CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DISCUSSION In this chapter, the researcher present the result of the data analysis explained in chapter III. The data taken in this research are Western songs lyrics. The analysis of the songs lyrics based on the problems in chapter I. A. Finding There are many ways to express the feelings, one of them is through the music. In the Western songs lyrics there are many slangs words are used and in the lyrics has characteristic of slangs words that make. The researcher analyzed the data from collecting some Western songs lyrics in the internet. After analyzing the data, the writer found many slangs words before 2000 and after year 2000 used in Western songs lyrics such as, baby, bang, ain’t, ‘cause, ‘em, wanna, gotta, c’mon, bae, bringit, ‘coz, D.J., TV, homies and so on. Slangs words are one part of language varieties, usually used in Western songs lyrics. Over time, many slangs word have been analyzed from the lyrics because of unique grammar and sound. a. The differences between slangs in Western songs lyrics produced in before 2000 and after year 2000. The researcher found many slangs words in Western songs lyrics produced in before 2000 and after year 2000. The researcher used 10 Western songs produced in before 2000. There are Western songs produced in before 2000 : (1). MC.Hammer – U Can‟t Touch This (1990), (2). Montell Jordan - This Is How We 58 59 Do It (1995), (3). Donell Jones - U Know What's Up (1999), (4). Joe Public - Live and Learn (1992), (5).
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