stole second and scored on Brajlej's . a Attendance. i!2iScor CHESBRO 'S Cleveland. TYashl'urtnn. LUCKY COSTS AII.ll.OA r. AIt.JI.lJ-A.- 1 Hay. cf..... 4 0 cf. 3 01103 V 'J 4 laish.. If.... s j l nii-k- rf... CsMidy.nil t. 4 I l.dlc. 2b.. J302001 3 I 1 H'irajr. i m 9wHi in 1 llradlvv, 3b 3 1 ' 3 Mcr. 2b.. 2 4 CARDINALS A GAME CHICAGO BEATS THE BROWNS 0 13 o 0 DcnovaxuTf 3 4 fair lb. ..3 10 Turner, i.. 3 'i ' r, 0 CUllt 3 0 11 1 I melon, c. 3 ft 1 ') 0 Klttre,Ig-.- cI. 2 0 7 4 Jloorc. p... 3 0 0 10 Tu.vrui.ndji 3 10 0 Totals . 272 2T II 1 Totals ...28 2 tl 17 AND RETURN. ("MlaJid M 1 0 ft 6 .. 1 Allows Hedneh's Team Only On; WaM.ln;-to:- i OvOOVOOOtr. With St. Louis Infieldcrs Playing L , M r-J- via I'ir't on error" CW'lani 1, vaii'ilnscWtn 1 wJk?;$ t WABASH LINE. Ituu and Five Hcatlered Stitlrn La JjiJoSe 2. I.radlej 3. liuuU plajs In, Slieckard (Jets Single, Tumcr. Io1f and rr. Z. Itaw en Uilis f Binifles. Off JIxrc Hit by j.Ucri"d ball Itv Moore 1. Scoring Two Runs. I$ TourKiri'li i fft on ,,oe 1l1 i1 3. Good in Chair Cars UasMiicton 4 Mruck out liy Moor C. Tlnit Ons livur anJ forty xnlnute. Umj-Ir- I)wj-cr- and Coaches. I'lillndrliihla -- . Hi Irolt o. Detroit. Aug. li Detroit emld not TVad-d?- ll nil NEW YORK PLAYERS INJURED. at ttaen r.hen men were oa lasc. At- TAYLOR IN GREAT FORM. HMWif 2.3X). Xfis $6, tendance. 5corc: ymfell I'lilladolpnla teajlr le:roit AII.IIOA n. Ai:.ii i: Good Sleeping Cars i in D liarrMt. cf 3 4 Hartl. If 4 a t.2 0 ldKhlin.3b s I 1 3 1 I'ltk'lnc cf 3 1 4 o o If 4 3 3 0 0 Davlj". lb . 4 1 4 l and Parlor Cars. Ganzcl Sustains Broken Thumb, I'Tdwl'd,ltob'. rf 4 u o o 0 L. Oo"i.3b 4 u 4 3 o Old Reliable Holds Superbas Safe Hick nun, lb 3 1 II 0 0 SboJd. rf. 1 0 l ii i While McCfiiiiu Has His Hand Ixiue, 31... 3 13 12 Murjn. 3b 4 ii 3 ii o for Eight Innings "When Drill, c M p 4 It 1 2 ii . Cross, Split Score Is o'l-arj- e. ::).!3 o 2 Jj o Vhr-cl- :, c. 3 n fc ii 0 Lui.'k Breaks Against $8.00 KItv.n. p . 3 0 0 1 0 WadC-11- , i) 3 u 0 4 0 For Trains of Friday Night, Aug. 19 y to 1. ilulln Him and He Loses. ...11000 Totals ...33 3 3T b 1 All Total. 34 S 13 3 and Trains of Saturday, Aug. 20 Battd for Kllson In nlctll. TICKET OFFICES: nighth and Olive. World's Fair Station and 1'nion Station. 1 ft IhIUdIphU 0 0 0 0 n 1 02 IHtrult 0 9 0 0 ij 0 0 0- -0 STAMjI.IG OP CLII1S. hits r.5vre l. Ilchirtng 1 Ila- - cm XTAM1IAG OF CI.CBS. THE Utllt-O- a" TVaddell 3. Klist on error"! I'hllaiM-phl- a THE 3. Detroit 1. on base" DMrolt 11. mrricnn Lengne. Philadelphia 3. struckIft out Uy Klt.n 3. tv nflonnl LeniTae. l 7. Club. I". TV. L. I". V. IKmbl U'ly&rj aril p j.. I Club. TV. L. pet "Baaaaaaaaaalasjaspti lub. I ret. an 1 Club tv. rv. r. Chicago I'll 1 Vi rt.KM n-v- e .. SI f2 43 ,X3 llickn Time of came One hour and thirty N' York. ST 7) 21 723 .w in 5H . minutes. Umpire N. Yorlt. M V, .C4 Ixtruit.. s; 41 K .43 O'Loushlin and Kins Chicago. S l ST .621 Hotn .102 2 64 .3TJ.J Ponton.. w r 40 . lanm. 9i n v .4.13 Pitts .. K K B .(! I Brook. ..V J 3 W0 Choicest Havana Tobacco Doctors Flilln .. si .3 .379 Wnsh . Pi 33 T4 .33? CTn'tl lii3 .'3 4T .S7Phlia . S If Tl .2V BROWNS LAND Expert Cuban Makers Where- - Tary Piny To-Ua- y. KING OF VANDALIA CLUB. Tt here Tliey Play. For smokers wlio want the best. Quality highest; uniformity maintained. Know New Tork at ht. Luuls. TVarh at CIevelind at Phlladel. I Cincinnati at Brooklyn. Boston at Chicago. Phlladel at Detroit. Pltuhurz- at New York. I Crieairo at Botcn. A. SANTAELLA &. CO., Makers, Tampa. Fin. The actual tonic properties & -- M. FRITZ SONS, ST. LOUIS DISTRIBUTORS. ofmalt extracts. They know Yesfrruny's Results. Protege of I'rnnk Pear. I. Said Tester-lin- Rextllt. N. Torlt J. St. 1 I'hlladel 3. Detroit 0. lie a Gmttl Hitler and BrocH-n- 3. m Louis ;. Icnlcaco 3. FMladel. 2. Cleveland 1. Wriiii . Chh'aeo 3 3. N' York 4. Clncin'ti 1. I PIttFhurr 2. BoMon 1. frUHEUSER-BiVs- c Rotcn I'leldrr. Class will tell, and it told yesterday, KEPUBLIC SPECIAL. - when the hlgh-ione.- 1 "InvaderV" defeated New- York, Aug. K For eight Innings Lost Power Hedges Restored President Robert Lcc announced Louis Y"ashlngton Pari: to-d- Taylor the St. Browns by a score of 3 to 1. last night ho had signed King at Jack Men All Is tint Bert was In superb form, and In only To of Ages if Decline from Unnatural Cause. Che?bro's invincible pitching was main- from Vandaha. 111., a protege that time ly of Frank one Superba crossed plate, while " e TSAOg MARS responsible for the "Invaders'" Tictory. Pears, the local player. had the B op- John Algernon loomed up two of the Cardinals had tally marks I particularly in iustainin(j,health-givin- g like a second Pears went to Vandalia as Hedgcs's There is not aman in exist it rich these Port Arthur. Thero no way of get- posite their names. Malt-Nntrin- e's agent Sunday night jourg-ste- r properties. Thi accounts for si and landed the put game on ence who is suffering from ting to him except via Joe Sugden, who for the local American League Charlie Nichols had down a mZ (5 acceptance and use in the practice team. hi-- shot off two of the local's hits. He - the cood fide of ledger when the 7 Imnntpnrv leading physicians ererywhere. The ideal fnc a third baseman, and if ho can yS. that wf rannnf of Barney I'clty, who opposed Chcsbro, did come anywhere near living up Brooklyns stepped up in their half of the food-drin- k for convalescents and all who need to the ref- E,4v,nsJWUl,. JTrSS very well, considering the fact that he has utation that pn cedes him he should be ninth. Gessler. who has been batting hard 'rebuild and strengthen so new strength. a valuable find for the locals. up. easy not fully recovered from that broadblde Hitting lb for Hanlon. was first He was an "as to accomplish great All Druggists tell it. Prepared by the said to lie tl younsbter'i the Jt that Jake Stahl shot at him when he forte. In a recent game he made five hit?. out. Dillon dropped a hit between Farrell Anheuser-Busc- pushed tho ball into the cow pasture. The The first one he plunked to left. Next and Smoot safely for a base. Then Dobbs est desire and experience the h Brewing Ass'n time up he sent one whizzing down the pretty to Cairo phenom., however, recovering ij sent out a left. is usiii-uei- line, aire liuru time to the pan Sllif'5cL keenest satisfaction, and St. Louis. U.S.A. from the tliock. and thould round to form he whacked ore to This caused the St. Louis infieldcrs to ksBBBrrlslllSe'sBaBBBBBBBBBSv center field. On his we Visitor to the World' Fair City are invited t. lnssect ta by his next game. fourth time he palled one over the play in. Tills move was fatal, as Sheckard after have cured a case Anheuser-Busc- h Brewery. 's And per- Besides being a close battle, it was a head to cap th scratched out a hit that brought In two of kind will "aTaNsBsssssssss formance he pounded the ball over the gave this there never gory one. While John Ganzel w.m at bat fenee the fifth time. runs and to Brookljn the game after again be sign of In the becond Inning he had hW thumb King l 31 years old. He has been play- they appeared defeated. Sheckard's hit a weakness, ing independent ball around and wa a fortunate one, and it broke Jack except broken by a fast inshoot from I'clty. Illinois, anil has a wonderful reputatiln Ta lor's heart. brought on by im- pic championship la-- t month and has been ANDERSON REPLACES GAXZEL. in the hedge leagues. H,. s a rnmerfullv-buil- t CAP.DINALS SCORE IN picked - SEVENTH. prudence. to win the V. 51. C. A. champion- Anderson replaced 5Ir. Ganzcl. and the chap, btoad of shoulde- and sound The Cardinals did not get a man over Dr. Meyers' Staff of Physician.. ship, as the strongest opponent in tho proceeded of limb. Ho will be out In uniform the plato LOW RATES Oljmpic tournament, the UulTulo team. Is battle with renewed vigor until until the seventh inning, when not the fifth innlrg. when 5IcGuire had his Harry Gleason, fcliiRles by Beckley and Smoot and a crazy-thro- contestine. the Browrs' utility by Uabb gave to Nichds's men a. OUR BEST GUARANTEE IS Little Is known locally of the Sioux Cltv hand shattered by a shot from Gunner was n team, but Its work yesterday Indicated uniform yesterday. The lit- brace of runs. (if Chesbro. 5Iack'3 hand was split, and tle fellow pra-tie- around a quarter In the ninth tho visitors had an excel- that it la made the proper stuff and for lent chance to tally NOT A BOSTON should win both of their games. Kleinow took his place back of the bat In of an hour He did not complain in the another . but DOLLAR NEED BE PAID fcix gaircs are scheduled for and inning. failed. Shannon, the first man up, drove a Chicago tho sixth least after the performance. He sas his low liner to center for a base. He was ad- if tho and Iowa teams win both head ! troubling him very now. UINXIL CURED. the result will be a. tie and With Burkett. Padden, O'Connor and but little vanced to .second on a neat sacrifice by the final will a falntness at irregular being Beckley. got no three-fourt- W. be played Gleason of the local Injured, and intervals his but he further, as Brain 31-2.5- About of the male popu-lati- on S-- forcs onlv complaint Harry" !" a hot favorite and Smoot were easily 0. Tho onlv gams In which one-sld- d blood-lettin- g retired. from 20 to 60 years age sj- B.&O. a the of 5IcGu!re and Ganzel, witit tnc local fans, and they hope to soon Brooklyn's first run was made In of was Chicago Cincin- the score tesulted the m. sec him Harry-bac- k In view of there being? so ninny af- troubled with an abnormally condi- tho Held resembled a miniature Tort Ar- back In harness. With fifth Inning on hits by Strang and Babb pel-T- weak (Baltimore A Obln Soathweatern.) nati In the morning. The .score was 73 t" In game, flicted with private and chronic ic 33. The Chicago team clearly outpointed thur. the the locals will be much and an error by Brain. tion of the organs of procreation, and Tlcketn on rale August 12. 13 and 14. Improved. 5Ianager Nichols Is sorely disappointed diseases wbo ajre treatlnar with during Good returning; until August 30. the Cincinnati team In paIng and team While the deadly battle was raging, a 4tvaelc specialists and Inezpertencrd this period, by all means and at with wxirk. while the losers more to at the result of the series with Brooklyn. suiy privilege of extension to September 30. resort! messenger hove In s'sht with a telegram That trio of batsmen Dougherty, Kcel- "We should have got three of the Phjalclans wlthont recelvlns? all times, this function should afford pleas- roughing it, and rccolved the small end of laenefat, we have decided to nanLc a ure of highest STOroVER PRIVILEGE AT score. from King Ban I. The page er and Elberfeld who lead off "In- game," said he, "but luck 'broke bad' one-bs- lf the degree, with no imped- the salaamed In for the I hope special offer to ebsrge only SIOCVrAIN LAKE PARK, The score jesterdar were, Slornlng front of Connolly, handed tho message to vaders" are enough to make nny weak for u. to see the team do much f onr resnlar fee for cnrlnsr thjse iment whatever to the satisfaction of the DEER PARK, Domcr, Colo.. 39: 5!o.. 34: Sioux better against the 'invaders.' " who are now nnders;olnar ent disposition. JTlin. d pitcher ht treatn The only obstacle to the en- OAKLUD. him and to a seat In the have heart trouble. Dough'rty is The St. Louis plavers will spend iro-Id- ed City, la.. 43: Hamilton, Ontario, 32; Chi- elsewhere and are dissatisfied, joyment of Nature's most "WAsmxoTox. cago Central. TO: Cincinnati. 33. bleachers, to watch the remainder of tho a tantalizing waiter, who pummels tho in New York and depart for Philadelphia they come to as before Sep em- treasured gift nALTItlURE. S3: 30; in the morning. The tcore: yov to man is disease which is Invariably PHILADELPHIA, Afternoon Sioux City. Denver. struggle. ball with as much glee as h! ancestors ber 1, 104M. l"or Instance, If are Cincinnati. 41: .loplln. 33; Chicago Central, pummcled their enemy In ancient Tippe-rar- y BBOOKLTN. afflicted with either Piles. Rntfiare. brought on by the youth in his teens or .NEW lOIIK. 22. After reading the contents of the docu- 37: Hamilton, Ontario. feuds. Keeler well, what's the me? AB. It. II. O. A. E. Varicocele, Hydrocele. Stricture or the many excesses to which man is apt For additional Information, aleeplne Tho games scheduled for this morning, ment Arbitrator Connolly declared a After that exhibition Sunday no one need Gessl.r. right f.eld 4 o 1 1 1 0 ervoai Decline, onr charjge for cnr- to 9- Dillon, 4 1 1 14 2 o be Varicocele, emissions, car reservations, etc.. addresi beginning -" o'clock, will be Joplln truce, while he held a conference ai-- why pitchers hate to see him at the first bare lnsr either of which, wlthont nny addicted. drains, Sioux vs. Chicago, Hamil- plate. Dobbf. cit-- r 4 0 0 complication. Is 25.041. we care organs, F. D. (JILDERSLEEVC. vs. Denver And Elberfeld. Well, he's one of fldId 4 will premature discharge, small weak ton Cincinnati. The afternoon games with Grlffith.'The missive contained a the propositions Fheck&rd. left 1140 0 0 9oa for 912.50. and nccent the money Aaalatant Urn. Fan. Aaeot. is. peremptory hardest in bnelia!l to Strang, second base 3 12 4 0 back are all symptoms of rapid decline. will bo Joplln Chicago. Denver vs. demand from Sir. Johnion for twirl to. Little larger shorutOD 2 0 1 1 la any war yon wish to pay. We .rill Olive t. Sixth St. Lonia.Mo. v. S33 a than a bantam Babb. 1122 i OUR. is a thorough and ft. Hamilton, Sioux City vs. Cincinnati. from 5Ir. Williams, as penalty for rooster, he stands an near to the plate Beiaen. catcher 3 0 1 o o also core Contaicloas Blood Poison CURE scientlflo The following Is the line-u- p of the teams: that gentleman's failure to live up to the as It is possible for him to get without McCorxr.lck. third bass .. 3 0 0 1 i o for $25.00, which Is Jnst hnlf oar reg-al- ar course of treatment which acts at one CnVCT tjenutal A. Berggrm, Schommer, standing on top Jones, pitcher 3 0 0 0 fee. THIS liberal offer Is made upon th nerve forces, stopping the drain J. etiquette prescribed by of It. With his toothpick worn-o- ut run-do- C. Uatson. TV. TVMIams, TV. Armrtronr. M. the rulcbook for 12 to enable those to be enred who have and replacing the and bat he present a very' hard object to Totals jo 3 :; 1 weight Jardlne and S Rollins. the diamond heroes. pitch to. A pitcher Is In constant of : :i peat their money la doctorlnar with tissues. It increases the in sound, fcloui City TV. Vaver. TV. Itwille. TV. dttad ST. LOUIS. out relief and to show the many healthv flesh and muscles that give CHICAGO AND ,Irthl!e. F. Hope. F. Moer, J. Mcnlln r.J H. Griffith motioned to a noncombatant In hitting him. A man must put them over strength and fills the brain and nerves mining. the grand stand, who stood a tap for the for the "Kid." No chance to AB. IL II. O. A. E. wha have treated with dozens of Cu sneak them 4 o vitality, building up the en- A. Chadwlck F. Ern.-tc- n. money, and Connolly hostilities on the inside on him. Is too rarrell, eecond bas ... l l i o physicians wlthont benefit that we with fresh Hamilton Prjl.e. J. He clore. and 4 o i o and transforming Harvey. H ilcKeon, C. Jlordea, H. er on as soon as applied how "lanncn. right field .... i 2 have the only methods that produce tire svstem the sufferer F. he the usual tests then he knows to make that bat work lleckley. base 3 0 2 11 1 0 type or penect mannoou. and J IUtokt. to ascertain genuineness of litho- on ones In clo-- e flr't a melons; cure. into a SIOUX CITY TIED TVInter, the the the to him. Brain, shortatoo 2 5 2 2 COXSlLTATIOSf AJSD will ficnver C Stewart.-. II. TVamelce. if. graphs. FREE lVITElWFiiIl information and treatment ha V,- Gebhanl, A. Mnoot. center field 4 10 0 given you J. McGrair. bmitll. H. fielding standpoint, game 3 1 1 by mail in case cannot visit our office. Every man can take our treatment, and If. Aihmare. From the the Pitcher Powell had to pay Sin fine re- Barclay, left field "11100 0 because our charges are anyone conveniently A. E. was a good exhibition. Barring a blunder Impased Burke, third base 2 0 0 2 0 0 moderate, and neTer any more than can Cincinnati C. Sonllc. r. Oplt. Faadao. cently, on him by Johnson for 3 0 pay. Do not investigated Raum. C Mlcbuae. E. Golde and P. KurlL by 5Ilke ICahoe, and one by Elborfcld, both McLan. catcher 0 2 treat elsewhere until you have our methods and terms. Illinois Basket-Bal-l Team Prob- Joplin E. H'rtlne, II. Henley, C. sides had perfect fielding scores. disorderly conduct, before he was allowed Taj lor. pitcher 3 0 0 10 Office hours s a. m. to s p. m.; dj p. m. to 8 p. m. sunuay. noon, j&aaresa a TT'. TVltnow. 0(0 or call on hoi: Coloes. L TT'llae and PLAY. to pitch Sunday's game. Jack did not have 33 able Winner in Y. M. C. A. Te oificlal. were: Martin Dclany. refere.; PECULIAR DOUBLE Totals 2 I B II 2 r. r. Barni ot Albany. X. V.. and . O. That the Browns ara capable of some the money when he went to tre slab hut One out when winning run was made. N.W. Cor. Broadway and TVashlngton. umplree: A. Connolly put up him 0 1 Tournament the Stadium. Iiouthltt, or.. B. real trickery was shown In the third in- for and Jack repaid Brcokln 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 3 at Grlmey, scorer; J. TT". DIsby, Sioux City. la., him yesterday. Connolly's action in al- St. Liuls 9 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 ning, they pulled off lowing 02 & CO., Market St, St Louis. Mo when shabby a. UK. timer. a Powell to Two-b- mfclfcRS rather oitch is to be commend- hits Babb 1. Dobbs 1. Sacrifice bits play at th expense of the guilelecs High ed. It shows that an umpire can be on Babb 1. Beckley 1. Lft on bases-Brook-lyn 3. Tiro Drowned in Arkansas. the best of terms with players and have St. Louis 3. First on errors Brooklyn L Struci Six Karnes of the tournament landers. out By 1. T.nie One for tho REPUBLIC SPECIAL. only one out nieir us well as tne puoiic s at the Jones hour and fourteen championship of M. With and "Straw Foot same time. mlnutet. Umpire Zlmcier. Attendance. 2.51. tho T. C A.'a of the 5Iuskogee, I. T., Aug. IS. TA'Illlam Mar- Slack" on first. Pat Dougherty lifted one United States and Canada were played at to Wallace. Bobble rot under the ball Tvcw York A, Cincinnati 1. TOMMY SULLIVAN tin, a boy, was drowned in the alright and landed It. While the sphere President Hedges of the Browns occu the World's Fair Stadium yesterday, and Arkansas River ten miles northwest of pied New York. Aug. 13. Inability to hit McGm-nlt- y In the majority was doing a Santos Dumont In midair. 5!cA!eer's seat on the bench yester- Dr. Lyon's of them the scores were cauid Cincinnati's defeat Presi- here this afternoon. Jack O'Connor yelled at Jim: day during the genial James's absence close. body, of an unknown man. Two out, Jim hurry er up " dent Pulllam has suspended McGana cf New TO MEET ATTELL j Another that and operations Judging from the work of the teams, the Arkansas IUver this Jim and Jack have been college churns directed for St. Louis. The York and Harper of Cincinnati for three days the im taken from - PERFECT cliamplonship rests afternoon at tho, Frlco bridge, four miles for many season- and he took Jack's w ord Colonel lost, but his is the glory of put- for disputing with the umpirs last week, and between the Chicago only double-crosse- d ting up game fight, northeast of town. The body had not been for it, to learn that Jack had a and he feds proud Kelley of Cincinnati has been in- Central team v laid off and the Sioux City team. in the water long. There Is no clew as to him, when Wallace and Pelty de- ui un i etui ii da it war eierail OI One of definitely. Attendance. 4.TC0. Score: Chicago won the second prize in the Olym who the man was or how he drowned. livered the ball back at first base In time the fiercest battles ever fought at Spoils- Offer Has Been Made for Fight to double 5IcGulre. man's Park. Cincinnati New Tcrk Tooth Powder Dougherty opened the game with a sin- AB.H.O.A.E. AB.II O.A X. Before the West End Club and gle to left field, but Heeler. Elberfeld and Kahoe. Pelty and Sugden pulled off rwlan. lb.. 4 Bresl.arLtb a 2 1 were easy. a 3 01200 II 1 Bronx, rf. 4 0 1 0 Match Awaits Abe's AN TOILET LUXURY Williams Heldrick doubled for very stupid play when they allowed Selirlrg. rf . 4 0 1 0 0 Devlin. 3b. 3 9 0 2 0 ELEGANT the locals In tho orener and stole third, 1 1 pop fly to fall between them in Odw-1- 1. If.. 4 1 Donlln. cf.. 4 14 0 0 Answer. but Wallace, and Hyns proved easy for fTorceran. s 3 0 0 2 0 Mertes. IT.. 3 2 1 0 0 Used by people refinement Chesbro, Bob going out on a tap to the the fifth inning. Hike was the chief of- 3 0 0 2 0 babies. of I pitcher, while Pat broke the aid in three fender, was Sehlel. C... 3 16 10 Ollbert. 2b....411322 0 C 3 2 for over a quarter of a century and taxed an error for his 3 1 NEVER DISAPPOINT distinct places. part In the play. TVoodrun".:b 10 . ; Boi'nuut. c 1 4 0 PREPARED BY In the fourth Inning Kceler and Wil- Habn. p.v.. 2 0 2 31 ilcGln'ty.p 3 0 1 0 i Brookljn Tommy Sullivan and Abe At-te- ll pelted Pelty for r, Billy will opponents liams a Heldrick showed his ability to throw in Total. ...3) 3 14 12 a Totals ... i2J 10 i be before the "West scoring on Jimmy's drive. End Club early in October if efforts now York again got busy with Pelty in the eighth Inning jeslerday whet he by MY New Ilahn out: hit batted tall. in progress do not go astray. Xot only PATIENTS. singles by Ander- nailed Anderson 0- the sixth, Williams and at the plate on a perfect Cincinnati 0 1 0 0 0 0 -1 son, a base on balls to Fultz and Con-roy- 's pass, after a capture of Conroy's fly. New York o o g l o 1 2 ..4 has the bout been accepted by the club. slnglo giving to the visitors two tal- Tuo-bns- I FtlfliI Enrj rroBlti ul mm Ml Oil FUti Hpt. e hits Brrnahan 1. Home runs but Sullivan has announced that he will lies. Toungster King will be put in the game Donlln 1 Sa4r!1ce hlte Gilbert 1. Stetnfeldt L accept any weight Hynes's scorching single, an Infield out clavs Gilbert. Dahlen and Bresnahan or terms to get Abe THE FEAIi THAT YOU COULD NOT when the team goes to Cleveland. In the ring. 4 BE CURED may have deterred you from for Jones. Sugdtn's single and Hemphill's 1: Cvreoran. TVoodruT and Dolan L Left 03 TViitonette. b. c. (Winning) i may long fly to uougnerty gave to me locals bases New York 1. incinnstl . First on balls Local followers of Sullivan have agitated liajor Qcelthleln. b. c. HudonV 2 3 taking honest treatment, or you vIth the bases full In In Off 2. off Hahn 2. First on errors the matter of such a right until consider- Thought, b. f. (McUuade) 2ds and only tally of game. the second McGlnnltv 1, have been one of the unfortunates who their sole the 1. 3. Mc- - David Ros-- br. d" score: ning, and only one out. Chesbro showed New York Cincinnati Struck out Br able Interest has been aronstd In tho c UMnm have been treated in vain by inexperi- The Glnnitv 2. bv Hahn . Time of came-O- ne hoar end definite arrangements final- The Herait. wit. c. tFreeman) ds TREAT-5TENT- S. ST. LOUIS. falr. have Time enced physicians, FREE lil class br striking out Pelty and Bur- end forty minutes. Umpire Johnrtcne. ly teen made with the club If AtteU can 2:14; 2:1SV FREE TRIAL. SA5IPLES. AB. kett. be brought around for the battle. 2:1S trot, purse VXfi. dash, one amd h PATENT 5IEDICINES. ELECTRIC Burkett left field...... mile Alexander Campbell. t .. by Baron. Sullivan Is more than anxious to fight. Star Florida TV"., by Florida (CumtnlngJl. first; .BELTS and other similar devices. Such Hldrlck. center nld. ... 4 President Potter doe? Pittsburg; 2. 1. He believes Abe will 123 treatments cannot and will never cure Wallace. horttoi...... 4 not sympathize Boston that set pounds Itutb C. ro. m. second: Leonora, field ....4 with JIcGraw's refusal to Boston. Aus. 15. Boftcn's more frequent er- for the battle. Inasmuch as the San (DeByderl. third: Trarelessu. b'.k. g. you, nor will these maladies cure them- Hrnes. riiht meet the Amer- man claims' (Geers). fourth: conflema, , Jonee. second bae...... 4 rors slight superiority batting. Lee-vcr- 's Francisco the championship fifth: Victor. Jr selves. When I offer you a cure, and Sngd-.n- . ican League pennant winners. ofirrt a in sMth. Time. Z2D1,. rep- first bBe...... 4 He savs at that weight, regardless of the fact am willing to risk my professional 1 pitching hand wa srllt by Geiers that 2:1T pace, purse iS00. dash, half a mile Gor- Moran. third base...... that should the Phillies win In the Na-tior- al Jack McClelland beat Abe In a fight an- utation in curing you. and have such Kaboe. catcher ... 4 hard drive in the firft Inning. Attendance, 2,23. don ITlnce. br. h.. by Oratorio Twinkle by my League race he will be glad nounced a3 being for the title at that fig- Dictator (snow), first: HsJ. b. s. FAITH AND CONFIDENCE in P'ltr. tltcbT to tcore: ure. Shank). Dewey, Ikoat continued success in treating dis- Uemrhl!I " 1 plav Boston. Chicago. New Tork or conJ: ro. r. tDlckerson . thee whichever team l'ittfburg. Although now cngased as in third: TVinnii. Kins, ch m. iTVUson). fourth: eases that I WILL NOT ACCEPT A wins the banting in the Bcston Big Boy. Mark Hendricks, DOLLAR UNTIL YOU ARE PERMA- TcUls .5 American League. AK.H O.A.. ... AB.ILO.A.I structor tor me Missouri .Ainieiic ciuu. fifth: sixth. Time. NEW lyach. 3b.. 3 1 4 n.tM a Sullivan can break away from his duties NENTLY CURED, and satlified with a lORK. cr 4 2 o Tenny. lb". 4 0 up fight. r.12 trot, purse ?oo, dash on and propo- In pitching seventeen inning- - i,aunvt, for a short time and take this Joymakcr. ie-b- r. lasting cure, what fairer business AB. R. E. against McCk. rf.. 3 0 1 Abbat'o. s. 4 2 will be mile b. n.. by Norcstur Roxle af- 4 The battle the first of a series of by ICeers). first; Kngl sition can be offered to the sick and Deushertr. left field 4 ft Brooklyn. "Kid" Nichols pitched an In- vvagner. .. i z cacneii, ir. z Star K.. ch c 1 i Important fights set for the West. End Cunmlncsi. second; Anna b. m. ITIce-hure- l). flicted? ThU should conlnce the skep Ke!er. rieht flld 4 0 ning 4 0 IJttle. rTYMSTRCTCRENCCB. for each year he has 0 0 2 Club. third: llallle Hardin, ch. m (McGulre). tical, as I mean what I say and I do ex- ElbirfeM. rhortston 4 1 ornamented the Krucer. ir. 3 Biymer, 2b 0 great game. 2b 3 0 3 ramey. 4 9 Among the backers of Brooklyn Tommy fourth: fiftli: Blrney. sixth; Moon, actly aa I advertise, as I am sure ot Williams, second bajie.... 4 0 national Rilchey. rf. 2:2?,4. Ganzel. 1 OarIch, c.. 4 1 6 Mcran, c... 3 0 Sullivan Is William Manon needy, wtm seventh Time. SAFE AND POSITIVE CURE In the nrt bae 0 p.. 0 0 0 UcNIc'Is. p 3 0 Z.0'. pace. pure 5300. dash, on mile Iletre r.rkRti1c. without InluriouR Andren. firt base...... 2 0 The ready wit of the player has never before taken an active interest G . M . by Better-to- n 4linrfr tlmo Fultz. center 3 ball Is Phillip;!.le.r, P 4 0 0 2 0 Tither .... 1 0 b bv Ecg Hot Nora R. after-effect- s. 51y will be as low nId 0 proverbial. in pugilistic events. Iteedv believes that (Murphy). I"Ysnk TesJcum. b c. charRs t'onrov third haw ...... 4 ft But th following bit of flr.t: v 2T 1 3 i 2T Sullivan can win, and states lie would secend- - Ii. Iftosemlre). 1 K Totals . .32 4 Total. ... 12 that!i. lyranda. br. . -- .. McGulre. catcher.. 0 repartee by (SIjnel)ATHAMi:i, K. K1SG, M. U. , o. ...m.l. James It. 51cAlecr. manager like to seu the boy from the third: Nathan Straus, b g. (Curry), fourth: f .. uara.nte is pitcher.. 4 1 0 of Browns, gem Batt-- 4 for HcNIchols In ninth. Rai--t iu a battle man Joo Pointer, fifth: Uttle Sqonw. sixth; Shadosr PINE STREET ST LOUIS im&' Kleilicw. catcher...... 2 the is a of its kind. againt the who -. iw$m522 mv, a"J tm. not a dollar 3, 0 Pltt'l-ur- 1 9 1 0 o 0 In Calmer, Tim- claims the title his class. 24,i. BB PAJD UNTU, While the Waehlngtons er 02 cured. were here Boston ...0 0 0 1 0 0 9 0--1 will Reedy Tolcc I Totals 33 27 Not onlv his sentiments Care Stricture Without the Knife or Bougie. t U donned a uniform lo coach his Two-ba- -- hits D'l'hanty 1. Abbattlchlo I. In this direction, but ho is also ready lo TVIfe's Sole Hatted for 31oran In ninth. hits-nay- Mark Twain Ills Heir. I Cure Contagious Blood Poison, Never braves. This is an TVs giier I. rtjcrlfic mr L lllts-O- ft nld Tiimmv hv-- nutting nn .nm nf M to Return. Ijul" 0 unusual custom with two-tilr- REPUBLIC SPECIAL. St. it 0 0 0 e o l'MlllppI i In eight snd tnnlrgs. expenses-- . f I No ew ij Jimmy, and Donovan thought ho a. training Considerable Intere-- t Cure Loss of rtanly Vigor: Stimulant, but Permanent. lorit 0 0 2 0 0--i taw TVagner 2. Beaumont 1, Abbat-tlch- lo New Tork. Aug. The will of Mrs. 10 chance lo do some joshing bae. bll.-O- lias teen arousca in tne ana dennite Ii I Cure Varicocele Without Operation and No Loss of Time. nin. ;ew orh L manager'i at the locil 1. Plrat t on f? McNlcnols 4. off attair. Olivia I.tngdon Clemens, Heldrick 1. KeelT I. TMHUnti expense. While Washington Phllllrrt 2. Stria' out By McNIchols 4. by announcement as to Atteli's intentions wife of Samuel A7.VO 1. Thrbi." Hit, was rubhlng CONSULT DB. FREE) BEFOBB PLACIS YOVR CASE ELSEWHERE. --Arderscn I. facrlflce hrty 3. it in on the Brown Pat PMUIppI 0. TVIM pItchetcNlchols 1. Ttrae will he made H a day or two. I,. Clemens. "Mark Twain." ws filed for DoubH paK-e- d forty-ar- e and Jimmy near the coaching lines tin- - hour and minutes. Umpires TTires to JKe Mioom and two or three - Teltr hurden i: Heldrick A ... I 1'iviu.i-- 111 ,iiit a unlit; VARICOCELE. PRIVATE DISEASES. and Kan, j Paw-- 4 balls-Ka- ho. "Shv. old pal. why you Slonrn and Carpenter. aui.ubmr Jew-I- I. en ain't In the iV I 3,rs-- Semens died In Florence, on I curn this disease without operation. contracted cares cured. All - on game?" queried ?iferfS??? .,I ! Italv, ballOn; Peltr 3 Tat, vlth a grin as he L,.5i"b.aIll..til.0s-;.w.h.oc,'I- X will was executed 'on Jfay .. and under my treatment the congested burning and Itching, inflammation and off Cliesbro 5. Struck out-I- ly ivjtv ;. hv Clie?: p'lbe(I. Sullivan to Attell.IT: Jno Iler blood vessels within ten disap- stopped in 31 hours; cures - V-- on ,J"e-- St. louls 7 New Chicago 3. Philadelphia 1S1. She levew all her property, which la dars roV ame-O- ne Vnrk "Because t haven't got as much nerve 2. or Bloom last evening. There will ho nn pear. parts are to their effected In 7 T1c:r of hour and fortl-!i- x niin-ute- a. estimated at to ner nustiano. The restored das. Lmolre Commllr. as you," was the hot retort. Philadelphia. Aug. 13. The lrcals were uab lack of support, however, according to .. natural condition, igor ana luras"1 opportune Reedy, as Tommv will have a strong local and circulation Kidney, Bladder and Pros- tJ hit at times and Chicago Sllssourl Valley League. Tion. Att'ndanee, 1,'Oe. Score: following in the bout. STRICTURE. tatic Diseases. Chicago 3. rJoslon 3. At PIttsbu-- g. Kas. knKe I cure all irritation, frequent desire, Clilcage Philadelphia. BRIGHTOX BEACH MEETTVG OPENS. I cure stricture without the Chicago. Aag. game tard-foug- "g B. t stoppage, pain In back, brick-du- et wa. a Sedaljv 1 jj" .a,.n.vj.,.c. AU.H.V.A.H. or Instrument, hv an aDnllcatlon which 002Adel" 1 scanty flow anc con- pitcben' battle, but Cbicajo Pittsburg ..1 0 0 0 2 9 1 0 !) T t" S1j!. If.. 4 ThOTia.. c. 4 3 S. Captures 95,000 Sea- acts directly on thn parts affected, dis- catarrhal bunched 04 4 Consaelo the my dition. four hits In the first Batteries Bijntcn and Etoner: raey. 3b . 0 Titus, if.... 2 When solving the completely, by and rlxth. acorlrg of Stinron nl 1 1 breeze Stake. stricture Umpire hoar-an- rhance. lb. I VVolv"ton.3b 4 aalvanlc-elee- their runs, and an error to Alberts. Time Tvo d l rlcal medical treatment: PILES. wai rspoclb!e for flft-e- n Mii'tby. cf - 2 McGee, tf.. 3 1 New Tork. Aug. IJ. The Grand Circuit Is cure, without 19 g.yp. mlnulce. 1 painless and in nowise Interferes I operation. In day": the third. Attendance Fccre: O'Neill. C. Gibson. 2b 4 y no detention At IIo 2b.. 4 Mitchell, 2 1 meeting at Brighton Beach began with your business duties. from business; no axid CThlcaffo Kvers. lb "All injection or ligatures fkton rf... 2 1 noth. c.... 3 mo3t auspices. Fagged Out" ucd. AH.H.O A.B. Topeka 0 2 9 0 0 0 0- -3 ' H Jon. .... 2 1 Donohue q under favorable The weath- LOSS OF MANLY VIGOR. n. i 10 Barry. s 3 - Gr.-- rf... 0 0 F'Ibach. If. 3 0 2 0 ft Sprlno!cld 9 0 0 a 4 2 0 .. 10 Luncgrcn,p 4 0 p. er was perfect, the fast 6.CC0 You maj- be lacking In pow er of RUPTURE. 1130 1 ! : i fntthoff. 2 0 track and the Holmes, rf. 2 0 Parent, 4 0 1 Batl'riM T I euro In 3) day, without operation 2 3 s.. Carter and Craig p.. 0 9 spectators enjoyed sport, 'When eTery nerve and manhooii If so. will restore you the cf... 0 0 Stahl 1 0 0to. iVnm!i!t. Lmrlre-Jusd- Ck. ard ...S3 1 the which was or hypodermic injection. No 2 cf... I Time One hour and Totals 'Lush B snap, vim 1gor use In Jo. 0 2 0 0 4 tnlrtv-frr- e and of manhood, the wearing trusses. CaJlahan.lf Collins, a. l o 3 l minutes. sensational from the first to the last heat. -- every muscle is throb- - loss of which may be the rei-ul- t of Mr treatment is Davis. .... I ) 2 2 o i) Totals 27 1 2 J5.0CO V B bloodless 3 S 1U0 "eMn.rf t At Joplln. SIo ...T The Seabreeze Stake was the event J painless, and with no deten- Tan'hlll. Vai LacfTce. 0 1 ft Indiscretions, excesses and unnatural 1 lb I 0 bing in discord of phjs- - fB IMell, 2 7 0 Ferris, 1 o o It. II r Batted for Suthoff In ninth. of the day. and It resulted in the defeat of K a weaknesses. tion from business. lb... . rb.. s Joplln 9 o 9 o a 9 n 2n 0 3 3 Crla-- ...... 1 i i j ro favorite. Doctor Strong. fin--t 5;al Iundon. c... 2 0 . J o Chl-a- 9 0 2 1 0 0--3 the In the ical TreatiBnt-5sneaTwra,- 2 0 4 1 a I)lne-- n. Leaven.orth ...4 2 0 2 9 0 2 0 3 13 t5. protest, nothing give Hoie V Mcrarl d. c p.. 3 o 1 1 o 3 rhIUdelnhia 9 2 0 0 0 0 0 9 heat Consuelo won. but the second still S H Contagious Blood Poison. p... a u v 1 o o nattenes Torrence. Morn, 92 choice, smitn. i i Farrel .... 0 o and randerhiil: bafr- -s 2. Two-baf- found Doctor Strong the and he greater relief than to sponge It may be in Its primary stag: It ferred. but If you cannot call my fates and Corbin. Un-pl- Ow ena. T' stolen Barry hits McGe at line Thre-ba- e 1 hac-rtfi- won. but a bad break In the third and de- may have been hereditary contract- office write me your symptoms fully Total. 7 Total. 5 24 12 I hours. 1 1. TVolv.rton t, hits cnane body EX- I or ...3 lilts Mitchell I. Double plays Casey. ciding heat lost the favorite the race. the with POND'S - S ed in early days. cure Its com- and will mall complete of At Kas. gutt-he- I all I join set Batted for Criger la. ninth. Ida. Everj and Chance 1, Barry and Chance 1. ff Summaries: plications; I stop progress, eradi- Improved symptom blanks. I - H TRACT. Its use removes the Its make no 4hlcjSBO and Mllth-I- 1. L.ft on tsvse TIcsjco It. 2:10 KvOOO; cate every poison or 10 10 0 10 0 ..- -J Iota ..9 2 o 1 9 2 9 .. 4. OfT Seabreete Stake, for trotters. rails vestige of from tho charge for advice diagnosing your . -- Philadelphia Hits Sutthoff in eight b.atjL in aches and stiffness follow I Fort Scett. .9 9 0 0 0 I 1 i two three: H that M system and this without the use of case. Hundreds are cured by my ed .lootfvaoo i2 2 0 02 innings, off 2 in one inning, out on Chlearo t, Boston 6. To-ba- . Batterlei-lillt- on rrar struck Consuelo t.. b. m.. by Directum, dam by mercury or potash. home 1 and Felsle. DurMn n. Rv Sulthoff 2. bv LundgTen a. methods of treatmenL liltsIftf?rwtibe T.nn.t,Ttl 1 1. and Bases on balls Nutwood (De Ryder) 1 srnaixtistomedezercise.. gacrlOw Umpire Collins. Time One On! futthofr 5. on" laindgren 4. Hit arc. g 1 WRITE for a copy of my latcat book. Main Maladies Mastered." A limited hits tlreen 1. Jones U tabell 3. rerrlj J." thirty hour and bv nltehnt Docto- - Strong, g (Gahagen) mtmb.r In sealed envelope upon struck minutes. ball Chance i. Tim- - One hour and fifty min Taylor, gr g. (Wilson) 3 7 3 will be sent abaolutelr freo olaln reaueat. i. wj msui. n .. x'susa tial.. utes. Umpire ErnsUe. John Sold only: in sealed SfcFarland 1 Bam on balls Of! 2. Norrie. b. r. (Shank) 4 ro U Hour: m.; m. ContultmUon riu Mnlth r," Tfexsis Leagae. (Andres-s- ) h 8m,m.io6p. Sanity1 9m.rn.to2p. Free. Ulnen 1. TVIM pitchee Pmlth 2. Hit rllh South Ifrtallaj. blk. h. sro tm bottles under buff iltched ball Laehacce l. Tlm-O- ne hour and At Galreaton Calverton 19. San Antonio 1. lO.OOO Prince GreenUnder, br. g (Davit).. 7 Sro k K ins much hirty-flv- e for the People or. g. (fcnowj 4 zcrapfer. k. ra mrimi. minutes. Umpire Sbcridaa. At Beaumont lautnont 2, Houston 1. f Tee Roman, 3ds fit. hit., sec burned up in George G., b. iGeers) . 3d J B DR. . a. flu aal sink at.. To firev.orks at the Sta- (Spear)5. NATHANIEL K. KING, tr. Ties-elan- 1, K. I. T. Leaarac. dium Antonio, the Jgorrote Kent. ch. a. Sdj Acceyt a m btrstff K flu L, H. UtH Washington o. chief, Aim zvjz : ja-.: 2:10. . Cairo. I1L. Ang. 13. K. I. and the newsboy in pyrotechnic portraits. Oereiand. Auj. Lajole scored the eair e T. league: 239 tret. parse tUTf); ml heats: rua of tbe game. He was hit by a pitched At Calm 1. Vlnc-nn- 's X Admission to Stadium free; seats 10c; Princess Athel, b. f., by Directum Kelly ball. At Ilendtrscn UcpklnsvlMc 2. iienderson X. chairs 25c; boxes 59c (De Bjder 1 1 i teff&&-v$&'z-- .j- t5TZti.sf&'.iyZS-zS?l-Z.-i--t?- - si safefeSr-iA'Se- - !&.-- A- - Jt4itrvBgt- ifrrj-;if'AK'?- Afcarvastfj