come when the world is sleeping " with the beautiful violin obbligato.For prices, see page 2 of cover. "His Master's Voice" Records

...... - -1-1-1 1 1 1 .. - - I - I I I . -ý:ý MID-DECEMBER LIST 1924. SAVOY ORPHEANS At the Savoy Hotel, London. 12 inch Double-sided Plum;cl Savoy English Medley-One-Step arr. Somers C.1179 , SAVOY HAVANA BAND, THE SELMA FOUR, SAVOY ORPHEANS At the Savoy Hotel, London. Fantasie (Syncopated Favourites)-One-Step arr. Somers SAVOY ORPHEANS ...... At the Savoy Hotel, London. 10 inch Double-sided Plum Label B.1919 Why did ?-Fox-Trot I ine^nl Herbert { you call me wonderful one ... and 'long Mule-Fox-Trot (reamer King Go ...... and B.1915 All Alone-Waltz ... Irving Berlin ...... Hum a little tune-Fox-Trot ...... Vivian Ellis 8.1916 Chatiapinata-Fox-Trot ...... Lhaliapine, arr. Souders Just like a beautiful story-Fox-Trot ...... Earl Bartnett Dream Daddy-Fox-Trot .. Herscher and Keefer B.1917 SAVOY HAVANA BAND, at the Savoy Hotel, London (Driftwood, Fox-Trot ...... Gould and Berlin SAVOY HAVANA BAND, at the Savoy Hotel, London B.1918 Childhood's Memories-Cue-Step-Parts 1 and 2 arr. Sooners JACK HYLTON AND HIS ORCHESTRA...... 10 inch Double-sided Phun Label B.1925 I wonder what s become of Sally-Waltz Ye.'len and Aga Sahara-Fox-Trot ...... H. Nicholls PAUL WHITEMAN...... AND HIS... ORCHESTRA...... B.1921 Where the dreamy Wabash Flews-Fox-Trot Cliff Friend and Abel Baer By the Waters of Minnetonka-Fox-Trot T. Lieurance, are. Groff THE TROUBADOURS ... B.1924 (Dreamy Delaware-Waltz ...... Donaldson and l iolinskv June brought the Roses-Waltz Stanley and Openshai, JACK SHILKRET'S ORCHESTRA Charley, my boy-Fox-Trot Kahn and Fjords B.1920 CHARLES DORNBERGER AND HIS ORCHESTRA Nobody's Sweetheart-Fox-Trot Kahn, Erdman, and Sckoebed DE GROOT AND THE PICCADILLY... ORCHESTRA.1lcyers What'll I do ? Irving Berlin B.1922 ... DE GROOT (Violin) (A. Gibilaro (Piano) and J. Samebtini ('Celle.) l"Sadko "-Chanson Hindoue Rimsky-üorsakov, arr. Lotter MAYFAIR ORCHESTRA 12 inch Double-sided Plum Label - "Poppy "-Selection, Part 1 ...... S. Jones and 9. Samuels Containing " What do you do Sunday, .llary? " Two make a home," "Steppin' around," "Hang your sorrows in the sun " C.1178 " Poppy "-Selection, Part 2 Contaning : "When you are in niy arms," "A picnic party with ýuu," "Alibi Baby," " What do you do Sunday, Mary ? " " Primrose"-Selection, Part 1 ...... George (erslrr in Containing "Till I meet someone like you," " I'll have a house in Lcrkclcy Square," "That newfangled Mother of mine," "Some faraway someone," C.1180 "Boy 'Wanted " I Primrose "-Selection, Part 2 Containing " This is the life for a mats," "Naughty Lally," " l u't it wonderful," " Wait a bit, Susie " BROOKE JOHNS (Humorous; (Accompanied by Paul Fay) 10 inch Double-sided Plum l,al cl 8.1923 Mindin' business II. Dnnahisa; my ...... A 'm gonna knock ...... J. S. barley For... prices,... see page 2 of cover. ALPHABETICALLIST OF RECORDS issued since January 1st, 1924.

Al Records in this list are double-sided. For prices am page 2 of cover.

Number I N IINumberIVI NI ACTS and GALATEAAUSTRAL, Florence (.Sop.) Love sounds the alarmcont. T. DaviesD 83912B IkSenta's Ballad (" Flying Admiral's Gaillard, TheDutchman")D 93312Blk HaywardB 175410PlmVirgin Mother, hear the Adoration (Beethoven are.("Forza del Destino") Johnson) De Reszke SingersE 35310B lk( Verdi)D 79812B1k AFRICA INE, L'AUSTRAL, and DAVIES (Meyerbeer)What then Santuzza ? Pt. 0 Paia&s AnsseauDA 42710Red2 ("Cavalleria Rusti- cana ")D 84012Bik ALCESTE (Giwk)AUSTRAL, F., DAVIES, Divinitcs du Styx JeritzaDB 35512RedT. and JONES, B. Ye powers that dwell belowWhat then Santuzza ? Pt. E. ThorntonD 86412BikI (" Cavalleria Rusti- All Souls Day (Lassen)cana")D 84012Blk Kirkby LunnDA 59710RedBACKHAUS, (Piano) ALL STAR TRIO - secDedication (Love Song) DANCE RECORDS(Schumann-Liszt)E33810Blk Allemande (Senailld, arr."Don Juan"-Serenade Salmon) SugginDB 68012Red(Mozart, are. Bachhaus)E 33810Blk Aiouette-see " CO-Liebestraum, No. 3 (Liszt)U 78812BIk OPTIMISTS"Naila, Waltz (Delibes)D78b12Blk Amen lass6 le stelle-seePolonaise in A Flat, Op. 53 CRISTOFORO(Chopin)D 88812B lk COLO:IIBO "Waltz in A Flat, Op. 42 AMERICAN QUARTET(Chopin)D88812Bik What do you do Sunday,Bagpipe Selection, Pts. I Mazy 1B 188510Plusand 2 ForsythB 182010Plm Andantino (Song of the SoulsBAKER, George (Barswne SharpeE 31010BlkBeautiful BeatriceB 173410Plm An Address on TheBlow, blow, thou winter win,B 173110PI III British Empire "Come away DeathB 173110Plus The I).t. Hon. W. F. MasseyD 84112BlkI beard you singingB 181610PIm An Ancient Customif there were dreams to sellB 181610Plus ColthamB 173710PlotLinden LeaB 173410Plm An Island Shelling Song0 Mistress mineB 173110Plus ("Songs of the Hebrides')Pepita (Coates)C 115812PIm MacgregorB 175910PlusPipes of (Elgar)C 115812Plm ANSSEAU,Fernand( 7 enor)Sing along, SamooB 175610Plus Ah! respirons (" Lohen-BAKER, G. and K. grin ")DA 61410RedHILLIARD - 0 Parauis sorb de l'ondeit's rainingB 178410Plus I ' L' Africaine ")DA 42710RedJoseph ("Madame Pon, Dia confiance en toi s'estbadour ")C 114212Plus bien nsontreeWhen you and I were (" Lohcngrin")DA 61410ReddancingB 175510Pin Pourquoi me riveiller?"BALLOINMASCHERA" (" Werther")DA 42710RedEri to BattistiniDB 73812Red Any old night-see "TO-BARGY, Roy 5Piano) NIGHT'S THE NIGHT"Jim JamsB 186210Pint Ardon gl'Incensl-seeJustin-tymeB 186210Plat " LUCIA "BASKCOMBE, A. W.-see Arrow and the Song (Balte)"STREET SINGER " DawsonB 175010PinsBassoon Solo-sce At Grendon Fair DearthE34310BlkHINCHLIFF At the well R. BuckmanE35210B 1kBATTISTINI,M.attir (Bar. Auf Flügeln des Gesanges,Eil tu (" Ballo in Mas- (Mendelssohn) F. HempelDA 38210Redchera ")DB 73812Red 0 del mio dolce ardor AUSTRAL, Florence (Sop.)(" Paride ad Elena ")DB 73112Red " He will be ]sere (" LaSi vous 1'aviez compris Juive") (Haldvy)D 79812Rik(Denza)DB 73112Red Mother, you know the storyUrna fatale (" Forza del ("Cavalleria Ruslicana")D933.12BIkDestiny ")DB73812(Red ýi'l I II H7mber Number

Beautiful Beatrice BakerB 173410PhuCapriccio Espagnol, Pts. I and 2 (Rimshy-Korsakov) BEAUTY PRIZE-Coldstream Guards Bd.C 113612Plm Moon love-Fox-TrotCarnaval, Op. 9 (Schumann) Hylton's Orch.B 174310Plm-see CORTOTDB 706/812Red Beleaguered, TheCarnival Time-see "MA- Gresham SingersD 87712131kDAME POMPADOUR" Bells across the MeadowCaro Mio Ben P. LettE 34510Blk Mayfair Orch.C 117312PhnCARUSO, Enrico (Tenor) Bells of Brittany Davies1)8b012ElkNoche Feliz (Pasadas)DA 57410Red Scordame (Fucito)DA 60810Red BENSON OR. of CHICAGOSenza Nisciuno (De Curtis)DA 60810Red -see DANCI; RECORDSTu, ca nun chaigne (E. de Berceuse, Op. 16 (Faure)Curtis)DA 57410Red Isolde MengesD86112ElkCath6drale engloutle, La Berceuse (Olsen) U. BourneB 187410Plm(Debussy) CortotDB67912Red BERTANA, Luisa-seeCATTERALL QUARTET " NERONE "Quartet in C minor, Op. Blackest man I know-51R No. 1 (Brahms) see "CO-OPTIMISTS."(istmovt.)-Allegro, Pts. 1 Blow, blow, thou Winterand 2D 79112Elk Wind BakerB 1731ItPhu(2nd mvt.)-Romanze, Poco BOHEME, La (Puccini)Adagio, Pts. I and 2D 79212BIk Quando me'n vo' soletta(3rd mvt.)-Allegretto, Pts. and 2D 79312Elk BuckmanE 35210B 1kl I Bohemian Polka. No. 4(4th mvt.)-Allegro, Pts. (Smetana, I3ourneB 173810PImand2D79412Blk "BORIS GODOUNOV "Cautious Lover E. HastingsC 113812Pim In the Town of KasanChaliapineDA 10010RedRUSTI-CAVALLERIA BOURNE, Una (Piano/orte)CANA (Mascag (Olsen)B you know the Berceuse 187410PhnMother, AustralD Bohemian Polka. No. 4story 93312B ]k Sautuzza? (Smetana)B 173810PlmWhat then Yt. Austral, Davies Etude Melodt ue, Op. 21,1 and No. 5 84012Bill tSgambati)C 116812PimJonesD then Santuzza? Evening IVltfspers 172210PlmWhat Fairy Folk, No. 4B r t. 2 Austral and DaviesD 84012Elk (" " Suite)B RECORDS-see .Summerland 184410Pint'CELLO Humoresque (Olsen)B 187410PlmSHARPE, SUGGIA June (Barcarolle), Op. 37a,Chaconne, Pts. 1 and 2D87512Blk No. 6 (Tchaikovsky)B 184410PImChaconne, Pts. 3 and 4 Mazurka (Olsen)B 187410PIm(Bach) MengesD 87612Elk Slenuet Cetebre 1722 Moresque (Granados)B B 17381010PinsPlmCHALIAPINE(Bass) the Petersky Rondo (La Gaiete) (Weber)C 116812PImDown Song from the East(Russian Folk Song)DA 62110Red (" Summerland" Suite)B 184410PlmDuhinushka the Haulers)DA 62110Red Brigg Fair, Pts. 1 and 2(Song of (Delius) R.A.H. Orch.D 79912BIkIn the Town of Kasan Fair, Pt. 3 (Delius)Boris Godounov"DA 10010Red Brigg Pts. 1 2 R.AR.A.H.)D 80012DlkMadamina, and BROOKEJOHNS(Hum.)(Don "" Giovanni)DA 55510Red Hard-hearted HannahB 188610Plmof Song"" Galitsky Tessie stop teasing meB 188610PhnPrince ('""DA Igor) 10010Red BROOKE JOHNS ORCH.FaustVeau dot ()DA 55410Red ree DANCE RECS.Vous qui faites l'endormie ("Faust")DA 55410Red BUCKMAN, Rosins, (Sop.)Chanson Hlndoue - see At the Well (Hageman)E35210B IkHINDU SONG Quando me'n vo' solettaChant du M6neatrel, Op. ("LaBoheme")E35210Blk71 (Glasounov) SharpeE34210Elk BURNABY. Davy - seeCHAPMAN and his " CO-OPTIMISTS "DRAKE HOTEL OR.- Ty the light of the moon-see DANCE RECORDS see "MADAME POM- PADOUR"CHEMET,RenEe Violin Sone, A ( A 53910Red Calla Mayor e Jaca, LaDream ckernley)DA M. FletaDA 59810RedMadrigals (Simonelli)DA 53010Red Caller Herrin' C. MentiplayB 182310PImMenuett t Haydn, are. Bur- Cape Horn Gospelmester)DA 53010Red (" Salt Water Ballads ")Songs my Mother taught DawsonB 179910PImme (Dvordk- Kreisler)DA 53910Red Capriccio all 'antics Children's Corner " 2dninn,1-" icini ., elinl ar ssa11Ti' a..,, ...._ nn.. ra n

NumberNumber In

DAL MONTE, Mdme.DANCE RECORDS-FOX- (Soprano)TROTS-contd.Spargi d'amaro piantoDB 71212iced Splendon le sacre faciG'wan with it Hickman's 0.B 190710Phu (" Lucia di Lamrnermoor ")DB 71:12RedHaggis Romaine Oren.1i 175710Plan Dal tuo stellato sogilo-Havana Romaine Or.B 188710Plnt Dinky Garber's 0.B 188810Pint see "MOS$ IN EGITTO"Hinky- Honolulu Blues Dalfe stanza-see "LUCIAChapman's Orch.B 179410Plnr DI LAMMERMOOR "Horsey, keep your tail up DANCE RECORDS-FOX-Romaine OrchB 180210t'Im TROTSHow's Bonzo ? Hylton's 0.B 179310PIm Africa Shilkret's Or.B 189410?lmHugo Romaine Orch.B 189810Plat Alter the stormHurdy-Gurdy Man TroubadoursB 184E10'lmVirginianB 179410I'hn Ain't you ashamed ?I can't get the one I want Whiteman's Orch.B 185310'lmWhiteman's OrchB 188910Plnt Ala Moana Romaine Orch.R 183(10'lmIceland Romaine Orch.B 189710Phil Alibi Baby Romaine Or.B 189610'Im1 love me Inter. Nov. OrB 174610Pim Au Orange GroveI love you Whiteman's Or.B 174010Ulm Whiteman's Orch.B 181110?lmI wonder who's dancing And that's not allwith you to-night ("Puppets") Hviton's Or.B 183010'ImRavmond's Orch.B 185210Plnt Any way the wind blowsI'm goiu' South Waring's PennsylvaniansB 190410PImWhiteman's OrchB 179710Pun April's Lady Romaine Or.B 178710PlmI'm gonna bring a water- Arabiauna Romaine Orch.B 176310Plmmelon Helton 's Or.B Arcady Whiteman's Orch.,13183310PlatI'mwonderful Hylton's Or.B .189910Phil190510Phil Ilebh Brooke Johns Orch.l,B 173910PlanDI a Charleston Cabin Bit by bit you're breaking,Kaufman's Orig. Penn. Ser.R 185410Phil Dornberger's Orch.B 186010'ImIn a tent Benson Orch.B 179510P:,u Blotto Romaine Or.B 185510'ImIn the evening Bombay Rose Hylton's 0.B 186610011mGoldkette's Orch.B 186510PIm Brown-skin baby loveIt aint' gonna rain no mo' Romaine Orch.B 179210PlatHylton's Or.B 187810PIm Burning Kisses Romaine 0.13189210PImIt had to be you l:aliloniia Whiteman's 0.B 181110PlmHylton's Orch.B 188710Pill] Chili Boat Bom (" PunchIt's too late Hvlton's O.B 184610Phil Bowl ") Hylton's Or.E 183010PlmIt's you, dear Romaine 0.B 183510I'lii Coaxing the Piano HeroinB 177410PlmJe cherche Hylton's Or.B 190810l'1m Come on RedJealous Inter. Nov. Or.B 189110Phn Kaufman's SerenadersB 188810.'lmJoseph Romaine Or.13 176410Phu Covered Wagon DaysJosephine Brooke JohnsO.B 185210Pim Ted Weem's Orch.B 177210'ImJune Night PennsylvaniansB 189410Ulm Dancin' Danjust holding hands Waring's Pennsylvanians13181010'latWaring's PennsylvaniansB 179510Ulm Darlingest Hylton's Or.B 187810'Imjust keep on dancing Do it for me Romaine 0.B 185510'lmHylton's OrchestraB 176210Pint Do shrimps make goodjust one more kiss mothers ? Hylton's Or.B 180910P1mBenson Or. of ChicagoB 183710Plot Don't bring me posies-Katinka Romaine Orch.B 185610Phil Medley Benson's Or.B 186510'lmLazy Romaine Orch.B 188110l'lilt Don't crowd Romaine Or.B 184610PlanLearn to do the Strut Don't love you (" Toni ")Whiteman's Orch.R 181310I'll" Hylton's Orch.B 183810?Imheave a lot Romaine 0.B 189610Phil Don't mind the rainLet's go to Wembley Whiteman's Orch.B 184710?IraHylton's Orch.B 1838'10PIm Doo Dah Blues Hylton's 0.B 177510PlanLinger awhile Down on the farmWhiteman's Orch.B 1 77110Pun Manhattan MerrymakersB 176110PImLips Romaine Or.B 188110Plut Dustin'thekeys W.O'NeillB 180610PlanLittle Butterfly Ev'ry night I cryWhiteman's Orch.B 174210PIm Manhattan MerrymakersB 174810PImLittle wooden whistle Felix kept on WalkingS. S. Leviathan Orch.B 184810Plat. Hylton's Orch.B 175810PlanLove has a way First, last and alwaysWhiteman's Orch.B 185310Pill] Garber Davis Orch.B 186710'ImLove is just a gambleI Forever Penrs,avaniansB 183110?ImRomaine Orch.B 190810I'1m From one till two Kauf-Levey came back man's Orio. Penn-Ser.B 1854,10PImRomaine Orch.B 178210Plat Georgie I'orgie Romaine 0.18681186S10PImMamma goes where Papa Gigolette Kontn ine Orch.B 178110Plmgoes Silverman's Orch.B 177310Plan Girl in the Crinoline GownMamma loves Papa Romaine Orch. 1896 Orch. 1867 Con Coo Rn,nnine Or,"I,B a ia2e10inPlmo,._Whiteman'ssc,,.A..1.,,. u:..,-,...,..", ,,,B n . aon10II)Planm,,, NumberI I Number mII DANCE RECORDS-FOX!DANCE RECORDS-FOX- TROTS-contd.TROTS-contd.March

of the MannikinsStack o' Lee Blues Benson Or. of ChicagoB 174710PlmW8aring's PennsylvaniansB 176010PIm Maybe Whiteman's Orch.B 181310PlanSudanese Hylton's Orch.B 179310Plm Mean Blues Silverman's 0.B 176110PImSunshine of mine Ilona Vanna Whiteman'sO"B 181210PlmDornberger's Orch.B 186010Plm Moon Love Hylton's Orch.B 174310PImSusquehanna Home Moonlight KissesShilkret's Or.B 190410Plm Raymond's Orch.B 174710PlmSwanee River Blurs My Electric GirlWhiteman's Orch.B 174110Pun Romaine Orch.B 178710PlmSyncopation on the brain My time is your timeHylton's Orch.B 177510Plat H} lion's Orch.B 187510PimTake a step Romaine 0.B 183110Phil Naughty Baby Romaine 0.B 189710PlmTake, oh take New kind of manBrooke John's Orch.B 177310P., in Olsen and his MusicB 189010PlaitTeach me All Star T.B 183710Plm Nights in the woodsThat forgotten Melody " Romaine Orth.B 174410PhuRomaine Or.B 190910Plnh No No Nora Benson Or.B 174610PImThat's everything Nobody but youRomaine Orch.B 178210Plm Brooke Johns Orch.B 174810PlinThere are rome things Oh, Baby PennsylvaniansB 188410PlmInternational Nov. Orch.B 176010Phu Oh, Eva ! Romaine Or.B 189310PlinThere's no one just like you Oh! Harold! Confrey'sOrch.B 173910PhilSander's Night Hawk O.B 188410Phil Oh say, oh Sue !There's Yes! Yes! in your Romaine Orch.B 189210PImeyes Whiteman's Or.B 187610Phu One I love Romaine Orch.B 180710PImThey love it Hylton's Or.B 186610Plm Pale Moon Whiteman's Or.B 190610PlinTwelve o'clock at night Pan Romaine Orch.B 1744InPhnRomaine Orch.B 175710Phil Paradise AlleyTwo Blue Eyes Whiteman's Or.B 190610PinsRomaine Orch.B 185610Plnt Parisian PierretVirginia Romaine Orch.B 186810Phil Romaine Orch.B 180310PinsWait a bit, Susie ("Prise- Pasadena Romaine Orch.B 181410Plarose ") Romaine Or.B 189510Plin Patsey Hickman's Or.B 190710FinWaitin' around Peanut Cackle F. lnerbinB 177410PImGarber Davis Oich.B 188310Pin Raggedy Ann Romaine Or.B 189810I`1111Wait'll you see my gal Rat Step Roiraine Or.B 189310PlinBenson Orch. of ChicagoB 188310Plin Ritzi Mitzi Hvlton's or.b 178110Pin]Well, I am surprised! Road Hog Hylton's Or.B 190510PlinHylton's Orch.B 179110PJm Roamin' to Wyomin'What do you do Sunday, Whiteman's Orch.B 1771101'ImMary? Whiteman's Or.B 188510PIm Rosetime and youWhen its night time Confrey's Orch.B 174210PlinRomaine Orch.B 176310Plin Rosita Inter. Nov. Orth.B 177210P:mWhen the music dies away Say it with a UkuleleHylton's Or.B 189910Plm Romaine Orch.B 179210PlinWhen you and I were dann Scale it down W. O'NeillB 180610Plming Hylton's Orch.B 174310PIm Scissor Grinder JoeWhen you walked out VirginiansB 183210PinsBrooke Johns Orch.B 187710Plnt Shrike your feetWhere the lazy Daisies Whiteman  Orch.B 174110l'Imgrow Goldkette's Orch.B 184910Plin Shanghai LullabyWhere the rainbow ends Whiteman's Orch.B 179710PlmWhiteman's Orch.B 187610Plm She wouldn't do what IWho cares? Romaine Or.B 174510Phu asked VirginiansB 185010PImWho did you fool? Shifting Sands Romaine 0.B 180210PlanHylton's Orch.B 176210PIm Shine VirginiansB 185010PImWhose Izzy is he ? Sittin' in a conferVirginiansB 183210PIm Romaine Orch.B 180710PlmWhy did I kiss that girl ? Sixty seconds every minuteWhiteman's Orch.B 181410Plm (" Yoicks ") Romaine Or.B 188010PhilWhy don't my dreamscome Smile will go a long long Itrue ? Sanders' Orig. way Weems' Orch.B 186310PhnNight Hawk Orch.B 187710Plnt So this is Venice !Why Robinson Crusoe Whiteman's Orch.B 181210PlmHylton's Orch.B 1758ICPhil Somebody loves meWI y worry? Hylton's Or.B 182910Plm Whiteman's Orch.B 188910PhilWorried Spitalny's Or.B 189110Phn Somebody's wrongWow! Benson Or. ChicagoB 184910Phil Benson Orch. of ChicagoB 174010PlinYou know you belong Spain Whiteman'sOrch.B 184710PlinVirginiansB 186310Phil Specially for youYou'll never get to Heaven Number . I`NumberI m

DANCERECORDS-FOX-DAVIES, Tudor (Tenor) TROTS-contd.IBells of BrittanyD86012Blk In native worthD83912Blk You're in KentuckyLove sounds the alarmD 83912Blk Garber-Davis Orch.B 181010Plm0 vision entrancingD 86012Blk ONE-STEPS-Oh, to the glorious sight !D 93212B 1k All Scotch Romaine Orch.B 183610PhilThrough the ForestD 93212Blk- Dance your shoes away Romaine Oreli.B 180310PhnDAWSON,Peter(Bass-Bar.)' Follow Yvette Romaine O.B 187910Plm-see also " SALOME " Vom-Pali Trot (" StopArrow and the Song, TheB 175010Plm Flirting") Hylton's Or.B 179110PintCape Horn GospelB 179910Plm Wembling at WembleyCurtain fallsB 190110Plm Hylton's Orch.B 180910PImEmpire's Calling, TheB 185810Plm FIVE-STEPSEngland, Land of the FreeB 185810Plin Cara Hylton's Orch.B 182910PhuGod defend New ZealandD84112Blk Sappho Hylton's Orch.B 187510PhnLove and WineB 173510Plm Lovely kind and kindle TANGOS-loving (Holst)13175010Pim Cigarette later. Nov. Or.B 179610PlmMother CarevB 178510PIm Cup of Sorrow do.B 179610PimPaddy's WeddingB 184010Plm Pagan, TheB 173510Plm WALTZES-Pirate Song, TheB 181510PIm Bring back that old.Port of many shipsB 179910PIm fashioned waltzPunchinelloB 184010Phu Chapman's Orch.B 185110PhuRoad across the seaB 190110Plnt Dead Roses Romaine Orch.B 178010Pitaion; 01 tue SeaH 181510Plm Dear love my loveTo the Forest (Tchai n'sky)C 116912Plnt Romaine Orch.B 180810PImTravellers all of every -Dreamy' Melody RomaineB 179010Plmstation (Balfe)C 116912Phn First love Romaine Orch.13185910FimWanderer's Song13 178510Plat Half-past ten Romaine O.B 185910PlmDAWSON and COLTHASI Heather Bells Romaine O.13 17v1110PIm-see C O L T H A M and I'm drifting back to Dream-DA\\'SON land Benson Or. of C.B 174910PlntDE GREET, Arthur (Pi tno! Just to hold Romaine Or.B 187910PlmColinette $ la cour Lady of the Lake(" Danses Villageoise")E 34710Blk Romaine Orch.B 178010rimEpreuve Villageoise, I,' Madame Ponpadour(" D.inses Villa Noise ")E 34710B 1k Romaine Oreli.B 176410PhuRhapsodie Hongroise, No. Memory Lane (" Yoicks")12, Pts. I and 2 (Liszt)D80112Blk Waring's Pennsylvanians13185110PImSeguidillas,No. 5 (.4lbeniz)E 34710B lk Mississippi Ripples Inter. Nov. Orch.B 181810PImDEGREEFandR.A.H.OR.i O Sole Mio(Con. Sir LanlonRonald) International Nov. Or.B 186410PhnConcerto No. I in E Flat One little dance. (Liszt) ((omplete on 3 Romaine Orch.B 186410PImdouble-sided records)D890189212B 1k Riviera Rose Hylton's or.H 180810Plm Roll along Missouri-DE GROOT and the PIC- Medley Green-Arden Or.B 181810PlmCADILLY ORCH. Romany Rose Romaine Or.B 174510PlayDauses Tziganes, Op. 14, Sleep Waring's Peunsyl.B 174910PlmNo. 1B 172110Plm What'll I do i' Romaine O.B 183110PlmDer KasbekB 172110Phn Dreamy MelodyB 176510Plm Dandelions and Daffodils"Faust"-Selection, Pts. I -see "PUNCH BOWL"and 2C 116712Phil Danses Tzlganes, Op. 14,GigoletteB 178610Phu No. 1 De Groot's Orch.B 172110PlmI have a Rendez-vowB 187010Phn DANSES VILLAGEOISEJoseph, acn JosepuH 143410Pim -see DE GREEFJulio-TangoB 187010PIm Dania espafiolajust one more kiss13 178810Plpt (Granados-Kreisler)Kiss in the dark, AB 179810Plm ThibaudDB 51812RedLove me nowB 178810PIm DARE, Phyllis-see" Manon Lescaut," Sel., Pts. "STREET SINGER"I and 2C 113712Phn "Mignon"-Sel.. Pts.1 & 2C 115512Phn " Daughter of the Regi-Night cf Love-WaltzB 181710Pint ment"-Sel., Pts. I & 2"Orphee aus Enters"- Coldstream Gds. BandC 115712PhnSel., Pts. I and 2C 117412Pint DAVIES, Ben. (Tenor)Panama'l'cvilight-Waltz13181710Plnt Iattemptfronilove's sickne.;:E 31310131kParisian PierrotB 178610Plm InSummerFields (Brah/is)E 34910B1kSorrento (Serenade Senti- May Night, The (Brahms) 349 lk n11.mentale)C,.....-..:. tnri,.Nv,l.t A I C'h.lE 1M'.11110iAB l1'a «.....ý131845R 1Rdc10InPlmPl,,, Number I.IINumber

)E GROOT and the PIC-Dreamy Melody CADILLY OR. - contd.De Groot's Orch.B 176510Plm They didn't believe meC 115012PImDrinking Song (Goring Waltz me to sleepB 176510PImThomas) HallandB 176710VIm "Nand of Harlequin"-Du bist die Ruh' Suite No. 2B 143410Vim(Schubert)DB 76612Re"] When Frances DancesB 179810VImDu meine seele- (Schumann) F. HempelDA 557l0Re,l RESZKE SINGERSDubinushka ýliapineDA 62110Red .)E(Unacc.)"Duna W. Pidgeon13 188210rim AdorationDunque ho Sognato-see (Beethoven arr. Johnson)E35310B lk" CRISTOFORO Doctor Foster (Hughes)E316in131kCOLOMBO " Forsaken (Koschatl)E34610BlkE lucevan Is stelle-sec " Give me your hand (Brown)E33910Blk" TOSCA Heav'n ! Heav'n ! (I got a robe)E 339toBlkEBREA, L' (Halivy) HumptyDumpty (Hughes)E31610BlkSe oppressi ognor da pia I got a home in dat rockE 33910BIksentenza PinzaDB 69812Red Madrigal, A (.McLellan)F34610BlkEgmont-Overture, Pis. 1 On Wings of Songand 2 (Beethoven) (Mendelssohn)E 35310B lkR A.H. Orch.D 85212Blk Scandalize' my nameE339toBlkEightsome Reel ForsythB 132110Phil Simple Simon ( Hughes)F 31610BlkElla mi fa rapila-see Studies in ImitationRIGOI,F.'TTO " (Hughes)Empire's Calling DawsonB 185810PIm Mary had a little lambE 35510131kEngland, Land of the Free Tom, Tom, the Piper'sDawsonB 185810VIM SonE 35510B ILENGLISH SINGERS There was an old womanE 35510fill,(Unacc.)Spring Time of the YearF 315108 1k DEARTH, Harry (Bass)Turtle Dove, TheE31510BIk At Grendon FairE 34310BlkEntrance and Dance of the RhythmsF 31810B I kChildren (" The Tavern SongE 31810BlkConqueror ") R.A.H. Or.D 87012B lk When you are awayE34310BlkEpreuve Villageoise, L' Dedication (Love Song)(" Dances Vu?lageoise'") (Schumann-Liszt) Baekhau'E 33810BlkDe GreetE34710BIk Der Augen leuchtendesEri tu-see "BALLO IN Paar-see "WALKUR$"2LASCHERA"Etude Melodique, Op. 21, Der Kasbek De Gront's Or.B 172110PhuNo. 5 (Sgambati) BourneC 116812PIm Der Vogel im WaldeSelma KurzDB 68512RedEUGENE ONEGIN "DIDO and AENEAS"(Tchaikovsky) (Purcell)Distant echo of my youth When I am laid in earthSminiuffDB 58112Red E. SuddabyE 35410B IkEvening Whispers IlounuB 172210I'Im Distant echo of my youthFaery Song-see " TILE "EUGENE -see ONE-IMMORTAL HOUR" GIN "Fairy Folk-see "SUMMER- Divinitds du Styx-seeI,AND" SUITE " AI,CIISTE "Fairy Frolic-see "RAIN Dizzy Fingers Frank HerbinB 177010PlmBOW ENDS" Doctor Foster (Hughes)Faithful and Bold De Reszke Singer-E31610BlkR,A.P.BandB 190010I'lm DOERR, Clyde (Saxophone)Fantasia in C minor SaxanolaB 177610PIm(Bach) SamuelD 8631201k Valle HildaB 177610Pin,Fantasia in C Minor DON C$SAR DE BAZAN(Bach, are. Elgar) (Massenet)R.A.H. OrD 83812Blk Sevillana Galli-CurciDA 61110RedFARRAR, Harold (Tenor DON GIOVANNI (Mozart)FaerySong("The Immortal Madamina, Pis. I and 2Hour")B 1759101'Im ChaliapineDA 55510Red "Don Juan " - SerenadeFAUST (Gounod) (Mozart, are. Bachhaus)Veau d'or, I,e ChaliapiueDA 55410Rel BackhausE 33810iBlkVous qui faites 1'endormiel Donegal Air, A HaywardB 175410['111,ChaliapiueDA 55410Red Donna 2 mobile, La-see"Faust"-Sel., Pts. 1 & 2 " RIGOI,$TTO "De Gtoot's Orch.C 116712Phil Down the Petersky (arr.Feasting I watch (Eigar) Chaliapine) ChaliapineDA 6211IRedGresham 10 SingersE 32110BIk Dream Song, A (Ackernley)ýFirst Kiss, The (Sibelius) Number NINumber

FISCHER, Sarah (Sop.)GARBER-DAVIS ORCH. From " FOUR ELIZABE--see DANCE RECORDS THAN LOVE SONGS"Garden in Brittany ColthamB 187310PIn{ Peaceful Westerne WindeE 311IvB11;Gardening-see " PUNCH Weep you no moreE 31110BlkBOWL" What thing is love?E 31110.B UZGavotte "Au temps Jades" Whither runneth my Sweet-(Henschel) SuggiaDA 57010Red heartE 311toBlkGAY, Maisie Fishermen of EnglandThere's life in the old girl HallandB 187210PImyet (" London Calling")B 180510Phn FLETA, Michele (Tutor)What love means to girls CalleMayor de Jaca-JotaDA 59810Red("London Calling")B 180510Plm Donna 2 mobile, I,a ("RigoGIDEON, Melville-see letto ")DA 44610Red" CO-OPTIMISTS " E lucevan le stelleGIGLI, Beniamino (Tenor) (" Tosca "IDA 446toRedSanta Lucia Luntana Mafiica si to dejarras-(Mario)DA 1RedSerenade 57210Red JotaDA 598;1 (Toselli)DA 57210Red Si fuera on aeroplano-1Gigolette-see "THE JotaDA 598IORedTHREEE GRACS" FLONZALEY QUARTETGILLY, Dinh (Baritone) Music of the Spheres, Op.II est venu cc jour de lutte, 17, No. 2 (Rubinstein)DA 60110Red("La Coupe du Rot de Quartet No. 3 in E FlatThule"-Diaz)DA 55810Red Minor, Op. 30, ScherzoGIOCONDA, LA (Tchaikovsky)DA 60110Red(Ponchielli) Flowers o' the ForestSuicidio Maria leritzaDB35512Red C. MentiplayB 182310Plm"GIPSY'S WARNING" FLYING DUTCHMAN(Benedict) (Wagner`,Rage thou angry storm Senta's Balal AustralD 93312,BIkHallaudB 187210PIm For ever and for everGive me your hand ColthamB 1800t0PlmDe Reszke SingersE 33910Blk Forsaken DeReszke SingersE 34610B ikGLYNNE, Walter (Tenor) Foresters sound the cheer-Golden Key of Love, TheB 175110Plm ful horn Gresham SingersE 34410BikI love a little cottageB 175110PIm FORSYTH, Pipe MajorIn Sympathy (Leoni)B 178310Plin Henry (Bagpipes)JenniferB 173610Peru Bagpipe, Set., Pts. I and 2B 182010PhnNight of love and starsB 183910Plm Eightsome ReelB 182110PImOur little home (Coates)B 178310Pim Highland Reel and Reel o'That night I'll never forgetB 183910Plm TullochB 182110PainUnder thy windowB 173610Phil Highland SchottischeB 182210PlmGo down J. PayneB 175210PIm Military Two-stepB 182210PinsGo, Lovely Rose (Quilter)ColthamB 17660Plin FORZA DEL DESTINOGod defend New Zealand ( Verdi)DawsonD 84112Blk Urna fatale del mio destinoGog and Magog BattistiniDB 73812RedS. Coltham and P. DawsonB 173710Plm Virgin Mother, hear meGolden Key of Love GlynneB 175110PIm F. AustralD 79812B1kGolden Sonata, Pts. l and 2 Fra pogo a me ricovero-(Purcell) Menges&PrimroseD 88912Blk see " LUCIA DIGOLDKETTE'S ORCH.- LAMMERMOOR"see DANCE RECORDS Love-see "CO- FREISCHÜTZDerGolfing " Through Forest, Daviesp the 93212' BlkOPTIAIISTSGondolierand Nightingale Fuchsia Tree, The (Quilter)On. 49 R.A.F. BandC 114912Phn C. HillE 32210Blk"GONDOLIERS, The"- Fugue from Fantasia (Bach)Take a pair of sparkling H. SamuelD 78312B Ikeyes OldhamD 91712B Ik Full fathom five RadfordD 78412BlkGoo Goo see "TO- GALEFFI, Carlo-seeNIGHT'S - THE NIGHT" " NERONE " GALLI-CURCI, AmelitaGOOSSENS,Sidonle(Harp') (Soprano)Spring Fancies, No. I Obeissous quand leur voix(Hamilton HartyB 175310Plm appelle ("Manon ")DA 61110RedTo a Water Lily SevillanaOfacDowell)B 175310PIm ("Don Cesar de Bazan")DA 61110Red Son vergin vezzosaGopak (Afoussorgsky) . (" I Puritani"-Bellini)DB 64112RedMoiseivitcl,E31910Blk Tutte he feste at tempio Geal Mo Chridh i."I - nGradh NumberNumber

Grand Adagio from " Bat-Heav'nl Heav'nl (I got a let Raymonda "robe) De Reszke SingersE33910B Ik (Glazouncu) HeifetzDA 59610RedHebrew Lullaby (Achron) GREEN-ARDEN ORCH.HeifetzDA5961G. Red DANCE RECS.HEIFETZ, Jascha (Violin) GRESHAM-see SINGERSGrand Adagio from "Bal (Unaccompanied)let Raymonda" Beleaguered, The (Sullivan)D 87712BIk(Glazounov)DA 59610Red (Achron)DA Feasting I watch (Elgne)E 32110BlkHebrew Lullaby 59610Red Foresters sound the cheer-HEMPEL, Frieda (Sop.) iul horn (Bishop)E34410BlkAuf Flügeln des Gesanges, My tender IlcckE 32110B1k(lfendel Sohn)DA 38210Red Oak and the AshD 87712B 1kDu meineseele-Widmung, Sleep, gentle lady (Bishop)E 34410BlkOp.25, No. I (Schumann)DA 55710Red GROSSMITH, GeorgeHorch, horch, die Lerch- Any old nightStändchen (Schubert)DA 38210Red (" To-night's the Night ")C 115012PlmNone but the weary heartDA 20510Red H.M. THEATRE ORCH.-Phyllis has such charming see " HASSAN "gracesDA 20510Red Had a horse--see "HUNSchlafe, mein Prinzchen- GARIAN FOLK SONGS"Wiegenlied (Mozart)DA 55710Red HALL, Marie ( Violin)HENRY, John (Humorous) Capriccio all 'anticaHens (Uuacc.)B 184110Plus (Sinigaglia)E 34010BlkJohn Heim, " Calling "B 183410Phu Old Chinese Folk SongJohn Henry's, (Goossens)E 34810P 1kPts. 1 and 2 Romance (Sinding)E 34010BlkJohn Henryan1 BlossomB 190210Plut Valse Etude (Hoist)E 34810131kListening-inB 184110Plum Wheelbarrow. The8183410Plut HALLAND, Edward (Bass)"HenryVlll." -Sulte,Pre- Drinking Song (Goringlude to Act 3 Thonm,)B 176710UlmR.A.H. Orch.D 87012Blk Fishermen of EnglandB 187210PlusHens (Unacc.) John HenryB 194110Phil Rage thou angry stormB 1872,10Plus Song of the Bow (Aylward)B 176710ElmHENSON, Leslie and HAMBOURG,Mark PianoMoya MANNERING Midsummer Night'sI'd like to bring my MotherB 181910tim Dream"-WeddingMeet me round the corner March and Dance of(" To-night's the Night ")B 181910Pins the Elves, P's. 1 and 2HERBIN, Frank (Piano) (31n,de1ssolvi1D 85912BlkCoaxing the Piano, F.T.D 1774101'Int Prelude a I'apres midi d'unDizzy FingersB 177010Plus Faune, Pts. 1 and 2Nickel in the SlotB 177010Phu (Debussy, are. Borxick)E36210BlkPeanut Cackle. Fox TrotB 177410Phu Happy WarriorHighland lad was R.A.F. BandB 190010Plmborn C. MentiplayB 182410PIm Hard-hearted HannahHighland Reel and Reel Brooke JohnsB 188610timO'Tulloch ForsythB 182110Phil Hark the echoing airHighland Schottische (Purcell) E. SuddahyE 35410B lkForsythB 182210Plm HARP SOLOS - ye,'HILL, Carmen (Mezzo-Sop.) SIDONIE GOOSSENSPict Kiss, The (SibeliusE 31410Blk HARTL-EY-MILBURN-Fuchsia Tree, The (Quillen)E 32210Blk see "STREET SINGER'Lover's Curse, TheE 35010Blk HASSAN H.1I.'l'ue.ure orMemory, A (GoringThanas;F, 31410B1k Sel., Pts. I and 2C 113412PlmPhillis was a faire nmideE 35010B lk Set.. Pts. 3 and 4C 113512PlmWhere go the boats? HASTINGS, Ernest(Graham PeellE32210Blk (Humorous)HILLIARD,K. and BAKER Cautious Lover, TI)--C 113812Pita-see BAKER Oh dear, what can theHILLIARD, K. and matter be?C 113812PlmMUMMERY-see Perverted PlacardsC 115612timMUMMERY Song of the FordC 115612timHINCHLIFF, E.W. (Bassoon) HAY WARD, MarjorieLucy LongB 175610Plum (Violin)Ri-Too-Rai-I-TayB 175610Plm Admiral's Galliard, TheB 175410UlmHindu Song-see"SADKO" Donegal Air, AB 175410PlmHISLOP, Joseph (Tenor) Fairy FrolicB 187110PlmCorn RigsDA 58810Red Rosamunde (Quilter)B 187110PlmElla mi to rapita ("Rigo- Serenade (Bridge)B 187110Plmletto")DA 22610Red He will be here-see "I,AFra poco a me ricovero JUI V E "(" Lucia di Lammermoor ")DB 69512Red Heart worships (Holst)In distant lands (" I,oheu- NumberNumber.

HISLOP, Joseph (Tenor)In the South-Over., Op. 50, contd.Pts. I & 2 (F.lgar) R.A.H.Or.D 78512Blk Morning was gleamingPts.3 & 4 (Elene\ R.A.H.Or.D 78612B lk (" Mastersingers ")DB 68112RedIn the Town of Kasan-see My love she's but a lassie"BORIS GODOUNOV" yetDA 58810RedIndiana Moon McCormackDA 60610Red Panni veder le lagrime1 NDIAN QUEEN (Purcell) ("Rigoletto")DA 22610RedYe twice ten hundred Tombe degl' avi mielDeities RadfordD80212B1k (" Lucia di Lammermoor ")DB 69512RedINTERNATIONAL NOV- ELTY ORCHESTRA- HODGSON, Phoebe- seesee DANCE RECORDS STREET SINGER "Introduction and Rondo Capriccfoso, Op. 28, Pts. HOLLOWAY, Stanley-seeI and 2 (Saint-Sains) " CO-OPTIMISTS "\V PrimroseD 79612111k Homage MarchIrish Reel Medley WalshB 190310Pun (Wagner, are. lVinterbultom)Isabel (Bridge) MegareE 36110B I k Coldstream Gds. BandC 116612Plmit's raining Horch, horch, die Lerch-Baker and HilliardB 178410Pint Ständchen you, dear-see "TO- .(Schubert)It'sF. HempelDA 38210RedNIGHT'S THE NIGHT " Hornpipe Medley WalshB 190310PlnrJean Sydney ColthamR 176610PIm House of heart's delightJenny Nettles MacgregorB 182710rim ColthamB 180010PlmJERITZA, Maria (Sop.) Hugh the Drover (VaughanDivinites du Styx II'illiarns) (5, 12" Double-(" Aleeste ")DB 35512Red sided Records)D 922/612B I kSuieidio ! Humoreske (Sinigaglia)(" La Gioconda "1DB 35512Red SuggiaDB 76312Red" Jewess, The "-see Humoresque" EBREA, L' " (Olsen) Una BourneB 187410PImJim Jams Roy BargyB 186210Plus Humpty DumptyJohn Henry "Calling" De Reszke SingersE31610BlkJohn HenryB 183410Pin "HUNGARIAN FOLKJohn Henry's Aeroplane, SONGS" (arr. Korbay)Pts. I and 2 Had a horse RadfordEß5110BlkJohn Henrc and Blos.onrB 190210Phil Shepherd, see thy horse'sJONES, Bessie (Soprano) foaming mane RadfordE35110B 1kThrush's Love Song, AB 185710Plm We shall see !B 185710111m HYLTON'S ORCH.-seeJoseph, ach Joseph-see DANCE RECORDS"MDME. POMPADOUR" I attempt from love's sick-Jour de Juin-see ness B. DaviesE 31310Blke I got a home in dat rock"THERF.SE" De Reszke SingersE 33910B IkJOURNET, Marcel - see I have a Rendez-vous"NERONE"De Groot's Orch.B 187010PIm I heard you singing BakerB 181610Plus"JUIVE, LA" (Halerv) I like my old home town-see also" EBREA, L' " LauderD 86912B IkHe will be here AustralD 798128lk I love a little cottage GlvnueB 175110PImJulio-Tango De Groot's Or.B 187010Plm I'd like to bring myJune (Barcarolle) Mother - see TO-No.6 (Tchaihovsky) BourneB 184410Plus NIGHT'S THE NIGHT"Just one more kiss If there were dreams to sellDc Groot's Orch.B 178810rim G. BakerB 181610UlmJustin-tyme Roy BargyB 186210P1ur II PensierosoKaulman's Original Penn- (Handel are. Frans) KurzDB 68512Redsylvanian Serenaders- I'm looking for a bonniesee DANCE RECORDS lass (Lauder) H. LauderD 91812BlkKeel Row I'm the boss of the hooseMentiplay and ThomsonB 182510Plm LauderD 86912B lkKirkconnel Lea MacgregorB 182810Plnr IMMORTAL HOUR, TheKishmul's Galley (Boughton)MacgregorB 182810PIm Faery Song H. FarrarB 175910PlanKiss in the dark, A In a Chinese TempleDe Groot's Orch.B 1798toPlm Garden R.A.F. BandC 114912rimKREISLER, Fritz ( Violin) In distant lands-seeMazurka, Op. 33, No. 2 " LOHENGRIN "(Chopin)DA 51110Red In native worth-seeMelodie, Op. 16, No. 2 "CREATION"(Padcrewski-Kreisler)DA51110Red In Summer FieldsMelody in A Major (Brahms) B. DaviesE34910B Ik(Gen. Dawes)DA 28110Red I N I Number inNumber

KURZ, Selma (Sop.)Love me now-see Der Vogel im Walde"MDME. POMPADOUR" (Taubert)OB 68512RedLove not the world-see II Pensieroso" PRODIGAL SON " (Handel, are. Franz)DB 68512Red Nocturne (Chopin)1)867712RedLove sounds the alarm- Serenade (Gounod)D8 67712Redsee "ACIS & GALATEA" Lacerato spirito, Il-seeLovely kind and kindl) "SIMON BOCCANEGRA'loving DawsonB 175010Plot The Land o' the Leal K. LunnDB 73512RedLovers, Land of Hope and Glory (ace.Coltham and DawsonB 176810P!m by Band) I,. Megan:D 78712BlkLover's Curse, The C.HillE 35010B 1k Love's appeal ColthamB 187310Phil LAUDER, Sir HarryLove's hentry-see "11IA (Humorous)DAME POMPADOUR" I like my old home townD 86912B 1k I'm looking for a bonnieLUCIA DI LAMMER- lassLauder)D91812BlkMOOR (Donizetti) I'm the boss of the hooseD 86912B lkDalle stanza, ove Lucia Love makes the world aPinzaDB 69912Red merry-go-roundD 91812BIkFra poco a me ricovero LAW BS, hen ( Humorous)HislopDB 69512Red Christening, Pts. 1 2C 117512PlotSpargi d'amaro pianto (Ar- and 2) I,ittle Wireless Set I madedon gl'incensi, Pt. at home-Pts. I and 2C 115212PlatMdme. Dal MonteDB 71212Red My Marriage, Pts. 1 and 2C 115912PImSplendon le sacre faci (Ar- don gl'incensi-Pt. 1) "LEAP YEAR"Mdme. Dal MonteDB 71212Red Say it with a Ukulele, F.T.Tombe degl' avi mief Romaine OrebB 179210PlmHislopDB 69512Red Le Deluge-Prelude, Op.Lucy Long (Bassoon) 45 (Saint-Satins) ThibaudDA 62010RedHinchliflB 175610PIm LESTER, Alfred (Humorous)LUNN, Kirkby (Con.) Dandelions and DaffodilsC 117012PlmAll Souls Day (Lassen)DA 59710Red Gardening ("Punch Boul")C 117012Fln,Heart worships, The (Hols!)DA 56810Red LETT, Phyllis (Contrallo)Land o' the LealDB 73512Red Caro Min Ben (Giordani)E 34510BIkI,ove is Dream (Pitt)DA 56810Red a (Brahms)DA My Prayer (Squire)E 34510BlkSapphische Ode, 597l0Red Liebesträume, No. 3Turn ye to meDB 73512Red (Liszt) Back-hauD 78812BlkLuoghi serene e earl LIGHT OPERA CO.(Donaudy) McCormackDA 62710Red Street Singer " - VocalLUPINO, Stanley(Com'dn.) GemsC 1172121la,MexicoB 178910i'lm "Toni"-Vocal GemsC 117212PlmOh! ItalyB 178910Plm Linden Lea BakesB 173410Pim Listening-in John HenryB 184110PlmLYRIC THEATRE ORCH. Little Wireless Set I made(Cond. H. Carr) at home-Pts. 1 and 2-see "STREET SINGER" Ben LawesC 115212Pim'Crystal Gazer, IntermezzoC 117312pint LJUNGBERG, Göta-seeMa conflance en toi s'est "SALOME"bien montree-see" ".LOHENGRIN LOHENGRIN (Wanner) Ah! respirons AnsseauDA 61410RedMACFARLANE, Elsa-se' In distant lands HislopD868112Red"CO-OPTIMISTS" Ma confiänce en toiAnsseauDA 61410RedMACGREGOR.Alex(Bar.)An Island Sheiling Soup LONDON CALLING("SonesoftheHebrides")B175910Plm Parisian PierrotGradh Geal Mo Chridh De Groot's Orch.B 1786t0Plm("Songs of the Hebrides")B 182610Pim Parisian Pierrot F.T.Jenny NettlesB 182710Plat Romaine Orch.B 180310PlotKirkconnel LeaB 182810Flm There's life in the old girlKishmul's Galley yet M. GadB 180510Plat("Songs of the Hebrides")B 182810Plat What love means to girlsMan's a man for a' thatB 182710Plat like me M. GayB 180510PlmOigh Mo Ruin London 'town-see " CO-(" Songs of the North ")B 182610Phn OPTIMISTS" Love and Wine P. DawsonB 173510PlmMADAM BUTTERFLY Love is a dream (Pitt)(Puccini) K. T,unnDA 56810RedComplete Opera on 14 12-in.D 893 Love makes the world adouble-sided Black Labrlto NumberNumber

MADAME POMPA-Meet me round the corner11 DOUR (Fall)-see "TO-NIGHT'S THE By the light of the moonNIGHT " Mummery and K. HilliardC 1143121'lmMEGANE. Leila (Contralto) Carnival Time MummeryC 114212PImIsabel (Bridge)E 36110B1k Joseph Baker and HilliardC 114212PhilJour de Juin (" Th@rlse") Love me now De Groot'sO.B 178810Plin(34 assenet)E32010B Ik Love's Sentry Mummery'Twas in the merry month and K. HilliardC 114312Plinof MayE 36110Blk Joseph, F.T. Romaine Or.B 176410PlinVisione Veneziana (Brogi)E 32010B11, Joseph, ach Joseph De Groot's Or.B 143410PImMEGANE, L. and COLD- Set., Pts. 1 and 2 Mayfair O.C 114112PhnSTREAM GDS. BAND Waltz Romaine Or.B 176410PlmLand of Hope and GloryD 78712BI!: Madamina see "DONSummer Night, AD 78712B Ik GIOVANNI - "MELFORD, A.-see " CO- Madelina ColthamB 184210Pin)OPTIMISTS " Madrigal, A De Reszke S.E 34610B ILM61odle, Op. 16, No. 2 Madrigale (Simonetti)(Paderewshi- Kreisler) ChemetDA 53010RedKreislerDA 51110Red Malaguela, Op. 21-Melody in A Major Spanish Dance (Sarasate)(Gen. Dawes) KreislexDA 28110Red MengesD 86112BlkMemory, A Carmen H:LE 31410Blk MANHATTAN MERRY-Memory Street-see "CO MAKERS - see DANCEOPTIMISTS" RECORDSMENGES, Isolde ( Violin) MaRica 81 to dejarrasBerceuse, Op. 16 (Faste)D86112Blk Jota 31. FletaDA 59810RedChaconne, Pts. 1 and 2 MANON (Massenel)(Bach)D 87512B Ik Obdissous quand leer voisChaconne, Pte. 3 and 4 appelle Galh-CurtiDA 61110Red(Bach)D 87612131k "MANON LESCAUT"Malaguefia, Op. 21 - (Puccini)Spanish Dance (Sarasafe'D 86112Blk Set., Pts. I and 2MENGES, I. and W. De G root's Orch.C 113712i'hnPRIMROSE (Violin Dart) Man's a man for a' thatGolden Sonata, Pts. I and 2 MacgregorB 182710Pim(Purcell)D 88912B Ik Marcheta McCormackDA 60610RedMENTIPLAY, Catherine Margarita ColthainC 113012Phu(Contralto) MASSEY, The Right Hon.Caller Herrin'B 182310Plin W. F.Flowers o' the ForestB 182310Plm (Premier cy New Zealand)Highland lad niy love was An Address on "ThebornB 182410If. British Empire "D84112BlkRowan TreeB 182410Pim " MASTERSINGERS "MENTIPLAY, C. and M. (.Wagner)THOMSON 182510Plin Morning was gleamingReel RowB HisioliDB 68112RedRow weel nxy boatieB 182510Plm Wahn ! Walur ! V-1titehillDB 44212Red May Night, fire]fenuet Celehrs Cna BourneB 172210Phil (Brahms) B. DaviesE 34910B IkMenuett (Haydn, arr. MAYFAIR ORCHESTRABurmester) ChemetDA 53010Red (Cond. G. W. Byng)Mexico Stanley LuViuoB 178910Pull Night Bells across the meadowC 117312Pim"Midsummer s Madame Pompadour-Sel.,Dream " - Wedding Pts. I and 2C 114112PlinMarchandDanceof the Silver Fingers-IntermezzoB 186910PlinElves. Pts. I and 2 "Toni "-Selection, Parts(lfendelssohn) HambouigiD 85912B11 I and 2C 115312Phil"Mignon "-Set.,Pts.I and "Water Scenes"-NarcissusB 186910Phil2 (Thomas, are. Tavan) Mazurka (01sen) BourneB 187410PhnDe Groot's Orch.C 115512Pim Mazurka, Op. 33, No. 2Military Two Step ForsythB 182210Plin (Chopin) KreisleiDA 51110RedMinute Caprice (Rode- Mazurka, No.51 In A minorThibaud) ThibaudDA 44110Red (Chobi") MoiseivitchE 31910BlkMiss Lemon-see "CO- McCORMACK, JohnOPTIMISTS" (Tenor)MOISEIVITCH, Benno Du bist die Ruh' (Scliberl)DB 76612Red(Piano) Indiana Moon (Jones)DA. 60610RedGopak (Moussorgshy)E 31910Bik Luoghi sereni c cariMazurka, No. 51 in A (Donaudv)DA 62710RedMinor (Chopin)E 319'10Blk Marchita (Schertzinger)DA 60610RedMoment Musical (ScIa. 44110111c.] O del mio ben-Ariabert- Kreisler) ThibaudDA (Danaudl") 627 P.-see "CO- ý,r.. e... a'._. m-_-. .r-tnDA "10 .fit10,nRedo-a51ONKMAN,OPTTyfTCTC" NumberNussborI IF

Moresque (Granados) BourneB 173810Plm0 del min amato ben-Aria Morning was gleaming-(Donaudy) McCormackDA 62710Red see "MASTERSINGERS"0 del mio dolce ardor-see MORSZTYN, Countess' PARIDE ED ELENA" 0 Lordwhose mercies- Helena (Piano),see "SAUL" Scherzo, Op. 31-Pts. I and 2 (Chopin)E31710BlkO Mistress Mine BakerB 173110Plm O my harp immortal-see MOSB IN EGITTO "" SAPHO (Rossini)Dal tuo stellato soglioO'NEILL, Walker (Piano) Plaza and TurchettiDB 69812RedDustin' the Keys, F.T.B 180610PIm Mother, you know theScale it down, F.T.B 180610Phu story - sec " CAVAL-0 Paradis sorti de l'onde LLRIA RUSTICANA "-see "L'AFRICANA" Mother Carey-see " SALT0 vision entrancing DaviesD 86012Elk WATER BALLADS "Oak and the Ash, The MUMMERY, BrowningGresham SingersD 87712Blk Carnival Time ("Mdme.Obelseons quand leur voice Pompadour")C 114212Philappel!e -see "1IANON" MUMMERY, B. and K.OBERON (Weber) HILLIARDOh, to the glorious sight! By the light of the moonT. DaviesD 93212Elk ("itdme. Pompadour")C 114312i'lmOh dear, what can the Love's Sentry (" Mdme.matter be P HastingsC 113812Pim Pompadour")C 114312Pln,Oh I Italy S. LupinoB 178910Plat Music of the Spheres, Op.Oh, to the glorious sight 17, No. 2-Molto Lento--see "OB$RO_N" (Rubinstein) Flonzaley Qt.DA 60110RedOlgh Mo Ruin MacgregorB 182610Plat Musical Jig-Saw-Set.,Old Chinese Folk Song Pts. 1 and 2 C'stream G. B.C 1139U.PIm(Goossens) M. HallE 34810Elk My Gal's Face CliffB 176910PhnOld clothes and fine clothes she's but a lassieRadfordD 78412Elk yet Hi_lopDA 58810RedOLDHAM, Derek (Tenor) My Marriage, Pte. I and 2Sailor's Grave, The LawesC 115912PIm(Sullivan)D 91712B Ik My Prayer (Squire) P. LettE345toBlkTake a pair of sparkling My tender flockeves (" Gondoliers ")D 91712Elk Gresham SingersE32110ElkOn heariugthe first Cuckoo Nalla, Waltz (Delibes)(Drlius) R.A.H. Or.D 80012Elk BackhausD 78812B 1 kOn Wings of Song (Mendels- Nearer and Dearersohn) De Reszke SingersE 35310Elk Baker and JamesB 178410Pin,Our little home GlynueB L78310Plm NERONE (Boils)Overture in D minor Iiceo it magico specchio(Handel, are. Elgar) JournetDB 73312RedR.A.H. Orch.D 83812Elk Laggiü tra i giunchi diPaddy's Wedding DawsonB 184010Phn GenezarethPagan, The P. DawsonB 173510Plm Bertana and GalefdDB 73212RedPanama Twilight-Waltz Non resi.tete at malvagioDe Groot's Orch.B 181710Phn GalelliDB 73412RegParadise (Krakauer- Or tutto P confessatoKreisler) KreislerDA 28110Red Bertana and GaleffiDB 73212Red Padre nostro the sei neiPARIDEEDELENA(Gluch) Cieli BertanaDB 733112Red0 del into dolce ardor V'amai dal dl the cuorBattistiniDB 73112Red GalefiiDB 73412RedParisian Pierrot - see Nickel In the Slot hferbinis 177010Plni" LONDON CALLING " Night of Love-WaltzParmi veder le lagrime- De Groot's Orch.B 181710PImsee " RIGOLETTO " Night of Love and StarsGlynueB 183910PinPAYNE, John Noche Feltz (Pasadas)Go down Moses (Negro CarusoDA 57410RedSpiritual)B 175210Plm Nocturne (Chopin) S. Kurz013 67712RedWater Boy (Negro Folk None but the weary heartSong)B 175210PIm (Tchaikovshy) HempelDA 20510RedPeaceful Western Winde Norwegian Rhapsodie,S. FischerE 31110Elk Pts. 1 and 2 (Lalo)Pepita (Coates) G. BakerC 115812Plm Coldstream Gds. BandC 115412PlinPerverted Placards Novelette, Op. 22, No. 2HastingsC 115612Phil (Glarounov) R.A.F. Bd.B 184310Plm"Petite Suite"-En Bateau "Novelettes"-Valse, No.(Debussy) ThibaudDA 62010Red 5, Op. 15 (Glazounov) Suite de Concert"---a Virtnncn Cfrin,, llnorfnftl sac17nil."Petite a,ninnit, Number I1NumberR;

Petrouchka " B a I i e tPURITANI, I (Bellini) Music (Stravinsky)Son vergin vezzosa R.A.H. Orch.Galli CurciDB 64112Red (Complete on four 12-inchQuando me'n vo' soletta- Double-sided records)D8531612Blksee "LA BOHEME" Phillis was a faire maideQuartet in C minor, Op. 51, C. HillB35010BIkNo. I (Brahms) Phyllis has such charmingCatterali QuartetD 7911412BIk- graces HempelDA 20510RedQuartet In D Major, Op. 11 (Tchatkoesky) PIANO SOLOS-see(Recorded in Complete Form) BACKHAUS, BARGY,Virtuoso String QuartetD 8651812BIk BOURNE, CORTOT, DCQuartet No. 3 In E Flat GREEF, HAMBOURG,Minor, Op. 30-Scherzo HERBIN, COUNTESS H(Tchaikcvsky) MORSZTYN, M O I S E I Qt.DA 60110Red O'N H I I, L,RACHMANINOFF,-Flonzaley V ITCH , Sergei RACHMAN INOFF,(Piano) SAMUEL,Waltz in A Flat, Op. 40, PIDGEON, Walter (Bar.)No.8 (Tchaikcvsky)DA 59310Red DunaB 188210PlmWaltz in B minor, Op. 69, What'll I doB 188210PhnNo. 2 (Chopin)DA 59310Red , Ezio (Bass)RADFORD, Robert (Bass) Dalle stanza, ove LuciaFull fathom five1) 78412Blk (" Lucia di Lammermoor")DB 69912RedHad a horse Laceratospirito, It ("Simon(" Hungarian Folk Songs" Boccanezra")DB 69912Redare. Korbay)E 35110B 1k Se oppressi ognor da riaOld clothes and fine clothesD 7841 2B 1 k sentenza ("L'Ebrea")Shepherd, see thy horse's (HalAv)DB 69812Redfoaming mane (" Hungarian Folk Songs" PINZA and TURCHETTIarr. Korbay)E 35110Elk Dal tuo stellato soglioStar, The (,,true)D 80212B I k ("Slosiin Egilto") {Rossini)DB 69812RedStill is the nightD 78412Blk Pipes of Pan (Elgar) BakerC 115812PlusYe twice ten hundred Pirate Song DawsonB 181510PhilDeities (Purcell)D 90212BIle Pirate Song-see "CO-Rage thou angry storm- OPTIMISTS"see " GIPSY'S Poisson d'or (Debussy)WARNING"ScharrerD 91412B ikRaggedy Man-see " Cu Polonaise in A Flat, Op. 53OPTIMISTS " (Chopin) BackhaueD 88812BIk"RAINBOW ENDS" Port of many ships ("Sah(Quilter) Water Ballads") DawsonB 179910PhnFairy Frolic HaywardB 187110Plm Pourquoi me reveiller ?-RAYMOND'S ORCH.-see see "WERTHER"DANCE RECORDS Prelude and Fugue in BReflets (tans {'eau Flat (Bach) SamuelD86312B1k(Debussy) ScharrerD 91412Bik PRIMROSE, WilliamRhapsodie Hongroise, No. ( Violin)12, Pits. 1 and 2 (Liszt) Introduction and RondoDr GreetD80112Blk Capriccioso, Op. 28, Pts.Rhapsody in Blue, Pts. 1 land 2 (Saint-Saens)- D79612BIkand2 (,arr.Grofd) PRINCE IGOR (Borodin)Whiteman &his Concert Or.C IL7112Pin Ballet Music, Pts. I and 2Rhythms Harry LearttE 31810Bile Symphony Orch. and ChorusD 79512B lkRI-Too-Ral-I-Tay Song of Galitsky(Bassoon) HincbliffB 175610Pin ChaliapineDA 10010Red PRODIGAL SON (Sullivan)RIGOLETTO ( Verdi), love not the worldDonna a mobile, La FletaDA 44610Red ThorntonD78912BlkElla mi in rapita HislopDA22610Red " PUNCH BOWL, The "Parmi weder le lagrime Chili Bom Bom-Fox-TrotHislopDA 22610Red Hylton's Orch.B 183010PIMTutte le feste at tempio Dandelions and DaffodilsGalli-CurciDB 64112Red LesterC 117012PlmRoad across the Sea Gardening LesterC 117012PinDawsonB 190110Plut Teach me-Fox-Trot All Star Trio and Orch.B 183710PlmROMAINE ORCHESTRA Punchinello DawsonB 184010Plm-see DANCE RECORDS PUPPETSRomance (Sindin;c) M. HallE34010Blk And that's not all-Fox-Rondo (La Galete)( {Veber) Trot Hylton's Orch.B 183010PlmUna BourneC 116812Plm April's Lady, Fox-TrotRosamunde (Quilter) I NumberI inNumber "Rosamunde"-Overture,S. S. Leviathan Orch.- Pis. land 2 (Schubert)see DANCE RECORDS Wireless Orchestra (2 LO)D 90712B IkSADKO (Rimsky" Korsa.kor) Row weel my boatieHindu Song SmirnofiDB 58112Red Meutiplay and ThomsonB 1825101.9mSailor's Grave (Sullivan) Rowan Tree MentiplacB 182410Pill]D. OldhamD 91712B lk SALOME (Strauss) ROYAL AIR FORCE BD.Dance of the Seven Veils, (Cond. Flight-Lt. Amers)Pts. I & 2 Symphony O.D 90912BIk Chinese Patrol (Fliege)B 184310PlmHead of Jokanaan, Pts. I Faithful and BoldB 190010Plmand 2 Ljungberg Gondolier and Nightingale,and Symphony O.D 91012B 1k Op. 49C 114912MenJokanaan is summoned be- Happy WarriorB 190010Plmfore Salomd Dawson In a Chinese Templeand Symphony O.D 90812Bile GardenC 114912PimOpening Scene Symphony Novelette, Op. 22, No. 2Orch. with ChorusD 90812BIk (Glazounov)B 184310PlmSALT WATER BALLADS ROYAL ALBERT HALL(Keel) OR. (Cond. Sir E. Elgar)Cape Ifoni Gospel DawsonB 179910Phil Fantasia in C minorMother Carey DawsonB 178510Plm (Bach, are. Eigar)D 83812BlkPort of many ships DawsonB 179910Phil In the South-Overture,Wanderer's Song DawsonB 178510Phil Op. 50Salterelle (Wieniavski- Pts. I and 2D78512BlkThibaud) ThihaudDA 44110Red Pts. 3 and 4D 78612BlkSAMUEL, Harold (Piano) Overture in D minorChromatic Fantasia, Pts. 1 ( Handel. are. Elgar)D 83812Blkand 2 (Bach)D 78212Blk ROYAL ALBERT HALLFantasia in C minor (Bach)D 86312Bik ORCH.(Cond. Goossens)Fugue from Fantasia (Bach)D 78312Blk Brigg Fair, Pts. I and 2Prelude and Fugue in B (Delius)D7991281kFlat (Bach)D86312Bik Brigg Fair, Pt. 3 (Delius)D 80012131kTwo BourrEes in A Minor On hearing the first(Bach)D 78312B1k Cuckoo (Delius)D 80012B11,Santa Lucia Luntana "Pdtrouchka" - Ballet(Mario) GigliDA 57210Red Music (Stravinsky)D 853/612BlkSAPHO (Gounod) (Complete on four 12-inch0 my harp immortal (doubie-sided recor ls)L. ThorntonD 86412B lk "Tosca"-Set., Pts. I and 2Sapphische Ode, Op. 94 (Puccini, arr. Tavan)D 91312BIk(Brahms) Kirkby 7 unnDA 59710Red ROYAL ALBERT HALLSatyr Dance (" The ORCH. (Cond. Sir Lan-Conqueror ") R.A.H. Orch.D 87012Blk don Ronald)SAUL (Handel) Egmont-Overture, Pts. 10 Lord, whose mercies and 2 (Beethoven)D85212BlkThorntonD 78912Blk Symphony in B minorSaxanola Clyde DoerrB 177610Ptur ("Unfinished") (Schubert)D 934/612BlkSaxophone - see DOERR Symphony No. 2 in D, Op.Scandalize' my name 73 (Brahms)D 871/412BikDe Reszke SingersE 339.10Blk ROYAL ALBERT HALLSCHARRER, Irene (Piano) ORCH. (Cond. EdwardPoissons d'or (Debussy)D 91412BIk German)Refletsdauol'eau (Debussy)D91412BIk Entrance and Dance ofScherzo, Op. 31, Pts. I. and the Children The2 (Chopin) (Piano) Conqueror ")D S7012BIkCountess Helena MorsztyaE 31710Blk "Henry VIII."-Suite,Schlafe, mein Prinzchen- Prelude to Act 3D S7012BlkWiegenlied (Mozart) Satyr DanceF. HemnelDA 55710Red (" The Conqueror")D 87012B lkScordame (Fucito) CarusoDA 60810lieu "RUDDIGORE"Se oppressi ognor da rla (Gilbert and Sullivan)sentenza -see Complete Opera, on 9 12-" L'EBREA " in. double sided BlackSea Rapture Coltham13184210rim Label Records. Re-Seguldillas, No. 5 corded under the per-D 878( Albenir) De GreefE 34710B lk sonal supervision of Mr.to12BlkSenza Nisciuno Rugerl D'Oyly Carte.D 886(De Curtiss CarusoDA 60810Red RUFFO, TittaSerenade (Bridge) HaywardB 1871101"1111 Aman lassü le stelleSerenade )Gounod) KurzDB 67712lied (" Cristoforo Colombo ")Seranata (Toselli) GigliDA 57210Red (Franchelti)DB 17912RedScr¬nade Espagno:e Dunque ho sognato?(Glazounov) ti,i-,giaDA 57010Red ('ý Crisloforo ColomboSevillana-see DON L6 117 rz neu . 1ca1n ,.,,, SHARPE, ('cello) " Sonnambula, La "-Sel. Andantino (Song of the Soul) E 310 Pis. I and 2 (Belliai) Chant du M6nestrel, Op. 71 Coldstream Guards Band (Glasounov) E 342 Petite Suite de Concert E 310 Sons of the Sea Dawson "Tales of Hoffman" - Porcnrolle (Offenha, h) E 342 Sorrento (Serenade Senti- De Groot's Or. Shepherd, see thy horse's mentale) foaming mane - see "HUNGARIAN FOLK Souvenir d'amourDe SONGS " Groot's Orch. Spanischer Tänze-Vito, Op. 54, No. 5 Ship the restless ocean (Popper)Suggia sweeps-see "FLYING DUTCHMAN" Spring Fancies, No. I Balle S. Goossens ',Shoe, The" - Music, Pts. 1 and 2 Spring Night, A Ben Davie- Coldstream Guards Band Si fuera un aeroplano- Spring Time of the Year, Jota Fleta The English Singers Star, The (Arne) Radfora Si vous I'aviez compris (Dens) Battistin; Still is the night Radford "SIEGE OF ROCHELLE" (Balle) STOP FLIRTING Travellers all of every Oom Pah Trot, One-Step Hvlton's Orch. station Dawson Silver Fingers - Inter- mezzo Mayfair Orch. "STREET SINGER, The" Finale, Act 2 SILVERMAN'S ORCH.- Weidman and Dare C 1164 1212101212to12121212 Follow Yvette P. Dare C 1162 see DANCE RECORDS SIMON BOCCANEGRA Follow Yvette-One-StepRomaine ( Verdi) Orch. B 1879 Lacerato spirito. Il Pinza DB 699 Heart's Desire P. Dare C 1162 Simple Simon (Hughes) Just to hold you in my arms Dc Reszke Singers E316 Dare and R'elchman, C 1163 Phu Sing Sambo G. Baker B 1755 Just to hold you m my arms along Romaine PhilPluiPlm Sleep, gentle lady -Waltz Orch. B 1879 Gresham Singers E 344 'Ow; I 'ate womenBaskcombe C 1161 S MI RN O FF,Dmi tri ( Tenor) Perfect 'little ladyP. Distant echo of my youth Hodgson C 1164 (" Eugene Onegin") Selection, Pts. 1 and 2 1 Hindu Song (" Sadko ") ' Lyric Theatre Orch. C 1160 Take life as it comesWelchman Son vergin vezzosa-sec C 1163 " PURITANI " That's what you are to me Harney-Milburn and Song from the East-see Baskcombe "SUMMERI,AND"SUI7Ii Voc. Gems Light Opera Co. Song of the Bow (Aymara)Ilalland Studies In Imitation (Hughes) De Reszke Singers Galitsky-see Song of SUDDABY, Elsie (Sop.) "PRINC$ IGOR" Hark the echoing air Ford (Purcell) Song of the Hastings When I am laid in earth (" Dido and Aeneas ") Songs myv Mother taught Mdme. Celloi me (Dvordk-Krcisler)Cherie: SUGGIA, (' Allemande (Senaill6) DB 680 Red SONGS OF THE Gavotte " An temps Jadis" HEBRIDESAn (Henschel) DA 570 RedRedRedRe]Red Island Sheiling Song Humoreske (Sin(gaglia) DB 763 Macgrego[ Serenade $spaguole Gradh Geal Chridh Gin zou,zov) DA 570 oso Tänze Vito, Macgregor Spanischer - Kislunul's Galley\lacgregor Op. 54, No. 5 (Popper) DB 680 Tarantella in G major ("Op per) DB 763 SONGS OF THE NORTH (Lawson) Suicidio I-see " LA GIO Oi_li Mo Ruin Macgregor CONDA " Number.Numberm

Suite No. 2 for MilitaryTHERESE (Massenet) Band in F Major (Hoist)Tour de Juin L. MeganeE32010B1k see Coldstream Gds. BandThey didn't believe me- Summer Night, Asee "TO-NIGHT'S THE, (Band ace.) MeganeD78712B lkNIGHT " They can get me once CliffB 176910Pill) "SUMMERLAND " SuiteTHIBAUD,Jacques(Violie) Fairy Folk Una BourneB 184410PlmDanza Espafiola Song from the Fast BourneB 184410Phil(Granados-Kreisler)DB 51812Red "Symphonic Poems"No.3,Danza Fspafiola (Linz:) Coldstream Gds. Bd.C 112912Plm(Granados-ThibaudlDB 51812Red Le Deluge-Prelude, Op. 4S Symphony In B minor(Saint-Saeris)DA 62010Red Unfinished ") (Schubert)Minute Caprice R.A.H.Orch.D934/612Blk(Rode-Thibaud)DA44110Red Symphony No. 2 in D, Op.Moment Musical 73 (Brrhm?) R.A.H. Orch.D 871/412B I k(Schubert-Kreisler)DA 44110Red "Petite Suite" - En Symphony No. 5 in EBateau (Debussy)DA 62010Red Minor, Op.64 (Tchaikovsky)Salterelle (11'ren'avski- -see Symphony Orch.Thibaud)DA 44110Red Symphony, No. 9 (Beet-Tambourin hoven)-see CHORAI,(Rameau Kreisler)DA 44110Red SYMPHONY - SYMPHONY ORCH. andTHORNTON, Edna (Con.) CHORUS (Cond.A.Coates)Love not the world (" Prodi- -see also " SALOME "gal Son")D 789l2B Ik Choral Symphony, No. 9,0 Lord, whose mercies in D Minor, Op. 125(" Saul ")D 78912BIS (Beethoven)0 my harp immortal (Recorded in complete form(" Sapho ")D 86412B 1k on 8 12-inch double-sidedYe powers that dwell below records)D S42/912Blk(" Alceste ")D 86412B Ik (An album is included withTHREE GRACES, the each set of these records)(Lehar) "Prince Igor "-BalletGigolette De Groot's Or.B 178610Plot Music, Pts. I and 2Gigolette, Fox-Trot (Borodin)D 79512BillRomaine OrchB 178110Plot "Tristan and Isolde"- Isolde's Narrative -Three Idylls ýF. Bridge) Isolde's Curse (Wagner)Virtuoso String QuartetD 915/612Blk A & (Voc.: ustral Trenton)0 ri .12ElkThrough the Forest-see "Tristan and Isolde " - Tristan! Isolde!-They"DER FREISCHUTZ" drink the potionThrush's Love Song (Wagner) Vocalists:-Bessie JonesB 185710PIm Austral, DaviesD 91212B IkTo a Water-Lily SYMPHONY ORCH.(ltacDowell) S. Goosser sB 1753ItPln, (Cond. A. Coates)To the Forest DawsonC 116912Plin Symphony No. 5 in ETo think such things-see Minor, Op. 64" CO-OPTIMISTS " (Tchaikovsky)Tombe degl' avi miel-see (Recorded in complete form" LUCIA DI LAIIIMER- on 6 12-inch double-sidedMOOR" records. An album is in-" TONS " eluded will; each completeBlotto-Fox-Trot 'et of these records)D759/6412BlkRomaine Orch.B 185510Phu Take a pair of sparklingTo it for me-Fox-Trot eyes-seeRomaine Orch.B 185510Phil "GONDOLIERS "Don't love you-Fox-Trot " Tales of Hoffman "Hylton's Orch.B 183810Plnr Barcarolle (Offenbach)Sei., Pts. I & 2 Mayfair or.C 115312PIm SharpeE 34210B lkTake a step-Fox-Trot Tambourin (Rameau-Romaine Orch.R 183110Phil Kreisler) ThibaudDA 44110Redoval Gems Light Op. Co.C 117212Plm Tarantella In G MajorTO-NIGHT'S THE (Popper) SuggiaDB 76312RedNIGHT " Tavern Sono harry DearthE 31810B [kAny old night GrossmithC 115012Pint Tessle stop teasing meGoo-Goo-Fox-Trot Brooke JohnsB 188610PlmRomaine Orch.B 183510Phil That night I'll never forgetI'd like to bring my -see ",ES CLOCHESMother Henson and DE CORNIVILLE"ManneringB 181910Phil There's life In the old you, dear-Fox-Trotn...'.n1ax;161M., -t \ro'sie ?irl,..n ,ancIt's I Number i m l Number

" TO-NIGHT'S THE VIRTUOSO STRING NIGHT "-cont. (YIJARTET-contd.Three Katinka -Fox-TrotRomaine Idylls contd. Orch. B 1856 Allegretto poco lento Meet me round the corner Poco pi6 mosso Henson and Mannerint B 1819 Allegro con moto-Presto They didn't believe me Quartet in 1) m.tJor, De Groot's Orch. C 1150 Op. 11 (1 cha,kov,,,3 ) TOSCA (Puccini) (Reyordrd t n coinplelcjorm) F lucevan le stelle Fleta DA 446 Moderato e setuplice, Parts Sei., Pta. I and 2 (Puccini, I and 2 B 1k are. Tavas) R.A.H. Or. D913 Andante Cantabile, Parts 1 Travellers all of every and 2 B 1k "SIEGE Scherzo Finale, Part 1 UlkB station - see and OF ROCHELLE" Finale, Part 2 lk "TRISTAN and ISOLDE" \'isione Veneziana (Wagner) f hi ei) L. Megare Blk Curse SymphonyO. 911 Isolde's D Vous qul faites 1'endormie Isolde's Narrative Sym. Or D 911 " F AI S1' They drink the see potion Wahn I Wahn I see Symphony Orch. D 912 - M ASTI)RSINGI:RS Tristan ! Isolde ! Symphony Orch. D 912 WALKÜRE, Die (plagiier) Let Augen leuchte-us TROUBADOURS, THE- 1'aat Wlr. chill see DANCE RECORDS WALSH, Liam j Bagpipes) Horupi, e Medley 1 `' Plm Tu, ca nun chaigne (de lrislt Reel Medley LUI 'Im Cartis) Caruso DA 574111) Red 11aitz In A h,at,Op. 40, Turn ye to me K. Luni DB735ý12fRcd No. 8 (10h;irw's'cp)I:ac Turtle Dove, `I he ,ani'v' English Singer Waltz in A Flat, Op. 42 Tutte le feste al tempio- (Chopin) Backhaus Fee RIGOI,E,TTO" Waltz in B minor, Op. 69, 'Twas in the merry month No. 2Kachmaninof of May Megane DA 593 Two beggars, The Waltz me to seep Collham and Dawwa De oroot's Orch. B 1765 Two Bourrees in A Minor "Rand of Harlequin" - llJach) H. Samuel Suite No. 2 I)e Groct's O. 11 143s

Unfinished Symphony- Wanderer's Song, The- see °SYyiPHONY IN P. sec "SALT WATL7i bII 2CO R" BALLADS" Urna fatale-see "FORZ.A DEL, DHSTINO" W'AR[NG'S PENNSYL- VANIANS-see llANCI "Utopia Limited "-Set., RIýCOI

What thing is love ? FischerE 31110BlkWhither runneth my sweet- What'll I do? W. PidgeonB 188210Plmheart S. FischerE 31110B1k Wheel Tapper-see "CO"William Tell "-Ballet OPTIMISTS"Music, Pts. 1 and 2 Wheelbarrow, The(Rossini, are. Evans) John Henr}B 183410I'mColdstream Gds. Band.C 114512Pro When Frances Dances De Grout's GrchB 179810PiroWIRELESS ORCHESTRA When I am laid in earth-(2 L 0) (Cond. Sir see " DIDO ANDLandon Ronald) AE.NEAS "(By pernuss2on of The When you and I were danc-B. L'. C.) ing Baker and Hüliar.:B 175510P1111"Rosamunde'-Overture, When you are away Dear!,E34310BlkPts I a-l z I , h,tberl)D 90712Blk Where go the boats ?Wo find.'ich Trost (11'olf) I'e,d l C. IliliE32210B;1:McCormackDB 76612Red Where the lazy daisiesWoodland Picture. Pts. 1 grow CrumitB 186110Plusand 2 (Fletcher) WHITEHILL, ClarenceColdstream Guards Bd.C 1144I-Pim (Bass)Ye powers 'hat dwellbelow Der Augen leuchtendes-see " ALCI?STE " Paar (" Die TValkare ")DB 44212RedYe twice ten hundred Wahn ! Wahu !Deities RadfordD 802LYBlk (°.lfastersingerDB 44212Red" YOLCKS " WHITEIIAN and hisDemure bane-Waltz CONCERT ORCH.Waring's I'cmisvlvaniansB 185110Plot Rhapsndv in, Pts. 1You're in Kentucky sure 2 (Gershwin, arr. Grofe)C 117112PImas you're born CrumitB 1861I0Pim \\HI'IEI\IAN'S OR,_;".-You've such a lot-see see DACE RECORDS"CO-OPTIMISTS"

Act 1911 copyright subsists in Gramophone Records proceedings under such) WARNING._AsundertheCopyrightinlrmging Company's Act maybe taken against an3one the copyright therein THE GRAMOPHONE COMPANY, LIMITED.

Printed December. 1924