42. D e s c r i p t i v e C at a l o g u e : F a m i l y chrysostigma

Length: From 39 to 48 mm. Hindwing spam: From 27 to 32 mm. Male: 1. Blue eyes and off-whit face, which might be covered in blue sheen. 2. Thorax is covered in blue sheen, under which a wide light stripe can be seen to some extent on the sides. 3. Fully blue abdomen. It is slightly flatten out. 4. S1 and S2 are bulky, while the rest of them, above all S3, are very thin. It looks as if this species had a kind of thin waist. 5. Yellowish pterostigma. Female: It is yellowish or brownish and with no narrowing on S3 (6). There is a widening on S8 (7) and a white stripe outlined in black on the side of the thorax (8).

136 • GR - 249 Great Málaga Path in Málaga and the Province D e s c r i p t i v e C at a l o g u e : F a m i l y LIBELLULIDAE 42.


It can mate in any water . This includes well-preserved rivers and streams, where it lives in pools which are sunny and not covered by vegetation, as well as in places made by humans, such as water tanks, fountains, drinking troughs, artificial ponds, ponds for supplying farms and golf courses with water, reservoirs, canals and deserted flooded quarries.


The male is very territorial and it constantly defends its zone from other males and dragonflies. It flies low and short distance, and it often rests on the plants that are close to water or on the ground. Its position is horizontal or vertical and its wings are almost always leant towards, covering the thorax.


In Málaga, it mainly flies from May to October, but it can occasionally be seen from March to November. It is more common and copious between June and September. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

WHERE TO SEE THIS SPECIES This Orthetrum is the most common and widespread species from this genus in the province. As for the Great Málaga Path, it can be found on stages 2, 3, 5, 10, from 12 to 16, 23, 24, 27, 30, 32 and 35, but it can probable be seen on any of the rest of stages.

SIMILAR SPECIES Other that belong to the genus Orthetrum.

CONSERVATION STATUS The species is not endangered nor is it particularly protected by the current environmental law.

GR - 249 Great Málaga Path in Málaga and the Province • DRAGONFLIES 137