1 2 Modal Realism: The Radical 1 For The American Philosophy Forum. 2 3 The latest version of this handout will Shimpei Endo be available on my website: endoshim- peiendo.github.io June 23, 2019 (Sat) 10:00-10:40 3 Master of Logic, ILLC, Unviersity of Amsterdam. My main interests David Lewis is not extreme enough. Spatialize his modal realism. are metaphysics and logic(s), partic- ularly, modal realism and semantics for non-classical modal logics. Lewis’ “Mad Dog”Modal Realism claims that there are pos-
[email protected] sible worlds and possible things exist as concrete entities as our actual world and things around us. A world is a maximal sum of spatio-temporally connected. No world is metaphysically privileged: actuality is just indexical. 4 4 David Lewis. On the Plurality of Worlds. Blackwell, Oxford, 1986 Many “incredulous stares” have criticized him. 5 5 Shimpei Endo. Contemporary Debates on Possible Worlds. Japanese Student Research Notes of Philosophy of Science, Too extreme?Not extreme enough! How to rescue Lewisian 1(1):135–144, 2018 modal realism? Instead of milding down 6 , I would make Lewisian 6 Richard B Miller. Moderate Modal modal realism more extreme. Realism. Philosophia, 28(3):3—-38, 2001 Lewis is not that crazy for following naturalistic (?) traditions. In total, Lewisian modal metaphysics offers a good deal: a “paradise for philosophers” for a reasonable price. 1. Utility. Possible worlds explain modal phenomena and others. 7 8 7 David K Lewis. Counterfactuals. Basil Blackwell, 1973 2. Quinean ontological commitment. We should admit the existence 8 of possible worlds because our best theory requires thier existence.