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1977 Board of Regents Meeting Materials, March 23, 1977 Eastern Michigan University

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Recommended Citation Eastern Michigan University, "Board of Regents Meeting Materials, March 23, 1977" (1977). Board of Regents Meeting Materials. 364. http://commons.emich.edu/regentsminutes/364

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. 1779M Appointments ...... 59 . 1777M Appointments - Faculty, Spring 1977 ...... 24 .1771M Authorized Signature - College Work-Study Program 22 .1772M Authorized Signature - Tax-Free Alcohol 22 . 1768M Banking Services Depositories & Investments - Policy Revision. . . 10 � � .1769M Budget Transfers - Policy Revision 13 .1781M Changes of Status ...... 64 .1775M Department of Social Foundations 23 .1766M Educational Grants. 9 .1767M Ernst & Ernst - Reappointment 10 .1778M Faculty Promotions - Arbitration Award 58 .1765M Gifts ...... 9 .1776M Interdisciplinary Non-Teaching Minor in Geronotology 23 .1782M Leaves of Absence 67 .1772M President's Salary...... 23 .1772M Property Sale - 855 Davis Street. 22 .1770M Registration Schedules & Payment of Tuition & Fees-Policy Revision 13 .1780M Separations 62

. . '•... BO/-\RD OF REGENTS EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Official Minutes of the meeting of March 23; 1977 Regents Room - McKenny Union

' Board members present: I Richard N. Robb, Chairman Timothy J. Dyer, Dee Kinzel, Edward J. McCormick, Carleton K. Rush, Mildred Beatty Smith and John F. Ullrich Board members absent: Beth Wharton Milford Administration present: President James H. Brickley Vice Presidents;· Anthony H. Evans, Gary 0. Hawks, James S. Magee and Laurence N. Smith Assist�nt Treasurer Walter Eisele, Jr. Administration absent: Vice President Robert J. �omkema

Chairman Robb called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. Chairman Robb stated that before any business is transacted he wanted to inform the Board of the death of Mrs. Habel, the wife of O. William Habel, a former Regent of this Board. On behalf of the Board of Regents Chairman Robb, Regent McCorm"ick and Regent Smith expressed deep sympathy to Dr. Habel and his family.

Regent Dyer moved and Regent Ullrich seconded that the February 16, 1977, minutes be approved as distributed. Motion carried.

Regent Rush asked Chairman Robb if the order of the Board agenda could be changed, as there were a number of people in the audience interested in the appeal of Tom Eddings. Chairman Robb queried the Board to see if ther€ were any objections to changing . the order of business so that the Edding's request would be considered as the first item of business for the day. After some discussion Chairman Robb informed t'he Board that this is not an appeal, this is a statement by a representative of Mr. Eddings as to why this Board should grant an appeal. The Chairman noted that Mr. Richard Gienapp would speak in behalf of Mr. Thomas Eddings. Chairman Robb suggested that the Board grant ten minutes time to Mr. Gienapp to state his case as to why this Board should consider an appeal. 2

Hearing no disagreement from the Board, Chairman Robb introduced Mr. Gienapp. Mr. Richard Gienapp is the Director of the Student Defenders Union. Mr. Gienapp speaks: "I think by now you have all received the statement made by the Student Defender's · Union on behalf of Mr. Thomas Eddings. We are asking, today, that you grant him a hearing. This will not be a discussion of the merits of the case, only asking that you do, at a later date, decide to grant him a· complete hearing. "On December 8, Mr. Eddings was involved in an incident and later on February 2, 1977, was placed on administrative probation for one year by the University Judicial Board. The Dean of Students appealed that decision, and on February 17, 1977, the Judicial Appeals Board suspended Mr. Eddings for one year. We started judicial review to President Brickley, who after a five day period, allowed the decision to stand and not be overturned. "At this time then, we are appealing to the Regents as the final appeal in the Judicial structure. We think that the judicial system of Eastern is now almost analagous to the civil system which we are familiar with. We are alleging that a lot of procedural errors were made in the judicial appeals for a hearing. And those errors had a substantial impact on the outcome of the hearing. Because of the errors and because they were such serious errors, we think that the decision itself should not be allowed to stand. "Preamble of the errors: The errors should not be judged relative to the errors that would appear in the civil system. I think that because of the extra procedures, the university must take extreme precautions so the hearings are error free and they are very fair to all the students and all the parties involved. "That duty of fairness should be an over-riding duty of the university. The courts have allowed the university to have a system to pursue misconduct but haven't done it without warning. They said that the university, and they emphasize must, guarantee that every precaution is taken to guarantee a fair hearing. Frankly, we don't think that the hearing in which Mr. Eddings was suspended was fair. "Reasons: The conduct code and rule that Mr. Eddings was charged with appears to be a violation of the law. As of now, there has been no violation of law. Mr. Eddings is in the process of being prosecuted for this and as of yet has not been found guilty of violating any law. He just has not broken the conduct code in the way in which it is written. " Mr. Gienapp said there were also procedural errors and violations if Items 8, 9, and 10 relating to witnesses. He said; "At that time it was Sgt. Garland. He testified, we were given the right to cross-examine, given the opportunity to ask questions. At that time Sgt. Garland should have been dismissed as a witness and shouid not have been _questioned any further. He was questioned further, this was an obvious procedural error according to the establ; : ed procedures of the university. His testimony a second time around was, we �--�1, a deciding factor in the decision of the 3 hearing board. Had the error not have been made, the testimony would not have been interjected and the decision would not have been what it was. Also, one of the basic procedures of students is to cross-examine those testifying· against him. Assistant Dean of Students, James Scott, who presided in his closing statements to collaborate some testimony by Sgt; Garland, indicated the testimony of Detective Vigo, who was not at the hearing, did not testify and certainly was not available for cross-examination. Again, this is another serious error of violation of student procedural rights, and again, we feel it had a substantial impact of the outcome of the hearing and·baring that error, the decision would not have been as it was. "The third reason we feel that the Regents should give us a hearing is that it is exclusively stated in the Conduct Code that Regents are a part of the system. (Conduct Code, page 9, section 11, #7.) It is almost implied that the Regents are the fi na 1 .appea 1 in any university appea 1 action. But this goes beyond implication and it explicitly states that it was designed this way, that the Regents are certainly there when it warrants their investigation. "We feel this is one case that warrants their investigatfon. We would like to say that this is not a precedent setting thing. I don't think the Board of Regents would become an every day part of this system, but then this is hardly a typical case. Normally, procedures are followed and hearings are very fair. In this case, there were so many procedural errors, in so many ways, that we think the only way fairness can be reached is for the Regents to grant the hearing. It is a complex case, it involves a lot of things. As of right now our office is working on research into the case trying to find out exactly what we think would be the best approach and the probable ruling and how this case relates to similar cases at other universities. For these reasons, a hearing should be granted. It can't be sorted out by looking at the validity of the errors or the seriousness of the errors. I think the only way to do it is to sit down and listen to all the facts and make the decision. What we are asking for today is a hearing. There are enough procedural errors we think to justify granting a hearing. This isn't a piddly issue. It threatens the very issue of the judicial system and the foundation on which this university is based. So far in talking with various administrators, response seems to be that the process is basically fair. The concern for law and order on this campus seems to be the over-riding concern. Law and order is crucial to the campus functioning smoothly. I think it is time though, that the Regents took care. Underneath the cries of law and order is some justice. I hope that you will take the time it takes to sort out this issue, grant Tom a hearing, and make a ruling on it after you sit down and hear the whole case. Thank You. 11

Regent McCormick questioned Mr. Gienapp as to the Board's involvement. After some discussion Regent McCormick said, "It would appear to him that the regulations only refer to a review of the decisions made rather than a hearing de novo. 11 Mr. Gienapp said, 11 1 interpreted it to mean that the Regents could, at their discretion, grant additional review and modification of the judicial appeals for presidential decision." 4

Regent McCormick said, 11 But that wouldn't be a hearing of the whole thing all over again. Take that last sentence there... The Board of Regents at their discretion may agree to review the findings and the decision of the president or JAB It doesn't say to hear the problem all over again. 11 l"ir. Gienapp replied, 11 ! would agree with you, but in this instance, there are so many errors that you just can't separate the errors from the otherwise valid part of the hearing. I think the errors had an impact on the outcome of the hearing.''

Regent McCormick continued, 11If we did agree to hear it the only decision we could make would be to have a new hearing rather than we hear it, as I see it. We could go back to the UJB and say that we are satisfied that there were technical errors or procedural errors as you call them, and therefore, he should be given another hearing making sure that those procedural errors don't occur. That would be our authority on this as I read it. I just want to make sure that we agree. 11

Mr. Gienapp replied, 11 ! was under the impression that the Regents could use their discretion to review the case. I think that because of the way our judicial system is set up in that the same people are involved in the case repeatedly, not where we have a jury and a judge preside, etc. , I think in this instance, what would actually be more appropriate would be to throw out the JAB decision because that is where the errors were made and if the Regents aren't willing to grant the hearing, the most appropriate thing to· do would be to say, throw out the decision in which errors were made, but lets stick with some decision and the only deci9on then that was not affected by errors was the original University Judicial Board decision. 1 1 Regent McCormick said, 11 We are agreed then, that there is nothing in there that provides for a hearing before the Board de novo? 11 Mr. Gienapp said, 11 I was under the impression that the Regents could grant the hearing and hear the case. 11 Regent Dyer said, 11 From your statement of the facts Mr. Gienapp, we are considering now, you base the reasons why we should grant an appeal on procedural matters and not on substantial issues. Am I reading this correctly?" Mr. Gienapp sai.d, 11Yes. 11

Regent Dyer continued, 11 You hint that there is new information that has recently become available that may provide additional insight. Is that new information on the substance or procedural quality? 11 Mr. Gienapp answered, 11 Basically on procedural quality. 11

1 Regent Dyer sa·id, 11So the whole basic issue of substance is not questioned. 1

Mr. Gienapp said, 11In the very last sentence in the new information was the statement as worded in the Conduct Code that there's been no violation of the code until it has been proven there has been violation of the law. So in terms of our new information, Tom has not violated the Conduct Code. 11 5

Regent McCormick asked, 11 What section makes you think that we can't act until the person has been found guilty criminally?" Mr. Gienapp answered, "Section 1, Rule 28, Drug Usage. 11 Regent McCormick replied, 11 ! wouldn't interpret.it that way. 11 Mr. Gienapp said, 11 I don't think the University Judicial System is set up to determine violation of State, Federal or Local narcotic laws. I don't see any room for interpretation. If it says that. you break the code only after you have been proven to have broken the law, I don't see how the university can maintain an action prior to the person breaking the conduct code. 11 Regent Rush said, 11 It seems to me that Rich has brought up a number of questions that need to be addressed. Regent Rush moved and Regent McCormick seconded that the Eddings Appeal be referred to the administration for a written response to the questiomraised in Mr. Edding's appeal; and that the written response should be made prior to the next meeting of the Board in April so a decision can be made at that time whether or not to hold a hearing,.or take any other action deemed necessary. Chairman Robb commented that he would like all information and letters on this case sent to all the members of the Board prior to the next meeting. Mr. Gienapp agreed. Motion carried.

The Treasurer's Report was given by Mr. Walter Eisele, the Assistant Treasurer, in the absence of Vice President Romkema. After a lengthy discussion Regent Rush moved and Regent Ullrich seconded that the Treasurer's Report be received and placed on file. Motion carried.

Regent Dyer moved and Regent Ullrich seconded that the following Internal Auditor's reports and responses be received and placed on file: (a) The audit-activity report for period ending February 28, 1977 (b) Audit Report of: 1. Tuition Revenue - Fall 1976 dated February 28, 1977 --Response for April meeting 6

(c) Responses to: 1. Audit of Student Affairs Reorganization dated December 29, 1976 2. Audit of Equipment dated January 25, 1977 3. Audit of Fringe Benefits dated January 31, 1977 4. Audit of University Custodial �osts dated January 31, 1977 Regent Smith remarked that she questioned the audit response to the Student Affairs reorganization. She asked if there were any qualified blacks or women that could have been hired for the jobs that were filled by white males as indicated in Ms. Fox's report. Vice President Smith said he was sure they had followed the affirmative action guidelines in hiring the new personnel. He said there was no question in his mind that ell requirements of affirmative action were met. President Brickley added that the administrative response to that question would be "we agree". The President continued that it is the administration's intent to have more minority and women employed throughout the University. He said in "hiring new people for the Student Affairs reorganization the emphasis was per­ formance. The Student Affairs Division needed experienced people, noting there were no current employees who could train personnel for the positions required. Vice Presicent Smith added that not all of the hirings go directly through his office, but it was his understanding that every single hiring followed the affirmative action guidelines. Regent Smith continued that she wanted to know whether qualified black or women candidates applied for any of the Student Affairs jobs to satisfy her own concern. She would like a report from Miss Fox, the ·Affirmative Action Director which would list all of the names of the people that applied for those jobs so she can make a review. She added that if she were a student here and felt that the administration was not following the affirmative action guidelines, she would question the University and its court system and all else. She asked that Miss Fox report advise the Board as to her opinion if there were intentional or unintentional violations of Board policy and/or affirmative action guidelines or of the spirit of either one. Chairman Robb commented that he agreed with the request of Regent Smith and would like the administration to advise us of any violation of the affirmative action code in this area. Regent McCormick agreed that this was very important. Regent Smith suggested that as a part of her report, Miss Fox should include a copy of her job description. Motion carried. 7

Regent Dyer moved and Regent McCormick seconded that the list of recoveries of previously transferred receivables for the month of February 1977, and the comparative analysis of delinquent student accounts as of February 1977 be received and placed on file.

It was further recommended that the list of accounts11 receivable as proposed for transfer to 11collection agency status be approved.


Serr.ester/Yr Gross Revemre ft;no:mt Previous Months February Preser.t Transferr':!d Bal�nce Recoveries Sc 1 a:-:::e Su=er 197

Scrin"J 1975 1,213,792 11,475-oc:v 6,593 842 • ..,.Jf;J • 55;� Suc.c-;�r 1975 904,600 3,512 263 2,375 % of Sross Revenue .39% .29% 2,633 Fall 1975 7,211,541 55,546 41,726 3,652 JS,134 � of Gross Revenue .77% • 58;; Hint2r% of G:css 1976 Revenue 6,799,336 89,118 73,087 4, 143 63,544 l . 31 ;; 1. 07% �SPri at nilGross 1976 ?.evenue 1,257 ,205 12 ,359 8,682 1,308 7 ,374 � of Gr;:;ss R�venue .98� .69�; ***�***ht:**************************************************************************************************y*�********** Swr:;:ary: Total Recoveries During Month for 8 Terms Listed S12,679 Recoveries curing month on TerT.Js prior to Su",;;ier 1974 1.619 TOTAL FE'.lRUf\RY RECOVERIES 14,298 Collected by University $10,994 Collected by Collecticn Agency 3.2C4 $14,293 Less Febrt.:Jry Collection Expense 1,779 NET RECOVERl�S FOR FE2RUARY SW.-519 *** *'Iii!'.._*********'f': ** ** ** *********** * * ** ** *** *************** ***** ** * *** ** * ** * *** *'* * * ** **W *--:;;;;::;::;;**********'A, * * * * * **"*Y 'Jiii'**** ** Cu..-.:::ulative:"!r Fiscal 1976-77 Previous Recoveries $70,778 1f: February Recoveries 14,293 TOTAL TO DATE $85,076 COLLECTI0:1 EXPnfSE TO DATE S 8,93$ 8


Cumulative Fiscal Previous �:on ths Present iy.::e of CJli�Jtivn Year Tr:insf2rs Balance Reco·,:;ries University Studer: Aid LcJns S 1, 271 s 1 ,271 $ 97 9.::1crS.1,174 .-:� University J\.part..ents Stu:ent Cot:ncil �,.:i11 Leans 1,602 1,535 20 l ,565 Eastern Echo 2, 144 2,09-l 149 1,945 Bookstore 221 221 31 190 Hea it1 Cent2r 32 32 32 818 813 Ju Rental Incc�e Prc:erty 8'" Gener3l Fur.d - Gt�er 198 198 193 General Fund - Field Services General Fund - Pr.one Ex�en:�ble Restricted F�r.d Age�cy Fund Auxiliary Fund (.::c�:>ir.ec) 3,463 3,421 55 3,365 640 . 625 30 593 ******�**x********Cesis;na�e:: Fund *****�*********�*�******************************************************x****%*****�****���T��*�x***

S :1;7,;::a r y: Total Recc�eries Duri�g �or.th for 1975-77 Transfers $ 332 Rec-:;-,eri es D�ring /·'.or.th for Pd or Fi sea 1 Year's Trans f2rs Total Fejr1..3.ry Recoveries 675 Ccli�::ed :y University $ 462 � 1 .C.:;� Col12c:2:1 cy Collecti:Jn Agency 595 $1,CS3 Less Febru':!Ty Co1lecticn Expense 27 Net Recover!2s for Fe�ruary 1977 $1. 031 *****�**********�*�**�r**************************************************************�***-:;:;��**�*�***T��**�***�**** Cu:;;ul2tive: Fiscal 197E.-77 Pre·rious Re:overies $ 6,622 Fet:rJ::ry P.eco·,eries 1 ,C53 Total To Da:te Co1lection �xpense to Date --- S 1. :: 4

Surr:nary of Studen: Receivables for Transfer to Collection Agency Stat�s �'.onth of February, 1977 Tenn: Su��er 1975 ;r..ount: S4 ,235

Cc:;;parative Analysis ransfer Present Delinquent at close Delinquent Tfl:.:0unt_ 3z:1;3;;:r: 3ross Revenue · of Ter;;, Collections Su:;irr:er 1976 901,213 10,840 6,604 4,235 4,235 i of Gross Revenue 1.20� su�er 1975 9C4,600 10,922 7,410 3,512 2,375 I of Gross Revenue 1.21% Sur..::-,er 1974 940,695 48,781,, 34, 174 14,607 6,052 \ of Gross Rev�nue 5.19%

•I 9

Chairman Robb questioned whether university policy allowed Eastern Echo to extend credit and also questioned the amount owed the Echo for advertising. Vice President Smith agreed he would check into that part of the report and advise.

Motion carried.

. 1765 M GIFTS Regent Dyer moved and Regent Ullrich seconded that the gifts for the month of February 1977 totaling $42,378.04 -- be received with appreciation. President Brickley said he wanted to report and compliment the students for their work on the Phonothon. He reported that there are some four hundred students work­ ing on this project and we will have it tabulated for the next Board meeting. Chairman Robb asked President Brickley to comment on his alumni and development trip west. President Brickley reported they had a very successful trip. One of the contacts was with Jay Seaver, a ninety-year old alumnus, who has set up a trust for the University. He told of other contacts with other alumni. In Sun City, he reported they had 60 to 80 people at the meeting. In Tucson, a smaller amount, and in Los Angeles around 50 or 60 attended. President Brickley then told of the Florida alumni and development trip saying the east coast of Florida wasn't too successful. He said the Lakeland meeting was the most successful with about 80 people attending. He said he thought the trips were well worth the effort and the money spent on them. Motion carried .

. 1766 M EDUCATIONAL GRANTS Regent Dyer moved and Regent Ullrich seconded that: A grant from the Ypsilanti Area Industrial Development Corporation in the amount of $14,500 for the project, "Ypsilanti Area Job Study Survey, 11 for the period of May 1, 1977 th rough September 1, 1977, with Dr. Robert H. Holland of Operations Research and Infor­ �ation Systems as Project Director. A grant from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources in the amount of $8,041 for the project, "Wetlands Value Study", for the period of February 8, 1977 through June 30, 1977, with Ors. Eugene Jaworski and C. N. Raphael of the Department of Geography and Geology, as Co-Project Directors. 10


II A grant from the State of Michigan, Department of Education in the amount of $1,500 for the project, "Teacher Education Consortium Operating Grant, " for the period of January 1, 1977 through August 31, 1977, with Dr. Juanita Garfield of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction as Project Director. A grant from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources in the amount of $300.00 for the projecf, "Histological Changes in Gi 11 Epithelium of Experimentally Treated Young Brown Trout, " for the period of February 1, 1977 through May 31, 1977, with Dr. Howard Booth of the Department of Biology as Project Director. Motion carried.

. 1767 M ERNST & ERNST - Reappointment Regent Oyer moved and Regent Ullrich seconded that Ernst and Ernst, certified public accountants, be approved as auditors for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1977. Motion carried.

. 1768 M B,�NKING SERVICES DEPOSITORIES & INVESTMENTS - Policy Revision Regent Oye·r moved and Regent Ullrich seconded that the University's policy -- covering the investment of operating and reserves funds -­ be modified as follows: 11

Eastern Michigan University


1. Banking Services The Treasurer shall administer banking services through the named depositories for Eastern Michigan University. Those depositories shall be the National Bank of Detroit, the National Bank of Ypsilanti, and the Ypsilanti Savings Bank.

2. Opera�and Reserves Fund Investments The Treasurer is authorized to make investments of op�rating and reserves funds in the named depositories and in other banks chartered by the Michigan Banking Commission or the Comptroller of the Currency. Investments and deposits in any bank shall not exceed the total of the capital stock ind surplus of the bank. All investments shall be made in the best interest of the University and shall be based on the following criteria: financial condition and reputation of the financial institution; rate of return; terms and restrictions on maximum and minimum amounts of investments. Investments may also be made in Commercial Paper provided that such invest­ ments shall not exceed $400,000 in any given name, and shall not exceed 40 percent of the total investment. Investments may also be made in instruments of the U.S. Treasury, of Federal Agencies, and in Time Savings Accounts in blocks ranging in value between $100,000 and $1 ,000,000. The total of such investments shall not exceed the combined total of all University-held reserve funds. Maturities of short-term bank investments and in Commercial Paper shall not exceed one year from the date of investment. Maturities of invest­ ments in instruments in U.S. Treasury or Federal Agency, and in Time Savings Accounts shall not exceed five (5) years from the date of investment. The Treasurer is authorized to obtain counseling services for acquisition, disposal, custody and aopropriate reports relating to investments in Commercial Paper. The Treasurer is authorized to arrange with National 'Bank of Detroit for Dealer services in the acquisition, disposal, custody, and appropriate reports relating to investments in Treasury and Federal Agencies Instruments. 12 3. Endowment I Funds The Treasurer is authorized to continue contracting with the Ann Arbor Trust Company to provide services as investment advisors and counsel for the endowment and loan funds. Such services to include, but not limited to, custody, acquisition and disposal of investments, as authorized, and appropriate reports. The endow­ mend funds portfolio will consist of stocks, bonds, government securities, Commercial Paper, and the appropriate securities in conformance with policy guidelines developed by the Treasurer and reported to the Board of Regents.

4. Administration The Treasurer and, in his absence, the Assistant Treasurer, is authorized to act on behalf of the Board of Regents in administering th i s po1 i c:y.

5. Reporting The Treasurer, or in his absence, the Assistant Treasurer shall, at each regular meeting of the Board of Regents, report on the financial activities governed by this policy, including bank deposits, invest­ ments, and endowment funds. Where applicable and feasible, budget reports shall also be made.

6. Definition of Terms Operating Funds or Cash Money received from student fees, state appropriations, and other revenue sources, to be used for paying the salaries and other costs of instruction, administration research, auxiliary and other related programs. This money may be in cash on hand, in demand deposits, or in investments for maturities not to exceed one year. Reserve Funds Money required for funding of the various University-held reserves and available for investments at maturities not to exceed five years. Endowment Funds or Funds Acting as Endowment Money which, by restrictions of its donor or the owner, is invested and the earnings are used for loan and scholarship or other restricted purposes. This money is invested for long periods. Stockholders' Equity The sum of capital stock, surplus and undivided profit of a financial institutio.n as shown in its Financial Report. Banking Services Relate to necessary accounts to carry on the financial business and may include deposit accounts, payroll accounts, other expense accounts, special accounts for given activities, and other normal activities of commercial: banks.

Motion carried. 13

.1769 M BUDGET TR�.NSFERS - Policy Revision

Regent Dyer moved and Regent Ullrich seconded that the University's policy covering budget transfers be modified as follows: The Board of Regents authorizes the President to approve budget transfers. The Treasurer shall prepare a quarterly report to the Financ.e Cammi ttee of a 11 budget transfers over an aggregate $1,000 in,any one �uarter. Motion carried .

. 1770 M REGISTRAT[ON SCHEDULES & PAYMENT OF TUITION & FEES - Policy Revision Regent Dyer movec. and Reg2nt McCormick seconded that the University's policies concerning registration and payment of tuition and fees be changed as follows: 14

Eastern Michigan University TUITION AND FEES POLICY

1. Fees Sub;ject to Revis ion All Univ1�rsity fees and assessments are subject to change by action of the Board of Regents.

2. Application Fee An application fee of $10.00 must accompany each undergraduate application for admission to Eastern Michigan University. The fee is not refundable and does not apply to any tuition or other fees.

3. Registration Fee A registration fee of $20.00 for each of the fall and winter semesters, and of $15.00 for each of the spring and summer sessions, is charged to each student. This fee is assessed and collected at the time the student registers for the semester or session and is non-refundable. 15

4. Financial Obligations

Having fulfilled all other requirements, a student is eligible for registration or graduation only if all financial obligations to the University have been met at the time of graduation or at the close of a semester or session. Credits or other stat�ments of record will be withheld and the student will be ineligible for further registration (fall advance registration excepted) at EMU until all obligations have been fulfilled. Registration for the fall semester begins in late March and continues until the first day of classes.. For this semester only, students may register at any time up to the registration verification date, which is approximately 30 business days prior to the first day of classes, by payin�1 the $20.00 registration fee. Payment of previously incurred Universi1� obligations will not be required for registration prior to. the initial invoice date. Students will, however, be required to pay all previously incurred University obligations, and to make pay­ ment of at least 50 percent of all fall semester costs, including housing charges, by the registration verification date or their registra­ tion will be automatically c�ncelled; their registration fee will be forfeited; and those classes will be made available to other students. Students whose registration has been cancelled by this process may re­ register upon payment of registration fee, all past-due accounts, and at least 50 percent of all fall semester costs.

5. Student J\cti vi ti es Fee

A student activi ties fee of $1. 00 per semester is assessed to each student who registers for the fall and/or winter semester. (See above referencE! for complete policy. )

6. Tuition

Tuition Rates for 1976-77: Resident Undergraduate...... $22. 00 Res�ident Graduate ...... $33. 00 Non-· Resident Undergraduate...... $55. 00 Non-· Resident Graduate...... • ...... $80. 00 Tuition will be assessed for all credit hours for which the student is registered. Off-campus tuition rates are the same as on-campus tuition rates. Regardless of student class level, undergraduate tuition will be assessed for all 100-400 level courses. Graduate tuition will be assessed for all 500-600 level courses. 16

It is the duty of any student prior to registration, if there are any question as to his right to be registered as a student with a status of Michigan resident, to raise such questions in the Student Accounting Office in Briggs Hall.

7. Auditing Fees

Tuition and registration rates for auditing courses are the same as for credit.

8. Workshop Sessions Several two and three-week workshop sessions are offered during the spring and summer sessions. Tuition and registration fees apply to workshop sessions at the same rates as for regular class sessions. Hoi"./ever, a student enrolled in other course work during a session will not be assessed an additional registration fee for enrolling in a workshop during the same session.

9. Payment of Tuition

The exact due date for tuition and other University fees is printed on the invoice from Student Accounting. To insure a correct billing address, it is the responsibility of the student to inform the Univer­ sity of any address changes by completing a change of address form in the Registration Office. For those students who prefer to make installment payments, the Univer­ sity provides an optional installment payment plan for the fall and winter semesters. The installment payment plan applies only to tuition and room an� board. It consists of a minimum initial payment of 50 percent of the room and board and tuition assessments for the semester, and payment of all remaining charges in a sec6nd installment due during the eighth (8th) week of the semester. Specific due dates are published in the Class Schedule Bulletin for each semester. An installment payment service fee of $5.00 is assessed with the first installment payment. If a stucent's account is past due for a current semester: enrollment, University housing, and other University services (such as release of grades or certified transcript) are subject to suspension until the account is brought into current status. Payment of assessments for a current semester does not relieve the student of the obligation for payment of any ba1ance from a prior semester. 17

Studen_ts who register after.the registration verification date for Fall semester are required to pay 50 percent of assessed tuition, room and board, and any miscellaneous fees at the time of registration. A late payment fee of $6.00 is assessed if the second payment is not received by the due date. Eastern Michigan University accepts BankAmericard and Master· Charge credit cards in payment of tuition, fees, room and board, and book-. store purchases. The privilege of using the installment payment plan for payment of tuition and room and board is denied to students whose University account has, in the past, been referred to a collection agency because of the student's failure to pay the University. Any exception to the above policy shall be by authority of the Vice­ President for Business and Finance.

10. Account Adjustments

Withdraw from the University a. A credit adjustment of 100 percent of the tuition assessment for the fall and winter semesters, less a late withdrawal fee of $10.00 will be made to those students who cancel their registration or withdraw from the University prior to the sixth (6th) class day. For the spring and summer sessions, a 100 percent credit adjustment will be made during the first three (3) days of classes. Actual dates are printed in the Class Schedule for each semester and session. b. A credit adjustment of 50 percent of the tuition assessment for the fal l and winter semesters will be made. to those students who withdraw from the University between the sixth (6th) and 15th class day. For the spring and summer sessions, a 50 percent credit adjust­ ment will be made during the fourth (4th) through seventh (7th) class days of the session. Actual dates are printed in the Class Schedule for each semester and session. c. No credit adjustments will be made after the above stipulated dates. Decrease in Academic Load a. A credit adjustment of 100 percent of the difference in tuition assessment for the fall and winter semesters will be made to those students who decrease their academic load prior to the sixth (6th) day of classes. For the spring and summer sessions, a 100 percent credit adjustment will be made during the first three days of classes. Actual dates are printed in the Class Schedule for each semester and session. 18

b. A credit adjustment of 50 percent of the difference in tuition assessment for the fall and winter semesters will be made to those students who decrease their academic load between the sixth (6th) and 15th class day. For the spring and summer sessions, a 50 percent credit adjustment will be made during the fourth (4th) through seventh (7th) class days of the session. Actual dates are printed in the Class Schedule for each semester and session. c. No credit adjustments will be made after the above stipulated dates .

11. Qualifications for Michigan Residence _

It is the policy of the Board o( Regents for Eastern Michigan University that Michigan residency for purposes of tuition shall be determined by the domicile of the student, and that such domicile shall be determined by the following criteria: 1. Length of time lived in Michigan prior to first enrollment. 2. High school attended or previous college. 3. Domicile of parents. 4. Status as an elector. 5. Status as a taxpayer. 6� Source, length, and continuity of employment. 7. Marital status. 8. Ownership of real estate. 9. Source of driver's license (state) . 10 . Source of vehicle license (state). 11. Self-supporting or dependency on others. 12. The type of visa held if a student from a foreign country. 13. Other factors which may be deemed relevant evidence of domicile. Students shall have their residency status determined at the time of their initial enrollment, and this status may be reviewed at each subsequent registratfon. It shall be the duty of all students prior to registration., if there are any questions as to their right to be registered as a student with a status of Michigan resident, to raise such questions in the Student Accounting Office in Briggs Hall. The Treasurer of the Board of Regents shall be the responsible officer for developing reasonable procedures and evaluating qualifications of individual applicants.

12 . Late Registrati6n Fee

A late registration fee of $10. 00 is charged to those students who, for any cause, do not complete registration prior to the official first day of classes each semester. Checks returned by a bank constitute late registration and the last registration fee is charged. 19

-- 13. P �ogram Adjustment Fee

For five (5) days prior to the beginning of classes, program adjustments may be made with no assessment of an adjustment fee. During this period , each academic department will maintain a station at one central location to assist in program planning and scheduling conflicts. During the first five (5) class days of the semester , a program adjustment fee of $10.00 per transaction will be assessed for each student-initiated program adjustment. For the purpose of determining the program adjustment fee , one drop accompanied simultaneously by one add will be considered as one transacti on. Individual. adds or individual drops will be considered as individual transactions , and will be assessed $10. 00 each. At least 50 percent of the increased tuition, resulting from adjustments , must be paid at the time of adjustment. No program adjustment fees will be assessed for changes fequired as a re5ult of University actions.

14. Health Service Fees

Health Service fees are charaed to students and others eligible to use the services provided at Snow Health Center , in accordance with an approved schedule. The general consultation and examination fees are as follows : Students Non-Students * Doctor Consul tation (daytime) $ 3. 00 $ 7.00 Doctor Consultation (eveninq) 7.00 8. 00 Physical Examination 15. 00 15. 00 Other services available at Snow Health Center include special ty clinics, pharmacy, medical laboratory and x-ray laboratory. The complete schedule of health service fees is available at Snow Health Center.

15. Applied Music Fee

All students accepted for private music lessons will be assessed an Applied Music Fee at the foll owing rates: Music Majors: $60.00 per semester for all instruction. l

iNon-Students eliqible for services at Snow Health Center are student spouces, faculty and staff, and their spouces. 20

Other University students: $60.00 per semester for one-hour ,lesson. $30. 00 per semester for half-hour lesson. Students from public schools, the oornmunity, and EMU staff and families: · $90. 00 per semester for one-hour lesson. $45. 00 per semester for half-hour lesson. Lessons are arranged through ·the- Music Department. The Applied Music Fee is assessed to each student's account at the. close of the program adjustment peirod. This fee is not refundable after the first lesson.

16. Other Courses Fees Fees are assessed at the close of the program adjustment period to cover extra costs and materials involved with certain courses. The Class Schedule wil l list courses that require a special fee.

17. ·vehicle Registration arid Fee

All students, meeting the requirements of the law, and who live in University housing or are defined as commuting students, are eligible to maintain and operate a motor vehicle on campus. Motor vehicles are required to be operated within the·provisions of the Traffic, Parking and Pedestrian Ordinance of the University. Registration of motor vehicles used by; commuter students is not required. Parking faor commuter vehicles is available at several locations on campus. An entry or meter charge is required at several of these locations. Parkinq Rates

1. For student parking in the central campus area (south of the railroad) or in the parking structure, the rate is 25 cents per entry or exit. 2. For staff parking, a rate of $60.00 per year is paid by the employing department to the parking account. 3. For guest parkin9, the rate is 10 cents per hour for meters, and 50 cents per entry in the parking structure. 4. For special-events parkinq, such as football �ames, basketball qames, various tournaments, etc. , an additional charge may be made for.parkinq in the stadium and in the parking structure. 21

18. Death of a Student

Authority for the credit of tuition assessment to the family of a deceased student is vested in the Vice-President for Business and Finance by the Board of Regents.

19. Graduation Fee

A graduation fee is charged to each student who makes application for graduation. The fee is non-refundable and is assessed only once for each degree. �ndergradate Degree ...... $10 .00 Master's and Specialist Degree ...... $15 .00

20. Transcri�t Fee

Each student or former student is furnished one official transcript either before or after graduation - without charge. A =harge of $2.00 is made for each additional transcript.

21. Pl�cement Bulletin Subscriotion Service Charqe

A tharqe of $10.00 is made for each annual subscription to the University Placement Bulletin Service. Subscriptions are available on an annual basis.

22. Orientation Fees

A registration fee of $10 .00 is charged for University orientation seminars. An accommodation fee of $15.00 is char9ed for related overnight housing programs and meal service.

23. Adjustmert of Fees and Deoosits

Oiscreticn to adjust individual cases within the spirit of University-stated policies is vested in the Treasurer with respect to the collection and refund of deposits and fees. 22

President Brickley elaborated on this policy change saying it was designed to improve the University's academic planning and reaction to student demand for courses. He explained several of the new policy changes and the rationale for it. Motion carried.


Regent Dyer moved and Regent Rush seconded that the Treasurer to the Botrd of Regents be authorized to sign College Work-Study Program contracts with off-campus agencies. Motion carried.


Regent Dyer moved and Regent Kinzel seconded the following resolution: It is hereby resolved that the Board of Regents authorizes and empowers the Treasurer and/or the Assistant Treasurer to sign th,e necessary U. S. Treasury Department, Internal Revenue Service documents relating to the University's authorization to use alcohol fer.educational purposes free of tax. Motion carried.


Regent Oyer moved and Regent Kinzel seconded that the University owned proi:erty at 855 Davis Street, Ypsilanti Township, Washtenaw County, Michigan, be sold at not less than the current appraised value of $17,900. The property is described as follows: Lot Number Forty-Two (42) of Sturtevant-Manor Subdivision, of a part of the east half of the southwest quarter of Section 10, town 3 south, range 7 east, according to the reccrded Plat thereof. Motion carried. 23

.1774 M PRESIDENT'S SALARY Regent Dyer moved and Regent Ullrich seconded that effective January 1, 1977, President Brickley's salary be increased from $50,000 to $53,000 per year. Regent Dyer and other Regents complimented President Brickley for doing such a fine job. Motion carried.


Regent Smith moved and Regent Dyer seconded that Departmental Status in Social Foundations of Education in the College of Education �e approved. Regent Kinzel noted that she would like a report on this new department after it has been in op2ration for a year. This report should be an evaluation from the department he3d, the dean, and administration. Motion carried .

. 1776 M INTERDISCIPLINARY NON-TEACHING MINOR IN GERONTOLOGY Regent Smith moved and Regent Ullrich seconded that the Interdisciplinary Non-Teaching Minor in Gerontology in the College of Human Services be approved. Vice President Magee referred to Dr. Robert Boissoneau, Dean of the College of Human Services, to report on the rationale of the minor in Gerontology. Dr. Boissoneau gave a thorough report in support of the minor and touched on a few new proposals he will have soon to present to the Board. Motion carried. 24


Regent Smith moved and Regent Ullrich seconded that the faculty appointments for Spring 1977 be approved.


DA:"E: 03- 15-H

7- ()l SPRING HRM, 1977 - REGULAR FACULTY APPOINT�EtiTS D:=T: DEAN OF ARTS A,-..Q SCI E'NCES &i2�J1�:�102201� ��� ORUMHO�OJJ�:��l�t D l� F- i[lK'*:fal �ItJtl]E?�1[��EiWl;.E!f�fr�zl�JeBJE?£fI 22.oJ 1.J k.A-\ I 22. _LL .. amHDNY ASSII 4EBO-AP��R ICAN srn , ,_nJ_sea INGI 123\ ooi 1020.J 3020 I 100. oql I I I I ! I I i I I ! I I DEPT: AFRC-AMERICAN STUDIES ACCT: l 02 5C INGRAM A�THOll!Y


DEPT: 8 IC LOGY ,\ CCT: 10240 CAS:·i fll 1-!!:RBERT H 25


1 ! 1 22.oa I [ GHOSHEH NAJt.H S A.�.i PROF I 2-50: SPR ING 123 4674 100.00 7.1 ! -1· -_- _·· -- 1I i I JJ.fJ. 4674 I __--�- �-__-'- _ I --

I U STEPHE N t � � +---+�--1 � � ···· P ROF �� � �� ��-+�-1--��-+-��+-�� � �� ! -- -'-- -'-- --'­ 1 1 - 4;

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l JACKS01' DENN[� C l A.A. ASSC ! ! MJ;HCK �ER LYN C ! od

I A • .A. AS:;C 1· 2-50 SPRI N�i 123I1 22.00: 4160 ! 100.00 7.5i , ! , 1 I 1 i 22. 4160 I ! U'.llLL.e.AUL.ALBERL__ I I ------+----'...... :,=- __s__o'.__SI IeR.I.nG'.....l. I I I I 23.'._I 22.00 !:_ !t.l..L4_1_1.ill)_.l) i Q'.---1....�I '>�----I i . L�s ! .-'-'-'-: I I r I : 1 I I I I I j I I ! I l j 2 2. 00 I. 4114 -,ij I I i 7 ! i f i I I i I WALLACE DALE C A.A.) ASSC 2- 50': SP'U NG, 123! 22. 00 4274 [ 100.00 7. 5i �------! -�'------'--- ;'---�----'-/ ' --'__...... ,• ;,_._Q_O'..__!t214 I ( I ! i I !SOOTH HOW.ARO D iI A.A . : ASST 2-501 SPR ING( 123: 22.co 3566 100.00 7.5,I I ; I 22.00: 3566 26


-�- ··- i '-"- - . . - I I , I I I I I I 22. odI 4858 I ! I I I - I I I i 'I I I ; I COMPERE EOWARC L JR A.A.: PROF · 2-SO SPRI NG, 123: 22.07 7 nJ)---53.!-i�0. 53 64 I 100 .00: 7.5 I I If I I I I I - - i · 1 I 22S2 I I I I oo:I I so. oo I I 7.5 I I I I I I RAr�s w CGDrn B �.A.: PP.OF 2-so SPRING 123 11. od! I : ! ! ! 1 1 1. 2292

2-so! ! \!I.A.I �� ---'--63. 1 ;_d 7.5 I j j J PRoF SPR I�G 1 2 3 �i6 7 I 33 l SULlIV•N JOHN ,< A. A. I Assc; 2-so1 1I 2no Ii I l I I I I ...,.,_.__,..1 I 1 -- 1.s . ; i HICKS t;l::�:NETH �J ARD i I SPR ING 1 2 3 14.67 66 .67 I i I : 1 1 4.671 I zno . ! ; I ..'.Jls.s I - tD.'.__S£JU.�G.j-l.2..L2-._o ho_o_._y_oJ.5___ _ � I ! . / I G AIL..KIU Sl:WASHA ltL.;...A.• ..A • ·1 I O-..ilI 31.a I I I 1 22.00I: 4 l�!l i Assc: I !. _ I ; T - --- - I - / ! j 1 l I SCHULL!:qv STEPHEN E ! A.A. 2-50. SPR ING 123 22. oo 3722 ! 100. od 1. 5 1 2 I ' I 1 2..._QQ:I _;u_z_ ,_;______! 1 i I i i ; !HANNI NG BRENDA I: A.A. Ij Assr i 2 -so SPR l NGl 123; 22.00I; 2a60 1 ioo.oc 1. s I I I I 22.00; 2860 I i : ! : c l Lft·-· -·liOLS.O tL.ELJ1.LM.AE , A. A • .LA...,s�s..LJL'------'.....2_-_.,_ s"'"o'�S...... PC-'CB ...... 1_._.N....,,G:_1._.2�3:_22_.__o_:i__,.a-5.L..'....--1..0n..._c..o:..______z_.._s I I I I 22.00 38 5 7 ! i�-- I . I I i I 27


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I i ! i SPR ING! 123' I I I 2-so! I 1co. oo r-"I T Yt-lN· �AR SH ALL B A. A.; ASSC\ 22. 00 3 31 1. 5 2 2.00 3-6316 lr 123: 22.00' 3291 2-so JIM BEL . 1 ! I 7 . 5 ANGL E SPRI NG: 22. od 100.00 32 91 29


I I ! i I i I ;!I .1 I 1 '- --; '-- ' , I1 I I \ I I 1, 1 1 r·�����.1! DECKER BERNARQ C J A.A-� • , ASST;1����-+--- --,1�----,�=���1 ----�·- R . [ 2-50 SPRING 123! 22.001 3283 I 100.001 7.5 1i 1 i i :;,:;, no 3283 ;

12-,01 "'i g:g� �;:: ; 100. ": I OEVCRS JAMES AS S T A . i SPR J NG 7.5 I . A i

i HENN I I I : I I ! ! I M GS T HO MA S -p �A A . T 2 -s o S R 2 3 1 1 0 . - -_. __+-· -s _s_ �i ------�-� _�--P _1 ,_� ��1 ��-�-� -g-= - -7 - -__ - 1 M -� �� -s ___0 ___J�� - -_s___ � 1 � 1 - 1 � : 1 1· : HOWARD EUN ICE l A.A. ASST 2-50r SPRING; 123:I 22.001, 3861 , 100.0ll: 7.5 I I 1· 22. CO, 38(:l ' I1 ! _ , I! : i I ! : : I ! - - I :..KLAU5-.11£.Bffi1IH�M -.._,! A. •.A....._AS.S ._T _i ____ �------Z --S O;..._Se.E I1'lGU.23...--22.._0_Q'_J.5_135_LCO. Jo_.:z_.5_ __ _ �------r--�---,------+--�--�,----+----+------8 - - ! I 2 2 .oo 35 5 ------I I 1 i I :LARSON RUSSELL R A •. A.1 ASST; l2-5o SPR ING: 123: 22.00 34 '70 lC0. 00 7. 5 ! i Q_ ___.3 4 90______,

' I MCHUGH I F ANK A.A. A SST 2 50: ING: 12 : R 1 - SPR 3 22.00 3473 100.00 7.5 I : i 22. 00. 3473 i1 ! l l I 30


I _...... ,�l ,_ ,;.o:._se.R.lli.Gt--id ' ' I ' � S.CJLL.1:iti.B..LE.S_. _ PI'nr- I 2 , •..O. O:__!tit.S.L.Ll.0.0.•. QO_J_ • .5; 2,.00' 4'•91 1 i ' ' -+R p A R ! !I I I - 1 i I� I a. :,I I -. I I I � I PAPPAS JOHN NICK A.A.) P l N C 2 •• 00 6048 100. 00 "' 1. OF I ' I ! I 1 " l I I I I · ! TAMMAN Y DAV ID D A.A. PRGF 2-50 SPRING 123 22.00r; 4277 j 100.00; 7.5 I 22. cd, 4277 1 : ,--�-���----,------,---,:--�-- I �- 1 1 .J)Dfil .A..I 2 M ll.f'...VIN c iI A ._.._..,_,_,...,______-+. _-;-I J.,." -...,_,,_Lffi.l.N.G 1 3 22 L I oo . .G.o'._i�·�s�--- __ _ , I 22. 0 40 31 I I A . A . Assc\ I 1 GCDFREY ELAl�E C ' 4 006 1 100. 'JO! 7. 5' \ I 0 ! 6 1 n.ooi HU� TcR FREDRICK C A A . ASSCj 2-50 SPR IN� 1 2J 22.0j 3629 100. 00 7. 5 •• J j I 36n

.L.A.GER.J,n·_urnr:�, - c0L.Se.8.1.�LnL.o.oL.1.0.3_!_10,0... o.o�J. --- --�I1 k,.A.�-·�------+---- I oo! '--- 22. 3703 1 ! I! 1-1 - I I . I L. I I LQ0----3.2!t. �--�--�--- I MCGEf CHARLES A.,A.j ASST! PLAN C SPR ING 123! 25.0 I' 3244 100.00 8.5 I 0

SANiJALL. JAl'ES A. A. ASST 2- 50 SPRING 123 �tg� �:�� 100.00: 7.5 I ' 1 i i LHAMfil-L �E R� S�E�·Y. • �� 1 H. ..LY��s)· ------,'----+,, ,_J:=..l!...Cl s£&.U;f;L Lu. L ���s11 rno....o_d - -- 1. ..2.3 -2. __L3. - -= I I 1 ; 1 I 22.00 2813 1 JWILT ELLEN f.ONAR 31


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Q_Q_2 2!J

I i a. s ! c !I PEAR SQN RO SS N A.A. i PROFi PLAN 2-03 SPR ING 123, 25.. 00 6135 100.00 I 2�.00 6135 i ! ! c 123 I ITIBTHfl 1·i ··-rr··i 100.00 8.5 :


l 2 2 I I II /"lioc'li so.oo I ! ;! ' I I D ISBROW DONALD W I -so! SPP.(f !GI 1 3 11. I 7. 5i ?0291<13 ' GOFF P F II u.oa! I I I I 09 ' f - A . . - 0 P I G 2434 I 50.:JO 7.5 C D D R 2 5 R I RI H R A v_r s 11. 2434 l _ s +I _A _A _i _O_ �' - _ _ ------+ -+----4, _ _N rl l l2�3'i------; - --- _ _ __ _ - ___ _ -- +- -'- �- - - ����-G-E_S-M�J�J�H�-i�A�-�A�i�-----�-�-�--�5-j-S�� :t� g� i W,0�·�-- I :--1�����---+-��1�---+,��3 ,�--'-�--'-3 :�-�: I ad __L 1, 1, 1 MC LARTY AuBERi iJ Erl :, A.A. PROF, 2- so! SPP{ NG! 12 11. co: 3116116 i 50.00 7. 5

I N ., . :.. I 1 I WAL Tl JAME S C�LV ! PROF/' PLAN C 2-03 123: 25.00 5002 100.00 8. 5 I ' 25.00 5002 Lr.E..J!.UNHA

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' I i I1 I I ------' a. 5i 1 I /UPSHUR JIU cl'WA l 1A• .'l.i ASST PL A C -03 SPRING! 123iI 25. 00 3766 100.09 ___ -i --+------N ' 2 ..,._.i ..,._.i -----1-1 I- I .ooi "'" i 1 2-0 ;gJ! 'I ojI : SZON Y! :.'AUL LOUI i g� ' PL AN c SPR , Ne: mj �;: tco. . I "' r I i. , ' · I, , i, I, I, 1. 1, 1. I, j I, I

5 I Lt oo. ooi !:\R GGS WIL IAM DON __._l __ S i L I � rL 2 N I A. A. A _ I _� _;:_i_g__._: _:_�_g_: _ _,3i'--PR_ __G ....i_ 1_2_3..._i __ N_A c_ __- _ _ ___.__l __- _o _ 34


ij I i ! I I I ! :1 :...:. . 1 :. ssc;1 Ii I 2-5d s;:;... Ii;G· 123:!'-- 22.00 42 10 ! 1 luO .:JO 7.5 1------+__� · _---'______+--+-----'l ---+---...... , 2��Q--+-I. ------! I I I I I I I I cocs Ev BOB A.A.I Asscj 2- 50 SPR l NG1 123 22. od 4462 : 100.00 22.00 4462 7.5 I I \ i l I i 1 ! ! · I j , I 'I : �.... r•,,,A_.. R.,_.D___,,i_,A ,.. ._.,\u•• + I ..,,A ..,S,,,S .,,..C+-i ______.___i ...., 2_-�5 ERlfil ' ;tg, i,:::t=�-7�·�5�---·- i "i : 1 r l 1 1



�RANKULJJ!... .\J'IN r=�" +=A. A...;_AS.S.r.....•l______2=..2�L PR�'.__!2.3L2�0J_3_2_1_o_l.1. oo._;i='-,_,-� �---- -+---t_ ° 1 s -- l 22•00 3510 . I i i : I I I I I I _,.__--"1___ .1. .___ __; 22_. _Q5)�--1�:�------·- l suR vA11<1RAYAr-..A r,AA NDA i A.A.I Assc! I 2-50! SPR ING!I 123\ 22. 00 4os1 ' 100.0; 1. s � ·-----'-1--;-! ---';------..Ji__ i - _ __ _ _- - - �--�-----�---+--+- -- -______' ____- -- �-___·,-______! H : EE I cHq 1 s r_oP_HER-_E + A-. A . A SST I I -2 s oI s I P i R I NG 1 2 3 -- - i 100 _ oc 1 _ s i / � �: g�I ;! :J / j i 1 ) I j l j -'-'L j �E.1 l�:J.. .uH.,,, A.u.r�==A o ___,_J .,,.A �.,,_ti�. A s s.....r .1 ______12-sJ:1! see r Ne! 123j 22.o.�L.-3..64 9� ...... i=oQ..J)_ )_, ��--- J "" .,_ ,.,. 1.. 7.5 ....,! ....,! ·- -- : REM

SPRING TER!· 1977 - REGULAR FACUL TV APPOINTIA ':NTS DEPT: MUS IC ACCT: 10440 HAUSE J 8 : .· �:..e,.,"·.: ::�-:;:..,..,. _ --"·� -"- #·,� �'..:..� J�i.!..:..L. � ·: .- .�-;�'"J(_1�".t\".... #• ,� ,·::_ �1 ·,<.ti." •«tft"""" ' ,,'H,..-. :"��/� ,-1 ,!·���·."��·>1� , ....�. t'.,C, , .:�,�·_;:- � .. {?:�"'- ����i!i!...;;�,J ;.<�,.;;;J�:.l• .:-t'S'-• &� l� f�JI.� �� �=..7- t;i f.":''.!:'f ;''l'l�1;':''· ·,.".::-�,:'; }-- 'Sl";}'F"TI �t'�t:.'?;:. �r:r.":''..:i..�t,f!"'':�•;.;-;'f?,' '"":''.!'-�·;,,,,t �""'l;""'�""':;ilr�,;,,,;,, oemiw,;�-M ·J r�'f,""J ': .7;"r"""" 1:�":":"�� 1����.,.. , i ���"1-; .. 2-s..0Lrnr�_J-1nLH .. . _ _ I, ANEY 11A1Ja re = IYA�A�L " I l ! L'L12_!_6_6�hl_· ..i.J_._• ..,_s _ _ ! 1'·· 6 i 34 12 I I I I I I I I I """ ! ARR IS .� R THU� JA.A, PRoF 2-so S RING! 12:;1! 11.00 245o i 50 .oc ·1 .5 . ----'-1 ; P-�·-""� ( I 1-I -- I ' I 1 A 1 ! I I I I I I TYR THO�AS �ORMAN !A.A. PROF' 2- sc; sPR NGj. 123 I' 7. 33; 1906 ! 33 .33 7 . 5 I 1 .i 1 7.3 1 1906 I I I 11 I - R 1 3 1 1 I I "i =D,.,_ 0" "--B t._ �J�N=E-· 2 I I 33._j_J __L,_ ____ r ---+1-=A.�1..rcA,_S,__s._._c....1------'---'-'--2 -_ 5� Q� �' ?:1 : :��-·__ i I i i IA.A./Asscl I i suNooursr s I i l 2-501 PRI NG[ 23 I 33 .33- 7. 5 I J��N 1 S : 7.H 1474 1 7 7 ,1 ------'-----i-, -·--t- 4 i_'.-----�------! I I A 1 1 1 l! . T 1 1 2 7 'JACJBSO� ELA :NE R . A S • � _ 1 . i ______A 4 S 1 SP I . 1 4 2 ·' 2 �J .5 2 0 R NG: 1 z 3: 9 . 2 4 1 49 ; .- l _�_ �!1 ______4r _____�-__ � 1 4 _ - 4I _+i __ --- I I - - 1 ... _.. 1 --"" i i i .Ml.ULJ.!JHILB.tSEB.:I__LATt:iil l1 ______,__2 -!2.oLle.13.J.NGL...12..3�.3:__iI _o.25�3-.J: .3._1; L.2______l -'--_� __ I I 7.31 1025 !, !, I ! i : I I i ! l I I I I i JAMESON MJCHJIEL I A•A. : I NS T 12-sd SPR INGi 123i 7. 33 865 33. 33 7. 5 r------.--I ' i I 7.33 865 36


I h..,.!-. !>QnF, ' I I ,_ '"ill :._ Se.R.111..Gt 1231 I 1 ail0'..____2_45_il _:___5_0.• QQ_L_5. Uill.£.EDLO'ilE.._CHA?.I F $ B I I :I I I I I l Il 11.00 2450 i FI ; I I I ! [----- I A ! I ''.._ ooI I I I , 7. �' I ' �2:U PARSONS KARL I A • ! i\o,I p R Q I 2- soI SPR I NGi 123: 22. 00 52 31 1 oo. ooiI = I iI I I I I ' I I 1 I I I i ! I I : �OMA S CLI NTO"l E IJ A ! .A.!ASSC 2-50 SPR tNG'i 12 11.00 2119 I so. 0 I I 11. 00: 2119 1I I I 7. 5,


! i ·u cz . , , , , flA,;.NABAS A A.A.� PP.OF' 2-50! SPR ING 123' 22.od 41�c;2 lGO. JO 7.5 ! i 22..0 ... 0_4cxc41.9.u2c.�------"- I 1 2 . A. 2-50 SPR ING! 22. 00 3939 100. 00 7. 5 Ii BREWED.. THO,..A S l j A ; ASS CIi I I/ 31 ! 22.00 3939 i ! I 1 ni ; i II I ' I .'' "I i r"°"'ML£B,JMJU_ ·· i S£B..l.N.GI :::; --,----� : "j ---5 -0�- =0�0-�l�- -;-':j y-I I ,_, m: I I 1 _ I I . 1 � I I I i �-1 · Jm1NsON JAMES or�ino' A.A. As�sci �� 2-so(l SP� I NG' 22.0022�a_o�- 39973�9�9�2-, ------�100 .ac 7.5 i1 ---, 1 2 I � 3 ��i � i � \ HORTI� OAV ID WA�NER i A.A.· ASST; I 2- so1 SPR ING 123, 22. 00 3087 100. J() 7.5 ' ' 22.00 308 7 L I I , I I --"'"--"-! I ._aJ_:i..,.....,____ _ LN..S.MA_C.fu\RLES A.A.Lss_1 �· ------1--.,-\ .....z�-s .oL l:R.llJcLn:_22.aL J!t5<1lao I 22.00 345' ! I -- .· . '_,... 37


JACKSON OtJ"IALD EU1E� A.A.I P'"{OFi 2··50' SPRING 123! 22.00: 53

1.7.5s KNAPP JOHN RI::HARD A. A.1 Assc1 j 2-so SPRI NGJ 123 22.00 · 37 3; 100. 00 1 9 I J I · I I 22.00, 3793 , I 1 I I I I I I I ! · L8...

! II I I [ GOP. DON NOR�AN G A . A.: A.SST! SPR I NGI'. 22. 00 3255 100. 00 7.5 i I I 22.00. ______.... , __ . ·------+--I ...... --+------'---...... ---' ------� I 1 · I I 2- soi 123I, I I I Jl ! ' ., 3 2 55 I .od : ------� - p R ---- =A ��A�S� �l ...... LJ.::.5-i...s �E� -=A�. : 22.00. , •:H_l_l_5 J� c� K� __ '•_ _ 1 1_� r _- 1... _ _ - _ I , -- ,137 i 3137 I O F F JA�Es o - · 50. SPRING 123 't�, 1co.oa � �_____�' -A _. A_ �'· -�_s_s_r+l ----�--- ... ·-- 3190 +----4 31 90 . 7.5 I v I NCE,'lT s T l:V El< M A.A-! ASST[ SPR INGI 22.od 34 l q I I 100.00 7.5 I 1I 22. 00 3 1 I 9 ' i I II 4 1 ---,.--+- : I 2 I 12 3; 1 -51 38


1 :: SPRING TERM 1977 - REGULAR FACULTY APPO! I�TMENTS SOCIOLOG Y ! ::: J'lt!:.l DEPT: '."' r ACCT: 10 90 TRUZZ I "'1ARCELLO r!J: �· . , .:!!". ;·,t�" ·'.ff¥�t:" '\?'d:: *�"-�¥'!'t'\-::c,r;et.;c.:,����, ,,� ..,,,··=- .:. : · -. :... �t ·;wn''""'.l: ,tl':"': · t!Sl:"'·tfte'j ·W.t'.j�7 01"'7: - Ij - ·:-:::•;-. �� .-, �·�-: ..; ··.;,.�-�- ·:::-:·.�w��J4 - :.., t.� ···- �-r.... - ... ,- . . .,;.· ,_.... ,.. .. -,,:,r:,_, , 4:,.·�., ,. ,.. !- '..._.._...·\ �� ''�· ...... _ .• _��� .. �h:.t,�*·""•� • ,;.-·Wi·:r.i"'r;;jl· .. .;J:�i ....t�-; zrJ.lfent,;, ��i:�r,i:ini::Hri'rsiM¥ l: ik.'W,W��••. *'· ·· �..,.... ,-.·� h A.I 2-5°' plr nFI

LE..AilllAtLS__JQ.5..f.eH SPR ING' lJ 22.22 .co_J______!i2_3o 2 ! l

SPRING �ERM 1977 - REGULAR FAC UL TY APPCINT�ENTS DEPT: SPEECH t.NO DRAMATIC ARTS ACCT: l:J500 MU RRAY f J 7- iJ l I ( I lr,,:11,.;t=�! 1-j.\CO V t, �1 11.\M IJLA ,_i:;n 22.001..._£59I I 22. 00 4 759 1 '""tj 1 I GOUSSEFF JAMES W I A.A. PROF 2-50' SPRI NG' 123 22.od sso9 I 100 .OO'. 7.5 i I , ::,:,.od ' H.:CNR,.. B I A. A • ...u-1.S.5.'-"-1--1. ______1---__,l_,7.._-�5�· n,;..: �<; "-P.;;.R_..1"-M""r.,_.L 1 ,, _.::,�-, ,J)__Q_J_g_3��I Q 7. 5______,_: --�����+�+----J��--+--+ 22.00: 3631 f--������-t-�-+-�+ , ��-f---_J.��-l.-�..,__��! I I l 1 1 I ! I 1 1.J ccMProq Gl\ll. 11 A.A.I Assc 2-sol SPRING, 123 22.o:J1 4394 100.ooi 2>. 00 s,94 i


I I I I I I .I Ii SWI SHER nilllAl-1 V A.A. 1 ASSC1 2-50 SPRING! 1231 22 .001 4292 100.00 1. 9 I I I 22.ooi_ 4292 I j · . I 1231 I I I I I I I LY.Al:LiUll llE..fLAlllill�..:,S.L..CL; ------+�:...,. ,_._�_..z"-'2"-'-�o_o_ 4053 2 2.ociI 4053 1 i : 1,-,t=J ! I1 I! I I I ! I I I I 2-sol SPR I Ne;! 1 2 3! 100 .00 .5 j HOLK EBO ER KATf-E� I�E ! A.A. ASST\ 7 I l2J

; r�Qf;.Gt.N WILLIE BRVANT .\.A. ASST 2-50 SPRI fl!Gi 22. 00 3087 [ 100. 00 1.5. i i. __....__,i 22.00 3087 ! I 1 ____ j i . . I I 40

4 SPRING TERM 1977 - REGUL AR FACULTY 6PP[INT�ENTS·1� ·····Wt."'••.> DEPT: ACCCLINTING AND FI'llANCE 1""'·-• 7 - ;l ACCT: 1J7 0("'1 OEVINI: El TON A li;:;_;;4c�-�·�,;t� 1 hF••• '"·'1!:''f,.· '"!l':'£l"; 't". w., ,.��� · • ,.,. -» -';'rV.Shfr •·•"",��·'tf;'*' .U.,�f'J?i+ffl' , AF • t•·,· .'.,.· · : - ., tth·;--· ;. ·· · � .. · ·';l; /i1:-···1 · ffr·�- t • · ••·V.i,b.: i;� . · ··'.1 l�· 1;!,:&,.Jt· ·,f.r -:1 ����1· �bo �· t,l� , '�... :..!�.. 1· � I - 1 I 56 12 · · i:,';2j\·,,;;i� ��-�i� �� li;,i,.";;',�.�- ,;�� �. 1l� iu-� ·' · rfrr.· '';;.i(�_;'j �,..,;,..-a:.:.J��\;.'3\-.a."'1 k..Y�,;�J � ;._,, fu'�= I 22. I''"""' Yfl!JMLL ._. •!lOfl i ,_ J·'""=N=G[-�-����-�' 7.5 12J 00I 1 00 ...0.0 22.00 56 12 , j I n n I 2 2 f---Jl\lN--������-+-�--1��-'-----���-+- TRIBHmi AN N t.. A. Assc --+-�-+��---,f---+--'2-50 SPR I NG! 123: 22.��- �od��..2....� 4576 :� ! 100.�-���--�� 00: 7. 5 I 22.oaI i KENNEOY HERBERT M 1 A. A. A SSC/ 2-50 SPRIN( 123 445�. I11 00.oa 7. 5 , : . I 22.00; 44 5't

i. ;, I -5 I : O' <;PRf:\Jr 1J-:,,: 7;,.,HJ 48 J'5 I CO .J-2-Z�-�5�---- I 22. 0d 4815 2-sd 22.oc. 1

D STOFFl:LS JOH/\ A.A.! ASSC. I SPR ING 123 ,.l,.l-4945 1100.Jo:..... 7.5 ---+---+-. -..... _____1 -'---_�--+---+---+ -_s,,...... ---- - r ! - i I i 1 1�E Gl:RALO!'�E MARY; A.A. : ASST; 2-50' SPR !N , 1 ,, ICC. J� ,. s 1 1231 22.022 000 4114 I I / . : _._,.Lo._J�.,____ _ � -•�_._LI l � L,ME5L.1lliiN ,-,n eJL1"GU.U'---7--'..J__ 22.01) ·H 40 I j I 7.5 I r, BUSH '� IC H.4. El \c A.A.: rn T 2-50 SPf:.ING 123 22.00I 34 l'• I 100.:)0 s •....Q..Q 3414 ' I I 7.5 c_,__ I KRETOV ICH Oi.J��CAN---+---+----+-�-- J ' A.A. INS T ��--t----,f----t--�--_._I 2-50 _12 3_,__ ��22. 00---'--�------��� �133 100.00. I 22.00 ;;133 i I I 1.00.....J.G_L 22.oa I I )21 �•-"llf S C.'SAl C H I I I A.A.: INST! 2-s oL..s.e&.l.N'iiI 22. JQ -;313 I I I I I I '.:-373 41


' I I 1.s ! J I ,�.��---��-�--'--���--+---�! •' -�---+--+---+! 2.Lo�a�· �s=2�1·��--�---i ROBfK MAo--.v --F A .A.!! PRGF I 2-sq 2.o _ s212 i 100.00 ! I � I 1 i ERS I 4341 !' 1 co. 00 I! I I I I 4341 I t ' 1. "1!1 ??. !H 100. aa I O t;, I ' ..l i I · l:a5��il� i S.S f. :i ' - -- - ' I I A A. fJ. SPP rnr, 'lq 10 ' 1 ' 22.0 3910 t I 11.od, 2547 I 1 1 I 754 7 I I I ,,� 7.5! ., ------, JOHN SQN ---THO�ASI A.A. ASSC 2-50 SPR ING 123 50.00 : ., 1 I 00 I I· ; -- � _ I . 349 1 I I I1 _ I! 1 I ' I I i . I i �QqGAN ROBERT Ii 1 A.A.; ASST· 1 2-Soi SPRING· 12341 22.0Ci L00.00 7.� _ _ _ , / 22.00 34�1 o.1--l-_s...:-__ 1 -!-. 0-0-.0-0--1. ""5 ::::::::= LY:: c.=� ::::::::::::::::::::::::- P !U_NJ_ c-1 -1 23- :_2_2_.-_o-_d+! --3-_a_o_s--, - - - · =r.A.L_s_:::· ,,o, I, I : I I I "·"1 42

SPRING TERM 1977 - REGUL�R FACULTY APPO(NTMENl'S DEPT: OP ERAHCNS RESEARCH ANO INFORMAT ION SYSTEMS J lili ... ACCT:t..J.�,t;__., lC80J "< ...... HOLLAND DR ROBERT-�· �e:,o . :...... �, tlM'"' "' fl' ""·' !II-!. ca••·...,.,,._# .� II I 4 . "f..?('. I I I M 8W__L1QFI , I I �'"" ' v 1 1.5 . I I I' I � 1 nn�.JCi 22.0 4620 - I . I s I I I 1 I I . ? ? �.Q: I KH�ILANY ASA D A.A.I ASSC 2-501 SPR I NG! 123I1 22. oa 3990 I 100. 00I 7. 5 L I I I 3920 I SOKK,\R I i

I 7. 5 I 'I FAT HI F A.A.I ASSC 2-50 SPR ING 123 22.00: 4245 1 100.00I I I 1 j 1 22.o°i ..,z4 I I s I rpil l I\Jt=:C A I I I ,\ AC<:r ,\ I I . I .2.-=5..0 see1 �J I 12.JL-2.z...Q_Q__!t.32.0_j_LQO...Q Q'.__L,_5_ 22. 00 4320 I i I '3PE\oiFR I A.A., Assrl I ! I 7.5 RtCHARC KEMP 2-50i SPRI NG 1231 22. 0( 4063 100.00I : - ?.2_.Jl.d__t.n<.� I i I I 7. 5 I I I I COi'PINS RICHARD J A.A. ASST 2- 501 SPR INC 123; 22. oq 3844 100. 00 , J i 2 2 00 3844 I . 1

<-+ 7.5 · 1-HO-��������FFNER VERNON R JR--!·��-t- A. A.j AS-���������-+�_....��1--��-;-�t--��0ST 22.00..0__3. 39069�0�6 ��--1100. 00i•��---���� . I I I

______,. .! __ _ 43





I i i I I HOI TASH CHAPLES F .\.:\. ASSC 2-50 123 - :,,_22.odqq 40'>1405 1 100.oa 7. 5 SPR ING I I I oq ! L SAMP SON w RoBrnr JR i A.r... Assc 2-so SPRING1· 123' 22.coi 4125 : 100.JC! 1.� ! 22. 4t25 : , I 1 1 1 1 1 I C-_-f-l -+---i-��-+--+--+---!-J..L -+-_-----+�-1��- . L8ELLS 05_JLLCHOU\.S_.l_l_�.A... LAS... ST ______4-_+.-4;>=5l):_S!::_RlN.G!--12.3L22..022.0,0LJ.15 LLJ..O.Q ... Oll._L.5.____ _ I i i ! I I I ! I 375l I I ! .1 l l I Vl HHABER MARY E A.A. I NST 2-03 SPRING ACT u.od, 1sn J so.ad 1.� L,� __ _���- , -----���-+--r-�t-t-��r�, --; �_; ---

. i 44


I I _. I�MS I I I I i I ::>-">o: <;�_I.M, l_QO :JO I• 5. lJ �839 1 I BOBER I I 22.00: "-33'1 I !I i'· .. I ' i r· .' ! I 22. oc I I I r1 22.0Q 4694 I ! i JOS EPH L I ! SPRING !' I - I 123 :>?. 11,"· 100.00i 1.�i I !i6S� i i i BRADEN A.A., ASSC 2-50: j I I ! I RAY MONO i I 22.od. 123 1 41 15 1 J I I I co. o�I! L ! 4 iI ORAKE A.A . AS sc 2-50 SPRING 22.00 115 7. � .· I i _l__l �� n,n, , A<;C:, ! 'I I (. I I I I 1. 5 A /\. 1,�L� l17 I ;>-<;OI <;PRI Mf. t nn. :lQi I --- 22.00 4607 . -· ! I rl SPR I NG! I I A .A . I 1 ' I ' no : ,I � z-soI! 123 3'.:\3e6'l" '.:\ 100.00 7.5 -- CH ASHTO"l A RLES A SS 22 .oo, ! i I• I I B I 1 I WELLER I I; I / 3 3854 I PALPt-' I 2-50! SPRING 12 1 22. oocc! ;I 100.00 7.5 ! A•"'.I AS ST i 3654 II II I I . -- -L... 45

SPRING TERM l977 - REGULAR FACULTY APPOINTME�TS D�T: CLRR CULUM & INSTRUCT ION ,, ESTE RMM; S J�� .. ACCT:r_,1;·r,y· ::�:.r-�wlk-211075l''.'_l ::·: '_: ·131;JYI,;;};fl r�?'lf\lt::rw::.ttlttt·-�·- -,�� ·�:t- u:m::-�1 :1t:rn�· tMJr:1r.ttttt:'"1r J:7r.::.i;- 7-01 f,£°';[, 7 r::::::�:':�'.''=1 : ·,: 1:t"°·��.. X< 1 �-r·�,�1::,r:r:12 2. o ·:59,:J23 ::r·:�� 1 °iI j GEX . mmv . .:�:I ..J, AID _ SWAZIL.J ,_J.RHJ,J rn.c� ,., - 22. 1 7 6281111 22 6281. I , l l 1 I GREENE OE� T I A.A. PROF! 2-50 SPP ING. 12.3 22.ooI! 5339 100.0 7. 5 22.oo! 5339 1 1 I ., :>_oa ! I 5054 ; - 22.0 5054 1I 1 'i1 44 l I i PCRR[TT A LOU IS P A.A. PROF us AID - SWAZILAN 22. 1 1i 5144�! 133 . 00 8. 5 I , ''. 1 '


[..Y.L LS. .LO i 4963 iNGRI� . 22.00I I I I 1 1 I 1 22._QJ!_4563 izAM BITO STEPl'lfN C A.A.! PHOF . 2-50 23 2 2.00 4583 100.00 7.5 I SPRI NG, I I I ! I I I I AOJ\MS LF.AH A.A. ASSC 2- 50' SPRINGI 123 22. od 4015 lC0.00 7 . 5 J .. i L 22.00. 401s / I I I I 46


7 SCOTT JEAN O , A.A. ASST 2-50 SPR ING 123 22. od ;.545 100. 0 7. 5 "··1 I 1 545 :__ I I C i - I ------J586 - lTiBB�A�L�S:--;;R�O �B �E �R T;-;T� rA�.�A�.1:�A�S�S�T r' � -t- +-:�-�5 ������N�!(-i--��-____ --t-----i------2 0 SPR I 1 23 22 _0 � 3586 100. OIJ 7. 5 1 , 22.00 I I

3:999 . ,__ 1 i f--BELT---�·-----· GORDON :..• IJTHONY I :>.._A.1� ASS--;------;---+-� 2---;50!___ SPR ING+----t 123; _a22.2.oo0� 3999 100. oJI 7. 5 7 1

1 ! )1 1'4 �__R______f _____ ,----�---�' �--�------+---+----�---� �-�1----�--__-i---___ _l __----�� B I L E S ON C L I F OR D A. A . A S SC 2 -50 S PR I N 1 23 �� � 1oo _ Q 7 _ 5 , : g 4 :t l l ! ! t "'---

R I I I COR.BACHO HEN Y F I A·A· As,r I ? -50 SPR INC 1?3 i!2 .00 4'577 100 ,2:.,,,0_..,_7 �. s --- II II 22. 00 45 77 l I l I I 1·I l GARFIELD JUAf.lITA w ! ti. A Assc I 2-so SPRING 1,) 22. od 41�00 .Jd 7.5 : i .. I ,I i I I ,a.ol "'l • .... I c �ig� I 1. 5 EXfSR , ..ER T .. A S SC 2-5. SPR .. 12 1 1 3 ;;: �i "J- , � r -1c-' 1 -s �c . ------+---t-�2�-s...0G1 £R.IB!IU2L2..1 ....o.o�.3_ Q .. f-MD_ f-MD_ OR.EJI.Ofl.--5.___ 1 1 1 01 o_Q___L...,c5__ _ I 1 ! ;- ! 22. 43 3'· I . I; I I i I I I 1 I i I l 41 50/1,i 133 .00 s.5 !WE ISER J[RCME ANOREW< A.A.' ASSc: us AID- SWAZILA N ·1 2-03 SPRI NG: 123· 22.11 41 50 l·------1----,__ �: __� ------�-+---�--�1-�2..2.11 I I i II 1 0 1

'1 1. 1 1 GOLOSM ITH W I LL lAM E A.A. ASST·'1 2-50! SPRING'' 123; 22. OQ 37 87 100.00 � ' I I I 7.5 1 22.0°' 3787 I I 47 I. I


1. 5:

! SAMONTE QU iRICG S I A.A. PROF 2- o' SPR ING 12 100. oq I s

I I 17 37 33. 33 7. SI 2-50 SPR IN 123j 7.3� 1737 ' 7.33 7 22.,...QQ 1 I I l�JhQ_l l231I 4172 I 22.0� 41 72 I I


i e---�-�-�---+---+---+'...U..LL..L-.k.L.U..lW-.ll'--'-�=_.._.._�-+-----"""'��s=P�R�1�NGll2_3L_LL�· �o 2L..- �2 �s �o�sH= :___,6�&�- �s �o'---s�.�5,,__��� MINHY JACK o A.A.I PROF · SPRIW 123 11.ogI 2sos i! 66 .51 a.s 22. 1� 5010 , i I � 1. I NELSON BRUCE K I 2-50 SPR ING 123 64 36 100. 0 I I 6436

I I 100.0Q 1. 5 I I Kll<\NSK I DOR IS I 22.00 4125 ! \ r. • Assc ·�ou o&:.ci rnd 22 .00: 4125 I l FOl!NDATI I 2-J. SPR 1231' .,,! I I · K 8.C'"=iL.A.JLLl �"" E I 1-1�-1�1 1 I I i 2-sd ' 1J 1231 22.oJ I ETH t. A.A.i ASST SPRING 3.Hi13767 j LOO.ca :: n • OQ I - I I ---·· I I I I 48

7- •) 1 SPRING TERM 1977 - REGUL11R FACULTY APPOit, T�!:NTS DEPT: EOUCATION,\L PSYCHOLOGY f\CCT: 11130 wILL IAMS WILBUR .-��:� :'::[�i��:r:�1:1:J::i::: :� 1 1 ---,--l -- I I I I 22.oaI I I5 3 0 5 7 0 i 2 2 4 6 84 1 i ---�-----�'--+---�,-.....------+--+---+-----+--+__.s,.-L. =oo�· -=��'-'------'-'-----� L A BENNE i

7.5 1 0 1 J . 22. od r-LEDERMAN E D\o/ AKD j A.A.I Assc 2-5 / SPRING/ 121 4224 j 100. 00 7. 5 , , . i 22.ooi 4224 , 0 I 00I I \ WAHi KI SHQ� 2-5 SPR ING! 1231 22.00: 4475 -+-I 10-0.0---0 ----7.5 -� I I 22. 44 75 '-+ --+- I I I : 1 ! I : ! 1 [.Nl,;r.J�. ILJ.LLI..lli.Lri.AB..RE�N-�<;-�A=· ·�A�· · �A�c; -s c ______�,___...... �2� -�5 �0,�S�P�R .9JL.!tZJ.LL.Q�O_°-L._5-_' _ __ : 1 :. _ _ 1 22.00I 4272 I i --r. ----' · 1 I 2 0 0 4 1 i l 1 I BUSHEY JA!-IES THOMAS A.A. Assr 2-50! SPRI NG! 123, 22.oJ 4175 100.00 1 .; �------+---+----+------+--+----+-----+---+-1 / -��' ·� =�· -�-1 �=5�;----��--� - I I I i so. oa I 1 ! 1. I JERNIGAN LOU! SE F , A.A. ASST 2-50' SPR INGI 123J 11.0Q 2G 52 i 5 I ! _ _ I . I 1 1.o oi 2o s2 _J

l I I I 1 I I 0 4364 1. 4364 NAU PAUL A A.A. ASSC 2-50 SPR ING 123 22.oq 1 0. OQ 5 22.001 0 " .oo 4156

10 .::io I 4 7. --·- 22.00 1 56 1 1 49



i I i S 1 I .I 1 !I ;DORNBOS SANFORD J iA.A.: A ST 2-50 SPR[ NG; 123 22.00 3721 100.00 7.5 L______-4l __j__ I 22..&CL...TIZ�l.._,.___ ...______i I I EUN O N A S S T 2 5 01 SPR I NG l 2 2 2 0 I 3 5 2 6 l OO O d 7 5 1 I I 2 0 ! -I --__ ------!- _ l�--;-----+· --__�------�------� IL� �T ER AJ.� � � � ��-- � � -_ _� I . d . . +· , 2. 9 3526 j ,, ' I 1' 50

t .,., SPR[NG TER� 1977 - REGULA� FACULTYr-, ::,. ' APPCI�THENTS. DEPT: HEAL TH-PHYS [CAL,� ED:JCAt';t;��T rG::m,;:N-! -5 01 I I 7.5 .1 .1 SAUN:JERS P. ONALD A.A.I ASST 2-50 SPRING 123 22. 00 3171 100.ooi 771 i 22.on 3 1. s I I i ------SAYEGH MATILDA A.A. ASST! 2-soi SPR ING 123' 22.00 3784 1 1co. oq 1 i,, 22.00 3784 I I) I I

1 I 1 . I 1 A. I 2- I . A..'; A SS.rt-- SQ_SPR.lfilL.l_2)L2.2_,..0_Q'_�2..J.....l_Q_Q_._QO� 22.00 36 2 9 I. I. , _ j j \ ------�---·-·I··· ------I --·--····-· -- --·- ·------� ------· · ·------·· --·------IWIXOM I i 7.5 I CHARLCTTE K A. A.! ASSTj 22.ooli 3838 i 100. 00! I I I . I I I 1 22 00'! 3838 I i - I Ii - I I i 12I -soj 1 oo. OtiI I I 1 . 5: HEMMELGARN LINDA A .A.! INST SPRING 12 3 22.�c22. 00\ 234 0 ! ! I 2340 L.l.NL._J_AC )( l A.�.! ----·-· n. I I !�Sii I I I 2-50•I Se8I�d I I I I 31 I ! I 1 2 2 2. CL-23.!t.O_l_!_o.o..c_a 7.5 II 22. oqI 2340 DEPT: 1\ CCT: · S PRING TERM 1977 - REGULAP FACUL TY APPOINTM�NTS 51 SPECIAL EDUCATION 11350 NAVA�RE GA�Y


I __, -=:.r) Q • 1 1 i ! sc J:YTr-M<:. rn111 FNTl=Rc:.. _ 2 09!

22.00 I ' 6.0 MARTI'li�ORA A.A.I ASSCl EXTEr,S ION CEt,,TERSI 2-07j SPRINC ACT 9.25 50.00 1 ' , I 1 9. 2 5i 1 2 o · I I I l I I : i 120,- � c L .ruiI _ �L -I.A.l�sc--;---. ------.--+-""'--5�0 S.ffilll.GU2.3L..OL6.0 i I . 100 i,.���--- I I 22.001 4160 I _ j I i II I I 22. oa I i I ,,.oa PALMER DAV IO E A.A.I A� 2-501 SPR I NG 100.00'I I I 123: 4891 L ___ 4891 i I 22.oaI I I I 1 I I SKORE ,..APVIN LEONARD I A. A.i ASs cl 2-50 SPR ING 1 23 4082 I 100. oa 1. � I 2 .00 I 4082 I l.11£ffi8D . 123! 2 sr, A N11s ! A. A�.s.r.l_---1 ----+--+-<-� 22.oa 4254 I 100. 00 7. 5 I '! 22.00· 4254 I I r� I I I ' EEBE �H CHAE L A.!J..;AS ST! 2-50 SPRl "IGi 123j 22.00 3366 . 100. 00 1. 5 1 I I I

CHAM�EKLAlN MARJORIE A.A. ASST/ CL COORD 1 2-04 SPRI NGI 123 16.6� 3713 100.00 8.5 I 1 b. 61. 3713 . I I ; I ! I I 1 ! I f.J:.QY NF R IDF A.A.Lssr '2-50 SPRING Jn 22. caI 4160 100.i)O 7.5 l 22.00 4160 .����--�1 ---, i �-�j �J,-...-�������I '------'-·-I -� -1------��.�-�.-- --�---�--I �---�·----�lC0. 00 i - 1 i I I I I i I I I �CCLENN�� SANORA E I .\.A.jt. SS Ti 2-so: SPR 1'4G' 123: 22.00 33869 I 7. 5 22.00I 869 I I I I I 1 ""I au"'""""'"" s ,. , • 2-su ''" 1 e,o. 123; 22.o22.00d: 3 745 II 100.oq 1.s ,5 j l 37, i - - - _�-OL.S...., _ - -..l.-. -..t-s..r:-+-· _:::::_-:_-:�-::::_-+.._-::::: -- +L l--1-' -2...-- 00-+' -3------_,.· __- - - .eru.H_ 2.3 2 �� � � �1.S.H-1..MLR£r::=cA..Lr J' G .3.8_s oo ...o o 1.- - - . ' 2 .0 3388 I I I 2 1 ! _ I _ ' ______HOOGH EE F L;� r ___ R 0 _ _ _ _ 4+-SP l �� -1 -+. --:-:-:-�--�;-��: l OO--OOi��- S L S rCL WO 2 0 R 2 ���: 8:. 5� ������= _ . _ j � � : _ � _ _ _ 52



I· • J. . I . . �· I I I I! I 22. O(.iI 4618 l I 1 I _I I I I I i 2-5 1.J I 0 I OELCI\MPO ROflERT l I A. . ASS T! , SPRI llG 1231 22.0,,_ "I0 3538 100 . oo: A i I 323-6 I I oq 1co.0 I 1 I 1 1 MOORE SARAH E A •.4. ASST Z- 5o! SPRI NG 1 23 22. 34 b5 �> !- 1 22.0� 3465 . ·- I 00. CO! · • 1 !I 1. 1 i ! I 551 '14l ') G 'd:1.iO fl I Hl I ··+ I 2-50 SPR ING 123 7 ::>. 0( 22.00 34 19 I · 1 I r l:""°" I i_ I : I I 14.67 I 7.5 i lwILLISTOl\l JUO ITH C A.A.1I ASST 2-50 SPRING! 123 2443 66. 6 7. Ii 14. 6 7: 2443 I i l i I I I I I I V1JUNG ! 7.5 PrlYLlIS A:H,J I A . A.i INST SPRI NG! 12 3! 14.61: l1Q48 q,,g 66 .67! I I r I I . 6 7; ' I 1 4 i I I I I 12-51 I I I 53


i I r..ssrl 1 ! I � , fl . A. I ' 2-50 SPRI NG! 123 22.0 3677 ! 1co. od 7. 5 I HANAMEY RO SEMARY 8.5 I A.A.! ASSTIi! PLAN B 2-0 3 SPRI NG! 2s.oo: 4375 ! 100.00. I I 25- 0 ' 'A....!!.....; r I .. Q i ETT f' ABGAPET K l i_o---3.!t_ I 22.0 34 19

SCHEFFER BA� BARA K 100. 00 7.5 1 1 e. s I i ?' I ! SPR !�JG: L I i SCHMIDT CHERYL K j A.A.iI , INST PLAN B 2-03I 1 2 25. 00 3739 100. 00 i I I I 25.oo; 37)9 ! - i I - 2 -!H>l.__s__e__lUN c! 123 2 2.0.0 ---3..M Q..J__J__Q_o_._Q_Q_L �C_H�� I Ii i I . i I I: I A ._.A_• ..Ll.NST, ! ! I 22.00 30-30 I J I I 2s.od too.oo I i ' I I 8.5 tKJL BERT BETTY I A.A./ INSTi PLAN B I 2-021 SPRING! 123, 3500 I I I I 25. 00 3500 I I I l 54



I 41 25 I ?'i. . IL.MA..Rl.AN.NE l�.ALLLfu� I_J...O.O.J ; ' 2-J SPRlNC 2s.o,,ja 3. S!' I 4125 I L..... I I ' 1 ·- A . A . B I 25.0C 3 5 00 100.0 8.5 = I HANS EN RUT H .\NN I ASST PL AN SPRI NG 9 2- 0::i! ''i...QQ 3500 I i \ I t 1 oo. ooi -- c 'I 22. oc MAC DONALD - M A.A. 123 3455 7. '5 22.00 3455 I - - ' ASS 2-So' SPP.I NG II I '.)'.).QQ I i ,. <; t;.T I , <;DO l.M_r.-1 I ?Cl i

'.)_,:;() �YS" n. c «, �n, t...A 3Q6.J) Z, 2 22.00 I l.JQ.�I ! I 3080 1I I I 55


I 100.oa JENN INGS GEP ALD l A.A. PROF i i I : I I sd1 I I j j' 1. - -- '-- -l- � f----+ -+- -'- -+- -+- --+ -, �i ___ l Kuwt K PAUL -CAVI- o - A.A.- Asse--t ------2-so; SPR-- ING' -t23' --16. --3295 --1s. od ----s, _ 16.so 3295 I i 11 "- "'r -" n . R I 1 ;, I I I � -t-=��-"-+--______-i---+ '--�" ='t-, �"-P= �T!�� '·1- ...� _-,.T, __..; ...... ,;:�; :;�; lnlL�no_ '· 1 , 1 ! ,-- f--- 1 1 l PAOELFOP.D-----��----+- 1-!AROLD Eowl A.A.I Assc PUN c -+--+--�,2-02 SP ING!�---�"��"'-1----+---t-a.'3 �- R 123 2s.oc 5634 100 .00 • I , ?5.0C 5,-,-,_4 l, 1 123· . I j 1 I1 NELSON HE� BERT L A.A. ASSl 2-50i SPRING' 22. ocI 3676 , 100.oOIi 7.5--�� 22.oQ 3676 r, =-""-"+-_,, -"- ..__

AS.sil______I' 1 _ '..ROilLALERE.D___LHARLES_L_ LA,. I +---+J.'- "n c;p_R_J_NJ .... 231 ....._ __.z 2 �0L22L'i o.�Ll _ _ I I iI I I I 22.00: 3822 I iI I I t I .I I i I I i ! J i WEEKS JOf-CN A A.A..I ASST, 2-50 SPRING 123 22.0Q 4042 100.00 7.:, I I I I I ---+--+---� il- ��2_2 �. 0 0=!_4�0�4�2�!i i _ ___, ______I I I i � i I 3669 WILSON HERBERT HUGH A.A. ASST 2-so SPRING 12,i 22.o22.04QI 36 9 100.ooi 7.5 I 1 , l 6 I

DEPT: :�f.OI.\ SE RVI CES ACCT: 14450 nLU� OK FRED 56

- ACCT: DEPT: FRED SPRING TERM 1977 REGULAR FACULTY APPO INH-t:::HS - GEiHRAL L IBt RAPY .._,._ 1-· ;...· ··.:;..'-l, .1,.,:.. ·-- ·- ::. "4f. ,. ,, .·i-..1: .1 ...... _._,.:�� �...... ,,_,;, .... ��,.\ .·,.J.: � ...... t. �.- -..j"" � ...... � .. . 1 · :.�.· ·--� � .· ... ·� ... .:::1 �-,t''.'*f\1510":'.��!!'-�,0 :�:1;,BL,71iUM r·A�?,��-r,.:,-;:,�r, .. . 2;•�� ·r. /<.!'! t�'1�!·,m::t:;:,r1-c ,tr'"jl't;WI'l'r\·"�'�'""" '1r·£··l tt"Z.41\jr'�"<:''"' \ .··.··,,·,·r,,,�·.�:2�7,;4 :;,;-;,;;q..';:',jfoffi;J' J;li.ti#;;\-ii�·... u-;.. �.;1tl..J� ;&i+'!"'::l�l..,l;'.lam.v.i�&n?il'"'"'"; ���,. , ---a.:.�,i,..'.1 ...iil I I .-.,ai: gr 2 I I · I I I I I r" 1 .5 . . 2-01. , : l.tAf.l.S!::lAI I .I A.t..leROE 1 <;PRrnr. "7._o_ct_ _s.o� i QQ.._J� 22. 0 5005 ! I I I K 1I I A.A. 3�65 7.5 '4AXF IELD GRACE I ASSC- 2-SC SPR ING 123 22.0n.QQ0 39ss 100 .00 1 1 I I I j l I I SELBY CAROL F A.A. ASSC 2- so SPRING 123· 22.od 3699 100. 00 7.5 22.00: 36'19 -- ?- ',() I gf',j� 10 O.J)iL_J . 'i �-UIDBE:i I ,,.,,I! A .A.I AS<;T I '7<',Q I M 1 I <;eB.J.!iGI 77.0() : I i 22.00 2750 1 I I 0( ! ' A A. ! 7.5 "" . l :>,. '10117 BECI< MAR Y CLARE A SST! 2-so SPRlNG 123 22.od 3087 100.00! i j I II '! v ! A.A. I BRAZELL TRCY ASST 2-50 SPRING 123! 22.00 2858 100.00 7.5 2858 22.09 ! _L I I �.ERA.J:!AY...'lE.L,14 i A . A. I?� i ' - r.l'LSE.!UH.G n J_ Q_ .8.1. ..!_lJlO...... O_L_L s AS<;TI 2 22.0�I I 3087 : I I I Ii - i I R ' I $PR [ G DELGADO HANNELOq_E j A.A. ! Assrl 2-50 N 123 22. oa, 3162 100. 00 7.5 22..&Q' 3162 I - I I I i EIDE I J I 7.5 MARGARET ANN A.A. ASST 2-sol SPRING 1231 22.00 3227 100.00 / ' I I I 2-sol In! 22.oJ22. 0� 3227 lI c.o.....o.a I 3419 I I 34 19 I i i r'"" JliYL A WII MrSStl 1 I I SeRINci I Il I I 22. oq I I I I I I 1.1 �· I :'-U TT I , I I I - . I I 3072 i I r j 7:?. 0.0 I E L MA M I I 2-sJ SPRING 1 23! 22.odI 100.ool 7.5 A.A.,I ASSTII I I 3072 ! , I i I i I ' ! I ! II I I I I I I I M I 2- 50! I I i ! I .oo: I I 7. I Wl LKl NS CN HELEN f't:i-. I SPRI NG!I 123: 22.22 00I 3157 100. 00 �I I I I I 3157 I _! ' '.I i ; �r-• � ' iI I I i I I II : i ' I i i I A. Ai,+j ' 22.00 11I 57 I. · S?Rl�G TERM 1 977 - REGULAR FACULTY APPOINT�EN TS 7-01 DEPT:�":;;.:: ::':-.·::�EXTE ,,.· .••NSIO-;:.:- .-<···N ;,iCE{l--NT�11ERS SPR�m&lNG1 tViHSiL1�3rm,�mmr1m2.t.m'®+

I :_.ao I so.oo ! sw sej:

9.2 9 680 .




DEPT: 1 1 MOTT-CENTER FOR COMMUNITY EDUCAT ION lq 76-1977 !E 1 ACCT: Z8747 MlNZEY J '9EE�IBIE3�J �=-�t ti ;!:r57-01y: 1 1 1 -<;; 'j"- r--- lP�BuI�N�Gtj �1 �2 3!�1u.1 - 0o91· 25o5 !--'o�6�·�5�D �-' S�E-E�:_E_-rn_u lilNlLE:Y_J.All:.K..Jl..���1,-A,..A..µ�1.EJ-'�'--������tl�-t--�--t,__,'l 4 ����� ���� I 2 05 I I 5 ! I

A., BOE • ! i I - I I I 22.17 6281 i �;::x R SH.t� I I I I l I I ! I I I ! p I I I i I I i nI CUF. I 133.00 A.A. PROF I 1231 I I ?ORRETTA LOU rs I SPRING i 22. 17 51445144 ! SH: I 22. l - ...... l 22.11 ---A. A. - ASSC SPR ING 12:: 4150 133. oqI WE I SER JERO�E ANDREW 22. 1 71 4150 SEE: CUK I t I I Motion carried. I -. -- ---· 58


Regent Smith moved and Regent Ullrich seconded that pursuant to the recent faculty arbitration award, the following promotions be granted, effective September 2, 1975: From To Bushey, James Assistant Prof. $18,975 Associate Prof. $19,649 Compton, Gail Associate Prof. 19,971 Professor 20,759 Franks, Thomas Assistant Prof. 16 556 Associate Prof. 16,613 Lindenberg, Karen Assistant Prof. 17,s 144 Associate Prof. 17 ,201 Yahrmatter, Arthur Assistant Prof. 18,4 21 Associate Prof. 18,477 Vice President Magee reported this faculty arbitration award was granted because he was going under a different assumption than he should have. Motion carried. 59

.1779 M APPOINTMENTS Regent Smith moved and Regent Dyer seconded that the Appointments be approved.

Facul ty Effective A 1ek soff, Mary Lecturer 40% Occup Therapy Spr $ 950 5··2-77 Aronson, Richard Lecturer 50% Curr/Instruction Spr 900 5-2-77 Barach, George Assoc Prof Continuin9 Education Spr 680 5-5-77 Belskus, Albert Assoc Prof Continuing Education Fall $180-only 9-5-76 Birleson, Cl ifford Assoc Prof Curriculum/Instruction Wntr $lj8-only 2/15,17/77 25% Curr/Instruction Spr 720 5-4-77 Bond, Jean Exch. Prof Curriculum/Instruction Spr 1901) 5-2-77 Enqlish 25% Continuinq Ed _ Spr 680 Brinkerhoff, Leslie Grad Assist 50% Socioloqy t1ntr 1500 1-3-77 Buckeye, Dona 1d Professor 25% Continuing Ed �fntr 680 2-22-77 Cavanaugh, Patric Professor 25% Continuing Ed Hntr 720 1-1.7-77 Coyner, Joe Jl.ssis t Prof 50% Continuina Ed Spr 720 5-4-77 Delprato, Dennis Assoc Prof 25% Continuing Ed Wntr 720 1-24-77 Eldersveld, Barbara Lecturer 27% Student Teaching Hntr 350 2-28-77 Fl etcher, Kath 1een Lecturer 25% Student Teaching Hntr 1250 12-27-76 Ginther, John Professor 25% Continuina Ed Wntr 680 3-15-77 Glimps, Steele Lecturer 25% Student' Teaching - Hntr 1250 12-27-76 Goldsmith, William Assist Prof 25% Continuina Ed Spr 680 57'2-77 Green, Jeffrey Grad Jl.ssist 100% Political Science Hntr 750 2-14-77 Gwa 1tney, Thomas Professor Curriculum/Instruction Spr 4583 5-2-77 Hoexter, ·Robert Assoc Prof 25% Continuin9 Ed Wntr $300-only Jahn, Harvey Lecturer Education Hntr $65-only 2-24-77 Substituting

Coll ins, Linda Lecturer 50% Grad Faculty Reserve Hntr 1000 2-14-77 60

Appointments - continued Faculty Effective Johnson , Thomas Assoc Prof 50% ORIS Spr $2547. 16 5-2-77

I Johnson, Sharon Grad Assist Grad Dean s Of c. Wntr . 1031 2-7-77 Jones, Vernon Assoc Prof Continuing Education Wntr $56.67-only 1-26-77 Juster, Marie Lecturer 20% Admin. Serv/Bus. Ed. Wntr 900 1-4-77 Kazmierski, Stanley Lecturer Industrial Education Spr 2794 5-2-77 Krebs, Robert Professor 25% Continuing Ed Spr 720 5-4-77 MacDonald, Alister Assist Prof 25% Continuing Ed Wntr 420 2-21-77 Substitutins MacDonald, M. Catherine Assist Prof 100% Occup Therapy Spr 3455 5-2-77 Martin, Nora Assoc Prof Continuing Education Spr 720 5-3-77 McCarthy, Dennis Grad Assist Student Teaching Spr 610 5-2-77 Mccreery, Patricia Grad Assist 50% Sociology Wntr 1500 1-3-77 Monsma, Charles Consultant Consumer Education Summer 1346 7-19-76 Moore, Noel Assoc Prof 25% Continuing Ed Spr 720 5-2-77 Neeb, Leon Assoc Prof 25% Continuing Ed Spr 720 5-2-77 Oltmans, Richard Assist Prof Curriculum/Instruction Fall $25-only 11-18-76 Pedersen, Eric Assoc Prof 25% Continuing Ed Wntr 680 1-1 2-77 Piper, Aaron Lecturer 20% Sociology Wntr 900 12-27-76 Russell, Carol Lecturer 25% Special Ed Wntr 788 2-3-77 St. John, Barbara Lecturer Curriculum/Instruction Spr 2000 5-2-77 Saulsberry, Dorothy Lecturer 58% Student Teaching · Wntr 1760 2-21-77 17% Curr/Instruction Wntr 515 Schaeffer, Richard Grad Assist 50% Sociology Wntr 1500 1-3-77 Schooler, Douglas Assist Prof 25% Continuing Ed Wntr 680 1-1 2-77 Scott, Jean Assist Prof 25% Continuing Ed Spr 720 5-2-77 Sperling, William Assist Prof 25% Continuino Ed Wntr 720 1-13-77 Continuing Ed Wntr $60-only 1-25-77 Turner, Ellen Lecturer 50% Center Ed Resources Wntr 1512.50 2-7-77 MacMahan, Horace Professor 50% Geography/Geography Spr 2200.88 5-2-77 Pinti, Huqo Lecturer 25% Continuina Ed Wntr 760 1-20-77 61

Appointments - continued

-- Facultt Effective --- - - Vielhaber, Mary Instructor 50% Management Spr $1513 5-2-77 Walenta, Mary Ellen Lecturer 19% Student Teaching Wntr 950 12-27-76 Watkins, Georgalee Lecturer 9% Student Teaching Wntr 450 12-27-76 Warren, Virginia Lecturer 70% Student Teaching Wntr 2020 2-14-77 HPER Wntr $90 2/21,2 2,24/77 Substitute Wescott, John Assoc Prof 25.% Continuing Ed Hntr 720 1-11-77 �Jilson, Herbert Assist Prof 25% Continuing Ed Wntr 680 1-13-77 Wittke, Reinhard Professor History/Philosophy Wntr 23 1-16-77 Substituting Ylisto, Ingrid Professor 25% Continuing Ed Spr 680 5-3-77 Young, Beth Lecturer 25% Student Teaching Hntr 1250 12-27-76 Zambito, Stephen Professor 25% Continuing Ed Spr 720 5--4-77

Staff Banisafar, Janice CS-3 Senior Clerk/Typist Home Economics 6682 1-31-77 Consumer Ed Project Grant expires 6-30-77 Beerbaum, Lois AP-10 Director Human Services 12 mos 22,000 3-1-77 Medical Technology Gillman, Joan 50% CS-1 Clerk Snow Heal th Center 2425 1-17-77 Expires 6-30-77 Guerrero, Jaime AP-6 Admissions Admissions 12 mos 9729 2-14-77 Officer Hayward, Richard S-3 Safety Officer Public Safety 12 mos 9200 2-6-77 Lubowicki, Shareal 50% AP-5 Coordinator Special Ed 12 mos 4729 1-17-77 Educational Materials Macek, Mary CS-1 Clerk Cashier's Office 12 mos 5820 2-28-77 Post, Maribeth CS-2 Clerk/Typist Special Education 2201 2-21-77 Grant expires 6-30-77 Speers, Mary 50% AP-7 Assistant Consumer Ed Center 7950 1-31-77 Director Expires 8-8-77

Chapelle, Andrew AP-5 News Reporter Information Services 12 mos 9931 2-28-77 Schoolmaster, Donald AP-7 Lab Services Chemistry 12 mos 11 ,367 2-16-77 Specialist (FTE) Motion carried. 62

.1780 M SEPARATIONS Regent Smith moved and Regent Ullrich seconded that the Separations be approved.

Staff Effective Brewer , Nancy 50% CS-3 Secretary Economics 2-2-77 Quit tt/o notice Chant, Carol CS-4 Secre ta ry I I Hoyt Conference 2-7-77 Persona 1 Center Dufour, Rose Ann CS-5 Senior Secretary Mathematics 2-25-77 Resigned Frye, Larry FM-6 Custodian Housing 2-2-77 Discharged Kashefi, Abolghassam H1-10 Custodian Physical Plant 2-6-77 Discharged Kier, Cathy CS-3 Secretary Bilin�ual Pro9ram 2-11-77 Other position Foreign Languages . Marti 1 otti, Thomas AP-7 Assist Football Coach Athletics 4-1-77 Persona 1 Mathews, Gloria CS-7 Executive Secretary V/P & Executive Assist 2-2-77 Leaving area to the President Newcol'lb, Ha 11ace CS-4 Supervising Clerk University Bookstore 2-25-77 Other position Oyer, Imogene PG-1 Food Service Helper Food Service 2-21-77 Health Tusciuk, Sarah Anne CS-4 Senior Account Clerk Accounting 2-25-77 Other posit ion Hheatley, Thomas AP-7 Assist Footba 11 Coach Athletics 3- 1-77 Other posit ion Workman , Jane CS-2 Cashier Parkinq_ 2-18-77 Return to school 53 Separations - continued

Retirements - Faculty Effective Myers , A 11en. Professor-Emeritus Special Education 6-30-77

Retirements - Staff I Kersey, K�nneth AP-5 Supervisor Physical Plant 2-28-77 McCormick, William M-21 General Maintenance Physical Plant 6-30-77 Meulman, Joseph FM-10 Custodian Physical Plant 2-1 8-77 Pete, Phillip FM-10 Custodian Custodial 2-28-77

Motion carried. 64

.1781 M CHANGES OF STATUS Regent Smith moved and Regent Dyer seconded that the Changes of Status be approved.

Staff Andrews, Robert Be changed from AP-9 Budget Analyst to AP-10 Manaaer, · Service Operations, at a salary of $22,197, for 12 months, effective 2-28-77. Be,,ier , �,1arion Be changed fror., CS-5 Senior Secretary at 75% to CS-5 Senior Secretary at 100% in Continuing Education , at a salary of $10,928, for 12 months, effective 1-31-77 . Bissonnette, Jeanne Be changed from temporary to FM-1 Food Service Helper in Food Service, at a salary of $3 .89 per hour, for Fall and Winter, effective 2-21-77. Bock, Ralph Be changed from AP-9 Manager, Conference Center, to Layoff Status, effective 2-4-77 . Coxford , He 1 en Be chanoed from CS-3 Account Clerk to CS-4 Senior Account Clerk in the Cashier's Office, at a salary of $8591, for 12 months, effective 2-28-77. Davis, Fay Be chan0ed from CS-4 Senior Account Clerk to CS-5 Senior Secretary in Continuing Education, at a sal ary of $10,761, for 12 months, effective 1-3-77. Davis, Jack Be changed from FM-21 Skilled Tradesperson to FM-1 2 Grounds Leader in the Physical Plant, at a salary of $4. 95 per hour , for 12 months, effective 2-28-77. · Goble, Dorse Be changed fron FM-21 Skilled Tradesperson to FM-8 Grounds Attendant in the Physical Plant, at a salary of $4. 70 per hour, for 12 �onths, effective :2-28-77. Gri.ffin, P.G. Be changed from FM-6 Custodian to "FM-10 Group Leader­ Custodian in the Physical Plant, at a salary of $4 .57 per hour , for 12 months, effective 9-14-75. Grillo, Ann Be changed from temporary to f.\P-6 Admissions Officer in Admissions.Office, at a salary of $9729, for ·1 2 months, effective 2-7-77. Gurk, Kathleen Be chanqed from CS-1 Clerk to CS-3 Senior Clerk in Financial Aids, at a salary of $6682, for 12 months, effective 2-7-77. Changes of Status - continued

Staff Hawks, Nathan Be changed from FM-10 Driver Warehouseman to FM-11 Food Stores Driver, Warehouseman in Food Service, at a salary of $4.90 per hour, for 12 months, effective 3-14-77 . McCoy, Derious Be changed from FM-21 Ski 11ed Tradesperson to FM-10 Group Leader-Custodial in the Physical Plant, at a salary of. $4. 77 per hour, for 12 months, effective 2-28-77. McViccar, Arthur Be changed from FM-6 Custodian in Account #18820 to FM-6 Custodian in McKenny Union Maintenance, · at a salary of $4.56 per hour, for 12 months, effective 3-7-77. Merriman, .Mary Be changed from temporary to CS-1 Clerk in the Snow Health Center, at a salary of $5820, for Fall and Winter, effective 1-17-77. Meyer, Barbara Be changed from temporary to CS-1 Clerk in Snow Health Center, at a salary of $5820, for Fal l and Winter, effective 1-17-77. Nanry, John Be changed from FM-13 Motor Vehicle Operator to FM-15 Senior Motor Vehicle Operator in the Physical Plant, at a salary of $5. 09 per hour, for 12 months, effective 1-30-77. Stanley, Shirley Be changed from .temporary to CS-1 Clerk in the Snow Health Center, at a salary of $5820, for Fal l and Hinter, effective 1-17-77. Tye, Susan Be changed from CS-3 Secretary to CS-4 Secretary II in Personnel, at a salary of $7808, for 12 months, effective 2-14-77. Vanderh�ven, Gerardus Be changed from FM-21 Skil led Tradesperson to FM-10 Group Leader-Custodial in the Physical Plant, at a salary of $4.77 per hour, for 12 months, effective 2-28-77. · Waters, C. Madge Be changed from CS-3 Senior Clerk-Typist to CS-4 Secretary II in Occupational Therapy, at a salary of $9824, for 12 months, effective 1-6-77. Wil l iams, Julius Be changed from temporary to FM-6 Custodian in the Physical Plant, at a salary of $4. 35 per hour, for 12 months, effective 1-31-77. "66 Changes of Status - continued


Gd nbergs, Egi 1s Graduate Assistant Chemistry From: 50% Graduate Assistant To: 100% Graduate Assistant Salary : $1125 Effective: 1-31-77 Winter 1977 Semester

Hoexter, Robert Associate Professor From: 58% Curriculum and Instruction 42% Student Teaching To: 100% Sick Leave Reserve Account Effective: 2-14-77

Rankin, Joanne Associate Professor Mathematics From : $16,225 To : $17,125 $900 adjustment for completion of Ph.D. Effective : 1-2-77

Motion carried. 67

.1782 M LEAVES OF ABSENCE Regent Smith moved and Regent Dyer seconded that the Leaves of Absence be approved.

Staff Bay 1is , Marie FM-9 First·cook in Food Service, be granted an extended medical leave of absence , without pay , from 1-13-77 through 4-13-77. Brown , Maxine FM-6 Custodian in the Physical Plant , be granted a medical leave of absence , without pay ; from 2-1 7-77 through 5-1 7-77. Compton, Michael FM-6 Custodian in the Physical Plant, be granted a medical leave of absence, without pay , from 1-24-77 through 3-28-77. Cook Susie FM-6 Custodian in McKenny Union , be granted a leave of absence due to compensable injury , effe.ctive 2-11 -77. Hoffman, Mary CS-5 Senior Secretary in Industrial Education , be granted a maternity leave of absence, without pay , from 1-19-77 through 4-19-77. Kean, Mark FM-6 Custodian in the Physical Plant, be granted a medical leave of absence, without pay, from 1-27-77 through �-27-77. LaBerge, Marie FM-5 Second Cook in Food Service, be aranted a leave of absence due to tompensable injury from 2-3-77. Makarewich, Barbara CS-4 Suoervisina Clerk in Academic Services Center be �ran�ed an eaucational leave of absence, without pay: from 5-2,-77 through 5-2-78. Mccreery , Patricia 50% CS-1 Library Assistant I in Center of Education-al Resources, be granted an educational leave of absence, without pay, from 2-7-77 through 5-8-77. Moran , Diane CS-3 Senior Clerk in Financial Aids be granted an extended c�ild care leave of absence, without pay , from 1-16-77 to 4-15-77. 68 Leaves of Absence - continued

Staff Orr, Barbara FM-1 Food Service Helper in Food Service, be granted a leave of absence due to compensable injury, effective 10-29-76. Pete, Phi 11i p FM-10 Group Leader Custodian in the Physical Plant, be granted an extended medical leave of absence, without pay, from 12-30-76 through 3-30-77. Speer , Ann CS-5 Senior Library Assistant in Center of Educational Resources, be granted a maternity leave of absence, without pay, from 2-28-77 through 5-28-77. Swikoski, Wendy FM-4 Housekeeper in the Physical Plant, be granted a child care leave of absence, without pay, from 1-11-77 through 4-1 1-77. Topa, Mildred FM-9 First Cook in McKenny Food Service, be granted a medical leave of absence, without pay, from 1-24-77 through 4-24-77. Williams, Lillie FM-2 Assistant Cook in Food Service, be granted a medical leave of absence, without pay, from 2-1 4-77 to 5-1 4-77.

Motion carried. 69

Chairman Robb asked Regent Rush for the Student Affairs Conmittee report.

Regent Rush reported that at the February 10th meeting they reviewed further recommended changes in the Student Employment Grievance Procedure. This was referred to administration and the Personnel and Student Employment Offices for recommendations at the April meeting. A report was given on the status of Student Government's resolution requesting a uniform University Academic Grievance system. Student Body President Anita Regalado reported that the Vice President for Academic Affairs is handling this concern and developing a code of academic ethics as well as uniform grievance procedures. A new seat was established on the Student Affairs Committee for a minority student representative to be selected jointly by Student Government and the Minority Affairs Office. There was also a review and discussion of the University Goals and Objectives especially as they relate to the Division of Student Affairs. The April 14th Student Affairs Committee meeting will be held in the residence halls. Invitations were sent to all Board members and their spouses and a copy is being distributed at this meeting. Regent Rush encouraged all Board members to attend this meeting which will afford an opportunity to meet and talk with the newly elected, and the out-going student leaders. The meeting will begin at 5 p.m. in Dining Commons III. Later they will join the Residence Hall Association and others for dinner and participate in a ceremony installing their new officers. There will be many opportunities for discussing areas of mutual interest with students and staff, as well as for touring various facilities. Also, Regent Rush reported, at that meeting action was taken on a motion requesting the Student Affairs Committee to support the Board consideration of a hearing for Thomas Edding's appeal. There was considerable discussion on whether it was appropriate for the Student Affairs Committee to take such action. The motion was approved and they are appreciative of that consideration. Another motion discussed by the Committee was that it reconsider that section of the Student Conduct Code and Judicial Structure dealing with the Dean of Students making an appeal following the decision of the UJB. The motion passed and the Student Body President indicated that Student Government would request the time appropriate for placing it on the Board agenda.


Chairman Robb thanked Regent Rush and asked Regent Ullrich for the report of the Faculty Affairs Committee.

Regent Ullrich reported that the Faculty Affairs Committee met the night before the Board meeting at which time they heard several reports. (1) Report from the Faculty Assembly (2) Report on admission standards which was referred to Academic Affairs for further study (3) Report on AAUP activities and their interest in a retirement dinner. They are awaiting Vice President Magee's advise as to how the Board should participate (4) Discussed the Distinguished Faculty Awards. · Vice President Magee is screening these and Bert Greene is the chairman of the committee (5) Discussed the Distinguished Fellowship Program and the need for expansion in this program (6) Discussed the Goals of the University. It is their plan to review all the goals that were approved. Regent McCormick complimented Regent Ullrich on his work with this committee saying the development of this committee has been well worthwhile. Regent Dyer discussed a new schedule for reports going to the Board. After some discussion it was agreed a cut down on paperwork will be a welcome change. Hopefully, it will eliminate some of the burdensome load of reading materials, and leave more time for other items to be considered. Regent Smith reported that the Board should take action today on the honorary -- degrees that are to be awarded at the Spring Commencement, which is April 16. President Brickley announced that honorary degrees will be awarded to: Joe Stroud...... Commencement Speaker and Editor of Detroit Free Press Ross Wilhelm.... Professor of Business Economics, University of Michigan Louis Simpson... Poet and Professor of English, Chairman Robb stated he would like to announce to the media that the open meeting legislation does go into effect before the next Board meeting, and the Board finds no problem with it. The dates and times of all meetings of the Board can be obtained from the Secretary to the Board. The next Board meeting will be April 20, 1977; study session at 11:00 a. m. and formal meeting at 1:15 p.m. , and everyone is welcome to both sessions.

Meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Docno�:f:£,.JJ ·++ d