Indices Systema Tic Index

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Indices Systema Tic Index PART THREE INDICES SYSTEMA TIC INDEX Selected headings from the Analytical Index, conveniently grouped. The most comprehensive headings are italicized. BASIC & COMPREHENSIVE ENTRIES bibliography, reference, research tools image of Descartes in scholarship & popular biography of Descartes mind Cartesian era influence of Descartes Descartes' role in science interpretations Descartes' role in Western philosophy personality & character of Descartes development of Descartes' work & thought philosophy of Descartes (general, chief ( chronology) orientation) general literature not cited in Part I (books, protophilosophy (axioms, presuppositions) chapters, articles, lectures) of Descartes seventeenth century GEOGRAPHIC INDEX Albania Bacon Argentina Cambridge Platonists Belgium Crashaw Cartesianism Cudworth Jansen Derham Louvain Digby Brazil Glanvill Bulgaria Harvey China: s. v. Chinese & Cartesian Hobbes Czechslovakia Huxley, T. H. Bohemia Locke Komensky Mill, J. S. Prague Newton White Mountain, battle Norris Denmark Priestley Brahe, Tycho Reid Kierkegaard Shakespeare England Whitehead Cartesianism France literature Cartesianism 421 literature Goethe French language Giinther, Anton Anjou Hegel Arnauld, Ie Grand Heidegger Baillet Husser! Bayle Jaspers Berulle Kant Bretagne Leibniz Caen Marburg School Chanet Marx Chanut Schelling Charron Schopenhauer Chatellerault Greece Clerselier Aristotle Comte Carneades Corneille Damodos Cournot Democritus Cousin Epictetus Daniel, Gabriel Epicureanism Diderot Euclid Fenelon Plato Fermat Plotinus Fontenelle Protagoras Fran~ois de Sales Socrates Gassendi Theophrastos Huet Holland La Fleche Cartesianism La Haye-Descartes literature La Rochelle, siege Dutch, Flemish language Maine de Biran Amsterdam Malebranche Beeckman Mersenne Cocceius Moliere Franeker Montaigne Geulincx Pascal Groningen Paris Hague, The Poiret Hals, Frans Poitiers, Poitou Heereboord Poussin Heidanus Racine Huygens, Christiaan Regis Huygens, Constantijn Roberval Leiden Sartre Regius Saumur Reneri Tours, Touraine Schook Vieta Schooten Jr. Germany Snellius Cartesianism Spinoza Baader Utrecht Berlin Voetius Ciauberg Hungary Deutinger Italy Elisabeth von der Pfalz Cartesian ism 422 literature Rumania Campailla Russia Campanella Berdiaeff Conti, Antonio Pavlov Galileo Spain Galluppi Cartesianism Gerdil literature Gioberti Balmes Gravina Caramuel Leopardi Feij60 Maurolico Fonseca Padua G6mez de Pereira Piacenza Ignatius de Loyola Pisa Lullus Seneca Macedo Thomas Aquinas Maignan Vieo Mateo de Zapata Japan Sanchez Latin America Toledo Car/esianism Vazquez Argentina Sweden Brazil Cartesian ism Mexico Christina, Queen Peru Stockholm Romero Swedenborg Mexico Upsala Peru Switzerland Poland Geneva Cartesianism United States of America Mickiewicz James, William Portugal Peirce Cartesianism Santayana Conimbricenses Yugoslavia ANTHROPOLOGY (CARTESIAN MAN) alienation of man modern man anthropolosY modern mind degeneration of man morale dualism pedagogy history sasesse indiViduality, individuation technology immortality union (time-corps) liberte, libre-arbitre volonte, voluntarism mechanism BIOGRAPHY OF DESCARTES [see also: COGITATIONES, DESCARTES, RELIGION] annees d'apprentissage: see formative years Battle of the White Mountain: see White autographs Mountain Baillet Beeckman 423 biography (general) La Fleche birth, birthplace La Haye-Descartes Bohemia La Rochelle, siege burials of Descartes larvatus prodeo celebrations, commemorative events legend of Descartes Chanut longevity childhood of Descartes Loretto, Descartes' pilgrimage Christina Queen of Sweden Mersenne condemnation orthography of Descartes correspondence Pantheonisation death of Descartes Perron Descartes family personal re lations development of Descartes' thought & work (chronolo- polemics & controversies gy) Puy-de-Dome Dream of Descartes reception of Descartes' works education of Descartes skull ( crane) of Descartes Elisabeth von der Pfalz Stockholm inventory Eloges Tours exile transfers (actual & proposed) of Descartes' formative period remains Francine Descartes travels Franeker vocation Huygens, Constantijn White Mountain, battle iconography BIOLOGY, MEDICINE, PHYSIOLOGY anatomy longevity animal spirits medicine beast-machine memory biology, biomechanism organism brain pineal gland circulation of the blood, Harvey reflex action death sleep embryology therapeutics genetics vision & perception humors vitalism life CARTESIAN ERA, ENLIGHTENMENT (17TH & 18th CENTURY) anticartesianism Counterreformation anti-Renaissance cursus philosophicus Aristotle, Aristotelianism eclecticism art Enlightenment Baroque heroic ideal beast-machine honnete homme Cartesian discussion groups Jansenism Cartesian era Leibniz Cartesian Scholasticism literature Cartesianism man-machine classicism Malebranche 424 mechanism perspectives curieuses, anamorphoses, au- Mersenne tomata Molinism philosophia & theologia novantiqua "moralistes" querelle des anciens et des modernes Newton Scholasticism ontotheology seventeenth century Orders & Congregations theater painting universities persecution of Cartesianism COGITATIONES PRIVATAE & DREAM OF DESCARTES automata mathesis universalis catena scientiarum Olympica Cogitationes privatae "poele" (word) Corpus poetarum poetry (poetic cognition) Dream of Descartes Quod vitae sectabor iter 1 Enthusiasm Rosicrucians Est et non scientia mirabilis inventum mirabile scientia universalis larvatus prodeo semina scientiae Loretto symbol Lullus Una est in rebus vis activa COSMOGONY, COSMOLOGY [see also: PHYSICS] chaos indefinite cosmogony plurality (of worlds) cosmology universe Genesis (Old Testament) world DESCARTES, THE MAN & THE WORK [see also: BIOGRAPHY, RELIGION] angelism image of Descartes in scholarship & popular apologetics mind bene vixit qui bene latuit intellectualism "cavalier frans:ais" larvatus prodeo Christianity, Catholicism legend of Descartes Columbus, the new mask & enigma of Descartes conformism of Descartes mathematicism contradictions, paradoxes, obscurities metaphors Descartes' role in science philosophy of Descartes (general, chief Descartes' role in Western philosophy orientation, basic characteristics) development of Descartes' thought (chro- polemics & controversies nology) priority, plagiarism charges, originality of dogmaticism Descartes "encore un qui va se tromper" "prudence" of Descartes God (of Descartes) religiosity heritage of Descartes sagesse humanism of Descartes science, scientism 425 sincerity of Descartes unity of Descartes' system style of Descartes vocation of Descartes ESTHETICS, ART, LITERATURE art music Classicism Naissance de la paix Compendium musicae painting Corneille poetry dance poems esthetics Poussin expression querelle des anciens et des modernes irony Racine literature, influence of Descartes style of Descartes metaphors Symbolists, French Moliere theater FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS ame liberte, libre-arbitre Being, esse, etre mathesis universalis body methode causa sui ontological argument causality order certitude pensee circle, Cartesian proofs of God clear & distinct protophilosophy (axioms, presuppositions) cogito of Descartes cognition rationalism "conscience" realism doubt scepticism dualism scientia universalis error, falSity sense, senses eternal verities substance extension time external world truth evidence union (ame-corps) God unity of Descartes system idea unity of science idealism veracity of God innate ideas, inneism volonte, voluntarism intuition understanding, intellectio INTERPRETATIONS OF DESCARTES' PHILOSOPHY anthroposophic logical positivism Bergson Marxist "Cartesius" vs. "Descartes" Neoscholastic, Neothomist Catholic phenomenology existentialist pseudocartesianism histories of philosophy psychoanalytical interpretations of Descartes' philosophy (general) spiritualistic 426 lOGIC & EPISTEMOLOGY [see also: FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS] abstraction instrumentalism of Descartes accident intelligence analogy intuition analysis & synthesis judgment apriorism Kant ars combinatoria liaison necessaire ars inveniendi logic of Descartes attention & judgment logical positivism attribute Lullus axioms lumen naturale bienjuger mastery of nature bon sens mathesis universalis, pura, vulgaris catena scientiarum memory certitude methode circle, Cartesian model clear & distinct negation cognition nominalism concept objectivity of knowledge conceptualism & realism operationalism confusion Peirce connaissance d'autrui perception contradiction, principle of petites perceptions contradictions, paradoxes, obscurities phenomenology criticist philosophy Positivism deduction pragmatism definition principle development of Descartes' thought (chro- probability, probabilism nology) problem dialectics of Descartes proof (logical demonstration) Discours de la methode propositions distinction protophilosophy (axioms, presuppositions) doubt of Descartes dualism quantity dreaming & waking questions parfaitemant comprises empiricism of Descartes Regulae enumeration rules of method, four (DM) episternolosy sensation epoche sense, senses error, falSity sensory qualities evidence sign existential statements simple natures experiment, experimentalism sleeping, dreaming hypothesis species idea sufficient reason identity syllogism image, theory of symbol imaginary syntactic rules imagination, phantasia systematization induction truth inference understanding, intellectio ingenium wax (morceau de cire) 427 MATHEMATICS algebra mathematics algebraic notation mathesis universalis, pura, vulgaris anaclastic metamathematics analysis (infinitesimal calculus) ovals
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