Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2017 No. 163 Senate The Senate was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Friday, October 13, 2017, at 8:30 a.m. House of Representatives WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2017

The House met at 10 a.m. and was Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. ests supply only 2 percent of the wood called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Mr. Speaker, next week is National used by the forest products industry. pore (Mr. NEWHOUSE). Forest Products Week, which the Na- More than 56 percent of U.S. forests are f tion observes from October 15 through privately owned, much of it by family October 21. Each year since 1960, our forest owners who manage their lands DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO Nation has celebrated the achieve- to provide value to future generations. TEMPORE ments of the forest product manufac- The industry has tremendous impact turers and organizations throughout The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- on our environment, too. A single tree fore the House the following commu- this country. The forest products industry is an in- can absorb more than 10 pounds of CO2 nication from the Speaker: each year. In the United States, forests WASHINGTON, DC, tegral part of U.S. manufacturing com- petitiveness and is among the top 10 and forest products store enough car- October 11, 2017. bon to offset approximately 12 percent I hereby appoint the Honorable DAN manufacturing sector employers in 45 of the Nation’s CO emissions. NEWHOUSE to act as Speaker pro tempore on States. In the Commonwealth of Penn- 2 this day. sylvania, this industry is home to 265 Forest products play a valuable role PAUL D. RYAN, wood products, paper, and packaging in the life of every American every Speaker of the House of Representatives. manufacturing facilities that make day. Two-thirds of the Nation’s drink- f more than $16 million in products, an- ing water comes from forests. From MORNING-HOUR DEBATE nually, and contribute nearly $3 mil- paper and packaging to wood products, lion to State and local economies tissue and other personal care items, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- through wages and compensation. More these products are at the heart of mod- ant to the order of the House of Janu- than 53,600 hardworking men and ern life and a modern economy. ary 3, 2017, the Chair will now recog- women in the Commonwealth of Penn- Paper products allow us to commu- nize Members from lists submitted by sylvania are employed by the forest nicate, teach, and learn. They provide the majority and minority leaders for products industry. safe packaging for goods and morning-hour debate. Forest products continue to meet the consumables, as well as personal hy- The Chair will alternate recognition evolving needs of people across the giene and cleanliness. Wood products between the parties. All time shall be country and around the world. The for- provide shelter and necessary compo- equally allocated between the parties, est products industry directly employs nents of daily life. and in no event shall debate continue about 900,000 people and supports 2.4 beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other million jobs. It is 4 percent of the total Mr. Speaker, because the industry than the majority and minority leaders U.S. manufacturing GDP. The industry plays such an important role in the life and the minority whip, shall be limited meets a payroll of approximately $50 of everyday Americans, in 1960, Con- to 5 minutes. billion, annually, and manufactures al- gress designated the third week in Oc- f most $240 billion in products every tober as National Forest Products year. Week. Next week, the country cele- NATIONAL FOREST PRODUCTS One-third of the United States is for- brates with events and advocacy cam- WEEK ested—751 million acres. Privately paigns to mark that occasion. Mr. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The owned forests supply 91 percent of the Speaker, I wholeheartedly join those Chair recognizes the gentleman from wood harvested in the United States; across the Nation who applaud the for- Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 State and Tribal forests supply ap- est products industry for its many con- minutes. proximately 6 percent; and Federal for- tributions.

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:12 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11OC7.000 H11OCPT1 H7922 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 11, 2017 CLEAN POWER PLAN quired to meet carbon pollution and air flict suffering on senior citizens by The SPEAKER pro tempore. The quality standards, as they should have simply relocating from one community Chair recognizes the gentleman from been. to another. Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 min- Trump and Pruitt are making a big I urge my colleagues to join Mr. utes. mistake when they assault the Clean SCHNEIDER and me in support of this Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, 3 Air Act and the Clean Power Plan. measure that will help ensure that our years ago, the Obama administration They are on weak legal ground, and parents, grandparents, and loved ones took a very positive and important they are on the wrong side of science, are looked after by professional care- step towards curbing greenhouse gas economics, the environment, and com- givers who will give them the treat- emissions by initiating the Clean mon sense. ment and respect they deserve. Power Plan, the first-ever national The Clean Power Plan will not be CARING FOR SENIORS DURING NATURAL limit on carbon pollution from power easily unraveled. There is a process to DISASTERS plants. The plan was devised to give unwind it, similar to what it took to Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I States the option to tailor how they put it in place. It will take a lot of urge my colleagues to cosponsor the would reduce carbon pollution, fol- hard work—and evidence that Pruitt Protecting Seniors During Disasters lowing benchmarks set by the Federal doesn’t have—to repeal it and prevent Act, which I introduced with my col- Government. the EPA from regulating carbon emis- league, Congresswoman LOIS FRANKEL For years, States, local governments, sions. of Florida. businesses, and universities have been The plan has powerful allies. I am The horrific deaths of 14 seniors in a making progress towards a low-carbon proud to stand with the environmental Florida nursing home facility in the future, both in anticipation of full im- community, my fellow Democrats in aftermath of Hurricane Irma made it plementation of the Clean Power Plan Congress, many government and trade abundantly clear that more must be and spurred on by a variety of other groups, citizens who care, and a num- done to protect seniors during and forces. Now, the Trump administration ber of businesses. Mars is the latest after natural disasters. has vowed to unravel the Clean Power company to announce that they are In times of emergency, many senior Plan, but the momentum will not stop going to follow through on their carbon citizens find themselves disconnected because of this reckless act. reduction plan. from caregivers and without the treat- and Scott Pruitt can- We will continue this fight for a low- ments and resources that they so des- not repeal engineering, science, or eco- carbon, healthier, more economical fu- perately need. Our bill seeks to recon- nomics. Their attempts would only ture. We will protect alternative en- nect seniors by requiring that Federal harm the economy and our citizens, ergy and honor the commitments we agencies assess how their emergency miring us in the past to serve the in- have made to the wind and solar indus- response efforts impact the elderly. It terests of Big Coal. tries. We will continue to reduce emis- also calls for the implementation of The case for action in reducing car- sions from our transportation sector by standards to better protect and care for bon pollution is compelling. The Clean not rolling back fuel efficiency stand- senior citizens and nursing home resi- Power Plan encourages steps to reduce ards. dents across our Nation during and the dangerous extent of accelerating We will work with the agriculture after emergency situations. climate disruption and attendant ex- sector, which makes up 9 percent of the This is a commonsense, bipartisan treme weather events. total greenhouse gas emissions. A legislative initiative that aims to save Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria strong farm bill can reduce emissions the lives of many senior citizens and are only the latest example of those and enhance productivity through low- helps ensure that the tragedy that events. Now, millions of acres in the carbon protections. took place in south Florida will not West are exploding in wildfires. More Ultimately, Trump and Pruitt cannot happen again. I urge my colleagues to frequent, more intense, and more dan- repeal science, engineering, or econom- join us in support of this lifesaving gerous forest fires are the reality now, ics. I am proud to be part of this effort measure. spurred by climate disruption. to ensure that the United States moves BUILDING A NATIONAL MUSEUM OF THE Out-of-control wildfire has touched forward to exercise leadership in a low- AMERICAN LATINO Oregon’s beloved Columbia River carbon future to fight climate change Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, as Gorge, and the latest instances are in and global weather disruption. we continue to celebrate Hispanic Her- wine country, taking lives, f itage Month and the many contribu- destroying property, and damaging tions of our vibrant community PROTECTING OUR SENIOR crops. throughout our country, I would like Regardless of your view on climate CITIZENS to bring attention to a bill that I have change, the Clean Power Plan is a very The SPEAKER pro tempore. The sponsored that would permanently important step for the United States. Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from showcase the history and stories of It stands on firm legal ground. The Su- Florida (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN) for 5 min- American Latinos. preme Court has ruled on three sepa- utes. H.R. 2911, the National Museum of rate occasions that the EPA has the Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I the American Latino Act, will estab- authority and the responsibility to pro- ask for my colleagues’ support for the lish a world-class educational institu- tect our families from carbon pollu- Senior Citizen Protection Act, which I tion on The National Mall for the mil- tion. introduced along with my friend, Con- lions of visitors who come to our Na- Cleaner energy and a cleaner envi- gressman BRAD SCHNEIDER. tion’s capital every year eager to learn ronment under the Clean Power Plan Seniors are valued members of our about American history. would improve the lives of working society, and we must do everything we Latinos have served our great coun- Americans. By 2030, it would prevent can to ensure that they can live with try in every war dating back to before 90,000 asthma attacks, 300,000 days dignity and without fear of being the Revolutionary War and continue to missed from work and school, and 3,600 abused by those entrusted to care for proudly serve in our military. They are premature deaths every year. them. small-business owners, job creators, TV Instead of protecting human health, This bipartisan bill seeks to achieve stars, athletes, and public servants. particularly those in communities that goal by creating a national reg- An initiative over 20 years in the most impacted by carbon pollution, istry for those convicted of elder abuse making, this museum would be a visual Trump and Pruitt are seeking to tilt that will be accessible to senior care representation of the difficulties that the energy playing field back in favor providers and families before they Latinos have overcome leaving their of Big Coal. make a decision on whom they hire as home countries, whether to flee an op- Make no mistake: without subsidies a caregiver for their loved ones. This pressive communist regime in my na- and regulatory favoritism, most old, national database will bring together tive homeland of Cuba, or Venezuela, dirty, coal plants would have been shut local and State registries in order to or for the opportunity to partake in down years ago if they had been re- prevent abusers from continuing to in- the American Dream, as well as the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:12 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.002 H11OCPT1 October 11, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7923 story of Hispanics who have made the York; Chicago; we are all ready, but North Carolina (Ms. FOXX) for 5 min- U.S. their home for many generations. the problem is transportation. If you utes. As the first Hispanic woman elected have money, connections, or internet Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to the U.S. Congress, I am proud to in- access, then you probably can find a to celebrate the work of a very wonder- vite my colleagues to join me in this flight out. ful constituent of the Fifth District of endeavor and cosponsor H.R. 2911, the I know this because I was in Puerto North Carolina, Teresa Lewis. National Museum of the American Rico 2 weeks ago, and I saw the Land Every September, we celebrate Latino Act. Rovers, the Jaguars, parked at the pri- American Business Women’s Day in f vate airports in San Juan, because if order to recognize the many different you have the money, you have already backgrounds and diverse occupations of ASSISTANCE FOR PUERTO RICO put your loved ones on a flight out of American businesswomen. However, it The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Dodge. is my belief that we should celebrate Chair recognizes the gentleman from The individuals from FEMA have American businesswomen like Teresa Illinois (Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ) for 5 minutes. been doing a great job, given the con- Lewis every day. Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Mr. Speaker, it has straints, but I think now FEMA and Teresa’s success was born out of de- been 3 weeks since the eye of Hurricane the military resources should focus on termination and the desire to provide a Maria crossed over Puerto Rico. It has the task of evacuating the elderly, the better life for her family. In 1986, Te- been 3 weeks, and there are still parts sick, and the vulnerable from the is- resa founded WorkForce Carolina, a of the island that have not had contact land. professional staffing service that in- with FEMA yet—3 weeks. For most Look, this is the way FEMA works. cludes recruitment, interview comple- people, that has meant no power, and They say: Well, we only take on tasks tion, and skills assessment. most still don’t have running water. that the Governor asks us to take on, As CEO of WorkForce Carolina, Te- Hospitals and clinics were hit hard, and the Governor is not likely to go to resa has employed thousands of people, as The New York Times reports. The FEMA to ask them to get thousands and her company has served as a boon daughter of one man who died because and thousands of his constituents off to the North Carolina economy. he couldn’t receive oxygen treatment the island. Most importantly, Teresa serves as a told the paper: ‘‘Because of the elec- Number one, it is a difficult request role model to all women and men in tricity situation, a lot of people died for any local official to make. Captains our country. I commend Teresa Lewis and are still dying.’’ of industry and leaders on the island on all of her many accomplishments Forty percent of the island still lacks want to make sure that there are Puer- and thank her for all she does for the running water because of the blackout, to Rican workers there to rebuild, and community. which still affects 85 percent of the is- of course, to continue to buy their f land. As a result, many people are products. I get that. But at the same CRITICAL TIME OF LIFE AND bathing in streams and receiving water time, those same captains of industry DEATH FOR PUERTO RICO AND from huge tanks, which is never a good and political leaders, guess what, I bet VIRGIN ISLANDS idea. you most of them have already got This is after 3 weeks in the most their loved ones off the island. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The powerful nation on Earth. This is unac- Number two, we know the Governor Chair recognizes the gentleman from ceptable. has to be extremely careful how he New York (Mr. ESPAILLAT) for 5 min- Our response to and asks for anything because we all know utes. the people of Puerto Rico is a national the President doesn’t take criticism Mr. ESPAILLAT. Mr. Speaker, this and international embarrassment and a very well or even a hint of criticism. is a critical time of life and death for tragedy. They are our own citizens in The Governor doesn’t want to get millions of U.S. citizens on the island our own Caribbean colonies of Puerto blackballed by the President who of Puerto Rico and also in the Virgin Rico and the Virgin Islands, and we might go off on a Twitter rant at any Islands. have not helped them all that we can. moment unless he is praised and The efforts to rebuild will be great, I spoke to Chicago firefighters yes- stroked every step of the way. and we each have a critical role to play terday who have been in Puerto Rico But our Puerto Rican constituents to help these families recover following for about a week, and they tell me it is don’t vote for the Governor of Puerto the aftermath of these catastrophic worse than we are being told. Rico. They vote for us, for DELAURO, storms. for CROWLEY, for MCGOVERN, for We have witnessed so much devasta- b 1015 ESPAILLAT, for MARCY KAPTUR, and tion this hurricane season, and the im- They told me yesterday that they are they want us to help them get their pact has been particularly destructive still making contact in towns where families out of danger’s way. They are and wreaked havoc. It has left millions people come up to them and say, demanding help getting their family of U.S. families without shelter, elec- ‘‘Thank God, it is FEMA; you are fi- members out, and I think FEMA and tricity, and their lives in ruin. nally here,’’ only to be told, ‘‘No, we the U.S. military can do the job. They We all have a part to play in the re- are not FEMA; we are from Chicago; just need the orders from the people in covery efforts and must answer the we are firefighters,’’ and they embrace charge. calls to provide relief and aid in the and cry with gratitude. Let’s be clear: if anyone wants to immense rebuilding efforts that will Last week, a group of my colleagues leave Puerto Rico, they should have take place to assist all of them who and I got together. We represent large our help in doing so. For thousands, it have been affected. Puerto Rican communities here on the is a question of life and death and sur- The amount of help and heart I have mainland in Connecticut, New York, vival. That is what is needed to help seen in my home State of New York, Massachusetts, Illinois, Ohio, and Flor- Puerto Rico. We don’t need the Presi- including a recent effort of Uptown ida. All of us have been contacted by dent tossing paper towels to storm vic- United this weekend, and from con- our constituents who are in desperate tims like he was tossing a ball to a dog stituents of mine like Lin-Manuel Mi- need to get their loved ones back and or maybe tossing peanuts to squirrels randa, and even from children willing out of Puerto Rico. in the park. We need airplanes, ships, to crack open their piggybanks has After 3 weeks, they have run out of and helicopters to get the people the been overwhelming. patience and are not interested in ex- hell out; otherwise, it will be worse If the Federal Government could cuses in our congressional district. than let them eat cake; it is let them have matched that compassion, then They want their parents, they want die. Puerto Rico would be well on its way their Tia with cancer, and they want f to recovery. their cousins on dialysis off the island, Last night, the House Appropriations period, now. They want a plane ticket CELEBRATING THE WORK OF Committee released a $36.5 billion dis- to get the hell out. TERESA LEWIS aster relief package: $5 billion of that Our communities are ready. Lorain, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The will go directly to Puerto Rico; $14 bil- Ohio; Hartford; Boston; Orlando; New Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from lion for FEMA’s disaster fund; and $16

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:12 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.004 H11OCPT1 H7924 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 11, 2017 billion for the National Flood Insur- telling me that the cleanup may not be Those who knew Officer Hartfield re- ance Program. I see this as an initial complete in some cities, like Port member him for his kindness to others downpayment. I hope this is just the Aransas and Rockport, until December and for pouring his heart into our com- beginning. or January. There is a big job ahead. It munity as a husband, a father, a friend, Nearly a month into this crisis, the is going to take a lot of people. and a youth football coach. status of Puerto Rico today is such: Several weeks ago, Speaker RYAN Officer Charleston Hartfield was The Jones Act. On Sunday, the White and several members of the Texas dele- taken from us far too soon by a sense- House let the 10-day shipping waiver gation joined Team Rubicon in the less tragedy. Our valley and this Na- for the Jones Act expire for Puerto Houston area aiding in demolition and tion will mourn his loss, and we will Rico, meaning that foreign ships can cleanup in the flood-devastated areas. carry forward his spirit of courage and no longer bring aid to the hurricane- The group’s positive attitude and com- selflessness. ravaged island from U.S. ports. I have mitment to service is inspiring. b 1030 been pushing for at least a 1-year waiv- Last week, Janice Dean of REDUCING GUN VIOLENCE er and a permanent waiver for oil. visited the district I represent and told Ms. ROSEN. Mr. Speaker, it is hard Electricity. To date, only 15 percent the story about how Team Rubicon is to put into words the devastation and of Puerto Ricans have power and elec- helping with debris removal in Whar- heartbreak my community suffered on tricity, not being able to get in contact ton, Texas. That is a city of about 9,000 October 1, 2017. This horrific violence with their loved ones and the great im- south of Houston that was devastated has forever altered the lives of count- pact the lack of electricity has on pa- by flood waters associated with the less families in Las Vegas and across tients with dialysis. storm. this country. Water. Access to clean drinking You know, Team Rubicon was found- My heart breaks for those who lost a water lingers around 20 percent. It is ed in 2010, following the earthquakes in parent, a child, a sibling, and a friend. reported that seaborne bacteria are Haiti, by two marines, Jake Wood and And while this was the deadliest mass contaminating the water supply. This William McNulty, who knew they could shooting in modern American history, may lead to bacterial infections such use their military experience and go I know that we join a long list of com- as cholera, dysentery, E. coli, and ty- out and help others. munities: Sandy Hook, Aurora, Tucson, phoid. That can be really disastrous. Since then, Team Rubicon has dras- San Bernardino, and Orlando, all who The typical treatments for these ill- tically expanded across the Nation, have suffered way too much through nesses, like tetanus shots and powerful uniting the skills and experiences of similar heart-wrenching violence. antibiotics, are not readily available veterans and first responders to rapidly I have lived in southern Nevada for on the island where medical supplies deploy emergency response teams. nearly 40 years, and I will tell you that are quickly running out. I want to thank Team Rubicon for all I have been overwhelmed by the resil- The damage estimates. It is cal- the help they have provided the folks ience of Las Vegas. We are not just culated around $95 billion. This is of Texas, especially Wharton, and the ‘‘Sin City’’ or the glittering lights of roughly 150 percent of the Puerto people around the world who have suf- the strip. We are also a tight-knit, Rican annual gross national product. fered disasters since 2010. compassionate community of hard- The downpayment really should be $10 I also want to thank Janice Dean of working families. The shooting on Oc- billion to $15 billion. FOX News for helping tell their story. tober 1 exemplified the worst of hu- The budget. The White House has re- Janice’s commitment to Team Rubicon manity, but our response represented ported that they have asked Congress didn’t stop with just telling the story. the very best of people. to authorize approximately $30 billion In fact, once the story aired, she has As we try to figure out how to move in new disaster-related funding. donated $15,000 from sales of her chil- forward, I can tell you that we are find- Fatalities. Mr. Speaker, the official dren’s book, ‘‘Freddy the Frogcaster’’ ing strength and hope and courage in death toll has increased to 43 deaths di- to Team Rubicon and will continue to our brave first responders, in the he- rectly or indirectly related to Hurri- be donating all proceeds from this book roic self-sacrifice of men and women cane Maria. The death toll, unfortu- to the group. Thank you, Janice. who risked and gave their lives for oth- nately, will continue to rise, and this is Thank you, Team Rubicon, and ers, and for the kindness of strangers becoming more and more our Carib- thank you for everyone who is helping who helped transport the wounded to bean Katrina. I urge my colleagues to out those who are victims of Hurricane the hospital, who stood in line for pass the Disaster Relief Fund for Puer- Harvey and the various other disasters hours to donate blood, and who came to Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and that this Nation is facing right now. together to support the survivors. the Caribbean. f I implore my colleagues on both sides f of the aisle to find that same courage HONORING THE MEMORY OF FIRST to come to the table and have real con- THANKING TEAM RUBICON SERGEANT CHARLESTON versations about commonsense solu- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The HARTFIELD OF THE NEVADA tions to address gun violence. There is Chair recognizes the gentleman from ARMY NATIONAL GUARD no single policy solution, but I know Texas (Mr. FARENTHOLD) for 5 minutes. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The we can support the Second Amendment Mr. FARENTHOLD. Mr. Speaker, I Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from while taking reasonable steps to reduce want to take a few minutes to talk Nevada (Ms. ROSEN) for 5 minutes. the carnage inflicted on our commu- about and thank Team Rubicon and all Ms. ROSEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise nities by gun violence and mass shoot- other volunteers who are helping assist today to honor the memory of my con- ings. victims of with stituent, First Sergeant Charleston Mr. Speaker, devices designed to storm cleanup, not only in the district Hartfield of the Nevada Army National cause mass casualties, like bump I represent but throughout the State of Guard. Our community lost a true-blue stocks and high-capacity magazines, Texas. American hero on the 1st of October. have no practical purpose for hunting Many of our cities still have piles and Since the age of 18, Officer Hartfield or self-defense. They only increase the piles of debris. Initially, it was trees valiantly served our country and our threat for potential victims trying to and brushes cleared, but now, as people community, spending 16 years in the find safety, like those at the Mandalay are starting to survey and repair the Army both on Active Duty and in the Bay, and they make it more chal- damage to their home, there is insula- Nevada National Guard and 11 years in lenging for law enforcement to con- tion, there is sheetrock, there are per- our local law enforcement. front and neutralize an active shooter. sonal belongings all out along the First Sergeant Hartfield spent a year I urge all of my colleagues to please street waiting to be picked up and deployed to Iraq with the 82nd Air- join together in a bipartisan effort. We cleaned up. borne Division as part of the initial in- need to take commonsense steps in This Monday, I spent time with the vasion in 2003, where they were award- Congress to decrease the scope of wide- Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, vis- ed the Combat Action Badge for having spread destruction and tragic mass iting some of our cities, and they are bravely engaged in combat operations. shootings.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:12 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.006 H11OCPT1 October 11, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7925 No community should ever be forced contributions of Hispanic leaders in To those who say that ‘‘they are so to experience the grief and trauma that communities throughout our great lucky, they are making millions, why my constituents are now confronting. country. From serving in our Armed don’t they just play football, they It is more urgent than ever that we Forces, to starting businesses that fur- ought to be happy,’’ first, let me com- take meaningful action to reduce the ther develop our economy and provide ment in this way: They are earning toll of widespread gun violence. The employment for Americans, Hispanics millions. Their bodies are being torn time is now. have contributed great advancements apart, in many cases. They are earning f in science, medicine, literature, and millions. They get concussions. They education. The Hispanic community are earning millions. They suffer after RECERTIFY IRAN NUCLEAR DEAL and its people have been critical in they leave football. They are earning The SPEAKER pro tempore. The shaping our Nation and the valley that millions. And they are also earning Chair recognizes the gentleman from I have the honor to represent. pain as they play a game that amuses California (Mr. COSTA) for 5 minutes. For example, in my home State of many. Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today California alone, there are over 815,000 to speak about the significance of the So those who say they are making Hispanic- or Latino-owned companies, plenty of money and they ought to just Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action re- which, together, generate over $98.9 bil- go away, I contend that they are not garding Iran, more commonly referred lion in general receipts in our econ- doing it for the money. They are doing to as the Iran nuclear agreement. omy. In Fresno, Merced, and Madera it because they understand injustice I have always been a vocal advocate counties, which I represent, there are anywhere is still a threat to justice ev- for tough sanctions on Iran. While I nearly 27,000 Hispanic- or Latino-owned erywhere, as Dr. King put it. They was a member of the House Foreign Af- companies, which, together, generated, want to eliminate the injustice that fairs Committee, in 2010, I was a mem- last year, over $2 billion, $700 million they see, and, in so doing, they have ber of the conference committee which in our economy. drafted the Comprehensive Iran Sanc- The story of our Hispanic friends, decided to take a knee. tions, Accountability, and Divestment neighbors, and loved ones is the story I salute the flag. I support my coun- Act. These sanctions, in 2010 and subse- of the American Dream, as they have try. I love my country. And I respect quently, did make a difference. the same hope and aspiration that all what they are doing in the form of Unfortunately, Iran continues to sup- Americans have: to make a better life peaceful protest to bring about change port terrorist organizations, and its for themselves and their families that ought to have been brought about record on human rights is well known. through hard work, access to a better decades or centuries ago; should have But we should not withhold certifi- education, and equal treatment under been, but has not been. Yes, we have cation of the Iran nuclear agreement the law. come a long way, but we sure have a without credible evidence that Iran is Let us remember, after all, we are a long way to go. not complying. Let’s remember, this nation of immigrants past and present. Now, to those who say ‘‘they have agreement has always been about Iran, For over 250 years, since the forma- earned millions, why aren’t they not obtaining nuclear weapons. tion of the United States, immigrants happy,’’ well, it is not hush money. Doing so would strip the United have come from all over the world to Is that what you are saying, that States of our credibility in future America to have a better life for them- when they get paid, that is hush money international agreements not just with selves and, in turn, have made us the that says that they don’t have freedom Iran, but with our allies as well. greatest country in the world. In addition to Iran, we negotiated the During Hispanic Heritage Month, I of speech? Does that check negate their Iran nuclear agreement with the am honored to celebrate the commu- freedom of speech? United Kingdom, Germany, European nity whose determination and achieve- I think not. Freedom of speech is Union, China, and Russia, and we must ments are an integral part of not only something that you cherish, whether keep our word. In other words, to re- our Nation, but the San Joaquin Valley you live in a mansion or you live under main credible, the United States can- that I have the honor to represent. a bridge. Freedom of speech belongs to not change positions on international f you. It doesn’t matter your station in agreements from one administration to life. It doesn’t matter your ethnicity. another without serious justification SUPPORT FOR NFL FOOTBALL It doesn’t matter your religiosity. and without the consent in working PLAYERS Freedom of speech belongs to you be- with our allies. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The cause you are a child of God and you Especially now, as we are facing an Chair recognizes the gentleman from live in the greatest country in the increasing threat with North Korea, we Texas (Mr. AL GREEN) for 5 minutes. world. must work with our allies and, to- Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speak- So I stand in support of the NFL gether, make a safer world through a er, I rise and stand in the well of the players. I want them to continue. I comprehensive strategy that involves Congress of the United States of Amer- want them to stand their ground. I diplomacy, sanctions, and, yes, deter- ica. I am always honored that I have want this movement to continue. And I rence, if we must use such force. We this opportunity, and I see it as a pre- want those who were thwarted to know have methods for addressing Iran’s eminent privilege to be able to stand in that you are trying to thwart injustice. nonnuclear behavior besides refusing to the well of the Congress of the United When you try to change the subject recertify the agreement, and I will con- States of America. and make it about something that it is tinue to advocate for the use of these I love my country. I have said it not, you are trying to thwart injustice. tools to take a strong stance against many times right here at this podium. Even if you don’t do it with Iran for their support of terrorist state I salute the flag, Mr. Speaker. I say the intentionality, that is the reality. activities and their abuse of human Pledge of Allegiance. I sing the na- rights. tional anthem. I love my country. We cannot allow injustice to con- But refusing to recertify the Iran nu- And because I love my country, I can tinue. And I thank God that there are clear agreement, without clear evi- stand here in the well of the House of those who are making millions, those dence that Iran has breached the agree- the United States of America and an- who are having their bodies abused, ment, will deeply damage our relation- nounce that I support the NFL men, who are willing to take a stand by tak- ships with our allies, and it will weak- who are professional football players. I ing a knee against injustice, and they en our credibility worldwide. can say I support them because I be- still respect this country and its flag COMMEMORATING HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH lieve in what the flag stands for: lib- and this anthem. Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, today, I erty and justice for all. I believe in If there is one among them who has rise to commemorate Hispanic Herit- this. And if there is to be liberty and other thoughts, then I don’t support age Month, which is from September 15 justice for all, the cause that they are that. I support those who have a right- to October 15 every year. part of has to be called to the attention eous cause and who are respectful of This month we honor and celebrate of the American public. I support the the country, who can love the flag and the history, culture, achievements, and NFL players, Mr. Speaker. still protest. I support that.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:12 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.008 H11OCPT1 H7926 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 11, 2017 I am an American. I was born in the I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the others. Without them, the number of United States of America. I am a patri- United States of America, and to the Repub- deaths could have been significantly otic American. I believe in this coun- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, higher. try. And if you believe in it, you ought indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. It is because of selfless people like to allow peaceful protest to continue, f these that America is able to remain because John F. Kennedy was right WELCOMING REVEREND MOLLY the strongest country in the world. The when he was paraphrased by Dr. King: FRASER Lone Star State cannot thank them enough for their swift and noble ac- Those who make peaceful protest impos- The SPEAKER. Without objection, sible will make other forms of protest inevi- tions, and we will always remember table. the gentleman from Washington (Mr. their heroism. KILMER) is recognized for 1 minute. f Hurricane Harvey victims are still There was no objection. recovering, and all of America is be- RECESS Mr. KILMER. Mr. Speaker, I am so hind them. We will rebuild together be- honored to welcome Pastor Molly Fra- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- cause we are all Texas strong. ser from Gig Harbor United Methodist ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair God bless Texas, God bless the mili- Church, my home church. declares the House in recess until noon tary, and God bless the United States Our church isn’t the biggest church, today. of America. it isn’t the oldest church, but it has Accordingly (at 10 o’clock and 42 In God we trust. left a large impact throughout Gig minutes a.m.), the House stood in re- f Harbor because it makes clear that all cess. are welcome. Whether you are in pain HONORING JAHEIR MOORE FOR f and need somewhere to go or you are SERVICE TO HIS COMMUNITY looking for fellowship, there is a wel- b 1200 (Mr. PAYNE asked and was given come mat for you. permission to address the House for 1 AFTER RECESS It makes clear to regular attendees minute and to revise and extend his re- The recess having expired, the House and to newcomers that it is a place of marks.) was called to order by the Speaker at open hearts, open minds, and open Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, I rise noon. doors. It is a place that is committed today to honor Jaheir Moore, a seventh to supporting the needs of those most grade student from Jersey City, New f in need throughout our community and Jersey, for his service to people in PRAYER around the world. It is a place to ask need. tough questions and to celebrate our Reverend Molly Fraser, Gig Harbor This young man from my district faith. United Methodist Church, Gig Harbor, takes the time nearly every day to cro- Finally, it is a place that benefits Washington, offered the following chet hats, scarves, blankets, and other from the tremendous leadership of Pas- prayer: items for people in homeless shelters tor Molly, who, during her brief tenure God of many names, we give thanks and newborn babies in intensive care with the church, has brought incredible for the opportunity to serve. Remind units. Over the past couple of years, he energy and heart and musical talent. us that we are servants of our country, has donated dozens of bags full of his She is here in our Nation’s capital our people, and the land. Let us not creations to make life a little better today with her family. It is my honor forget all the blessings You have given for others. to welcome them and, in spirit, the en- us so that we might use our power and Jaheir is a straight A student who tire congregation of Gig Harbor United influence to help order the country in wants to become a fashion designer. In Methodist Church. ways that allow each and every person February, he was a guest on the to find life and liberty and to pursue f ‘‘Rachael Ray Show.’’ A week later, Jaheir had his first runway show in happiness. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER We come, perhaps, already weary Jersey City. In April, I presented him The SPEAKER. The Chair will enter- from an onslaught of emails, texts, with a Certificate of Special Congres- tain up to 15 further requests for 1- tweets, phone calls, and meetings sional Recognition for his charity minute speeches on each side of the where people make demands on how we work. aisle. vote and assumptions about every deci- Mr. Speaker, Jaheir Moore’s unself- sion that we put forward. Help us, O f ish acts of kindness for people in need shows that our country’s future is a God, to do the right thing, not just for ARMY NATIONAL GUARD a few, but for the many. Help us work bright one. (Mr. WILLIAMS asked and was given together diligently so we might see the f permission to address the House for 1 fruit of our effort grow into good minute.) ALLEN COUNTY RIGHT TO LIFE throughout our country, which can Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Speaker, today, (Mr. BANKS of Indiana asked and serve to make this world more livable I would like to recognize the Army Na- was given permission to address the for all. tional Guard’s 236th Engineering Com- House for 1 minute.) Amen. pany. Located in Stephenville, Texas, Mr. BANKS of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, f they were the first on the ground in on Monday night, I had the privilege of THE JOURNAL Houston to assist with Hurricane Har- attending the Allen County Right to vey relief efforts on August 27. Over Life’s 20th annual Uniting Our City for The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- the course of a week, they rescued ap- Life Banquet. ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- proximately 2,300 civilians and 380 ani- The event was a wonderful time with ceedings and announces to the House mals from flooded areas. fellow Hoosiers who share a common his approval thereof. Mr. Speaker, these men and women concern for the sanctity of innocent Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- who serve our country are true heroes, human life, from the moment of con- nal stands approved. and I am honored to represent them in ception to the moment of natural f the 25th Congressional District of death. It also was a celebration of the Texas. I had the opportunity to meet fact that our culture increasingly is PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE with these soldiers a few weeks ago and recognizing the value of human life. The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman personally shake their hands to thank A poll released last year found that a from Texas (Mr. BABIN) come forward them for a job well done. majority of young Americans support and lead the House in the Pledge of Al- They stepped up in a moment of ab- increasing restrictions that protect the legiance. solute crisis and when the people of unborn. Another recent poll found that Mr. BABIN led the Pledge of Alle- Texas needed them most. They put 61 percent of Americans oppose using giance as follows: their lives on the line in order to save tax dollars to fund abortions. This

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:12 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.010 H11OCPT1 October 11, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7927 growing recognition that life is a pre- ever hit the U.S. and the strongest the donation to an organization hon- cious and sacred gift is due, in large storm to hit Puerto Rico in 80 years. oring Assata Shakur, who escaped pris- part, to the tireless efforts of organiza- What it left behind was vast devasta- on and fled to Cuba after being found tions like Allen County Right to Life. tion and great damage to infrastruc- guilty in the 1973 murder of police offi- I want to express special thanks to ture and energy distribution systems. cer Werner Foerster. Assata is cur- Allen County Right to Life Executive Mr. Speaker, I am tremendously rently on the FBI’s Most Wanted Ter- Director Cathie Humbarger and Oper- proud of our Pennsylvania Guardsmen rorists list. ations Director Abigail Lorenzen for who are on the ground assisting with Why did the liberal national media all they do in northeast Indiana to pro- this humanitarian disaster. They wel- think this story was not newsworthy? mote life and defend the unborn. comed the call to action and are work- Do they agree with Kaepernick? Do I also want to congratulate Pat Mil- ing to restore Puerto Rico’s infrastruc- they approve of contributions to orga- ler on receiving the Daniel Award for ture, install additional telecommuni- nizations named after cop killers? pro-life commitment during Monday cations equipment to connect families The liberal national media seems to night’s dinner. Throughout his career, and businesses, and deliver more than have a grudge against law enforcement he has been a consistent and compas- 300 generators to provide electricity to and patriotism, as well as religion and sionate voice for the cause of life, and those who need it. traditional values, based on their lack there is no one more deserving of this We are working on rebuilding, and of fair coverage of those subjects. This prestigious award. the Pennsylvania National Guard is might explain why the media’s credi- there to aid in the recovery effort. It is bility is at a record low. f the American way to have all hands on f BILLIONAIRES FIRST TAX PLAN deck, and I am grateful for their ef- CONTRACEPTIVE COVERAGE (Mr. KILDEE asked and was given forts. permission to address the House for 1 f (Mrs. DAVIS of California asked and was given permission to address the minute.) DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, last week, House for 1 minute.) Mrs. DAVIS of California. Mr. Speak- Republicans brought their extreme (Ms. GABBARD asked and was given er, last week, the Trump administra- budget to the floor, a budget that permission to address the House for 1 tion rolled back contraceptive care for forces the middle class to pay more in minute.) Ms. GABBARD. Mr. Speaker, domes- hundreds of thousands of women. They taxes just to give the wealthiest Amer- tic violence often hides behind closed called it a victory for religious liberty. icans a massive tax break. doors and drawn curtains, but the prob- But let’s be real. This is just one part This budget slashes investments in lem is very staggering. of the White House’s fight to strip our future, such as rebuilding roads In my home State of Hawaii, 575 do- women of their independence and and bridges and education, just so it mestic violence survivors reach out to healthcare. can provide huge tax breaks to the ab- local organizations seeking help every First, they came for title X, scaling solute wealthiest Americans. Billion- single day. Their stories are heart- back the essential family planning cen- aires would receive a massive tax cut breaking and, too often, even if they ters that served low-income women. under this plan. are temporarily removed from the abu- They attacked Planned Parenthood, Under this ‘‘billionaires first’’ tax sive environment, they are often re- pledging to block access for the mil- plan, according to the nonprofit, non- turned to their abuser. lions of women who depend on it. They partisan Tax Policy Center, middle Survivors can seek legal protection expanded the global gag rule, a policy class families would pay an average of from their abusers, but they aren’t that will limit the preventative $1,290 a year more in taxes, while 80 likely to do so or be successful unless healthcare options for women across percent of the benefits would go to the they have a lawyer. Just 32 percent of the world. wealthiest 1 percent of Americans: the victims successfully obtain a restrain- Then, they turned their destructive superwealthy. By repealing the estate ing order without legal representation. sights on title IX, scaling back crucial tax, 5,400 families would receive a $270 I call on my colleagues to support guidances that protect sexual assault billion tax break. the POWER Act, which requires every victims on our college campuses. Who pays for this? The middle class. State’s U.S. attorney to promote and Now, they have opened the door for How? By passing the costs on to them expand pro bono legal services specifi- bosses to deny contraceptive coverage and increasing our deficit at the same cally for domestic violence survivors. for their female employees. time. Trillions of dollars would be We all need to be more conscious of Let’s not pretend this is a victory for added to our deficit. this problem because it is happening in religious freedom. This is about taking Giving billionaires a massive tax our communities. As we observe Do- away women’s choices. break is fiscally irresponsible and mor- mestic Violence Awareness Month, let f ally wrong. We ought to reject it. us have the courage to confront the HONORING DR. DANIEL J. f pervasiveness of this crime and take BRADLEY ON HIS RETIREMENT PRAISING PENNSYLVANIA NA- action to help provide survivors with (Mr. BUCSHON asked and was given TIONAL GUARD FOR HELPING the safety and security they need. permission to address the House for 1 WITH PUERTO RICO RELIEF EF- f minute and to revise and extend his re- FORTS MEDIA IGNORES DONATION TO marks.) (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania ANTI-COP GROUP Mr. BUCSHON. Mr. Speaker, I rise asked and was given permission to ad- (Mr. SMITH of Texas asked and was today to honor a true champion for dress the House for 1 minute and to re- given permission to address the House higher education, Dr. Daniel J. Brad- vise and extend his remarks.) for 1 minute and to revise and extend ley, the 11th president of Indiana State Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. his remarks.) University. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to commend Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, During his 9-year tenure at Indiana 42 members of the Pennsylvania Na- you may have heard of Colin State, Dr. Bradley has led ISU to tional Guard who are currently in Kaepernick, the football quarterback achieve the highest enrollment in Puerto Rico assisting with hurricane who started ‘‘the kneel’’ to protest the school history, added new degree pro- relief efforts. national anthem at NFL games. He was grams to meet the demands of the 21st Thousands of National Guard mem- the originator of the resistance move- century workforce, and completed bers are working in both Puerto Rico ment in the NFL against police offi- more than $300 million in capital and the Virgin Islands to help our fel- cers. But you likely haven’t heard that projects on the campus. Most impor- low Americans recover from dev- he donated $25,000 to a group that was tantly, Dr. Bradley has improved stu- astating hurricanes. named after a convicted cop killer. dent success by increasing the student Hurricane Maria, with its Category 5 Neither national broadcast stations retention rate and increasing the stu- winds, was the fifth strongest storm to nor major daily newspapers reported dent graduation rate.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.012 H11OCPT1 H7928 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 11, 2017 From his service to our country in term impact on our economy, unfortu- percent bracket to 12. We have asked to the U.S. Army to his service to the stu- nately. We also learned valuable les- crack down on tax avoidance by ending dents of Indiana State University, I sons during the hurricane as it relates the dozens and dozens of loopholes that urge my colleagues to join me in con- to the care for our most vulnerable only the wealthiest taxpayers and cor- gratulating Dr. Bradley on his retire- citizens, our seniors and the disabled. porations can take advantage of. ment at the end of this year. These lessons need to translate to ac- Mr. Speaker, we have a unique oppor- f tion in order to prevent future trage- tunity to do so much for hardworking dies. families across America. I hope that b 1215 I look forward to working with my my colleagues on the other side of the CHALLENGE TO DEMOCRATS AND colleagues as we evaluate the proposed aisle will join us, offer solutions, and REPUBLICANS TO WORK TO- natural disaster funding bill that will make this a bipartisan effort to give GETHER TO PASS A DACA FIX be voted on later this week and deter- the American people the relief they de- mine its impact on Florida. serve. (Mr. POLIS asked and was given per- mission to address the House for 1 f f minute and to revise and extend his re- HONORING DAVE DAVIS RISING ON BEHALF OF THE marks.) (Mr. MESSER asked and was given AMERICAN PEOPLE Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, there are permission to address the House for 1 (Mr. AL GREEN of Texas asked and upwards of 800,000 DREAMers in our minute and to revise and extend his re- was given permission to address the country—young, de facto Americans, marks.) House for 1 minute and to revise and people who grew up here, are as Amer- Mr. MESSER. Mr. Speaker, I rise extend his remarks.) ican as you or I, American in fact, al- today to honor a dear friend of mine, Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speak- beit not in law. They are able to work Dave Davis, who passed away recently. er, I rise today on behalf of the many legally under the deferred action, or Dave was a giant Purdue fan, but we who have concluded that enough is DACA program, that President Obama first met at a UCLA basketball game enough. I rise today to speak on behalf has set up. That has been jeopardized over 20 years ago. of the many persons who believe that by an announcement that President We immediately struck up a friend- Article II, section 4 of the Constitution Trump will be terminating that pro- ship, and in 2000, when I announced I of the United States of America has gram within 6 months. was running for Congress, Dave was all meaning and that it is something that Now we are down to about 41⁄2 in and, despite the long odds, took va- is appropriate for a time such as this, months, a challenge to this body, cation time to drive me all around appropriate for a time when there is Democrats and Republicans, to work Madison County. We didn’t win that one among us who seems to incite ha- together to rectify the legal situation one, but that is the kind of guy Dave tred, bigotry, and invidious discrimina- of 800,000 de facto Americans. This Davis was. He put others first, sharing tion. body must act. We can’t leave these in your successes and your struggles as I rise to speak on their behalf today, young Americans in limbo with regard if they were his own. Mr. Speaker, and I do so understanding to what their future prospects are to Dave had a great smile and a rare that I am not doing it on behalf of Re- work. quality: he saw everyone for who they publicans, generally speaking, or Make no bones about it, if this body could be, not just what they were. Democrats, generally speaking. The fails to act, over 800,000 aspiring Amer- Dave spent his career in public serv- people whom I reference are Ameri- icans will no longer be able to go to ice for our State and our Nation, but cans, generally speaking. work legally the very next day after his most important priority was his So I rise to speak on their behalf. deferred action expires. In the interest family. He never passed up an oppor- f of unifying families, in the interest of tunity to talk about his wife, Robyn; or NOTICE OF INTENTION TO OFFER these young people who are as Amer- his kids, Alex, Amy, and Eric. RESOLUTION RAISING A QUES- ican as you or I, in the interest of our Dave Davis was a good man and my TION OF THE PRIVILEGES OF economic growth and prosperity, I call friend. Congratulations on a life well THE HOUSE upon my colleagues on both sides of lived. Godspeed. the aisle to stop playing politics and fi- f Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speak- nally pass a DACA fix, like the Dream er, pursuant to clause 2(a)(1) of rule IX, Act, into law to make sure that they REFORMING THE TAX CODE I seek recognition to give notice of my can give back to the country that has (Mr. YODER asked and was given intent to raise a question of the privi- given so much to them. permission to address the House for 1 leges of the House. f minute and to revise and extend his re- The form of the resolution is as fol- marks.) lows: IMPACT OF RECENT HURRICANES Mr. YODER. Mr. Speaker, I rise Articles of Impeachment against (Mr. BILIRAKIS asked and was given today to talk about our efforts here in Donald J. Trump, President of the permission to address the House for 1 the people’s House to reform our Tax United States of America, in the Con- minute and to revise and extend his re- Code and reduce the burden of the Fed- gress of the United States of America. marks.) eral Government on every American. Resolution. Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Speaker, it was Right now, Americans know that our Resolved, that Donald J. Trump, great to participate in this morning’s Tax Code is unfair, it is too long, and it President of the United States of board of delegation meeting, during is too complicated. America, has undermined the integrity which we discussed the impact of re- It has been 30 years since we have of his office with impunity and has cent hurricanes on our State and made meaningful reforms, and the time brought disrepute on the Presidency unmet needs to require further atten- for that change is now. House and Sen- with immunity, has betrayed his trust tion. ate Republicans have announced re- as President to the manifest injury of With the onslaught of natural disas- forms that will make the Tax Code the American people and is unfit to be ters that have plagued our country in simpler, with more than 90 percent of President, and is impeached pursuant recent months, we must provide appro- filers being able to do their returns on to Article II, section IV of the Con- priate levels of Federal support to all a simple postcard. stitution of the United States of Amer- who are suffering. However, we must We have asked to make the Tax Code ica, and that the following Articles of also ensure that Florida’s ongoing fair for middle class Americans, low- Impeachment be exhibited to the needs are not overlooked as we seek to ering their rates and doubling their United States Senate: fully recover. standard deduction. We have asked to Articles of Impeachment exhibited Our two largest industries, tourism give relief to low-income Americans by by the House of Representatives of the and agriculture, have sustained signifi- eliminating the lowest 10 percent United States of America in the name cant losses, which will have a long- bracket completely and cutting the 15 of itself and of all of the people of the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.014 H11OCPT1 October 11, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7929 United States of America against Don- I hate to tell you, Puerto Rico, but you’ve America, unmindful of the high duties ald John Trump, President of the thrown our budget a little out of whack be- of his high office and the dignity and United States of America, in mainte- cause we spent a lot of money on Puerto proprieties thereof, and of the harmony nance and support of its impeachment Rico, and that’s fine. But we’ve saved a lot of and courtesies which ought to exist lives. against him for high crimes and mis- and be maintained within American so- demeanors of a nature which may, with The President did not make similar ciety, did betray his trust as President peculiar propriety, be denominated as widely published statements about and bring shame and dishonor to the political, not requiring the commission Texas or Florida. office of the Presidency by associating of a crime, and exclusively the jurisdic- b 1230 the majesty and dignity of the Presi- tion of the United States House of Rep- dency with causes rooted in White su- resentatives for impeachment pur- On January 27, 2017, Donald John premacy, bigotry, racism, anti-Semi- poses. Trump incited xenophobia and hate tism, White nationalism, and neo-Na- Article I: That Donald John Trump, against Muslims in the United States zism when he, to wit: President of the United States of of America, engendering religious anx- On August 15, 2017, Donald John America, unmindful of his high duties iety, when he disrespected Islam by Trump made a widely published state- of his office and the dignity and propri- issuing , fulfilling ment characterizing a group of anti- eties thereof, and the harmony, re- a campaign promise to ban Muslims Semites, bigots, racists, White nation- spect, and courtesies, which ought to from entering the United States of alists, and Klu Klux Klansmen who ral- exhibit and be maintained in American America. This widely published cam- lied in Charlottesville, Virginia, as society, has under the inane pretext of paign promise is dated December 7, ‘‘very fine people.’’ dispensing with political correctness, 2015, and reads as follows: Thereafter, on August 23, 2017, the produced a demonstrable record of in- Donald J. Trump Statement on Preventing United Nations Committee on the citing white supremacy, sexism, big- Muslim Immigration, New York, New York, Elimination of Racial Discrimination otry, hatred, xenophobia, race-baiting, December 7, 2015. Donald J. Trump is calling released a 2-page decision in which it for the total and complete shutdown of Mus- and racism by demeaning, defaming, was stated that they were ‘‘disturbed disrespecting, and disparaging women lims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out by the failure at the highest political and certain minorities. level of the United States of America In so doing, Donald John Trump, what is going on. On March 4, 2017, Donald John Trump to unequivocally reject and condemn President of the United States of the racist violent events and dem- America, has fueled and is fueling an incited race-baiting and racism, engen- dering racial antipathy, when he de- onstrations led by the aforementioned alt-right hate machine and its world- groups, thereby potentially fueling the wide covert sympathizers engendering famed, disrespected, and disparaged proliferation of racist discourse and in- racial antipathy, LGBTQ enmity, reli- President Barack Obama by making cidents throughout the State party, gious anxiety, stealthy sexism, and the widely published statement, which and deeply concerned by the example dreadful xenophobia, perfidiously caus- has since been disclaimed: this failure could set for the rest of the ing immediate injury to American so- Terrible. Just found out that Obama had my ‘‘wires tapped’’ in Trump Tower just be- world.’’ ciety, to wit: On October 7, 2017, hate groups were On September 23, 2017, Donald John fore the victory. Nothing found. This is again back in Charlottesville, Virginia, Trump incited race-baiting and racism, McCarthyism. at the statue of Robert E. Lee, the Con- engendering stealthy sexism and racial On July 26, 2017, Donald John Trump federate general, chanting, ‘‘You will antipathy, when he disrespected, dis- incited bigotry, engendering LGBTQ not replace us.’’ Since this event on Oc- paraged, and demeaned mothers of pro- enmity, when he disparaged and tober 7, the President has made many fessional football players by calling disrespected transgender Americans by widely published statements about them dogs as he made the widely pub- indicating that the costs of their med- many things including, but not limited lished statement: ical care outweighs the sacrifice they to, the National Football League, but Won’t you love to see one of these NFL are willing to make for our country as has not made one widely published owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, he made the widely published state- statement condemning the hate groups say, Get that son-of-a-B-I-T-C-H off the field ment: right now, out. He’s fired. He’s fired. for returning to the place where an in- After consultation with my generals and nocent person lost her life at the hands On September 23, 2017, Donald John military experts, please be advised that the Trump incited race-baiting and racism, United States Government will not accept or of hate. engendering racial antipathy, when he allow transgender individuals to serve in any In so doing, the aforementioned Don- disrespected and disparaged profes- capacity in the U.S. military. Our military ald John Trump, unmindful of the high sional football players, approximately must be focused on decisive and over- duties of his high office and the integ- 70 percent of whom are reportedly Afri- whelming victory and cannot be burdened rity and proprieties thereof, and of the can American, by calling them sons of with the tremendous medical costs and dis- harmony, respect, and courtesies which dogs as he made the widely published ruption that transgender in the military ought to exist and be maintained with- would entail. statement: in American society, has undermined Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL In so doing, the aforementioned Don- the integrity of his office, has brought owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, ald John Trump, unmindful of the high disrepute on the Presidency, and has say, Get that son-of-a-B-I-T-C-H off the field duties of his high office and the dignity betrayed his trust as President to the right now, out. He’s fired. He’s fired. and proprieties thereof, and of the har- manifest injury of the people of the On September 30, 2017, Donald John mony, respect, and courtesies which United States of America, and is unfit Trump incited bigotry and race-bait- ought to exist and be maintained with- to be President. ing, engendering racial antipathy, in American society, has undermined Therefore, Donald John Trump, by when he disrespected, disparaged, and the integrity of his office, has brought betraying his trust as President, war- demeaned Puerto Ricans, who are disrepute on the Presidency, has be- rants impeachment, trial, and removal Americans, by implying Puerto Ricans trayed his trust as President to the from office and the disqualification to want others to do for them what they manifest injury of the people of the hold any office of honor, trust, or prof- won’t do for themselves, as he made United States of America, and, as a re- it under the United States of America. the widely published claim: sult is unfit to be President. Article III: Donald John Trump, They want everything to be done for them Therefore, Donald John Trump, by President of the United States of when it should be a community effort. betraying his trust as President, war- America, unmindful of his high duties Further, on October 3, 2017, while in rants impeachment, trial, and removal of his high office and the dignity and Puerto Rico, as was widely shown on from office and disqualification to hold proprieties thereof, and of the harmony American television, Donald John any office of honor, trust, or profit and courtesies which ought to exist Trump incited bigotry, engendering ra- under the United States of America. and be maintained in American soci- cial antipathy, when he disparaged Article II: That Donald John Trump, ety, did engage in perfidy by making Puerto Ricans by stating: President of the United States of the widely reported claim that 3 to 5

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:06 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.016 H11OCPT1 H7930 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 11, 2017 million people voted illegally in the thrown in—rough. I said, ‘‘Please don’t be and ask for its immediate consider- 2016 Presidential election and, further, too nice.’’ Like when you guys put somebody ation. expending tax dollars to establish a in the car and you’re protecting their head, The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- commission to investigate his claim, to you know, the way you put their hand over? lows: Like, don’t hit their head, and they’ve just H. RES. 562 wit: killed somebody—don’t hit their head. I said, On November 27, 2016, Donald John ‘‘You can take the hand away, okay?’’ Resolved, That upon adoption of this reso- lution it shall be in order to consider in the Trump made the widely reported claim This statement is injurious not only that: House the bill (S. 585) to provide greater to the rule of law, which presumes in- whistleblower protections for Federal em- In addition to winning the electoral col- nocence until guilt is proven in a court ployees, increased awareness of Federal lege in a landslide, I won the popular vote if of law, but also to the administration whistleblower protections, and increased ac- you deduct the millions of people who voted of justice, which requires that care is countability and required discipline for Fed- illegally . . . in Virginia, New Hampshire, eral supervisors who retaliate against whis- and California. So why isn’t the media re- given to persons held in the custody of law enforcement. Our Nation is found- tleblowers, and for other purposes. All points porting on this? Serious bias. Big problem. of order against consideration of the bill are On January 25, 2017, Donald John ed upon a social contract where the waived. The bill shall be considered as read. Trump made the widely reported claim constitutional rights of the individual All points of order against provisions in the that: are not surrendered because he or she bill are waived. The previous question shall be considered as ordered on the bill and on I will be asking for a major investigation is accused of a crime. To speak to the any amendment thereto to final passage into voter fraud, including those registered contrary is a violation of the Presi- without intervening motion except: (1) one to vote in two States, and who are illegal dential oath of office to which Donald hour of debate equally divided and controlled and. . . . John Trump is bound. by the chair and ranking minority member On July 1, 2017, Donald John Trump In so doing, the aforementioned Don- of the Committee on Oversight and Govern- made the widely reported claim that: ald John Trump, unmindful of the high ment Reform; and (2) one motion to recom- Numerous States were refusing to give in- duties of his high office and the dignity mit. formation to the very distinguished voter and the proprieties thereof, and of his SEC. 2. On any legislative day during the fraud panel. What are they trying to hide? oath of office, to ‘‘faithfully execute period from October 16, 2017, through October the Office of President of the United 20, 2017— On June 28, 2017, according to highly (a) the Journal of the proceedings of the reported news stories, the commission States of America, and will to the best previous day shall be considered as approved; previously referenced by Donald John of my ability, preserve, protect, and de- and Trump requested detailed voter reg- fend the Constitution of the United (b) the Chair may at any time declare the istration data from all 50 States, in- States,’’ has undermined the integrity House adjourned to meet at a date and time, within the limits of clause 4, section 5, arti- cluding names, addresses, and other of his office, has brought disrepute on the Presidency, has betrayed his trust cle I of the Constitution, to be announced by sensitive data from every voter in the the Chair in declaring the adjournment. country. Several States refused to send as President to the manifest injury of SEC. 3. The Speaker may appoint Members the information, and some States have the people of the United States of to perform the duties of the Chair for the du- been prevented by courts from turning America, and is unfit to be President. ration of the period addressed by section 2 of over the information. Therefore, Donald John Trump, by this resolution as though under clause 8(a) of rule I. In so doing, the aforementioned Don- betraying his trust as President, war- rants impeachment, trial, and removal SEC. 4. It shall be in order at any time on ald John Trump, unmindful of the high the legislative day of October 12, 2017, or Oc- duties of his high office and the dignity from office and disqualification to hold tober 13, 2017, for the Speaker to entertain and proprieties thereof, has under- any office of high honor, trust, or prof- motions that the House suspend the rules as mined the integrity of his office and it under the United States of America. though under clause 1 of rule XV. The Speak- has brought disrepute on the Presi- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. er or his designee shall consult with the Mi- dency and has betrayed his trust as FRANKS of Arizona). Under rule IX, a nority Leader or her designee on the designa- resolution offered from the floor by a tion of any matter for consideration pursu- President to the manifest injury of the ant to this section. people of the United States of America, Member other than the majority leader The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- and is unfit to be President. or the minority leader as a question of tleman from Georgia is recognized for 1 Therefore, Donald John Trump, by the privileges of the House has imme- hour. betraying his trust as President, war- diate precedence only at a time des- ignated by the Chair within 2 legisla- Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- rants impeachment, trial, and removal er, for the purpose of debate only, I from office and disqualification to hold tive days after the resolution is prop- erly noticed. yield the customary 30 minutes to the any office of honor, trust, or profit gentleman from Colorado (Mr. POLIS), under the United States of America. Pending that designation, the form of the resolution noticed by the gen- pending which I yield myself such time Article IV: Donald John Trump, as I may consume. During consider- President of the United States of tleman from Texas will appear in the RECORD at this point. ation of this resolution, all time yield- America, unmindful of the high duties ed is for the purpose of debate only. of his high office and of the dignity and The Chair will not at this point de- termine whether the resolution con- GENERAL LEAVE proprieties thereof, and of the harmony Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- and courtesies which ought to exist stitutes a question of privilege. That determination will be made at the time er, I ask unanimous consent that all and be maintained in American soci- Members have 5 legislative days to re- ety, while aware of the widely reported designated for consideration of the res- olution. vise and extend their remarks and to history of unlawful abuses and bru- include extraneous material on House tality perpetrated by many, not all, po- f Resolution 562, currently under consid- lice officers against innocent persons b 1245 eration. in the United States of America, did PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there betray his trust as President, bringing OF S. 585, DR. CHRIS KIRK- objection to the request of the gen- shame and dishonor to the office of the PATRICK WHISTLEBLOWER PRO- tleman from Georgia? Presidency by encouraging law enforce- There was no objection. TECTION ACT OF 2017; PROVIDING ment officials to violate the constitu- Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- FOR PROCEEDINGS DURING THE tional rights of suspects in their cus- er, I am pleased to bring this rule for- PERIOD FROM OCTOBER 16, 2017, tody and control, to wit: ward on behalf of the Rules Committee. On July 28, 2017, Donald John Trump, THROUGH OCTOBER 20, 2017; AND Yesterday, the Rules Committee in a speech in front of the Suffolk PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION heard testimony from our colleagues, OF MOTIONS TO SUSPEND THE County Police Department in Long Is- Congressman PAUL MITCHELL, Over- land, New York, stated that: RULES sight and Government Reform Com- And when you see these towns and when Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- mittee Ranking Member ELIJAH CUM- you see these thugs being thrown into the er, by direction of the Committee on MINGS, and Congresswoman ANN back of a paddy wagon, you just see them Rules, I call up House Resolution 562 KUSTER.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.018 H11OCPT1 October 11, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7931 This rule provides for the consider- The underlying legislation provides ment of Veterans Affairs and across ation of S. 585, the Dr. Chris Kirk- for better training for Federal employ- the Federal Government. patrick Whistleblower Protection Act. ees so that they understand Federal Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of The rule provides for 1 hour of debate whistleblower protections. It also sets my time. equally divided and controlled by the minimum disciplinary standards across Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, I thank the chairman and the ranking member of all agencies for retaliation against gentleman for yielding me the cus- the Oversight and Government Reform whistleblowers while increasing protec- tomary 30 minutes, and I yield myself Committee, and provides for a motion tions for people who have the courage such time as I may consume. to recommit. to speak up when they discover a prob- Mr. Speaker, I rise in opposition to S. 585 was authored by Senator JOHN- lem. the rule. As my colleague noted, Dr. SON in the Senate, and the House com- The bill specifically requires the De- Kirkpatrick was a psychologist at a VA panion was introduced by my friend, partment of Veterans Affairs to deter- medical center in . In 2009, he Congressman SEAN DUFFY. I want to mine a plan to restrict unauthorized was fired from his job after allegedly thank my colleagues from Wisconsin employee access to medical files, questioning the overmedication of his for their leadership on this legislation. which—and it disturbs me to say this— patients, particularly related to Mr. Speaker, this bill addresses a has been used as a method of retalia- opioids. Tragically, that very same problem that is, unfortunately, far too tion against whistleblowers. day, Dr. Kirkpatrick committed sui- common. When Federal employees This legislation would make much- cide. blow the whistle on questionable prac- needed changes to ensure that those I think we can all agree that pro- tices, they face risk of retaliation and who come forward with information tecting whistleblowers helps to ensure that waste, fraud, and abuse in our gov- intimidation from their own employ- necessary to maintain and increase ac- ernment does not go unnoticed or ig- ers, even though the current Federal countability within our government do nored. law is supposed to protect them. In not suffer backlash as well. It is our responsibility to empower fact, the underlying legislation pro- Importantly, the bill also helps these and encourage whistleblowers to come individuals to know their rights and vided for by this rule is named after an forward and speak out when something what protections and recourse are individual who ultimately took his own isn’t right. No one should have to live life after he became the victim of retal- available to them. in fear of retaliation for bringing the It is unfortunate that we need this iation related to his whistleblowing. truth to light. No one should fear los- Dr. Chris Kirkpatrick was a Depart- legislation, but evidence has indicated ing their job or career or their life sim- that we do. The underlying legislation ment of Veterans Affairs doctor who ply for following the rules. raised concerns that the VA might be puts bullies who have made their nest The Dr. Chris Kirkpatrick Whistle- overmedicating patients. A later VA in government agencies on notice that blower Protection Act increases ac- investigation found that Dr. Kirk- their behavior won’t stand. It defends countability by enacting mandatory patrick’s concerns were warranted, but brave whistleblowers and puts the bad punishments for any manager or supe- it was too late. Dr. Kirkpatrick had al- actor Federal employees on notice: rior at an agency who has been found ready suffered retribution from within hostile work environments that target to have retaliated against a whistle- the VA and was eventually dismissed whistleblowers are on the bureauc- blower. from the agency. On the day of his ter- racy’s endangered species list. The bill also contains VA-specific re- mination, Dr. Kirkpatrick took his The Dr. Chris Kirkpatrick Whistle- forms to better protect the privacy of own life. blower Protection Act also builds on medical records. Employee medical Dr. Kirkpatrick’s story is a tragedy, the work the current administration is records would now be prohibited from one that none of us ever wants to see doing to address retribution levied being accessed in the case of potential repeated. against whistleblowers at the Depart- retaliation cases, which adds an addi- The Department of Veterans Affairs ment of Veterans Affairs. tional level of accountability for super- has become a de facto poster child for Importantly, I have colleagues on visors; and protecting the whistle- hostility toward whistleblowers. In both sides of the aisle who agree that blower from attacks and threats based fact, according to the Office of Special we need to address this problem and on their personal medical history, Counsel—the agency tasked with inves- that the time to do so is now. which would be completely inappro- tigation and redressing whistleblower The Dr. Chris Kirkpatrick Whistle- priate. retaliation—the OSC has seen a sharp blower Protection Act passed the Sen- Mr. Speaker, while there are strong increase in the number of whistle- ate by unanimous consent on May 25, and necessary reforms in this bill, I blower cases from VA employees. 2017. We need to continue their good want to make sure that you know that OSC Special Counsel Carolyn Lerner work here today. legislation can always be improved went on to say that: ‘‘ . . . it is clear On behalf of the whistleblowers who through the amendment process or at that the workplace culture in many VA have risked their careers and safety to least through conducting a hearing and facilities is hostile to whistleblowers right wrongs in our government, we markup of a bill. and actively discourages them from need to support this strong and timely Sadly, but unsurprisingly in this coming forward with what is often crit- legislation. Calling for attention and Congress, this bill didn’t have a mark- ical information.’’ action to address improper behavior up in committee; didn’t have a hearing; This disturbing trend may be most within the United States Government is considered under a closed rule, where visible at the VA, but the problem of should not be considered a risky under- amendments that were brought for- backlash against whistleblowers per- taking. ward aren’t even allowed to be debated sists across the Federal Government. Many Federal employees work day in on the House floor. Let me make something clear. There and day out on behalf of the American This might be a surprise even to the are good actors and bad actors within people, yet some feel threatened when chairman of the Committee on Over- each agency. There are good actors they try in earnest to make things bet- sight and Government Reform, who who shine light on the legitimate con- ter. himself requested a structured rule cerns in order to help their colleagues We need to continue the Senate’s that allowed for debate on amend- and the American people. There are work on behalf of these individuals and ments. also good actors who listen to those the Americans that they serve. Every- Much of my statement today echoes concerns and address them with integ- one deserves a government that is ac- the sentiment of Oversight and Govern- rity, and treat whistleblowers with re- countable for its own decisions and for ment Reform Ranking Member CUM- spect. the actions of its agents. MINGS and his testimony yesterday Unfortunately, there are also bad ac- Today we have a chance to make evening in the Rules Committee. tors. These are the ones that this legis- strides towards a more accountable Though this bill isn’t perfect, it can be lation seeks to address, and the prob- government. We have the opportunity improved and strengthened by a few lem they create is the one that the un- to address the most pressing problems relatively straightforward amend- derlying bill works to solve. facing whistleblowers at the Depart- ments, which, unfortunately, were shut

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.021 H11OCPT1 H7932 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 11, 2017 down in the Rules Committee last cast aside many of the bills that have bitration to prevent companies from night. passed the House, knowing that they dragging on labor negotiations unnec- The first amendment, which was went through the process of deliberate essarily to the detriment of workers. blocked today, would have addressed consideration by our body, rather than b 1300 the bill’s constitutional concerns first a bill that appears fully formed where raised by the Office of Personnel Man- Members of this body simply get an up- We don’t have time to waste. If we agement by revising the mandatory or-down vote. are going to consider an issue, let’s disciplinary procedures to allow superi- This bill will enjoy bipartisan sup- dive in. We can protect whistleblowers ors their constitutional rights to due port when it passes the House later from retaliation and strengthen the process in responding to accusations of today, as it should, but it also begs the rights of workers at the same time. retaliation. It would have improved the question of: Why are we spending valu- Given the minimal amount of time we bill and made it more likely to stand able time debating a noncontroversial have left to work with, 30 days this up in court to challenge. bill, especially if it is considered under year, we have an obligation to do both. An amendment reaffirming the right a closed rule? Why not have simply put By the way, the fact that we only to due process would have been some- it up on suspension in the first place? work 30 more days this year here in the thing at least worth voting on, and, in To say things bluntly, we are actu- probably comes fact, could have preserved the constitu- ally running out of time this year. By as a great surprise to many hard- tionality of the core elements of this my count, we only have 30 legislative working Americans who are accus- bill, ensuring that it stays in place to days left in the first half of the 115th tomed to working 5 days a week. We protect whistleblowers. Congress, yet we are faced with so have the rest of the month of October, Another amendment blocked under many important issues we need to November, December. Well, many this rule would have addressed privacy move forward on. Americans might get Christmas Day concerns contained in the bill. Specifi- Nine million children face losing off, perhaps even Christmas Eve, but I cally, the amendment would have pro- their health insurance because Con- don’t think Americans realize that tected the privacy of a whistleblower gress has not yet acted to reauthorize Congress is only going to work 30 days who commits suicide, by requiring the CHIP. Almost 1 million young, aspiring out of the next 78 days. That is less permission of the whistleblower’s next Americans have no idea what their than a half-time job, Mr. Speaker. of kin before an agency can share infor- lives will look like 6 months from now I think the American people deserve mation regarding the suicide. because of the President’s decision to more from us in this body, especially Again, it seems like a straight- end DACA and Congress’s continued in- when so many issues like CHIP, like forward fix to protect the privacy of ability to make it permanent law. The DACA, like Puerto Rico, and many whistleblowers and their families. At citizens of Puerto Rico, American citi- others have gone unanswered by us in the very least, even if Members of this zens, still have not been granted a Fed- this body, the House of Representa- body disagreed with it, why didn’t we eral aid package and are suffering from tives, or by colleagues across the way at least bring it forward for debate and a lack of food, clean water, healthcare in the Senate. a vote? supplies, and electricity, jeopardizing Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Another amendment that was many of their lives today. my time. blocked today contained the text of Yet here we are debating a bill with- Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- Mr. CUMMINGS’ bill, H.R. 702, which was out even allowing an amendment proc- er, I yield as much time as she may passed by the House of Representatives ess that we could have passed under consume to the gentlewoman from Ala- unanimously. As you know, this bill suspension vote yesterday so we could bama (Mrs. ROBY). would expand protections for employ- move on to CHIP, to Puerto Rico, to Mrs. ROBY. Mr. Speaker, I thank the ees who face discrimination, and it so- DACA today, rather than spend one of gentleman for yielding me time. lidifies our commitment to protecting our 30 remaining days of business this Mr. Speaker, I rise today to urge my whistleblowers and other employees year avoiding the topics that the colleagues to support this rule and the from retaliation. It was a bipartisan American people want us to take on. underlying bill, S. 585, the Dr. Chris bill. It passed the House unanimously. Despite the important goals we have Kirkpatrick Whistleblower Protection We simply should have allowed it under left to accomplish this year, it is mis- Act of 2017. this bill to become part of a related ef- leading to assume that regular order This bill strengthens penalties fort. isn’t feasible. We have all seen how fast against those who retaliate against Now, I know that my colleagues on Congress can work when we are pushed whistleblowers, adds protections and the other side will say: Oh, the Senate right up to the edge. It is past time opportunities for whistleblowers placed is slow. They won’t take up this bill on that we show that same urgency and on probation, and ensures Federal em- time. It is better for us to pass some- commitment in considering legislation ployees have a greater knowledge of thing now than have to wait for their under regular order, even if it means whistleblower rights and protections. approval. we have to stay here on Thursdays and Specifically, this bill forbids a super- But it only takes 10 minutes usually Fridays, even if it means we are work- visor from taking or threatening to to debate an amendment. So we could ing until 8 or 9 or 10 or midnight. The take action against an employee be- have allowed three amendments and American people deserve no less. cause they refuse to obey an order that spent no more than 30 minutes debat- Make no mistake, the Whistleblower would violate a law, rule, or regula- ing them and still reported this bill out Protection Act is an important piece of tion. expeditiously. legislation that will help protect whis- I want to thank Senator RON JOHN- Now, I happen to think that, while tleblowers and hold Federal agencies SON for his persistence in pushing this there are many on the other side of the accountable, but if we are going to de- legislation even after the former Sen- aisle who would agree the House needs vote this much time to legislation that ator Harry Reid shut it down last Con- to return to regular order, it is time protects employees, let’s take it a step gress. that Members actually started by vot- further and talk about expanding What a poignant and meaningful ges- ing according to what they are saying. worker protections for an even greater ture to name this bill after Dr. Chris By voting ‘‘no’’ on this rule and reject- number of Americans. Kirkpatrick, a VA employee who took ing it, we can send the message to For example, my legislation, the Giv- his own life after being subjected to House leadership that we want an open, ing Workers a Fair Shot Act—which I cruel retaliation from VA officials. I regular order process. introduced last session and this ses- hope it puts in perspective the im- Bills should come out of committee sion, and has yet to receive a hearing, mense emotional burdens that victims through markups. Republicans and no less a markup in the Education and of retaliation face. Democrats should have the oppor- Workforce Committee—would protect Mr. Speaker, this issue is personal tunity to amend bills on the floor of workers from wage theft, prevent tax- for me. Unfortunately, I have seen ex- the House. Perhaps if we did that more payer funds from going towards union actly what retaliation against whistle- often, the Senate would not simply busting, and establish first contract ar- blowers looks like, how easy it is to get

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.022 H11OCPT1 October 11, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7933 away with it, and why we have to put poor performance would be tolerated, bring forward the Dream Act, which I a stop to it. but blowing the whistle on that kind of am confident would pass on the floor of Last week marked the 3-year anni- behavior would not be. the House probably by a good margin. versary since the director of the cen- I have seen it too many times. All What the Dream Act does is it allows tral Alabama VA became the first sen- too frequently, VA employees caught young people who grew up in our coun- ior manager in the country fired as a for doing the wrong thing are rep- try, who know no other country, a result of the wait-list scandal. That rimanded, shuffled around to different pathway to become citizens. They have was a major step towards turning jobs, or allowed to quietly retire, but gone to our schools, they have been on around one of the Nation’s worst VA those who try to do the right thing by the football team or cheerleaders like systems and restoring trust with the our veterans by shining a light on mis- your own kids or grandkids, Mr. Speak- veteran population it serves. conduct are persecuted, intimidated, or er. Mr. Speaker, I can say, beyond a worse. They are able to work legally in our shadow of a doubt, that it would have While I am proud of the work that we country because of the deferred action never happened without brave whistle- have done for the last 3 years to put an program, which is scheduled by Presi- blowers inside the VA telling me the end to this unacceptable culture at the dent Trump to be canceled in 41⁄2 truth. VA, there is much work left to be done. months. We need to act now to give Two brave individuals in particular, Mr. Speaker, there is a reason why these young people the certainty they Sheila Meuse and Rich Tremaine, told Federal employees face retaliation for need to live their lives as Americans, me the truth about major instances of speaking up. It is not because people the only country they know, and the misconduct and mismanagement when are just naturally mean or because only country that they are loyal to. no one else would. Seeing no other way there is some kind of misunder- We simply don’t have time to waste. to achieve change, they finally told standing. The reason whistleblowers We need to give these young de facto their story to the media, at great per- face systemic retaliation is because it Americans the certainty they need to sonal risk to their careers. works. When a brave whistleblower continue with their lives to be able to The stories that emerged from these faces intimidation or persecution for contribute to our country, join our exposures were almost unbelievable: their action, every other employee sees military, pay taxes, and all of the More than 1,000 X-ray cancer it, and they know what will happen to other responsibilities that Americans screenings were lost and unread for them if they tell the truth. It has a have. years, even though some showed malig- powerful, chilling effect—one we saw Of course, Mr. Speaker, protecting nancies. When alerted to the problem, firsthand in Montgomery. whistleblowers is important. It is crit- top administrators tried to cover this They retaliate because it works. ical to ensure that our democracy func- up. That is just wrong, and it is time to tions honestly and with accountability A pulmonologist manipulated more punish those who do it with harsher and government is truly working in the than 1,200 patient records but, even penalties. We need to rethink our civil best interests of the people that it after being caught twice, was still service laws in this country to make serves. But we could get there a better given a satisfactory review. sure public servants live up to the way, by having an open process that al- A central Alabama VA employee honor and responsibility of the public lows Democrats and Republicans to took a recovering veteran to a crack trust, and I believe that this bill is an- suggest further improvements to whis- house and bought him drugs and pros- other positive step in that direction. tleblower protection rather than hav- titutes in order to extort his VA pay- Mr. Speaker, that is why I urge my col- ing a bill that was never marked up in ments. Even when caught, this em- leagues to bring it to the floor by sup- committee, that simply appeared fully ployee was not fired until a year and a porting this rule. formed for the full House to consider Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- half later when we exposed it in the without the opportunity for Democrats self such time as I may consume. newspaper. Mr. Speaker, President Trump has or Republicans to make it any better. Mr. Speaker, this behavior is egre- been relentless on his attack on immi- The Dr. Chris Kirkpatrick Whistle- gious, and, trust me, there is a lot grant Americans, generally, and, in blower Protection Act will strengthen more where it came from. particular, DREAMers since he took of- the rights of whistleblowers and reaf- However, had it not been for the fice. Yet 82 percent of American voters, firm their value and importance to our courage of those on the inside to ex- including about 70 percent of Repub- country. But once again, this bill pose this wrongdoing, the world might licans, believe DREAMers should be al- should have gone through a regular not have ever known. To me and to the lowed to stay in the U.S. and apply for process that allowed us to amend it. veterans whose lives they might have citizenship. Yet President Trump has The fact that this bill passed the saved, they are heroes. But that is not continued to turn his back on these in- Senate with bipartisan support how they were treated by VA officials. nocent young people. shouldn’t stop us from making changes They were treated as enemies and out- Mr. Speaker, here is our chance to in this body, the House of Representa- casts, all because they tried to do the rectify President Trump’s decision and tives, to improve the bill and make it right thing. restore the American people’s faith in work even better. We have an obliga- Rich Tremaine actually testified us and our faith in our aspiring Ameri- tion to our constituents to thought- here before the Veterans’ Affairs Com- cans. fully consider every piece of legislation mittee, detailing the systemic way When we defeat the previous ques- in front of us and to amend where we that some VA officials attempted to si- tion, I will offer an amendment to the see fit. lence and marginalize him. The effects rule to bring up H.R. 3440, the Dream As we move forward on addressing of him blowing the whistle on wrong- Act. This bipartisan, bicameral legisla- the pressing issues in front of us, such doing follow him to this day, far away tion would help thousands of young as finding a path forward on deferred from Montgomery, Alabama. people who are de facto Americans in action, which we will present if we can Mr. Speaker, my experience working every way except for on paper. defeat the previous question, reauthor- to clean house at the VA taught me a Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con- izing CHIP, or making improvements fascinating and frustrating truth about sent to insert the text of my amend- in our healthcare system, let’s do it the culture in some parts of the VA. ment in the RECORD, along with extra- through a regular process that allows The system routinely goes out of its neous material, immediately prior to Democrats and Republicans, the 435 of way to protect those who don’t do their the vote on the previous question. us who serve here, to bring forward our jobs or even harm veterans, but then The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. ideas, not just the ideas of leadership goes after those who try to stop that THOMPSON of Pennsylvania). Is there in making the country a better place. misbehavior. objection to the request of the gen- We have good, smart, deliberate For years, because of poorly written tleman from Colorado? Members on both sides of the aisle who civil service laws and powerful unions, There was no objection. want to work, want to legislate. It is too many VA employees got the mes- Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, by defeat- ridiculous that we only have 30 days sage that misconduct, negligence, and ing the previous question today, we can out of the next 78 in which Congress

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.024 H11OCPT1 H7934 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 11, 2017 will even be working, and I suspect for should not feel alone in their resolve to We stand, not only for the districts in most of the 30 days, like today, Demo- improve the VA or any other agency. which we are elected, but the American crats and Republicans won’t even be Yet too often, we have seen the current people who have taken to this institu- able to offer their ideas and have them law leave them at the mercy of bad ac- tion to say: I expect my trust to be ex- considered. The American people de- tors. We must strengthen the existing emplified in the employees of the Fed- serve better. statutes to address the litany of retal- eral Government and through the stew- We as an institution, as the United iations aimed at whistleblowers. ardship of their tax dollars. States Congress, can do better, and we The bill today will deter agency offi- The question for us today is not do can begin by defeating the previous cials from targeting whistleblowers for we continue to protect the system that question and defeating the rule. shining a light on dark flaws in their is broken, but the question for us is to Mr. Speaker, that is why I urge my organization. Bad actors are even vote ‘‘yes’’ on this previous question, colleagues to oppose the rule, and I today evading discipline while whistle- to move this rule, and to move this yield back the balance of my time. blowers who strive to do what is right bill, because this is saying we value Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- too often endure punishment for their that integrity currency, we value those er, I yield myself the balance of my brave actions. who are willing to step forward at risk time. The whistleblowers are on the losing of themselves, in courage, to say: This Mr. Speaker, I appreciate the gentle- end of a system that often favors mis- is wrong, we need to fix it, and let the man’s concern, especially for the piece chief, which means that the American chips fall where they may. of legislation that is before us. I think public also suffers. This bill will bring We protect the right. We punish the it is a step forward and things that we relief to Federal truth tellers and the wrong. That is what this bill does. should be doing and things that are the everyday Americans who depend on The material previously referred to oversight role of this Congress, espe- their services. by Mr. POLIS is as follows: cially when we are dealing with the We best serve the American people by AN AMENDMENT TO H. RES. 562 OFFERED BY issue of whistleblowers and the value protecting whistleblowers, addressing MR. POLIS that they bring, and also the culture their concerns properly, and inves- At the end of the resolution, add the fol- that seems to have pervaded. tigating their claims with trans- lowing new sections: I so appreciate the gentlewoman parency. SEC. 5. Immediately upon adoption of this from Alabama and her stories. We, in resolution the Speaker shall, pursuant to Georgia, have had similar issues. We b 1315 clause 2(b) of rule XVIII, declare the House had that in the Augusta medical cen- The Federal Government exists to resolved into the Committee of the Whole protect its citizens by holding wrong- House on the state of the Union for consider- ter. We also had it in others. ation of the bill (H.R. 3440) to authorize the I think the issue here today, though, doers accountable. It is designed to cancellation of removal and adjustment of and I want to be very clear, Mr. Speak- support those who work to root out status of certain individuals who are long- er, many times when we come to the wrongs in the system. term United States residents and who en- floor, there is this discussion and it The underlying legislation brings us tered the United States as children and for gets circulated that we are actually closer to a Federal system run by the other purposes. The first reading of the bill against all Federal employees, or that people and for the benefit of the people, shall be dispensed with. All points of order every Federal employee is bad, and not for the benefit of a few bad actors against consideration of the bill are waived. who exploit its structure. It delivers General debate shall be confined to the bill that none of the Federal employees are and shall not exceed one hour equally di- worth their payment or whatever. That justice to both victims and bad actors, vided and controlled by the chair and rank- is just not true. The work of the vast protects whistleblowers who act in ing minority member of the Committee on majority of the VA employees, the good faith, and ensures that the Amer- the Judiciary. After general debate the bill workers of the vast majority of the ican Government better serves the shall be considered for amendment under the agencies, although we may have philo- American people. five-minute rule. All points of order against sophical differences on how big some of At the end of the day, Mr. Speaker, is provisions in the bill are waived. At the con- our agencies should be or if they should that not what it is all about? At the clusion of consideration of the bill for end of the day, is it not what we as a amendment the Committee shall rise and re- be in the role of Federal Government, port the bill to the House with such amend- at the end of the day, the value and the Congress and as a House and a Senate ments as may have been adopted. The pre- worth of the Federal employee is never should be about, and that is assuring vious question shall be considered as ordered questioned, at least by this Member. that the people who we are elected to on the bill and amendments thereto to final But when we find bad actors, when serve are best served by their own tax passage without intervening motion except we find bad policies, when we find bad dollars through the agencies and proc- one motion to recommit with or without in- procedures, when we find things that esses of the Federal Government to structions. If the Committee of the Whole inherently are wrong and they are kept provide basic services to our veterans, rises and reports that it has come to no reso- wrong, as the gentlewoman from Ala- who serve in our other agencies, who, lution on the bill, then on the next legisla- tive day the House shall, immediately after bama so well pointed out, that when at the core of this, actually comes the third daily order of business under clause the culture becomes protecting the bad down—to me, this is a protection of 1 of rule XIV, resolve into the Committee of and punishing the good, then we have whistleblowers. But in a bigger role, it the Whole for further consideration of the an issue that has developed far beyond is actually a protection of the currency bill. the scope of what it should be. that is the best that can be used in our SEC. 6. Clause 1(c) of rule XIX shall not These are some of the things that we Federal agencies, and that is the trust apply to the consideration of H.R. 3440. are discussing today, and I think it is of the American people. THE VOTE ON THE PREVIOUS QUESTION: WHAT worth the time on this floor, it is When we are in the discussion of IT REALLY MEANS worth the time on the Senate floor, as trust in the American people, right This vote, the vote on whether to order the they have already passed this bill, and now, many times, if you look around, previous question on a special rule, is not I think the concerns raised are the dis- the Federal Government may not be in merely a procedural vote. A vote against or- dering the previous question is a vote cussion of which has been addressed in that trusted role because many times against the Republican majority agenda and this. they see the actions of the bad actors a vote to allow the Democratic minority to I think what we look at today is to- as opposed to many times the very offer an alternative plan. It is a vote about day’s bill is a necessary step, but I be- shining lights of the good actors. Those what the House should be debating. lieve toward integrity, Mr. Speaker. good actors who are willing to partici- Mr. Clarence Cannon’s Precedents of the My colleagues and I owe it to our pate and to step forward and to be a House of Representatives (VI, 308–311), de- neighbors and to Federal employees part of the solution and not a part of scribes the vote on the previous question on who serve to increase whistleblower the problem need that protection. the rule as ‘‘a motion to direct or control the consideration of the subject before the House protections. We need a clear path for We cannot continue to perpetuate being made by the Member in charge.’’ To public servants to serve Americans and turn a blind eye when this is so rel- defeat the previous question is to give the with the knowledge that we will honor evant in our government. When we do opposition a chance to decide the subject be- their good character and courage. They this, we stand for those whom we serve. fore the House. Cannon cites the Speaker’s

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:29 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.025 H11OCPT1 October 11, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7935 ruling of January 13, 1920, to the effect that Speaker designates this as the time for Dent Joyce (OH) Rohrabacher ‘‘the refusal of the House to sustain the de- the offering of the resolution noticed DeSantis Katko Rokita Diaz-Balart Kelly (MS) Rooney, Francis mand for the previous question passes the by the gentleman from Texas (Mr. AL control of the resolution to the opposition’’ Donovan King (IA) Rooney, Thomas Duffy King (NY) in order to offer an amendment. On March GREEN). J. The resolution has not been offered. Duncan (SC) Kinzinger Ros-Lehtinen 15, 1909, a member of the majority party of- Duncan (TN) Knight Roskam fered a rule resolution. The House defeated f Dunn Kustoff (TN) Ross the previous question and a member of the Emmer Labrador Rothfus opposition rose to a parliamentary inquiry, ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Estes (KS) LaHood Rouzer asking who was entitled to recognition. PRO TEMPORE Farenthold LaMalfa Royce (CA) Speaker Joseph G. Cannon (R-Illinois) said: Faso Lamborn Russell ‘‘The previous question having been refused, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Ferguson Lance Rutherford Fitzpatrick Latta Sanford the gentleman from New York, Mr. Fitz- ant to clause 8 of rule XX, proceedings Fleischmann Lewis (MN) Scalise gerald, who had asked the gentleman to will resume on questions previously Flores LoBiondo Schweikert yield to him for an amendment, is entitled to Fortenberry Loudermilk postponed. Scott, Austin the first recognition.’’ Votes will be taken in the following Foxx Love The Republican majority may say ‘‘the Franks (AZ) Lucas Sensenbrenner vote on the previous question is simply a order: Frelinghuysen Luetkemeyer Sessions Shimkus vote on whether to proceed to an immediate Ordering the previous question on Gaetz MacArthur Shuster vote on adopting the resolution . . . [and] House Resolution 562, and Gallagher Marshall Garrett Massie Simpson has no substantive legislative or policy im- Adoption of the resolution, if or- Gianforte Mast Smith (MO) plications whatsoever.’’ But that is not what dered. Gibbs McCarthy Smith (NE) they have always said. Listen to the Repub- The first electronic vote will be con- Gohmert McClintock Smith (NJ) lican Leadership Manual on the Legislative ducted as a 15-minute vote. The second Goodlatte McHenry Smith (TX) Process in the United States House of Rep- Gosar McKinley Stefanik resentatives, (6th edition, page 135). Here’s electronic vote will be conducted as a Gowdy McMorris Stewart how the Republicans describe the previous 5-minute vote. Granger Rodgers Stivers question vote in their own manual: ‘‘Al- Graves (GA) McSally Taylor f Graves (LA) Meadows Tenney though it is generally not possible to amend Graves (MO) Messer the rule because the majority Member con- Thompson (PA) PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION Griffith Mitchell Thornberry trolling the time will not yield for the pur- OF S. 585, DR. CHRIS KIRK- Grothman Moolenaar Tiberi pose of offering an amendment, the same re- PATRICK WHISTLEBLOWER PRO- Guthrie Mooney (WV) Tipton sult may be achieved by voting down the pre- Handel Mullin TECTION ACT OF 2017; PROVIDING Trott vious question on the rule.... When the Harper Murphy (PA) Turner Harris Newhouse motion for the previous question is defeated, FOR PROCEEDINGS DURING THE Upton Hartzler Noem control of the time passes to the Member PERIOD FROM OCTOBER 16, 2017, Valadao Hensarling Norman Wagner who led the opposition to ordering the pre- THROUGH OCTOBER 20, 2017; AND Herrera Beutler Nunes Walberg vious question. That Member, because he PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION Hice, Jody B. Olson Walden then controls the time, may offer an amend- Higgins (LA) Palazzo OF MOTIONS TO SUSPEND THE Walker ment to the rule, or yield for the purpose of RULES Hill Palmer amendment.’’ Holding Paulsen Walorski In Deschler’s Procedure in the U.S. House Hollingsworth Pearce Walters, Mimi The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- Weber (TX) of Representatives, the subchapter titled finished business is the vote on order- Hudson Pittenger Huizenga Poe (TX) Wenstrup ‘‘Amending Special Rules’’ states: ‘‘a refusal ing the previous question on the reso- Westerman to order the previous question on such a rule Hultgren Poliquin lution (H. Res. 562) providing for con- Hunter Posey Williams [a special rule reported from the Committee sideration of the bill (S. 585) to provide Hurd Ratcliffe Wilson (SC) on Rules] opens the resolution to amend- Issa Reed Wittman ment and further debate.’’ (Chapter 21, sec- greater whistleblower protections for Jenkins (KS) Reichert Womack tion 21.2) Section 21.3 continues: ‘‘Upon re- Federal employees, increased aware- Jenkins (WV) Renacci Woodall jection of the motion for the previous ques- ness of Federal whistleblower protec- Johnson (LA) Rice (SC) Yoder tion on a resolution reported from the Com- tions, and increased accountability and Johnson (OH) Roby Yoho mittee on Rules, control shifts to the Mem- Johnson, Sam Roe (TN) Young (AK) required discipline for Federal super- Jones Rogers (AL) Young (IA) ber leading the opposition to the previous visors who retaliate against whistle- Jordan Rogers (KY) Zeldin question, who may offer a proper amendment blowers, and for other purposes; pro- or motion and who controls the time for de- NAYS—190 bate thereon.’’ viding for proceedings during the pe- Clearly, the vote on the previous question riod from October 16, 2017, through Oc- Adams Courtney Gutie´rrez on a rule does have substantive policy impli- Aguilar Crist Hastings tober 20, 2017; and providing for consid- Barraga´ n Crowley cations. It is one of the only available tools Heck eration of motions to suspend the Bass Cuellar Higgins (NY) for those who oppose the Republican major- rules, on which the yeas and nays were Beatty Cummings Himes ity’s agenda and allows those with alter- ordered. Bera Davis (CA) Hoyer native views the opportunity to offer an al- Beyer Davis, Danny The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Jackson Lee ternative plan. Bishop (GA) DeFazio Jayapal tion. Blumenauer DeGette Jeffries Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- Blunt Rochester Delaney er, I yield back the balance of my time, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Johnson (GA) question is on ordering the previous Bonamici DeLauro Johnson, E. B. and I move the previous question on Boyle, Brendan DelBene question. Kaptur the resolution. F. Demings Keating The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The vote was taken by electronic de- Brady (PA) DeSaulnier Kelly (IL) vice, and there were—yeas 227, nays Brown (MD) Deutch Kennedy question is on ordering the previous Brownley (CA) Dingell Khanna 190, not voting 16, as follows: Bustos Doggett question. Kihuen Butterfield Doyle, Michael The question was taken; and the [Roll No. 560] Kildee Capuano F. Kilmer Speaker pro tempore announced that YEAS—227 Carbajal Ellison Kind the ayes appeared to have it. Abraham Blackburn Cheney Ca´ rdenas Engel Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, on that I Aderholt Blum Coffman Carson (IN) Eshoo Krishnamoorthi Kuster (NH) demand the yeas and nays. Allen Bost Cole Cartwright Espaillat Amash Brady (TX) Collins (GA) Castor (FL) Esty (CT) Langevin The yeas and nays were ordered. Amodei Brat Collins (NY) Castro (TX) Evans Larsen (WA) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Arrington Brooks (AL) Comer Chu, Judy Foster Larson (CT) ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- Babin Brooks (IN) Comstock Cicilline Frankel (FL) Lawrence ceedings on this question will be post- Bacon Buchanan Conaway Clark (MA) Fudge Lawson (FL) Banks (IN) Buck Cook Clarke (NY) Gabbard Lee poned. Barr Bucshon Costello (PA) Clay Gallego Levin f Barton Budd Cramer Cleaver Garamendi Lewis (GA) Bergman Burgess Crawford Clyburn Gomez Lieu, Ted ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Biggs Byrne Culberson Cohen Gonzalez (TX) Lipinski PRO TEMPORE Bilirakis Calvert Curbelo (FL) Conyers Gottheimer Loebsack Bishop (MI) Carter (GA) Davidson Cooper Green, Al Lofgren The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Bishop (UT) Carter (TX) Davis, Rodney Correa Green, Gene Lowenthal ant to clause 2(a)(1) of rule IX, the Black Chabot Denham Costa Grijalva Lowey

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:29 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11OC7.010 H11OCPT1 H7936 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 11, 2017 Lujan Grisham, Perlmutter Sinema Granger Marchant Rouzer Payne Schakowsky Titus M. Peters Sires Graves (GA) Marshall Royce (CA) Pelosi Schiff Tonko Luja´ n, Ben Ray Peterson Slaughter Graves (LA) Mast Russell Perlmutter Schneider Torres Lynch Pingree Smith (WA) Graves (MO) McCarthy Rutherford Peterson Schrader Tsongas Maloney, Pocan Soto Griffith McCaul Sanford Pingree Scott (VA) Vargas Carolyn B. Polis Speier Grothman McClintock Scalise Pocan Scott, David Veasey Maloney, Sean Price (NC) Suozzi Guthrie McHenry Schweikert Polis Serrano Vela Matsui Quigley Swalwell (CA) Handel McKinley Scott, Austin Price (NC) Sewell (AL) Vela´ zquez McCollum Raskin Quigley Shea-Porter Takano Harper McMorris Sensenbrenner Visclosky McEachin Rice (NY) Harris Rodgers Raskin Sherman Thompson (MS) Sessions Walz McGovern Richmond Hartzler McSally Rice (NY) Sires Titus Shimkus Wasserman McNerney Rosen Hensarling Meadows Richmond Slaughter Tonko Shuster Schultz Meeks Roybal-Allard Herrera Beutler Messer Simpson Roybal-Allard Smith (WA) Meng Ruiz Torres Hice, Jody B. Mitchell Ruiz Soto Waters, Maxine Tsongas Sinema Watson Coleman Moore Ruppersberger Higgins (LA) Moolenaar Smith (MO) Ruppersberger Speier Moulton Rush Vargas Rush Welch Hill Mooney (WV) Smith (NE) Suozzi Murphy (FL) Ryan (OH) Veasey Ryan (OH) Swalwell (CA) Wilson (FL) Holding Mullin Smith (NJ) Nadler Sa´ nchez Vela Hollingsworth Murphy (FL) Sa´ nchez Takano Yarmuth Smith (TX) Napolitano Sarbanes Vela´ zquez Hudson Murphy (PA) Sarbanes Thompson (MS) Stefanik Neal Schakowsky Visclosky Huizenga Newhouse Stewart Nolan Schiff Walz Hultgren Noem NOT VOTING—14 Stivers Norcross Schneider Wasserman Hunter Norman Barletta Hanabusa Meehan Taylor O’Halleran Schrader Schultz Hurd Nunes Bridenstine Huffman Perry Tenney O’Rourke Scott (VA) Issa Olson Buchanan Kelly (PA) Waters, Maxine Thompson (PA) Smucker Pallone Scott, David Jenkins (KS) Palazzo Connolly Long Watson Coleman Thornberry Thompson (CA) Panetta Serrano Welch Jenkins (WV) Palmer DesJarlais Marino Pascrell Tiberi Sewell (AL) Wilson (FL) Johnson (LA) Paulsen Payne Shea-Porter Tipton Yarmuth Johnson (OH) Pearce b 1350 Pelosi Sherman Johnson, Sam Peters Trott Jones Pittenger Turner So the resolution was agreed to. NOT VOTING—16 Jordan Poe (TX) Upton The result of the vote was announced Barletta Kelly (PA) Perry Joyce (OH) Poliquin Valadao as above recorded. Bridenstine Long Smucker Katko Posey Wagner Walberg A motion to reconsider was laid on Connolly Marchant Thompson (CA) Kelly (MS) Ratcliffe Walden DesJarlais Marino Webster (FL) King (IA) Reed the table. King (NY) Reichert Walker Hanabusa McCaul f Huffman Meehan Kinzinger Renacci Walorski Walters, Mimi Knight Rice (SC) ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER b 1344 Kustoff (TN) Roby Weber (TX) Labrador Roe (TN) Webster (FL) PRO TEMPORE Messrs. ELLISON and LYNCH Wenstrup LaHood Rogers (AL) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- changed their vote from ‘‘yea’’ to LaMalfa Rogers (KY) Westerman ‘‘nay.’’ Lamborn Rohrabacher Williams ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair Wilson (SC) Messrs. JONES and BRADY of Texas Lance Rokita will postpone further proceedings Latta Rooney, Francis Wittman today on motions to suspend the rules changed their vote from ‘‘nay’’ to Lewis (MN) Rooney, Thomas Womack ‘‘yea.’’ LoBiondo J. Woodall on which a recorded vote or the yeas So the previous question was ordered. Loudermilk Ros-Lehtinen Yoder and nays are ordered, or votes objected Love Rosen Yoho The result of the vote was announced to under clause 6 of rule XX. Lucas Roskam Young (AK) The House will resume proceedings as above recorded. Luetkemeyer Ross Young (IA) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The MacArthur Rothfus Zeldin on postponed questions at a later time. f question is on the resolution. NOES—185 The question was taken; and the NIST SMALL BUSINESS Speaker pro tempore announced that Adams Delaney Kilmer Aguilar DeLauro Kind CYBERSECURITY ACT the ayes appeared to have it. Amash DelBene Krishnamoorthi RECORDED VOTE Barraga´ n Demings Kuster (NH) Mr. WEBSTER of Florida. Mr. Speak- Bass DeSaulnier Langevin Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, I demand a er, I move to suspend the rules and Beatty Deutch Larsen (WA) pass the bill (H.R. 2105) to require the recorded vote. Bera Dingell Larson (CT) A recorded vote was ordered. Beyer Doggett Lawrence Director of the National Institute of Bishop (GA) Doyle, Michael Lawson (FL) Standards and Technology to dissemi- The SPEAKER pro tempore. This Blumenauer F. Lee will be a 5-minute vote. nate guidance to help reduce small Blunt Rochester Ellison Levin business cybersecurity risks, and for The vote was taken by electronic de- Bonamici Engel Lewis (GA) vice, and there were—ayes 234, noes 185, Boyle, Brendan Eshoo Lieu, Ted other purposes, as amended. F. Espaillat Lipinski not voting 14, as follows: The Clerk read the title of the bill. Brady (PA) Esty (CT) Loebsack The text of the bill is as follows: [Roll No. 561] Brown (MD) Evans Lofgren Brownley (CA) Foster Lowenthal H.R. 2105 AYES—234 Bustos Frankel (FL) Lowey Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Abraham Byrne Donovan Butterfield Fudge Lujan Grisham, Representatives of the United States of Aderholt Calvert Duffy Capuano Gabbard M. Allen Carter (GA) Duncan (SC) Carbajal Gallego Luja´ n, Ben Ray America in Congress assembled, Amodei Carter (TX) Duncan (TN) Ca´ rdenas Garamendi Lynch SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. Arrington Chabot Dunn Carson (IN) Gomez Maloney, This Act may be cited as the ‘‘NIST Small Babin Cheney Emmer Cartwright Gonzalez (TX) Carolyn B. Business Cybersecurity Act’’. Bacon Coffman Estes (KS) Castor (FL) Green, Al Maloney, Sean Banks (IN) Cole Farenthold Castro (TX) Green, Gene Massie SEC. 2. IMPROVING CYBERSECURITY OF SMALL Barr Collins (GA) Faso Chu, Judy Grijalva Matsui BUSINESSES. Barton Collins (NY) Ferguson Cicilline Gutie´rrez McCollum (a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: Bergman Comer Fitzpatrick Clark (MA) Hastings McEachin (1) DIRECTOR.—The term ‘‘Director’’ means Biggs Comstock Fleischmann Clarke (NY) Heck McGovern the Director of the National Institute of Bilirakis Conaway Flores Clay Higgins (NY) McNerney Standards and Technology. Bishop (MI) Cook Fortenberry Cleaver Himes Meeks (2) RESOURCES.—The term ‘‘resources’’ Bishop (UT) Costa Foxx Clyburn Hoyer Meng Black Costello (PA) Franks (AZ) Cohen Jackson Lee Moore means guidelines, tools, best practices, Blackburn Cramer Frelinghuysen Conyers Jayapal Moulton standards, methodologies, and other ways of Blum Crawford Gaetz Cooper Jeffries Nadler providing information. Bost Crist Gallagher Correa Johnson (GA) Napolitano (3) SMALL BUSINESS CONCERN.—The term Brady (TX) Culberson Garrett Courtney Johnson, E. B. Neal ‘‘small business concern’’ has the meaning Brat Curbelo (FL) Gianforte Crowley Kaptur Nolan given such term in section 3 of the Small Brooks (AL) Davidson Gibbs Cuellar Keating Norcross Business Act (15 U.S.C. 632). Brooks (IN) Davis, Rodney Gohmert Cummings Kelly (IL) O’Halleran Buck Denham Goodlatte Davis (CA) Kennedy O’Rourke (b) SMALL BUSINESS CYBERSECURITY.—Sec- Bucshon Dent Gosar Davis, Danny Khanna Pallone tion 2(e)(1)(A) of the National Institute of Budd DeSantis Gottheimer DeFazio Kihuen Panetta Standards and Technology Act (15 U.S.C. Burgess Diaz-Balart Gowdy DeGette Kildee Pascrell 272(e)(1)(A)) is amended—

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:29 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11OC7.003 H11OCPT1 October 11, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7937 (1) in clause (vii), by striking ‘‘and’’ at the propriated or made available to the National over. But most small businesses may or end; Institute of Standards and Technology. may not—including ourselves—have (2) by redesignating clause (viii) as clause The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- done that just a few days before. (ix); and ant to the rule, the gentleman from (3) by inserting after clause (vii) the fol- Thus, I introduced H.R. 2105 with the lowing: Florida (Mr. WEBSTER) and the gen- support and cosponsorship of many of ‘‘(viii) consider small business concerns (as tleman from Illinois (Mr. LIPINSKI) my colleagues on the committee, in- defined in section 3 of the Small Business each will control 20 minutes. cluding Chairman SMITH, Chairwoman Act (15 U.S.C. 632)); and’’. The Chair recognizes the gentleman COMSTOCK, and Ranking Member LIPIN- (c) DISSEMINATION OF RESOURCES FOR from Florida. SKI. SMALL BUSINESSES.— GENERAL LEAVE H.R. 2105 would provide small busi- (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, Mr. WEBSTER of Florida. Mr. Speak- nesses in my district, State, and across the Director, in carrying out section er, I ask unanimous consent that all the country with the tools they need to 2(e)(1)(A)(viii) of the National Institute of Members have 5 legislative days to re- meet the threats and challenges of the Standards and Technology Act, as added by vise and extend their remarks and in- modern world. subsection (b) of this Act, in consultation clude any extraneous material on H.R. This bill describes the vital role with the heads of other appropriate Federal 2105. played by small businesses in the U.S. agencies, shall disseminate clear and concise The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there economy, the devastating impact of resources to help small business concerns objection to the request of the gen- cyber attacks on a majority of small identify, assess, manage, and reduce their tleman from Florida? cybersecurity risks. businesses and large businesses and (2) REQUIREMENTS.—The Director shall en- There was no objection. what they need to develop to specifi- sure that the resources disseminated pursu- Mr. WEBSTER of Florida. Mr. Speak- cally help themselves. ant to paragraph (1)— er, I yield myself such time as I may It directs the NIST Director—within (A) are generally applicable and usable by consume. a year of the act’s enactment—to dis- a wide range of small business concerns; Mr. Speaker, I thank the leadership seminate clear and concise resources, (B) vary with the nature and size of the im- for giving us this time to debate this which are defined as guidelines, tools, plementing small business concern, and the important bill. It is especially timely best practices, standards, methodolo- nature and sensitivity of the data collected as October is National Cyber Security or stored on the information systems or de- gies, and other ways of providing this vices of the implementing small business Awareness Month, so taking up this information. concern; bill at this time is a perfect time. We Dissemination would be in consulta- (C) include elements, that promote aware- must come together to protect all busi- tion with heads of other Federal agen- ness of simple, basic controls, a workplace, nesses—large, small, and medium— cies. These resources—based on the cybersecurity culture, and third-party stake- from the constant threat of cyber at- NIST Framework for Improving Crit- holder relationships, to assist small business tacks. ical Infrastructure Cybersecurity—will concerns in mitigating common cybersecu- America’s small businesses are the help small businesses identify, assess, rity risks; backbone of our economy, accounting (D) include case studies of practical appli- manage, and reduce their cybersecurity cation; for 54 percent of all American sales and risks. 55 percent of American jobs. Unfortu- (E) are technology-neutral and can be im- b 1400 plemented using technologies that are com- nately, small businesses are especially mercial and off-the-shelf; and vulnerable, with some reports noting H.R. 2105 also clarifies that use of the (F) are based on international standards to that 43 percent of cyber attacks specifi- resources by small businesses is vol- the extent possible, and are consistent with cally target them. These small busi- untary, directs the NIST Director and the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innova- nesses are more susceptible to attacks heads of Federal agencies that so elect tion Act of 1980 (15 U.S.C. 3701 et seq.). due to the limited access to the tools to make the resources available on (3) NATIONAL CYBERSECURITY AWARENESS AND EDUCATION PROGRAM.—The Director shall they need to prepare for such an event. their government websites, and speci- ensure that the resources disseminated Implementation of the NIST Frame- fies that no new funds are authorized under paragraph (1) are consistent with the work into these small businesses will to carry out this act. efforts of the Director under section 401 of protect small business owners, their This bill is very similar to S. 770, the the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2014 employees, and their customer base all MAIN STREET Cybersecurity Act, (15 U.S.C. 7451). while contributing positively to the which is supported by the National (4) SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER economy. Small Business Association, National CYBER STRATEGY.—In carrying out paragraph Restaurant Association, U.S. Chamber (1), the Director, to the extent practicable, H.R. 2105, the National Institute of shall consider any methods included in the Standards and Technology Small Busi- of Commerce, and the International Small Business Development Center Cyber ness Cybersecurity Act, will help small TechneGroup. The Chamber and Inter- Strategy developed under section businesses better address their cyberse- national TechneGroup have also come 1841(a)(3)(B) of the National Defense Author- curity risks to help them survive and out in support H.R. 2105. ization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law thrive in the face of such adversity. On September 28, 2017, the Senate 114–328). As an owner of a multigenerational passed S. 770 by unanimous consent, (5) VOLUNTARY RESOURCES.—The use of the family air-conditioning and heating and I ask my colleagues to similarly resources disseminated under paragraph (1) support H.R. 2105. shall be considered voluntary. business, I understand firsthand the (6) UPDATES.—The Director shall review importance of equipping and empow- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of and, if necessary, update the resources dis- ering small businesses to tackle these my time. seminated under paragraph (1) in accordance challenges so that they can grow and Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I yield with the requirements under paragraph (2). prosper. myself such time as I may consume. (7) PUBLIC AVAILABILITY.—The Director and About 10 months ago, my sons called Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. the head of each Federal agency that so me and said that there was a message 2105, the NIST Small Business Cyberse- elects shall make prominently available on on the screen of one of our computers curity Act of 2017, a bipartisan effort to the respective agency’s public Internet website information about the resources and that said: ‘‘Your data has been frozen. help small businesses implement the updates to the resources disseminated under You have been attacked.’’ It had a lit- NIST Cybersecurity Framework for paragraph (1). The Director and the heads tle clock on there ticking down. ‘‘If Critical Infrastructure. shall each ensure that the information they you don’t pay a ransom by a certain I thank Mr. WEBSTER for his work on respectively make prominently available is time, then we will destroy your data. It the bill and all of my colleagues on the consistent, clear, and concise. is inaccessible.’’ Science, Space, and Technology Com- (d) OTHER FEDERAL CYBERSECURITY RE- Well, there was something we had mittee for their support of the bill. QUIREMENTS.—Nothing in this section may be done, fortunately—not that we do I would also like to thank Senator construed to supersede, alter, or otherwise affect any cybersecurity requirements appli- every day, but we had done several SCHATZ and my colleagues in the Sen- cable to Federal agencies. days before—which protected us from ate for working to pass the companion (e) FUNDING.—This Act shall be carried out that. We were able to fix our problem version over there, which I hope that using funds otherwise authorized to be ap- and wipe it clean and get started all we can follow suit on here today.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:29 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11OC7.006 H11OCPT1 H7938 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 11, 2017 The NIST cybersecurity framework small- and medium-size businesses, very clear. We cannot effectively sup- provides valuable guidance on cyberse- have the resources they need to stay port small business in this country un- curity best practices for organizations safe. less we provide the relevant govern- of all sizes, but small businesses often I strongly believe that the businesses ment agencies the resources to help don’t have the time or resources to fig- in Florida’s Second District would ben- protect those businesses from cyber ure out how to adapt it to their needs efit from this vital information, which threats. and implement it. This bill directs will help them keep their data safe and Mr. Speaker, I support H.R. 2105, and NIST to create clear guidelines, tools, secure. By increasing cybersecurity ef- I thank the sponsors, including Mr. and best practices specifically for forts, we are protecting both small WEBSTER, Mr. LIPINSKI, and Ms. ROSEN, small businesses so that they can pro- businesses and their millions of cus- for their strong support for small busi- tect their networked resources. tomers across the country. nesses and NIST’s important role in cy- Most small businesses do not have This bill doesn’t cost the taxpayers bersecurity. However, I am concerned significant IT departments. Some do anything, but it could potentially save that the House bill contains an explicit not even have any dedicated informa- small-business owners and consumers unfunded mandate clause and that the tion security personnel. Thus, they both their privacy and livelihoods. Senate passed a version that is silent may be more at risk of cyber attack Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I yield in funding. I hope Congress will provide than large enterprises. such time as she may consume to the NIST the adequate resources to fulfill According to data released last gentlewoman from Texas (Ms. EDDIE the mandates in this legislation. month, 53 percent of American busi- BERNICE JOHNSON), the ranking mem- Mr. Speaker, I urge passage of the nesses of all sizes suffered a cyber at- ber of the Science, Space, and Tech- bill. tack in the past year. Of those, 72 per- nology Committee. Mr. WEBSTER of Florida. Mr. Speak- cent spent more than $5,000 to inves- Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of er, I yield 4 minutes to the gentleman tigate and recover. A 2016 report found Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of from Texas (Mr. SMITH), chairman of that 42 percent of businesses suffered a H.R. 2105, the NIST Small Business Cy- the committee. cyber attack of some kind. bersecurity Act of 2017, which directs Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I Incidents like these do not only hurt the National Institute of Standards thank the gentleman from Florida (Mr. individual small-business owners, em- and Technology to provide more guid- WEBSTER) for yielding me time and for ployees, and customers, they hurt ance, resources, and tools to small introducing H.R. 2105, the NIST Small American competitiveness. businesses to improve their cybersecu- Business Cybersecurity Act. In my district in the southwest sub- rity and protect the personal informa- This important and timely bipartisan urbs of Chicago, there is a fourth-gen- tion of their customers. bill, cosponsored by 17 Members of Con- eration family manufacturing business According to the Small Business Ad- gress and approved by the Science that has suffered multiple sophisti- ministration, the 28 million small busi- Committee by voice vote, directs the cated phishing attacks. The few times nesses in America account for 54 per- National Institute of Standards and they have fallen victim to these at- cent of all U.S. sales and 55 percent of Technology to provide small businesses tacks, the costs have been significant. all U.S. jobs. Small businesses play a with cybersecurity guidelines, tools, The owners have told me that they central role in our economy. best practices, standards, and meth- would welcome guidance on affordable, Unfortunately, the information sys- odologies necessary to better protect off-the-shelf resources to strengthen tems and networks of small businesses themselves from cyber attacks. their cyber defenses and let them get are especially vulnerable to an increas- Small businesses help produce a back to focusing on their business. ing volume and sophistication of cyber thriving economy that benefits our en- This is a story repeated across the attacks. Small businesses rarely have tire country. They bring innovative country. That is why we must act, and employees or leadership with education ideas, cutting-edge products and serv- we must pass this bill for our small or training in cybersecurity. Further, ices, and jobs to the marketplace. In businesses. The guidelines created small businesses typically have limited my home State, for example, there are under this bill, like the NIST frame- resources to invest in cybersecurity. more than 2.4 million small businesses work, will be voluntary, so we won’t be The National Institute of Standards that employ almost 4.5 million Texans. adding to the regulatory burden on and Technology, or NIST, is a leader in Major cyber attacks dominate news small businesses. Instead, we will be of- developing standards and guidelines for coverage, such as the Equifax or Yahoo fering them an opportunity to secure cybersecurity in both the public and hacks that impacted millions and bil- their networks so that they can com- private sectors. In 2009, NIST developed lions of people. But small businesses, pete on a level playing field. a guidance document called, ‘‘Small which often do not have sufficient in- Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to Business Information Security: The formation to adequately monitor and support this bill, and I reserve the bal- Fundamentals.’’ The document de- protect their computer systems, are ance of my time. scribed the fundamentals of an effec- frequently the target of cyber attacks, Mr. WEBSTER of Florida. Mr. Speak- tive small-business information secu- as well. er, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman rity program in nontechnical language. A 2016 Symantec report notes that from Florida (Mr. DUNN). In 2014, in response to an executive cyber attacks against businesses with Mr. DUNN. Mr. Speaker, today I rise order from President Obama, NIST fewer than 250 employees have grown in support of H.R. 2105, the National In- published the Cybersecurity Frame- from 18 percent in 2011 to 43 percent in stitute of Standards and Technology work for Critical Infrastructure. The 2015. This bill can help those busi- Small Business Cybersecurity Act. cybersecurity framework, as written, is nesses. This bipartisan legislation instructs most useful for larger businesses with October is National Cybersecurity the Director of NIST, in consultation at least some cybersecurity expertise. Awareness Month, so it is appropriate with other Federal agencies, to dis- Therefore, in November 2016, NIST pub- that we consider a bill designed to help seminate guidance to help small busi- lished an update of their small-business protect small businesses from cyberse- nesses identify, assess, manage, and re- guidance document using the frame- curity attacks. Today’s legislation pro- duce their cybersecurity risks. As a work as a template. vides small businesses with NIST ex- small-business owner, I am honored to These are just two examples of how pertise to reduce their cybersecurity be a cosponsor of this bill. NIST has long privatized supporting risk. We know the importance of keeping small-business efforts to strengthen cy- NIST experts developed a cybersecu- all records safe and secure from outside bersecurity. The requirements of H.R. rity framework through collaboration threats. With the recent hacking of 2105 are consistent with these ongoing between the government and the pri- Equifax and many others, there is efforts and help ensure that they will vate sector. This framework is accept- clearly a growing risk of online hack- continue. ed and used by many private organiza- ing and cyber warfare in the world Ideally, H.R. 2105 would have also tions to address and manage their in- today. It is imperative that we ensure provided resources for NIST to expand formation technology vulnerabilities that the backbone of our economy, our these activities because the need is in a cost-effective way.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:29 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.035 H11OCPT1 October 11, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7939 The guidance described in this bill to and 55 percent of U.S. jobs. However, a selves so that our small businesses can help small businesses is based on the 2016 Symantec Internet Security continue to thrive and be the economic NIST cybersecurity framework. H.R. Threat Report indicated that busi- engine that they are. 2105 prioritizes dissemination of this nesses with less than 250 employees are I urge my colleagues to support this guidance by NIST within its almost $1 facing increased cybersecurity threats, bill. We get something good done for billion budget. up from 18 percent in 2011 to 43 percent our small businesses. I urge them to Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to in 2015. support this, and I yield back the bal- show their support for small business Mr. Speaker, I recently passed our ance of my time. by approving Mr. WEBSTER’s fiscally real estate small business to my son Mr. WEBSTER of Florida. Mr. Speak- responsible, innovation protection bill Warren, so I understand the impor- er, I thank those from both sides— today. tance of equipping small businesses Ranking Member LIPINSKI, Chairman Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I have with the tools that will enable them to SMITH, and others—who have supported no further speakers, and I reserve the meet the emerging challenges. this bill. It is a great idea. It is an op- balance of my time. I urge passage of H.R. 2105, which will portunity to not only have available Mr. WEBSTER of Florida. Mr. Speak- help prepare small businesses in the fu- for us, it has bipartisan support and er, I yield 2 minutes to the gentle- ture, and I urge my colleagues to pass also bicameral support. This is a good woman from Virginia (Mrs. COMSTOCK), it. opportunity to help all small busi- the chairwoman of the subcommittee. Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I con- nesses. Mrs. COMSTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I rise tinue to reserve the balance of my I know personally from my business in support of H.R. 2105. time. and I know others who have small busi- When I travel around my district, Mr. WEBSTER of Florida. Mr. Speak- nesses who know that there is, in a which is rich with technology workers, er, I yield 1 minute to the gentleman sense, very little help right now for the thing that I hear repeated concern from Nebraska (Mr. BACON). small businesses in this area of cyber- about is the increasing need for indi- Mr. BACON. Mr. Speaker, I rise in security. The larger businesses cer- viduals with the skill set, education, support of the National Institute of tainly have their own IT people; we training, and knowledge of cybersecu- Standards and Technology Small Busi- don’t. So I am excited about the fact rity matters. ness Cybersecurity Act, a bill that I am that this could happen, and I move pas- With the recent events with Equifax, proud to cosponsor. This legislation sage. WannaCry, and OPM breaches, it is will help promote stronger cybersecu- Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance clear that our cybersecurity infrastruc- rity practices amongst our Nation’s of my time. ture needs to be strengthened. small businesses, and it is fiscally re- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. In December 2016, the Commission on sponsible. BARTON). The question is on the motion Enhancing National Cybersecurity spe- The well-being of our small busi- offered by the gentleman from Florida cifically recommended that the admin- nesses is important to the overall (Mr. WEBSTER) that the House suspend istration should ‘‘develop concrete ef- health of our economy. According to the rules and pass the bill, H.R. 2105, as forts to support and strengthen the cy- the Small Business Administration, amended. bersecurity of small- and medium-sized small businesses account for 55 percent The question was taken; and (two- businesses.’’ of total jobs in the United States. In thirds being in the affirmative) the With small businesses accounting for my home State of Nebraska, small rules were suspended and the bill, as most of the U.S. economy’s jobs and businesses employed 390,000 people in amended, was passed. sales, it is imperative that we provide 2016. A motion to reconsider was laid on guidance to help them identify, assess, Some small businesses are not able the table. manage, and reduce their cybersecurity to prioritize cybersecurity efforts over f other aspects of their business or they risks. By making these resources read- THE SMALL BUSINESS INNOVA- lack the resources to secure their net- ily available to small businesses across TION RESEARCH AND SMALL works and systems. We must promote the country, this commonsense legisla- BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY TRANS- greater preparedness to protect small tion will help them protect their sen- FER IMPROVEMENTS ACT OF 2017 sitive data and business from cyber businesses from cyber attacks. threats so they can grow our economy H.R. 2105 directs NIST to disseminate Mr. CHABOT. Mr. Speaker, I move to and provide more jobs instead. guidance to help small businesses iden- suspend the rules and pass the bill I am proud to be an original cospon- tify, assess, manage, and reduce their (H.R. 2763) to amend the Small Busi- sor of this measure, the NIST Small cyber risks based off NIST’s extensive ness Act to improve the Small Business Business Cybersecurity Act, and I urge expertise. This is a big step towards Innovation Research program and my colleagues to vote ‘‘yes’’ on its pas- promoting better cybersecurity prac- Small Business Technology Transfer sage. tices amongst our Nation’s small busi- program, and for other purposes, as Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague nesses. amended. The Clerk read the title of the bill. from Florida (Mr. WEBSTER) for his I urge my colleagues to support H.R. leadership on this legislation. 2105. The text of the bill is as follows: Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I con- Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I yield H.R. 2763 tinue to reserve the balance of my myself such time as I may consume. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- time. Mr. Speaker, we all have come down resentatives of the United States of America in Mr. WEBSTER of Florida. Mr. Speak- here and talked about the importance Congress assembled, er, I yield 1 minute to the gentleman of small business. We know how impor- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. (a) SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as from South Carolina (Mr. NORMAN). tant small businesses are to our coun- try, the real engine of our economic ‘‘The Small Business Innovation Research b 1415 growth. and Small Business Technology Transfer Im- provements Act of 2017’’. Mr. NORMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise We also know that, in most small (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.—The table of con- today in support of H.R. 2105, the Na- businesses today, they don’t have the tents for this Act is as follows: tional Institute of Standards and Tech- capabilities to have an IT department Sec. 1. Short title, table of contents. nology Small Business Cybersecurity or the expertise that they need to pro- Sec. 2. Requiring insertion incentives. Act. This bill directs the National In- tect themselves from the continual Sec. 3. Additional SBIR and STTR tech- stitute of Standards and Technology to cyber attacks, the theft of data that we nology insertion reporting re- issue guidance for small businesses to hear about. But those attacks and that quirement. use voluntarily to assist them in iden- theft of data does not only happen for Sec. 4. Encouraging innovation in United States manufacturing. tifying and assessing, managing, and large companies; it is also a threat to Sec. 5. Encouraging innovation in cyberse- reducing the cybersecurity risk. small businesses. Therefore, we need to curity. As has been said, small businesses in do all that we can to make sure that Sec. 6. Compliance of Phase III awards with the U.S. account for 54 percent of sales they are capable of protecting them- competitive procedures.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0655 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.036 H11OCPT1 H7940 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 11, 2017 Sec. 7. Improvements to technical and busi- United States Government and private com- (ii) in clause (i), by striking ‘‘the vendor’’ ness assistance in the SBIR and puter systems, including software, hardware, and inserting ‘‘1 or more vendors’’; and STTR programs. and portable devices; and (F) by adding at the end the following new Sec. 8. Procurement center representatives ‘‘(2) include in the annual report to Con- subparagraph: and other acquisition personnel gress under subsection (b)(7) a determination (E) MULTIPLE AWARD RECIPIENTS.—The Ad- in the SBIR and STTR pro- of whether the priority described in para- ministrator shall establish a limit on the grams. graph (1) is being carried out.’’ amount of technical and business assistance Sec. 9. Increased outreach requirements. SEC. 6. COMPLIANCE OF PHASE III AWARDS WITH services that may be received or purchased Sec. 10. Annual meeting. COMPETITIVE PROCEDURES. under subparagraph (B) by a small business Sec. 11. Establishing the Civilian Agency Section 9(r)(4) of the Small Business Act concern that has received multiple Phase II Commercialization Readiness (15 U.S.C. 638(r)(4)) is amended by inserting SBIR or STTR awards for a fiscal year.’’. Program. ‘‘as direct follow-on awards issued without SEC. 8. PROCUREMENT CENTER REPRESENTA- Sec. 12. Commercialization assistance pilot further competition’’ after ‘‘developed the TIVES AND OTHER ACQUISITION programs. technology’’ PERSONNEL IN THE SBIR AND STTR PROGRAMS. Sec. 13. Phase 0 Proof of Concept Partner- SEC. 7. IMPROVEMENTS TO TECHNICAL AND ship Pilot Program. BUSINESS ASSISTANCE IN THE SBIR (a) DEFINITION OF SENIOR PROCUREMENT EX- Sec. 14. Reporting requirements. AND STTR PROGRAMS. ECUTIVE.—Section 9(e) of the Small Business Sec. 15. SBIR Phase flexibility. Section 9(q) of the Small Business Act (15 Act (15 U.S.C. 638(e)) is amended— Sec. 16. Extension of deadline for assistance U.S.C. 638(q)) is amended— (1) in paragraph (12)(B), by striking ‘‘and’’ for administrative, oversight, (1) in the subsection heading, by inserting at the end; (2) in paragraph (13)(B), by striking the pe- and contract processing costs. ‘‘AND BUSINESS’’ after ‘‘TECHNICAL’’; (2) in paragraph (1)— riod at the end and inserting ‘‘; and’’; and SEC. 2. REQUIRING INSERTION INCENTIVES. (A) in the matter preceding subparagraph (3) by adding at the end the following new Section 9(y)(5) of the Small Business Act (A)— paragraph: (15 U.S.C. 638(y)(5)) is amended by striking (i) by striking ‘‘a vendor selected under ‘‘(14) the term ‘senior procurement execu- ‘‘is authorized to’’ and inserting. ‘‘shall’’. paragraph (2)’’ and inserting ‘‘1 or more ven- tive’ means an official designated under sec- SEC. 3. ADDITIONAL SBIR AND STTR TECH- dors selected under paragraph (2)(A)’’; tion 1702(c) of title 41, United States Code, as NOLOGY INSERTION REPORTING RE- (ii) by inserting ‘‘and business’’ before ‘‘as- the senior procurement executive of a Fed- QUIREMENT. sistance services’’; and eral agency participating in a SBIR or STTR Section 9(y)(6) of the Small Business Act (iii) by inserting ‘‘assistance with product program.’’. (15 U.S.C. 638(y)(6)) is amended— sales, intellectual property protections, mar- (b) INCLUSION OF SENIOR PROCUREMENT EX- (1) in subparagraph (B), by striking ‘‘and’’ ket research, market validation, and devel- ECUTIVES IN SBIR AND STTR.— at the end; opment of regulatory plans and manufac- (1) IN GENERAL.—Section 9(b) of the Small (2) in subparagraph (C)(iii), by striking the turing plans,’’ after ‘‘technologies,’’; and Business Act (15 U.S.C. 638(b)) is amended— period at the end and inserting ‘‘; and’’; and (B) in subparagraph (D), by inserting ‘‘, in- (A) in paragraph (8), by striking ‘‘and’’ at (3) by adding at the end the following new cluding intellectual property protections’’ the end; subparagraph: before the period at the end; (B) in paragraph (9), by striking the period ‘‘(D) not later than 120 days after the date (3) in paragraph (2)— at the end and inserting ‘‘; and’’; and of the enactment of this subparagraph, and (A) by striking ‘‘Each agency may select a (C) by adding at the end the following new not later than December 31 of each year vendor to assist small business concerns to paragraph: thereafter, submit to the Committee on meet’’ and inserting the following: ‘‘(10) to coordinate, where appropriate, Science, Space, and Technology and the ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Each agency may select with the senior procurement executive of the Committee on Small Business of the House 1 or more vendors from which small business relevant Federal agency to assist small busi- of Representatives, and to the Committee on concerns may obtain assistance in meeting’’; ness concerns participating in a SBIR or Small Business and Entrepreneurship of the and STTR program with commercializing re- Senate, a report describing the goals set (B) by adding at the end the following new search developed under such a program be- under subparagraph (A) and the incentives subparagraph: fore such small business concern is awarded used or created under subparagraph (B).’’. (B) SELECTION BY SMALL BUSINESS CON- a contract from such Federal agency.’’. (2) TECHNICAL AMENDMENT.—Section 9(b)(3) SEC. 4. ENCOURAGING INNOVATION IN UNITED CERN.—A small business concern may, by STATES MANUFACTURING. contract or otherwise, select 1 or more ven- of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 638(b)(3)) Section 9 of the Small Business Act (15 dors to assist the small business concern in is amended by striking ‘‘and’’ at the end. (c) MODIFICATIONS RELATING TO PROCURE- U.S.C. 638) is amended by adding at the end meeting the goals listed in paragraph (1).’’; MENT CENTER REPRESENTATIVES AND OTHER the following new subsection: and ACQUISITION PERSONNEL.— ‘‘(tt) ENCOURAGING INNOVATION IN UNITED (4) in paragraph (3)— (1) SBIR AMENDMENT.—Section 9(j) of the STATES MANUFACTURING.—In carrying out (A) by inserting ‘‘(A)’’ after ‘‘paragraph Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 638(j)) is this section, the Administrator shall— (2)’’ each place it appears; amended by adding at the end the following ‘‘(1) ensure that, in selecting small busi- (B) in subparagraph (A), by striking ‘‘$5,000 new paragraph: ness concerns to participate in SBIR or per year’’ each place it appears and inserting ‘‘(4) MODIFICATIONS RELATING TO PROCURE- STTR programs under this section, Federal ‘‘$6,500 per project’’; MENT CENTER REPRESENTATIVES.—Upon the agencies give high priority to small manu- (C) in subparagraph (B)— (i) by striking ‘‘$5,000 per year’’ each place enactment of this paragraph, the Adminis- facturing companies and other small busi- it appears and inserting ‘‘$35,000 per trator shall modify the policy directives ness concerns engaged in or planning to en- project’’; and issued pursuant to this subsection to require gage in manufacturing research and develop- (ii) in clause (ii), by striking ‘‘which shall procurement center representatives (as de- ment for the purpose of developing and pro- be in addition to the amount of the recipi- scribed in section 15(l)) to coordinate with ducing new products and technologies in the ent’s award’’ and inserting ‘‘which may, as the appropriate contracting officer or SBIR United States; and’’ determined appropriate by the head of the program officer, and the appropriate Direc- ‘‘(2) include in the annual report to Con- agency, be included as part of the recipient’s tor of Small and Disadvantaged Business gress under subsection (b)(7) a determination award or be in addition to the amount of the Utilization established pursuant to section of whether the priority described in para- recipient’s award’’; 15(k) for the agency letting the contract, to graph (1) is being carried out.’’. (D) in subparagraph (C)— assist small business concerns participating SEC. 5. ENCOURAGING INNOVATION IN CYBERSE- (i) by inserting ‘‘or business’’ after ‘‘tech- in the SBIR program, particularly in Phase CURITY. nical’’; III. The procurement center representatives Section 9 of the Small Business Act (15 (ii) by striking ‘‘the vendor’’ and inserting shall coordinate with the appropriate con- U.S.C. 638), as amended by section 4, is fur- ‘‘a vendor’’; and tracting officer and the appropriate Director ther amended by adding at the end the fol- (iii) by adding at the end the following: of the Office of Small and Disadvantaged lowing new subsection. ‘‘Business-related services aimed at improv- Business Utilization established pursuant to ‘‘(uu) ENCOURAGING INNOVATION IN CYBER- ing the commercialization success of a small section 15(k) for the agency letting the con- SECURITY.—In carrying out this section, the business concern may be obtained from an tract.’’. Administrator shall— entity, such as a public or private organiza- (2) STTR AMENDMENT.—Section 9(p)(2) of ‘‘(1) ensure that, in selecting small busi- tion or an agency of or other entity estab- the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 638(p)(2)) is ness concerns to participate in SBIR or STIR lished or funded by a State that facilitates amended— programs under this section, Federal agen- or accelerates the commercialization of (A) in subparagraph (E)(ii), by striking cies engaged in cybersecurity research give technologies or assists in the creation and ‘‘and’’ at the end; high priority to small business concerns that growth of private enterprises that are com- (B) in subparagraph (F), by striking the pe- are engaged in cybersecurity research and mercializing technology.’’; riod at the end and inserting a semicolon; development, for the purpose of developing (E) in subparagraph (D)— and and implementing technology services and (i) by inserting ‘‘or business’’ after ‘‘tech- (C) by adding at the end the following new products to strengthen the security of nical’’ each place it appears; and subparagraph:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:07 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11OC7.033 H11OCPT1 October 11, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7941 ‘‘(G) procedures to ensure that procure- ducting research at minority institutions (as (4) in paragraphs (3) and (4), by striking ‘‘a ment center representatives (as described in defined in section 365(3) of the Higher Edu- pilot program’’ each place such term appears section 15(l))— cation Act of 1965) and Hispanic-serving in- and inserting ‘‘a Civilian Commercialization ‘‘(i) coordinate with the appropriate con- stitutions (as defined in section 502(a)(5) of Readiness Program’’; tracting officer or STTR program officer, such Act).’’. (5) in paragraph (6), by striking ‘‘the pilot and the appropriate Director of Small and (2) STTR AMENDMENT.—Section 9(p)(2) of program’’ and inserting ‘‘a Civilian Agency Disadvantaged Business Utilization estab- the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 638(p)(2)), Commercialization Readiness Program’’; lished pursuant to section 15(k) for the agen- as amended by section 8, is further amended (6) by striking. paragraph (7) and redesig- cy letting the contract, to assist small busi- by adding at the end the following new sub- nating paragraph (8) as paragraph (7); and ness concerns participating in the STTR pro- paragraph: (7) in paragraph (7) (as so redesignated), by gram, particularly in Phase III; and ‘‘(H) procedures for outreach efforts to in- amending subparagraph (B) to read as fol- ‘‘(ii) coordinate with the appropriate con- crease the participation in technological in- lows: tracting officer and the appropriate Director novation under the SBIR programs among ‘‘(B) the term ‘Civilian Agency Commer- of the Office of Small and Disadvantaged individuals conducting research at minority cialization Readiness Program’ means each Business Utilization established pursuant to institutions (as defined in section 365(3) of program established under paragraph (1).’’. section 15(k) for the Federal agency letting the Higher Education Act of 1965) and His- SEC. 12. COMMERCIALIZATION ASSISTANCE the contract in providing the assistance de- panic-serving institutions (as defined in sec- PILOT PROGRAMS. scribed in clause (i); and’’. tion 502(a)(5) of such Act).’’. Section 9 of the Small Business Act (15 (d) AMENDMENT TO DUTIES OF PROCUREMENT (b) FUNDING FOR OUTREACH.—Section U.S.C. 638), as amended by section 10, is fur- CENTER REPRESENTATIVES.—Section 15(l)(2) 9(mm)(1) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. ther amended by adding at the end the fol- of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 644(l)(2)) 638(mm)(1)) is amended— lowing new subsection: is amended— (1) in subparagraph (I), by striking the ‘‘(ww) COMMERCIALIZATION ASSISTANCE (1) in subparagraph (I), by striking ‘‘and’’ ‘‘and’’ at the end; PILOT PROGRAMS.— at the end; (2) in subparagraph (J), by striking the pe- ‘‘(1) PILOT PROGRAMS IMPLEMENTED.— (2) by redesignating subparagraph (J) as riod at the end and inserting a semicolon; ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in subparagraph (L); and and subparagraph (B), not later than one year (3) by adding at the end the following new (3) by inserting after subparagraph (I) the after the date of the enactment of this sub- subparagraph: following new subparagraphs: section, a covered agency shall implement a ‘‘(K) the outreach efforts described under commercialization assistance pilot program, ‘‘(J) coordinate with the appropriate con- subsections (j)(4) and (p)(2)(G); and’’. tracting officer or SBIR or STTR program under which an eligible entity may receive a SEC. 10. ANNUAL MEETING. officer, and the appropriate Director of subsequent Phase II SBIR award. (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 9 of the Small Small and Disadvantaged Business Utiliza- ‘‘(B) EXCEPTION.—If the Administrator de- Business Act (15 U.S.C. 638), as amended by tion established pursuant to section 15(k) for termines that a covered agency has a pro- section 5, is further amended by adding at the agency letting the contract, to assist gram that is sufficiently similar to the com- the end the following new subsection: small business concerns participating in a mercialization assistance pilot program es- ‘‘(vv) ANNUAL MEETING.— SBIR or STTR program under section 9 with tablished under this subsection, such covered ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The head of each Federal agency shall not be required to implement a Phase III; agency required to have a program under ‘‘(K) coordinate with the appropriate con- commercialization assistance pilot program this section (or a designee) and the Adminis- under this subsection. tracting officer and the appropriate Director trator (or a designee) shall meet annually to of the Office of Small and Disadvantaged ‘‘(2) PERCENT OF AGENCY FUNDS.—The head discuss methods— of each covered agency may allocate not Business Utilization established pursuant to ‘‘(A) to improve the collection of data subsection (k) for the agency letting the con- more than 5 percent of the funds allocated to under this section; the SBIR program of the covered agency for tract; and’’. ‘‘(B) to improve the reporting of data to the purpose of making a subsequent Phase II (e) AMENDMENT TO THE DUTIES OF THE DI- the Administrator under this section; SBIR award under the commercialization as- RECTOR OF SMALL AND DISADVANTAGED BUSI- ‘‘(C) to make the application processes for sistance pilot program. NESS UTILIZATION FOR FEDERAL AGENCIES.— programs under this section more efficient; ‘‘(3) TERMINATION.—A commercialization Section 15(k) of the Small Business Act (15 and U.S.C. 644(k)) is amended— ‘‘(D) to increase participation in the pro- assistance pilot program established under (1) in paragraph (19), by striking ‘‘and’’ at grams established under this section. this subsection shall terminate on Sep- the end; ‘‘(2) REPORT.—Not later than 60 days after tember 30, 2022. (2) in paragraph (20), by striking the period the date on which an annual meeting re- ‘‘(4) APPLICATION.—To be selected to re- at the end and inserting a semicolon; and quired under paragraph (1) is held, the Ad- ceive a subsequent Phase II SBIR award (3) by adding at the end the following new ministrator shall submit to the Committee under a commercialization assistance pilot paragraphs: on Small Business and Entrepreneurship of program, an eligible entity shall submit to ‘‘(21) shall coordinate with the appropriate the Senate and the Committee on Small the covered agency implementing such pilot contracting officer of SBIR or STTR pro- Business and the Committee on Science, program an application at such time, in such gram officer to assist small business con- Space, and Technology of the House of Rep- manner, and containing such information as cerns participating in a SBIR or STTR pro- resentatives, a report on the findings of such the covered agency may require, including— ‘‘(A) an updated Phase II commercializa- gram under section 9 with researching appli- meeting and recommendations on how to im- tion plan; and cable solicitations for the award of a Federal plement changes to programs under this sec- ‘‘(B) the source and amount of the match- contract (particularly with the Federal agen- tion.’’. ing funding required under paragraph (5). cy that has a funding agreement (as defined (b) FUNDING FOR ANNUAL MEETING.—Sec- ‘‘(5) MATCHING FUNDING.— under section 9) with the concern) to market tion 9(mm)(1) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 638(mm)(1)) as amended by section 9, ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The Administrator shall the research developed by such concern require, as a condition of any subsequent under such SBIR or STTR program; and is further amended by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: Phase II SBIR award made to an eligible en- ‘‘(22) shall provide technical assistance to tity under this subsection, that a matching small business concerns participating in a ‘‘(L) the annual meeting required under subsection (vv).’’. amount (excluding any fees collected by the SBIR or STTR program under section 9 to eligible entity receiving such award) equal submit a bid for an award of a Federal con- SEC. 11. ESTABLISHING THE CIVILIAN AGENCY COMMERCIALIZATION READINESS to the amount of such award be provided tract, including coordination with procure- from an eligible third-party investor. ment center representatives and the appro- PROGRAM. Section 9(gg) of the Small Business Act (15 ‘‘(B) INELIGIBLE SOURCES.—An eligible enti- priate senior procurement executive for the ty may not use funding from ineligible agency letting the contract.’’. U.S.C. 638(gg)) is amended— (1) by amending the subsection heading to sources to meet the matching requirement of SEC. 9. INCREASED OUTREACH REQUIREMENTS. read as follows: ‘‘CIVILIAN AGENCY COMMER- subparagraph (A). (a) IN GENERAL.— CIALIZATION READINESS PROGRAM’’; ‘‘(6) AWARD.—A subsequent Phase II SBIR (1) SBIR AMENDMENT.—Section 9(j) of the (2) in paragraph (1), by inserting ‘‘to estab- award made to an eligible entity under this Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 638(j)), as lish a Civilian Agency Commercialization sub-section— amended by section 8, is further amended by Readiness Program for civilian agencies’’ ‘‘(A) may not exceed the limitation de- adding at the end the following new para- after ‘‘the covered Federal agency’’; scribed under subsection (aa)(1); and graph: (3) in paragraph (2)(A)— ‘‘(B) shall be disbursed during Phase II. ‘‘(5) INCREASED OUTREACH REQUIREMENTS.— (A) by striking ‘‘establish a pilot program’’ ‘‘(7) USE OF FUNDS.—The funds awarded to Upon the enactment of this paragraph, the and inserting ‘‘establish a Civilian Agency an eligible entity under this subsection may Administrator shall modify the policy direc- Commercialization Readiness Program under only be used for research and development tives issued pursuant to this subsection to this subsection’’; and activities that build on eligible entity’s require outreach efforts to increase the par- (B) by striking ‘‘the pilot program’’ and in- Phase II program and ensure the research ticipation in technological innovation under serting ‘‘such Civilian Agency Commer- funded under such Phase II is rapidly pro- the SBIR programs among individuals con- cialization Readiness Program’’; gressing towards commercialization.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:07 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11OC7.035 H11OCPT1 H7942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 11, 2017

‘‘(8) SELECTION.—In selecting eligible enti- award under subsection (ff) from the covered ing fiscal years’’ and all that follows through ties to participate in a commercialization agency to which such small business concern ‘‘may each provide’’ and inserting ‘‘During assistance pilot program under this sub- is applying for a subsequent Phase II SBIR fiscal years 2018 through 2022, all agencies section, the head of a covered agency shall award. participating in the SBIR program may pro- consider— ‘‘(C) ELIGIBLE THIRD-PARTY INVESTOR.—The vide’’. ‘‘(A) the extent to which such award could term ‘eligible third-party investor’ means a SEC. 16. EXTENSION OF DEADLINE FOR ASSIST- aid the eligible entity in commercializing small business concern other than an eligible ANCE FOR ADMINISTRATIVE, OVER- the research funded under the eligible enti- entity, a venture capital firm, an individual SIGHT, AND CONTRACT PROCESSING ty’s Phase II program; investor, a non-SBIR Federal, State or local COSTS. ‘‘(B) whether the updated Phase II com- government, or any combination thereof. Section 9(mm)(1) of the Small Business Act mercialization plan submitted under para- ‘‘(D) INELIGIBLE SOURCES.—The term ‘ineli- (15 U.S.C. 638(mm)(1)), as amended by this graph (4) provides a sound approach for es- gible sources’ means the following: Act, is further amended by striking ‘‘Sep- tablishing technical feasibility that could ‘‘(i) The eligible entity’s internal research tember 30, 2017’’ and inserting ‘‘September lead to commercialization of such research; and development funds. 30, 2022’’. ‘‘(C) whether the proposed activities to be ‘‘(ii) Funding in forms other than cash, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- conducted under such updated Phase II com- such as in-kind or other intangible assets. ‘‘(iii) Funding from the owners of the eligi- ant to the rule, the gentleman from mercialization plan further improve the like- Ohio (Mr. CHABOT) and the gentle- lihood that such research will provide soci- ble entity, or the family members or affili- woman from Florida (Mrs. MURPHY) etal benefits; ates of such owners. ‘‘(iv) Funding attained through loans or ‘‘(D) whether the small business concern each will control 20 minutes. other forms of debt obligations. has progressed satisfactorily in Phase II to The Chair recognizes the gentleman ‘‘(E) SUBSEQUENT PHASE II SBIR AWARD.— justify receipt of a subsequent Phase II SBIR from Ohio. The term ‘subsequent Phase II SBIR award’ award; GENERAL LEAVE means an award granted to an eligible entity ‘‘(E) the expectations of the eligible third- under tins subsection to carry out further Mr. CHABOT. Mr. Speaker, I ask party investor that provides matching fund- commercialization activities for research unanimous consent that all Members ing under paragraph (5); and conducted pursuant to an SBIR program.’’. may have 5 legislative days to revise ‘‘(F) the likelihood that the proposed ac- and extend their remarks and include tivities to be conducted under such updated SEC. 13. PHASE 0 PROOF OF CONCEPT PARTNER- SHIP PILOT PROGRAM. Phase II commercialization plan using extraneous material on the bill under (a) INCLUSION OF ADDITIONAL AGENCIES IN matching funding provided by such eligible consideration. PILOT PROGRAM.—Section 9(jj) of the Small third-party investor will lead to commercial The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Business Act (15 U.S.C. 638(jj) is amended— and societal benefit. (1) in paragraph (1)— objection to the request of the gen- ‘‘(9) EVALUATION REPORT.—Not later than 3 (A) by striking ‘‘The Director of the Na- tleman from Ohio? years after the date of the enactment of this tional Institutes of Health’’ and inserting There was no objection. subsection, the Comptroller General of the ‘‘Each covered agency head’’; and Mr. CHABOT. Mr. Speaker, I yield United States shall submit to the Committee (B) by striking ‘‘the Director’’ and insert- myself such time as I may consume. on Science, Space, and Technology and the ing ‘‘each covered agency head’’; Mr. Speaker, this bipartisan legisla- Committee on Small Business of the House (2) by amending subparagraph (A) of para- tion introduced by Chairman KNIGHT of Representatives, and the Committee on graph (2) to read as follows: and Ranking Member MURPHY of the Small Business and Entrepreneurship of the ‘‘(A) the term ‘covered agency head’ means Senate, a report including— the Director of the National Institutes of Committee on Small Business’ Sub- ‘‘(A) a summary of the activities of com- Health, the Director of the National Science committee on Contracting and Work- mercialization assistance pilot programs Foundation, the Administrator of the Na- force aims to modernize and improve carried out under this subsection; tional Aeronautics and Space Administra- the Small Business Innovation Re- ‘‘(B) a detailed compilation of results tion and the Secretary of Energy;’’; search and Small Business Technology achieved by such commercialization assist- (3) in paragraph (4)— Transfer, or SBIR and STTR, pro- (A) in subparagraph (A), by striking ‘‘The ance pilot programs, including the number of grams. eligible entities that received awards under Director’’ and inserting ‘‘Each covered agen- such programs; cy head’’; and The SBIR and STTR programs have ‘‘(C) the rate at which each eligible entity (B) in subparagraph (B), by striking ‘‘the helped thousands of small businesses that received a subsequent Phase II SBIR Director shall consider, in addition to any create new technologies, commer- award under this subsection commercialized other criteria the Director’’ and inserting cialize their ideas, and generate new research of the recipient; ‘‘each covered agency head shall consider, in jobs. While creating these benefits in ‘‘(D) the growth in employment and rev- addition to any other criteria the appro- the private sector, the programs offer, enue of eligible entities that is attributable priate covered agency head’’; and in a cost-effective manner, ways for (4) in paragraph (6), by striking ‘‘The Di- to participation in a commercialization as- Federal agencies to solve operational sistance pilot program; rector’’ and inserting ‘‘Each covered agency ‘‘(E) a comparison of commercialization head’’. problems. H.R. 2763 strengthens these success of eligible entities participating in a (b) EXTENSION OF PILOT PROGRAM AUTHOR- two programs in quite a few ways. commercialization assistance pilot program ITY.—Section 9(jj)(7) of the Small Business First, the bill emphasizes agency ac- with recipients of an additional Phase II Act (15 U.S.C. 638(jj)(7)) is amended by strik- countability by creating several firm SBIR award under subsection (ff); ing ‘‘fiscal year 2017’’ and inserting ‘‘fiscal reporting deadlines for covered agen- ‘‘(F) demographic information, such as eth- year 2022’’. cies and for the SBA to provide future nicity and geographic location, of eligible SEC. 14. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. Congresses with improved information (a) ANNUAL REPORT TO CONGRESS.—Section entities participating in a commercialization that will lead to a better under- assistance pilot program; 9(b)(7) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. ‘‘(G) an accounting of the funds used at 638(b)(7)) is amended by striking ‘‘to report standing of the programs’ strengths each covered agency that implements a com- not less than annually’’ and inserting ‘‘to and weaknesses. mercialization assistance pilot program submit a report not later than December 31 Second, the legislation clarifies the under this subsection; of each year’’. congressional intent of the 2011 reau- ‘‘(H) the amount of matching funding pro- (b) ANNUAL REPORT TO SBA AND THE OFFICE thorization to ensure that taxpayers vided by eligible third-party investors, set OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICY.—Sec- reap the benefits of the SBIR and forth separately by source of funding; tion 9(g)(9) of the Small Business Act (15 STTR programs by binding the tech- U.S.C. 638(g)(9)) is amended— ‘‘(I) an analysis of the effectiveness of the nologies developed in the programs to commercialization assistance pilot program (1) by striking ‘‘make an annual report’’ implemented by each covered agency; and and inserting ‘‘not later than March 30 of long-term projects at the Department ‘‘(J) recommendations for improvements each year, submit a report’’; and of Defense. to the commercialization assistance pilot (2) by striking ‘‘and the Office of Science Third, the legislation extends a pop- program. and Technology Policy’’ and inserting ‘‘, the ular pilot program included in the 2011 ‘‘(10) DEFINITIONS.—For purposes of this Office of Science and Technology Policy, the reauthorization that would allow all subsection: Committee on Science, Space, and Tech- participating Federal agencies to ‘‘(A) COVERED AGENCY.—The term ‘covered nology and the Committee on Small Busi- award a phase II contract immediately agency’ means a Federal agency required to ness of the House of Representatives, and the have an SBIR program. Committee on Small Business and Entrepre- if the agency finds that the small busi- ‘‘(B) ELIGIBLE ENTITY.—The term ‘eligible neurship of the Senate’’. ness concern has already completed entity’ means a small business concern that SEC. 15. SBIR PHASE FLEXIBILITY. work typically done during phase I. has received a Phase II award under an SBIR Section 9(cc) of the Small Business Act (15 Fourth, it makes permanent the op- program and an additional Phase II SBIR U.S.C. 638(cc)) is amended by striking ‘‘Dur- tion for all participating agencies to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:08 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11OC7.037 H11OCPT1 October 11, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7943 establish commercialization readiness turn, these discoveries have generated b 1430 programs, or CRPs. As a pilot program tremendous economic growth and job I see firsthand the innovative effect from the 2011 reauthorization, these opportunities across the country, in- small businesses make and how they CRPs have been shown to provide cluding in central Florida. can positively impact government much-needed support to small compa- For many research companies in my functioning. nies nearing the completion of the district, these two programs serve as a The Small Business Innovation Re- process and have helped advance tech- gateway to the Federal contracting search and Small Business Technology nology to the commercialization phase. field. That is why I am honored to have Transfer—SBIR and STTR—programs Fifth, it extends, through 2022, the cosponsored this bipartisan legislation. are critical to this impact. Now that provision that allows participating The final bill reflects bipartisan com- these programs have been reauthorized agencies to utilize 3 percent of their al- promises and input from both commit- until 2022, it is important that we con- tees of jurisdiction. Most importantly, location for administrative functions, tinue to focus on spurring innovation. conduct outreach in an effort to bring it includes many provisions focused on That is why I introduced H.R. 2763, more companies into the SBIR and developing innovative products that the Small Business Innovation Re- STTR programs, and increase deter- support important national priorities search and Small Business Technology rents to waste, fraud, and abuse. and that can be sold on the commercial Transfer Improvements Act of 2017. My I want to thank Congressman KNIGHT market. bill reinforces agency accountability To improve oversight of the program, and Congresswoman MURPHY for the bi- by requiring the Small Business Ad- the bill requires the Small Business partisan work on this important legis- ministration to provide Congress with Administration to submit an annual lation. I would also like to thank better information and reasonable, Chairman SMITH and Ranking Member report to Congress no later than De- cember 31 of each year. This will enable hard deadlines. It clarifies congres- JOHNSON of the Committee on Science, sional intent of the previous authoriza- Space, and Technology, as well as us to better account for the use of funds and to better assess the progress tion to ensure that taxpayers reap the Chairwoman COMSTOCK and Ranking of SBIR and STTR initiatives at par- benefits of SBIR and STTR programs Member LIPINSKI of the Subcommittee by tying them to long-term projects at on Research and Technology, for work- ticipating agencies. Another provision makes permanent the DOD. It also allows participating ing together with us to produce this bi- the pilot program that establishes the agencies to establish a new, separate partisan bill that we have before us Civilian Agency Commercialization commercialization assistance pilot pro- this afternoon. Readiness program, which allows up to gram and extends three popular pilot I urge my colleagues to support the 10 percent of agency administrative programs through FY 2022, when the bill, and I reserve the balance of my dollars for sequential phase II awards full program will need a full reauthor- time. ization. Mrs. MURPHY of Florida. Mr. Speak- to eligible businesses. Finally, the bill includes an amend- With the use of SBIR and STTR pro- er, I yield myself such time as I may ment that I authored to require par- grams, we can increase small business consume. ticipating Federal agencies to take ad- participation in the defense and aero- Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. ditional steps to educate small firms space industry while tapping into the 2763, The Small Business Innovation about the SBIR and STTR programs true potential their American innova- Research and Small Business Tech- and to encourage more small firms to tive spirit represents. nology Transfer Improvements Act, apply for funding. Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to which will modernize two programs After more than a decade of fits and support this legislation and to vote that provide Federal funding to small starts with these two programs, H.R. ‘‘yes’’ on H.R. 2763, the Small Business technologically advanced firms to re- 2763 will make program improvements Innovation Research and Small Busi- search and develop innovative prod- and provide much-needed certainty to ness Technology Transfer Improve- ucts. small businesses seeking to commer- ments Act. I am proud to have cosponsored this cialize. By authorizing the administra- Mrs. MURPHY of Florida. Mr. Speak- legislation with Congressman STEVE tive fee to run these programs for an er, I yield 2 minutes to the gentle- KNIGHT, and I am encouraged that my additional 5 years beyond its current woman from Texas (Ms. EDDIE BERNICE colleagues on the Small Business Com- authorization, Congress is taking JOHNSON), the ranking member of the mittee and the House Science, Space, proactive steps to give small firms the Science, Space, and Technology Com- and Technology Committee on both confidence they need to continue devel- mittee. sides of the aisle support the bill. oping innovative products. Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of For decades, American innovation I respectfully ask my colleagues to Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to sup- and ingenuity have bolstered our eco- vote for this bill. port H.R. 2763, the Small Business In- nomic growth and solidified our coun- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of novation Research and Small Business try’s status as a global leader in tech- my time. Technology Transfer Improvements nology; and for more than 30 years, the Mr. CHABOT. Mr. Speaker, I yield Act of 2017. Small Business Innovation Research such time as he may consume to the Mr. Speaker, I thank Chairman and Small Business Technology Trans- gentleman from California (Mr. CHABOT, Ranking Member VELA´ ZQUEZ, fer programs have provided a critical KNIGHT), who is the chairman of the Chairman SMITH, and all other col- source of funding to small businesses Subcommittee on Contracting and leagues on both committees for their that engage in research and develop- Workforce on the Small Business Com- work to advance this bipartisan piece ment. These initiatives were estab- mittee. to the House floor. lished to help spur innovation and job Mr. KNIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I want to SBIR and STTR are valuable pro- creation throughout the country. thank the chairman for his hard work grams that provide competitive re- Since the inception of the programs, and for his leadership, and I want to search and development grants and more than $40 billion has been awarded thank my partner in this, Congress- contracts to innovative small busi- to small, innovative firms to address woman MURPHY, for her cosponsoring nesses. Stability and continuity in the our Nation’s most important research of this bill and for her work on this im- SBIR and STTR programs are impor- and development challenges. Because portant piece of legislation. tant goals, which is why I supported of the high-risk nature of their ven- A 21st century military requires a the agreement in last year’s National tures, SBIR and STTR grantees receive 21st century acquisition process, one Defense Authorization Act to extend R&D funding that might otherwise be that is agile, efficient, and effective. I the program until fiscal year 2022 at unavailable in the private sector. represent California’s 25th District, the current allocation level. As a direct result of the Federal in- and nowhere will you find a more ex- In H.R. 2763, the two authorizing vestment in these programs, break- emplary place that demonstrates the committees have come to agreement throughs have been made in a wide important role that small businesses on a number of policy improvements range of sectors, including agriculture, play in both our aerospace and defense and some strengthened oversight for defense, energy, and healthcare. In industrial base. the programs.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.039 H11OCPT1 H7944 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 11, 2017 The policy changes in H.R. 2763 ad- Partnership pilot program, which I mined by the innovation and growth of vances sensible ways to further lever- helped create at the National Insti- technology and STEM-focused busi- age small business R&D to help meet tutes of Health in a previous SBIR re- nesses. It is critical to the growth of Federal mission needs, as well as con- authorization. This highly successful our economy that minority-serving in- tribute more broadly to U.S. innova- program provides the earliest funding stitutions and minority-owned busi- tion and economic growth. The bill in- for researchers exploring the possi- nesses are connected to this techno- cludes continued support for early- bility of turning their research into a logical ecosystem. stage funding for entrepreneurial re- viable medical product. Mr. CHABOT. Mr. Speaker, I con- searchers, provides funding for impor- After just 2 years in operation, the tinue to reserve the balance of my tant agency outreach and administra- three hubs created by the NIH program time. tive activities, streamlines reporting have filed 30 patent applications, nego- Mrs. MURPHY of Florida. Mr. Speak- requirements, ensures agency outreach tiated 14 technology licenses, formed 7 er, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman for researchers at minority-serving in- companies, and have 70 promising tech- from New York (Mr. TONKO). Mr. TONKO. Mr. Speaker, I thank stitutions, and authorizes several addi- nologies in the pipeline. This bill extends the Phase 0 program the gentlewoman for yielding. tional activities to support implemen- Reauthorizing the SBIR and STTR for another 5 years at NIH and expands tation of the program. programs are critical to supporting our I am particularly pleased that the it to the National Science Foundation, Nation’s most forward-thinking entre- bill includes a provision to address cur- NASA, and the Department of Energy. preneurs and innovators. I am relieved rent agency shortfalls in fostering the In doing so, we will be giving a needed that we are preserving the critical participation of women and minority- boost to more researchers who are bud- parts of the programs and continuing owned firms. Fostering diversity in ding entrepreneurs who will create the to improve upon the programs them- STEM research and innovation is an jobs of tomorrow. selves. economic imperative. Mr. Speaker, our small businesses de- These programs have proven to be The SPEAKER pro tempore. The serve support as they drive America’s one of the most successful Federal pro- time of the gentlewoman has expired. economic growth. This bill will give grams for technological innovation in Mrs. MURPHY of Florida. Mr. Speak- innovators and entrepreneurs addi- United States history, delivering more er, I yield an additional 1 minute to the tional tools to drive this growth that than 70,000 patents and valuable inno- gentlewoman. we so desperately need. So I strongly vations in agriculture, defense, energy, Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of urge my colleagues to support this bill. health sciences, homeland security, Texas. Mr. Speaker, we must continue Mr. CHABOT. Mr. Speaker, I con- space, transportation, and other fields. to encourage such policies. tinue to reserve the balance of my Through Phase I and Phase II SBIR, H.R. 2763 is a good bill that improves time. countless jobs have been created in the the SBIR program and maximizes the Mrs. MURPHY of Florida. Mr. Speak- capital region of New York. It is benefits of federally funded small busi- er, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman through programs such as SBIR that ness R&D. from California (Mr. MCNERNEY). our region has developed the Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to Mr. MCNERNEY. Mr. Speaker, I underpinnings of support for a boom in support this bill. thank the gentlewoman for yielding high technology innovation and eco- Mr. CHABOT. Mr. Speaker, I con- and for her work on this small business nomic development. tinue to reserve the balance of my bill. I also thank Chairmen SMITH and One of many examples of this is time. CHABOT and Ranking Members JOHNSON Ecovative Design located within my Mrs. MURPHY of Florida. Mr. Speak- and VELA´ ZQUEZ for including my congressional district in Green Island, er, I yield 3 minutes to the gentleman amendment to benefit minority-serv- New York, which has benefitted from from Illinois (Mr. LIPINSKI). ing institutions in H.R. 2763. This is es- the SBIR program over a number of Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I thank sential to retaining American leader- years. These efforts will allow the com- Chairmen CHABOT and SMITH and Rank- ship in innovation and small business pany to continue its work on a replace- ing Members VELA´ ZQUEZ and JOHNSON development. ment of engineered wood resins that for their leadership on this bill. The SBIR and STTR programs were will be economically competitive and The SBIR and STTR programs have both created to expand small business nontoxic. helped countless innovative small busi- participation in the Federal research The resin system represents cost and nesses grow jobs through American in- mission. One of the four objectives energy savings, and is capable of genuity. This bill will make these pro- Congress had in mind in establishing leveraging existing manufacturing grams work even better by providing the SBIR was to facilitate and increase equipment in production today. This small businesses with additional tools the participation of minority and dis- funding will help them deliver on the for bringing innovations to market. advantaged persons in technological promise of this innovative technology. Gavin McIntyre, cofounder and chief Better SBIR and STTR programs mean innovation. scientist at Ecovative said: ‘‘We’re more successful small businesses and My amendment requires that the par- very excited to bring our new material more jobs. ticipating Federal agencies in the technology to market and displace I especially want to thank my col- SBIR and STTR programs conduct out- toxic formaldehyde-based resins. The leagues for supporting inclusion of two reach to minority-serving institu- SBIR/STTR program was fundamental provisions that I put forward in com- tions—MSIs—and Hispanic-serving in- to how Ecovative got its start and has mittee. stitutions and faculty conducting re- enabled us to continue to take risks First, the bill increases the amount search at these institutions so that and develop game-changing tech- of money that grant recipients are al- participation rates in Federal research nology.’’ lowed to spend on business and tech- and development opportunities will in- While this bill is a positive step for- nical services, like market research, crease. ward towards helping more small busi- intellectual property protection; or There are many great MSIs and re- nesses, we must do more to help other participation in entrepreneurial train- searchers who work at these institu- small businesses develop these types of ing programs, like the highly success- tions across the country. For example, game-changing technologies. ful Innovation Corps program. This California State University Stanislaus, I recognize the value of research and helps small businesses, especially which has a campus in my district, is a I will fight to see more funding for all startups, use their funds where they Hispanic-serving institution and an these agencies and, in turn, more fund- know they are needed most, for tech- MSI, and has been ranked one of the ing for the SBIR and STTR programs. nical assistance, creative approaches best colleges in our Nation. Our coun- Mr. CHABOT. Mr. Speaker, I con- to problem solving, and other types of try depends on innovation of MSIs and tinue to reserve the balance of my guidance needed in today’s complex the intellectual capital of its grad- time. marketplaces. uates. Mrs. MURPHY of Florida. Mr. Speak- Second, this bill expands the highly In the 21st century, American eco- er, I have no further speakers and I am successful Phase 0 Proof of Concept nomic growth is going to be deter- prepared to close.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.041 H11OCPT1 October 11, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7945 Mr. Speaker, supporting our entre- Today 11 federal agencies provide funding ards to certain security or life safety preneurs and small businesses are a top to small businesses through SBIR, and five alarms or surveillance systems, and for priority for both sides of the aisle. Our agencies provide funding through STTR—a other purposes. bill will make it easier for small firms total of nearly $3 billion this fiscal year. That’s The Clerk read the title of the bill. that receive SBIR and STTR awards to more than 66 times greater than the $45 mil- The text of the bill is as follows: bring their products to market and lion spent under the original program in 1983. S. 190 achieve commercial success. Recipients of SBIR and STTR funding have Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- The SBIR and STTR programs are boosted scientific and technological innovation resentatives of the United States of America in also critical to our economy, as they and created hundreds of thousands of Amer- Congress assembled, support our Nation’s job creators and ican jobs. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. ensure that our country continues to Several large, international companies like This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Power And produce cutting-edge research and de- Qualcomm, Sonicare and Symantec can trace Security Systems (PASS) Act’’. velopment. This ingenuity is what their initial growth to when they were small SEC. 2. EXTENSION OF NONAPPLICATION OF NO- LOAD MODE ENERGY EFFICIENCY makes our country a global economic businesses that received SBIR and STTR sup- STANDARD TO CERTAIN SECURITY powerhouse. port. OR LIFE SAFETY ALARM OR SUR- These programs, while successful, I want to call attention to two provisions of VEILLANCE SYSTEMS. can be improved. The bill before us is a H.R. 2763 that were added by Members of the (a) Section 325(u)(3)(D)(ii) of the Energy step in the right direction insofar as it Science Committee. Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. will ensure that all Federal agencies 6295(u)(3)(D)(ii)) is amended— A provision authored by Mr. HULTGREN re- (1) by striking ‘‘2015’’ each place it appears are enhancing efforts to help more quires participating federal agencies to give and inserting ‘‘2021’’; and small businesses obtain SBIR and priority to SBIR and STTR projects that will (2) by striking ‘‘2017’’ and inserting ‘‘2023’’. STTR funding and bring their innova- strengthen American manufacturing innovation (b) Section 325(u)(3)(E) of the Energy Pol- tive products to market. and increase manufacturing jobs in our coun- icy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. Therefore, I respectfully urge my col- try. 6295(u)(3)(E)) is amended— leagues to support this bipartisan bill. A provision authored by Mr. HIGGINS re- (1) in clause (ii), by striking ‘‘July 1, 2017,’’ Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance quires federal agencies engaged in cyber se- and inserting ‘‘the effective date of the amendment under subparagraph (D)(ii)’’; and of my time. curity research to give priority to SBIR and Mr. CHABOT. Mr. Speaker, I thank (2) by adding at the end the following: STTR projects that will spur advances in cyber ‘‘(iv) TREATMENT IN RULE.—In the rule all those who spoke on this legislation, security to protect the American people from under subparagraph (D)(ii) and subsequent a very bipartisan, good legislation, increasingly aggressive and malicious cyber- amendments the Secretary may treat some here this afternoon on the House floor. attacks. or all external power supplies designed to be In closing, whether it is new software The legislation before us addresses a num- connected to a security or life safety alarm system for tracking contract payments ber of red flags raised by the Government Ac- or surveillance system as a separate product or a new medical device to help with countability Office (GAO) about lax administra- class or may extend the nonapplication under clause (ii).’’. cancer treatments, or a new piece of tion of the SBIR and STTR programs. technology that literally saves lives on Several participating agencies do not The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- the battlefield, the SBIR and STTR produce accurate, timely information that Con- ant to the rule, the gentleman from programs have consistently delivered gress requires to evaluate program perform- Texas (Mr. OLSON) and the gentleman results to Federal agencies. They are ance. from Illinois (Mr. RUSH) each will con- worthy programs that do what they are The U.S. Small Business Administration has trol 20 minutes. supposed to do, but we can always do not submitted its required, comprehensive an- The Chair recognizes the gentleman better. This legislation improves and nual report to Congress since 2013. from Texas. modernizes these programs, and I ask The last administration provided virtually no GENERAL LEAVE that all of my colleagues support it. information to Congress and taxpayers about Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance the SBIR and STTR programs. imous consent that all Members may of my time. It’s reassuring that SBA associate adminis- have 5 legislative days in which to re- Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I support trator Joseph Shepard promised during a joint vise and extend their remarks and in- H.R. 2763, the Small Business Innovation Re- hearing of our Committee and the Small Busi- sert extraneous material in the record. search and Small Business Technology Trans- ness Committee that annual reports will be The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there fer Improvements Act of 2017. submitted on time. objection to the request of the gen- And I thank the gentleman from California, Mr. Speaker, H.R. 2763 was unanimously tleman from Texas? Mr. KNIGHT, for introducing this important leg- approved by both the House Small Business There was no objection. islation. He serves on the two Committees that Committee and the House Science Com- Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- share jurisdiction over the SBIR and STTR mittee. I urge all of my colleagues to support self as much time as I may consume. programs: the Small Business Committee, it. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support chaired by my good friend, Mr. CHABOT, and The SPEAKER pro tempore. The of S. 190. the Science, Space, and Technology Com- question is on the motion offered by External power supplies are used for all sorts of devices, and we have mittee, which I chair. the gentleman from Ohio (Mr. CHABOT) Mr. KNIGHT took the lead on last year’s time- that the House suspend the rules and learned from experience that the Fed- ly reauthorization of the SBIR and STTR pro- pass the bill, H.R. 2763, as amended. eral energy efficiency standards some- grams, and he is the sponsor of H.R. 2763, The question was taken; and (two- times don’t work in the ways we want which makes a number of needed policy thirds being in the affirmative) the them to. In particular, we need an ex- changes to increase the programs’ efficiency rules were suspended and the bill, as emption from these rules for the secu- and effectiveness. amended, was passed. rity and life safety alarms and surveil- The SBIR program was signed into law by A motion to reconsider was laid on lance alarms. President Reagan in 1982, followed by the the table. S. 190, the Power and Security Sys- STTR program in 1992. These programs help tems, or PASS, Act, provides targeted spur economic innovation and competitive- f exemptions that allow these critical ness, and increase small business participa- b 1445 uses to stay on the market. tion in federal research and development ac- Devices like home security alarms or tivity. POWER AND SECURITY SYSTEMS fire detection need to be on 24/7, 365, SBIR and STTR award winners convert the (PASS) ACT but the 2007 energy law on energy effi- results of taxpayer-supported pioneering re- Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I move to ciency standards for external power search into products that are critical to our suspend the rules and pass the bill (S. supplies does not allow for this. Since economic competitiveness and national secu- 190) to provide for consideration of the then, Congress has created exemptions rity. Recent examples include parts for extension under the Energy Policy and for these ‘‘always on’’ devices, but this NASA’s Mars Rover and a unique cockpit air- Conservation Act of nonapplication of exemption ended on July 1 of 2017. S. bag system to protect Army helicopter pilots. No-Load Mode energy efficiency stand- 190 extends this exemption out to 2023.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.042 H11OCPT1 H7946 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 11, 2017 The result of this bill would be that NATIONAL CLINICAL CARE (5) VACANCIES.—A vacancy on the Commis- these important security systems will COMMISSION ACT sion shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointments. continue to be available, preserving the Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I move to (c) DUTIES.—The Commission shall evalu- jobs of those who make them, and, suspend the rules and pass the bill (S. most importantly, the safety of those ate and make recommendations, as appro- 920) to establish a National Clinical priate, to the Secretary of Health and who use them. Care Commission. Human Services and Congress regarding— Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to The Clerk read the title of the bill. (1) Federal programs of the Department of vote ‘‘yes’’ on this measure, and I re- The text of the bill is as follows: Health and Human Services that focus on serve the balance of my time. S. 920 preventing and reducing the incidence of the Mr. RUSH. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- diseases and complications described in sub- self such time as I may consume. resentatives of the United States of America in section (a); (2) current activities and gaps in Federal Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of S. Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. efforts to support clinicians in providing in- 190, the Power and Security Systems, This Act may be cited as the ‘‘National tegrated, high-quality care to individuals or PASS, Act. Clinical Care Commission Act’’. with the diseases and complications de- Mr. Speaker, this bill would provide a SEC. 2. NATIONAL CLINICAL CARE COMMISSION. scribed in subsection (a); noncontroversial technical fix to a De- (a) ESTABLISHMENT.—There is hereby es- (3) the improvement in, and improved co- partment of Energy efficiency stand- tablished, within the Department of Health ordination of, Federal education and aware- and Human Services, a National Clinical ness activities related to the prevention and ard, and it has widespread bipartisan treatment of the diseases and complications support. Care Commission (in this section referred to as the ‘‘Commission’’) to evaluate and make described in subsection (a), which may in- I would also like to acknowledge my recommendations regarding improvements clude the utilization of new and existing colleagues, Mr. WELCH from Vermont, to the coordination and leveraging of pro- technologies; Mr. BROOKS from Alabama, as well as grams within the Department and other Fed- (4) methods for outreach and dissemination Senator GARDNER and Senator CANT- eral agencies related to awareness and clin- of education and awareness materials that— (A) address the diseases and complications WELL, for their work in sponsoring this ical care for at least one, but not more than two, complex metabolic or autoimmune dis- described in subsection (a); bill and getting it to the floor here (B) are funded by the Federal Government; today. eases resulting from issues related to insulin that represent a significant disease burden in and Mr. Speaker, this legislation would the United States, which may include com- (C) are intended for health care profes- simply amend the Energy Policy and plications due to such diseases. sionals and the public; and Conservation Act to require the De- (b) MEMBERSHIP.— (5) whether there are opportunities for con- partment of Energy to issue a rule by (1) IN GENERAL.—The Commission shall be solidation of inappropriately overlapping or July 1, 2021, which would determine composed of the following voting members: duplicative Federal programs related to the diseases and complications described in sub- whether energy conservation standards (A) The heads of the following Federal agencies and departments, or their des- section (a). for external power supplies should be ignees: (d) OPERATING PLAN.—Not later than 90 amended. (i) The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid days after its first meeting, the Commission The rule must contain any amend- Services. shall submit to the Secretary of Health and ment standards and would apply to (ii) The Agency for Healthcare Research Human Services and the Congress an oper- products manufactured on or after July and Quality. ating plan for carrying out the activities of 1, 2023. (iii) The Centers for Disease Control and the Commission as described in subsection Mr. Speaker, current law exempts ex- Prevention. (c). Such operating plan may include— (iv) The Indian Health Service. (1) a list of specific activities that the ternal power supplies for security or (v) The Department of Veterans Affairs. Commission plans to conduct for purposes of life safety systems from energy con- (vi) The National Institutes of Health. carrying out the duties described in each of servation standards until July 1, 2017. (vii) The Food and Drug Administration. the paragraphs in subsection (c); This bill simply extends that exemp- (viii) The Health Resources and Services (2) a plan for completing the activities; tion to July 1, 2023. Administration. (3) a list of members of the Commission Mr. Speaker, this clarification is nec- (ix) The Department of Defense. and other individuals who are not members essary in order to exclude power supply (x) The Department of Agriculture. of the Commission who will need to be in- (xi) The Office of Minority Health. volved to conduct such activities; circuits, drivers, and devices that are (B) Twelve additional voting members ap- (4) an explanation of Federal agency in- designed to power security alarms, life- pointed under paragraph (2). volvement and coordination needed to con- saving devices, and surveillance sys- (2) ADDITIONAL MEMBERS.—The Commission duct such activities; tems. shall include additional voting members, as (5) a budget for conducting such activities; Mr. Speaker, as I stated, this legisla- may be appointed by the Secretary, with ex- and tive fix has widespread support from pertise in the prevention, care, and epidemi- (6) other information that the Commission both houses of Congress, from both ology of any of the diseases and complica- deems appropriate. tions described in subsection (a), including sides of the aisle, as well as from indus- (e) FINAL REPORT.—By not later than 3 one or more such members from each of the years after the date of the Commission’s try and the energy efficiency commu- following categories: first meeting, the Commission shall submit nity. (A) Physician specialties, including clin- to the Secretary of Health and Human Serv- Mr. Speaker, I urge all of my col- ical endocrinologists, that play a role in the ices and the Congress a final report con- leagues to support this valuable piece prevention or treatment of diseases and com- taining all of the findings and recommenda- of legislation, and I yield back the bal- plications described in subsection (a). tions required by this section. ance of my time. (B) Primary care physicians. (f) SUNSET.—The Commission shall termi- (C) Non-physician health care profes- Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I close nate 60 days after submitting its final report, sionals. but not later than the end of fiscal year 2021. with a short and sweet: good bill, vote (D) Patient advocates. for it. (E) National experts, including public The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance health experts, in the duties listed under ant to the rule, the gentleman from of my time. subsection (c). Texas (Mr. OLSON) and the gentleman (F) Health care providers furnishing serv- from Illinois (Mr. RUSH) each will con- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ices to a patient population that consists of question is on the motion offered by trol 20 minutes. a high percentage (as specified by the Sec- The Chair recognizes the gentleman the gentleman from Texas (Mr. OLSON) retary) of individuals who are enrolled in a that the House suspend the rules and State plan under title XIX of the Social Se- from Texas. pass the bill, S. 190. curity Act or who are not covered under a GENERAL LEAVE The question was taken; and (two- health plan or health insurance coverage. Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- thirds being in the affirmative) the (3) CHAIRPERSON.—The members of the imous consent that all Members may rules were suspended and the bill was Commission shall select a chairperson from the members appointed under paragraph (2). have 5 legislative days within which to passed. (4) MEETINGS.—The Commission shall meet revise and extend their remarks and in- A motion to reconsider was laid on at least twice, and not more than four times, sert extraneous material in the the table. a year. RECORD.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:08 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.045 H11OCPT1 October 11, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7947 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there and to prevent metabolic and auto- orders. This commission will be tasked objection to the request of the gen- immune disorders related to insulin. with identifying gaps where new ap- tleman from Texas? The most common metabolic dis- proaches are needed, eliminating dupli- There was no objection. order in the U.S. is diabetes, which af- cation across Federal agencies, and Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- fects more than 25 million Americans. leveraging the Federal resources and self such time as I may consume. Another 86 million Americans have tools available to enhance the quality Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support prediabetes, a condition associated of patient care. of S. 920, the National Clinical Care with an increased risk of developing I am confident their work will im- Commission Act, a bipartisan bill that type 2 diabetes and heart disease. prove the lives of tens of millions of has received unanimous support within Mr. Speaker, diabetes takes a huge Americans living with diabetes and both the House and the Senate Cham- toll on human health; in fact, it is the with other endocrine disorders while bers. S. 920 is the Senate companion to seventh leading cause of death in our beginning the process of reducing the my bill, H.R. 309, which is cosponsored Nation. staggering impact of these diseases. by over half of my House colleagues. Additionally, Mr. Speaker, all too Mr. Speaker, I certainly want to It has this level of support because often diabetes leads to avoidable com- thank and commend our colleague, our Nation faces an epidemic. Diabetes plications, such as blindness, such as Representative PETE OLSON, for spear- or prediabetes affects over 100 million limb amputation, and also kidney fail- heading this important initiative. I Americans. Nearly one in three of our ure. want to thank him for bringing it to neighbors is affected. In addition to the effects on human the floor of the House as many times as This legislation will also help many health, Mr. Speaker, diabetes care he has. This has been a lengthy proc- others who are affected by other dis- makes up a large percentage of U.S. ess, but today, with the passage of this eases like heart disease, obesity, and healthcare expenditure. bill, we are voting on final passage, and many others. Mr. Speaker, currently $1 of every $5 this bill will be sent to the President’s When I first came to Congress in 2009, of healthcare cost is spent caring for desk for signature. Mr. Speaker, Mr. it was crystal clear that we had a big people with diabetes. The proportion of OLSON’s long and arduous journey now problem. The benefits of all the Fed- Medicare funding is even greater than will be completed with the passage of eral research dollars going into these this. Currently, $1 of every $3 of Medi- this bill, and we should all look for- diseases were simply not making their care expenditure is spent caring for ward to that. way to patients. Researchers at the people with diabetes. Mr. RUSH. Mr. Speaker, I yield such NIH, the CDC, the DOD, the VA, and time as he may consume to the gen- b 1500 the FDA weren’t sharing diabetes re- tleman from Iowa (Mr. LOEBSACK). search. Who knows? Sharing informa- Mr. Speaker, that is why it is impor- Mr. LOEBSACK. Mr. Speaker, I tion may have put us on a path to cure tant to improve the Federal efforts thank my colleague from Illinois (Mr. diabetes. that prevent avoidable cases of diabe- RUSH) for yielding time to me today to It was clear then, and it is still clear tes and other metabolic disorders, and speak on this important bill. today: we need a laser-like approach to to ensure that all Americans have the Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to rise in improve patient care by pursuing a treatment and the management serv- strong support of S. 920, the National strong Federal focus on research. ices necessary to successfully manage Clinical Care Commission Act. S. 920, This bill accomplishes that goal by this and other similar conditions. as was mentioned already, creates a creating a National Clinical Care Com- Mr. Speaker, this legislation was pre- commission comprised of clinical mission comprised of doctors who spe- viously passed in the 114th Congress endocrinologists, other physician spe- cialize in diabetes care for patients. and again at the beginning of the 115th cialists, primary care physicians, This commission will have 3 years to Congress. I am pleased to see that the healthcare professionals, patients, and strengthen the partnership between Senate took action on this legislation representatives from the Federal agen- Federal stakeholders and health pro- to support passage of this bill into law. cies most involved in diabetes care. fessionals who will bring hands-on, Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to The commission is charged with clinical experience to improve care. vote ‘‘yes’’ on S. 920, and I reserve the making recommendations to stream- This is not a new, unending bureauc- balance of my time. line Federal investments in diabetes, racy. After 3 years, this commission Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I yield as to improve the coordination and clin- will sunset. In 3 years, it will be gone. much time as he may consume to the ical care outcomes for people with dia- We have already made such a huge gentleman from Texas (Mr. BURGESS). betes, prediabetes, and other insulin- investment of taxpayer dollars into re- Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, today I related metabolic and autoimmune dis- search. It is time to leverage that in- rise in support of S. 920, the National eases. vestment into meaningful prevention Clinical Care Commission Act, spon- Passage of this legislation will help and effective treatment options. sored by Senator SHAHEEN. the Nation undertake more and innova- President Reagan once said: ‘‘There This legislation has been around for a tive approaches to diabetes and its dis- is no limit to the amount of good you while. It has been championed in the ease complications, for which the can do if you don’t care who gets the House by our good friend and fellow United States spends some $322 billion credit.’’ Texan, Representative PETE OLSON, as annually. That is why I stand here today in H.R. 309. This bill has strong bipartisan I urge the Secretary also to move ex- strong support of my bill, which be- support. It passed this House unani- peditiously to set up the commission so came Senator SHAHEEN’s bill, because mously earlier this year. it can begin its important work as soon this bill will help so many Americans Diabetes and other endocrine dis- as possible. Clinical training and exper- who are suffering from diabetes. orders have been a great cost burden on tise in diabetes and other insulin-re- So today I ask my colleagues to Medicare and, in fact, our Nation’s lated diseases will be needed to lead again help all those who suffer from di- healthcare system in general. Thirty the commission, and it is my hope that abetes and other complex metabolic million Americans have diabetes, 84 a clinical endocrinologist will be cho- and autoimmune disorders by voting million Americans have prediabetes, sen to serve as the chairperson of the for S. 920. and three out of four Americans on commission. I think that is very im- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Medicare have diabetes or prediabetes. portant. my time. And $1 out of every $3 Medicare spends With a clinical endocrinologist as Mr. RUSH. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- is spent on diabetes. chair and representatives from other self such time as I may consume. This bill will establish a clinical care medical specialities, healthcare profes- Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of S. commission to evaluate and rec- sions, and patient advocacy groups, 920, the National Clinical Care Com- ommend solutions for better coordina- serving alongside with Federal diabetes mission Act. tion and use of Federal programs aimed experts, the commission created under Mr. Speaker, this legislation aims to at improving care for people with dia- S. 920 will help to ensure that new in- help improve Federal efforts to treat betes and other related endocrine dis- novative medications and devices are

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.047 H11OCPT1 H7948 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 11, 2017 effectively translated to the clinical record of the United States to the facility re- In addition to his academic contribu- setting for the benefit of patients. That ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to tions, Dr. Nash gained worldwide ac- clinical translation is so important. be a reference to the ‘‘Dr. John F. Nash, Jr. claim from the 2001 film ‘‘A Beautiful The work of the commission will help Post Office’’. Mind,’’ which portrayed his vast ac- improve the lives of the tens of mil- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- complishments while living with schiz- lions of Americans living with diabetes ant to the rule, the gentleman from ophrenia and throughout his recovery while simultaneously beginning the Oklahoma (Mr. RUSSELL) and the gen- from mental illness. process of reducing the staggering im- tlewoman from New Jersey (Mrs. WAT- In recognition of his lifelong work, pact of diabetes and its disease com- SON COLEMAN) each will control 20 min- Dr. Nash was awarded a Nobel Prize in plications and the dollars that, as has utes. Economic Sciences in 1994, and the 2015 already been mentioned, are associated The Chair recognizes the gentleman Abel Prize from the Norwegian Acad- with that. from Oklahoma. emy of Science and Letters. Mr. Speaker, I want to thank in par- GENERAL LEAVE Tragically, he and his wife, Alicia, ticular Representative OLSON for his Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I ask were killed in an automobile accident persistence, as was already mentioned, unanimous consent that all Members in 2015 on their return from receiving and for sponsoring this bill in the may have 5 legislative days within the award in Norway. Finally, I want to end my remarks by House. I was very happy to lead the which to revise and extend their re- congratulating Ms. Lyla Malloy, the way as the Democrat on this side of the marks and include extraneous material student in my district whose essay sub- aisle on this bill, and for my colleagues on the bill under consideration. mission to our post office naming com- on both sides of the aisle who sup- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the request of the gen- petition was chosen out of 84 entries. ported this bill that enabled House pas- Mr. Speaker, I urge the passage of sage of the legislation earlier, as was tleman from Oklahoma? There was no objection. H.R. 2302 in recognition of Dr. Nash’s mentioned, and now we are finally Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I yield important contributions to our coun- going to get it over the finish line. Mr. myself such time as I may consume. try, and I yield back the balance of my Speaker, I thank Representative OLSON Mr. Speaker, I speak in support of time. in particular for his efforts on this. H.R. 2302, introduced by the gentle- Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I urge Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I thank my woman, Congresswoman BONNIE WAT- the adoption of the bill, and I yield colleague from Iowa for those kind SON COLEMAN from New Jersey. The bill back the balance of my time. words, and I reserve the balance of my designates the post office located at 259 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The time. Nassau Street, Suite 2, in Princeton, question is on the motion offered by Mr. RUSH. Mr. Speaker, I yield back New Jersey, as the Dr. John F. Nash, the gentleman from Oklahoma (Mr. the balance of my time. Jr. Post Office. RUSSELL) that the House suspend the Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, again, John Nash was a brilliant mathe- rules and pass the bill, H.R. 2302. short and sweet. This is a good bill. It matician, publishing groundbreaking The question was taken; and (two- is the first step towards actually fund- work in many areas. One of his most thirds being in the affirmative) the ing a cure for diabetes. Maybe we will famous contributions was to the field rules were suspended and the bill was do that. By the way, it leaves here and of game theory, creating what is passed. A motion to reconsider was laid on will be signed into law before this week known as the Nash equilibrium. ends. I urge my colleagues to vote For his achievements, he won a Nobel the table. ‘‘aye’’ when this vote comes up for a Prize in Economic Sciences in 1994, and f final passage vote. the Abel Prize from the Norwegian BONUSES FOR COST-CUTTERS ACT Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance Academy of Science and Letters in OF 2017 of my time. 2015. Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I move The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. Speaker, I look forward to hear- question is on the motion offered by to suspend the rules and pass the bill ing more about Dr. Nash’s life from the (H.R. 378) to amend title 5, United the gentleman from Texas (Mr. OLSON) gentlewoman from New Jersey, and I that the House suspend the rules and States Code, to enhance the authority urge my colleagues to support the bill. under which Federal agencies may pay pass the bill, S. 920. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of cash awards to employees for making The question was taken; and (two- my time. cost saving disclosures, and for other thirds being in the affirmative) the Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN. Mr. purposes, as amended. rules were suspended and the bill was Speaker, I yield myself such time as I passed. The Clerk read the title of the bill. may consume. The text of the bill is as follows: A motion to reconsider was laid on Mr. Speaker, I do rise to urge support H.R. 378 the table. for my bill, H.R. 2302, which would des- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- f ignate the facility of the United States resentatives of the United States of America in DR. JOHN F. NASH, JR. POST Postal Service located at 259 Nassau Congress assembled, OFFICE Street in Princeton, New Jersey, as the SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. Dr. John F. Nash, Jr. Post Office. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Bonuses for Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I move As a legendary figure of Princeton Cost-Cutters Act of 2017’’. to suspend the rules and pass the bill University’s mathematics department, SEC. 2. COST SAVINGS ENHANCEMENTS. (H.R. 2302) to designate the facility of Dr. Nash was famous both for his ge- (a) DEFINITIONS.—Section 4511 of title 5, the United States Postal Service lo- nius and his life story. Born in Blue- United States Code, is amended— cated at 259 Nassau Street, Suite 2 in field, West Virginia, in 1928, Dr. John (1) in the section heading, by striking ‘‘Defi- Princeton, New Jersey, as the ‘‘Dr. nition’’ and inserting ‘‘Definitions’’; and Nash was a child prodigy who grad- (2) in subsection (a)— John F. Nash, Jr. Post Office’’. uated from the Carnegie Institute of (A) by striking the period at the end and in- The Clerk read the title of the bill. Technology at age 19, with both a bach- serting ‘‘; and’’; The text of the bill is as follows: elor’s and a master’s degree in mathe- (B) by striking ‘‘this subchapter, the term’’ H.R. 2302 matics. and inserting the following: ‘‘this subchapter— ‘‘(1) the term’’; and Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Dr. Nash subsequently received his (C) by adding at the end the following: resentatives of the United States of America in doctorate in 1950 from Princeton Uni- ‘‘(2) the term ‘wasteful expenses’ means Congress assembled, versity and published a groundbreaking amounts made available for salaries and ex- SECTION 1. DR. JOHN F. NASH, JR. POST OFFICE. theory of noncooperative games later penses accounts, operations and maintenance (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the that year, which is now known as the accounts, or other equivalent accounts— United States Postal Service located at 259 Nash equilibrium. ‘‘(A) that are identified by an employee of the Nassau Street, Suite 2 in Princeton, New agency under section 4512(a) as wasteful; and Jersey, shall be known and designated as the His monumental work in mathe- ‘‘(B) that the Chief Financial Officer of the ‘‘Dr. John F. Nash, Jr. Post Office’’. matics, game theory, economics, and agency determines are not required for the pur- (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, evolutionary biology has influenced pose for which the amounts were made avail- map, regulation, document, paper, or other generations of experts in these fields. able.’’.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.048 H11OCPT1 October 11, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7949 (b) AUTHORITY.—Section 4512 of title 5, United tlewoman from the District of Colum- Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I yield States Code, is amended— bia (Ms. NORTON) each will control 20 myself such time as I may consume. (1) in subsection (a)— minutes. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. (A) by inserting ‘‘The head of an agency may The Chair recognizes the gentleman 378, the Bonuses for Cost-Cutters Act, pay a cash award to any employee of such as reported by the committee. This leg- agency whose identification of wasteful ex- from Oklahoma. penses to the Chief Financial Officer of the b 1515 islation enhances the existing award agency has resulted in cost savings for the agen- program for Federal employees whose GENERAL LEAVE cy.’’ after the first sentence; identification of waste, fraud, and (B) in paragraph (1) by striking ‘‘$10,000’’ and Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I ask abuse results in cost savings to an inserting ‘‘$20,000’’; unanimous consent that all Members agency. (C) in paragraph (2)— may have 5 legislative days in which to Every day, Federal employees across (i) by inserting ‘‘Chief Financial Officer,’’ revise and extend their remarks and in- the country provide vital services to after ‘‘Inspector General,’’ ; clude extraneous material on the bill the American people. They ensure that (ii) by striking ‘‘employee designated under under consideration. our veterans receive the benefits to subsection (b)’’ and inserting ‘‘designated em- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there ployee’’; and which they are entitled. They work to (iii) by inserting ‘‘or identification’’ after objection to the request of the gen- keep our air safe to breathe and our ‘‘disclosure’’; and tleman from Oklahoma? water safe to drink. They spend long (D) in the matter following paragraph (2)— There was no objection. hours and put their lives at risk to (i) by inserting ‘‘, Chief Financial Officer,’’ Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I yield safeguard our national and homeland after ‘‘Inspector General’’; and myself such time as I may consume. security. And Federal employees are on (ii) by inserting ‘‘or identification’’ after ‘‘dis- Mr. Speaker, I speak in support of the front lines in ensuring that these closure’’; H.R. 378, introduced by the gentleman important missions are carried out as (2) in subsection (b) by striking ‘‘awards per- from Tennessee (Mr. FLEISCHMANN), the mitted under this section’’ and inserting effectively and efficiently as possible. Bonuses for Cost-Cutters Act of 2017. I think we can all agree that no one ‘‘awards for the disclosure of fraud, waste, or The people in the best position to mismanagement under this section’’; and benefits when taxpayer dollars are (3) by adding at the end the following: identify waste throughout the Federal wasted. This bill aims to increase gov- ‘‘(c)(1) If the Chief Financial Officer of the Government are the employees on the ernment efficiency and save taxpayer agency determines that potential wasteful ex- front lines at the Federal agencies. dollars by providing incentives to Fed- penses identified by an employee meet the re- They are the ones on the ground who eral employees to identify wasteful quirements of section 4511(a)(2)(B), the head of know when agencies waste money. It is spending. The legislation allows an the agency shall notify the President for pur- in the taxpayers’ best interest to en- agency head to award an employee a poses of proposing the expenses for rescission courage Federal employees to report under title X of the Congressional Budget and bonus for the identification of wasteful waste when they see it. expenses that result in agency cost Impoundment Control Act of 1974 (2 U.S.C. 681 H.R. 378 increases the incentive for et seq.). savings. ‘‘(2) In the case of an agency for which there Federal employees to report wasteful The bill also doubles the amount that is no Chief Financial Officer, the head of the spending by authorizing a reward of up an inspector general may award an em- agency shall designate an agency employee who to $20,000 for blowing the whistle on ployee for disclosures of waste, fraud, shall have the authority to make the determina- waste. This incentive is especially nec- and abuse that result in cost savings tions for identification of wasteful expenses essary at the end of the fiscal year from $10,000 to $20,000. under this section. when too many agencies adopt a ‘‘use In addition, the bill contains several ‘‘(d) The head of each agency shall make it or lose it’’ mentality regarding their accountability measures so that Con- available, along with, and in the same manner budgets. and form as, the provision of information re- gress and the American people can de- quired under section 1116 of title 31, information Some agencies fear that if they do termine whether the legislation is on disclosures of wasteful expenses under this not spend every last dollar in their working as intended. First, agencies section, including— budget, that Congress will somehow de- must include information on disclo- ‘‘(1) a description of each disclosure of pos- crease their future funding. That dy- sures of wasteful spending and awards sible wasteful expenses identified by an em- namic leads to the most outrageous ex- distributed under this legislation in ployee and determined by the agency to have penditures in the last week before the their annual, publicly available, per- merit; and end of the fiscal year on September 30. formance report. ‘‘(2) the number and amount of cash awards Under the structure put in place by provided by the agency under subsection (a). The bill also includes a requirement ‘‘(e) An individual may not receive a cash H.R. 378, agency leadership will also be that the director of the Office of Man- award under this subchapter if the individual able to verify that spending identified agement and Budget submit a report to is— by whistleblowers is actually wasteful. Congress each year certifying that ‘‘(1) an officer or employee of the Office of the This was a concern raised by our col- each agency’s cash award program Inspector General of an agency; or leagues in the minority. We are thank- complies with the bill. ‘‘(2) ineligible for a cash award under section ful for their constructive work in get- In addition, the bill requires a GAO 4509. ting this bill to a mutually agreeable report on the operation of awards pro- ‘‘(f) The Director of the Office of Personnel compromise. Management shall— gram within 3 years, including any rec- ‘‘(1) ensure that the cash award program of The bill also maintains Congress’ ommendations for legislative changes. each agency complies with this section; and constitutional role in the appropria- Democratic members of the Oversight ‘‘(2) submit to Congress an annual certifi- tions process. As we know, Congress is and Government Reform Committee cation indicating whether the cash award pro- responsible for authorizing spending by raised concerns about prior versions of gram of each agency complies with this section. the Federal Government, and this bill this bill, and I want to thank Chairman ‘‘(g) Not later than 3 years after the date of is careful to respect that authority. GOWDY for working with us to address enactment of the Bonuses for Cost-Cutters Act After the agency’s chief financial of- those concerns. The bill we have before of 2017, and every 3 years thereafter for 6 years, ficer affirms that the spending in ques- us today reflects bipartisan concerns. the Comptroller General of the United States tion is indeed wasteful, the agency shall submit to Congress a report on the oper- We must support Federal employees ation of the cost savings and awards program must submit a report to the President. who identify ways to increase effi- under this section, including any recommenda- The President may then submit a rec- ciency and reduce waste. I believe this tions for legislative changes.’’. ommendation to Congress to eliminate bill does that, and I urge my colleagues (c) TECHNICAL AND CONFORMING AMEND- the wasteful spending in question. to support it. MENT.—The table of sections for subchapter II H.R. 378 is the result of a bipartisan Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of of chapter 45 of title 5, United States Code, is process, and I urge my colleagues to my time. amended by striking the item relating to section support this bill as an example of what Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 4511 and inserting the following: we can achieve when both sides put such time as he may consume to the ‘‘4511. Definitions and general provisions.’’. their minds to reform and husband the gentleman from Tennessee (Mr. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- taxpayers’ dollars. FLEISCHMANN), the sponsor of this bill. ant to the rule, the gentleman from Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Mr. FLEISCHMANN. Mr. Speaker, I Oklahoma (Mr. RUSSELL) and the gen- my time. rise in support of my bill, the Bonuses

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:08 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11OC7.012 H11OCPT1 H7950 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 11, 2017 for Cost-Cutters Act of 2017. I wish to The question was taken; and (two- the intelligence community do not thank the gentleman from Oklahoma thirds being in the affirmative) the have that same protection. and the gentlewoman from the District rules were suspended and the bill, as Federal employees inside the intel- of Columbia. amended, was passed. ligence community can blow the whis- Mr. Speaker, what we see today in A motion to reconsider was laid on tle to their supervisors, to the appro- my bill is what I think the American the table. priate inspector general, and to Con- people want, Republicans and Demo- f gress. Employees outside the intel- crats working together with good, com- ligence community do not have those monsense legislation that makes sense RECIPIENTS OF WHISTLEBLOWER protections when it comes to classified and saves the American taxpayer’s DISCLOSURES information, and they have fewer op- money. Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I move tions when it comes to blowing the Let’s face it: whether we are a family to suspend the rules and pass the bill whistle, except to put it in the hands of or a business, we have to manage our (H.R. 2196) to amend title 5, United those who have no clearances. money in the private sector; and the States Code, to allow whistleblowers to Federal employees outside the intel- Federal Government, for far too long, disclose information to certain recipi- ligence community must be reassured has been guilty of spending waste, ents, as amended. that they can report wrongdoing to the fraud, and abuse. There have been so The Clerk read the title of the bill. appropriate people, including their su- many problems, and the American peo- The text of the bill is as follows: pervisors. With this protection, whis- ple know it. H.R. 2196 tleblowers will be less likely to dis- When we go home and we talk with Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- close potentially sensitive information our constituents, they want us to be resentatives of the United States of America in on waste, fraud, and abuse to the very good stewards of their money, and Congress assembled, media, or other entities or individuals they deserve that. That is exactly what SECTION 1. RECIPIENTS OF WHISTLEBLOWER without the proper security clearance. this bill does, and it does it in a way DISLOSURES. This bill allows whistleblowers to that does a lot of different things that Section 2302(b)(8)(B) of title 5, United make protected disclosures of classi- I think is great. States Code, is amended by striking ‘‘or to fied information to individuals within First of all, as my colleagues on both the Inspector’’ and all that follows through their chain of command. There are sides of the aisle have said, it ‘‘such disclosures’’ and inserting ‘‘the In- very few conceivable circumstances in incentivizes Federal employees to de- spector General of an agency, a supervisor in the employee’s direct chain of command and which a whistleblower complaint to a tect waste. We all know that govern- up to and including the head of the employ- supervisor would jeopardize national ment has a tendency, when they have a ing agency, or to an employee designated by security, but such disclosures are not pool of money, to spend it, whether any of the aforementioned individuals for currently protected, as strange as that they need it or not. So if a Federal em- the purpose of receiving such disclosures’’. may seem. ployee can go in there, find this prob- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- There is no reasonable basis for con- lem out, tell the agency head, he or she ant to the rule, the gentleman from cern about giving whistleblowers now can get up to $20,000 of incentive Oklahoma (Mr. RUSSELL) and the gen- throughout the Federal Government pay. So we have incentivized fiscal re- tlewoman from the District of Colum- the right to contact those individuals sponsibility in the Federal Govern- bia (Ms. NORTON) each will control 20 about waste, fraud, or abuse of a classi- ment. That is great, and that is just minutes. fied nature. These additional protec- good government. The Chair recognizes the gentleman tions will make it easier for these em- In addition to that, Mr. Speaker, we from Oklahoma. ployees to do the responsible thing look at the United States Constitution, when it comes to classified disclosures. GENERAL LEAVE and that is a document that our Found- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of ing Fathers gave us and is so impor- Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I ask my time. tant. Why is that so important with unanimous consent that all Members Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I yield this bill? Because when that agency may have 5 legislative days in which to myself such time as I may consume. head goes to the President of the revise and extend their remarks and in- I want to thank Representative United States with this recommenda- clude extraneous material on the bill STEVE RUSSELL for introducing this tion, the President of the United under consideration. bill, along with Oversight and Govern- States has to come where? Back to the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there ment Reform Committee Ranking Congress, where he should have to objection to the request of the gen- Member ELIJAH CUMMINGS, and Rep- come. tleman from Oklahoma? resentative STEPHEN LYNCH. When Congress looks at that rec- There was no objection. This bill would provide important ommendation from the President, Con- Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I yield protections to whistleblowers who han- gress then can make the final deter- myself such time as I may consume. dle classified information and want to mination. So we have fiscal responsi- Mr. Speaker, I speak in support of report waste, fraud, and abuse. bility, we have constitutional sanctity, H.R. 2196, a bill I introduced with Under this bill, an employee who is and we have good government. Ranking Member CUMMINGS, Mr. covered by the Whistleblower Protec- Most of all, I want to thank my col- LYNCH, and Mr. FARENTHOLD from tion Act could disclose to any super- leagues on both sides of the aisle. We Texas earlier this year to allow whis- visor in his or her direct chain of com- have Republicans and Democrats work- tleblowers to disclose information to mand classified information the em- ing together, the way the American certain recipients. ployee reasonably believes shows people want us to do, to be fiscally re- Whistleblowers in the Federal Gov- wrongdoing. sponsible. ernment should be able to tell their su- Under current law, if a whistleblower Mr. Speaker, I urge colleagues on pervisors when something is wrong. discloses classified information, the both sides of the aisle to pass this good That is true no matter what, but espe- whistleblower is protected only if he or government bill. cially so in cases involving classified she makes those disclosures to the Of- Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I have no information, which implies a matter of fice of Special Counsel, an inspector further speakers, and I yield back the national security. general, the head of the whistle- balance of my time. If whistleblowers cannot make a pro- blower’s agency, or an employee des- Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I urge tected disclosure to their supervisors, ignated by the head of the agency. the adoption of the bill, and I yield they are more likely to make an illegal This bill would encourage employees back the balance of my time. disclosure to people or entities without who handle classified information to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The the proper security clearances. use proper channels to blow the whistle question is on the motion offered by Under current law, whistleblowers in on waste, fraud, and abuse. Allowing the gentleman from Oklahoma (Mr. the intelligence community can make employees to go to a supervisor with RUSSELL) that the House suspend the protected disclosures to their super- evidence of wrongdoing may be less in- rules and pass the bill, H.R. 378, as visors. However, whistleblowers deal- timidating than going to the agency amended. ing with classified information outside head or an inspector general.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.054 H11OCPT1 October 11, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7951 This bill is modeled on language in Oklahoma (Mr. RUSSELL) and the gen- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, the Presidential Policy Directive tlewoman from the District of Colum- COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY, issued in 2012. That directive, PPD 19, bia (Ms. NORTON) each will control 20 Washington, DC, September 22, 2017. provided whistleblower protections to minutes. Hon. TREY GOWDY, Chairman, Committee on Oversight and Govern- intelligence community employees who The Chair recognizes the gentleman ment Reform, Washington, DC. are not covered by the Whistleblower from Oklahoma. DEAR CHAIRMAN GOWDY: I write with re- Protection Act. GENERAL LEAVE spect to H.R. 2229, the ‘‘All Circuit Review Act.’’ As a result of your having consulted b 1530 Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I ask with us on provisions within H.R. 2229 that This bill will provide a more con- unanimous consent that all Members fall within the Rule X jurisdiction of the sistent approach for employees who have 5 legislative days to revise and ex- Committee on the Judiciary, I forego any handle classified information by ensur- tend their remarks and include extra- further consideration of this bill so that it may proceed expeditiously to the House floor ing that employees who are covered by neous material on the bill under con- sideration. for consideration. the Whistleblower Protection Act will The Judiciary Committee takes this action blow that whistle to a supervisor, the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there with our mutual understanding that by fore- same way that intelligence community objection to the request of the gen- going consideration of H.R. 2229 at this time, employees who are covered by PPD 19 tleman from Oklahoma? we do not waive any jurisdiction over subject can do so. There was no objection. matter contained in this or similar legisla- This is a good bill. I urge my col- Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I yield tion and that our committee will be appro- leagues to support it, and I yield back myself such time as I may consume. priately consulted and involved as this bill or similar legislation moves forward so that the balance of my time. Mr. Speaker, I speak in support of we may address any remaining issues in our Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I would H.R. 2229, the All Circuit Review Act, jurisdiction. Our committee also reserves like to thank Ranking Member CUM- which Ranking Member CUMMINGS of the right to seek appointment of an appro- MINGS, Mr. FARENTHOLD of Texas, and Maryland and Mr. FARENTHOLD of priate number of conferees to any House- Mr. LYNCH of Massachusetts for their Texas introduced earlier this year. It is Senate conference involving this or similar great bipartisan support in this needed critical that we guarantee whistle- legislation, and asks that you support any reform, and I urge my colleagues to such request. blowers have access to fair and effi- I would appreciate a response to this letter support my bill. cient reviews of their claims of retalia- confirming this understanding with respect Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance tion. to H.R. 2229 and would ask that a copy of our of my time. Between 1982 and 2012, whistleblowers exchange of letters on this matter be in- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The could only appeal retaliation rulings cluded in the Congressional Record during question is on the motion offered by made against them by the Merit Sys- floor consideration of H.R. 2229. the gentleman from Oklahoma (Mr. tems Protection Board, or the MSPB, Sincerely, RUSSELL) that the House suspend the to the Federal circuit. That monopoly BOB GOODLATTE, Chairman. rules and pass the bill, H.R. 2196, as led to the Federal circuit shaping key amended. interpretations of whistleblower pro- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, COM- The question was taken; and (two- tection law without a check by any of MITTEE ON OVERSIGHT AND GOV- thirds being in the affirmative) the the other circuit courts. ERNMENT REFORM, rules were suspended and the bill, as In 2012, to the wide acclaim of the Washington, DC, September 22, 2017. amended, was passed. whistleblower community, the Whistle- Hon. BOB GOODLATTE, Chairman, Committee on the Judiciary, A motion to reconsider was laid on blower Protection Enhancement Act the table. House of Representatives. ended the Federal circuit court’s mo- DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you for your f nopoly over whistleblower retaliation letter regarding H.R. 2229, the All Circuit Re- appeals. The result, as expected, was view Act. As you noted, certain provisions of ALL CIRCUIT REVIEW ACT better case law and more expeditious the bill fall within the jurisdiction of the Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I move appeals. Committee on the Judiciary. I appreciate to suspend the rules and pass the bill As a pilot program, that expansion your willingness to forego action on the bill (H.R. 2229) to amend title 5, United in the interest of expediting this legislation was set to expire 3 years after enact- for floor consideration. I agree that fore- States Code, to provide permanent au- ment. In 2014, Congress acted to extend going consideration of the bill in no way di- thority for judicial review of certain the program until November of this minishes or alters the jurisdiction of the Merit Systems Protection Board deci- year. Now, this highly effective pro- Committee on the Judiciary with respect to sions relating to whistleblowers, and gram will expire next month unless it the appointment of conferees or to any fu- for other purposes. is renewed. The whistleblower commu- ture jurisdictional claim over the subject The Clerk read the title of the bill. nity has benefited tremendously from matters contained in the bill or any similar The text of the bill is as follows: legislation. the pilot program. There is no good ar- I will include a copy of our letter exchange H.R. 2229 gument against making this perma- on H.R. 2229 in the bill report filed by the Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- nent. Committee on Oversight and Government resentatives of the United States of America in Critics had feared that expanding ju- Reform, as well as in the Congressional Congress assembled, risdiction over the MSPB appeals Record during floor consideration, to memo- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. would lead to a torrent of cases for rialize our understanding. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘All Circuit those circuits, swamping dockets Thank you for your assistance with this Review Act’’. matter. across the Nation. Those fears have Sincerely, SEC. 2. JUDICIAL REVIEW OF MERIT SYSTEMS proved to be unfounded. Instead, the PROTECTION BOARD DECISIONS RE- TREY GOWDY. LATING TO WHISTLEBLOWERS. whistleblower community has bene- Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I yield (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 7703(b)(1)(B) of fited from other circuits having an op- myself such time as I may consume. title 5, United States Code, is amended by portunity to interpret Federal whistle- Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support striking ‘‘During the 5-year period beginning blower case law. of the All Circuit Review Act. on the effective date of the Whistleblower H.R. 2229 makes the all circuit expan- This week the House is considering Protection Enhancement Act of 2012, a peti- sion permanent, ensuring the benefits several bills to strengthen protections tion’’ and inserting ‘‘A petition’’. of the pilot program continue. This bi- (b) DIRECTOR REVIEW.—Section 7703(d)(2) of for whistleblowers. This is a bipartisan such title is amended by striking ‘‘During partisan initiative will put the ques- bill introduced by Oversight and Gov- the 5-year period beginning on the effective tion of appeal jurisdiction for whistle- ernment Reform Committee Ranking date of the Whistleblower Protection En- blower retaliation cases to rest once Member CUMMINGS and Representative hancement Act of 2012, this paragraph’’ and and for all. BLAKE FARENTHOLD. inserting ‘‘This paragraph’’. Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to This bill would help level the playing The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- support this bill, and I reserve the bal- field for whistleblowers by making per- ant to the rule, the gentleman from ance of my time. manent a pilot program that allows

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:09 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.056 H11OCPT1 H7952 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 11, 2017 Federal whistleblowers to file appeals ernment Oversight sent a letter to the ican Nation. He was an abolitionist, human in courts where they work or live rath- Oversight and Government Reform rights and women’s rights activist, orator, er than in the Federal Circuit Court of Committee on May 2, 2017, in strong author, journalist, publisher, and social re- Appeals. support of this bill. Executive Director former. (3) Taught basic reading skills by his mis- The Federal circuit has a terrible Danielle Brian wrote as follows: ‘‘The tress until she was forced to stop, Douglass track record on whistleblower cases. pilot program has been a success. It continued to teach himself to read and write Allowing other courts around the coun- has not resulted in a flood of whistle- and taught other slaves to read despite risks try to hear whistleblower cases will blower appeals as opponents of the pro- including death. provide a check on the monopoly the gram asserted it would do, and it al- (4) During the course of his remarkable life Federal circuit has held for many lows for potential circuit splits, which Frederick Douglass escaped from slavery, be- years. encourage sister circuits to review the came internationally renowned for his elo- The bill would also authorize the Of- quence in the cause of liberty, and went on laws and allows for possible Supreme to serve the national government in several fice of Personnel Management to ap- Court review. It is working exactly as official capacities. peal a decision of the Merit Systems intended and should be made perma- (5) Forced to leave the country to avoid ar- Protection Board to any appeals court nent before it expires in November rest as an escaped slave, he returned to be- with jurisdiction. 2017.’’ come a staunch advocate of the Union cause This bill was listed on the Project On The bill was approved by the Over- and helped recruit African-American troops Government Oversight’s list of legisla- sight and Government Reform Com- for the Union Army, including two of his tive reforms Congress should enact in mittee without opposition in May. Two sons, Charles and Lewis Douglass. His per- 2017. Protecting whistleblowers is not a years ago, Congress approved an exten- sonal relationship with Abraham Lincoln helped persuade the President to make partisan issue. It is a patriotic issue. sion of the All Circuit Review Exten- emancipation a cause of the Civil War. Mr. Speaker, I hope my colleagues will sion Act pilot program in 2014 without (6) With the abolition of slavery at the support this bipartisan legislation. a single negative vote. close of the Civil War, Douglass then turned Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to his attention to the full integration of Afri- my time. support the whistleblower bill. can-Americans into the political and eco- Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I re- Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I re- nomic life of the United States. Committed serve the balance of my time. serve the balance of my time. to freedom, Douglass dedicated his life to Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I yield Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I have no achieving justice for all Americans, in par- such time as he may consume to the further speakers, and I yield back the ticular African-Americans, women, and mi- nority groups. He envisioned America as an gentleman from Maryland (Mr. CUM- balance of my time. inclusive Nation strengthened by diversity MINGS), ranking member of the full Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I wish and free of discrimination. Oversight and Government Reform to thank Chairman GOWDY for his sup- (7) Douglass served as an advisor to Presi- Committee. port of this legislation, and for the dents. Abraham Lincoln referred to him as Mr. CUMMINGS. Mr. Speaker, I want hard work of Ranking Member CUM- the most meritorious man of the nineteenth to thank the gentlewoman for yielding. MINGS of Maryland and Mr. century. Douglass was appointed to several I introduced the All Circuit Review FARENTHOLD of Texas for all that they offices. He served as the United States Mar- Act, Mr. Speaker, to send a clear mes- have done to bring this needed bill to shal of the District of Columbia under Ruth- the floor. erford B. Hayes’ administration; President sage to all Federal employees who blow James Garfield appointed Douglass the Dis- the whistle on wrongdoing that we here Mr. Speaker, I urge adoption of the trict of Columbia Recorder of Deeds. In 1889, in Congress have their backs. bill, and I yield back the balance of my President Benjamin Harrison appointed This bill would give Federal employ- time. Frederick Douglass to be the United States ees who face retaliation for blowing the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The minister to Haiti. He was also appointed by whistle a more equitable playing field question is on the motion offered by President Grant to serve as Assistant Sec- when they challenge that retaliation in the gentleman from Oklahoma (Mr. retary of the Commission of Inquiry to court. Under the bill, whistleblowers RUSSELL) that the House suspend the Santo Domingo. (8) Douglass lived in the District of Colum- could file appeals in the jurisdictions rules and pass the bill, H.R. 2229. The question was taken; and (two- bia for 23 of his 57 years as a free man, and where they work or live, rather than in recognition of his leadership and contin- having to file appeals in the Federal thirds being in the affirmative) the uous fight for justice and freedom, his home, Circuit Court of Appeals in Wash- rules were suspended and the bill was Cedar Hill, was established as a National ington, D.C. Whistleblowers who live passed. Historic Site in Anacostia, in Southeast outside of Washington, D.C., should A motion to reconsider was laid on Washington, DC. have the same opportunities as those the table. (9) The statue of Frederick Douglass in the who live in Washington. f United States Capitol is a gift from the al- I want to thank Representative most 700,000 residents of the District of Co- FREDERICK DOUGLASS lumbia. BLAKE FARENTHOLD for cosponsoring BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION ACT (10) All Americans could benefit from this bill with me. Representative Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I move studying the life of Frederick Douglass, for FARENTHOLD has been a steadfast sup- to suspend the rules and pass the bill Douglass dedicated his own life to ensuring porter of this basic due process right freedom and equality for future generations (H.R. 2989) to establish the Frederick for Federal employees. of Americans. This Nation should ensure The bill we are considering today Douglass Bicentennial Commission, as that his tireless struggle, transformative makes permanent a pilot provision amended. words, and inclusive vision of humanity con- The Clerk read the title of the bill. that was included in the Whistleblower tinue to inspire and sustain us. The text of the bill is as follows: (11) The year 2018 marks the bicentennial Protection Enhancement Act, which H.R. 2989 anniversary of the birth of Frederick Doug- was signed into law in 2012. That pilot lass, and a commission should be established provision will expire in November if we Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the United States of America in to plan, develop, and carry out, and to rec- do not send this bill to the President Congress assembled, ommend to Congress, programs and activi- ties that are fitting and proper to celebrate before then. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. that anniversary in a manner that appro- Without this bill, whistleblowers This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Frederick priately honors Frederick Douglass. could appeal a decision of the Merit Douglass Bicentennial Commission Act’’. SEC. 3. ESTABLISHMENT. Systems Protection Board only to the SEC. 2. FINDINGS. U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Congress makes the following findings: There is established a commission to be Circuit. The Federal circuit has his- (1) Born into slavery on the Eastern Shore known as the Frederick Douglass Bicenten- of Maryland in 1818 and given the name Fred- nial Commission (referred to in this Act as torically been overly restrictive of the ‘‘Commission’’). whistleblower rights. erick Augustus Washington Bailey after his mother Harriet Bailey, Frederick Douglass SEC. 4. DUTIES. According to the Merit Systems Pro- has been called the father of the civil rights The Commission shall have the following tection Board, 29 cases have been ap- movement. duties: pealed to courts other than the Federal (2) Douglass rose through determination, (1) To plan, develop, and carry out pro- circuit since 2012. The Project On Gov- brilliance, and eloquence to shape the Amer- grams and activities that are fitting and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.060 H11OCPT1 October 11, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7953

proper to honor Frederick Douglass on the (k) MEETINGS.—The Commission shall meet SEC. 10. NO ADDITIONAL FUNDS AUTHORIZED. occasion of the bicentennial anniversary of at the call of the Chair. Periodically, the No Federal funds are authorized or may be Douglass’ birth. Commission shall hold a meeting in Roch- obligated to carry out this Act. (2) To recommend to Congress programs ester, New York. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- and activities that the Commission considers SEC. 6. DIRECTOR AND STAFF. ant to the rule, the gentleman from fitting and proper to honor Frederick Doug- (a) DIRECTOR.—The Commission may ap- Oklahoma (Mr. RUSSELL) and the gen- lass on such occasion, and the entity or enti- point and fix the pay of a Director and such tlewoman from the District of Colum- ties in the Federal Government that the additional personnel as the Commission con- Commission considers most appropriate to siders to be appropriate. bia (Ms. NORTON) each will control 20 carry out such programs and activities. (b) APPLICABILITY OF CERTAIN CIVIL SERV- minutes. SEC. 5. MEMBERSHIP. ICE LAWS.— The Chair recognizes the gentleman (a) NUMBER AND APPOINTMENT.—The Com- (1) DIRECTOR.—The Director of the Com- from Oklahoma. mission shall be composed of 16 members ap- mission may be appointed without regard to GENERAL LEAVE pointed as follows: the provisions of title 5, United States Code, Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I ask (1) Two members, each of whom shall be a governing appointments in the competitive service, and may be paid without regard to unanimous consent that all Members qualified citizen described in subsection (b), have 5 legislative days to revise and ex- appointed by the President. the provisions of chapter 51 and subchapter (2) One member, who shall be a qualified III of chapter 53 of that title relating to clas- tend their remarks and include extra- citizen described in subsection (b), appointed sification and General Schedule pay rates. neous material on the bill under con- by the President on the recommendation of (2) STAFF.—The staff of the Commission sideration. the Governor of Maryland. shall be appointed subject to the provisions The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there (3) One member, who shall be a qualified of title 5, United States Code, governing ap- objection to the request of the gen- citizen described in subsection (b), appointed pointments in the competitive service, and tleman from Oklahoma? by the President on the recommendation of shall be paid in accordance with the provi- There was no objection. sions of chapter 51 and subchapter III of the Governor of Massachusetts. Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I yield (4) One member, who shall be a qualified chapter 53 of that title relating to classifica- citizen described in subsection (b), appointed tion and General Schedule pay rates. myself such time as I may consume. by the President on the recommendation of SEC. 7. POWERS. Mr. Speaker, I speak in support of the Governor of New York. (a) HEARINGS AND SESSIONS.—The Commis- H.R. 2989, the Frederick Douglass Bi- (5) One member, who shall be a qualified sion may, for the purpose of carrying out centennial Commission Act, introduced citizen described in subsection (b), appointed this Act, hold such hearings, sit and act at by Ms. NORTON of the District of Co- by the President on the recommendation of such times and places, take such testimony, lumbia and Mr. HARRIS earlier this the Mayor of the District of Columbia. and receive such evidence as the Commission year. (6) Three members, at least one of whom considers to be appropriate. Next year will mark the 200th anni- shall be a Member of the House of Represent- (b) POWERS OF MEMBERS AND AGENTS.—Any versary of the birth of Frederick Doug- atives, appointed by the Speaker of the member or agent of the Commission may, if House of Representatives. authorized by the Commission, take any ac- lass, a man who has been called the fa- (7) Three members, at least one of whom tion that the Commission is authorized to ther—and rightfully so—of the civil shall be a Senator, appointed by the major- take by this Act. rights movement. ity leader of the Senate. (c) OBTAINING OFFICIAL DATA.—The Com- Douglass was born into slavery in (8) Two members, at least one of whom mission may secure directly from any de- Maryland around 1817 but escaped by shall be a Member of the House of Represent- partment or agency of the United States in- the age of 21. Douglass went on to pub- atives, appointed by the minority leader of formation necessary to enable the Commis- lish an autobiography documenting his the House of Representatives. sion to carry out this Act. Upon request of life as a slave, called, ‘‘Narrative of the (9) Two members, at least one of whom the Chair of the Commission, the head of shall be a Senator, appointed by the minor- that department or agency shall furnish that Life of Frederick Douglass,’’ while a ity leader of the Senate. information to the Commission. fugitive slave. (b) QUALIFIED CITIZEN.—A qualified citizen (d) MAILS.—The Commission may use the Throughout his remarkable life, described in this subsection is a private cit- United States mails in the same manner and Douglass advocated for justice for all izen of the United States with— under the same conditions as other depart- Americans, encouraging President Lin- (1) a demonstrated dedication to educating ments and agencies of the United States. coln to make emancipation a cause of others about the importance of historical (e) ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT SERVICES.— the Civil War, and advocating for the figures and events; and Upon the request of the Commission, the Ad- ministrator of General Services shall provide full integration of African Americans (2) substantial knowledge and appreciation into political and economic life in the of Frederick Douglass. to the Commission, on a reimbursable basis, (c) TIME OF APPOINTMENT.—Each initial ap- the administrative support services nec- United States both during and fol- pointment of a member of the Commission essary for the Commission to carry out its lowing the war. shall be made before the expiration of the 60- responsibilities under this Act. H.R. 2989 establishes the Frederick day period beginning on the date of the en- (f) GIFTS.—The Commission may solicit, Douglass Bicentennial Commission to actment of this Act. accept, use, and dispose of gifts, bequests, or recommend the best ways to celebrate (d) CONTINUATION OF MEMBERSHIP.—If a devises of money or other property for the the legacy of a man who dedicated his purpose of carrying out its duties. member of the Commission was appointed to entire life to ensuring freedom and (g) VOLUNTEER AND UNCOMPENSATED SERV- the Commission as a Member of Congress, equality for all Americans. and ceases to be a Member of Congress, that ICES.—Notwithstanding section 1342 of title member may continue to serve on the Com- 31, United States Code, the Commission may H.R. 2989 would do this by creating a mission for not longer than the 30-day period accept and use voluntary and uncompensated 16-member commission to plan, de- beginning on the date that member ceases to services as the Commission determines nec- velop, and coordinate activities fitting be a Member of Congress. essary. and proper to honor Mr. Douglass. The (e) TERMS.—Each member shall be ap- SEC. 8. REPORTS. commission will submit two reports to pointed for the life of the Commission. (a) INITIAL REPORT.—Not later than August Congress with recommendations for ac- (f) VACANCIES.—A vacancy in the Commis- 1, 2018, the Commission shall submit to Con- tivities, programs, and other important sion shall not affect the powers of the Com- gress an initial report containing its rec- information. The commission will end mission but shall be filled in the manner in ommendations under section 4(2). which the original appointment was made. (b) FINAL REPORT.—Not later than June 1, 30 days after the submission of its final (g) BASIC PAY.—Members shall serve on the 2019, the Commission shall submit a final re- report. Commission without pay. port to Congress, and shall include in the The amended text considered today (h) TRAVEL EXPENSES.—Each member shall final report— adds a new section clarifying that the receive travel expenses, including per diem (1) a summary of its activities and pro- commission will not receive additional in lieu of subsistence, in accordance with grams; authorized funds and will, instead, rely sections 5702 and 5703 of title 5, United States (2) a final accounting of the funds the Com- on private funds for its operations. Code. mission received and expended; and (3) any other information that the Com- The commission presents an impor- (i) QUORUM.—Six members of the Commis- tant opportunity to recognize and sup- sion shall constitute a quorum but a lesser mission considers to be appropriate. number may hold hearings. SEC. 9. TERMINATION. port Frederick Douglass’ leadership (j) CHAIR.—The Commission shall select a The Commission shall terminate 30 days and body of work. He was a phe- Chair from among the members of the Com- after submitting the final report pursuant to nomenal man, and I am proud to also mission. section 8(b). be a cosponsor of this important bill.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11OC7.028 H11OCPT1 H7954 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 11, 2017 I would like to thank Ms. NORTON, Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, it is my SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. Mr. HARRIS, and the 16 other cospon- privilege to yield such time as he may This Act may be cited as the ‘‘TSP Mod- sors for their hard work on this bill in consume to the gentleman from Mary- ernization Act of 2017’’. honor of Frederick Douglass. land (Mr. HARRIS), who is the original SEC. 2. THRIFT SAVINGS PLAN ACCOUNT WITH- DRAWAL FLEXIBILITY. Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to cosponsor of this bill. Mr. HARRIS. Mr. Speaker, I want to (a) POST-SEPARATION PARTIAL WITH- support this bill, and I reserve the bal- DRAWALS.—Section 8433(c) of title 5, United ance of my time. thank the committee for promptly re- States Code, is amended— Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I yield porting H.R. 2989 to the floor for con- (1) in paragraph (1)— myself such time as I may consume. sideration. (A) by striking ‘‘and who has not made a Mr. Speaker, I thank the lead spon- I rise today in support of a bill I have withdrawal under subsection (h)(1)(A) may sor of this bill, Representative ANDY cosponsored with Delegate NORTON, the make one withdrawal’’ and inserting ‘‘may make one or more withdrawals’’; and HARRIS, for working closely with me on Frederick Douglass Bicentennial Com- mission Act. As we approach the 200th (B) by striking ‘‘as a single payment’’ and the bill of which I am a cosponsor, and inserting ‘‘in the same manner as a single I want to thank my good friend Rep- anniversary of Frederick Douglass’ birth, I urge my colleagues in the payment is made’’; and resentative RUSSELL, who is managing (2) by adding at the end the following: on the other side, for also being a co- House to support this legislation. ‘‘(5) Withdrawals under this subsection The purpose of this bill is more than sponsor of this bill. shall be subject to such other limitations or just honoring the birth of one great My thanks also to Chairman TREY conditions as the Executive Director may civil rights leader. Its purpose is to rec- GOWDY, Ranking Member ELIJAH CUM- prescribe by regulation.’’. ognize his lasting impact on American (b) LIMITATION ON RETURN OF PAYMENT RE- MINGS, and Majority Leader KEVIN Government, culture, and values. Fred- LATING TO A CHANGE IN ELECTION.—Section MCCARTHY for bringing this bill to the erick Douglass’ work stretched far be- 8433(d) of title 5, United States Code, is floor in time to begin the commemora- yond the fight for legal freedom into amended— tion, in 2018, of the bicentennial of the the equally important fight for social (1) in paragraph (1), by inserting ‘‘, except birth of Frederick Douglass. and cultural equality. that in the case of an election to receive an I am pleased that this bill has not Born on Maryland’s beautiful East- annuity, a former employee or Member may only bipartisan, but bicameral support. not change an election under this section on ern Shore, Douglass escaped slavery to or after the date on which an annuity con- Senators CHRIS VAN HOLLEN and BEN become an author, abolitionist, and tract is purchased to provide for the annuity CARDIN have introduced the companion true American hero. Frederick Doug- elected by the former employee or Member’’ bill in the Senate. lass is a model for the values that after ‘‘this subchapter’’; and b 1545 make our Nation great: equality, lib- (2) in paragraph (2)— erty, and a commitment to working (A) by striking ‘‘change an’’ and inserting The bill would establish a commis- hard and helping others. return a payment that was made pursuant to sion to plan and carry out programs Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to an’’; and and activities, as well as to recommend honor Frederick Douglass and the re- (B) by striking ‘‘on or after’’ and all that to Congress programs and activities follows through ‘‘the former employee or sounding impact his work has had on Member’’. that the Federal Government could un- modern American culture by passing dertake to honor and celebrate the life (c) ELIMINATION OF AUTOMATIC ANNUITY IN this legislation. ABSENCE OF ELECTION.—Section 8433(f) of of Frederick Douglass during the bicen- Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I have no title 5, United States Code, is amended— tennial of his birth in 2018. further speakers, and I yield back the (1) by striking ‘‘(1) Notwithstanding’’ and Frederick Douglass was born into balance of my time. inserting ‘‘Notwithstanding’’; slavery in 1818 on the Eastern Shore of Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I would (2) by striking ‘‘this paragraph’’ and in- Maryland. He learned basic reading like to echo all of the comments that serting ‘‘this subsection’’; and skills from his mistress and continued we heard. It is important that all of us (3) by striking paragraph (2). (d) ALLOWANCE OF MULTIPLE AGE-BASED IN- to teach himself and other slaves to take time and pause to recognize the read and write despite the risks he SERVICE WITHDRAWALS.—Section 8433(h) of tremendous work that Frederick Doug- title 5, United States Code, is amended— faced, including death. After two at- lass did not only in his life, but how he (1) by striking paragraph (2); tempts, Douglass successfully escaped impacted the United States of Amer- (2) by redesignating paragraphs (3), (4), and to New York and went on to become ica. (5) as paragraphs (2), (3), and (4), respec- this country’s leading abolitionist and Mr. Speaker, I urge adoption of the tively; and antislavery lecturer. bill, and I yield back the balance of my (3) in paragraph (3), as so redesignated, by He served in several administrations, time. inserting ‘‘limitations or’’ before ‘‘condi- including as close adviser to President The SPEAKER pro tempore. The tions’’. question is on the motion offered by (e) TECHNICAL AMENDMENT.—Section Abraham Lincoln, U.S. Marshal of the 8432b(h)(2)(A) of title 5, United States Code, District of Columbia under President the gentleman from Oklahoma (Mr. is amended by striking ‘‘section 8433(d), or Rutherford B. Hayes, and District of RUSSELL) that the House suspend the paragraph (1) or (2) of section 8433(h)’’ and in- Columbia Recorder of Deeds under rules and pass the bill, H.R. 2989, as serting ‘‘subsection (d) or (f) of section 8433’’. President James Garfield. In 1889, amended. (f) REGULATIONS.—As soon as is prac- President Benjamin Harris appointed The question was taken; and (two- ticable, as determined by the Executive Di- Frederick Douglass to be the U.S. Min- thirds being in the affirmative) the rector of the Federal Retirement Thrift In- ister to Haiti. He was later appointed rules were suspended and the bill, as vestment Board, but not later than 2 years amended, was passed. after the date of enactment of this Act, the by President Ulysses S. Grant to serve Executive Director shall prescribe such regu- as secretary of the commission of A motion to reconsider was laid on the table. lations as are necessary to carry out the Santo Domingo. amendments made by this section. Douglass dedicated his life to achiev- f (g) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments ing justice for all Americans. He lived TSP MODERNIZATION ACT OF 2017 made by this section shall take effect on the in the District of Columbia for 23 of his date on which the regulations prescribed Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I move under subsection (f) take effect. 57 years as a free man, and his home at to suspend the rules and pass the bill Cedar Hill is an official National His- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- (H.R. 3031) to amend title 5, United ant to the rule, the gentleman from toric Site in southeast Washington, States Code, to provide for flexibility Oklahoma (Mr. RUSSELL) and the gen- D.C. Every year, thousands of Ameri- in making withdrawals from a Thrift tlewoman from the District of Colum- cans and others visit Cedar Hill. The Savings Plan account, and for other bia (Ms. NORTON) each will control 20 Frederick Douglass statue that stands purposes, as amended. in his honor in the United States Cap- The Clerk read the title of the bill. minutes. itol is a gift from the nearly 700,000 The text of the bill is as follows: The Chair recognizes the gentleman residents of the District of Columbia. H.R. 3031 from Oklahoma. Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- GENERAL LEAVE support this important legislation, and resentatives of the United States of America in Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I ask I reserve the balance of my time. Congress assembled, unanimous consent that all Members

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.062 H11OCPT1 October 11, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7955 may have 5 legislative days in which to 3031 allows employees to change with- accounts while in Federal service after revise and extend their remarks and in- drawal elections as they grow older, reaching age 591⁄2, and participants who clude extraneous material on the bill and it allows the Board to avoid pur- make this type of age-based with- under consideration. chasing expensive annuities if a partic- drawal cannot take another partial The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there ipant fails to make an election by age withdrawal once they separate from objection to the request of the gen- 701⁄2. service. Similarly, participants who tleman from Oklahoma? This bill puts power and control in are separated from Federal service and There was no objection. the hands of the employees that make who have not made a prior age-based Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I yield our Federal Government run to make withdrawal are restricted to making myself such time as I may consume. retirement decisions based on their only one partial separation with- Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. personal situations. drawal. 3031, the TSP Modernization Act of Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to H.R. 3031 would eliminate these re- 2017, introduced by Ranking Member support the bill, and I reserve the bal- strictions and allow participants to CUMMINGS from Maryland and Mr. ance of my time. make multiple age-based and post-sep- MEADOWS from North Carolina earlier Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I yield aration withdrawals from TSP ac- this year. myself such time as I may consume. counts. The bill also would allow par- Federal employees enrolled in the Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support ticipants to elect to combine partial Federal Employees Retirement Sys- of H.R. 3031, the TSP Modernization withdrawals with an annuity. It also tem—known as FERS—enjoy the bene- Act of 2017. would eliminate automatic annuities fits of a three-part retirement struc- I am proud to be a cosponsor of this as a default option in the absence of an ture. Those are a defined benefit pen- legislation, which would help mod- election by participants. sion plan, Social Security, and a 401(k)- ernize the Federal Government’s Thrift By providing greater withdrawal style defined contribution plan known Savings Plan by aligning it with cur- flexibility, studies show that partici- as the Thrift Savings Plan, or TSP. rent practices for private sector pants would be more likely to keep With its low administrative costs and 401(k)s. their assets in their TSP accounts. For simple design, the TSP is an ideal re- I thank Ranking Member CUMMINGS example, a study issued by Vanguard in tirement vehicle. Participants can and Chairman MEADOWS for their work 2013 found that 50 percent more partici- choose from a variety of investment on this important, bipartisan bill that pants and assets remain in retirement options, including index funds designed would give TSP participants more plans when partial disbursements are to track the Standard & Poor’s 500 flexibility in making withdrawals from allowed. Index, the Dow Jones U.S. Completion their accounts. Providing more withdrawal options Total Stock Market Index, or a low- Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to for Federal employees and retirees in risk government securities investment support H.R. 3031, and I reserve the bal- the TSP may help their financial secu- fund. ance of my time. rity since administrative fees for the Participants can also passively man- Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I re- TSP are much lower than fees charged age their investments by putting serve the balance of my time. by other financial institutions. money into a Lifecycle Fund, which al- Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I yield This legislation is supported by the lows the Federal Retirement Thrift In- such time as he may consume to the National Active and Retired Federal vestment Board to purchase a combina- gentleman from Maryland (Mr. CUM- Employees Association, the American tion of investments based on the year MINGS), who is the ranking member of Federation of Government Employees, the employee is expected to retire. the full committee. and the National Treasury Employees Employees have a lot of options when Mr. CUMMINGS. Mr. Speaker, I Union. investing their TSP funds, but when it thank the gentlewoman for yielding. Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I support comes to withdrawing their funds, the Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support this legislation, and I yield back the options are much more limited. This is of H.R. 3031, the TSP Modernization balance of my time. because current statutory rules pre- Act of 2017. Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I wish clude employees from taking multiple I thank the Government Operations to thank Chairman GOWDY, Ranking post-service partial withdrawals. Em- Subcommittee chairman, Mr. MEAD- Member CUMMINGS, and Chairman ployees cannot request a partial with- OWS, for working with me in a bipar- MEADOWS for their outstanding work in drawal or annuity purchase after mak- tisan manner on this commonsense, addressing the needs of Federal em- ing a periodic payment withdrawal good government bill. I also thank the ployees who give selfless public service election. Oversight and Government Reform to our Nation and should have this Statutory rules also require the pur- Committee chairman, Mr. GOWDY, for flexibility in their retirement plan- chase of an annuity if a participant his support of this legislation. ning. 1 fails to make an election by age 70 ⁄2. Congressman MEADOWS and I intro- Mr. Speaker, I urge the adoption of The rules also restrict an employee’s duced this legislation to make the Fed- the bill, and I yield back the balance of ability to make multiple in-service, eral Government’s Thrift Savings Plan my time. age-based withdrawals. more closely align with private sector The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The Board conducted a study in 2013, best practices by allowing TSP partici- question is on the motion offered by which found that separated partici- pants more flexible withdrawal op- the gentleman from Oklahoma (Mr. pants moved $9 billion from the TSP tions. RUSSELL) that the House suspend the fund to other, costlier institutions. In 2013, the Federal Retirement rules and pass the bill, H.R. 3031, as Nearly one out of every three of these Thrift Investment Board found that amended. participants cited a desire for addi- employees who separated from Federal The question was taken; and (two- tional withdrawal flexibility. service transferred $9 billion out of thirds being in the affirmative) the The study also found that, among their TSP accounts to other financial rules were suspended and the bill, as currently employed participants, the institutions. TSP participants do this amended, was passed. same ratio of participants requested because private sector 401(k) plans pro- A motion to reconsider was laid on additional withdrawal flexibility for vide more flexibility, and they wanted the table. age-based withdrawals to address life more options for withdrawing money in events that arise. This bill would afford case they needed it. f those additional flexibilities to address A 2014 survey of TSP participants b 1600 those concerns. who withdrew funds showed that more The bill provides more control to than 50 percent reported that they FITARA ENHANCEMENT ACT OF Federal employees over their own re- wanted more flexibility to withdraw 2017 tirement by allowing for multiple post- funds to address life events. Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I move separation partial withdrawals and in- Current law limits participants to to suspend the rules and pass the bill service, age-based withdrawals. H.R. only one withdrawal from their TSP (H.R. 3243) to amend title 40, United

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.065 H11OCPT1 H7956 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 11, 2017 States Code, to eliminate the sunset of this area is at high risk of waste, fraud, It has seven pillars: certain provisions relating to informa- abuse, and mismanagement. First, it enhances CIO authorities, tion technology, to amend the National In 2014, Congress passed the Federal responsibilities, and accountability. Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Information Technology Acquisition Second, it enhances transparency and Year 2015 to extend the sunset relating Reform Act, otherwise known as improves risk management by requir- to the Federal Data Center Consolida- FITARA, to address some of these IT ing detailed information on invest- tion Initiative, and for other purposes. challenges. ments to be published on the IT dash- The Clerk read the title of the bill. Congress has maintained a watchful board. The text of the bill is as follows: eye to ensure agencies fully implement Third, we increased the frequency of H.R. 3243 the requirements of FITARA and use it portfolio reviews from annual to quar- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- as a vital oversight tool. In fact, the terly and included key decisionmakers resentatives of the United States of America in Oversight and Government Reform from the agency and OMB to not only Congress assembled, Committee has held five hearings on look for ways to increase efficiency, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. FITARA implementation. but to eliminate duplication. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘FITARA En- The committee also created a Fourth, we built on the Federal data hancement Act of 2017’’. FITARA scorecard to hold Federal center consolidation effort to push SEC. 2. ELIMINATION OF SUNSET RELATING TO agencies accountable for meeting agencies to realize big savings from TRANSPARENCY AND RISK MANAGE- FITARA requirements, some of which this low-hanging fruit. MENT OF MAJOR INFORMATION Fifth, people. Recognizing that Fed- TECHNOLOGY INVESTMENTS. sunset in the near term. Subsection (c) of section 11302 of title 40, This bill will help us facilitate Con- eral IT success is only as good as the United States Code, is amended by striking gress’ oversight efforts by extending people behind it, FITARA calls for ex- the first paragraph (5). key FITARA requirements to improve panding the training and use of IT pro- SEC. 3. ELIMINATION OF SUNSET RELATING TO Federal IT. fessionals. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PORT- For example, this bill extends re- Sixth, FITARA seeks to maximize FOLIO, PROGRAM, AND RESOURCE quirements for agencies to publicly re- new tools like the Federal Strategic REVIEWS. Sourcing Initiative, taking a page from Section 11319 of title 40, United States port schedule and cost information and Code, is amended— to assess the risks of major IT invest- the private sector to reduce duplicative (1) by redesignating the second subsection ments. This bill also extends require- spending on common purchases and off- (c) as subsection (d); and ments for each agency to regularly as- the-shelf items. Finally, FITARA advances a govern- (2) in subsection (d), as so redesignated, by sess its IT portfolio, look for opportu- ment software purchasing program to striking paragraph (6). nities to reduce duplication, and find allow for purchasing licensing agree- SEC. 4. EXTENSION OF SUNSET RELATING TO savings. FEDERAL DATA CENTER CONSOLI- ments that can be made available for DATION INITIATIVE. Finally, the bill will help us continue to hold agencies accountable for con- use by all Federal agencies. Subsection (e) of section 834 of the Na- FITARA is a rubric for IT procure- tional Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal solidating and optimizing their data ment that, hopefully, someday enables Year 2015 (Public Law 113–291; 44 U.S.C. 3601 centers by extending these require- initiatives like the Modernizing Gov- note) is amended by striking ‘‘2018’’ and in- ments—and GAO’s verification of these ernment Technology Act to build on serting ‘‘2020’’. requirements—through 2020. our success of improving how the gov- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- The GAO, which has been instru- ant to the rule, the gentleman from ernment acquires and modernizes IT. mental in assisting Congress oversee When the stakeholders met on Fed- Oklahoma (Mr. RUSSELL) and the gen- FITARA implementation, supports ex- eral IT from government agencies and tlewoman from the District of Colum- tending the FITARA sunset dates. industry, both Mr. ISSA and I con- bia (Ms. NORTON) each will control 20 Mr. CONNOLLY from Virginia and Mr. stantly were reminded of why previous minutes. ISSA from California have been the key major IT reform efforts had fallen The Chair recognizes the gentleman leaders on the original FITARA law, from Oklahoma. short of their potential: the lack of ro- and they have come together again to bust implementation plan and congres- GENERAL LEAVE sponsor this bill, along with Represent- sional oversight. Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I ask atives MEADOWS and KELLY. As Mr. RUSSELL indicated quite unanimous consent that all Members The FITARA Enhancement Act is clearly, in that latter regard, we have may have 5 legislative days in which to truly a bipartisan effort in making robust oversight, and it will continue. revise and extend their remarks and in- sure Federal agencies get their infor- One of the things we had in FITARA clude extraneous material on the bill mation technology management and were some sunset provisions, in the under consideration. acquisition houses in order. hope and expectation that, by having The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to that, we would encourage cooperation objection to the request of the gen- support this bill, and I reserve the bal- and implementation. That cooperation tleman from Oklahoma? ance of my time. and implementation is uneven through- There was no objection. Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I yield out the Federal Government. Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I yield such time as he may consume to the The GAO, or Government Account- myself such time as I may consume. gentleman from Virginia (Mr. CON- ability Office, recommended that we Mr. Speaker, I speak in support of NOLLY), the sponsor of the bill. have this bill to extend those sunset H.R. 3243, the FITARA Enhancement Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I provisions to buy a little bit more time Act of 2017, introduced by Mr. CON- thank my friend, DARRELL ISSA, the co- to get with the program for those Fed- NOLLY, Mr. ISSA, Ms. KELLY from Illi- sponsor of this bill and the cosponsor eral agencies. nois, and Mr. MEADOWS earlier this of the original FITARA; and my good So that is what this bill does, but it year. friend from Oklahoma (Mr. RUSSELL) builds on FITARA, which is the frame- Today, the Federal Government for his able management today. work for IT procurement and mod- spends more than $90 billion on Federal The Federal Information Technology ernization. IT, with approximately 75 percent of Acquisition Reform Act, or FITARA, Mr. Speaker, I urge passage of the this money spent on archaic and legacy was enacted 3 years ago. It represented bill. IT. This means we are paying more for the first major reform of the laws gov- Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I yield less: less capability and less security. erning the procurement and manage- such time as he may consume to the Meanwhile, major Federal IT invest- ment of Federal IT since the Clinger- gentleman from California (Mr. ISSA), ments often result in multimillion-dol- Cohen Act of 1996. an original cosponsor of this bill and lar cost overruns and delays. FITARA is the framework for IT pro- also the former chairman of the Gov- This state of affairs led the Govern- curement and ensures the Federal Gov- ernment and Oversight Reform Com- ment Accountability Office to des- ernment is making smart and effective mittee. ignate Federal IT acquisition and man- investments to modernize its IT, which Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, no one has agement as high risk in 2015, meaning is badly needed. ever had a better partner on a piece of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.068 H11OCPT1 October 11, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7957 legislation than I have had. The best FITARA is bipartisan legislation will resume on motions to suspend the way I can describe Mr. CONNOLLY is, that has made significant strides in re- rules previously postponed. like anyone else who came to a realiza- forming government IT and making Votes will be taken in the following tion of something, he came to it with a agencies more accountable. I thank order: great deal of zeal. This partnership, Representative CONNOLLY for all his H.R. 452, by the yeas and nays; and which began before the passage in 2014, hard work on this bill, as well as my H.R. 3243, by the yeas and nays. to modernize a 1996 initiative that had good friend who has just spoken, Mr. The first electronic vote will be con- fallen short, has been his passion and RUSSELL. ducted as a 15-minute vote. The second mine. This bill would extend three provi- electronic vote will be conducted as a Normally, when you are chairman, sions of FITARA that are set to expire. 5-minute vote. people talk about what divides the These provisions include the provision committee. But nothing united us on Federal data center consolidation; f more than recognizing that over $80 transparency and risk management of SPECIALIST JEFFREY L. WHITE, billion was being spent—and much of it major IT systems; and agencies’ IT JR. POST OFFICE needlessly. We don’t achieve what we portfolio, program, and resource re- want to because there is never enough. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- views, also known as PortfolioStat. finished business is the vote on the mo- Part of it is how we procure. These provisions provide trans- tion to suspend the rules and pass the Prior to the passage of this legisla- parency and accountability for agen- bill (H.R. 452) to designate the facility tion, it certainly was possible to have cies and should be continued. GAO re- of the United States Postal Service lo- major pieces of procurement have ports that if we allow these provisions cated at 324 West Saint Louis Street in somebody in charge who could not, in to expire, we will miss out on major Pacific, Missouri, as the ‘‘Specialist fact, change or drop the expenditure savings. IT spending makes up roughly Jeffrey L. White, Jr. Post Office’’, on and who could not simply say: This $100 billion of government spending which the yeas and nays were ordered. isn’t working. On top of that, often the each year. We cannot afford to allow The Clerk read the title of the bill. people who did have the authority this legislation that will save funds The SPEAKER pro tempore. The lacked the expertise. This has been and help modernize IT assets to simply question is on the motion offered by true in all sorts of areas. There is much expire. more work to be done. Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to the gentleman from Montana (Mr. Unlike Clinger-Cohen, which went on strongly support this bill, and I yield GIANFORTE) that the House suspend the for 18 years before being updated, we back the balance of my time. rules and pass the bill. were just 3 years past the implementa- Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I thank The vote was taken by electronic de- tion of this bill. With Congressman Chairman GOWDY, Mr. CONNOLLY from vice, and there were—yeas 418, nays 0, CONNOLLY’s effort, we are coming back Virginia, and Mr. ISSA from California not voting 15, as follows: and making real changes—ones that for this important and continued work [Roll No. 562] can continue the process and speed it that will not only improve IT and re- YEAS—418 up. Obviously, there are some areas like duce duplication but will continue to Abraham Cartwright Doyle, Michael Adams Castor (FL) F. the IT dashboard and others that sim- save billions of taxpayer dollars. Mr. Speaker, I urge adoption of the Aderholt Castro (TX) Duffy ply need to be continued to be renewed. Aguilar Chabot Duncan (SC) This bill does it. bill, and I yield back the balance of my Allen Cheney Duncan (TN) When I first talked to Mr. CONNOLLY, time. Amash Chu, Judy Dunn Amodei Cicilline Ellison he was the best known for absolutely The SPEAKER pro tempore. The question is on the motion offered by Arrington Clark (MA) Emmer wanting to consolidate processing cen- Babin Clarke (NY) Engel ters; consolidate these server farms the gentleman from Oklahoma (Mr. Bacon Clay Eshoo that had proliferated. The number he RUSSELL) that the House suspend the Banks (IN) Cleaver Espaillat Barr Clyburn Estes (KS) had at the time turned out to be, al- rules and pass the bill, H.R. 3243. The question was taken. Barraga´ n Coffman Esty (CT) though exorbitant, less than a quarter Barton Cohen Evans of the number we found. So there is The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the Bass Cole Farenthold more work to be done. opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being Beatty Collins (GA) Faso Procurement has to be done smart in the affirmative, the ayes have it. Bera Collins (NY) Ferguson Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, on that Bergman Comer Fitzpatrick and is often consolidated. With the Beyer Comstock Fleischmann help of my colleague and Senator WAR- I demand the yeas and nays. Biggs Conaway Fortenberry The yeas and nays were ordered. NER, the passage of the DATA Act al- Bilirakis Connolly Foster The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Bishop (GA) Conyers Foxx lowed us to find, with greater detail, ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- Bishop (MI) Cook Frankel (FL) redundancy of expenditure. Bishop (UT) Cooper Franks (AZ) So as we reauthorize FITARA, we ceedings on this motion will be post- Black Correa Frelinghuysen also have the information to consoli- poned. Blackburn Costa Fudge f Blum Costello (PA) Gabbard date purchasing across vast numbers of Blumenauer Courtney Gaetz agencies, eliminate redundancy, and, RECESS Blunt Rochester Cramer Gallagher in fact, buy better. More needs to be Bonamici Crawford Gallego The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- done. Bost Crist Garamendi ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair Boyle, Brendan Crowley Garrett As Mr. CONNOLLY said so accurately, declares the House in recess for a pe- F. Cuellar Gianforte more money is spent on legacy systems Brady (PA) Culberson Gibbs than is spent on new systems that will riod of less than 15 minutes. Brady (TX) Cummings Gohmert actually save money and provide better Accordingly (at 4 o’clock and 14 min- Brat Davidson Gomez utes p.m.), the House stood in recess. Brooks (AL) Davis (CA) Gonzalez (TX) services both to government workers Brooks (IN) Davis, Danny Goodlatte and to the public. f Brown (MD) Davis, Rodney Gosar So as we reauthorize the bill, I look b 1629 Brownley (CA) DeFazio Gottheimer forward to the oversight that the Over- Buchanan DeGette Gowdy AFTER RECESS Buck Delaney Graves (GA) sight Committee has done and is able Bucshon DeLauro Graves (LA) to do, and I look forward to continuing The recess having expired, the House Budd DelBene Graves (MO) to work with my partner from Vir- was called to order by the Speaker pro Burgess Demings Green, Al ginia, Mr. CONNOLLY. tempore (Mr. HULTGREN) at 4 o’clock Bustos Denham Green, Gene Butterfield Dent Griffith Mr. Speaker, I urge passage of the and 29 minutes p.m. Byrne DeSantis Grijalva bill. f Calvert DeSaulnier Grothman Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I yield Capuano DesJarlais Guthrie myself such time as I may consume. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Carbajal Deutch Gutie´rrez Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support PRO TEMPORE Ca´ rdenas Diaz-Balart Hanabusa Carson (IN) Dingell Handel of this bill, H.R. 3243, the FITARA En- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Carter (GA) Doggett Harper hancement Act. ant to clause 8 of rule XX, proceedings Carter (TX) Donovan Harris

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.070 H11OCPT1 H7958 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 11, 2017 Hartzler Matsui Ryan (OH) So (two-thirds being in the affirma- Green, Gene Maloney, Ruppersberger Hastings McCarthy Sa´ nchez tive) the rules were suspended and the Griffith Carolyn B. Rush Heck McCaul Sanford Grijalva Maloney, Sean Russell Hensarling McClintock Sarbanes bill was passed. Grothman Marchant Rutherford Herrera Beutler McCollum Scalise The result of the vote was announced Guthrie Marshall Ryan (OH) Hice, Jody B. McEachin Schakowsky as above recorded. Gutie´rrez Massie Sa´ nchez Higgins (LA) McGovern Schiff A motion to reconsider was laid on Hanabusa Mast Sanford Higgins (NY) McHenry Schneider Handel Matsui Sarbanes Hill McKinley Schrader the table. Harper McCarthy Scalise Himes McMorris Schweikert Harris McClintock Schakowsky Holding Rodgers f Scott (VA) Hartzler McCollum Schiff Hollingsworth McNerney Scott, Austin Hastings McEachin Schneider Hoyer McSally Scott, David FITARA ENHANCEMENT ACT OF Heck McGovern Schrader Hudson Meadows Sensenbrenner 2017 Hensarling McHenry Schweikert Huizenga Meeks Serrano McKinley Scott (VA) Hultgren Meng Herrera Beutler Sessions The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- McMorris Scott, Austin Hunter Messer Hice, Jody B. Sewell (AL) finished business is the vote on the mo- Rodgers Scott, David Hurd Mitchell Higgins (LA) Shea-Porter McNerney Sensenbrenner Issa Moolenaar tion to suspend the rules and pass the Higgins (NY) Sherman McSally Serrano Jackson Lee Mooney (WV) bill (H.R. 3243) to amend title 40, Hill Shimkus Meadows Sessions Jayapal Moore Himes Shuster United States Code, to eliminate the Meeks Jeffries Moulton Holding Sewell (AL) Simpson sunset of certain provisions relating to Meng Shea-Porter Jenkins (KS) Mullin Sinema Hollingsworth Jenkins (WV) Murphy (FL) information technology, to amend the Hoyer Messer Sherman Sires Mitchell Shimkus Johnson (GA) Murphy (PA) Slaughter National Defense Authorization Act for Hudson Johnson (LA) Nadler Huizenga Moolenaar Shuster Smith (MO) Fiscal Year 2015 to extend the sunset Mooney (WV) Simpson Johnson (OH) Napolitano Smith (NE) Hultgren Johnson, E. B. Neal relating to the Federal Data Center Hunter Moore Sinema Smith (NJ) Moulton Johnson, Sam Newhouse Consolidation Initiative, and for other Hurd Sires Smith (TX) Mullin Slaughter Jones Noem Smith (WA) purposes, on which the yeas and nays Issa Jordan Nolan Murphy (FL) Smith (MO) Soto Jackson Lee Joyce (OH) Norcross were ordered. Murphy (PA) Smith (NE) Speier Jayapal Kaptur Norman The Clerk read the title of the bill. Nadler Smith (NJ) Stefanik Jeffries Katko Nunes Napolitano Smith (TX) Stewart The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Jenkins (KS) Keating O’Halleran Neal Smith (WA) Stivers question is on the motion offered by Jenkins (WV) Kelly (IL) O’Rourke Newhouse Soto Suozzi Johnson (GA) Kelly (MS) Palazzo the gentleman from Oklahoma (Mr. Noem Speier Swalwell (CA) Johnson (LA) Kennedy Pallone RUSSELL) that the House suspend the Nolan Stefanik Takano Johnson (OH) Khanna Palmer Norcross Stewart Taylor rules and pass the bill. Johnson, E. B. Kihuen Panetta Norman Stivers Tenney This is a 5-minute vote. Johnson, Sam Kildee Pascrell Nunes Suozzi Thompson (MS) Jones Kilmer Paulsen The vote was taken by electronic de- O’Halleran Swalwell (CA) Thompson (PA) Jordan Kind Payne vice, and there were—yeas 418, nays 0, O’Rourke Takano Thornberry Joyce (OH) King (IA) Pearce Olson Taylor Tiberi not voting 15, as follows: Kaptur King (NY) Pelosi Palazzo Tenney Tipton Katko Kinzinger Perlmutter [Roll No. 563] Pallone Thompson (MS) Titus Keating Knight Peters YEAS—418 Palmer Thompson (PA) Tonko Kelly (IL) Krishnamoorthi Peterson Panetta Thornberry Torres Abraham Carson (IN) DeSaulnier Kelly (MS) Kuster (NH) Pingree Pascrell Tiberi Trott Adams Carter (GA) DesJarlais Kennedy Kustoff (TN) Pittenger Paulsen Tipton Tsongas Aderholt Carter (TX) Deutch Khanna Labrador Pocan Payne Titus LaHood Poe (TX) Turner Aguilar Cartwright Diaz-Balart Kihuen Pearce Tonko LaMalfa Poliquin Upton Allen Castor (FL) Dingell Kildee Pelosi Torres Lamborn Polis Valadao Amash Castro (TX) Doggett Kilmer Perlmutter Trott Lance Posey Vargas Amodei Chabot Donovan Kind Peters Tsongas Langevin Price (NC) Veasey Arrington Cheney Doyle, Michael King (IA) Peterson Turner Larsen (WA) Quigley Vela Babin Chu, Judy F. King (NY) ´ Bacon Cicilline Duffy Pingree Upton Larson (CT) Raskin Velazquez Kinzinger Banks (IN) Clark (MA) Duncan (SC) Pittenger Valadao Latta Ratcliffe Visclosky Krishnamoorthi Barr Clarke (NY) Duncan (TN) Pocan Vargas Lawson (FL) Reed Wagner Kuster (NH) Barraga´ n Clay Dunn Poe (TX) Veasey Lee Reichert Walberg Kustoff (TN) Barton Cleaver Ellison Poliquin Vela Levin Renacci Walden Labrador Bass Clyburn Emmer Polis Vela´ zquez Lewis (GA) Rice (NY) Walker LaHood Walorski Beatty Coffman Engel Posey Visclosky Lewis (MN) Rice (SC) LaMalfa Walters, Mimi Bera Cohen Eshoo Price (NC) Wagner Lieu, Ted Richmond Lamborn Walz Bergman Cole Espaillat Quigley Walberg Lipinski Roby Lance Wasserman Beyer Collins (GA) Estes (KS) Raskin Walden LoBiondo Roe (TN) Langevin Loebsack Rogers (AL) Schultz Biggs Collins (NY) Esty (CT) Ratcliffe Walker Larsen (WA) Lofgren Rogers (KY) Waters, Maxine Bilirakis Comer Evans Reed Walorski Larson (CT) Loudermilk Rohrabacher Watson Coleman Bishop (GA) Comstock Farenthold Reichert Walters, Mimi Latta Love Rokita Weber (TX) Bishop (MI) Conaway Faso Renacci Walz Lawson (FL) Lowenthal Rooney, Francis Webster (FL) Bishop (UT) Connolly Ferguson Rice (NY) Wasserman Lee Lowey Rooney, Thomas Welch Black Conyers Fitzpatrick Rice (SC) Schultz Lucas J. Wenstrup Blackburn Cook Fleischmann Levin Richmond Waters, Maxine Luetkemeyer Ros-Lehtinen Westerman Blum Cooper Fortenberry Lewis (GA) Roby Watson Coleman Lujan Grisham, Rosen Williams Blumenauer Correa Foster Lewis (MN) Roe (TN) Weber (TX) M. Roskam Wilson (FL) Blunt Rochester Costa Foxx Lieu, Ted Rogers (AL) Webster (FL) Luja´ n, Ben Ray Ross Wilson (SC) Bonamici Costello (PA) Frankel (FL) Lipinski Rogers (KY) Welch Lynch Rothfus Wittman Bost Courtney Franks (AZ) LoBiondo Rohrabacher Wenstrup MacArthur Rouzer Womack Boyle, Brendan Cramer Frelinghuysen Loebsack Rokita Westerman Maloney, Roybal-Allard Woodall F. Crawford Fudge Lofgren Rooney, Francis Williams Carolyn B. Royce (CA) Yarmuth Brady (PA) Crist Gabbard Loudermilk Rooney, Thomas Wilson (FL) Maloney, Sean Ruiz Yoder Brady (TX) Crowley Gaetz Love J. Wilson (SC) Marchant Ruppersberger Yoho Brat Cuellar Gallagher Lowenthal Ros-Lehtinen Wittman Marshall Rush Young (AK) Brooks (AL) Culberson Gallego Lowey Rosen Womack Massie Russell Young (IA) Brooks (IN) Cummings Garamendi Lucas Roskam Woodall Mast Rutherford Zeldin Brown (MD) Curbelo (FL) Garrett Luetkemeyer Ross Yarmuth Brownley (CA) Davidson Gianforte Lujan Grisham, Rothfus Yoder NOT VOTING—15 Buchanan Davis (CA) Gibbs M. Rouzer Yoho Barletta Huffman Meehan Buck Davis, Danny Gohmert Luja´ n, Ben Ray Roybal-Allard Young (AK) Bridenstine Kelly (PA) Olson Bucshon Davis, Rodney Gomez Lynch Royce (CA) Young (IA) Curbelo (FL) Lawrence Perry Budd DeFazio Gonzalez (TX) MacArthur Ruiz Zeldin Flores Long Smucker Burgess DeGette Goodlatte Granger Marino Thompson (CA) Bustos Delaney Gosar NOT VOTING—15 Butterfield DeLauro Gottheimer Byrne DelBene Gowdy Barletta Kelly (PA) McCaul b 1654 Calvert Demings Graves (GA) Bridenstine Knight Meehan Capuano Denham Graves (LA) Flores Lawrence Perry Mr. ELLISON changed his vote from Carbajal Dent Graves (MO) Granger Long Smucker ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ Ca´ rdenas DeSantis Green, Al Huffman Marino Thompson (CA)

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11OC7.018 H11OCPT1 October 11, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7959 ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE MaST COMMUNITY CHARTER REFUGES HAVE A TREMENDOUS The SPEAKER pro tempore (during SCHOOL NAMED A 2017 BLUE RIB- IMPACT the vote). There are 2 minutes remain- BON SCHOOL OF EXCELLENCE (Mr. JEFFRIES asked and was given ing. (Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Penn- permission to address the House for 1 b 1702 sylvania asked and was given permis- minute.) sion to address the House for 1 minute So (two-thirds being in the affirma- Mr. JEFFRIES. Mr. Speaker, each and to revise and extend his remarks.) year, millions of Americans visit wild- tive) the rules were suspended and the Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Pennsyl- bill was passed. life refuges throughout the country. vania. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recognize They generate over $2 billion in eco- The result of the vote was announced MaST Community Charter School, an as above recorded. nomic activity and create 35,000 jobs. incredible institution in my district This wouldn’t be possible without help A motion to reconsider was laid on that was just named a 2017 Blue Ribbon the table. from dedicated and hardworking volun- School of Excellence by the Depart- teers. PERSONAL EXPLANATION ment of Education. That is why we have introduced H.R. Ms. GRANGER. Mr. Speaker, I was unable MaST is a groundbreaking edu- to make votes. Had I been present, I would 3979, bipartisan legislation that reau- cational community that emphasizes thorizes the National Wildlife Refuge have voted ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 562, and collaborative, technology-driven, ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 563. System Volunteer, Community Part- hands-on learning. They are preparing nership, and Education Program. This f the next generation of American lead- program ensures public access to ref- ers and visionaries who will change the LIMITING TO A CERTAIN DATE AP- uges for exploring, hunting, fishing, future in ways we can only imagine. and studying wildlife. PLICABILITY OF PROVISIONS OF Blue Ribbon schools are character- Refuges have a tremendous impact, SECTION 7 OF THE WAR POWERS ized by the highest level of academic even in Brooklyn, where Fish and Wild- RESOLUTION TO HOUSE CONCUR- excellence and by their success in clos- life Service staff and volunteers work RENT RESOLUTION 81 ing achievement gaps across student with local public schools to cultivate Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- populations. the next generation of conservationists er, I ask unanimous consent that the These elite institutions are a gold and wildlife enthusiasts through hands- provisions of section 7 of the War Pow- standard of instruction, inclusion, and on learning. ers Resolution (50 U.S.C. 1546) shall innovation. MaST Community Charter apply to H. Con. Res. 81 not earlier School was one of only 342 schools Carmen Wheeler, a second grade stu- than November 2, 2017, but on the same across the country to earn this honor dent in Brooklyn, recently wrote to me terms that would have adhered on Oc- this year. and said: ‘‘I think we should keep the tober 13, 2017. I want to congratulate the teachers, wildlife refugees safe, even if they are The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there staff, administrators, parents, and stu- far away, because they will always objection to the request of the gen- dents of the MaST Community Charter keep our world healthier.’’ tleman from Georgia? School on their remarkable and well- We are with you, Carmen. There was no objection. deserved achievement. f f f REMEMBERING SERGEANT DUSTIN CELEBRATING THE LIFE OF JESUS GIVING TO CHARITY IS CRUCIAL WRIGHT A. PERMUY (Mr. WALKER asked and was given (Mr. ALLEN asked and was given (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN asked and was permission to address the House for 1 permission to address the House for 1 given permission to address the House minute and to revise and extend his re- minute and to revise and extend his re- for 1 minute and to revise and extend marks.) marks.) her remarks.) Mr. WALKER. Mr. Speaker, today I Mr. ALLEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to announce the introduction of today to honor the life of a Toombs rise tonight to honor my constituent, the Universal Charitable Giving Act. County native. Twenty-nine-year-old Jesus A. Permuy, for a lifetime of serv- Many Americans believe that people, Staff Sergeant Dustin Michael Wright ice to our south Florida community not the government, offer the best so- was one of the three U.S. Army Green and to the cause of liberty in my na- lutions to solve the ailments that face Beret soldiers killed in the line of duty tive homeland of Cuba. our society. Strong families, strong last week. Like my family and me and so many churches, and strong communities are The U.S. Africa Command says others in my congressional district, the foundations of our Nation. By sup- Dustin was part of a team assisting in Jesus was forced to flee Castro’s brutal porting charities, we can make our advising local forces in southwest tyranny. Jesus embraced his new life communities and our country a better Niger at the time of the ambush. here in the United States and became place for Americans from all walks of A 2007 graduate from Toombs County involved in numerous civic and com- life. High School, Dustin joined the Army munity affairs while working to re- soon after graduation, following in the store freedom and democracy in Cuba. Giving to charity is crucial for eco- footsteps of his parents and his broth- In 1976, Jesus secured accreditation nomic prosperity, happiness, and the er. His family remembers him as a be- for the Christian Democratic Move- success of our people, but for too long loved jokester and was always making ment of Cuba to speak before the U.N. only the most wealthy have been people laugh. He took great pride in Human Rights Commission in Geneva. incentivized to give to the causes they serving the country, and I am so proud For decades, Mr. Permuy has been in- believe in. to see the Toombs County community volved in a number of human rights ad- The Universal Charitable Giving Act coming together to paint the town red, vocacy organizations denouncing the incentivizes charitable giving for low- white, and blue in honor of Dustin’s systemic repression brought upon the and middle-income taxpayers. It would life. Dustin was truly a hometown Cuban people by the evil Castro re- allow everyone to deduct charitable hero, and Toombs County will remem- gime. Jesus founded the Center for giving, regardless of itemizing status. ber him often. Human Rights in Miami. He is a dedi- With tax reform, our aim is to in- As Jesus said: ‘‘Greater love has no cated husband, a proud father of 8 chil- crease take-home pay for middle Amer- one than this, to lay down one’s life for dren, and a grandfather of 11 grand- ica. With my bill, our goal is to in- his friends.’’ children. Jesus is a shining example to crease support for all charities. Dustin sacrificed his life for his us all. Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to brothers and sisters in service to this Thank you, Jesus A. Permuy, for support the great work of our faith- great country. I will never forget our your service to our community and to based and charitable organizations by freedom fighter from Toombs County. my native Cuba. supporting this bill.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.075 H11OCPT1 H7960 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 11, 2017 NAFTA RENEGOTIATIONS BEGIN victims like Lynda get help and serv- In 2013, Mr. Rich became the prin- (Mr. CICILLINE asked and was given ices, such as mental health counseling, cipal of Barringer Road Elementary. permission to address the House for 1 legal aid, job training, things that they Since that day, he has arrived at minute.) deserve from us. This will help traf- school promptly at 6:30 a.m. each Mr. CICILLINE. Mr. Speaker, this ficking victims put their broken lives morning, bringing a positive attitude week, the fourth round of NAFTA re- back together. and inspirational words to each morn- negotiations will begin. President Trafficking is a scourge, and we need ing announcement. Trump will have an opportunity to de- to send a message to everyone that our Prior to his service at Barringer liver on his promise last year to get a kids are not for sale. Road, Mr. Rich served as principal at better deal for American workers. I And that is just the way it is. the now-closed Remington Elementary hope he does. f School, where he was integral in facili- tating the successful merger of the Mo- Our current trade deals are rigged in b 1715 favor of the largest corporations in this hawk and Ilion school districts. country and against working people. In WHITE HOUSE IMMIGRATION During his time at Ilion Junior High my home State of Rhode Island, we PRINCIPLES School, he served as the principal, the dean of students, and an English teach- have lost 41,000 manufacturing jobs (Ms. JAYAPAL asked and was given er. since NAFTA and the WTO took effect. permission to address the House for 1 Mr. Rich’s commitment to his role is That is more than half of the manufac- minute and to revise and extend her re- unparalleled. Both teachers and par- turing jobs in my State. The folks who marks.) ents alike describe Mr. Rich as com- kept their jobs have seen their pay- Ms. JAYAPAL. Mr. Speaker, I rise in forting, helpful, and passionate. One checks get smaller. strong opposition to the cruel immi- teacher described him as a ‘‘superstar Rhode Islanders know, most impor- gration proposal unveiled by the White principal and a fantastic human tantly, that we need a trade deal that House this week. This proposal goes be- being.’’ Mr. Rich’s record exemplifies is fair; but they know that trade deals yond some of the worst immigration his clear dedication to public edu- that we have now help powerful cor- bills. It demands billions more for bor- cation, his students, and our commu- porations, but they are killing Amer- der security, tightens asylum stand- nity. ican jobs, helping corporations ards, cuts off legal immigration, and Please join me today in congratu- outsource jobs at the expense of work- implements a faulty points-based sys- lating this well-respected educator and ing people. tem, undercutting our core values as a beloved member of the 22nd District. This week I am asking President country and destroying our economy Trump to demand a new NAFTA agree- and our future. f ment that has strong labor and envi- Mr. Speaker, two-thirds of all immi- ronmental protections, that end for- grants to the United States are women FOCUS ON THE PAIN THAT eign tribunals that allow corporations and children, and these policies will PEOPLE ARE SUFFERING to sue the U.S. Government and force disproportionately hurt them. A (Ms. JACKSON LEE asked and was taxpayers to pay the bill, that has bet- points-based system eliminates family- given permission to address the House ter Buy American requirements, that based immigration, and it is insulting for 1 minute and to revise and extend has strict protections against currency to the valuable contributions of her remarks.) manipulation, that has strong rules of women, especially. Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, let origin on manufactured goods, and that Nearly 70 percent of all women immi- me first of all say what the world is has provisions that bring down the cost grants with legal status obtained it coming to and how much our friends, of prescription drugs. through the family system, and many our neighbors in America have had to These are commonsense provisions are stuck in visa backlogs waiting go through: the most recent tragedy that will empower American working years and even decades to reunite with and massacre in Las Vegas, and now families, and they should be included their families. the horrendous, unspeakable tragedy in any new trade agreement. Mr. Speaker, immigration has never by fires in California. I offer my sym- f been just about immigration. It has al- pathy to my friends, MIKE and JARED, ways been about who we are as a coun- Congresspersons in California, and we HOPE FOR TRAFFICKED VICTIMS try and what we are willing to stand up look forward to working with them, (Mr. POE of Texas asked and was for. I believe the majority of my Re- and offer our sympathy for those who given permission to address the House publican colleagues want to pass the are lost, those who are missing. for 1 minute and to revise and extend Dream Act, and I ask them to join us I think it is important, as we have his remarks.) in rejecting these anti-immigrant poi- these natural disasters, that we really Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, for son pills and proposing real solutions attentively work on the pain that peo- years, Lynda could not bring herself to that benefit the American people and ple are suffering; that is on the back speak about her past turmoil and unify our country. side of Puerto Rico, where there is no nightmares. f power, and we don’t know the assess- Lynda is finally telling about her ment of loss of life, there is no housing; tortured life. When she was 16, two RECOGNIZING JEREMY RICH, NEW from Florida to the U.S. Virgin Islands, neighborhood boys drugged and sexu- YORK’S 2017 NATIONAL DISTIN- where people are still waiting for re- ally assaulted her. Highly drugged, the GUISHED PRINCIPAL lief, and the attention is not at the boys convinced her to have sex for (Ms. TENNEY asked and was given peak that it should. Then, in my own money just once. But it wasn’t for just permission to address the House for 1 community, we are in desperate need of one time, Mr. Speaker. They set up on- minute and to revise and extend her re- housing. We have senior citizens, after line advertisements to sell her and marks.) Hurricane Harvey, being dismissed and other girls. Ms. TENNEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise out of their homes. When one of the other girls tried to today to recognize Jeremy Rich, the Finally, Mr. Speaker, we are looking escape, they tied her to a chair and principal at Barringer Road Elemen- for a new disaster supplemental food beat her up mercilessly. They mixed tary School in Ilion, a constituent of program. We have the okay from the drugs into the food to maintain control the 22nd Congressional District. For U.S. Department of Agriculture. We over the girls. It was years before his stellar record of service, profes- have the State of Texas ready to work Lynda finally escaped her turmoil. sionalism, and contributions to the with us, but we must make sure that Today, the rape and torture still educational process, Mr. Rich was our local officials realize that this is a haunts Lynda, but she works every day named New York’s 2017 National Dis- disaster and an emergency and that to become a survivor. I recently intro- tinguished Principal by the National they move forward quickly to serve the duced the Abolish Human Trafficking Association of Elementary School people who are hungry and who are in Act that provides grants to ensure that Principals. need.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.078 H11OCPT1 October 11, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7961 So, Harris County, you need to move though they were told by the former more vocal call from the past year faster to use the Federal funds that we President they could. Their premiums than to build that wall. now have. did not go down $2,500, and their ex- In 2016, the United States saw a surge f changes did not work. in illegal border crossings, with 46,000 ObamaCare resulted in fewer options illegals apprehended in that October HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY and increased costs for many Ameri- alone. This is both a fiscal and a secu- OF TOM PETTY cans. Out-of-pocket costs continue to rity issue. (Mr. YOHO asked and was given per- soar, with overage deductibles for Border security is more than just the mission to address the House for 1 bronze plans topping $6,000 in 2017. border, though. Visa overstays are re- minute and to revise and extend his re- Some States, like Arizona, faced pre- sponsible for up to 40 percent of illegal marks.) mium increases of 116 percent; Okla- immigration. We need a solution, and Mr. YOHO. Mr. Speaker, I rise to homa, 69 percent. Tennessee faced a 63 we need an action to this problem if we honor the life and legacy of Gaines- percent increase. And one-third of are truly to secure the border. ville’s native son, Mr. Tom Petty. counties have only one insurer offering To add to these problems, more than Thomas Earl Petty was born on Octo- coverage on the exchange. Some entire 100 sanctuary jurisdictions have en- ber 20, 1950, and, over a career that States like Wyoming, right below me, acted policies which restrict coopera- spanned five decades, collected 28 top South Carolina, Oklahoma, and Alaska tion with ICE, allowing potentially 10 hits, the most of all time. only have one insurer. dangerous illegal immigrant criminals But his contribution cannot be meas- Think about that. This trend is pre- to remain in our country. ured in hits or awards. He wrote Amer- dicted to worsen, with half of American I am confident that the American ica’s soundtrack. Tom Petty’s story counties only having one insurer in people will deliver their final grade on sounds familiar. He grew up in a small 2018. Republicans over the next 3 months town, struggled, persisted, and then As we have come to almost 8 years simply based on the three issues, the succeeded—a true American Dream with the ACA, or ObamaCare, we run a three promises that I am speaking story. risk of thinking that it is normal. Our about today: number one, continuing But it is not what he did; it is how he healthcare system was not perfect be- to work and replace and repeal did it that strikes us. It is the honesty, fore. We are not making that case. But ObamaCare; number two, reforming the wit, and sentimentality that made his ObamaCare made what was already bad Tax Code; and, number three, securing music special. Every hit Tom Petty even worse. the border. In short, repeal, reform, se- crafted became an anthem, each song a We cannot think of these stats as cure; repeal, reform, secure. We need to score to the memorable moments of mere numbers. Americans are really fulfill these promises in the next 3 our lives. American life would be much suffering under this law. Just because months. The urgency and the time is diminished without his work. Senate Majority Leader MCCONNELL now. Jefferson and Madison wrote our sys- gave up on repealing ObamaCare in the As I said before, the status quo on tem. Twain wrote our story that de- Senate does not mean Americans will these policies is literally crushing scribed Early American folklore. Petty give Congress and Republicans a pass. Americans, and this is why they elect- wrote our songs. The songbook of We cannot and we must not give up on ed Republicans. In fact, since 1913, America is bigger and brighter because this important promise. when Republicans expanded, or when of him. The burden of ObamaCare is only the House expanded the 387 Members to Rest in peace as you continue made worse by the lackluster growth of 435, this is the only time in history ‘‘Runnin’ Down a Dream.’’ the economy in recent years. During when back-to-back Congresses, the Americans have elected 240 or more Re- f the Obama administration years, the economy failed to grow even once at publicans, and it is time we did our job. REPUBLICAN STUDY COMMITTEE the historic goal of 3 percent a year, We need to keep our promises to the The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. something we just saw in our last quar- American people. I am pleased to be joined by members TAYLOR). Under the Speaker’s an- ter. nounced policy of January 3, 2017, the Americans are as industrious and in- of the Republican Study Committee gentleman from North Carolina (Mr. novative as ever. Americans’ work today to talk about the importance of WALKER) is recognized for ethic is not the problem. It is our anti- keeping these promises. That is why it as the designee of the majority leader. quated tax system that has been is my privilege to introduce one of our Mr. WALKER. Mr. Speaker, we are bogged down over the years by regu- newer members from Kansas, Rep- here today because, almost 11 months lators and lobbyists. resentative RON ESTES. Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentleman ago, the American people voted to give Since our last major rewrite of the Republicans control of unified govern- from Kansas (Mr. ESTES). Tax Code 31 years ago, the same year Mr. ESTES of Kansas. Mr. Speaker, ment. They were tired of being crushed that ‘‘Top Gun’’ was number one in the after a decade of inadequate economic by rising healthcare costs due to box office, 1986, our Tax Code has added growth across America, there is new ObamaCare. They wanted America’s over 35,000 pages. Think about that— growing optimism that our economy is economy to prosper again. They want- 35,000 pages. That is about three about to be set free again. Consumer ed a secure border. changes per day. Each page is another confidence in the economy is the high- During the months that followed, carve-out or a loophole for the well est it has been since 2000. Why? I be- Congress worked with President Trump connected, leaving the rest of the econ- lieve this is because the American peo- to sign over 50 bills into law. On top of omy behind. ple expect us to reform our broken Tax that, the House passed over 270 laws Our companies are at a disadvantage Code, and they are excited about it. that now sit in the Senate awaiting ac- internationally, as our tax rate stands Our outdated and overly complex Tax tion. at 35 percent, the highest, as we know Code has held our economy down for Despite this legislation, there is a now, in the industrialized world. the past decade. It is time we fix this unified voice that is loud and clear ar- Families continue to be punished and empower working families in riving daily from our base, saying, with a marriage penalty. America. ‘‘Get something done.’’ The reason for Our Tax Code should be a competi- Real tax reform will be the best way that call is because Americans con- tive advantage for our companies com- to help America climb up the economic tinue to be crushed by government peting with the world. It should en- ladder. A stronger economy will bring policies, something that is very evi- courage innovators to push the bound- higher wages and better jobs. The goal dent. These are the same policies that aries and find success. is to make our Federal Code simple and drove them to vote for us in the first The call to get something done that to make it fair. place. we hear loud and clear from Americans Americans are scarred by the broken is also coupled with a call to make sure b 1730 promises of the former administration. that we are doing our very best to se- The Tax Code, as it is, only benefits They could not keep their doctor, even cure the border. Perhaps there is no the rich and well-connected who can

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.079 H11OCPT1 H7962 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 11, 2017 hire an army of lawyers to protect enforcement of the law and the strong greater transparency and safety to their interests. This is why Repub- message that the U.S. no longer toler- these minors to ensure that they are licans are looking to enact real reform ates illegal immigration. not inadvertently delivered into the for all Americans. The argument However, illegal border crossings are hands of criminals or abusers. against tax reform is this: the plan is rising again despite the best efforts of The Refugee Program Integrity Res- just a tax cut for the rich. the Trump administration, dem- toration Act reforms the refugee pro- The reality is, this tax reform frame- onstrating that the President should be gram by curbing fraud and strength- work is focused on helping middle class granted additional, long-needed legisla- ening public safety and national secu- families. The tax system is laid out by tive tools. The House Judiciary Com- rity. It also provides State and local Republicans that allows low- and mid- mittee has been hard at work to im- governments the power to decide if ref- dle-income workers to keep more of prove our Nation’s immigration laws ugees are to be resettled within their their hard-earned paychecks in order and has already approved bills that are communities and gives Congress, not to save for their children’s college, for crucial to enable our country to gain the President, the authority to set the their retirement, or any other things control of our immigration system. overall refugee ceiling for each year. that they want. The Davis-Oliver Act is the keystone The House Judiciary Committee also I implore my colleagues across the of our interior enforcement efforts and plans to bring up a bill that protects aisle to do what is right and help to fix is named after Placer County Detective jobs for citizens and legal workers, the our antiquated Tax Code. Michael Davis, Jr., and Sacramento Legal Workforce Act. This bill requires Mr. WALKER. Mr. Speaker, I thank County Deputy Sheriff Danny Oliver, all U.S. employers to check the work Representative ESTES. Perhaps no one two California law enforcement officers eligibility of all future hires through knows more and has had more experi- who were murdered by an unlawful im- the tried and tested E-Verify system. ence than the chairman of our Judici- migrant in October 2014. E-Verify quickly confirms 99 percent of ary Committee, a former immigration The bill improves the enforcement of work-eligible employees and takes less attorney who has spent years working our Nation’s immigration laws to en- than 2 minutes to use. on resolving these issues. hance public safety. Specifically, the Over 740,000 American employers cur- Mr. Speaker, it is my privilege to Davis-Oliver Act provides tools to rently use E-Verify, and 83 percent of yield to the gentleman from Virginia crack down on dangerous sanctuary America’s employers support a manda- (Mr. GOODLATTE). city policies and contains much-needed tory electronic verification system. Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I changes to protect American commu- While many aspects of our Nation’s im- very much appreciate the gentleman nities from unlawful immigrants who migration system need to be improved, organizing this hour of Special Order commit crimes in the United States, or including our guest worker program for remarks, and your leadership on these are gang members. American agriculture, we must three important issues. The Davis-Oliver Act also enhances strengthen the enforcement of our im- Mr. Speaker, I rise to discuss the im- national security by improving our Na- migration laws. Immigration enforce- portance of bolstering enforcement of tion’s first line of defense, the visa ment is crucial to maintain our sov- existing immigration law and securing issuance process. It provides thorough ereignty, to protect national security, the border. The interior enforcement screening of foreign nationals seeking and to restore the rule of law. Mr. Speaker, I call on Congress to and border security are vital to en- to enter the United States in order to take up the House Judiciary Commit- hancing public safety, keeping the door prevent terrorists from entering our tee’s immigration enforcement bills open to law-abiding immigrants, pro- country. The bill also ensures the rule soon. tecting our borders, and restoring the of law and removes the ability of any Mr. WALKER. Mr. Speaker, I thank rule of law. President to unilaterally shut down Chairman GOODLATTE and appreciate Under President Obama, interior en- immigration enforcement by granting those powerful words. forcement deteriorated dramatically as States and localities the authority to Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentleman his administration refused to enforce voluntarily assist in the enforcement from Florida (Mr. DESANTIS), a col- immigration laws, rewrote the law of Federal immigration law and to en- league and one of the sharpest, most through executive action, and imple- force their own immigration laws con- intellectual Members of Congress. mented policies that enabled millions sistent with Federal practices. Mr. DESANTIS. Mr. Speaker, I thank of unlawful and criminal aliens to re- The House Judiciary Committee has my friend from North Carolina for main in the United States free from also approved several bills to reform yielding. any possibility of removal. the asylum and refugee programs to Mr. Speaker, if you were trying to do The Obama administration’s policies curtail rampant fraud, while ensuring damage to the United States and you had—and continue to have—disturbing that our Nation continues to be a safe wanted to design a Tax Code that hin- consequences. The rule of law was un- haven for those persecuted around the dered economic growth, that diverted a dermined as hundreds of thousands of world. The surge of Central American lot of productive energy, that basically Central American unaccompanied mi- unaccompanied alien minors and fam- kept America from reaching its eco- nors and families arrived at the south- ily units seeking to enter the U.S. ille- nomic potential, you probably couldn’t west border during the Obama years gally at our southern border put a do much worse than designing the code and were released into the U.S. Too strain on manpower and resources. It that we have. many Americans were killed or seri- also exposed loopholes in our Nation’s It is enormously complex—70,000 plus ously harmed at the hands of aliens immigration laws that are being ex- pages. I confess, there is no way I can who joined gangs or committed crimes. ploited by smugglers and others seek- do my own taxes, and I think that is Fortunately, the Trump administra- ing to game the system. true for millions and millions of Amer- tion has begun to reverse the Obama The Asylum Reform and Border Pa- icans. There is a frustration with that, administration’s disastrous policies trol Act makes a number of improve- but it also costs massive amounts of and is enforcing the law as written by ments to our Nation’s laws to prevent money and diverts energy. We are talk- Congress. President Trump has issued fraud and abuse in the system and as- ing about hundreds of billions of dol- executive orders to strengthen interior sure that asylum is reserved for those lars that get diverted to complying enforcement and implement strong truly fleeing persecution in their home with the Tax Code, and that is not opti- border security measures. The Depart- country. mal for economic growth. ment of Justice and the Department of Further, the Protection of Children It repels capital and incentivizes Homeland Security are already exe- Act makes sure that unaccompanied companies to relocate overseas and cuting these executive orders, and alien minors who make the dangerous take jobs overseas. You see companies there have been quick results. journey to the United States are swift- reincorporating in Ireland or Canada. Illegal border crossings at the South- ly and safely returned home. For those That is because we have the highest west border dropped dramatically at who stay with a sponsor in the United corporate tax rate in the industrialized the beginning of the Trump adminis- States while awaiting their immigra- world. We are almost trying to send tration due, in large part, to consistent tion hearing, the bill provides for businesses overseas.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.082 H11OCPT1 October 11, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7963 It doesn’t allow middle class families the gentleman makes to the House and Mr. Speaker, I look forward to work- to keep enough of the money they to the American people. ing with the House leadership, Chair- earn. If you look over the past decade I could not agree more. For those man BRADY, and all of the congres- or so, family income really hasn’t risen who may be listening or watching, you sional Members to pass this fair and by that much, yet the cost of living has may have seen, in the last few months, simple tax reform package to make gone up. So by taking more and more a heightened energy, or an urgency this country as great as it can be. from taxes, it makes it harder for mid- when it comes to calling out our part- Mr. WALKER. Mr. Speaker, I thank dle class families to make ends meet. ners in the Senate to begin to move the gentleman for his comments. As So reforming the Tax Code, doing a and to begin to act—not just on things you see, three promises, 3 months; Oc- nice, big tax cut, I think is long over- like repealing the healthcare, tober, November, December, three due. It would be a boon to our econ- ObamaCare, but also moving, getting promises, 3 months: repeal, reform, and omy. You would have a simple sys- ready to move, hopefully, on tax re- secure. That is the promise from the tem—no more 70,000 pages. Fill out form. Republican Study Committee, making your taxes on a postcard. That not only I know there has been some agree- up 157 members, 17 of the 20 chairmen. is more economically efficient, it gives ment on the framework, but, as the de- b 1745 people a lot of peace of mind to know tails continue to be more and more Now it is in our ability to make sure they can do their taxes themselves. It clear, we hope our colleagues on the this gets through the Senate and Senate are ready to move quickly and is going to incentivize us to bring all of passed into law by the President. We swiftly for the American people. the trillions of dollars in overseas prof- can’t force all that, but what we are Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentleman its, and bring it back to the United committed to is doing our part and from South Carolina (Mr. NORMAN), a States so that we can invest it here doing our job to get these pieces of leg- brand-new Member who came in from a through our companies and create islation through regular order to the special election to replace OMB Direc- more jobs here. House for a vote to fulfill the promises tor Mick Mulvaney when he took the It will make our American businesses that most of us ran on over the last more competitive. Our business tax position with President Trump’s ad- several elections. system is outdated. It is uncompeti- ministration. He has gotten up to speed It is also a wonderful privilege to- tive. This, I think, will change a lot of quickly and is a huge asset to the Re- night to introduce our House veteri- that by having a competitive business publican Study Committee and to the narian—the gentleman can define that tax rate, and I think that that will House Republicans as a whole. as he would need if we need a House mean more economic growth. Mr. NORMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise veterinarian—but the great Represent- So I think all that is pretty obvious today to support the Republican Study ative from central Florida who does to most people who look at this in a Committee’s three promises in 3 fine work in the House, Dr. TED YOHO. fair way. The question for us now is, we months’ pledge to repeal ObamaCare, Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentleman have to produce this bill. We have been secure the border, and enable com- from Florida (Mr. YOHO). talking about tax reform for a long prehensive tax reform. Mr. YOHO. Mr. Speaker, I appreciate time this year, and I think that is I applaud RSC’s Chairman Mike the chairman’s leadership on this. great, but it is time right now for us to Walker for his leadership on this and Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support produce this bill, debate it here in the on this initiative. On the promises to of the three promises, 3-month initia- House, pass it, and send it over to the repeal and secure, the House has begun tive that you have outlined here, and I United States Senate. to deliver by passing the American think it is so important that we follow I am not encouraged when, given the Health Care Act and providing $1.6 bil- through with this. urgency of this, we are going on a re- lion in border wall funding. I want to start with tax reform. cess next week. The House is not going Tonight, I want to focus on the third Members can say: Why do we need tax to be here. You are not going to have a promise: passing comprehensive tax re- reform? I think it is self-evident. Our tax bill marked up in the Ways and form. Our Nation’s Tax Code affects Tax Code, as you heard, is the most Means Committee or unveiled to the every family, business, and worker and burdensome in the world. It stifles eco- public. Members are not going to be de- is a key driver behind America’s eco- nomic growth, entrepreneurship, and it bating that. I think it is time that we nomic competitiveness. Congress has creates noncompliance. So we need to do that, and I think there should be a not passed comprehensive tax reform simplify it. We have told the American sense of urgency with that. since 1986. That is 31 years. people we were going to do that if we We have got to get our job done. I The average cost of a new house then get in charge. think the bill should have been passed in the United States was $89,430. For a I think the repeal of ObamaCare—and by now, but let’s get it done. Send it to new Ford F–150 pickup truck, the aver- some people get offended if we call it the Senate. I don’t think you would age price was $8,350. Mr. Speaker, it ObamaCare, so I will refer to it as the probably have very smart money to bet has been way too long before we have Affordable Care Act. It has disrupted that the Senate is going to come taken comprehensive tax reform into over 20 percent of our economy, and I through in the clutch. They haven’t consideration. think it is not affordable. We can talk shown they can do that yet. But this is Since then, the number of pages in to so many different people. I know our going to be a big question for them: the IRS code has increased by nearly premiums went up $11,000 since I have Can you get anything done in the U.S. 50,000 pages. The corporate tax rate is come to Congress. In fact, our policy Senate? This is something that we at 35 percent, which is the highest in got canceled when I came to Congress know we need to do. It will be good for the industrialized world. Ireland’s, to because of ObamaCare. our economy. give you an example, is 12 percent. This Then I think the third part of that is All of the Republicans have said that is inexcusable. we promised the American people that our Tax Code is a disaster. So if we Congress took an important step for- we would repeal this in its entirety and send them a good bill, this is going to ward last week through passing a budg- fix healthcare so that people have ac- be a major test. Can you apply the ma- et resolution, and now it is time for the cess to healthcare, it is affordable, and jority that the voters gave us? Can you Senate to do their job on the budget so that it is quality care is the part that honor your promises and do something that we can deliver comprehensive tax gets left out. good for taxpayers? I hope the answer reform for the American people. Then I want to touch on border secu- is yes. But I think in this body we have Mr. Speaker, our tax reform plan is rity. This is something that we have got to be focusing on, let’s put the Sen- both profamily, and proworker. The all run on. Any nation needs a secure ate to the test. Let’s draft, debate, and typical American family will receive a border. A sovereign nation has to have pass a strong, bold, tax cut and tax re- $4,000 pay raise under our plan and will a secure border, and they have to have form. turbocharge the economy through ena- control over their border. However, due Mr. WALKER. Mr. Speaker, I thank bling gross domestic product growth to to the failures of politicians past and the gentleman for his comments. I al- reach 3.2 percent minimum for the next present, the U.S. southern border, in ways appreciate the contribution that 5 years. particular, remains porous.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.083 H11OCPT1 H7964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 11, 2017 I applaud President Trump for releas- in fact, deficits are creeping up again. sure that tax reform and tax relief gets ing a set of principles which I fully en- Last year’s number is $668 billion. across to the American people. dorse and his priorities that are fo- What they point to in this editorial A lot of times we talk about classes. cused on making our borders more se- was that a good part of the reason why The truth is it is probably better ter- cure. President Trump’s consistent deficits have escalated has been tied to minology to talk about income levels, message calling for better enforcement anemic economic growth and that, un- lower, middle and higher income levels. of our immigration laws and improving like other recoveries that had been That is one of the reasons that we are border security is one of the main rea- more robust in nature, the revenues pushing forward the Charitable Giving sons he won the Presidency. had not come in as they have in past Act, which is something that impacts President Trump is sticking to his recoveries. As a consequence, deficits both the lower and middle income lev- campaign promises, which is refreshing have exploded. els. to see in Washington, D.C., these days, So if you care about the deficits—and We believe that is something that a town where too many times there is I do, and I know that the gentleman needs to be connected to tax reform to an aversion to making tough decisions from North Carolina does, and I know make sure that those folks who come in fear of how that will be viewed in that other members of the RSC do. If from a background of teachers and the next election. So it is refreshing to you care about deficits, then you have truck drivers as we just heard about, see President Trump do what he said got to do something about tax reform but also other areas of the middle class he was going to do. this year was, in essence, the premise and maybe lower income levels, some- Protecting our borders, ending sanc- of the editorial. thing that they have a way where they tuary cities, and facilitating State and The other point I would make is this. are able to make sure that every dollar local cooperation in immigration en- In a capitalistic society, capital mat- and every sacrifice they give back to a forcement are commonsense ideas that ters. In essence, it is a mathematical charitable organization—whether it is will protect national security, promote formula. a local church or whether it is to the public safety, and deter future illegal Savings drives investment, which United Way—to make sure that every immigration. We are hard at work on drives productivity gain, which ulti- dollar is counted. solving these problems of illegal immi- mately impacts standards of living or This is something that has been gration in the House. wages, which we talk about. There are going on way too long. As we know, Just three real quick facts: only two ways of increasing or improv- there are 75,000 pages right now of IRS From November 2013 to July 2014, of- ing human productivity. One is with Tax Code regulations. If the IRS wants ficials apprehended 143 individuals list- gray matter: you can build a better to come after a private citizen, the pri- ed on the U.S. terrorist watch list try- mousetrap because you have been well vate citizen doesn’t have much of a re- ing to cross the Mexican border and educated and you can think of some- source ability to fight back whether it enter the U.S. illegally. So many times thing different. The other is with phys- is in the legal or whether it is extended I hear people say that this is not true ical capital. One person with a bull- wealth. This is a machine that has and that this does not happen, but we dozer can move a lot more dirt than been building, and the bureaucracy has know better. one person with a shovel. been growing well past time. As of 2014, illegal immigrants were Yet what we oftentimes forget in the It is time to neuter the IRS. One of convicted and sentenced for about 13 debate on tax reform is how important the ways we can do that is reducing it percent of the crimes in the United it is that we encourage and, in essence, from seven tax brackets down to three. States. complement the efforts of those who It was erroneously shared by somebody Then, lastly, border security should are out there risking on a daily basis. across the aisle recently that we are also focus on maritime domain. Our So with that in mind, it is important driving up the lowest bracket from 10 Coast Guard, a hardworking branch of that we have tax reform that includes percent to 12 percent. The truth is this: our military service, has set a new people who are actually, again, build- we are condensing it right now to three record for cocaine seizures at sea for ing businesses. tax brackets—35 percent, 25 percent, the second consecutive year, seizing Think about this: the top 25 percent and 12 percent—and doubling the more than 455,000 pounds of cocaine in of the earners out there pay 90 percent standard deduction from $12,000 to 2017 that was destined for the home- of the taxes; the top 10 percent pay 60 $24,000. This is something that we are land. percent of the taxes. looking forward to doing to benefit the So I am proud to join the Republican Now, let’s define that for just a sec- American people. Study Committee in recognizing the ond. If you are in the top 25 percent, We talk much in these Halls about necessity of border security today. that begins at $77,000. If you are in the bipartisan support or bipartisan this or Mr. WALKER. Mr. Speaker, I thank top 10 percent, you are at $133,000. that. When did it become an issue, Representative YOHO, and we appre- Now, tell me this: When I talk to a when did it become a problem, and ciate the gentleman’s work in the truck driver and a schoolteacher at when did it become a point of conten- United States House. home, their combined income could be tion to allow the American people to Mr. Speaker, one of the most accom- around $100,000. Are they rich? I would keep more of the money from the hard plished men, sometimes a person whom say no. But they are out there making work they put in day in and day out, we refer to as ‘‘Governor’’ around here the kinds of risks that are necessary to week in and week out? That is some- when it comes to political minds, is the the building of capital that was exactly thing that we must do. That is some- gentleman from South Carolina, Rep- what The Wall Street Journal talked thing that should not even be a place of resentative MARK SANFORD. Week in about. argument or a place of debate when it and week out, he is a very diligent and If we want to do something about comes back allowing these folks to great leader in this House. deficits, and if we want to do some- continue. Mr. Speaker, it is my privilege to thing about capital formation that is For some, we can get past the tax yield to the fine gentleman from South so necessary to raising wages, then we credit language. We can move on be- Carolina (Mr. SANFORD). have got to do something about this yond the charitable deductions and all Mr. SANFORD. Mr. Speaker, I thank equation. It is important that those the different political and accounting the gentleman for yielding. earners and those small-business peo- words. What about just the family of Mr. Speaker, I would make two quick ple not be left out, as is the case right four that needs another car, that needs points on the importance of tax reform. now. That is yet another reason why to be able to afford a car payment to One, I would refer to an editorial that tax reform is so important this year. get a mom or a dad back and forth to appeared in yesterday’s Wall Street Mr. WALKER. Mr. Speaker, I thank work, or maybe a teenager in the Journal. What it talked about was the Representative SANFORD; I appreciate house? We have been through that nexus between deficits and tax reform. the gentleman’s good words, experi- twice now. We had more claims than Oddly enough, if you look at the num- ence, and knowledge. we probably should, but we get it. But bers here of late and if you look at the Mr. Speaker, speaking of Congress as also, maybe it is a few more times out 2017 CBO report, what it shows is that, a whole, it is well past time to make to eat or to the movies, the things that

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.085 H11OCPT1 October 11, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7965 make you want to get up every day and is hearing the same message: ‘‘Get pired. This is an outrage for children continue to pursue that American something done.’’ across the Nation who depend on the Dream. Tax reform is one of those areas affordable, quality care they receive, But not only from the individual side where, specifically, we are being com- thanks to CHIP. It is especially trou- of this—certainly very important—but pelled, we are being urged, and we are bling for Arizona. what about this corporate tax rate, being called. My fellow Members in the Arizona has had the unfortunate dis- this business rate that we talk con- House, please hear those urgent voices tinction of being one of the worst stantly about that almost has become right now. Even if Members want to States for healthcare access for chil- Washington jargon talking points? move past the tax relief and the hu- dren. Until last year, it was the only Why is that so important? manitarian component, is it not politi- State in the entire Nation without an Over the years since the 1930s and cally strategic for us to do what we active Children’s Health Insurance Pro- 1940s, our corporate business rate has have promised to do on behalf of the gram. climbed to the highest in the industrial American people? Arizona froze CHIP KidsCare pro- world. As I said in my opening, I am con- gram in 2010. At its height, the waiting Why is that? Why would we make it fident that the American people will list for coverage after the freeze topped tougher on our manufacturers and our deliver the final grade over the next 3 100,000. I repeat: the list topped 100,000 companies to have a higher tax rate? months. The 115th Congress, what kind because of a freeze put on by the State What incentive is it to stay here? We of grade will we have over the next 3 of Arizona. could track company after company. months if we do not deliver on these Two years ago, Congress reauthorized I come from the State of North Caro- three promises? CHIP and included enhanced match lina where textiles and furniture used I am hoping that that urgency is res- rate funding for States under the Af- to be two of our top three job pro- onating. Repealing and replacing, con- fordable Care Act. Thanks to advocates viders. A lot of those companies now tinuing to fight to repeal and replace on the ground and with bipartisan sup- you will find in Vietnam or other ObamaCare, to make sure that we are port in our State legislature, this en- places. continuing to reform and do everything hanced funding finally paved the way That corporate tax rate that literally that we can to reform the Tax Code. for our State to reopen KidsCare. has gone through the roof, why Finally, the promise that we have been Last year, KidsCare began enrolling wouldn’t we want to reduce that busi- making year after year is to make sure children—over 23,000 so far. We have ness rate? Why wouldn’t we want to that we are protecting the American just begun the hard work of educating incentivize companies to begin to bring people by securing our border. and reaching out to the working fami- those jobs back to the United States? I understand that each of these items lies who qualify for coverage. I think it is crucial, and I think it is is a major legislative item in its own Arizona is one of a handful of States, something that all of us should have right. To be frank, we should have been as you can see here in this chart in the energy and the ability to be able to delivering on them throughout the blue, that would run out of Federal get behind and really push forward. year. It is October, the 10th month of funds to cover children by December of We have been promising this for how year. It is high past time. We only have this year, absent congressional action. long? Since 1986? I was a junior in high such a busy agenda this late in the Families in these States are the most school. Thirty-one years this has been game because we haven’t delivered on at risk for losing critical access to on the docket, and the moment is now our promises. care, until Congress steps up to the for us to deliver. If it is not now, as plate and passes a robust reauthoriza- Reagan used to say, then when? Then b 1800 tion with enhanced rate funding. how? I want to thank my colleagues and I have met and heard from many of What should we be doing if it is not fellow Republican Study Committee these families and their providers. I fulfilling the very promise that we members tonight for joining us this know what is it stake for them. have made to the American people, and evening. Cate Arnquist is a mother from Tuc- that is that we are going to provide I would ask the American people to son, Arizona, whose 8-year-old son, genuine—not some kind of phony legis- continue to support and continue to Zachary, was approved for coverage lation, not some kind of showboat, but urge their Members of Congress to de- through KidsCare last month. This is a genuine tax reform and tax relief for liver on these promises. huge relief to Cate, who recently the American people? Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance moved to Arizona with her husband Now, you may hear sometimes that, of my time. and works at a local elementary school. Cate said: hey, the Republican plan is only for the f most wealthy. Let’s look at the num- It’s important for me to know that if I bers. Let’s put a little math equation REAUTHORIZE CHIP need to take him to the doctor, I will be able up, if we could, please. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under to take him. As a parent, your kids are al- the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- ways your biggest priority. I think every Let’s say that the most wealthy—if parent wants to make sure their kids are you are talking about somebody who uary 3, 2017, the gentleman from Ari- healthy. zona (Mr. O’HALLERAN) is recognized makes $1 million, let’s say we reduce Cate, I couldn’t agree with you more. for 60 minutes as the designee of the their taxes by 1 percent. My math that Kids like Zachary deserve to know that minority leader. I am doing here in my mind, that their elected officials here in Congress Mr. O’HALLERAN. Mr. Speaker, as a comes to about $10,000. are looking out for them. Let’s say, if you go to that middle-in- Member of Congress, as a father, and as Graciela is a working single mom come family, two parents working as a grandfather, nothing I do is more im- who lives in Phoenix. Her 17-year-old hard as they can, they are bringing portant than ensuring every child in daughter, who suffers from high blood about $50,000 a year annually, yet their Arizona and America has the oppor- pressure, relies on KidsCare coverage. tax break, their tax benefit is 10 per- tunity to live up to their God-given po- Graciela says: cent. Now, math tells me that is only tential. No matter where they live, I just pray and ask everybody who is be- $5,000 compared to the $10,000. kids deserve to grow up healthy, with hind CHIP to think about it. They don’t So you may hear the spin from time every chance to succeed. know how hard it is sometimes when you are to time, well, the wealthier are getting That is why it is beyond unaccept- a parent and you don’t know what to do. the higher tax break, the wealthier are able that, for the first time ever, Con- Should I put a plate of food on the table or getting the higher tax credit. Listen, gress missed the deadline to reauthor- should I take my kid to the doctor? when it comes to dollar for dollar, the ize the Children’s Health Insurance These are questions no parent in Ari- impact that that makes to the middle Program. zona or in America should have to ask and lower income families is drastic. I For decades, CHIP has been a bipar- themselves. Doctors in our community will tell you this. Every time we turn tisan program and has been reauthor- agree. around, every time that each Member ized with broad support, until now. It A pediatrician practicing in Gilbert, goes back and forth to his district, he has now been 11 days since CHIP ex- Arizona, shared an important story

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.086 H11OCPT1 H7966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 11, 2017 with us about a family with five chil- There is no more sacred responsi- will continue to have the ability to ac- dren in her practice. The father works bility that we have than to ensure that cess quality, affordable healthcare can as a grocer, but makes $20 too much to the children in this country have ac- rest comfortably and know that this qualify for Medicaid. That is $20. cess to quality, affordable healthcare. work is done. One of the children has significant So I rise this evening to speak in sup- I thank the gentleman again for his developmental delays and another port of the vital Children’s Health In- leadership and for yielding to me on child has a serious neurological dis- surance Program, also known as CHIP. this very important issue. ease. After the youngest child was As you know, Mr. Speaker, CHIP au- Mr. O’HALLERAN. Mr. Speaker, I born, it became clear that he most thorization expired on September 30, thank the gentleman from Rhode Is- likely had the neurological disease as 2017—this past September. This pro- land for caring about our Nation’s chil- well. gram assures that 9 million children, dren. The doctor referred this child for including 27,000 children and pregnant Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentle- evaluation, but the family was unable women in my home State of Rhode Is- woman from Wisconsin (Ms. MOORE). to take him to the neurologist because land, are provided with low-cost health Ms. MOORE. Mr. Speaker, I think it they could not afford the office visits insurance, which covers essential serv- is a new low for this Congress to allow and diagnostic testing necessary. Had ices such as routine checkups, immuni- the critical and bipartisan Children’s KidsCare been open at the time, the zations, doctor visits, prescriptions, Health Insurance Program to expire. family could have applied for coverage, dental and vision care, inpatient and This program is 20 years old, and this since they qualified, based on their in- outpatient hospital care, laboratory has never happened, where we have al- come. and x-ray services, and emergency lowed the basic safety net healthcare This story and our experience in Ari- services. program for children to expire. zona should be a cautionary tale for This historically bipartisan program We hear over and over again, Mr. the rest of the States who may freeze has been successful in lowering the per- Speaker, you talk about the ne’er do their program if Congress fails to reau- centage of children who are uninsured well, lazy ones of our constituents who thorize CHIP now. from nearly 14 percent when it started are poor and don’t want to work. But, No family should be put at risk when in 1997 to 4.5 percent in 2015. Historic Mr. Speaker, these are children who they need help for their kids. Working achievements. are ineligible for work and unavailable families like these are doing their best If not extended by Congress soon, to take care of themselves. We are de- to make ends meet and raise healthy many States will no longer be able to stroying the health safety net for chil- kids. fund the program and will begin lim- dren. Reauthorizing CHIP isn’t just the iting coverage, some as early as the But it is not that we haven’t had right thing to do morally, but it is the end of this year. time to extend CHIP. We have renamed smart, economic decision for our com- In fact, the Kaiser Family Founda- post offices. We have renamed a high- munities. I understood that when I was tion recently concluded that, without way. We have advanced the House a Republican State legislator and an extension of CHIP, ‘‘States would budget reconciliation riddled with un- fought for KidsCare, and I understand face budget pressures, children would paid tax cuts for the wealthy, including it now here in Congress. lose coverage, and implementation of the repeal of the estate tax, which We all know that when children have program changes could result in in- alone would increase our deficit by $269 meaningful access to quality, afford- creased costs and administrative bur- billion by 2025. Mr. Speaker, that is bil- able, comprehensive healthcare cov- den for States as well as confusion for lion with a B. erage, our schools, families, and our families.’’ Are Republicans in this body trying State’s bottom line all win. If not extended by Congress soon, to solve the budget crisis and our def- Healthy kids have a better shot in many States will no longer be able to icit problem by cutting CHIP? school and grow up to be healthy fund the program and will begin lim- I don’t think so. adults. When we invest in them, when iting coverage. Even more, Mr. Speaker, last week, we invest in their families, we are in- Congress must also act with urgency we spent a considerable amount of time vesting in their futures and our future. to extend and reauthorize the other debating the 20-week abortion ban. We We must do better. Instead of playing programs that were enacted in the heard passionate speeches about how partisan games and spending time on Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthor- important it was to preserve the life of bills that make coverage and afford- ization Act of 2015, including extending fetuses. We spent all this time and ability worse for Americans, we need to funding for community health centers; speaker after speaker making emo- make CHIP reauthorization front and the Personal Responsibility Education tional demands on this body that we center of our focus. Program; the rural and Medicare-de- restrict women’s body autonomy, but While I am pleased that the Senate pendent hospitals program; Teaching we spent no time reauthorizing the Finance Committee and the House En- Health Centers; Maternal, Infant, and program for little Junior, once he ergy and Commerce Committee have Early Childhood Home Visiting Pro- crowns and is born—the basic started to take up action, it is past gram; and the Special Diabetes Pro- healthcare that he needs immediately time to get a robust bill to the Presi- gram for type 1 diabetes and for Indi- exiting the womb. dent’s desk. ans. CHIP has long been a bipartisan pro- These critical programs, as well as b 1815 gram, and I will keep working with CHIP, are vital to the American Mr. Speaker, simply put, it is hypo- anyone, regardless of office or party, to healthcare system, and they support critical for you to say that life ends as make sure our kids have the care they access to high-quality, affordable care. soon as the umbilical cord is cut. And, deserve. They are counting on us. We I want to again thank the gentleman Mr. Speaker, your actions prove it. cannot let them down. from Arizona for providing this Special You know, I am of the mindset of one I am pleased to be joined this evening Order. This is urgent and should be an of our news reporters, Rachel Maddow, by my colleagues who are committed urgent priority for the Congress of the that we ought to just watch what you to fighting for kids in our commu- United States to reauthorize this crit- do and not what you say. nities. I want to thank them for join- ical program to absolutely insist that Almost 9 million children depend on ing this Special Order hour to fight for children—as I said, 9 million children CHIP for healthcare; 9 million children CHIP and a strong reauthorization across this country—have access to from low- to moderate-income families process. quality, affordable healthcare, includ- who will lose access to vaccinations, Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentleman ing 27,000 children and pregnant women routine checkups, dental care, mental from Rhode Island (Mr. CICILLINE). in my home State. healthcare, prescriptions, and some of Mr. CICILLINE. Mr. Speaker, I thank Democrats are urging our Republican these children are profoundly disabled. the gentleman from Arizona for yield- colleagues to reauthorize this bill im- Mr. Speaker, what is going to happen ing and for his leadership in organizing mediately so that the families who are to the 24 percent of the children en- this Special Order hour. so anxious about whether or not they rolled in CHIP that have special

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.088 H11OCPT1 October 11, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7967 healthcare needs, including asthma and this body and found out that we are Paul does nothing to build a founda- learning disabilities? willing to keep these families waiting, tion for a healthier future, nor does it The health of our children depends on we are willing to sit back and not un- protect the communities with suffi- this program, yet, Mr. Speaker, all you derstand the core issues of what it cient healthcare access today. can do to muster up a reauthorization means to those families to have to suf- Proposing to slash the ACA’s Preven- for CHIP is to fund it by increasing fer through this process of the un- tion and Public Health Fund and cre- Medicare premiums—Medicare, a pro- known of their child’s future ating a greater financial burden on sen- gram designed for people over 65—and healthcare. iors by suggesting destructive Medi- cutting the Prevention and Public I have to say that this is an issue care changes are not acceptable ways Health Fund. that most Americans and most of this to bring Democrats to the table and All you can do, Mr. Speaker, is to pit body agree to. I don’t know why we pass a CHIP reauthorization with bi- old people against our babies in order have gone down this path of taking partisan support. Which, by the way, I to provide basic healthcare to children. money—or thinking of taking money am sure my colleagues have mentioned This sounds really Faustian, and it is away from the elderly. It is wrong. But as they were speaking tonight, when unimaginable, yet this is the reality I do know that we should get this dealt CHIP was first authorized, it was done that we are working with. with quickly and make sure the fami- collaboratively in a bipartisan way at a Mr. Speaker, it is now time to put lies in America that need it can pro- contentious time in Congress, back these politics aside and to reauthorize vide for their children’s health. when it was first enacted. But they CHIP now for 5 years. This is a disgrace Mr. Speaker, I yield to Representa- found a way to do the right thing for not only in this Nation, but inter- tive LANGEVIN, the gentleman from vulnerable individuals, particularly nationally. I, as an American, don’t Rhode Island. our children, and we need to come to- want to be judged by putting our kids Mr. LANGEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I want gether again. last. to thank the gentleman for yielding. I We have a responsibility to move Mr. O’HALLERAN. Mr. Speaker, I appreciate all his time and effort he is quickly, to ensure our children con- want to thank the gentlewoman from putting into bringing attention to this tinue to have access to high-quality, Wisconsin for her comments. vital issue. It is an honor to join him affordable coverage. States like Rhode Mr. Speaker, I am kind of new to this this evening as we highlight the immi- Island deserve to know that we will body, but when I came here, I came nent need to pass a full reauthorization support the efforts to provide for the with the same intention as I did when of the Children’s Health Insurance Pro- children in the State. The health pro- I first got into the Arizona State Legis- gram. fessionals who treat these children de- lature. One of the first issues I worked Now, I represent the great State of serve more certainty. Most impor- on was this program, a program that Rhode Island, a State with over 27,000 tantly, the children who benefit from helped kids stay healthy, a program so children and pregnant women at risk of CHIP deserve much better than to be that they could be successful at school, losing healthcare if CHIP is not fully threatened with coverage termination a program that is imperative. Yet, funded. It is deeply troubling to me and because my colleagues in the majority today, millions of people around this many of my constituents, my col- can’t set aside their political ambi- country, millions of families around leagues in government; and we fought tions and goals. this country are asking themselves: hard over the years to make sure that Mr. Speaker, I just want to again What are they going to do about my we did better by our young people, by thank my colleague for raising an children’s health? What is going to the most vulnerable, and by pregnant alarm bell on this issue, calling atten- happen? Who is going to be there for women in making sure that they had tion and focusing the American people my child? the healthcare coverage that they des- on the need to reauthorize CHIP. When I was a police officer, I had, perately need and deserve. We take great pride in Rhode Island sadly, the ability to see people in pov- Now, in Rhode Island, the lack of a that over the years we have built a erty day in and day out, what it meant reauthorization endangers $26 million very strong program to cover vulner- to their families, but especially what in Federal funds that support this vul- able children and pregnant women. We sick children look like, what it means nerable population, many of whom will have been leaders in the country in to see children taken out of homes in not otherwise have comprehensive cov- having a very low rate of uninsured. ambulances instead of having prevent- erage. This is particularly frustrating Going back even before the ACA was ative care, what it means for a child to because congressional Republicans enacted, we had a model program with have to be in a hospital instead of hav- knew that CHIP funding would expire our Rite Care and Rite Share program. ing had the ability to have preventa- on September 30. They had ample time There were hard-fought battles that tive care, what it means to a child with to fix this problem in a bipartisan way moved the ball forward for providing disabilities to have to go through that and have chosen not to. better and more responsible health cov- process and not have the physical ther- Instead of proactively crafting legis- erage for the people who need it and de- apy that is needed. lation to ensure 9 million low-income serve it the most. This happened time and time again children and families maintain access We need to come together now in a before CHIP became reality. I don’t to affordable, high-quality healthcare, bipartisan way to make sure that CHIP think America wants to go back there. Republicans focused their efforts on is reauthorized. We cannot let this pro- I think America wants to move forward gutting the Affordable Care Act to the gram fail. We cannot fail our children, and make sure our children are healthy exclusion of everything else. our most vulnerable populations. We and able to withstand the issues in our Now, in the service of their political can come together in a bipartisan way. society that lead us to make sure that priority to eliminate coverage for 23 Democrats stand ready to do just that, they do. million, they are passing on an oppor- come together in a bipartisan way to I cannot understand, for the life of tunity to govern on multiple reauthorize CHIP, just as it had been me, why we would keep these fami- healthcare fronts. Rather than work to authorized in a bipartisan way when it lies—it is 11 days now. It is going to find meaningful bipartisan solutions, was first created. mean many more. We will have to find Republicans still seek ways of system- Now, I know that there are many of some level of agreement. Yet, as was atically unraveling ACA protections my colleagues on the other side of the just mentioned by the gentlewoman and have only offered untenable op- aisle who care as passionately about from Wisconsin, we are funding this by tions to offset the cost of CHIP. That is covering low-income children, pro- taking money away from the elderly, no way to govern responsibly or to viding affordable healthcare, doing the from those also in need, from those even remotely do it in a bipartisan right thing by our children, and I look also at risk. way, which they could do. forward to reaching out across the I have to say that when I patrolled Now, their plan to pay for healthcare aisle to do just that. Let’s do this in a the streets of Chicago, I did so to make for one population by stripping access bipartisan way. Let’s do the right sure that people were saved and safe. to healthcare from another is wrong. thing and put partisan politics aside And I can’t believe that I have come to This approach of robbing Peter to pay and cover our children.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.090 H11OCPT1 H7968 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 11, 2017 Mr. Speaker, I thank again Mr. a letter to the executive branch to a everything he could to try to get Con- O’HALLERAN for his leadership on this President that I admire and respect, gress moving in the House after a back vital issue, and I look forward to con- advising him of the impact, and beg- and forth, wailing, gnashing of teeth. tinuing to work with him as we reau- ging his expedited approval of the dis- We got a bill. It wasn’t perfect by any thorize CHIP, hopefully in the very aster status once the formal request stretch. But at least it would have near future. Again, we got to do this had been submitted by our Governor. given people relief from high pre- together. Sometime later, just 2 weeks ago, miums, most Americans. Hopefully, Mr. O’HALLERAN. Mr. Speaker, I that formal request was submitted by Republicans won’t misrepresent the want to thank the gentleman from the Governor of our State. Just after truth, as some did. Rhode Island not only for his discus- that submission, my office drafted and Actually, we know some people just sion today, but also for all his work on submitted a second letter requesting flat lied about ObamaCare. People who behalf of the children of America. I expedited approval of disaster status said, ‘‘If you like your insurance, you think that his record speaks for itself, for these citizens of Louisiana, who can keep it,’’ they knew it was a lie. If and it is obvious that what we just were clearly just as impacted by this you like your doctor, you can keep heard came from his heart. So I thank storm as many citizens in Texas. your doctor. They knew that was a lie. the gentleman for his remarks. Tomorrow, we shall send a third let- And now the people are suffering the I asked my fellow colleagues, when ter, this time signed by the entire Lou- consequences of trusting people in gov- they start to work on this bill again— isiana delegation. I ask that the Nation ernment who lied to them. They were hopefully, they do it in a speedy fash- recognize the plight of the people I rep- deceived. But even with all the decep- ion—that when they wake up in the resent. The good and patriotic citizens tion, most of the time it appeared that morning, they think of what it means of southwest Louisiana are suffering. a clear majority of Americans did not to have their child potentially without I respect and admire my President, I want what was fraudulently called the healthcare, what it means to have the support him, I have supported him Affordable Care Act. There was nothing unknown that we don’t know if next since day one, and I support him still. affordable about it, unless you didn’t month or the month later they will But it is important that we, as rep- have any healthcare problems at all. lose that coverage because Congress resentatives of we the people, commu- People who are carrying the weight has failed to address the issue that nicate clearly our intent and our serv- of the taxes in this country have need- they have all agreed on for 20 years. We ice. ed help. They counted on us to provide have to and we must find a way to I beg that the leaders of the execu- legislative changes, repeal of come to agreement. tive branch level would witness this ObamaCare, let’s put a system in place Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance clear evidence of the need for disaster where people can make their own of my time. declaration of the parishes of south- healthcare decisions, and we sent the f west Louisiana. And I beg that this bill to the Senate, and I still believe we message is received with the spirit should have been demanding more of ISSUES OF THE DAY with which it is delivered, which is re- the Senate every day. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. spectful, yet in determined service of I know there are a lot of people who NORMAN). Under the Speaker’s an- the citizens whom I have sworn to rep- say: Well, Republicans can’t lose the nounced policy of January 3, 2017, the resent. majority in the Senate because there Chair recognizes the gentleman from Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague are a bunch more Democrats whose Texas (Mr. GOHMERT) for 30 minutes. for yielding these precious moments to seats are up this time instead of Re- Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Speaker, I yield me. publicans. Yes, we can lose the major- to my good friend, Mr. HIGGINS from Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Speaker, we had ity, even when there are more Demo- Louisiana. some interesting days here, but, over cratic seats up for election. THE PLIGHT OF THE CITIZENS OF LOUISIANA the weekend, being back in Texas, I am That is what happens when people IMPACTED BY HURRICANE HARVEY hearing the cries from people all over are sorely disappointed. Many stay Mr. HIGGINS of Louisiana. Mr. east Texas. There is a small number home, and the wrong people will get Speaker, I thank my colleague for that say: Hey, I am not making much, elected when too many people stay yielding. and I am getting a subsidy from the home. Mr. Speaker, I rise unscripted to government, so I am okay on my But the adage is, still true, democ- bring to the attention of the entire Na- healthcare, I am young, I have no racy ensures people are governed no tion the plight of the good citizens of health problems, and that is fine. better than they deserve. So whether Louisiana who were impacted by Hurri- But over and over, there is a cry anybody liked or disliked President cane Harvey last month. Beside me at going out around America that says: Obama as our President—and, by the this graph shows the rainfall, the water We elected Republicans in the majority way, for those who like to throw out event of Hurricane Harvey as it im- in the House and the majority in the the term ‘‘hater,’’ I don’t hate any- pacted Texas and Louisiana. Senate to help us with our healthcare— body, but I can certainly disapprove of with really health insurance. Every- conduct. 1830 b body can get healthcare. You can just For 8 years, America deserved As anyone can see, it was a tremen- go to the emergency room, whether Barack Hussein Obama. Before that, dous water event, unprecedented rain- you have money or not. whether you like him or not, I like fall, that overwhelmed any water man- This is really more about health in- him, America deserved George W. agement system. And, as anyone can surance. Some of us have not wanted Bush. Before that, America deserved 8 see, the parishes of southwest Lou- health insurance to make our major years of William Clinton—I forget his isiana were impacted, as well as many decisions for us on our own healthcare. middle name. Before that, 4 years of counties in Texas, yet, as we discuss We haven’t wanted the government to George H. W. Bush. Before that, 8 years disaster relief, Louisiana is absent make major decisions on our of Ronald Reagan. And I am very from our conversation. I point out, to healthcare, but both are making those pleased that America deserved Donald all who would choose to witness, the decisions for people across the country Trump over Hillary Clinton last No- State line of Louisiana, as defined by today. vember. the Sabine River, and the impact of Unfortunately, there are people tell- It is interesting, though, being in Hurricane Harvey. ing me they are paying $8,000, $10,000, hearings today and hear people clam- Mr. Speaker, Hurricane Harvey did $12,000. I heard one for $20,000 yesterday bering that they demand action from not recognize the artificial State from Texas, $20,000 for the family’s in- this department, that department, it is boundaries that we have created as a surance, and they have a $12,000 de- taking too long, while, at that very Republic, nor should we as we provide ductible, and they can’t afford either moment, Democratic Senators at the disaster relief for our citizens. Just one. They expected help. other end of this building are doing ev- after Hurricane Harvey had impacted President Trump is not the Congress. erything they can to prevent confirma- Texas and Louisiana, my office drafted He has pushed, shoved, cajoled, done tion of President Trump’s appointees

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.091 H11OCPT1 October 11, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7969 to those departments so they can start you will get another chance to vote, nies, the handful that are left, so let’s getting things done. just help the process, let’s get it to just let the government take care of It is amazing when one party like conference, so we can get some relief to everything. that can hold the ability, because of the American people who are suffering, Then we get a system that is twice as the filibuster rule, because of the re- suffering so much that they would go bad as the VA for all Americans, so all quirement for 60 votes, apparently, so far as to give us the majority in the Americans can suffer fairly, equally, they are able to hold up these ap- Senate after they have given us the instead of getting what used to be some pointees. To me, that is all the reason majority in the House, and give us the of the best healthcare ever in the his- to go ahead and say: Do you know White House as a Republican Party— tory of the world. what, you are demanding action from incredible. We have another issue I want to people who you have not confirmed But the American people are still suf- touch on. Our Taxed Enough Already yet, so we are not going to let you play fering. And the budget apparently does Caucus had a meeting yesterday and that game anymore. You have people not provide for ObamaCare to be re- heard from Luke Rosiak, who has done saying, ‘‘Oh, my goodness, these de- pealed and replaced under reconcili- more investigation on the IT scandal partments aren’t getting decisions ation for the next 12 months. So unless here on Capitol Hill, apparently done made, aren’t getting their work done,’’ the Senate feels enough heat from the more investigation than anybody at and all the while you are holding them American people—the Republicans that the FBI. We keep hearing rumors that back from being able to do it by not is—they are not going to do anything the FBI is reporting there is nothing to confirming the people who need to be about ObamaCare that they promise to this, kind of like the Clinton scandal, doing that work. repeal and replace. the money that the Clinton Founda- The Senate ought to just say: We are tion got from the stockholders of Ura- b 1845 not playing that game, we are not let- nium One—she approves the sale of 20, ting you play that game, we are going Apparently, it is going to have to get 25 percent of America’s uranium pro- to call the game off, we are going to pretty hot in the kitchen down in the duction; it ends up going to the Rus- get serious about America’s problems, Senate to get people down there sians—the email scandal, that obvi- and we are going to confirm President worked up enough to finally give the ously there were efforts to destroy and Trump’s nominees with 51 votes, not American people the relief that the obfuscate evidence that was being just judges, we are going to confirm his Senate Republicans promised. sought, and Comey went out of his way nominees with 51 votes. We cannot tol- Now, I don’t like talking about this, to protect Ms. Clinton. There is just so erate people—really it is fraudulent ac- despite what some may think. It is much there that needs to be inves- tivity to hold back the nominees from much nicer to get along and go along, tigated. being confirmed and then vilify the ad- but people are suffering because we The Attorney General apparently ministration for not getting the work haven’t kept our promise. The Senate can’t investigate because of his own done that those nominees who hadn’t couldn’t pass anything that would get recusal. Mr. Rosenstein is sure not been confirmed will have to do. the American people some relief from going to investigate it and thinks The Senate needs to respond. The all the suffering from ObamaCare. Mueller will do it. Senate did not respond to the bill we For those who are not aware, yes, Mueller is disqualified from doing it. sent to them. That was quite inter- there were bailouts for the monopoly Although he is such a problem, he will esting. In my 12 years here, I have insurance companies. Some made not disqualify himself. Comey is a ma- never seen a situation like that, Mr. record profits, and yet they are still, terial witness—should be—in the inves- Speaker, where some of us got calls under ObamaCare, the way it was writ- tigation. from people in the Senate who don’t ten, supposed to get bailouts. As the Washingtonian reported back normally get calls, and that included So it appears pretty clear the design in 2013 in this long expose they did on people from the Tuesday Group, the of ObamaCare was to make it fail. Ap- glorifying Mr. Comey and Mr. Freedom Caucus, the Republican Study parently, people at the top of some of Mueller’s relationship, that Comey Committee, and the Republican leader- these insurance companies have not knows that basically, in essence, if the ship. They all were asking the same been smart enough to figure out that world were on fire, the one person who question: Okay, would you please they signed their own death warrants would be there with him, protecting promise us that if we pass this when they embraced ObamaCare, but it him, standing with him, would be Mr. healthcare bill in the Senate that you appears it was designed to make people Mueller. Mueller cannot investigate will not take it up and pass it in the angry at the greedy, allegedly corrupt anything in which Comey is a witness. House? Because it is only if you guys health insurance companies. He can’t. promise us, the Republicans promise I don’t think they are corrupt, but So what does he do? Comey goes and us, you won’t pass the bill that we have there sure was a lot of greed there be- hires more lawyers. He has already had down here—apparently, it was so bad— tween some of the pharmaceutical more lawyers than anybody I am aware that we will let it go to committee, or companies and the health insurance of—ever. He is already exceeding the you will amend it, but you just promise companies signing on. Some of them very general charge he got, going back us you won’t pass the bill if we pass it. tried to say: Well, oh, but we needed to years before he needed to. I mean, this Well, as far as I know, everybody I be at the table. is just incredible. talked to gave reassurance to the Sen- We are going: Not if you are on the They were a problem 10 years ago. ators who called them and said: No, we menu you didn’t want to be at the The Obama administration had 8 years promise, we won’t pass your bill, it is table. to get into it. Mueller, as FBI Director, terrible, we won’t, we can assure you. I am sure the executives that have had plenty of time to get into it. Even with those assurances, just the their golden parachutes leave the So there is only one thing we can be effort to get something passed so that health insurance companies after 5, 6, 7 looking at, and that is a vendetta by we can come together in a conference years with their incomes. Robert Mueller after some people. He is between House conferees and Senate The design was the health insurance clearly disqualified. Comey is in it up conferees, just to come together for the companies make a fortune, people’s to his eyeballs. We have got to have a chance—this bill that the Senate was premiums kept going through the roof, special prosecutor that will look into taking up to have some skinny repeal, deductibles kept going through the the matters that should be inves- they called it, of ObamaCare, and at roof, bailouts were provided to insur- tigated. least some measure of change to the ance companies that had record profits, Then we have this issue on Capitol suffering that people are enduring and then the design ultimately would Hill. We need to know how com- right now, and they still couldn’t get 51 be the American people getting so promised our computer system, our IT votes, which is all they needed under angry that they would lash out and system on the Hill has been. the reconciliation process. say: Enough already. I never thought I We had a guy named Imran Awan Even when they were assured: We would say this, but anything has got to working on Capitol Hill, started work- promise you, we won’t pass this bill, be better than these insurance compa- ing with Democrats’ computer systems

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.093 H11OCPT1 H7970 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 11, 2017 12 years or so ago. He was not even an all the indebtedness he had and the car workers. Growing up, he worked in the American citizen at the time. dealership that he never reported. Any- orange groves of Florida. There, he wit- Apparently, if there has ever been a body that makes over $120,000 from nessed firsthand how farmworkers were background check on Imran Awan, it Capitol Hill has to report any outside exposed to dangerous pesticides while certainly was not adequate, because in income. He never reported those working for poverty wages. He also the Imran Awan family and cohorts, things. learned about the long-term effects of you have got bankruptcy; you have got In fact, it appears to be a crime when failed immigration policies, seeing his massive indebtedness; there was money he failed to even report that he had his own father be deported during a local received by one of the team, $100,000 or wife on the payroll making money on operation. so, from a known consort with Capitol Hill in those financial disclo- As a teenager, Daniel saw his friends Hezbollah. sures he filed. join gangs to survive poverty and de- Then we find out yesterday—or I did; We also know that he had some his- fend themselves against deeply rooted I had not heard of this before—that tory of violence complaints. His step- racism within their communities. He Imran Awan, for parts of the year, mother complained of being kidnapped joined this path but was dubbed would not even be here in Washington. by him and forced to sign documents ‘‘Lucky’’ because he survived. He would be in servicing up that would turn over money and prop- Barajas dropped out of school in the to dozens of our Democratic colleagues’ erty that Imran’s father supposedly ninth grade but earned his GED in 2001. computer systems from Pakistan, mak- had coming. During an incarceration in 2009, he no- ing the maximum that somebody work- We know that he has now been in- ticed that inmates had no access to ing on Capitol Hill could by working dicted simply on a bank fraud charge books or to reading glasses. It was then for different Members of Congress, and for lying in order to get a bank loan, that Daniel founded the Library of then you add the partial salaries to- the money from which was sent over- Hope to collect books and reading gether until you get around $160,000. seas. glasses to donate to inmates. We heard yesterday that as he would We also learned that they were send- Daniel’s younger sister, Maria Isabel, get one person up to $160,000 working ing technological equipment over to founded the Young American Dream- for different offices, then they would Pakistan. They were fraudulently fil- ers, YAD, in 2010 to help local immi- add another to the payroll and get ing vouchers showing that $800 iPads grant youth. Maria Isabel passed away them up to $160,000. One of the group only cost under $500 so they wouldn’t in a car accident, tragically, in 2012, owed another individual $100,000. So have to be listed on inventory. That and to honor her legacy, Daniel joined with no indication that that individual obviously makes things more easy to YAD and was voted executive director who was owed $100,000 ever even came steal. in 2013. to Capitol Hill or did any work here, he There were reports, in fact, by the Barajas also continues to fundraise got put on the House payroll and made person who rented his house when he for annual scholarships to local stu- a couple hundred thousand dollars in and his wife appeared to flee—he was dents and participates in philanthropic return for the hundred thousand that trying to flee when he was stopped at events in the community. he had loaned to one of the Awan team. the airport. There were hard drives, all Daniel now speaks at high schools It is just almost inconceivable that kinds of things. across Polk County, talks to students we would have someone working with We know that he and possibly some about his life, and shows them that one some of the highest privileged mate- of those working—maybe they didn’t is not defined by their past, and that rial. It seems to me the courts made it work. We don’t know. But $6 million to breaking down barriers is possible. clear the speech or debate privilege to $7 million was paid to him and his fam- He also closely works with the Polk protect constituent information, infor- ily and his cohorts during the time County Supervisor of Elections Office mation that people provide to us as they were working here, and yet he was to help register voters, increase voter whistleblowers, that that is probably downloading from Members of Con- turnout, and distribute clemency appli- more constitutionally protected than gress’ clouds or from their own servers cations to help felons restore their the attorney-client privilege. It is that all of their information into a spot civil rights. important. where people who weren’t authorized Daniel is an example of one who Yet knowing there are countries, could access those Members of Con- could turn their life around and benefit there are companies that would pay gress’ accounts. the community as a whole, and he large amounts of money to know some This has got to be investigated more works with the Mexican Consulate in Members of Congress’ schedule, have thoroughly than it has been. Orlando to do community workshops to access to all their emails, see what Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance teach immigrant families of their con- they are saying about different bills, of my time. stitutional rights. what they want to do, that is some val- f Thank you, Daniel, for your con- uable stuff. And yet, in some years, we b 1900 tributions. were told yesterday, that Imran Awan HONORING ERICKA GOMEZ-TEJEDA was servicing Capitol Hill computers HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH Mr. SOTO. Mr. Speaker, next is from Pakistan. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under Ericka Gomez-Tejeda with Vamos4PR, Now, I don’t know how secure the the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- Florida chapter. She is the civic en- Pakistani internet systems are, but it uary 3, 2017, the Chair recognizes the gagement coordinator at 32BJ SEIU. is kind of hard to believe that the gentleman from Florida (Mr. SOTO) for Ericka Gomez-Tejeda came from Co- American interests would be as pro- 30 minutes. lombia to the United States with her tected in Pakistan and the Capitol con- Mr. SOTO. Mr. Speaker, it is His- mom when she was 8 years old. Moved gressional computer system would be panic Heritage Month, and I want to by her lifelong commitment to her protected as it is going through the take this time to honor some great he- birth country, Ericka moved to Pakistani internet to be serviced. roes in my district of Hispanic descent, Medellin, Colombia, in 2009 and began a We also heard that Imran Awan, from who range from reporters to civil master’s in theology. some of the emails that WikiLeaks put rights heroes, to community orga- Upon her return to the U.S. 2 years out—we don’t know if he worked for nizers, to businessmen and women, and later, she moved to Florida and was the Democratic National Committee I am just proud to be here tonight to be elected vice president of SEIU Local when they were hacked, but we know able to do that. 1199 United Health Care Workers East there were emails where someone was HONORING DANIEL BARAJAS for the Florida nursing home division, saying: We need to get into the chair- Mr. SOTO. Mr. Speaker, the first gen- representing 11,000 nursing home work- woman’s laptop. We need her password. tleman I want to talk about is Daniel ers in the State. Oh, well, Imran Awan has all of her Barajas, the executive director of the In 2014, under the leadership of 32BJ passwords, so check with him. Young American Dreamers. President Hector Figueroa, Ericka re- So we don’t know the extent that he Daniel Barajas was born in Winter turned to the Local 32BJ as deputy di- could have compromised things, with Haven, Florida, to a family of migrant rector of the 12,000-member New York

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:16 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.094 H11OCPT1 October 11, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7971 City security division, leading the field U.S. Office of Personnel Management As part of his work, he has created of operation for the division’s first on strategies for improving access of and developed relationships with var- citywide contracts. Latinos to the Federal workforce. ious Puerto Rican communities. After In 2016, Ericka moved back to Florida Lopez has also served as a founding years organizing public and private and became the 32BJ civic engagement member of the National Hispanic Out- sector employees, Jimmy organized coordinator and organizer of reach Advisory Council, established by and managed the State legislative of- Vamos4PR, Florida division. With 40 Intuit Corporation, focusing on diver- fice for SEIU in Puerto Rico and co- percent of the Orange County Public sity and inclusion, and expanding pene- operated with the establishment of the Schools community speaking primarily tration of equitable tax filing practices legislative coordinating body for the Spanish, Vamos4PR parents, teachers, within growing Latino communities AARP as well. students, and organizations success- across the country. After moving to Florida to help with fully worked with the Orange County Lopez is also a former president and retired members of the Service Em- Public Schools to ensure English-learn- CEO of the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of ployees International Union, he be- ing parents get information, orienta- Commerce Foundation, developing came an activist of the Puerto Rican tions, and translation. strategic services to Latino entre- community and Latino community The coalition is currently focusing preneurs from across the Nation. overall. on offering immediate lifesaving re- Throughout his career, Frank has To improve the Latino representa- sources to Puerto Rico and the can- served several philanthropic and social tion in our area, he organized and co- cellation of crippling debt, while work- service governing boards, most re- ordinated the Boricua Vota movement. ing locally to open doors for the newly cently with SourceAmerica, an organi- This movement is a nonpartisan edu- arrived Puerto Ricans to our region so zation created by Congress that man- cational and mobilization tool to im- they can use their knowledge and skills ages over $2.5 billion in Federal em- prove activism and civic engagement to integrate and contribute to the local ployment-producing contracts adminis- and participation of Puerto Ricans in economy and society from the day they tered locally by affiliated nonprofit the political process. Jimmy also orga- arrive. agencies across the United States and nized and became president of the HONORING ESTEBAN GARCES Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico Action Initiative. Mr. SOTO. Mr. Speaker, next I would HONORING INGRID MORFA To respond to Hurricane Irma, like to highlight Esteban Garces, Flor- Mr. SOTO. Mr. Speaker, next I would Jimmy has helped to organize a coordi- ida State director of Mi Familia Vota. like to honor Ingrid Morfa, immigrant, nated group called Aid, Support, and Esteban directs the Florida operation attorney, and activist, a leader in im- Help Coordinating Group, otherwise of Mi Familia Vota, managing strat- migration law in central Florida. known as CASA. When Maria dev- egy, operations, local policy develop- Ingrid Morfa is an attorney and first- astated the island, CASA galvanized ment, campaigns, civic engagement, generation American. Her parents mi- enthusiasm and desire of the Puerto organizing efforts, and nonpartisan grated from the in Rican community in central Florida to electoral work. the 1970s. help their fellow compatriots—my fel- Esteban’s career was set in motion at As a mother of four, she is a firm be- low compatriots—on the island and has an early age as a victim of landlord liever that educating our community collected and has sent hundreds of abuse. Continued exposure to immigra- and helping those in need will make thousands of dollars in goods and mer- tion, education, and racial injustices the United States a better place for her chandise to Puerto Rico. spurred his interest in social justice. children and grandchildren for years to HONORING JORGE ESTEVEZ He began his career in social justice or- come. Mr. SOTO. Mr. Speaker, next I would ganizing, and then electoral orga- Her studies at Harvard University, like to honor Jorge Estevez, WFTV nizing. Barry University School of Law, Cam- news anchor and journalist in Orlando. He joined Mi Familia Vota in 2015 to bridge College in the U.K., Kaplan Uni- Jorge Estevez is an anchor for the continue working to create positive versity, and the New York City of evening newscast of Eyewitness News change. He was previously the immi- Technology College have equipped In- at 10 p.m. on WRDQ TV 27. He also an- gration campaign director for SEIU grid Morfa to help those around her. chors and reports newscasts on WFTV Local 615. As a member of the National Carib- Channel 9. HONORING FRANK LOPEZ bean Leadership Team and the Demo- Jorge first came to WFTV in 2001 and Mr. SOTO. Mr. Speaker, next I would cratic Hispanic Caucus of Florida, an covered the attacks of 9/11 and how like to honor Frank Lopez of the His- advocate for domestic violence preven- they impacted central Florida’s tour- panic Chamber of Commerce of Central tion with Nuevo Sendero, and an attor- ism industry. Florida. ney who assisted more than 2,000 natu- During the next 5 years as an anchor Frank Lopez is the president of the ralization applicants and dozens of and reporter for WFTV and WRDQ, Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of green card applicants who are victims Jorge worked on major news affecting Metro Orlando. Lopez is passionate of domestic violence and crime at no the various counties that make up our about what he does, and nothing is cost, she has shown a devotion to the central Florida community. Jorge an- more fulfilling to him than being part community that is only surpassed by chored several major local stories, in- of a team with similar interests of an her love that she has for her family. cluding the severe hurricane season of organization that is philanthropic and HONORING JIMMY TORRES 2004, during which several storms im- mission driven, and that values and Mr. SOTO. Mr. Speaker, next I would pacted the Orlando area. pays tribute to those communities he like to honor Jimmy Torres, commu- Since his return to central Florida, serves. nity organizer and activist, and also a Jorge has been sent to cover major sto- Lopez has been successful in creating major member of the SEIU union. ries. His most recent trip was to At- substantive underwriting support to Jimmy Torres Velez grew up in Puer- lanta, where he interviewed Ronny develop and sustain innovative youth to Rico, where he went to public Ahmed, one of three students injured learning and entrepreneurship services. school. After he finished his bachelor’s when a shooter stormed the campus of These programs have produced an im- degree in labor relations at the Univer- Florida State University in 2014 and pressive array of community-building sity of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Cam- started firing at random. benefits, such as workforce readiness pus, he went to work with migrant The son of Cuban immigrants, Jorge and leadership development, youth en- families in southern New Jersey and is from West New York, New Jersey, trepreneurship experimental training Pennsylvania. where he graduated from Rutgers Uni- camps, mentoring and coaching pro- Since then, he has worked for various versity, like myself, with a dual degree grams, community-based technology, unions in many States and in Puerto in journalism and communication. Now and wealth-building programs. Rico. In those years he has held var- he is glad to be back in central Florida, Lopez served as a member of the U.S. ious positions, including trustee, sec- where he enjoys the change of seasons Hispanic Council on Federal Employ- retary-treasurer, organizing director, each year. He enjoys the warm weather ment that advises the Director of the and AFL–CIO State director. because it gives him a chance to leave

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:16 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.096 H11OCPT1 H7972 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 11, 2017 the gym to take his 5-mile runs out- forces as an adviser for 2 years in the HONORING ORLANDO ROLON doors, where he can really break a mountains of Vietnam, as well as an Mr. SOTO. Mr. Speaker, next I would sweat. adviser to the Spanish Army for a cou- like to honor Orlando Rolon. Orlando Thank you, Jorge, for your contribu- ple of years in Spain and in many other Rolon was born in Bayamon, Puerto tions. parts of the globe. After retirement, he Rico, and has lived in central Florida HONORING JOSEPHINE BALZAC, ESQUIRE began to pursue law at the University since 1977. After high school, he served Mr. SOTO. Mr. Speaker, next I would of Puerto Rico. in the United States Marines Reserves like to honor Josephine Balzac, Es- He has worked in banking as vice for 4 years. quire, attorney, writer, and professor president for investments of the Coop- In 1992, Orlando Rolon was hired by at Rollins College, specializing in envi- erative Bank, as a general manager for the Orlando Police Department. In ronmental law. a newspaper in San Juan; he was a can- 1997, Officer Rolon was promoted to Josephine M. Balzac is currently a didate for Mayor of Guaynabo, director sergeant, and, in 1999, he was selected visiting assistant professor in the De- of finances for the Popular Democratic as the first full-time bilingual public partment of Business, teaching in the Party, trial attorney and senior part- information officer in the history of social entrepreneurship major. She has ner of the law firm Pastrana, Perez, the Orlando Police Department. had the honor of being part of Rollins Martinez and Quevedo, executive direc- In 2003, Sergeant Rolon was promoted College since 2014. tor of the Puerto Rico Federal Affairs to lieutenant. He served as the liaison Her greatest honor is receiving two Administration for the Southeast of to the mayor and, during that time, teaching awards from the students: a the United States, and now professor of was named adviser for Hispanic Affairs student government association’s Out- law of the bachelor’s degree in criminal for the City of Orlando. In 2010, he was standing Faculty Award, and the Wal- justice for the Orlando campus of the selected as the special operations traf- ter E. Barden Distinguished Teaching Ana G. Mendez University. He pub- fic enforcement section commander. Award. Throughout each of her classes, lished five books, all honoring his In 2013, Lieutenant Rolon was pro- she makes sure to engage with the Puerto Rican roots. moted to the rank of captain. He local community by bringing her legal Mr. Speaker, I thank Luis for his served as a patrol division commander professionals and organizations as contributions. and the crisis negotiation team com- guest speakers. HONORING NANCY ALVAREZ mander. Prior to his appointment as Professor Balzac is a licensed attor- Mr. SOTO. Mr. Speaker, next I would deputy chief, he was serving as the pro- ney admitted to practice law in Florida like to honor Nancy Alvarez. Nancy fessional standards division com- and the U.S. District Court Middle Dis- was part of the first Hispanic anchor trict of Florida. mander, which included internal af- team on an English language TV sta- fairs, planning, fiscal, and training In May of 2017, the Florida Agricul- tion in central Florida. Along with tural and Mechanical University, under his command. In 2013, he was Jorge Estevez, her coanchor, she named as one of the 25 Most Influential FAMU, College of Law presented her brought the 10 o’clock news on Channel law office with the Distinguished Hispanics in central Florida. 27 TV to number one for the first time In 2014, Mayor Buddy Dyer appointed Alumni Award and Professional Excel- in more than 10 years. lence Award, Solo Practitioner. Captain Orlando Rolon to the rank of Alvarez joined the team at the ABC deputy chief. She is also a community rights staff affiliate in May 2010 and currently co- attorney for the Center for Earth Ju- In 2016, Deputy Chief Rolon was then anchors Eyewitness News This Morn- assigned to patrol services bureau com- risprudence. ing, alongside Jamie Homes. She is the During the summer, she is an adjunct mander, with nearly 400 of the depart- daughter of Cuban immigrants and was law professor at Barry University ment’s sworn staff officers under his born and raised in south Florida, al- School of Law, teaching sustainability command. though she considers Orlando a second in business. Deputy Chief Rolon is a graduate of Professor Balzac previously worked home. Alvarez has spent most of her the Southern Police Institute Com- as an associate attorney at an AV- journalism career in central Florida, mand Officers Development Course, the rated trial litigation firm and worked where she has been front and center for FBI National Academy Session 263, and for a food safety regulatory consulting every major news event in the last 15- the Major Cities Chiefs Association Po- group. plus years. lice Executive Leadership Institute IV She spent years covering the space Ms. Balzac is actively involved in the session. program at Kennedy Space Center, and local community, frequently educating Deputy Chief Orlando Rolon is a was also in central Florida for Hurri- and advocating as an avid speaker on member of the FBI National Academy canes Charlie, Frances, and Jean, re- environmental justice, sustainable de- Associates, Florida Police Chiefs Asso- porting nonstop during the now-infa- velopment, climate change, human ciation, International Association of rights, food, and social justice issues. mous 2004 hurricane season. In recent years, Alvarez was a cen- chiefs of Police, Major Cities Chiefs As- Thank you, Josephine, for your con- sociation, and the Hispanic Chamber of tributions. tral part of her station’s coverage of the Pulse Nightclub shooting tragedy Commerce of Metro Orlando. HONORING LUIS PASTRANA Mr. Speaker, I thank Chief Rolon for Mr. SOTO. Mr. Speaker, next I would and covered various stories during the community’s journey toward healing. his contributions. like to honor Luis Pastrana, attorney, HONORING ROXY SANTIAGO activist, and professional at Ana G. She was also on the air for continuous coverage of Hurricane Irma and trav- Mr. SOTO. Mr. Speaker, next I would Mendez University. like to honor Roxy Santiago, board of Luis Pastrana was born in Puerto eled to Puerto Rico to report on the directors for the LGBT Center of Cen- Rico. He received his bachelor’s degree devastating impacts of Hurricane tral Florida and board of the Pulse in business administration from the Maria. Foundation. University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Alvarez is also a graduate of Flor- Roxy Santiago was born in Old San Campus, while simultaneously being ida’s Atlantic University, with degrees Juan, Puerto Rico, and has lived in Or- commissioned from the Army ROTC as in communications and history. She lando for over 30 years. Roxy has a second lieutenant in the artillery has dedicated her career to giving a worked for over 12 years at Walt Dis- branch. voice to people in need and using hon- He taught at the Puerto Rico Junior est journalism as a tool for community ney World in numerous management College of Dona Ana G. Mendez, and service. roles and had the privilege of being a many years later came full circle and Alvarez, a mother of two who is mar- personal tour guide for former Presi- is now a distinguished professor at the ried to a news photographer, has dedi- dents and other high-profile individ- Orlando campus of the Ana G. Mendez cated her life to honoring the sacrifices uals. University system. made by her parents when they came She was a partner with Phish Phest to the U.S. from Cuba. It is her hope Entertainment for 10 years. The orga- b 1915 that her life, career, and impact have nization held dozens of events, raising Luis served in the Army for 20 years. made the hardships they have endured more than $150,000 for charity over the He was with the Vietnamese irregular worth it. past decade.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.098 H11OCPT1 October 11, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7973 Roxy was Tri-Chair Federal Club their lives; and raising consciousness Orlando chapter; United Front 436, Na- Steering Committee member for about and advocating for farmworkers’ tional Boricua Human Rights Network, Human Rights Campaign, in 2006 and immigrants’ rights. Orlando chapter; and Asociacion through 2009; and in 2014 to present, she Mr. Speaker, I thank Tirso for his Borinquena. She is currently a board is currently serving on the Web Com- contributions. member for Speak Up Florida, and a munications Steering Committee and HONORING WILLIAM DIAZ member and cofounder of The Justice Community Engagement. Mr. SOTO. Mr. Speaker, I would like Project Coalition of Central Florida. In 2014, she was honored with being to honor William Diaz, Spanish radio In addition, she was an English as a selected among 50 distinguished local host. Identified as a consistent commu- second language instructor, and LGBT leaders by entering her biog- nity leader and insightful journalist, worked as a personnel administrator raphy and accomplishments in the U.S. William Diaz’s passion to help fellow for many years. Zoraida was also pro- CONGRESSIONAL RECORD; and here it is citizens in life’s struggles has been evi- gram coordinator for ALSE, where she happening again. denced in the last 28 years of his resi- assisted hundreds of high school stu- In 2015, she became a member of the dency in central Florida. dents pursuing postsecondary edu- Democratic Hispanic Caucus of Central William’s activism in favor of Latin- cation. Florida and assists in their web com- American political development has Zoraida has also led the movement to munications. In 2015, Roxy also became granted him daily recognition with have the Florida Legislature pass a law a volunteer at the American Red Cross most of the Latin-American commu- in 2014, to put a honorary plaque along of Central Florida. In the aftermath of nity in central Florida who listen to Semoran Boulevard in recognition of Pulse, she was hired by the Red Cross him and read his articles. Rico Piccard, the late civil rights hero A native of Cumana, and raised in in the position of community partner- in central Florida. Caracas, Venezuela, he developed a ship. Zoraida has received numerous natural way to start friendships and In 2016, she was selected by the Na- awards for her community service, like show loyalty and support for all hu- tional Human Rights Campaign, with the Lifetime Achievement Award from manitarian causes. 19 other women around the U.S., to at- the National Conference of Puerto tend a workshop for Women and Lead- William was the recipient of a schol- arship that brought him to the United Rican Women; Roberto Clemente Com- ership: Equality for the 21st Century. States to obtain his postgraduate di- munity Service Award; Latino History In 2016, Roxy became a board member ploma. In 1976, the University of Texas Society President’s Award; Out- for the LGBT Center of Central Or- at Austin gave him a master’s degree standing Membership Award from the lando and serves as their secretary on in mass communications. Asociacion Borinquena; Community the board. William served as a Venezuelan dip- Service Award from the office of Con- Mr. Speaker, I thank Roxy for her lomatic official in Europe, when he was gressman Alan Grayson; 2014 Florida contributions. designated as general coordinator of State Proclamation recipient from HONORING TIRSO MORENO the GMA Foundation and the edu- State Representative Victor Torres; Mr. SOTO. Mr. Speaker, next I would cational attache to the Venezuelan Coqui de Oro Award from La Casa de like to honor Tirso Moreno. Tirso was Embassy in Paris, France. Puerto Rico; the Rico Piccard Award born in Mexico and came to this coun- Founder and president of several from the Orange County Democratic try in 1971, with his family to do farm community organizations in his native Party, and more. work. He is currently the director of Venezuela, in 1989, William brought all Mr. Speaker, I thank Zoraida for her the Farmworker Association of Flor- of his experience to the U.S. Since contributions to central Florida. ida. then, he has been very active within I am excited to be able to have this In 1982, he became the lead organizer the Latino community, specifically ad- opportunity to talk about these he- for the Farmworker Project of the Of- vising and counseling new nonprofit or- roes—so many who are symbolic of the fice for Farm Ministry, during which ganizations. hardworking Hispanic Americans in time he and several other farmworkers At this time, William is full-time central Florida who help out with ev- initiated the Farmworker Association. with his radio show, ‘‘Cara a Cara con eryone from our poor, to our civil Under his leadership as general coordi- William Diaz,’’ which broadcasts in 18 rights, to education, to the news, to nator, the association has grown from different counties, founder of Casa de politics, to our environment, to fami- a local to statewide organization with Venezuela, 15 years ago, which gath- lies, to so many important issues that over 10,000 members. ered most of the Venezuelans in central matter to Hispanics across central Tirso is a cofounder and board mem- Florida, and founder of Made in Ven- Florida and across our Nation. ber of the Farmworker Health and ezuela Business Club, dedicated to de- Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance Safety Institute and serves on the veloping networking and promotions of of my time. boards of Southern Partners Fund, Do- products and services for Venezuelan f mestic Fair Trade Association, Na- businessmen and professionals, and tional Immigrant Farming Initiative, current executive secretary of MUD LEAVE OF ABSENCE and the Rural Coalition. He also advo- Central Florida, the political organiza- By unanimous consent, leave of ab- cates for farmworkers’ and immi- tion that hosts and coordinates most of sence was granted to: grants’ rights in national and inter- Venezuela’s opposition political par- Mr. MARINO (at the request of Mr. national meetings. ties. MCCARTHY) for today and for the bal- The Farmworker Association of Flor- HONORING ZORAIDA RIOS-ANDINO ance of the week on account of per- ida currently has five offices through- Mr. SOTO. Mr. Speaker, next I would sonal reasons. out central and south Florida. The mis- like to honor Zoraida Rios-Andino, f sion of FWAF is to build power among president of Mission Boricua. farmworker and rural, low-income Zoraida Rios-Andino has been a resi- ADJOURNMENT communities to respond to and gain dent of Orlando, Florida, for 17 years. Mr. SOTO. Mr. Speaker, I move that control over the social, political, eco- She has been very active in promoting the House do now adjourn. nomic, workplace, health, and environ- cultural, social, and historic events in The motion was agreed to; accord- mental justice issues that impact their the Puerto Rican community. Zoraida ingly (at 7 o’clock and 28 minutes lives. is currently president and founder of p.m.), under its previous order, the FWAF’s core strategy is to help Mission Boricua, an organization dedi- House adjourned until tomorrow, farmworkers realize their power to be cated to history and civic engagement Thursday, October 12, 2017, at 10 a.m. effective agents of social change and of the Puerto Rican community. for morning-hour debate. personal change by: validating and Zoraida supervised the creation and f strengthening the experience and un- promotion of Mission Boricua’s out- derstanding of farmworkers; building reach efforts. PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS farmworkers’ capacity to participate in Zoraida has been part of the National Under clause 2 of rule XII, public decisionmaking processes that affect Conference of Puerto Rican Women, bills and resolutions of the following

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:17 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11OC7.099 H11OCPT1 H7974 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 11, 2017 titles were introduced and severally re- and for other purposes; to the Committee on transportation services offered by high-per- ferred, as follows: Intelligence (Permanent Select), and in addi- forming public and private systems, and for tion to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, other purposes; to the Committee on Trans- By Ms. SA´ NCHEZ (for herself, Mr. for a period to be subsequently determined portation and Infrastructure. MEEHAN, Mr. SCHRADER, and Mr. by the Speaker, in each case for consider- By Mr. REICHERT (for himself, Ms. LANCE): ation of such provisions as fall within the ju- MCCOLLUM, Ms. LEE, and Mr. DONO- H.R. 4006. A bill to establish a Community- risdiction of the committee concerned. VAN): Based Institutional Special Needs Plan dem- By Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of H.R. 4022. A bill to implement a strategic onstration program to target home and com- New York (for herself, Mr. ELLISON, approach for providing foreign assistance in munity-based care to eligible Medicare bene- Ms. JUDY CHU of California, Mr. order to end preventable child and maternal ficiaries, and for other purposes; to the Com- TAKANO, Mr. GALLEGO, Ms. MICHELLE deaths globally within a generation, and for mittee on Ways and Means, and in addition LUJAN GRISHAM of New Mexico, and other purposes; to the Committee on Foreign to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, Mr. CUMMINGS): Affairs. for a period to be subsequently determined H.R. 4013. A bill making appropriations for By Mr. RYAN of Ohio (for himself, Mr. by the Speaker, in each case for consider- the Bureau of the Census for the fiscal year TONKO, and Mr. REED): ation of such provisions as fall within the ju- ending September 30, 2018; to the Committee H.R. 4023. A bill to amend the Elementary risdiction of the committee concerned. on Appropriations. and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to By Mr. DENT (for himself, Mr. LUCAS, By Mr. CICILLINE (for himself, Mr. award grants to States educational agencies Mr. AMODEI, Mr. BOST, Mr. BUCSHON, CONYERS, Mr. DEFAZIO, Mr. GRI- and local educational agencies to support, Mr. CARTER of Georgia, Mr. COLLINS JALVA, Mr. CONNOLLY, and Mr. DOG- develop, and implement formal and informal of New York, Mr. COSTELLO of Penn- GETT): engineering education programs in elemen- sylvania, Mr. CRAMER, Mr. HARPER, H.R. 4014. A bill to amend chapter 5 of title tary schools and secondary schools; to the Mr. HUNTER, Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio, 31, United States Code, to require publica- Committee on Education and the Workforce. Mr. KATKO, Mr. KELLY of Pennsyl- tion of information relating to regulatory By Ms. SPEIER (for herself, Mr. BEYER, vania, Mr. KINZINGER, Mr. KNIGHT, conflicts of interest, and for other purposes; Ms. BONAMICI, Mr. DEFAZIO, Mr. Mr. LONG, Mr. MULLIN, Mr. to the Committee on the Judiciary. LAMALFA, Mr. TED LIEU of Cali- NEWHOUSE, Mr. REED, Mr. ROGERS of By Mr. DUFFY: fornia, Mr. CARTWRIGHT, Mr. GRI- Alabama, Mr. CURBELO of Florida, H.R. 4015. A bill to improve the quality of JALVA, Mrs. NAPOLITANO, Mr. POCAN, Mr. SIMPSON, Ms. STEFANIK, Mr. STIV- proxy advisory firms for the protection of in- Mr. GARAMENDI, Mrs. LAWRENCE, Mr. ERS, Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania, vestors and the U.S. economy, and in the COSTA, Ms. LEE, Mrs. LOWEY, Ms. Mr. TIBERI, Mr. LANCE, Mr. UPTON, public interest, by fostering accountability, EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas, Mr. MEEHAN, Mr. BARLETTA, and Mr. transparency, responsiveness, and competi- Mrs. DAVIS of California, Ms. REICHERT): tion in the proxy advisory firm industry; to SLAUGHTER, Ms. ESHOO, Mr. CLAY, H.R. 4007. A bill to revise the quorum re- the Committee on Financial Services. Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Mr. POLIS, and Mr. quirement for the Board of Directors of the By Mr. GALLEGO (for himself, Mr. JONES): Export-Import Bank of the United States; to JONES, and Mr. DESAULNIER): H.R. 4024. A bill to amend title 18, United the Committee on Financial Services. H.R. 4016. A bill to amend title 10, United States Code, and title 39, United States Code, By Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN: States Code, to eliminate the recoupment of to provide the United States Postal Service H.R. 4008. A bill making additional supple- separation pay, special separation benefits, the authority to mail alcoholic beverages, mental appropriations for disaster relief re- and voluntary separation incentive pay- and for other purposes; to the Committee on quirements for the fiscal year ending Sep- ments from members of the Armed Forces Oversight and Government Reform, and in tember 30, 2018, and for other purposes; to who subsequently receive disability com- addition to the Committee on the Judiciary, the Committee on Appropriations, and in ad- pensation under laws administered by the for a period to be subsequently determined dition to the Committee on the Budget, for a Department of Veterans Affairs and to im- by the Speaker, in each case for consider- period to be subsequently determined by the pose limitations on the authority of the Sec- ation of such provisions as fall within the ju- Speaker, in each case for consideration of retary of Defense to recoup such pay from risdiction of the committee concerned. such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- members who subsequently receive military By Mrs. TORRES (for herself, Mr. tion of the committee concerned. retired or retainer pay; to the Committee on SCHNEIDER, Mr. ENGEL, and Ms. By Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas (for Armed Services, and in addition to the Com- TITUS): himself, Mr. COLE, and Ms. MATSUI): mittee on Veterans’ Affairs, for a period to H.R. 4025. A bill to amend title 18, United H.R. 4009. A bill to authorize the Board of be subsequently determined by the Speaker, States Code, to expand to all firearms the re- Regents of the Smithsonian Institution to in each case for consideration of such provi- quirement that Federal firearms licensees plan, design, and construct a central parking sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the report sales of 2 or more handguns to the facility on National Zoological Park prop- committee concerned. same unlicensed person within 5 consecutive erty in the District of Columbia; to the Com- By Mr. GOTTHEIMER (for himself and business days; to the Committee on the Judi- mittee on House Administration, and in ad- Mr. MAST): ciary. dition to the Committee on Transportation H.R. 4017. A bill to authorize the President By Mr. VARGAS (for himself and Mr. and Infrastructure, for a period to be subse- to take actions to ensure Israel is prepared COOK): quently determined by the Speaker, in each for all contingencies if Iran seeks to develop H.R. 4026. A bill to take certain land lo- case for consideration of such provisions as a nuclear weapon after expiration of certain cated in San Diego County, California, into fall within the jurisdiction of the committee provisions of the Joint Comprehensive Plan trust for the benefit of the Pala Band of Mis- concerned. of Action, and for other purposes; to the sion Indians, and for other purposes; to the By Mr. ISSA (for himself, Mr. GOOD- Committee on Foreign Affairs. Committee on Natural Resources. LATTE, Mr. SMITH of Texas, Mr. SES- By Mr. KRISHNAMOORTHI: By Mrs. WAGNER (for herself, Mrs. SIONS, and Mr. FARENTHOLD): H.R. 4018. A bill to provide for a 3-day wait- CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New York, H.R. 4010. A bill to amend the Revised ing period before a person may receive a and Mr. GALLAGHER): Statutes of the United States and title 28, handgun, with exceptions; to the Committee H.R. 4027. A bill to require global economic United States Code, to enhance compliance on the Judiciary. and political pressure to support diplomatic with requests for information pursuant to By Mr. TED LIEU of California (for denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, legislative power under Article I of the Con- himself, Mr. CURBELO of Florida, Mrs. including through the imposition of sanc- stitution, and for other purposes; to the LOVE, and Ms. JACKSON LEE): tions with respect to the Government of the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 4019. A bill to provide grants to States Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and By Mr. UPTON (for himself and Mrs. and Indian tribes to reform their criminal any enablers of the activities of that Govern- DINGELL): justice system to encourage the replacement ment, and to reauthorize the North Korean H.R. 4011. A bill to amend chapter 329 of of the use of payment of secured money bail Human Rights Act of 2004, and for other pur- title 49, United States Code, relating to aver- as a condition of pretrial release in criminal poses; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, age fuel economy standards for automobiles; cases, and for other purposes; to the Com- and in addition to the Committees on Finan- to the Committee on Energy and Commerce. mittee on the Judiciary. cial Services, and Intelligence (Permanent By Mr. SCHNEIDER (for himself, Mr. By Ms. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM Select), for a period to be subsequently de- MEADOWS, Mr. FRANKS of Arizona, of New Mexico (for herself and Mr. termined by the Speaker, in each case for Mr. SUOZZI, Mr. GOTTHEIMER, Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois): consideration of such provisions as fall with- CORREA, Ms. SINEMA, Mr. GENE GREEN H.R. 4020. A bill to amend the Emergency in the jurisdiction of the committee con- of Texas, Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Food Assistance Act of 1983 relating to the cerned. Pennsylvania, Mrs. WALORSKI, Mr. distribution of food; and for other purposes; By Ms. BASS (for herself, Mr. GRI- YOHO, Mrs. MURPHY of Florida, and to the Committee on Agriculture. JALVA, and Mr. EVANS): Ms. TITUS): By Mr. PERRY: H. Res. 567. A resolution expressing support H.R. 4012. A bill to require a National In- H.R. 4021. A bill to amend title 49, United for the physician assistant (PA) profession telligence Estimate on Iranian proxy forces, States Code, to provide funding for public and the designation of the week of October 6

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L11OC7.100 H11OCPT1 October 11, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7975 through 12, 2017, as ‘‘National PA Week’’; to of the Constitution, which grant Congress Congress has the power to enact this legis- the Committee on Energy and Commerce. authority to over the federal courts. In addi- lation pursuant to the following: By Ms. NORTON (for herself and Mr. tion, the Necessary and Proper Clause of Ar- Pursuant to Clause I of Section 8 of Article RASKIN): ticle I, section 8 grants Congress the author- I of the United States Constitution and H. Res. 568. A resolution expressing the ity to issue subpoenas incident to its legisla- Amendment XVI of the United States Con- sense of the House of Representatives that tive power and require compliance with such stitution, specifically clause 1 (relating to the justices of the United States Supreme subpoenas. providing for the general welfare of the Court should make themselves subject to the By Mr. UPTON: United States) and clause 18 (relating to the existing and operative ethics guidelines set H.R. 4011. power to make all laws necessary and proper out in the Code of Conduct for United States Congress has the power to enact this legis- for carrying out the powers vested in Con- Judges, or should promulgate their own code lation pursuant to the following: gress), and Article IV, section 3, clause 2 (re- of conduct; to the Committee on the Judici- Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3, To Regulate lating to the power of Congress to dispose of ary. Commerce with foreign Nations, and among and make all needful rules and regulations f the severat States and with the Indian respecting the territory or other property Tribes. belonging to the United States). CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY By Mr. SCHNEIDER: By Mr. RYAN of Ohio: STATEMENT H.R. 4012. H.R. 4023. Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: the Rules of the House of Representa- lation pursuant to the following: Article I, Section 8 To make all laws which shall be necessary tives, the following statements are sub- By Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of and proper for carrying into execution the mitted regarding the specific powers New York: foregoing powers, and all other powers vest- granted to Congress in the Constitu- H.R. 4013. ed by this Constitution in the government of tion to enact the accompanying bill or Congress has the power to enact this legis- the United States, or in any department or joint resolution. lation pursuant to the following: officer thereof. Clause 7 of Section 9 of Article 1 states By Ms. SA´ NCHEZ: By Ms. SPEIER: ‘‘No Money shall be drawn from the Treas- H.R. 4006. H.R. 4024. Congress has the power to enact this legis- ury, but in Consequence of Appropriations Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: made by Law . . .’’ lation pursuant to the following: Article I, section 8, clause 18: By Mr. CICILLINE: This bill is enacted pursuant to the power Congress shall have Power—To make all H.R. 4014. granted to Congress under Article 1, Section Laws which shall be necessary and proper for Congress has the power to enact this legis- 8 of the United States Constitution. carrying into Execution the foregoing Pow- lation pursuant to the following: By Mrs. TORRES: ers, and all other Powers vested by this Con- Article I, section 8 of the U.S. Constitu- H.R. 4025. stitution in the Government of the United tion. Congress has the power to enact this legis- States, or in any Department of Officer By Mr. DUFFY: lation pursuant to the following: thereof. H.R. 4015. According to Article 1: Section 8: Clause By Mr. DENT: Congress has the power to enact this legis- 18: of the United States Constitution, seen H.R. 4007. lation pursuant to the following: below, this bill falls within the Constitu- Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article I, section 8, clause 1 (relating to tional Authority of the United States Con- lation pursuant to the following: the general welfare of the United States); gress. Article I, Section VIII and Article I, section 8, clause 3 (relating to Article 1: Section 8: Clause 18: To make all By Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN: the power to regulate interstate commerce). Laws which shall be necessary and proper for H.R. 4008. By Mr. GALLEGO: carrying into Execution the foregoing Pow- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 4016. ers, and all other Powers vested by this Con- lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- stitution in the Government of the United The principal constitutional authority for lation pursuant to the following: States, or in any Department or Officer Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 this legislation is clause 7 of section 9 of ar- thereof. By Mr. GOTTHEIMER: ticle I of the Constitution of the United By Mr. VARGAS: H.R. 4017. States (the appropriation power), which H.R. 4026. Congress has the power to enact this legis- states: ‘‘No Money shall be drawn from the Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropria- lation pursuant to the following: The constitutional authority on which this tions made by Law. . . .’’ In addition, clause (1) To regulate Commerce with foreign Na- bill rests is the power of Congress to ‘‘pro- 1 of section 8 of article I of the Constitution tions, and among the several States, and vide for the common Defence’’, ‘‘to raise and (the spending power) provides: ‘‘The Con- with the Indian Tribes, as enumerated in Ar- support Armies’’, and ‘‘to make Rules for the gress shall have the Power . . . to pay the ticle I, Section 8, Clause 3 of the U.S. Con- Government and Regulation of the land and Debts and provide for the common Defence stitution; and naval Forces’’ as enumerated in Article I, and general Welfare of the United (2) To make all laws which shall be nec- section 8 of the United States Constitution. States. . . .’’ Together, these specific con- essary and proper for carrying into execution By Mr. KRISHNAMOORTHI: stitutional provisions establish the congres- the foregoing powers, and all other powers H.R. 4018. sional power of the purse, granting Congress vested by this Constitution in the govern- the authority to appropriate funds, to deter- Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: ment of the United States, or in any depart- mine their purpose, amount, and period of ment or officer thereof, , as enumerated in availability, and to set forth terms and con- Article I, Section 8, subsection 3: To regulate Commerce with foreign Na- Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 of the U.S. ditions governing their use. Constitution. By Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas: tions, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes; By Mrs. WAGNER: H.R. 4009. H.R. 4027. Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. TED LIEU of California: Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4019. lation pursuant to the following: Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17, giving Con- Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article I, Section 8, To regulate Commerce gress exclusive jurisdiction over the District lation pursuant to the following: with foreign Nations, and among the several of Columbia. That clause was cited as the au- Article I, Section 8, clause 1; and States, and with the Indian Tribes. thority for the government’s ability to ac- Article I, Section 8, clause 18 cept the original Smithson donation and the By Ms. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM f creation of the Smithsonian Institution via of New Mexico: the Act of August 10, 1846. H.R. 4020. ADDITIONAL SPONSORS Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18, the Nec- Congress has the power to enact this legis- Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors lation pursuant to the following: essary and Proper clause, which provides the were added to public bills and resolu- power to enact legislation necessary to effec- Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 of the United tuate one of the earlier enumerated powers, States Constitution tions, as follows: such as the authority granted in Clause 17 By Mr. PERRY: H.R. 44: Mr. PAYNE, Mr. CLEAVER, and Mr. above. H.R. 4021. FLEISCHMANN. By Mr. ISSA: Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 80: Mr. BRAT. H.R. 4010. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 140: Mr. LAMALFA and Mr. HARRIS. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article I, Section 8 of the United States H.R. 166: Mr. PETERSON. lation pursuant to the following: Constitution H.R. 173: Mr. CORREA, Mr. ALLEN, and Mrs. Article I, Section 8, clause 9; Article III, By Mr. REICHERT: MURPHY of Florida. Section 1; and Article III, Section 2, clause 2 H.R. 4022. H.R. 176: Mr. BABIN.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:17 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L11OC7.100 H11OCPT1 H7976 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 11, 2017

H.R. 184: Ms. ADAMS. H.R. 1949: Mr. PALLONE. H.R. 3363: Mr. LUETKEMEYER. H.R. 296: Mr. FARENTHOLD and Mr. BROOKS H.R. 1953: Mr. DESAULNIER. H.R. 3452: Ms. GRANGER. of Alabama. H.R. 1999: Mr. FERGUSON. H.R. 3487: Mr. SMITH of Texas. H.R. 350: Mr. FERGUSON. H.R. 2010: Mr. GIANFORTE. H.R. 3497: Mrs. TORRES, Mr. CARSON of Indi- H.R. 377: Mr. FASO, Mr. STIVERS, and Mr. H.R. 2044: Mr. NEAL, Mr. LANGEVIN, Mr. MI- ana, Mr. DESAULNIER, and Mr. PEARCE. JENKINS of West Virginia. CHAEL F. DOYLE of Pennsylvania, Mr. SOTO, H.R. 3520: Mr. PASCRELL. H.R. 398: Mrs. DEMINGS. and Mr. DEUTCH. H.R. 3591: Mr. NOLAN. H.R. 450: Mr. DUNCAN of South Carolina. H.R. 2069: Mr. UPTON. H.R. 3596: Mr. PALAZZO, Mr. TIBERI, Mr. H.R. 501: Mr. UPTON. H.R. 2095: Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. LUCAS, Mr. ROUZER, Mr. CLAY, Mr. SHIMKUS, H.R. 535: Mr. BUDD, Mr. DESANTIS, and Mr. H.R. 2121: Ms. TENNEY, Mr. POSEY, Mr. and Mrs. WAGNER. WILSON of South Carolina. BYRNE, and Mr. MESSER. H.R. 3632: Mr. SOTO. H.R. 545: Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. H.R. 2226: Mr. COLE and Mr. BRENDAN F. H.R. 3671: Ms. DELAURO. H.R. 664: Mr. DESAULNIER. BOYLE of Pennsylvania. H.R. 3680: Mr. SUOZZI and Mr. SEAN PAT- H.R. 681: Mr. ZELDIN. H.R. 2228: Mr. CURBELO of Florida. RICK MALONEY of New York. H.R. 750: Mr. KING of New York. H.R. 2230: Mr. PAULSEN and Ms. SINEMA. H.R. 3730: Mr. KING of New York. H.R. 785: Mr. SESSIONS, Mr. WOMACK, and H.R. 2282: Mr. MCGOVERN. H.R. 3731: Mr. RUTHERFORD. Mr. WILLIAMS. H.R. 2285: Mr. MCKINLEY and Mr. YOUNG of H.R. 3758: Mr. HECK, Mr. MESSER, Mr. ROSS, H.R. 795: Mr. WELCH, Mr. JOHNSON of Geor- Alaska. and Mr. BUDD. ILDEE ORRES gia, and Mr. K . H.R. 2294: Mrs. T . H.R. 3762: Mr. SHERMAN. H.R. 807: Mr. SUOZZI. H.R. 2295: Mr. CARTWRIGHT. H.R. 3784: Mr. PAYNE, Mr. DESAULNIER, and H.R. 919: Mr. CURBELO of Florida. H.R. 2310: Mr. MOONEY of West Virginia, Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. H.R. 936: Mr. HASTINGS, Mr. MESSER, Mr. Mr. HUIZENGA, Mr. SESSIONS, Mr. H.R. 3820: Mr. DONOVAN. BISHOP of Georgia, Mr. TAKANO, and Mr. FARENTHOLD, and Mr. HARRIS. H.R. 3822: Mr. PITTENGER and Mr. GALLA- WOMACK. H.R. 2401: Mr. NORCROSS and Mr. MAC- GHER. H.R. 960: Mr. TIBERI. ARTHUR. H.R. 3832: Mr. LATTA, Mr. ALLEN, Mr. COFF- H.R. 964: Mrs. DEMINGS and Ms. PINGREE. H.R. 2418: Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD and Ms. PIN- MAN, and Mr. BUCSHON. H.R. 1066: Mr. COFFMAN and Miss GREE. H.R. 3847: Ms. MCCOLLUM. GONZA´ LEZ-COLO´ N of Puerto Rico. H.R. 2465: Mr. KING of New York. H.R. 3852: Ms. MOORE. H.R. 1111: Ms. BASS. H.R. 2482: Ms. JENKINS of Kansas, Mr. H.R. 3871: Mr. COHEN, Ms. NORTON, Mr. H.R. 1133: Mr. BUCSHON and Mr. PEARCE. YODER, and Mr. LOBIONDO. NADLER, Mr. HUFFMAN, Mr. LOEBSACK, Mr. H.R. 1164: Mr. FERGUSON and Mr. MCHENRY. H.R. 2499: Mr. DESAULNIER. DEFAZIO, Mr. BLUMENAUER, Ms. ADAMS, Mr. H.R. 1223: Mr. CLAY. H.R. 2501: Mrs. WAGNER and Mr. CARBAJAL, Ms. HANABUSA, Mr. WALZ, Mr. H.R. 1438: Mr. PRICE of North Carolina and DESAULNIER. NOLAN, Ms. TENNEY, Mr. SEAN PATRICK Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. H.R. 2589: Mr. KING of New York. MALONEY of New York, and Ms. KUSTER of H.R. 1456: Mr. AGUILAR, Mr. ESPAILLAT, and H.R. 2623: Mr. POSEY. New Hampshire. Mr. DELANEY. H.R. 2690: Ms. CASTOR of Florida. H.R. 3875: Mr. COSTA. H.R. 1472: Mr. BLUMENAUER. H.R. 2740: Mr. NOLAN, Mr. CORREA, Mr. H.R. 3879: Mrs. MURPHY of Florida. H.R. 1475: Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois, Mrs. MURPHY of UIZ H.R. 1478: Mr. NADLER, Mr. HIGGINS of New Florida, and Mr. ROKITA. H.R. 3885: Mr. R . York, Ms. BARRAGA´ N, Mr. DESAULNIER, Mr. H.R. 2777: Mr. AGUILAR. H.R. 3889: Mr. CUELLAR. ELLISON, Mr. POCAN, Mr. SIRES, Mr. LARSON H.R. 2793: Mr. CLAY. H.R. 3897: Mr. LOBIONDO and Mr. BISHOP of of Connecticut, Mr. ESPAILLAT, Mr. COOPER, H.R. 2801: Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Georgia. Ms. BORDALLO, Ms. TITUS, Mr. CAPUANO, Mr. H.R. 2841: Mr. AGUILAR, Mr. DESAULNIER, H.R. 3898: Ms. SINEMA and Mr. WILLIAMS. SARBANES, Ms. MATSUI, Mr. JOHNSON of Geor- Mr. ESPAILLAT, and Mrs. DAVIS of California. H.R. 3917: Ms. DEGETTE. gia, Ms. SPEIER, Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD, and H.R. 2851: Mr. STIVERS and Mr. MCKINLEY. H.R. 3936: Mr. VARGAS. Mr. WALZ. H.R. 2856: Mr. ALLEN. H.R. 3947: Ms. KUSTER of New Hampshire, H.R. 1494: Mr. RUSH, Mrs. CAROLYN B. H.R. 2862: Mr. PANETTA, Mr. SOTO, and Mr. Mr. AL GREEN of Texas, and Mr. VARGAS. MALONEY of New York, Mr. MCHENRY, and CARTWRIGHT. H.R. 3948: Mr. MESSER. Mr. COSTA. H.R. 2901: Mr. COSTA. H.R. 3957: Mr. ROKITA. H.R. 1542: Mr. KING of New York. H.R. 2902: Ms. SHEA-PORTER, Ms. NORTON, H.R. 3962: Mr. NADLER, Mr. TAKANO, Mr. H.R. 1552: Mr. DESJARLAIS. and Mr. RASKIN. SCOTT of Virginia, and Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. H.R. 1555: Mr. LOWENTHAL. H.R. 2909: Mr. STEWART. H.R. 3968: Mrs. MURPHY of Florida and Mr. H.R. 1563: Mr. PETERS. H.R. 2920: Mr. JONES. COSTA. H.R. 1575: Mr. DESAULNIER. H.R. 2938: Mr. DESAULNIER and Mr. MAR- H.R. 3969: Mr. POCAN. H.R. 1585: Mr. MESSER. SHALL. H.R. 3999: Mrs. BUSTOS, Mr. ROSS, Mr. H.R. 1626: Ms. SEWELL of Alabama and Ms. H.R. 2954: Mr. ROSS. BERA, and Mr. UPTON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. H.R. 3010: Ms. SINEMA, Mr. CARSON of Indi- H.R. 4001: Mr. KATKO. H.R. 1645: Mr. MESSER. ana, and Mr. POLIS. H.J. Res. 33: Mr. PASCRELL. H.R. 1651: Mr. PAYNE and Mr. COFFMAN. H.R. 3030: Mr. PASCRELL and Ms. NORTON. H. Con. Res. 13: Mr. PAYNE and Mr. COSTA. H.R. 1655: Mr. KATKO. H.R. 3032: Mr. RYAN of Ohio, Mr. PETERSON, H. Con. Res. 59: Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. H.R. 1699: Mr. MITCHELL and Mr. MESSER. Mr. CONNOLLY, and Mr. RUTHERFORD. H. Con. Res. 63: Mr. CASTRO of Texas. H.R. 1762: Mr. CHABOT. H.R. 3042: Mr. MACARTHUR and Mr. COFF- H. Con. Res. 72: Mr. DONOVAN and Mr. H.R. 1779: Mr. FRANCIS ROONEY of Florida. MAN. O’HALLERAN. H.R. 1784: Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. H.R. 3186: Mr. CICILLINE. H. Res. 90: Ms. JACKSON LEE, Ms. ROSEN, H.R. 1824: Mr. MCNERNEY. H.R. 3227: Mr. POCAN, Mrs. DAVIS of Cali- and Ms. BLUNT ROCHESTER. H.R. 1825: Mr. DONOVAN and Mr. KING of fornia, and Mr. DESAULNIER. H. Res. 129: Mr. WILSON of South Carolina New York. H.R. 3255: Ms. SHEA-PORTER. and Mr. CHABOT. H.R. 1832: Mr. RUPPERSBERGER and Mr. H.R. 3273: Mr. DESAULNIER. H. Res. 142: Mr. DESAULNIER. WALZ. H.R. 3274: Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky, Mr. H. Res. 257: Mr. FOSTER. H.R. 1861: Mr. COLE. COURTNEY, Mrs. MURPHY of Florida, Mr. H. Res. 283: Mr. LOEBSACK. H.R. 1865: Miss RICE of New York, Mr. SOTO, Ms. FRANKEL of Florida, and Ms. H. Res. 327: Mr. KING of New York. MULLIN, Mr. GUTHRIE, Mr. TIBERI, Mr. GOH- MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM of New Mexico. H. Res. 529: Mr. DENT. MERT, and Mr. RICE of South Carolina. H.R. 3282: Mr. HURD. H. Res. 555: Mrs. DEMINGS, Ms. ROSEN, Ms. H.R. 1874: Ms. NORTON and Mr. SEAN PAT- H.R. 3307: Ms. LOFGREN. LEE, Mr. MCNERNEY, Mr. O’ROURKE, Mr. RICK MALONEY of New York. H.R. 3349: Mr. BLUMENAUER and Mr. KHANNA, and Mr. NADLER. H.R. 1896: Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN. PETERS. H. Res. 560: Mr. PASCRELL and Mr. PAL- H.R. 1920: Mr. KING of New York. H.R. 3352: Mr. MCGOVERN. LONE.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00056 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11OC7.022 H11OCPT1