Warn Doctors on High Fees, Unavailability
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WEATHER Partly cloudy today, tonight Far Al aad .tomerrew. Chaaca «f a few showers today* High today le\ SHodyiide 141010 aad lew tonight la the Me. High a«ar W temorrow. SiM page I. Ked Register limed Dally, Monday through Friday, tntered M second Clan Matter VOLUME LXXXII NO. 63 at Ui« p»t Ofllc* at Ked Bank, H. I., under tbe Act ot March 3, 1S7». RED BANK. N. J.. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1959 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE From Bog to Headlines Warn Doctors Cranberry Growers Want U.S. To Pay Damages for Losses On High Fees, WASHINGTON (AP) - The has existed, but "The Cranberry a total of 14 tont-of allegedly event! that have raited the cran-Episode" u Secretary of Wei- contamined West Cout cranber berry from the bog to the na<fare Arthur S. Flemming calls It, irles . But th^ e Inciden—'"'t 'i"s affect"-*- Unavailability tton's beadlinei spotlight the marks one of its most sweeping ing, at least temporarily, an en- power of the government In application!. tire crop. guarding the nation'i food sup- Formal court actions. Wed this There were these develop- Matawan Will Sot DEAL — New Jersey doctars. ply. week in San Frandsco, asked ments: /ere warned last night that "aa* For hilf a century this power seizure of two small shipments— 1. Ocean Spray Cranberries, Delay School Vote vailability, arrogance, aad high Inc., a major grower co-opera by some praetioners ^hfi tive. says it is working closely MATAWAN - The Board el icriously impaired tbe with the government to assure Education, meetieg la special f the entire profession. if Regional Planningsafety of the foodstuff. session last night, voted awt to Joining in the pointed edvfee It Is sBovfag: ajricMy to as- postpone tbe refenadam aa the ere Paul Krebs. oresWeatief say crepe grown In Messecba- the state CIO Council, aad Or; proposed aew Ugh school here. aniel F. Featherston, Deal* OM- setts, Wisconsin aad New Jer- The electtoa will be held as sey, sheet which aa question going president of tbe New Jen* Asked For Rt. 35 waa raised, aa wall as those scheduled* DM* 1* sey Society of Surgeons. '*•'* ba the West Coast. It hopes to They spoke at the annual s*«a> SHREWSBURY - Hie Plan, propriate adequate funds to un The beard discussed the ad- 1 clear ancentamhujted crasher* vkubUlty of delaying the ref- ig of the Society at the Deal ning Board last night urged the derwrite a major ahare of the rles of suspieloa • plenty of olf and Country Club. As 'the) Board of Freeholders to hire "na- cosU"of such a program. for Thaaksghrtag Day NIKI IASI SIRVICI — Capt. Walter Mebene, lafr, commanding officer of the erendum, possibly until March meeting ended. Dr. Festhertwa) tionally recognized highway — after a dedslea has beca planning consultants to develop a Opposed Chapel Hill Nilce lese, addresses gathering at Veterans Day service hold at the turned over the presidency to"Bit This borough and Red Bank are the Food and Drag Admlnlstra- base. Others, from left to right, art Carl E. Ellis, commander of Middtetown Pott, reached by the state oa wheth- Earle HalMgan, professor of Jkif plan-for Rt. 35 that will serve cbeckiag the the Interests of the over-all pub- fighting against a proposed wi- Veterans of Foreign Wars, which participated in the service; Richard Olson, post er to permit a referendum hers gery at Seton Hall UniveraMr*; dening by the State Highway De- More than 150 society membtr* lic good. chaplain, and Walter Burkhardt and Emmett Cherne, members of the VFW unit. The aa the ajuesttoa of ssparaUea Philip H. Meyer, chairman, partment of Rt. 35 and construc- 2. The Army and Navy suspend- (tended. •'• tlon of a Rt. 35 freeway from ed use of cranberries grown In service included tha. placing of a wreath at a monument dadicatad to tha 10 per- of the consolidated towashlp- said the board agreed to call on borough school district. Esteem ea the Borough Council here to "ap- Wall Township to the Eatontown- Washington and Oregon, but'will sons who lost their lives in tha missile base explosion in May, 1951. Mr. Krebs declared tha paWc Shrewsbury border. permit use of those it can prove Tbe Ugh school proposal Is They have urged moving the esteem of the medical profeastal grew elsewhere. for a St-room, feMMM build- haa been on the downgrade for Apartment freeway to the west ot Shrews- S. The New Jersey Farsa Ba. many years and that doctors bury. reau said It win seek gevera- lag. themselves must act to countSc* However, New Shrewsbury Bor< meat payments to fanners for Farmers Charge set the tread. K':"£§ ough Council last week said it r Decision "would be opposed to any such sales they have lest as a re- Responding to a suggeeOosi i> salt of the controversy. Tha Uchard l.Nevin, executive a* relocation." Convict Hall tary of the Medical Society Delayed And. the Eatontown Planning Heritage, criticised what he Pollution of Brook New Jersey, Mr. Krebs saVl EATONTOWN — The Zoning Board said Monday night of the In Baltimore waa confident labor would' freeway project, "We don't think EATONTOWN — Pollution of eager to participate in a Board of Adjustment, at its meet- the highway department's pres- scare statements" from Secre- Ing Tuesday night, delayed for tary Flemmlag. Husky Brook by chemicals from study by representativ ._, decision until its Dec. 1 meeting ent plan is the right solution for Steel Lack the fiendix Aviation Corp.' Eat- Murder Case bor, doctors, hospitals, and ma* the region, but it's a lot better 4. The National Grange, meet- ontown plant was charged last agement. V^: • request by the Monmouth than stopping the Rt 35 relief'"« '" Lon> Beach, de- BALTIMORE (AP) Leonard Funding Co., Red Bank, to build night by two brothers who farm B. Hall, 22, former Keansburg, He said the atota CIO route from WaU Township to here mended that federal officials ap- Halts GM land along, the stream. 160 garden apartment units on in Eatontown and dumping all PMr *"d explain why the crack- N. J., resident, has been convict- would take part. the Stoechl property, Tlnton Ave. that traffic into our narrow Main down was ordered. Production Myron and Adolph Kozicky both ed of first degree murder In the Milton Abramoff, Red Bank at- St." S. One government official, told Borough Council that water subbing of Mrs. Anna B. Gsff, Dr. Featherston toM the sir> torney, represented Monmouth said the government is "morally DETROIT (AP) — AU auto as- from the stream, which they use a tavern keeper. geons thst all doctors must faea Funding Co.. along with Craig •Pmrladai Thfakfag* sembly lines in the vast General for irrigation was damaging Judge W. Albert Menchtne de- up to the. question of whsdtt •Layton, a Red Bank real estate obligated for damage to the in- Motors empire stood silent today, their crops. Mr, Meyer saW the Shrewsbury aocenV but added that "just ferred sentence yesterday, pend- ththeii r professiofi n as a wholhl e 1 Im broker. staled by lack of enough steel to "Don't you remember. Bliss," sponsibla for adverse public osssr Planning Board's statement wh»t the government will do. I ing filing ot a motion for a i The property is partly in a comes as tha result of "prov- cannot say at this time." Thai turn out even one more complete Myron Kozicky, addressing him- trial. Ion against It. residential and partly in an indus- passenger car. self to Mayor V. Bliu Price, We point with just pride.? I trial zone. facial thinking" by Eatontown comment came from Assistant Mrs. Gait, . M, waa bound; and New Shrewsbury. Secretary of Agriculture E. L. Production of autos ground to "when we were both boys here gagged and stabbed with said, "to the Iniptovement They need a variance in order a halt last night at the world's we used to earn spending' money adsatini c medtcalcara a aad i to begin construction. Borough Council here hopes to Peterson In Seattle, where he is butcher knife July M during hsve legislation pasted which will loottinf flvtr ttto tftufsMoir for largest . manufacturing firm. sellin" g water cress fro- m. tha... t holdup at her suburban tavern. advances In surgery but Under the proposed toning or- Shutdown of GM!s. last operating brook? Now w»i couldn't get a were ifuetto osrsatvee we dinance, the entire area would shift the freeway to hyp—* Secretary Ezra Taft The Circuit. Court jury of nine Shrewsbury aad Red Bank. assembly line/was'the climax o blade of cress, to grow In that women and three men deliberat- be zoned Industrial. touuiaiuaitnco aw Plans for the widening of Rt. IS jjp 'VMw IWI a series ot halts caused by the water tf your life depended on ed more than three hours before Mr. Layton said there would The nest obvious of thsss SM be eight units an acre and they to, four lanes hers are now be-Tuesday la gaa Fraaeawe —.« national steel strike. it." finding against Hall. would be three and a half and ing reviewed by the federal Bu- day after ' "" ' '"" The shutdown will last until He displsyed a jar' of water, The jury had started deUbere high fees, the totter (May ftiV four, and a hall mom apartments reau of PabUc Roads. Cost of the e«ough steel can be obtained and tbe color of weak. tea. which he ia sftld-afterncoa after bear maUsedbytae Mr. Layton said the project proposed widening would be paid The episode _.._ Bans processed to fill supply lmes said came from the brook.