European Trade Union Institute Bd du Roi Albert II, 5 1210 Brussels Belgium +32 (0)2 224 04 70
[email protected] Innovative union practices in Central-Eastern Europe Edited by Innovative union practices Magdalena Bernaciak and Marta Kahancová in Central-Eastern Europe This book provides a systematic account of innovative practices developed by trade unions in 11 post-socialist EU Member States since 2008. Accordingly, it distinguishes between different — forms of innovation concerning union organisational structures, choice of strategies and selection of target group or audience. Edited by Magdalena Bernaciak and Marta Kahancová The country chapters document a wide array of original union initiatives that not only challenge the thesis of labour weakness in central and eastern Europe, but can also serve as an inspiration for labour organisations in other parts of Europe. The concluding chapter summarises the findings, assesses the sustainability of union innovations and discusses their impact on the countries’ industrial relations systems and established union roles in them. Innovative union practices in Central-Eastern Europe in Central-Eastern union practices Innovative and Marta by Magdalena Bernaciak Kahancová Edited D/2017/10.574/08 ISBN: 978-2-87452-449-3 Logo FSC Innovative union practices in Central-Eastern Europe Innovative union practices in Central-Eastern Europe — Edited by Magdalena Bernaciak and Marta Kahancová European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Acknowledgements The editors would like to thank Calvin Allen for his professional work as language editor. Brussels, 2017 © Publisher: ETUI aisbl, Brussels All rights reserved Print: ETUI Printshop, Brussels D/2017/10.574/08 ISBN: 978-2-87452-449-3 (print version) ISBN: 978-2-87452-450-9 (electronic version) The ETUI receives fi nancial support from the European Union.