The May 2019 Cover artwork by artwork Cover PUPILS OF BRADFIELD Published by: Bradfield College, Bradfield, Berkshire, RG7 6AU • Edited by: Stephen Wallace Photographs: Sasha Hitchcock, Will Oates, Stephen Wallace Contact: Editor:
[email protected] Bradfield Society:
[email protected] Facebook: /BradfieldCollege Twitter: @BradfieldCol Instagram: bradfield_college Designed by: Hyperbole Design & Marketing Printed by: The Lavenham Press The May 2019 CONTENTS FEATURES Differentiation 4 p16 Dear reader, Art of the Selfie 10 I have written elsewhere about the principle of ‘one Bradfield; many Bradfieldians’ and Wellbeing for All 16 commend the new website videos under that title to readers. Like the young people there, Music: a World of this issue of The Bradfieldian bears wonderful testimony to the diverse passions and Possibilities 20 achievements of our current and former pupils. Alcestis 26 The College changed dramatically in 1989 when girls first joined houses designed for them. It is fascinating to hear from a pioneer p20 CCF Expedition 36 female pupil from fifteen years earlier and from a member of only the third cohort to spend five years at Bradfield. Alongside those Wildlife 40 reminiscences, the career of one of our bursary recipients demonstrates the reciprocal benefits Thirty Years of Girls 46 of a Bradfield education and a diverse pupil body. Likewise, the term’s news from within and beyond the College reinforces the fact that Piers Unsworth-Neil 54 Bradfield seeks to help each pupil discover and develop a broad range of interests. Michael Stone 62 Educating a diverse community requires differentiation in the classroom, as explained p26 Martin Gore 64 in the opening feature.