Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2017 No. 163 Senate The Senate was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Friday, October 13, 2017, at 8:30 a.m. House of Representatives WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2017 The House met at 10 a.m. and was Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. ests supply only 2 percent of the wood called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Mr. Speaker, next week is National used by the forest products industry. pore (Mr. NEWHOUSE). Forest Products Week, which the Na- More than 56 percent of U.S. forests are f tion observes from October 15 through privately owned, much of it by family October 21. Each year since 1960, our forest owners who manage their lands DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO Nation has celebrated the achieve- to provide value to future generations. TEMPORE ments of the forest product manufac- The industry has tremendous impact turers and organizations throughout The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- on our environment, too. A single tree fore the House the following commu- this country. The forest products industry is an in- can absorb more than 10 pounds of CO2 nication from the Speaker: each year. In the United States, forests WASHINGTON, DC, tegral part of U.S. manufacturing com- petitiveness and is among the top 10 and forest products store enough car- October 11, 2017. bon to offset approximately 12 percent I hereby appoint the Honorable DAN manufacturing sector employers in 45 of the Nation’s CO emissions. NEWHOUSE to act as Speaker pro tempore on States. In the Commonwealth of Penn- 2 this day. sylvania, this industry is home to 265 Forest products play a valuable role PAUL D. RYAN, wood products, paper, and packaging in the life of every American every Speaker of the House of Representatives. manufacturing facilities that make day. Two-thirds of the Nation’s drink- f more than $16 million in products, an- ing water comes from forests. From MORNING-HOUR DEBATE nually, and contribute nearly $3 mil- paper and packaging to wood products, lion to State and local economies tissue and other personal care items, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- through wages and compensation. More these products are at the heart of mod- ant to the order of the House of Janu- than 53,600 hardworking men and ern life and a modern economy. ary 3, 2017, the Chair will now recog- women in the Commonwealth of Penn- Paper products allow us to commu- nize Members from lists submitted by sylvania are employed by the forest nicate, teach, and learn. They provide the majority and minority leaders for products industry. safe packaging for goods and morning-hour debate. Forest products continue to meet the consumables, as well as personal hy- The Chair will alternate recognition evolving needs of people across the giene and cleanliness. Wood products between the parties. All time shall be country and around the world. The for- provide shelter and necessary compo- equally allocated between the parties, est products industry directly employs nents of daily life. and in no event shall debate continue about 900,000 people and supports 2.4 beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other million jobs. It is 4 percent of the total Mr. Speaker, because the industry than the majority and minority leaders U.S. manufacturing GDP. The industry plays such an important role in the life and the minority whip, shall be limited meets a payroll of approximately $50 of everyday Americans, in 1960, Con- to 5 minutes. billion, annually, and manufactures al- gress designated the third week in Oc- f most $240 billion in products every tober as National Forest Products year. Week. Next week, the country cele- NATIONAL FOREST PRODUCTS One-third of the United States is for- brates with events and advocacy cam- WEEK ested—751 million acres. Privately paigns to mark that occasion. Mr. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The owned forests supply 91 percent of the Speaker, I wholeheartedly join those Chair recognizes the gentleman from wood harvested in the United States; across the Nation who applaud the for- Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 State and Tribal forests supply ap- est products industry for its many con- minutes. proximately 6 percent; and Federal for- tributions. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H7921 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:12 Oct 12, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11OC7.000 H11OCPT1 H7922 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 11, 2017 CLEAN POWER PLAN quired to meet carbon pollution and air flict suffering on senior citizens by The SPEAKER pro tempore. The quality standards, as they should have simply relocating from one community Chair recognizes the gentleman from been. to another. Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 min- Trump and Pruitt are making a big I urge my colleagues to join Mr. utes. mistake when they assault the Clean SCHNEIDER and me in support of this Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, 3 Air Act and the Clean Power Plan. measure that will help ensure that our years ago, the Obama administration They are on weak legal ground, and parents, grandparents, and loved ones took a very positive and important they are on the wrong side of science, are looked after by professional care- step towards curbing greenhouse gas economics, the environment, and com- givers who will give them the treat- emissions by initiating the Clean mon sense. ment and respect they deserve. Power Plan, the first-ever national The Clean Power Plan will not be CARING FOR SENIORS DURING NATURAL limit on carbon pollution from power easily unraveled. There is a process to DISASTERS plants. The plan was devised to give unwind it, similar to what it took to Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I States the option to tailor how they put it in place. It will take a lot of urge my colleagues to cosponsor the would reduce carbon pollution, fol- hard work—and evidence that Pruitt Protecting Seniors During Disasters lowing benchmarks set by the Federal doesn’t have—to repeal it and prevent Act, which I introduced with my col- Government. the EPA from regulating carbon emis- league, Congresswoman LOIS FRANKEL For years, States, local governments, sions. of Florida. businesses, and universities have been The plan has powerful allies. I am The horrific deaths of 14 seniors in a making progress towards a low-carbon proud to stand with the environmental Florida nursing home facility in the future, both in anticipation of full im- community, my fellow Democrats in aftermath of Hurricane Irma made it plementation of the Clean Power Plan Congress, many government and trade abundantly clear that more must be and spurred on by a variety of other groups, citizens who care, and a num- done to protect seniors during and forces. Now, the Trump administration ber of businesses. Mars is the latest after natural disasters. has vowed to unravel the Clean Power company to announce that they are In times of emergency, many senior Plan, but the momentum will not stop going to follow through on their carbon citizens find themselves disconnected because of this reckless act. reduction plan. from caregivers and without the treat- Donald Trump and Scott Pruitt can- We will continue this fight for a low- ments and resources that they so des- not repeal engineering, science, or eco- carbon, healthier, more economical fu- perately need. Our bill seeks to recon- nomics. Their attempts would only ture. We will protect alternative en- nect seniors by requiring that Federal harm the economy and our citizens, ergy and honor the commitments we agencies assess how their emergency miring us in the past to serve the in- have made to the wind and solar indus- response efforts impact the elderly. It terests of Big Coal. tries. We will continue to reduce emis- also calls for the implementation of The case for action in reducing car- sions from our transportation sector by standards to better protect and care for bon pollution is compelling. The Clean not rolling back fuel efficiency stand- senior citizens and nursing home resi- Power Plan encourages steps to reduce ards. dents across our Nation during and the dangerous extent of accelerating We will work with the agriculture after emergency situations. climate disruption and attendant ex- sector, which makes up 9 percent of the This is a commonsense, bipartisan treme weather events. total greenhouse gas emissions. A legislative initiative that aims to save Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria strong farm bill can reduce emissions the lives of many senior citizens and are only the latest example of those and enhance productivity through low- helps ensure that the tragedy that events. Now, millions of acres in the carbon protections. took place in south Florida will not West are exploding in wildfires. More Ultimately, Trump and Pruitt cannot happen again. I urge my colleagues to frequent, more intense, and more dan- repeal science, engineering, or econom- join us in support of this lifesaving gerous forest fires are the reality now, ics. I am proud to be part of this effort measure. spurred by climate disruption. to ensure that the United States moves BUILDING A NATIONAL MUSEUM OF THE Out-of-control wildfire has touched forward to exercise leadership in a low- AMERICAN LATINO Oregon’s beloved Columbia River carbon future to fight climate change Ms.