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An Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner TUESDAY May 5, 1998. • • Volume 124 THE Number 50 Non-Profit Org. U. S. Postage Paid Newark, DE Permit No. 26 250 Student Center• University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 Hearing Alcohol grant reveals called effective BY RYAN CORMIE R "It used to be that we sat in ,\t/onagmL: Nt'II 'S &litor c lassrooms and meetings ;;t nd people details With last mo nth' s riot o n Elkton would blow their s moke on you and Road fresh in the minds of students and nobocl) would say anything." he said. admini strators. some are questioning B\' CHARLES DOUGlELLO, BETSY LOWTHER ''All o f a sudden now, you sec whether the university has succeeded in AND APRIL CAPOC HrNO everybody smoking outside and alcohol Ne11 ·, Eduors changing the "culture o f alcohol .. on has to do the same thing - we need to campus with the Robctt Wood Johnson see that same societal shift." WILMI GTON - Sitting calmly in a bright Foundation gram it received in 1996. 1l1c preliminary i mprovemems from orange Gander Hill prison unifo rm, Donald A. Flagg 1l1e uni versit y is now 18 months into the grant also stem from a revamped listened to a detective recount the details of the April its five-year battle against its image as a judicial system. 20 murder of Amhony J. Puglisi Jr. and the subsequent ·'party school" in conjunction with the If a student is brought up on alcohol kidnapping o f hi s wife. Debra, during Flagg' s $700.()()() grant. <mu administrators now abuse charges <Uld is brought before the preliminary hearing M onday in the Coun of Common have prelimi nmy stati st ics which show judicial system, the parents of the student Pleas. some progress is being made. are now notified of the infraction. Commissioner Arlene C o ppadge ruled that there The universi ty ' s first I 2-month "We never did that before." Roselle was enough probable cause that Flagg commilled the planning stage ended in ovember ;md said. ·'and frankly. parents have leverage crimes to hold him over for trial. the university is now six months into its that the uni versity doesn't have- car Mark Conner, the prosecutor in the Flagg case. said implemented plan. said Timothy Brooks. keys a11d money ... the next step in this case is a grand jtuy decision to dean of students. bring forn1al charges against Flagg, but he did not Brooks said the attempt to curb binge see UD page A4 know when the grand jury will get the case. drinking on campus is showing early Prosecutors have said the Flagg case is eligible for signs of success. the death penalty. but arc not saying what sentence [n the past six months. compared to they wi II seck. Roselle on the same six-month period last year. State police searched Flagg's home on Friday for vandalis m is down 43 percent in the blood stains and collected bags of fiber. but wou ld not residence halls, which Brooks auributes say what they found. Police officials arc looking for to the suicter penalties for drinking. drinking evidence that may connect Flagg to other cri mcs Also. he said. alcohol overdoses on commillcd in the area. BY RYAN CORMIER cmnpus declined from47 to 4 1 incidents. Managing Ne,"l:."i Edam· Police said they were also reviewing their unsolved Even though the decline is small. he Presi dent David P. Ros.e lle has cases to sec if Flagg could be a suspect in any of them. said. ''It 's a stan." once again pointed a linger at ll1e A state police source said the investi gation included Brooks explained the gmnt is not anti parents of students as a cause for the the murders o f Glasgow rc>idcnt Virginia H. Jillson in THE REVIEW/ John Chabalko dtinking or a crackdown on underage 1997. Bo nita D. J; nes in 199-1. at;d the 1990 fatal inordinate amount of binge d1inking Donald A. Flagg is escorted from the Wilmington courthouse after his hearing Monday. drinking - it is. he said. an auempt to which occurs on cmnpus. shooting ofCharlolle E. Murphy Soto. Following the curb hinge dtinking. hearing. Flagg's lawyer. pub li c defender Bre ndan Flagg told pol ice he left his house on Ap1il 20 intent children and God kept her alive while she was held Where there is the most abuse of "We arc not concerned about one drinking by children, is in those o· eil. said, "Today Mr. Flagg took the first step in a on kidnapping someone. capti ve. person s ipping a beer in their dorm long jo urney thro ugh the cout1 system." He refused to "He had seen Mrs. Puglisi and liked what he saw ... She also thanked the New Castle County Poli ce parts of the country where there is room: · he said. "We are concemed with the mosl abuse of drinking by comment fun her on the ca.o,c . Grego!)' said. '·He thought she was pretty." Department as well as everyone who had kept th e someone dtinking I 0 beers in a ro' and parents,' ' he said. ·That should not Du1ing the hearing. Detccti'c: Domenick Grcg01y Flagg also told police the g un used to s hoot Puglisi family in their thoughts and prayers. then vandalizing the donns ... surprise anybocly ... of C\\ Castle County Po lice said he had been called Anthony was in a closet at his house. Gr..:gory said. "111C outpollling of Jove and support following the President David P. Roselle said he Rosell e said the "culture of to the Pu2l i; i ho me at 2 A1imna State Dri ve at about 7 A search of Fla2!(s house revealed a Smith and horror which began o n that Monday afternoon has was pleased with the prcliminmy results alcohol" begins at home. p.m. on Aptil ~0. There. he said. Anthon) Pug li si wa~ Wesson and several 3R-caliher been ovcn,·he lming and has helped us find the 3R-cal ihcr~;cv o l ver and echoed Brooks· statemcm that the " [t's just true,' he said. "Like fo und dead in the rn.astcr bedroom after being 'hot lead. non-jacketed rounds like the one used in the strength to now begin the healing process ... Debra grant' s sole pufl.lOSe was to curb binge father, like son." once at close range between the eyc:s. murder o f Anthon). Othcr it ems sei1.cd include a >tated. drin!...ing. Roselle. however. said he did not When police located Debra a week later. she had bedcover from Puglist' s home used in the atx.luction. She said she was uncomfortable being called a " If you take care of a drunk. mean to imply that the parents of bruises on her face. a broken toe. and bruising. rope. clothing and boots .. he said. "hero" and wanted to be sure everyone knew what a throwing- up roommate o nce. OK. university students are themselves swelling and scaning on her wrists and ankles from Und<rr questioning by the defense. Gregory said loving man her husband was. Twice. all ri ght. But once we get up to binge drinkers. being tied up. he said . that Flagg never attempted to conceal his identity to 'The real family hero is not with us today ... she I 0 or 15 times. it is time to say. ·Enough. "[[ vour kid come here and gets '·Her hands were t" icc the si ~e of their normal Debra hy wearing a mask o r using a false name. stated. "nor will he ever be again ... This is impacting on the quality of my blitzed every Thurs day through site." Gregory said. Gregot)' abo said that when police atTested Flagg at Hudson said Puglisi is consideri ng tiling a civil lilc - I don't like it and I'm not going to Tuesday night, I don't think hi s dad The preliminary hearing also revealed details of C hrysler. lte did not resist or cause any problems. law>uit al!ainst Flag£. take it anymore. Get out. ... he said. is ho me doing the same thing.'' he Flagg's interview with Greg\>f)'. after th..: Lk fcndanl The Puglisi famil) has declined to personally "Righ~ now " .;-don't want to interfere with the The fight against binge d1inking has said. " I mean to say if kids grow up was atTested by police on Aptil 2-1. comment. but o n Ftiday the family' s lawyer. Bruce L. ctimin;l prosecution of the case," Hudson said. to occur not only on college campuses. in a culwre of alcohol. where it is "He ad' iscd me that he had killed Anthony Puglisi Hudson. read a statement from Debra about the ordeal. "But we arc keeping our options open. We're not Rm,elle said . hut within society as a part of everyday lives. they are as well as kept Debra in hi s ho use." Gregory said . In the statement. Debra said he r love for her ruling it out and we·rc not ruling it in ... whole. more likely to drink." Mallstock unites university Student Health fees BY MIKE BEDERKA spread out over the lawn. s howed enthusiasm as the c louds • StaJI Rel'orrer With 47 student organiLations ;md broke and the weather hegan Black and white. young and old. the R o bert W ood J o hn son improving. ga) and straight.