If you enjoyed this translation, please consider giving a tip (or 20,) and/or supporting the original author. Author site: http://www.fear.co.jp/information/ksb_rule_info.htm Book site: http://www.fear.co.jp/ksb/index.htm My Ko-fi site:https://ko-fi.com/Y8Y2S406

There’re still some parts missing for now, and I’ll be adding/fixing more stuff, but everything needed to play the game is here.

*TN: I’ve marked translator notes with *TN: 「 」 Make sure ”View > Print Layout” is unchecked.

God's Blessing on this Wonderful World! TRPG Table of Contents

Replay Section – Page 9

Character Section – Page 85

Rules Section – Page 203 World Section – Page 249

Game #bookmark=id.6i7e5qcx1vlnMaster Section – Page 263

Scenario Section – Page 279


Character Sheets and Stuff Character Section (Page 85)


About this book

You, reading this book right now, have probably read ‘God's Blessing on this Wonderful World!’, and have picked up this book thinking it’s a related publication. Or, you’ve already played various “TRPGs”, and reached out your hand thinking it’s a new TRPG.

And you wouldn’t be wrong either way. That’s because this book is a new TRPG (tabletop role-playing game) which uses ‘God's Blessing on this Wonderful World!’ (‘Konosuba’ below), sold by Kadokawa Sneaker Bunko.

What is a TRPG?

A TRPG is a type of game where the participants communicate with each other to create a story. Essentially one of the participants is responsible for being a [Game Master (Shortened to GM below)], and the remaining participants are responsible for being [Players].

The GM prepares the scenario that will be played, and each player is in charge of a [Player Character (Shortened to PC below)], a character that exists in the game world.

The basic flow of a TRPG is as follows.

The GM uses a prepared scenario, and explains just what kind of situation the PCs are in. The players then think about the decisions and actions their PC would make, and then tells that too the GM.

The GM then compares that to the current situation, decides the outcome of the PC’s action, and tells the newly born situation that arose from that action to the players (By using the rules, data, and such recorded in this book, the actions of PCs can succeed or fail).

There is no winning or losing a TRPG. But, if you really want to know how to achieve victory, it would probably be when all the participants including the GM are having fun.

There may be times when your PC ends up dying. There may also be times when the adventure doesn’t go well. However, if you’re able to enjoy the story, that’s victory. A game where you enjoy creating stories with your friends --- that’s a TRPG. What is ‘God's Blessing on this Wonderful World!’?

‘God's Blessing on this Wonderful World!’ (Shortened to ‘Konosuba’ below) is a novel series written by Natsume Akatsuki. Sold by Kadokawa Bunko since 2013, it’s a hugely popular work, with things like comics, , and games based on it.

It is a fantasy novel set in a parallel world. The present-day Japanese main character Kazuma, along with the goddess Aqua, are reincarnated into a parallel world, where they gain various friends, and fight enemies in a comical way. This book is a TRPG made from that ‘Konosuba’.

‘God's Blessing on this Wonderful World! TRPG’

In ‘Konosuba TRPG’, players become adventurers in the ‘Konosuba’ world, and complete requests (Quests) from the adventurer’s guild, like monster slaying or dungeon exploration. Adventurers are split into various “Classes” like the knight, who fights with weapons, or the wizard, who fights with magic.


In the ‘Konosuba’ world, the word “Adventurer” has two meanings.

The occupation that receives requests from places like the adventurer’s guild, and receives rewards for completing quests.

The other is the adventurer class, alongside classes like the knight, and wizard. Golden Rules

In the ‘Konosuba TRPG’, all the game’s participants work together to create one story. And, it’s a game where you enjoy both the process of creating the story, as well as the story itself. In order to do this, and to run the game smoothly, the most foundational golden rules are established in this book. These golden rules take precedence over all other rules, data or such in this book, and in ‘Konosuba TRPG’ related announcements in the future.

GM’s authority

The following powers and abilities are given to the GM when playing a session of ‘Konosuba TRPG’. However, the GM should play with the correct rules when possible, when using these powers and abilities. Additionally, every session’s participant (including the GM) should take care to apply the rules fairly.

Application of Rules (Page 88)

The space being played out in a session is another reality, conceived from the participants’ imagination, and the rules. This book tries to as much as possible print rules that simulate “The reality inside the game”, but even so, situations not described in the rules may arise. If a situation like that occurs, or there is confusion over how to use the rules, the GM has the ultimate authority of deciding how to . Along with that, the GM may create or change rules, or even not apply a currently existing rule. Rejecting Results, and Decisions

The GM may reject player checks or dice roll results if they were not confirmed, or if the player did not have permission, and is allowed to force a player to roll. Also, the GM is allowed to freely decide things like checks and dice roll results of things they do (As an NPC for example) without having to roll dice.

When rules are used incorrectly

If the GM or players incorrectly apply a rule, it should quickly be corrected, and the correct rule should be followed from then on.

At this time, if the rule has been dealt with and there were results, generally, the results should not be changed by something like rewinding time (This is the same as in sports, where results that have been decided are not often overturned). If “Rewinding” like this begins, there’s a chance it will never end. As a result, the GM’s rule judging authority becomes in name only. If that happens, each participant may interpret rules how they wish, deciding the results. In order to prevent this, time should not be “Rewinded”.

Furthermore, before a rule is incorrectly applied, it is not an incorrect action for a player to point that out. The GM should immediately confirm the rule, and apply the correct rule. However, this does not apply when the rule is based off of ‘Application of Rules (Page 88)’. Also, Players should not interrupt the progress of the game by voicing objections to the GM’s judgements.

Objective of each Session

Playing a TRPG, or gathering together for that purpose is called a session. The objective of each session is for every participant to have a fulfilling, enjoyable time. And, the ultimate objective of each session is for every participant to think “Let’s play ‘Konosuba TRPG’ again”, and act to do that.

That said, it’s not too difficult. Every participant gets as many experience points as they can. That is a victory in ‘Konosuba TRPG’.

And, ‘Konosuba TRPG’ is designed so that sessions done that way will be interesting and fun.

Gaining lots of experience points by every participant working together, and saving each other --- This is the objective of each ‘Konosuba TRPG’ session, and how we want you to play.

What you need to play ‘Konosuba TRPG’ (Page 89)

In order to play ‘Konosuba TRPG’, you need to prepare several things.


In order to play ‘Konosuba TRPG’, a GM plus several people (about 3~5) are required.

Six-sided dice

Each person should have around 3~5 dice prepared. Depending on the situation, more than 10 may be required, so the GM should have many prepared so they aren’t in trouble when the time comes.

Writing Implements

Writing Implements include things like pencils and mechanical pencils, which can be erased by an eraser. Of course, this is required for all participants. The GM also needs red, and black ballpoint pens. Rulebook

This book. Each player should have a rulebook if possible, in order for easy referencing of data and such.

Sheet copies

Copies of the sheets printed in this book should be copied beforehand. What needs to be copied is below.

Character Sheets (Or sample characters): Number of players

Record Sheets: Number of players

Session Sheet: One page

Selection Rule

In this book, there exists a selection rule called cheats. A selection rule refers to a rule that members who participate in the game decide whether to use or not.

Cheats can make it hard to maintain game balance, especially for lower level PC’s. Of course, that can also be fun, but it’s not certain everybody will enjoy it. That’s why we made it so the game’s participants can decide on their own whether or not to use them.

It’s not a problem for players to want to adopt them, but the GM should ultimately decide on their adoption. Volcabulary Guide

While reading this book, there may be words or terms you don’t understand. For that, we have collected descriptions of terms appearing in ‘Konosuba TRPG’.

Vocabulary Guide 1 (Fundamentals) (Page 91)

Here, game rules used even among the ‘Konosuba TRPG’ game terms are explained. We want you to use it when you don’t undertand a word.

Fraction Management

If a fraction results when dividing numbers, round down as a rule.

Third Person

In this book, third person terms like “He” or “His” are used for consistency. This is for greater readability, and is not done with any intent of discrimination.

How to Read Dice

In ‘Konosuba TRPG’, six-sided dice is used to generate random numbers (When just dice is said below, it means six-sided dice). We’ll next explain how to read those dice.


Roll, and sum the results of n dice (n is a number of one or greater, and D is an abbreviation of dice). -D66

Roll two dice, with one being the tens place, and the other being the ones place. When rolling a D66, decide which dice is the tens place, and which is the ones place before rolling. The result is between 11~66.

-Example when rolling two dice:

2D6 (nd6): dice 1 = 1, dice 2 = 3, 1 + 3 = 4

D66: dice 1 = 1, dice 2 = 3, 10 + 3 = 13


ROC is an abbreviation of “Roll or Choice”, and represents that it’s fine to use dice to decide displayed entries, or to choose for yourself. Of course, you can decide again even after rolling the dice. When using ROC with a chart, it means to select one entry using the method above. Also, when there are entries with numbers like 00, which can’t be rolled with a dice, it means an entry that must be picked for yourself.

Notation Types

In ‘Konosuba TRPG’, within the book text, the following symbols are used to represent game terms. If these terms are used in a calculation, you should substitute the numbers into the formula.

-Base Ability Scores, and Ability Scores are 【】 Example: Base Strength Score Agility 【 】【 】 -Skill names, cheat names are 《》 Example: Devastating Strike 《 》 -Element names are 〈〉 Example: Fire 〈 〉 -Trap names, object names are []

Example: Pitfall [ ] Formulas, and words used as game terms are [] Example: Success score , 3D + 10 [ ] [ ] Game Master

Abbreviated as GM. The host player in this game. Carries out things like staging the game, dealing with various data, and judging on rules.


Participants other than the GM. Each player participates in the game by creating their own alter ego character.

Original Work

When “Original work” is written in this book’s text, it refers to the original novel ‘God's Blessing on this Wonderful World!’.

Vocabulary Guide 2 (Rules)

Here, game rules used even among the ‘Konosuba TRPG’ game terms are explained. We want you to use it when you don’t undertand a word.

HP Abbreviation for hit points. Called “Life force” in the original work. Represents a character’s physical endurance, which decreases as damage is taken. HP may become negative as a result of being decreased. If HP becomes zero or lower, the character can no longer fight, and has a risk of dying.


Abbreviation for mental points. Called “Magical power” in the original work. Decreases when things like skills are used. Unlike HP, The minimum value is zero.


Abbreviation for non-player character. Characters the GM oversees that are not PC’s.


Abbreviation for player character. A character that the player operates. Generally one player operates one character.

Character Level

A number that represents things like a character’s power, and the wealth of experience from adventures. Generally the higher this is, the more powerful the character. Sometimes abbreviated as CL.


Also called occupation, job, or such, in the original work. Represents the division of roles in places like a battle or in an adventure, like the knight who fights with a sword, or the wizard who fights with magic.

Base Class

The class you can choose during character creation in ‘Konosuba TRPG’ is called a “Base class”.

Advanced Class Also called advanced occupations in the original work. Classes more specialized than the base classes. Classes you can change to when your character level is 10 or higher.


Things made into data such as special abilities like battle techniques or magic, talents like opening locks, special characteristics like a keen instinct.

Experience Points

Points used for things like developing PC’s. Given to players, not PC’s.


One play of ‘Konosuba TRPG’.

Dice Roll

Rolling a dice to decide things like the result of an action or damage.

Ability Score

Numbers that represent things like how powerful a character is, or how smart they are. Split into the seven areas of strength, dexterity, agility, intelligence, perception, spirit, and luck.


An ability that represents the possibilities of the PC’s as main characters in a story (session). By using these Blessings , it’s possible to 【 】 do things like increase the number of dice rolled, or reroll.

Free Action An action you can use once during your main process, that doesn’t require a minor action or major action.

Minor Action

An action you can use once during a round, that doesn’t require an action check.

Move Action

An action you can use once during a round, that is used for movement.

Major Action

An action you can use once during a round, that requires an action check.

Round Progress

Game progress that is used during battle. Split up into time units called rounds.

Vocabulary Guide 3 (World)

Parallel World

The setting of this work. A world with an atmosphere associated with so-called fantasy games. Unlike present-day Japan, magic exists. Things like civilization and culture can be thought of as Earth in the middle ages.

Game Time Period The time period this game takes place in is during the first volume of the original work. Specifically the time period when Kazuma and Aqua arrived in the parallel world.

Town of Axel

A town where fledgling adventurers gather. This is the main setting even in the original work. Geographically it’s the furthest from the demon lord’s castle, and the monsters that infest the surroundings are relatively weak. The outer circumference of the town is surrounded by a stone wall, a so-called fortified city.


In a narrow meaning, a single class. In a broad sense, refers to people of the so-called “Adventurer occupation”, who belong to the adventurer’s guild, do things like slay monsters and act as bodyguards for merchants. All of the PCs in this game are adventurers.

Adventurer’s Guild

A place that does things like act as an intermediary for adventure requests (Quests), and buys goods that adventurers obtain. A restaurant and bar are also attached. A registration fee of 1,000 eris is required when registering with the guild. Furthermore, the PCs in this game have already paid the fee and been registered.


Lodging facilities used by many adventurers who don’t have a house in the town of Axel. Relatively expensive compared to in Japan.

Horse Stable

Facilities for keeping horses in the town of Axel. It’s possible for humans to lodge, and compared to an inn can be borrowed at a reasonable price. Because of this, they are used by adventurers who are tight on cash.

Kingdom of Belzerg

The name of the country the town of Axel is in. As the name suggests, is ruled by a king, with nobles existing underneath. Goddess Aqua

A goddess who oversees guiding those who’ve died young in Japan. Also a goddess of water. Sent those who died in Japan to a parallel world as heroes. This and that happened, and she ended up being sent to a parallel world with Kazuma.

Axis Believer

People who worship Aqua. People outside the Axis church think “It’s full of crazy people, it’s best not to get involved with them”.

Goddess Eris

The goddess of good luck, who gathers the most belief in the parallel world. Also a form of currency in the parallel world.

Eris Believer

People who worship Eris. The most major religion in the parallel world. On the other hand, Axis believers have a fierce opposition to Eris and Eris believers.

Crimson Demon Clan

People with red eyes, who live in the crimson demon village. Have a strong aptitude for being magic users, with innately high magical power and intelligence. Generally speaking have names with a unique naming sense, and many have exaggerated and theatrical speech and behavior.


Various magical beasts that live in the parallel world. Aside from those like goblins and kobolds, things like cabbage and lettuce are also monsters.

Demon Lord

King of the demons. Leading the demon lord army to invade human countries. Demon Lord Army

The greatest of the demon lord’s forces. There are eight demons called generals.


He who defeated the demon lord, or he who seems like he might do it in the future. The reincarnated from Earth have been called “Hero candidates”.

Character Creation (Page 94)

Before Creating a Character

In order to play ‘Konosuba TRPG’, you must create a player character (PC). The PC you create is an adventurer in the world of ‘Konosuba’. That PC is your alter ego, and along with the PC’s the other players have made in the same way, you go on various adventures. PC’s have several attributes that represent their physical and mental strength, abilities you take called skills, and equipped weapons or armor, each represented by data. Creating a PC is nothing other than deciding what this data should be.

However, PC’s aren’t represented from just this numerical data. Settings like name, sex, age, lineage or experiences are also included, forming a single character.

For that, we’ll first explain the order for forming a PC. Data Representing the Player Character

As said before, PC’s are represented by several kinds of personal data which describes each PC’s information, like race, class, attributes, skills, items, name and personal history. Before creating a character, let’s look at each kind of data.


In the base rulebook of ‘Konosuba TRPG’, you can choose one race from three races.

A “Reincarnated”, who died in the real world of earth, and was reincarnated into the world of ‘Konosuba’ from a goddesses power.

A “Native”, who was born in and lives in the world of ‘Konosuba’.

And a “Crimson Demon”, a race with magical power.

*TN: Removed a spoiler.

Things like the PC’s outward appearing features, and innate abilities are decided by race. Also, each race has different aptitudes for the below-mentioned classes, so you should probably think about classes as well, when selecting a race. Descriptions for each race are written on pages 126~131, so you should use that as a reference.


That which represents a PC’s role is a Class , like the knight who uses a sword to fight, the priest who uses healing magic, and the [ ] wizard who uses offensive magic. PC’s must pick one class.

Ability Score Just like in the real world, the people of ‘Konosuba’ also have strong people, weak people, dexteritous people, clumsy people, and such, with each person having their own characteristics. Ability scores are the data that represents those physical and mental fortes and [ ] weaknesses. Ability scores are divided into the seven categories of Strength , Dexterity , Agility , Intelligence , 【 】 【 】 【 】 【 】 Perception , Spirit , and Luck , each having their own value. The minimum value is zero, and there is no maximum value. The 【 】 【 】 【 】 higher this value, the more you excel in the field related to the ability score. Each kind of ability score and their meanings are summarized on page 207, so you should use that as a reference.

Skill (Page 95)

If ability scores are the basic capabilities of a character, then Skills are things characters have like talent and techniques made into [ ] data. For example, Movement skill represents a high movement capability, and Weapon skill represents proficiency in the use of 《 》 《 》 weapons.

These are split into Race skills , which are skills set by race, Class skills , which are set by class, and General skills , which can be [ ] [ ] [ ] obtained independent of class.

Other than those, there are Enemy skills , which are obtained by the PCs’ enemies. [ ] Item

The weapons and armor characters equip, and things like tools used in adventures are collectively called Items , and the items that a [ ] character possesses are called Possessions . Possessions are split into three groups, Equipment , which are things like weapons [ ] [ ] and armor that can be put on yourself, Portables , which can be put away into backpacks and pouches, and those which are neither [ ] equipment nor portables.

Personal Data Personal data is data that is represented by character settings like their name, sex, age, and appearance, and things like the character’s origin and history, which is called their life path.

How to Make a Character

Now then, let’s see how to create a character.

This may be easier to understand if you follow along by creating a character while reading, after preparing copies of a sample character and character sheet, writing implements for entering data into the character sheet, and two dice.

Two Methods of Creation

The two methods for character creation shown in this book are Quick start and Construction . Players should create their [ ] [ ] character following either method. However, if the GM designates a creation method, that should be followed.

Quick Start

Quick start is a character creation method where everything except personal data is already decided, based off of sample characters. On the sample character page, along with the character data, things like that character’s illustration and example settings are written. Using that as a reference, decide their personal data, and the character will be complete.

Character creation from quick starting is explained beginning from page 98.


Construction is a character creation method where the player freely selects data following a set procedure. There are many different things you should know to create a character, and it takes more time and effort. Construction should be used after playing ‘Konosuba TRPG’ a few times, or for those who have the time to create a character.

Character creation from construction is explained beginning from page 117.

Personal Data The personal data creation method is the same for both quick starting and construction. Either way, follow page 110 to decide personal data.


Cheats are things like special characteristics or special abilities of characters appearing in the original ‘Konosuba’ novel that have been made into data. A more detailed explanation can be found on page 196.

By bringing in cheats, session developments can become flashier, and unpredictable. At the same time, there is a chance of session progress breaking down.

If the GM gives permission, PC’s can obtain cheats.

Order of Character Creation

Quick start (Page 98) – Sample character selection – Copying data


Construction (Page 117) \/

Personal Data Preparation (Page 110)

Decide life path




Decide name, sex, age

Decide things like appearance, circumstances, background


Complete Quick Start (Page 98)

Quick start is a character creation method aimed at people who’ve never played ‘Konosuba TRPG’ before, people who don’t have much time to play, and people who want to start the game right away.

Quick Start Procedure

The character creation method used for quick start is as follows.

Sample Character Selection

First decide which sample character to use as a model character. Sample characters are recorded on pages 100~109, so choose one from among those.

At an actual session, the GM will designate which sample characters can be used. In that case, consult with the other players and choose from those designated.

You can start the game right away by copying the combined illustrations and data of the sample characters (The sample characters may be reproduced only for personal use). It might be good for the GM to lay out copies of the sample characters for players to choose from. Abbreviations on the Character Sheets

A portion of the used terms in the data fields used with the sample characters are abbreviated. Please reference below.

Setup > Setup Process Move > Move Action Minor > Minor Action Major > Major Action Before Check > Right Before Check After Check > Right After Check Before DR > Right Before Damage Roll After DR > Right After Damage Roll

Deciding Personal Data

What’s left is deciding various character setting like name, sex, and age, and the origin, circumstances, reason for adventuring, and such from their life path. Fill it in while referencing page 99.

How to decide personal data is described from page 110.

How to Read the Character Sheet (Page 99)

1 Character Name

Enter the character’s name.

2 Player Name

Enter the player’s name.

3 Character Appearance and Such

Enter settings like the character’s age, sex, and appearance.

4 Race

Enter the character’s race.

5 Class

Enter the character’s class.

6 Character Level

Enter the character’s level.

7 Ability Scores, Checks

Enter the character’s base ability scores and ability scores. Things like skill and item modifiers should also be written. Enter the dice number, and numbers used for checks under Checks on the far right. 「 」 8 HP, MP, Blessings Enter the max HP , MP , and Blessings of the character. 【 】 【 】 【 】 9 Life Path

Enter origin, circumstances, and objective.

10 Cheats

If cheats have been acquired, enter them here. Enter the cheat’s merits and demerits in the effects.

11 Equipment

Enter equipment like weapons and armor.

12 Battle

Enter scores used in battle, like for target hit checks and evasion checks.

13 Special Checks

Enter modifiers from things like skills, and checks used for special actions, like trap detection or magic checks.

14 Lifestyle

Enter the main lifestyle the PC has acquired. Can leave empty.

15 Portables

Enter information on the character’s portables.

16 Portables Weight / Portables Max Weight

Enter the character’s sum weight of portables, and the item carry limit (Portables Max Weight). 17 Money

Enter the money the character possesses. In units of KE.

18 Skills

Enter the race skills, class skills, and general skills the character has taken. If there is a skill Use Requirement , describe it under effects. 「 」

Deciding Personal Data (Page 110)

After deciding a character’s game data from quick start or construction, decide the personal data. Personal data is information that comprises a character’s background settings, like name, age, and sex, and things like personal history decided from their life path, past events, and the objective of their adventure.

Life Path

The Life paths of a character are three types of data; their Origin that represents their personal history, [Circumstances] they [ ] encountered in the past, and the Objective of their adventure. Each life path is decided from their own table by using ROC (Rolling dice [ ] and referencing the entries, or by choosing an entry from the table. Refer to Page 91).

Furthermore, each life path table is divided by race for “Reincarnated use”, “Native use”, and “Crimson demon use”. Be sure to use the table corresponding with your character race when deciding life paths.

Origin (Page 111) Origin represents what kind of circumstances the character was born into. Roll two dice, one being the tens place, and the other being the ones place, resulting in a number between 11~66(Be sure to decide which dice is the tens place, and which is the ones place before rolling. It’s convenient if you prepare two differently colored dice). Look up the corresponding entry in the origin table (Pages 111-113).

Reincarnated Origin

The origin table for a reincarnated is the incident that brought them to the ‘Konosuba’ world.


Circumstances represent something that the character encountered in the past. Use ROC like with the origin, decide the circumstances from the circumstances table, and record it in the circumstances section in your character sheet.


Represents the character’s objective in becoming an adventurer. Use ROC like with the origin, decide the objective from the objective table, and record it in the objective section in your character sheet.

Other Settings

The following are character settings the player can freely choose. Decide the contents of the entry, and you can record it in the upper right space of your character sheet

Name, Sex, Age

It’s fine for the player to freely choose. When using quick start, you can change things like the sample character’s illustration or information like their background. Just because the illustration’s sex is a man doesn’t mean the character has to be a man.The same goes for age. The player can freely choose.

Appearance Things like hair color, eye color, skin color, height, weight should be deciding referencing each race’s settings. Also, those who can draw can use the upper right space in the character sheet to draw their character’s appearance.

Non-entry Settings

Players can freely choose settings outside of those recorded in the character sheet, such as friends, family, happenings, and special features in their appearance. However, conflicts may arise between these settings and the scenario the GM has prepared, so be sure to discuss it with the GM, and decide character settings that are a good compromise between the GM and player.

Origin Table (Reincarnated) D66 ROC

Dice Result Origin Description

00 Choose Discuss with the GM, and decide on a setting you like.

11~12 Truck Either from bad luck or someone’s intention, you were about to be run over. But before you realize it, you’re in an unfamiliar place, sitting in a simple chair.

13~14 Gun Clap You were covering someone, simply had bad luck, or weremade into a shield. Right after the roar of gun clap, you were sitting in a simple chair.

15~16 Smartphone You were contacted on your smart phone. The moment you checked the message, you were sitting in a simple chair in an unfamiliar place.

21~22 Dream You had a dream. It was a dream of That world which 「 」 you adored. When you awoke from the dream, you were sitting in a simple chair in an unfamiliar place.

23~24 Game You were playing an RPG on a system you borrowed from someone. Before you realize it, you’re in an unfamiliar place… except you’re not. This is That world . 「 」 25~26 Fog You got lost in a dense fog that suddenly appeared.Upon somehow getting out of the white fog, a land you’ve never seen before stretches out s in front of you.

31~32 Shooting Star You were wishing on a shooting star. The sparkling shooting star is beautiful, but isn’t it a little close? Before you realize it, you’re sitting in a simple chair.

33~34 Hole You were gazing into the abyss, when someone pushed your back. You continually fall. Before you realize it, you’re sitting in a simple chair.

35~36 Voice From Heaven A voice like that of a beautiful goddess echoes directly in your head. It seems that voice is mistaking you for someone else. Before you realize it, you’re sitting in a simple chair.

41~42 Stairs To save someone, you take the fall in their place. Your vision spins, and before you realize it, you’re sitting in a simple chair.

43~44 Lightning Pierced by a lightning strike, you couldn’t prepare for or feel death. Before you realize it, you’re sitting in a simple chair.

45~46 Violence You got involved in someone’s fight. You feel crippling pain. Before you realize it, you’re sitting in a simple chair.

51~52 Magic Circle Markings like a magic circle suddenly appear around your friend. You’re caught up in the markings and… before you realize it, you’re sitting in a simple chair.

53~54 Video A video you happen to happened to watch. You feel like you’re being sucked into your screen, and… before you realize it, you’re sitting in a simple chair.

55~56 Mysterious Door You never noticed there was a door there before. You casually open the door, and… before you realize it, you’re sitting in a simple chair.

61~62 Flash of Light Suddenly an intense burst of light explodes in front of your eyes. Before you realize it, you’re sitting in a simple chair.

63~64 Lynch You were unjustly lynched. You pass out from the pain and humiliation. Before you realize it, you’re sitting in a simple chair.

65~66 Unknown Before you realize it, you’re sitting in a simple chair. Before your eyes is a beautiful woman who is smiling to you.

Origin Table (Native) D66 ROC Dice Result Origin Description

00 Choose Discuss with the GM, and decide on a setting you like.

11~12 Heroes Your parents are widely known, and are praised as heroes among some. Your parents’ existence influences you in various ways.

13~14 Nobles You are a child of royalty or nobles. You were brought up with a high level of education.

15~16 Knights Your parents work as knights. Following in their footsteps, you have served with the knights yourself.

21~22 Adventurers Your parents are also adventurers just like you. Your first adventure was a family trip.

23~24 Mercenaries Your parents are mercenaries. They’ve fought in numerous battlefields, with you in tow.

25~26 Spies Your family hides and walks in the shadows. They follow people like royalty, nobles, and famous merchants, and perform espionage and sabotage.

31~32 Priests Your parents are priests. You may freely decide if they are in the Eris Church, Axis Church, or are followers of a different god.

33~34 Magi Your parents are Magi. You’ve inherited various magic knowledge from your parents.

35~36 Adventurer’s Guild Staff Your parents interact with adventurer’s as employees of the adventurer’s guild.

41~42 Scholars Your parents are scholars. Various magic items lay around your house.

43~44 Merchants Your parents are merchants. You’ve studied their business and negotiations with customers. Your current self is formed from those experiences.

45~46 Hunters Your parents are hunters. Everything you know about things like survival and outdoor living have been taught to you by your parents.

51~52 Wanderers Your parents are traveling nomads. Along with your parents, you’ve been to many places, and seen many sights.

53~54 Battlers Your parents are battlers who fight in arenas. Arenas are always side-to-side with danger. You’ve felt that tension with your skin.

55~56 Criminal Organization Your parents belong to an organization that contracts sabotage, assassinations, and the like. You’ve seen that dark side whether you like it or not.

61~62 Ex-convicts Your parents have committed crimes, or they’ve been wrongly imprisoned. You’ve lived always having to keep a low profile.

63~64 Demons Your parents are demons. The feared blood of darkness runs in your veins. 65~66 Ordinary people Your parents are normal people who live in a town or village. They’ll keep going no matter what life throws at them. That’s the strength of being normal people.

Origin Table (Crimson Demon) D66 ROC

Dice Result Origin Description

00 Choose Discuss with the GM, and decide on a setting you like.

11~12 Heroes Your parents are widely known great magi, and are treated as heroes. It’s a problem that people snicker when you say though.

13~14 Rulers You come from the ruling class of the crimson demon clan. Your household has never had any problems with finances, and you’ve led a comfy life.

15~16 Knights Unusual for crimson demons, your parents work as knights. You’ve had all kinds of complicated feelings in watching them.

21~22 Adventurers Your parents are also adventurers just like you. Your first adventure was a family trip.

23~24 Magi For Hire Your parents are magi for hire. They’ve earned their meals with their magic techniques. For some reason, you’ve never stayed in one place for too long.

25~26 Magic Ninjas Your family walks in the shadows of history, using the power of magic as pros of concealment.

31~32 Sages Your parent are both transcendent magi, and virtuous priests. Many people have come to them for their counsel.

33~34 Magi Just like many crimson demons, your parents are transcendent magi. But even among them, they’re an outstanding presence.

35~36 Guild Support Member Your parents are employees of the adventurer’s guild. They act mainly as support, doing things like magical item appraisal, and disenchanting.

41~42 Magic Item Appraisers Your parents do magic item appraisal. Because of this, there’re many dangerous treasure lying around your house.

43~44 Magic Merchant Your parents are magic merchants who deal in rare magic items that are tremendously expensive. You feel kinda proud watching them.

45~46 Dirt-poor Living Your parents have sacrificed everything to increase their power as magi, and you were left in a catastrophic financial situation. 51~52 Wandering Magic Users You’ve traveled together with your parents. You’ve been to many places, and seen many sights. Only, you just don’t know why they continue traveling.

53~54 Notorious Killers Your parents fight with the power of magic. Rather, they’re actually assassins that kill using magic. You’ve known about this for quite some time.

55~56 Secret Organization Your parents are members of a mysterious secret society. They’ve thrown themselves into various missions ordered by the organization.

61~62 Fugitives Your parents are fleeing from some kind of huge power, organization, or individual. You’ve always been in hiding, protected by your parents.

63~64 Demons Your parents are demons. The feared blood of darkness runs in your veins.

65~66 Ordinary people Your parents don’t use the abundant magical power of the crimson demons, and just lead a grounded life as one of the town’s citizens. Circumstance Table D66 ROC

Dice Result Circumstances Description

00 Choose Discuss with the GM, and decide on a setting you like.

11~12 Master You have a master who’s taught and trained you on techniques, and how to live.

13~14 Alone in the World You’ve been split apart whether from an incident, disaster, or death, and you now live alone, separated from family.

15~16 Invalid You’ve suffered from a severe wound or illness. That experience has probably greatly altered your view of life and death.

21~22 Parents-in-law You’ve been raised by parents-in-law. You can freely set things like the reason, relationship with your parents, and how you feel about it.

23~24 Revelation One day, you heard the voice of a beautiful goddess. You’ve been chosen by the goddess. For some great, important duty. Definitely, probably.

25~26 Plundered You’ve been stolen from. Whether it was a treasure, loved one, or something else. Whatever it was, it was extremely precious.

31~32 Downfall For some kind of reason, you’ve lost your position at your company, financial security, or family honor. Your family home has fallen to ruin, being a shadow of its former self ever since.

33~34 Loss You’ve lost something important. A treasure, family, or something else. Whatever it was, there’s no doubt it was extremely precious.

35~36 Traveler You’ve traveled from a far-away continent, or unknown region. Just how far have you come, traveling like this? Your journey’s end is still out of sight.

41~42 True Identity You discovered your true identity. You haven’t told anyone about it. Rather, will a day ever come when you can?

43~44 Amnesia You don’t have memories of your past. You’ve lost a portion of your memories up until now, or you’ve lost memories of yourself.

45~46 Great Success You’ve had a great success in the past. It’s become a point of pride for you. Or perhaps you don’t recall the success at all.

51~52 Promotion You’ve been promoted within the guild. Or maybe you’ve gained a noble’s position from your adventuring. Oppositely, maybe you’ve become a free man, having been freed from slavery.

53~54 Best Friends There’s someone you can call a best friend. Or there’s someone you can call a soul mate. You can freely set the details.

55~56 Wanderer You’re traveling around the world. Whether of your own will, or because of some circumstances. That you’re here right now is probably part of that journey.

61~62 Betrayed You’ve been betrayed. Whether by someone you trust, someone in business dealings, a client, or sponsor. No matter from whom, it was a hard blow.

63~64 Life of Leisure You’ve lived peaceful days as a regular citizen, without any particularly large troubles.

65~66 Goddess’ Secret You’ve learned a secret of a certain goddess. You may be in danger, having learned it.

※The player can decide the details of the circumstances, or decide after discussing with the GM.

Objective Table D66 ROC

Dice Result Objective Description

00 Choose Discuss with the GM, and decide on a setting you like.

11~12 Money! Your objective is money. In this world, as long as you have money, you can make it somehow. Things you can’t buy with money? You’re not interested in them.

13~14 Training Your objective is training. Forging your body and heart, you aim to become something even greater. 15~16 Quest From the request of a beautiful goddess, you’re acting to slay a certain demon lord. You must complete this grand quest.

21~22 Curiosity Your objective is to sate your own curiosity. You’re aware these feelings will expose you to danger. But, you can’t stop.

23~24 Fate You’re on a journey guided by a destiny weaved by an elegant goddess. You can’t stop until your fate has been decided.

25~26 Revenge You’re an avenger. However, your objective remains unfulfilled. You don’t have the strength, or you don’t know who to take revenge on. You’re consumed by that flame.

31~32 Warmonger You love fighting. You only truly feel alive when feeling the presence of a merciless death nearby, or by grasping life with your own power.

33~34 Searching for Someone Your objective is looking for someone. Just where can they be? You can freely set things like the reason, and relationship with the person.

35~36 Breadwinning You’re working as an adventurer to provide for important people or family. What you earn as an adventurer goes to food for them to live.

41~42 Coercion You’re being forced to take action regardless of your will. No matter how you feel about it, you don’t have a choice. 43~44 Escape You’re being pursued by someone. You can’t settle down in one place. You act the way you do to escape from your pursuer.

45~46 Justice You’re traveling in order to embody your own justice. For a day of blessings to come to this world so far from your ideals.

51~52 Friendship Your objective is to save a certain friend. You’re not doing it for a reward. It’s all for your friend, and for yourself, who deeply treasures your friendship with them.

53~54 Reclaim Your objective is reclamation. To take back what was once yours. That’s what you’re working for.

55~56 Claim You’re looking for something. A tremendous power, fortune, or a way to return to your hometown. Obtaining that is your objective.

61~62 Aspiration You adore adventurers. Maybe you admire the adventurer occupation, or maybe you’re aiming to become a famous adventurer yourself.

63~64 Demon Lord Your objective is the demon lord. To make your mark as an adventurer, defeat the demon lord and bring blessings to this world. That is what you’re fighting for.

65~66 Aimless You don’t have any particular objective at the moment. But you spend your days in peace. That’s what’s important in life. It’s good to know your limits. ※The player can decide the details of the objective, or decide after discussing with the GM.

Construction (Page 117)

Compared to quick start (Page 98), in construction you can more freely choose data during character creation.

Deciding Race

Select one race from the three of reincarnated, native, and crimson demon, and record it in the race section in your character sheet.

Deciding Base Ability Scores

To begin with, decide your character’s Base ability score . Attached on the bottom part of the record sheet, there is a Base ability [ ] [ score calculation table to calculate the base ability score. By using this, you can easily get your base ability scores. ] While referencing the base ability score table on page 120, record all the base ability scores ( Strength , Dexterity , Agility , 【 】 【 】 【 】 Intelligence , Perception , Spirit , Luck ) of the race selected in the race section of the base ability score calculation table of 【 】 【 】 【 】 【 】 the record sheet. The base ability scores are worded like Strength base ability score and Dexterity base ability score . 【 】 【 】 Allotting Bonus Points

When creating a character, five bonus points are given for the base ability scores. Freely allot these points to the base ability scores. You can even put all five points into one ability score, or give one point to five ability scores. However, at this point, the maximum base ability score is 13. Be careful not to allot points to a score if it would make it larger than 13.

Record the allotted bonus points in the bonus section of the base ability score calculation table of the record sheet. Deciding Ability Bonuses

The final base ability score is reached after adding the allotted bonus points to the base ability score. Use the base ability score calculation table on the record sheet to find the base ability score.

Next, divide this number by three to find the Ability modifier . The Ability modifier is not used in game, but this number is the [ ] [ ] basis for the ability score.

Record the base ability scores and ability bonuses to their respective sections on the character sheet.

Deciding Class

Decide the character’s class next. Each character has one class.

Deciding Class

A class represents things like abilities and role in battle.

For example, a knight stands at the front lines dealing heavy blows to the enemy, while a wizard is responsible for staying back and attacking with magic. A priest heals and supports their party. Each class has a different fighting style. Refer topages 132-157 for more details.

What you should do in-game is dependent on your chosen class. Choose one of the 12 classes, and record in the class section of your character sheet.

Class Modifiers

Each class grants Class modifiers , which are ability score modifiers. For example, a knight gets modifiers for Strength to wield [ ] 【 】 heavy weapons, and Dexterity to use weapons skillfully. 【 】 Using the class modifier table on page 120 as a reference, record your character’s class modifier in the class modifier section of your character sheet. Race and Class

It’s written in this book to first decide race then class, but you can reverse the order. This is because players can prefer to decide one before the other.

Furthermore, if you’re unsure of which race to select, it’s recommended to pick the native, who has good compatibility with all the classes.

Taking Skills

Decide the skills the character will take. Refer to pages 122-125 for how to read skill data.

Choosing a Skill From Race

From the race skills of your selected race, choose one skill that has Making included in Timing . Be careful you don’t take a skill [ ] [ ] that doesn’t have Making . Record the taken skill data in the skill section of your character sheet. [ ] Choosing Skills From Class

Aside from the first skill you took, take five levels worth of skills from your selected class. At this time, you can put one levels worth into taking five different skills, and you can raise a skill’s level to one, and then to two. Record the taken class skill data in the skill section of your character sheet.

Furthermore, the maximum skill level during character creation is two.

Adventurer Skill Acquisition

The adventurer is a special class that In exchange for having only one class skill Blessing increase , it can take class skills from other 《 》 classes. You must take Blessing increase . 《 》 For more information on the adventurer class and taking skills as an adventurer during character creation, refer to page 133.

Choosing General Skills Take two general skills, each at level 1. Record the data in the skill section of your character sheet.

Deciding Ability Scores

Your Ability scores are decided by picking your class, race, and skills. Your base ability score may rise depending on the skills you take. [ ] If that’s the case, rewrite those base ability scores and recalculate your ability bonus.

Finally, the ability score is decided by adding the ability bonuses to the class’s class modifiers. Calculate each ability score’s sum, and record it in the ability score section of your character sheet.

Acquiring Items

PC’s have 500KE of money at time of character creation. Choose and buy the necessary weapons, armor, tools and such need in the adventure from the item data. It may be a good idea to reference the sample characters to see what kind of items to buy.

Record the bought items and remaining money in the equipment section and portables section of your character sheet.

Also, PC’s acquire an adventurer card (Page 192) for free at time of character creation.

Equipment and Portables

According to the rules, things like weapons and armor (things like the weapons and armor written in the equipment section. These are called Equipped ) that you can use at any time are called Equipment , and items that you carry around with you are called [ ] [ ] Portables . [ ] Item Types and Equipment Restrictions

Characters can equip one item each to six possible locations, Right hand Left hand Head Body Auxiliary armor 「 」「 」「 」「 」「 」 Accessory . The types of equipable items are Weapon Shield Armor Accessory . 「 」 [ ][ ][ ][ ] The description for equip methods of weapons and shields differ. Refer to Equip Method on page 183. [ ] Equipment Requirements

The only shields and armor that can only be equipped are those that match the class’s Equipment requirements . Each class’s 「 」 Equipment requirements are described in the Class modifier table on page 120 「 」 「 」 Weight Limits

Each item has a set weight. When equipping items, of three groups, items equipped on the Right hand and Left hand , those 「 」 「 」 equipped on Head , Body , Auxiliary armor , and Accessory , and those in portables, each group’s sum weight cannot pass 「 」 「 」 「 」 「 」 your Strength base score . 【 】 Deciding Secondary Ability Scores

Secondary ability scores are special ability scores found from things like your ability score and equipment. Mainly used during combat. 【 】 HP

HP is a number that represents a character’s physical endurance. Called “Life force” in the original work. [ ] By receiving attacks from things like weapons, magic, or getting caught in traps, whenever characters are injured, fatigued, or such, HP is reduced. Furthermore, HP has no minimum value, and may become negative.

Max HP

What you decide during character creation is your HP’s maximum value. This is called Max HP . HP reduced from damage can be [ ] restored in various ways, but you cannot exceed your max HP. You can find your max HP by using the following formula. Record this number in the HP section of your character sheet. For information on classes’ start HP, refer to the class modifier table on page 120 .

Max HP = Strength base score + Class start HP + Skill modifiers 【 】 MP

MP is a number that represents the power used for magic and skills. Called “Magical power” in the original work. Mainly decreases [ ] through use of skills. Unlike HP, the minimum value of MP is zero, and it cannot become negative.

Max MP

What you decide during character creation is your MP’s maximum value. This is called Max MP . MP reduced from skill use can be [ ] restored in various ways, but you cannot exceed your max MP. You can find your max MP by using the following formula. Record this number in the MP section of your character sheet. For information on classes’ start MP, refer to the class modifier table on page 120.

Max MP = Spirit base value + Class start MP + Skill modifiers 【 】 Action Score (Page 118)

Action score is a number used to determine the order of character actions, being a secondary ability score that represents how fast 【 】 you can act. You can find your Action score by using the following formula. Record this number in the action score section of your 【 】 character sheet.

It’s possible for your Action score to become negative from various modifiers. 【 】

Action score = Agility + Perception + Equipment modifiers + Skill modifiers 【 】 【 】 Movement Ability

Movement ability is a secondary ability score that represents how far a character move in battle, and such, with units in meters. You 【 】 can find your Movement ability by using the following formula. The minimum value for Movement ability is zero. If your 【 】 【 】 Movement ability ever becomes zero, you cannot move anywhere. For information on movement, refer to page 228. Accordingly, 【 】 you cannot equip equipment with movement modifiers that would cause your sum Movement ability to result in zero or lower. Be 【 】 careful your Movement ability is not zero or lower as a result of equipping items. 【 】

Movement ability = Strength + 5 + Equipment modifiers + Skill modifiers 【 】 Deciding Blessings

A Blessing is a power that defies fate, or makes it your ally. With this power, you can do things that produce great successes, like 【 】 producing results above your actual abilities, or dealing an even heavier blow.

PC’s, the main characters of this story, always have Blessings . 【 】 For how to use Blessings , refer to page 239. 【 】 PC’s during character creation have five points for Blessings . Record the number of Blessings in the Blessing section of your 【 】 【 】 【 】 character sheet.

Deciding Character Level

Character level is a number that represents how strong that character is. Character level is displayed like level 1, level 2, and so on. [ ] Character level at time of character creation is level 1

Deciding Personal Data

Lastly, following the procedure on page 110, decide the life paths like features and origin, and things like name and sex of the character.

Construction Procedure 1. Decide race 2. Decide class 3. Take skills 4. Decide ability scores 5. Acquire items 6. Decide secondary ability scores 7. Decide blessings 8. Decide character level 9. Decide personal data (Page 110)

Base Ability Score Table (Page 120)

Race Strength Dexterity Agility Intelligence Perception Spirit Luck

Native 9 8 8 8 8 8 8

Reincarnated 8 9 8 9 8 7 8

Crimson 7 8 8 10 7 10 7 Demon

Class Modifier Table: Base Classes Class Strength Dexterity Agility Intelligence Perception Spirit Luck Start Start HP MP Equipment HP MP Increase Increase Requirement

Knight +2 +2 +2 - - - - 26 20 +14 +8 Knight

Priest - +2 - +2 - +2 - 22 24 +10 +12 Priest

Wizard - - - +2 +2 +2 - 20 26 +8 +14 Wizard

Thief - +2 +2 - +2 - - 24 22 +12 +10 Thief

Adventurer +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 23 23 +10 +10 -

Archer - +2 +1 - +2 - +1 24 22 +12 +10 Thief

Elemental - - +1 +2 +2 +1 - 22 24 +8 +14 Wizard Master

Creator - +1 +2 +1 +2 - - 23 23 +11 +11 Thief

Swordsman +1 +2 +2 - +1 - - 26 20 +14 +8 Knight

Sworn +2 +1 +1 - - +2 - 26 20 +14 +8 Knight Knight

Lancer +2 +2 +1 - +1 - - 26 20 +14 +8 Knight

Rune +1 +2 +1 +1 - +1 - 24 22 +12 +10 Knight Knight

Class Modifier Table: Advanced Classes Class Strength Dexterity Agility Intelligence Perception Spirit Luck Start Start HP MP Equipment HP MP Increase Increase Requirement

Crusader +3 +2 +2 - - +1 - - - +20 +10 Knight

Archpriest - +2 - +2 - +3 +1 - - +14 +16 Priest

Archwizard - - - +3 +3 +2 - - - +12 +18 Wizard

Assassin - +2 +3 - +3 - - - - +16 +14 Thief

Skill Data

As explained on page 95, skills are things turned into data like a character’s techniques, battle skills, and magic. The types of skills are widely diverse, such as having deep knowledge about a certain subject, being an expert at detecting and disarming traps, being skilled at wielding large swords, and being able to use offensive magic.

Here, along with class illustrations and descriptions, skill data is printed. Descriptions of each heading in the skill data can be referenced on pages 122-125, and you can reference page 195 for how to use skills.

Skill Level

Each skill has a skill level (Abbreviated to SL). When a character takes a skill, the skill level of that skill becomes 1. There are also skills that become more effective each time you raise their level. Skill levels can be raised at character creation, and when the character’s level increases. However, generally you can’t raise a skill’s level beyond the SL Limit of the skill. [ ] Advanced Classes

On pages 172-179, higher ranked versions of certain classes Advanced classes are printed. Advanced classes cannot be chosen during [ ] character creation, and can only be chosen if your character level is 10 or higher, during a class change (Page 245).

How to Read Skill Data (Page 122)

Skill Classificaiton

Skills are classified into four groups by their acquisition requirements, race skills, class skills, general skills, and enemy skills.

Race Skills

Skills that represents a race’s unique abilities, like power granted by a goddess to a reincarnated, or the tremendous magical power of a crimson demon. Generally can only be taken during character creation after picking a race. Written on pages 126-131.

Class Skills

Things like the weapon techniques a knight uses in battle, the offensive magic of a wizard, the covert actions of a thief, and class fortes like knowledge, techniques, battle skills, and magic that have been converted into data as skills. Generally you can only take class skills of your current class. Written on pages 132-164. General Skills

Skills you can take without regard to class type. Rather than being used in battle, many are general purpose skills used in special situations, like having knowledge on a particular subject, being a master of persuasion, and being able to carry many things. These are things like specialties or characteristics of a character that have been converted into data. Written on pages 165-171.

Enemy Skills

Skills enemies use. As game data, they’re the same as skills, but generally PC’s cannot take them. Refer to page 276 for more details.

Adventurer and Enemy Skills

In the original work ‘Konosuba’, the adventurer Kazuma acquires monsters’ skills.

It’s only possible for adventurers to acquire enemy skills if they are taught by an enemy, or by a similar method, if the GM allows it.

If that happens, treat the acquired skill not as an enemy skill, but as an adventurer class skill.

How to Read Skill Data

(1) Cure (2) Magic

(3) Timing: Major Action

(4) Check: Magic Check (5) Target: Single

(6) Range: 20m (7) Cost: 5

(8) SL Limit: 1

(9) Use requirements: - (10) Effects: Cure all status ailments that the target has.

(11) Critical: Cost 0

(12) Magic that uses holy power to cleanse the target of things like poison, returning their body’s condition or state to normal.

How to read skill data will now be explained.

If Reference effect is written, a detailed explanation is in the text of the data’s Effects , if - is written, it indicates that entry is 「 」 「 」 「 」 not used. ~~ represents that some kind of letters or numbers will be written. 「 」

(1) Name

The name of the skill is written.

(2) Classification

Written to the right side of the skill name, it indicates that skill’s classification.

Magic Represents that the skill is Magic . Receives effects of things like skills or items that deal with magic. Like Magic Earth , the [ ] 「 〈 〉」 magic’s element can also be written alongside. If it has multiple elements, it’s written like Magic Earth/Fire . When selecting an 「 〈 〉」 element during skill acquisition, it will be written like Magic (Choice) , and the element is chosen when the skill is acquired. 「 」

(3) Timing

Describes the timing when the skill can be used. Except for skills written as Passive , Item , and Reference effect , during a 「 」 「 」 「 」 single timing, you can only use one skill.


If written like move action, minor action, major action, or reaction, is used for that action.


If written like setup process, initiative process, or clean up process, is used for that process.

Right before (Right after) Check

Used right before (Right after) doing an action check. In the case of Right after an action check , after this skill is used, the result of the 「 」 action check is determined. Right before (Right after) a damage roll

Used right before (Right after) doing a damage roll.


Skills whose effects are continuously in effect. Some have requirements needed for the effect to be applied. You can disable the effects of skills with Timing: Passive by using a free action. You can also re-enable the effects of a skill by using a free action. If disabling the 「 」 effects causes some kind of inconvenience, the GM can choose to not permit disablement.

Skill name 《 》 If a skill name is written, this skill is used at the same time as the skill written. As long as there’s no special specification, you must pay the cost of both skills.


Represents a skill that acquires an item, or changes an item’s data. You can apply these during pre-play (you don’t need to). This skill is constantly in effect, you can’t sell the acquired items, and you lose them at after-play.


Written alongside other timings. This skill can only be taken during character creation (You can’t take them when your character grows). (4) Check

The type of action check needed to use this skill is described.

Automatic success

The effects of this skill are displayed just by declaring it’s use.

Ability score

The action check is performed according to the described ability score. Generally speaking there is no difficulty, and the effect will be displayed as long as there isn’t a fumble from the dice roll of the action check. If a difficulty is described in Effect and the action check 「 」 succeeds, or if it says to initiate a showdown in the description and the showdown is won, then the effect will be displayed.

Target hit check

Does an attack’s target hit check. If an attack type is described in the Effect text, that attack’s target hit check is performed. If the 「 」 attack succeeds (hits) then the effect is displayed. There are some skills that do non-attack target hit check. Reference the text in Effect for more details. 「 」

Magic check (Page 122) Performs a magic check. Generally there is no difficulty, and the effect will be displayed as long as the magic check doesn’t fumble. If a difficulty is described in Effect and the magic check succeeds, or if it says to initiate a showdown in the description and the showdown 「 」 is won, then the effect will be displayed.

Also, if a magic attack is performed, the magic check is treated as a target hit check.

Evasion check

Performs an evasion check. If the evasion check succeeds, the effects are displayed by evading an attack. Furthermore, take note that evasion checks can’t be used during other reaction checks.

(5) Target (Page 123)

The targets this skill is applied to are described. The skill’s user decides the targets. If is written after the target, it represents not 「※」 being able to change the target from the effects of things like skills and items.


The target of this skill can only be the skill’s user.


One character is the target. Area

All characters existing in the engage are targets. If Area (Choice) is written, the skill’s user can freely choose the target characters who 「 」 are inside the engage. If Area (~~ Targets) is written, that sets the upper limit of target characters who are inside the engage. 「 」


All characters are targets. If Scene (Choice) is written, , the skill’s user can choose the target characters. 「 」

(6) Range

Describes the distance within which you can choose that skill’s targets.


The range is within the displayed distance (Meters) from the skill’s user.


The range is within the same engage as the skill’s user. Weapon

The skill uses the range of the weapon being used by the skill’s user. If using a weapon that performs a shooting attack, characters you are engaged with cannot be targeted.


The range is the area that can be seen from the skill’s user. Unseen characters cannot be targeted.

(7) Cost

The MP consumed when using a skill is written. You can’t use skills that would reduce your MP below zero.

(8) SL Limit

The upper limit of the skill’s skill level is written.

(9) Use Requirements

The requirements the user must fulfill in order to use the skill are described. Furthermore, if multiple requirements are written, all of them must be fulfilled (But if multiple contents are connected with / , then reference the entries of each one). 「 」

Class name

If classes like knight, priest, wizard, or thief are written, it’s a requirement that your current class must be that class, or the advanced class you can be from job changing from that class. Use Requirements: Knight means classes other than knight or crusader cannot use it. 「 」 ~~Use

Using a specified weapon is the use requirement. Weapon Category like name, battle use, short blade use, and also weapon method, 「 」 like one-handed, two-handed, and dual-wield are written. If multiple categories are described, like Short Blade Whip use , you can 「 ・ 」 use any one of those. Also, attacks done bare-handed are Hand-fighting use . Furthermore, if Selected weapon use is written, 「 」 「 」 using the assigned weapon becomes the use requirement.


Having a specified weapon equipped is the use requirement. Weapon Category like Hand-fighting equipment, short blade equipment, 「 」 and also weapon method, like one-handed, two-handed, and dual-wield are written. If multiple categories are described, like Short 「 Blade Whip use , you can equip any one of those. Also, if things like weapons or shields aren’t currently equipped (In other words a ・ 」 bare-handed state), the equipment is considered to be Hand-fighting. Furthermore, if Choose equipped weapon is written, equipping 「 」 the assigned weapon becomes the use requirement.

Shield equipped (Shield unequipped)

Having a shield equipped (unequipped) is the use requirement.

Once per defense

Can be used once during the main process of the character attacking the target. Even In cases other than that, can be used once each time there is damage. ~~ per round

Can only be used the number of times written per one round.

~~ per scene

Can only be used the number of times written per one scene.

~~ per scenario

Can only be used the number of times written per main play.

(10) Effects

The skill effects are described. Commonly used terms are explained below.


Represents the skill’s user. Target

Represents the target of the skill.


Represents the character level of the skill’s user.


Represents the skill level of the used skill.

Classification: ~~ 「 」 Represents skill classifications like magic, and also character races like animal, and plant. Also represents skills and characters themselves that belong to that classification.


Represents a following element: Fire Water Wind Earth Lightning Ice Light Darkness None . 〈 〉〈 〉〈 〉〈 〉〈 〉〈 〉〈 〉〈 〉〈 〉 However, if you choose an element when taking or using a skill, None cannot be chosen. 〈 〉

Acquirement possible Some kind of requirement for taking the skill is written. If the requirement is that a certain skill has been acquired, that skill name and level will be written. If the requirement is that your character level has to be at or above a certain point, the character level will be written.

Substitute check

Doing things like performing a target hit check as a reaction in place of an evasion check when evading an attack. Performing an action check outside of the decided action check method.

Enemy character

An enemy that is hostile or wishes harm upon the skill’s user. The GM will ultimately decide.


Describes the time during which the skill’s effects will be sustained.

Effect decided by dice

Represents a skill that is applied based on the result of dice are rolled when the skill, magic, item, or such is used.

Target hit check with a weapon Represents having an effect even for target hit checks that are not weapon attacks, like Timing: Reaction being used with target hit 「 」 checks. However, if something like the weapon category is written as a requirement, that weapon must be equipped.

(11) Critical

The effects are described that occur when a skill is used and the action check designated with Check is a critical. If there are no effects 「 」 of note, this entry will not exist.

Additional dice roll

The dice rolled for the skill’s effects are increased by the number of sixes rolled during the action checks designated with Check . The 「 」 effects from getting a critical during an attack’s target hit check which is described onpage 232 is included.

Cost 0

After the skill’s effects are displayed, the consumed MP cost is given back. It’s just given back after the effect has been displayed, so 【 】 you can’t use a skill hoping that the action check will be a critical if you can’t spend the cost MP . 【 】

(12) Description

A portrayal of the skill is written. Probably useful when acting out a character’s actions. Race Class (Page 126) Reincarnated

Class Description

Those reincarnated from Earth by a goddess, brought to defeat the demon lord. Many become adventurers. Given a special perk (like a magic tool) from a goddess, it’s highly likely they’ll be an excellent adventurer.

Reincarnation Perk: Power of Destiny

Timing: Passive/Making

Check: - Target:Self

Range: - Cost: - SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Gain an additional Blessing 【 】 during character creation

Critical: -

A perk of being reincarnated. A skill that represents you choosing the power to reverse your destiny.

Reincarnation Perk: Weapon

Timing: Item/Making

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Choose one weapon from your possessions during pre-play. Add 2 to that item’s Attack power . 「 」 Critical:

A perk of being reincarnated. A skill that represents you choosing a transcendent weapon.

Reincarnation Perk: Armor

Timing: Item/Making

Check: - Target:Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Choose one piece of armor from your possessions during pre-play. Add 2 to that item’s Physical defense power , 【 】 and add 1 to the Magical defense 【 power . 】 Critical: -

A perk of being reincarnated. A skill that represents you choosing unassailable armor.

Reincarnation’s Insight

Timing: Right after check

Check: Automatic success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: Once per scenario

Effect: Used right after performing a check. Add 3 to that check’s success score.

Critical: -

A skill that breaks you out of a situation using knowledge or common sense from present-day Earth. Grasp victory with information not of this worold.

Race Class Native

Class Description

In this game, the common name of the race representing normal humans that aren’t reincarnated or crimson demons. The race of elves and dwarves are considered natives. The magical PCs that are hidden in native communities are also considered natives.


Timing: Passive/Making

Check: - Target:Self

Range: - Cost: 1 SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Upon being taken, choose three base ability scores. During character creation, add 1 to all three base ability scores chosen.

Critical: -

Even among the natives, you excel at many things.


Timing: Passive/Making

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: +3 to your Physical defense 【 】 Critical: -

Your body is sturdy, as if made of stone. Small blades don’t hurt at all.

Snap Judgement

Timing: Passive/Making

Check: - Target:Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: +3 to your Action score 【 】 Critical: -

No matter what kind of situation, you never hesitate, and take instant action. Battle Arts

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target:Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: +2 to the success score of a target hit check when using an equipped weapon.

Critical: -

You excel at using the fighting techniques of various weapons. Even if it’s a weapon you’ve never used before, you can probably wield it well. It’s a natural talent, given from the gods. Race Class Crimson Demon

Class Description

A race whose special feature are their red eyes. Their magical power and intelligence are innately very high, and have a strong aptitude for being magic users. Live in a constructed community called the “Crimson demon village”. Generally have Weird names. 「 」

Ability Specialization

Timing: Passive/Making

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Upon taking this skill, choose two ability scores. Of the selected ability scores, give +4 to one base ability score, and -1 to the other base ability score.

Critical: -

A skill that represents a strengthening of a certain ability. However, that distortion cause a different ability to weaken.

Great Magical Ability

Timing: Passive/Making

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: +5 to your Max MP during 【 】 character creation.

Critical: - Even among the crimson demon clan, you naturally have high magical abilities.

Magical Genius

Timing: Passsive/Making

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: +1 to your magic check’s success score


The crimson demon clan are a race that excel at magic, and have an abundance of knowledge. Even among the crimson demon clan, you are outstanding at those abilities. Heaven-sent Child of Destruction

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: +3 to your magical attacks.

Critical: -

You excel at manipulating magic meant for attacking. It’s a small difference, but that difference can be what separates life and death. Base Class (Page 132) Adventurer

What is an adventurer?

An adventurer is a class with no entry requirements for those who couldn’t pick any other class, or chose not to (Although entry requirements don’t exist in ‘Konosuba TRPG’). Adventurers can take class skills from other classes. Because of this, it can be thought of as a class aimed at experts. In essence, picking from the skills of all the base classes, you need both the knowledge of choosing the data you need yourself, and the sense to choose skills needed among your party members.

Adventurer Class Skill (Page 133)

Here is explained how to take skills if you’ve chosen the adventurer class.

You must take Blessing increase during character creation. For other skills, you can take skills and skill levels from non-adventurer 《 》 classes.

It’s also possible when growing your character level to take skills and skill levels from non-adventurer classes.

However, adventurers generally cannot take skills from advanced classes or enemy skills.

However, if the GM allows it, they may specially take advanced class skills and enemy skills. When referencing the enemy level, exchange it for the character level.

Adventurer Occupation and Adventurer Class Just as adventurers are represented by the adventurer’s guild, they are a kind of jack-of-all-trades who engage is a variety of work. Many start with the dangerous work of slaying magical beasts, and are fully armed on an everyday basis, so a union called the adventurer’s guild was born, to guarantee their status, and for management.

This adventurer is the occupation, adventurer. On the other hand, adventurers who choose the adventurer class, while very few, do exist. The one word is used with two meanings here, but because only a handful of occupation adventurers have the adventurer class, it seems there isn’t much confusion.

Blessing Increase

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: +1 to your Blessings during pre- 【 】 play. However, if your class is not adventurer, the effect is lost.

Critical: -

A skill that represents the beginner’s luck of an adventurer. Base Class Knight

What is a Knight?

Even among adventurers, the knight is a class many are engaged in. They are widely depended on as the party’s sword and shield in brawls, and are expected to serve the most use in requests like monster slaying. On the other hand, they are heavily reliant on their sword and shield for that offense and defense. In order to completely unleash their power in battle, it’s imperative they buy things like weapons and armor of good quality that matches their current self (Level). This requires more payment than is needed to just maintain their lifestyle. Probably one of the reasons it’s so expensive to hire high-level knights.


Timing: Right before a damage roll

Check: Automatic Success Target: Single

Range: Close Cost: 2

SL Limit: 1 Use Requirements: Once per defense

Effect: Gives the target cover. Can provide cover even if in post-action, and can provide cover during pre-action without becoming post-action.

Critical: -

A skill to protect companions by volunteering your body.

Cover Move

Timing: Covering 《 》 Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 4

SL Limit: 3

Use Requirements: SL times per scene

Effect: Used at the same time as Covering . Changes Covering 《 》 《 》 from Range: Close to Range: 20m . 「 」 「 」 However, you don’t move even if you use this skill.

Critical: -

A skill to cover a separated companion.

War Cry

Timing: Setup Process

Check: Automatic success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 4

SL Limit: 5

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Provides a damage increase. + SL x2 to close-quarters attacks. This [ ] effect lasts until the scene ends.

Critical: - A skill that, by getting motivated by oneself, increases the body’s strength during battle.

Devastating Strike

Timing: Major Action

Check: Target Hit Check Target: Single

Range: Weapon Cost: 4

SL Limit: 5

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Performs a weapon attack on the target. + (SL) D to the attack’s damage. [ ] Critical: Additional Dice Roll

A skill that attacks the opponent with a powerful single strike. Vacuum Wave

Timing: Reference Effect

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: Knight, Once per scenario

Effect: Used at the same time as a weapon attack. That attack is changed to Target: 「 Single ※ , and + CL x10 is added to the 」 [ ] damage.

Critical: -

A skill that generates a vacuum wave when attacking, increasing damage. As one becomes more proficient, the number of vacuum waves increases.

Desperation Timing: Minor Action

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 3

SL Limit: 5

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Provides a damage increase. + SL x3 to your weapon attack damage. [ ] However, take -1D for reactions you perform. The effect continues until it’s declared cancelled by using a minor action, or the scene ends.

Critical: -

A reckless skill where you attack the enemy with no thought of dodging.

Endurance Skill

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 3

Use Requirements: -

Effect: + SL x5 to your Max HP [ ] 【 】 Critical: -

A skill that raises your fitness. You devote yourself to raising your fitness. If there’s free time, you repeatedly do sit-ups, pull- ups, and push-ups. You’ll probably experience firsthand that in the end, it’s fitness that tips the scales of victory and defeat.

Shield Attack Skill

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: - SL Limit: 3

Use Requirements: Shield Equipped

Effect: +SL to the success score of a target hit check that uses a weapon, and + SL x2 to close-quarters attack [ ] damage.

Critical: -

A skill that Ingeniously fuses shield and weapon attacks.


Timing: Right before a damage roll

Check: Automatic success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 3

SL Limit: 3

Use Requirements: Once per scene Effect: Used right before a weapon attack damage roll. Increases damage. + (SL x2) D to that attack’s damage. [ ] Critical: -

A skill that deals more damage to the opponent by unleashing another blow after an attack hits.


Timing: Setup Process

Check: Strength Target: Single

Range: 10m Cost: 4

SL Limit: 3

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Performs a showdown with the target’s Spirit . Also, add 【 】 + SL x2 to the showdown check’s [ ] success score. If you win this showdown, the target is given Frenzy . [ ] Critical: -

A skill that directs attacks to yourself.

Iron Wall

Timing: Minor Action

Check: Automatic success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 3

SL Limit: 5

Use Requirements: -

Effect: + SL x3 to your Physical [ ] 【 Defense . The effect lasts until the scene 】 ends.

Critical: -

A skill to withstand enemy attacks by taking a defensive stance.

Grand Sweep

Timing: Major Action

Check: Target hit check Target: Area ( SL x2 [ ] Targets)

Range: Close Cost: 3

SL Limit: 3

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Performs a close-quarters attack on targets in one engage.

Critical: Additional Dice Roll

A skill that attacks multiple enemies at once with a wide swing of your weapon. General Purpose Defense Skill

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 3

Use Requirements: -

Effect: + SL x2 to Physical Defense , [ ] 【 】 and +SL to Magical Defense . 【 】 Critical: -

A skill to parry enemy attacks through ingenious use of your weapon and shield, Your training being ingrained into your unconscious mind, you fend off enemy skills without thinking.

Weapon Skill

Timing: Passive Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: Selected Weapon Use

Effect: Select one weapon category upon taking this. Written like Weapon Skill: Long Blade , 《 》 +1D is granted to target hit checks that use the selected weapon. For each selected weapon, it’s considered to have its own skill, but multiple Weapon SKill: ~~ 《 》 cannot be applied at the same time.

Critical: -

Masters the use of a specific weapon. Among adventurers, the selected weapon category is referred to like “Single-handed sword skill”, or “Bow skill”.

Indomitable Timing: Clean up process

Check: Automatic success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 3

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Recover from one bad status.


A skill that heals a bad condition of the body by raising your resistance, or fixing your stance or such.

Helm Breaker

Timing: Minor Action

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 5

SL Limit: 1 Use Requirements: -

Effect: Increases damage. + Strength to close-quarters attack 【 】 damage. Effect continues until the main process ends.

Critical: -

A skill attacks with brings down your weapon with all your weight behind it. The stronger you are, the more damage is brought out.

Defense Focus

Timing: Minor Action

Check: Automatic success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 4

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: - Effect: +1D to evasion checks. However, you take -1D when performing checks in major actions. The effect continues until it’s declared cancelled by using a minor action, or the scene ends.

Critical: -

A skill to concentrate on defense.

Glancing Blow

Timing: Right after damage roll

Check: Automatic success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 3

SL Limit: 5

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Reduces damage. Used right after the damage roll when you receive physical damage. - SL x3 to that damage. [ ] Critical: -

A skill that reduces damage by making the opponent’s attack glance off your weapon, shield, hard part of your armor or such.

(Page 139)

Unseen Strike

Timing: Minor Action

Check: Automatic success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 3

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: +1D to close-quarters attacks’ target hit checks. This effect continues until the main process ends.

Critical: - An attack skill that’ so swift that even the flash of a blade can’t be seen.

Target Hit Skill

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 5

Use Requirements: -

Effect: + SL + 1 to target hit checks that [ ] use a weapon.

Critical: -

A skill for perfectly handling weapons. You know all the quirks of your weapon down to the smallest detail. Because you know that that’s one of your duties as a knight. Base Class Priest

What is a Priest?

A priest is a class that causes various miracles through the power of their faith. Responsible for the party’s healing and support. Because it’s so important, every party wants one. Opposed to that importance is the fact that few priests choose the dangerous path of the adventurer. That’s why even in the adventurer’s guild, priests are in huge demand, and are pampered to the same degree. There’re even nefarious priests who take advantage of their occupation’s popularity by hopping between parties while milking them for all they’re worth. In this world, the majority belong to the Eris Church, which worships the goddess Eris, and most adventurer priests are Eris believers

Invoke Magic

Timing: Major Action

Check: Magic Check Target: Single

Range: 20m Cost: 6

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: +1D to evasion checks the target performs. This effect continues until the scene ends.

Critical: Cost 0

Magic that provides protection from danger by praying for divine protection from the gods.

Exorcism Magic

Timing: Major Action

Check: Magic Check Target: Single

Range: 20m Cost: 6

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Effective on targets with Classification: Demon . Performs a 「 」 magical attack on the target. That attack’s damage deals 2D + 10 ( Fire element magic [ 〈 〉 damage) ] Critical: Additional Dice Roll

Magic that produces blue flames that drive out demons.

Cure Magic

Timing: Major Action

Check: Magic check Target: Single

Range: 20m Cost: 5

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Cure all status ailments that the target has.

Critical: Cost 0

Magic that uses holy power to cleanse the target of things like poison, returning their body’s condition or state to normal. Quick Heal

Timing: Initiative Process

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 5

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: Once per scene

Effect: Used at the same time as Heal . 《 》 From this effect, Heal can be used 《 》 during the initiative process.


A skill that heals those hurt, by quickly raising prayers to the gods.

Faith Skill Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 5

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Effective on magical attacks that deal piercing damage. + SL x4 to the magical [ ] attack’s damage.

Critical: -

If evil grows more powerful, justice must also continue growing. A skill that represents gaining the power of even deeper faith.

Holy Light

Timing: Move Action

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self Range: - Cost: 5

SL Limit: 3

Use Requirements: SL times per scene

Effect: Effective on Classification: 「 Magic of priests and archpriests. 」 +3D to attack damage and the effects of HP healing. This effect continues until the main process ends.

Critical: -

A skill that raises the force of magic by turning prayers to the gods into magical power.

Saint Shield Magic

Timing: Right after damage roll

Check: Automatic success Target: Single

Range: 20m Cost: 3 SL Limit: 5

Use Requirements: Once per defense

Effect: Gives damage reduction to the target. Used right after the damage roll when the target is taking damage. - (SL) D to that damage. If multiple [ ] Saint Shield are used at the same time, 《 》 the target decides which effect is used.

Critical: -

Magic that protects with a shield of light.

Turn Undead Magic

Timing: Major Action

Check: Magic Check Target: Area (Choice)

Range: 20m Cost: 10

SL Limit: 3 Use Requirements: Once per scene

Effect: Effective when the target has Classification: Undead . If the target 「 」 enemy’s CL (Or enemy level) is at or below CL + SL , then they are knocked out or [ ] made dead. (You choose while using it).

Critical: -

Magic that dispels that which has no life.

Divine Guard

Timing: Right after damage roll

Check: Automatic success Target: Single

Range: 20m Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: Priest, once per scenario

Effect: Used right after the damage roll when the target is taking damage. Changes that damage to 0.

Critical: -

A skill that protects the target with the gods’ benevolence by praying to the gods.

Powered Magic

Timing: Major Action

Check: Magic Check Target: Single

Range: 20m Cost: 4

SL Limit: 5

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Grants additional damage to the target. + SL x3 to weapon damage that [ ] the target performs. This effect continues until the end of the scene.

Critical: Cost 0 Magic that strengthens the target’s strength, weapon they’re holding or such.

(Page 143)

Heal Magic

Timing: Major Action

Check: Magic Check Target: Single

Range: 20m Cost: 4

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Performs HP healing on the target. The target’s HP is restored by 【 】 3D + CL x3 points. [ ] Critical: Additional Dice Roll

Magic that instantly heals the target’s wounds through the power of the gods. Weapon Skill: Bash

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: Bash Use

Effect: +1D to the target hit checks that use a weapon. However, multiple Weapon 《 SKill: ~~ cannot be applied at the same 》 time.

Critical: -

A skill that represents a proficiency with blunt weapons like maces.

Break Spell Magic

Timing: Major Action Check: Magic Check Target: Single

Range: 20m Cost: 4

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Removes the effects of one ongoing Classification: Magic skill from the 「 」 target. You decide which skill to remove.

Critical: Cost 0

Magic that negates magic through holy words.

Blessing Magic

Timing: Major Action

Check: Magic Check Target: Single

Range: Close Cost: 6

SL Limit: 1 Use Requirements: -

Effect: +1D to checks the target performs. This effect is ongoing until the round ends.

Critical: Cost 0

Magic that uses good luck. The one who receives this magic will surely succeed in everything they do.

Haste Magic

Timing: Setup Process

Check: Magic Check Target: Single

Range: 20m Cost: 3

SL Limit: 5

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Increases the target’s action score. + (SL) D to the target’s Action [ ] 【 Score . This effect is ongoing until the 】 round ends.

Critical: Additional Dice Roll

Magic that speeds up the target’s rate of time, making faster movement possible.

Holy Armor Magic

Timing: Major Action

Check: Magic Check Target: Single

Range: 20m Cost: 4

SL Limit: 5

Use Requirements: -

Effect: + SL x3 to the target’s Physical [ ] 【 Defense . This effect is ongoing until the 】 scene ends.

Critical: Cost 0 Magic that raises defense through a boon of the gods.

Holy Word Magic

Timing: Major Action

Check: Magic Check Target: Single

Range: 20m Cost: 4

SL Limit: 5

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Increases the damage of the target. + SL x3 to the damage of magical [ ] attacks the target performs. This effect is ongoing until the scene ends.

Critical: Cost 0

Magic that raises the effects of magic through blessings of the gods by calming the heart of the target, increasing their concentration. Resurrection Magic

Timing: Major Action

Check: Magic Check Target: Single

Range: 20m Cost: 10

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Effective on targets who are knocked out. Restores the target from being knocked out, and sets their HP to 【 】 2D [ ] Critical: Additional Dice Roll

Rescues the target from the grip of death.

Reverse Heal Magic Timing: Major Action

Check: Magic Check Target: Single

Range: 20m Cost: 6

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Required to take 1 level in Heal . 《 》 Effective against Classification: 「 Undead . Performs a magical attack on 」 the target. The attack’s damage is 3D + CL x3 (Piercing damage). [ ] Critical: Additional Dice Roll

Magic that utilizes healing magic to torment the dead.

Resist Magic

Timing: Major Action

Check: Magic Check Target: Single Range: 20m Cost: 5

SL Limit: 5

Use Requirements: -

Effect: + SL x3 to the target’s Magic [ ] 【 defense . This effect is ongoing until the 】 scene ends.

Critical: Cost 0

Magic that raises magical resistance from a boon of the gods.

Base Class Wizard

What is a Wizard? The wizard is a class that manipulates magic, often treated as the brains of the party. That’s because magic and academics are widely considered as if the same thing, with many wizards taking higher education. It’s not unusual for doctors, or even national positions like government officials and tacticians to be done by wizards. But, talent is also important for manipulating magic. On this point, wizards from the crimson demon clan are well known for their excellence. Wizards are a relatively rare class among adventurers, and it’s not uncommon for parties to not have one.

Ankle Snare Magic

Timing: Major Action

Check: Magic Check Target: Single

Range: 20m Cost: 7

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Applies Slip and [ ] Knockback (1) to the target. [ ] Critical: -

Magic that stops movement by entangling the target’s ankles with magic. Wind Curtain Magic Wind 〈 〉 Timing: Right before check

Check: Automatic success Target: Single

Range: 20m Cost: 6

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: Once per round

Effect: Used right before the target performs an evasion check against a ranged attack, or Classification: Magic . 「 」 +5 to that evasion check’s success score.

Critical: -

Magic that protects against things like arrows and magic by producing a small whirlwind. Water Shield Magic Water 〈 〉 Timing: Right after a damage roll

Check: Automatic Success Target: Single

Range: 20m Cost: 6

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: Once per round

Effect: Reduces damage. Used right after the damage roll when the target is taking special attack damage. -10 to that damage.

Critical: -

Magic that creates a shield of water, reducing damage from things like breath.

Incant Skill

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: +1D to magic checks.

Critical: -

A skill that raises incantations’ precision and concentration, making magic invocation easier.

Strengthening Incantation

Timing: Minor Action

Check: Automatic success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 5

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Increases damage. + Perception to magic attacks. This 【 】 effect is ongoing until the main process ends.

Critical: -

A skill that strengthens the force of magic by adding a special incantation. Tests your feel for incanting with precision continuously.

Beginner Magic Acquisition

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Upon taking this, choose 3 General Skills that are Classification: 「 」 「 Magic . You acquire those skills. 」 Critical: -

Skill to master beginner’s magic.

Stone Shield Magic Earth 〈 〉 Timing: Setup Process

Check: Magic Check Target: Single

Range: 20m Cost: 5

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: +5 to the target’s Physical 【 Defense . This effect is ongoing until the 】 round ends.

Critical: Cost 0

Magic that creates a shield of stone, raising physical defense. Stone Bind Magic Earth 〈 〉 Timing: Major Action

Check: Magic Check Target: Single

Range: 20m Cost: 6

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Performs a magic attack on the target. The attack’s damage is 2D +5 ( Earth element magic [ ] 〈 〉 damage). Also, if this attack does even 1 point of HP damage to the target, Slip [ ] is inflicted.

Critical: Additional Dice Roll

Magic that brings forth small rocks, and launches them. Sleep Magic

Timing: Major Action

Check: Magic Check Target: Single

Range: 20m Cost: 7

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Inflicts target with Dazed and [ ] Stun . If the target is an extra, you can [ ] choose to make them sleep.

Critical: -

Intermediate magic that puts the target to sleep. For those with strong resistance, it can have the effect of losing their awareness for a short time.

Element Strengthen Skill

Timing: Passive Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 5

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Upon taking this, select one element. Effective for magic attacks that deal magic damage in the chosen element. + SL x4 to magic attack damage. [ ] Critical: -

A skill that represents your talent at manipulating a specific element’s magic.

Fire Ball Magic Fire 〈 〉 Timing: Major Action

Check: Magic Check Target: Single

Range: 20m Cost: 6

SL Limit: 1 Use Requirements: -

Effect: Performs a magic attack on the target. The attack’s damage is 2D +10 ( Fire element magic [ ] 〈 〉 damage).

Critical: Additional Dice Roll

Magic that brings forth a sphere of fire, and launches it.

Flash Magic Light 〈 〉 Timing: Major Action

Check: Magic Check Target: Single

Range: 20m Cost: 6

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Performs a magic attack on the target. The attack’s damage is 2D +5 ( Light element magic [ ] 〈 〉 damage). Also, if the attack does even 1 point of HP damage, it inflicts Intimidation . You can also choose to [ ] not inflict any damage at time of use.

Critical: -

Intermediate magic that uses intense light to attack and stop movement at the same time.

Freeze Gust Magic Ice 〈 〉 Timing: Major Action

Check: Magic Check Target: Single

Range: 20m Cost: 6

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Performs a magic attack on the target. The attack’s damage is 2D +5 ( Ice element magic damage). [ ] 〈 〉 Also, if the attack does even 1 point of HP damage, it inflicts Dazed . [ ] Critical: Additional Dice Roll

Magic that brings forth an icy-cold fog to attack.

Blade of Wind Magic Wind 〈 〉 Timing: Major Action

Check: Magic Check Target: Single

Range: 20m Cost: 6

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Performs a magic attack on the target. +1D to the attack’s magic check, and it deals damage of 2D +5 [ ] ( Wind element magic damage) . 〈 〉 Critical: Additional Dice Roll Magic that shreds the enemy with a blade of wind.

Magic Blast

Timing: Move Action

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 3

SL Limit: 3

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Changes Target: Single to 「 」 Target: Area ( SL x2 of Magic 「 [ 《 Blast Targets) for Classification: 》] 」 「 Magic that are both Timing: Major 」 「 Action and Target: Single . This effect 」 「 」 is ongoing until the main process ends.

Critical: -

A skill that widens magic’s effective area by spreading out magic. Magic Strengthen Skill

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 5

Use Requirements: -

Effect: + (SL) D to magic attack damage. [ ] Critical: -

A skill that represents the holder’s superiority in magic.

Magic Convergence

Timing: Right before a damage roll

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self Range: - Cost: 3

SL Limit: 3

Use Requirements: Once per scene

Effect: Used right before a magic attack’s damage roll. Increases the damage. + (SL x2) D to that attack’s damage. [ ] Critical: -

A skill that further focuses magic to raise the impact of magic attacks.

Magic Sublimation

Timing: Reference Effect

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit:1

Use Requirements: Wizard, Once per scenario Effect: Used at the same time as a magic attack. That magic attack changes to Target: Single※ , and 「 」 CL x10 to the damage. +[ ] Critical: -

A skill that converts intense emotions into magic power, increasing magic damage.

Lightning Magic Lightning 〈 〉 Timing: Major Action

Check: Magic Check Target: Single

Range: 20m Cost: 6

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Performs a magic attack on the target. The attack’s damage is 2D + 5 ( Lightning element magic [ ] 〈 〉 damage). Also, if the attack does even 1 point of HP damage, it inflicts Stun . [ ] You can choose to deal no damage at time of use.

Critical: -

Intermediate magic that attacks with a lightning strike.

Lock Magic

Timing: Major Action

Check: Magic Check Target: Reference Effect

Range: Close Cost: 5

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Substitute a magic check to disarm a trap.Also, can set up a Key A (Page 293) 「 」 trap on objects like Treasure chests 「 」 (Page 295) or Doors (Page 296). The GM 「 」 is allowed to not allow setting up Key A 「 」 on objects.

Critical: -

Magic that does things like disarm traps or lock things, using magic.

Base Class Thief

What is a Thief?

The thief is the second most seen class among adventurers, following the knight. Like the knight, it’s a class that is used for offense in battles. Where the thief’s features most prominently appear is in dungeon exploration. A thief’s skills are absolutely essential for dealing with things like dangerous traps or mechanisms installed in dungeons. They also have many skills relating to covert movement, and could be thought of as a class that the party can depend on to do a wide range of duties. Among the class skill, there are many that expand what you can do just by having them. It’s a class whose skills greatly influence your character when acquired

. Ambush

Timing: Major Action

Check: Target Hit Check Target: Single

Range: Weapon Cost: 4

SL Limit: 5

Use Requirements: Stealth

Effect: Performs a weapon attack on the target. +1D to that attack’s target hit check, and + (SL) D to that attack’s damage. [ ] Critical: Additional Dice Roll

A skill that attacks from a hidden state. It’s likely the opponent won’t be able to dodge the unseen attack, and will take deadly damage.

Evade Skill

Timing: Passive Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: +1D to evasion checks.

Critical: -

A skill that dodges attacks with magnificent movements like a butterfly.

Danger Sense Skill

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: +1D to danger perception checks. Critical: A skill that represents a special intuition of danger grown from being pursued by someone, or by happening across life-or-death situations.

Finesse Skill

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 3

Use Requirements: Selected Weapon Use

Effect: Upon taking this, choose one weapon Category . Written like 「 」 Finesse Skill: Short Blade , 《 》 +SL to target hit rolls using that weapon, and + SL x2 to damage. However, [ ] multiple Finesse SKill: ~~ cannot be 《 》 applied at the same time.

Critical: - A skill that represents specialization and mastery of one kind of weapon.

Stealth Move Skill

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Stealth state won’t be removed even if movement is performed, and engaging while maintaining stealth state is also possible. This effect is also effective when performing movement through skills or items.

Critical: - A skill to hide in the shadows, moving without a sound.

Running start skill

Timing: Setup Process

Check: Automatic success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 3

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Performs combat movement, or an escape. If you’re blocked in by enemy characters in the engage you’re in, you cannot perform an escape.

Critical: -

A skill that allows you to Immediately start moving without any preliminary actions. Skill Bind

Timing: Reference Effect

Check: Automatic Success Target: Single

Range: Visible Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: Thief, once per scenario

Effect: Used when the target declares a skill that is not Timing: Passive . That skill’s 「 」 effects are not displayed, and immediately end without continuation. Since the skill is still used even though the effect was not displayed, the target still pays the cost and such as normal.

Critical: -

A skill to prevent the opponent’s action by surprising them, catching them off guard or such. (Page 154)


Timing: Right after a damage roll

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 3

SL Limit: 4

Use Requirements: SL times per scenario

Effect: Used right after the damage roll when an enemy is the target of a close- quarters attack. Obtain one item drop from the attack’s target. Perform an item drop decision roll as normal. If used on an enemy with no set item drops, obtain Enemy [ Level x100 KE. ] Critical: -

Snake Beat Timing: Minor Action

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 5

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: Short Blade, Whip use

Effect: Increases damage. + Dexterity to weapon attack damage. 【 】 This effect is ongoing until the main process ends.

Critical: -

A skill that ingeniously manipulates a short blade or whip to increase force. The used weapon closes in on the enemy’s vital points like a snake.

Speed Rush

Timing: Major Action

Check: Target Hit Check Target: Area (Choice)

Range: Weapon Cost: 4

SL Limit: 5

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Performs a weapon attack on the target. If there’re two or more targets of the attack, + SL x2 to damage. [ ] Critical: Additional Dice Roll

A skill that attacks surrounding enemies with nimble movements.

Lurk Skill

Timing: Minor Action

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 3

SL Limit: 1 Use Requirements: -

Effect: Enter a stealth state. However, you can’t use this skill If engaged with an enemy character(Excepting circumstances where you can enter a stealth state even when engaged with an enemy character, using the effects of something like other skills, or items).

Critical: -

A skill to instantly conceal yourself with nimble movement.

Dual Blades Skill

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1 Use Requirements: Short Blade Whip ・ Equipment

Effect: Effective when weapons designated in the use requirements are equipped in both the Right Hand and Left 「 」 「 Hand . Sum the Target hit modifier , 」 「 」 Attack power , and Action 「 」 「 Modifier of the two equipped weapons, 」 and treat the Categories as 「 」 one Equip Method: Dual weapon. Both 「 」 weapon’s Effects are in effect and 「 」 usable, but only one needing declaring can be used at a time.

Critical: -

Enemy Detection Skill

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: - SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: When receiving a surprise attack, you can perform a reaction without taking -1D on the check.

Critical: -

A skill that represents the ability to precisely react to unexpected attacks, by sensing danger with sharp intuition.

Poison Skill

Timing: Reference Effect

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 6

SL Limit: 3

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Used at the same time as a weapon attack. If an attack does even 1 point of HP damage to the target, it inflicts Poison (SL) . This effect is ongoing until [ ] the main process ends.

Critical: -

A skill to attack with a poison-dipped weapon or such.


Timing: Major Action

Check: Target Hit Check Target: Single

Range: Weapon Cost: 5

SL Limit: 5

Use Requirements: Whip use

Effect: Performs a close-quarters attack on the target. + SL x2 to that attack’s [ ] damage. Also, If the attack does even 1 point of HP damage to the target, you and the target cannot perform movement. This effect is ongoing until you or the target declares a minor action to release it, or the scene ends.

Critical: Additional Dice Roll

A skill to entangle the opponent in a whip.


Timing: Right before a damage roll

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 5

SL Limit: 3

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Used right before a weapon attack’s damage roll. Increases damage. + (SL) D to the attack’s damage. [ ] Critical: - A skill to deal even greater damage by attacking the opponent’s unprotected areas.


Timing: Minor Action

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 4

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: -1D to reaction checks for targets you perform weapon attacks on. This effect is ongoing until the main process ends.

Critical: -

A skill to make attacks land easier by mixing in feints. Weapon Skill

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: Selected Weapon Use

Effect: Select one weapon category upon taking this. Written like Weapon Skill: Short Blade , 《 》 +1D is granted to target hit checks that use the selected weapon. For each selected weapon, it’s considered to have its own skill, but multiple Weapon SKill: ~~ 《 》 cannot be applied at the same time.

Critical: -

Masters the use of a specific weapon. Among adventurers, the selected weapon category is referred to like “Single-handed sword skill”, or “Bow skill”. Trap Disarm Skill

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: +1D to trap disarm checks.

Critical: -

A skill that represents your intimate knowledge of how various kinds of traps are constructed, and mastery of undoing those mechanisms.

Trap Detection Skill Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: +1D to trap detection checks. Furthermore, even if you fail to detect a trap, it will not activate.

Critical: -

A skill that represents being skilled at spotting traps, from guessing at their construction, or from experience, intuition or the like.


Archers are a class that excel at using bows. It’s possible for them to snipe weak points and such without getting close to enemies. Shadow Bind

Timing: Major Action

Check: Target Hit Check Target: Single

Range: Weapon Cost: 3

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: Bow Use

Effect: Performs a ranged attack on the target. If the attack does even 1 point of HP damage to the target, -1D to evasion checks the target performs. This effect is ongoing until the round ends.

Critical: Additional Dice Roll

A skill that interferes with the target’s actions by binding their shadow with an arrow.

Snipe Skill Timing: Minor Action

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 5

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: Bow Use

Effect: + Luck to ranged attack damage. [ ] This effect is ongoing until the main process ends.

Critical: -

A skill to perform a snipe with a bow. The amount of luck the user has affects the precision of the attack.


Timing: Move Action

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 3 SL Limit: 5

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Increases damage. + SL x3 to ranged attack damage. Also, [ ] you don’t receive modifiers from Dimness . This effect is ongoing until [ ] you perform movement, or the scene ends.

Critical: -

A skill that strikes the enemy with a well- aimed, severe single attack.

Elemental Master

The elemental master is a class that strengthens elemental powers by calling forth spirits. Because of that specialty, if there’s no way to use the power of the elements, most of the skills are meaningless.

Spirit Strengthen Skill

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 3

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Upon taking this, select one element. Both +SL to magic checks and + SL x2 to magic damage of [ ] Classification: Magic skills with the 「 」 selected element . Written like Spirits 《 Strengthen Skill: Light , it’s considered to 》 be taking different skills for each element.

Critical: -

A skill to precisely manipulate magic and increase its force by using the power of the spirits.

Spirit Setup Magic

Timing: Setup Process

Check: Magic Check Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 6 SL Limit: 3

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Upon use, select one element. + SL x5 to magic damage you deal with [ ] the selected element. This effect is ongoing until the scene ends, or you perform a movement action.

Critical: Cost 0

A skill that summons spirits to a nearby location to support your attacks. If you get separated, the link with the spirits is broken.

Spirit Defense

Timing: Setup Process

Check: Magic Check Target: Single

Range: 20m Cost: 3 SL Limit: 3

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Upon use, select one element. Upon taking magic damage with the selected emelent, calculate damage after adding + SL x5 to Magic Defense . This [ ] 【 】 effect is ongoing until the round ends.

Critical: Cost 0

A skill that sets up spirits near the target, raising their defense for a specific element.


The creator is a class that fights using “Magic circle” traps brought forth by magic. The magic circles can create gaps in enemy defense, or inflict a desired ailment.

Booby Trap

Timing: Move Action Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 9

SL Limit: 3

Use Requirements: SL times per scene

Effect: Upon use, select one ailment. If an attack does even 1 point of HP damage to the target, the selected ailment is inflicted. The effect intensity is 1 if needed. This effect is ongoing until the main process ends.

Critical: -

A skill that entraps targets by predicting enemy behavior and setting up magic circles beforehand.

Defense Piercing Skill

Timing: Right before damage roll

Check: Automatic Success Target: Single Range: 20m Cost: 5

SL Limit: 3

Use Requirements: Once per scene

Effect: Used right before an attack’s damage roll. For that attack, - SL x5 (Minimum 0) is taken for both [ ] Physical Defense and Magic 【 】 【 Defense , then damage is calculated. 】 Critical: -

A Skill that uses a magic circle to temporarily neutralize enemy defenses.

Trap Strengthen Skill

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1 Use Requirements: -

Effect: +1 to effect intensity of ailments inflicted. Ineffective for ailments without effect intensity.

Critical: -

A skill that develops a magic circle that strengthens things like poison and pain that you inflict.


The swordsman is a class that excels at using all kinds of swords, like short blades, long blades, and two-handed swords. Once they have a sword in hand, they could probably cut down any kind of enemy with ease.

Iai Skill Timing: Move Action

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 3

SL Limit: 3

Use Requirements: Short Blade Long ・ Blade Two-handed Sword Use, ・ SL times per scene

Effect: +3D to close-quarters attack damage. This effect is ongoing until the main process ends. Also, you may have a Category: Short Blade, Long Blade, Two- 「 handed Sword weapon equipped when 」 using this skill (Be aware that you can’t exchange).

Critical: -

A skill that slices the enemy while drawing your blade. Sword Dance

Timing: Minor Action

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 4

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: Short Blade Long ・ Blade Two-handed Sword Use. ・ Effect: Increases damage. + Agility to weapon attack damage. 【 】 This effect is ongoing until the main process ends.

Critical: -

A skill that takes sword in hand, and attacks the enemy as if dancing.

Two Sword Style

Timing: Passive Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 3

Use Requirements: Short Blade Long ・ Blade Use

Effect: Effective when weapons with Category of short blade or long blade 「 」 are equipped in both the right hand and left hand. Both +SL to target hit checks, and + SL x2 to damage that use the [ ] weapons.

Critical: -

A skill that represents learning the techniques of the two sword style, which uses two swords at the same time.

Sworn Knight Like the knight, the sword knight is class that represents the proud. They can raise their own power through honor and oaths.

Guardian Skill

Timing: Minor Action

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 4

SL Limit: 5

Use Requirements: -

Effect: + SL x2 to Physical Defense [ ] 【 】 and Magic Defense . This effect is 【 】 ongoing until the scene ends.

Critical: -

A skill that raises your own defense by swearing to protect your companions. Oath Skill

Timing: Major Action

Check: Automatic Success Target: Single

Range: 20m Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: Once per scenario

Effect: +1D to damage from attacks you perform while the target is in the same scene as you. This effect is ongoing until the scenario ends.

Critical: -

A skill that pledges to battle for the sake of a certain person. If the person you pledged to is close, endless fighting spirit fills your heart.

Annihilate Skill Timing: Setup Process

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 3

SL Limit: 3

Use Requirements: -

Effect: + SL x4 to weapon attack [ ] damage. This effect is ongoing until the round ends.

Critical: -

A skill that pledges to defeat your enemies upon your honor.


The lancer is a class that uses spears to fight. They can utilize their long reach to stop enemies in their tracks, or use an assault’s momentum to increase their force and attack. Leg Sweep

Timing: Minor Action

Check: Target Hit Check Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 6

SL Limit: 3

Use Requirements: Spear Use

Effect: Increases damage. + SL x3 to weapon attack damage. Also [ ] if the attack does even 1 point of HP damage to the target, Slip is inflicted. [ ] This effect is ongoing until the main process ends.

Critical: -

A skill that sweeps with the spear shaft.

Restrain Timing: Setup Process

Check: Automatic Success Target: Single

Range: Close Cost: 4

SL Limit: 3

Use Requirements: Spear Use

Effect: -(SL) D to the target’s Action 【 Score . This effect is ongoing until the 】 round ends.

Critical: -

A skill that utilizes their spear’s long reach to stop enemies in their tracks, delaying action.


Timing: Move Action

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 5 SL Limit: 3

Use Requirements: Spear Use

Effect: Increases damage. Performs battle movement, or all-out movement. + SL x4 to close-quarters attack damage [ ] if performing that movement. This effect is ongoing until the main process ends.

Critical: -

A skill that readies one’s weapon, and rushes in. The assault’s momentum is used to strike enemies down.

Rune Knight

A rune knight is a class that uses magic seals (Runes) to fight. They can do things like strengthen weapons or armor, or bring out the elemental power of treasure using seals. Element Seal Magic

Timing: Minor Action

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Consumes one Category: [ Treasure item. The weapon attack ] damage is changed to magic damage having the consumed item’s corresponding element. This effect is ongoing until the scene ends. Refer to page 193 for item and element correspondence.

Critical: -

A skill that puts a seal on treasure, enveloping a blade with flames, lightning or such. Weapon Seal Magic

Timing: Setup Process

Check: Magic Check Target: Single

Range: Close Cost: 5

SL Limit: 5

Use Requirements: -

Effect: + SL x2 to weapon attack [ ] damage performed on the target. This effect is ongoing until the scene ends.

Critical: -

A skill that sharpens a blade by putting a seal on the weapon.

Armor Seal Magic

Timing: Setup Process

Check: Magic Check Target: Single

Range: Close Cost: 5 SL Limit: 3

Use Requirements: -

Effect: + SL x2 to Physical Defense [ ] 【 】 and +SL to Magic Defense of the target. 【 】 This effect is ongoing until the scene ends.

Critical: -

A skill that mitigates threats by putting a seal on armor.

General Skills

Here, data of general skills that can be taken regardless of class are shown. It’s possible to take these at character creation, or when spending experience points. For detailed acquisition rules, refer to page 246. Lie Skill

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: +1D to Spirit checks for things [ ] like bluffing, or lying.

Critical: -

A skill that represents excelling at techniques for not letting what you’re thinking show on your face, being able to lie without showing any mental disturbance, and convincing people.

Lie Detection Skill

Timing: Passive Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: +1D to checks for seeing through things like bluffs and lies. However, things like the reason for lying or the contents of what’s being hidden cannot be known from this check.

Critical: -

A skill that represents having outstanding insight. You can recognize that a person is hiding something by watching their expression, tone and such while talking.

Athletics Skill

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: +1D to Strength checks that 【 】 perform things like climbing and jumping.

Critical: -

A skill that represents being skilled at moving your body.

Party Skill

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: - Effect: +1D to Dexterity checks for 【 】 performing party tricks.

Critical: -

A skill for firing up a party by using various tricks. There exist even better pretend magic tricks to drive the places wild.

Appraisal Skill

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: +1D to Intelligence checks for 【 】 analysis relating to things like item function and usage.

Critical: - A skill that represents having knowledge of various items.

Lifesaver Skill

Timing: Major Action

Check: Dexterity Target: Single

Range: Close Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Effective on knocked out targets. Perform a Dexterity check with a 【 】 difficulty of 10. If the check succeeds, the target recovers from being knocked out with 1 HP . Furthermore, the target 【 】 becomes post-action.

Critical: - A skill that administers first-aid, restoring consciousness.

Portable Skill

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: The weight limit for portables becomes Base Strength Score x2 . [【 】 ] Critical: -

You’ve been training your body for a long time. As a result, you can carry a large load of luggage without breaking a sweat. Negotiation Skill

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: +1D to Spirit checks like for 【 】 negotiations or persuasion.

Critical: -

A skill that represents your ability to make negotiations go in your favor, and convince people, by using things like your charm, speaking skills, and demeanor.

Hunting Skill

Timing: Reference Effect

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: Once per Scenario

Effect: Used at the end of a scene. Recovers HP. Recover 2D + (CL x2) points to [ ] HP . The GM may deny use for reasons 【 】 like if there isn’t enough time until the next scene, or if there aren’t any animals nearby. If Its use wasn’t accepted, don’t add to the use count.

Critical: -

A skill that hunts animals to gain food, and recover energy.

Flash Step Skill

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: - SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: +1D to Action Score check 【 】 when escaping from a blockaded engage.

Critical: -

A skill that represents the ability to quickly run. It’s possible to quickly separate from nearby enemies with this.

Meat Skill

Timing: Item

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Acquire 3 pieces of meat (page 193) during pre-play. Critical: -

A skill that a store owner that handles meat, or a dairy farmer you know to share their meat with you.

Investigate Skill

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: +1D to information gathering checks done with a Perception check. 【 】 Critical: -

A skill that represents having ways to get information, such as knowing an information broker, or having a wide information network.

Tracking Skill

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: +1D to Perception checks when 【 】 tracking something, using things like footprints or other traces left behind.

Critical: -

A skill that represents excelling at judging where someone went by detecting footprints left in the dirt, grass that’s been stepped on, or traces left in the dust, or dirt. Fishing Skill

Timing: Reference Effect

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: Once per Scenario

Effect: Used at the end of the scene. Recovers MP. Recovers 2D + (CL x2) [ ] points of MP. The GM may deny use for reasons like if there isn’t enough time until the next scene, or if there aren’t any lakes or rivers nearby. If Its use wasn’t accepted, don’t add to the use count.

Critical: -

A skill that puts you at ease by leisurely fishing. Enemy Identification Skill

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: +1D to enemy identification checks.

Critical: -

A skill that represents knowing about many kinds of enemies from coming across them while hunting, hearing rumors about them or such.

Destruction Skill

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: +2D to damage when destroying an object. However, you cannot destroy unbreakable objects.

Critical: -

A skill that represents knowing the most efficient methods to break things.

Faith: Aqua

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1 Use Requirements: -

Effect: +1 to your Physical 【 Defense and Magic Defense . 】 【 】 However, you cannot take other Faith: 《 ~~ . 》 Critical: -

A skill that represents your faith in the goddess Aqua, and the protection you receive. However, as a member of the Axis church, you may lose your faith. The GM decides the specifics.

Faith: Eris

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: - Effect: A skill that adds +2 to HP and MP recovery from skills and items. However, you cannot take other Faith: ~~ . 《 》 Critical: -

A skill that represents your faith in the goddess Eris, and the protection you receive.

History Skill

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: +1D to Intelligence checks on if 【 】 you know various countries’ or towns’ general information, history, people, things that happened in the past and such. Critical: -

A skill that represents your knowledge of many countries and towns, from looking it up in books, or hearing rumors or such.

General Skills: Beginner Magic

Elementary magic is introduced here. They’re learned with ease, but many aren’t suited for battle.

Wind Bless Breath Magic Wind 〈 〉 Timing: Major Action

Check: Magic Check Target: Reference Effect

Range: 5m Cost: 2

SL Limit: 1 Use Requirements: -

Effect: By passing the check, produces a gust of wind to happen at a chosen place in the range, large enough to blow away a piece of paper.

Critical: Cost 0

Beginner magic that produces a gust of wind large enough to blow away a piece of paper.

Create Earth Magic Earth 〈 〉 Timing: Major Action

Check: Magic Check Target: Single

Range: Close Cost: 2

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: - Effect: By passing the check, an amount of dirt that could fit in your hand is created.

Critical: Cost 0

Beginner magic that creates earth perfect for growing things.

Create Water Magic Water 〈 〉 Timing: Major Action

Check: Magic Check Target: Single

Range: Close Cost: 2

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: By passing the check, a cup’s worth of water is created.

Critical: Cost 0 Beginner magic that creates a cup’s worth of clean water.

Tinder Magic Fire 〈 〉 Timing: Major Action

Check: Magic Check Target: Single

Range: Close Cost: 2

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: By passing the check, a small, match- sized fire is created.

Critical: Cost 0

Beginner magic that creates a match-sized fire. To keep the fire going, something flammable like firewood or cloth is needed. Purification Magic Water 〈 〉 Timing: Setup Process

Check: Magic Check Target: Reference Effect

Range: Close Cost: 6

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: By passing the check, you purify water that you are touching. You can purify dirty water, water with poison, and such. The GM can set the difficulty from the state of the water, how much is being purified, and such.

Critical: Cost 0

Beginner magic that purifies water touched into fresh water.

Feather Magic Wind 〈 〉 Timing: Reference Effects

Check: Magic Check Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 6

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: Once per Scene

Effect: Used right before the damage roll from falling. The damage taken from falling is changed to 0. Can be used at times like falling into Pitfall (Page 293) or 「 」 Hole (Page 295), or if inflicted with 「 」 Slip while horseback riding, or riding [ ] with someone.

Critical: Cost 0

Beginner magic to gently land on the ground.

Freeze Magic Water 〈 〉 Timing: Setup Process Check: Magic Check Target: Single

Range: 5m Cost: 4

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: By passing the check, freeze water, the surface of a characters body, or the like within range. There is no influence on checks from the freezing of this effect.

Critical: Cost 0

Beginner magic that slightly freezes the surface of the target’s body by using a slight chill.

*TN: Water is not my typo. I’m guessing it should be Ice . 〈 〉 〈 〉

Crusader (Page 172)

The crusader is the advanced class of the knight. It focuses on weapon attacks, and skills that raise defense. It’s also filled with skills to protect their companions. They can be considered required skills for the crusader, who faces enemies while standing on the front lines. Around Cover

Timing: Covering 《 》 Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 4

SL Limit: 3

Use Requirements: SL times per Scenario

Effect: Used during Covering . Gives 《 》 cover to multiple voluntary characters in the same engage. Covered characters do not receive damage, and the damage you take from covering is a single person’s portion. If you were also a target, you ultimately receive double the HP damage.

Critical: -

A skill that protects an area. Attack Strengthen Skill

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 5

Use Requirements: -

Effect: + SL x4 to weapon attack [ ] damage.

Critical: -

A skill that unleashes devastating strikes using crusader techniques.

Fortress Stance

Timing: Setup Process

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 9 SL Limit: 5

Use Requirements: -

Effect: + SL x4 to Physical Defense [ ] 【 】 and Magic Defense . This effect is 【 】 ongoing until the scene ends, or you perform movement.

Critical: -

A skill to stop in place and take a stance devoted to defense.

Irregular Status Resistance Skill

Timing: Cleanup Process

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 3

Use Requirements: SL times per scene

Effect: All status ailments you’re inflicted with are cured.

Critical: -

A skill that restores your body’s condition by raising your resistance, fixing your stance, or such.

Blood Strike

Timing: Right before a damage roll

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 5

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Used right before a weapon attack damage roll. Increases damage. Consume SL x5 points or less of voluntary [ ] HP . For every point of HP 【 】 【 】 consumed, the attack does +1 damage. Critical: -

A skill that increases the force of a single strike by shaving away at one’s live.

Successive Strike

Timing: Major Action

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 8

SL Limit: 3

Use Requirements: SL times per Scene

Effect: Performs two close-quarters attacks from Devastating Strike . This 《 》 Devastating Strike does not have a 《 》 cost, and becomes Target: Single※ . 「 」 You may attack the same target twice, or attack separate targets once each.

Critical: - A skill that unleashes a swift follow-up attack after Devastating Strike . 《 》

Mastery Skill

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Upon taking this, select one weapon Category . Written like Mastery Skill: 「 」 《 Long Blade , add +1D to weapon attack 》 target hit checks that use the selected Category’s weapon. For each selected 「 」 weapon, it’s considered to have its own skill, but multiple Mastery SKill: ~~ 《 》 cannot be applied at the same time.

Critical: - Archpriest

The Archpriest is the advanced class of the priest. They can use magic even more specialized in healing and support. Also aside from support, it’s become a class better suited for combat as well.


Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: +1D to checks from priest and archpriest skills.

Critical: - A skill that represents your prayers bringing out even greater power from skills.

Protection Strengthen Skill

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 5

Use Requirements: -

Effect: + SL x3 to the effect of Sacred [ ] 《 Shield . 》 Critical: -

A skill that increases the effects of Sacred 《 Shield through prayer. 》 Scripture Skill Magic

Timing: Minor Action

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 7

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Effective with priest and archpriest skills. + Spirit to the effects of HP 【 】 recovery and attack damage that use a major action.

Critical: -

A skill that uses words of prayer to bring forth the power of the gods, and increase the effects of magic and skills. Sacred is sometimes added to the names of skills that have their effects amplified from this effect. Crusade Skill

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 5

Use Requirements: -

Effect: + SL x3 to attack damage. [ ] Critical: -

A skill that represents your accumulated training in order to wage a holy war.

Sacred Exorcism Magic

Timing: Major Action

Check: - Target: Single

Range: 20m Cost: 12

SL Limit: 3 Use Requirements: -

Effect: Can acquire with 1 level in Exorcism . Effective when the target 《 》 is Classification: Demon . Performs a 「 」 magic attack on the target. If the target’s CL (Or enemy level) is at or below CL + SL + 3 , they die. If above [ ] CL + SL + 3 , the attack deals damage of [ ] (SL +1) D + 20 (Piercing damage). [ ] Critical: Additional Dice Roll

Magic that destroys demons.

Sacred Turn Undead Magic

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Single

Range: 20m Cost: 12

SL Limit: 3

Use Requirements: - Effect: Can acquire with 3 levels in Turn 《 Undead . Effective when the target is 》 Classification: Undead . If the target’s 「 」 CL (Or enemy level) is at or below CL + SL + 3 , they die (You decide at [ ] time of use). If above CL + SL + 3 , the attack deals damage of [ ] (SL +1) D + 20 (Piercing damage). [ ] Critical: Additional Dice Roll

Magic that destroys that which has no life.

*TN: It doesn’t mention being able to knock out the enemy, so either “(You decide at time of use)” is a typo, or they meant to put “then they are knocked out or made dead (You decide at time of use)” like with Turn Undead . 《 》 Highness Saint Shield

Timing: Saint Shield 《 》 Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 4

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: Once per Round Effect: Used at the same time as Saint 《 Shield . Saint Shield is changed to 》 《 》 Target: Area: (Choice) . 「 」 Critical: -

A skill that widens Saint Shield’s area 《 》 by offering a noble prayer.


The archwizard is the advanced class of the wizard. They can use advanced magic that has even greater force.

Extended Incantation Skill

Timing: Setup Process

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 8 SL Limit: 5

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Increases damage. + SL x5 to [ ] magic attack damage, and -10 to Action 【 Score . This effect is ongoing until the 】 round ends, or you move.

Critical: -

A skill that uses long incantations to raise the force of magic.

Earth Shaker Magic Earth 〈 〉 Timing: Major Action

Check: Magic Check Target: Single

Range: 20m Cost: 12

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Can acquire with 1 level in Stone 《 Bind . Performs a magic attack on the 》 target. The attack’s damage is 2D +20 [ ] ( Earth element magic damage). Also, if 〈 〉 this attack does even 1 point of HP damage to the target, Slip is inflicted. [ ] Critical: Additional Dice Roll

Advanced magic that attacks by shaking the ground.

Inferno Magic Fire 〈 〉 Timing: Major Action

Check: Magic Check Target: Single

Range: 20m Cost: 12

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Can acquire with 1 level in Fire 《 Ball . Performs a magic attack. The 》 attack’s damage is 2D + 30 [ ] ( Fire element magic damage). 〈 〉 Critical: Additional Dice Roll

Advanced magic that burns up the enemy with an enormous flame.

Tornado Magic Wind 〈 〉 Timing: Major Action

Check: Magic Check Target: Single

Range: 20m Cost: 12

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Can acquire with 1 level in Blade of 《 Wind . Performs a magic attack on the 》 target. +1D to the attack’s magic check, with damage of 2D +20 [ ] ( Wind element magic damage). 〈 〉 Critical: Additional Dice Roll Advanced magic that attacks with an enormous whirlwind.

Light of Saber Magic Light 〈 〉 Timing: Major Action

Check: Magic Check Target: Single

Range: 20m Cost: 12

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Can acquire with 1 level in Flash . 《 》 Performs a magic attack on the target. The attack’s damage is 2D +25 [ ] ( Light element magic damage). Also, if 〈 〉 the attack’s target is in the same engage, +10 to damage.

Critical: Additional Dice Roll Advanced magic that shreds the enemy with a blade of light. Unleashes even greater power when done at close range.

Lightning Strike Magic Lightning 〈 〉 Timing: Major Action

Check: Magic Check Target: Single

Range: 20m Cost: 12

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Can acquire with 1 level in Lightning . Performs a magic attack 《 》 on the target. The attack’s damage is 2D [ +20 ( Lightning element magic ] 〈 〉 damage). Also, if this attack does even 1 point of HP damage to the target, Pressured is inflicted. [ ] Critical: Additional Dice Roll A skill that pierces the enemy with a powerful strike of lightning. Can be used even indoors with no problem.

Explosion Magic

Timing: Major Action

Check: Magic Check Target: Scene (Choice)

Range: Visible Cost: 60

SL Limit: 5

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Can acquire with 5 levels in Extended Incantation Skill . Usable 《 》 during the effects of a level 5 Extended 《 Incantation Skill . Performs a magic attack 》 on the target. The attack’s damage is (SL +1) D +60 ( None element magic [ ] 〈 〉 damage).

Critical: Additional Dice Roll “Explosion Magic” is magic that boasts frightening force. Its use requires a long incantation and tremendous magic.


The assassin is the advanced class of the thief. They excel at their fighting method of lurking in the shadows, and stealing enemies’ lives by thrusting into weak points.

Cicada Husk

Timing: Reference Effect

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 3

SL Limit: 3

Use Requirements: SL times per Scenario

Effect: Used at the same time as evasion checks. If that evasion check succeeds, after the main process of the character that attacked ends, you can perform a non- attack major action once. Be careful you don’t perform a move action or minor action.

Critical: -

A skill to perform an action while dodging an attack.

Shadow Blade Skill

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 3

Use Requirements: Stealth

Effect: +1D to target hit checks and + SL x5 to damage of weapon attacks. [ ] Critical: - A skill that aims for the enemy’s vital points while in a hidden state.

Haze Concealment Skill

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: Even if engaged with an enemy character, you can enter a stealth state.

Critical: -

A skill to erase your presence in an instant, even if you’re right in front of an enemy’s eyes. Fatal Aim

Timing: Move action

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 10

SL Limit: 3

Use Requirements: Short Blade Use, Once per scene

Effect: Used at the same time as a weapon attack. Changes the attack to Target: 「 Single ※ , and calculate HP damage as if 」 the target’s Physical Defense 【 】 and Magic Defense are 0 for the 【 】 damage roll. This effect is ongoing until the main process ends.

Critical: -

A skill that performs an attack that aims for the gaps in armor and such with a short blade. Acrobatic Evasion

Timing: Right after a check

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 7

SL Limit: 3

Use Requirements: SL times per Scene

Effect: Used right after an evasion check. Redo that check. Dice number does not change upon doing so.

Critical: -

A skill that forcefully changes your posture to avoid an attack that should hit.

Afterimage Skill Timing: Move Action

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 12

SL Limit: 1

Use Requirements: -

Effect: +1D to weapon attack target hit checks, and +1D to evasion checks. This effect is ongoing until the scene ends.

Critical: -

A skill that attacks with movement so swift, afterimages are made.

Storm Rush

Timing: Major Action

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: 8 SL Limit: 3

Use Requirements: SL times per scenario

Effect: Performs a second close-quarters attack from Speed Rush . This Speed 《 》 《 Rush does not have a cost. You may 》 attack the same target twice, or attack separate targets once each.

Critical: -

A skill that successively attacks multiple targets with the swiftness of the wind.

Item Data

Here, data on items characters use is written.

Refer to pages 182-183 for how to read item data, and page 195 for how to use items.

Possessions Things like weapons and armor are a given, and tools such as lanterns and ropes, items that are the property of the characters are called Possessions , and are represented with speech like Possessing an item . [ ] [ ] From a Possession’s state, it can also be called Equipment , or Portable . However, there also exist Belongings with states [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] that are neither Equipment nor Portable , such as lifestyle (Page 193). [ ] [ ] Item Equipping and Portables

Normally, items are available for use just by carrying them, but there are some that must be equipped before they can be used, or their effect is displayed. Those are mainly things like weapons and armor. Equipping an item means to “Ready that item so immediate use is possible”.

For example, for weapons, it’s a state where it can immediately be readied, able to attack with. Accordingly, you can use potions even if you have a weapon equipped in both hands, and can pass items to other characters.


Items that can be equipped in one of the six locations set for a character (Right hand, left hand, head, body, auxiliary armor, and accessory) are called equipment. Generally, for one location, one item can be equipped.


Items that characters carry around other than equipment are all portables. Portables are assumed to be things stored in backpacks, or clothes or armor pockets, but there’s no need to strictly define them.

Item Categories (Page 181) Items have an entry called Category . Category has the category that item belongs to, and shows how to use that item. Category 「 」 「 」 entries are as follows.


Items used in battle, like swords and spears. Usable after being equipped in the Right Hand or Left Hand . In terms of data, 「 」 「 」 the Category entry is not written as Weapon , but is broken down further into weapon category. The nine weapon categories are 「 」 「 」 Hand-fighting , Short Blade , Long Blade , Two-handed sword , Axe , Bash , Spear , Whip , and Bow . 「 」 「 」 「 」 「 」 「 」 「 」 「 」 「 」 「 」 Shield

Items held to protect against attacks. After being equipped in the Right Hand or Left Hand , the effects are displayed. 「 」 「 」 Armor

Items that are worn to protect the body. They can be split into three groups depending on the equip location, which are Head , 「 」 Body , and Auxiliary Armor . By being equipped, tThe effects are displayed. 「 」 「 」 Accessory

Items that display various effects from being worn. The effects are displayed by being equipped to the Accessory location. 「 」 Tool

Various items used on adventures. Generally by carrying them around the effects are displayed, or they’re available for use.


Treasure like rubies and diamonds. The consumption of these is a use requirement for the effects of a portion of skills.

Potion Items like heal potions or manatite, that restore HP or MP, and cure ailments. By being carried, they are available for use.


Items like meat or fruit, that restore HP or MP. By being carried, they are available for use.


Items like backpacks that are used for storage. Have the effect of increasing the portables weight limit. By being carried, the effects are displayed, but you cannot carry multiple items with the Category: Storage title. 「 」 Decorations

Items like clothes or accessories. They are in effect by being carried, and are available for use, but there are no effects governed by rules. Can be equipped without regard to equip location.


Kinds of service like inns or meals that PC’s can receive. Services cannot be put in portables, and are just paid for on location. A portion of these items can be possessed (Not in portables).


Data that shows how characters are living in the time between sessions, like living extravagantly, or in a horse stable. Players must buy during pre-play, and pay during after-play. Refer to page 218. How to Read Item Data (Page 182)

How to read item data is explained.

If - is written in an entry, it shows there is no meaning for that entry, it doesn’t receive modifiers from skills or other items, or such. 「 」 Also, if Reference Effect is written, an explanation of that entry is in the text of the item data Effects . 「 」 「 」 Common Headings

The following common entries exist in the item data.


The item’s name is written.


The item’s category is written. Refer to page 181 for a detailed explanation.


The minimum character level (below, CL) a character needs to equip or use an item is written.


Shows the item’s weight or builkiness. Becomes the limit of how much of things like equipment or portables can be held at a time. Items with - written for the weight are items that cannot be equipped or carried. 「 」 Equip Location (Page 183)

The method used for equipping the item is written. Only one item can be equipped to one location. Also, only weapons and shields have differing equip location descriptions, with the three types being Single , Double , 「 」 「 」 and Dual . 「 」 Equip Location: Single

Can be equipped in the Right Hand or Left Hand . Record the data in the equipment field of the side equipped. 「 」 「 」 Equip Location: Double

Because it’s used by holding it with both hands, both hands are required to equip it. Record the data in the Right Hand equipment 「 」 field, and put - for the Left Hand weapon name. 「 」 「 」 Equip Location: Dual

A weapon that is two in one, it needs both the Right Hand and Left Hand to being equipped. Record the data in the Right 「 」 「 」 「 Hand equipment field, and put - for the Left Hand weapon name. 」 「 」 「 」 Price

The money needed to buy the item is written in units of (KE).

Class Restriction

The requirements for equipping things like shields and armor are written. Unless the class restriction matches your current class’s Equipment Requirements (Page 120), you cannot equip that shield or armor. 「 」 For example, the sworn knight with Equipment Requirement: Knight can equip shields and armor with Class Restriction: Knight . 「 」 「 」 Also, in the case of the adventurer, with Equipment Requirement: - , they can only equip shields and armor with Class Restriction: 「 」 「 - . 」 As long as it’s not clearly specified, carrying can be done regardless of class. Effects

The effects the item has are written. Terms that appear in the text are explained below.

-Timing Shows the timing to use an item’s effects, such as major action or minor action.

-Equipper Represents the character equipping the item.

-User Represents the character using the item.

-Possessor Represents the character who possesses the item.

-Consumable Represents items that are lost upon use. As long as it’s not clearly specified, when it goes into effect, the item is lost.

Throwable Represents that the item can be thrown as an attack while it’s equipped (page 231).


An explanation of the item is written. If an Item written in table form, it’s all written under Effects similar to Effects Description . 「 」 「 ・ 」

Weapon Headings For weapon data, the following characteristic entries exist.

Target Hit Modifier

The modifier score for the success score of target hit checks when attacking with the weapon. There are times when a target hit check’s success score may be 0 or below.

Attack Power

The attack power the weapon holds. Added to the damage roll.

Action Modifier

The modifier score for the Action Score when equipping the weapon. 【 】 Range

The weapon’s range is written. If Close is written, only characters in the same engage can be chosen as attack targets. This attack is 「 」 generally a close-quarters attack.

If written as distance (~~m), you can choose as attack targets characters within that distance and not in the same engage. This attack is generally a shooting attack.

Shield Headings

For shield data, the following characteristic entries exist.

Physical Defense The modifier value for Physical Defense when equipping the shield. Physical Defense cannot become less than 0 even if adding 【 】 【 】 this modifier.

Magical Defense

The modifier value for Magic Defense when equipping the shield. Magic Defense cannot become less than 0 even if adding this 【 】 【 】 modifier.

Action Modifier

The modifier to the Action Score when the shield is equipped. The Action Score may become 0 or lower. 【 】 【 】

Armor Headings

For armor data, the following characteristic entries exist.

Evasion Modifier

The modifier score for the success score of evasion checks when equipping the armor. There are times when the evasion check’s success score may be 0 or below.

Physical Defense

The modifier value for Physical Defense when equipping the armor. Physical Defense cannot become less than 0 even if adding 【 】 【 】 this modifier.

Magical Defense The modifier value for Magic Defense when equipping the armor. Magic Defense cannot become less than 0 even if adding this 【 】 【 】 modifier.

Movement Modifier

The modifier to the Action Score when the armor is equipped. If the Action Score becomes 0 or less as a result of adding the 【 】 【 】 action modifier of something like equipment, adjust your equipped items so that your Action Score is 1 or greater. 【 】

Weapon Table (Page 185)

Name Category Level Weight Target Hit Attack Action Range Equip Cost Effect , Description Modifier Power Modifier Location

Bare Hands Hand- 1 - ±0 ±0 ±0 Close Dual - Data for when a fighting weapon is not equipped, or is not being used in a close- quarters attack.

Iron Hand- 1 5 +1 +4 ±0 Close Dual 10 Steel-made weapons Knuckles fighting used by placing your fingers in and gripping.

Bagh nakh Hand- 1 5 ±0 +6 ±0 Close Dual 50 Steel-made claws fighting gripped in the palm of the hand.

Iron Claws Hand- 2 5 ±0 +7 ±0 Close Dual 100 Weapons with steel- fighting made claws attached to a back-of-the-hand guard.

Mithril Hand- 4 6 ±0 +9 ±0 Close Dual 400 Knuckle guards with Knuckles fighting mithiril-made armor.

Mithril Hand- 6 6 ±0 +11 ±0 Close Dual 780 Mithril-made claws. Claws fighting

Pata Hand- 8 7 ±0 +13 ±0 Close Dual 2,100 Weapons that fighting combine an arm- protecting gauntlet, and sword.

Diamond Hand- 10 8 +1 +13 ±0 Close Dual 4,200 Knuckle guards with Knuckles fighting diamonds adorning the armored parts.

Knife Short Blade 1 1 ±0 +3 ±0 Close Single 10 Throwable. A modest Knife.

Dagger Short Blade 1 1 ±0 +4 ±0 Close Single 20 A short blade slightly larger than a knife.

Basilard Short Blade 2 1 ±0 +4 ±0 Close Single 50 Throwable. A double- sided short blade a step larger than a dagger.

Katar Short Blade 2 1 ±0 +5 ±0 Close Single 150 A large, uniquely shaped short blade with the hilt and grip completely separated.

Fine Dagger Short Blade 3 2 ±0 +6 ±0 Close Single 250 A dagger with exceedingly high q6uality.

Dirk Short Blade 4 2 ±0 +5 ±0 Close Single 300 Throwable. A short blade useful as both an everyday tool, and as a weapon.

Sword Short Blade 6 3 ±0 +7 ±0 Close Single 800 Passive. +1 to the Breaker user’s Physical 【 Defense . A one- 】 sided short blade lined with close ridges.

Mithril Short Blade 8 4 ±0 +8 ±0 Close Single 1,400 A mithril-made Dagger dagger.

Weapon Short Blade 10 5 ±0 +9 -1 Close Single 4,800 Passive. +1 to the Breaker user’s Physical 【 Defense . An 】 enhanced sword breaker.

Short Sword Long Blade 1 2 ±0 +5 -1 Close Single 80 An easy-to-use sword with a short blade.

Long Sword Long Blade 1 6 -1 +7 -1 Close Single 150 The most common long blade.

Rapier Long Blade 2 6 ±0 +6 -1 Close Single 120 A sword with a thin blade.

Broadsword Long Blade 2 6 -1 +8 -1 Close Single 240 A long blade with a flattened blade.

Firangi Long Blade 3 6 -1 +9 -1 Close Single 300 A sword that’s double- sided from the tip to half the blade, and single-sided for half the blade.

Fine Sword Long Blade 4 7 -1 +10 -1 Close Single 500 A high quality long sword.

Mithril Long Blade 6 8 -1 +11 -1 Close Single 780 A mithirl-made long Sword sword.

Gladius Long Blade 8 9 ±0 +10 ±0 Close Single 1,100 A short sword made for infantry. Mithril Long Blade 10 9 ±0 +12 -1 Close Single 3,800 A mithril-made Scimitar scimitar.

Zweihänder Two- 1 10 -1 +10 -2 Close Double 250 A two-handed sword handed with a long hilt, and a Sword blade with a base that can be held.

Great sword Two- 1 10 -1 +11 -3 Close Double 300 An enormous sword at handed least 2 meters in Sword length.

Claymore Two- 2 11 -1 +12 -3 Close Double 380 A simple and plain handed two-handed sword. It Sword features a cross on the hilt.

Rhomphaia Two- 3 12 -1 +13 -3 Close Double 680 A two-handed sword handed with a sickle-shaped Sword blade. The hilt is of comparable length to the blade.

Fine Two- 4 13 -1 +13 -2 Close Double 800 A high quality Claymore handed claymore. Sword

Heavy Two- 6 13 -1 +16 -2 Close Double 1,300 A claymore made with Claymore handed greater weight and Sword firmness.

Outrage Two- 8 13 -2 +19 -3 Close Double 2,800 An enormous sword of handed almost 3 meters. Sword

Mithril Two- 10 15 -1 +19 -1 Close Double 5,300 A mithril-made Claymore handed claymore. Sword

Hand Axe Axe 1 8 -2 +8 -1 Close Single 100 Throwable. A small axe made for one hand.

Great Axe Axe 1 10 -2 +11 -2 Close Double 160 An enormous axe made for two hands.

Halberd Axe 1 10 -3 +13 -2 Close Double 220 A spear with an axe fixed on the end.

Battle Axe Axe 2 9 -2 +9 -1 Close Single 1,300 An axe for single- handed use. Easy to manage, with high force.

Light Axe Axe 3 8 -2 +10 -1 Close Single 350 A lightened battle axe, with only it’s force increased.

Pole Axe Axe 3 11 -2 +13 -2 Close Double 670 A two-handed axe with an axe blade on one side, and a hooked blade on the other.

Heavy Axe 4 11 -3 +16 -2 Close Double 760 A more powerful Halberd halberd, with the axe portion being made heavier.

Tungi Axe 6 10 -2 +12 -1 Close Single 760 An axe that’s small, easy to use, and even has high power.

Mithril Axe Axe 8 11 -2 +13 -1 Close Single 1,500 A battle axe with the axe head made of mithril.

Mithril Axe 10 14 -3 +22 -2 Close Double 7,800 A mithril-made heavy Halberd halberd.

Name Category Level Weight Target Hit Attack Action Range Equip Price Effect , Modifier Power Modifier Location Description

Club Bash 1 1 -1 +2 ±0 Close Single 20 A stick made from wood

Light Mace Bash 1 5 -1 +5 ±0 Close Single 100 A bashing weapon with identically formed bits of iron attached, and a pommel

Flail Bash 1 6 ±0 +5 -1 Close Single 150 A weapon of a chain and iron sphere at the end of a stick.

Heavy Mace Bash 2 5 -1 +6 ±0 Close Single 180 A mace with an iron weight attached on the pommel.

War Bash 3 5 -1 +7 ±0 Close Single 300 A hammer for hammer combat use.

Morningstar Bash 4 6 -1 +8 ±0 Close Single 480 A weapon of a club attached to a chain and iron sphere with countless spikes attached. Heavy Flail Bash 6 6 -1 +9 ±0 Close Single 700 A flail with an even more gigantic iron sphere.

Mithril Bash 8 7 -1 +11 ±0 Close Single 850 A mithril-made Hammer warhammer

Diamond Bash 10 8 -1 +12 ±0 Close Single 2,200 A combat mace Mace with diamonds decorating the pommel.

Staff Bash 1 5 -1 +2 ±0 Close Double 40 Passive. +1 to the equipper’s Physical 【 Defense . A 】 staff of around 1 – 1.5 meters.

Magic Staff Bash 1 6 -1 +2 -1 Close Double 250 Passive. +1 to magic attack damage. A staff that helps use of magic.

Arch Staff Bash 6 6 -1 +4 -1 Close Double 3,200 Passive. +2 to magic attack damage. A magic staff with strengthened abilities.

Wizard Staff Bash 10 7 -1 +8 -1 Close Double 18,000 Passive. +4 to magic attack damage. A magic staff made by using mithril.

Short Spear Spear 1 8 -1 +7 -2 Close Single 110

Long Spear Spear 1 11 ±0 +9 -2 Close Double 200

Trident Spear 2 11 ±0 +10 -2 Close Double 350

Javelin Spear 3 8 -1 +9 -2 Close Single 380

Heavy Spear Spear 4 12 ±0 +12 -2 Close Double 680

Partizan Spear 5 9 -1 +11 -1 Close Single 510

Fine Spear Spear 6 13 ±0 +14 -2 Close Double 1,500

Pilum Spear 7 10 -1 +13 -2 Close Single 1,100

Mithril Spear 8 14 ±0 +17 -2 Close Double 3,800 Spear Mithril Spear 10 11 -1 +16 -2 Close Single 3,200 Javelin

Mithril Spear 10 15 ±0 +18 -2 Close Double 5,800 Heavy Spear

Whip Whip 1 3 -2 +5 ±0 Close Single 30

Chain Whip Whip 2 3 -2 +6 ±0 Close Single 80

Heavy Whip Whip 3 4 -2 +7 ±0 Close Single 130

Fine Whip Whip 4 4 -2 +8 ±0 Close Single 390

Wire Whip Whip 6 5 -2 +10 ±0 Close Single 820

Mithril Whip 8 6 -2 +12 ±0 Close Single 1,800 Whip

Chain Spike Whip 10 7 -2 +14 ±0 Close Single 3,000

Short Bow Bow 1 6 -2 +6 -3 20 m Double 200

Light Bow 1 6 -1 +5 -4 20 m Double 450 Crossbow

Longbow Bow 2 6 -2 +7 -3 30 m Double 300 Heavy Bow 3 7 -1 +7 -4 30 m Double 600 Crossbow

Self Bow Bow 4 7 -2 +9 -3 30 m Double 580

Fine Bow 4 7 -1 +8 -4 30 m Double 800 Crossbow

Composite Bow 6 8 -2 +11 -3 30 m Double 1,300 Bow

Arbalest Bow 8 13 -1 +13 -5 40 m Double 2,500

Great Bow Bow 10 10 -2 +15 -3 30 m Double 4,800

Shield Table

Name Category Level Weight Physical Magical Action Equip Price Class Effect , Defense Defense Modifier Location Restriction Description Power Power

Round Shield 1 2 +3 ±0 -1 Single 100 Knight, Shield Priest, Thief

Kite Shield 2 2 +4 ±0 -1 Single 150 Knight, Shield Priest High Shield 3 3 +5 ±0 -1 Single 400 Knight, Quality Priest Shield

Fine Shield 4 3 +6 ±0 -1 Single 650 Knight, Shield Priest

Holy Shield 6 3 +6 +1 -1 Single 1,300 Priest Shield

Mithril Shield 8 4 +9 ±0 -1 Single 2,900 Knight, Shield Priest

Reflect Shield 10 4 +8 +2 -4 Single 6,800 Knight, Shield Priest

Armor Table

Name Category Level Weight Evasion Physical Magical Movement Equip Price Class Effect, Modifier Defense Defense Modifier Location Restriction Description Power Power

Hat Armor 1 1 ±0 +1 ±0 ±0 Head 50 -

Circlet Armor 1 1 ±0 +2 ±0 ±0 Head 250 -

Helm Armor 1 3 -1 +2 ±0 ±0 Head 100 Knight Domino Armor 2 2 ±0 +2 ±0 ±0 Head 200 Thief Mask

Beret Armor 2 2 ±0 +2 ±0 ±0 Head 200 Priest

Wizard Hat Armor 2 2 ±0 +2 ±0 ±0 Head 200 Wizard

Cloth Helm Armor 3 3 -1 +3 ±0 ±0 Head 300 Knight

Great Armor 4 4 -1 +4 ±0 ±0 Head 500 Knight Helm

Magical Armor 6 2 ±0 +3 ±0 ±0 Head 1200 Priest, Hat Wizard

Gold Helm Armor 6 5 -1 +6 ±0 ±0 Head 1200 Knight

Glass Armor 8 3 ±0 +4 ±0 ±0 Head 3000 - Crown

Crystal Armor 8 6 -1 +7 ±0 ±0 Head 3200 Knight Helm

Rune Band Armor 10 5 ±0 +3 +1 ±0 Head 3800 Knight, Priest, Thief

Zirconium Armor 10 7 -1 +8 ±0 ±0 Head 5800 Knight Helm Robe Armor 1 2 ±0 +2 ±0 ±0 Body 30 -

Cloth Armor 1 4 ±0 +3 ±0 ±0 Body 50 - Armor

Leather Armor 1 5 ±0 +4 ±0 -1 Body 100 Knight, Jacket Priest, Thief

Chain Mail Armor 1 8 -1 +6 ±0 -1 Body 450 Knight

Leather Armor 2 6 ±0 +5 ±0 -1 Body 200 Knight, Armor Priest, Knight

Studded Armor 2 7 ±0 +6 ±0 -1 Body 300 Knight, Mail Priest

Ironside Armor 2 9 -1 +7 ±0 -1 Body 600 Knight

Wizard Armor 3 3 ±0 +3 ±0 ±0 Body 150 Wizard Robe

Dalmatica Armor 3 7 ±0 +6 ±0 ±0 Body 300 Priest

Scale Armor 3 8 ±0 +7 ±0 -1 Body 400 Knight, Armor Priest

Silver Armor 3 10 -1 +8 ±0 -1 Body 800 Knight Chain

Padded Armor 4 8 ±0 +7 ±0 -1 Body 500 Knight, Armor Priest, Thief

Cuir Bouilli Armor 4 8 ±0 +8 ±0 -2 Body 600 Knight, Priest

Bracelet Armor 4 11 -1 +9 ±0 -1 Body 980 Knight Plate

Sneaking Armor 5 9 ±0 +8 ±0 ±0 Body 2500 Knight, Suit Thief

Harquebus Armor 5 11 -1 +11 ±0 -2 Body 2100 Knight Armor

Mithril Armor 6 7 ±0 +5 +3 -1 Body 5200 Priest, Cloak Wizard, Thief

Brigandine Armor 6 10 ±0 +9 ±0 -1 Body 2600 Knight, Priest

Plate Mail Armor 6 12 -1 +12 ±0 -2 Body 3200 Knight

Mithril Armor 7 10 ±0 +9 ±0 -1 Body 2900 Knight, Vest Priest, Thief

Name Category Level Weight Evasion Physical Magical Movement Equip Price Class Effect, Modifier Defense Defense Power Power Modifier Location Restriction Description

Cuirass Armor 7 12 -1 +12 ±0 -1 Body 3600 Knight

Holy Armor 8 12 ±0 +10 +1 -2 Body 5200 Knight, Bracelet Priest

Mithril Armor 8 13 -1 +13 ±0 -2 Body 5800 Knight Armor

Crystal Armor 9 14 -1 +14 ±0 -2 Body 8000 Knight Armor

Rune Armor 10 7 ±0 +3 +5 -1 Body 6000 - Robe

Mirage Armor 10 11 +1 +10 ±0 -1 Body 7200 Knight, Coat Armor Thief

Reflect Armor 10 13 ±0 +9 +3 -1 Body 7900 Knight, Armor Priest

Diamond Armor 10 14 -2 +15 ±0 -2 Body 9800 Knight Armor

Mantle Armor 1 1 ±0 +1 ±0 ±0 Auxiliary 100 - Armor

Buckler Armor 1 1 +1 +2 ±0 -1 Auxiliary 150 Knight, Armor Thief Point Armor 1 2 -1 +3 ±0 ±0 Auxiliary 200 Knight, Armor Armor Priest

Traveler’s Armor 2 2 ±0 +2 ±0 ±0 Auxiliary 250 - Mantle Armor

Gauntlet Armor 2 2 ±0 +3 ±0 -1 Auxiliary 300 Knight, Armor Thief

Solid Armor 3 2 ±0 +3 ±0 ±0 Auxiliary 500 Knight, Boots Armor Priest, Thief

Fine Point Armor 3 2 -1 +5 ±0 ±0 Auxiliary 550 Knight, Armor Armor Priest

Fine Armor 3 2 +1 +4 ±0 -1 Auxiliary 600 Knight, Buckler Armor Thief

Surcotte Armor 4 2 ±0 +3 ±0 ±0 Auxiliary 900 - Armor

Quick Armor 4 2 ±0 ±0 ±0 +1 Auxiliary 1200 Knight, Band Armor Priest, Thief

Crystal Armor 4 2 ±0 +1 +1 -1 Auxiliary 1200 Priest, Ring Armor Wizard

Crystal Armor 5 2 +1 +5 ±0 -1 Auxiliary 1500 Knight, Buckler Armor Thief Mithril Armor 5 4 -1 +6 ±0 -1 Auxiliary 1800 Knight, Point Armor Priest Armor

Dragon Armor 6 3 ±0 +1 +2 -1 Auxiliary 2200 Priest, Scale Armor Wizard Necklace

Long Armor 6 3 +1 +2 ±0 ±0 Auxiliary 2600 - Mantle Armor

Mithril Armor 7 3 ±0 +6 ±0 -1 Auxiliary 3200 Knight, Gauntlet Armor Thief

Diamond Armor 7 5 -1 +7 ±0 -1 Auxiliary 3800 Knight, Point Armor Priest Armor

Mithril Armor 8 3 ±0 +2 +2 -1 Auxiliary 3200 Priest, Bangle Armor Wizard

Magic Armor 8 4 ±0 +3 +1 ±0 Auxiliary 4100 - Mantle Armor

Diamond Armor 9 3 ±0 +7 ±0 -1 Auxiliary 5500 Knight, Gauntlet Armor Thief

Wing Armor 9 4 ±0 +4 ±0 +1 Auxiliary 5100 Knight, Boots Armor Priest, Thief Mithril Armor 10 4 ±0 +5 ±0 ±0 Auxiliary 6200 - Mantle Armor

Rune Ring Armor 10 4 ±0 +2 +3 -1 Auxiliary 6500 Priest, Armor Wizard

Rune Armor 10 7 -1 +7 +1 -1 Auxiliary 7000 Knight, Point Armor Priest Armor

Accessory Table (Page 192)

Name Category Level Weight Price Effect, Description

Thieves' Tool Accessory 1 1 50 Passive. +1 to equipper’s success score when disarming traps. A set of trap disarming tools mainly used by thieves.

Sacred Symbol Accessory 1 1 150 Passive. +1D to HP healed when 【 】 the equipper uses Heal (Page 143). 《 》 Priest exclusive. A holy symbol clergy hold.

Grimoire Accessory 1 1 200 Passive. +1 to the equipper’s magic attack damage. Wizard exclusive. A book with magic techniques intended for wizards.

Maintenance Tools Accessory 1 1 200 Passive. +1 to the equipper’s weapon attack damage for non-bare-handed weapons. A set of weapon maintenance tools.

Tool Table

Name Category Level Weight Price Effect, Description

Adventurer’s Card Tool 1 0 Cannot Buy Chalk Tool 1 1 1

Flint Tool 1 1 1

Writing Implements Tool 1 1 1

Rope Tool 1 1 3 Right before check. +2 to Climbing [ ] and Jumping chec [ ] ks the user does. A rope about 20m long.

Lantern Tool 1 1 5 Free action. Renders null the effect of Dimness (Page [ ] 242) in the area around the user. This effect is ongoing until the user uses a free action to declare its cancelation, or the scenario ends. A mechanical lantern adjusted to release lots of light.

Instrument Tool 1 1 5

Camping Set Tool 1 2 3 Adventurer’s Set Tool 1 5 10 A set of a camping set, rope, lantern, and flint.

Antidote Potion 1 1 10 Minor action, major action. Cures the Poison afflicting [ ] the user. Consumable. A potion that eliminates poison.

Heal Potion Potion 1 1 30 Minor action, major action. Restores HP. Restores 2D [ ] points of the user’s HP . Consumable. 【 】 A potion that heals wounds.

Manatite (Very Small) Potion 1 1 50 Minor action, major action. Restores MP. Restores 2D points of the [ ] user’s MP . 【 】 Consumable. A very small stone that harbors magic. Hi Heal Potion Potion 1 1 200 Minor action, major action. Restores HP. Restores 4D [ ] points of the user’s HP . Consumable. 【 】 A more highly potent heal potion.

Manatite (Small) Potion 1 1 300 Minor action, major action. Restores MP. Restores 4D points of the [ ] user’s MP . 【 】 Consumable. A small stone that harbors magic.

Manatite (Very Large) Potion 1 1 Market Price Minor action, major action. Restores MP. Restores Number [ the GM sets points ] of the user’s MP . 【 】 The GM also sets the price. A very large piece of manatite. Very few are in circulation, and the price is decided by the asking price of the holder.

(Page 193)

Name Category Level Weight Price Effect, Description

Meat Food 1 1 20 Major action. Restores HP. Restores 1D points of the [ ] user’s HP . 【 】 Consumable. Meat obtained from a kind of animal.

Vegetable Food 1 1 20 Major action. Restores MP. Restores 3 points of the user’s MP . 【 】 Consumable. Vegetables that can be ingredients in cooking.

Fruit Food 1 1 30 Major action. Restores MP. Restores 1D points of the [ ] user’s MP . 【 】 Consumable. A fruit obtained from a tree or such.

Accessory Decoration 1 1 3-

Premium Clothes Decoration 1 1 4

Mask Decoration 1 1 5

Perfume Decoration 1 1 10

Dress/Formal Attire Decoration 1 1 15

Ruby Treasure 1 1 200

Emerald Treasure 1 1 200

Sapphire Treasure 1 1 200

Topaz Treasure 1 1 200

Diamond Treasure 1 1 500

Belt Pouch Storage 1 0 15 Passive. +2 to the holder’s portables weight limit. Only one of this kind of item can be carried. A small container attached at the hip. Backpack Storage 1 0 30 Passive. +5 to the holder’s portables weight limit. Only one of this kind of item can be carried. A large bag carried on one’s back.

Regular Meal Service 1 - 2

Extravagant Meal Service 1 - 5

Lifestyle Table

Name Category Level Weight Price Effect, Description

Horse Stable Living Lifestyle 1 - 0 - CL x5 to [ ] your Max HP and 【 】 Max MP 【 】 (Minimum 1). This effect is ongoing until the end of the scenario. A lifestyle of living in the horse stable of an inn or such.

Simple Living Lifestyle 1 - CLx10 A lifestyle of staying in a large room, and living a simple life.

Economy Lifestyle 1 - CLx100 +5 to Max HP 【 】 and Max MP . A 【 】 lifestyle of living in a single room at an inn. While cramped, you’re well fed.

Suite Lifestyle 1 - CLx1000 +10 to Max HP 【 】 and Max MP . 【 】 You stay in a luxurious single inn room. A lifestyle for living a luxurious life, with three meals a day.

Royal Lifestyle 1 - CLx10000 +30 to Max HP 【 】 and Max MP . A 【 】 lifestyle for living a luxurious life like royalty. You can even have servants wait on you. Skill and Item Use (Page 195)

How to use skills is explained here. Because it touches on rules for things like checks and actions, it may be good to read the rules section first.

Skill and Item Priority

If rules aside from the golden rule and the effects of things like skills and items conflict, then generally the effects of things like skills and items take precedence.

Furthermore, if item and skill effects conflict, the PC using the skill or item may choose the way that benefits them. However, this is excluded if the GM judges it unnatural and wrong.

Skill and item Usage

The process for using things like skills and items with special effects is as follows.

Target Verification and Decision

Reference the targets, decide the targets that will receive the effects, and declare it to the GM.

Timing Verification

Reference the timing, and verify the timing used is appropriate.

Timings Used Outside of Individual Battles

If not in an individual battle (Round progression), as long as the GM permits it, things like skills and items can be used without regard to timing. As a rule of thumb, it may be best to think of it as if in an individual battle, doing actions one at a time through the setup process, initiative process, move action, minor action, and major action.

For example there’s probably no problem in using Devastating Strike and Helm Breaker to destroy a door. On the other hand, even 《 》 《 》 if you cast Blessing on yourself to increase dice for a check, that would use a major action, so it may be best to not allow increasing 《 》 the dice of your own action checks.

Check Verification

Reference the check, and verify which check to use.

Cost Consumption

Consume the points of MP written under the skill’s Cost entry. You cannot use skills that would put your MP below 0 as a 【 】 「 」 【 】 result of use.

Also, if written in the Effects that aside from the cost, something like HP or Blessings are consumed, they are consumed at this 「 」 【 】 time.

Checks, or Declarations

When using something like a skill or item, a check or declaration is performed.

Furthermore, in one timing (Major action, for example), one character can only declare one skill, item, or such. Also, if something like a skill or item’s timing is the same, only one can be used. However, Timing: Reference Effect is excluded. Because Timing: Passive is 「 」 「 」 constantly in effect, it’s not included in this limitation. However, this excludes when multiple items with the same name are equipped. More details are below.

Using Effects If declaring the effect of skills, items, or such that only go into effect when declared, if a check is needed and the skill, item, or such succeeds in the check, that skill, item, or such goes into effect.

If the target doesn’t want to receive the effects of the skill, item, or such, they can perform a showdown on the reaction side. In that case, the effects of the skill, item, or such will go into effect by winning the showdown. The GM applies the effects of the skill, item, or such. How the effect is applied varies depending on the skill, item, or such, but ultimately the GM decides.

Magic checks ( Check: Magic Check skills) perform Intelligence checks. Reactions to magic checks are evasion checks. 「 」 【 】

Overlapping Effects

Using skills, items, or such with the same name at the same time on the same enemy does not pile up the effects. In a situation like that, the target of the skill, item, or such decides which effects are applied from the skill, item, or such. Furthermore, if the effect is changed from dice or such, they must decide before doing the calculations. Following this, having multiple items with the same name equipped will end up with effects with the same name, so only one of those items’ Timing: Passive effects will be in effect. 「 」 One-on-group Checks (Page 194)

If the a skill, item or such’s targets are in a fixed area, and multiple characters are receiving the effects, the user of the skill, item, or such performs only one check, and each target character performs their own checks in response. Also, if multiple characters are the target of an attack’s damage roll, it’s only performed once, and that damage is applied to all.

If Skills or Items are used durng the same timing

During the times right before or right after a showdown check and right before or right after a damage roll, if the use of skills, items, and such are being declared by multiple characters, then the declarations of the action side (Attacking side) or characters working with the action side are applied, and after that, the declarations of the reaction side (Defending side) or characters working with the reaction side are applied. The reaction side may withdraw use of skills, items, or such from declarations from the action side. In this case, there’s no need to pay the cost, and consumables are not lost. The GM ultimately judges the decisions of the attacking side and defending side.

Employing Checks

The GM can use skills, items, and such outside of the purpose written in the Effects , like using Freeze to freeze soaked clothes, or 「 」 《 》 using a rope to tie up a criminal so they can’t move. If it’s an action check, a modifier of +1D to the check can be accepted.

A skill may be used right before, ignoring its Timing . At this time, things like the cost or use count are consumed. 「 」 Also, even if multiple items, skills, or such are used for one check, modifiers to the check will not stack.

Causing Special Situations

Players can cause many different situations with their ideas, like cutting a tree with Devastating Strike , or using Fire Ball to burn 《 》 《 》 straw.

The GM decides things like the ability score or difficulty (use CL/3 +8 or the difficulty table on page 205) of the check needed when [ ] determining whether that situation can be caused or not.

Attacking With General Magic

There may be ways to create situations in which you can attack with skills that don’t have attack data that players can think of, like amplifiying the flame of Tinder , or spraying with the water created from Create Water . 《 》 《 》 In that case, the damage is 1D of physical or magic damage (It should not be set to do more damage than a skill that has attack data). The element in the case of magic damage is set from the skill’s classification. For example, if it’s the Classification: Magic Fire 「 〈 〉」 Tinder , it becomes Fire element magic damage. If an element is not set, the GM decides the element. 《 》 〈 〉 Discussing With The GM These rules are for the purpose of replicating the original novel. However, they’re dangerous rules that can make you think you can do anything, depending on your ideas. These should be used with great care, and it’s important for the GM and other players to thoroughly discuss them. There’s no need for players to hesitate in bring up ideas or interpretations, but they should obey the GM’s judgements.

Cheat Rules (Page 196)

What are Cheats?

Cheats are special features or abilities of characters that have been made into data in ‘Konosuba TRPG’. You can probably play through tumultuous developments like in the original work by using cheats. However, they can be very troublesome for serious GMs.

The GM should decide for themselves whether or not cheats should be used. Players should never try to force it. If they want to play with cheats no matter what, they should be the GM themselves.

Merits and Demerits

There are two aspects to cheats. One is the Merit . A powerful ability granted to the cheat holder. The other is the Demerit . With [ ] [ ] great power comes great cost. The stronger the demerit, the more powerful ability can be gained as a merit.


An advantageous effect is received like acquiring a special skill or item.


A kind of penalty or condition in order to gain a merit. As long as it’s not specifically mentioned, if the conditions have been fulfilled, the demerit’s effects are immediately applied. If there’re no conditions, it’s always in effect. Depending on the demerit contents, the GM may apply the contents of the demerit to the PC at a timing or time of their choice. If lost, it may be good to just apply the penalty, and have the penalty last until the end of the scenario.

Acquiring Cheats

Cheats can generally be acquired during pre play or after play.

Furthermore, taking cheats does not require experience points.

Generally the cheats possible to acquire are limited to one per PC. If the GM allows it, you may take multiple cheats. However, you cannot take the same cheat multiple times.

Cheat Limitations

The GM may limit the cheats the PCs can take.

For example, in a scenario of fighting against the demon lord army, a PC who’s taken Demon Lord Army Member needs to be handled 《 》 delicately. In this case, the GM may prohibit acquiring it for that session.

Of course, this doesn’t apply if the GM wants to introduce a Demon Lord Army Member in this situation. 《 》 About Cheat use

Putting it bluntly, cheats are balance breakers. They aren’t suited for enjoying serious life-or-death games.

However, there can be times in the game when it’s more interesting to demolish the balance. It’s the right of the players and GM to choose which one seems more interesting. Furthermore, the final decision of whether to use cheats or not ultimately lies with the GM.

NPCs and Cheats

The GM may grant cheats to NPCs accommodating the contents of scenario. In that case, add on Number of cheats the NPCs have acquired x PC average character level to the given experience points for [ ] the Succeeded in Mission heading. [ ] *TN: I think this is referring to the “Completed the quest“ entry on the record sheet (Page 220), since a “Mission” is a kind of scenario/quest. Cheat Data

Here is written data for cheats. The GM’s permission is required to use this data.

Actually a Goddess


Your true identity is that of a goddess of this world. You can unleash your hidden godly powers when you need to. This cheat can be used even if the PC is not a woman.


Used right after the check of one onstage character in a scene. That check’s effect is changed to a critical. If additional dice occur as a result of a critical, +2D is added to that dice roll regardless of the number of 6s. Usable once per scenario.


No one believes that you’re a goddess of this world. Even if you insist you are a goddess, you’re only thought of as being sacrilegious or having a pitiful mind, and are avoided. Back From the Dead


When you died, because of various reasons or circumstances of the world or gods, you can come back from a dead state as a special exception.


Used when you’re knocked out, or dead. You’re cured from being knocked out or dead. HP becomes 1. Usable once per scenario. 【 】 Demerit

Overcoming death is no simple task. It requires the aid of destiny. In order to use Back From the Dead , you must pay one Blessing point. If you can’t pay it, Back From the Dead cannot be used. 《 》 【 】 《 》

Pursuit of Romance


You’re infatuated with raising the force of your magic, and you continue to single-mindedly pursue that one goal.


Passive. Effective with skills whose effects are determined with dice. Upon taking this cheat, select one of your acquired Classification: Magic skills that does an attack, HP recovery, MP recovery, or damage increase/decrease. +5D to the selected skill’s effects.「 If your CL is 10 or higher,」 it’s + CL÷2 D. [ ] Demerit

In exchange for this power, you unintentionally impart the limit of your magic and life force into your magic. After the process when you used the merit’s effects, your HP becomes 0.

Euphoric Suffering


You’re the type who feels ecstasy when you receive bodily or mental damage. In order to experience that ecstasy, you take damage on purpose, and can display power beyond your limits.


Used right after a damage roll. The damage you receive from that attack is 0. Usable once per scenario.


Seeking pleasure too much, you hold back with your attacks, or are negligent in evading attacks you receive.

You take -1D to hit checks and evasion checks you do.

Belzerg Royalty


The blood of the royal Belzerg family runs in your veins. They’ve accepted into their family a line of heroes who’ve defeated the demon lord. Because of this, you have inherited the power of those heroes.


Passive. You deal + CL x4 damage to Classification: Demon enemies. [ ] 「 」 Demerit

Your power that comes from your royal family is supported by your lifestyle.

If your lifestyle is Horse Stable Living or Simple Living , you don’t receive the merit effects of Belzerg Royalty , and you take -1D to all checks. 「 」 「 」 《 》

Sacred Treasure Holder: Weapon


You possess a sacred weapon said to have been created by the gods long ago. You know the history this sacred weapon holds, and what it’s called. You can freely decide how you obtained it.


Item. During pre play, select one of the weapons you possess. The selected weapon becomes a sacred treasure. Also, + CL x3 to that weapon’s Attack Power . [ ] 「 」 Demerit

When you don’t have equipped the weapon you chose in this cheat (The sacred treasure), you take -2D to all checks you do.

Sacred Treasure Holder: Armor


You possess sacred armor said to have been created by the gods long ago. You know the history this sacred armor holds, and what it’s called. You can freely decide how you obtained it. Merit

Item. During pre play, select one piece of armor you possess. The selected armor becomes a sacred treasure. Also, + CL x3 to that armor’s Physical Defense , and +CL to the Magic Defense . [ ] 「 」 「 」 Demerit

When you don’t have equipped the armor you chose in this cheat (The sacred treasure), you take -2D to all checks you do.

Demon Lord Army Member


You are a member of the demon lord army. You’ve gained permission, maybe to secretly maintain the barrier around the demon lord’s castle, or maybe you’re directly taking orders from the demon lord himself. No matter what you’re doing, decide after discussing with the GM.


Passive. + CL x4 to Physical Defense and Magic Defense . [ ] 【 】 【 】 Demerit

Without being able to turn down the demon lord’s request, you can’t attack characters or enemies that belong to the demon lord army. The GM may set conditions for being able to attack characters or enemies in the demon lord’s army.

Creation Cheat

Description You have the ability to create anything you wish. You may freely set the reason, like it being received from a goddess, or from using your knowledge.


Can be used at any time. You acquire one item with functions of your choice. However, you cannot acquire equipment like weapons or armor from this effect, and cannot recover Blessings . The GM ultimately decides the effects. The gained item is lost when the scenario ends. Usable once per scenario. 【 】


You’re stingy with money because you need funds for your creations. You cannot give up quest rewards. If you do, your Blessings immediately become 0. 【 】

Destruction Magic


You’ve gained magic that specializes in destruction. Magic attacks you use boast tremendous attack power. The player may freely set the reason they can use Destruction Magic . 《 》 Merit

Right before a damage roll. +10D to the damage of magic attacks you do. If your CL is 10 or higher, it’s + CL +2 . Usable once per scenario. [ ]


In order to handle Destruction Magic , delicate control of magic is required. You consume twice the MP Cost of Classification: Magic magic attacks《 you do. 》 「 」 「 」 Villain’s Aura


You look like a villain. As a result, you’ve gained the power to bring misfortune to people with your stare, like an evil eye. You can choose how your villainy is expressed, like if your face is that of a villain’s, or if you exude the atmosphere of a villain.


Used right after a check the target does. The result of the target’s check is changed to a fumble. Usable once per scenario.


You’re avoided by people. Apart from during character creation, when you buy items, calculate items as being twice their price (This includes lifestyle).

Misunderstood Type


You’ve highly respected from an extravagant misunderstanding. As a result, people nearby listen to you. The player can choose what kind of misunderstanding it is.


All extra (If in battle, mob) characters onstage in the scene are targets. Until the scene ends, the targets listen to your orders. However, they are treated as extras while this is in effect. Usable once per scenario.


You have an excessive presence, and easily grab attention. +1D to hit checks that include you as a target.

Fate’s Payday Loan


You’ve received the blessings of fate. Help comes by coincidence if you run into trouble, and item drops you collect while adventuring are unexpectedly valuable. This is because you’re getting an advance loan of luck from your future destiny.


Passive. +1 to your Blessing use limit. Also, you may use Blessings even if they’re 0 or lower. 【 】 【 】 Demerit

If your Blessings are 0 or lower, unless checks you do are critical, they will always fail. Also, if your Blessings are - Your【 Luck 】or lower during after play, you die. 【 】 [ 【 】]

World of the Strongest


You are the strongest. You have the power to surpass any that oppose you. No one can get in your way. No one can get in the way of your supreme power.


Used during initiative process. You immediately do your main process. This main process can be done even if you’re post-action, and you don’t become post-action after it ends. Usable once per scenario. Demerit

Supreme power puts a toll on you. After the main process from the merit, take -1D (Minimum 1D) to your dice rolls (From checks, damage, and such) until the scene ends.

Rules Section (Page 203) Action Check Rules

Basic Checks and Showdown Checks

Characters can take all sorts of actions in a session of ‘Konosuba TRPG’. Things like scaling a sheer cliff, finding the materials you’re looking for in a library’s catalogue, and hiding behind cover to let a pursuer go by. In ‘Konosuba TRPG’, whether these character actions go well or poorly is determined by rolling the dice, and using the results. This is called an Action Check . In the following text, if “Check” or [ ] “Perform a check” is written, these mean to perform an action check.

Action checks are largely split into Basic Checks and Showdown Checks . [ ] [ ] Basic Checks

Basic checks are the most basic rule for action checks. Basic Check Procedure

The procedure of basic checks will be explained in order.

1 Check Declaration

The GM decides the ability score to be used in the check. It should be thought of like using Strength if picking up something heavy, 【 】 or Perception for determining if something is noticed. Refer to page 207. 【 】 2 Deciding Difficulty

The GM sets a Difficulty along with the check. Reference the difficulty table (The difficulties in this table are a general measurement [ ] guide. In the case of characters with high character levels, take other things into account ) as a guide for difficulty. Furthermore, if only a success score is required, there’s no need to set a difficulty.

3 Performing Dice Rolls

In ‘Konosuba TRPG’, rolling dice is called a Dice Roll . Players roll two dice. At this time, depending on things like the character’s [ ] situation or environment, the number of dice rolled may increase or decrease. Furthermore, there may be automatic success or automatic failure depending on numbers rolled.

-Critical If two or more of the rolled dice are 6, that check automatically succeeds. This is called a Critical . [ ] Since the normal amount of dice thrown is 2, this ends up meaning all dice must be 6 to get a critical, but if the number of dice is 3 or higher, there’s a critical if 2 or more of those dice are 6s. Accordingly, there are no criticals when rolling only one die.

-Fumble If all the dice rolled are 1s, that check automatically fails. This is called a fumble. Unlike a critical, fumbles only happen when all the dice are 1. Accordingly, the more you increase the number of dice you throw, the harder it is for fumbles to happen.

4 Calculating the Success Score

Add the result of the dice to the ability score the GM specified. This is the Success Score , and it shows how effective the character’s [ ] check was.

Success Score = Ability Score + 2D

5 Deciding Between Success and Failure The GM compares the success score declared by the player, and the difficulty set beforehand. The basic action succeeds if the success score is at or higher than the difficulty, and fails if the success score is below the difficulty.

Difficulty≦ Success Score = Basic Check Success

Difficulty > Success Score = Basic Check Failure

Difficulty Table (Page 205)

Difficulty Action Visualization

8-9 A super simple action.

10-11 A simple action.

12-13 An action with a 50-50 chance of succeeding. 14-15 A difficult action.

16-17 A super difficult action.

18 An exceedingly difficult action.

Modifiers From Skills and Traps

Among the skills a character can take, there are some that do things like add a bonus to the success score, or increases the number of dice to roll. Also, from traps set up in dungeons (Refer to page 290 for more on traps), things may happen like receiving penalties to the success score, or reducing the number of dice rolled.

First sum the increases and decreases of the number of dice to roll. However, even if the number of dice is 0 or below as a result of adding and subtracting, you can still roll one die.

Once deciding the number of dice to roll, add the result of the dice and your ability scores to find the success score.

If there’re bonuses or penalties to the success score, next add (or subtract) all those to the success score. That’s how the final success score is found. Even if the success score is negative as a result, use the result as it is.

Other Modifiers

The GM can perform modifiers to things like difficulty, dice number, and success score in responding to situations the characters are in. If performing a modifier, it’s probably generally best to change the number of dice rolled. It’s fine for the modifier range to be around decreasing dice by one, or increasing dice by one.

Showdown Checks

A showdown check is a rule for deciding the outcome when in response to some kind of basic action a character performs, a different character does something corresponding to that action. For example, if a certain character attacks with a weapon, and another character evades it. Showdown checks are sometimes abbreviated to showdowns.

Ability Scores and Basic Check Examples (Page 207)


Represents things like how strong the character is, how tough their muscles are, and how high their physical fitness is.

-Lifts heavy things. Also, continuing to carry something picked up.

-Endures bodily torment.

-Used in jumping (page 240), climbing (page 240), and when swimming (Page 243).


Represents how nimble a character is with their hands, for using things like weapons and tools.

-Performs fine work like repairing, enhancement, or putting things together.

-Catch or grab something moving swiftly. -Put on a disguise.

-Used for attack target hit checks (page 232) that use weapons and such.


Represents things like how a character holds themselves, how sharp their fast movement are, and their body’s sense of balance.

-Cross a swaying suspension bridge, or passing through a narrow place.

-Avoid a falling object.

-Grab a fleeing opponent. Oppositely, fleeing while avoiding being grabbed.

-Avoid obstacles.


Represents things like how intelligent a character is, how knowledgeable they are, and their ability to remember. However, this has nothing to do with common sense. This ability only represents having a high degree, or wide range of knowledge.

-Have knowledge of things like topography, history, past incidents, special technologies or other areas of study.

-Used in magic checks (Page 122) and enemy identification (Page 241).


Represents how sharp a character’s senses are. Not limited to just the five senses, but also includes things like inspirations like a sixth sense, and premonitions.

- Track, and procure information from traces left behind.

-Grasp the situation around you. -Used in information gathering (Page 240), trap detection (Page 241), danger sensing (Page 241), and stealth states (Page 243).


Represents how strong a character’s will is. This ability score includes things like enduring mental torment, and the strength of heart to not let things agitate you.

-Make an opponent believe in your bluff or lie, and seeing through bluffs or lies made by others.

-Convince the opponent, or have them grant a request or wish.

-Resist fear, torture, and such.


Represents the strength of a character’s luck, and their power to direct good luck. Used to express things like the result of a character’s actions and an unrelated event, coincidence, or fate.

-Meet an acquaintance in the city.

-Find or discover something by accident.

-Luckily get by with receiving no harm.

Actions and Reactions

If performing a showdown check, the characters involved are split into the action side and reaction side. The action side are characters that perform ability checks, and the reaction side are characters that perform checks that correspond to the action side. Using a battle as an example, the side that performs checks in order for attacks to hit is the action side, and the side that performs checks in order to dodge is the reaction side. A difficulty is not set for showdown checks. A player performs a check and finds their success score, and next the reaction side follows suit by performing a check and finding their success score.

The Reaction Side Cannot Do a Check

If the reaction side cannot perform a check for whatever reason, consider the reaction side’s success score to be zero.

Victory and Defeat

The outcome of the showdown check is decided when both the action side and reaction side have determined their success scores. In a showdown check, the character that got the higher success score wins, and that character’s action is used. In a showdown check, winning is called Victory , and losing is called Defeat . [ ] [ ] Reaction Priority

If the success scores of both the action side and reaction side are equal in a showdown, the reaction side is considered victorious. This is called the “Law of reaction side precedence”. This is also applied if both sides get criticals.


If the action side fumbles, there is no need for the reaction side to perform a check, and it automatically becomes a reaction side victory. If the reaction side fumbles, it becomes the action side’s victory. If a success score of the character who fumbled is needed, consider it to be zero.

Can’t Decide Between Action Side and Reaction Side

There may be checks where neither the action side nor the reaction side are decided on. In that case, if the success scores are equal, redo the showdown check. Do not change any of the requirements, modifiers, or such of the check at this time. Also, in-game time doesn’t pass. Session Progression

Flow of the Entire Session

In ‘Konosuba TRPG’, one session (Playing the game) is split into game preparation time (Pre play), actually playing the game (Main play), and performing things like character growth and game cleanup (After play). Main play is further split into the four Phases of [ ] Opening , Middle , Climax , and Ending . And, each phase is composed of multiple Scenes . [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] A scene is a unit of game time for representing in-game scenes. The actual game proceeds by these scene units. For a more thorough explanation, refer to page 214.

Pre Play (Page 209)

During pre play, preparations for starting the game are performed. The explanations are split into preparations done before the day of the session, and preparations done on the day of the session.

Preparations Before the Day

There are various preparations the GM and players have to complete before the day of the session.

The most important are the mental preparations. Not just ‘Konosuba TRPG’, but all TRPGs are communication games in which the GM and other players wanting to have fun with each other while participating in sessions is an important aspect. There’s a large difference in results between playing the game aimlessly, and playing with a clear objective.

Also, the physical aspect can’t be forgotten. Things like catching a cold on the day of a session or getting injured can cause trouble for the other participants you play with. You want to avoid this as much as possible. Staying up all night the day before, and falling asleep during a session is also troublesome. Let’s participate in sessions while staying healthy. Read the Rulebook

You should first thoroughly read through the rule book. There’s no need to memorize it word for word, but grasping it enough that you know around which page has what kinds of rules written can make for smoother progression on the day of the session.

Create a Scenario

The GM has to prepare the scenario used in the session. If it’s the first time playing ‘Konosuba TRPG’ for both the GM and players, it may be good to use the scenario ‘Tastiness to These Bamboo Shoots’ introduced on page 298. Other than that, a commercial scenario or your own scenario must be prepared. It may be good to use the before-mentioned ‘Tastiness to These Bamboo Shoots’ as a reference if making your own.

Whether using a pre-made scenario or a self-made scenario, thoroughly read through and understand the contents.

Instrument Preparation

Refer to page 89, and prepare sheet types, dice, writing implements and such that are written there.

Session Day Preparations

Continuing, we’ll explain the preparations to be performed right before main play, when the participants have gathered on the day of the session.

Distributing Sheets

The GM distributes a character sheet and record sheet to each player for session use.

Preview Announcement

The GM reads out to all the players a preview of the scenario that will be played at the session. The preview is meant to give players an idea of what the scenario is about, and exists to give players a positive prejudice toward the session’s played scenario. PC Creation and Checking

Hand out a character sheet to each player, and have them create PCs Refer to page 94 for how to create PCs. If possible, there’s also the method of having them create a PC before game day. This can save on time. If that’s done, the players must be given the preview and allotted classes beforehand. In that case, it’s convenient to prepare a time-independent method of communication like an internet mailing service, message board, SNS, Twitter, or LINE.

Furthermore, even if creating PCs before game day, always read out the preview on game day. This is necessary for the players to confirm the contents of the scenario one more time.

When PC creation is finished, the GM looks at the character sheets the players have prepared, and checks they don’t have things like omissions or mistakes.

Flow of the Game

Pre Play

\/ Main Play

- Opening Phase

\/ -Scene 1

\/ -Scene 2

\/ -…

\/ -…


- Middle Phase


- Climax Phase


- Ending Phase \/

After Play

Introducing Cheats The GM may introduce cheats during a sesson. Refer to page 196 for more about cheats.

Session Sheet Recording

The GM records things like the scenario name, session date, and GM name on the session sheet. After that, session sheet is passed around the players, who record their PC data.

Establishing Lifestyle

Each PC’s lifestyle during sessions is established here.

A lifestyle represents a PC’s standard of living in a session, whether it’s extravagant or miserly.

Depending on the established lifestyle, the session’s modifiers from the lifestyle, and end of session (After play) payments that must be paid are decided. Players choose the lifestyle their PC acquires, and records it in their record sheet.

The GM may limit available lifestyles.

Record Sheet Recording

Players record things like the session date, player name, PC name, GM name, and scenario name on the record sheet. It may be good to copy to your record sheet the date, GM name, and scenario name from the session sheet the GM passes around.

Copy in the Max HP, Max MP, and Blessings used in the game as well. 【 】 Seating Arrangements

Players can freely decide their seats, but it’s recommended the GM sit in the middle of the long side. This is a little trick to make sessions proceed better. The reason is because then each player is about the same distance away from the GM. They shouldn’t sit at the short side, i.e. the head of the table.

Self Introductions Each player introduces their own PC. You should probably know a little bit about the companions you’ll be adventuring with today.

The GM can decide the introduction order as he pleases. If there’s no problem, it might be good to use the session sheet recording order, seat order, or such. At this time, the things that should be introduced are as follows.

-PC name, age, sex -Selected race, class -PC appearance (Appearance features, hairstyle, hair length, height, weapons, armor, and such)

Forming a Party

When the PC self introductions are finished, form the party that the PCs belong to.

Parties in ‘Konosuba TRPG’ are groups of adventurers who cooperate with each other.

Also, the players should discuss, and decide a party leader from among the PCs.

A party leader is the representative of the party, and has the ultimate say in all manner of things related to the party, like receiving quests, and deciding where to go. The other participants in the party are called party members.

Party members with objections to a party leader’s decision should let the leader know of their wishes, and if a majority of party members participating in the session agrees, the party leader’s decision is rejected.

Main Play

Main play is actually using the scenario and playing the game. As said before, main play is split into four phases. And each phase is constructed of multiple scenes. The scenes that construct phases will now be explained.

Scene (Page 214)

‘Konosuba TRPG’ sessions progress in units of game time called scenes. To put it simply, a scene is just like a scene in something like a movie or TV drama. Sessions are a series of scenes, and a scenario is information that connects scenes. Of course, as the session progresses, the GM may create scenes not included in the scenario, and players may request scenes from the GM if necessary. However, the GM has the ultimate authority as to what kind of scenes are made.

Onstage and Offstage

Performers can’t act unless they’re up on the stage. This is the same even for scenes. Only characters in a scene can participate in that scene.

A character part of a scene is considered Onstage . Oppositely, a character not in a scene is considered Offstage . The GM can [ ] [ ] choose who is onstage during a scene. Of course, he can have (make) others come onstage during a scene if needed, and can make characters go offstage as well.

On the other hand, a player can let the GM know if they want their character to come onstage. The GM can allow or disallow it, after considering things like the scene’s situation and what’s convenient for the scenario. If the GM allows it, the PC may come onstage onto the scene.

Furthermore, the same is true for going offstage. If the GM permits it, PCs can go offstage at any time.

Scene Progression

Scenes progress in the following order.

Designating Onstage Characters

The GM declares the onstage characters in the scene about to begin. At this time, if NPCs will be onstage as well, they should also be declared.

Beginning a Scene The GM declares the beginning of the scene. They will also perform a simple explanation of things like the place and objective. This is because players have to know the basics in order to judge if they should be onstage during the scene.

PC’s who want to be Onstage

The GM verifies if there’re any PCs that want to be onstage. Players who want to be onstage should get the GMs permission. Furthermore, being onstage isn’t limited to just the start of the scene. You may also come onstage in the middle of a scene. You may also get permission from the GM in the middle of a scene, without getting permission for the beginning of the scene. However, if round progression (Such as in battle) is happening, there are limits to when you can come onstage. Refer to page 223 for more details.

Scene Directing

Once the onstage PCs have been decided, the GM begins directing the scene. The scene is directed according to the scenario the GM has prepared. From here on, the scene progresses with conversations between the GM and players as the main form of communication.

It may be good to refer to the replay starting on page 10 for more on things like scene direction and the back-and-forth between the GM and players,

Scene End

The GM can declare the end of a scene at any time. After ending a scene, start following scene in the scenario.

Master Scene

The GM may have scenes with no onstage PCs. This is called a Master Scene . [ ] Master scenes involve directing events like those that happen at places with no PCs, or giving information on things that are happening behind the scenes that the PCs don’t know, but the players should be made aware of. Even in movies, novels, , and the like, events that are occurring far away from the main characters are shown for the sake of the reader or viewer. In TRPGs, players are both characters in the story, and viewers (readers). The scene to fulfill that is the master scene.

Opening Quest

In terms of the session, the opening phase is the introduction of the story. Here, things like the PCs objectives, and the incident the PCs are involved in are explained, and acted out. Generally, the opening phase ends once the PCs accept a quest.


Quests are requests for adventurers that the adventurer’s guild mediates. A reward can be collected upon completion. Refer to page 267 for more details. PCs decide the quest to take during the opening phase.

Mission and Campaign

It’s most common to use a dungeon format, where work is requested of the PC adventurers during the opening phase, and it’s resolved within the scenario. However, it’s also possible to create a grand tale using multiple scenarios.

For that, the one scenario or quest that’s completed is called a Mission , and a scenario made from multiple missions is called a [ ] Campaign . [ ] Middle Phase

The middle phase is split into Dungeon Scenes and Research Scenes . The middle phase ends when it continues to the climax [ ] [ ] phase.

Dungeon Scene

As its name implies a dungeon scene is scene in which dungeon exploration takes place. For rules that are often used in dungeons, refer to page 241. Area

For dungeons, the scene changes for each separated place, like a room or hallway. These separated places are called Areas . Basically [ ] treat each area as one scene.

Research Scene

Research scenes are scenes before heading to the dungeon, scenes for investigating the dungeon, request, or such. This is acted out when searching for a dungeon location, collecting evidence about the request and client, and such.

Climax Phase

The true enemy of the scenario, in other words a boss fight, awaits in the climax phase. Of course, there doesn’t have to be a battle, but a battle is the most exciting. In most cases it’s in the climax phase where PCs are able to show off all their abilities. The climax phase ends when the enemy in your way is vanquished.

Ending Phase

Corresponding with the epilogue of the story, the ending phase shows the PCs’ recollections. A scene of the client showing their appreciation, a scene of the splitting of the reward, and such. How the scene plays out changes depending on the scenario contents and session results.

Main Play End

When the ending phase ends and the GM declares the scenario is done, then main play (Session, in a narrow sense) is finished, and it moves to after play.

After Play (Page 218)

In after play, various activities to end the game are performed, like distributing experience points to the players, and cleaning up.

Lifestyle Payment (Page 218) Payment for the lifestyle the PCs established in pre play is initiated. Each PC reduces their money by the price of the lifestyle they established. Other players cannot pay this after play lifestyle payment. It’s possible to adjust money among players before the ending phase.

If the lifestyle can’t be paid for, the experience points received in that session are reduced. Refer to “Distributing Experience Points” on page 220. If it was a campaign, It may be a good idea for the GM to make the unpaid price a “Debt”, and make it influence future session developments.

Experience Points

The GM distributes experience points to each player. Also, the players distribute experience points to the GM by recording it on the session sheet.

For the order of experience point distribution, refer to “Distributing Experience Points” on page 220.

PC Verification

By ending main play, one adventure has been completed by the PC. However, the PC’s adventures still continue. Preparations for that are performed during after play.

Dead PCs

Dead PCs are removed from the game at this time. Take good care of your character sheet, as a replacement for a monument. Furthermore, even if the PC dies, they still receive experience points as normal.

Not-dead PCs

PCs who’re not dead prepare for their next adventure.

Damage Deletion and Blessing Recovery 【 】 All damage not-dead PCs received during main play is removed. It’s not carried over to the next session. Also, Blessings return to their 【 】 value from when the session started.

Distribution of Items and such

Distribution of items, money, and such acquired during the scenario should be discussed among the players and then distributed fairly. Once a distribution is decided, transfer the acquired items, money, and such from your record sheet to your character sheet. Furthermore, if a player doesn’t need an item, they can sell it for money. Refer to page 240 for how selling items works. As for a dead player’s portion, decide by discussing among the players.

PC Growth

PCs can grow by using the experience points players obtain. Refer to page 244 for how PC growth works.

Cleaning Up

Once PC verification has ended, after that is cleaning up the meeting place. Thoroughly clean up not only for future sessions, but so that the owners of the house, facility, or such can comfortably use the space.

Once cleaning up finishes, going to somewhere like a coffee shop or restaurant and discussing the day’s session can be extremely enjoyable. Then, prepare for the next session.

Distribution of Experience Points (Page 220)

Here, we’ll explain the distribution of experience points during after play. Distribution to Players

Experience points given to players can be checked by heading in the experience point table on the record sheet. Each player checks the headings, and calculates the experience points distributed from all the players.

Direct players to check, have them fill in the check fields in the experience point table on the record sheet, and have them enter the total. Once every player is done entering, the GM collects the record sheets, and verifies the growth points table. If there aren’t any mistakes in the total field, the GM should use a writing implement that’s hard to revise, like a black ballpoint pen, to sign in the record sheet’s signature field, and then return the it to the player. By doing this, this record sheet can be used as a point of growth.

The headings to check for experience points are as follows.

-Participated until the end of the session +1 point Check off for participating until the end of the session, regardless of if the PC lives or dies.

- Completed the quest Up to GM Added when the GM acknowledges that the quest (page 267) has been completed. Unless the GM has something planned, it’s probably good to use the enemy level of the enemy that comes onstage during the climax phase (The enemy with the highest level).

-Encountered enemies + Sum of encountered enemies’ levels ÷Number of PCs Points You don’t have to add enemies[ here if they don’t pose any threat even if the GM brings] them in.

-Encountered traps + Sum of encountered traps’ levels÷Number of PCs Points You don’t have to add traps[ here if they don’t pose any threat even if the GM] brings them in.

-Did good role-playing +1 Point

-Said or did things that helped other players +1 Point -Helped progress the session +1 Point

-Did things like secure, helped out at, or communicated about the location, or managed participants schedules. +1 Point

-Subtotal Write the experience points total before the lifestyle subtraction.

-Couldn’t pay for lifestyle ÷2 If you couldn’t pay for your lifestyle during after play, the experience points the player receives at that session are reduced. Put a check in the empty checkbox, and split the subtotal in half.

-Total Write the final experience points gotten after applying the results of paying for lifestyle.

Distribution to GM

After the GM returns record sheets, all of the participating players at the session write in the session sheet the experience points they attained. By doing this, this session sheet can be used as a growth point.

For this, the players write in the experience points before the lifestyle subtraction (The subtotal).

The GM’s experience points are found by dividing these total points by 3 (If the number of players is below 3, use the number of players), and if Did things like secure, helped out for, and communicated about the location, or managed participants schedules is checked, add one point.「 」 Battle Rules

Individual Battle Rules

Just as a fantasy is understood to be a “Tale of swords and magic”, battle is also an indispensable element of ‘Konosube TRPG’. Here, we’ll explain the rules used for Individual Battles (Also shortened to just Battles) , which are battles between characters. [ ] Individual Battle Flow

Individual battles start when the GM declares their start, and they progress with the procedure shown on the next page. First, along with explaining that flow, we’ll explain the terms used for individual battles.


Individual battles are processed by units of in-game time called Rounds . One round is composed of the four processes of Setup [ ] [ Process , Initiative Process , Main Process , and Cleanup Process , and continues until every character participating in the ] [ ] [ ] [ ] individual battle has taken action. From then on, these rounds repeat until the individual battle has ended.

If an amount of time passed in-game for one round is needed, it’s probably good to consider it about one minute. Of course, it can be longer or shorter as needed.

Because it progresses by units called rounds, Individual Battle is sometimes called Round Progression . Furthermore, apart from [ ] [ ] just individual battles, round progression can used in various ways, like when disarming a trap within a time limit, or running away from a rolling boulder.

Scenes and Rounds Just because an individual battle has started, the GM doesn’t have to change the scene. The scene can be changed when it’s deemed appropriate, and if an individual battle occurs in the middle of a scene, the scene can continue as it is.

Pre-action and Post-action

Characters are in one of two states In individual battles, those who haven’t taken any actions are Pre-action , and those who have [ ] already taken action are Post-action . [ ] Pre-action

This indicates a character can still do their main process in the round. A character becomes pre-action in the round’s setup process, and gains the right to do their main process in that round.


This indicates the character has already completed their main process in this round.

Individual Battle Start and End

Just as written before, the GM declares the start of individual battles. And, individual battles continue until the GM declares their end. The GM can even announce the end of an individual battle in the middle of a round, cutting that round short.

When individual battle ends, status ailments that characters received during that individual battle are automatically cured. However, the GM may not allow recovery from status ailments if it’s convenient for the scenario, directing, or such. Also, if there’re characters who’ve not yet done their main process, they can do their main process once before the individual battle ends, if the GM allows it.

Setup Process

The setup process indicates the declaration of starting a new round, and is a process that confirms the characters participating in the individual battle.

Setup Process Flow The setup process is performed using the following procedure.

Characters coming onstage (Page 223)

Characters not onstage in the scene can come onstage at this time. Refer to page 214 for more on PCs coming onstage.

From Post-action to Pre-action

Characters who come onstage become pre-action. However, dead or knocked out characters don’t become pre-action.

Usage Declarations of Skills and Such

If players or the GM wish to use something like an item or skill that’s during the setup process, they must declare it. There’s no need to declare what will happen. However, if the GM judges that Usage Declarations of Skills and Such isn’t required, you don’t need to [ ] declare their usage.

Processing of Declarations

Decide the contents of character declarations by the highest Action Score . Characters with no Usage Declarations of Skills and 【 】 [ Such cannot declare them at this time. Also, if the target is lost, or if the declared contents become meaningless partway through, the ] declaration may be withdrawn.

Setup Process End

Once all the Processing of Declarations has concluded, the setup process is over, and it moves to the initiative process. 「 」 Battle Flow

1. Battle start

2. Setup process Round start Going to pre-action from post-action

3. Initiative process Deciding which characters will perform actions

3`. Initiative process Deciding which characters will perform actions

4`. Main process Use of things like movement, attacks, and skills are performed

3``. Initiative process All become Post-action [ ] 5. Cleanup process Battle continues -> 2. To setup process GM declares end -> 6. Battle end Initiative Process

The initiative process is a process that decides who among the pre-action characters will act in the next main process.

Initiative Process Flow

The initiative process is performed using the following procedure.

Declarations of Skill use and such

If players or the GM wish to use something like an item or skill that’s during the initiative process, they must declare it. There’s no need to declare what will happen. However, if the GM judges that Usage Declarations of Skills and Such isn’t required, you don’t need to [ ] declare their usage.

Dealing with Declarations

Decide the contents of character declarations by the highest Action Score . Characters with no Usage Declarations of Skills and 【 】 [ Such cannot declare them at this time. Also, if the target is lost, or if the declared contents become meaningless partway through, the ] declaration may be withdrawn. Deciding Initiative Character

The initiative character who gains the right to the main process is decided. The pre-action character with the highest Action Score 【 】 becomes the initiative character. If multiple characters are to become the initiative character, go in order from PCs to NPCs. If PCs have the same Action Score , it should be decided by the PCs’ corresponding players discussing with each other who should be the initiative 【 】 character. If they can’t decide, the GM may also decide. If there’re multiple NPCs, the GM decides.

If all characters are post-action, it moves to the cleanup process.

Initiative Process End

The initiative process ends once the initiative character has been chosen, and it then moves to that character’s main process. If the initiative character received the stun status ailment, it’s automatically cured.

Main Process

The process where the initiative character decided in the initiative process performs actions. Actions that characters perform in their main process are mainly called Actions . [ ] Actions

Actions are split into the 5 categories of Move Action , Minor Action , Major Action , Reaction , and Free Action . [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] A character can perform a move action, minor action, and major action each once in that order, during their own main process. If unneeded, there’s no need to use all three actions, and it’s possible to do things like using just the move action, or just a minor action and major action.

When the main process ends, the character becomes post-action. For information on what’s possible with each action, refer to pages 226-227.

Cleanup Process

A process that does processing along with the end of the round.

Cleanup Process Flow

The cleanup process is done using the following procedure.

Dealing with Ongoing HP loss, MP loss

Processing is done for skills, status ailments, items, traps, and such that afflict things like HP loss and MP loss (Refer to page 237) . Refer to the data of each for things like the amount of HP loss or the processing method.

About Actions

Here, we’ll explain the actions mainly used in the main process.

Move Action

A move action is an action mainly used to move to another location.

Battle Movement

Move a short distance (Refer to page 228).

All-out Movement Travel a further distance than with battle movement (Refer to page 228).


Escape from an engagement (Refer to page 228).

Skill use

Use a Timing: Move Action Skill (Refer to page 195). 「 」 Equipping Weapons, Shields, Accessories

You can equip one weapon, shield, or accessory from your portables. If you are unable to equip anything new because you already have something equipped, you can equip it if you drop your currently equipped item. The dropped weapon can be recovered after battle has ended.

Using Items

Use an item that requires a move action for use. (Refer to page 195).

Curing Status Ailments

Cure the status ailment slip (Refer to page 238).


Behavior or actions that the GM deems appropriate for a move action.

Minor Action

A minor action is a simple action that isn’t enough to make you post-action. You can’t do checks with minor actions.

Skill Use Use a Timing: Minor Action Skill (Refer to page 195). 「 」 Item use Use an item that requires a minor action for use. (Refer to page 195).

Equipping Weapons, Shields, Accessories

You can equip one weapon, shield, or accessory from your portables. If you are unable to equip anything new because you already have something equipped, you can equip it if you drop your currently equipped item. The dropped weapon can be recovered after battle has ended.

Curing Status Ailments

Cure the status ailment pressure (Refer to page 238).


Behavior or actions that the GM deems appropriate for a minor action.

Major Actions

Major actions are ability actions for using things like attacks or skills. You can do checks with major actions.


Dealing damage to an enemy using a weapon, skill, or such (Refer to page 230).

Skill Use

Use a skill with Timing: Major Action (Refer to page 195). 「 」 Item Use Use an item that requires a major action for use. (Refer to page 195).

Actions Requiring Checks

Do things like trap detection, trap disarming, enemy identification, item appraisal, along with any other kind of action that requires a check. (Refer to page 241).

Exchanging Weapons, Shields

Move one current weapon or shield to your portables, and equip a different weapon or shield from your portables. If there is no need to exchange a weapon or shield when Location: Right Hand or Location: Left Hand are open, you may choose to not move an equipped weapon or shield to your portables.「 If your ability」 scores「 or such change, do 」a recalculation after your major action.

Exchanging Accessories

Move one current accessory to your portables, and equip a different accessory from your portables. If there is no need to exchange accessories when Location: Accessory is open, you can just equip the accessory. If your ability scores or such change, do modification after your major action.「 」


Behavior or actions that the GM deems appropriate for a major action.

Free Action

Actions that can only be done with declarations to the GM, which don’t use a move action, minor action, or major action. Can be used at any time during the main process. Free actions can be used one time during the main process.

Skill Use Use a skill with Timing: Free Action (Refer to page 195). 「 」 Item Use

Use an item that requires a free action for use. (Refer to page 195).


Behavior or actions that the GM deems appropriate for a free action.


Actions that are done in response to another character’s major action are called reactions. Reactions can be done without becoming post- action.

Each targeted character can do one reaction against one major action. If a reaction occurs, it becomes a showdown check with the character that did the major action. If the reaction side character wins the showdown check, they don’t receive the effects of the major action.

Even a post-action character can do reactions. However, generally reactions can only be done by the characters who are the targets of the major action.


If the player wishes, they can choose to not use the main process, and declare they’re on Standby . Standby characters do their main process after all other non-standby characters become post-action. You can only declare[ being standby] right before doing that character’s main process. You cannot declare being standby after doing a move action.

If multiple characters are on standby, do the main processes in order from the standby character with the lowest Action Score . 【 】 However, You cannot declare being on standby at this time.

Giving up Actions

Players can give up PC actions during their main process if they wish. At this time, you can give up certain actions like the move action, minor action, and major action, or give them all up. If you give up your major action, that character immedietly becomes post-action.

Main Process Flow

Move Action


Minor Action


Major Action

\/ /\ Showdown


Curing Status Ailments The status ailments dazed, rage, and knockback are automatically cured (Refer to page 238).

Ending Skill Effects

The effects of skill effects that last until the end of the round are ended.

Dealing with Ongoing Skills

Skills with effects that continue beyond a round are processed.

Using Skills

Skills with Timing: Cleanup Process are used. 「 」 Other

Behavior and actions the GM acknowledges.

Movement and Engagements (Page 228)

In fights, knowing things like each other’s positions and distance are important concepts. Weapons have a thing called range, and preventing enemy movement is important. Here, we’ll explain the rules for this movement, and the concept of Engages . [ ] Movement

Characters use move actions to move during individual battles. The three categories of movement methods are Battle Movement , [ ] All-out Movement , and Escape . [ ] [ ] Battle Movement Movement done to close the gap between an enemy, or get away from them. Characters can move Movement Ability meters one 【 】 time during battle movement.

However, you can’t do battle movement if you’re in the same engage as an enemy who’s facing you, or something that blocks your movement.

All-out Movement

Movement for things like going for a far away enemy, or getting away from an enemy as fast as possible. Characters can move Movement Ability +5 meters from one all-out movement. [【 】 ] If you use a move action to do all-out movement, you won’t be able to you won’t be able to use a minor action in that main process. Also, you can’t do all-out movement if you’re in the same engage as an enemy who’s facing you, or something that blocks your movement.

About Movement (Page 229)

Engage Conceptual Diagram

Charging In

If an enemy (Or something that prevents movement) is in the way when a character performs movement, movement stops there, and you are in the same engage as the enemy from then on. Entering an engage with an enemy is called Charging In . [ ] It’s left to the GM to judge if charging in from movement happens or not. If the GM will have the PC engage an enemy from their movement, this should be explained before movement is processed.

Also, engages occur not just with enemies, but between fellow allies as well. When charging into the same engage as an ally, there’s no need to stop movement.


When separating from engaged enemies, performing an escape is required. The distance able to be traveled from an escape movement is 5 meters (If the Movement Ability is below 5, then only up to the Movement Ability ). 【 】 【 】 If using a move action to escape, you won’t be able to use a minor action in that main process.

However, when exiting an engage of only allies, it’s possible to use battle movement or all-out movement instead of escape, and you can charge into another engage.


If the battle location is something like a narrow corridor, or on a suspension bridge, it can be extremely difficult to slip past enemies. This kind of limited movement situation is called Blockading . [ ] If an engagement is blockaded, the GM performs an Action Score showdown check between the action side characters trying to escape the engagement, and the reaction side enemy【 characters trying】 to block that. By winning this showdown check, escape can be done. If there’re multiple blocking enemy characters, the action side does one check, and all of the reaction side does a check against that success score. Unless all these are won, escape won’t be possible, and you won’t be able to move from that engagement.


Movement done when separating from an engagement. Refer to page 229 for more details. Engage (Page 230)

An engage is a unit of distance or area used in ‘Konosuba TRPG’, and is a way to conceptually show the battlefield. If expressing the range where a close-quarters weapon attack from something like a sword or spear can be used, things like “There’re three people in the engagement”, or “Approach the engagement” can be said. You can also express that there are different characters existing in the engagement by saying things like “That character’s in the same engagement”, or “They’re engaged with that character”.

Also, depending on the situation, things other than characters, such as traps or objects, can be targets of engagement.


Beginning with dealing damage to the enemy, actions that apply various effects are called attacks. Here, methods for attacking, and the order of processing are explained.

Attack Magic

The methods for attacking are split into the next three groups.

Weapon Attack

Using a weapon like a sword, spear, or bow to attack another character is called a Weapon Attack . Depending on the weapon the [ ] weapon attack uses, it can have categories like the following.

Close-quarters Attack

Performing an attack using a Range: Close weapon like bare hands or a sword is called a Close-ranged Attack . In order to perform [ ] [ ] a close-ranged attack, you must be engaging the character that’s to be the attack target.

Ranged Attack Performing an attack using a weapon that’s not Range: Close , like a bow, is called a Ranged Attack . The range of ranged attacks [ ] [ ] changes depending on the weapon, and is expressed in meters. Ranged weapons cannot use characters you’re engaged with as attack targets.

Throwing (Page 231)

Even for things like close-quarters weapons, if it’s possible to Throw them, they can perform ranged attacks. The range if throwing is [ ] Strength +5 meters. The thrown weapon is treated as a consumable and is generally lost, but after the battle ends, you can [【 】 ] perform a difficulty 12 Luck check for each used weapon, and you won’t lose the weapon if you succeed. 【 】 Magic Attack

Using something like a skill with a magic classification to attack another character is called a Magic Attack . [ ] Special Attack

Attacks not classified as weapon attacks or magic attacks are called Special Attacks . Things like the breath of flame an enemy uses, [ ] Breath , is classified as a special attack. 《 》 Attack Procedure

Attacks do showdown checks following the five steps of Attack Declaration Step , Target Hit Check Step , Evasion Check Step , [ ] [ ] [ ] Target Hit Confirmed Step , and the Damage Roll Step . [ ] [ ] Attack Declaration Step

The step for deciding the attack target, and declaring it.

Characters performing attacks (This is called the Attacking Side below) need to select an appropriate character as their attack target [ ] (This is called the Defending Side below). And they must declare the attack method, used skill, used weapon, and such along with the [ ] declaration. Only one of your equipped weapons can be used to attack. The GM verifies if the declared attack is possible. If it’s not appropriate, that’s told to the player, how to select an appropriate target should be explained. Furthermore, refer to page 195 for how to use skills.

Target Hit Check Step (Page 232)

A check is performed in this step to determine if the attack the attacking side is doing will hit the defending side or not. This is called a target hit check. The skill scores used for target hit checks are as follows.

Weapon Attack

Target hit checks performed for weapon attacks use a Dexterity check. 【 】 Magic Attack

Target hit checks performed for magic attacks are magic checks. Magic checks use Intelligence checks. 【 】 Special Attack

Target hit checks performed for special attacks are different for each special attack. Refer to each skill’s Check entry. 「 」

Furthermore, if a target hit check gets a critical, the attack automatically succeeds, and a damage modifier is gained during the damage roll step. Refer to page 233 for details. However, if the defense side also gets a critical, the defense side wins because of the law of reaction side precedence. In other words, the attack misses.

Oppositely, if the attacking side fumbles, the attack automatically fails. Also, the following evasion check step does not occur.

Evasion Check Step

The defense side takes over from the attack side’s target hit check, and does check to see if the attack can be evaded. This is an Evasion [ Check . Evasion checks are Agility Checks. ] 【 】 If an evasion check gets a critical, the defending side wins. In other words, the attack misses. Oppositely if the evasion check fumbles, the attack automatically succeeds.

Target Hit Confirm Step

In this step, the attacking side and defending side compare the success scores of their checks, and verify if the attack hits or not. Based on the showdown check rules, if the attacking side wins, it moves to the damage roll step.

Damage Roll Step (Page 233)

In this step, it’s decided how much Damage can be dealt for attacks that hit. The three kinds of damage are Physical Damage , [ ] [ ] Magic Damage , and Piercing Damage . The dice roll for deciding how much damage is dealt at this time is called the Damage [ ] [ ] [ Roll . ] Furthermore, if the attacking side gets a critical in their target hit check, the number of additional dice is the same as the Number of [ 6s rolled during the target hit check. For example, if three 6s are rolled during the target hit check, three additional dice are used for the ] damage roll.

Physical Damage

Damage from weapons is generally physical damage. 2D rolled for physical damage damage rolls, and damage is calculated by adding the weapon’s attack power, used skills, and other modifiers. The defending side subtracts from this damage using Physical Defense from 【 】 things like equipped armor, and by using skills and other modifiers.

The remaining number is the HP Damage actually subtracted from the HP . No HP damage is received if the HP damage is 0 or [ ] 【 】 lower at this time. The defending side’s HP is reduced by the amount of HP damage they receive, which is recorded as their current 【 】 HP in the HP field on their record sheet. Damage = 2D + Weapon Attack Power + Modifiers

HP Damage = Damage – ( Physical Defense + Modifiers) 【 】 HP = HP from before taking damage – HP Damage

Magic Damage

Magic damage is, as the name implies, damage from magical effects. The defense side calculation method for magic damage is different from physical damage. The defending side subtracts Magic Defense and other modifiers from the calculated damage. 【 】 The remaining number is the HP Damage actually subtracted from the HP . No HP damage is received if the HP damage is 0 or [ ] 【 】 lower at this time. The defending side’s HP is reduced by the amount of HP damage they receive, which is recorded as their current 【 】 HP in the HP field on their record sheet.

Damage = Calculation method differs depending on skill and such

HP Damage = Damage – ( Magic Defense + Modifiers) 【 】 HP = HP from before taking damage – HP Damage

Also, some magic damage have an Element . The nine elements are Fire , Water , Wind , Earth , Lightning , [ ] 〈 〉 〈 〉 〈 〉 〈 〉 〈 〉 Ice , Light , Darkness , and no element. Furthermore, magic damage without an element is written as None for 〈 〉 〈 〉 〈 〉 〈 〉 convenience. Magic Defense can change depending on the magic damage’s element and the target’s element. 【 】 -Same Element Those with the element have a resistance to that element. Accordingly, when receiving magic damage with the same element you have, HP damage is calculated by doubling your Magic Defense . 【 】 -Weak Element (Page 234) There’re times when a weak element is set, as an element that’s a weakness from something like a skill or item. If magic damage with a weak element is taken, HP damage is calculated with Magic Defense being 0. 【 】 - None Element 〈 〉 Furthermore, in the data of skills and such, magic damage that doesn’t have an element is written as having a None element. 〈 〉 However, this is for the sake of convenience, and the None element itself doesn’t actually exist. If an element must be chosen for 〈 〉 something like a skill, the None element cannot be chosen. 〈 〉 Piercing Damage

As the name implies, piercing damage has the effect of dealing damage while ignoring defense. Accordingly, piercing damage cannot be reduced by Physical Defense , or Magic Defense . Also, because this is neither physical nor magic damage, be aware that skills, 【 】 【 】 items, or such that reduce those have no effect.

However, if described as reducing just damage, it can reduce piercing damage.

Damage = Calculation method differs depending on skill and such

HP Damage = Damge – Modifiers

HP = HP from before taking damage – HP Damage

Cover (Page 235) Right before the damage roll step, if there’s a character getting attacked, characters in the same engagement can receive the attack in their place. This is called Covering . [ ] At this time, the character doing the covering receives the hit, damage, applied status ailments, skills, item effects, and such. Also, a character who’s covered can’t use skills, items, or such with Timing: Right before damage roll . 「 」 In order to cover, you must be pre-action, and you immediately become post-action upon covering. Also, another character cannot cover a character who has covered. Mob enemies (Page 274) cannot cover either.

Furthermore, if something like the character you are to cover and yourself are both receiving an attack at the same time ( Target: 「 Area attacks for example), if you’re also being attacked, or such, ultimately the amount of damage you take, in other words HP damage, 」 is applied doubly. If you succeed in your own evasion check, process covering as normal.

Damage and Healing

By receiving things like damage or skill effects, a character’s HP can decrease, or they can receive a status ailment. However, HP 【 】 【 】 reduction and injuries are not the same. That’s because HP doesn’t just show the body’s vitality, but it also represents fatigue, poor 【 】 condition, and such. Accordingly, a character doesn’t die just because their HP becomes zero. 【 】 Knocked Out

Characters whose HP turns 0 become Knocked Out . Knocked out characters cannot perform things like skills, or any kind of action 【 】 [ ] until they’ve recovered from being knocked out. They also cannot use skills, items, or such to restore HP. Of course, move actions, major actions, and minor actions can’t be used, along with reaction, and free actions (If the reaction side in a showdown check, treat the success score as 0). Also even if knocked out, ongoing skill effects remain, and status ailments aren’t healed. Furthermore, if for whatever reason you become knocked out without your HP becoming 0, your HP automatically becomes 0. 【 】 【 】 Death Check

At the end of individual battles (Round progression), a Death Check is done for knocked out characters. [ ] A Death Check is an action check that uses Luck . The difficulty is determined from your current HP. [ ] 【 】 If you succeed the check, you recover from being knocked out, and HP becomes 1.

If you fail, that character Dies . [ ] For the scenario’s convenience or such, the GM may decree that a skill, item, or such must be used to cure knocked out characters.

Death Check Difficulty Table

HP Difficulty

0 – (-10) 8

(-11) - (-20) 10

(-21) - (-50) 15

Each following (-50) +5


Dead characters are ejected from the game during after play.

Curing HP, Knockout

HP can be restored by using skills, items, and such. However, knocked out characters cannot have their HP recovered. 【 】 【 】 Furthermore, there is generally no way to recover from death.

HP Loss and MP Loss (Page 237) HP can decrease from damage incurred from attacks, but HP can be reduced in other ways as well. This is called HP Loss . HP 【 】 【 】 [ ] loss is not damage. Accordingly, even by using skills, items, or such that reduce damage, HP loss will not be reduced.

Similarly, things that reduce MP are called MP Loss . 【 】 [ ] Status Ailments

From the effects of skills, items, and such, characters can receive disadvantageous conditions called status ailments. As written on page 238, there are 7 kinds of status ailments, and it’s possible to receive more than one at a time. However, when receiving a status ailment, even if you receive the same kind of status ailment, the effect doesn’t stack.

Status Ailments at a Glance (Page 238)

Here, we’ll explain the status ailments in ‘Konosuba TRPG’.


Represents that the character is receiving some kind of pressure, and is in a pressed state. Pressured characters cannot perform major actions.

Curing Pressured

Use a minor action.


Represents a state where you’re enraged by a certain character, and can’t control yourself. Enraged characters take -2D for major action checks that target characters other than the one who inflicted rage. However, if an attack has multiple targets and one of the targets is the character who inflicted rage, the -2D penalty is not received. Curing Rage

Automatically cured during the cleanup process.


Represents a state of being temporarily losing their awareness. Stunned characters take -1D to reaction checks.

Curing Stun

When gaining the right to be the initiative character, stunned characters are automatically cured during the initiative process.


Represents a state like if you’re legs have slipped out, you’ve fallen over, or you’ve lost your stance, meaning your unable to move right away. Characters afflicted with slip cannot perform battle movement, all-out movement, or escape. Furthermore, the effects of slip have priority over skill effects.

Curing Slip

Use a move action.


Represents a state where a poison or curse has entered your body, gradually sapping your strength. Poison has a set effect intensity, where if the effect intensity is 1, it will be written like Poison(1) . Poisoned characters receive 5 points of HP loss for each level of effect intensity during the cleanup process. Every time the 「effect intensity」 increases by 1, 5 points of HP loss are added. Curing Poison

A skill or item for curing status ailments or poison is required.


Represents a state of receiving an attack that makes you bend back, slowing your actions. Knockback has a set effect intensity, where if the effect intensity is 1, it will be written like Knockback (1) . The Action Score of knocked back characters is decreased by 5 for each level of effect intensity. 「 」 【 】

Curing Knockback

Automatically cured during the cleanup process.


Represents a state where you’ve received a strong blow, causing your consciousness to become hazy. Dazed characters take -1D to major action checks.

Curing Dazed

Automatically cured during the cleanup process.

Curing Status Ailments

Status ailments are cured by the timspan, skill, item, or such set for each one. Furthermore, status ailments are only effective during individual battles (Round progression). Once an individual battle ends, generally all status ailments are cured. Blessing Rules (Page 239)


PCs have special powers as main characters in the story. These are Blessings . 【 】 Blessings are the PCs hidden powers, the power to rewrite fate. 【 】

Ways to use Blessings

Here, we’ll explain how to use Blessings . 【 】 Additional Dice

When rolling dice, for every Blessing point used, you can increase the number of dice rolled by 1. At this time, the number of 【 】 Blessings you can use is the same number as your Luck . 【 】 【 】 However, you must announce the use of Blessings before the dice roll. You cannot roll the dice, then use Blessings for that dice 【 】 【 】 roll to increase the number of dice.

You can use this dice increase from Blessings for all kinds of dice rolls, like checks, damage rolls, deciding the effects of skills, items, 【 】 and such, and the item drop decision roll.

Reroll Check You can spend one Blessing to reroll a check right after a check has been done. However, you can only do one Blessing reroll. At 【 】 【 】 this time, the reroll is done just as before, with all dice increases from skills, items, Blessings , and such remaining the same. 【 】 Furthermore, if rerolling a check with a Blessing , you cannot use a skill, item, or such to reroll the check again afterwards. 【 】

Other Rules (Page 241)

Rules for various situations the PC adventuerers may encounter are explained here.

Adventuring and Exploration

Dungeons have obstacles like traps and enemies lying in wait for adventurers. The rules given here are mainly used in dungeons, but can also be used in other situations as well.

Detecting Traps

Traps set up as Detection Type can be discovered by trap detection. Detection Type traps mainly activate from a PC’s active behavior, like opening「 a door, moving」 an object, or activating a trap. Refer「 to page 266 for 」more details.

The character doing the trap detection must be in the same engagement (Page 230) as the target (Object, partition, enemy, or such) they think is rigged with a trap. After that, they declare they’re Doing trap detection , and do a Perception check. If this success score is equal to or higher than the trap’s Detection Score (In other「 words, if the check」 succeeds) ,【 the trap is found.】 Furthermore, if a character without the Trap Detection「 Skill (Page 」157) does a trap detection check and fails the check, they end up inadvertently springing the trap while《 looking for it. Apply》 the effects of the trap.

If a trap doesn’t have a set Detection Score , that indicates it’s not hidden. Accordingly, they’re known to be there even without doing trap detection. The GM should「 write it in, or 」put a marker on the map, letting players know beforehand.

Furthermore, a character who did trap detection cannot do trap detection again at the same location. Sensing Danger

Traps set up as Sense Type can be discovered by sensing danger. Sense Type traps are activated when the trap and character Touch (Something「 like stepping」 on it, or entering the location). Refer「 to page 266」 for more details. [ ] Accordingly, danger sensing is declared not by players, but by the GM, who makes the player do a check. When a character touches a trap set up as a Sense Type , the GM declares they Have to sense for danger , and a Perception check is done between the trap and the character「 who touched」 it. If this success score「 is equal to or greater than」 the trap’s【 Detection】 Score (In other words, if the check succeeds), they become aware that there’s a hidden trap, the trap is no longer hidden,「 they become engaged」 with the trap without triggering it, and trap disarming can be done. Furthermore, if there’re multiple characters in contact with it, all of them must succeed the danger sensing or the trap will be triggered.

Furthermore, upon touching a sense type trap, movement automatically ends at that location.

Disarming Traps

You can try to disarm traps that are unhidden, or have been discovered with trap detection or danger sensing. This is called Trap Disarming . Characters who are disarming traps must be engaged (Page 230) with the target they are doing a trap disarm on.[ After that, they must ]declare they’re Doing trap disarming , and then do a Dexterity check. If this success score is equal to or greater than the trap’s Disarm Score 「(In other words, if the」 check succeeds), 【 the disarming】 of the trap is successful, and the trap won’t be able to be triggered「 anymore. However,」 upon failing the trap disarming, the trap will be triggered. Apply the effects of the trap.

Enemy Identification (Page 241)

Investigating what kinds of abilities enemies (Page 274) encountered by PCs have is called Enemy Identification . Characters doing enemy identification designate one enemy in their field of view, and after declaring they’re[ Doing enemy identification] , they do an Intelligence check. If this success score is equal to or higher than the enemy’s Identification「 Score (In other words,」 if the check succeeds),【 the】 GM can tell things like the enemy’s name, classification, level, element,「 whether physical」 defense or magic defense is higher (Or if they’re the same), and acquired enemy skills.

Furthermore, a character who has done an enemy identification in a scene cannot do a second enemy identification on the same enemy. The GM can also do things like have the enemy name, information, and such gotten from asking NPCs, or have enemy identification done from reading literature.

Jumping (Page 240)

A Jump is done to pass over things like gaps or holes. Jumps are done with Strength checks, with a difficulty of Distance (Meters)[ x2] . If the check is successful, you succeed in jumping over. If you’re 【jumping vertically,】 the difficulty is Distance[ (Meters) x4 . ] [ ] If you jump during round progression, it’s treated the same as a move action’s all-out movement, and you won’t be able to do a minor action.

Climbing (Page 240)

Climbing is done to scale things like cliffs or walls. Climbing difficulty is 10, and if the Strength check is successful, you climb [ Movement] Ability ÷2 meters. If you fail the check, you only fall Movement Ability【 ÷2】meters after succeeding a difficulty 10[【 Agility check. If 】you also] fail this Agility check, you completely[【 fall. Refer to Other 】Damage] on page 243 for damage received【 by 】falling. 【 】 「 」

If you climb during round progression, it’s treated the same as a move action’s all-out movement, and you won’t be able to do a minor action.

Rules for Outside of Dungeons

From here on are rules written to explain situations outside of dungeons that PCs often deal with.

Information Gathering

Getting information from doing things like interviewing people or investigating documents is called Information Gathering . Things like the ability score or difficulty used in the information gathering check are decided by the GM along[ with the information to] be acquired. If it’s hard to decide on an ability score, it’s probably good to use a Perception check. The character who succeeds in this check gains information. 【 】 Guidelines for information gathering difficulty are as follows.

Difficulty -Information everyone in town knows: -10 -information an adventurer would know: 12 -Information of a specific field: 14 -Information on a country or town’s leader: 16 -A country’s highly classified information: 20-


A Spirit showdown check is done for negotiations between a PC and NPC. 【 】 The action side and reaction side can change depending on the situation, but generally it’s probably good if the PC is the action side, and the NPC is the reaction side. For example, if the NPC tells a lie, it can be thought that the PC is trying to see through the lie as the action side, and if the PC is telling a lie, it can be thought that the PC is trying to fool them as the actions side.

Depending on the circumstances of the negotiation, the GM may disallow the use of skills like the Lie Skill , Lie Detection Skill , and Negotiation Skill . It’s also alright to set a difficulty for a basic Spirit check instead of having《 the》 NPC《 do a check. 》 《 》 【 】 Item Buying and Selling

Item buying and selling can be done not only in pre play, main play, or after play, but any time the GM allows it. When buying an item, reduce the price of that item from your money. You can’t buy an item if it’s price is more than the money you have.

Also, by selling things that you obtain on adventures like items, or weapons or armor you can’t use anymore, you receive 1/2 that item’s price in money.

Item Drop Decision Roll When enemies die or are knocked out, characters can obtain an item that enemy was carrying. This is called an item drop. The dice roll that determines what this item drop is is called the item drop decision roll.

For an item drop decision roll, you roll 2D and sum the results. And referencing the item drop table set for enemies, you obtain the item set for that number. Anyone can do it as long as they’re an onstage character at that scene. However, because item drop decision rolls are not an action check, you cannot use Blessings or the like to reroll. 【 】 Drops with a price written are items that can be exchanged for money, and have a weight of 1. In addition, other items can also be obtained, like weapons, armor, or potions.

The GM may need the PC be engaged with the enemy in order to do an item drop decision roll.

Other Damage

Various circumstances like falling from a high place, or natural flames can cause characters to take damage. These are dealt with by using a 2D damage roll of piercing damage. Also, depending on the distance of the fall, the strength of the flame or such, the GM can increase the number of dice for the damage roll.

Special States

From here on, rules are introduced for special states like flying in the air, or swimming in water.

Flying State

From skills, items, or such, a character can fly through the air. A character in this state is Flying . Only flying characters can block the way of another flying character. Accordingly, even if you’re engaged with the enemy, unless[ that] enemy is flying as well, there’s no need to end movement, and even when moving away from the engagement, you can use battle movement or all-out movement, and charge into another engagement.

How high flying characters are isn’t set in the rules. If needed, you can probably set it around 1-2 meters. What’s important is that as long as your engaged, it’s possible to mutually do close-quarters attacks. Swimming State (Page 243)

If the GM judges that the character is in deep enough water that it’s a hindrance, that character is Swimming . 【 】 Movement Ability of swimming characters is halved, and all-out movement cannot be done. If you don’t want to receive this penalty, you【 must succeed a difficulty】 10 Strength check with your move action. However, if this check fails, you won’t be able to move at all, do a minor action, or do a major【 action, and】 your main process automatically ends.

Hidden State

Characters can use a major action to hide themselves and become Hidden . However, if the GM judges that there’s no place to hide in the area, you cannot become hidden (This excludes effects of things[ like skills,] items, and cheats). The hidden state is removed once a check (Excluding reactions) is done. Also, even if a check doesn’t accompany it, movement, item use, and skills that aren’t Target: Self will remove it as well. However, the effects of skills, items, and such that are effect while hidden are ongoing until the action「 ends. Also,」 you cannot become hidden while engaged with an enemy (A hostile character). Hidden characters can’t be targets of things like attacks, skills other than Target: Self , items, or enemy identification, but they can be targets of skills like those with Target: Scene , and Target: Area 「(Be aware they」 can’t be targeted with Target: Scene (Choice) or Target: Area (Choice) 「). 」 「 」 「 」 「 」 In order to discover hidden characters in your field of view, you must use a major action to do a Perception showdown check (The searching character is the action side, and the hidden character is the reaction side). If there’re【 multiple hidden】 characters, it becomes a one-on-group check (Page 194) (You can exclude ally characters). If the searching character wins the showdown check, the hidden state is removed.

Dimness (Page 242)

There’re various obstacles to actions when in a place where light doesn’t shine. In a place like this, Movement Ability is always 5 meters (Characters with Movement Ability of less than 5 just use their Movement Ability ),【 and all-out movement】 cannot be done. Also, all check dice【 are minus 1D. However,】 if all characters are receiving【 the penalty, the GM】 may process things while ignoring the penalty.

Surprise Attack If you receive or do a sneak attack in an unanticipated situation, such as by lying in wait to ambush, or by attacking while they’re sleeping, the GM may say a Surprise Attack has occurred. Before the battle round starts, each character from the side that did the surprise attack can perform[ a main process. ]You may do the order of main processes without regard to the Action Scores . Also, if a reaction is done in response to an action from a main process gained through a counter attack, that check’s 【dice takes minus】 1D.

Character Growth

The players and GM receive experience points after the end of a session. By spending these experience points, PCs can grow. Experience points are given to the player or GM themselves. The experience points a player (GM) has may be used on any character that player (GM) has created.

Experience points can be used during pre play or after play, and the permission of the current GM is required. Refer to page 209 and 218 for information on pre play and after play.

Used experience points are consumed, and disappear. Make a request to the current GM, and rewrite the experience point field on the record and session sheet using something hard to alter, like a red ballpoint pen.

There are the following two methods to use experience points.

Raising Character Level

By spending experience points, you can raise your character level. The required experienced points to raise your character level is Current PC Level x 10 points. The following three developments happen when raising your character level, [ ] Taking Skills, Class Changing, Raising Blessings 【 】 By raising your character level, it’s possible to take skills, class change, and raise Blessings . Choose one of the following three patterns 【 】 to gain skills.

① Take 3 levels worth from race skills and class skills ② Take 3 levels worth from race skills and class skills, and class change ③ Take 2 levels worth from race skills and class skills, and raise Blessings 【 】 Taking Skills

Select skills to acquire from the PC’s class skills. You can take a new skill, or raise the skill level of a skill you have already taken. However, you cannot raise one class skill’s level 2 or more times.

Class Change (Page 245)

If you selected pattern ②, you can change your class. This is called a Class Change . [ ] If changing classes, rewrite the class field and class modifier field on the character sheet, and recalculate ability scores.

Furthermore, if you class change, it’s possible to acquire the skills of the class from before the class change, and the skills of the class from after the class change.

Adventurer Class Change

Even if you change classes when leveling up, you don’t lose class skills that you have already taken.

However, if you’re no longer the adventurer class, you lose the Blessing Increase’s effects. In other words, your maximum amount 《 》 of Blessings is reduced by 1. If you class change back to the adventurer class, it returns to as it was. 【 】 Class Changing to an Advanced Class

If a character level is 10 or higher, that character can class change to an advanced class. Refer to page 247 for more details on class changing to advanced classes.

Raising Blessings 【 】 If you selected pattern ③, you can raise your Blessings by one point. 【 】 Raising Base Ability Scores

You can select three base ability scores, and raise each one by 1 point. There is no upper limit to base ability scores.

After raising base ability scores, recalculate ability bonuses and ability scores.

Changing Secondary Ability Scores

By raising an ability score, scores based on it like Max HP , Max MP , Action Score , and Movement Ability also rise. 【 】 【 】 【 】 【 】 Max HP and Max MP

Every time your character level increases by one level, the Max HP increases by the class’s HP growth rate, and the Max MP 【 】 【 】 increases by the class’s MP growth rate. Refer to the class modifier table (Page 120) for HP growth rates and MP growth rates. Also, if the Base Strength Ability Score and Base Spirit Ability Score rise, don’t forget to include those in the calculations. 【 】 【 】 If you’re class changing, refer to the HP growth rate and MP growth rate of the class after the class change.

Max HP = Character’s Max HP at time of creation + class HP growth rate(s) + Base Strength Ability Score increase 【 】 【 】 Max MP = Character’s Max MP at time of creation + class MP growth rate(s) + Base Spirit Ability Score increase 【 】 【 】 Action Score and Movement Ability

The Action Score rises when Agility and Perception increase, and Movement Ability rises when Strength increases. 【 】 【 】 【 】 【 】 【 】 Recalulate the Action Score and Movement Ability by following the formula on page 118. 【 】 【 】 Taking General Skills (Page 246)

For every 5 experience points you spend, you can acquire one levels worth of a general skill.

However, you can only acquire a total of Character Level + 1 levels worth of general skills. This is not the number of levels you can [ ] acquire at one time, but is a number that includes those you have already acquired.

For example, because a character can only acquire a total of 6 levels worth of general skills if their character level is 5, if they have already acquired 5 levels worth of general skills, they can only acquire one more levels worth.

Class Changing to an Advanced Class (Page 247)

Advanced Class

Advanced classes are classes that strengthen the roles of certain classes.

Types of Advanced Classes

Advanced classes are as follows. For explanations on each class, refer to pages 172-178.

-Crusader -Archpriest -Archwizard -Assassin

Class Change Requirements

In order to class change to an advanced class, the following conditions must be fulfilled.

Character Level When your character level becomes 10 or higher, it’s possible to class change to an advanced class.

At the time your character level rises to 10 or above, you can choose ② Take 3 levels worth from race skills and class skills, and class 「 change , and may class change to an advanced class. 」 Restrictions from Main Class

The advanced class a character can class change to is limited by the character’s current (before class change) class. For example, a crusader can only be class changed into from a knight.

Refer to the Class Change Correspondence Table for which advanced class each class can class change into. 「 」 Class Change Correspondence Table

Former Class Advanced Class

Knight Crusader

Priest Archpriest

Wizard Archwizard

Thief Assassin

Class Changing From one Advanced Class to Another

You cannot directly class change from one advanced class to another advanced class. However, by first going through the prerequisite class, you can become a different advanced class.

For example, A crusader character cannot class change to an archpriest. However, after that character class changes to a priest, they can become an archpriest. Class Modifiers of Advanced Class

By class changing to an advanced class, the class modifiers, HP growth rate, and MP growth rate change. Refer to page 120, and rewrite the class modifier field on your character sheet.

Items and Taking Skills

It’s possible for advanced classes to take skills from the class they were from before class changing.

For example, a crusader can take knight skills when leveling up, and an archwizard can take wizard skills.

Game Master Section (Page 263)

Game Master Instructions

Before Participating as a GM

Written here are things like techniques for the GM that should come in handy in sessions, and data the GM uses.

The GM’s Role The GM prepares the stage of the adventure the players’ alter egos (PCs) take part in in a session, makes them encounter dangerous situations, and leads them to the appropriate ending. In other words, compared to the participants other than the GM, who participate in the game passively, the GM takes charge at every stage of the session, and is also expected to actively participate in the game.

Even outside of sessions, they must prepare for the next session by creating a scenario (Of course, this includes creating the data for things appearing in the scenario like NPCs or enemies).

It may all seem difficult, but that labor is fully rewarded with a successful game. And the GM is not a servant of the other participants. The GM and players are equal in “Playing the game in a fun way”. The GM is the host player, in other words, a participant that lets the participants have fun. Let’s not forget the GM is also a participant trying to have fun at sessions.

GM Tricks

The GM leads sessions, and is in charge of deciding things. Before a session begins, they must prepare for the session by deciding the scenario’s story, appearing characters, and enemy data. During the session, they must decide which rules to use, apply those rules, and judge players’ actions. When the session ends, they decide how experience points are distributed, and verify character growth.

The rights to direct and decide like this are always with the GM. There is only one trick to flawlessly accomplishing this. Having confidence. There may be things you are unsure of. You may even mess up sometimes. You may even feel worried that your judgments as GM may not be right.

However, your judgments are always correct. This has already been assured by the rulebook.

Data the GM Oversees

There are two kinds of data the GM oversees in a session of ‘Konosuba TRPG’. One are NPCs, and the other are traps.


NPCs, non-player characters, are characters that the GM oversees. Types of NPCs

Depending on the data construction, NPCs are split into the three classifications of Guest , Mob , and Extra . [ ] [ ] [ ] Guests

NPCs that are a scenario’s enemies, or who assist in battle. Generally have about the same data as PCs.


A character that is one piece of data made from combining 2-10 individuals. Used to when representing large groups of enemies, like a group of monsters, or a squad of soldiers. Have simplified data compared to PCs.


NPCs that don’t have data like ability scores or classes. NPCs that don’t participate in battles are generally extras, like a guy running a shop, or an adventurer’s guild receptionist.

Extras are dealt with just as the GM or players describe. For example, if they say I kill(ed) them , then they die, and if they say I hold 「 」 「 back and knock them out , they get knocked out. 」 Enemies (Page 265)

Among NPCs, the NPCs players mostly fight are called Enemies . Also, guest enemies are Solo Enemies , while mob enemies are [ ] [ ] called Mob Enemies . Refer to page 274 for more details. [ ] Traps (Page 266)

Traps can be set up in places like dungeons, and are called Traps , while things like treasure chests or doors in a dungeon are called [ ] Objects . Refer to page 290 for more details. [ ] We’ll explain here how to treat trap detection and danger sensing. Either can be used to become aware of the existence of traps, but their uses and methods of use greatly differ.

Trap Detection

Trap detection is a PC action for actively searching out traps, and is an action effective for detection type traps.

If trap detecting, the player designates the target to investigate (A treasure chest in the previous example), and the PC has to be engaged with the target. Accordingly, you cannot have a vague trap detection target like an entire room or wall.

Furthermore, if characters who haven’t acquired Find Trap do trap detection and fail the check, the trap will be triggered, so be 《 》 careful.

Sensing Danger

On the other hand, sensing danger is a check that represents PCs passively discovering sense type traps. PCs cannot actively investigate sense type traps with trap detection. For example, when exploring a dungeon, it’s impractical to investigate every inch of flooring, right? However, the PC adventurers would notice suspicious areas at key points. Reproducing this is danger sensing. Accordingly, danger sensing isn’t something that players intentionally do, but when players touch sense type traps, the GM directs them to do it.

Furthermore, if a trap disarm check fails, be aware the trap will always be triggered.

Also danger sensing can be used for various other checks to avoid danger, like if the PC notices something seems unnatural or not, or if they notice something dangerous is following them or not. If that kind of situation occurs, the GM should use danger sensing.

How to Create a Scenario

Scenarios are absolutely necessary to play the ‘Konosuba TRPG’. For that, we will now explain how to create scenarios.

A Basic Adventurer Scenario In ‘Konosuba TRPG’, scenarios are generally constructed as follows.

-In the opening phase, PCs take on quests as adventurers. -In the middle phase, they head to the location of the quest’s objective. -In the climax phase, they defeat the target enemy of the quest. Or, they resolve obstacles to obtain the quest’s objective item. -In the ending phase, the adventure’s outcome is depicted.

Generally, you can set the “Quest” the PCs undertake, and the enemy (Boss) they have to defeat in that quest.

Quests (Page 267)

Quests are requests to PCs like slaying enemies, or item collection. By completing this request, the PCs receive a reward (Eris).

The PCs completing these quests and receiving rewards is the general goal of a session.

Quests come about when a person is in some kind of trouble, or the adventurer’s guild mediates a request. Also, the adventurer’s guild itself may directly give out quests.

Quest Data

Example quests are written on pages 271-273. You can use those in sessions, or as references when creating your own quests.

Quest Information and Guidelines

When creating your own quest data, the thing to be most careful with is probably the reward.

A recommended reward would be Enough so that all the players can pay for a simple living lifestyle . 「 」 The recommended reward formula would look like this.

Average CL of the participating PCs x10 KE [ ] This sets the quest with a benefit for the PCs that exclude non-lifestyle things, like items picked up in a dungeon, or item drops from enemies.

This should only be used as a reference. The GM should probably match the atmosphere of the session and freely decide the quest’s reward.

Oppositely, if there’s a quest with no enemies, or items to pick up, you may prepare a supplemental reward.

Abbreviating the Middle Phase

Furthermore, if nothing of note will happen on the way to the quest’s location, it may be good to abbreviate the middle phase in the session.

In other words, you may play a scenario without a middle phase.

Changing Scenarios

When making a scenario, some GMs can find it boring having sessions where you just complete quests.

If making a grander scenario with a story that can change in the middle of a quest, it may be good for a different event to occur perhaps while traveling to the quest location or such. During the middle phase, trigger another quest.

However, if making this kind of development, you should integrate it into the preview for next time. Rather than directly writing what will happen in the session, you may have it as just foreshadowing.

High Level PC Creation

We’ll now introduce how to create PCs with high character levels. You can use this as a reference when creating and playing advanced class PCs like Megumin or Darkness from the original work. Furthermore, this should only be used as a guideline, and it’s fine to create them using other methods. Ultimately, the GM is the one that decides.

Deciding Experience Points Experience points are needed for PC growth. For that, it’s necessary to set an upper limit of experience points that can be used. At this time, you should verify how many experience points each player has, and have everyone use the same number of points for growth.

If creating characters just for use at that one session, one method is to specially give players experience points, and have them grow their PCs using those experience points.

Items and Money

High level PCs are adventurers who’ve probably already had many quests. Accordingly, it wouldn’t be strange for them to have a greater amount of various items or money, compared to freshly created PCs. Find the total money a PC has from the following formula, and use that for buying items.

Total Money = CL (Character Level) xCL x 300

Quest Data

Here, data about requests (“Quests”) to adventurers (PCs) from the adventurer’s guild is written.


The name of the quest is written.


An approximation of the quests category is written, like “Slay”, or “Explore”.

Time Limit The time limit to complete the quest from when it was accepted.

Generally time doesn’t pass with the passage of scenes, but the GM can have time pass from things like movement, or taking a break in the city.


The reward for completing the quest is written. Unless specified, it’s not for individual PCs, but for everyone. It assumes a 5 person party.


The conditions for accepting the quest are written. If unspecified, it can be fulfilled by just one person.


The contents of the quest are written.

Clear Condition

The conditions for completing the quest are written.

Quest Effects

Special rules that occur when the quest is accepted are written. If there’s no specific quest effect, the entry itself will not exist.

(Page 271)

Enemy Rules (Page 274) Enemies and Enemy Skills

An enemy is a general term for characters that appear as foes to the PCs. In ‘Konosuba TRPG’, they can be monsters living in places like dungeons or outside the city, or vegetables cultivated in fields. Also, there may be demons or demi-humans part of the demon lord army.

Here, we’ll explain about enemies.

Kinds of Enemies

Enemies are also NPCS. Therefore, just as written on page 265, they’re split into the categories of guests, mobs, and extras, with the guests being called solo enemies, and mobs of enemies being called enemy mobs. Extra enemies don’t have any kind of data, and are only used in setting the stage, so no particular name for them as enemies exists.

Enemy Data

Solo enemies have roughly the same kind of data as PCs, and mob enemies have simplified data. Solo enemies are written on pages 284- 290, and mob enemies are written on pages 280-283. Refer to page 275 for how to read this data.

Mob Enemies (Page 274)

Mob enemies don’t have ability scores set. When doing something like a check, use the number in the Check entry. The number 「 」 before the / is for things like basic check or ability check actions, and the number after is for showdown check reactions. The success 「 」 score can be found by adding 2D to this.

-Outside of skills, items, cheat effects, and such, mobs cannot cover (Page 235). -Mob enemies don’t have a Max MP set. If they’ve acquired a skill that has a cost, treat it as Cost: 0 . 【 】 「 」 How to Read Enemy Data (Page 275) We’ll explain how to read enemy data. Entries with - represent it has no meaning, and for those with Reference Effect , the contents of the Description explain that entry. 「 」 「 」 「 」

Describing Dice Rolls

For things like checks and damage rolls in the enemy data, some are written like 1(2D). This means 2D +1 . [ ] How to Read the Data

We’ll explain how to read enemy data.


The name of the enemy is written.


The classification of the enemy is written.


The element of the enemy is written.


The enemy level, which is a guidline for how strong the enemy is, is written. Also written as EL. If something like a skill references CL, reference EL.

Identification Score

The difficulty for doing enemy identification (Page 241) on that enemy.

Checks Only written for mob enemies. Before the / is written the major action check number, and the number after is the reaction check number. 「 」

Ability Scores

Only written for solo enemies. Before the / is written the enemy’s base ability score, and the number after is the enemy’s ability score. The meaning and roles are the same「 as」 for PCs.


The attacks the enemy does are written. If there’re multiple attack methods, up to two will be written.

For weapon attacks, it’s written as Weapon used to attack (Weapon Category/Equip Location) , and Target Hit/Damage/Attack Method and Damage category/Range「 . For using a skill to attack, it’s written as Name and level」 of skill「 used to attack , and Target Hit/Damage/Attack method and damage」 category/Range . Furthermore, 1 (2D)「 represents 2D + 1 for things like」 the hit「 check or damage. 」 「 」 「 」

There are names written for things outside of weapons used as weapon used to attack like Claws , or Biting , but these should be treated the same as Unarmed (Page 185) . 「 」 「 」 「 」 Furthermore, the weapon name is there to represent the kind of weapon is equipped, and the data doesn’t match weapons used by PCs.


The evasion check for that enemy is written.


The defense of that enemy is written. Before / is the Physical Defense , and after is the Magic Defense . 「 」 【 】 【 】 HP

The enemy’s Max HP . 【 】 MP

The enemy’s Max MP . Not set for mob enemies. 【 】 Action

The enemy’s Action Score . 【 】 Movement

The enemy’s Movement Ability . If - is written, it cannot move. 【 】 「 」 Enemy Skills

The skills the enemy has acquired are written. Described in the order of Skill Name , Skill Level , and Reference Page, or Effect . 「 」 「 」 「 」 Description

Things are witten like the enemy’s ecology, characteristic features, habitat, or fighting method.

Item Drops

The items that can be obtained by an Item Drop Decision Roll when the enemy is defeated are written. [ ]

Enemy Skills (Page 276)

Here, we’ll introduce the data for enemy skills. Enemy skills are not only things like techniques or magic that enemies acquire, but also represent innate abilities. How to look at the data is the same as for skills. Refer to pages 122-125. When referencing enemy level for things like skill effects, it’s abbreviated to EL . 「 」 Night Vision

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Effect: Effects of Dimness are not [ ] taken.


A skill that allows actions regardless of lighting, from having strong vision in the dark, or a special sense.

Attack Magic Magic Timing: Major Action

Check: Magic Check Target: Single

Range: 20m Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Effect: Upon taking this, select one element. Written like Attack Magic: 《 Fire , each one is treated as a different 》 skill. Performs a magic attack on the target. The attack’s damage is 2D + 10 of [ ] magic damage of the selected element.

Critical: Additional dice roll

A skill that uses attack magic.


Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Single Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Effect: Upon taking this, select an Element or weapon. Written like 「 」 Weakness: Fire , or Weakness: 《 》 《 Bash , each one is treated as a different 》 skill. If the enemy received damage from an attack from the selected weapon Category , or the selected element, 「 」 treat it as a weak element (Page 234).

Critical: -

A skill that represents not having a resistance to a certain weapon or element.

Concentration Timing: Move Action

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: No upper limit

Effect: Upon taking this, choose one from close-quarters (Close-quarters attack), ranged (Ranged attack), magic (Magic attack), or special (Special attack). Written like Concentration: Close-quarters , 《 》 each one is treated as a different skill. Damage is increased. + SL D to your selected attack’s damage. [ ] This effect is ongoing until the main process ends.


A skill that raises power by concentrating on the attack. Summon

Timing: Setup Process

Check: Automatic Success Target: Reference Effect

Range: Reference Effect Cost: -

SL Limit: No upper limit

Effect: Upon taking this, choose one Classification or enemy. Written like 「 」 Summon: Plant or Summon: 《 》 《 Zombie , each one is treated as a different 》 skill. Bring onstage the selected enemy or Classification’s enemy with an EL (CL) 「 」 less than yours, and post-action in your engagement. This enemy cannot use Summon: ~ in the round it was 《 》 brought onstage. Can be used SL times in one scene.

Critical: Amphibious

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Effect: Movement can be done without Movement Ability being 【 】 reduced from being in a swimming state (Page 243).


A skill that represents being able to act above ground and in water, by being an aquatic animal, having special magic applied, or being good at swimming. Resistance

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Effect: Upon taking this, select one status ailment. Written like Resistance: 《 Poison , each one is treated as a different 》 skill. The selected status ailment cannot be received. This skill can be taken a max of 3 times.


A skill that represents being strong against poison, or having a certain resistance to an unfavorable condition. Fatal Theft

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: No upper limit

Effect: Upon taking this, select all or one of your item drops. If all, it’s written like Fatal Theft , and if one, it’s written 《 》 like Fatal Theft: Power Source , and 《 》 each one is treated as a different skill. If you are the target of Steal (Page 154), and 《 》 if the selected item drop is the one picked from the item drop decision roll result, your HP becomes 0.


A skill that represents having a part that renders you inoperable if stolen. Special Physical Resistance

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: No upper limit

Effect: Upon taking this, select one weapon Category . Written like Special 「 」 《 Physical Resistance: Long Blade , each one 》 is treated as a different skill. Upon taking a weapon attack from your selected Category of weapon, calculate damage 「 」 with + SL x4 to your physical defense. [ ] Critical:

A skill that represents having a physical resistance to certain weapon attacks from thick fat, or mucous. Drain Touch

Timing: Major Action

Check: Reference Effect Target: Single

Range: Close Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Effect: Does a close-quarters attack on the target. If this hits, in place of a damage roll, a chosen amount of HP below EL x2 is [ ] taken from the target, and HP recovery is done. You recover Half of stolen HP [ (Rounding down) points of HP. ] Critical:

A skill that absorbs the target’s life force through touch. Second Act

Timing: Reference Effect

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Effect: Used when all onstage characters in a scene become post-action. You become pre-action. Usable once per round.


A skill that does twice the actions of a normal person with movement that transcend their position. Give Status Ailment

Timing: Minor Action

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Effect: Upon taking this, select one status ailment. Written like Give Status Ailment: 《 Poison (2) , each one is treated as a 》 different skill. If the attack you do in that main process does even 1 point of HP damage to the target, the selected status ailment is inflicted on the target. The effect intensity is written inside the parentheses.


A skill for doing attacks that inflict status ailments. Areafication

Timing: Move Action

Check: Automatic Success Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: No upper limit

Effect: Upon taking this, choose one from close-quarters (Close-quarters attack), ranged (Ranged attack), magic (Magic attack), or special (Special attack). Written like Areafication: Close-quarters , each 《 》 one is treated as a different skill. The selected attack changes to Target: Area 「 ( SL x2 Targets) . This effect is ongoing [ ] 」 until the main process ends.


A skill to attack multiple targets at once by dividing cleaving magic or such. Flight

Timing: Passive

Check: - Target: Self

Range: - Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Effect: Become in an flying state. When onstage in a scene, select whether to apply the effects of this skill or not. The application and cancelation of this skill can be done with a minor action.


A skill that represents having the power to fly through the air with wings, magic, or such. Breath

Timing: Major Action

Check: Reference Effect Target: Area (Choose)

Range: 20m Cost: -

SL Limit: 1

Effect: Upon taking this, select one element. Written like Breath: Fire , 《 》 each one is treated as a different skill. Does a special attack on the target. The Hit check is a Dexterity check, and the damage is 【 】 2D + ELx2 of magic damage of the [ ] selected element.

Critical: Additional Dice roll

A skill that exhales a breath imbued with an elemental power. Enemy Data (Page 280)

Here, we’ll introduce enemy data. The enemies recorded here can serve as obstacles to the PCs’ adventures, or targets of slaying.

Refer to page 275 for how to read enemy data.

Lesser Cabbage

Category: Plant Element: -

Level: 1 (Mob) Identification Score: 8

Checks: 3/5

Evasion: 5 (2D) Defense: 2/2

HP: 28 Action: 5 Movement: 9

Attack: Body Slam (Hand-fighting/Dual) 5 (2D) / 6 (2D) / Close-quarters (Physical) /Close

Enemy Skills: Fatal Theft 1 (Page 278) 《 》 Flight 1 (Page 279) 《 》 Description: A round green vegetable. It’s crisp and delicious. Be careful not to mistake it for the similar-looking lettuce.

Item Drops: 2-5: Lettuce (1KE) 6- : Cabbage (50KE)


Category: Demi-human Element: -

Level: 1 (Mob) Identification Score: 10

Checks: 3/4

Evasion: 4 (2D) Defense: 5/3

HP: 28 Action: 7 Movement: 7

Attack: Dagger (Short Blade / Single)

Enemy Skills: Group Fight 1: Passive. 《 》 If engaged with other enemies with Group Fight , +1 to the success score 《 》 of attacks you do, and +2 to the damage.

Description: A small but vicious demi- human species. Item Drops: 6-8 : Broken Short Blade (5KE) 9-12: Medicinal Herbs (10KE) 13- : Goblin Claws (50KE)


Category: Undead Element: -

Level: 1 (Mob) Identification Score: 10

Checks: 4/4

Evasion: 4 (2D) Defense: 10/3

HP: 24 Action: 4 Movement: 12

Attack: Hand of the Dead (Hand-fighting/ Dual) 4 (2D) / 6 (2D) / Close-quarters (Magic Darkness ) / Close 〈 〉 Enemy Skills: Night Vision 1 (Page 276) 《 》 Weakness: Light 1 (Page 276) 《 》 Resistance: Poison 1 (Page 277) 《 》 Flight 1 (Page 279) 《 》 Description: An undead who’s lost their body. Weak to magic attacks from priests.

Item Drops: 6-8 : Cloth (50KE) 9- : Cursed Soul (30KE)


Category: Demi-human Element: -

Level: 2 (Mob) Identification Score: 11

Checks: 4/4

Evasion: 4 (2D) Defense: 6/3

HP: 39 Action: 5 Movement: 8

Attack: Short Bow (Bow/Double) 4 (2D) / 8 (2D) / Shooting (Physical) / 20m

Enemy Skills: Night Vision 1 (Page 276) 《 》 Description: A demi-human race that looks like a dog, but walks on two legs. Not that dangerous, it’s happened that cocky rookie adventurers have been surrounded and defeated.

Item Drops: 6-8 : Broken Short Sword (5KE) 9- : Kobold Fang (50KE)

Wannabe Demon

Category: Demi-human Element: -

Level: 2 (Mob) Identification Score: 11

Checks: 4/3

Evasion: 3 (2D) Defense: 7/3

HP: 35 Action: 8 Movement: 7

Attack: Long Spear (Spear/Double) 7 (3D) / 11 (3D) / Close-quarters(Physical) / Close

Enemy Skills: Night Vision 1 (Page 276) 《 》 Description: A demi-human race with pointed ears and red skin. It’s possible for them to be promoted to lower-class demons with enough experience, but since they haven’t reached that point yet, they’re also called would-be demons.

Item Drops: 5-9 : Wannabe Demon Claw (50KE) 10- : Sapphire (Page 193)


Category: Human Element: -

Level: 2 (Mob) Identification Score: 7

Checks: 4/3

Evasion: 3 (2D) Defense: 5/4

HP: 38 Action: 6 Movement: 10

Attack: Short Sword (Short Blade / Single) 7 (2D) / 11 (2D) / Close-quarters(Physical) / Close

Enemy Skills: -

Description: A group of criminals who’ve ganged up to attack travelers and wring them of their money and valuables. There aren’t many who aspire to be bandits, and they’re rare in a sense.

Item Drops: 6-8 : 30KE 9-12 : Valuables (10KE) x5 13- : Ruby (Page 193)


Category: Undead Element: -

Level: 2 (Mob) Identification Score: 10

Checks: 4/5

Evasion: 5 (2D) Defense: 4/0

HP: 42 Action: 7 Movement: 8

Attack: Long Sword (Long Blade/Single) 5 (2D) / 10 (2D) / Close-quarters(Physical) / Close

Enemy Skills: Night Vision 1 (Page 276) 《 》 Special Physical Resistance: Short Blade 1 《 》 (Page 278) Special Physical Resistance: Spear 1 (Page 《 》 278) Special Physical Resistance: Bow 1 (Page 《 》 278)

Description: A corpse that moves with just bones.

Item Drops: 6-8 : Bone Fragment (10KE) 9-12 : Fang of the Dead (30KE) 13- : Dancing Skull (100KE)


Category: Demon Element: -

Level: 3 (Mob) Identification Score: 12

Checks: 4/5

Evasion: 5 (3D) Defense: 3/5

HP: 35 Action: 9 Movement: 10

Attack: Claws (Hand-fighting/Dual) 6 (3D) / 15 (3D) / Close-quarters(Physical) / Close Enemy Skills: Night Vision 1 (Page 276) 《 》 Flight 1 (Page 279) 《 》 Description: A lower-class demon with a small body. Can dwell in places with an abundance of magic, like dungeons.

Item Drops: 6-8 : Demon Horn (50KE) 9- : Demon Fang (100KE)


Category: Undead Element: -

Level: 3 (Mob) Identification Score: 9

Checks: 4/3

Evasion: 3 (2D) Defense: 5/2

HP: 37 Action: 6 Movement: 9

Attack: Bite (Hand-fighting/Dual) 7 (2D) / 15 (2D) / Close-quarters (Physical) / Close Enemy Skills: Rotting Stench 1: Characters you are 《 》 engaged with take -2 their evasion check success scores. This effect is only effective on characters who don’t have Rotting 《 Stench . 》 Description: A corpse moving from the regrets of its past life or such.

Item Drops: 2 : Fang of the dead (30KE) 3-8 : Fang of the dead (30KE) x2 9- : Zombie Dust (80KE)

Giant Bat

Category: Animal Element: -

Level: 3 (Mob) Identification Score: 10

Checks: 3/5

Evasion: 5 (2D) Defense: 6/2

HP: 35 Action: 7 Movement: 18

Attack: Bite (Hand-fighting/Dual) 5 (2D) / 12 (2D) / Close-quarters(Physical) / Close

Enemy Skills: Night Vision 1 (Page 276) 《 》 Flight 1 (Page 279) 《 》 Description: A giant bat at least as large as a raptor. Dwell in places like caves or abandoned houses, and attack animals, people, and such at night.

Item Drops: 6-8 : Animal Fang (30KE) 9-12 : Animal Fang (30KE) x2 13- : Bat Wing (50KE) x2

Brutal Alligator

Category: Animal Element: -

Level: 5 (Mob) Identification Score: 11

Checks: 5/4

Evasion: 4 (2D) Defense: 7/3

HP: 44 Action: 10 Movement: 10 Attack: Bite (Hand-fighting/Dual) 8 (3D) / 14 (4D) / Close-quarters(Physical) / Close

Enemy Skills: Amphibious 1 (Page 277) 《 》 Description: A large carnivorous reptile. It preys on things like fish and small animals that enter the water with its huge, tough jaws. They act in groups by nature, and surround and attack prey they discover.

Item Drops: 6-8 : Alligator Fang (40KE) 9- : Alligator Hide (100KE)

Giant Horned Beetle

Category: Animal Element: -

Level: 5 (Mob) Identification Score: 10

Checks: 5/4

Evasion: 4 (2D) Defense: 10/2 HP: 41 Action: 7 Movement: 16

Attack: Horn (Spear/Double) 8 (3D) / 16 (2D) / Close-quarters(Physical) / Close

Enemy Skills: Concentration: Close-quarters 3 《 》 (Page 277) Flight 1 (Page 279) 《 》 Description: A beetle about the size of a puppy. Gouges with its horn by slamming into targets.

Item Drops: 6-10 : Bug Carapace (75KE) 11- : Bug Horn (200KE)

Undead Knight

Category: Undead Element: -

Level: 7 (Mob) Identification Score: 12

Checks: 5/4

Evasion: 4 (2D) Defense: 10/5 HP: 64 Action: 9 Movement: 12

Attack: Broadsword (Long Blade / Single) 8 (3D) / 20 (4D) / Close-quarters(Physical) / Close

Enemy Skills: Weakness: Water 1 (Page 276) 《 》 Special Physical Resistance: Short 《 Blade 1 (Page 278) 》 Special Physical Resistance: Spear 1 《 》 (Page 278) Special Physical Resistance: Bow 1 《 》 (Page 278)

Description: A monster that’s the corpse of a defeated knight transformed into an undead.

Item Drops: 6-8 : Steel (100KE) 9- : Steel (100KE) x3

Greater Cabbage Category: Plant Element: -

Level: 9 (Mob) Identification Score: 11

Checks: 4/5

Evasion: 5 (3D) Defense: 6/6

HP: 94 Action: 9 Movement: 15

Attack: Body Slam (Hand-fighting/Dual) 10 (3D) / 41 (3D) / Close-quarters (Physical) / Close

Enemy Skills: Concentration: Close-quarters 5 《 》 (Page 277) Fatal Theft 1 (Page 278) 《 》 Flight 1 (Page 279) 《 》 Description: Fresh cabbage that’s been well raised in ideal conditions.

Item Drops: 2-5 : Lettuce (1KE) 6-12 : High Quality Cabbage (100KE) x20 13- : Top-class Cabbage (500KE) x10 Orc

Category: Demi-human Element: -

Level: 12 (Mob) Identification Score: 12

Checks: 6/4

Evasion: 6 (2D) Defense: 8/5

HP: 115 Action: 13 Movement: 12

Attack: Club (Bash/Single) 12 (2D) / 40 (3D) / Close-quarters (Physical) / Close

Enemy Skills: Fearsome Vitality 1: Used when 《 》 knocked out. Cures from being knocked out, and puts HP to 2D points. 【 】 [ ] Once per scenario.

Description: A female-only demi-human race that features a pig-like head, and an enourmous, tough body.

Item Drops: 6-12 : Orc Fang (750KE) x3 13- : Orc Ribbon (3,000KE) (Page 284)

Giant Toad

Category: Animal Element: Water

Level: 2 Identification Score: 8

Ability Scores: Strength: 20/6

Dexterity: 12/4 Agility: 10/3

Intelligence: 3/1 Perception: 12/4

Spirit: 12/4 Luck: 8/2

Attack: Tongue (Whip/Dual) 7 (2D) / 15 (2D) / Close-quarters (Physical) / Close

Evasion: 3 (2D) Defense: 5/2

HP: 37 MP: 22 Action: 5 Movement: 11

Enemy Skills: Swallow 2 : Move Action. If your close- 《 》 quarters attack does even 1 point of HP damage to the target, both you and your attack target cannot move, and cannot do evasion checks. This effect is ongoing until the scene ends, or the attack target uses their setup process to succeed a difficulty 12 Strength check. 【 】 Digest 2: Cleanup Process. Inflicts 10 points 《 》 of HP loss to characters under the effects of your Swallow . 《 》 Special Physical Resistance: Hand-fighting 2 《 》 (Page 278)

Special Physical Resistance: Bash 2 (Page 《 》 278)

Description: A frog that has an enormous body larger than a cow. When they need strength in spawning season, they come to villages and swallow livestock and such whole. It gradually digests its now immobile prey after swallowing it. That mucous has a strongly raw smell. Item Drops: 5-7 : Frog Mucous (1KE) x3 8-11 : Frog Meat (5KE) 12- : High Quality Frog Meat (300KE)

Earth Golem

Category: Artificial Life form Element: -

Level: 3 Identification Score: 10

Ability Scores: Strength: 19/6

Dexterity: 16/5 Agility: 12/4

Intelligence: 1/0 Perception: 12/4

Spirit:1/0 Luck: 8/2

Attack: Punch (Hand-fighting/Dual) 7 (3D) / 18 (2D) / Close-quarters (Physical) / Close

Evasion: 4 (2D) Defense: 16/0

HP: 56 MP: 0

Action: 8 Movement: 11 Enemy Skills: Windup 1: Minor Action. +5 to 《 》 weapon attack damage. This effect is ongoing until the main process ends. Self Recovery 1: Cleanup Process. 《 》 Remove one status ailment you have. You receive 10 points of HP loss. Fatal Theft: Power Source 1 (Page 《 》 278)

Description: A golem brought to life using the earth for material. Golems are artificial monsters brought to life through magic, and are given various names and shapes that correspond to their material and function. A core filled with magic energy exists to allow it to act for a long period of time, and it loses its ability to function if it’s stolen.

Item Drops: 2-5 : Fertile Soil (30KE) 6-11 : Fertile Soil (30KE) x2 12- : Power Source (200KE) Goblin Leader

Category: Demi-human Element: -

Level: 4 Identification Score: 14

Ability Scores: Strength: 15/5

Dexterity: 16/5 Agility: 13/4

Intelligence: 6/2 Perception: 9/3

Spirit: 6/2 Luck: 6/2

Attack: Short Sword (Long Blade/Single) 6 (3D) / 20 (2D) / Close-quarters (Physical) / Close

Evasion: 4 (2D) Defense: 8/2

HP: 59 MP: 38

Action: 7 Movement: 10

Enemy Skills: Goblin Command 1: Passive. While 《 》 you are onstage in a scene, +4 to success scores for checks done in the scene, and +1D to damage. This effect is only effective if the targets are goblins. Goblin 1: + Number of 《 》 [ onstage goblins in scene to success ] scores of attack hit checks you do, and + Number of onstage goblins in scene [ x2 to damage. ] Description: A leader goblin who leads a group of goblins. Has high charisma and command ability. Even for what should be almost harmless goblins, if brought under the command of a goblin leader, they become a group worth fearing. It’s not a small number of rookie adventurers who’ve went out for simple goblin slaying, only to get in trouble because of their underestimation.

Item Drops: 2-6 : Medicinal Herbs (10KE) x6 7-9 : Goblin Claw (50KE) x3 10- : Goblin Leader’s Ornamental Helmet (400KE)

Zombie Maker

Category: Undead Element: -

Level: 5 Identification Score: 13 Ability Scores: Strength: 13/4

Dexterity: 18/6 Agility: 15/5

Intelligence: 9/3 Perception: 15/5

Spirit: 12/4 Luck: 8/2

Attack: Attack Magic: Fire 1 《 》 7 (3D) / 18 (2D) / Magic (Magic Fire ) / 20m 〈 〉 Evasion: 5 (2D) Defense: 6/4

HP: 64 MP: 36

Action: 9 Movement: 9

Enemy Skills: Night Vision 1 (Page 276) 《 》 Attack Magic: Fire 1 (Page 276) 《 》 Weakness: Fire 1 (Page 276) 《 》 Summon: Zombie 1 (Page 277) 《 》 Resistance: Poison 1 (Page 277) 《 》 Description: Has the ability to manipulate zombies through the use of evil spirits. It has possessed a high quality corpse, and manipulates several zombies in place of henchmen. Abilities can vary depending on the possessed corpse, but it’s potential is limited by both the evil spirit, and corpse itself. This data is for the possessed corpse of a wizard. Item Drops: 3-6 : Zombie Tooth (60KE) x2 7-11 : Grave Goods (100KE) 12- : Sharp Fang of the Dead (300KE)

Fire Drake

Category: Magical Beast Element: Fire

Level: 7 Identification Score: 14

Ability Scores: Strength: 36/12

Dexterity: 21/7 Agility: 15/5

Intelligence: 6/2 Perception: 9/3

Spirit: 12/4 Luck: 15/5

Attack: Bite (Hand-fighting/Dual) 10 (3D) / 16 (2D) / Close-quarters (Physical) / Close Attack: Breath: Fire 1 《 》 7 (3D) / 42 (2D) / Special (Magic Fire ) / 20m 〈 〉 Evasion: 5 (2D) Defense: 18/10

HP: 74 MP: 65

Action: 8 Movement: 17

Enemy Skills: Drake Breath 2: Move Action. +2D to 《 》 special attack damage from your Breath . This effect is ongoing until 《 》 the main process ends. Usable once per scene. Weakness: Ice 1 (Page 276) 《 》 Breath: Fire 1 (Page 279) 《 》 Description: A reptilian monster that walks on four legs. It looks like a huge, crimson lizard. However, what you spot flickering around its mouth isn’t a tongue, but fire breath. All reptilian monsters cannot regulate their body temperature well by nature, so they’re weak against the cold. Because of this, adventurers who use the right measures can fully deal with them.

Item Drops: 6-8 : Drake Fang (300KE) 9-12 : Drake Hide (400KE) 13- : Drake Hide (400KE) x4

One-Punch Bear

Category: Animal Element: -

Level: 10 Identification Score: 13

Ability Scores: Strength: 25/8

Dexterity: 30/10 Agility: 26/8

Intelligence: 12/4 Perception: 20/6

Spirit: 14/4 Luck: 15/5

Attack: Claws (Hand-fighting/Dual) 14 (3D) / 36 (6D) / Close-quarters (Physical) / Close

Evasion: 8 (2D) Defense: 13/3

HP: 101 MP: 58

Action: 14 Movement: 13

Enemy Skills: Blockade Ability 1: Passive. You 《 》 blockade the engagement you’re in. The application and cancelation of this skill’s effects can be done at any time. Vorpal Claw 2 : Passive. If the target’s 《 》 HP becomes 0 or lower from your attack, they take +3 to the difficulty of their death check. Unseen Strike 1: (Page 139) 《 》 Description: A huge bear with a ferocious nature. Its large claws on its front legs are sharp enough to decapitate you in one swipe, if you let your guard down. Normal people are a given, but it’s even feared by adventurers because of this. Even if you’re on equal terms with it, it’s an opponent you never want to underestimate.

Item Drops: 5-7 : Animal Fang (30KE) x2 8-9 : Animal Hide (60KE) x3 10-11 : Bear Paw (1000KE) 12- : Bear Paw (1000KE) x2

Slime Category: Artificial Life Form Element: Water

Level: 10 Identification Score: 15

Ability Scores: Strength: 28/9

Dexterity: 30/20 Agility: 18/6

Intelligence: 1/0 Perception: 32/10

Spirit: 9/3 Luck: 24/8

Attack: Digestive Juice (Hand-fighting/Dual) 10 (3D) / 20 (4D) / Close-quarters (Piercing) / Close

Evasion: 5 (2D) Defense: 25/20

HP: 74 MP: 62

Action: 9 Movement: 10

Enemy Skills: Strong Acid 1: Passive. Your weapon 《 》 attacks do piercing damage. Night Vision (Page 276) 《 》 Resistance: Slip (Page 277) 《 》 Special Physical Resistance: Hand- 《 fighting 5 (Page 278) 》 Special Physical Resistance: Bash 5 《 》 (Page 278)

Description: A life form made of viscous mucous. Most don’t have a clear will or thoughts, and act following their instinctual hunger. Their mucous is a digestive juice made of strong acid, which they use to envelope and dissolve their prey. There exist various subspecies, like the poison slime covered in poison, or the paralyze slime, which secretes a paralyzing mucous.

Item Drops: 4-8 : Slime Mucous (100KE) x5 9- : Artificial Life Form Nucleus (2,000KE) x2


Category: Animal Element: Ice

Level: 12 Identification Score: 18

Ability Scores: Strength: 30/10

Dexterity: 28/9 Agility: 27/9 Intelligence: 14/4 Perception: 21/7

Spirit: 15/5 Luck: 20/6

Attack: Charge (Hand-fighting/Single) 10 (3D) / 36 (4D) / Close-quarters (Physical) / Close

Evasion: 9 (2D) Defense: 18/11

HP: 124 MP: 73

Action: 18 Movement: 17

Enemy Skills: Cerulean Sparkle 1: Passive. If you 《 》 receive Ice element magic damage, 〈 〉 that damage turns to 0. Also, the Item 「 Drop Cerulean Scale (1,500KE) 」「 」 changes to Sparking Cerulean Scale [ (5,000KE) . ] Concentration: Close-quarters 5 《 》 (Page 277)

Description: A cow-sized reptile that walks on two legs. When it receives ice magic, its scales give a cerulean sparkle. These sparkling scales are prized for their beauty, but the transformation method is not widely known. Item Drops: 6-10 : Sparkling Scale (1,500KE) 11- : Sparkling Scale (1,500KE) x3


Category: Magical Beast Element: Darkness

Level: 12 Identification Score: 15

Ability Scores: Strength: 32/10

Dexterity: 26/8 Agility: 18/6

Intelligence: 15/5 Perception: 21/7

Spirit: 24/8 Luck: 18/6

Attack: Tail Stinger (Hand-fighting/Dual) 11 (3D) / 27 (5D) / Close-quarters (Physical) / Close Attack: Breath: Darkness 1 《 》 8 (3D) / 24 (2D) / Special (Magic Darkness ) / 20m 〈 〉 Evasion: 6 (2D) Defense: 18/8

HP: 136 MP: 65 Action: 13 Movement: 15

Enemy Skills: Give Status Ailment: Poison (3) 1 《 》 (Page 279) Flight 1 (Page 279) 《 》 Breath: Darkness 1 (Page 279) 《 》 Description: A magical beast with the body of a lion, bat wings growing on its back, the tail of a scorpion, and the face of an elderly person. Also, its fur is blood red. Mainly live in places like deserts or rocky areas, but have also been sighted near human residences, since they naturally have a taste for human flesh. The breath they exhale from their mouth has a deadly poison, and breathing it in causes illness. This poison is also found in the tail as well. Countless adventurers have fallen to this fearsome poison.

Item Drops: 2-5 : Magical Beast’s Claw (100KE) 6-8 : Shard of Magic (200KE) 9-10 : Manticore Hide (600KE) 11- : Manticore Wing (1,000KE) x2 Rookie Killer

Category: Magical Beast Element: -

Level: 13 Identification Score: 15

Ability Scores: Strength: 30/10

Dexterity: 28/9 Agility: 27/9

Intelligence: 18/6 Perception: 21/7

Spirit: 15/5 Luck: 20/6

Attack: Fangs (Hand-fighting/Dual) 15 (3D) / 45 (5D) / Close-quarters (Physical) / Close

Evasion: 9 (2D) Defense: 16/15

HP: 137 MP: 63

Action: 18 Movement: 15

Enemy Skills: Rookie Fishing 1: Setup Process. You 《 》 come onstage post-action during the cleanup process of round 1D +2 . Can [ ] only be used when not onstage on the scene, and when the enemy levels of the enemies in the scene are all 3 or lower. Weakling Hunt 1: Passive. +1D to 《 》 attack hit checks on target characters whose character level is 12 or lower. Night Vision 1 (Page 276) 《 》 Description: A ferocious feline beast with a huge body larger than a tiger or lion. Its entire body is covered in black fur, and large sharp fangs grow from the top of its mouth. They roam around groups of weak monsters like goblins, and hunt the larger prey that come to slay them. It’s feared by rookie adventurers for its cunning way of life.

Item Drops: 6-8 : Rookie Killer Claw (300K) x2 9-12 : Rookie Killer Fang (1200KE) 13- : Rookie Killer Hide (2500KE)


Category: Magical Beast Element: Wind Level: 15 Identification Score: 15

Ability Scores: Strength: 38/12

Dexterity: 29/9 Agility: 19/6

Intelligence: 16/5 Perception: 24/8

Spirit: 26/8 Luck:24/8

Attack: Claw (Hand-fighting/Dual) 12 (3D) / 38 (3D) / Close-quarters (Physical) / Close Attack: Breath: Wind 1 《 》 12 (2D) / 42 (2D) / Special (Magic Wind ) / 20m 〈 〉 Evasion: 8 (3D) Defense: 28/19

HP: 155 MP: 114

Action: 14 Movement: 25

Enemy Skills: Concentration: Close-quarters 3 《 》 (Page 277) Give Status Ailment: Slip 1 (Page 279) 《 》 Flight 1 (Page 279) 《 》 Breath: Wind 1 (279) 《 》 Description: A magical beast with the body of a lion, and the head and wings of an eagle. Its huge body gracefully soaring in the sky is breathtaking. It uses the momentum from flying to unleash devastating blows, and just being grazed has the force to blow you away. Generally live atop high mountains, but in extremely rare cases they come to the base to hunt. It’s said they can grab and carry away several cows and horses at once.

Item Drops: 2-7 : Magical Beast Wing (150KE) x2 8-10 : Magical Beast Tail (500KE) 11-13 : Griffon Wing (1,100KE) x2 14- : Griffon Claw (4,000KE) x2

King Toad

Category: Animal Element: Water

Level: 20 Identification Score: 18

Ability Scores: Strength: 60/20 Dexterity: 42/14 Agility: 18/6

Intelligence: 8/2 Perception: 18/6

Spirit: 18/6 Luck: 18/6

Attack: Colossal Tongue (Hand-fighting/Dual) 21 (4D) / 57 (6D) / Close-quarters (Physical) / Close

Evasion: 6 (2D) Defense: 32/24

HP: 247 MP: 92

Action: 8 Movement: 19

Enemy Skills: Humongous 1: Passive. You blockade 《 》 the engagement you’re in.

Special Physical Resistance: Hand- 《 fighting 5 (Page 278) 》 Special Physical Resistance: Bash 5 《 》 (Page 278)

Swallow 5 : Move Action. If your 《 》 close-quarters attack does even 1 point of HP damage to the target, both you and your attack target cannot move, and cannot do evasion checks. This effect is ongoing until the scene ends, or the attack target uses their setup process to succeed a difficulty 15 Strength check. 【 】 Frog Regeneration 1 : Move Action. 《 》 You heal 30 points of HP. Digest 5: Cleanup Process. Inflicts 25 《 》 points of HP loss to characters under the effects of your Swallow . 《 》 Weakness: Ice, Lightning 1 (Page 276) 《 》 Description: A super humongous frog. Its actual connection with giant frogs is unknown. It’s said its cry can bring rain.

Item Drops: 2-5 : Frog Mucous (1KE) x1000 6-9 : High-quality Frog Meat (300KE) x20 10- : Humongous Frog Moss (2500KE) x4

Traps and Objects (Page 290)

Traps That Spice up Adventures From here on, we’ll explain things like traps that can interfere with the PCs’ adventure and put their lives at risk, and objects and partitions that make up a dungeon like walls, floors, treasure chests, and such.

Types of Traps

Traps are split into the three groups of Trigger Type , Enchant Type , and Continue Type . [ ] [ ] [ ] Trigger Type

Traps that are triggered from character actions, like opening a door, unlocking a lock, or stepping on the floor. As long as it’s not specifically designated, the GM can freely set the conditions. Trigger type traps are set on traps, objects, enemies, and partitions. Generally once a trap has been triggered, it will not trigger a second time.

The two kinds of trigger types that can be set are Detection Types , and Sense Types . The GM decides which one to use when [ ] [ ] setting it up. For more details, refer to pages 241, and 266.

Detection type traps are activated from specific character actions, but sense type traps are activated when a character Touches (Like [ ] stepping on it, or entering its area) the place where the trap is set. Furthermore, if you touch a sense type trap, movement automatically stops at that location.

Enchant Type

Traps that have effects on things like traps or objects. They’ll continue to work until dispelled. Enchant type traps can be set on traps, objects, and enemies.

Continue Type

As long as the character is touching the trap, they continue to receive its effects. They can do things like impair movement or deal damage. continue type traps are set on partitions.

Objects and Partitions Objects refer to various things lying around the inside of a dungeon, like doors, treasure chests, and statues. Partitions are things [ ] [ ] that divide up dungeons like walls or floors.

Customizing Traps

For traps with a ○ in the customize data entry, it’s possible for that data to be changed. Customized traps become higher level than 「」 traps not customized.

For more on level changes when customizing, refer to the trap customize table.

Trap Customize Table

Data Change Level Increase

Detection Score Increase For every +1 to the detection score, add +2 to the trap level

Disarm Score Increase For every +1 to the disarm score, add +2 to the trap level

Effect’s Difficulty Change For every +1 to the difficulty, add +3 to the trap level

Effect’s Damage Change For every +1D to the damage, add +1 to the trap level

Effect’s Hit Check Change For every +1 to the hit check, add +2 to the trap level Effect’s HP Change For every +10 to the HP , add +1 to the 【 】 【 】 trap level

Effect’s MP Change For every +10 to the MP , add +1 to the 【 】 【 】 trap level

*TN: “Effect HP Change” is repeated, so I assume they meant to put an entry for MP. 【 】

How to Read Trap Data

We’ll explain how to look at trap data.

Entries with - represent it has no meaning, and Reference effect means that entry will be explained in the text of the trap data’s Effects .「 」 「 」 「 」

Common Entries

We’ll explain the data entries common among traps, objects, and partitions.


The name of the trap, object, or partition is written.


Trap, object, or partition is written. -Trap

Traps set in a dungeon like pitfalls or exploding floors.


Things other than traps that exist in dungeons like doors and desks.


Things that are there to divide up the dungeon, like walls, floors, and ceilings.Partitions cannot be destroyed or moved. They also don’t move by themselves.


The trap, object, or partition’s construction or trigger construction is written. If it’s Physical , then it uses something physical like a rope or gears. If it’s Magic , then it’s triggered using magic. 「 」 「 」 Level

That trap’s trap level. Objects and partitions generally are - . 「 」 Customize

It’s written whether that trap, object, or partition’s data can be changed. If it’s ○ , it can be changed, and if it’s ☓ , it cannot be changed. 「」 「」


The effects of the trap, object, or partition are explained.

-Secret Traps, objects, or enemies like secret doors that cannot be seen through normal methods. Also if these things are in a hidden state. Furthermore, most traps are set up to be hard to discover, so they are generally secret.

Trap Data Entries

We’ll explain entries that only exist in trap data.


The conditions for the trap to be triggered are written. The three conditions are trigger type, enchant type, and continue type. Refer to page 290.

Detection Score

The difficulty of Trap Detection (Page 241) or Danger Sensing (Page 241). [ ] [ ] Disarm Score

The difficulty of Trap Disarming (Page 241) . [ ] Target

The target of that trap is written. Generally is the same as skills (Page 123). Furthermore, when the trap is triggered, there are times when a target can be chosen from multiple candidates. For example, if it’s Target: Single Range: Close , and 3 characters are engaged with the trap, one of those 3 characters will be chosen. In a case like「 this, the GM should」「 randomly decide.」 If they’re unsure of what to do, they can decide on the character who triggered the trap.

Also, the following targets used by traps exist.


The character who triggered the trap becomes the target. -Touch

The character who’s standing on, or touching the trap becomes the target.


Represents a different trap, object, or such is the target.


The range of the trap’s effect is written. Represents the distance from the trap. If Close is written, those engaged with the trap are targets. 「 」

Trap Data (Page 293)

Here, we’ll introduce traps mainly set in dungeons. Traps mainly try to hinder and get rid of intruders. There are also traps here that represent unfavorable situations for PCs, like floors that are hard to walk on.


Category: Trap Construction: Physical

Level: 1 Customize: ○

Conditions: Trigger Type

Detection Score: 12 Disarm Score: 10

Target: Single Range: Close Effect: The target does a difficulty 13 Agility check. If this check fails, this trap 【 】 becomes a Hole in the object, the 「 」 target falls in the Hole and takes 「 」 2D points of piercing damage. This trap [ ] has no effect on and is not triggered by flying characters.

A trap that opens up the floor or such, dropping its prey in a hole.

Key A

Category: Trap Construction: Physical

Level: 1 Customize: ○

Conditions: Enchant Type

Detection Score: - Disarm Score: 9

Target: Installation Range: -

Effect: Installed on an object. The target cannot be opened, and can be opened by releasing the trap. The GM may also allow the trap to be destroyed from attacks. In that case, HP is 20, and Physical 【 】 【 Defense and Magic Defense are 10. 】 【 】 This trap is not hidden.

A mechanism that locks a door, treasure chest, or such so it can’t be opened.


Category: Trap Construction: Physical

Level: 1 Customize: ○

Conditions: Continue Type

Detection Score: - Disarm Score: -

Target: Touch Range: Close

Effect: The target becomes in a swimming state. If a character touches it in the middle of movement, they do a difficulty 10 Strength check. If they fail this check, 【 】 movement stops (If they succeed, they continue moving). This trap has no effect on flying characters. This trap is not a secret.

A trap that’s a pool of water.

Exploding Trap

Category: Trap Construction: Physical

Level: 2 Customize: ○

Conditions: Trigger Type

Detection Score: 14 Disarm Score: 10

Target: Area Range: Close

Effect: The target does a difficulty 13 Luck check. If the check fails, the target 【 】 receives 2D +10 points of physical [ ] damage. A bomb that explodes under certain conditions.

Key B

Category: Trap Construction: Physical/Magic

Level: 2 Customize: ☓

Conditions: Enchant Type

Detection Score: - Disarm Score: -

Target: Installation Range: -

Effect: Installed on an object. The target cannot be opened, and can be opened by releasing the trap. This trap can be released by an exclusive key, or by fulfilling certain conditions. The GM freely decides the release method. This trap is not a secret.

Makes so things like doors can’t be opened, being locked by magic or a certain mechanism.

Lake of Acid

Category: Trap Construction: Physical

Level: 2 Customize: ☓

Conditions: Enchant Type

Detection Score: - Disarm Score: -

Target: Touch Range: Close

Effect: Installed on the Pool trap. If the [ ] target is receiving the effects of a Pool this trap is installed on, they take [ ] 5 points of HP loss. If during round progression, the target also receives 5 points of HP loss during the cleanup process. This trap is not a secret.

A lake filled with acid or poison. Spike Board

Category: Trap Construction: Physical

Level: 3 Customize: ○

Conditions: Trigger Type

Detection Score: 15 Disarm Score: 12

Target: Single Range: Close

Effect: The target does a difficulty 14 Agility check. If they fail this check, the 【 】 target takes 3D + 10 points of physical [ ] damage.

A trap of spears launching out of the wall, floor, or such.

Object Data (Page 295) Here, we’ll introduce data for objects and partitions. Things like boxes or statues set up in dungeons are objects, and things like floors or walls that divide up a dungeon are partitions. They’re generally indestructible.


Category: Object Construction: Physical

Level: - Customize: ☓

Effect: A big hole. Things like the hole’s width or depth can be freely set by the GM. If you take damage by falling in the hole, refer to Other Damage on page 243. 「 」 Flying characters can move over the hole.

General Object

Category: Object Construction: Physical

Level: - Customize: ☓

Effect: Represents all sorts of things, like tables, statues, and logs. The GM can attach symbolic names like Table or 「 」 Statue . Things like modifiers to ability 「 」 scores or checks, or restrictions of the game’s system do not occur from these objects. The GM may allow these objects to be destroyed by attacks. In that case, HP is 10, and Physical 【 】 【 Defense and Magic Defense are 5. 】 【 】

Treasure Chest

Category: Object Construction: Physical

Level: - Customize: ○

Effect: A so-called treasure chest. If not set with Key A or Key B , it can be 「 」 「 」 freely opened. The GM may allow this object to be destroyed by attacks. In that case, HP is 20, and Physical 【 】 【 Defense and Magic Defense are 10. 】 【 】 The GM can have it that if the treasure chest is destroyed, and a difficulty 14 Luck check is failed, the content are 【 】 also destroyed. Door

Category: Object Construction: Physical

Level: - Customize: ○

Effect: An everyday door set in a wall or such. If not set with Key A or Key 「 」 「 B , it can be freely opened and passed 」 through, so it doesn’t have any effect on movement. The GM may allow this object to be destroyed by attacks. In that case, HP is 20, and Physical 【 】 【 Defense and Magic Defense are 5. 】 【 】


Category: Partition Construction: Physical

Level: - Customize: ○

Effect: An inner dungeon wall. The GM may allow this partition to be destroyed by attacks. In that case, HP is 50, and 【 】 Physical Defense and Magic 【 】 【 Defense are 10. 】


Category: Partition Construction: Physical

Level: - Customize: ○

Effect: An inner dungeon ceiling. The GM may allow this partition to be destroyed by attacks. In that case, HP is 50, and 【 】 Physical Defense and Magic 【 】 【 Defense are 5. 】


Category: Floor Construction: Physical

Level: - Customize: ○ Effect: An inner dungeon floor. The GM may allow this partition to be destroyed by attacks. In that case, HP is 50, and 【 】 Physical Defense and Magic 【 】 【 Defense are 10. 】

‘God's Blessing on this Wonderful World! TRPG’ Summary Introduction

‘God's Blessing on this Wonderful World! TRPG’ is a TRPG set in the world of the ‘God's Blessing on this Wonderful World!’ novel. You become an adventurer who lives in this wonderful world, and go on various adventurers. Rules Summary

About Checks

-Checks calculate a success score by using 2D6 (Two six-sided dice) + Ability Score . If this success score is equal or higher than the difficulty, the check succeeds. Dice number[ can change depending on skills and such.]

-If you roll two 6s or more, it’s a critical, and that check automatically succeeds.

-If you roll all 1s, it’s a fumble, and the check automatically fails.

About Battle Main Process

In the main process you do a move action, minor action, and major action, in that order.

Kinds of Movement

-Battle Movement. Move Movement Ability meters. 【 】 -All-out Movement. Move Movement Ability +5 meters. Cannot do minor action. [【 】 ] -Escape. Separate from an enemy character engagement. Move Movement Ability meters (Max 5 meters). Cannot do minor action. 【 】

Blessing Use

Blessings are the PCs hidden powers, the power to rewrite fate. 【 】 -Additional Dice: Right before a dice roll, increase your dice by 1 for every spent Blessing point (To a maximum of your Luck score). 【 】 【 】 -Check Reroll: Right after doing a check, you can spend 1 Blessing point to reroll that check. Can do once per check. 【 】

Status Ailments at a Glance

Name Effect Cure

Pressure Cannot do major actions Use minor action. Rage -2D to major action checks when the target Automatically cured during cleanup is not the character who inflicted rage on process. you

Stun -1D to reaction checks Automatically cured during initiative process.

Slip Cannot do battle movement, all-out Use move action. movement, or escape

Poison For every point of poison effect intensity, Use skill or item. take 5 points of HP loss during the cleanup process.

Knockback For every point of Knockback effect Automatically cured during cleanup intensity, Action[ Score decreases] by 5 process. 【 】 Dazed -1D to major action checks Automatically cured during cleanup process.

Simple Lifestyle Table

Name Price Effect

Horse Stable Living 0 - CL x5 to Max HP and Max MP[ . ] 【 】 【 】 Simple Living CL x10 A lifestyle for simple living.

Economy CL x100 +5 to Max HP and Max MP . 【 】 【 】 Suite CL x1000 +10 to Max HP and Max MP . 【 】 【 】 Royal CL x10000 +30 to Max HP and Max MP . 【 】 【 】


Q: I want to equip weapons in both the left and right hand, but what kind of rules should be applied? A: If you’ve acquired the Dual Blades Skill , please follow those rules. If you haven’t acquired it, please decide beforehand whether 《 》 you’re using the weapon in your left or right hand as your main weapon. You also only receive the weapon special effects from the current main weapon you’re using. If you can’t decide which one to use as a main weapon, the GM may confirm with the player right before they use a weapon. Furthermore, when exchanging the weapon you’re using, please use a free action. Even if you have shields equipped in both hands, you deal with it the same way. Also, the GM may forbid equipping two weapons, two shields, or such.

Q: When I have weapons equipped in both the left and right hand, what becomes of hit modifiers, action modifiers, and such? A: If you haven’t acquired the Dual Blades Skill , each hit modifier is reflected by each weapon at the time of their use. However, 《 》 please sum the action modifiers from both weapons and add it to your Action Score . 【 】