Serving The State University of 10tCtJ and lite People of Iowa r.Uy t!na61iSiied It! 1M - rive ceoti a COpy emoer 01 I\IiSOCilllOO ,. Iowa l-'ify. [a., 'iilIir:Sdiy, MareS 28, 1957 By JOHN JANSSON Tho. who want to ua\' I can cbec(( Into Dail, I..... 81&1' ",II., opportunities at tbe SI. Lawrence Seaway pro)­ Would you like 10 be a waitress this summer ect or in Alaska, Saudi Arabia or Liberia. But in a Yellowstone National Park resort? Or they probably won't be back to regist r this Sep­ belp control pine blister rust in the Paci(jc tember - e peciaUy If they h \ to register the Northwcsl? Or be a bus boy on a Lake Michi· rltSt day, gan pleasure boat? _ The pay at the more commonJy-chosen job Howard B. Moffitl. SUI student emploYment varies widely. MolOtI id. At Yellow lone reo manager. would probably be able to help you BeckAction Denounced sorts, waitr will ,et $$5 per month plus get such a job. tips. cabin maids 175 and lruck drh'er .$121, Moffitt has listings for summer jobs in while on lake Michlgan boats wnltrc s wJlI be e\'cry state and several foreip countries in paid $117 plu tip, bus boy $tSD and cabin boys his office in the Officc o( Student Affairl in '160. AU these openin&s include room and Univcrsity Hall. Students wantln.. lummer board. work can look them over and let the informa· Moffitt said he didn't Imow how many U( tion they need to write prospective employers. students get summer job throuih his oence. Most of the jobs available to students lAs Sut 'Arrogant ·Contempt' Often one person will get the addre 01 a job Include board and room. Then the moqey e.rned opening then tet bls friends use the Information. isn't paid out for food and a place to sleep but making an estimate impossibl . can be saved. Moffitt pointed out. What are the chances for a tradition 1 um· The most popular jobs in past summers have mertlme romance? been in naUonal parks, resorts, dude ranche , "They should be prelly good, although that's Believes KiCiinapers Great Lakes boats, Chicago-area COUlltry clubs not my linc:' Moffitt ald. Many camps and and private camps. resorts hire a (ell' tuclenls from vera I col· Persons with special lalenls can find open· le,e and unlverailie , h said. so a too nt 'Disrespect' Ings In which they shine. MoIfJtt haa Iillin,s hould lie. able to meet pcopl hi age (rom all for majors in everything from art to zoolol)'. over the country. Fled into Pakistan TEHERAN. Iran lI\ - Tribal lhOl in the soothe tern d . rt m y For Unionism YOU ha\' ~ skipped Into Pakistan with a pretty American woman captht after laying her hu band and a fellow U.S. aid offie al. WA HlNGTON I.fI - Te mster ti· That wa peculaUon from a bf,h ,overnm nt source Wedn sday lan Dave Beck. a Fifth Am nd· Ike Sqys' 'Severe' Cuts War-Time night on a bltarre murder.kidnap I - ment wltnHs. wound up an initial appearance befor !)(mate racket cast' that h unrolded lo~ Iy inee B -t- h St ·k probers Wednesday under corell· und y. rl IS rI e Millionaire Irani n force iDcludln cam I· in, denundation ror "arrogant con· In Budget Are 'Futile' tempt." mount d cavalry w re r ported WASHINGTON t.fI - President Eisenhower said )Yednesday it i cia ing In on the bandits. Officials Berore nalor talking of "th fL" futile to lalk about making "severe" cuts in his S71,800,OOO,OOO budget. Dies Broke ' ugg ted some already m y have May Become of unIon funds. the presIdent or the It If is rutile. he said. the United States Is to malnlain its po ition NEW YORK t.fI _ [urray Gar. been captur d powerrul Jnternatlonal T amst r In the world and provide Its citizens with programs "agreed to be Union had repeatedly ought rc(u • • son, 61, onc oC two brothers im. Th earch I beln pressed day necessary." behind the Firth Am ndmenl on all prisoned In lh collap e oC their and nillht on personal order of the Nation-Wide sorts of QU tions . 14r. Eisenhower spoke out with W If N d 70.rnIIHon·dollar World War /I mu· Sh h. vigor and sharpness. tell in, his 0 e arne nfUons combine, died Tuesday Th bandit I der 111 the ar It might Incrlmlnale him, Beck IICWS conference: "Thi budget was night. He was pcnnll and homc· long h been wary of Iranian for- decl red, to say wheth r he bor· not only made carefully, it was tllt at ned Wednesday to brJD, In· rowed poo,OOO through two bu. I. Ie . ce who know him well. made intelligently." olher 500.000 fac:lory worker inlo LEGAL ADVICE I, ,IYen D.v. leell, by hll .ttwn.y. lie flrms to repleni b the union Hi physician. Dr. Em nuel M. An Iraol n government 50ure 'ott- In earlier discussions of congres· Chairman snowb lling nationwide trlk . don duri"tf .,.purance betwe the Iptelal Sen... ncb.. I... tr a ury after (ed ral incom 1)( Jo eph qn, took pity on Gar son d h ha~(' tak n tb ml s·', sional maneuvers to whack Into ._... Id A tI hi • dvl agen t out on hi Irall. ric ven Llibor !I1ml ter Ian teLl"", to vt.t1,-'i"tf cemmittte Wtdn.,day. c nt eft S ."...... ,.. c., said it mlgbt Incriminate him tr) bis spending plans, Mr. Eisenhow· wb n he I fI hJs hot I 10 t month. ing 3S-year~ld Mrs. Anita Carroll For tllrec w k Garsson lept in acro the thinly ,uard d Paki. Ul Hou or Commo had put Seeit .cll"" to ans ...r .. ue.llons him by memM" .. t7le say whether lie used .IIB of unton er has been more restrained. and Of Council committe.. .$k" his attitude has been one of rather the doctor's reception room. toni {ronUer In an ~ea peopled n w propo Is to the mploy r * * * * * * money to buy rive dOl n dil per . mild agrecableness to the possibU. Rlcha.rd Wolfe, M3. Donnellson, "lfe was absolutely broke." Dr.' only by illl rat trl • In an atl mpl to ttl I dJ PUI • "orr the record, nator." B ck Josephson said. " 1 had to give This part of Iran djoinln, Paid· Ity of cuts. was elected by the 1957-58 Student I whleh ha already paraJyz.ed many T t S H W G Oiled told Sen. Jo ph 1cCarlhy rR· He went II10ng with that stand Council as lis chairman pro tem him pendln mon)'." In's B luehl tan Province I so or the notlon'S doll r rnln, {ae· eams er ays e as rI : ,'if::rou ar a sured It's not ror Wcclnesday, to the exa:nt o( saying Wednesday night followlOl a ban· Gar son's hotel rent had been remote. gov rnm nl offici Is aid. th t f it Id M Ibl quet in the River Room of Iowa paid by an old bu in associate. that mo ot pt'opl tiler don't know tori S. A' million f etory worke ' b Se .. , John McCI.non (D,Artt.), a , 0 course wou ""I' poss e Memorial Union (or bolh the new to " money here and there, ~owever. wh n the man died" ven that World War J Iocr. k and I am all lor it to the last dol. and out·,oing Councll members. (jar son left the hot I rather than Clark S. Gregory, director o( th ha;~e ~':PII:e r inp~o~t; to g~: IAbout Senate Committee Pro e ::mn::. ~IIV"::~!:I ~~: lar bill." Wolfe. a Council repre entath'c up a bill. U.S. POlDt Four program In Iran. Macl.eod an an w r Thuts 40 or hi 62 year this week by two SUI concerts, be· trio eight months to two years in five miles from the center or the RUSSIAN THREATS - Mr. Ei· prison. May was releascd (rom city. Ingrid Bergman. who made a re­ dod h I· . ts (rom the UIIlon for vlolalinlt the U ~ • • • lIeves young composers should be a unlon's constitution. 'MIC .'-, .nd done ODe Single thlll!( ISenhower said RussIan threats to prison in 1950. Th Garssons got First reports said 14 were kJllcd turn to American (lIms a the Rus­ Ou~:ih~!;.lDfr~~(. ~dn ~ Norway against permitting Allied encouraged by their own commun· sian princess III "Anastasia," wa r crcallon or entertalnm nt and he said was of a provl Ion pro. which ID hll mind was wrong. And itles. out In 1951. and 150 injur ·d. POlice WedDeeday bases on its territory ware com· Murray' wife. Ruth. divorced nlgbt said Ix bodies were recover. named best actress or the year. educalional co ts, such as tUition, hiblling 'a member (rom "harming once t.hcrc Is final jud~ment III U pletely inderensible." He said, they are not encouraged 10' a brother" without reproof. court, alter he faces hIS accu~r s, "u him in Mexico In 1952. ed. About SO of the injured were Anthony QuiM. won his second fees. books, IUppli and equip. has the right of cross examlnallon, "The right of Norway to take any cal)y," Barber said. "they might After Ihelr release from prison, said to be In serious condition. Oscar ror a tupporting perform. menlo and the rules of evidence apply, measure it pleases within its own not get any other chance." the brothers were conrronted with ance in "Lu t for Llfe.'1 country for It. own security eer· government tax claims of nearly The bla t wrecked the l00xlO&· Th 6IIrv y wa be d on the Beck predicted that: Suggesting a pian which has Dorothy Malone, the sexy Texas 1952-53 school year. E timatcs for Testl·mony. · "I'll be IIbte Lo come out of lhi tainly is clear." !Jeen used by the Detroit Chamber $2 million. foot factory. leveled or damaged MIDDLI lAST - To a Question l heiress of "Written on the Wind," 1957 look Into account the co L~(· e e . clcan and white 100 per cent: · Music Soelety. Barber explained. In 1954, the brothers petitioned buUd llgs for a block around. and wu selected the be t supporllng about the reported movement 01 the Federal government to pay hatlered windows in the Interna· index oC the of Labor The commltleo backed up with "A subscription method. where no actress or the year. livi~g Burea~ Of PhYSICIan Saudi Arabian troops to the Gull one pays more than ,10 can be used them more than $18~ million. They tional Airport terminal. Icss than a tall tics and also the rIse in tui· photocrapbccl copies of checks and of Aqaba area, the President said. to finance the commJslson. Thus. contended they were entitled to re. mile away. The award for the be t song in a Uon, fee and othcr collcge co ts. other documents its tand lhat "I would doubt that it has any one rich patron, or a foundation imbursement {or methods and pro· A crater nearly 100 feet 1001 and movie in 1956 went to Jay Livings· Averag tuition and (ee at pub- I Stuns Adams Beck never started putting money ,reat significance so far as the uec Is not necessary." eesses developed by them and 30 reeL deep wa left. ton and Ray ~n for "whatever lie collc,es in 1952·53 totaled about baek into the union until after the of the Gulf of Aqaba as an Inter· The Detroit group commissioned used by the government in produe· The factory was located on the Will Be. Will Be" from "The Man ,175 an.d at private institution LONDON I .. _ An emln nt med. Internal Revenue Service wcnt national waterway .would be con· Barber to write a compositIon, ing war materials. edge of a poor residential district who Knew too Much." boUL $550 ..., .. after him In March 1954. cemed." using tbe group sponsor plan. AI· The government's use of their called Colonia Federal. Gcorge Stevens, veteran award a . Ical man stunned Dr . John Bod· AI ...... It I, an announced MISSILIS - Mr. ~ ,Eisenhower Students Iivln;: with their par· kin Adams Wedne day hy brand· fact that Beck IOld his Sta"l, though Barber il from Pennsyl. methods. they said. saved more Police said lar,c quantities of winner, scored again with "Giant," said the "agreement In principle" vania, they especIally wanted him than $500 million between 1942 and powder and dynamite had been ents aL that time penL an average ing the physician's treatment of a home .. the T._""te" for $163,­ to send guldeCI missiles to Gre.t whIeb was named the best achieve· of about $1,000 a year. It cost rich patient as a deliberate effort ., ho rwfuMCI .. i.ntlfy • copy 10 do' the work. the composer said. 1952. I slor~ in the building. ment in directing. ~ritain did not mean any increase about $350 more for a tudent to to kill her. .. the crKk .... that _",ount h. pt U.S. production in atomic wea· Spea1dng during the intermission of the University Symphony Or· live in some other private home Asked for hi opinion of the received frem the union. It wos ~ns. "Not at all, not at all." he chestra concert Wednesday night. or dormitory and another $300 to roB lve doses of heroin and mor. I8ld. live in a club, fraternit)' or soror·1 phone that Dr. Adam prescribed • check ho hMt .1"," him ..lf. Barber was conslantly Interrupted The committee also ha infor· by autograph seekers. ity. ' ror Mn. Edith Alice Morrell. Dr. Be k * * * Barber beard leveral composi. Ten per cent of the men students Arthur H. Douthwait,. reolled: mation, Kennedy said. thai c House Cuts More h .-... ~ two ~ ~joinins th tlons 0( SUI Iludents Tuesday. in and eiaht per cent or t e women "The only.oonclosMlnl I can ...... '" tcamstCn joint council building fund. frCJtft Budg~t a cloaed lesslon at the Music De· were frem families with incomes of to is - tmIt l tile ilttcation was ~ ~U1e lor SlllJIOII. sold them Dart.meJll. He decUned to comment less than $3.Il00. terminatc bcr lire ' I' I 0 1.he tcamstei'sl1~r ~t35.000 . WASffiNGTON t.fI - A House on their work because. be said, "It The average family in the lowest This evidence. giveft 1ft a sM\. Once .,.111 Beck declined to f')I. budget-cuttin, drive shaved .... would be like bavln, public report family income group devoted about spoken manner on t.!'c eigl!th dIIy or the ~_ hi other $lU81,800 Wednesday from c.rds." one·fUth of its income to its child in Dr. Adam's trial on charla 0( plain on IJ'OUn.... 5 answer . . to d th the widow pro- miIbt incrimlDate him. ~ apPfOPrlatiops for the Labor college. In the h Ig he r Income drugging ca. • At the end of bls tesUmony, Me. Pepartment. 'fhe drive was stlll groups, the aver8J'e was less than duced an electric effect in II1c Clcllan told the Teamster boss It tolng Slron, when the 1fouse bait· Th. Weather one·knth. ' packed ~. .... aU ri&ht for him to 110 back eel for the day. Famllie. supplied 41 per cent of Dr: Doathw81te is ~ f IIeftIer to Seattle, "bcre his wife is ill. Wednesday', rcctucUons, all ad· the money for college students. An· ohysJdan ~t London s a~ The chairman said he didn't know ~ to those previously voted by other 29 per cent came from stu· GL\, I Hospital. author of ~ when Beck mlcht be recalled but q.e HoUle Appropriations Comnllt.. I Fair dent's own savings and 17 per cent textbooks an dfonner ~t that It wouldn't be for several days ~, boosted to '14,108,100 the cuts was earned by the students after , the London Medical. eonJ~ .t tho ear\1esL made In two cia,.. enterinl colIe,es. He said be based his 'recorda Since he Is returning to his The an~ed objective of the and ScholaflhiJII lupplied 5 per the nurteS Mor. ScaWe home, Beck evidently won'l _Ive I, to lop from 175 miUlon to ceot on day~y Mn of the total, u did-veterans and vo- of the dnlP Y ,ave of iN to show up Friday at a session of the. floo million from a bill originally cational rebabilltaUon procrams. relgl from the summer AFL.. elO Executive Council which IPProprl.UnI h ••,502,881 In new Mild flUIds for the Labor Department, Only 1 Per cent came .from loans her .;tatht:,:, ~~,:,' also".,. wu called to consider his use of and 2 per cent was credited to mi&- ...... a r 111 Morrell's the FIftb Amendment at the Sen. the Departme~t of Health. Educa· Fair skies 'NiI1 prevail today ceUaneoua JOur<:eI, d~ a ~y 0 J..!!~ by Dr. ate ioqairy. With Beck disaenling. tion and Welfare, and leveral in Iowa City with lUab tempera. Two-thirda of the men students death eertlncate ...... ,.. abe died the COUDcil adopted last January a I\lnor a,.OO\81. tures iD tbe 4Oa, after lut night's wo:'ked. elU1lfna an averaae of Adams in wb)ch~ code 01 etbkI which says a UIIion Tbi. cut would be In ad'dltion Iowa In the mid-JIll. 1486 a yeat, Half Of the women r~!te~ any Iipa __ ... official bas no richt to keep his to 1188.774.'700 chopped off by the AP " •••, ..... Outlook for Fridar ~ partly WAITING ~OR 80DIE5. amltullllUl tho lite ...... It¥eIIII eenral worked•• veraainl $265. the .. rePOrt wb4ch poll if be taICes tbIt Fifth Amend· before c.n'ft,... '" I .jIpropriatiou Committee eioudy and c:oaUDued. rnIId MIIhlll., Mar Mexico. City and ~II"" an HtimeW .. .--. The .....,Iena OCCUI'NII ...... _ More lbaJI 15,000 Iludents. fro~ ~"1" ...-till ~ CIIIIC'eI'1liDI cor- ~ JIMe ;::;-:t bW 1MCbed tbt. l1oor. weather. W.... r. Windows 1ft .... Mexleo City .Irpart ".,...... , ...... llO cone.- were iDcltIded to 1M I "No sir" said Dr, j)oudIw". ,...... _ ~ IraPdom 'aplJlle IW"Vt!)'. • • . • Buster Blahzay­ ---The Daily Iowan -~- Student ',WQ.~~ ·/~~~t~l. The Dally Iowan is wril­ pointed by the president of l80AAD .GRA.» COWStRIlATJOto.l ] Un. and edited by rtudent. tlte uniMraUy. The IowtJJI', Fought -with , ungary and 18 governed by 4 boarel editorial fHlUcy. there/ore. is of five student trustee. elect­ not an t:cpruaiDn of SUI oJ­ IV DIETRICH HARTMANN hiked through Germany and Imany which allows foreigners to Austria to help the Hungarian ask Cor political asyium. ed by tlle stlldent l}Ody and ministration. fOlicy or opin­ T ... n.s.I.te4 and rewrltlen rum freedom fighters. In the Vienna To be recognized as a political DEll PIEGEL. fOllr faculty trusfeeB ap- ion in any partlculilr. Tile German Ne"'l ma,.dne legation of the "People's Republic refugee in Germany KeUog has to oC Hungary" he managed to get "be outside of the country of whicft­ The Ameriean student Stuart a visa. a permit to stay and work he is a citizen and has to prove WhitehW KeUog. 28, having rna· in Hungary " for journalistic pur· that he cannot live under the pro­ jored in languages and humanities poses" and continued hitchhiking tection of this ~ountry because 01 American Freedom? Cor the last two years at Bonn to the Hungarian border. political persecution," according to University (Western Germany) has Stuart Whltt'hill Kellog has asked tht' West German gov­ He reached the Hungarian German law. 'r,. decided to ask the Federal Gov· capital of Budapest Nov.' 3, 1956 German officials, however. de'.';'" ernment for politil'al asylum. Even if he will not be successful ernment of Germany for political by train. Recalls Keltog: e1ared that Kelldk could not be reo with his plea his etion has and will stir up :l lot of noise, bad asylum. " r was led to something like ?~r~e~ a political refugee be~~ ,~ will and s('r\'e as excellent propnganda mnterial for certain The State Deportment had in· the Union of the Budapest Uni ~ .It. IS ImpoSSIble that .a n AmerJc,a~ , vaJdiated his American passport versity. There ) received a red. citizen shoul.d be BU~Ject to politi· rro circles. f Boston serial number 9363 ) and recognition b~dg e lind cal pe,~secUlJon by hiS own govern! The action of this American citizen and fonner student of substituted it with a document a ,Russian Army gun. I Ihenl joined !pent.. . . that was only valid for a "direct an armed unit which had peen ree. . Kellog 5 case IS not deCided b" Boston University seems as ridiculous to us as it was incompre- , return" to' the United States. ognized by the Nagy governmeqt as t~e g?vernment and ~ " hensible for the Cerm.'m authori!ies. Despite men like Mc­ Feb. 16 this document terminated the National Guard. This unit was fmal deCISIOn ml.ght take years ~ Carth • "witch hunting," loyalt), oath , (:ommittees to investi­ and Kellog was still in Bonn with formed mainly of young students cause of compiJcated procedures. men sto no plans to rei urn to his home and workers " Kellog- announced that he plans to ' gate uun·American activities" and strong speeches against tate. Florida. One day I~ter, Kellog continlled stay. as .Iong .as the Germans a~ '. the Pr 01 tiantly pseudo.liberal • there can hardly be an. talk of ~Iitical perse· Until October of 13st year there his report, he was $upposed to consldeTing hiS :ase. .. 11 p.m. Ill' cution in this country. had not been any remarkable speak on the Cree Hungarian Radio. He defended hIS deCISions to go moment events In the liCe of Kellog who He never came to speak to the \0. Hungary ~nd ~ppos~ the . Am. I' on th(' The govemment, however, is getting stronger and stronger plans to enter college teaching. Hungarians, In the early morning e~lcan cQJ1sul ~ deCISion In an mter, lhl'n hl': and more and more incidents occur where the personal liberty At the Uni versity of Boston he had hours o£ Sunday' Nov. 4 the Rus, vIew with the American Army sians started t{) "craSh the Hungar. Radio station in Europe, (AFN I: quartl'rl) of private citizens is invaded. studied East European history and Prior t Russian and received his B.A . ian rebels in Ihe capital. "r had "In grade ~chool I learned aboutl one day to assist the Hungarian tlle right of mdependence a.nd pet. fl".~t at The State Department invalidated passports for news· Two years of service in the army students on how to light tanks and sonal . freedom. R~me mbertng the Comman papt'rmen bound to report about Red China. The State Dc­ saw him in Florida and from Oct· folk with on maters of di scipline. I then American Revo lutIOn r felt obliged partme nt cancellt'd the pas port of a student who took part in ober 1951 through April 1953 he was ordered to return to the Am. to help the Hungarians in Ihe& Unitl'd ~erved as occupaiton soldier in tbe tion .. the fighting in Budapest. In both cases citizens of this coun· eriean Embassy. The Hungarians fight for freedom." Federal Republic of Germany. said that [ was useless as an "Am. The State Department meanwhile HC' PI try who had not the vaguest intent to do their country an)' After a rew months oC rest from eomman( erican corpse." announced officially that KeHoe the army Kellog started studies at are dol n harm were punished. More. they upheld some of tho finest Nov. 21, the American Embassy was asked to r~turn ~o ~merla " Bonr1 University on the G.l. bill. nations principles this country can be proud of in the name .of the sent Kellog bac~ to Vienna by car. not because of Ius aC.~lo.n m Hun. • KeUog apparently would hllve reo Hitchhiking he returned to Bonn. gary b~t because ~ e dIsregarded world in same couse for which the Administration is spending many tnl Allar mained one of the many unknown His passport had been changed In regulations concermng travel pass­ billions yearly. students if the revolution in Hun· Vienna and then was only valid ports." IVt" IPrI1 gary which made Kellog de· mnf' ,'. Student K£'llog nnd Ame rican newsmen visiting China till Jan. 20. 1957. .------cide what friends in Bonn later Soon the American Consul in I , made only on(' mistake. They aU disagreed with a certain con· called "{he outstanding example Mehlem had a new document cept of day to day poliCies of the State Department. of a man who loves liberty more ready for Kellog. This allowed a than anything else," had not tart· It is often argued that i:n the tense world situation, with prolonged stay in Germany unUI ed. Feb. 16. Ke)]og was sure that he tht' live·or·die cold war still raging below the surface, citizens . Waf~f'~shin'!t. I With shaving kil, some cans of was forced back to America )'lith had to agree and go along with all the nuances of official Wash· The Pr There t!ley are sneaking thro t/g.h corned beef. fish 3nd evaporated soft pressure, because of his Hun· THURSDAY, MARCIf 21, lt57 , cruisC' to in~ton policics, however absurd they may seem. mllk. a check (or $50 and 100 Ger· garian adventure. improv/n man marks in cash Kellog hiich· Far from agreeing with the bu· UNIVERSITY CALENDAI bolherC'd ]f our concept of freedom and libe rty has to be upheld reaucral's decision he tried 1,0 get stubborn with m e thods similar to those practiced in the system we arc a permit to stay in Germany, to ThursdayI Merch 2. d ~vcloPCd fighting. something is wrong with this concept. We do not Bermuda Senate Hearings continue and finish his once start· 8 p.m. - Graduate Council Conl~' Inflammaj ed studi es in Bonn. Kellog hoped puter Lecture - Mr. f ohn W, tub(' in hi need "Dig Brother" to watch our dOings nnd whereabouts - Results Seen Differently Letter to base his request to do so on a Caperon - "Applications of Com­ 'fhe pIs who tries to make us confonn with what he thinks is right. On Both Sides clause in the constitution of Ger· puters to P~oblems in Mathemat· 10 cruise Student Kellog should have his passport returned and be See Portland Calm Dr. Dunnington AnswerJ ics and the Physical S~ences" slr'am S~ By JOHN A. HIGHTOWER Iy GORDON MACNAB - Shambaugh Auditorilll '. I allowed to stay where he please. soak up WASHlNGTON (A'I- Secretary of PORTLAND, OrC'. !A'! - Sedate and proper Portland is a bit be· Fundamentalists 8 p.m. - Collt'ge of L:., and SOIn2 . hin. State John Foster Dulles and wildercd. TO THE EDITOR: General Department of History ~ resent skt'l't 8h British Prime Minister Harold In the past few weeks. it has seen a tream oC witnesses go beCore J\ T • graduate lecture - Katherin~ ~ tenty of Help the Red ' Cross Macmillan arc talking out of dif· a Senate subcommittee in Washington to say its mayor has taken a I notice in The Daily Towlln fOl' , 1 V O/lces Drinker Bowen - Senate Cham- sea fi sh in ~ ber, Old Capitol. " (erent sides of their mouths. bribe and its district attorney is in Tuesday, March 26, two rather long ' G.n.ral Notlc- 1I1"lt be received at , , ~[r . 1':ls March is the month set aside by the Red Cross for its '"'h d . . ., I tt tltl d "D I t At < <

d h ' k b )'. Th h rnal agreement. on tlle investigations of its report· other. na~lOns. whIch ~oved to stop ters. My only object would us activities sponsored by the W0 0 lecular Recipies for Living S , ma e t IS wee y so IClters. ey ope to contact everyone Macmillan told a news c~nIere~ce ers, told the city that vice had the flghtmg 111 ~he MIddle Eas~. try to throw some light on the men's Recre:ltion Association. terns" - Chemistry Auditorium. in the county. If you have not been contacted, you can help at Bermuda on Sunday, In talkmg again gotten out of hand There Is a fairly general behef. h Iff h t J Saturday, April' ' ( h dr' h' b 'J' . . about the Middle East and United .' though not provable, that Russia's woe ques Ion 0 w a esus 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. - AnnUJi I>y ca II 109 ohe 0 t e Ive c IlInnen or y mal 109 your contn· Nations efforts to obtain a settle. The Oregoman made the charge actions in Hungary have made it actually thought and ~u~ht ab~ut PLAY.NITE _ The facilities of Classical Conference - Senate hution to the local Red Cross office. ment there, that "the British t1~e Teamste~s. had plotted more difficult for her to deal the matters o~ the ChrIStian faith. the Fieldhouse will be available for Chamber, Old Capitol. J Dale Benz, associate director of the SUI Library is chair. and American governments have WIth Dlsl. Atty. Wll.ham M. Lan~. directly with the nonconunittcd )~ ~uch a diSCUSSion should m~ . mixed recreational activities each Sund.y, April 7 agreed on the line they propose to ley. to allow gambl!ng a~d . prosh· nalions with which she has sought tenahze, I should atso want It Tuesday and Friday night from 2:30 p.m ..... Iowa Mountai!lef!J' man of the University Red Cross donations. He is in charge take In the short term and in the tutl~n to operate With offlcla~ pro· to create an entente through trade understood h~t there ~n 7:30 to 9:30, provided no home var· Film.LectU{e - " Tahiti, IsI_ of 78 University depertmental workers who are soliciting funds long term." tecllon. and "aid." adequate period. of diSCUSSion 111 sity contest is scheduled. Mem· Under the Wind" - Earl Brjnk 'l' from faculty and staff. ,Macmillan was asked whether A grand jury indicted more than Communist capture of ,one of the ro:m of questIOns {rom the flO?r bers of the Caculty, staff, and stu· Macbride Auditorium. there were any unresolved issues a score of men on charges that in· the state governments in India is fo)]owll1g the close of the mam dent body and their spouses are in· 8 p.m. - Iowa Mountaii Berwyn F. Collentine, G, Waterloo, is chalnnan of the between Britain and the United terested the Senale subcommittee caluculated to give Nehru second statements by both Mr. Kaub and viled to attend and take part in Film·Lecture - "Ireland in B collections from the General Hospital community. States in the Middle East and he o{ ~na~or McClellan (D·Ark. ). In· thoughts, although he has never myself. the activities in which they are in· som Time" - Earl Brink - IC' Your help is needed too. Give what you can _ as much said he did not think there are vestlgatm.g labor and management been as complacent about com· L. L. DUNNINGTON, Pastor terested. Admission will be by fac· bride Auditorium. any "in principle," Furthermore, racketeermg. nlunism in India as about com· First Methodist Church ulty, staff, or student I.D. card. Mond.y, April • a" you can. , he said, preparations were made At the start, the Senate hearing munism in Eastern Europe. 4: to p.m. - College of MedlciJII at Bermuda (or carrying on close caused little stir In Portland. Word from Cairo is that Nasser. WEIGHT TRAINING _ The Lecture sponsored by AKK - .. ~. THURSDAY, MARCil 28. 19$7 consultation on the Middle East. The existence of a list of 35 too, Is jailing local Communists WSUI . Schedule', Weight Training Room will be perimental Studies of Bone Gro .... ------"- At sUIl another point in his Ber· houses of gambling and prostitu. and keeping a close eye on Rus· opened for student use on Mon. and Metabolism," Robert .p. XIIIBla DIal"" If )'au do JIG' receive muda news conference, Macmillan tlon in the city didn't seem reo sIan a,ents although not acting days, Wednesdays and Fridays be. Ray, Professor of OrthopaedUf. AtJDIT au.IAU JOur Da1\y Iowan b,. T::IO un. The was asked whether Eisenhower markable. The 1948 investigating overtly against the latter. Thursd.wy, M.rch 21 tween the hours of 9:30 p.m. and University of Illinois - Med!SI' C1aCllnTlOIfi l:~o~mm~:'::' d=.n~ and he agreed in prinCiple on committee had found 248 such es. In this atmosphere, Russia con· S p.m. The North Gymnasium will Amphitheatre. . _n from ••.m. to a p.1IL IIond.,. what to do if either Egypt or Is· tablishments. tlnues to talk. . 8:.00 Morning Chapel be opened for student recreational 8 p.m. ~ Humanities Soc~ Ihrolll" Frtda,. rael violated its obligations in purposes each Friday afternoon presents David Daiches, PubUAhftl dall)' Uce,I' S\lllCla, .."I ng c~:;!om ~ Monday and ~\ ho\klua b, &tu­ Some eyebrows were raised that • • bridge University " ~Iyth ... •dent Publication., Inc., Cemmunka­ DAIt.'f IOWA)( .vraaVllOu ROM some manner.. the commitke's most talkative 'ntoxlcated Kids : :!~ r~!:,,:~s ~e/:l ca from 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. - Uon. een-. Icnr. CIt" low.. tII­ lCaooi. or JOllPAUlIl rAClJI.,.., He replied that "We have con· witness. Big Jim Elkins, an ex· I . • 10:00 News ~etapho"" - Shambaugh A~ teracl •• -.nd clala matter ., Ute PubllJher ...... Letter G. 1Ien& Isidered all the possibilities." Bllt P Q t C tl 10:IS Kitchen Concert IUm. POlt office at I_a City. under tile tdltOrial ,,, ... Arthur M. IIancIenon when he was pressed for detail convict of some repute, could haVe j rove UI e os y 1l :00 The World o{ Ideas STUDENT COUNCIL BOOK EX· T .....V, April' • ct of Conllftl 01 Mardl it. 1m. , AclvarUatn, ....•... E. lohn Kotuun be walked through the city's under 11 :15 Variations on • Theater Theme CHANGE - The Student Council 6.30' p.m. _ Trl'angle Club Pi ...... ClrcIj\aUo" ...... Wu.ur l'ewnoa said "I don't think you would . . . . PARIS I.fI _ Getting two chilo lI!so Bind,tand In the Park ..... 0IqI 41.1 from noon to rnI4n~t Ie expect me to jUmp all these Cences world unnoticed by the pUbliC . dren aged 8 and 6 drunk has g;~ :hy~k R!m~~: tral!a Book Exchange will return money Supper - Iowa Memoriaf unfGI. ",port new_ Ita..... wOlften's ,... ~D of 1M AISOCIAnD' PIU!:IIS before we come to them." Confusion came as · the number , prov~d costly to ali the adults 12:30 New. and unsold books throug\l Mareh 7:30 p.m. - University IlaMl, 0' annoulK!elftellb to ",. The ·AIIiOCUW Prell .. .nUtled u- The d'Cf ho th of witness They spoke in INS Know Your Children 29. Unsold books can be picked liP Partner Bridge - University Dillly Iowan. Editorial Dflka are ... clualv_ly to the we I'or teptibUcaUon I erences 5 wn over e es grew. concerned. Here are the IM\nal· 1:00 MUlde.l Chau at the Student Council Office in the the C. ..nmunkaUona CenJar/' :!~u:. ~w::'~~'"APtn .::: Middle East are refleeted also in strange jargon of the underworld ties with Cines and costs In dol· 2:110 Conserva1lon In Hawkeyeland southeast corner of the Iowa Rooms, Iowa Memorial Union. Buberrllltlori rat...... b, camU ... d ... reports from Bermuda and from and their testimony threaded the lars equl·valents.. ' :U Let'. Tum 0 Po,e 7:30 p.m. - French Depart ~ 2:30 America on SI.,e MemorIal UnIon {rom 2:30 p.m. to P t R 't t' C t st 10_ City, lD c:etlta ""11 o~ .fH Washin,ton about whether there bypaths of routine crime ",nd poli- The parents. Mr. and Mrs. 3:00 M.. terwork. from France oe ry eCI a Ion on e - per y.r 1ft adv_: Ilx -~fi tics 3:30 News 4 p.m. Monday throu,h Friday. and House Chambers, Old Cap! too", 1111... montM. ~... IIY aW DAlLt JOWA!f DII'OatAJ. ITMP were any see ret po II cy agreements . Jacques Maurene. 18 months In 3:4.\ Manhattan Me\l>dl.. Books and money not claimed by 4 In Iowa •• pet' year: .bI montb .. ,,: tdlIor ...... 1IItaDo, .... Tlme three _ntha, P: .U 'oUIa!' mall aub­ ~ Editor .••. W&)'IIe AIIII1IOft. reached In the conference. The hearing development that prison and fines of $28.50 each; ::: 6':IcI H ' p.m. March 29 will become the 8 p.m~~:; c=r:-- 10 IeftptlD.... $11 per y.r: lDGlltb .. Citi !dJ{or ...... DoD Mltcball British sources at Bermuda said overshadowed all else was tile ac· the bar" owner, nne $28.50; the New. rens our property of the Student Council. Memorial Union. * AtaIauuIt tdltor " John 1IIHk1, 5:30 .,.111: three monUU, ~ . ta. ! cu, Monday that there were. The cusation that Mayor Scbrunk had waiter who served them, $14.28; 5:~S Sportstlme E EMtIIr .... " ...... Ra, WlI\ler White Jlouse here denied it. taken a $500 bribe frortl a gambler. Maurer to pay court costs of : :: ~~~ser Hour (Notices of univer,dty-wide interest wil~ be publillJed DAILY IO.,-UI ADVlaTUDfO • U1tor ...... I.an7 DennlI i, AdvcrCl"", MIl...... ~ . if I'lltllocraplMr •.. •. ..• ...... • Dulle. Tuesday discounted reo The mayor's teacUon caused a $85.71 to the Committee (or Pre· 7:00 Broadway Tonlaht \, ZVOt/CBS AI.t. 4 ...irtlalDC ...... rme . ldarty ftelcbenUlal the" peneral Notices column. of campu' clull elll.I".. Mu...... 11m II • IodetY Jdttor ...... lulle r~ POrts of detailed written undt'r· stir, too. He broke off a tie vention - Alcoholism, the com· 7. :."00~ ScloUndceenr! Fp,!~um 1a """e., • ~, ,. I m"... UOa.Q w,ill be, published in. tl11! ,,"~Ul:t~ms l;olumn toe ClreulaUDft MAlllltet •. ..ul IollteNl "-Ia&aa' •...... OIetrifh Isundin,s . being arrived at in the tector test: with MOO assertion tbat. Plailltllll\. 9:00 Session at Nine Yo'1 "",...... KlrtlnaUD A.. L Ctr-eu. """ .• IIIC/IHI !)au., Bermuda coa(erence. - the questlons were un{alr. Maurer Is a laborer. lo : oo·~~~~e~nand Sport( 1"<1' doy.i,!>-AA(Jther section of l'Tae Daily lQW4i1.) II! .J' n ~,,,... , ,~ ., , , ",rt .. I, ~ . 1_·_..",_... . , . " , f ~.f·' : I.· ...... ,. THE DAILY IOWAN-I_a City, I•• -Thvnday, M rc 28, 19S7-P.". 3 --- t lor St. Joan" Four New Series' 'Set .By ' WSUI for 'April

,,/ unique erviee offered by the Iowa Memorial Union is its art Two 5-wcek laboratory rl'nlaI program. I \dJI be held al the Iowa Lake id E.;Jch fall more than 200 reproductions are rented on a fir t-come, Laboratory at We t Okoboji Lake first·serve basis. this summer. Prof. Robert L. King "All student housing units and aU faculty o(fices have acce s 10 this of S I's Department of Zoology an. service." Prof. Earl E. Harper, nounced. director of the Union, said. C f The fir t lerm at the biological Under Harper's direction. high· on erence field station will be.> Jun 10 to July qualily reproductions of famous t2. and I.he second term will extend paintings are available at a low To' from July 15 to Aug 16. Sev n rental fee for use in public rooms D,·scusS cour iii botany. biology and zo- of student housing units. for faculty L H ology will be ofrered at each . s· orriees. and other University build· atin ere sion. accordin, to King, director ing. Campus religious organiza· of the profram. lions are also entitled to make use The annual Iowa CIa ical Co~· Students from any coUege or uni. of lliis art rental service. fercnce Aptil 6 at SUI will beglO \'ersity may receive cred,t for work "People can bring the pictures wilh ':;La~n as a lI10dem La.". : done al the laboratory. SUI, Iowa back and exchange them anytime guage. With Clyde Murley. visit· State Colleg and Jo,\'a tate they wish during the rental period," ing profeM?r a~ SI,JI from North. , Teacher College have cooperated Harper said. western UnlVe~slty , as the s~aker. in furnishing facullY members to AP WI ... , •••• The rental fee is $1.50 per pic· Conre~s will then h.ear p~a~ : supervise the field work ludy pro- ture, each semester. The rental maceutlcal and AnatomIcal Latin. gram since 1947. IOWA'S JEAN SEBERG ACCEPTS anotMr piece 0' fried chia1cen ....'" ..... me""" a ...... j.,.. her may be renewed during the sec· offered by Anna Goldsberry, Alton, .. . fint hom •• cnked meal in mont~s at the Mlrshalltown 'a",ily horne. Around the t.w., clectc:wl ... ani ond semester and for lhe summer Ill.. High School teacher: " What . The laboratory 1 e !)l'cmlly ~c· brother Kurt, 14 ; sister Mary Ann;; her 'ather, Ed Seberg; broth.r David, 7; Mrs. SHert; and session. All paintings must be re- CoUege Expects of the LaUn Stu. slgned to provld an opportunIty Jean', grandmother, Mn. Furtce. Sanson. turned after the summer session. dent." by Prof. Herbert I\f. Howe for tudents. ~o meel directly th.e Most of the reproductions have of tbe Univer ity of \Vi con In. natural condItIO of plant and aOl· been imported, and frames have "Mycenaean Writing and Mycen. m.B I life. a they exit in the (j Id," or igma Xl, been de igned to suit the indIvidual acan Civilization." by Prof. Saul KlDg sllld.. . High School Senior Can French Department kty, Is pon· pieces of work. S. Weinberg of Ihe Uh'er Ity of The enbr~ . hore of on 'cllon "One thing that i unique aboul Mi souri; "JlIuminations in the of the lake IS controlled by the lab­ • To Sponsor Annual the (raming is that eacb picture is Manuscripts of VergiJ and Tcr. orat.ory and serves ~s a natural col· framed as if it were an original," ence." by Prof. Chauncey E. Finch Icctlng and expenmental ground Harper said. "Sometimes the of St. Louis University. and " Mod. for lhe work of the student and Win $1,000 Award Poetry Competition Story Competition TODAY'S frames are more valuable than the ern Procedures and Practiccs in starr. . piClures." Archaeology." by Prof. Weinberg. Equipment for fit'ld work ~ well Open to Students The sur Art Department ofrers CIa ing reature of the intensive as laboratory work Is prOVided at TOP RECORDS a similar rental program. Grad· one-day session In Old Capitol will Ihe taUon. SeH'rli1 mall cottage.>. A . hort tory contl' t "Thl' Oe· I 45 89 ~ 71 98- uatc students have painted most be a panel and audience di scus ion are alai/able for farrull s, and tav Than ·1" . pon. urt:d by tit RPM RPM ~ of the pictures that are donaled Iof the qu sUon: "Doc the Modern parate dormitories arc provided Iowa Colonial Dom(' i upt'n to by the Department. There are also High School Latin Cour · Toke fOr men and women stud nts. All \ tudents IXon Bald - in la'(· "BUTTERFLY"-Andy Williams I' ~I History Prof. Edits 8 few pieccs or sculpture available. I Sufficient Account of lhe Value of meals are ened at II cenlral '01'('11 of til ·S I Engl' h 0,. part. UI .uti' Gr i~~ The graduate art projects are part I ~alin to Other Fields?" dining hall. menl Id WI'dIl d y. "PA~TY DOLL"-Buddy Knox of student's thesis requirements. Educators repre enUng four dIf· Students who plan to attend arE' Anniversary Essays Deadllne f r . tori l. I y 1. r St \~ {;a I't'n , Graduate studenl's projects are {erent fields - English. r liglon, reqlle ted to rl.'8islcr for th two $SO priu.> will I • ow rd d Uti' "YOUNG LOV "-T b Hunt'r circulated thr(\lI~h the Art depart· chemiltry and educational admin· ses ion. Application forms may winnpr of lit eonlc',t. ' . or' rs J m. • ment for use H University recep· istration - will join In pondering be obtained at th I Regi trar's Published in Rome Ev ry ~. aT about 2tl tud nl "MARIANNE"-TI·rry Gilky, on. lion rooms and public offices on Latin's "carry-ovcr." They are Office and hould be returned by rntl'r th cont I. Th' lorl.~ will "DON'T FORBID ME"- campus free of charge. Guilford Collison, regional con ul· Jun 7. Students may al 0 regl • be judgl'd by a Work~hl)p Cummit- Pat Boon Paintings circulated through the tant, sLllte department of public ter at' the laboratory the first day I with Paul f;ngl ad"l r, " TOO MUCIi"-Ellij Prl' It·y. Union program must be returned Instruction: and Prof. Mary Hana· of each session. King said. "BANANA BOAT SONG"-Il rry In August. During this monlh the walt of Iowa Slate Teacher5 Col. LIKE NUTTY NOODLES Bdafonle or l' rrl n, ,! paintings arll checked and re-con· lege; Prof. Wilfred F. Bunge of 'Coffee Day' Poppy. ed gin' a piquant CIa. "I'M WALKIN' "-Fill Domino. ditioncd whcn necessary. Thc rent· Luther College, and Prof. G. W. vor to butttrtd nov/lll- . Add Ii\'· "'WHO NEEDS YOU"-r'ollr Lad. al fee hclps pay for the mainle· Thiesscn. Monmouth. m.. Call ge rn'd brown·in,butler II nnd ,tOO'1·"LUCILLE"-l.iltl I'lchard nancc of t]# paintings. A native of New Hampton. Prof H d N d when compony's coming, • "Yt'ALKIN' AFTER MIDNIGHT" The ST I. Dentistry Building is Hanawalt carned her M.A. and I ea a me ______.... ;;;;;;;;;; I -Pat r ("11n del:oratetJ 'with studcnt paintings Ph.D. degrees at SUI in 1933 and I" WRANGLE"- loaned tfl~ough the Art Depart- 1935. Prof. Tllie sen came from Ch l Comer low City rl'stourant ~RINGLE ment. The News and Information Stanwood to earn hi M.S. and operator ha 'been n3m d to direct war S ose ItVI - Fl' ti Parkt'r. Ed d • R "COME GO WITH ME"- Service and the lobby of the lib· Ph.D. degrees at SUI in 1925 and "Coffee' Day" In John on County, a uld .. filling your PRESCRtP- Dell. 'I 'in ' rary are also decorated with stu· 1927. Prof. Gunge: originally from a project sponsored by the Iowa TlONS, w. offer , number of "TEEN AGE CRUSH"­ dent art work through the loan pro· Spring Grove. Minn.. cam d an Restaurant A sociation to raise Suptrb Product. of our own gram. . . M.A. degree at sur in 1955. money for a propo d camp Cor ""nul,et"r., IS Vitamin cap. Tommy ' ana Dcpartmellts WI shing original stu- \011'3 crippled ehildn'n. .ul.. of varioul formul.tions- "YOU DON'T OWE ME A THING" , nd • number of COI".,.tlc Prep. -JohnDll' Itoy deni paintings for their of~ices may II 1 The announccment of the ap- FANCY FRENCH ROLLS tratlonl, u Cold Crllml, H,nd "MOONLIGHT GAMBLER"- ~ontact . Norval Tucker. mstructor CJU' (J' " pointment wa made by Curli flx up Fr neh roll thi. Cr•• ml, Cr.",. Shl"'pOO, aru,h. Frank:(' I in('. III the s~r Art Department. J 'J lem6 Yocom. regional dIrector of the or· way? la. h the tOI) in '\ r 1 1.. 1 Sh,v. - .11 ,IUIr,n'ecd to ~'GO E"-r'erlin lIu_k('y. Those mterested in reproductions ganlUlUon and reslaurant own r pi lI, hut not through to th pl ••• - "EMPTY ARMS"- of ~a mou s pai~tin gs by we\l.~own -MOUNTAINEE'Rr='Sprlng Am. in Iowa City. botlom Spread cut ~ilh IOf~ bul· 1 DRUG SHOP lIoryJ Hunh'r ar.~l~s ~ho uld IDquir ~ at the DIrect· ana dinncr, hike and program Is "Coffee Day" is part of a wider ttr that ho be n mIx d WIth a I "~AMA LOOKA BUBU"- or s office in the Unton. planned for Sunday. The Moun. rund·raising c mpaign pon or d cru h'd garlic, H at in mod 'fat 109 S. Dubuqu. St. l II rr) U"l {onh' talnecrs will meet at clubhouse at by the Iowa Ea ler al Soclely, The event is open only to hieh ~~~ "ONLY ONE LOVE"- Davies, to Talk on 2:30 p.m. and will drive to a point which is collecting donations for chool Sl'nlol" planning to ntt 'Ild I nrg JI, milton near Amana to starl the eight mile th ntire camp proj ct. Funds (or an accreditrd tl.. call ge, accord· "LOVE IS A GOLDEN RING"­ hike. the construction of the main dining 'Forgotten 3 R's' ing to Information r( Cl'i\' d by II Your HUlband an Frnnkil' LainI' lodge have already been pi dged "JUST BECAUSE"-Lloyd Pricr, by the Iowa Department of the Prof. Seabury fnllll the AI~xandcl WIVES Engineer or Draftsman? Dr. J . Leonard Davies. Director ALPHA KAPPA PSI - There "'99 WAYS"-Tab Hunt 'r Veterans of Foreign War . Hamilton BlceDt 'nnia! Commis:;ion. of the Burcau of Correspondencc will be a professional meeting at A. Craig Baird. SUI SI)('cch prorr • "WHY BABY WHY"- Studies at SUI, will speak today to 17:30 p.m. Thursday in lhe Penta· Local restaurants participating Would you like to live , P"t [komI' in "Coffce Day" will serve free or-cm ritu , is a mt'mhci r of thl! ' life Buena Vista County School crest room of the Iowa Memorial Commi ion', Ad\'l ory Committl'e "ROCK·A.BILL Y"- Board, Buena Vista, on "Have We Union. George Rowe of thc United corree April 10 and accept dona· I Guy \111chdl. tions from patrons for Ihe crippled on ' Rhetoric and Public Addre.• SMORGAASBORD in San Jose, California? ForgoUen the Three R's?" Fire and Casualty Co. pr Cedar appointed to h lp cd'brute till' I "THE BOTTLE IMP"­ Davies will also attend the Miss· Rapids will be guest speaker. children's camp. The money will (n.,r San Francisco) Geoffn'y Ifohkr be used to purcha e kitchen equip· 200th onnivl'r nry of Hamilton' ouri Valley Adult Education As· birth through l'. !lay and oratorical "BALLER INA"-, at King Cole. sociation jMVAE> in Des Moines ZETA TAU ALPHA- The pledge ment for the recreational facililie . ('ALL SHOOK UP"-EI\'i . Pr Icy. conteslJ; 10 schools and colleges. EVERY SUNDAY Se. our Ad 'n Clau!fl.d loday and Friday. He has worked class of Zela Tau Alpha social sor· The site for the propo ed $200.000 "LITTLE DARLIN' "-Diamond . camp has not yet been announced. The annual lat Flnal~ will on executive commiUee for MVAE orily recently elected officer . They "HE'S MINE"-Platt r. on several occasions and Is a past Include: Dorothy House, A2, l\1u . Comer. who Jives at 231 Fairview bring togellwr morc than 300 Iowa I NOON & SUPPER Food Machinery and president of the Iowa State Adult catine, president. aDd Mary Soder· Ave., has invited all local restaur· teen·agers for the total slatc of Education Association. berg, AI , Greenfield, social chair· ants 10 join in the project. CV'nt . jl/cludlng d bate, original Campus Record Shop man. oratory. extemporaneous speakmg, Jefferson Hotel Chemical Corporation Apartment House Fire; ornl intl'rpn-lotion .. tudent senatl'. , Sentence Anamosa Mon LAW WIVES - Trudy Cohrs was teleVIsion and radio peaking. In - 1' named Law Wives president for Origin 'Undetermined' , 0" Bad Check Charge e , Robert G. Gartland, 31, Ana· the coming year. Other officers A fire of undetermined origin caus­ II' mosa. pleaded guilty Wednesday Include: Elaine Bump, vlce·presi· cd considerable damage Lo an ,I, to charges of passing a bad check dent and social chairman; NaD Ca· apartment house at 608 Walnut St.. here Nov. 5, 1956, and was sentenc· meron, secretary, and Nan Car· owned by E rnest Jacob, at 6:10 Vou:-smoke;'refreshed 11f( ed to seven years at Ft. MadIson. penter , treasurer. p.m. Tuesday. firemen said. The • The sentence by District Court blaze was r porlcd to have started Judge James P. Gaffney was the PHI KAPPA - The Phi Kappa in the basement and followed a hot I third Gartland has received on social fraternity hilS recently air duct shaft to Ule second noor, Open HOIIf sifnllar charges. pledged Scott Woodworth, A2. where It burned between the Cioor Anew idea,in smoking ... all-new Ch~' • 'Gartland was sentenced earlier Ames and John Murphy. PI, Ida and ceiling, causing smoke and fire Greve. , Callforj to seven years in both Linn and damage. _ "MOl Jones counties on bad check Syt:, charges. The three sentcnces are 10 run concurrently.

" JUNIPER BERRIeS?? Wondering It()W to use those juniper berries that come with some "sets" of herbs and spices· University of California Add half a dOlen or so to the fbllsting pan when you have a leg of lamb or a duck in the oven. Radiation Laboratory PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS Monday, April 1 BlaTHS of• Mediciii' 'RILL, Mr. and lIlrs. Frank. SI. S. .,p'Ubuque SL, a ,Irl. Wednesday at AKK-"~ ~er

j,. Page 4-THE DAILY. tpytAN-'owa City, la.-Thursday, M Ilr'Ch 21, 1,57 Vale Favored' Battery is Charging

By lar.ry Dennis To Win NCAA The Travelling Man The job of a big·lime college football coach Is easy during the Swim Meet regula r season - easy, that is, compared to what he goes through CHAPEL HILL, N.C. !A'I - Yale By JACK HAND promising youngsters who helped during the so-ealled slack period. heads the field for the 34th annual BRADENTON, Fla. IA'l-Througb out last season, lerthanded TQIar Take Forest Evashevski, Iowa's championship mentor , for ex­ Nationa l Collegiate Athletic Asso­ the long winter months, the Mil­ Phillips (5-3) and righthanded Bab ample. His work each spring and fall with hi {ootbaU team sounds ciation swimming championships waukee Braves have been thinking lTrowbridge (S-2). Uke a snap 'Nh n you take a look at his duties during the winter. which open here Thursday night about the World Series checks that I DROPPED IN and chatted with E\,y awhile Wednesday morn­ The staff is so deep that i­ with the 1,500-meter freestyle went down the drain last Septem- ~ ing, then had lunch with him and Bob Flora. Hawkeye assistant. Pizzaro (23-6) at JacksoDfIlIe, event. ber. If I1ley were nonchalant at It was the first time I'd been able to catch him in his office for the hottest strikeo ut pitc~ III more than a month. At least three heats will be run the time, the mood has changed. baseball, may have to gb au. for Evy "timated that line. tha Ro .. aowl , ... Jan. 1: he .... in the l ,500·meter finals, only The Braves seem to resent the more seasoning. In the bullpea, charge that they "blew" the pen­ trAveltd betw.. n SO.GOO lind 60._ mIl", Thi. I. qui .. a c'" of event on Thursday night's pro­ Haney must select from Entit nant last year, If they resent it mil • • ". - the equival.nt of 10 round trlJII from coast to eNst. gram. Johnson (4-3), Dave Jolly 1(2-3 ), He has been to New York, Atlanlic City, N. J.; P ittsburgh; CoI­ The activity steps up Friday enough, they may get a real Cast Lou Sleater (2-2), Red Murf 0-01, umbu and Lorraine, Ohio; Wheel­ morning a nd afternoon when pre­ break from the 1957 starting tate. and Humbcrto Robinson 9-9) at No club has worked harder dur­ ing, West Virginia: Minneapolis; liminaries will be held in eight Wichita. Joe J ay (6-11) at WiCbIt. Knnsas City; Chicago (six or seven events. with tbe finals that night. ing spring training. Every ti me IT he isn't he won't ~ in there also looked good. because I'm going to get 50 more time ); Tucson, Arizona; St. Lou­ The three-day program winds up somebody hits a homer or makes pOints in left field. With Adcock <. 291) on fin!, is; and all over the state of Iowa. wilh seven events Saturday night. an error in a SQuad game, Coach men Bob Keely blows a whisUe that " , J ohnny Logan and O'Connell (.239) or Felill Mantil. to mention some of his trips. Yale's team boasts d pth and la (.283) on second. Logan (,2811 the A P Wlrepboto means one lap around the field for Bill Bruton wili be doing line i£ lion! Why all the traveling? "U's pub­ balance. Its toughest competition at short and Mathews 1. 2721 at . lic relations, mostly," Evy said, KEEPING LOW IS CINCINNATI'S Hal Bevan liS Milwau" ..' 5 baH. ry e\'erybody. • they repeat last year 's pe r ~o rm­ p.m. is expected to come from North ml.. .. Wllrren Spahn. left. and clltcher Bob Roselli. charge ances. An d Henry Aaron Is n't close third, the infield is set. "and Bob (Floro) a nd J get the "When we got down here 1 call­ mom nt Carolina, alIchlgan, Michigan Slate PlISt first ba.. lifter II bact throw In the fifth innintl of Wednesday', to his potential." In the outrield, Aaron (.3281, biggest share of the load. ed a meeting and talked over a few on the and Iowa. game at Tllmpa. Fla, Bevan hit to sIwwt right fi.ld, J Ot Adcock of the things that . happened last Ha ney's pitching staff is ~eep. the batting champ, is in right 8IId th(>n hel "Our job of recruitment has not Iowa ha entered Gary Morris. dropped the ba ll for an error and threw it past Spahn as Bevan " ot yrar," said Manager . His most serious problem is de­ Brulon (.272) in cenler. Tbomson sophomore sprint star, and divers qU:lrl r~ been as heavy this year, because up and went to second. Th. Braves won. 12-'. as Adcock made up for ' ''1 said J didn't expect to mention cldlng which to keep which to send <'235) must improve to stay ia Ifn Prior j we had to wail on this need pro­ Estel fills and Jake Quick in the the erAr with two hem. runs. them again. This is a new year ciding which to keep, which to send over <'2721. w .. t at gram. We had to get a decision meeL and we're starling from scratch. set up his starting routine aod bull­ Crandall <'238) is No. 1 calcbtr Commlln from the conference on ju t what Morris will swim in the 50, 100, "I've got one thing on my mind. pen staCI. with help from the veteran Del folk with we could do," 220, and individual medley. hat' winning the pennant. We've (20-111, Rice <.231) and either Carl Sawat· Ohio State, which won la t year, nited Clinics. alumni banquets, fe tes Illinois GridClers Airij ~ got to beat seven clubs. I Ulink (18-8), (19-10), Gene ski (.280) at Toronto wbo bnlle lion . honoring the Haw keyes a nd other and No rth Carolina State's strong we're going to win it." Conley (8-9) and Ray Crone (11-10) a £Inger in training, or Bob RoIeI· team are ineligible to compete be­ lie pi learns - a Rose Bowl winner is Lost year the Braves finished are SUI'C to start. Then he bas two II !.203) at Wichita. cornman in d mand at all this sort of cause those schools wl're placed on probation by the NCAA. For 1sf Division Finish one game behind tile pennant-win- "iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_"'~ are do in thing. ning Brooklyn Dodgers, Milwaukee naUon~ Il tends to keep one from be­ CHAMPAIGN. III. (.4'1 - Ray Eliot, dean of Big Ten football coaches, dropping two of the tinal three world in coming a stay-at-home. - happily watched the snow melt so he could signal thE: start of spring games at Sl. Louis to surrender tal Allan Forest Evoshevski DURING HIS TRAVELS, Eva- U_ S _ 01 ym pi C practice Wedne day and said the target for his University of llIinois its lead and th Nalional League ·TONIGHT! W' lI'rn shevski has picked up eight awards for himself and Ule foo tball squad. team in 1957 will be the fir t division. flag. ro~ . " The e include the Dapper Dan award in Pittsburgh. the Midwest Writ­ -n "You know. instead of fini hing up spring drills this year with a When Haney talks about his club, Racine's III rc ers' Award, the Los Angeles Tim Award. th Detroit Times Award, Sta r Wed I varsity-freshman game, we're ga- the word he used most often is sion, w the Kan a City Rockne Club Award - all in recognition of his se­ ing to get up an old timer's game," "potentia\." In fact, he has the by WhltJ lection as coach of Ihe year - and the Zuppke Award given by the . Hawkeye GrOld DriO II S Eliot said. "The date will be Sat- players talking the same way. Pipe Smoking Contest· Jame:; cl 0 0 tll'day, May 4, lmd Invitations have Columbus Touchdown Club to the ~st collegiate football leam playing Ceremon-Ies "Four of our men were way be­ , Mr. Ei the toughest schedule. • 3 ~ bel'n sent to 75 eX-\'arsity players. low their potential," Haney said. WlIshi",ct o egm pn L "It'll be the 10th anniversary of 1st Prize - Kaywoodie Connoisseur Pipe It Will at Columbus aiM thllt Kenny PINn Wit ,Iven hi. PRAGUE 1.4'1 - Olympic cham- T B A 11 our fir t Rose Bowl champion and "If we can get them back up to Thl' Pr trophy for beIng named mOlf"vatullbte play.r In the Rose B_1. par, we'll be all right. 2nd Priu - Block Meerschaum Pipe cruise to pion Harold Con nolly faced up to Head Football oach Forest Eva- the fifth of our second Rose Bowl • "Now I know how 0 horse feels to win a race," Evy grinned, excommunicalion by the Roman leam and I think it's a good idea. "Let's start with . 3rd Prize - Leather Humidor improvin "then sees the damned jockey given th cup." lIe hurt his left arm and couldn't bothered Catholic Church and married hi shevski said Wednesday that Uni- "We're gOing to get some of our "Well," J prote ted, "a coach I pretty important." protestant sweetheart, Olga Fiko· versily of Towe - spring grid prac- boys who arc playing pro ball, go through with a full swing. He stubborn "r don't care how good a coach you are - you can have good wound up hitting .238 . He's not that Many Other Valuable Prizesl tova, in three ceremonies that lice will begin APril 11 or 12. some recent grads and maybe II d,lvcloped plays, good liming and so forth," Evashevski replied, "if you don't blocked tracnc in ancient Prague Eva hcvski said only freshmen few fellows who played in the Rose kind or a hitter. I expect him to inrtammaJ have the guys who can block or make tho e lackles, you're hurting." give me 30 or 40 more points. tulx' in hi W dnesday. h d . Bowl games. TIME - 7;30 P.M. I asked him if tilis winter had been worse than others, in light The East-West romance which wlJl report for t e five ays prIOr " Wouldn't it be great if, say, "Danny O'Connell was leading The plf of his Big 10 tiUe and Rose Bowl triumph. to crui e budded In the 1956 Olympic Games to ElllIter reccss. AHer vacation. Perry Moss could duplicate that oU for the first lime, He was so PLACE - RACINE'S He smiled tiredly. "Terrible,» he said. at Melbourne led them through th remainder M the varsity will first pa s he threw against UCLA? interested in getting on base that strl'am . 1 The public r.llltions and r.cruitln" duti • • ar. by no mean. 1111 civi~ Catholic and Protestant mar- turn out for the 15 drills left. Or Buddy Young came back and tim s when the base on ball soak up I of the work • coach and hi s staH must shoulder wring the off­ riage ceremonies before sympa- "It's our feelihg thaI we're go- pulled off one of his great runs or wasn't what we needed he still was " liMn. OM of the mo. t Important lobs i. charting the offenw to th tic throngs in this capital 01 ing to need so much help from the Ston Wallace intercepted a pass taking those close ones. J want 15 s ~: h~j be ulld during the coming lllIson lind " . ttlng it rudy for Iprlng to 20 more points from him. plenty of practice. Communi t Czechoslovakia. new boys," Evy said, "that we and ran it back like he did against sea fishin Connolly said "yes" and Olga want to make 'ure thcy'll b as Stanford?" " hit about .220 "We take every play," Evy explaint'd, "and go ove r how many until the All-Star game. lIe must Mr. EL. times It was run, what defense it was run against, the average yard­ said "ana Iyes)" and the Iron Cur- well equipped as possible to com- Eliot's nostalgic wanderings were arrh'e at I tain barriers which had so long pete with the lettermen for jobs." cut short and he snapped back 10 have hit about .320 after that be· agc and who made Lhe tackle. cause he wound up with .272 and WASHINGTON & DUBUQUE STS . afternoon. "WE GET A GOOD PtCTUR'E of a play this way, We can tell loomed threateni!lgly were, for About 55 frosh will be gunning t~e p,resent when as~ed about 11- DC them, set aside. However, religious for places on I!ext fall's varsity 1hnois football p:ospects. . . 87 home runs and 95 runs batted eomm whe!her it is sound . .For instance, if one man alway makes the tackle, British P complications were still ahead in s uad "It's all up III the air right in . Our problem is to get him into the play is not right. the union of the handsome. 26- q . now," aid Eliot. "I really won 't AII·Star game shape at Ule slart Macmillan "We determine if a play is sound against a certain defense, if such prohl year·old Bostoll hammer·throw b(' able to say anything until after of the season. it Is a short gainer or a long·gainer. 1 m on, if we have a play wbich king and the pretty, brown-eYl'd Bowled Over spring practice W(' have a tot of "Bobby Thomson hit only ,235. dll' Ent .', i supposed to be a c~utch play lind we find it averaged only two or of North Czech (irl, 24, gold medal winner problems and we're short of backs. He's a lot better hitler than that. in Westerl1 thl' e yards, then ob'viou!jly it isu"'-suiting the purpose. as a discu throw r. • THIEF WAITS IN PIN P IT, I think we hove ~ome frosh who ------UNIVERSITY CONCERT ~ "On the other hllnd. if a pi llY I. l uppo.. d to be a short . aiMr Catholic authorities aid thei~ THEN STEALS BAL,~ can help us but I'll ,wait until the },. " and we'v. b"n geHlnll four or five Yllrds . very time with it, then Richarclson Trophy . " church law providec! automatic I'X- MUSKEGON, Mich. (-'! _ Polic. ond of drills before naming them. , w,' 11 relabel It and put it in llnother clltegory. communication for Connolly bc- "Normally, you can't d pend on Given J9 J3 Tit is' "We also evaluate all our personnel," Evashevski continued. couse he exchanged vows with Wedn •• day were bowled over by sophomores for anything but d pLh . COURSE "For example, if wc,'re pulling Klein

Inquire of Mr. Lett.r lock at First National lank

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J It.,. '-TH E DAILY IOWAN- Iowa CIty, ' •.- Thursday, M.. rch 28, "57 ------.. ~ -- Plays for Compos SUAVE $$ Outstqnding Author Student Senate Stops $1.00 HAIRCUTS Tax Cut, Bill tllljll;?1 'l~ 1 WALTS Speaks Here Tonignf Yi g.1. 79c Pt. 25c BARBER SHOP '} One o{ America' outstanding biographers oC the century. Mr . Vanilla Fl avor, .. gal . ... 1.35 On the Comer Next .. Catherine Drinker Bowen wiU speak at 8 p.m. tonighl in Old Capitol. -Sent to House In her second peaking engagement at SUI . he will spellk..on "Lllwyer. The "WhHI" in Coralvill, and History." WASHINGTO IA'I - The Senat